Monday, November 17, 2014

"I love him"

'marriage': US murderer 'granted licence'

Handout photo from the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Charles Manson, on 18 March 2009 at Corcoran State Prison, California.Manson's death sentence for the 1969 murders was later commuted after California banned the death penalty

American mass murderer Charles Manson, 80, has reportedly been granted a licence to marry a 26-year-old woman who has been visiting him in prison.
The marriage licence was issued 10 days ago for Manson and Afton Elaine Burton, the Associated Press reports.
Ms Burton moved to Corcoran, California, nine years ago in order to be nearer Manson's prison, it adds.
Manson is serving a life sentence for the murders of seven people and one unborn child in Los Angeles in 1969. 
Their victims included pregnant actress Sharon Tate, wife of film director Roman Polanski.
Ms Burton, who calls herself Star, told AP that she and Manson would marry next month. The licence is reportedly valid for 90 days.
"Y'all can know that it's true... It's going to happen," she told the agency.
"I love him," she added. 
The cult leader and his followers, known as the Manson Family, stabbed and shot seven people in Los Angeles over two nights in August 1969 in an attempt to start a race war.
Manson and three women accomplices were sentenced to death for the killings, but that was commuted in 1972 when California temporarily outlawed the death penalty.
In 2012, Manson was refused parole by a Californian prison panel - it was the 12th time he had made a bid for freedom.
He is not eligible to apply for parole again until 2027.


  1. For Charlie's sake, I just hope she is not two-timing him with some death row stud in the same facility. That would not be groovy.

  2. I know it's coming ... patiently waiting ...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


  4. Teddy Bears - To Know Him Is To Love Him

    I wonder if Phil Spector is doing time in the same prison?

    1st comment

    "Alan Weberman 2 months ago
    to know know know him is to blow blow blow him - Phil the Jewish psychopath" 

  5. Replies
    1. Il Divo – Adagio

      "İ don't know where to find you
      İ don't know how to search for you

      But İ hear a voice that
      along with the wind, speaks about you

      This soul without a heart
      Awaits you

      The nights without your skin
      The dreams without stars

      İmages of your face
      passing suddenly..."

  6. Here's a good idea -

    Should weather dictate timing of #Ferguson Grand Jury Report release?

    Posted by Andrew Branca Sunday, November 16, 2014 at 12:00pm

    Science! “Likelihood of a riot increases as maximum ambient temperature increases.”

    There is much speculation around when the Ferguson Grand Jury is likely to finally release their (widely expected) no true bill (non-indictment) of Police Officer Darren Wilson over the shooting death of Mike Brown.

    A great many people, myself included, have suggested that the authorities responsible for the release of the Grand Jury’s findings would be prudent to wait for colder weather to do so, relying on the conventional wisdom that colder temperatures tend to diminish the frequency and intensity of riots and the other violent behavior (looting, arson) exhibited by the Ferguson protestors.

    Legal Insurrection commenter Another Ed, however, has moved us past mere conventional wisdom on this subject by kindly linking to a scientific paper that studies precisely the correlation between riots and temperature.

    That paper, “Ambient Temperature and the Occurrence of Collective Violence: A new Analysis,” by JM Carlsmith and CA Anderson of Stanford University, was published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology in 1979. It is embedded at the bottom of this post, for those of you who enjoy reading primary research scientific literature.

    The Carlsmith paper conducted a re-analysis of earlier research, and found that in fact rioting (or, as they more politely refer to it “collective violence,” as if it were a workshop of some kind) increases “monotonically” with temperature.

    The results of their research and analysis?

    We conclude that the likelihood of a riot in a given city increases as the maximum ambient daily temperature in that city increases.

    They helpfully include a graphical representation of their findings:

    #Ferguson Frequency of collective violence as a function of relative temperature

    (As an aside, this paper is old enough that the authors sill make use of a null hypothesis to validate their findings. Climate researchers, take note.)

    1. How do these scientific findings apply to the Ferguson Grand Jury? Well, let us take a look at the average monthly high and low temperatures in St. Louis MO, immediately adjacent to Ferguson.

      Ferguson Temps 2

      Mike Brown was killed in the month of August, during which the average high temperature is 88F and the average low 70F. August also “enjoyed” the most violent of the Ferguson protests, as illustrated in the image at the top of this post.

      Now, of course, we are in the month of November, with average temperatures (H:56F, L:39F) having dropped roughly 40% from their August figures. This suggests, based on the research of Carlsmith and Anderson that rioting should be much reduced in November relative to August.

      Fortuitously for Ferguson, however, they are currently presented with a unique suitable opportunity to take advantage of the riot:temperature correlation in releasing the Grand Jury findings.

      Specifically, temperatures for tomorrow, Monday, November 17 are currently being forecast to be well below the historical November average, hovering in the mid-20F’s.

      Of course, in considering the effect of temperature on outdoor human activity merely looking at the raw temperature is not enough. One must also consider the windspeed, in combination with that temperature. And tomorrow is forecast to be an exceptionally windy day in Ferguson MO, with wind speeds in the range of 20MPH throughout the day.

      The website conveniently calculates a “Feels Like” temperature that illustrates this point. Their calculations show that the “Feels Like” temperature tomorrow will have a high of 16F and a low of (wait for it) 5F.

      That’s five degrees Fahrenheit.

      I’ve represented the forecast raw temperature, “Feels Like” temperature, and wind speed for November 17 in the graph below.

      Ferguson forecast

      Based on that graph, I humbly suggest that mid-afternoon might be a particularly well-suited time for release of the news that the Grand Jury has (I expect) declined to indict Officer Darren Wilson.

      Anybody care to set up a pool? :-)

      Here’s the Carlsmith and Anderson paper, for your scientific literature reading pleasure:

      –-Andrew, @LawSelfDefense

      Andrew F. Branca is an MA lawyer and the author of the seminal book “The Law of Self Defense, 2nd Edition,” available at the Law of Self Defense blog (autographed copies available) and (paperback and Kindle). He also holds Law of Self Defense Seminars around the country, and provides free online self-defense law video lectures at the Law of Self Defense Institute and podcasts through iTunes, Stitcher, and elsewhere.

      From Legal Insurrection -

      Chill, dude.

  7. Hmmmm........

    U.S. 'disappointed' with Iran's IAEA cooperation ahead of nuclear talks

    VIENNA Mon Nov 17, 2014 11:56am EST

    (L-R) U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, European Union Foreign Policy Chief Catherine Ashton, and Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif are photographed as they participate in a trilateral meeting in Vienna in this October 15, 2014 file photo. REUTERS/Carolyn Kaster/Pool/Files

    Credit: Reuters/Carolyn Kaster/Pool/Files
    Related News

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    Final deal in Iran nuclear talks unlikely by deadline: sources say.

    (Reuters) - The United States is disappointed with Iran's failure to engage with a U.N. nuclear agency investigation into suspected atomic bomb research, a U.S. envoy said on Monday.

    Western officials say Iran must improve cooperation with the long-running International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inquiry as part of a broader diplomatic settlement which Tehran and six world powers aim to reach by a self-imposed Nov. 24 deadline.

    Negotiators from Iran, the United States, France, China, Russia, Britain, Germany and the European Union meet in Vienna from Tuesday to try to end a long impasse over Tehran's atomic program that has stoked fears of a new war in the Middle East.

    Potentially complicating those efforts, an IAEA report on Nov. 7 said Iran was failing to address suspicions it may have worked on designing an atomic bomb. Iran says it has no such aim and that its nuclear program is entirely peaceful.

    "We've been disappointed in their failure thus far to constructively engage on this issue," Ambassador Laura Kennedy, the U.S. envoy to the Vienna-based IAEA, told reporters.

    Kennedy said she would convey "our concerns with Iran's failure to engage substantively with the agency on the possible military dimensions issue" in a statement to the IAEA's 35-nation Board of Governors, which convenes on Thursday.

    While the powers want Iran to curb its uranium enrichment program, and thereby lengthen the timeline for any covert attempt to assemble nuclear arms, the IAEA is investigating allegations of past research on how to make a bomb itself.

    Even though it has long been clear that the IAEA's inquiry will not be completed before the target date for a deal with the powers, Western diplomats had hoped for more progress by now.

    (Reporting by Fredrik Dahl; Editing by Mark Heinrich)

    With Obama in charge we'll be taken to the cleaners, the Iranian cleaners.

  8. November 17, 2014
    Have you ever been 'grubered'?
    By Rick Moran

    The release of videos showing Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber chortling over pulling the wool over the public's eyes to get the law passed has spawned a cottage industry on social media of Gruber nomenclature.

    Washington Times:

    Grubergate, gruberish, grubered, grubermania, moneygrubering and gruberpalooza are among the new terms that have sprung into public use, these inspired by one particular economist who made an unfortunate comment about Obamcare, transparency and the mental capacity of Americans recently. But such things spawn instant culture. All the new nouns and verbs - some capitalized, some not - are now appearing in multiple print and online reports from Time, Bloomberg, Fox News, Powerline, and many other sources. What with Twitter hashtags and jaunty dialogue, the usage has been spirited in recent days.

    “How about you man up, Stewart, and admit you were grubered into selling that Obamacare [expletive],” Fox News host Eric Bolling advised John Stewart, a rival host on Comedy Central.

    “I think that no other word describes what we have seen in the climate debate quite as well as grubering. The Climategate emails are full of discussions about how to ‘sell’ the public on catastrophic anthropogenic global warming through a campaign of lies and exaggerations. There are many discussion about how the public could not possibly understand such a complex subject. ‘Climate grubering’ — its a powerful new word that can help us to describe what’s been going on,” notes Watts Up With That, a popular blog covering climate change and global warming.”

    So now there are denialists, skeptics, warmists, alarmists and gruberists,” responded one reader on Sunday.

    Fascinating. Here are a few more off the top of my head:

    1. Grubermentia - "He was lying so often and losing track of his lies to the extent that doctors believed he was suffering from Grubermentia."

    2. Disgrubered - The systematic demolishing of an argument full of lies.

    3. Foregruber - A premonition that the next words out of someone's mouth are going to be a lie.

    4. Gruberful - As in "a gruberful of misinformation."

    Why not create your own gruberisms in the comments?


      I am concerned about the proper spelling - should it be 'grubered' or 'grubbered' ??

    2. Postgruber, as in after gruber disgust and despair.

      gruberpalooza is good


      Then there is the Qruber, the Q Gruber, aka the GruberQ.

    3. One often encounters lots of GruberQing when vodka drinking and bar-b-queing.

  9. ... apropos the hateful mind and this thread ...
    Four killed, others hurt in terror attack at Jerusalem synagogue

      Hamas and Islamic Jihad praise Jerusalem attack

    2. The Jerusalem police have announced that they will not return the bodies of the terrorists (pictured) who murdered four Jews this morning. They will be buried in secret, without a ceremony and without any family members present. (Link in Hebrew). Both terrorists were 'Israeli Arabs' from Jerusalem (link in Hebrew again).

      Hopefully they will be coated in lard before they are buried (not part of the article - my idea).

      This is the FIRST TIME the police have not returned bodies of terrorists to the families (unbelievable), although the IDF regularly keeps bodies of terrorists to exchange for soldiers.

      The police have announced that they will inspect everyone leaving the Arab neighborhoods of Jerusalem (waiting for the 'supreme court' to decide this is 'discrimination' in 5... 4... 3... 2...) and that the terrorists' houses will be destroyed.

      The terrorists' families should be expelled to Syria too (my idea - not in the article).

      I am now waiting for quirk for comment about "the suspects" homes that will be razed...

      If I was in charge?

      I'd expel the entire extended family from any and all lands Israel has control of, seize all family property and give it to the family of those murdered.

      AND I'd ANNEX 50 square acres of empty land on the west bank.

  10. Below is the published list of potential St. Louis area targets.
    Potential Action Locations

    Robert McCulloch’s office
    St. Louis County Justice Center
    Stephanie Karr’s office
    Olin Corporation Headquarters
    Judge Maura McShane’s courtroom
    St. Louis County Police Department
    Governor Nixon’s Office (Wainwright Building)
    Clayton School District Office
    Department of Justice
    Dean Plocher’s office
    Ronald Brockmeyer’s office
    Dan Boyle’s office
    Thomas Flach’s office
    Regal III Market
    Canfield Green Apartments
    Ferguson Police Department & Jail
    West Florissant Quick Trip
    Missouri Botanical Gradens
    Powell Symphony Hall
    Monsanto Headquarters
    Peabody Energy Headquarters
    Anheuser-Busch Headquarters
    Emerson Electric Headquarters
    Steve Stenger’s lawfirm
    St. Louis Art Museum
    Gateway Arch
    Peabody Opera House
    Ritz Carlton
    Lambert International Airport
    Mayor Slay
    St. Louis City Police Department
    St. Louis Galleria
    Plaza Frontenac
    Six Stars Market
    Colonel Jon Belmar
    Senator Roy Blunt
    Senator Claire McCaskill
    St. Louis City Justice Center
    St. Ann Police Department & Jail
    Clayton City Hall
    GCI Security, Inc.
    St. Louis County Council
    Clayton Police Department & Jail
    Ferguson City Hall
    Lacy Clay’s Office
    Husch Blackwell LLP
    Martin Insurance Group LLC
    Stone, Leyton & Gershman
    University Square Company
    Stone & Alter Real Estate
    Carey & Danis LLC
    The Law Firm of Thomas C Antoniou LLC
    Hammond & Shinners Law Firm
    Collinsville Acquisitions Inc
    Thompson Coburn
    Commercial Bank
    Greater St. Mark Family Church
    Veterans for Peace Office
    St. John’s Episcopal Church
    St. Louis University Hospital
    SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center
    SSM St. Mary’s Health Center
    Barnes Jewish Hospital
    St. Alexius Hospital
    Kindred Hospital
    Southwest Medical Center

    #Ferguson Protest Group Releases List of Targets, Including: Anheuser Busch, Boeing, Emerson Electric, Airport
    Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, November 17, 2014, 11:28 AM

    The Justice for Mike Brown Ferguson protest group released its list of potential targets following the decision by the St. Louis County Courthouse on the Mike Brown case.

    The published map shows expected landmarks like the Ferguson City Hall and the County Courthouse.

    But it also marks things that have NOTHING to do with the Michael Brown situation, like Anheuser Busch and Boeing.

    Most telling thing is the mark for Emerson Electric. Emerson has been in Ferguson for at least 50 years, long before Ferguson became a minority municipality. Yet not only do they mark Emerson they make note of the CEO’s salary. Maybe they’re mutating into an extortion group straight out of the playbook of Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Push Coalition?

  11. Much Better Photo of Charlie

    He is in good company.

    The cropped closeup leaves out crucial sign of Charlie's allegiance.

    1. It's Charlie's perverse Hindu bindu.

    2. Just heard on Fox News that the blushing brainless bride has a similarly placed swastika on her forehead to match Charlie's.

      Charlie's next parole hearing is in 2027.

      He is not allowed conjugal visits.

  12. Re: Jerusalem massacre
    'Guardian' deletes reference to Palestinians, CNN labels synagogue 'mosque'

    1. Three of the dead, I think, were Jewish Americans.

    2. Three Americans and one British, Fox is saying.

    3. Bob,

      They must remain anonymous, don't you know. Otherwise, the narrative is disrupted.

  13. Re: Jerusalem murders

    The Teaching requires us to often behave in a manner contrary to our emotions. In the instance, Jews are absolutely forbidden to desecrate corpses, particularly with reference to burial. Consequently, the momentary gratification of seeing the murderers of helpless elderly gentlemen denied proper interment places us at odds with the Divine will. Moreover, it debases Jews and Judaism, putting us and it on the same moral level as the savages who committed this atrocity. Therefore, the bodies of the Arabs should be returned at once to their families for burial, with the stipulation that they may not be buried within Jerusalem.

    Since Mr. Kerry and Abu Mazen have done their best recently to stir up an intifada and have used media to that end, resulting in this morning’s murders, I suggest blocking broadcasting to and from the so-called Palestinian Authority. Preventing incitement to riot would not violate the Torah; indeed, the preservation of life and health would fully conform to commonly accepted Jewish religious standards. As to how this will be viewed by the rest of the world, I could not care less.

  14. Three Americans, one Brit, slaughtered in Jerusalem terror attack
    posted at 9:31 am on November 18, 2014 by Jeff Dunetz

    Share on Facebook 265

    Two Palestinian terrorists broke into a Synagogue in Jerusalem Tuesday morning yielding guns, knives and a meat cleaver, killing at least four worshipers and wounding at least eight, four of which are in critical or serious condition. Three the four murdered Jews were Americans: Rabbi Aryeh Kupinsky, Rabbi ​Kalmen Levin and Rabbi Moshe Twersky. The fourth, Rabbi Avraham Goldberg, was a British citizen.

    According to Israeli police, the two Palestinian terrorists entered the Kehilat Yaakov synagogue on Shimon Agassi St. in the Har Nof neighborhood at about 07:00 a.m., during the morning prayers. They opened fire with weapons and struck worshipers with a meat cleaver and knives.

    Shas Party member Aryeh Deri, who was in the Synagogue during the attack, told Army radio there was blood on the pews and floor, with wounded and dead worshipers still wrapped in Talit (prayer shawl) and T’fillin (phylacteries, a religious article Jewish men put on during prayer). They were shouting ‘Allah Akbar,’ as they carried out the attack,” he said, and tried to call police as the murder spree unfolded.


    Mati Goldstein from the Zaka emergency service, said on Army Radio:

    Neighbors reported screams from the synagogue during morning prayers. Then there were reports of many wounded. The two assailants, armed with axes and a least one gun, went on a killing spree and started to attack the worshippers.

    The assailants cut off the arm of a worshiper wearing T’fillin, according to a statement from the organization Zaka.

    Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, part of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement this morning, calling the attack a “normal reaction to the crimes of the occupation.” The claim was posted on the movement’s Facebook page and via social media. The PFLP bloody history includes Lod Airport Massacre and the attack on the Munich Olympic games.

    Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Said released a statement, which said in part:

    This is the direct result of the incitement being led by Hamas and Abu Mazen [Palestinian Authority - PA President Mahmoud Abbas], incitement which the international community is irresponsibly ignoring. We will respond with a heavy hand to the brutal murder of Jews who came to pray and were met by reprehensible murderers. We will respond harshly.

    In recent weeks leaders of the Palestinian Authority and the Fatah party, both controlled by President Mahmoud Abbas have been calling for violence in Jerusalem.

    Secretary of State John Kerry called Netanyahu to offer his condolences and called on President Abbas to end the incitement of violence.

    Hamas and Islamic Jihad praised the bloodbath, with a Hamas spokesperson saying it was a “response” to the suicide of an Arab bus driver Monday, which Islamists have nevertheless been blaming on “Israeli settlers” in order to stoke further tension.

    An official statement from Abbas’ office said:

    The presidency condemns the attack on Jewish worshipers in their place of prayer and condemns the killing of civilians.

    However, as is their practice of saying one thing to the world community and something else to their own people, the Palestinian Authority’s official TV channel showed images of Bethlehem residents handing out candy in the streets in support of the attack.

    The two terrorists, Uday and Ghassan Abu Jamal, both in their 20s, were members of the People’s Front for the Liberation of Palestine.A police spokesman told Army radio that the two terrorists, cousins, were residents of the capital’s Jabal Mukaber neighborhood. One of the terrorists apparently worked at a convenience store on the same block as the synagogue.

    The Israeli government is convening their security committee to determine a response.

    Jeff Dunetz writes for Truth Revolt and his own site,


  15. .

    I am now waiting for quirk for comment about "the suspects" homes that will be razed..

    Naw, that was yesterday’s story. Let’s talk about today’s story, three dicks sitting around expressing their selective umbrage over 4 Israeli’s being killed.

    First some perspective.


    The city of Detroit led the nation in 2013 with the most dangerous murder and crime rates among big cities, according to the FBI's statistics released Monday.

    There were 316 murders in Detroit last year, which is a rate of 45 per 100,000 people. Compare that to New Orleans, a city which had 156 murders in 2013 -- a rate of 41 per 100,000 people -- or Newark, N.J. which had a rate of 40 murders per 100,000 people.

    Moreover, 2,072 violent crimes per 100,000 people were reported in Detroit in 2013. That's also the highest per capita rate in the U.S.

    Hell, 360 murders in Detroit, 156 in New Orleans, I'm impressed. Back in the 80's it was double that.

    Now, as to 4 deaths in Israel. Shall we run a daily body count? This is fucking Israel after all, what do you expect?

    Yesterday, it was rock throwing. You want rock throwing? Go here...

    or here...">Israeli settlers attack Palestinian family in Hebron, injuring five people including a child

    You want car attacks?

    Go here...

    Jewish settler runs over two Palestinian children in West Bank, killing one

    Or better, here...

    When Cars Become Weapons: Settlers Deliberately Wound & Even Kill by Hit & Run Attacks

    The settlers have been doing it for years. Four killed? The fact is the story about 4 Israelis killed is likely to get more press than the numerous Palestinians that are killed there

    It’s Only Terrorism if an Israeli Gets Killed

    This from…

    Though covers the vast majority of English-language news sites 7 days a week, and 365 days a year, it’s inevitable that sometimes we miss stories that received sparse coverage.

    On Sunday, October 19, an Israeli settler ran over a pair of 5-year-old Palestinian girls returning home from kindergarten. One of the girls was killed. The story was mentioned on only a handful of sites, and went basically unreported in Europe, North America, and indeed Israel itself.

    The links referenced were from a single google page. If you guys want to get into daily body counts go for it. It is friggin Israel we are talking about. What do you expect? It’s been this way for six decades and it will be this way for six more. Maybe.

    I am now waiting for quirk for comment about "the suspects" homes that will be razed..

    Spare me your umbrage, WiO, you are wasting your time. If you are upset, talk to Bibi. He is the guy who set off this latest round of carnage.


  16. QuirkTue Nov 18, 12:32:00 PM EST

    I am now waiting for quirk for comment about "the suspects" homes that will be razed..

    Naw, that was yesterday’s story. Let’s talk about today’s story, three dicks sitting around expressing their selective umbrage over 4 Israeli’s being killed.

    3 Americans and 1 Canadian

    But who cares, they were Jews

    1. .

      Had three 'Jews' (well, 2 'Jews' and one honorary ball boy) been sitting around talking about the killings I wouldn't have said anything at all; however, one of the 'Jews' decided to drag Quirk into the matter which changed the equation a little.

      I rarely have anything to say about Israel here except when I see the revisionist history and bullshit you put up. The same goes for the shit the rat puts up.

      In today's case, if you don't like the company, don't invite this boy to sit down at the table.


  17. Democrats re-elect Nancy Pelosi as their Leader in the House; abandon Mary Landrieu in Louisiana - what do you call this? Insanity? Liberal loyalty? What ?

    November 18, 2014
    What Dems are doing to Mary Landrieu is a travesty
    By Rick Moran

    Read more:
    Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

  18. DETROIT -

    The city of Detroit led the nation in 2013 with the most dangerous murder and crime rates among big cities, according to the FBI's statistics released Monday.

    There were 316 murders in Detroit last year, which is a rate of 45 per 100,000 people. Compare that to New Orleans, a city which had 156 murders in 2013 -- a rate of 41 per 100,000 people -- or Newark, N.J. which had a rate of 40 murders per 100,000 people.

    Moreover, 2,072 violent crimes per 100,000 people were reported in Detroit in 2013. That's also the highest per capita rate in the U.S.

    Hell, 360 murders in Detroit, 156 in New Orleans, I'm impressed. Back in the 80's it was double that.

    Mostly Black on Black killing…

    And why should that be something I should be concerned about?

    That is Obama's issue.. Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters, Jessie Jackson's topic…

    Not my issue...

    1. .

      And why should I be concerned about 4 Jews killed by Palestinians or 4 Palestinians killed by Jews. It happens every day in Israel. It will continue to happen. Proportionally it is a nit.


  19. You want car attacks?

    Go here...

    Jewish settler runs over two Palestinian children in West Bank, killing one


    No proof it was a Jewish Settler…

    But let's pin it on a Jew. EH?

    No license plate, no evidence


    No if it was an accident? The Settler would have gone to a police station to turn himself in… If it was terrorism? There should be an arrest…

    But none…


    1. .

      If it was terrorism? There should be an arrest…


      You are fucking hilarious. As Bob would say, you are Gruber-Aided.

      For a little history of accidents over the last couple years go here...

      Maybe it would be better if the settlers weren't allowed to drive. Funny how a Palestinian hitting Jews in a car is 'terrorism' and Jews hitting Palestinians is just an accident albeit in numerous cases they are hit-and-run accidents.


    2. For a little history of accidents over the last couple years go here...

      Maybe it would be better if the settlers weren't allowed to drive. Funny how a Palestinian hitting Jews in a car is 'terrorism' and Jews hitting Palestinians is just an accident albeit in numerous cases they are hit-and-run accidents.

      That website so SO accurate and truthful…

      Car accidents happen, ramming a car into a bus stop on purpose is not the same.

      Driving thru a crowd of stone and fire bombing youths aint the same.

      you are way to smart to be feeding us this shit so early in the day.

  20. I'm being grubered by Q.

    My comments were simply references to the event.

    In fact, if you look closely, Qruber, you will see I made absolutely zero comment at all.

    You should be ashamed of yourself for such outrageous grubbering.

  21. Now this website?


    dig into the photo and you will find out that the "children" were attacking the cars, and that car decided not to stop and be killed and drove thru them…

    Not all "accidents" are equal..

    using a car to hit innocent civilians on purpose is a crime.

    Having your car attacked with rocks and firebombs and using it to get thru the attacks, no matter the age, is not a crime.

    The fact that you cannot tell the difference?

    Speaks volumes.

    1. .

      ...using a car to hit innocent civilians on purpose is a crime.

      Evidently, only if it is a Jew in the car. See the first article I put up.

      The fact that you cannot tell the difference?

      Speaks volumes.


    2. Evidently, only if it is a Jew in the car. See the first article I put up.

      I did. There is no evidence that it was a Jew that ran over anyone. There are no arrests, no license plates, no evidence.

      A tragic car accident.

      But I do see allegations that it was a "settler"

    3. .

      Try going back the original post that you commented on

      All you did was comment on the picture that started the story off (a despicable add, faux or real, that was actually published); however, the link goes on to list about 75 other 'accidents'. As I said, maybe the settlers shouldn't be allowed drivers licenses. They appear to be worse drivers than Asian women.

      If you go on to end of the link you will see an additional link that says it list 899 similar instances since December, 2010.

      If you are really interested, you can sign up for an RSS feed that will give you daily updates.


  22. All you have established, Qruber, is that life in Israel is much more peaceful than in Detroit, Michigan, your neck of the woods.

  23. quirk: Spare me your umbrage, WiO, you are wasting your time. If you are upset, talk to Bibi. He is the guy who set off this latest round of carnage.

    Bibi didn't start this..

    To think he did?



    'This Is A Religious War'...
    BIBI: We will 'respond harshly'...
    OBAMA: 'Lower Tensions'...
    CNN Flubs: 'Deadly Attack on Mosque'...
    Israeli tourist attacked in Brooklyn...
    'Dirty bloody Jew'...

    NYPD Steps Up Patrols..................drudge

  25. QuirkTue Nov 18, 12:32:00 PM EST

    I am now waiting for quirk for comment about "the suspects" homes that will be razed..

    Naw, that was yesterday’s story. Let’s talk about today’s story, three dicks sitting around expressing their selective umbrage over 4 Israeli’s being killed.

    I am sure you are a better person than this implies.

    1. .

      No, I'm not.

      If my point wasn't made clear, let me spell it out for you. A single (or four) Israeli gets killed and you guys make an entire thread of it. Daily attacks or killings of Palestinians are ignored. That's fine. I wouldn't normally comment on it. But this morning, WIO, drug me into the conversation.

      To suggest that attacks on Palestinians by Israelis are all just 'accidents' as WiO does above is absurd. To suggest that criminal cases of attacks on Palestinians are handled the same way as criminal attacks on Israeli's in Israel, either by authorities or the press, goes beyond absurd.

      This is not to excuse the death of 4 innocents, but merely to put them in perspective. This is nothing new. Like the murders in Detroit, this has been going on in Israel for decades and it will keep going on. The perspective voiced here that all the problems in Israel are the result of the Palestinian people is absurd in my opinion. However, if you want to voice it, do so. Just don't drag me into the conversation.


  26. Re: The presidency condemns the attack on Jewish worshipers in their place of prayer and condemns the killing of civilians.

    ... odd choice of phrasing ... The pronoun, first-person, singular, "I" would have been a sincere choice.

  27. No Justice, No Peace! #Ferguson Protest Leader Has Car Stolen During “F*ck the Police” Rally
    Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, November 18, 2014, 9:17 AM

    No Justice, No Peace!
    Elizabeth Vega is one of the Ferguson protest leaders. She protested at sports venues and attempted a banner drop. She co-led the St Louis Symphony interruption, was arrested at the pumpkin smashing, yelled at the St Louis Post Dispatch protest, and helped block traffic with her freakshow in Clayton yesterday.

    mike brown concert
    Mike Brown protesters from Ferguson disrupted the St. Louis Symphony in St. Louis City in October. (KRON)

    While yelling “F*ck the Police!” apparently her car got stolen.
    Do you think she’ll file a police report requesting they help her now?

    Elizabeth Vega: “So while debriefing after the action my car got stolen.”

    :) heh

    A hearty har de har har on her.

  28. This should make Quirk happy…

    Orthodox Jewish man attacked at Brooklyn train station in apparent hate crime
    The 53-year-old, identified as an Israeli tourist, was called a ‘dirty bloody Jew’ and a ‘f---ing Jew’ by his assailants, one of which beat him with his own umbrella in Williamsburg at the Marcy Ave. station before 4 p.m. Monday. The three fled on a Manhattan-bound train after a bystander intervened and was also attacked.

    1. .

      More absurdity.

      You are one sick little puppy, WiO.


    2. An idiotic comment claiming that Q will be happy with the death of the murdered man. I would take it down but will leave it to see if you have the decency to take it down yourself. What’s the matter with you?

    3. If you don’t take it down, then don’t piss and moan to me about Rat going over the top with some of his nonsense.

    4. he wasn't KILLED, he was attacked…..

      Read man read..

    5. .

      Don't worry about it Deuce. I certainly don't It's the way some here roll.


  29. All the indignation and no introspection. Tease and taunt a dog and you will get bit.

  30. ...and the Israelis having been treating the Palestinians like street dogs. The unfortunate thing is that the four Jewish victims killed were probably were decent people and had nothing to do the outrages of the Israeli government.

    That will be the same for the poor bastard Palestinians that will have had nothing to do with the killing but will be killed by the IDF in the next round of state terror and revenge by the real criminal Netanyahu.

    1. Bullshit.

      But we disagree.

      And the real criminal? Is abbas
