Saturday, October 11, 2014

The astounding 2000 year old computer - - Decoding the Antikythera Mechanism


  1. Very Nice. There are several things of the "ancient" world beyond modern expectations.


  2. I’m still in a state of shock over the implications to our own age and understanding. Glad to share it with you.

    1. The separation between the ancient world and our own was not based on intelligence. It is technology - things like metallurgy. Pythagoras may have be as intelligent as Einstein; he just did not have as many shoulders of giants to stand on.

    2. Plato wasn't a technocrat, but it is still awfully hard to think about philosophy without him.

    3. >>>But Churchill doesn't credit Stuart simply with saving the battle for Lee; he claims the cavalryman's raid was exactly one of those "sharp agate points" that changes destiny. In his alternative history, Lee and his Army of Northern Virginia took Washington within three days of Gettysburg. Lee then declared the end of slavery in the South—a "master stroke," Churchill wrote, that swung British opinion behind an alliance with the Confederacy. Faced with such a formidable combination, and with the moral issue of slavery removed, President Abraham Lincoln agreed to peace that September in the Treaty of Harpers Ferry, which gave all slaves their freedom and established the South as an independent nation.<<<

      Churchill writes an alternative history of our Civil War, and Jeb Stuart cancels World War One.

      Churchill Imagines How the South Won the Civil War
      By Ernest B. Furgurson

  3. They didn't have jet packs in those days though.

    Here is Quirk 'stealing the show' at a Michigan game.


    10 minutes till game time, Vandal Fans across the USA and around the World.

    1. Notice how he slinked over to the side lines and took off stealing the show from the Marching Band?

      That's Q for ya.

  4. The Vandies have had more points scored on them via 'the big play' than any other team in the country !

    Big play = 30 yards or more, or some such.

    1. The secret of our success in this category is that the defense 'never shows up'.

    2. Nice sunny day in Georgia. Very steady warm wind breezing down the field from goal post to goal post.

    3. Kickoff !

      Idaho starts from the 20 yard line....

    4. I hired a local college girl as a spotter to see if she can find Quirk, if he is here......big binoculars.....

      Idaho to the 45 !

    5. 3rd and 11......we are in Georgia territory at about the 45.......

    6. Vandies on the march......3rd 1st and 2 from the 18......1/2 yard from the first down.......going for the field goal.......

      Good !

      Idaho 3
      Georgia Southern 0

      "Bobbo, does Quirky have a silly Vandal mask?" my spotter asks.....

    7. 51 yard run by GS, down to the Idaho 25........

    8. Touchdown from the 8, quarterback keeper, not a hand on him......defense is still sitting in the locker room......

      Idaho 3
      Georgia Southern 7

    9. Wow !

      Idaho pass over the middle down to the 30......

    10. Idaho player Duckworth may be injured. He might be related to the Duckworths that make the jet boats.......injury time out.....

    11. Duckworth Jet Boats

    12. We are going for it on a fourth down and seven........big mistake........idiotic.......GS take over on the 25

    13. Coach is gonna hear about that stupid call at the next Vandal Booster meeting.....

      Georgia State all the way down to the 22.......pass.......Touchdown GS

      That will make it 14 to 3........and I will just post the scores.......but you get the drift......we are going to get clobbered

      13 to 3 - missed the extra point

      My spotter thinks she may have seen Quirk slinking about....

    14. So far it's simply Georgia knife through Idaho butter......

    15. Wow !

      Nice long drive by Idaho, passes and running......

      Idaho 10
      Georgia Southern 13

    16. Knife through Idaho butter -

      Idaho 10
      Georgia Southern 20

    17. What the hell?

      My radio coverage has flipped back over to country western music........

    18. I suspect some Southern subterfuge, some damnable confederate trickery.........

    19. Fucking Statler Brothers is all I get.....

    20. Just when the Vandies were on the march again....

    21. Wait, it's spotter sees Quirk coming over the field in an ultralight......about a hundred yards up......wheels over the to the left........she's got him identified by the Vandal mask......two people in the this....

      Looks to be Maria in front........

    22. Holy Shit they're back......coming in really low this time, over the goal posts.......then up and out and wheeling to the south........Q waving at the crowd.......crowd beginning to clap and yell....

    23. Odd looking, Q in the Vandal mask, with those big flight goggles on.......he's got some kind of back pack on.......

    24. A third pass, this time high, really really high.........Holy Shit Quirk's bailed out !! fall......spread eagled.......down down down......down down down down........whoa something has deployed.....parachute?.........wings !!!!

      That crazy bastard is now hovering over the 50 yard line, using the breeze like a hawk does the wind over a ridge......nearly perfectly still now........not moving...........he's deployed a spotter can make it out........FREE KURDISTAN NOW !!!......

    25. O man, Quirk has landed on the 50 yard line......the Stadium Police are rushing in........

  5. He's ripped off his wings........he has.....he has......a Jet Pack on his back........the Police are closing in.........Quirk is waving at the crowd.......LIFTOFF......he has ignited the Jet Pack, right from the 50 yard line........just before the Police were on him........he is heading straight.......straight through the Idaho goal posts!!!!!!

    Fifty yard human field goal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Then up and out, past the scoreboard.......wheeling off to the south........the crowd is delirious..........roaring with delight......

    Quirk has stolen half time, made a political point........and gotten scott free away !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    O my, o My My My......

    1. Final score

      Idaho 24
      Georgia Southern 47

    2. Next week we get clobbered by New Mexico State, Vandal Fans !

      Be sure to tune in.

      The broadcast here was interrupted due to a big storm.

      Home in the Dome next week.
