Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Netanyahu, through the Israeli Firster Lobby trying to demolish Obama’s attempt at normalization of US interests with Iran - Israel plays and the US pays

Iran nuclear talks 'fail to close gaps'

Two days of talks between Iran and the West on Tehran's nuclear program have ended with no clear outcome. Just two weeks remain ahead of a deadline for an agreement acceptable to both sides.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (R) and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif (L) and EU envoy Catherine Ashton at the nuclear negotiations in Muscat November 10, 2014.
Source: Mehr
Iran, the United States and European Union on Monday ended two days of high-level talks aimed at settling a decade-long dispute on the scope of Tehran's nuclear program.
A senior Iranian official told Reuters news agency that little progress had been made at the discussions in the capital of Oman, Muscat.
"Still differences remain and still we have gaps over issues," the official said.
While the talks were still under way, the United States described them as "tough, direct and serious." State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in Washington that the US remained "very focused on making progress," adding that there was "still time to do so."
Two weeks remain before a November 24 deadline for an agreement that would curb Iran's nuclear program in return for the lifting of economic sanctions.
Last-ditch efforts
The meetings on Sunday and Monday were led by Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, US Secretary of State John Kerry and EU envoy Catherine Ashton (shown above).
Diplomats from Iran and the "P5 + 1" countries - the five UN veto powers Britain, China, France, Russia and the US plus Germany - were due to resume talks in Muscat on Tuesday.
There will then be a last bid to meet the deadline at further discussions in Vienna from November 18 to 24.
Western countries fear that Iran is using its nuclear program - which Tehran says is for purely peaceful purposes - to develop the means to build nuclear weapons. The current discussions aim to impose verifiable limits on Iran's uranium enrichment work in return for a gradual removal of the sanctions imposed on Tehran by the US, EU and UN Security Council.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, long the most vocal opponent of an international accord with the government in Tehran, warned against a hasty deal in a series of posts on his Twitter account.

Diplomats say stumbling blocks include agreeing on the size of Iran's enrichment program, the duration of any final accord and the speed at which sanctions would be phased out.
tj/msh (Reuters, AFP)



  1. VOA News
    Last updated on: November 10, 2014 7:03 AM

    U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton have begun a second day of talks in Oman as a deadline for a comprehensive nuclear agreement with Iran approaches.

    The extended discussions Monday are taking place after some of the participants originally had been scheduled to leave.

    Still far apart

    President Barack Obama said in a televised interview Sunday that the sides are still far apart in reaching a nuclear accord before the end-of-the-month deadline.

    “Are we going to be able to close this final gap so that they can re-enter the international community, sanctions can be slowly reduced, and we have verifiable lock-tight assurances that they can't develop a nuclear weapon?" Obama said. "There's still a big gap. We may not be able to get there.”

    The meeting in Oman is the Obama administration's best chance to push forward a nuclear deal with Iran before skeptical Republicans take control the U.S. Congress next year.

    Speaking before departing Beijing on Saturday, Kerry also said there are "real gaps" in talks to reach an agreement with Iran on its nuclear program. He also stressed that the nuclear negotiations are separate from other issues, including possible cooperation with Iran in the fight against Islamic State.

    Western sanctions

    Zarif, who also spoke ahead of Sunday's meeting, says sanctions imposed by the West will not provide a solution to the standoff over Iran's nuclear program.

    "It is important for the West to understand that sanctions have never contributed to the resolution of this issue, sanctions are not a part of a solution, sanctions are the most important part of the problem, they're illegal in nature, they must be removed, they have not produced any positive result," Zarif said. "The only thing that sanctions have produced for the West are about 19,000 centrifuges."

    Zarif said the disagreements that remain are how much uranium Iran can enrich and how the sanctions should be lifted.

    President Obama said recently the U.S. and other members of the P5 plus 1 (Britain, China, France, Russia, the United States and Germany), have given Iran a framework for a nuclear agreement.

    He calls the framework a step-by-step verifiable way for Iran to get out from under crippling sanctions and rejoin the international community. But the president called it an "open question" whether the Iranian leadership will do what is best.

    The P5 plus 1(the permanent U.N. Security Council members and Germany) wants Iran to curb its uranium enrichment abilities to keep it from being able to build a nuclear bomb. In exchange, the U.N. would lift economic sanctions.

    Iran has consistently denied wanting to build nuclear weapons.

  2. Baku, Azerbaijan, Nov. 11


    The delegations of Iran and Russia held a bilateral meeting before the nuclear talks of Iran and the P5+1 group in Oman's capital, an Iranian source familiar with the negotiations told TASS.

    "The sides discussed various aspects of the negotiation process,” the source said. “As of today, all delegations plan to conduct several meetings in various formats."

    The Russian delegation is headed by Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov.

    The meeting of Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif and EU coordinator Catherine Ashton will begin after 11:00 IRST (UTC/GMT +3:30 hours).

    Iran and P5+1 (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council comprising of China, France, Russia, Britain, the US Plus Germany) sealed an interim deal in Geneva on November 24, 2013 to pave the way for the full resolution of the West’s decade-old dispute with Iran over the country’s nuclear energy program.

    The Geneva deal took effect on January 20 and expired on July 20. However the two sides agreed to extend their talks for four months till Nov. 24 to reach a permanent deal on Iran's disputed nuclear program.

    In exchange for Iran agreeing to limit certain aspects of its nuclear activities, the US and its allies agreed to lift some of the existing sanctions against Tehran.

    Iran and P5+1 are negotiating to reach a comprehensive nuclear agreement until Nov.24.

    Zarif said on Nov.9 before leaving Tehran that the talks in Oman will focus on disputes between the two parties, mainly about uranium enrichment and lifting of sanctions as well as the duration of comprehensive agreement.

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  3. Oil is a sector particularly prone to conspiracy theory, and the recent surprise plunge in prices hasn’t disappointed on that front.

    Even the editorial pages of The New York Times hosted a nefarious-plot theory, offered by Thomas Friedman. In a recent column the former Middle East correspondent asked: "Is it just my imagination or is there a global oil war underway pitting the United States and Saudi Arabia on one side against Russia and Iran on the other?"

    He then went on to answer his question in the affirmative, arguing that the Saudi-US alliance is trying to "pump to death" political foes Iran and Russia, whose fiscal budgets heavily rely on oil revenues.

    We have since learned that President Obama secretly reached out to Iran's president in the fight against ISIS, as the group was formerly called, so it is possible that Friedman got a call from the Department of State that began with the words, "Listen up, you bozo…"

    But this narrative also has big currency in Russia, with Pravda newspaper headlines such as: "Obama Wants Saudi Arabia to Destroy Our Economy."

    As the producer with the most excess capacity, Saudi Arabia has long been the swing factor in this market, raising production to cool price bubbles, and cutting output to support the market when prices are crashing.

    After oil prices began tanking in the late summer, the country was expected to reduce production as per usual. But instead, last month Riyadh announced that it will focus on "maintaining market share" rather than cutting supply to support price.

    A political explanation is very tempting. But there are a number of economic motivations that could also rationally explain the new Saudi business strategy.

    Most obviously, the US is not just an extremely awkward political ally for Saudi Arabia. It has also traditionally been a huge gas-guzzling customer for the kingdom's crude but now, thanks to the "shale revolution," is a major competitor.

    One tactic to deal with such a competitive threat is to push prices to where the shale producers - who have a higher cost base than the Saudis - are forced to retreat. The Saudis have not been able to employ this tactic as yet, because so many supply and political factors were keeping oil prices well above shale production costs.

    But in recent months global oil supply surprised on the upside, and demand on the downside. With prices down some 25 per cent since June, to below US$80 a barrel last week, some believe the Saudis have seized on this chance to put a squeeze on the shale cowboys.

    A simple and elegant explanation, and one making the rounds in Texas these days.

    But according to Goldman Sachs, it's too late to play that game. The reality is thus more complex.


  4. {...}

    "We believe that once shale production exceeded Saudi's spare production capacity, Saudi lost the ability to derail the economics of shale extraction," Goldman wrote in a research report headlined by Damien Courvalin.

    The large US capacity means Saudi Arabia is no longer an effective monopolist who can swing prices, but has been downgraded to "dominant firm" status, the report said. Economic theory would suggest Riyadh should now focus more on market share, and less on prices - which is exactly what has happened.

    "This shift in behaviour, while unexpected, is consistent with the economics of 'dominant firm/competitive fringe' market structure once it became apparent that shale oil production is sustainable," according to the bank.

    If the Saudis cut now to support prices, the Americans could go for the jugular, ramping up their production. The Arabian Peninsula would end up with nothing more than lost revenues.

    The best remaining strategy for the Saudis is to force the Americans to become the new supplier of the swing barrel.

    Of course, it is possible that such a complex plot might also serve to conveniently distract clients from the fact that Goldman, like basically every other bank, did not predict this fallout in oil prices.

    But enough of conspiracy theory. The "dominant firm/competitive fringe" narrative is very compelling one, and too important to ignore.

    Because if true, the implications are huge. It would mean this jolting drop in prices isn't a blip; frequent price wars between the world's two biggest oil producers could become a built-in feature of the global oil landscape.

    This article appeared in the South China Morning Post print edition as The plot thickens

  5. Interesting.

    (how's that for a profound comment?)

    I paid $2.94 today.

    1. Those in the 'know' realize all this is being manipulated by Lester Crown.

    2. Sounds just like the equivocation one wold expect from a moral coward, an ethical vacuum, a Draft Dodger

    3. That would be Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

      The piece of shit that would send others to do what he refused to do, defend US interests.

    4. The above personal attack on Robert Peterson should be deleted.

      It is against Blogger standards.

      Deuce, it's time for you to put a stop to this specific slander.


  6. Crude Economics
    Plunging Oil Prices Are a Boon for U.S. Economy

    The price of oil has plummeted since June, and Barclays analysis suggest that’s a net positive for the U.S. economy. The WSJ reports:

    Lower prices mean U.S. consumers and businesses will spend less on oil. While the U.S. imports less oil than it did, it is still a net importer oil. That means a lot of the money that would have otherwise gone overseas will be spent instead on U.S.-produced goods and services.

    Barclays chief U.S. equity strategist Jonathan Glionna estimates that a 20% decline in gas prices results in approximately $70 billion of consumer savings.

    Of course, the big caveat here is the potential effect a low oil price might have on the American shale boom. Booming U.S. crude production is one of the reasons oil prices continue to fall, as it contributes to a global oversupply. But fracking can be expensive, and if crude continues to tumble, some shale plays will cease to be profitable.

    For now, the majority of shale production looks safe from the bear market, though that could certainly change. In the meantime, the world’s petrostates, which require a much higher price of oil just to balance their national budgets, are feeling the pinch, while American oil continues to flow and the U.S. economy reaps the benefits. As in the Goldilocks fable, it’s not high enough to fill Putin’s coffers or constrain economic growth, not low enough to seriously impact the shale revolution, but seems to be just right, at least for now.


    A good portion of the Democratic Party are opposed to shale and fracking on idiotic environmental grounds.

    Just another reason people don't trust the Democrats any longer.

    1. The available bank of corn ethanol RINs was estimated at 2.1 billion gallons after the drawdown for 2012 RFS compliance purposes, while the total supply of all banked RIN classifications (including biomass-based diesel and advanced biofuels) was estimated at 2.7 billion gallons.
      A good portion of the Republican Party are opposed to ethanol on idiotic engineering grounds.

      Just another reason people don't trust the Republicans any longer.

  7. U.N. Syria envoy says Damascus gave positive signals on local truce push

    (Reuters) - The United Nations peace envoy to Syria said on Tuesday that Syrian officials had given him positive signals over a U.N. proposal for a local truce in the northern city of Aleppo, a main battleground in Syria's three-year-old war.

    Speaking in a televised news conference in Damascus after meeting President Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian foreign minister, envoy Staffan de Mistura said the government's initial response to the proposal "was of interest and constructive interest".

    Assad had also been quoted on Monday as saying the proposal was worth studying.
    Control of Aleppo is divided between an array of rebel and pro-government forces. Neither side has managed to take a decisive advantage in more than two years of fighting.

    In an interview with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), de Mistura said a common threat posed by the Islamic State militant group may help push government and rebel forces toward local truces.

    De Mistura told the BBC that Islamic State was "destabilizing everybody".

    Asked what incentive rebel and government fighters may have to accept local truces, de Mistura said: "There is one major new factor. What is that called? Daesh. ISIS. Terrorism."

    Islamic State is also known as ISIS and the Arabic acronym 'Daesh,' which its members consider derogatory.

    Looks as if the Israeli preference is getting ever further from taking power in Syria.
    al-Qeada operatives are losing, the Israeli are in a funk

  8. The war criminal from Central America is up and at 'em !

    Rat does have an odd glimmer of self consciousness.

    He knows he is a professional asshole, as he said of himself.

    This is a beginning, if it could be built upon.........

    Happy Veterans Day to all the true Vets.

    Cheers !

    Out for the day, we are driving to Missoula...........

    Keep a lid on the Crapper........

    1. So now we have the Draft Dodger, Robert Peterson, claiming Ronald Wilson Reagan and the US Government were guilty of "War Crimes" in Central America...

      Without an iota of evidence for his claims ...

      Such derogatory sentiment towards the US ... once a coward, always a coward.

  9. The "Republicans" are trying to give the President even more authority

    Republicans to Obama: We Will Give You Trade Promotion Authority

    “I’ve got a lot of members who believe that international trade agreements are a winner for America and the president and I discussed that right before I came over here,” said Senator McConnell, who among other Republicans, shares Obama’s vision about the “trade” partnerships. “I think he’s interested in moving forward. I said, ‘Send us trade agreements; we’re anxious to look at them.’”
    Congressman Alan Grayson (D-Fla.), one of the few members of Congress given limited access to the TPP negotiation documents, told the Huffington Post, “Having seen what I've seen, I would characterize this as a gross abrogation of American sovereignty.”
    Ever since 1974, fast track authority has given trade agreements expedited treatment, limiting debate and prohibiting amendments thereto. At the time it was felt that foreign nations would not want to enter trade negotiations with the United States if they would be subject to protracted debate and amendments by Congress after the president had already signed them, hence the reasoning behind the creation of fast track authority.

    1. Historically, conservative Republicans have been wary of these so-called free trade agreements. In 1949, when the 81st Congress debated approving extension of RTAA, as requested by President Harry Truman, Senator George “Molly” Malone (R-Nev.) passionately led the charge against its renewal, shouting across the Senate floor:
      “We are importing unemployment!”

      Malone’s good friend and colleague Senator Robert Taft (R-Ohio) agreed.
      “The issue is whether we believe in free trade or we don't,” Taft said.
      “I do not believe in free trade. I agree that the whole world would be better off on the average. But the U.S. would be worse off. We would average down, as the others average up.”

      This modern free trade agenda is not “free trade” in the classical Adam Smith sense of the term, whereby merchants engage in commerce with individuals and other merchants across foreign borders and seas without the interference of government.
      Instead, what is today called “free trade” is nothing more than trade determined by the state: trade that is designed to break down borders and erode sovereignty in order to foster world government.

    2. Just another reason people don't trust the Republicans any longer.

  10. Some here clam that India is 'just like US' and tht the US should sign onto "Mutual Defense Treaty" with India.

    NEW DELHI - Eight women have died and dozens more are hospitalized after surgical sterilizations at a government-run “health camp” in India, where women and health workers are often compensated for sterilizations in an effort to control population ...

    1. Local media in India reported 83 women volunteered to have sterilisation surgery at a family planning camp organised in the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh over the weekend.

      Authorities in Chhattisgarh said that many of the more than 80 women who had the sterilisation surgery fell ill shortly afterwards.

      Local media said one doctor and an assistant carried out the surgeries in less than five hours.

      Locals said the hospital was dirty and medicines were out of date.

      The regions chief medical officer R.K. Bange said there was no negligence on behalf of the doctor but the incident will be investigated.

      "As of now, the government has not found any evidence of negligence,"
      Mr Bhange said.


    2. Jack, has an opinion on every topic...

      Worth it's wait...

      that would be 1/23,000,000 sec google search

  11. Making a bad deal with Iran is a bad deal.

    Appeasement with a fanatical regime will not lead to "peace in our time".

    IF you think that Israel is the problem and Iran is the solution?

    I am sorry, you are deluded.

    1. Who ever said that
      "...Iran is the solution?"

      You are arguing with a False Flag

      Debating a point that only you and the other Israeli have brought forward.
      No one else.

    2. But Jack you are incapable of "debate"

      You are the blog's troll....

      No one takes you serious.

      You are a joke.

      A bigot.

      A buffoon.

  12. Like many Americans and many Jews, I grew up with a positive view of Israel as a peace-seeking democracy. Israel symbolized to me the one protection that Jews had against the type of persecution that had plagued families like mine throughout history. I saw the Jewish state as a tiny and victimized country that simply wanted to live in peace but couldn’t because of its aggressive, Jew-hating Arab neighbors.

    In 2003, during a backpacking trip through the Middle East, I began to meet Palestinian refugees from 1948. I didn’t know who the Palestinians were, or where Palestine was, and through my new acquaintances I began to hear a narrative about the history and present of Israel/Palestine that was entirely different from the one I had learned growing up in the United States.

    My first reaction was disbelief, and anger. Families told me stories of past and present military attacks, house demolitions, land confiscation, imprisonment without trial, and torture. It seemed that these actions were not carried out for the protection of Jewish people, but rather for the creation and expansion of a Jewish state at the expense of the rights, lives, and dignity of the non-Jewish people living in the region. It was hard for me to believe that Israel could act so unjustly.

    Not believing what I heard, I decided to do some research to prove myself right. Immediately, I was shocked to find how much I didn’t know about the situation on the ground. Not knowing who or what to believe anymore, I decided to go to see the situation with my own eyes. Since I returned, I’ve dedicated my life to informing fellow Americans and others about what I found, and what they can do to support a just peace for all peoples in Israel/Palestine.

    Anna Baltzer is a Jewish-American Columbia graduate, former-Fulbright scholar, the granddaughter of Holocaust refugees


    1. Why US and Israel wants to ban this video...


      And because Anna is Jewish it is difficult for Israeli stooges to claim antisemitism

    2. There are plenty of "self hating Jews".

      Just because someone is Jewish, went to Columbia and a grandchild of Holocaust survivors doesn't mean they cannot be self hating or deranged.

      The better question?

      Where are the palestinains that are seeking justice and peace for the Jews of the arab occupied world?


    3. Jewish Hospital a Fixture in Tehran - NYTimes.com

      TEHRAN — Sitting in his office at Tehran’s only Jewish hospital, Ciamak Morsadegh lit another cigarette and reminisced about how his wife left Iran for the United States after he insisted on staying.

      Dr. Morsadegh, the director of the Dr. Sapir Hospital and Charity Center here, said that unlike thousands of other Jews he has never thought about leaving the Islamic Republic, for the simple reason that Iran is his home.

      “I speak English, I pray in Hebrew, but I think in Persian,” said Dr. Morsadegh, a surgeon who is also a member of Parliament. “I am Iranian. Iranian-Jewish.”

      Many were surprised last week when the government of President Hassan Rouhani donated $400,000 to the Dr. Sapir Hospital, but Dr. Morsadegh was not among them.

      “We Jews are a part of Iran’s history,” he said. “What is important is that Mr. Rouhani makes big news out of supporting us. He is showing that we, as a religious minority, are part of this country, too.”


  13. And Iran is going to normalize relations with America?

    Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, stated on Wednesday that the only solution for the region is the destruction of Israel, and that the armed confrontation must expand beyond Gaza.

    Meanwhile, revolutionary guards announced new missiles which could destroy Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system.

    Fars News Agency, a media outlet run by the Iranian state, reported today that Khamenei addressed the conflict in Gaza in a meeting with Iranian college students.

    “These crimes which are beyond imagination and show the true nature of the wolfish and child killer regime, which the only solution is its destruction,” the ayatollah declared to his audience. “However, until that time, the expansion of the armed resistance of the Palestinians of the West Bank is the only way to confront this wild regime.”

    Khamenei then criticized America, claiming its defense of Israel is “shameful,” and suggested that its support affects Iran’s behavior towards America.

    “The anti-American and anti-West view in Iran is a logical view based on experience and a righteous calculation,” he said.



  14. Those that continue to conflate Israel with Judaism just put on public display that they are propagandists and not truth tellers.

    1. Spoken like the Jew hating, Israel bashing, zionism trashing piece of shit you are....

      The readers understand who and what you are Jack.

      Give it up...

      You drove them away..

      But your continued nonsense just puts a stink on the place.

      Oh my bad, you like the smell of shit.

    2. The propagandist for the Apartheid regime in "Occupied Palestine" just continues to spout his shit.
      The lie that Israel represents Judaism has become worn out, "O"rdure.

      Jews around the world are speaking up, denying the Zionist propaganda, labeling it for what it is ...
      A Lie

    3. Israel is.

      Israel is the homeland for the Jewish people.

      Don't like reality?

      who cares?

  15. Rabbi Weiss - Zionists have hijacked the Jewish religion

    Zionists have hijacked Judaism


  16. Nowadays the deliberate blurring of the distinction between Zionism and Judaism, which includes a rewriting of ancient as well as modern history, is exploited to stifle any criticism of Israel's policies and actions, however extreme and inhuman they may be. This, incidentally, also plays directly into anti-Semitic prejudices by equating Israeli arrogance, brutality and complete denial of basic human rights to non-Jews with general Jewish characteristics.

    Zionism has now assumed the all-embracing mantle of righteousness. It claims to represent and to speak for all Jews and has adopted the slogan of "my country right or wrong."

    Hanna Braun, London, September 2001

    Hanna Braun is a retired lecturer, living in London. She is a former Israeli, having emigrated to Palestine as a child in 1937 to escape Nazi Germany -- her grandmother later died in the Terezin ghetto. She was in the Haganah in 1948 but left Israel in 1958 for Britain, after having become disillusioned with the Israeli government. She is a signatory of The RETURN Statement Against the Israeli Law of Return - For the Palestinian Right to Return

  17. AshMon Nov 10, 03:28:00 PM EST
    Personally I think you are purposefully misrepresenting what he had to say in order to further your propaganda goals. Remarkably like your pal Jack.

    I posted a few links of what the man has had to say over a four year period. There was no effort on my part to interpret. I let him speak for himself. That what he has consistently said does not jibe with your agitprop is not my problem. Like you, he is an anti-Semite. I can live with that. Why can’t you?

    1. Abbas has made it absolutely clear.


    2. But if we suggest deporting arabs from israel that are arrested for rioting?

      ethnic cleansing...

      899/900 of the middle east has been cleansed of Jews.

      Ash is silent.

    3. WiO,

      I am sure he meant "Zionist" or some such. Otherwise, we would have to consider "ethnic cleansing" as the typical Muslim go- to position, and only Jews do that, despite having about 1.7 million non-Jews residing in Israel. Fiddle-dee-dee! It's just too complex for the likes of you or me. This is a big-brain issue.

    4. WiO wrote:

      "But if we suggest deporting arabs from israel that are arrested for rioting?

      ethnic cleansing.."

      That isn't what you suggested and that isn't what I objected to. What you said was that if Israel had the balls it would send every Arab from the River to the Sea to a small island in the pacific. That would be ethnic cleansing.

      What you propose now is that an Arab arrested for rioting in Israel should be deported while not deporting a Jew arrested for rioting in Israel. That is also despicable. I don't think that would be classed as ethnic cleansing, though it could, it certainly would be discrimination.

  18. Jack HawkinsTue Nov 11, 08:47:00 AM EST
    Debating a point that only you and the other Israeli have brought forward.
    No one else.

    Will you rewrite this in standard English? I'm thinking about "subject - predicate".

    1. No, there will be no 'rewrites', desk co-ordinator.

    2. Your 'thoughts' are not important.
      Your writing skills, lacking in persuasiveness.

      The fact the you are writing about what "Jack" writes, provides illustration that what "Jack" writes is thought provoking and driving the discussion.

    3. Take that to the bank...

      Jack, the provoker of thoughts....

      Jack, what you do for us? Is remind is to keep our weapons at the ready. Because there is real scum, like you, in the world.

      Jack you are the "alarm clock" that teaches all reasonable people to arm up.

      You personify evil.

    4. By the bye, desk co-ordinator ...
      The quotes should be italicized ...

      That is the Standard, and you do seem to be hung up on Standards and Process.
      So, get with the program, will you please.

    5. Sorry Jack, I don't jump to your requests.

      With you? There are no standards.

      You make it up as you go....

      One day you demand hyperlinks and an hour later you don't use them.

      One day you demand timestamps and the next post you don't use them.

      You are consistent in your inconsistency.

      So no, no quotes for you..

      However your usage of "By the bye"? (not a quote)

      Is redundant.

      You started a new post and that very action is enough to change the subject. The words "By the bye" should be used after a different point was being made.

      You really don't KNOW English well at all do you?

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. http://news.yahoo.com/hamas-trying-destroy-palestinian-unity-says-abbas-112457367.html
    Hamas trying 'to destroy' Palestinian unity: Abbas

    "'Those who caused the explosions in Gaza are the leaders of Hamas -- they are responsible,' Abbas said in the West Bank city of Ramallah, accusing the rival faction of trying 'to sabotage and destroy the Palestinian national project.'"

    So ... Who will negotiate with Israel?

    "The Palestinians 'will defend Al-Aqsa and the churches against the settlers and extremists,' he pledged..."

    What "churches" are threatened by "settlers and extremists"?

    1. What was quoted from Yahoo and what was the desk co-ordinator's opinion?

      Without identifying the quotes, the contribution is flawed, a travesty of disinformation.
      Typical of Zionist propaganda and agitprop.

      If you cannot meet the basic "Standard" of blogging you should stay on the porch, allen.
      Don't try to run with the Big Dogs, allen, especially if you are intellectually handicapped.

      Which is indicated by your lack of meeting the "Basic Standard".

    2. Don't put up logical facts Allen, it confuses Ash & Rat and others...

      Of Course Settlers and Extremist Jews have destroyed all the Historic Churches and Mosques in Israel.

      I hear tell that the Bhai are pissed that the Jews sprayed Roundup with crop dusters too on their gardens..

      Will the Zionazis ever stop?

      Did you hear that the Tunnel at the Western Wall (at ground level) now has an additional tunnel UNDER the Temple Mount where the Jews installed a Kosher KFC?

      You can get Extra Crispy or Spicy KOSHER prepared KFC UNDER the Temple Mount now!!!!!!

    3. The Zionists have not presented a single fact ...
      Not a one.

      As to confusion, it reigns in the Zionist camp.
      The results of their tactics are falling far short of their expectations ...

      They have fallen way back, now attempting to 'copy edit'.

      It is the funniest thing they have tried, to date.
      It will be of little consequence. As allen writes, there is no confusion of the side of the truth.

      “No man in the wrong can stand up against a fellow that's in the right and keeps on a-comin'.”
      ― Captain Bill McDonald Texas Ranger

    4. "If you have the facts on your side, pound the facts.
      If you have the law on your side, pound the law.
      If you have neither on your side, pound the table."

      The Zionists are pounding process, like typical Socialists.
      They have no facts, no law, no standing ...

      So they pound sand.

    5. Jack HawkinsTue Nov 11, 10:59:00 AM EST
      The Zionists have not presented a single fact ...
      Not a one.

      That statement, says it all.

      Here is a FACT

      Israel IS

      Here is another: Israel is the Nation State of the Jewish People.

      And another: The Jewish People, collectively, have a right to their national homeland in the lands from the river to the sea.

      Want another? The Jewish People have lived on these lands for over 3000 years.

      Here's is another fact: There has NEVER been a nation called Palestine. EVER.

      And another fact. There STILL is not a NATION called Palestine.

      Want another FACT?

      Your statement is a lie.

    6. I say again, Stolen Valor, what "churches" are threatened.

    7. allen,

      I looked through that article you linked I could not find any mention of churches or the quote you put up:

      ""The Palestinians 'will defend Al-Aqsa and the churches against the settlers and extremists,' he pledged..."

      to which you asked:

      What "churches" are threatened by "settlers and extremists"?"

      Where did that quote come from?

  21. Kurds 'recapture' areas of Kobani from ISIS

    BEIRUT: Kurds battling ISIS in Kobani were making advances in the flashpoint Syrian town on the border with Turkey, local officials and an activist group said.

    Top Kurdish officials told AFP their fighters were advancing "street by street" and voiced confidence that ISIS would soon be ejected from the town.

    The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based activist group, said the latest advances were mainly in the south of the besieged town.

    "The (Kurdish) People's Protection Units (YPG) recaptured streets and buildings in the south of Kobani, after a fierce battle against ISIS that began yesterday (Monday) evening," the Observatory said.

    Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2014/Nov-11/277224-syria-kurds-recapture-areas-of-kobani-from-isis.ashx#ixzz3Im6C5Hev

  22. Well, let's see: The U.S. is "ebola-free," and the ISIS is stalling out.

    Gas prices, and unemployment, along with the deficit, are plunging, and the Stock Market is Roaring.

    Interest rates are low, and inflation is virtually non-existent.

    I'm telling you, that Kenyan, commie sonofabitch is going to be the death of us all. :)

    1. The Iraqis are in the process of retaking Baji, which gives them a jumping-off point for Tikrit,

      and they've blunted ISIL's much-ballyhooed counterattack at Amerijah al Falluja, (this probably means the taking of Fallujah, sometime after the 1st of the year.

      All done with a little "help from above" by the U.S. and friends, of course.

    2. Great Cheerleading Rufus.

      I guess nothing we could point out would change your position?

    3. Point out the "Non-fact", and I'll remove it.

    4. Its not that you cheer lead wrong points you ignore those points that distract.

      Example what is the national debt today, verses 6 years ago?

      How much money has been printed in Quantitative easing?

      The much celebrated price for gasoline now contains 10% ethanol

      ANd diesel which drives the much of the trucks, buses and trains is still close to 3.90 a gallon.

      I could go on...

    5. Well, let's see: The U.S. is "ebola-free,"

      The crisis is far from over and now thousands of Americans are directly in contact with the illness. Obama has asked for 6 billion to fight it. and the predictions are that a million will be dead by january.

      > and the ISIS is stalling out.

      Maybe but what CAUSED Isis is still murdering thousands and thousands by barrel bombs, raping, torturing Sunnis, Iran has helped take over Yemen and Syria's assad is still butchering..

      Selective assessments…

      unemployment, along with the deficit, are plunging,

      The numbers of folks who lost good paying jobs is off the charts. No one talks about how the Unemployment rate calculations are no longer counted the way they were 6 years ago..

      > and the Stock Market is Roaring

      Because quantitative easing destroyed the ability to get a decent SAFE return on a CD.

      The Market is 30 companies being pumped up by QE printing. If you can't see a bubble? well I'd say you were IGNORING basics..

    6. A million dead by January? really?? Who's making that prediction?

    7. .

      (this probably means the taking of Fallujah, sometime after the 1st of the year.


      Is this what is called an open-ended prognostication?


  23. Jack HawkinsTue Nov 11, 07:52:00 AM EST
    That would be Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

    The piece of shit that would send others to do what he refused to do, defend US interests.

    What is "Occupation"Tue Nov 11, 12:17:00 PM EST
    The above personal attack on Robert Peterson should be deleted.

    It is against Blogger standards.

    Deuce, it's time for you to put a stop to this specific slander.

    1. "O"rdure, you got nothin' left, may as well go pay for some sex ...

      It is merely quoting Robert, he made the statement on 22 June 2014.

      Like it, or not.
      Not at all as vile as accusations of murder and war crimes.


    2. Once more, it is impossible to tell where the quote ends and the hyperbole from "O"rdure begins.

      He just cannot get HTML coding published two threads in a row.
      His knowledge and skill set, just not there ...

      Bibi's Social Media Commando is surely lacking in qualified personnel.

    3. I merely repeated your own claims of killings of folks in Central America before you became a coward and deleted them.

      We all KNOW who you are…

      And the fact you cannot remember the Unit you claimed to serve in speaks volumes. Ollie North doesn't KNOW you.

      So one must presume you are another one of those "STOLEN VALOR" creeps…

      A fine wish of thanks to those that actually SERVED in the United States Armed forces. And to those who paid the ultimate price for their service.

      Not to worry, Jack you get no thanks.

      To my departed Father THANKS, to my cousins and uncles? Thanks. To my Uncle who died in active service in Vietnam?


      And to the thousands of our nation's best, a heart felt thanks.

      To your service and to your sacrifice.

    4. "blogger standards"? Are those standards written down somewhere?

    5. ash, yes Blogger has a code of conduct.

      outing people's real names and addresses can get the blog shut down

    6. https://support.google.com/blogger/answer/76315?hl=en&ref_topic=3339302

  24. It is interesting to watch and see how the Zionists will attempt any and all distraction, to obscure the key point

    Zionism has hijacked Judaism.
    Zionism cannot be conflated with Judaism.

    To make the conflation is to knowingly lie

    1. Jack HawkinsTue Nov 11, 12:47:00 PM EST
      "O"rdure, you got nothin' left, may as well go pay for some sex ...

      Unlike you? I have a wife.

      Unlike you? I have children I have raised.

      Unlike you? I don't pretend to be a soldier of valor.

      Unlike you? I stand AGAINST TERRORISTS Like Hamas

      Unlike you? I stand with Israel

    2. OH, and unlike you?

      I don't PAY for sex.

      Unless you consider supporting a wife "paying" for it.

      Then in that case, neither do you as you never supported your WIFE or child…

      You are a coward.

      The very opposite of what a real man is.

    3. Zionist Israel cannot be conflated with Judaism

      To make the conflation is to knowingly lie


    4. No Jack, you are on the wrong side of truth.

      We all know it…

      No matter if your Iranian and Holocaust deny Palestinian buddies agree with you….

      You stand with bullshit and nonsense.

      and Israel IS the Nation State for the Jewish People.

      To suggest that Israel and the Zionist movement is not part of Judaism? Is a lie.

      TO be a ZIONIST?

      Is to embrace ZION.

      The land of Israel.

      Once again.

      You distort and lie.

  25. Jack HawkinsTue Nov 11, 07:52:00 AM EST
    That would be Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

    The piece of shit that would send others to do what he refused to do, defend US interests.

    What is "Occupation"Tue Nov 11, 12:17:00 PM EST
    The above personal attack on Robert Peterson should be deleted.

    It is against Blogger standards.

    Deuce, it's time for you to put a stop to this specific slander.

    1. He dishonors the day; he of stolen valor.

    2. we'll deuce has made it clear, he will not be our cleaning lady.

      So in an attempt at fair play…

      I will go back to calling Jack/Rat a killer of civilians and a war crimes violator.

      He did confess to us.

      About his "kills".

      Innocents killed in the jungles of Central America. But as he bragged, he was never CONVICTED of his alleged crimes. SO he bragged he is INNOCENT

      Allen do you LIKE the HTML?

      I can DO IT all day….

      Rat is a self confessed criminal

    3. You have lied, you do lie, so you can continue to.

      “His own chocolate center has filled up with poison,
      the roses he gave her all twisted black”

      ― Terra Elan McVoy


    4. ... I can DO IT all day….

      By What is "Occupation"Tue Nov 11, 05:47:00 PM EST

      "O"rdure proved to be unable to type the HTML code that would italicize the quote of Ash.

      He is empty bluster, our little "O"rdure

    5. cut and paste., the cowboy of the blog...


  26. "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones"

  27. You all want to engage each other with dirt and rubbish, I am not your cleaning lady.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson made the announcement he was a Draft Dodger, back on 22June2014.
      He told us he was Robert Peterson in a post on ...
      Robert PetersonSun Jul 13, 02:44:00 PM EDT

      Robert Peterson is a Draft dodger
      He used the name Robert Peterson on this very blog on 13Jul2014.

      Now if you can find and post the timestamped copies of those alleged admissions and confessions of desert rat ...
      ... we'll be even.

      But you cannot, because they never were made in the first place.

      As for your desk co-ordinator doing your typing ....
      Let's see if you can keep up the pace ...


    3. Deuce! you cleaned the blog of my posts, so you CAN do it...

      now do it for someone else.

    4. desert rat is a self confessed war criminal.

      WiO and I READ what he said.

      We KNOW what he said.

      Perhaps he was lying, in which case he is a liar.

      He can be both, a war criminal and a liar.

      We know he is a liar.

  28. You have deleted my posts that called Rat a killer and that was not even using his real name….

    So you do delete posts…

    Why not set a standard on that SPECIFIC topic?

    It's easy if you try.

    Didn't ask for you to be the blog's cleaning lady….

    Just on that specific topic.

    1. If you can't take the heat, leave the kitchen.


    2. I can take the heat, how will you take the heat when you are locked up for your crimes against the civilians of Central America?

      Murder has no statue of limitations.

  29. AshTue Nov 11, 02:32:00 PM EST
    A million dead by January? really?? Who's making that prediction?


    Ebola cases estimated to hit 1.4 million by mid-January
    By The Associated Press, Greta Kreuz September 23, 2014 - 02:17 pm

    Read more: http://www.wjla.com/articles/2014/09/cdc-ebola-cases-could-hit-1-4-million-by-mid-january-107421.html#ixzz3InqXHDVD
    Follow us: @ABC7News on Twitter | WJLATV on Facebook

    1. Already forgot how to italicize the quotes, you are falling behind "O"rdure.

      Cannot keep the pace.
      Because you cannot walk the talk.

      Go get your desk co-ordinator ...

    2. Love the way you cannot ADD to the conversation.

      Very telling.

    3. Jack hasn't actually added anything to the conversation in years.


  30. Iraqi forces reclaim Beiji from ISIS

    Iraqi soldiers battling ISIS militants have recaptured most of the town of Beiji, home to the country's largest oil refinery.

    The strategic town, which is situated 155 miles north of Baghdad, is now likely to become the base for a future push to take back Saddam Hussein's hometown.

    There was no word on the fate of the refinery, which lies on Beiji's northern outskirts, today but the advances in the town could help break the five-month siege of the facility by Islamic State fighters.

  31. What is "Occupation"Tue Nov 11, 05:38:00 PM EST
    Allen do you LIKE the HTML?


  32. The "Best" of the day ...

    AshTue Nov 11, 02:30:00 PM EST


    I looked through that article you linked I could not find any mention of churches or the quote you put up:

    ""The Palestinians 'will defend Al-Aqsa and the churches against the settlers and extremists,' he pledged..."

    to which you asked:

    What "churches" are threatened by "settlers and extremists"?"

    Where did that quote come from?

    Of course the response by allen ...

    A lot like the "Quote"

  33. allen, busted fabricating lies

    Typical of Israeli ... at least here at the Elephant Bar.
    It is their stock in trade.

    Moving from taking a quote and using it, to fabrications
    A lot like the False Flags the Zionists are famous for flying ...

    Zionists murder civilians, Jewish refugees in a False Flag operation

    On Nov. 25, 1940, a boat carrying Jewish refugees from Nazi Europe,
    exploded and sank off the coast of Palestine killing 252 people.

    The Zionist “Haganah” claimed the passengers committed suicide to protest British refusal to let them land.
    Years later, it admitted that rather than let the passengers go to Mauritius, it blew up the vessel for its propaganda value.

    “Sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice the few in order to save the many,”
    Moshe Sharett, a former Israeli Prime Minister said at memorial service in 1958.


    1. False Flags, Lies and Straw Men

      All the Zionists have, when they are confronted by the truth.

  34. “It is time to honestly admit that Israeli society is ill – and it is our duty to treat this disease,”
    Rivlin told the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities on Sunday at a conference titled “From Xenophobia to Accepting the Other.”

    “The tension between Jews and Arabs within the State of Israel has risen to record heights, and the relationship between all parties has reached a new low,”
    he said.
    “We have all witnessed the shocking sequence of incidents and violence taking place by both sides.
    The epidemic of violence is not limited to one sector or another, it permeates every area and doesn’t skip any arena.
    There is violence in soccer stadiums as well as in the academia.
    There is violence in the social media and in everyday discourse, in hospitals and in schools.”

    “I’m not asking if they’ve forgotten how to be Jews, but if they’ve forgotten how to be decent human beings. Have they forgotten how to converse?”
    - Reuven Rivlin, President of Israel


    1. “I’m not asking if they’ve forgotten how to be Jews, but if they’ve forgotten how to be decent human beings. ...

      - Reuven Rivlin, President of Israel

    2. For some reason the settlement enterprise is being accused of being an obstacle to peace. Personally, I explain at each possible forum that the obstacle to peace is the objection by the Arabs to it and the fact that they do not want us here.
      Israel national news, 1 November 2012
      - Reuven Rivlin, President of Israel

    3. The communities in Judea and Samaria [referring to West Bank settlements] do not threaten our existence, they guarantee our existence.
      Israel National News, 18 July 2012
      - Reuven Rivlin, President of Israel

    4. Such old news, "O"rdure.
      You should stick with Teddy Roosevelt.

      Going back to 2012 ...
      Comical diversion, but a diversion, none the less

    5. I can quote him all day.

      If he is the standard? then it's germane.

      If you don't KNOW what that word means? Google it

    6. No one said you should not quote Reuven Rivlin, just that doing so was a comical diversion.

      It does not advance your case, to quote a man who is showing the symptoms of the disease.

    7. But at least he recognizes that he and his society are suffering from a terminal illness.
      Puts Reuven Rivlin at least a full step ahead of you, "O"rdure.

  35. About 5,000 have died during this outbreak of ebola, and the infection rate is slowing significantly in Liberia.

    I bet the worldwide death toll doesn't reach 20,000.

    1. 20,000 is about half of the number that dies of the flu in the United States many years.

    2. So, what is the Cumulative American Death Toll from Ebola, and ISIS?

      Zero? To hell you say.

    3. New York doctor cleared of Ebola, which means there are no known Ebola cases in the U.S.

  36. I would'a swore that those ebola-totin' terrorists would have wiped out El Paso, by now.

  37. The Pentagon wants an airborne aircraft carrier to launch drones


    1. ... the Air Force investigated whether it could use a 747 jet as an aircraft carrier, commissioning a report from Boeing. The defense contractor sketched a concept in which part of the plane would be hollowed out, and “micro-fighters” would be developed to fit inside, according to briefing slides later released by the military.

      75 page unclassified project proposal

  38. There is no end to Israeli arrogance and meddling in US affairs from the pig Netanyahu.

    Benjamin Netanyahu warned the US not to embrace Iran in its fight against Islamic State (ISIS), stating: “Iran is not a partner of America. It’s an enemy of America.”

    There have been suggestions that Iran can help solve the problem of extremism in the Middle East, but nothing could be further from the truth, said Netanyahu.

    “Iran is not part of the solution. It’s a huge part of the problem,” Netanyahu said.

    “As I said to the United Nations a few months ago, to defeat ISIS and allow Iran to be a threshold nuclear power would be to win the battle and lose the war,” the prime minister said.

    He spoke via video on Tuesday afternoon to the Jewish Federations of North America’s General Assembly, which met this week in National Harbor, Maryland.

    --- Who needs advice from that shit?

    1. Bibi's Israel prefers al-Qeada operatives taking power in Syria.
      No more needs to be said, than that.

      Israel prefers Daesh (al-Qeada) in Syria, over the Alawites, Christians and their Kurdish allies

      Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren told the Jerusalem Post that Israel so wanted Assad out and his Iranian backers weakened, that Israel would accept al-Qaeda operatives taking power in Syria.

      “We always wanted Bashar Assad to go, we always preferred the bad guys who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran.”

      Even if the other “bad guys” were affiliated with al-Qaeda.
      ... Oren said in the interview.


    2. Such old news, "O"Jackass
      You should stick with Teddy Roosevelt.

      Going back to 2013 ...
      Comical diversion, but a diversion, none the less

    3. Then we can reject "O"rdure's land claims in Palestine, going back 3,000 years, by his own standard.
      He, like Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, seem to be unable to learn from history.

      Even if it was just a year ago. It boggles their mind.

    4. Must be why "O"rdure is still a fan of Sodastream, he does not think it relevant that it was trading at $56.14 a year ago, and closed at less than half of that Friday, $21.61.

      What a difference a year makes ...
      Or not.

    5. Yesterday, not Friday ... mea culpa


    6. Must be why "O"rdure is still a fan of Sodastream,

      I AM a fan of soda stream, I'd love to own a company that makes 43 MILLION in PROFIT a year after all expenses...

      A company that invented a market?

      That grosses a 1/2 billion a year? That employees hundreds of Israelis with well paying jobs?

      I am a FAN.

      As for the "stock" price?


      I could give a hoot...

  39. ...and Wio if I want your advice, I will ask for it. Don’t be a Netanyahu.

    1. Such snarkiness

      Snide and sarcastic; usually out of irritation


    2. I am not like you, I don't muck out stalls for a living...

    3. Last week you said I was an Agent of the Mossad.

      Wish you would make up your mind ....

    4. You are everything and nothing...

      You are a LEGEND in your mind.

    5. A fiction which has you enthralled.


    6. enthralled?


      Once again only you see value you itself.

      No one else does.

      In fact?

      I'd say if you never posted another post?


  40. Deuce, you should be ashamed of your self for the way you run the blog.

    A gentleman of means like you with a limo and driver, a world traveler, a man with a gated home, surely you don't allow such trash as rat puts up to build up in your own home.

    The blog is a reflection of you. You should put an end to the bullshit.

    And quit the bullying of WiO.

    The whole thing is disgusting.

    I couldn't care less what your opinions are, as you couldn't care less for mine, but the whole presentation of this place is totally graceless now, and has been for a long long time.

    1. BobSun Jun 22, 01:42:00 PM EDT

      When did I ever say I was a scholar??

      I don't recall saying that.

      I have a college degree in English Lit. from U of Washington.

      To avoid being drafted in part. ...

    2. The above proves my point.

      Misdirection, half truths and out right lies...

    3. AshTue Nov 11, 02:30:00 PM EST


      I looked through that article you linked I could not find any mention of churches or the quote you put up:

      ""The Palestinians 'will defend Al-Aqsa and the churches against the settlers and extremists,' he pledged..."

      to which you asked:

      What "churches" are threatened by "settlers and extremists"?"

      Where did that quote come from?

      Of course the response by allen ...

      A lot like the "Quote"

    4. Jack argues with himself and still he wants to WIN


  41. Everyone in Ferguson, Missouri is arming up. Gun sales are skyrocketing.

    Missouri Gov outlines law enforcement plan for 'Decision Day'...

    Police from around state to assist...

    National Guard on standby...

    Protest organizers: 'I sleep, eat and breathe this'...............drudge

    The left doesn't give a damn about legal process. They announce that if the Grand Jury doesn't see things as they wish, the incendiary bombs will begin to fly.

    What a disgusting spectacle.

    1. Sounds like Boston, 1773
      Lexington and Concord, 1775

    2. November 11, 2014
      Behind the Don't Shoot Coalition in Ferguson
      By Lee Cary

      A core of community organizers is behind the 45 organizations placing demands on the policing agencies in St. Louis County.

      As the Grand Jury’s decision concerning Officer Darren Wilson is awaited, Don’t Shoot Coalition (DSC) is preparing its role in street demonstrations likely to come in the wake of an anticipated No True Bill.

      The sub-culture of progressive social activism is organic. Its alliances evolve and dissolve, only to reconstitute under changed names, but with unchanged ideologies.


      Long list of crappy American organizations given in the article.

      Many are 'American' in name only, as they reject the ideas of due process, judicial proceedings, etc.

      I expect a lot of hell to break loose. I expect most people in the US of A will be disgusted by the whole display.

    3. American Thinker Blog
      Gun sales in Ferguson triple as residents brace for grand jury decision

      November 11, 2014

      Residents, both black and white, brace for the worst.

      More at American Thinker


    4. Revolutionary War "statistic" that claimed that only 3% of the American population during the Revolutionary War participated as combatants in the war.

      The group asserts that they are a modern counterpart to that mythical 3% of American Revolutionary-era patriots and also represent the three percent of the population of American gun owners "who will not disarm."

    5. A symbol of unity that could easily be used in communications, in writings, on clothing, etc... to quickly identify the "patriots" of this movement to uphold our constitutional rights.

      A symbol that could be used to unite us as one in our common cause of liberty, so to speak. A very simple symbol to remember those before us and unite those today: "III" or a "3"

    6. Sounds like pure bullshit to me and most others, Anon.

      The Grand Jury will probably decide not to indict.

      And there will be no legitimate grievances in this instance.

      Maybe they will indict, who knows?

      In which case the demands will change into a demand to find the man guilty.

      You see, there is the problem.......the demand that a certain result be obtained or there will be violence, arson, looting, etc.

    7. The Pine Tree Riot was an act of resistance to British royal authority undertaken by American colonists in New Hampshire in 1772, placing it among the disputes between Crown and colonists that culminated in the American Revolution.[

    8. These riots took place at the intersection of several streams of historical experience.

      First, they represent one moment in the long-term development of capitalist social relationships in America, particularly in the northern colonies and states.

      Promoting the availability of foodstuffs, pressing farmers and merchants to sell rather than withhold their wares, rioters acted on behalf of a plentiful market, although not, it must be stressed, on behalf of a free one.

      Their actions map an immediate experience of economic distress and articulate popular ideas about economic exchange, its meaning, and the crucial issues of who might claim jurisdiction over it and through what political forms.

      The forms themselves compose a second interpretive context, as elements of "the common people's politics" in England and America.

    9. 13 April 1772. News of Mudgett’s arrest spread throughout the town. Many said they would provide bail for him, and they gathered at his house to create a plan. At dawn, Mudgett went to the inn and woke the sheriff, saying his bail was ready. Whiting jumped out of bed, berated Mudgett for coming so early, and started to dress. Suddenly more than twenty men rushed in. Their faces were blackened and they held switches (rods made of green tree limbs) in their hands. Whiting went for his guns but they were taken from him, and the men beat him. These same men also beat his deputy, Mr. Quigley. Later Whiting would say, “They almost killed me.”

      When the beating was over, the horses of the sheriff and his deputy were saddled and bridled, but not before their ears, manes and tails were shaved. (This act made the value of the horses worthless). The King’s men were placed on their horses, and sent down the road with the sound of jeers, jokes and shouts in their ears.

      Sheriff Whiting quickly sought out Colonel Moore of Bedford and Edward Goldstone Lutwytche of Merrimack [the history of Weare said they also approached John Goffe of Derryfield]. A posse or party of men assembled and with muskets in hand, marched to Weare to find the rioters.

  42. John Adams - February 13, 1818Tue Nov 11, 10:58:00 PM EST

    But what do we mean by the American Revolution? Do we mean the American war? The Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution.

    1. John Parker - April 19, 1775Tue Nov 11, 11:01:00 PM EST

      Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon. But if they want a war let it begin here.

    2. Joseph Warren - March 5, 1770Tue Nov 11, 11:07:00 PM EST

      Our streets are filled with armed men; our harbor is crowded with ships of war; but these cannot intimidate us; our liberty must be preserved it is far dearer than life.
      No longer could we reflect, with generous pride, on the heroic actions of our American forefathers . . . . if we, but for a moment entertain the thought of giving up our liberty. Our country is in danger, but not to be despaired of.

      Our enemies are numerous and powerful; but we have many friends determining to be free, and heaven and earth will aid the resolution. On you depend the fortunes of America.

      You are to decide the important question on which rest the happiness and liberty of millions yet unborn.
      Act worthy of yourselves.

  43. .

    The death of Baghdadi would be a blow to IS, but...

    ...But, as McChrystal admitted:

    "The closer we looked, the more the model didn't hold. Al Qaeda in Iraq's lieutenants did not wait for memos from their superiors, much less orders from bin Laden. Decisions were not centralised, but were made quickly and communicated laterally across the organisation. Zarqawi's fighters were adapted to the areas they haunted, like Fallujah and Qaim in Iraq's western Anbar province, and yet through modern technology were closely linked to the rest of the province and country. Money, propaganda, and information flowed at alarming rates, allowing for powerful, nimble co-ordination. We would watch their tactics change (from rocket attacks to suicide bombings, for example) nearly simultaneously in disparate cities. It was a deadly choreography achieved with a constantly changing, often unrecognisable structure."

    Remember, also, Baghdadi has, under him, at least 12 local rulers, a three-man “war cabinet”, and eight leaders who “manage portfolios like finance, prisoners and recruitment”. Under wartime conditions, where hierarchies are fluid, succession struggles are always a possibility – but Isil does, at least, have other competent leaders waiting in the wings.

    Baghdadi is, of course, no mere leader – he is Caliph Ibrahim, would-be successor to the Prophet Mohammed, and perhaps the preeminent jihadist figure in the world today. Isil might take a reputational hit were he to be killed, and this might prompt some of Isil’s local allies – notably Baathist groups comprised of former Saddam loyalists – to peel away. But we would be deluding ourselves if we assumed, or hoped, that a death at the top would cause this sprawling insurgent force to lose steam and veer off the rails.



    1. Quit using that idiotic deep black emphasis type.

      That's an order.

      Bag Daddy
