Sunday, October 19, 2014

Turkey is anathema to US interests in the Middle East

Kurds in Turkey - a sad and painful history:

Turkey Would Oppose US Arms Transfers to Kurds

Turkey Syria
Turkey wouldn't agree to any U.S. arms transfers to Kurdish fighters who are battling Islamic militants in Syria, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was quoted as saying Sunday, as the extremist group fired more mortar rounds near the Syrian-Turkish border.
Turkey views the main Syrian Kurdish group, the PYD — and its military wing which is fighting IS militants — as an extension of the PKK, which has waged a 30-year insurgency in Turkey and is designated a terror group by the U.S. and NATO.
Washington has said recently that it has engaged in intelligence sharing with Kurdish fighters and officials have not ruled out future arms transfers to the Kurdish fighters.
"The PYD is for us, equal to the PKK. It is a terror organization," Erdogan told a group of reporters on his return from a visit to Afghanistan.
"It would be wrong for the United States — with whom we are friends and allies in NATO — to talk openly and to expect us to say 'yes' to such a support to a terrorist organization," Erdogan said. His comments were reported by the state-run Anadolu agency on Sunday.
Turkey's opposition to arms transfers to the Kurdish forces is hampering the U.S.-led coalitions' efforts to fight the extremists and further complicating relations between Turkey and Washington. The countries are involved in negotiations about Ankara's role with the U.S. and NATO allies fighting the Islamic State group, which is attempting to capture the strategic town Kobani on the Syrian-Turkish border.
Turkey has demanded that the coalition widen its campaign against the militants by providing greater aid to Syrian rebels, who are battling both the IS and President Bashar Assad's forces. Turkey has so far provided sanctuary to an estimated 200,000 Syrians fleeing Kobani, and recently agreed to train and equip moderate Syrian rebel fighters trying to remove Assad from power.
The White House said President Barack Obama spoke with Erdogan on Saturday about the situation in Kobani and steps that could be taken to counter IS advances.
"The two leaders pledged to continue to work closely together to strengthen cooperation against ISIL," a statement said, using another name for IS militants.
Fighting between the militants and the Kurdish fighters defending Kobani continued on Sunday. Mortar strikes hit the town, sending plumes of smoke into the air. Three mortars also fell on the Turkish side of the border, landing in an open field where they caused no injuries. On Saturday and Sunday, IS appeared to be targeting the border crossing area, potentially in a bid to hamper Kobani's last link to the outside world.
In an attempt to stave off the advance, a U.S.-led coalition has been carrying out airstrikes on IS positions in and near the town, as well as in other parts of Syria, particularly in the oil-rich eastern province of Deir el-Zour, as well as in Iraq. Several airstrikes hit Kobani on Saturday evening.
The flow of migrants into Turkey has intensified since IS' push to take Kobani and cut access for Kurdish fighters to other areas of Syria they control.
On Saturday, IS fighters also weighed in on their attempts to take Kobani, arguing it wasn't a fight against the Kurds.
"We came to establish the laws of God — not to fight the Kurds," a fighter in army fatigues said on a video uploaded to YouTube. The video was uploaded by a user who appears to be embedded with the militants in Kobani. It appeared genuine and reflected Associated Press reporting.
But another fighter who appeared to be from a European country, judging from his accent in Arabic, described their aim "to liberate the land from the fifth of the apostates, the PKK and others," referring to Kurdish secular fighters — who are overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim — as apostates.
The fighter said the U.S.-led coalition to fight the militant group was a sure sign of the justness of their cause.
"As for the planes that shell us 24 hours, day and night, by God we say: they increase our faith, assuredness and steadfastness. We know we are on the right path because all the (non-believers) of the world have gathered against us."
U.N. humanitarian chief Valerie Amos, visited one of the refugee camps set up in a school in the Turkish border town of Suruc.
While 900,000 people have been registered as refugees in Turkey since the Syrian crisis began four years ago, "the reality is that the numbers are nearer to 1.6 million," Amos said.
"Of course countries have concerns about security, and about the impact on their economies and on essential services like health and education. But it's also a crisis with a huge human impact," she said. "The international community has to continue to do all it can to find a political solution to this crisis."
Suzan Fraser reported from Ankara. Diaa Hadid in Beirut contributed to this report.


  1. Turkey is in bed with Hamas, Hamas is in bed with ISIS, Turkey is in bed with ISIS and Hamas.

    Out of NATO: Turkey

    In NATO: Israel, India, Australia

    1. Israel does not trust NATO, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.
      Bibi said so.

      India is the world's largest Slaver State.

      Australia, will not foot the bill. Does not want to be part of an European Alliance, they do not trust the Europeans, either.

      ... these ties alone do not warrant Australia signing up to full membership with NATO.

      Such a commitment would imply a radical reorientation of our strategic priorities and an obligation to respond in the defence of the Baltic states and Poland to Russian aggression. This is something way beyond the capability of the relatively small and lightly-equipped Australian Defence Force.

      Any prospect of reciprocation by NATO powers to threat of conflict in the Indo-Pacific would also be seen as a significant act of provocation by China. With little realistic prospect of major European powers being interested in or willing to contribute actively in the event of major conflict breaking out in East or Southeast Asia, this would seem to be a pretty poor deal.

      So, if one was looking out for Australia's "National Interests" joining NATO would be a fools errand.
      Which is probably why Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson thinks it a good idea.

      Read more:

    2. Bob,

      Israel doesn't trust NATO, nor does NATO trust Israel.

      NATO was not created for the security of Israel.

      AND under Obama? Israel is learning that is cannot trust or rely on this current administration for being a consistent ally.

      The USA's interests and Israel's are not the same, as many have pointed out.

      Israel seeks survival, the USA seek to maintain it's position as the world sole superpower.

      I stand for BOTH the SURVIVAL of Israel and America.

      I do not stand for actions, by the USA that would cause genocide to the Jewish people.

    3. "Our allegiance must be purely to the United States.
      We must unsparingly condemn any man who holds any other allegiance.

      “But if he is heartily and singly loyal to this Republic,
      he is just as good an American as any one else.”


      The man who calls himself an American citizen and who yet shows by his actions that he is primarily the citizen of a foreign land, plays a thoroughly mischievous part in the life of our body politic.

      He has no place here; and the sooner he returns to the land to which he feels his real heart-allegiance, the better it will be for every good American.”

      Theodore Roosevelt 

    4. Israel was the mid-wife for Hamas. I want Israel to survive as a vibrant state at peace wit its neighbors and down on the list of importance to US interests and have the US pivot towards the Americas and return as a stabilizing counterweight to China and Russia.

    5. Jack HawkinsSun Oct 19, 05:33:00 PM EDT
      Israel does not trust NATO, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.
      Bibi said so.

      link please

  2. For NATO members the Kurds PKK = Palestinians Hamas.
    Terrorists - plain and simple.

    Some folks see things as other than "Black and White", some see nuance.
    But not Turkey, not Israel. When they see the Kurds an image of Iran pops into their heads.

    We know that Israel prefers al-Qeada, betcha the Turkish diplomats maintain tighter control over their public statements.

  3. "Israel. When they see the Kurds an image of Iran pops into their heads."

    You are hallucinating again.

    1. No, I am listening, reading actually, the words of Michael Oren, while he was Ambassador to the US.
      The Kurds of Syria are allied with Assad, the PKK of Turkey, whom are the Kurds there, are allied with Assad.

      "... we always preferred the bad guys who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran.”
      Even if the other “bad guys” were affiliated with al-Qaeda.
      “We understand that they are pretty bad guys,”
      Oren said in the interview.

    2. desert rat aka Jack aka The EverReadyHateBunny:

      ack HawkinsFri Jul 18, 12:36:00 AM EDT

      I mean, you are an Israeli, and here is nothing worse than that.

      In all the world, the Arabs of Israel are the scum.

      Now if you were a European, well thatd be different, but Israelis are all Arabs, Semites.
      Scum of the Earth


      Have a nightmare tonight and a shitty tomorrow,
      QuirkFri Jul 18, 01:13:00 AM EDT


      And the voice of the rat is heard in the land.

      And the world once again cringes.

      Bob OreilleFri Jul 18, 02:35:00 AM EDT

      "I mean, you are an Israeli, and there is nothing worse than that."

      There we go. That's a keeper. I am going to store that one.

      Jack "Hamasass PsychoRat of the Desert" Hawkins puts it in one concise line.

      His whole outlook. Simple, ignorant, unbelievably irrational.

      No wonder most people can't stand him.


      There are good football games on.........

      It is better than spending a Sunday here with the HateBunny always lurking about.



    3. Cheerio, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson!

  4. October 19, 2014
    Another Islamic State push to take Kobani
    By Rick Moran

    Islamic State forces attacked the Kurdish border town of Kobani from three sides on Sunday, looking for a decisive blow against the out-gunned defenders.


    "We had the most intense clashes of days, perhaps a week last night. (Islamic State) attacked from three different sides including the municipality building side and the market place," said Abdulrahman Gok, a journalist in Kobani.

    "Clashes did not stop until the morning. We have had an early morning walk inside the city and have seen lots of damaged cars on the streets and unexploded mortar shells," he said.


    The Observatory reported two Islamic State car bombs hit Kurdish positions on Saturday evening leading to casualties. A cloud of black smoke towered over Kobani on Sunday.

    A fighter from the female units of the main Syrian Kurdish militia in Kobani, YPG, said Kurdish fighters were able to detonate the car bombs before they reached their targets.

    "Last night there were clashes all across Kobani ... this morning the clashes are still ongoing," she said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

    The Observatory said 70 Islamic State fighters had been killed in the past two days, according to sources at the hospital in the nearby town of Tel Abyab, where Islamic State bodies are taken. Reuters cannot independently confirm the reports due to security restrictions.

    The Observatory said some Syrian Arab fighters from the Revolutionaries of Raqqa Brigade, which are fighting alongside Kurdish fighters, had executed two Islamic State captives.

    "One was a child of around 15 years old. They shot them in the head," he said.

    Islamic State have also used executions throughout their campaigns in Syria and Iraq, killing hundreds of their enemies and civilians who are opposed to their cause, according to Islamic State videos and statements.

    Hundreds of thousands have fled their advance. Turkey hosts about 1.5 million Syrian refugees, including almost 200,000 Syrian Kurds from Kobani.

    Ankara has refused to rearm beleaguered Kurdish fighters, who complain they are at huge disadvantage in the face of Islamic State's weaponry, many of it seized from the Iraqi military when it took the city of Mosul in June.

    Turkey views the YPG with suspicion for its long-standing links with the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which has waged a 30-year armed campaign for self-rule in Turkey.

    IS fighters are nothing if not relentless. Their efforts show just how important a propaganda victory would be for them if they could overrun Kobani. They would have stood up to coalition air power and overcome adversity, maintaining their aura of invincibility. On the other side of the ledger, President Obama's policy would be exposed as the hollow thing it is.

    The Kurds will sell their lives dearly in protecting their city, but superior numbers and firepower is on the side of Islamic State. Whether that will be enough remains to be seen.

    Read more:
    Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

    1. Even the American Stinker, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson recognizes reality ..

      Turkey views the YPG with suspicion for its long-standing links with the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which has waged a 30-year armed campaign for self-rule in Turkey.
      The PKK has long been a proxy of Syria, which is a proxy of Iran, the YPG, another proxy of Iran, in Syria...

      When the Isreli look at the Kurds, they see Iran.
      Mr Oren said as much, or he and Israel would have accepted Kurds ruling Syria, before al-Qeada, but no, Israel prefers al-Qeada.

    2. "... we always preferred the bad guys who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran.”
      Even if the other “bad guys” were affiliated with al-Qaeda.
      “We understand that they are pretty bad guys,”
      Oren said in the interview.

    3. The same can be said for Turkey, but the Turks themselves are not saying it, their actions speak louder than words.

  5. Meanwhile, the "tunnel-visioned Barack Obomb'em" seems to be interested in

    1) Bombing Headcutters

    2) see 1

  6. This article is much more interesting than reading Jack Hawkins, and might actually do some good for you too--

    Is reheated pasta less fattening?

    Many food-lovers worry about pasta making them fat. But could simply cooling and then reheating your meal make it better for you, asks Michael Mosley.

    There are few things that really surprise me about nutrition, but one of the experiments from the latest series of Trust Me, I'm a Doctor really did produce quite unexpected results.

    You are probably familiar with the idea that pasta is a form of carbohydrate and like all carbohydrates it gets broken down in your guts and then absorbed as simple sugars, which in turn makes your blood glucose soar.

    In response to a surge in blood glucose our bodies produce a rush of the hormone insulin to get your blood glucose back down to normal as swiftly as possible, because persistently high levels of glucose in the blood are extremely unhealthy.

    You can watch Trust Me, I'm a Doctor, with Michael Mosley and others, on iPlayer

    A rapid rise in blood glucose, followed by a rapid fall, can often make you feel hungry again quite soon after a meal. It's true of sugary sweets and cakes, but it's also true for things like pasta, potatoes, white rice and white bread. That's why dieticians emphasise the importance of eating foods that are rich in fibre, as these foods produce a much more gradual rise and fall in your blood sugars.

    But what if you could change pasta or potatoes into a food that, to the body, acts much more like fibre? Well, it seems you can. Cooking pasta and then cooling it down changes the structure of the pasta, turning it into something that is called "resistant starch".........

    1. What happened to football, "Bob the Knob" Robertson?

  7. People who had contact with Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan before he was hospitalized are breathing a sigh of relief today. Those 48 contacts, including four family members who shared a small Dallas apartment with him, have completed the 21-day observation period without falling ill and are no longer at risk of the disease.

    Science works, beeches.


  9. “Loyalty to country ALWAYS. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it.”
    ― Mark Twain

    1. Though it wouldn't, of course, be found to be satisfactory by Herr Jack Rat when he is in a mood to be quoting Mr. Schopenhauer, a gentleman Herr Jack Rat does not understand at all.


  10. Peyton Manning - 509

    Beautiful young Lady riding white horse with 509 Flag around the football stadium.

    Both my wife and I like Peyton Manning.

    Hooray !

  11. 510

    Denver is just killing them.

    4th quarter hasn't started and wife is going to bed........

    That means it's really really over.

  12. October 19, 2014
    Body and Soul: The State of the Jewish Nation
    By Janet Tassel

    "The Hebrew Bible is the blueprint of Jewish civilization. And it's the foundational document of some of the best in civilization as we know it. There in the Bible is the pledge of the Jewish people, 'If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its cunning.' And then, in our lifetime, that pledge was realized, when the Jews regained their sovereignty in the land of Israel, after it had been under foreign domination for almost 2,000 years. And what's more, they did it in the 1940s, in the same decade when one-third of the entire Jewish people had been eradicated in Europe. Now that is a miracle of truly biblical proportions."

    Thus, with great solemnity, Ruth Wisse of Harvard introduces Body and Soul: The State of the Jewish Nation, the latest documentary by Gloria Greenfield and her company, Doc Emet. The film, which will have its premiere later this month in numerous American and Canadian cities, as well as in Jerusalem, is an intensely moving experience, documenting -- one is tempted to say "once and for all" -- that Israel is, was, and always will be, the land of the Jewish people.

    Greenfield deftly uses the format developed in her previous films, a succession of prominent "talking heads," their authoritative commentary accompanied by historic photographs and films, paintings, and archeological objects, all conducing to the ocular proof of Israel's history in its own promised land.

    Wisse leads off the film's chronological format with the longest and richest section of the film, the biblical evidence, "In the Beginning." Wisse is succeeded by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks of the UK, who tells us that "Jewish identity is born in the land of Israel. It begins with two momentous journeys, of Abraham and Sarah from Mesopotamia, and the other, several centuries later by Moses and the Israelites from the Egypt of the Pharoahs; and ever since, in a sense, to be a Jew has meant to be on a journey to the Promised Land."

    The story continues. Author and historian Robert Wistrich points to the fact that though it is hard to document exactly when the special relationship of the Jewish people with the land began, it was at "the very minimum close to 3,000 years" ago, and possibly much longer.

    Archeologist Israel Finkelstein of Tel Aviv University buttresses the biblical evidence with extra-biblical texts and with archeology. An example he uses is that of Shalmanesser III of Assyria, "a great monarch of the ninth century before the common era," who describes how he fought against a "coalition of Levantine monarchs led by Ahab the Israelite, who went to war with 2,000 chariots."

    And Aren Maeir of Bar Ilan University defends biblical history as but one type of evidence that, when studied critically, can reinforce other clues -- from the Assyrians and the Greeks, for example, and their descriptions of this region in the Iron Age, thus giving us a "clearcut picture" of the early history of the Israelites and Judahites in the land during the Iron Age. [ca.1200 BCE---mid-6th century BCE.]

    1. Wisse returns with the story of the temporary exile of the Jews, driven out by the Babylonians six centuries before the Common Era. Though they lived for 50 years outside their land, this "defeated" people was not broken by exile, but assuming they had somehow not fulfilled a contract with God, they waited and they prospered, and "sure enough, they were returned by Cyrus to the land of Israel to reclaim their sovereignty."

      The chronology of Jewish nationhood continues with Isaiah Gafni of the Hebrew University, who tells of the establishment of the Second Temple in Jerusalem; and Aren Maeir discusses the continuity between the Iron Age and the post-Iron Age: "We see various hints in names, cults, traditions"; even the focus on the area where people settled, Jerusalem, retaining the centrality of the Kingdom of Judah from the Iron Age.

      Finkelstein then reminds us of the connection between the Temple of Solomon and, jumping ahead, the Temple of Herod the Great. When we go to Jerusalem, he says, we see this "amazing box" built by Herod in the first century of the Common Era. That "box" contains a wealth of archeological evidence, such as the Herodian gates standing to this day fully intact. The placing of the temple, too, like its predecessors on the highest promontory in Jerusalem, is a fact that links it with Iron Age building practice.

      Gafni describes the duality of the Second Temple period: a large Jewish center in the land we call Israel, and contemporaneous with that center, a "thriving, assertive" Jewish diaspora outside the land, but identifying strongly with the center. Indeed, we have much evidence, says Israel Bartal of Hebrew University, of that diaspora in the Second Temple period, and evidence moreover, that Jewish pilgrims came to worship in Jerusalem from North Africa, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Italy, and Asia Minor, all those people "united by the centrality of the Jerusalem Temple."

      Robert Snider, director of the Israel Museum, reminds us that residing in the Museum's Shrine of the Book are the Dead Sea Scrolls of Qumran, the "oldest recorded Hebrew manuscript texts from the Bible, and related texts." Here indeed is a connection, a touchstone to the Second Temple period, written between about 250 BCE and 68CE, when the Romans devastated Qumran on their march of destruction to Jerusalem.

    2. The goal of this terrible march was of course the extinction of Jerusalem -- and the Temple -- in 70 CE. Some years after the catastrophe, as Gafni says, there was a major Jewish uprising in the province of Judea led by the Jewish general, Bar Kochba. "That uprising, the last Jewish uprising of antiquity, failed," and many thousands of Jews were killed or taken abroad as slaves. The Roman emperor Hadrian, says Wistrich, built a new pagan city, Aelia Capitolina, on the rubble of Jerusalem after the Bar Kochba revolt (for Rome, the renaming of a conquered city, and the land itself, was an unprecedented punishment), and Jews were not only forbidden to live in Jerusalem, they were not even permitted to look at it from afar. Despite that, Wistrich stresses an extremely significant fact:

      We need to remember that there was never a single period, in the whole of this 3,000 years…when some Jews were not…a physical, living presence in Zion.

      With the ruins of Jerusalem Greenfield turns to the next section. Here Wistrich recounts the bleak history of the land after the destruction, which consists of a series of conquests:

      In antiquity, we had the Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Persians, then the Greeks and the Romans. Later the Byzantines, the Crusaders, the Mamalukes, the Ottomans, and finally the British in the 20th century, before the rebirth of Israel. None of these peoples were able to establish themselves, or in any way turn the country into a homeland…. It's very interesting that the land was always a mere outpost, a far-flung province ruled from afar.

      When the Crusaders conquered Jerusalem, says Wistrich, they expelled or massacred most of the Jews. Despite that, the Jewish presence in the Latin kingdom was extensive. A very significant Jewish presence existed in places like Akko, Haifa, the Galil, and many different towns across Crusader Palestine.

    3. Meanwhile, beyond Israel, Jews never lost their connection, their hope of return. Those who could, came as pilgrims, and were hosted in Jerusalem by Jewish families, according to Bartal. Then there were the refugees, even a mass aliyah in 1211 of French rabbis, says Rabbi Jeffrey Woolf, and after the Spanish expulsion, the refugees who established a Sephardic community in Safed. According to Wistrich, at the end of the sixteenth century there were as many as 30,000 Jews in Safed. And in the four holy cities in the Palestine of this period -- Jerusalem, Hebron, Safed, and Tiberias -- the Sephardic population was considerable. And here Wistrich emphasizes yet again:

      Remember that from the 1840s onwards, Jews were a majority in Jerusalem, outstripping Muslims and Christians. From then to now, that never changes.

      Greenfield's next section deals with the beginnings of Zionism. Zionism arose in Europe in the nineteenth century with religious thinkers, says Lord Sacks, but then it became a nationalist phenomenon in which, as it were, Jews heard the call of God. When, in 1881, vicious pogroms broke out in more than 100 Russian towns, "It was no longer the idealistic pilgrimage of the few; it was the practical necessity of the many.

      "The first three great secular Zionists," he continues, "Moses Hess, Yehudah Leib Pinsker, and Theodor Herzl, were all driven by successive phases of antisemitism," in Germany, in Russia, and on the streets of Paris during the Dreyfus affair. So "there was the pull of religion and the push of antisemitism."

      Once again, Ruth Wisse:

      The Irish, the Italians, the Poles -- so many people trying to reclaim or claim their national sovereignty…and so it was perfectly natural for the Jews to see themselves in that same light. As Moses Hess did: His example was Rome. He wrote Rome and Jerusalem, and by Rome he didn't mean ancient Rome; he meant Garibaldi, he meant the risorgimento.

    4. Yoram Hazony of The Herzl Institute agrees that of course Herzl saw terrible things coming in Europe, but Herzl "was a much deeper thinker than that. His idea of the Jewish state was the internal unification of the individual Jewish person, the Jewish man, the Jewish woman."

      Herzl understood too, says Wistrich, that the alternatives being discussed at that time, such as Argentina or Uganda, had no historical, spiritual, religious, or cultural meaning for Jews. Return meant language, culture, land and sovereignty -- in short: Zion. Similarly, Anita Shapira of Tel Aviv University sees the phenomenon of Zionism as a triangle: "The people, the Book, and the Land -- three inseparable entities."

      Wistrich adds another factor: messianism. "A majority of the Jews who came home came from one part of the Middle East to another." Why did most of these Middle Eastern Jews, who had lived for centuries in Arab lands, such as the Jews of Yemen, choose Israel? "They found, within Judaism itself, a very ancient aspiration, a profound messianic component."

      And no discussion of Zionism is complete without speaking of the poet-fighter Vladimir Jabotinsky. Wisse remarks how little attention was paid to self-protection; you might think, she says, "that one of the first things they would pay attention to would be the army, armed might." Not so. "It was only when they were forced to do so by the Arab riots, by the increasing ugliness of the Arab pogroms…."

      It was Jabotinsky, says commentator Rick Richman, who instinctively knew that it was not enough for Jews to be smart and clever and educated; they needed to learn to shoot. Jabotinsky, who formed the British Legion, the Haganah, inspired the Irgun and led Betar, "wanted not only that the rattlesnake be killed; he wanted it killed with Jewish bullets."

      Among the horrors of the twentieth century, Greenfield includes the inspiring story of the huge numbers of Yemenis,

    5. Russians and Ethiopians who made it to Israel. From Yemen, relates Wistrich, "the most backward country in the Arab world, in 1948 we had the famous Magic Carpet operation," in what Yossi Klein Halevi of the Hartmann Institute calls the "re-indigenizing" of an entire people. And then "the largest-ever aliyah, or mass exodus of Jews in history" says Wistrich, "occurred in the 1980s and 1990s, when the Soviet Union collapsed." At that point, one million Jews -- Russian, Ukrainian, some from the Baltic states and from Central Asia -- "after seventy years of Communist indoctrination, of state-controlled atheism, people who had no knowledge of Jewish history or religion…insisted on their repatriation to the Jewish homeland."

      And in one of the truly joyous sections of the film, we encounter the Ethiopian Jews through the eyes of Rev. DeeDee Coleman of Detroit. She exults, "I had never seen black Jews before. The beautiful Ethiopians, those beautiful children…. When I saw them…the babies were holding on to my legs and I was holding onto my chest.… I think the reason I was so overcome was that they were black, they looked like me! And yet they were Jews, and when they were found in Ethiopia they were practicing their faith! Israel found its children and brought them home."

      One is grateful to Greenfield (and Rev. Coleman) for this pocket of joy. But by 1945, as Wistrich notes, "the Jewish people had hit "the nadir, the absolute bottom, the pit" of human existence. And yet, within three years they succeeded in the impossible: they established a Jewish state.

      Anita Shapira adds an interesting twist: "I think the State of Israel was established despite the Holocaust and not because of it, because the great reservoir of the Jewish people…" the potential citizens of the Jewish state, had perished in the Holocaust. The Holocaust, however, did galvanize the American Jewish community around Zionism. Jonathan Sarna of Brandeis University agrees: "American Jews knew that those millions who had been wiped out in Europe might have been alive…had there been a Jewish state, a place where when Jews came they had to be admitted." And they "felt dearly" how their own country had failed in this regard.

      Tales and pictures tumble ahead, with the Mandate, the betrayal and perfidy of the British, the Arabs' 1948 attack on the nascent Jewish state, when, as Eugene Kontorovich of Northwestern School of Law notes, "not a finger was lifted by the UN or anyone else to help Israel," followed by Jordan's takeover of the "West Bank," and killing or evicting all its Jews. Nineteen years later the world witnessed the miracle of the Six-Day War. However, it only took eight years for the UN to pass its iniquitous Zionism=Racism resolution. Though later revoked, this was an ominous marker of what lay ahead: a frightening resurgence of anti-Zionism and antisemitism -- what Halevi calls a "profound social pathology" -- and the notion that Jewish nationhood is somehow inherently evil.

    6. Alan Dershowitz of Harvard Law School discusses in this context the Yassir Arafat lie: "That the Jews never lived in what is now Israel, that it is all a myth, that the Jews really come from Eastern Europe, that they have no Middle Eastern DNA…and he sold that bill of goods to many, many Palestinians."

      Itamar Marcus of Palestinian Media Watch [] illustrates the extension of this "bill of goods." "One of the goals of Palestinian historians, begun in the 1990s, is to write a history of Palestine that won't allow for the existence of any other people in the land” -- what Victor Davis Hanson of the Hoover Institution calls a “pseudohistory.” The Palestinian Authority, continues Marcus, "often cites the persecution of Jews in European countries as proof, not that the Jews were persecuted, but as proof of the Jews' evil nature."

      And once this pseudo- or mythic history is indoctrinated, the academics make the necessary adjustments, says Hanson, and then will collect the material rewards. Marcus adds that if, according to the Palestinian Authority, Jesus was a Jew, then the Jews lived in Israel. So what they have done is turn Jesus into a Palestinian, indeed into a Muslim, and thereby denied Christian history.

      And finally, says Simon Samuels of the Simon Weisenthal Center, the UN is recognizing Palestine as a legitimate state (a claim, says Bret Stephens of the Wall Street Journal, that paves the way for even more dangerous claims to come -- from Iran, for instance). Palestine is voted into UNESCO, continues Samuels, and they begin their work of inventing their heritage, claiming the archeological sites: the Church of the Nativity, the Cave of the Patriarchs, Rachel's Tomb, Hebron, and believe it or not, the Dead Sea Scrolls.

      Greenfield's film, then, of necessity has a darker ending than we would want. But with advocates like the ones she has ingathered for us, it is hardly without hope. It is a must-see film.

      Read more:
      Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

    7. I submit, articles such as the above are worth reading by intelligent men and women.

    8. The Israeli are living a lie, and the Christian "Right" is aiding and abetting it.
      They all agree that calling a tail a leg, gives a dog five legs.

      "If you call a tail a leg, how many legs has a dog? Five? No, calling a tail a leg don't make it a leg." - Abraham Lincoln

    9. Alan Dershowitz of OJ Simpson fame, an unimpeachable source he is.

    10. Dershowitz was part of a team which successfully defended a client. Had he failed to do so, you would complain about that. It must be comfortable to live in your own little world where you can never be wrong.

      Dershowitz, by the way, has been highly critical of Israeli policies over many years.

    11. Bob,

      Any human remains with recoverable DNA can be determined to be Jewish. Indeed, given the universal markers, it is about 10 times easier than is the case with other remains. This branch of science is now so advanced that it can confidently predict your place of birth within about 10 miles. Different groups of people have very specific markers found only within that group. All Jews, despite the recent Diaspora, are all related to a small group of male founders.

      The quote I put up was not an article. It came from an article which referenced the sources also provided by me. To understand the quote it would have been necessary to read the research leading to the quote. Given the minutes of delay between my posting and the posting of replies would have made a reading of the research impossible.

  13. That cuts desert rat out.

  14. It most certainly does, Anon.


    Peyton Manning breaks Brett Favre's TD record

    By Gregg Rosenthal
    Around The NFL Editor
    Published: Oct. 19, 2014 at 09:46 p.m.
    Updated: Oct. 19, 2014 at 11:30 p.m.

    Peyton Manning didn't waste any time Sunday night becoming the most prolific touchdown passer in NFL history.

    Manning connected with Demaryius Thomas for an 8-yard touchdown in the second quarter against San Francisco for his 509th career touchdown pass, passing Brett Favre to set the all-time record.

    It was a fitting record-breaker. The ball wobbled just a bit, but it was perfectly placed to Thomas, who dragged his feet for six. It was Manning's third score of the first half.

    Manning reached the mark in his 246th game (56 games faster than Favre).

    Manning and Thomas connected for No. 510 on a 40-yard deep ball with the wideout draped in double coverage. The 38-year-old signal-caller was relieved early in the fourth quarter by Brock Osweiler, leaving with an excellent final stat line: 22-of-26 passing, 318 yards and four TDs.

    Emmanuel Sanders caught a 3-yard strike on Denver's first drive, and Wes Welker got deep for a 39-yard TD on the third play of Denver's second drive. Like so many milestone touchdowns before it, Manning's throw to Welker was preceded by a pump fake. Niners cornerback Tramaine Brock bit, letting Welker get deep.

    The only question remaining Sunday: Can Manning make a run at his single-game record of seven touchdowns?


    Good Night


    Cheers !!

  15. US Drops Supplies to Help Kurdish Fighters in Syria

    The U.S. military says its cargo planes have delivered weapons, ammunition and medical supplies from Kurdish authorities in Iraq to Kurds battling Islamic State militants in northern Syria.

    A U.S. Central Command statement said the airdrops late Sunday in the Kobani area are meant to resupply the Kurds so they can continue holding off the Islamic State group's attempt to overrun the city. The battle for the area just across the border from Turkey has been going on for weeks.

    Earlier Sunday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said his country would not arm the Kurdish fighters, calling them "equal" to the Kurdistan Workers Party that both Turkey and the U.S. consider a terrorist group.

    As was stated, earlier, the Kurds = Hamas, if you believe that a terrorist is a terrorist.
    That it is all Black & White"

    Remember, in the War in Syria,Israel prefers Daesh (al-Qeada) in Syria, over the Alawites, Christians and their Kurdish allies

    Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren told the Jerusalem Post that Israel so wanted Assad out and his Iranian backers weakened, that Israel would accept al-Qaeda operatives taking power in Syria.

    1. The four-week Islamic State assault has been seen as a test of U.S. President Barack Obama's airstrike strategy, and Kurdish leaders said the town cannot survive without arms and ammunition reaching the defenders, something neighboring Turkey has so far refused to allow.

    2. Two things happened. We airdropped ammo, and other supplies to the Iraqis up by Baji (called it "humanitarian,") and we started "communicating" with the Kobanis.

      This was looking very, very likely.

      Well played, Obomb'em, well played.

    3. U.S. Humanitarian Aid Going to ISIS
      Not only are foodstuffs, medical supplies—even clinics—going to ISIS, the distribution networks are paying ISIS ‘taxes’ and putting ISIS people on their payrolls.

    Israel hospital treats daughter of Palestinian arch-foe

    1. Hung on your own petard, allen

      The tangled web of political intrigue, the smoke clears and it becomes evident that Hamas and the Zionists are on the same page, share the same goal. The subjugation of the Palestinian people

    2. U.S. Humanitarian Aid Going to ISIS
      Not only are foodstuffs, medical supplies—even clinics—going to ISIS, the distribution networks are paying ISIS ‘taxes’ and putting ISIS people on their payrolls.

  17. Turkey just lost its Queen to Obama

    How sweet it is. Now how is Turkey going to get away with taking on the Kurds when the Kurds have done what the Turks were unwilling to do?

    The US military says it has airdropped weapons, ammunition and medical supplies to Kurdish forces defending the Syrian city of Kobani against Islamic State militants.

    The air drops on Sunday were the first of their kind and followed weeks of US and coalition air strikes in and near Kobani, near the Turkish border. The US earlier said it had launched 11 air strikes overnight in the Kobani area.

    In a statement on Sunday night, US Central Command said US C-130 cargo planes made multiple drops of arms and supplies provided by Kurdish authorities in Iraq. It said they were intended to enable continued resistance to Islamic State efforts to take full control of Kobani.

    The air drops are almost certain to anger the Turkish government, which has said it would oppose any US arms transfers to the Kurdish rebels in Syria. Turkey views the main Kurdish group in Syria as an extension of the Turkish Kurd group known as the PKK, which has waged a 30-year insurgency in Turkey and is designated a terror group by the US and by Nato


      U.S. Humanitarian Aid Going to ISIS
      Not only are foodstuffs, medical supplies—even clinics—going to ISIS, the distribution networks are paying ISIS ‘taxes’ and putting ISIS people on their payrolls.

  18. in a symbolic display of Kurdish solidarity, and as a result of intense U.S. diplomacy in recent days, the weapons and ammunition dropped were supplied by Kurdish authorities in Iraq. Much of those supplies, however, have been at least indirectly provided to the Iraqi Kurds by the United States and coalition allies.

    The U.S. Central Command said that “no U.S.-made weapons” were included in the Syria resupply. Iraq’s Kurdish military force, called the Pesh Merga, uses mostly Soviet-era Russian weapons, which the United States arranged last summer to be supplied by former Soviet-bloc countries now in NATO.

    The games never stop.

  19. ANKARA — Turkish President Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan says his country would not agree to any U.S. arms transfers to Kurds battling ISIS militants in Syria.

    Turkey views the Kurdish militants as an extension of the PKK, which has waged a 30-year insurgency in Turkey and is designated as a terrorist group by Turkey, the European Union and the United States.

    The state-run Anadolu news agency on Sunday quoted ErdoÄŸan as saying the fighters are "equal to the PKK" and that Turkey "would not say 'yes' to such a thing."

  20. Back those that can and will fight to defeat ISIS. All others, dump their sorry asses.

    1. That's the "Rat Doctrine" ...

      Utilize local forces, support them as required, with arms and close air support.
      Take as much time as is required, as long as US ground troops are not in the fight,

    2. Those weapons, they could just a easily made it to the Kurds through the Iranians.
      If not the weapons air dropped into Korbane, but the weaponry hat replaced those weapons, in Iraq.
      AKs are fungible.

    3. The RPG-29 Vampir took out a bunch of Israeli Merkava Mk 4 tanks, so let's hope the Iraqi sent those, too. If the RPG-29 was not in the inventory, maybe they can get missiles such as 9M133 AT-14 Kornet, 9M131 Metis M. These also killed a passel of those Merkava Mk4's in Lebanon.

    4. Now, all the Coalition has to do, take the next step.

      Send a Battalion of Iraqi infantry to support the Syrians in Korbane.

    5. By sending the Iraqi Army to support the Syrian government, the US and the Coalition would no longer be supporting a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION in the form of the Kurdish PKK.

    6. Back in the day, deuce, the same was said regarding defeat of the soviets in Afghanistan and look where that got US.

    7. U.S. Humanitarian Aid Going to ISIS
      Not only are foodstuffs, medical supplies—even clinics—going to ISIS, the distribution networks are paying ISIS ‘taxes’ and putting ISIS people on their payrolls.


    9. Ash, US actions in Afghanistan helped to break up the Soviet Union.
      The objective was met. US National Interests fulfilled.

      Even if you could trace a direct line from the US actions to the events of 11SEP2001, which would be difficult, the costs of the destruction of the Soviet system to the US were minimal.

      The actions of the US, in Iraq, were in no way tied to the events of 11SEP2001, except by the lies of the US officials.
      Men like Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell and GW Bush, those who lied to US, time and again.

      It can be said, without much room for argument that the military campaign to take down the Taliban in Afghanistan went swimmingly. In a matter of weeks the Northern Alliance, aided by US close air support carried the day, militarily.

      The fact that the US did not withdraw afterwards, but stayed in country to "Build a Nation", another deluded political decision by the GW Bush team of Neocons and liars...

  21. The US has declared that the PKK is a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION
    So has the European Union.

    Just like Hamas.
    Hamas = PKK,
    Palestinians = Kurds.

    All that is different, their oppressors.

  22. Jack's still up.

    That's meth for ya.

    1. You must have a lot of experience with that shit, Anonymous.
      You speak of it so often, that meth stuff must be in the forefront of your thoughts.

      They say it is really addictive, it must have a real grip on you, as much as you mention it

    2. What was the "Gate Way" drug you used, before the meth took your brain, Anonymous?

      Was it Whiskey?
      Or did you do pharmaceuticals?

    3. If you move to a progressive state, like WA or CO, even AZ, you can get some legal marijuana, it might just help you kick that meth habit.

      Doubt it, but one never knows, the results medical marijuana has had in battling addiction to illegal drugs are mixed.
      But it'd be worth a try, that meth has messed up your mind.

    4. Just woke up here, after a long wonderful sleep.

      Jack was up until after 11 pm, looks like.

      I call that a long long day.

      I took a nap couple times during the day as well.

      I think Anon has a point.

      One would have to be superhuman to put in the hours JackRat does without some help.

      And JackRat isn't superhuman. Just the opposite, in fact.

    5. "Draft Dodger", if you had ever had military experience you would know that a 14 to 20 hour day is the norm, not an aberration.

  23. Jack Rat has a point

    ANKARA (CAIRO) — Turkish President Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan (Egyptian President al-Sisi) says his country would not agree to any U.S.(Iranian) arms transfers to Kurds (Palestinians) battling ISIS militants (Zionist Colonialists) in Syria (Israel).

    Turkey (Egypt) views the Kurdish (Palestinian) militants as an extension of the PKK (Muslim Brotherhood), which has waged a 30-year insurgency in Turkey (Egypt) and is designated as a terrorist group by Turkey, (Egypt),.

    Just have to put the situation in the proper perspective.

    The Kurdish PKK does equate to Palestinian Hamas, both are designated terrorist organizations, and the Kurds are just like the Palestinians, an oppressed minority in their own land.

    Both the Kurds and the Palestinians were fucked by the British and to remedy that they need to be freed of foreign oppression they are subjected to.

    That Jack Rat has a lot of insight.

    1. U.S. Humanitarian Aid Going to ISIS
      Not only are foodstuffs, medical supplies—even clinics—going to ISIS, the distribution networks are paying ISIS ‘taxes’ and putting ISIS people on their payrolls.

    2. The 'Palestianians' were fucked by themselves.

      They are their own worst enemy.

    3. Of course, they should have been more welcoming to a million plus Russians displacing them.

    4. Deuce, that's fiction

      Jews didn't DISPLACE anyone. Nor did the Russian Jews displace anyone.

      Your argument is specious and juvenile.

      If you look at the GROWTH of arab population "from the river to the sea" since 1948 you will find that the arabs of Israel now out number the number of arab that lived in the entire zone in 1948, and if you couple that with the number of arabs that now live in gaza and the west bank (to use your labels for Judea and Samaria) also has grown 6 fold or so.

      The number of arab villages and towns, both inside Israel and in the disputed territory as grown.

      Why not be honest?

    5. Of course those Russians displaced the Palestinians.

      Son of Israeli General Exposes Israel's Lies.

    6. Did someone say something?

      naw... just the insects chewing on themselves...

      Deuce my comment to you still stands.

  24. Turkey left the US rulers with little choice in this case. The US administration need to discard all their historical foreign policy baggage and re-evaluate their strategy based on the facts on the ground. As the Kurds have never spied on the US, they’re arguably the number one ally in that part of the world.

  25. Obama is finally beginning to understand what his once the “most trusted foreign leader” Erdogan truly is: an ignorant, corrupt Islamist and and ISIL supporter. The commander of Kurds in Kobane is a woman. They are not fundamentalist religious nuts.

    The attitude of Turkey under the Islamist Erdogan (and of his Kurdish-phobic government, military, and police) to Kurds in Kobane fighting the heavily armed ISIL brutes has been simply criminal, and genocidal.
    Unfortunately, under the current government, Turkey can never become a genuine ally in the fight against barbarism and ignorance in the name of Islam. So it is great that now the US is beginning to understand this.

  26. Here's a hopeful headline -

    CROWD WALKS OUT ON O..................drudge

    O got boo-ed too

    About time.

    Looks like this rose has had its season.

    Finally !!

    1. Here's the same story from Reuters....

      Reuters Obama makes rare campaign trail appearance, people leave early

    2. Here's one from American Thinker -

      Obamanesia: polls reveal people can't remember voting for Obama October 20, 2014 The first stage of grief is denial More


    3. Here's another -

      Forget Ebola. We have a crisis of leadership and confidence October 20, 2014 President Obama is toxic and the public wants change. More American Thinker

      Rufus shall remain steadfast until the very end, as all good and faithful True Believers do.........and this is admirable in its own peculiar way.

  27. October 20, 2014
    US resupplies Kobani defenders
    By Rick Moran

    Two developments overnight have bouyed the Kurdish defenders of the besieged Syrian border town of Kobani as the US dropped arms. ammunition, medical supplies, and food to the militias fighting off Islamic State forces for the first time, and Turkey relented and will allow Kurdish peshmerga fighters from Iraq to cross the border to aid their comrades in the fight.

    It's not a game changer, but will certainly raise morale and stiffen resistance to the IS advance.


    In a brief statement, the U.S. Central Command said U.S. Air Force C-130 aircraft "delivered weapons, ammunition and medical supplies that were provided by Kurdish authorities in Iraq and intended to enable continued resistance against ISIL's attempts to overtake Kobani," using an acronym to refer to Islamic State.

    The Central Command said 135 U.S. air strikes near Kobani in recent days, combined with continued resistance against Islamic State on the ground, had slowed the group's advances into the town and killed hundreds of its fighters.

    "However, the security situation in Kobani remains fragile as ISIL continues to threaten the city and Kurdish forces continue to resist," the statement said.

    "We understand the longstanding Turkish concern with the range of groups, including Kurdish groups, that they have been engaged in conflict with," he added. "However, our very strong belief is that both the United States and Turkey face a common enemy in ISIL and that we need to act on an urgent basis."

    The Turkish presidency said Obama and Erdogan had discussed Syria, including measures that could be taken to stop Islamic State's advances, and Kobani.

    In a statement published on Sunday, it also said Turkish assistance to over 1.5 million Syrians, including around 180,000 from Kobani, was noted in the conversation.

    In comments published by Turkish media on Monday, Erdogan equated the main Syrian Kurdish political group, the PYD, with the PKK, describing both as terrorist organisations.

    "It will be very wrong for America with whom we are allied and who we are together with in NATO to expect us to say 'yes' (to supporting the PYD) after openly announcing such support for a terrorist organisation," Erdogan said.

    Kobani is one of three areas near the border with Turkey where Syrian Kurds have established their own government since the country descended into civil war in 2011.

    Of course, none of this would be necessary if Turkey took a hand in the fighting and blasted IS from the battlefield. They have the firepower to do it, but are still trying to blackmail the US and the west into directly joining the fight against President Assad in return for them helping the Kurds. President Obama is probably correct in resisting Turkey on this matter (one war at a time, please), but the stance of both Turkey and the US complicates matters for the Kurds on both sides of the border.

    The US and Islamic State have now invested so much propaganda value in holding or taking Kobani that the battle has taken on a significance far beyond its strategic importance. It's why despite thousands of casualties, IS will continue its efforts to defeat the Kurdish defenders and the US will employ air power to help the Kurds resist.

    In this battle of wills, whoever blinks first, loses.

    Read more:
    Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

    1. C-130s

      (that my smiley man smoking a cigar)

    2. C-130s

      All part of the world wide famous BOB DOCTRINE


      Fucking "Rat Doctrine".

      There is NOTHING in either the RAT DOCTRINE or the BOB DOCTRINE that any Boy Scout couldn't figure in fifteen minutes. Or the DEUCE DOCTRINE or the RUFUS DOCTRINE for that matter.

      Fucking Rat Doctrine

      What a self promoting line of shit.



    3. :)/~~

      That's smoke from my guy's cigar.

      If only I could figure how to get it up half a notch.....

    4. :)__~~

      That's not perfect but maybe better.....

    5. :)-~~~

      My guy smoking a stubby........

      That's not bad.

      Reminds me of a friend of mine who ALWAYS has a stubby in his teeth. :)

    6. Poor Robert "Draft Dodger" Robertson, just does not know what he is talking about.
      The "Rat Doctrine" is being implemented by the US and it is working as intended.

      It just makes the "Drft Dodger" so mad ...
      He cannot even admit to the reality on the ground.

      PKK = Hamas.
      Kurds = Palestinians.

  28. Iowa Ernst (R) +2.5
    North Carolina Hagan (D) +0.7
    Georgia Perdue (R) +0.6

    Hagan is slipping, but then so is Perdue.....

    Ernst is holding steady.

    1. POLITICS: Campaigns
      Early ballot requests, returns in Iowa look good for the GOP
      By T. Becket Adams | October 17, 2014 | 6:17 pm
      Topics: Beltway Confidential Senate Iowa 2014 Elections Campaigns Bruce Braley Joni Ernst
      Photo - Republican senatorial candidate State Sen. Joni Ernst, makes a statement to the media after her debate with Democratic senatorial candidates Rep. Bruce Braley, at Simpson College Sept. 28, 2014, in Indianola, Iowa. (AP Photo/Justin Hayworth) Republican senatorial candidate State Sen. Joni Ernst, makes a statement to the media after her...

      The polls show State Sen. Joni Ernst, the Republican U.S. Senate candidate in Iowa, with the slightest of leads against her Democratic opponent, Rep. Bruce Braley. But she can take some additional hope from the state's early absentee ballot returns.

      More Democrats than Republicans had returned their ballots as of Friday. Registered Democrats held a 5,219 ballot lead — Democrats 79,751, Republicans 74,532, according to Iowa Secretary of State data as compiled by the Ace of Spades Decision Desk.

      But even though Democrats hold a lead, absentee ballot returns is an area where they have long dominated, even in bad years for their party, and by much larger margins than the one we see now.
      Sign Up for the Politics Today newsletter!

      For example, the Democrats' lead is much smaller, both numerically and as a percentage, than the lead they held at this point in 2010. Even though Democratic absentee ballot returns are up over their performance in the last midterm, Republican numbers are up by quite a bit more. Nineteen days before the 2010 election, Democrats had returned 60,156 ballots to Republicans' 41,321. Recall that 2010 was a famously good year for Republicans and famously painful for Democrats.

      There is also good reason to believe that the Democrats' edge, which has been shrinking slowly for the past week, will continue to shrink and could even disappear. Republicans have not only been returning more ballots in the last few days — they have also been requesting more. Democrats have still requested more absentee ballots on aggregate by about 10,000 — 144,000 to 134,000. But Republicans have been closing that gap rapidly — just two weeks ago, the Democrats had an edge in requests of about 40,000 ballot requests.

      So has the GOP has finally marshaled its troops and gotten serious about efforts to get out the vote early? Have Republicans learned the lessons of 2012 and improved their ground game in Iowa? Are they reaching low-propensity voters and succeeding in getting them to vote absentee? Is this what we're seeing in these early return numbers, and does it portend victory for Ernst?

      It's far too soon to know. But if she does win, this will surely be a factor in making it happen.


  29. These early morning 'rat f:ree' times are truly wonderful.

    I leave you with:

    Peyton Manning is the best.

    Out for most of the day.

    Cheers !

    1. The TD record is wonderful, but only another ring can boost Peyton Manning's legacy

      But Manning has to know that this is merely another feather in his cap. It’s another trophy for an overflowing case that has almost everything — everything except a second Super Bowl ring.

      The touchdowns are great, but only one number matters in football. Manning might finish with twice as many touchdown passes as Joe Montana. He’ll likely be 100 clear of Tom Brady. But unless he narrows the deficit in titles, those are pyrrhic victories.

      Maybe Peyton Manning plays four more years and puts that TD record so far out of reach, like a modern day Babe Ruth or Bob Beamon. It will merit him even more accolades and deservedly so. But if Peyton Manning retires with just that one Super Bowl win, what do you think will be remembered more?

      Fairly or not, it’s all about the hardware, baby.

  30. Borderland Beat Reporter un vatoMon Oct 20, 09:54:00 AM EDT

    Golden Triangle in Flames...Again

    El Diario de Coahuila (October 19, 2014)
    By Patricia Davila and Patricia Mayorga, translated by un vato for Borderland Beat

    GUACHOCHI, CHIH. (apro).-- Up until two months ago, in this and other municipalities bordering the drug trafficking Golden Triangle -- which encompasses parts of Chihuahua, Sinaloa and Durango-- there was a relative calm: the young sicarios who defend the plaza for the Sinaloa Cartel seemed at ease.

    Driving pickups and equipped with weapons intended for military purposes, with radio communications, they would carry out their jobs of guarding the area to prevent entry of Juarez Cartel members, just in case this rival group tried to retake lost territory. With the advent of the marijuana harvest season, this "peace" was lost.

    However, this time, it was not the Juarez Cartel that ended the peace, but rather "Los Salgueiro" and "Los Chavez Matamoros", two Sinaloa Cartel cells that battled for control of the two drug smuggling corridors for drug grown in this area destined for the United States.


  31. Britain and France join US-led air strikes in Iraq

    Britain and France have taken part in a series of US-led air strikes against Islamic State in Iraq, US Central Command has said.

    The latest strikes were conducted near the cities of Fallujah and Bayji in conjunction with Iraqi ground forces, officials said.

    Another six air strikes - not involving Britain or France - were carried out against the militants in the key border town of Kobani in Syria.

    de fwench is here

    Can Canada be far behind?

  32. Look like the Obama diplomacy is having some effect

    Turkey helping Iraqi Kurdish fighters enter Kobani to fight ISIS

    Read more:

    SURUC, Turkey -- In a significant shift, Turkey's top diplomat announced on Monday that his country is helping Iraqi Kurdish fighters cross into Syria to "give support" to fellow Kurds defending the border town of Kobani from Islamic State militants.

    The remarks by Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, at a press conference in Ankara, followed the announcement by the U.S. military that it had for the first time airdropped weapons, ammunition and medical supplies provided by Kurdish authorities in Iraq to the Kurdish forces in Kobani.

    Read more:

    1. Nothing Jack posts is worth reading, he lies, distorts and misleads.

      AND I would not trust his links.

    2. Yep, the Israeli, "O"rdure, does not trust the JPost or Haaratz.
      Shows us where he is at, living in some kind of a deluded fantasy world.

    3. The son of an Israeli General, and other men that acknowledge that they are proud Israelis ...
      "O"rdure does not trust them.

      They do not toe the Zionist line, they have lived in Israel, not just visited and partied there.
      Men that know the truth, "O"rdure does not trust.

    4. Holocaust Survivors - "O"rdure does not trust them.

      Men like Victor Klemperer, they speak the truth and so are not deserving of "O"rdure's trust.

    5. "O"rdure doe not trust Danny Rabinovitz who wrote,
      “What happened to the Palestinians in 1948 is Israel’s original sin…
      Between the 1950s and 1976, the state systematically confiscated most of the land of its remaining Palestinian citizens.”

      Just because it was printed in Haaratz.

    6. "O"rdure does not trust the Israeli Ambassador to the US, Michael Oren, who told the JPost ...

      Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren told the Jerusalem Post that Israel so wanted Assad out and his Iranian backers weakened, that Israel would accept al-Qaeda operatives taking power in Syria.

      "We always wanted Bashar Assad to go, we always preferred the bad guys who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran.”

      Even if the other “bad guys” were affiliated with al-Qaeda.
      “We understand that they are pretty bad guys,” Oren said in the interview.

      "O"rdure does not trust the JPost.

    7. What a limited world "O"rdure has made for himself.
      He does not trust Israelis, people living and working in that portion of Palestine that the Zionists have taken.

      Just because Jack Hawkins quotes them.

  33. SURUC, Turkey — In a significant shift, Turkey's top diplomat announced on Monday that his country is helping Iraqi Kurdish fighters cross into Syria to "give support" to fellow Kurds defending the border town of Kobani from Islamic State militants.

    The remarks by Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, at a press conference in Ankara, followed the announcement by the U.S. military that it had for the first time airdropped weapons, ammunition and medical supplies provided by Kurdish authorities in Iraq to the Kurdish forces in Kobani.

    Sunday's airdrops followed weeks of U.S. and coalition airstrikes in and near Kobani, along the Syrian-Turkish border. There was no immediate confirmation by Kurdish officials of the airdrop or what kind of weapons it included.

    It was thought the airdrops would almost certainly anger the Turkish government, which has said it would . . . . .

    NO, No, no, . . . . . no . . . .YEEeeesss

    1. :)

      There for a second, I thought I had double-posted.

    2. No, amigo, we're just on top of things.

      Not living in 70AD, griping about the Romans.

    3. “To me the Zionists, who want to go back to the Jewish state of A.D. 70 (destruction of Jerusalem by Titus) are just as offensive as the Nazis.

      With their nosing after blood, their ancient "cultural roots," ...
      their partly canting, partly obtuse winding back of the world they are altogether a match for the National Socialists.

      That is the fantastic thing about the National Socialists,...
      that they simultaneously share in a community of ideas with Soviet Russia and with Zion.”

      ― Victor Klemperer, I Will Bear Witness: A Diary of the Nazi Years, 1933-1941

  34. NAJAF (Iraq): Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi on Monday ruled out any foreign ground intervention to assist government forces in retaking territory lost to jihadists and urged Sunnis to give up such hopes.

    Abadi was speaking in the city of Najaf after a rare meeting with the most revered figure among Iraqi Shias, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, and before a trip to neighbouring Iran.

    "No ground forces from any superpower, international coalition or regional power will fight here," Abadi told reporters, reiterating previous remarks on the issue.

    "This is my decision, it is the decision of the Iraqi government."

    1. This from the "Times of India", another source that our "O"rdure does not trust.

  35. Ebola crisis: Nigeria declared free of virus - BBC News

  36. Here is another link that "O"rdure will not trust...

    Exodus campaign to Berlin sparks outrage in Israel

    TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — A group of young Israeli expats have unleashed controversy back home by encouraging others to join them in Berlin, touching on two of the most sensitive issues in Israel: the country's high cost of living and Jews' tortured history with Germany.

    While Israelis have been angered after learning that food prices are much lower in Germany, they are also outraged that the youngsters' form of protest has been to give up on the Zionist dream by leaving the Jewish state, and relocate to the birthplace of the Nazi Party to boot. It rankles many in a society that once considered emigration shamefully akin to treason, at a time when many Israelis want to stick together after a brutal summer war in Gaza underscored greater political and security woes in Israel.

    The uproar began several weeks ago when a 25-year-old former Israeli army officer flaunted photos of his grocery receipts — including those of a popular chocolate pudding that sells in Germany for one-third the price in Israel — and boasted about the good life in the German capital.

    Now known as the "Milky" protest, after the pudding's Israeli name, the Facebook campaign has received 17,000 "likes" and pictures of Israelis holding signs asking German Chancellor Angela Merkel to give them a visa have gone viral. Israeli TV channels have sent reporters to Berlin to cover the thriving Israeli expat community there.

    One step at a time ...

    1. Jack: One step at a time …

      One can only assume that Jack/Rat's goal is the destruction of the Jewish State of Israel.

      That was and is clear.

      That is why I consider him a Jew hater.

  37. "Jack HawkinsMon Oct 20, 12:24:00 AM EDT
    Hung on your own petard, allen"

    You obviously do not know what a petard is. I could have been "hoist" by my own petard, but not "hung".

    Since I have no idea what elicited your comment and have no interest in searching for its origin, I will leave you to your petards.

    1. Once you are hoisted, you'll remain hung ...

      Back to ESL with you, allen.

    2. Present and past tense, allen.
      Sorry to have confused you.

    3. As to the petard, that's a small or large bomb, or a fart.

      The verbiage of being 'hoisted' by one ... antiquated.

      Like I've said, you Zionists ought to leave 70AD behind.

    4. If you were to enter the modern world, you would learn, allen that the meaning of the word 'hoist' has changed, over time.

      v. hoist·ed, hoist·ing, hoists
      1. To raise or haul up with or as if with the help of a mechanical apparatus. See Synonyms at lift.
      2. To raise to one's mouth in order to drink: hoist a few beers. v.intr. To become raised or lifted.

      No mention of throwing a bomb, in the modern idiom.

    5. So, allen, to be "Hung on your own petard" ...
      ... is to be left hanging on your own ass gas.

      Get a dictionary, or use Google.

    6. You mean to say rat ass is hoisted by his own farts?

      Everyone always knew the emotional child was/is totally full of gas.

      Put a match to that.......KA-BOOOOOOM........RAT ASS OVER THE MOOOOOOOON

      hehehe serve him right

    7. .

      Once again the rat makes a fool of himself, this time with etymology.




    8. "Hoist with his own petard"[edit]
      If a petard detonated prematurely, the petardier would be lifted by the explosion. In addition, the usual human response is to get away from trouble by the most direct means possible, but a straight line is rarely the safest route of departure while under fire, and this is particularly true after setting a petard. The backblast went straight back from the fortification: if the petardier also moved straight back he would be "hoist by his own petard".[citation needed]

      William Shakespeare used "hoist with his own petard" in Hamlet, in which the word "hoist" is the (now archaic) past participle of the earlier form "hoise" for the verb "hoist".[3][4]

      In the following passage, the "letters" refer to instructions written by his uncle Claudius, the King, to be carried sealed to the King of England, by Hamlet, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, the latter being two schoolfellows of Hamlet. The letters, as Hamlet suspects, contain a death warrant for Hamlet, who later opens and modifies them to refer to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Enginer refers to a military engineer, the spelling reflecting Elizabethan stress.

      There's letters seal'd: and my two schoolfellows,
      Whom I will trust as I will adders fang'd,
      They bear the mandate; they must sweep my way
      And marshal me to knavery. Let it work;
      For 'tis the sport to have the enginer
      Hoist with his own petar'; and 't shall go hard
      But I will delve one yard below their mines
      And blow them at the moon: O, 'tis most sweet,
      When in one line two crafts directly meet.
      After modifying the letters, Hamlet escapes the ship and returns to Denmark. Hamlet's actual meaning is "cause the bomb maker to be blown up with his own bomb", metaphorically turning the tables on Claudius, whose messengers are killed instead of Hamlet. Shakespeare's use of "petar" (flatulate) rather than "petard" may be an off-colour pun.[5][6]

    9. Hell, Legionnaire Q, William has been dead longer than Teddy Roosevelt, and I am told by your Zionist cohort that Teddy is irrelevant, 'cause he is dead.

      Now to be hoisted on a petar, not at all the same as being hung on a petard.

      Words have modern meanings, learn to use them

    10. Oh, by the bye, Legionnaire Q, how is that bear of an editing job coming?

    11. Words do have modern meanings.

      Such when you say "I advocate the destruction of Israel" it means you are no better than the Nazis your grandparents were.

      Fucking anti-semetic, sub human troll…

      Was I clear on that? You jew hating, Israel trashing, Zionist bashing, sub-human, self confessed murderer.

    12. .

      This incident is instructive in that it points out certain aspects of rat-MO.

      1. When called on a particular fact the rat will invariably obdurately double down on his error.

      It is easy to misquote an idiom when it is not often used. However, when questioned on the word 'hung' above, rather than checking and then simply stating 'poor word choice' or 'my mistake', the rat doubles down and tries to justify the mistake.

      2. He enters the defensive mode by attempting to insult the person who questioned his word choice.

      The verbiage of being 'hoisted' by one ... antiquated.

      Like I've said, you Zionists ought to leave 70AD behind.

      And if he can slip in Zionist, Jew, or Israel, well, all the better.

      In this case, he even compounds his mistake by trying to denigrate the original meaning of the word 'hoist' by calling it antiquated; yet, it is the 'original' meaning of that word that gives the idiom its meaning.

      3. To justify his original word use, the rat goes into an elaborate charade revolving around the words used in his version that is so obvious it is laughable, parsing words and phrases, forming new constructions, and in this case ultimately getting it wrong again.

      4. When it is pointed out that the rat is wrong and is known to be wrong as in the case where he truncates quotes from WiO or takes them out of context so as to distort their actual meaning, he nods and then proceeds to repeat the same lies and distortions in a single monotonous continuous loop.

      Is it any wonder the term batshit crazy comes to mind?


    13. .

      Oh, by the bye, Legionnaire Q, how is that bear of an editing job coming?

      Have you completed your assignment, rat?

      If not, you better go do that little task I gave you. Do it now, or no Flight Simulator tonight.

      Skidaddle, you little buckaroo.


  38. Behind the fear-mongering and scare tactics that have conflated all of today's hot news issues into some sort of dystopic conservative nightmare -- Ebola on the backs of ISIS crossing into the U.S.

    Why America’s Ebola Fears Are Dangerously Misplaced

    Those of us who, like me, report on global public health have a sense of inevitability as we watch the Ebola crisis unfold. We always knew it would mostly affect, as Bishop Kulah so aptly puts it, “people who were already behind.”

    And we knew the people least affected by this scourge — privileged denizens of wealthier countries — would overreact out of misplaced fear for themselves, rather than a reasoned and compassionate understanding about what needs to be done.

    So we see the freaked-out, wall-to-wall, feedback-loop media coverage we’re experiencing now. Schools closing down in Ohio for completely unnecessary disinfection. Recriminations against hapless health workers who suddenly find themselves dealing with an exotic new threat. Politicians demanding to seal off the Mexican border to prevent Hamas terrorists from deliberately bringing Ebola into the Homeland. (Thanks, Congressman Joe Wilson of South Carolina, I’ll bet Hamas masterminds hadn’t even thought of that.) You can expect more of the same in coming weeks.

    All this when the focus urgently needs to be on the real Ebola victims in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea.

    Let’s rewind the tape a little bit. Researchers predicted that Ebola would begin to show up in the U.S. and Europe by the end of September, based on analysis of burgeoning cases in West Africa and air traffic patterns. As events have proven, they were right on target.

    The contemporary world is a porous place. It’s a fact.

    U.S. public health officials knew that. And, to their credit, they began preparing for the arrival of an Ebola-infected person on our shores in the summer.

    It’s not an easy thing to plan for. Where might he/she pop up — New York, Boston, Minneapolis, Dallas? What would he/she look like? Where would he/she first seek care for symptoms that mimic a hundred different disorders? Which health workers should be trained, and how, to minimize the risk of spread?

    When I interviewed Boston public health and medical authorities for CommonHealth last month, I was struck by several things:

    •They were taking the threat seriously.

    •They were confident they could deal with it — perhaps overconfident.

    •They thought (or some of them did) that a case of Ebola in Boston could be managed without much public alarm.

    Fat chance, I thought.

    Getting the public health messaging right is one of the trickiest aspects of the drama. People understandably have a hard time wrapping their minds around a rapidly lethal virus that’s very contagious — but only after people are showing symptoms, and only if those around them are exposed in certain ways. We simply don’t have experience with threats like this.

    And Americans, who by and large lead remarkably low-risk lives by the standards of much of the world, paradoxically have very little tolerance for risk. Their anger quickly flares at authorities who they think have failed to protect them from any perceived threat.

    Alas, the current Ebola crisis has shown that public health authorities whose job is to protect us from these threats were, charitably speaking, unequal to the task.

  39. Jack HawkinsMon Oct 20, 12:23:00 PM EDT
    As to the petard, that's a small or large bomb, or a fart.

    The verbiage of being 'hoisted' by one ... antiquated.

    Like I've said, you Zionists ought to leave 70AD behind.


    Jack, you stupid little troll, ZIONISTS of all people left the usage of BC and AD behind a long time ago.

    Anno Domini (AD or A.D.) and Before Christ (BC or B.C.) are designations used to label or number years used with the Julian and Gregorian calendars. The term Anno Domini is Medieval Latin, translated as In the year of the Lord,[1] and as in the Year of Our Lord.[2][3]:782 It is sometimes specified more fully as Anno Domini Nostri Iesu (Jesu) Christi ("In the Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ"). This calendar era is based on the traditionally reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus of Nazareth, with AD counting years from the start of this epoch, and BC denoting years before the start of the era. There is no year zero in this scheme, so the year AD 1 immediately follows the year 1 BC. This dating system was devised in 525, but was not widely used until after 800.[4]


    Common Era (also Current Era[1] or Christian Era[2]), abbreviated as CE, is an alternative naming of the calendar era, Anno Domini ("in the Year of Our Lord", abbreviated AD).[3][4] BCE is the abbreviation for Before the Common/Current/Christian Era (an alternative to Before Christ, abbreviated BC). The CE/BCE designation uses the year-numbering system introduced by the 6th-century Christian monk Dionysius Exiguus, who started the Anno Domini designation, intending the beginning of the life of Jesus[5] to be the reference date.[6][7] Neither notation includes a year zero,[8] and the two notations (CE/BCE and AD/BC) are numerically equivalent; thus "2014 CE" corresponds to "AD 2014", and "400 BCE" corresponds to "400 BC".

    The expression "Common Era" can be found as early as 1708 in English,[9] and traced back to Latin usage among European Christians to 1615, as vulgaris aerae,[10] and to 1635 in English as Vulgar Era. At those times, the expressions were all used interchangeably with "Christian Era", with "vulgar" meaning "ordinary, common, or not regal" rather than "crudely indecent". Use of the CE abbreviation was introduced by Jewish academics in the mid-19th century. Since the later 20th century, use of CE and BCE has been popularized in academic and scientific publications, and more generally by publishers emphasizing secularism or sensitivity to non-Christians.

    The Gregorian calendar and the year-numbering system associated with it is the calendar system with most widespread use in the world today. For decades, it has been the global standard, recognized by international institutions such as the United Nations and the Universal Postal Union.

    The CE/BCE notation has been adopted by some authors and publishers wishing to be neutral or sensitive to non-Christians because it does not explicitly make use of religious titles for Jesus, such as "Christ" and Dominus ("Lord"), which are used in the BC/AD notation, nor does it give implicit expression to the Christian creed that Jesus was the Christ.

    Among the reasons given by those who oppose the use of Common Era notation is that it is selective as other aspects of the Western calendar have origins in various belief systems

    You may wish to go back to grade school to learn the basics of calendar nomenclature.

    Fucking Retard….

    1. Fucking Retard….

      He directs you in your daily duties.
      So what does that make you, "O"rdure.

    2. Jack HawkinsMon Oct 20, 02:02:00 PM EDT
      He directs you in your daily duties.
      So what does that make you, "O"rdure.

      What is next Jackoff? "I'm rubber and you are glue"?

      Go back on your meds, your self humiliation is complete for one day...

  40. Remember, fellas, you read it here, first

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The Iraqi Kurdish region is prepared to send backup forces from its Peshmerga militia to the Syrian town of Kobani to join the fight there against Islamic State jihadists, a regional government spokesman said.

    1. Although a part of the Kurdish militia was – on paper, at least – supposed to be integrated into the Iraqi army, the relationship between Baghdad and the Kurdish regional government has remained tense.

      Tense, but with the Kurds now integrated back into the Iraqi government, the 'paper' is the Law.
      The Peshmerga is part of the Iraqi Army, as far as the Coalition is concerned.

      Coordinating close air support with them, only serves to illustrates that reality.

    2. As someone said, "Reality bats last."


    3. .

      Good lord, rat, you are a moron.

      All of the Kurds, Turkish and Iraqi, have been trying to get to Kobani to help since the first attacks by IS. It was merely the Turks preventing it. It only makes sense for the Iraqi Kurds to try and help out since they share not only a common ethnic background but the Kurds from Syria helped those in Iraq at Sinjar mountain. Blood is thicker than water.

      Now, you try to pass this off as something you suggested in the past, when your original suggestion was that the Iraqi should airlift 800 of the Iraqi army regulars to Kobani to fight there at the same time the town of Hit was being taken by IS and one of the last Iraqi military compounds in Anbar was being overrun.

      When the US helped break the siege at the Mosul dam, you said it was a sign the 'Rat Doctrine' was in play.

      When the US expanded the war and announced they were bombing Syria, you said the 'Rat Doctrine' was no longer in play.

      When some successes were reported in Syria, you said the 'Rat Doctrine' was in play again.

      When the Kurds were rough for the Kurds in Kobani, you said that the 'Rat Doctrine' couldn't work there because there was no 'active partner'.

      When the Kurds started pushing back IS, it was naturally because of the 'Rat Doctrine' again.

      Now, when Kurds from Turkey and Iraq are being allowed to help their brothers in Kobani, you suggest the Iraqi Kurds are actually part of the Iraqi Army and this is all as you planned it in the 'Rat Doctrine'.

      This despite the fact that you had not mentioned a battalion of Kurds to help Kobani and had in fact discounted that very idea this morning.


      Jack HawkinsMon Oct 20, 12:51:00 AM EDT

      Now, all the Coalition has to do, take the next step.

      Send a Battalion of Iraqi infantry to support the Syrians in Korbane.


      Jack HawkinsMon Oct 20, 12:53:00 AM EDT

      By sending the Iraqi Army to support the Syrian government, the US and the Coalition would no longer be supporting a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION in the form of the Kurdish PKK.

      Next you will be telling us we are 'making military history'.

      From the above, we can only assume that the 'Rat Doctrine' is rather ephemeral, here one minute gone the next.

      You would be funny, rat, if you weren't so damn predictable and boring.


    4. No, Legionnaire Q, the "Rat Doctrine" is pretty simple to understand.

      The US and its Coalition partners utilize local forces to combat the Daesh. Suppying those forces with Close Air Support and logistical supplies, as needed.

      The US and its Coalition partners do not send in ground troops, but leave that to the local governments and organizations.
      These government and organizations can be anyone that is a war with Daesh.

      Just as the US allied with Stalin's Soviet Union, the US can and should ally itself with anyone that it is not at war with, Syria, Hezbollah, PKK ... Any of those are preferable to al-Qeada, the Daesh.

      What part of this simple doctrine you fail to comprehend, is not my concern.

      That you refuse to acknowledge that it is being implemented, successfully, just another indication of your position as another of the mindless sheeple.

      While predictability is assured, as the mantra of "Say the Course" is looked upon wih favor.

      While the idea that you are and the others remain so fully engaged with a bore, well, that would indicate just how deluded you fellas are, to be wasting your time in this manner.

      I find that hard to believe, Legionnaire Q.

    5. While predictability is assured, as the mantra of "Stay the Course" is looked upon with favor.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. .

      I can see why you might wonder, rat.

      To bore is a simple verb. I use it in the sense that you offer us nothing new. Long ago, you stopped offering us any new insights and instead have resorted to the same monotonous repetition of the same cut-and-paste, no thought merely simple key-strokes.

      That being said, you can still provide amusement value in the analysis. You have a certain level of uniqueness to you that is worthy of comment. Certain sociopathic traits you demonstrate are worthy of discussion both in the abstract and in the particular.

      In other words, rat, you are one weird cat.


  41. Now, Legionnaire Q and allen can discuss the meanings of antiquated phraseology and definitions ...

    I'll stick with watching the "Rat Doctrine" being implemented in the current conflict.
    With the tactical prognostications previously made, to the derision of the auto mechanics, bakers and farmers, becoming reality.

    “It is said the warrior's is the twofold Way of pen and sword, and he should have a taste for both Ways. Even if a man has no natural ability he can be a warrior by sticking assiduously to both divisions of the Way.” ― Miyamoto Musashi


    1. The Legionnaire Q and "Draft Dodger" Robertson think they know the pen, but have never hefted a sword.

    2. 'tis, true, neither Q nor Bob have committed war crimes in Central America as you have bragged of doing.

    3. Time stamp that "Draft Dodger", if you can, which we all know you cannot.
      Back to pure fabrications, whole clothe lies.
      Par for you, Robert "Draft Dodger" Robertson.

    4. .



      A fact we readily admit. Yet, you, rat, are the one who lies here constantly. When called on it, when it is proven to you that you do it, you continue as if it had never been mentioned. You dissemble, you lie, you distort. You offer us cut-and-paste short stories. Good lord, man, why would anyone believe you are anything but a Google Warrior; with your interest in all things Mexico, some wet-back living in his mother's basement occasionally pecking away at Flight Simulator on his old XP when not sorting through his cut-and-past log in anticipation or returning to this blog to bore the patrons.

      Hefted a sword?

      At times, you are downright funny, rat.


    5. Legionnaire Q, you were going to create a litany of those supposed lies, legion you said they were.
      A bear to edit you said it would be.

      Well, we're still waiting for the first installment of the tome.

    6. .

      You have the first installment, rat, yet you refuse to read it.

      Go back and do the reading assignment I gave you, rat. When you have done that, come back and after a brief review perhaps you will get more.

      No desert until you read your vegetables, rat.

      Now, run along sonny and don't come back until your chores are done.



    7. Bring it forward, if it exists, or at least time stamp it, if it exists.
      I doubt that it does, Legionnaire Q.

    8. With your record of pure fabrications, just these past couple of days, your word is worth ordure.

    9. .

      (continued from above)

      5. When you do prove that rat is lying and offer him proof in the form of his own date-stamped post, he tends to go silent for a day or so and then asks you to provide the same link again the next time he posts the same lie.

      Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on ...well...

      The Google Warrior offers up silly rat-games that only a fool would play.

      You have your assignment, rat. Go back and read that post you said you wouldn't read.

      Do it now.

      Skidaddle, sonny boy, or no virtual lessons over at PoloSkilz tonight.


    10. There is no where to go back to,
      Where is it, now?

      It does not exist or you would post it,

      You and the "Draft Dodger" Peterson, just fabricating lies, whole clothe.
      You have become another of those that tried, and failed, to libel the 'rat'.

      Ho dee ho ho.

      The Legionnaire Q tried for that "Bridge to Far" and fell short.

    11. You should have had it ready, the bear rassled and tied up, before you made your boast, Legionnaire Q.
      Your failure to perform, quite evident in the lack of material you can provide for perusal.

    12. .

      There is no where to go back to,
      Where is it, now?

      It does not exist or you would post it,

      Come on, rat, what would you learn from that. As I recall, when one of the lobby asked you to provide a specific link to one of your posts your response was to the effect that you put it up and they could have one of their clerks locate it Far be it from me to deny one of your functionaries the same opportunity. Besides, you are the one who has been begging for more desert, what lesson would you learn if I do all the work for you?


  42. This excellent post is on my list for this week's Comment of the Week Award -

    >>>>AnonymousMon Oct 20, 09:46:00 AM EDT

    The TD record is wonderful, but only another ring can boost Peyton Manning's legacy

    But Manning has to know that this is merely another feather in his cap. It’s another trophy for an overflowing case that has almost everything — everything except a second Super Bowl ring.

    The touchdowns are great, but only one number matters in football. Manning might finish with twice as many touchdown passes as Joe Montana. He’ll likely be 100 clear of Tom Brady. But unless he narrows the deficit in titles, those are pyrrhic victories.

    Maybe Peyton Manning plays four more years and puts that TD record so far out of reach, like a modern day Babe Ruth or Bob Beamon. It will merit him even more accolades and deservedly so. But if Peyton Manning retires with just that one Super Bowl win, what do you think will be remembered more?

    Fairly or not, it’s all about the hardware, baby.<<<<

    While I respectfully disagree with Gentleman Anon on the grounds that one quarterback doesn't make a team, etc. it is a supportable and well argued point of view.


    I am having a 'power lunch' of Big Mac and Fries at McDonald's.

    RatAss should go out once in a while.

    There's a whole brave new world out there with such creatures in't he has never imagined from his perpetuity behind the computer screen.

  43. The quote below is absurd and totally meaningless. The problem is one within Britain's Muslim minority of about 3,000,000. Within this context, the problem is serious, indeed.

    "For the U.K., a nation of 64 million people, this number is staggering..."
    The West’s Female-Genital Mutilation Wake-Up Call

    2,000 victims reported for care in a six month period.

    Abbas adds 'hard labor' to punishment for Palestinians who sell land to Israelis

    Where is the U.N.!? Why, this is a violation of human rights. It is also why Jews have never been able to deal with these people.

    Jews legally buy property and still find themselves labelled as occupiers... what rubbish ... But it does work with bigots and the feeble minded.

    1. Illegal sales, do not transfer title.
      Perhaps the Palestinians are going to ape the Israel, who use the Islamic title schemes of the Ottoman.

      The Palestinians may not recognize the sellers property rights, as the Israeli do not recognize the Palestinians property rights on land the state claims.

      No one there seems to appreciate the social value of private property.

      The Israeli government has, to a large extent, continued the Ottoman legal system in regard to land ownership. 

      Thus, today the vast proportion of land within the State of Israel (roughly 93%) is owned and managed either by the Israel Lands Administration (ILA) or the JNF.  This figure includes much of such extensive regions as the Negev and the Judean Wilderness (near the Dead Sea), which are sparsely populated. 

      Jewish settlements in the State of Israel usually are located on lands that are owned by the ILA or the JNF and that have been consigned to each settlement through long-term leases. 

      Less than 7% of the land in the State of Israel is privately owned.

      “So great moreover is the regard of the law for private property, that it will not authorize the least violation of it; no, not even for the general good of the whole community. “
      - William Blackstone


    2. Re: Islamic title schemes of the Ottoman

      “A 1923 lawsuit from the District Court of Samaria shows the complexity of purchasing mushaa land.[71] The land code recorded that twenty-three people were registered as owners of the land in question in 1873, but further investigation discovered that there were over 900 claims to the land.[72] Such entanglements discouraged buyers and contributed to the hardship faced by the fellahin.”

      “In some parts of Palestine, conflicts arose from the fellahin belief that the land that they lived on was theirs despite not owning the deed or rights to the land. The rights to the land were owned by the ayan or the rights were never properly registered.”

      “Social classes had always existed, but the Land Code of 1858 enabled wealthy urbanites - the ayan - to acquire expanses of land in the Levant. The ayan had very little interest in ever living on the land or tilling the fields. They leased parcels out to the fellahin, the peasants that lived and worked on the land for generations and were too poor to buy it themselves. Growing interest from foreigners in the second half of the century led the ayan to sell the land that they have collected over the years. The critical difference between the ayan and the foreigners as land owners was that unlike the ayan who held the land as investments the foreigners intended to live on and work the land not interested in the land as investments. The fellahin, who had lineage through labor and physical connection to the land, were forced to move from it.”

      Note: 1858 Land Code

      This was nearly a century prior to the founding of Israel.

      There are a score of works cited in addition to 73 text notes. Please, do some review before coming back in 7 minutes with your considered opinion.
      Land Acquisition in Palestine in the Late Ottoman Period

  45. Alabama House Speaker Mike Hubbard (R) was arrested on Monday and charged with 23 felony ethics charges, the Associated Press reported.

    Hubbard, who is also the chair of the Alabama Republican Party, faces charges that include using his office for personal gain and voting for legislation with a conflict of interest, reported.

  46. "Calling the Israelis who have joined Islamic State 'fringe,' she justified joining the terrorist group by saying that they 'had no option in life and their lives lacked meaning.'

    Well, of course, they do; she only need look at her own life for proof.

    Were she to make such statements in the PA, her life would be cut short. Despite an outcry for legal action against her, I doubt there will be any repercussions; she is a member of the Knesset. Additionally, Israel is a civilized country, used to nutters with soapboxes.

    If Israel were as bad as all that, she can always move. In fact, she can sell her home to an Arab-Israeli without going to either jail or the morgue. There is a lesson in that, which she is too silly to see.
    Zoabi says IDF worse than ISIS

    1. Now that I think of it, she could join Alec Baldwin and all the other stars who left the U.S. following the election of George Bush.

      Oh, that's right. Okay, she can be the first; many will follow her into exile, I am sure.

    2. No, allen, according to the WND headline the Zionists will not let 'em go. Once an Israeli, it is a "Life Sentence"

      Israeli minister aims to stop Jewish exodus to Berlin

      Now, when you read the piece, the headline by WND does not really fit any of the Minister's quotes ...
      Must be why "O"rdure does not trust WND.

    3. I thought you semi-literate. You are illiterate.

    4. Not at all, allen.

      Maybe you like that headline, think it's fitting to the story ...
      Your call.

    5. Israeli Minister aims to stop the Jewish exodus to Berlin.

      Now, when you read the story, he does not mention aiming or exodus ...
      He speaks of improving the standard of living in Israel, that Socialist paradise where the VAT is wiping out the purchasing power of young families.

      He worries of more mass demonstrations ...

      But is not aiming to stop the exodus of Jews to Berlin from Israel.
      No weapons involved in his approach, so I thought the headline misleading ...
      You do not, there you go.

    Monica Lewinsky: I was in love with Bill Clinton

    Every time I see her (more and more lately), my eyes instantly focus on her mouth. ...wonder what that's about ...

    To be fair, every time I see Clinton, I wonder what kind of socks he was wearing as his pants were down around his ankles with Monica.

  48. (CNN) -- Up to three Ebola-infected travelers might board an international flight each month in West Africa, according to a new study, and potentially spread the deadly virus to other countries.
    Three passengers per month, or 2.8 to be exact, was around what Bogoch was expecting. Considering the number of people living in these West African countries, he says, the prevalence of the disease is still relatively low. Guinea, for example, has around 11.4 million people, and just over 1,500 recorded cases of Ebola Virus Disease.

    Of the approximately 500,000 travelers who flew out of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone in 2013, more than half flew to one of five countries: Ghana, Senegal, the United Kingdom, France and Gambia. In fact, the study authors say the likelihood of someone traveling to the United Kingdom or France with Ebola is about eight times higher than the likelihood of someone traveling to the United States with the disease.

  49. Here's some fun stuff from FOX News

    Junk and knockoffs: Iran's military weaponry panned, but regime still formidable, say experts

    The Iranians cannot manufacture an assault rifle, their vaunted attack helicopter is a Bell 206 twenty years in development, they have a 23mm Gatling gun ... An armored school bus with a snowplow attached to the bumper and a target drone UAV ...

    But we still must be afraid, very afraid, of the formidable Iranian military ...
