Monday, October 27, 2014

Did Turkish intelligence kill an American journalist, Serena Shim?

Here is a report by the reporter before her death:

WASHINGTON – The death of an American journalist who worked in the Middle East has come under suspicion because she had claimed days before her death that the Turkish intelligence services had threatened her over her coverage of the siege of the Syrian city of Kobani.
Serena Shim, an American citizen of Lebanese origin, was a journalist for Iran’s state-owned Press TV. She was killed in a car crash in the city of Suruc after she reportedly collided with a “heavy vehicle.”
She was in a rental car returning from her assignment when the crash occurred. Neither the “heavy vehicle” nor its driver has been located, although her driver reportedly was arrested.
Just days before her death, she had expressed concerns to colleagues and later on camera that she could be arrested by Turkish officials over her reporting. She disclosed that ISIS jihadists were being smuggled into Turkey and back into Syria in the back of humanitarian aid vehicles.
Suruc was located near the Turkish-Syrian border where most of the international media are assembled to cover the Kobani siege by ISIS.
“She was a wonderful young lady from Tennessee working as a reporter for Press TV in southern Turkey,” Franklin Lamb, an international lawyer and friend of Shim, told WND.
“She was preparing to return to the United States and to her mother,” he said. “She was a lovely young woman, smart, funny, hardworking, very American, open, optimistic. She wanted to help the world and alleviate struggle,” said Lamb.
A statement from Press TV said that Shim leaves behind two children, Ali, age 4, and Ajmal, 2.
“The tragic death of Serena Shim has left pain and sorrow in our hearts,” the statement said. “Her family is calling on the Turkish government to provide answers over the circumstance leading to her death.
“Just a couple of days ago she had been threatened by Turkish intelligence,” Press TV stated.
A few days prior to her death, Shim had spoken on camera of her fears of being arrested. She claimed Turkish intelligence agents had accused her of spying after her report of the alleged smuggling of ISIS militants.
“I’m very surprised at this accusation – I even thought of approaching Turkish intelligence because I have nothing to hide,” Shim said in the broadcast a day before she was killed.
“I am a bit worried, because … Turkey has been labeled by Reporters Without Borders as the largest prison for journalists … so I am frightened about what they might use against me,” she said.
Shim said that she had received images from Islamic jihadists crossing the Turkish border and was one of the few reporters covering the development.
“We were some of the first people on the ground – if not the first people – to get that story of … militants going in through the Turkish border. … I’ve got images of them in World Food Organization trucks. It was very apparent that they were militants by their beards, by the clothes they wore, and they were going in there with NGO trucks,” she said.
As WND has reported, Turkey has been aiding ISIS and has refused to join the U.S.-led coalition against the brutal jihadist army, which has committed atrocities such as beheadings in its takeover of large portions of northern Syria and western and central Iraq.
Informed sources tell WND that Turkey continues to keep open its borders to allow jihadists seeking to join ISIS to cross into Syria. Many of the fighters are from Europe and the United States.
Turkey has been a major gathering point for fighters throughout the world to obtain training and logistical support to join various jihadist groups and the Syrian opposition fighting Shiite-Alawite Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Turkey has made clear that its first priority isn’t the elimination of ISIS but to overthrow Assad.
The Turks believe the coalition against ISIS not only will bestow new legitimacy on Assad but will empower the outlawed Kurdish Workers’ Party, or PKK, as part of the coalition.
The PKK historically has sought a portion of Turkey, northeastern Syria, northern Iraq and northwestern Iraq to form the independent country of Kurdistan.
There are some unconfirmed reports that Turkey has been providing weapons to ISIS to fight the Kurds. One report said that a train from Turkey had carried ammunition and weapons to ISIS to besiege the city of Kobane. However, Ankara hasn’t denied such a claim.
In view of Ankara’s continued war with the PKK, Cemil Bayik, a top PKK commander, said the Turkish government has “eliminated” conditions of a mutually observed 18-month cease-fire. As a consequence, it would “step up its struggle in every area and by all possible means.”
If that were to occur, Ankara could look to ISIS to help eliminate its PKK problem.
“What has emerged is that Turkey is continuing its relations with Daesh and that Turkey will not solve the Kurdish problem in the north,” Bayik told Al-Monitor in an interview.
Daesh is the acronym for ISIS in Arabic.
Bayik said a Turkey “that supports Daesh’s attacks against Kobani, that seeks to depopulate Kobani and lobbies for the establishment of a buffer zone cannot sever its ties with Daesh.”
“Because if it did so, Daesh would expose all of Turkey’s dirty laundry, and document the links between them,” he explained.
  • Text sm


  1. The suspicious death of US-born journalist Serena Shim, and the deafening silence on the story in the US, is merely the latest example of the blatant double standard employed by the Western media.

    Shim, a 29 year old American journalist of Lebanese descent, had been covering the ongoing war in Syria, specifically the current battle between ISIS militants and Kurdish forces near the Syrian town of Kobani, from the Turkish-Syrian border. Shim was traveling in a rental car back to her hotel after reporting from the Turkish town of Suruc near the Syrian border, when the car was allegedly struck by a heavy vehicle, killing Shim.

    While Turkish authorities quickly contended that her death was an accident, many around the world, including executives and senior staff members of Press TV – the Iranian news agency for which Shim was working – have expressed doubts about the circumstances of her death, describing it as“suspicious.” Such suspicions are clearly warranted as the alleged accident came just one day after Shim expressed fears for her own safety after receiving death threats from Turkish intelligence (MIT). In an interview with Press TV just after being accused of being a spy and receiving the threats, Shim stated:

    “I’m very surprised at this accusation – I even thought of approaching Turkish intelligence because I have nothing to hide… I am a bit worried, because…Turkey has been labeled by Reporters Without Borders as the largest prison for journalists…so I am frightened about what they might use against me… We were some of the first people on the ground –if not the first people – to get that story of…militants going in through the Turkish border…I’ve got images of them in World Food Organization trucks. It was very apparent that they were militants by their beards, by the clothes they wore, and they were going in there with NGO trucks.”

  2. ISTANBUL — Turkish authorities, referring to an accident last week in the southeastern Turkish province of Şanlıurfa, said the driver of a truck that a Lebanese-American journalist's car plowed into was not at fault.

    Shim was killed in Suruç on Oct. 19 as she was returning to her hotel after covering a news report about developments on the Turkish-Syrian border. Her driver, Judy Irish, was injured. According to Turkish media, quoting an official crash report, Irish was driving too fast and made a wrong turn when she crashed into a concrete mixer truck. The truck driver was detained after the accident but was later released. He had testified that the car was speeding up in the opposite lane when the driver lost control of the vehicle and entered his lane.

    Press TV, Iran's English-language TV station which Shim was working for, claimed after the accident that she was a victim of "a black ops" operation involving Turkish and American intelligence services and quoted Shim saying before her death that she was being threatened by Turkish intelligence officials.

    Turkish daily Sabah reported that Judy Irish was a 16-year-old girl who had no driving license. She reportedly said in her initial testimony that she was driving fast and did not notice the road signs warning her against a wrong turn.

  3. Turkish soldiers appear to have fired tear gas at citizens who were watching another day of bloody fighting in the besieged Syrian border town of Kobane.

    Scores of observers retreated from hillsides just a mile from the town - where the death toll in six weeks is said to have topped 800 - after military vehicles swept in earlier today in what Turkey claimed was a bid to ensure their safety.

    Onlookers were seeing rubbing their eyes as canisters landed in between their vans and motorbikes on the rocky outcrop, which had afforded the best views of the fighting from a distance.

    Read more:
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

  4. (Reuters) - The U.S. decision to air-drop weapons to Kurdish forces in Syria on the same day Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan dismissed them as terrorists is the latest false note in the increasingly discordant mood music coming out of Washington and Ankara.

    No matter how much officials on both sides publicly insist there is harmony, differences in strategy over the fight against Islamic State and the fate of the beleaguered Syrian border town of Kobani are straining relations between the Washington and its key regional ally, leaving Turkey increasingly isolated.

    On Saturday Erdogan briefed journalists on board his lavish new presidential jet, saying it would be inappropriate for the United States to arm the Kurdish PYD which controls Kobani, besieged by Islamic State forces for more than a month.

    Less than an hour after the plane touched down in Istanbul, President Barack Obama spoke to Erdogan by telephone, notifying him that weapons drops to Kobani's defender's were going ahead.

    "U.S. actions certainly humiliated Erdogan. The story of the air-drop is one of Turkish irrelevance," said Aaron Stein, associate fellow at the Royal United Services Institute.

    An op-ed by an Erdogan adviser published on Monday after the drops reiterated Turkey's opposition to helping the PYD, and highlighting the apparent gap between Ankara and Washington.

    Hours later Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said Turkey would work with the United States to allow Iraqi Kurdish 'peshmerga' fighters to go to the defense of Kobani.

    Senior Turkish officials paint the change of stance in a positive light. But Erdogan has kept up his attack on U.S. tactics, and the focus on Kobani.

    "Now there's this situation called Kobani. What's the significance for it? Around 200,000 people came to my country and there are no civilians left inside apart from 2,000 PYD fighters," he said on Thursday, branding the PYD terrorists.

    But Turkey's stance has little bearing on the direction of the coalition, and on Washington's actions, Stein believes.

    "I don't think Turkey is buckling under the pressure (to do more), I think people are just ignoring Turkey."

  5. The Neocon instigated war in Iraq made Iran stronger and created a power vacuum into which Al Qaeda and other radical Sunni groups, supported by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey took hold. The Neocons were successful in as much as they got the US to begin a needless war that helped put the entire Middle East in turmoil.

    Cui bono?

    1. Israel - the "Yinon Plan" in full implementation mode.

  6. Twice as many British adults blame Israel for the failure to achieve a final settlement as they do the Palestinians, according to a new poll commissioned by Israel advocacy groups.

    The survey was conducted by Populus on behalf of The Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre (BICOM) and the Jewish Leadership Council, with more than 2,000 interviewed online 10-12 October.

    Asked to choose from a list of words and phrases the 3 that most closely describe their view of Israel, respondents opted for: 'Jewish' (40%), 'Under threat' (32%), 'Aggressive' (32%), 'Bullying' (18%), and 'Isolated' (14%).

    The poll also suggested a generational gap when it comes to attitudes about core questions. Asked to pick from three possible statements, support for Israel as a Jewish state – even in the context of a negotiated two-state solution – was at only 27% among 18-24 year olds, compared to 55% amongst the 55-64 age bracket.

    The fact that the poll was commissioned by two of the UK's main Israel advocacy bodies, reflected in the questions, makes these results even more noteworthy.

    A report on the data in The Jewish Chronicle declared 'Poll shows no mass hostility after Gaza', an indication of the anxiety felt by Israel's lobbyists since the summer's hostilities.

    Indeed, the article notes that "Israel supporters hope the figures will answer the concerns of those who believe attitudes have turned heavily against the country in the past year." The poll would thus appear to be an expensive PR exercise performed on behalf of advocacy groups worried at the frustration in their own constituencies at Israel's deteriorating image.

    Coincidentally, the newspaper also reported this week on remarks made by Tory MP Robert Halfon, who has complained that Israel's supporters are being "outclassed and outgunned", and ultimately, "losing the battle."

  7. Kobani death toll passes 800

    The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Sunday that the death toll in 40 days of fighting in and around the northern Syrian border town of Kobani has reached 815, as Kurdish fighters battled radical Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants for a hill west of the town. The activist group said the death toll includes 21 Kurdish civilians and 302 fighters with the main Kurdish force known as the People's Protection Units (YPG).

  8. Thousands attend funeral for Palestinian-American child killed by Israeli army

    Israel/Palestine Allison Deger on October 26, 2014

    Thousands gathered in the West Bank town of Silwad outside of Ramallah to bury Orwah Hammad, a 14-year old Palestinian-American from Louisiana who was killed by the Israeli army on Friday evening.

    Hammad’s memorial was held at a local school to accommodate the out pouring of mourners, rather than at Silwad’s central mosque as customary. The front entrances of the town were still littered with burnt trash bins and rocks from the clash on Friday when the youth was killed. Hammad was enshrouded with flower wreaths as children from the village wept and prayed over his headstone. Hammad died in Ramallah public hospital after sustaining a gunshot wound to the neck and head during a demonstration against the killing of another Palestinian earlier in the week.

    - See more at:

      Hundreds attend the funeral of Ecuadorian woman killed in Jerusalem terror attack

      She did not die at the hands of the little bastard throwing petrol bombs at motorists.
      Israeli army shoots New Orleans teen dead during altercation in West Bank as US calls for 'speedy and transparent investigation'

      ... play silly games, win silly prizes ...

      The U.S. did NOT demand a speedy investigation into the death of the American teen murdered by Hamas in June. Hmm...

    2. The key question is the identification of a regime that practices systematic oppression and domination by one group over another.

      How then does it apply to Israel?

      To answer that, we need to clarify another concept: Israel.

      Although usually seen as residing within its pre-1967 boundaries,
      the Israeli regime exercises control over Palestinians
      in the occupied territories of the West Bank and Gaza.

      For the past 46 years, all residents within greater Israel have lived under the same regime,
      which claims to be the sole legitimate political and military authority.

      The state controls the territory between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, ruling over eight million rights-bearing citizens
      (75% of whom are Jews) and four million Palestinian subjects denied civil and political rights.

      Millions of Palestinian refugees
      (who were born in the territory or whose direct ancestors were)
      cannot set foot in their homeland, let alone determine its political future as citizens.

      How is the notion of apartheid relevant to this reality?

      The Israeli regime is based on an ethnic-religious distinction
      between Jewish insiders and Palestinian outsiders.

      It expands citizenship beyond its territory,
      potentially to all Jews regardless of their links to the country,
      and contracts citizenship within it:

      Palestinians in the occupied territories and refugees outside have no citizenship and cannot become Israeli citizens.

      The regime combines different modes of rule:
      civilian authority with democratic institutions within the Green Line
      (the pre-1967 boundaries), and military authority beyond it.

      In times of crisis,
      the military mode of rule spills over the line to apply to Palestinian citizens in Israel.
      At all times,
      the civilian mode of rule spills over the line to apply to Jewish settlers.

      The distinction between the two sides of the line is constantly eroding as a result,
      and norms and practices developed under the occupation filter back into Israel.

      Israel as a "Jewish democratic state" is "democratic" for Jews and "Jewish" for Arabs.

    3. the KEY question?

      How many arabs will DIE by the hands of Arabs this year?

    4. Oppression might be they cause of the death penalty for selling real property to Jews.

  9. Midnight Express did for tourism in Turkey what Hitler did for that little square mustache Charlie Chaplin used to sport.

  10. I'm interested in seeing how long it takes for those Iraqi Kurds to get through Turkey, and into Syria.

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  15. Replies
    1. Quit it; you're an idiot. You're not playing University of Arkansas; you're playing Arkansas State ( a small teachers college in Jonesboro, Ark.)

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. We are not about to send American boys 9 or 10 thousand miles away from home to do what Kurdish boys ought to be doing for themselves.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. Looks like our Draft Dodger is beginning to embrace the
      "Rat Doctrine"

  16. At noon, yesterday, the world's 8th largest economy was using 12,458 Megawatts of electricity.

    Only 10% (1,326 MW) was from Fossil Fuels.

    Ten freakin' percent

  17. KANDAHAR AIR FIELD, Afghanistan - U.S. Marines and the British forces pulled out of Afghanistan's Helmand Province on Monday, ending their engagement in a 13-year-old war that tested both militaries' ability to fight in a landlocked nation.

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  19. University of Idaho Promotes ‘SWATting’ of Legal Gun Carriers

    ( Last Wednesday, 15 October 2014, the University of Idaho held a forum on “guns on campus”. The main presenter was Matt Dorschel, university executive director for public safety and security. While the forum attracted only a few students and faculty, the policy presented was radical. From the Lewiston Tribune (pdf):

    Dorschel said any firearm sighting is grounds to call 911 even if a person is not purposely showing their weapon. He said firearm holders have a responsibility to conceal their weapons and they are violating the university’s policy if they don’t.

    Despite this strict interpretation of the concealed carry law, it is unclear what the repercussions might be if a carrier can prove they have a concealed carry permit and were not intentionally showing the firearm. Aside from being asked to conceal or remove the weapon, Nelson said it’s unlikely there would be any further punishment in these minor situations.

    On 11 September, Dorschel said essentially the same thing. From the

    Nelson said faculty should contact police even if they see a firearm for a brief moment.

    “We will not question a decision to call 911,” he said.

    This is very close to “swatting” people who are carrying firearms, if someone notices them for any reason. The article says that this is a “strict” interpretation of the law. It goes far beyond that. Nothing in the law that I read indicates that individuals with the enhanced permit have to conceal their firearms. The enhanced permit merely allows them to carry concealed weapons. It does not *require* them to carry concealed weapons. Idaho law does not prohibit the open carry of firearms, although the law allows open carry of firearms to be regulated on a college campus for people who do not have the enhanced concealed carry permit. The wording of the law which restricts the authority of public colleges and universities is clear:

    (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of state law, this authority shall not extend to regulating or prohibiting the otherwise lawful possession, carrying or transporting of firearms or ammunition by persons licensed under section 18-3302H or 18-3302K, Idaho Code.

    Who but a fascist would support such a University, come hell or high water?

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  21. Nurse, former UTA student, is quarantined in New Jersey despite testing negative for Ebola

    A nurse who spent a month in Sierra Leone working to save Ebola victims remains in mandatory isolation in New Jersey, despite testing negative for the virus.

    Kaci Hickox, who earned a nursing degree at the University of Texas at Arlington, has described her treatment as an ordeal — “a frenzy of disorganization [and] fear.”

    The 33-year-old nurse arrived Friday at Newark Liberty International Airport and was placed in a tent outside a New Jersey hospital. She expects to be quarantined for 21 days.

    The conditions imposed on her go much further than the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendation for self-monitoring.

    The CDC says mandatory isolation is unnecessary because people who have had contact with Ebola patients aren’t contagious unless symptoms appear.

    Health experts have warned that strict quarantine policies may discourage doctors and nurses from going to West Africa to help contain Ebola at its source.

    ‘I am scared’

    Hickox herself echoed those concerns in an account of her situation she wrote for The Dallas Morning News.

    “I am scared about how health care workers will be treated at airports when they declare that they have been fighting Ebola in West Africa,” she said.

    Hickox’s blood has tested negative for Ebola, and she has disputed reports that she had a fever.

    New Jersey officials have not responded to Hickox’s complaints about her treatment or their policies.

    Her boyfriend, Ted Wilbur, said she had planned to sequester herself in their home in Fort Kent, Maine.

    He said she would have limited her contact with others while monitoring her health and recuperating from her taxing volunteer trip to Sierra Leone.

    “All she wanted to do was come home and go to bed because she hasn’t been able to sleep in days and days and days,” Wilbur said. “To come back here after doing so much selfless work and to be treated like that, it was just insane.”

    The tent where Hickox is staying has a portable toilet and sink, he said. “It’s like being put in solitary confinement in a tent that’s like a 10-by-12.”

    Hickox’s mother said her daughter called her Saturday morning in tears.

    “She felt like you would treat a dog better than she’s been treated,” said Karen Hickox

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  23. Another Fascist - Chris Christie - Detention without charge - without cause - the actions of a Fascist.

    Hickox’s isolation is the result of a new policy endorsed last week by Govs. Chris Christie (R) of New Jersey and Andrew Cuomo (D) of New York, who announced new guidelines requiring 21-day quarantines for those arriving from West Africa – whether they’re showing symptoms or not.

    The result is a scenario that seems hard to believe: New Jersey has effectively detained a nurse in a tent with no shower, not because she’s showing symptoms of the Ebola virus, but because officials fear she might at some point show symptoms of the Ebola virus.

    Christie defended the mandatory quarantine, saying the nurse was “obviously ill.” This was apparently obvious only to the governor – who has no background in medicine or public health – and was clearly not obvious to Hickox herself.

    Christie boasted on one of the Sunday shows yesterday, “I absolutely have no second thoughts about it,” adding that he expects his policy to soon become “a national policy.” A few hours later, however, second thoughts emerged.

    Facing fierce resistance from the White House and medical experts to a strict new mandatory quarantine policy, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said on Sunday night that medical workers who had contact with Ebola patients in West Africa but did not show symptoms of the disease would be allowed to remain at home and would receive compensation for lost income. […]

    After Mr. Cuomo’s announcement, Mr. Christie issued a statement saying that, under protocols announced on Wednesday, New Jersey residents not displaying symptoms would also be allowed to quarantine in their homes.

    The shifts came on the heels of White House pressure on Cuomo and Christie, urging them to adopt policies more in line with science. It’s unclear whether the revised approach will allow Hickox to leave her state-mandated tent.

    There are a few angles to this to keep in mind, not the least of which the dubious legality of New Jersey imposing a mandatory quarantine on a woman who’s reportedly asymptomatic. Forcing medical professionals to remain in their homes for 21 days is marginally better, at least with regards to their personal convenience, but remains problematic.
    Indeed, by the same reasoning, states would have to impose similar penalties on doctors and nurses treating an Ebola patient in the United States.

    Read More @
    The curious case of Kaci Hickox’s quarantine

    1. Nurse Held in Ebola Quarantine Will Be Allowed to Go Home, Christie Says
      New York Times - 4 minutes ago

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. It would appear that Kaci Hicox was not as the Fascist Christie said ... "obviously ill"

      Why did he lie, if not for political purposes, for the power potential of propagating fear

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. The Fourth Amendment originally enforced the notion that “each man’s home is his castle”, secure from unreasonable searches and seizures of property by the government. It protects against arbitrary arrests

    3. The Fifth Amendment creates a number of rights relevant to both criminal and civil legal proceedings. In criminal cases, the Fifth Amendment guarantees the right to a grand jury, forbids “double jeopardy,” and protects against self-incrimination.
      It also requires that “due process of law” be part of any proceeding that denies a citizen “life, liberty or property” and requires the government to compensate citizens when it takes private property for public use.

      “life, liberty or property”


  25. Quarantined Nurse in N.J. Can Return to Maine; Child Undergoing Tests for Ebola in NYC

    Out of the tents, into the light. Kaci Hickox, the nurse from Maine who recently returned from West Africa and was quarantined for the past three days at University Hospital in Newark, N.J.

    9:07 a.m. ET: Child Being Tested in NYC Hospital, Official Says: A five-year-old boy who recently returned to the US from Guinea is being tested for Ebola at New York City’s Bellevue Hospital after being brought to the hospital with a fever, the city’s health department commissioner said Monday, according to a BuzzFeed report.

    Test results are expected to be announced later Monday

    And here’s your daily reminder not to panic:

    The likelihood of contracting Ebola in Massachusetts remains very low, according to the state’s public health officials. You have to be in direct contact with an infected person’s bodily fluids while they are contagious (displaying symptoms of Ebola). Even if someone has been exposed, symptoms may appear in as little as two days, and in as many as 21 days, after exposure. The CDC says the average is 8 to 10 days.

    Ebola symptoms:

    - Fever (greater than 38.6°C or 101.5°F)

    - Severe headache

    - Muscle pain

    - Weakness

    - Diarrhea

    - Vomiting

    - Abdominal (stomach) pain

    - Unexplained hemorrhage (bleeding or bruising)

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. A raped girl is bad for the family: it shows that they can’t protect their women;
      that they have little social standing; and that they’re not respectable.

      It’s worse for the victim because once a woman, or a girl—or a boy—is known as the target of a rape she becomes so despised, so shamed, so worthless that she turns into public property.

      No one is raped only once.

      ― Louise Brown,
      The Dancing Girls of Lahore:
      Selling Love and Saving Dreams in Pakistan's Pleasure District

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Our veterans accepted the responsibility to defend America and uphold our values when duty called.

    2. Instead of being critical of people in authority over you and envious of their position, be happy you're not responsible for everything they have to do.

      Instead of piling on complaints, thank them for what they do.
      Overwhelm them with encouragement and appreciation!

    3. .

      Bob, you embarrass yourself (again).

      Why are you here?

      If you don't like the blog go fishing and don't come back.

      If you don't like the blog, go to the casino and don't come back.

      Vote with your feet.

      But you won't. You know you won't. If Deuce shuts it down again you will be begging for it to open again or begging for someone to open another one.

      Others here have blogs but you are here. Whining.

      Shut up.

      Evidently, you have nowhere else to go to whine about your football team.


    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Pakistan cannibal brothers jailed for 12 years

    "Two brothers have each been sentenced to 12 years in jail over an act of cannibalism in Pakistan's Punjab province.

    Pakistan has no law against cannibalism.

    The brothers had served two years in jail after being convicted of similar charges in 2011..."

    How you will work Mossad into this one fills me with excitement.

    No American police force has been trained by Mossad, liar.

    1. The only one who has mentioned US police being trained by the Mossad, is you, desk co-ordinator allen.

      The claim never came from my keyboard.

      It was written that the techniques used by the Mossad in Central America,
      specifically in Guatemala and El Salvador, were.

    2. Now, bring that cut and paste you are so fond of forward, and I will diagram it, for you, again.

  30. The death of the young journalist in Turkey has Mossad written all over it...ditto my gas bill...

  31. I would have thought the journalist was killed by the National Security Council (MGK), if she was killed in a covert operation ...
    But, desk co-ordinator, if you think that her murder, if that's what it was, should laid at the feet of the Mossad ... well ...
    You ought to know.

    1. As for your gas bill, at the "Safe House" in Atlanta, the Mossad probably is who is for paying it.
      Again, you ought to know who the responsible party for it is..


    2. When Jack Hawkins is confronted with facts about ANY issue?

      He changes the argument.

      wiggle wiggle wiggle

      He is "WormTongue".

      I wonder? Does the "rat doctrine" include making up stuff as you go too?

    3. What was written was written.

      What the message delivered was ...
      "Stories happen in the mind of a reader, not among symbols printed on a page.”
      ― Brandon Mull

      I have no control of your thoughts, "O"rdure, or do I ?


    4. And what you make up is made up.

      You cannot control your own wife and child.

      that is why you live alone.

    ISIS Terrorist Named ‘George Bush’ Sick Of Being Teased About Name

    “All I wanted to do was fight the Zionist-Crusader entity that secretly controls Iran,” Bush grumbled. “But not everyone here believes in the ‘one team one jihad’ mentality.”

  33. Israel's government said on Monday it would push ahead with plans to build about 1,000 new homes in East Jerusalem settlements, further inflaming tensions with the Palestinians following days of rioting in the city.

    1. Har Homa was and is legally PURCHASED land, the building is contained within it's original boundaries.

      As for "flaming tensions"?

      A Jew farts? And it's a war crime to the Palestinians.

      One can only hope that the violent, easily excited fake nationalistic thugs who call themselves "Palestinians" riot.

      It's time for them to go crazy and to pay the price.

      I hear there is plenty of room in refugee camps in Syria for them…. That is after they get out of the hospital.

    2. We know that both the Israeli and the NAZI embrace the concept of Lebensraum ("living space") as being a law of nature for all healthy and vigorous peoples of superior races …

    3. But thanks for proving my point once again. You do not belong in civilized society, you belong locked up

    4. Egypt is considering expanding the jurisdiction of military courts and displacing thousands of residents to enlarge a military buffer zone near the border with the Gaza Strip following an attack on security forces in the area.

      Two attacks on Friday in the Sinai Peninsula bordering Israel and the Gaza Strip killed at least 33 security personnel in some of the worst anti-state violence since former army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi ousted Islamist President Mohamed Mursi of the Muslim Brotherhood last year.

      Sisi, who became president in June, said the military would respond by taking "many measures" in the border area where a buffer zone is likely to be expanded in order to pursue militants and destroy tunnels used to smuggle weapons and fighters.

      Security sources told Reuters the army was considering relocating residents to clear a larger buffer zone.

      Another nation clearing a path for peace.

    5. "O"rdure now wants to try to find equivalency between Egypt and Israel.

      After all this time, he is embracing 'desert rat's> Equivalency Standard" for Israel vis a vie its neighbors.

      Gone are the claims of cultural superiority.
      If only you had embraced reality sooner, "O"rdure ...

      The war... was an unnecessary condition of affairs, and might have been avoided if forebearance and wisdom had been practiced ...
      - Robert E. Lee

  34. In Germany it would appear that Islam is the new Judaism

    Forty-four German riot police were injured in clashes with far-right hooligans rallying against "Islamist extremism" in Cologne.

    Police used batons, pepper spray and water cannon against the protesters, who hurled rocks, bottles and firecrackers at them, a spokesman said on Monday.

    About 20 demonstrators were detained.

    At least 4,000 hardline football fans and right-wing extremists from across Germany had massed under the banner "Hooligans against Salafists", state interior minister Ralf Jaeger told ZDF public television.

    He said the march turned violent when participants refused to clear the area when their event was over.

    Tensions escalated and right-wing protesters repeatedly yelled "foreigners out".

    Hours after the demonstration, a handful of hooligans rampaged through the city centre, the police spokesman said.

    The march drew some 500 leftist and anti-fascist counter-protesters, whose peaceful demonstration was called "Shoulder-to-Shoulder Against Racism and Religious Fundamentalism".

    The "Hooligans Against Salafists" group has developed on the internet and uses social media to draw far-right football fans and skinheads to often violent protests, purportedly against a rise of Muslim extremism in Europe.

    Earlier this month, Kurds in Germany clashed with radical Muslims in the northern city of Hamburg and elsewhere, in street protests fuelled by the conflict involving the jihadist group Islamic State (IS) in northern Iraq and Syria.

  35. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Ms. T has a blog. Why not hang there?

    2. .

      Bob, if I wanted a site where you and I could spend all day talking about philosophy, Campbell, and Maria, I could do it just as easily by e-mail.


    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Betcha the Legionnaire Q still has yours, Robert.

      Get the hint, the subliminal message that was sent, when the e-mail wasn't ?

  36. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Robert, you draft dodger, you...

      Go open your own blog.
      It is easy enough to do ... why just post your e-mail address and I'll open it up for you.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. BobSun Jun 22, 01:42:00 PM EDT

      When did I ever say I was a scholar??

      I don't recall saying that.

      I have a college degree in English Lit. from U of Washington.

      To avoid being drafted in part. ...

      To avoid the draft = to dodge the draft = "Draft Dodger"

      Even an English Lit minor would get that progression, Robert "Draft Dodger" Robertson.

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. But Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, it just you and me, baby.
      Just pretend the others are not watching ...

      Rufus and I, fer sure, will not see that video.
      As for the others, why would they bother to look?
      A 'blind link' with no explanation ... you didn't study 'messaging' or 'marketing' in Washington, did you.

      You just went for the "Draft Dodging".

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. BobSun Jun 22, 01:42:00 PM EDT

      When did I ever say I was a scholar??

      I don't recall saying that.

      I have a college degree in English Lit. from U of Washington.

      To avoid being drafted in part. ...

      To avoid the draft = to dodge the draft = "Draft Dodger"

      Even an English Lit minor would get that progression, Robert "Draft Dodger" Robertson.

    4. You wrote it Robert Peterson, you live with it, you "Draft Dodger".

  38. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. The only person that hates it is you, Robert.

      Post your e-mail, I'll build a blog for you, What would you like to call it?

  39. You were given an opportunity to apologize, Robrt, you passed on it.
    The choice was, always has been yours.
    The libels, have been yours.

    Jack posts quotes, you never have been able to find one that supported any of your libelous claims.
    Jack posts links to reference articles -you post lies, flat out.

    1. And I stand by the post where Israelis were called Scum of the Earth

      Just scroll up to where they continue to defy International Law, continue to pursue their Apartheid State land policies.

      Now the ISraeli are not even letting Palestinians get on the bus,
      Worse than the 'Blacks' had it in Mississippi during the Jim Crow era.

      Can weall spell APARTHEID, it gets easier every time.

    2. Can we all spell APARTHEID, it gets easier every time.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Start your own blog, Robert, if you do not need my help, go do it yourself.
      "O"rdure can do it, if he is who he says he is.

      Or just go use his.
      Click his cute little "O"rdure avatar, it'll lead you right to it.

    2. You could be like Moses, lead an Exodus, then lay down the Law.
      The Zionists will ignore it, but no matter that.

  41. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. "O"rdure said he called the FBI and reported those fabricated tales, Robert,

      I asked the FBI to look into the allegations of death threats, as well.

      They were found to be without basis in truth.

    2. Actually you misreport once again.

      You threatened me over the internet.

      I reported you to the AZ FBI.

      You then claimed that the an agent with the FBI shared with you an ongoing investigation about yourself and ME,

      You bragged about having a source/leak at the agency and then told the entire world that you were informed about a national security investigation on arms trafficking directed at me.

      So I queried,

      Are you LYING about seeing or hearing about an active investigation of the AZ FBI OR Do you admit to releasing to the internet intel about an ongoing investigation about arms trafficking that concerned me.

      So either you are a liar or you are a criminal WHICH IS IT…

      Cant be neither.

    3. I asked an senior agent to run the blog, to chck for 'death threats' etc.

      He did, and reported back that there were none. But there was some interest in unregistered foreign agents and some possibe ATF activity.
      Never did we discuss the essence or details of whatever it was YOU reported "O"rdure.

      Once again, if you were to go find the actual post you would find that the story you believe, is not in the symbols on the page, but exists wholly and solely in your mind.

      You received a message that was not really there.
      I can write like that, always have been able to.
      Kind of 'legalese', as it were

    4. Your team leader, 'desk co-ordinator allen' has said that Jack is 'illiterate', but the message that Jack wants conveyed is delivered, even when it is not what is written on the page.

      That may not amount to literacy, but certainly would have qualified as 'magic', back when Moses was a writer.

  42. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. The FBI could not find them, Robert.
      Your mind ... it's slipping away.
      You have told so many lies, so many times, you have come to believe them, yourself.

    2. How would you KNOW if they could not find them?

      SInce when would Law Enforcement share the contents of an investigation with the alleged PERP - YOU.

      Are you a liar or a criminal?

  43. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. QuirkMon Oct 27, 11:33:00 AM EDT


      Bob, you embarrass yourself (again).

      Why are you here?

      If you don't like the blog go fishing and don't come back.

      If you don't like the blog, go to the casino and don't come back.

      Vote with your feet.

      But you won't. You know you won't. If Deuce shuts it down again you will be begging for it to open again or begging for someone to open another one.

      Others here have blogs but you are here. Whining.

      Shut up.

      Evidently, you have nowhere else to go to whine about your football team.

    2. Post a timestamped reference to any of those three alleged threats, Robert.

      It's time to "Man Up", show us your cards.

  44. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. It's time to "Man Up", Robert, show us your cards.

    2. The only ones propagating hate are the Zionists.

    3. Hate, lies and libel, that's all you've got left, Robert.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  45. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  46. ... and the beat goes on ...


    1. Ready for some schooling, allen?
      Paste in that passage of Jack's you are so fond of, it'll get diagrammed.


    2. liar

      No police force in the United States has been trained by Mossad etc.

  47. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  48. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  49. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. The 'cracker' wants private messages, to himself, on a internet blog.

      You can't fix Stupid

    2. And you argue with yourself,,

      You can't fix retarded.

  50. Looks like a new record has been set. :) :)

    Lordy, what a showing. :)

  51. It's now been 19 days since Eric Duncan died. It looks like the good folks at Presbyterian Hospital, and their patients are pretty much out of the woods.

    1. No need to panic, the fear mongers have struck out, again.

  52. A grown man crying like a little bitch wanting it shut down so I shut him down.

  53. That 5 yr. old in NY has tested Negative for Ebola.

    1. Both of those Dallas Nurses are home - Ebola-free.

      As "epidemics" go, this one needs some work. :)

    2. Army major general, troops quarantined after Ebola aid trip

      There is no indication at this time any of the team have symptoms of Ebola.

      21 days of 'down time' for the General and ten others...
      Wonder if they are all in the same tent?

    3. Tell me which side you want, and I'll tell you if we have a bet. :)

    4. Let's see, they are not in New jersey, Chris Christie is not in the decision making loop ...
      There's a two star, his immediate staff of junior officers and a couple of senior enlisted men, I'd surmise.

      Separate tents - or they took a BOQ building and set 'em up in their own rooms for the duration.

    5. Good thing this is the "Obama Army" now, a quarantine can get lonely.

    6. U.S. soldiers returning from Ebola-struck Liberia are not under strict quarantine at an Army outpost in Vicenza, Italy, despite media reports to the contrary, according to a high-level source with knowledge on the subject.

      News articles stating that Italian military police in full hazmat suits are escorting U.S. soldiers arriving from Liberia into 21-day isolation at Caserma Ederle, a small outpost in Vicenza with a healthcare facility equivalent to a nurse’s station, are inaccurate, the source told Infowars.

      It did appear strange the Army would use Caserma Ederle as a quarantine facility for Ebola considering the outpost allows family members to accompany soldiers assigned to the station.

      The Vicenza Health Center, which serves soldiers at Caserma Ederle, doesn’t even have an emergency room and relies on a local Italian hospital, San Bortolo, for emergency care, meaning that Caserma Ederle is less equipped to deal with an Ebola outbreak than most major hospitals.

      “The Health Center is capable of treating acute minor illnesses, lacerations, follow-up screening after discharge from the local Italian hospital,” a Defense Department web site states.

      So, in other words, the Army is claiming that a small outpost with a nurse’s station is serving as a quarantine facility for a dangerous disease.

    7. One would assume that if any of the soldiers were to show symptoms, they'd be hospitalized.
      Post Haste - but until then ... "Let the Good Times Roll" ("Laissez les bons temps rouler!") ... after all, it's Italy.

  54. The last UK combat troops have left Afghanistan, as polls suggest more than half of UK and US respondents do not think the operation was "worthwhile".

  55. I doubt the polls were that high after Viet Nam.

    1. Public support for the war decreased as the war raged on throughout the sixties and beginning part of the 1970s.

      William L. Lunch and Peter W. Sperlich collected public opinion data measuring support for the war from 1965–1971. Support for the war was measured by a negative response to the question: "In view of developments since we entered the fighting in Vietnam, do you think the U.S. made a mistake sending troops to fight in Vietnam?".

      Percentage who agreed with war
      August 1965 - 61%
      May 1971 - 28%

      After May 1971 Gallup stopped asking this question


  56. Bloggie D has been at work .Defending his best pal Croc Shit. Q purrs in th corners.

    This blog sucks.

  57. Now the Generals here are talking Vietnam.

    Hell it was better to read real great books during that time.

    Deuce doesn't know fuck about real literature, and he is better read than Croc Shit, Rufus the Fool....

    1. Can't stay away, can you Draft Dodger.
      Hanging out with your betters will not elevate your existence.

      No matter how badly you want to join the club, you do not have the basic qualification.
      You are not a man, you're a mouse, that can't even roar

