Sunday, November 09, 2014

Once a taboo subject in Washington, the value of the U.S.-Israeli alliance has increasingly come under scrutiny among even leading members of the foreign policy establishment

Israeli PM Netanyahu Is a National Security Risk—And Washington Knows It

By  and , .

Last month, an anonymous U.S. official stirred a tempest in a teapot when he called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “a chickenshit” in comments to the Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg. The insinuation was that while Netanyahu will happily rile up his right-wing base on issues related to Palestine or Iran, he lacks the political courage to take meaningful steps to resolve either conflict.
State Department officials scurried to disavow themselves of the remark. But the incident revealed an increasingly common conclusion in Washington: Netanyahu’s foot-dragging on Middle East peace is not only frustrating for the United States—it’s dangerous.
Once a taboo subject in Washington, the value of the U.S.-Israeli alliance has increasingly come under scrutiny among even leading members of the foreign policy establishment.
As Anthony Cordesman—a Mideast expert at the center-right Center for Strategic and International Studies—observed, “It is time Israel realized that it has obligations to the United States, as well as the United States to Israel, and that it become far more careful about the extent to which it test the limits of U.S. patience and exploits the support of American Jews.”
General David Petraeus, back when he was the head of the U.S. Central Command, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict “foments anti-American sentiment, due to a perception of U.S. favoritism for Israel.” Even President Obama has listed the conflict as a factor in U.S. wars in the Middle East that are “costing us significantly in terms of both blood and treasure.”
These comments by leading American figures were made four years ago—well before the Obama administration had had its biggest dustups with Netanyahu’s government. Two Gaza wars and another round of failed peace talks later, nothing has changed except Israel’s increasing willingness toflaunt international law—as it did in its massive assault on Gaza earlier this year, which killed some 1,500 civilians.
Now, even U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry—a pro-Israel stalwartadmits, to the chagrin of Israeli officials, that the lack of progress in peace negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians is feeding support for the Islamic State. “There wasn’t a leader I met with in the region,” Kerry said of his efforts to cobble together an anti-Islamic State coalition, “who didn’t raise with me spontaneously the need to try to get peace between Israel and the Palestinians, because it was a cause of recruitment and of street anger and agitation.”
One would think that such complaints from a key ally and patron would elicit some soul-searching in the Israeli government. Yet instead of charting a new course in his speech at the United Nations last September, Netanyahu fell back on an old, lazy recipe of demonization, equating Hamas with the Islamic State and the Islamic State with Iran. And he continued oft-used delaying tactics, inviting the current coalition of Arab countries fighting the Islamic State to draft a new peace proposal for Israel and the Palestinians—despite his longstanding rejection of the Arab Peace Initiative drafted over 10 years ago by many of those same countries. Officials in the Obama administration were reportedly “unconvinced” that Netanyahu’s proposal was sincere, given his lack of interest in direct talks with the Palestinians themselves.
In addition, just days before an October meeting with President Obama, Israel announced plans to construct 2,610 new housing units in East Jerusalem in violation of existing agreements. In a rare public rebuke, Obama spokesman Josh Earnest said that the new settlements will alienate Israel’s “closest allies” —presumably including Washington—and “call into question Israel’s ultimate commitment to a peaceful negotiated settlement with the Palestinians.”
Uncowed, Netanyahu dismissed the criticism, describing the U.S. rejection of the new settlements as “against American values” and “anti-peace.” When an Israeli prime minister describes longstanding U.S. strategic interests—in this case, conditions that would enable the creation of a viable Palestinian state and a just resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict—as “un-American,” it’s a clear indication that the United States cannot continue its current course of appeasing Israel’s every demand.
That’s a conclusion increasingly shared by Israel’s longtime allies in Europe. Sweden’s new government recently indicated that it will recognize Palestine as a state. The UK parliament followed up with a symbolic recognition voteof its own, and more European countries may soon do the same.
Groups in the United States and in Europe, meanwhile, have worked with Palestinian activists to organize a boycott of Israeli settlement products and academic institutions. Indeed, U.S. civil society—including many Jewish organizations—is now leaps and bounds ahead of the U.S. government when it comes to rethinking the U.S.-Israel relationship.
Nonetheless, Netanyahu now looks poised to mobilize his supporters in the U.S. Congress to vote against any nuclear agreement between Washington and Tehran.
Yet even as official Washington simmers with frustration at Netanyahu’s simultaneous demands for U.S. support and disregard for U.S. interests, officials rushed to put out the fire started by the anonymous “chickenshit” quip. As Foreign Policy’s Steve Walt put it, if Washington pretends that the “‘special relationship’ is hunky-dory, even when it is obvious to even casual observers that it is not,” then “Netanyahu’s not chickenshit—the White House is.”
Adil E. Shamoo is professor at University of Maryland and an associate fellow of the Institute for Policy Studies. He is a senior analyst for Foreign Policy In Focus and the author of Equal Worth—When Humanity Will Have Peace. His website is Peter Certo is the editor of Foreign Policy In Focus.
Mirrored from Foreign Policy in Focus


  1. Report: Israel plans to confiscate 3,176 acres of Palestinian land

    According to Palestinian media, residents of West Bank village have until 2017 to evacuate areas involved

    The Israeli army has reportedly informed residents of the Palestinian village of Beit Iksa that it intends to confiscate 3,176 acres of their land for military purposes, Palestinian media reported Saturday.

    Beit Iksa is located northwest of Jerusalem in the West Bank less than a kilometer away from a main highway connecting Jerusalem to Tel Aviv.

    Resident told Ma'an News Agency that soldiers distributed confiscation orders signed by the head of the IDF Central Command Gen. Nitzan Alon.

    According to the report, the villagers have until the end of 2017 to evacuate the area, which currently houses 1,700 people. The orders also informed them that an IDF representative on Monday would visit the village to specify which parcels of land would be taken.

    Beit Iksa village council head Saada al-Khatib told Ma'an that Israeli authorities had already notified them of the planned confiscation in 2012 and that Saturday's order was merely intended to emphasize the old order.

    The report features a number of images purporting to show the order in question as well as maps highlighting areas that will be expropriated.

    The IDF spokesman's office has decline to comment on the report.

  2. At last we heard, the collective arab world confiscated over 5 MILLION square miles of Druze, Jews and Christian's and other's historic lands...

    Report: Israel plans to confiscate 3,176 acres of Palestinian land


    1. 5 million square miles is equal to 3,200,000,000

      That's 3 BILLION, 200 MILLION acres..

    2. And that's not counting the acres of stolen lands outside the arab occupied world...

    3. The unified palestinians, hamas and fatah has started a new uprising, this one is called the "auto-uprising"

      Not a day goes by with a palestinian using a car, tractor or truck to run over civilians in Jerusalem, the West Bank or even inside Israel.

      Rock throwing, fire bombs at cars are all apart of it...

      So IF Israel takes land to use for security?

      SO be it.

      Play silly games? WIN silly prizes..

    4. .

      So are you say that the Israelis are just small time thieves?


    5. If Israel had any balls like Russia, America, France, England or China?

      they'd take the land from the river to the sea and send every arab to an island in the pacific.

    6. Ah, Jack, back from lockup?

      How was the cheese sandwiches and the pink jumpsuits?

  3. Mr. Cole is entitled to his opinion.

    Germany has said bluntly that it will not recognize a Palestinian state without an agreement.

    Cole must be hard up if he has to use Petraeus.

    The Congress and American public remain firmly pro-Israel.

    The EU might want to give its full attention to that bear knocking down doors.

  4. Iran already has missiles that reach Israel.

    However it's ICBM program is interesting....

    As the target for those? America and Europe...

    Good luck.

    1. Iran Still on Track for 2015 ICBM Flight Test
      Pentagon report omits concern for Tehran ICBM development
      Iran is continuing work on a long-range ballistic missile that could be flight-tested by next year despite the latest Pentagon report to Congress on Tehran’s military that omitted earlier references to the looming ICBM threat.

      “The 2014 Iran Military Power report confirms that Iran could have an ICBM capability by 2015,” said Rep. Mike Rogers (R., Ala.), chairman of the House Armed Services strategic forces subcommittee.

      “We have known this since well before the Obama administration,” Rogers said. “This unchanging fact is one of the reasons I have been and continue to be concerned about the administration’s efforts to dismantle our missile defenses.”

      Rogers said that suggestions that somehow the danger of Iran’s developing long-range missile capabilities has diminished, or that the Pentagon report has altered U.S. intelligence assessments “is untrue.”

      Greg Thielmann, a former State Department intelligence analyst, told that the omission represented a significant shift in assessments of the Iranian missile program.

    2. How many ICBMs do the Russians have?

      How does 'one' compare to thousands?
      Same goes for the warheads.

      Even if the Iranians are an existential threat to the Israeli, they are not one to the US.
      Nor will they become one, not now, not ever.

    3. Since you flunked "world strategies and an Iranian ICBM" at Harvard you seem to think that your F means you are qualified to make pronouncements about same.

      No Jack, when you are a flunky like you? You should let the adults talk and sit and listen, you might learn something.

    4. try it again, Jack, the Iranians do not NEED an ICBM to attack Israel.

      They need one to hit europe or the USA.

      Now we know English is a hard 2nd language for you...

      Try reading what people write, not what you imagine.

    5. What would 2 ICBM's do to America if exploded in the atmosphere?

      Jack HawkinsSun Nov 09, 09:39:00 PM EST
      Even if the Iranians are an existential threat to the Israeli, they are not one to the US.
      Nor will they become one, not now, not ever.

      Apparently our Jack don't know jack shit about EMP's.

    6. But Jack is not a military genius, he's a wannabe Calvary soldier decades after the last horse Calvary rode in battle.

      A Cowboy in the wrong century...

      Last Cavalry Horse Is Historic Symbol
      The Pentagram News, Washington D.C.
      March 24, 1966

      CHIEF, the last living cavalry horse still carried on government rolls, was foaled in 1932 and purchased by the Army in 1940 at Ft.Robinson, Neb. In December of 1949 he was placed in semi-retirement and was fully retired at Ft. Riley, Kan., in 1958. In the event of his death Chief will be buried with full military honors adjacent to Old Trooper, the cavalry monument on main post.

      Chief the last remaining government owned cavalry horse is currently in retirement at Ft.Riley, Kan. Though the days of the horse cavalry have long since passed, this horse remains on the Army rolls.

      Foaled In 1932, the bay entered the Army eight years later, exactly one year and 12 days prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. He was purchased at Fort Robinson, Neb., from L. A. Parker of Scottsbluff, Neb., for $183.00.

      He arrived at his cavalry post, Ft. Riley, Kan. on April 3, 1941, where he was assigned to the 10th Cavalry and later the 9th Cavalry. In June of 1942, Chief was transferred to the Cavalry School and remained on the post until his retirement.

      Perhaps the most amazing thing about the 34-year-old horse is his physical condition. According to the Post Veterinarian. Chief's physical condition is "excellent." He says that except for advanced age, Chief demonstrates no condition to indicate any trouble in the foreseeable future.

      About three years ago Chief was thin and lacking in energy. He carried his head low and his ears back. Then his diet was changed from the standard rations be had been receiving and the change has remarkable results.

      Every day Chief, now sleek and fat. is let out in a corral at the Ft. Riley Riding Club. After a first burst of running, he lies down and rolls in the sand. Then he springs to his feet, kicks up his heels and prances around the corral. Usually he stops to roll in the sand several more times before retiring to a shady corner to graze.

      In recent years, Chief has become somewhat of a historical landmark at Ft. Riley. During the summer months several hundred visitors call at the Riding Stable to look at the animal.

      That Chief is the last of thousands is no idle statement. Illustrative of the number just prior to World War II, the Second Cavalry Division was activated at at Ft. Riley and during the early months of that conflict more than 6,000 head of horses were kept on post.

      At Ft. Riley is a monument commemorating the operation of the 26th Cavalry Regiment which was totally annihilated by the Japanese during engagements of Luzon and Bataan in the early moments of WW II. This was the last occasion that mounted horse cavalry was used in actual combat by the United States against the enemy.

      So the horse cavalry died. but Chief lives on. In 1953 the number of retired mounts at Ft Riley decreased in number from 43 to 30 at the year's end. In 1954, the number declined to 11. In 1955, there were just five mounts left--two of whom were the most famous of cavalry horses--Gambler and Joe Louis. The other three were Flicka, Strollalong and Chief. All were geldings except Flicka, a mare.

      Now they are all gone. . . all except Chief. the last of thousands. He was a good cavalry mount, well liked and remembered by a few people who have known him for a long time. Chief is a real live reminder of the days of boots and saddles-- Custer and the 7th Cavalry, the great days of opening the American West. Chief was a Cavalry Horse.

      The 3rd Infantry (Old Guard) has 28 government owned horses, but they are ceremonial horses, used primarily for caisson-drawing, as mounts for caisson section leaders, or caparisoned horses for military funerals..

    The dragon and the bear: Xi, Putin form power duo at APEC

    China's authoritarian President Xi Jinping and Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin share similar views on issues from human rights to Mikhail Gorbachev, in an increasingly close personal relationship that mirrors their countries' converging interests.

    Putin arrives in Beijing Sunday for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit and his 10th meeting with Xi since the Chinese president took office in March last year, according to the Communist mouthpiece People's Daily.

    1. This is a problem (opportunity) worth the EU's attention. Granted, it isn't as much fun as bashing one of the few countries in the world that still takes the EU seriously enough to listen.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. .

      Polling Bias?

      After receiving a black eye for badly calling the 2012 president election, Scott Rasmussen, the former head of Rasmussen Reports, parted ways with the public opinion enterprise he founded in 2003. The firm said it was over “disagreements” in business strategy. Now that the 2014 elections are over, two things are crystal clear.

      First, as our readers well-know, we have long-criticized the polling firm’s methodologies and results. Today, it is an indisputable fact that those criticisms were valid. Second, even though he was wrong in 2012, Scott Rasmussen was right to object to the firm’s overly ambitious retooling project. They grossly overestimated Democratic support and, thus, their chances of holding the U.S. Senate. It wasn’t just that they overestimated Democrat support, but how badly they underestimated Republican support.

      Rasmusssen was certainly not the only pollster to strike out, but they are the only ones — so far — pretending they didn’t.

      In a post-election defense of their results, the staff published an article entitled 2014 Midterm Elections: How Did We Do in the Senate Races?, in which they decided to defend the indefensible, rather than apologize to their subscribers, media and viewers. It is extremely doubtful that many of them were hoping to read plain-old delusional denial the following day.

      “It’s interesting to note that in the races in which the spread was really off for us (and the Real Clear Politics average of all pollsters), most of the time we were spot-on for the Democratic number but wrong on the Republican number,” they wrote. “But if you add the percentage of voters ‘not sure’ to the GOP side, you will come very close to the final Republican number.”

      Not only is this simply not true if we look at their polling data, but nowhere in the history of American politics will you find an election cycle where that many undecided voters broke that decidedly in one direction in one day. While it is certainly true that the overwhelming majority of undecided voters heavily backed the Republican candidate, in general, the wave that resulted didn’t build overnight.

      “We had only three races as Toss-Ups going into Election Day – Georgia, Iowa and North Carolina,” they added. “Republicans in Georgia and Iowa outperformed our numbers and those of other pollsters, too. North Carolina was just as close as we projected.”

      Let’s scrutinize some of their polls — and claims...


  7. Our country just repudiated Obama and the Democrats, and their policy of distancing the USA from Israel.

    A reasonable corollary is that this past election was also a reaffirmation of our traditional ties with Israel.

    1. .

      If you think this election had shit to do with Israel, you are nutz.

      Stick with your job of broadcasting Vandal football games.


    2. We should never forget that the political goal of Islam is to dominate the entire earth, and through the sword if necessary.

      Thankfully there a number of sanes among the Moslems, the Egyptian military among them.

      In Egypt, Obama supported the Moslem Brotherhood. In Iran, he did not even give verbal support to those trying to overthrow the mullahs.

      The American people noticed all of this, and have now repudiated Obama. He is now known as The Toxic President.

      No one wants to be seen with the guy.

      We have now in the recent elections reaffirmed our older and more natural and saner foreign policy outlook.


    3. In Egypt the US supported the government, which in Egypt is the military.

      When the Egyptian military supported the MB, so did the US, when the Egyptian military turned on the MB, so did the US.

      Get your head out of your ass, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson

    4. Actually Jack once again you proved you slept thru those geo-political courses...

      Better go get some cliff notes...

      to get up to speed, you are such a pistol

    5. :)

      Jack Shit don't know jack shit.

    6. Look a General Dynamics stock values, and the truth of US relations with Egypt becomes crystal clear.

    7. Russia is now 'out of money', thanks to US / Saudi manipulations of the 'oil market'.

      Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson is still nothing but a mind of mush.


  8. As of the October BLS report, the economy has added 2.225 million private sector jobs, and 2.285 million total jobs in 2014.

    To be the best year since 1999, the economy needs to add an additional 176 thousand private sector jobs (probably happen in November), and 222 thousand total nonfarm jobs.

    Also interesting: For the first time since 2008, the public sector will add jobs in 2014. State and local governments started adding a few jobs last year, but austerity has been ongoing at the Federal level. According to the WSJ The Federal Government Now Employs the Fewest People Since 1966

    Not since July 1966 has the federal government’s workforce been so small. ... But that’s only the raw numbers! As a share of the total workforce ... data going back to 1939 would show no point where the federal government’s share of employment was so low.
    In the last 75 years (when the BLS started tracking the data), the public sector (non-military) shed jobs in 12 years. Three of those years were at the end of WWII, two in the early '80s, and the last five consecutive years (unprecedented streak since the Great Depression).

    Here is a table of the annual change in total nonfarm and private sector payrolls jobs since 1999. The last three years have been near the best since 1999 (2005 was the best year for total nonfarm, and 2011 the best for private jobs).

    It seems very likely that 2014 will be the best year since 1999 for both total nonfarm and private sector . . . .



  9. Egypt pivots toward Russia after ties with US strained

    Russian and Egyptian media carry reports of a $2 billion Gulf-funded arms agreement between the two countries

    Russian Arms to Egypt Threaten to Undermine U.S. in Mideast

    UNITED NATIONS, Mar 11 2014 (IPS) - Russia, which is at loggerheads with Washington over the spreading political crisis in Ukraine, is threatening to undermine a longstanding military relationship between the United States and one of its traditional allies in the Middle East: Egypt.

    A photograph of Russian President Vladimir Putin shaking hands with Egypt’s de facto leader Field Marshal Abdel Fateh Al Sisi was flashed across newspapers and TV screens in the Arab world last month.

    But according to our resident Harvard flunky, Jack, All things with the Egypt USA relationship is hunky dory...

    1. Better than 'hunky dory, "O"rdure, better than ever.
      The Russian Egyptian Arms Deal first mentioned ...
      Oct 28, 2013 - A Russian military intelligence delegation arrived in Cairo on Monday to discuss possible cooperation with the Egyptian army...

      Trotted out whenever the Zionist propaganda machine needs a FUAX News story.

      A long time coming ... and even further from reality.

    2. Then mentioned every few months since.
      In Novemeber 2013
      February 2014
      March 2014
      August 2014
      September 2014
      October 2014.

      Old news, recycled for its Headline value.
      Monger fear amongst the simpletons

  10. We read that President Obama is 'pivoting east' in search of a 'legacy' - but -

    PAPER: Beijing sees Obama as weak leader in autumn of his presidency................drudge

    He should just give it up now: party, choom, golf, let Congress run the country, and just basically stay out of the way and out of sight.

    1. Repudiated at home, dissed abroad: party, choom, golf, let Congress run the country - that's the ticket !

    2. Maybe reconnect with some of the old buds from Punahou School in Hawaii and instead of driving around in a VW Bus fly around in Air Force One until his term is finally and thankfully over.

    3. Innovate: put the air conditioners on Air Force One on 'recycle' can do it, Commander Choom.

    4. Drudge has such a 'good perspective' of the view from Peking. Not.

  11. This link to PJ media pretty much shreds Deuce's house of cards about Israel.

    1. Pajama Media - that's a source of no repute.

    2. The author of the link - unknown ...
      The content, not worthy of quoting.

      Why even click the link ?

      Oh, wait ... Team Social Media Commando forget his HTML lessons.
      Left those skills in the 'other' classroom.


    3. Pajama Media is a fine place for learning and reading.

      No one expects a Jew hating, Israel bashing, anti-semitic troll like you to go there. It was for the readers.

      Let them make their minds up with information.

      Now you?

      You are content in lying, cutting and pasting out of context and misdirection.

      I leave it for the readers to decide.

      No snippet of another's words, out of context.

      Truth hurts and you are afraid of it.

  12. Oct 28, 2013 - A Russian military intelligence delegation arrived in Cairo on Monday to discuss possible cooperation with the Egyptian army

    But during the GW Bush administration, the Egyptians were in the embrace of Russian arms.

    Russian Arms To Egypt
    by Viktor Litovkin
    UPI Outside View Commentator
    Moscow (UPI) Oct 20, 2006

    The Egyptian army now wields brand-new Pechora-2M SAMs, "grandchildren" of the good old S-125, which knocked down nearly 4,000 U.S. aircraft in Vietnam and even one F-117 Stealth fighter during the 1999 war against Yugoslavia.

    Some countries, which cannot afford to replace the S-125 with the more advanced S-300PMU SAM system, opt to upgrade it in line with modern standards and objectives because of substantially lower costs.

    The Russian-Belarusian financial-industrial group Oboronitelnye Sistemy (Defensive Systems) overhauled the S-125 SAM system on orders from Egypt and renamed it as the S-125 Pechora 2M. This R and D project can be compared to a quantum leap, of sorts.
    Viktor Vashchuk, deputy head of Oboronitelnye Sistemy, said the Egyptian contract was a real breakthrough for his company and for Russia, because military-technical cooperation with Egypt had been frozen for nearly a decade after the Soviet Union's break-up.

    Blame Bush, if there is a problem, that is where and when (2006) the US lost Egypt, if indeed it is lost.

  13. Oct 3, 2014 -The United States will deliver ten Boeing AH-64D Block II Apache helicopter to Egypt following the lifting of the suspension of military aid earlier ...

    Seems to right On Time ... On Target

    Well beyond 'preliminary talks', product is being delivered ...
    Credit extended ...
    Such a deal ...

    Power projection ...

  14. Egypt’s military is rapidly becoming an all-American affair. Their military now includes an arsenal of F-16s, Apache helicopters, and M1A1 Abrams Tanks. Further, President Obama has promised an eighty-three million dollar upgrade to the Egypt’s Cairo West Air Base to service the new planes. Fox News also reported that the American Air Force will train the Egyptian pilots to fly the brand new aircraft.

    - See more at:

  15. Egypt is a US Client State - despite fear mongering claims of the ignorant xenophobes

    Despite tepid threats from the White House and Congress, the United States is unlikely to end official military assistance -- not because of concerns over Egypt's peace treaty with Israel or Washington's desire to maintain influence over Cairo -- but because the aid benefits a small and influential coterie of elites in both capitals.

    In the United States, the aid program provides a large and predictable source of demand for weapons exporters, while in Cairo, collaborative military production with U.S. firms help subsidize the army's commercial economic ventures.

    What was true in 2012, still true, today.


    1. “From Xenophobia to Accepting the Other.”

      “The tension between Jews and Arabs within the State of Israel has risen to record heights, and the relationship between all parties has reached a new low,”
      he said.
      “We have all witnessed the shocking sequence of incidents and violence taking place by both sides.
      The epidemic of violence is not limited to one sector or another, it permeates every area and doesn’t skip any arena.
      There is violence in soccer stadiums as well as in the academia.
      There is violence in the social media and in everyday discourse, in hospitals and in schools.”

      “It is time to honestly admit that Israeli society is ill – and it is our duty to treat this disease,”
      - Reuven Rivlin, President of Israel

    2. General Dynamics stock value ... Up 384% since 9Mar2009

  16. Jesus you're a dumb fuck, Jack.

    1. You may have picked up this somewhere along the line -

      Virus that 'makes humans more stupid' discovered...

      Alters genes in brain including memory and emotion..........drudge

    2. More likely, you were 'just born that way'.

      From the 'consumers' point of view, it makes no difference though.

    3. Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson cannot, will not, address the issues.

      Must be because he cannot.


    4. Jack HawkinsMon Nov 10, 09:02:00 AM EST
      Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson cannot, will not, address the issues.

      Must be because he cannot.

      Do you ever think that no one will discuss things with you because you perpetually lie, distort, misquote and cut and paste out of context?


  17. Jack HawkinsMon Nov 10, 01:10:00 AM EST
    Then mentioned every few months since.
    In Novemeber 2013
    February 2014
    March 2014
    August 2014
    September 2014
    October 2014.

    Old news, recycled for its Headline value.
    Monger fear amongst the simpletons

    Amazing coming from the king of cut and paste...

    reposting the same out of context crap multiple times an hour, day after day, week after week..


  18. QuirkSun Nov 09, 08:52:00 PM EST

    If you think this election had shit to do with Israel, you are nutz.

    That may be true, but I did note a lot of Republican speeches with Israel applause lines.

    1. If you were referring to my opinions, Q, my opinion is the election had a lot to do with more traditional values.

      Don't think I said it was directly about Israel. What election ever has been?

      Israel, and American support of Israel, are included in what most people think of when they think 'traditional values'.

    2. Traditional foreign policy values, since, say, around 1970 or so.....

    3. The America SWING to the RIGHT includes the issues of Iran, Israel et al..

      To deny it?

      Is specious

  19. Happy Birthday, USMC

    Semper Fi!

      Happy 239th Birthday to The United States Marines from Madison Rising

  20. I see WiO is advocating ethnic cleansing, again. There is a moral compass seriously off kilter!

      Abbas: 'Not a single Israeli' in future Palestinian state

    2. "In a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli - civilian or soldier - on our lands," Abbas said in a briefing to mostly Egyptian journalists.

    3. The Israeli would remain in Israel ...
      The Palestinians, they would remain in Palestine.
      The two can only be conflated when discussing "Occupied Palestine"

    4. The Israeli would remain in Israel ...
      The Palestinians, they would remain in Palestine.
      The two can only be conflated when discussing "Occupied Palestine"

      So Jack supports the expulsion of 1.2 million Arabs from Israel?

    5. I believe that favorite quote of yours, allen, was in the context of whether or not Israeli military would be allowed in any future Palestinian State as the Israelis have requested for their security. Hardly equivalent to WiO's desire to send all arabs between the River and the Sea to an island in the Pacific.

    6. .

      We have been through this before. While it might be fair for some to question Abbas' statement on intellectual grounds, it is more than a little hypocritical for Zionists to do so given the history of the Zionist movement up to and through the formation of the Israeli state and the continued land practices that exist there today.


    7. Zionists can live with about 1.5 million Arab-Israelis. How you can compare that toleration to Mr. Abbas is irrational.

    8. .


      We have been through this before. I don't have time to get it into it right now but I can later.

      Any complete discussion would be long and extensive, involving the initial concept of a 'Jewish Homeland', the formation of Israel and the eviction of Palestinian populations, current land practices in Israel, the exclusion of Palestinian land ownership there, as well as the comment by Abbas and the rationale behind it.

      But right now, it is 10:30 am on what is likely one of the few nice days we have left this year, so I will have to put off that riveting discussion for a while.

      In the words of Obumble, Cheers!


    9. I'm doing leaves shortly... just putting down my marker ... nothing personal ... Cheers!

    US Senate Unanimously Passes Resolution Supporting Israeli Assault on Gaza

    1. Meaningless 'Resolution", without none of the Authority of Law.

    2. Congress makes the laws of the land..

      The Congress, stand with Israel.

      Now you? Stand with Hamas, a terrorist organization.

    Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu Speech at the Joint Session of Congress - May 24, 2011

    1. Jack HawkinsMon Nov 10, 09:05:00 AM EST
      So ... "Yesterday"

      And yet you quote all sorts of folks, some as far back as dead Presidents that have not walked the earth since before television was invented...

      Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu is still a world leader.

      And you Jack? Still looking for a horse and a stall to muck?

    BREAKING: House UNANIMOUSLY Stands Up for Israel Against Hamas

    1. Another indication that the November 2016 election was meaningless.
      Without consequence.

    2. The American people stand with Israel in overwhelming majority.

      As do their elected officials.

      As for the few, unreasonable anti-semites that can't stand it?

      Go pound sand...

  24. AshMon Nov 10, 07:36:00 AM EST
    I see WiO is advocating ethnic cleansing, again. There is a moral compass seriously off kilter!


    Could you please show me where I advocated that?

    I missed it...

    1. If you were referring to this?

      What is "Occupation"Sun Nov 09, 09:24:00 PM EST
      If Israel had any balls like Russia, America, France, England or China?

      they'd take the land from the river to the sea and send every arab to an island in the pacific.

      Then you'd have to read the entire string to understand that Israel is not as ruthless as the world and would do no such thing..

      Ash you are getting as bad as Jack.

      Try reading, IN CONTEXT what is being said.

    2. This is asking a lot of ol' Ash.

      Perhaps too much.

      His dad is a perfesser, ya know.

    3. Try writing concisely. "O"rdure.

    4. Jack? I didn't know any comment was directed towards you.

    5. Does not have to be, for me to give a young student, a member of the Social Media Commando a little advise.

      I know you want to get into a 'Real' unit ... into the Mossad, or at least out of the basement ....
      Just tryin' to help a newbie out, "O"rdure.

    6. The context is quite clear 'If Israel had the balls they'd send every arab (between the River and the Sea) to an island in the pacific"

      This is a clear call for ethnic cleansing as, in context, having 'balls' is clearly better than not having 'balls', unless, of course, you don't understand the idiom which would be understandable if you didn't live in the USA, but you do.

    7. It was implying that Israel is not the brutal killers the USA, England, France and Chine are…

      But if makes you happy?

      If only Israel would have the same ethnical tolerance as the other 899/900th of the middle has, the problem would be solved as all arabs would be forced to leave at once.

      Not as bad as what Canada did to the Indians but still….

    8. The ole two wrongs make a right argument...


    "Today, Queen Elizabeth went forward with the Cenotaph ceremony, surrounded by the Royal Family and other dignitaries. As she left the monument to Britain’s war dead, she received an unprecedented round of applause from the crowd, in recognition of her braving the Islamic threats.

    This was not surprising. The British Royal Family has only occasionally been intelligent, but it has consistently been brave. I am not sure whether there will always be an England, but if that long island story should come to an end, it will not be due to any fault, or any lack of courage, on the part of Elizabeth II."

    Long live the Queen!

    1. Opium production in the parts of Afghanistan her troops were responsible for, just exploded !

  26. I was in the Clinton Administration Election Day 1994 when Democrats lost both houses of Congress, and Newt Gingrich became king of the Hill.
    It was horrible. But you know what?
    It created all sorts of opportunities
    It smoked Republicans out. Hey could no longer hide behind blue-dog Democrats.
    Americans saw them for what they were.
    Gingrich became the mot hated man in America


  27. There's a tough problem, opium production in Afghanistan.

    Mao got rid of opium dens, addiction etc in China with the use of 30 million bullets.

    The Brits with their emphasis on trials, testimony, evidence, due process etc don't have such an advantage.

    The one area where the Taliban were perhaps more effective.

    1. Wrong conclusion, again, by the Draft Dodger, Robert Peterson.

    2. His ignorance is self imposed ...
      The Opium Wars still define relations between the UK and China.
      By Julian Kossoff: November 10th, 2010

      "David Cameron leads largest trade delegation to China in 200 years", hollered the headlines this week, with an almost subconscious allusion to the fact that two centuries of Anglo-Chinese trade includes the most demonic chapter in the history of the British Empire: the Opium Wars.

      That particular imperial adventure is long forgotten in the UK, but the Chinese claim it as a national tragedy. As a result, the innocent Rememberance Poppy has now been caught in the historical crossfire.

      To the shock of David Cameron and his colleagues, they were asked to remove the emblems before the PM's official welcome at Beijing’s Great Hall. ...

      But the effects of the Opium Wars still cascade through time.

      Opium and Foreign Policy
      William Walker traces British and American attempts to control the Asian opium trade from the fall of the Manchu dynasty in China in 1912 to the French withdrawal from Indochina in 1954.

      Britain's China Policy and the Opium Crisis: Balancing Drugs, Violence, and National Honour, 1833-1840
      by Glenn Melancon

    3. You, I assume, Phoenix Felon, would be for the use of Mao's summary execution.

      By the way, I did not dodge the draft.

      I got a high draft number in the draft lottery.

      But you already know that.

    4. When the Taliban ruled Afghanistan, opium production was at an all time low.
      When the US and NATO occupied the country, opium production just Took Off

      Afghanistan: The Legacy of the British Empire. A Brief History

      But in fact the Taliban had outlawed the cultivation of poppies in May of 2000, and by the time of the U.S./NATO attack and invasion of Afghanistan the drug trade in Afghanistan had almost completely disappeared.

      As soon as the Taliban were overthrown the growing of poppies and production of heroin and opium surged, such that record amounts are produced almost every year, and Afghanistan has become the world’s primary supplier of these drugs.
      Production of heroin by Afghan farmers rose between 2001 and 2012 from just 185 tons to a staggering 5,800 tons.

      Ninety per cent of the heroin sold on Britain’s streets today is made using opium from Afghanistan, and after twelve years of U.S. occupation, heroin and opium now account for about half of Afghanistan’s GDP.

    5. Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson just wants us to ignore history ...
      He cannot learn from it, so ...

    6. .

      Yes China, another example of the salutary effects of British imperialism.

      But then Bobbo was an English major and evidently too busy reading the Bard to keep up with his history.



  28. Campus Reform Feminist prof: America should stop putting women in jail for anything

    Hot Air

    Why do we hire such darlings?

    Ash, any idea?

    1. Who are 'we' ?
      Where and when was this statement made?
      What is the professor's name?

      Why do you not include the pertinent information, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson in your post?

  29. BobSun Jun 22, 01:42:00 PM EDT

    When did I ever say I was a scholar??

    I don't recall saying that.

    I have a college degree in English Lit. from U of Washington.

    To avoid being drafted in part. ...

    To avoid ... = To dodge ...
    To avoid being drafted ... = To dodge being drafted ...

    To dodge being drafted = Draft Dodger.

    1. With every denial, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, ...
      I can post the quote that confirms Robert Peterson was, is, a Draft Dodger and will be until the "End of Time"

      More cow bell !

    2. .

      Most native born US citizens when they hear the term 'draft dodger' assume a person who has illegally avoided the draft, ie someone who left for Canada to avoid the Vietnam war or someone who fails to turn up when he is drafted for instance. it is a common understanding of the term.

      Now a non-native born American (or perhaps an illegal alien), someone who doesn't quite have a grasp of idiom or standard
      usage, someone not familiar with history or context, some pedant who gets his knowledge of English from,
      in other words, someone who practices English as a second language might interpret the phrase differently.


    3. Makes no difference, your interpretation of 'US English", Legionnaire Q.

      There was never a quote provided as to any of the accusations that Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson made against Melody, against Rufus, against desert rat, against Ash, against Jack.

      Never a one. So I'll stick with my interpretation of Bobbo's quote, thank you very much though, for continuing to pursue your perceived Responsibility to Protect those that cannot protect themselves.

      Just as the US and its Coalition partners are fulfilling their responsibilities in the Global War on Terror as illustrated by US still taking the fight to those that the President purports materially support International Terrorism, as legislated by the AUMF of 14SEP2001.

    4. Bob has made it clear that he was deferred and also had a high lottery number. You, Rat, cannot recall your military unit from your alleged days in Central America. So, Bob is up front and you are a piece of "stolen valor" (scum of the earth).

    5. Rat doesn't care about facts… they get in his way…

  30. Out for the day.

    Keep Crapper under control, folks.

    Cheers !

  31. AshMon Nov 10, 09:29:00 AM EST
    I believe that favorite quote of yours, allen, was in the context of whether or not Israeli military would be allowed in any future Palestinian State as the Israelis have requested for their security.

    You are incorrect. Mr. Abbas did and does mean any Jew. On the other hand, Israel has about 1.5 million Arab-Israelis living within its borders. Good try, but no cigar.

    1. That there are over 1.5 million Arabs living as Second Class residents in the part of>"Occupied Palestine" the Zionist colonialists claim direct sovereignty over, just further evidence that Israel is truly an apartheid state.

    2. Thought you'd 'like' that ...


    3. We've been through this before allen and if you google the quote it is clear he was speaking with respect to the security situation post agreement. You and WiO love to moan about things "in context" yet on this issue you knowingly flog that one out of context which makes you a hypocrite.

    4. It makes you, allen, just like Jack.

    5. If you also follow the judicial system in Israel you will see there is discrimination against Palestinians, and if you further consider the 1967 Occupied Territories you will find there are already two judicial systems in operation that represent two different approaches to human life: one for Palestinian life and the other for Jewish life. Additionally there are two different approaches to property and to land. Palestinian property is not recognized as private property because it can be confiscated.

      As to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, there is an additional factor. The so-called “Palestinian autonomous areas” are Bantustans. These are restricted entities within the power structure of the Israeli Apartheid system.

      The Palestinian state cannot be the by-product of the Jewish state, just in order to keep the Jewish purity of Israel. Israel’s racial discrimination is daily life of most Palestinians. Since Israel is a Jewish state, Israeli Jews are able to accrue special rights which non-Jews cannot do. Palestinian Arabs have no place in a “Jewish” state.

      Apartheid is a crime against humanity. Israel has deprived millions of Palestinians of their liberty and property. It has perpetuated a system of gross racial discrimination and inequality. It has systematically incarcerated and tortured thousands of Palestinians, contrary to the rules of international law. It has, in particular, waged a war against a civilian population, in particular children.

  32. Ash, the tactics now being employed, are a 'civilized' reinterpretation of those long utilized by the Zionists.

    You see, Ash, at least I find an adequate quote ... whether you and yours 'agree' that the context of it is 'fitting'. Not my concern.
    The reader can make that determination, as they see fit.

    That the Zionists are now providing quotes ... a stepping up of their game.
    They are now at least trying to validate their propaganda, where and when they can.

    Though mostly they are still quoting opinion pieces and trying to spin those opinions a factual realities.

    1. ... trying to spin those opinions as factual realities.

    2. One of your favorite tactics is to find a quote from someone, like "Israel is a sick society" and then use that as if it were some kind of truth because some person said it. Quite laughable really but if you think it is getting you somewhere have at it.

    3. When the President of any country, Ash, tells the world that his country is sick, morally lot, inhumane ...
      Why, Amigo, that is real news.

      When one of the principles in Israel/US relations tells you that Israel prefers al-Qeada to Alawites, Christians and Kurds in Syria ...
      Why, Amigo, that is real news.

      When the President of Israel says ...
      “I’m not asking if they’ve forgotten how to be Jews, but if they’ve forgotten how to be decent human beings.
      Have they forgotten how to converse?”

      - Reuven Rivlin, President of Israel

      Amigo, that's quotable and deserving of repeating.

      ... as does ...

      “It is time to honestly admit that Israeli society is ill – and it is our duty to treat this disease,”
      Rivlin told the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities on Sunday at a conference titled “From Xenophobia to Accepting the Other.”

      “The tension between Jews and Arabs within the State of Israel has risen to record heights, and the relationship between all parties has reached a new low,”
      he said.
      “We have all witnessed the shocking sequence of incidents and violence taking place by both sides.
      The epidemic of violence is not limited to one sector or another, it permeates every area and doesn’t skip any arena.
      There is violence in soccer stadiums as well as in the academia.
      There is violence in the social media and in everyday discourse, in hospitals and in schools.”

      - Reuven Rivlin, President of Israel

    4. The epidemic of violence is not limited to one sector or another,
      it permeates every area and doesn’t skip any arena.

      - Reuven Rivlin, President of Israel

    5. The key question is the identification of a regime that practices systematic oppression and domination by one group over another.

      How then does it apply to Israel?

      To answer that, we need to clarify another concept: Israel.

      Although usually seen as residing within its pre-1967 boundaries,
      the Israeli regime exercises control over Palestinians
      in the occupied territories of the West Bank and Gaza.

      For the past 46 years, all residents within greater Israel have lived under the same regime,
      which claims to be the sole legitimate political and military authority.

      The state controls the territory between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, ruling over eight million rights-bearing citizens
      (75% of whom are Jews) and four million Palestinian subjects denied civil and political rights.

      Millions of Palestinian refugees
      (who were born in the territory or whose direct ancestors were)
      cannot set foot in their homeland, let alone determine its political future as citizens.

      How is the notion of apartheid relevant to this reality?

      The Israeli regime is based on an ethnic-religious distinction between Jewish insiders and Palestinian outsiders.

      It expands citizenship beyond its territory, potentially to all Jews regardless of their links to the country, and contracts citizenship within it:

      Palestinians in the occupied territories and refugees outside have no citizenship and cannot become Israeli citizens.

      The regime combines different modes of rule:
      civilian authority with democratic institutions within the Green Line (the pre-1967 boundaries), and military authority beyond it.

      In times of crisis, the military mode of rule spills over the line to apply to Palestinian citizens in Israel.
      At all times, the civilian mode of rule spills over the line to apply to Jewish settlers.

      The distinction between the two sides of the line is constantly eroding as a result,
      and norms and practices developed under the occupation filter back into Israel.

      Israel as a "Jewish democratic state" is "democratic" for Jews and "Jewish" for Arabs.

  33. Ash is still peeved by the conclusions he comes to, after reading an entire cascade of referenced realities.
    Especially when the conclusions are not conducive to his preconceived position.

    “A truth that's told with bad intent
    Beats all the lies you can invent.”

    ― William Blake


    1. Not peeved at all as I don't read the shit.

      If you have an argument make it but just because somebody, *gasp* even somebody in a position of power, says something, it doesn't make it true.

    2. Your very denial is delusional, Ash.

    3. Evidencing your plainly miss stated statement.

      If you did not peruse, you would not reply.
      But you did, you do, and you will continue to.

      Or not. It makes no real difference.

    4. I scan and the first line referred to me directly so I read what you addressed to me. Hard concept for an old timer to grasp. It seems you suffer from the same affliction as Bob.

    5. Scan as you wish, reply or not ...

      That is your choice to make.

      I have absolutely nothing to do with your conclusions, choices and conduct.
      Those are all on you, Ash.

      I do not post 'for you' so whether or not 'you' read them, scan the first line or drive on by ... Makes no difference, to me.

    6. Works at doin' the best he can
      Attended Florida State University
      Lives in Greenback Valley, situated in the Sierra Ancha Mountains of Arizona.

      12 followers | 258,350 views

      One reader at a time ...

    7. WOW, 12 followers - you go girl!!

    8. Well, Ash, twelve is better than Mr Potato Head's ...
      On Blogger since March 2009
      Profile views - 448

      Must be why you disabled the e-mail and abandoned the effort.
      While the 258,350 views only slightly eclipses your own 448 views, since 2009.

    9. I would not doubt rat found some kind of program to boost view count...

  34. As far as Legionnaire Q's desire to think that rich kids that went to college, to Avoid the Draft were not Draft Dodgers...
    Just another WASP euphemism to soften his own self-delusion.

    1. In hind sight the smart ones were the ones who legally avoided going to Vietnam as opposed to those that fled the country or actually got sent over to that particular meat grinder.

    2. Little to do with intelligence, Ash, everything to do with opportunity.

      Back to Rufus's post about the racial and economic inequality of the 'Draft".
      Prima Facie and de facto discrimination.

      Culturally sheltered and protected by euphemism.

  35. AshMon Nov 10, 10:50:00 AM EST
    It makes you, allen, just like Jack.

    Try reading.
    “’I will never allow a single Israeli to live among us on Palestinian land,’ Abbas declared. Israel is home to a sizable proportion of Arab citizens, who have the vote and are represented by Arab parties in the Knesset.”
    Abbas: No Jews in Palestinian State
    “We have frankly said, and always will say: If there is an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, we won’t agree to the presence of one Israeli in it.”
    Abbas: Palestine will be Judenrein
    “’In a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli – civilian or soldier – on our lands,’ he told a group of reporters, most of them Egyptians, on Monday.”
    Abbas vows: No room for Israelis in Palestinian state
    “We have frankly said, and always will say: If there is an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, we won’t agree to the presence of one Israeli in it,” Abbas told reporters in Ramallah.
    Abbas wants 'not a single Israeli' in future Palestinian state
    "’In a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli - civilian or soldier - on our lands,’ Abbas said in a briefing to mostly Egyptian journalists.”
    No outcry at Abbas's racism?
    “Speaking in Cairo on July 28, Abbas gave his version of negotiations with Israel's former Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert. In the course of his remarks, Abbas made a statement so astonishing that I quote it in full, as reported by Wafa, the official Palestinian news agency: ‘I'm willing to agree to a third party that would supervise the agreement, such as Nato forces, but I would not agree to having Jews among the Nato forces, or that there will live among us even a single Israeli on Palestinian land.’"

  36. AshMon Nov 10, 10:50:00 AM EST
    We've been through this before allen and if you google the quote it is clear he was speaking with respect to the security situation post agreement. You and WiO love to moan about things "in context" yet on this issue you knowingly flog that one out of context which makes you a hypocrite.

    Try reading.
    “’I will never allow a single Israeli to live among us on Palestinian land,’ Abbas declared. Israel is home to a sizable proportion of Arab citizens, who have the vote and are represented by Arab parties in the Knesset.”
    Abbas: No Jews in Palestinian State
    “We have frankly said, and always will say: If there is an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, we won’t agree to the presence of one Israeli in it.”
    Abbas: Palestine will be Judenrein
    “’In a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli – civilian or soldier – on our lands,’ he told a group of reporters, most of them Egyptians, on Monday.”
    Abbas vows: No room for Israelis in Palestinian state
    “We have frankly said, and always will say: If there is an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, we won’t agree to the presence of one Israeli in it,” Abbas told reporters in Ramallah.
    Abbas wants 'not a single Israeli' in future Palestinian state
    "’In a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli - civilian or soldier - on our lands,’ Abbas said in a briefing to mostly Egyptian journalists.”
    No outcry at Abbas's racism?
    “Speaking in Cairo on July 28, Abbas gave his version of negotiations with Israel's former Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert. In the course of his remarks, Abbas made a statement so astonishing that I quote it in full, as reported by Wafa, the official Palestinian news agency: ‘I'm willing to agree to a third party that would supervise the agreement, such as Nato forces, but I would not agree to having Jews among the Nato forces, or that there will live among us even a single Israeli on Palestinian land.’"

    1. lordy, allen, it is you who have trouble understanding context. If you toss in the fact that Abbas is speaking in English which isn't his native tongue one would be even more inclined to believe he wasn't talking about ethnically cleansing any new Palestinian state.

      HERE, FROM THE JPOST with respect to the quote you love to cite:

      "He was commenting on unconfirmed reports suggesting that the PA leadership might agree to the presence of the IDF in the West Bank after the establishment of a Palestinian state."

      Personally I think you are purposefully misrepresenting what he had to say in order to further your propaganda goals. Remarkably like your pal Jack.

    2. He's been taking notes, Ash. Now the desk co-ordinator will be integrating the Rat Method into his training techniques for Bibi's Social Media Commandos.

      Upping the game ...
      But they're still "behind the curve'.


  37. Replies
    1. I crossed the border from the US into Canada Saturday night and they asked me all kinds of Ebola questions - do you have a fever, were you visiting anyone, were you visiting anyone that had been to West Africa ect.

  38. AshMon Nov 10, 03:28:00 PM EST
    lordy, allen, it is you who have trouble understanding context. If you toss in the fact that Abbas is speaking in English which isn't his native tongue one would be even more inclined to believe he wasn't talking about ethnically cleansing any new Palestinian state.

    Ash be clear.

    Are you suggesting that a new creation, a state called Palestine would welcome Jews living within it's borders? As full and equal citizens?

    1. Given their recent history of warfare I would doubt that but, not that long ago, there was quite a bit of interaction on a good level between the two people. It would be nice if the rest of the world encouraged a new Palestinian state to afford all citizens, Jews included, equal rights. It would be nicer still if the new Palestinian state did that as well. Current reality leads us back to my first sentence.

    2. P.s. Rufus, do you understand what between the river and the sea refers to?

    3. but, not that long ago, there was quite a bit of interaction on a good level between the two people.

      Sure, we were officially treated as 2nd class citizens, beaten, robbed, raped and murdered at will..

    4. Ash: yes, but why do you ask ME that question? I haven't been a part of this discussion.

    5. You interjected yourself into it. Why did ask? - because there is a big difference between clearing out folk living in what would be part of a Palestinian state, as WiO urged, for Israel, than not allowing Jews in the new Palestinian state.

      WiO, there was much more interaction between Israelis and Palestinians, say 30 years ago, than now. Heck they've even built a wall.
