Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Taliban, a creation of the CIA because they were God fearing against the atheistic Russians, (check the photo to the right of this post) murdering children in a school


  1. Damn ALL "Religions."

    Falstaff had it wrong; it's all Preachers that should be gotten rid of.

  2. RT news, rebranded PRAVDA. Propaganda all the time. It's all the west's fault.

    The fault?

    Lies with those who attack children intentionally.

    Hamas, Isis, Fatah, Taliban, The groups in Africa.

    What do they all have in common?

    Ah yes... Islamists.

    1. But you make excuses for Zionists that have killed thousands of Palestinian children in this, the 21st century.
      The Zionists and the Radical Muslims, two sides of the same coin

  3. When you were a kid, living in the country and a cousin, uncle or a dad took you out is a rowboat, the first thing they taught you was not to rock the boat or you may tip it and everyone in the boat would we be in danger. The US foreign policy of destabilization has sent out a lot of ripples that oscillated into waves. Just look at the news from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine, Libya and now Pakistan. All of them in all or part destabilized by direct US military intervention or by its surrogates. The future dangers are just unknowable.

    Are we stopping to take inventory? Of course not.

    The Loathsome pols on the Republican right, think that it is good idea to put tighter sanctions on Russia, while Israel continues to instigate trouble in Syria and Palestine. Netanyahu wants to instigate war with Iran. I have no doubt that there are already plans for Israel to take in a flood of newly discovered Russian Jews to further its settlement policies in the tribal areas. The Republicans, fools and knaves that they are, will continue to rock the boat.

    The collateral damage and carnage continues. Six crazed religious fanatics are murdering children in Pakistan, already destabilized by US drone assassinations, and blowback from Afghanistan. A US veteran, ex marine (thank you for your service) murders a family and is on the run in Pennsylvania.

    The Marine Corps confirmed that Stone served between 2002 and 2008. His four service medals included the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal and the Iraq Campaign Medal.

    1. Knowing nothing about the Marine on a Philly rampage, I have no idea what has driven him to such savagery. My bet would be that he is one of thousands of vets who is not being conscientiously treated by VA for PTSD. Handing a guy a bag of meds and wishing him well is not efficacious treatment. 2014 marked the first time that suicide overtook battlefield wounds as the leading cause of death in the Armed Forces. Clearly, there is a problem -- one known since studies dating back to WWI. As an example, in 1921 the Major (hero) of The Lost Battalion boarded a ship and jumped overboard at sea.

      Charles Whittlesey

      Commander of the

      Lost Battalion

      I would be interested in the specifics of how Israel continues to instigate trouble in Syria...

      A great evil has been done to children, yet you cannot abandon your hatred long enough to consider the matter at hand. I am certain that a lede on grain futures trading would be turned into an irrational rant on Israel, Mossad, Zionism, Jews etc.


    2. A great evil has been done to children, yet you cannot abandon your hatred long enough to consider the matter at hand.

      Yes it has. Killing children is a crime regardless of the method or the "justifications". There are no justifications no matter how couched they are in euphemism. Collateral damage, probably the most cynical. The crime of killing a child is the worse possible human crime, whether the criminal is a state, the political actors behind the state, the Yavohl mutherfuckers in the military, or the lone deranged assholes doing it for Jesus, Allah or some Biblical self-righteous justification.

      The crime has antecedents. The dead are all children whether their young faces were smashed by US or IDF bombs, ISIS scumbag, or the legacy of the Mujahideen, once hosted in the White House.

  4. What do the seven murderers have in common?

  5. Failed 2005 London bombers lose European appeal

    Muktar Said Ibrahim, Ramzi Mohammed, Yassin Omar and Hussain Osman

    Since their noms de guerre were not published it is slightly less easy to determine what they had in common.

    1. Any word on the reference for that 24,000+ Jewish Israeli you told us were killed by Palestinians in the 21st century.
      You did the math, to extrapolate that number to the US, it would have been over a million, you said.

      Another Zionist lie, another piece of Israeli agitprop or do you have a reference that can be checked?


    More videos have surfaced showing evidence that Haron was active in Sydney’s Muslim community.
    A YouTube page titled “We Believe In Peace,” which sports the black flag of Jihad as its logo, has uploaded several videos of Haron preaching to Sydney’s Muslim community at a mosque. Another YouTube channel has uploaded a video from 2009 that shows Haron and other Islamic scholars preaching at a Madrassa (Islamic school).

    Yesterday, members of Australia's Muslim community leadership denied any personal contact with Haron. The videos show otherwise.

    What do they all have in common, other than not being Southern Baptist mass murderers, or Episcopalians for that matter?

    1. Any word on the reference for that 24,000+ Jewish Israeli you told us were killed by Palestinians in the 21st century.
      You did the math, to extrapolate that number to the US, it would have been over a million, you said.

      Another Zionist lie, another piece of Israeli agitprop or do you have a reference that can be checked?

  7. English as a second language...

    1. Today, the erev of Hanukkah, is a day off from defending those in need of no defense, Zionists.

    2. Any word on the reference for that 24,000+ Jewish Israeli you told us were killed by Palestinians in the 21st century.
      You did the math, to extrapolate that number to the US, it would have been over a million, you said.

      Another Zionist lie, another piece of Israeli agitprop or do you have a reference that can be checked?

  8. English as a second language...

    1. So, by your silence you are admitting that the claim that over 24,000 Jewish Israeli were killed by Palestinians in the 21st century is nothing more than another Zionist lie, another piece of Israeli agitprop.
      Confirming what - Reuven Rivlin, President of Israel, has stated.

      “It is time to honestly admit that Israeli society is ill – ...”

      By your refusal to own up to the lie you further validate ...

      “I’m not asking if they’ve forgotten how to be Jews, but if they’ve forgotten how to be decent human beings.
      Have they forgotten how to converse?”

      - Reuven Rivlin, President of Israel

    2. A happy and wonderful Hanukkah to our Jewish contributors and all Jews everywhere.

  9. Hours of Terror in Border Town of Chihuahua

    The sound of bullets forced residents to hide in their homes. “There is no authority here”, outraged neighbors said.

    The body of one of those killed was found lying in the street, while the other was left in a vehicle while family members were trying to take him to receive medical care.

    Six Killed in Urique

    Residents of the community of Lluvia de Oro, in the municipality of Urique, Chihuahua, reported that this past Thursday, an armed commando, with military clothes and aboard several vehicles, entered the town, burned some houses, and allegedly killed six people.

    However, so far, neither the federal government nor the state authorities have provided any information.

    According to press reports, last Thursday night, several shootouts were reported in the area, so the residents had requested the support of security forces.

    After several confrontations that occurred in the area, it was stated that six people were killed. But the number has not been confirmed. It is also not known if they were from the community.

    The people requested the presence of the Mexican armed forces, and their air support via helicopters, since they had reported that “there were a lot of gunmen”, El Diario de Juárez disclosed. They consisted of three groups, who had taken the community, and the gun shots were heard throughout the town.

  10. 'Revenge' for Malala's Nobel Peace Prize...

    126 killed, mostly children...

    'Burn teacher alive in front of pupils and behead children'...

    Obama omits 'Taliban' from condemnation.................Drudge

    God Almighty

  11. Jeb Bush is running.

    Don't really have anything against Jeb, and like his first name, but I really wish he wasn't running.

    The prospect of Hillary versus Jeb.............grrrr

    I like the prospect of Sarah versus Elizabeth.....a clear choice.......


  12. The Congressional report on torture confirms that Al Qaeda was not involved in the attacks of September 11

    Obama announced that he would not pursue any of the perpetrators of these crimes

    The declassified portion corresponds to only one-twelfth of the initial report.

    The report itself does not address the vast removal and sequestration system that the US Navy had put in place during the terms of President George W. Bush; a program that has led to worldwide kidnapping and sequestration of more than 80 000 people aboard 17 flat-bottomed boats stationed in international waters (these ships are: USS Bataan, USS Peleliu, USS Ashland, USNS Stockham, USNS Watson, USNS Watkins, USNS Sister, USNS Charlton, USNS Pomeroy, USNS Red Cloud, USNS Soderman, USNS Dahl MV PFC William B Baugh, Alex Bonnyman MV, MV Franklin J Phillips, MV Huage Louis J Jr, James Anderson Jr. MV). It is content to study 119 cases of human guinea pigs subjected to psychological experiments in Guantánamo and fifty secret prisons from 2002 to late 2009, a year after the election of Barack Obama.

    I read the entire 525 pages of excerpts from the public report. However, I am far from having drawn all the information because much research is needed to interpret the redacted passages.

    Conditioning sessions were performed in fifty secret prisons under the responsibility of “Alec Station”, the unit of the CIA responsible for following Osama bin Laden. Infrastructure, staff and transport were the responsibility of the “Group of surrender and detention” of the CIA. The sessions were designed and built under the supervision of two contracting psychologists who formed a firm in 2005. The conditioning techniques employed were authorized at the highest level, without specifying that these tortures were intended to condition and not to extract information.

    Most of the quotes that the press has extracted from the report are confusing. Indeed, the CIA speaks of “conditioning methods” under the name of “non-standard means of interrogation”). Out of context, we can assume that the term “interrogation” means the search for information while it actually denotes conditioning sessions undergone by the subjects.

    “Confessions” fabricated

    Let’s be clear: the Senate Committee does not say that the confessions of CIA detainees are legally incorrect because they were obtained under torture, it states that the CIA did not question the detainees, but it conditioned them to confess to acts of which they knew nothing. The Commission states that the CIA agents did not even look to see what the detainees had confessed during previous interrogations with the authorities who arrested them.
    In other words not only has the CIA not investigated whether al Qaeda was involved in the attacks or not, but its action had no other purpose than to generate false evidence attesting to the involvement of al-Qaeda in the attacks of September 11.

  13. Approximately 100,000 Christians have been killed by rat's pals the Muslims each year for a long time now............about one each five minutes.........

    Christians however are safe in Israel.

    1. If interested see my post on the subject towards the end of the thread two threads ago.

    2. According to the rat, that fellow in Australia wasn't really a Muslim, but a practitioner of black magic.


      One wonders about the videos surfacing of him preaching in Australian mosques, though.

    3. The fellow at one time had some advice for President O'bozo -

      Sydney Hostage Taker Told Obama to Stop Hiding his Religion
      December 15, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield

      Sheikh Haron, the Sydney hostage taker, had an extensive website which is currently down where he posted open letters to assorted politicians. These included a letter to Obama written during his original campaign.

      12 June 2008
      Senator Barack Obama
      713 Hart Senate Office Building
      Washington, D.C. 20510 USA

      Dear Brother Barack Obama

      I got your message. Hiding the religion for political purposes is not permitted. When a Muslim is asked about her/his religion, she/he must tell the truth. You think it is permissible by Shariah law to hide your religion to achieve some positions to be able to help Islam and to give a better service to Muslims. You are wrong, Shariah law doesn’t allow you to do so, your reason for hiding your religion Islamically is not a legitimate reason. You must rely on Allah (SWT) and avoid the satanic style of politics. If Allah wants you to be the President of the United States of America, you will definitely be the president, no matter you hide your religion or not, no matter you lie to American people or you tell the truth, so it is not worth to commit a big sin just for political purposes. You will be apostate by denying your religion, I advise you to avoid such a big sin.............



    4. :O:O Rufus voted for a Moslem :O:O

    5. Five minutes have passed. Another Christian has been killed by the Moslems.

      But they are safe in Israel.

    6. If all it takes to validate a person's true creed is a video, then Mr Obama is a double down, triple confirmed Christian.
      Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson is not applying that video standard across the board, but only when it suits his anti-US agitprop.

  14. Harris is showing a little cleavage on your favorite program "Outnumbered" today, Quirk.

    Check it out.

    Checking out here.....later...cursed work.....

    1. .

      I saw your lady, Andrea Tantaros, was still being mentioned in a couple articles I read yesterday. Since her hysterical rant, she has been laughed at, described as an over-the-hill Valley Girl with the mentality of an adolescent, and as a right-wing nutjob on steroids. Still, she is no doubt 'Awsome!!!'


    2. I don't like Andrea.

      If I've got a favorite on Fox it's Judge Jeanine Pirro.

      She ought to be President.

      She can absolutely drip sarcasm.

  15. Tel Aviv, City of a Thousand Thrills
    . . . by Petra Scandali

    According to a new report, if you are single and looking for sex thrills, Tel Aviv is the second best place to go.
    But if you are looking for gay sex and illicit sex with underage girls kidnapped in Eastern Europe and Russia, Tel Aviv is top of the list.



    1. PETRA SCANDALI (age 25) is an unpublished poet and freelance writer whose children’s novel, Autobiography of a Goldfish, has received 36 rejections. “If I get 40 rejections,” she says, “I will give up writing and become a Buddhist nun.”

      Update by Petra Scandali
      “When not busy shooting fish in a barrel in Gaza,
      Israelis like to drool over pics of sultry sexbomb Bar Refaeli
      with her poutypoo kissywissy mouth!”

      “Not lately,” poster SPQR says in a comment below. “Lately they’ve been probably drooling over that leaked photo of her jamming a vibrator up her asshole.”

      Enough of these slimy little Jews, both American and Israeli, who give the good Jews elsewhere a bad name.

      If I were a Jew, I would hate to be associated with the likes of Sarah Silverman and with the blood-spattered child killers of Gaza.

      I would be thoroughly ashamed to be a Jew.

    2. I am PROUD to be a Jew.


      and a zionist..

  16. BAMAKO, Dec 16 (Reuters) - Mali has released from quarantine the last 13 people being monitored for Ebola, and the country could be declared free of the virus next month if no further cases are recorded, the World Health Organization said on Tuesday.

  17. Replies
    1. a-deserter-who-chased-conflict-is-jailed-for-shirking-duty.html

      Jailed for Shirking Duty, not for "Chasing Conflicts".

  18. A little "Good News"

    Entrepreneur Changes Life in Uganda by Turning Waste Into Fuel

    Emerging Explorer Sanga Moses tackles social problems and deforestation with cooking briquettes.


  19. Archaeological Find Sheds New Light on Life of King David

    The Times of Israel reports that the 13-by-16 inch rock, dating back to approximately 830 BCE, is unique for its outstanding inscription, which is categorized as 'the earliest extra-biblical reference to the House of David.'

    1. Another fabrication.

      The rock, which was uncovered at the Tel Dan nature reserve in northern Israel, has 13 lines of text inscribed on it, much of it unreadable due to its ancient age. After translation and reconstruction, one can read ...

      The 'researchers' fabricated the text. That is what 'reconstruction' means.

    2. Jack, your constant attempts to de-ligitmize the state of Israel becomes more cartoonish by the minute.

      I suggest you visit Israel.

      All it takes for the deepest hater to fall in LOVE with israel is a visit.

      there all your hatreds will wash away, like the waves of the med breaking against the shores of the coast.

      the PROOF? is EVERYWHERE in Israel, and in Gaza and in the West Bank.

      Even a committed effort by CENTURIES of Moslems, Crusaders and others have FAILED to erase the Jewish identity of the land..

      In fact, it's comical at their feeble attempt…

    3. Tag: Archaeological Fraud

      Journalist Nina Burleigh went to Israel to investigate a Biblical archaeology forgery case and encountered a curious commercial subculture where science is being harnessed to provide “proof” for believers, and where archaeology and politics are as intertwined as nesting snakes. Her book, "Unholy Business: A True Tale of Faith, Greed and Forgery in the Holy Land", was described by Time as “Sam Spade in the Holy Land,” and by the Wall Street Journal as a “lively account ... also a springboard for her larger meditation on the field of biblical archaeology.

      - See more at: http://www.project-reason.org/tag/archaeological+fraud#sthash.qtYXemNj.dpuf


    4. ... a curious commercial subculture where science is being harnessed to provide “proof” for believers, and where archaeology and politics are as intertwined as nesting snakes.

    5. I marvel every day at the breadth and ferocity of the global public
      relation campaign underway not only to “prove” the alleged fakes are
      real (and curiously, the only fakes this pr campaign ever addresses
      are the three very famous ones – the ossuary, tablet, and Israel
      Museum’s ivory pomegranate, and not the numerous other items in the
      trial) but to vilify the scholars and authorities who have opined that
      the objects are fake. The campaigns always use the word “hate”

      See more at: http://www.project-reason.org/archive/item/i_found_christs_sandals_inside_the_biblical_archaeology_trade/#sthash.cDhmNpV8.dpuf

    6. What is really on trial is the soundness of biblical archaeology and its scholars. -

    7. The judge, Aharon Farkash, acquitted Golan of all charges of forgery and fraud. He convicted the collector only of lesser charges of selling antiquities without a permit and possession of items suspected to be stolen. A co-defendant, antiquities dealer Robert Deutsch, was acquitted of all charges.

      Reflecting the unique nature of the case against Golan, the ruling in Jerusalem’s District Court mentioned not only criminal law but 9th-century Phoenician script, isotopes, Egyptian hieroglyphics, ancient kings of Judaea, and Jesus of Nazareth.

      In his decision, the judge was careful to say his acquittal of Golan did not mean the artifacts were necessarily genuine, only that the prosecution had failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Golan had faked them.

      Read more: After 7-year saga, a surprising end to antiquities fraud case | The Times of Israel

    8. Jack, I notice you cannot rely to thoughts directed at you..

      Are you a coward as well?

    9. Then why are you saying they are a forgery, Jack?

      But there are a lot of forgeries in the antiquities racket.

      Quirk had what he claimed was a love letter from Mary Magdalene of Magdala to Jesus of Nazareth written in the old Aramaic that he was to peddle in Jerusalem. Chased by the Mossad, he hid out in the King David Hotel, an old haunt of his, and dressed like a rabbi.

      Believe it or not, he was able to breach El Al security procedures by dressing rabbinically and flew non- stop to Chicago. He drank Manischewitz wine all the way, rolling down the plane's staircase getting off, drunk as a Detroit skunk, finally getting home on a Greyhound Bus.


  20. As for the Social Media Commando, "O"rdure, and his comments ...

    The campaigns always use the word “hate” -

    Because ...

    According to Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz, ...

    Students will be organised into units at each university, with a chief co-ordinator who receives a full scholarship, three desk co-ordinators for language, graphics and research who receive lesser scholarships and students termed “activists” who will receive a “minimal scholarship”, the Independent reported.

  21. Sanaa, Yemen (CNN) -- Two car bombs killed at least 31 people, including 20 children, in central Yemen's Radaa city when suspected al Qaeda fighters targeted Houthi militants Tuesday, senior security officials and locals told CNN.

    One car bomb struck a Houthi gathering point, but the other did not make it to the target and instead blew up next to a bus that was carrying children home from school, officials said.

    All the killed children were under the age of 12, said Osama Sari, a prominent pro-Houthi activist.

    Eleven Houthi fighters were killed, an Interior Ministry official said.

    Eyewitnesses told CNN that the death toll within Houthi lines exceeded 18. At least a dozen others were injured, among them six in critical condition, medical sources in Radaa told CNN.

    Radaa was an al Qaeda stronghold that fell to Houthi fighters after clashes in October that killed hundreds from both sides. Al Qaeda has since intensified its attacks on Houthi targets, conducting daily attacks killing hundreds of Houthis and innocent civilians.

  22. Replies
    1. ... where science is being harnessed to provide “proof” for believers, and where archaeology and politics are as intertwined as nesting snakes.

    2. You have an awfully skewed up and screwed up definition of proof and belief, Jack-O.

      In short, you don't a fucking thing about religion, proof, belief, knowledge, or any of it.

      Go back to your sandbox, Jackal.

  23. What is "Occupation"Tue Dec 16, 01:03:00 PM EST
    Jack, your constant attempts to de-ligitmize the state of Israel becomes more cartoonish by the minute.

    ...a "Buffoon" and auto-didactic Biblical archaeologist...should stick with the gay scene in Tel Aviv...

    1. Israel, the 'Holy' land that has abandoned the Torah, or at least the parts that are inconvenient for the residents.

    2. The "Jewish state" that denies the basic tenets of Judaism.

    3. Jack, you deny the basics of being human…

      lets start with you...

    4. Jack has no idea what actually are the basic tenets of Judaism.

      Jack Shit don't know jack shit about religion.

  24. Because the Piltdown Man was an old hoax is not rational cause to dump physical anthropology.

    1. ... 13 lines of text inscribed on it, much of it unreadable due to its ancient age. After translation and reconstruction, one can read ...

      After fabrication, one can read ...

    2. Jack, I hope the spirit of Hanukkah finds you in the quiet of the night and you realize what a complete and utter asshole you are.

      May you find solace in the maximum prison of your choice you lying sack of anti-Semitic shit…

  25. Replies
    1. Thanks Allen!

      Back at ya…

      Let's remember the true meaning of Hanukkah…

      And let's remember that the Temple, the Jewish Temple, is and was and will always be ours.


    2. Freedom is obtained by hard men using cold steel.

  26. "I merely thought you a fool until you opened your mouth and removed all doubt."

  27. I will take my chances with guys who have been scrupulously doing Biblical archaeology for decades before the word of a self-confessed lying moron and anti-Semite.


    1. ... 13 lines of text inscribed on it, much of it unreadable due to its ancient age. After translation and reconstruction, one can read ...

      After fabrication, one can read ...

      ... where science is being harnessed to provide “proof” for believers, and where archaeology and politics are as intertwined as nesting snakes.

  28. Baghdad, Dec 17 (IANS/EFE) At least 34 fighters of the Sunni radical group Islamic State (IS) were killed Tuesday in air strikes by the US-led international coalition on targets near the northern Iraqi city of Mosul and its strategic dam.

    A senior official of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Gayaz al Surji, said that "coalition aircraft have conducted air strikes against positions held by the jihadi group in the area surrounding Ba'shiqah, 14 kms northeast of Mosul".

    Al-Surji added that the intense bombing killed 19 IS militants and injured a few others, in addition to destroying 10 vehicles loaded with weapons.

    The coalition's air campaign had targeted the Ba'shiqah area before, Dec 6, killing 96 IS militants, injuring dozens and destroying a large number of the group's vehicles.

    Strikes also targeted IS positions in the villages of Al Shiha and Jerab Kober, located seven km south of the Mosul Dam, in which at least 15 extremists were killed and dozens seriously injured.

    A security official at the Mosul Dam, Muhedin al-Mazuri, said that "these targets were subjected to air strikes conducted by international coalition aircraft and shelling by the artillery of Kurdish Peshmerga forces".

    The coalition announced that it has conducted three air raids in over the last three days near Mosul, in which an IS position was destroyed, along with three technical units and pieces of heavy artillery.

    The IS tried to attack the Mosul Dam in mid-November, but failed in the attempt under heavy bombing that killed hundreds of its militants.

    The Mosul Dam is the most important dam in northern Iraq, and was briefly controlled by jihadis for 20 days between July and August 2014, until Kurdish forces retook it.

    IS occupied the city of Mosul in June, in addition to other areas in northern Iraq, declaring an Islamic caliphate in the areas under the group's control in Syria and Iraq.

    Not Walking, Just Dead

    1. And not a single US combat soldier on the ground ...

      The Rat Doctrine still shining bright.


    2. The local forces, when supported by Coalition or Iranian close air support have not lost a fight yet, or have they?

      I have not read of any losses, but ...

    3. None that I can think of.

      Sometime in the next couple of months the Iraqis/Kurds/Quds, etc. will retake Mosul. At that point it is all over but the singing.

    4. By July 4th 2015 there won't be an ISIS motherfucker in all of Iraq.

  29. Cn u rd ths? F u cn, thn u r a d.

    1. It can be reconstructed in any number of ways, depending on the outcome the fabricator wants to obtain.

  30. For those for whom English is a first language, please translate my thoughts.

    Cn u rd ths? F u cn, thn, u r a d.

    1. It can be reconstructed in any number of ways, depending on the outcome the fabricator wants to obtain.

    2. Can you read this if you can then your are a dick like Quirk?

  31. The United States was responsible for the decision to target the Amiriyah shelter. By its own admission, the U.S. Department of Defense "knew the Ameriyya facility had been used as a civil-defense shelter during the Iran–Iraq War." Changes in the protected status of such a facility require warning, and Human Rights Watch notes that, "The United States' failure to give such a warning before proceeding with the disastrous attack on the Ameriyya shelter was a serious violation of the laws of war."

    Charles E. Allen, the CIA's National Intelligence Officer for Warning supported the selection of bomb targets during the Persian Gulf War. He coordinated intelligence with Colonel John Warden, who headed the U.S. Air Force's planning cell known as "Checkmate." On 10 February 1991 Allen presented his estimate to Colonel Warden that Public Shelter Number 25 in the southwestern Baghdad suburb of Amiriyah had become an alternative command post and showed no sign of being used as a civilian bomb shelter. However, Human Rights Watch noted in 1991, "It is now well established, through interviews with neighborhood residents, that the Ameriyya structure was plainly marked as a public shelter and was used throughout the air war by large numbers of civilians."

    Satellite photos and electronic intercepts indicating this alternative use were regarded as circumstantial and unconvincing to Brigadier General Buster Glosson, who had primary responsibility for targeting. Glosson's comment was that the assessment wasn't "worth a shit." A source in Iraq, who had previously been proven accurate, warned the CIA that Iraqi intelligence had begun operating from the shelter. On 11 February, Shelter Number 25 was added to the U.S.

    At 4:30 a.m. in the morning of 13 February, two F-117 stealth fighter/bombers each dropped a 2,000 pound GBU-27 laser-guided bomb on the shelter. The first cut through ten feet of reinforced concrete before a time-delayed fuse exploded. Minutes later the second bomb followed the path cut by the first bomb. People staying in the upper level were incinerated by heat, while boiling water from the shelter's water tank was responsible for the rest of the fatalities.

    At the time of the bombing, there were hundreds of Iraqi civilians in the shelter. More than 400 people were killed

    The shelter is maintained as a memorial to those who died within it, featuring photos of those killed. According to visitors' reports, Umm Greyda, a woman who lost eight children in the bombing, moved into the shelter to help create the memorial, and serves as its primary guide.

    1. So, now we are as bad as the Taliban, hey? You don't think the Iraqis might have had some responsibility? Naw...

    2. Those people in the shelter were as responsible as the children in the school. Just as dead.

    3. We were on the architectural team that created the Taliban.

    4. It was a right wing Christian, Charlie Wilson and Ronald Wilson Reagan that armed them and trained them.

    5. At this rate, you will eventually reach a lapsarian conclusion. We live in real time. The Iraqis knew that we would target every high value target. As is the wont of Muslim warriors and socialist propagandists (and the Ba'ath is communistic), innocent victims are vital to the narrative.

      Why not blame the greedy Dutch and/or the duplicitous Brits; that will get us back to the 16th C.

  32. The US Government at Waco killed cult leader David Koresh and 73 followers, including 20 children under 14.

  33. The mass killing of between 347 and 504 unarmed civilians in South Vietnam on March 16, 1968. It was committed by U.S. Army soldiers from the Company C of the 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, 11th Brigade of the 23rd (Americal) Infantry Division.

    1. Was there less horror for the innocents My Lai than at that school? The Pakistanis killed the killers at the school. The killers at My Lai, what happened to them?

    2. I live today. While I may regret and grieve, my focus must remain on the present. Because may ancestors came to this country in the 17th C. and inadvertently created the situation leading to the dispossession of Native Americans does not mean that, in a fit of irrational angst, the US should have thrown WWII.

    3. Please Allen, a dangerous precedent for a Jew and a Zionist to be arguing for a statute of limitations. That is an irony you don’t want to make.

      Enjoy your holiday with your family.

      Happy Hanukkah. Peace out.

  34. How many children did the IDF kill last summer.

    1. I think Hamas did target acquisition.

    2. How many? better question, how many did Hamas force to stay in place as human shields?

  35. If someone killed your family, do you understand the depths inside you for revenge? You cannot give an honest answer because you do not know.

    I am not apologizing for the Taliban. I am accusing the sick militaristic culture that places ordinary Americans into a village about as far away from the US as is possible and sets them up for murder. What are we doing in Afghanistan and Pakistan? Why did we attack Libya and Iraq?

    Why did we destabilize the Middle East for Israel? Why did we train and arm ISIS?

    Why did we destabilize Iran?

    1. The middle east was being destabilized long before Israel was a state.


      Has NOTHING to debark then with the Jews.

    2. Deuce ☂Tue Dec 16, 04:53:00 PM EST
      If someone killed your family, do you understand the depths inside you for revenge? You cannot give an honest answer because you do not know.

      Jew's would have a greater claim to revenge against the arabs for literally several thousand years of murder and oppression by the arabs...


    WASHINGTON — President Obama has decided to sign legislation imposing further sanctions on Russia and authorizing additional aid to Ukraine, despite concerns that it will complicate his efforts to maintain a unified front with European allies, the White House said on Tuesday.

    The legislation calls for a raft of new measures penalizing Russia’s military and energy sectors and authorizes $350 million in military assistance to Ukraine, including antitank weapons, tactical surveillance drones and counter-artillery radar. The bill was approved unanimously by Congress, but Mr. Obama hedged for days on whether he would sign it.


    Russia had no one to blame but Putin for the mess Russia is in. Now the US steps in to throw him a lifeline by putting on additional sanctions? The Russian people are falling into gross poverty and the US morons that rule us are setting us up for the blame and blowback?

    1. .

      Once again the boys in DC seek regime change. Since that is hardly likely militarily, they seek to do it economically. However, with the actions Putin has put in place he has put most of his potential opponents out of the picture.

      Look out below, and not for just Russia. (Though don't look for it to be as bad as in '98 when there was more leverage floating around.)

      Their is no joy in Mudville.

      (Or Brazil for that matter.)


    2. .

      Regarding the new sanctions.

      More confusion out of the Obama administration, Kerry announces Russia has made constructive moves regarding Ukraine and Obama signs tougher sanctions. You have to wonder if these guys ever talk.


    3. What good does it do "not signing" a bill that's been passed Unanimously by Congress?

    4. If it was passed Unanimously by Congress, what is Deuce doing trashing only the Republicans?

  37. Danish Ambassador and anti-Semite Jesper Vahr goes on at length about how Israel should be happy that Europe holds them to a double standard.

    The Danish Ambassador suggests, as only a supercilious European prig could, that Muslims are less than human. If they are to be held to a lower standard than other humans, then, how can Israel risk trusting them with its life? Since no sane man would negotiate his fate with apes or pigs or elephants, how is Israel to proceed? Please, Mr. Ambassador, fill us in -- inquiring human minds want to know.

  38. Vlad's buddy in Turkey seems to have finally gone around the bend. If Western intelligence agencies are not working the Turkish military, they should be horsewhipped.

    Now, Assad appears to be scrapping the bottom of the barrel to fill in his decimated ranks. His days are numbered unless Mr. Obama throws him a flotation device.

    The Assad Regime Is Facing Its Most Severe Crisis In Years

    So, will American air power save Assad by taking out the JV? Stay tuned.

    1. I've been reading that both Assad and ISIS are targeting what's left of 'the moderates', whoever they were.....we've had a hard time locating any.

      So I guess when the 'moderates' are liquidated it's Assad v ISIS for the main event?

    2. If we do discover some "moderates", plans are to train about 5,000 over the course of next year. Assad is reckoned to have already lost about 44,000 dead from his army. On the books, he claims about a 350,000 man fighting force. I don't think so.

  39. Russia's Ruble Crisis Is Following The Same Pattern That Destroyed The Soviet Union

    In the late 1980s, the Soviet Union was forced into an embarrassing scramble for money. It tried to make deals with numerous banks, but the funding offered was far smaller than what the country required. Food shortages worsened, and Moscow needed the help of governments in the West, for which the USSR effectively had to allow Eastern European countries to assert independence.

  40. Why did we destabilize the Middle East for Israel? Why did we train and arm ISIS?

    Why did we destabilize Iran?

    Good Grief. Three nonsensical sentences right in a row.

    We didn't destabilize the mid east for Israel.

    O'bozo has been pumping iron for the MB all the way through.

    In Iran, not a voice, not one ObamaWord, was even raised to destabilize the god awful place during the uprising.

    I wish we would destabilize it.

    1. Ah well, Quirk is confused these days too.

      He thinks the USA started the WOT.

      Having forgotten about 9/11.

    2. His mind has been consumed of late with his antiquities trading.

  41. I bought gas for $2.36 today.

    Wonderful timing for gas to be going lower.

  42. Majority of Americans say CIA tactics detailed in Senate's 'torture' report were justified

    NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds found that 51 percent of Americans approved of the tactics, while 28 percent said they went too far.

    Pew Research Center poll results: 51 percent believe the CIA's methods were justified, while 29 percent said they were not.

    Washington Post-ABC News poll found 59 percent approved of the CIA's tactics, while 31 percent disapproved…roughly half of Americans believe the CIA treatment of suspected terrorists amounted to torture, while 38 percent said it did not.

    According to the NBC News/WSJ survey, 45 percent think such techniques should be used in the future, while 28 percent did not…Among Republicans, an overwhelming majority (80 percent) said the Bush-era practices were acceptable, while just 9 percent said they went too far. Among Democrats, 32 percent said the techniques were acceptable under the circumstances, while 44 percent said they were unacceptable.

    30 pictures of 9/11 that show you why you should never forget

    “Remember the Alamo [for awhile]”!?

    “Remember Pearl Harbor [for awhile]”!?

    1. Americans are "exceptionally" bad people, it might appear.

    2. .

      I wouldn't say so. It looks like they are not exceptional at all.

      It's disappointing.

      Well, that is, it's disappointing to me.


  43. Quirk thinks we started the WOT.

    I hope those pictures refresh his memory.

  44. >>>Lead investigator Dr. Linda E. Carlson and her colleagues found that in breast cancer patients, support group involvement and mindfulness meditation – an adapted form of Buddhist meditation in which practitioners focus on present thoughts and actions in a non-judgmental way, ignoring past grudges and future concerns -- are associated with preserved telomere length. Telomeres are stretches of DNA that cap our chromosomes and help prevent chromosomal deterioration -- biology professors often liken them to the plastic tips on shoelaces. Shortened telomeres aren't known to cause a specific disease per se, but they do whither with age and are shorter in people with cancer, diabetes, heart disease and high stress levels. We want our telomeres intact....<<<<

    Changing Our DNA through Mind Control?
    A study finds meditating cancer patients are able to affect the makeup of their DNA
    December 16, 2014 |By Bret Stetka



    1. >>>mindfulness meditation – an adapted form of Buddhist meditation in which practitioners focus on present thoughts and actions in a non-judgmental way, ignoring past grudges and future concerns -- are associated with preserved telomere length<<<

      Our Jackal might benefit from this but the trouble is he'd never try it......

  45. Federal Judge Finds Obama Amnesty Unconstitutional..............Drudge

  46. http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/History/casualtiestotal.html

    over 29,000 israelis have been murdered/killed in the 21st century by the arabs,

    1. over 6.500,000 Jews were murdered in Europe by the FRIENDS of the Palestinians in 20 years.

    2. over 850,000 Jews living in the arab occupied middle east were thrown out of their homes and forced into the newly recreated state of Israel.

  47. Imran Khan — the former cricket star whose P.T.I. party governs in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province, whose capital is Peshawar — has often been criticized for being sympathetic to the Taliban, refusing to criticize it by name and continuing to advocate peace talks with the group over the current military offensive.


    Meanwhile, soldiers cleared the last of the school’s four blocks. The principal, Tahira Qazi, was among the dead.

    At a city hospital, staffers laid out a row of children’s bodies as armed guards stood over a pile of small wooden coffins.

  48. >>Much of the blame for this can be placed squarely on the doorstep of Mahmoud Abbas’s Palestinian Authority, which subjects the Palestinian population to a steady diet of hate-filled, Judeophobic rhetoric through state-controlled media and educational institutions. It is so well entrenched that the process of deprogramming, if it were ever attempted, would take generations to reverse.<<


    Exactly the same as back in Martha Gellhorn's day -

    >> What for, I thought, what for, and will it never stop?

    "Do you hate the Arabs, Nissim?"

    "No. Of course no."

    "Why not?"

    "What is the good of hate?"

    What indeed? Arabs gorge on hate, they roll in it, they breathe it. Jews top the hate list, but any foreigners are hateful enough. Arabs also hate each other, separately and, en masse. Their politicians change the direction of their hate as they would change their shirts. Their press is vulgarly base with hate-filled cartoons; their reporting describes whatever hate is now uppermost and convenient. Their radio is a long scream of hate, a call to hate. They teach their children hate in school. They must love the taste of hate; it is their daily bread. And what good has it done them?<<


    >>>>>Rarely is the sort of vitriol witnessed in the videos expressed in English to Western audiences. Only the crassest among them publicly share their feelings about Jews, and the West for that matter. But behind closed doors it’s an entirely different story. Groups like MEMRI, CAMERA, Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) and many others do an excellent job in exposing the malevolence hiding just beneath the surface. The problem is no one seems to care. No one cared 75 years ago either.<<<<<

    Western Indifference to the Palestinian Culture of Hate
    December 15, 2014 by Ari Lieberman 23 Comments

    A shockingly, disturbing video has recently surfaced exposing the true and pernicious face of Palestinian extremism and xenophobia. The video, made available by Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) shows a bearded sheikh giving what appears to be an impromptu sermon on the Jews. (After all, what else is there to talk about?) The venue is the Al-Aqsa Mosque, considered by those who practice the “religion of peace” to be their third holiest site after Mecca and Medina.

    The speech itself is filled with gut-wrenching anti-Semitism, the kind that would even make the editors of the New York Times blush. The sheikh describes how the Jews possess the vilest of traits, how they were responsible for killing the “prophets,” how they attempted to assassinate Muhammad, how their time for “slaughter is near,” how they will be slaughtered “without mercy,” and of course there’s the perfunctory, “Jews are apes and pigs” thing.

    Interestingly, the speaker doesn’t mention the longing for Palestinian statehood or independence. Instead, he talks of the establishment of the “Islamic Caliphate.” “Oh Allah’” he states, “Hasten the establishment of the State of the Islamic Caliphate,” and further rants, “Oh Allah hasten the pledge of allegiance to the Muslim Caliph.” He spews forth the latter statement three times to chants of “Amen!” from the large, approving crowd congregating around him.............


    1. You should watch the video, rat-O-zero, you might pick up some useful tips on hate speech.

    2. Situation hasn't really changed in 70 years...........

      'Their radio is one long scream of hate'

    3. Now

      >>>Palestinian population to a steady diet of hate-filled, Judeophobic rhetoric through state-controlled media and educational institutions. <<<


      >>> Their radio is a long scream of hate, a call to hate. They teach their children hate in school. They must love the taste of hate; it is their daily bread. And what good has it done them?<<<

      No difference.

  49. Any ideas on how I could improve my chances of getting a date with a cute cop?


    1. Looks like her 9mm would flip her over backwards.
      Mossberg definitely would.

    2. .

      Did you try singing to her?


    3. Tell her you'll make love to her in the back of the Police car.

      Quirk says they like that, and singing.

    4. Maybe tell her she can handcuff you?

      Does that work, Quirk?

    5. Quirk knows the meaning of work?

    6. Nah.

      But he's thinking of running for President though.

      He's formed a Political Action Committee, known as Q PAC, and is actively soliciting funds.

      He is asking people to not only give money, but to write in offering suggestions as to what he should promise to The American People. He always capitalizes The American People

      Quirk's the kind of guy that has no problem at all promising damn near anything.

      He was talking about lowering the sea level the other day, and Kentucky Fried Chicken in every American pot.

  50. ISIS using bombs containing live SCORPIONS in effort to spread panic, in tactic used 2,000 years ago against Romans

    Canisters packed with the creatures are being blasted into Iraqi towns
    They do not cause mass causalities but have serious psychological impact
    The tactic was first used by Iraqis in the desert city of Hatra in 198-199AD
    They would pack clay pots full of scorpions and hurl them at Roman armies

    By Annabel Grossman for MailOnline

    Published: 07:09 EST, 16 December 2014 | Updated: 09:06 EST, 16 December 2014

    Canisters packed with poisonous varieties of scorpion are being blasted into towns and villages - scattering the creatures and inciting panic

    Canisters packed with poisonous varieties of scorpion are being blasted into towns and villages - scattering the creatures and inciting panic

    Militants fighting for the Islamic State in Iraq have unveiled their latest terror tactic - bombs containing hundreds of live scorpions designed to spread fear among their enemies.

    Canisters packed with poisonous varieties of scorpion are being blasted into towns and villages, which explode on impact - scattering the scorpions and causing panic among the innocent local population.

    Although scorpion bombs sound like something out of a modern horror movie, the tactic is actually thousands of years old and was first used by Iraqis fighting against the Roman Empire.

    Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, ex-head of chemical and biological weapons for the Army and Nato, told The Mirror that ISIS had improvised devices to launch the poisonous creatures in 2ft bombs.

    He said: 'Scorpions are robust – even if they are launched a couple of miles, when the canister breaks thousands are flung out and start crawling all around.

    'Some scorpions are very poisonous but the main thing is creating fear.'

    Mr de Bretton-Gordon, who returned from Baghdad last week where he was advising security forces, said that the bombs are not causing casualties but had a profound 'psychological impact'.

    'How to create chaos in Sydney? ISIS style': Australian... Faces of the hostages: Heroic Sydney cafe manager, 34, shot... Why did police ask former terror suspect for an ISIS flag? Actor Robin Williams at the 'The Crazy Ones' film press conference, Los Angeles, America, 08 Oct 2013. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Startraks Photo/REX (3178437o).. Robin Williams, ebola, ISIS and Frozen: The things America...

    The bizarre biological weapon was used as far back as 198 AD, when Iraqis stuffed live scorpions into ceramic pots and hurled them at Roman armies marching on the fortress city of Hatra.

    The Parthian city was held under siege for 20 days by Emperor Septimius Severus before the Roman military were driven out by the 'live grenades'.
    Militants fighting for the Islamic State in Iraq have unveiled their latest terror tactic - bombs containing hundreds of live scorpions designed to spread fear among their enemies

    1. Militants fighting for the Islamic State in Iraq have unveiled their latest terror tactic - bombs containing hundreds of live scorpions designed to spread fear among their enemies
      ISIS suicide bombers target Syrian town of Kobane (related)

      Adrienne Mayor, a historian of ancient science and classical folklorist, researched the weapon in detail for her 2004 book Greek Fire, Poison Arrows & Scorpion Bombs: Biological and Chemical Warfare in the Ancient World.

      The live grenades were first used by Iraqis in the besieged city of Hatra in 198-199AD.

      Soldiers would pack ceramic pots full of live scorpions which they would then hurl at the Romans led by Emperor Septimius Severus.

      It is thought that they would first spit on the scorpions to slow them down so they could be handled - although it was still an incredibly risking tactic.

      The biological weapon has been credited with ending the 20 day siege on the desert city.

      She describes how soldiers would spit on the end of the scorpion to calm the creatures before they were packed into pots, which were flung at the besieging Romans.

      'It was the brute effectiveness of Hatra's defensive biological and chemical weapons that overcame Roman morale, manpower and siege machines,' she writes. 'The terror effect would be quite impressive.'

      Last week, the U.S. confirmed it had launched a further 20 airstrikes against ISIS targets, including raids near Sinjar, Qaim, Ramadi, Mosul and Samarra, as well as inside Kobane.

      ISIS militants have been attacking the Iraqi town of Kobane since mid-September, when the terror group assaulted its southern suburbs in an attempt to seize control of the strategic border city.

      The terror group quickly encircled the city, raping and murdering its inhabitants, but Kurdish YPG fighters supported by U.S. airstrikes have since pushed ISIS back out of central Kobane.

      Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2875968/ISIS-using-bombs-containing-live-SCORPIONS-effort-spread-panic-tactic-used-2-000-years-ago-against-Romans.html#ixzz3M8XcHF7K
      Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

    2. >>>Last week, the U.S. confirmed it had launched a further 20 airstrikes against ISIS targets, including raids near Sinjar, Qaim, Ramadi, Mosul and Samarra,as well as inside Kobane<<<

      So ISIS is still inside Kobane. Either that, or they are bombing the scorpions.

    3. I thought the world famous "rat Doctrine", first explicated by General Crooks then stolen by rat-O-zero, had cleaned 'em out of Kobane.


  51. News > Science
    There just might be life on Mars....Nasa Curiosity rover picks up mysterious methane 'burps' that could possibly be coming from alien organisms

    Mars Curiosity rover picks up 'burps' of methane — which could be evidence of life on the planet
    Andrew Griffin , Adam Lusher

    Tuesday 16 December 2014

    Evidence of life on Mars could have been found by Nasa's Curiosity Rover.

    Mysterious spikes of methane that cannot easily be explained by geology or other theories have been found by an instrument on the robot, which landed on the planet in 2012. Scientists can’t be sure what is causing the spikes, but it is possible that it could be very small, bacteria-like living organisms.

    If the gas is coming from living microbes then it would mark one of the biggest discoveries in history. On Earth, 95% of methane comes from microbial organisms, but there are many non-biological processes that can also generate the gas.

    Scientists have said that the rover now has to test and re-test the possibility of life, ahead of an unmanned mission in 2020 that would look for the source of the methane


    Methane burps.

    Tentatively named by NASA scientists 'the Rufus organism'.

  52. .

    The following article from the NYT outlines the internecine rivalries that exist in Iraqi Kurdistan, primarily the political loyalties of the two major parties, the PUK and the KDP.

    Kurdistan is divided politically but what is somewhat unique is that each party has a militia that is loyal to it and backing it. That is not to say that there isn't a democratic process in place there. The current president, Barzani was elected in free elections. However, if the Iraqi Kurds ever want to achieve independence, they will somehow have to find a way to create a single army out of the existing militias that now act independently.

    What is not discussed in the article is that if there ever was an attempt to create a greater Kurdish state comprised of the Kurdish regions of Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Iraq, it is unlikely Barzani would have a chance to lead it. If there would be a consensus candidate for that job, he is currently sitting in a Turkish jail in the person of Abdullah Ocalan.

    Those pushing for a Kurdish state are likely to be disappointed.


    1. Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres...
