Wednesday, December 31, 2014

America the Beautiful - Happy New Year - "Prospero Año Nuevo"


  1. $1.38 for a dozen eggs, Mediums.

    That was the report from the store.

    A sure sign that civilization, as we knew it, is over?

    1. The "long arc" has eggs at $2.18 per dozen on average. Anomalies do not count. If you cannot trust government reporting, why, who can you trust?


  2. I baked 4 of them into a chocolate cake, which I'm washing down right now with a glass of Old Charter and Coke.

    Civilization seems to be doing pretty darned good in Mississip.


  3. I get my eggs from a couple that have their chickens roaming their little farm. They are different sizes and colors. They appreciate you bringing back the cartoons. They charge $3.50 a dozen. The eggs are outstanding. When I am in C.A., I get them at the Saturday market for the same quality for $1.25 for ten. The large US based Costco, renamed PriceSmart is doing their best to kill the little guys with cheaper eggs, all identical in color and size and boring.

    I buy local bakery bread, mostly baguettes and coffee from Nicaragua, Panama and Costa Rica. It is expensive in Philadelphia, about $16 a lb and a third that price in C.A. but worth every penny for every drop.

    1. There is nothing more delicious for breakfast than farm fresh eggs, over easy, with homemade bread and newly churned butter and blackberry jam. Real buttermilk, tastes nothing like the swill found in store coolers. Eggs, by the way, should never be refrigerated.

  4. '14's been a pretty good year, boys. The last few years have been frustrating, but things are starting to get a little bit better.

    At least, this year, I feel like having a drink of whiskey. :)

  5. The international community has gotten tired of the games the Israelis are playing, in alleging that there is an ongoing ‘peace process.’ There isn’t. The Israelis consistently refuse to negotiate with the Palestinians in good faith, as I argued in The Nation last week. The Israelis are violating the fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 on the treatment of occupied populations, by flooding their own population into the West Bank. They are keeping Palestinians stateless, which denies them all basic human rights.

    The world is not going to put up with this situation in Palestine for much longer.


    What is "Occupation"Wed Dec 31, 07:28:00 PM EST
    The world?

    Will do NOTHING.

    It doesn't do anything when pol Pot murdered millions, when hitler murder millions, rwanda murdered millions, syrians murdered 1/4 of a million and made 11 million homeless..

    No The world will not DO anything about a couple thousand terrorists and their human shields dying...

  6. Chocolate Cake, Ol' Charter and Coke........


    Rufus will be lucky if he makes it to mid night.

    1. Rufus is a Marine. He will persevere. I may do the same shortly, having monitored my potassium level like a good boy. I will pass on the chocolate cake and Coke and take mine neat.

      Now, to tango is to dream.

      An Old Marine

    2. allen, just cracked open a 18 year old Macallan...

      A toast...


    3. L'chaim...Am Israel Chai...

      An old French aristocrat once observed that we do not desert our vices, they desert us. Enjoy!

    4. Small amount... all in moderation

      But I do have to keep the 18 yr stuff away from the wife, too dangerous and smooth.

    5. ;-) Women can be that way...Oh, you were talking about the Scotch...

  7. 2014? Sucked.

    260,000 syrian men, women and kids murdered by syrian with Iran's help.

    Hamas caused 96,000 homes within the Gaza strip to be destroyed or made unlivable, caused the deaths of 2200 (including 500 children of their own population) spent a billion on rockets rather than homes or schools, spent a billion on purely terror tunnels to kidnap and murder Jews. Thank G-d they over played their hand and the tunnels were neutralized and their Iranian purchased missiles were largely made worthless. 66 Israelis were killed by Hamas. By Hamas's own scoring, 66 Israelis are worth 66,000 arabs, so Hamas killed way more Jews than Israelis killed palestinians, according to Hamas math...

    America printed more and more worthless dollars, jack the costs of healthcare, shrunk the doctors in the network, put more people on food stamps, made illegals jump ahead of lawful immigration.

    Yep sucky year.

    Islamic terrorist lone wolves keep beheading, running over and stabbing Americans across the globe with the President releasing more Jihadist scum bags back into freedom...

    The IRS was turned into a partisan political agency.

    More rules, less freedom and of course, higher water and electric bills, tires and car prices are up, meat and milk thru the roof..

    Sucky year....

    1. Just because the chocolate market went to shit, "O"rdure ...

      You gotta learn to diversify.

    2. But on the other hand...

      The reports by Rat of my business failure have been greatly exaggerated....

      The Chocolate Emporium jews that Rat has stalked are not me....


      Now that's funny....

      I have reduced employees and replaced them with more and more cool machines that don't require raises or workmen's comp :)

      relying less and less on the traditional ways to "sell" we have cut our advertising budget to ZERO for the 6th year in a row, selling directly, privately, with less overhead....


      innovation does work, and I did build that...


    3. Jack HawkinsWed Dec 31, 07:47:00 PM EST
      Just because the chocolate market went to shit, "O"rdure ...

      You gotta learn to diversify.

      LOL a lot you think you know...

      Chocolates are doing JUST FINE....

    4. Chocolate Emporium closing anything but sweet


    5. A clearance sale is underway at the store. Gift items are 50 percent off, and bulk and wrapped candies and baking supplies are 25 percent off.

    6. Just search Ebay for used restaurant equipment...


      Still stalking the wrong jew? Herr Hitler?

    7. Nope, just the failed businessman you claimed to be, "O"rdure.

    8. Jack is so funny....

      Cant admit he's ever made an error..
      That's the narcissist in him...


      Stalking the WRONG Jews for how many YEARS???????


      Now that's a gift that keeps on GIVING...

      But we DO KNOW who YOU are....


      I guess you were lying about SEEING the AZ FBI report after all....

      Cause if you had? You'd KNOW my REAL NAME...


      So your story about seeing the federal report on ME and "arms dealing" was a lie too! I guess you never did break any laws about releasing intel on an ongoing investigation since you LIED about having a mole in the AZ FBI!!

      Well that's good for you, since if you had released REAL information from an ongoing FBI investigation? You'd be in the federal pen..

      Good news, you are just a liar...

      Hardee har har...

    9. Jack HawkinsWed Dec 31, 08:39:00 PM EST
      Nope, just the failed businessman you claimed to be, "O"rdure.

      wiggle wiggle wiggle...

      I never claimed to be "failed"....

      In fact, i'd say i'd dam successful....


      but compared to you, a professional horse shit scooper well one can only dream of mucking stalls and such...

  8. For Everyone but Rufus -

    For Rufus -

  9. Get ready for that trip to Europe in 2015, unless the Germans spoil things.

    Europe's Chief Economist Says Deflation Is Coming

    1. I got a trip planned to New Mexico with the Scouts to Philmont. 75 miles 10 days...

      Next major trip?

      Taking one of the kids to Israel

    2. My Niece is coming to see me in the Spring.

      whoopie !

  10. Now to Rufus's point there were some good things too about 2014.

    Listed not in order of importance.

    1. Iran squandered 2 billion dollars on Hamas's rockets, missiles and tunnels and got nothing but destruction for their clients.
    2. With the Federal Reserve printing cash like it worthless, the actual debt I have are actually becoming worth LESS every year.
    3. The selection of used equipment that I can purchase at 10% on the dollar keeping growing and growing :)
    4. The "allies" of America have woken up to the fact that Obama is not a reliable partner and are now forging new alliances to cope. (Israel - India comes to mind)
    5. With the average worker's wages stagnant and horrible conditions? As a quality employer I can be as picky as shit.... :)
    6. On a personal note, nothing in my life is in crisis. Biggest issue? Losing some weight and getting in better shape for my backpacking trip. Never felt better, sharper, more alive and successful than I do right now...:)

    1. (Israel - India comes to mind)

      This is good.

    2. I am coasting on into the New Year with a normal sized cancer free prostate gland, myself.


    3. Happy New Year to all the wonderful doctors, nurses, and health care givers in the US of A, and we should all be thankful for their modern machines and instruments !

    4. Neither Israel nor India are allies of the US.

      That is good!

    5. So sorry Jackoff.

      Israel, according to Obama said this: President Obama Tells Israeli People: The U.S Is Proud to Be "Your Strongest Ally and Your Greatest Friend" On the first day of his visit to the Middle East, the first foreign trip of his second term, President Obama was in Israel, where he met with President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

      So sorry JACK if you are on the wrong side of history.. again

  11. New Year's Day in India is celebrated in the Spring, mid- April......

    Pictures - India New Year;_ylt=AwrT6V3MoqRU2y0A120PxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTBsOXB2YTRjBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkAw--?_adv_prop=image&fr=yhs-mozilla-001&va=New+Year+celebrations+in+India&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-001


  12. Israel News
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    Welcome to Israel!

    2014 marked a record high in Aliyah.
    2014 marked a record high in Aliyah.

    New Ukranian immigrants recieve a warm welcome at Ben Gurion Airport. (Photo: Shahar Chai) Photo: Shahar Chai
    New Ukranian immigrants recieve a warm welcome at Ben Gurion Airport. (Photo: Shahar Chai) Photo: Shahar Chai

    Ukranian immigrants arrive in Israel. (Photo: Shahar Chai) Photo: Shahar Chai
    Ukranian immigrants arrive in Israel. (Photo: Shahar Chai) Photo: Shahar Chai

    Minister of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption Sofa Landver welcomes Ukranian immigrants. (Photo: Facebook)
    Minister of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption Sofa Landver welcomes Ukranian immigrants. (Photo: Facebook)

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    2014 a record breaking year for immigration to Israel

    Aliyah statistics for 2014 showed that immigration hit a 10 year high with the arrival of about26,500 new immigrants.

    Omri Efraim
    Published: 12.31.14, 23:16 / Israel News

    Although Israel faced another war and tensions rose in Jerusalem, 2014 was a record-breaking year in terms of Aliyah (immigration) statistics. According to the end-of-year figures released on Wednesday by the Jewish Agency for Israel and the The Ministry of Immigrant Absorption, Aliyah hit a ten-year high in 2014 – with the arrival of about 26,500 fresh immigrants.

    Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter

    The year 2014 saw a 32 percent increase in immigrants, compared to the approximately 20,000 immigrants that made Aliyah to Israel in 2013. For the first time in Israel's history, France has topped the list of countries of origin for immigrants to Israel – 7,000 new immigrants from France arrived in Israel in 2014, more than twice as much as the 3,400 French immigrants who arrived last year.

    New Ukranian immigrants recieve a warm welcome at Ben Gurion Airport. (Photo: Shahar Chai)
    New Ukranian immigrants recieve a warm welcome at Ben Gurion Airport. (Photo: Shahar Chai)

    Furthermore, about 5,840 new immigrants came to Israel from Ukraine, compared to 2,020 in 2013. The 190 percent immigration increase was primarily due to the ongoing instability in the eastern part of Ukraine.

    Ukranian immigrants arrive in Israel. (Photo: Shahar Chai)
    Ukranian immigrants arrive in Israel. (Photo: Shahar Chai)

    Natan Sharansky, Chairman of the Executive of the Jewish Agency, said: "2014 was a year of record-breaking Aliyah. This year also saw a historic shift: for the first time in Israel's history, the number of immigrants who came to Israel from the free world is greater than that of immigrants fleeing the countries in distress. This trend is evidence of Israel's attractiveness as a place where it's good to live, as well as of the success of our joint efforts to promote Aliyah and strengthen connections between Jews around the world and the State of Israel."

    Sofa Landver, Minister of Immigrant Absorption, said: "We expect that some 10,000 new immigrants will come from France alone next year, and we will surpass 30,000 immigrants from around the world – and even more.",7340,L-4609941,00.html

  13. You guys, cut the shit, have another drink, what the fuck? We can resume combat in the morning.

    1. What a marvelous idea. I wish I had thought of it.

      Yes, soccer on the Somme.

  14. I just finished listening to the new Pink Floyd, Endless River for the fifth time It is awesome. Fall out and fire up a fat one.

  15. The Ukrainians instigate a coup de etat, run the country into the dirt, then skedaddle, at least until the dust settles...

  16. New U.S. Stealth Jet Can’t Fire Its Gun Until 2019

    ...F-35, is supposed to join frontline U.S. Marine Corps fighter squadrons next year and Air Force units in 2016, the jet’s software does not yet have the ability to shoot its 25mm cannon...

    “There will be no gun until [the Joint Strike Fighter’s Block] 3F [software], there is no software to support it now or for the next four-ish years,” said one Air Force official affiliated with the F-35 program. “Block 3F is slated for release in 2019, but who knows how much that will slip?”

    The gun can shoot 3,300 rounds per minute, though the Air Force’s F-35A version can carry just 180 rounds for the gun.

    The lack of a cannon is a particular problem, as the F-35 is being counted on to help out infantrymen under fire.

    Typically, aircraft will work in pairs where the flight lead will make an initial pass to mark a target with rockets. A second aircraft will then attack with its guns. Incidentally, the F-35 won’t be armed with rockets, either, sources told The Daily Beast.

    The lack of a gun is not likely to be a major problem for close-in air-to-air dogfights against other jets. Part of the problem is that the F-35—which is less maneuverable than contemporary enemy fighters like the Russian Sukhoi Su-30 Flanker—is not likely to survive such a close-in skirmish. “The jet can’t really turn anyway, so that is a bit of a moot point,” said one Air Force fighter pilot.

    1. .

      The lack of a cannon is a particular problem, as the F-35 is being counted on to help out infantrymen under fire.

      Under-powered. Under-gunned. Obsolete key components. A plane designed for CAS and half a dozen other things that can't seem to do any of them particularly well. On the other hand, it was supposed to save us money. Classic.

      Newest U.S. Stealth Fighter ‘10 Years Behind’ Older Jets

      America’s $400 billion, top-of-the-line aircraft can’t see the battlefield all that well. Which means it’s actually worse than its predecessors at fighting today’s wars.

      When the Pentagon’s nearly $400 billion F-35 Joint Strike Fighter finally enters service next year after nearly two decades in development, it won’t be able to support troops on the ground the way older planes can today. Its sensors won’t be able to see the battlefield as well; and what video the F-35 does capture, it won’t be able to transmit to infantrymen in real time.

      Versions of the new single-engine stealth fighter are set to replace almost every type of fighter in the U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps inventory—including aircraft specifically designed to support ground troops like the A-10 Warthog. That will leave troops in a lurch when the F-35 eventually becomes the only game in town.

      “The F-35 will, in my opinion, be 10 years behind legacy fighters when it achieves [initial operational capability],” said one Air Force official affiliated with the F-35 program. “When the F-35 achieves [initial operational capability], it will not have the weapons or sensor capability, with respect to the CAS [close air support] mission set, that legacy multi-role fighters had by the mid-2000s.”

      The problem stems from the fact that the technology found on one of the stealth fighter’s primary air-to-ground sensors—its nose-mounted Electro-Optical Targeting System (EOTS)—is more than a decade old and hopelessly obsolete. The EOTS, which is similar in concept to a large high-resolution infrared and television camera, is used to visually identify and monitor ground targets. The system can also mark targets for laser-guided bombs.

      “EOTS is a big step backwards...

      The Good News...

      It's been reported the Chinese have been stealing our designs.


    2. :)

      That's good news, indeed.

      har har

    3. ... the Edsel of aircraft ... and cheap at half the price ...

  17. Soul Sacrifice

    ... drummer was youngest musician at Woodstock, 20 ...

    Santana claims they were coming down from LSD.

  18. Eric Clapton - Cocaine

    ... jj cale ...

    Sarah was the love of my life. :-)

  19. Is Rufus still conscious?

    Rufus, you still there?

  20. ISIS Update: Iran, Iraq Agree To Military Pact To Combat Islamic State Militants
    By Thomas Barrabi

    Iran has entered into a formal agreement with Iraq to help rebuild its depleted military in the face of continued aggression from the Islamic State group, the two governments said Wednesday. Iraqi Defense Minister Khaled al-Obaidi met with Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dahqan in Tehran Tuesday to finalize details and sign the agreement.

    “The two sides stressed the need for consultations to ensure security, because terrorism affects not only security in Iraq but security throughout the region,” a statement released on state television said, according to AFP. Details on the agreement were scant, but Iraq and Iran “agreed to continue cooperation in the defense arena with the creation of a national army to protect the territorial integrity and security of Iraq.”

    Iran has been training and equipping Iraqi Shiite militias to combat the Islamic State since the summer ...

    1. Fuck off, rat.


      The Crapper is back at it.......

  21. Frank Sinatra - New York, New York

  22. Good Grief

    Some of those people have standing out there for 12 hours......

  23. Change of Wind

  24. Neda's Eyes as sung by Sussan Deyhim

    Acid attacks in Iran - pictures;_ylt=AwrTceB.9KRUqTYAFy0PxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTBsOXB2YTRjBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkAw--?_adv_prop=image&fr=yhs-mozilla-001&sz=all&va=acid+attacks+iran&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-001

  25. I hope for some change in Iran in the coming year but won't get it.

    1. .

      Don't be so sure.

      Saw a news story yesterday indicating Obama has not ruled out opening an embassy in Iran.

      This would not surprise me. He has invested too much time in Iran to just let things drop. He will push it if he can just as he did with Cuba. Unfortunately, with how the Cuba situation played out, there seems to be little incentive for Iran to bargain for favors. I think they know how bad Obama wants this rapprochement.


  26. 2019.11.06八大行業酒店上班即時新聞:隨著近年知名網紅跨國賣淫,讓酒店工作市場發展酒店小姐接S(性交易)崛起,然而有特別性服務文化仍為消費者的青睞,如:顏射(精子射在臉上) 、口交口爆(精子射在嘴裡) 、戴套肛交進行交易專業精緻化,也大大提昇上班族願意酒店兼職提高薪資水平,尋找優秀人員的意願。本次大學生酒店兼差有為1節最高可達$200元,對於找兼職求職者可以說是敞開大門,彈性排班的多元酒店上班就業機會,釋出兼差兼職酒店打工最高可達$100K。本週還邀請「知名酒店經紀有限公司」,以[翻轉低薪、搶救年輕人]為軸心,致力於推動八大行業酒店上班為目標。歡迎就業、轉職、兼職需求的民眾把握難得八大行業徵才酒店小姐的機會,著正式服裝至現場與徵才直接面試,找到合適的酒店工作。

  27. 2020.06.06酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容有YouTube頻道是以辛辣話題做為主題,其中一集他們跟酒店幹部預約小姐「框到底」(包整晚),訪談了我在酒店上班的日子從事八大行業的酒店紅牌小姐的不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因生態,並且大公開要工作技巧。
    YouTube頻道「酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金」親自前往酒店帶人出場,回到家中做了酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?訪談,一開始就談及職場須知 【酒店PT 】「薪資」話題,這名「酒妹」(未透露姓名,以此做為代替)的月薪居然高達30幾萬,她甚至還吃驚做為工程師的蔗糖男月薪5到6萬「好低」。

  28. 2020.06.25酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容我在酒店上班的日子@【酒店小姐】【酒店公關】做酒店真人真事的故事
    客人:不管因為什麼也好,你在這理上班所得來的一切 ,我都可以給你。
    但這個小姐拒絕了,並且給了讓他震驚的回答 。
    她說酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?:我在這裡上班 ,每天上班可以拿到6000-8000元,並且只是幾個小時,我只需要坐在那裡唱唱歌 ,吃點心,我甚至可以不用喝酒,並且不用和客人發生關係,一天6000-8000元,一個月就是18萬-20萬元,扣休息,除了一切開支,我盡可能的可以存到最低10萬元,你能保證你半年甚至一年的時間,可以每月為我定期存入10萬元?並且不發生關係?
    退一步來說,我上班如果必要和客人發生關係,一次是10000元,就以你一個月來我這10次,也就是10萬元,你能保證 ,你一個月會願意花在我身上20萬元?
    並且會考慮我以後的生活?我之所以來這裡上班,可能在別人眼裡 ,我是貪暮虛榮,好吃懶做,想賺快錢,無法吃苦,但我不在乎別人怎麼看,我也是做了很大決定才來這裡上班,我希望以自己現有的資本在這裡上班2~3年,那麼我可以為家人買一間像樣的房子,會讓父母過上好一點的生活,身邊很多和我一樣的姐妹同事,覺得找一個大戶客人包起來,聰明的,二年也可能買得到房子,但是她們並不開心,而且並沒有表面看得那麼亮麗和容易,有些甚至是變得不如現在,我何必要委屈自己每天為別人而活?取悅別人?
    職場須知 【酒店PT 】結論:職業不分貴賤,只要自己賺得心安理得,能明白自己人生的理想和目標,並且清楚知道自己的路該怎麼走,工作都是一樣辛苦的!
