Thursday, October 23, 2014

Reese Erlich, Freelance Correspondent and Author of Inside Syria, says the irony in the support to the Kurds in Kobani is that PKK is considered a terrorist organization by the US

October 23, 2014, Thursday/ 15:29:28/ TODAY’S ZAMAN / ISTANBUL

A Danish court has released 10 men who were charged with fundraising for the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).
The Copenhagen City Court said on Wednesday that prosecutors had not proven that an estimated 130 million kroner ($22 million) transferred to Kurdish organizations was actually channeled to the PKK, according to an Associated Press report.
The PKK is classified as a terrorist organization by the United States, Turkey and the European Union.
The acquittal came at a time when criticisms of several Danish officials mounted over Turkey's release of Basil Hassan, a Danish suspect in an assassination attempt against Lars Hedegaard, a former columnist for a top Danish newspaper who is known for his outspoken criticism of Islam. The release of Hassan spurred a crisis between Turkey and Denmark when it was claimed in the media that he was among the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants swapped by Turkey in return for ISIL's release of its hostages in August.
Denmark also summoned the Turkish ambassador, according to reports in the foreign media on Thursday.
Turkey said in a written statement on Wednesday that it understands the concerns extended by the Danish officials and stressed that the decision to release Hassan is not a preference of the government but of the judiciary. “Further developments on the issue will be meticulously followed and our Danish counterparts will be informed as we cooperate with them,” read the statement.
Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt said on Tuesday that Denmark is still seeking answers as to why Hassan is not under arrest. Speaking to the Danish Politiken daily, she said it is unacceptable that Turkey has released the suspect and that the matter is not over.
Danish Justice Minister Mette Frederiksen also said on Sunday that Turkish officials have confirmed the release of the suspect in an assassination attempt against Hedegaard, but offered no explanation as to why he was released. Frederiksen expressed her anger at not getting a response from Turkey after a delegation of Danish officials visited Ankara last Friday, saying: “The Turkish authorities have refrained from giving an answer concerning this matter. We are still waiting for an explanation as to why the suspect was released from custody in Turkey.”
Denmark sent a delegation of government officials to Turkey on Oct. 17 to meet with the National Intelligence Organization (MİT), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Justice regarding the status of the suspect, but is unhappy with the lack of information provided regarding the release.
The confirmation of the release of the suspect has stirred a strong reaction in Denmark. Hedegaard, a historian and author known for his anti-Islamic views, was convicted of hate speech for his remarks about Muslims. The conviction was later overturned by a higher court.
The Turkish press quoted Frederiksen as saying: "Turkish officials have confirmed the release of the suspect previously involved in an armed assault on Lars Hedegaard. As is known, the release of said suspect has been debated for the last couple of weeks. It has now been confirmed. But it is not possible to understand or accept Turkey's approach.”


  1. The PKK is classified as a terrorist organization by the United States

    Wow, they must be some serious bad asses, because the Fort Hood shooter was classified as just a disgruntled worker.

    1. :):):):)

      I'm not afraid of the PKK.

    2. Teresita RedingerThu Oct 23, 11:04:00 PM EDT
      The PKK is classified as a terrorist organization by the United States

      So is Hamas, but who is keeping track anymore. Israel is really the greatest impediment to world peace.

    3. Jack HawkinsWed Oct 22, 10:04:00 PM EDT
      The Zionists have raveled the world, killing those the deem enemies.
      Even waiters in Europe that 'looked' like they were someone they were not.

      The 'Mossad' has killed scores across Central America, helping to maintain the most rancid regimes in Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador and Honduras. Regimes that even the US refused to support, the Israeli jumped right in, teaching the techniques of population subjugation they had refined in Palestine.Techniques now being aught to US police orces across the land, fuckin' terrible things that are happening while we watch it occur.

    4. Secret CIA Documents on Mossad
      CounterSpy, May-June 1982 pp. 34-54

      The 13 volumes of documents are a goldmine. They expose covert CIA operations in Iran (an attempt to recurit former Prime Minister Bani Sadr, for example), reveal the CIA's use of corporate covers, and detail former Prime Minister Mehdi Bazargan's attempts to establish ties with U.S. intelligence.

      The documents supplied to CounterSpy deal with the triangle of U.S.-Israeli-Iranian relations.
      A careful reading of the documents illustrates that the Washington Post's analysis was narrowly focussed on the "U.S. angle." Other disclosures were simply glossed over — systematic Israeli suppression of domestic dissent, for example, or Mossad (Israel's CIA) and Israeli military intelligence support for repressive regimes in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and even Mossad's "psycholgical warfare projects."

      The main document reprinted here is an in-depth CIA analysis of Israeli intelligence, written in March 1979 and classified secret. Other documents [not included in this online version] are cables between the State Department and the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, most of them discussing U.S.-Israeli-Iranian relations
      (documenting the close collaboration between Mossad and the Shah's intelligence agency SAVAK).
      The most reliable response to the Post and Globe articles came from former Mossad chief Isser Harel, who in a Ma'ariv interview called the assertions of the document
      "malicious," "dilletantish," "distortions ... but probably authentic."

      "The report is one-sided and malicious, it ignores Israel's special position in its struggle for survival,"
      Harel said. He also complained about the CIA document's style, calling it anti-Semitic. He told Ma'ariv it was "shockingly irresponsible" for the CIA to keep a document like this "rolling around" in the U.S. Embassy in Tehran.

      Altogether, Harel concluded, publication of the document had been a "nightmare" for him.

  2. After first focusing on Iraq, the American-led coalition has dramatically expanded its strikes in Syria recently, including in Kobani.

    US Central Command said in its latest update that fresh raids near the town destroyed IS fighting positions, a vehicle and a command and control centre.

    In Iraq, IS targets hit included fighting positions, a vehicle and a training centre.

  3. MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE (AFP) - US and allied aircraft have flown nearly 6,600 sorties in the air war against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and dropped more than 1,700 bombs, the American military said Thursday.

    The flights for "Operation Inherent Resolve" include thousands of mid-air fueling runs, surveillance sorties and 632 air strikes in Iraq and Syria, according to US Central Command. The latest tally was released one month since the US-led coalition extended its air campaign from Iraq into Syria, in a bid to counter the advance of the ISIS radicals. The effect of the open-ended air campaign remains the subject of debate, with the White House saying the militants have been damaged by the strikes and critics pointing to the group's battlefield successes despite the raids. - See more at:

    1,700 Bombs

    1. 1,700 Precision-guided bombs.

      We've killed a hell of a lot more of those assholes than many people realize.

    2. I would bet on 5,000.

      And, wouldn't bet against a considerably higher number.

    3. Hey, do you have any idea how long its takes to actually create a virgin, and KEEP HER THAT WAY?

      It's not just snapping your fingers you know.

    4. Jack HawkinsWed Oct 22, 10:04:00 PM EDT
      The Zionists have raveled the world, killing those the deem enemies.
      Even waiters in Europe that 'looked' like they were someone they were not.

      The 'Mossad' has killed scores across Central America, helping to maintain the most rancid regimes in Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador and Honduras. Regimes that even the US refused to support, the Israeli jumped right in, teaching the techniques of population subjugation they had refined in Palestine.Techniques now being aught to US police orces across the land, fuckin' terrible things that are happening while we watch it occur.

    5. Secret CIA Documents on Mossad
      CounterSpy, May-June 1982 pp. 34-54

      The 13 volumes of documents are a goldmine. They expose covert CIA operations in Iran (an attempt to recurit former Prime Minister Bani Sadr, for example), reveal the CIA's use of corporate covers, and detail former Prime Minister Mehdi Bazargan's attempts to establish ties with U.S. intelligence.

      The documents supplied to CounterSpy deal with the triangle of U.S.-Israeli-Iranian relations.
      A careful reading of the documents illustrates that the Washington Post's analysis was narrowly focussed on the "U.S. angle." Other disclosures were simply glossed over — systematic Israeli suppression of domestic dissent, for example, or Mossad (Israel's CIA) and Israeli military intelligence support for repressive regimes in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and even Mossad's "psycholgical warfare projects."

      The main document reprinted here is an in-depth CIA analysis of Israeli intelligence, written in March 1979 and classified secret. Other documents [not included in this online version] are cables between the State Department and the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, most of them discussing U.S.-Israeli-Iranian relations
      (documenting the close collaboration between Mossad and the Shah's intelligence agency SAVAK).
      The most reliable response to the Post and Globe articles came from former Mossad chief Isser Harel, who in a Ma'ariv interview called the assertions of the document
      "malicious," "dilletantish," "distortions ... but probably authentic."

      "The report is one-sided and malicious, it ignores Israel's special position in its struggle for survival,"
      Harel said. He also complained about the CIA document's style, calling it anti-Semitic. He told Ma'ariv it was "shockingly irresponsible" for the CIA to keep a document like this "rolling around" in the U.S. Embassy in Tehran.

      Altogether, Harel concluded, publication of the document had been a "nightmare" for him.

  4. Here's little info on the shithead that's going to keep you from getting Ebola - a typical Obama appointee -

    October 23, 2014
    Ebola czar a population control zealot
    By M. Catharine Evans

    Yes, Obama’s Ebola Czar thinks overpopulation is the number one problem facing world leaders today.

    In a 2008 Georgetown University interview, Ron Klain and his wife Monica Medina, currently Senior Director for International Ocean Policy at the National Geographic Society, shared their concerns about global population growth. Apparently, the earth’s population of 7 billion is out of control especially in UN-designated least developed countries (LDC’s).

    Klain says he wants to “make the world work for everyone" and believes too many people, especially on continents like Asia and Africa, are having a negative impact on the planet’s ecosystem. Medina concurs. The former whaling Commissioner says the continued extraction of oil and fish is unsustainable unless we learn how to stop depleting the earth’s resources. The couple, who live in a $1.8 million home in Chevy Chase, warn us that the outlook for the rest of mankind is dismal if we do not take overpopulation and dwindling food supplies seriously.

    From the interview:

    Klain: I think, I think the top leadership issue in the world today is how to deal with the continuing, growing population of the world and all the resource demands it places on the world and uh uh burgeoning populations in Africa and Asia that lack the resources to have a happy healthy life and I think we have got to find a way to make the world work for everyone…climate change is an issue that impacts that greatly.

    Medina:…For future generations to survive I mean it’s right now, we’re extracting oil, we’re extracting resources like fish at such an alarming rate we won’t be able to sustain our planet into the future.

    Obama’s appointment of a man with no medical expertise had pundits stumped, but it makes a tad more sense now. As one of the global elites obsessed with overpopulation, an outbreak of a deadly disease in West Africa is a perfect vehicle for Klain. He can now push an agenda that has occupied the ruling class for over a century. Prince Philip once remarked, “If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.” Is Klain set to morph into our first official “population control czar.”

    photo credit: Georgetown University video screen grab

    Read more:
    Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

    I'd much MUCH rather have Rufus as 'Ebola Czar'.

    In addition to having excellent policies such as quarantine for travelers coming to USA before boarding the departing plane, he might well advise us all to 'stay home, drink, and blog'.

    We'd never have another case, except for another case of Bud.


  5. It's really really getting interesting....

    The Republicans might actually lose Georgia and gain New Hampshire...................

    1. Best Senate political ad of the season -

      Joni Ernst/castrate hogs/cut pork/farm girl


  6. Lebanon itself has at least 1.1 million Syrian refugees, forming a quarter of the tiny Mediterranean country's population of 5 million. The refugees have stretched Lebanon's already fragile infrastructure and compete with the country's poorest for low-paid jobs, causing tensions.


    Lebanese Information Minister Ramzi Jreij said Lebanon can simply not handle any more refugees.

    Ninette Kelley, the U.N. refugee agency's representative in Lebanon, said the country had begun restricting the entry of Syrians since August.

    1. It will be interesting to see if Lebanon (Hezbollah Central) can survive its unwanted guests. My guess is no.

      Assad must be one of the happiest tyrants in the world today: "The Coalition" is killing his rebels and his refugees are going to capture Lebanon.

    2. Jack HawkinsWed Oct 22, 10:04:00 PM EDT
      The Zionists have raveled the world, killing those the deem enemies.
      Even waiters in Europe that 'looked' like they were someone they were not.

      The 'Mossad' has killed scores across Central America, helping to maintain the most rancid regimes in Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador and Honduras. Regimes that even the US refused to support, the Israeli jumped right in, teaching the techniques of population subjugation they had refined in Palestine.Techniques now being aught to US police orces across the land, fuckin' terrible things that are happening while we watch it occur.

    3. Secret CIA Documents on Mossad
      CounterSpy, May-June 1982 pp. 34-54

      The 13 volumes of documents are a goldmine. They expose covert CIA operations in Iran (an attempt to recurit former Prime Minister Bani Sadr, for example), reveal the CIA's use of corporate covers, and detail former Prime Minister Mehdi Bazargan's attempts to establish ties with U.S. intelligence.

      The documents supplied to CounterSpy deal with the triangle of U.S.-Israeli-Iranian relations.
      A careful reading of the documents illustrates that the Washington Post's analysis was narrowly focussed on the "U.S. angle." Other disclosures were simply glossed over — systematic Israeli suppression of domestic dissent, for example, or Mossad (Israel's CIA) and Israeli military intelligence support for repressive regimes in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and even Mossad's "psycholgical warfare projects."

      The main document reprinted here is an in-depth CIA analysis of Israeli intelligence, written in March 1979 and classified secret. Other documents [not included in this online version] are cables between the State Department and the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, most of them discussing U.S.-Israeli-Iranian relations
      (documenting the close collaboration between Mossad and the Shah's intelligence agency SAVAK).
      The most reliable response to the Post and Globe articles came from former Mossad chief Isser Harel, who in a Ma'ariv interview called the assertions of the document
      "malicious," "dilletantish," "distortions ... but probably authentic."

      "The report is one-sided and malicious, it ignores Israel's special position in its struggle for survival,"
      Harel said. He also complained about the CIA document's style, calling it anti-Semitic. He told Ma'ariv it was "shockingly irresponsible" for the CIA to keep a document like this "rolling around" in the U.S. Embassy in Tehran.

      Altogether, Harel concluded, publication of the document had been a "nightmare" for him.

  7. The last number I saw from the bean-counters in Syria-Iraq shows less than 600 bad guys killed. A truck is not an enemy combatant. Neither is a foxhole.

      US-led air strikes on Syria have killed more than 500 Isis and al-Nusra fighters

      I think the cost, to date, is north of $500,000,000.00 and cheap at half the price. Since The Coalition cannot use Turkish bases, the cost is considerably higher than ought to be the case; but no cost is too high to maintain close friendships and alliances.

    2. Jack HawkinsWed Oct 22, 10:04:00 PM EDT
      The Zionists have raveled the world, killing those the deem enemies.
      Even waiters in Europe that 'looked' like they were someone they were not.

      The 'Mossad' has killed scores across Central America, helping to maintain the most rancid regimes in Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador and Honduras. Regimes that even the US refused to support, the Israeli jumped right in, teaching the techniques of population subjugation they had refined in Palestine.Techniques now being aught to US police orces across the land, fuckin' terrible things that are happening while we watch it occur.

  8. Ebola in New York City

    Physician in NYC Tests Positive
    Recently Returned From Treating Ebola Patients in West Africa
    Was Not Quarantined Upon Return


    This would not have happened under Ebola Czar Rufus.

    This guy would have been quarantined by Czar Rufus before ever boarding a plane To Return.......not to worry about ' Was Not Quarantined Upon Return'

    Serious, Rufus would make a much better Ebola Czar than Obama's political hack.

    1. And I am not trying to suck up to Czar Rufus, who bears the unbearable burden of voting for President Nincompoop in the first place.

      But if the man's right, the man's right.

    2. Jack HawkinsWed Oct 22, 10:04:00 PM EDT
      The Zionists have raveled the world, killing those the deem enemies.
      Even waiters in Europe that 'looked' like they were someone they were not.

      The 'Mossad' has killed scores across Central America, helping to maintain the most rancid regimes in Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador and Honduras. Regimes that even the US refused to support, the Israeli jumped right in, teaching the techniques of population subjugation they had refined in Palestine.Techniques now being aught to US police orces across the land, fuckin' terrible things that are happening while we watch it occur.

    3. Secret CIA Documents on Mossad
      CounterSpy, May-June 1982 pp. 34-54

      The 13 volumes of documents are a goldmine. They expose covert CIA operations in Iran (an attempt to recurit former Prime Minister Bani Sadr, for example), reveal the CIA's use of corporate covers, and detail former Prime Minister Mehdi Bazargan's attempts to establish ties with U.S. intelligence.

      The documents supplied to CounterSpy deal with the triangle of U.S.-Israeli-Iranian relations.
      A careful reading of the documents illustrates that the Washington Post's analysis was narrowly focussed on the "U.S. angle." Other disclosures were simply glossed over — systematic Israeli suppression of domestic dissent, for example, or Mossad (Israel's CIA) and Israeli military intelligence support for repressive regimes in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and even Mossad's "psycholgical warfare projects."

      The main document reprinted here is an in-depth CIA analysis of Israeli intelligence, written in March 1979 and classified secret. Other documents [not included in this online version] are cables between the State Department and the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, most of them discussing U.S.-Israeli-Iranian relations
      (documenting the close collaboration between Mossad and the Shah's intelligence agency SAVAK).
      The most reliable response to the Post and Globe articles came from former Mossad chief Isser Harel, who in a Ma'ariv interview called the assertions of the document
      "malicious," "dilletantish," "distortions ... but probably authentic."

      "The report is one-sided and malicious, it ignores Israel's special position in its struggle for survival,"
      Harel said. He also complained about the CIA document's style, calling it anti-Semitic. He told Ma'ariv it was "shockingly irresponsible" for the CIA to keep a document like this "rolling around" in the U.S. Embassy in Tehran.

      Altogether, Harel concluded, publication of the document had been a "nightmare" for him.

  9. Jack HawkinsWed Oct 22, 10:04:00 PM EDT
    The Zionists have raveled the world, killing those the deem enemies.
    Even waiters in Europe that 'looked' like they were someone they were not.

    The 'Mossad' has killed scores across Central America, helping to maintain the most rancid regimes in Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador and Honduras. Regimes that even the US refused to support, the Israeli jumped right in, teaching the techniques of population subjugation they had refined in Palestine.Techniques now being aught to US police orces across the land, fuckin' terrible things that are happening while we watch it occur.

    1. Secret CIA Documents on Mossad
      CounterSpy, May-June 1982 pp. 34-54

      The 13 volumes of documents are a goldmine. They expose covert CIA operations in Iran (an attempt to recurit former Prime Minister Bani Sadr, for example), reveal the CIA's use of corporate covers, and detail former Prime Minister Mehdi Bazargan's attempts to establish ties with U.S. intelligence.

      The documents supplied to CounterSpy deal with the triangle of U.S.-Israeli-Iranian relations.
      A careful reading of the documents illustrates that the Washington Post's analysis was narrowly focussed on the "U.S. angle." Other disclosures were simply glossed over — systematic Israeli suppression of domestic dissent, for example, or Mossad (Israel's CIA) and Israeli military intelligence support for repressive regimes in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and even Mossad's "psycholgical warfare projects."

      The main document reprinted here is an in-depth CIA analysis of Israeli intelligence, written in March 1979 and classified secret. Other documents [not included in this online version] are cables between the State Department and the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, most of them discussing U.S.-Israeli-Iranian relations
      (documenting the close collaboration between Mossad and the Shah's intelligence agency SAVAK).
      The most reliable response to the Post and Globe articles came from former Mossad chief Isser Harel, who in a Ma'ariv interview called the assertions of the document
      "malicious," "dilletantish," "distortions ... but probably authentic."

      "The report is one-sided and malicious, it ignores Israel's special position in its struggle for survival,"
      Harel said. He also complained about the CIA document's style, calling it anti-Semitic. He told Ma'ariv it was "shockingly irresponsible" for the CIA to keep a document like this "rolling around" in the U.S. Embassy in Tehran.

      Altogether, Harel concluded, publication of the document had been a "nightmare" for him.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. rat's basically full chuck of shit and everyone knows it, cept rat.

    Cheers, and sweet dreams and a lovely tomorrow to you all !!

    Cheers !

  12. Replies
    1. Jack HawkinsFri Oct 24, 02:50:00 AM EDT
      List of Israeli assassinations

      Nope ...

    2. Secret CIA Documents on Mossad
      CounterSpy, May-June 1982 pp. 34-54

      The 13 volumes of documents are a goldmine. They expose covert CIA operations in Iran (an attempt to recurit former Prime Minister Bani Sadr, for example), reveal the CIA's use of corporate covers, and detail former Prime Minister Mehdi Bazargan's attempts to establish ties with U.S. intelligence.

      The documents supplied to CounterSpy deal with the triangle of U.S.-Israeli-Iranian relations.
      A careful reading of the documents illustrates that the Washington Post's analysis was narrowly focussed on the "U.S. angle." Other disclosures were simply glossed over — systematic Israeli suppression of domestic dissent, for example, or Mossad (Israel's CIA) and Israeli military intelligence support for repressive regimes in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and even Mossad's "psycholgical warfare projects."

      The main document reprinted here is an in-depth CIA analysis of Israeli intelligence, written in March 1979 and classified secret. Other documents [not included in this online version] are cables between the State Department and the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, most of them discussing U.S.-Israeli-Iranian relations
      (documenting the close collaboration between Mossad and the Shah's intelligence agency SAVAK).
      The most reliable response to the Post and Globe articles came from former Mossad chief Isser Harel, who in a Ma'ariv interview called the assertions of the document
      "malicious," "dilletantish," "distortions ... but probably authentic."

      "The report is one-sided and malicious, it ignores Israel's special position in its struggle for survival,"
      Harel said. He also complained about the CIA document's style, calling it anti-Semitic. He told Ma'ariv it was "shockingly irresponsible" for the CIA to keep a document like this "rolling around" in the U.S. Embassy in Tehran.

      Altogether, Harel concluded, publication of the document had been a "nightmare" for him.

  13. Jack HawkinsWed Oct 22, 10:04:00 PM EDT
    The Zionists have [t]raveled (sic) the world, killing those the[y] (sic) deem enemies. [missing subject or improper punctuation] Even (sic) waiters in Europe [who] that (sic) ["looked"] 'looked' (sic) like they were someone they were not.
    The [Mossad] 'Mossad' (sic) has killed scores [no antecedent] across Central America, helping to maintain the most rancid regimes in Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador [,] (sic) and Honduras. Regimes that even the US refused to support, [incorrect punctuation] the [Israelis] Israeli (sic) jumped right in [missing infinitive], teaching the techniques of population subjugation they had refined in Palestine. [ -- ] Techniques (sic) now being [t]aught (sic) to US police [f]orces (sic) across the land, [.] (sic) fuckin' (sic) terrible things that (sic) are happening while we watch [them] it (sic) occur.

    for our English readers … a slightly corrected example …

    The Zionists have traveled the world, killing those they deem enemies, including even waiters in Europe, who “looked” like they were someone they were not.

    The Mossad has killed scores of people across Central America, helping to maintain the most rancid regimes in Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador, and Honduras. Regimes that even the US refused to support the Israelis jumped right in to help, teaching the techniques of population subjugation they had refined in Palestine; techniques now being taught to US police forces across the land by Mossad. Fuckin’ terrible things are happening while we watch them occur.

    (No effort has been made to consistently conjugate verb tenses.)

    1. The Israeli desk co-ordinators for language speaks, not to the issues, but to the process ...

      That's just how bureaucratic desk co-ordinators for language operate, in a school environment.

    2. :):)

      I gotta get some sleep.

      rat's on the meth.

      He can't do that first lovely thing, that the Poets have always praised, sleep, younger bro of death, sleep, and sweet dreams, and the beginnings of Realization.

      He would not comprehend this......

      Nor would he comprehend how, if, one pays attention to one's own thoughts, how they arise, then dissipate, only to arise once more....

      He would not 'get it' that the awareness of those thoughts is not the thoughts themselves...

      He is not even a beginner.

      He is rat mind.

      The beginning of the awareness of one's thoughts as not being truly one's thoughts is the beginning of wisdom.

      The beginning of wisdom is the discovery of awareness.

      Then we can go from there.....

      Cheers !!


  14. ... still waiting for those American "police forces" trained by Mossad ...

    What "terrible things"?

    1. Back in the last thread, allen. Many, but certainly not all of them were listed.

      Training the Trainers - but a Social Media Commando like you wouldn't know about that.

      Israel Pays Students For Pro-Israeli Social Media Propaganda

      The move was publicised in a statement from Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office, the Associated Press reported. Students will receive scholarships to "engage international audiences online" and combat anti-Semitism and calls to boycott Israel, it was alleged.

      In 2012, a Palestinian-run blog reported similar arrangements between the National Union of Israeli Students and the Israeli government. Students would be paid $2,000 to post pro-Israel messages online for five hours a week.

      Students will be organised into units at each university, with a chief co-ordinator who receives a full scholarship, three desk co-ordinators for language, graphics and research who receive lesser scholarships and students termed “activists” who will receive a “minimal scholarship”, the Independent reported.

  15. rat is a slave to his 'thoughts' but they are not his thoughts.

    This is a very optimistic outlook to take regarding a worthless nincoompoop.

    That Deuce continues to allow such postings as those of rat makes me embarrassed.

    You should be deeply ashamed of yourself, Deuce, and do the right thing and shut your hate site down.

    It is disgusting.


    Cheers !

    and g'nite

  16. Israeli Military Assistance To Latin America

    Beit-Hallahmi also details Israeli military involvement in South American countries, but most of the chapter on Latin America is devoted to Central America, where Israel has been most heavily involved. Central America developed into a high priority area for Israel in the late 1970s. By 1980 Israel had become the single major arms supplier to Central America. The station of the Mossad (the Israeli intelligence service) in Tegucigalpa was actually run by a Mossad deputy chief, an indication of Central America's significance for Israeli policymakers. The Mossad was responsible for all sensitive Israeli military-related operations in the region, such as training the Nicaraguan Contras. Thus Israel has become an intricate part of Central American history, and analysis of the region's recent history would be incomplete without considering the Israeli role.
    Jane Hunter's Israeli Foreign Policy: South Africa and Central America concentrates on the military component of that policy.

    Hunter first provides background information on the development of the U.S.-Israeli relationship, the evolution of Israel's arms industry, Israeli arms sales, and her view of Israel as a proxy for the United States. She then devotes separate chapters to Israel's (primarily military) policy toward El Salvador and Guatemala and three chapters on Nicaragua. Hunter asks rhetorically,
    "What use is it to save Central America from death at the hands of U.S.-sponsored governments and mercenary bands if it is only to deliver them to the same clients and cutthroats courtesy of Israel?" (p. 185).

    She concludes, "Until the message is received in Washington that an end to Israel's foreign activities is an integral part of the progressive agenda, Israel's ability to take on the rejected fragments of U.S. policies will remain a problem with profound consequences for politics and foreign policy decisions in this country [the United States]. For Israel's victims in Central America . . . and elsewhere, the consequences will be fatal" (pp. 199-200).
    Bishara Bahbah's Israel and Latin America: The Military Connection is a comprehensive study that extends beyond Israel's military role in Central America to include all of Latin America. ...
    Israel's arms clients are increasingly apt to be international pariah states or right-wing dictatorships waging war against their own people and in need of Israel's particular military expertise. And this will ultimately be to Israel's detriment politically, and certainly to the detriment of the populations of the countries it supplies. (Pp. 187-88)

  17. Defrauding America, Vol. One 4th Ed.

    The affidavit stated that Mossad agents associated with Operation Watchtower ... in Latin America [and] acted with the support of a network of Mossad personnel ...

    Excerpt from Victor Ostrovsky's, "By way of deception"

    Details Israel's False Flag Operations against the US, blaming Colonel Q's Libya, and the start of the campaign to demonize Saddam, all in accordance with the "Yinon Plan".

  19. Most of these are in the EB archives - old news ...

    Just another indication that the Social Media Commandos of the IDF don't do their homework.

    1. Not even operating at minimum wage levels of performance, they want to focus on process ...
      It is the bureaucratic and socialist way to be ... focus on process, never on content.


  20. SodaStream Left Out In The Cold?

    SodaStream's stock has suffered badly due to its poor performance in the U.S.
    - over the last twelve months, the stock has lost almost 66% and it currently trades at its all time low.

    A SCARY chart if you are holding Sodastream stock


  21. George Soros: Russia threatens EU’s survival
    Published: Oct 23, 2014 12:35 p.m. ET

    Attack on Ukraine is indirect attack on EU and its principles

    Hedge-fund legend George Soros, left, says Russia, under Vladimir Putin, poses an existential threat to the European Union.


    Billionaire hedge-fund titan and philanthropist George Soros has long made clear he thinks the German-led push for unrelenting austerity across the eurozone endangers the survival of the European Union. Now he’s warning that Europe “is facing a challenge from Russia to its very existence.”

    In an essay published in the New York Review of Books, Soros says it’s time for the 28 EU members to “wake up and behave as countries indirectly at war.”

    But he fears European leaders and citizens aren’t fully aware of the Russian threat that he says extends beyond Ukraine, in part because the EU and the 18-member eurozone “lost their way” in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis.

    “Now Russia is presenting an alternative that poses a fundamental challenge to the values and principles on which the European Union was originally founded. It is based on the use of force that manifests itself in repression at home and aggression abroad, as opposed to the rule of law,” Soros wrote. “What is shocking is that Vladimir Putin’s Russia has proved to be in some ways superior to the European Union — more flexible and constantly springing surprises. That has given it a tactical advantage, at least in the near term.”

    Soros warns that unless the EU abandons its adherence to austerity and moves to shore up Ukraine, Russia’s influence will only grow in Eastern Europe, magnifying the threat to Europe.

    He concludes the essay with a plea for the EU to examine itself.

    ““The bureaucracy of the EU no longer has a monopoly of power and it has little to be proud of. It should learn to be more united, flexible, and efficient. And Europeans themselves need to take a close look at the new Ukraine,” he writes. “That could help them recapture the original spirit that led to the creation of the European Union. The European Union would save itself by saving Ukraine.”

    1. George Soros - Another NAZI collaborator or a victim of 'ambush' journalism?

      How did George Soros survive the Nazi regime during World War II?

      While he was living with Baumbach as Sandor Kiss, an event occurred that more than half a century later would become the basis of charges that George Soros, the international financier and billionaire, had somehow collaborated with Nazi occupiers of his homeland and had exploited his fellow Jews.

      The issue was raised in a television profile and interview of Soros aired on the CBS television program 60 Minutes in December of 1998. In the segment, Steve Kroft, the interviewed, noted with prosecutorial gusto that George’s father had “bribed a government official to swear that you were his godson,” and added that this survival strategy “carried a heavy price tag.”

      For, he continued, “as hundreds of thousands of Jews were being shipped off to the Nazi death camps, a thirteen-year-old George Soros accompanied his phony godfather on his rounds, confiscating property from the Jews.”

      Visibly dumbfounded by the line of questioning, Soros could only manage to say that he had no role in the seizure of property and was merely a spectator. To underscore Kroft’s point, film footage showed masses of Hungarian Jews being led away at gunpoint.


      George Soros has a Nazi problem

      So, again I say that George Soros has a Nazi problem.

      At the moment, however, Soros is battling his Nazi problem from a wholly different angle.

      You see, while George W. Bush had not even yet been born in 1945, when real Nazis were perpetrating the real Holocaust, George Soros, as a teenager, was actually helping real Nazis confiscate the real property of real, about-to-be-“exterminated” Jews in his native Budapest, Hungary.

      And no, this actual Nazi collaboration by a young George Soros was not an obscure tidbit dug up by opposition researchers. George Soros freely admitted his actions in the now-infamous Steve Kroft interview of 1998. Soros was shocked that the interview was so upsetting to so many and endeavored greatly to put the controversy to rest by giving more details and explanations to his biographer, Michael Kaufman.


      Difference between a perpetrator and a rescuer. Between a collaborator and a hero
      The Jewish People vs George Soros

  22. What is it with the ass-bole doctor that is compelled to go to Africa to help fight Ebola, returns to the US and then decides to travel on NYC subways, take taxis and go bowling putting New York City at risk?

  23. Rufus, listen up!

    Iraq: Are Senior ISIL Commanders already Defecting in Mosul & Tikrit?

    By contributors | Oct. 24, 2014 |

    By Mustafa Habib | Baghdad | via

    Senior members of the Sunni Muslim extremist group, the Islamic State, have disappeared from Mosul and Tikrit. Sources suggest they defected for a number of reasons: they fear the end is nigh for their group, the threat posed by unhappy former allies who have already assassinated some of their number and because of promises of money and safety.

    Last week was a tough week for the Sunni Muslim extremist group known as the Islamic State, or IS. It had incurred serious losses of manpower in strongholds in both Syria and Iraq.

    Figures released by the Iraqi Ministries of Defence and the Interior suggest that the IS group lost around 400 fighters in Iraq and reports from Syria say as many as 500 IS fighters have been killed there, particularly around Kobani where there is fierce fighting but also in strongholds like Raqqa, where airstrikes by an international coalition are having an impact.

    And it seems that some of the leaders in the IS group now feel that the writing is on the wall and that the IS group won’t be able to hold onto power for much longer.

    Confidential information from inside Iraq military intelligence obtained by NIQASH says that several senior leaders in the IS group have disappeared from areas the group controls – most particularly from inside Mosul, the northern city the group considers it’s Iraqi capital, and from parts of the Salahaddin province.

    NIQASH’s source inside Iraqi intelligence says that most of the IS group leaders who disappeared are field commanders, men responsible for administration of combatants and territorial sectors. Most of them are Iraqis too – they are not from among the IS group’s Arab or foreign fighters. And apparently the group of defectors also includes one Ali al-Hamadani, who is thought to be very close to the group’s leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as well as another senior leader whose name is unknown as yet but who was allegedly responsible for al-Baghdadi’s personal protection.

    Asked as to why these senior members may have defected, the source told NIQASH that it was down to the success of local and foreign infiltration into the organisation. The senior members had been promised money and protection, their future safety guaranteed if they left the IS group and gave up information about the group’s plans and movements.

    It is also thought that the senior leaders are leaving because they fear that the IS group will not last much longer in Iraq and that they might eventually be killed. If they are caught though, they will also be killed as the sentence for betraying the organization, as decreed by its leader, al-Baghdadi, is also death.



    1. {...}

      There has also been a rumor that al-Baghdadi had been moving a large amount of money around, smuggling it out of Iraq and investing it with friendly businessmen in the Gulf States in order to ensure that the IS group has financial stability – in case, one imagines, they lose the money-making territory they currently control.

      After rumors about the defection of these senior leaders began to circulate, the IS group held one of their traditional demonstrations of strength and power, organising a parade of vehicles and manpower through Mosul’s streets.

      Locals say that other senior members of the IS group –including the group’s spokesperson, Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, the IS-appointed governor of Mosul, Abu Bakr al-Khatouni, and the group’s military leader in Tal Afar, Abu Ala al-afro – all returned from Syria to take over the posts left empty by the deserters.

      After the IS group’s military parade ended, there was a wave of arrests in Mosul, during which many of the former police and military men still living in the city, who had repented for their past jobs, were taken away. They are apparently now being held in former government buildings that the IS group uses as prisons there.

      One of the other reasons for the defections are the ongoing threats presented by armed groups inside Mosul, says Zakaria al-Hattab, who leads one of the anti-IS group militias working inside the city. There have been a number of IS members assassinated by unknown assailants in the city.

      “Armed factions in Mosul are not yet able to confront the IS group openly,” says al-Hattab, who is currently in Erbil in the semi-autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan. But, al-Hattab, adds, he and a group of others are forming militias to try and do exactly that.
      The majority of the IS leaders responsible for Mosul’s security and services are Iraqis and possibly also longer-term residents of the city. “Everybody knows them and everybody hates them,” al-Hattab explained to NIQASH. “And the tribal leaders in Mosul who are against the IS group have already made threats against the group’s senior members, saying they will chase them out of the city and kill them once IS is defeated. That’s what has scared these men and they’ve decided to leave before it’s too late.”

      “The IS group leaders who defected left because they realized that the whole world was waging war against them,” suggests Rashid al-Samarrai, a local security expert. “They also know that the international coalition is going to benefit hugely from information they’re gleaning on the IS group’s plans and its hiding places.”

      Additionally, al-Samarrai says, a lot of the most recent recruits to the IS group in Iraq are locals and former members of Saddam Hussein’s army and intelligence services. Many of them undertook religious training only after, or shortly before, they joined the IS group.
      “Senior leaders in the IS group are military personnel who have been trained in warfare,” al-Samarrai says. “They only embraced radical religious thinking a few years ago and their belief in this system is actually fairly weak when compared to the core membership of the IS group, who have embraced radical religious ideas since they were young. The latter group would find it much harder to betray the organisation because they truly believe in it.”

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I'll stick with My estimates on Daesh dead.

    You can't convince me that we're killing less than 3 people (on average) when we drop a guided 500 lb. bomb, or fire off a Hellfire Missile.

    What everyone is missing is, how many headcutters our allies are killing. We don't announce it every time Saudi Arabia, UAE, France, or the U.K. makes a strike. Evidently, if they're flying "with us," and clear it, we include their actions in with the results, but otherwise we leave it up to them to file their own action reports.

    These headcutters are getting beat up pretty good, and it's only going to get worse.

    They truly be "Daid Men Walkin'."

  26. You're not taking into account the Israeli-style use of knock-knock rounds to let the poor people in those tanks or prepared positions evacuate. Because the last thing we want our military to do is compound their oppression when their primary mission is outreach.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. What is it with the ass-bole doctor that is compelled to go to Africa to help fight Ebola, returns to the US and then decides to travel on NYC subways, take taxis and go bowling putting New York City at risk?

      And now, after weeks of the liberal media sitting in mid-town Manhattan telling the people of Dallas not to panic, there's a solid line of limousines heading to the Hamptons.

  28. A SCARY chart if you are holding Sodastream stock

    Folks are shorting soda pop and going long on Iron Dome:

    Raytheon, a major American defense contractor and the world’s largest producer of guided missiles, has won an Israeli contract to supply $149.3 million in Tamir missiles, the projectiles used in Israel’s Iron Dome defense system.

  29. Get ready for a special Jack Van Impe show on 10-26-14! It's about the coming war with Russia!!!

    This is the same Jack Van Impe who, regarding Y2K, marketed a video called 2000 Time Bomb in which he claimed:

    "The dire warnings in this emergency video are gleaned exclusively from secular experts in over 300 reports. The facts: No event in history has connected mankind to one common adversary until now. The millennial bug jeopardizes our way of life in ways never imagined. I was going to make this video next year, around February, March. But the Holy Spirit awakened me a few months ago and warned me as to what was coming and that I should warn you. And I'll tell you, this is perhaps the most important video you'll ever receive concerning your own survival and what to do to prepare for what's coming." (Jack Van Impe Show, September 28, 1998)

    So by all means get your emergency Russia war video too, so it can be stacked next to the Peak Oil ones in Goodwill.

  30. rat the village meth head repeated himself about ten times up there......

    1. He's got a thing against Israel that's worse than Doug's thing against Pajamas Media.

    2. Not even close to rat meth's record....

    3. This is a 1300 pound hay bale I will have you know, Miss T.

      Big fucker among hay bales.

      My farmer bought the big new JD Baler.

      Now, you are to say..........

      WOW, bob.....

    4. Has little to do with ISrael, lots to do with "O"rdure, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson and allen

      They provide the motivation.
      ISrael just provides the factual fodder.

    5. This week we had our annual Torpedo Certification and Evaluation Board (big military Procedure Compliance inspection with all the trimmins), and by Thursday afternoon we figured we were flying through it but I told my boss that "All the hay ain't in the barn yet."

  31. Oh for Christ's dear sake, give us some REST rat hole.

    Give it a rest.

    Calm down.

    Drink some warm milk.

    Go to the Emergency Room if you must.

    But please let us normals talk a little among ourselves in peace.

  32. Oct 24 (Reuters) - French fighter jets destroyed 12 buildings in Iraq holding an arsenal of weapons under control of Islamic State militants, France's chief of staff of armed forces said on Friday.

    "Tonight we undertook a big operation in Iraq in which we destroyed buildings in which Daesh (Islamic State) was producing traps, bombs, arms to attack the Iraqi forces," Pierre de Villiers told Europe 1 radio.

    France was the first country to join the U.S.-led coalition in air strikes on IS insurgents in Iraq in September and has stepped up the pace of its air strikes this month.

    Besides air strikes and reconnaissance missions, operations have also included training local Iraqi forces and delivering equipment to Kurdish fighters in the country's north.

    Coalition forces dropped 70 bombs, including 12 dropped by France which completely destroyed its targets, de Villiers said, without specifying the location of the operation. (Reporting By Alexandria Sage; editing by Mark John)

    Bombing de bombers

  33. Jack HawkinsFri Jul 18, 12:36:00 AM EDT

    I mean, you are an Israeli, and here is nothing worse than that.

    In all the world, the Arabs of Israel are the scum.

    Now if you were a European, well thatd be different, but Israelis are all Arabs, Semites.
    Scum of the Earth


    Have a nightmare tonight and a shitty tomorrow,
    QuirkFri Jul 18, 01:13:00 AM EDT


    And the voice of the rat is heard in the land.

    And the world once again cringes.

    Bob OreilleFri Jul 18, 02:35:00 AM EDT

    "I mean, you are an Israeli, and there is nothing worse than that."

    There we go. That's a keeper. I am going to store that one.

    Jack "Hamasass PsychoRat of the Desert" Hawkins puts it in one concise line.

    His whole outlook. Simple, ignorant, unbelievably irrational.

    No wonder most people can't stand him.

  34. Jack HawkinsFri Jul 18, 12:36:00 AM EDT

    I mean, you are an Israeli, and here is nothing worse than that.

    In all the world, the Arabs of Israel are the scum.

    Now if you were a European, well thatd be different, but Israelis are all Arabs, Semites.
    Scum of the Earth


    Have a nightmare tonight and a shitty tomorrow,
    QuirkFri Jul 18, 01:13:00 AM EDT


    And the voice of the rat is heard in the land.

    And the world once again cringes.

    Bob OreilleFri Jul 18, 02:35:00 AM EDT

    "I mean, you are an Israeli, and there is nothing worse than that."

    There we go. That's a keeper. I am going to store that one.

    Jack "Hamasass PsychoRat of the Desert" Hawkins puts it in one concise line.

    His whole outlook. Simple, ignorant, unbelievably irrational.

    No wonder most people can't stand him.

  35. Jack HawkinsFri Jul 18, 12:36:00 AM EDT

    I mean, you are an Israeli, and here is nothing worse than that.

    In all the world, the Arabs of Israel are the scum.

    Now if you were a European, well thatd be different, but Israelis are all Arabs, Semites.
    Scum of the Earth


    Have a nightmare tonight and a shitty tomorrow,
    QuirkFri Jul 18, 01:13:00 AM EDT


    And the voice of the rat is heard in the land.

    And the world once again cringes.

    Bob OreilleFri Jul 18, 02:35:00 AM EDT

    "I mean, you are an Israeli, and there is nothing worse than that."

    There we go. That's a keeper. I am going to store that one.

    Jack "Hamasass PsychoRat of the Desert" Hawkins puts it in one concise line.

    His whole outlook. Simple, ignorant, unbelievably irrational.

    No wonder most people can't stand him.

  36. Jack HawkinsFri Jul 18, 12:36:00 AM EDT

    I mean, you are an Israeli, and here is nothing worse than that.

    In all the world, the Arabs of Israel are the scum.

    Now if you were a European, well thatd be different, but Israelis are all Arabs, Semites.
    Scum of the Earth


    Have a nightmare tonight and a shitty tomorrow,
    QuirkFri Jul 18, 01:13:00 AM EDT


    And the voice of the rat is heard in the land.

    And the world once again cringes.

    Bob OreilleFri Jul 18, 02:35:00 AM EDT

    "I mean, you are an Israeli, and there is nothing worse than that."

    There we go. That's a keeper. I am going to store that one.

    Jack "Hamasass PsychoRat of the Desert" Hawkins puts it in one concise line.

    His whole outlook. Simple, ignorant, unbelievably irrational.

    No wonder most people can't stand him.

  37. Oh he he he I can keep this all day...exciting ain't it?....

    Jack HawkinsFri Jul 18, 12:36:00 AM EDT

    I mean, you are an Israeli, and here is nothing worse than that.

    In all the world, the Arabs of Israel are the scum.

    Now if you were a European, well thatd be different, but Israelis are all Arabs, Semites.
    Scum of the Earth


    Have a nightmare tonight and a shitty tomorrow,
    QuirkFri Jul 18, 01:13:00 AM EDT


    And the voice of the rat is heard in the land.

    And the world once again cringes.

    Bob OreilleFri Jul 18, 02:35:00 AM EDT

    "I mean, you are an Israeli, and there is nothing worse than that."

    There we go. That's a keeper. I am going to store that one.

    Jack "Hamasass PsychoRat of the Desert" Hawkins puts it in one concise line.

    His whole outlook. Simple, ignorant, unbelievably irrational.

    No wonder most people can't stand him.

  38. Jack HawkinsFri Jul 18, 12:36:00 AM EDT

    I mean, you are an Israeli, and here is nothing worse than that.

    In all the world, the Arabs of Israel are the scum.

    Now if you were a European, well thatd be different, but Israelis are all Arabs, Semites.
    Scum of the Earth


    Have a nightmare tonight and a shitty tomorrow,
    QuirkFri Jul 18, 01:13:00 AM EDT


    And the voice of the rat is heard in the land.

    And the world once again cringes.

    Bob OreilleFri Jul 18, 02:35:00 AM EDT

    "I mean, you are an Israeli, and there is nothing worse than that."

    There we go. That's a keeper. I am going to store that one.

    Jack "Hamasass PsychoRat of the Desert" Hawkins puts it in one concise line.

    His whole outlook. Simple, ignorant, unbelievably irrational.

    No wonder most people can't stand him.

  39. The French are wonderful !!

    The last time I read about the French they were selling machetes to the Rawandans......

    1. Bob OreilleFri Jul 18, 02:35:00 AM EDT

      "I mean, you are an Israeli, and there is nothing worse than that."

      You don't learn by example, do you Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson?

      I'd give you a private lesson, but ...
      You can''t fix stupid


  40. Nice profit, who cares about a million deads.....

  41. "I mean, you are an Israeli, and there is nothing worse than that."

    I dunno if that's true for every Israeli:

    Bar Refaeli

    1. "Bob Oreille" wrote it, it must be true.

    2. Jack HawkinsFri Oct 24, 10:14:00 AM EDT
      "Bob Oreille" wrote it, it must be true.

      He also wrote you were a self confessed murderer, a criminal drug runner and a seller of weapons to the illegals you smuggle on to your 350 acres.

      I guess that is also true

    3. No, that was when he was parroting your lies and fabrications, "O"rdure.

  42. Jack HawkinsFri Jul 18, 12:36:00 AM EDT

    I mean, you are an Israeli, and here is nothing worse than that.

    In all the world, the Arabs of Israel are the scum.

    Now if you were a European, well thatd be different, but Israelis are all Arabs, Semites.
    Scum of the Earth

    Someday, I might be able to move to Israel and become an Israeli, that would be a FINE day.

    1. You already have, or you were born there.
      Does not really matter, which.

    2. I'll take that as the highest complement possible.

      But make no mistake, NO ONE would ever accuse you of being an Israeli…

      A Hamas member, sure, A white supremacist maybe, Hitler loving, Arab excusing, terrorist? Possibly.

      But never an Israeli.

      No SOUP for you.

  43. Actually, it's kinda fun to 'play rat' once in a while.

    All you do is store, copy and publish endlessly..

    It's a whizzz, even I can do it !!

  44. Teresita RedingerFri Oct 24, 10:05:00 AM EDT

    "I mean, you are an Israeli, and there is nothing worse than that."

    I dunno if that's true for every Israeli:

    Bar Refaeli

    WOW, she is BEAUTIFUL !!!!

    1. What say you, rat ass?

      Is she 'the scum of the earth'?

      OR ..... ARE .....YOU.... THE...SCUM .... OF .... THE ..... EARTH?

      Let's take a vote....

    2. Italicize the quotes, first class lesson, fellas.

      You don't have to go bold, but sometimes it helps.

      The desk co-ordinator for graphics can show you how, unless he/she is as inept as your desk co-ordinator for research.

    3. Here's how you do it, Bob:

      <i>Me an' Earl was haulin' chickens
      On a flatbed out of Wiggins,
      And we'd spent all night on the uphill side
      Of thirty-seven miles of hell called <b>Wolf Creek Pass.</b></i>

      Me an' Earl was haulin' chickens
      On a flatbed out of Wiggins,
      And we'd spent all night on the uphill side
      Of thirty-seven miles of hell called Wolf Creek Pass.

    4. We all recognize you are a laughing stock, Jack.

      Time for you to get some rest.

      You have 'done your duty' for the day, Soldier.

    5. :)))

      Excellent, Miss T.

      I am so glad you are back.

  45. Missouri police stock up on riot gear ahead of grand jury decision...

    Ferguson on edge.......drudge

    If you don't like the Grand Jury decsion - and let's face it, the saying is true, a Grand Jury made up of Citizen Idiots can indite a Ham
    Sand....if you don't like it let's protest by robbing the Liquor Store.

    ho ho ho ho ho

    Burn Baby Burn

    1. The facts expressed here belong to everybody, the opinions to me.
      The distinction is yours to draw.

  46. I, basically, like the Police.

    The ones around here are all Gentlemen.

    Good hearts all, sometimes very humorous Gentlemen.

    1. I suppose a woman is a kind of man, in a catholic sense.

  47. If there is anyone here that has a workable program to give the blacks in Ferguson, Missouri a meaningful life, I'd to hear it.

    I could suggest some excellent life changing literature to read, but they won't read it.

    They' d rather blame everything on whitey.

    1. Take your old Jim Crow-loving, racist bullshit somewhere else, bob.

      You couldn't even start to imagine how those poor people have been beat up their entire lives (and, their parents, and grandparents' lives before them.)

    2. Bullshit, Ruf.

      They have no talents, nor any desire to acquire talents.

      They have not been beaten up their entire lives.

      Most have smoked dope all their worthless lives.

      My Niece comes from a situation much worse than theirs, but she has DESIRE and has made something extremely valuable of herself.

      "Uncle Bob, it took me fifteen years to do this."

      And now she is at the Max Planck Institute of Brain Research, Dresden, Germany.

      I have ZERO sympathy for the rioters, some of which are whites, in Ferguson, Missouri.

    3. My Niece is, once again, half nigger half Aryan.

      Shove it up your asshole, Rufus.

      She is the most wonderful young woman I have ever met.

    4. You're not only a racist, you're a stupider-than-normal-racist.

      It's embarrassing to inhabit the same country, much less the same blog.

  48. Rat is quite excited these days…

    During the most recent Jewish year, 5774, aliya from around the world increased by more than 30 percent, reaching some 25,000 immigrants.

    The Zionist project of ingathering the exiles is undergoing a historic shift: We are moving from an aliya of rescue to an aliya of free choice.

    During the most recent Jewish year, 5774, aliya from around the world increased by more than 30 percent, reaching some 25,000 immigrants.

    Behind this huge increase are two highly symbolic developments.

    First, the number of olim (immigrants) from the United States, Canada, Western Europe and Australia – traditionally considered the core countries of the free world – reached a 40-year high, surpassing the number of olim from the rest of the world for the first time in Israel’s history.

    Second, the rate of aliya from France, the point of origin for the greatest number of olim over the past year, is so high that moving to Israel is no longer an unusual or unexpected choice there. As a result, for the first time, there is now a large Jewish community in the free world – the second-largest, in fact, after the United States – for which aliya is a normal part of life.

    The fact that a majority of Israel’s many immigrants are coming from free and prosperous countries, with democratically elected governments and developed economies, is among the most noteworthy changes in immigration patterns in the history of our state. Until now, every massive wave of immigration has been primarily the product of violence and hardship, as Jews fled intolerable circumstances in the hope of finding better ones in Israel.

    Israel is ingathering the BEST, Brightest and most dynamic of it's exiles.

    That must make Jackrat happy as a pig in shit….


  49. Jack HawkinsFri Oct 24, 10:26:00 AM EDT
    Italicize the quotes, first class lesson, fellas.
    You don't have to go bold, but sometimes it helps.

    It's amazing that in the world of Jihadists, Ebola, 12 million Syrians in real refugee camps, Russia occupying Ukraine, Passenger jets missing and or shot down, stock market bubble, wheat rust, Hamas and Iran, fast and Furious, the IRS, Obamacare, Jack rat focuses on the usage of BOLD and Italics at least 100 times….

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. rat is, to my best judgement, hopped up on meth these fine fall days....

  51. The worst thing about ISIS (and, the other ME crazies) is how they manage to take our focus away from what's most important.

    Decent jobs / wages, education, and healthcare for All Americans.

    1. You know, tech writer is a decent job. In Rufusworld, all Americans should have the right to be a tech writer, otherwise we are denying them decent jobs. For instance, if I was paid to provide the example on HTML that I did above, it's not fair that only I should have the opportunity to make a living wage doing so. In Rufusworld, we'd pay Farmer Bob to take a crack at it.

    2. Strive.

      My Niece is the embodiment of strive.

      Most Americans don't give shit these days.

      One job, fifty applicants, she got it.....Max Planck Institute of Brain Research.

      I realize full well she is an exceptional woman.....but is it too much to ask of our underclass to quit using drugs?

      She does not:

      Do drugs
      Eat Meat

      (she cheats on a little chicken once in a long while)


  52. Nina Pham is leaving the hospital, and going home.

    1. Blood transfusion from an Ebola survivor seems to do the trick.

    2. Getting the hell out of Texas, and into a Blue-State Hospital probably more so.

      Being around people stupid enough to turn down $5 Billion / Year in Free Healthcare Money cannot be good for your health.

    3. Yup, I think we are going to beat this, and soon.

      Jack Ass may benefit from "Jewish Science", who knows......Jack ass will be first in line for the vaccine, Jewish or not, I can tell you that for certain...............

  53. Free Healthcare Money



    and cry, laugh and weep at the same time.

    "Free Heath Care Money"


    "Free Healthcare Money"

    Fuck it, Ruf may make a great Ebola Czar, but don't put him in charge of ObamaCare.

    We be dead soon.


    1. Say, it might be a swell time to get into the undertaking biz, Quirk..................

  54. Jack HawkinsWed Oct 22, 10:04:00 PM EDT
    The Zionists have [t]raveled (sic) the world, killing those the[y] (sic) deem enemies. [missing subject or improper punctuation] Even (sic) waiters in Europe [who] that (sic) ["looked"] 'looked' (sic) like they were someone they were not.
    The [Mossad] 'Mossad' (sic) has killed scores [no antecedent] across Central America, helping to maintain the most rancid regimes in Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador [,] (sic) and Honduras. Regimes that even the US refused to support, [incorrect punctuation] the [Israelis] Israeli (sic) jumped right in [missing infinitive], teaching the techniques of population subjugation they had refined in Palestine. [ -- ] Techniques (sic) now being [t]aught (sic) to US police [f]orces (sic) across the land, [.] (sic) fuckin' (sic) terrible things that (sic) are happening while we watch [them] it (sic) occur.

    for our English readers … a slightly corrected example …

    The Zionists have traveled the world, killing those they deem enemies, including even waiters in Europe, who “looked” like they were someone they were not.

    The Mossad has killed scores of people across Central America, helping to maintain the most rancid regimes in Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador, and Honduras. Regimes that even the US refused to support the Israelis jumped right in to help, teaching the techniques of population subjugation they had refined in Palestine; techniques now being taught to US police forces across the land by Mossad. Fuckin’ terrible things are happening while we watch them occur.

    (No effort has been made to consistently conjugate verb tenses.)

  55. Dear Reader -

    Rufus is a nice Gentleman with his heart in the right place.

    He doesn't have a racist bone in his body.

    His mastery of all things economical remains somewhat in doubt.

  56. All those "Non-economical" bones in my body say "take the money when it's offered," dummy.

  57. I want and demand some Rufus Free Health Care money, or I will rob the likker store then burn it down.

    1. You have yours; it's called Medicare. Or, have you forgot?

    2. I thought Medicare costs a monthly premium?

      Medicaid was free

    3. That $143.00 / month doesn't even come close to paying for Medicare. Medicare is primarily paid for by all the younger people.

      The money for expanded Medicaid that Texas is turning down has already been paid in (some of it, from Texas taxpayers.) It's free for the taking. If idiot legislators in Texas, Mississippi, and Idaho don't take it, it will just go to other uses - a little bit in Texas, idiots et al, and the biggest part to California, New York, etc.

    4. I love ya, Ruf

      Just vote to take from others and everything is suddenly "Free".


      That a boy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. .

      I tend to agree that Texas (and the other states currently refusing the Obamacare Medicaid dollars) should reconsider and take the money. If they don't take the money, it is likely the FEDS will simply waste the money on something else. You know it will be spent.

      I haven't really paid much attention to the subject so I am not sure what rationale is being offered by the various states not currently taking the money. Likewise, I'm not sure if in refusing the money Texas is actually acting on principle or is just cutting off its nose to spite its face. If the former, I can sympathize. The FEDS have a long history of offering incentives (free money if you like) and then pulling the rug out on those programs in the future. Medicaid is the poster child for such actions.

      That being said, one certainty with the FEDS is its a matter of 'fuck me now or fuck me later' and if you are going to be fucked you might as well get paid for it.

      However, those that use the words 'free money' when speaking of FED programs are either attempting to delude the audience or have already deluded themselves. The Obamacare Medicaid dollars being offered are not free money but more like splitting up the loot after a successful heist. Those that speak of 'free money' are like those dolts that say the national debt isn't $17 trillion but rather somewhere around $12 - $13 trillion after they remove intergovernmental transfers associated with programs like Medicare and SS. They offer us a distinction without a difference ignoring the fact that as a nation we have spent $17 trillion we didn't have rather than $12 trillion that we didn't have.

      There is no free money when you are talking about the FEDS.


    erguson Police Break Up Ugly Brawl Involving Michael Brown's Mother, Grandmother and Cousin

    Having been trained by Mossad, the Ferguson "police force" was particularly brutal. "Terrible things" happened.

    UNC offered fake classes for 18 years. But that's not the only academic scandal.

    Because of the long reach of Mossad into American culture "fuckin’ terrible things are happening while we watch them occur."

  60. ... still waiting for the name of a single American "police force[ ]" trained by Mossad...

    1. Well allen, to Jack? All Joos are Israeli Firsters, All Israeli Firsters are Israeli Zionazis, All Israeli Zionazis are ISrealis and all ISrealis are Mossad*

      *With the exception of Non-Bavel, Non-Oral Torah, Non-Talmud (I know am am being redundant :) ) Jews.

    2. Rat gave vent to his Adolph instead of his Asimov and now cannot answer two simple questions:

      1) What American police forces have been trained by Mossad?

      2) What "fuckin' terrible things are happening while we watch them occur" that are the result of Mossad training?

      He also does not know the definition of assassination. For example, the Muslim source to which he linked considers the untimely and unnatural deaths of the Black September assassins of the Israel team at Munich as assassination. You may recall that the Germans et al gave these butchers a free pass out of Europe. Since the Germans had no interest in pursuing justice, Israel -- it is claimed -- executed the assassins extra-judicially. While I admit to looking at the Munich "assassinations", I have no idea how Rat's Muslim source viewed the raid on Entebbe. My revulsion at touching such filth has not been overcome by my sense of curiosity.

      Ordinarily, I do not critique the writing of others for errors in composition. This is a blog, after all, and everyone makes mistakes. I took on Rat’s piece because 1) its theses were execrably false and 2) I wanted to show the weakness in his communication skills as a non-native English speaker. Using “bullet point” structure is a legitimate and economical method of summarization, particularly when time is a factor to the audience. However, bullet points are expected to exhibit accepted rules of grammatical construction; Rat’s do not.

      Oxford Dictionary
      Assassinate: VERB
      Murder (an important person) in a surprise attack for political or religious reasons.
      Assassination: NOUN
      The act of …

  61. They can no longer detect the ebola virus in Amber Vinson's blood stream.

    She'll be home in a day or so.

    1. President to meet with Nina Pham at 1:30 Eastern.

  62. .

    It's amazing that in the world of Jihadists, Ebola, 12 million Syrians in real refugee camps, Russia occupying Ukraine, Passenger jets missing and or shot down, stock market bubble, wheat rust, Hamas and Iran, fast and Furious, the IRS, Obamacare, Jack rat focuses on the usage of BOLD and Italics at least 100 times….

    You, sir, are a cad and a cyber-bully. You belittle the man's only demonstrable achievement here.

    He has mastered the use of


    And this from a man who only studied English as a second language and is hampered by support issues on his vintage XP.

    Shame on you.



  63. Let's face it.

    The Gentle Giant was personally targeted by the Mossad.

    The Jews once again messing with our higher culture.

    Those cigars The Gentle Giant was politely purchasing in the convenience store?.......loaded up with dope by the Mossad.

    He was set up, so's that the Mossad trained Ferguson Police Force could do a community wide crack down.

    Just like in Gaza.

    Now it all fits......

    1. Bob,

      See how easy that is when you put your brain on autopilot?

      Yesterday in Atlanta, the Mossad forced some of the "Gentile Giant's" supporters onto the I-75/I-85 exchange to block interstate commerce. The Atlanta police force and the Georgia Highway Patrol moved in with armor, dogs, gas, live rounds coated with Ebola, and industrial sandblasters. OMG, it was a massacre! ... just kidding ... No arrests were made. Instead, the ass wipes were permitted to inconvenience thousands of motorists.

  64. U.S. and allied aircraft pounded the Islamic State group on Thursday and Friday with 12 air strikes in Iraq and six raids near the contested Syrian town of Kobane, the American military said.

    U.S. Central Command, which is overseeing the air war against the jihadists, announced the latest round of air raids after the French military said a coalition operation overnight had dropped dozens of bombs on an IS arsenal and training camp in northern Iraq.

    U.S.-led warplanes -- including fighter jets and drones -- carried out three air raids southeast and west of the Mosul Dam in the north, destroying two vehicles and a mortar position, Central Command said in a statement.

    Three strikes south of the Baiji oil refinery struck two small units and destroyed a vehicle, and two strikes near Baiji targeted an IS training camp, it said.

    U.S. military officials say Iraqi government forces are trying to roll back IS militants on the main route leading out of Baghdad north to Baiji but have been slowed in part by numerous roadside bombs planted by the militants.

    Coalition aircraft also attacked the Sunni extremists near Fallujah, west of Baghdad, striking two small IS units and destroying three vehicles. And one raid near Zumar destroyed five buildings, Central Command said.

    Referring to the overnight bombing, France said the air raids were a . . . . .

    Jist a'flyin' around, bombin' de bombers, bombin' de bomber, bombin' de bombers. :)


    "Shares of SodaStream International Ltd surged on Friday after the at-home soda machine maker said it would sell some PepsiCo Inc brands in a limited test.

    The 10-week trial will begin in a few weeks at Wal-Mart Stores Inc and Bed Bath & Beyond Inc in Orlando and Tampa, Florida, trade publication Beverage Digest reported."

    1. Surged to $24.45
      On 1Aug2014 it was at $34.05
      On 29Oct2013 it was at $63.75


    2. If it surges any more ... well ... Welcome to the future of the State of ISrael.

      The Existential Threat you were so concerned with ....

    IDF kills Palestinian who hurled firebomb at motorists on West Bank highway

    ... another promising life cut short ... I am told the Cardinals really need some pitchers.

  67. SALT LAKE CITY – Gov. Gary Herbert said Thursday that he’s reached a tentative deal with federal officials over his alternative plan to expand Medicaid, and he will ask state lawmakers to sign off during their next session.

    Herbert, speaking at his monthly televised news conference on KUED, said he will get the terms in writing and meet with legislative leaders in mid-November to go over them.

    The governor was originally pushing for a special legislative session, but he said it’s too late in the year.

    Despite the deal, the Republican governor said he’s still opposed to the health care law.

    “We have lemons and I’m trying to make lemonade out of it,” Herbert said.

    A copy of the terms will be made publicly . . . . .

    Free Money, Taken :)

    1. Nothing is free.

      There are requirements in the outlying years that require the states to continue funding after the feds stop the "free money" those outlying years DWARF the bait that is being dangled

    2. You're a moron. The most the states will ever have to pay is 10%.

      The economic benefits dwarf that amount.

    3. You think it's great when we send money to Israel to fund THEIR Health Insurance.

      Fuck you.

    4. Rufus IIFri Oct 24, 05:00:00 PM EDT
      You think it's great when we send money to Israel to fund THEIR Health Insurance.

      Fuck you.

      Prove that statement, if you can.

    5. What's to prove. We send Israel $3 Billion yr, and they have a Socialized Healthcare System.

    6. Rufus is a Genius.

      He can provide your health insurance "For Free".

      Rufus is a genius. He also has saved, by his own posing and testimony, "uncountable" people from death by selling them Life

      RUF FOR EBALA CZAR NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Not only is he right on the question of quarantine...................he can save our life via "Rufus Life Insurance Company,LLC"

      Apply now,


    8. It was health insurance, asshole.

      It's estimated that Six People Die in Texas, Every Day, As a Result of Perry's "Turn Down the Money" Lunacy.

      The above figure from a study by Harvard University, and CUNY.

    9. The "Blog" may have a memory, but the alfalfa farmer has dementia.

    10. :)

      The issue of just who has dementia is in dispute, Dear Rufus.l

      The professionals will ultimately decide.

      Many of your statementsl will be held against you

      Your statements concerning quarantine will be considered in a positive light.

      Other than that, I just don't know.

      It's up to the Doc....................,

    11. Fuck you, and the Doc, both. I didn't misrepresent what you said, you miserable asshole. You misrepresented what I said.


    "A wind farm using 660-kilowatt generators requires 7,600 generators at 20 per cent efficiency to produce 1,000 megawatts. At $2,000 per kilowatt installation, this would cost $10 billion. This is more than twice the cost of a reliable, clean, coal-fired 1,000-megawatt generator."

    1. That is stupid. No one uses turbines that small and inefficient. Your bigger (av. 2,000 kw, on average) turbines cost 20% less per kilowatt, and are almost twice as efficient.

    2. Plus, there's the certifiable truth; the more Renewable you use, the cheaper they get. The more Fossil Fuels you use, the more expensive they get.

    3. The most vivid example being, of course, the 99.5% Fall in Solar Cell Prices.

    4. Of course, the cost of the large wind turbines came down 20% in the last year.

    5. Misdirection and attempts at obscuring the truth, that's allen's specialty

    6. I pay attention to Ruf on energy and Ebola, but noting else.

    7. I've corrected you on that particular lie about a half a dozen times, now.

      Either you can't remember, or you're just a 100% shithead. Or both.

      I'm currently leaning toward "both."

  69. Another School Shooting.

    No one died of Ebola in the U.S. this week, but two school kids died of gunshot wounds in the cafeteria.

    I guess the Republicans aren't concerned with those deaths.

    1. On the contrary they wish for armed teachers to protect the 'students'.

    2. Maybe they ought to wish for at least enough brains to keep their guns locked up.

      Oh, . . . . . . wait, . . . . . .then they wouldn't be "republicans."

      Never mind.

    3. .

      Where do you come up with this stuff Rufus?

      Come back from the dark side,



  70. The 'students' are, in these inner city schools, hopeless.

    An armed Police presence is a great thing.

  71. Israel-trained police "occupy" Missouri

    At least two of the four law enforcement agencies that were deployed in Ferguson up until Thursday evening — the St. Louis County Police Department and the St. Louis Police Department — received training from Israeli security forces in recent years.
    The ADL boasts of sending more than 175 senior US law enforcement officials from 100 different agencies to the seminar since 2004, which are “taking the lessons they learned in Israel back to the United States.”
    Another is the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), a neoconservative think tank that claims to have hosted some 9,500 law enforcement officials in its Law Enforcement Exchange Program (LEEP) since 2004.

    1. U.S. police officials who have undergone such training have come from the
      Los Angeles and
      New York police departments,
      the New York and
      New Jersey Port Authority Police Department,
      the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority Police,
      and the Major County Sheriffs’ Association.
      The fact that the former chief of Missouri’s St. Louis County Police Department trained in Israel in 2011 recently came to light following the well-armed police response to protestors in St. Louis-based Ferguson.

      ewish Groups Pay to Send U.S. Police to Train in Israel

    2. Israeli Training: Houston Police Shoot Wheelchair Amputee Said Armed with Ballpoint Pen

    3. Inner City School? ! ?

      That Marysville, Wa. High School is as lily-white as your pasty Swedish ass, you fool.

    4. Framingham Police Chief Steven Carl and Newton Police Chief Matthew Cummings said they will receive their regular salaries while in Israel; Belmont Police Chief Richard McLaughlin declined to comment.

    5. Who was the shooter?

      I don't know.

      But I do know this white assed aging farmer would not last two hours in the inner nigger cities, USof A.

      And I am bone tired of paying taxes for Public Defenders of these turds.

    6. You despicable, old, racist son of a bitch. A little white kid shoots another little white kid, in one of the most lily-white schools in the country, and you manage to get you N****R word in.

      You sicken me.

  72. I'm tired of making excuses for the 'inner city'.

    1. Who gives a shit about you, "Draft Dodger"?

    2. Such a nice comment...

      tell me did you Mom stop beating you before or after age 24?

  73. Th Times of ISrael reports ...

    Dutch mayor likens jihadis to Jews who left for pre-state Israel
    Mayor of Hilvresum, a town near Amsterdam, says government shouldn’t prevent Islamists from going to fight in Syria

    ISIS = Haganah

    1. I hope your dreams come true...

      ISIS should learn to plant trees, build schools and set up hospitals

  74. During the Bush administration, Israeli-American dual citizen and Director of Homeland Security Chertoff mandated that American police forces be trained by Israeli groups in crowd control, counter-terrorism and intelligence gathering.

    Since that time, shootings of unarmed civilians has gone up 500%, attacks on legal political protests by police have become a scandal and huge stockpiles of ammunition and military heavy weaponry have been distributed to law enforcement groups in every region of America, both local and federally controlled.


  75. Marysville Pilchuck - Pathways of Choice High School, located in Marysville, Washington, USA,[1] is a public secondary school for grades 9-12 and is part of the Marysville School District. School days are organized into six periods. MPHS boasts the largest indoor swimming pool in Snohomish County, and is a popular destination for high school indoor water sports fans.

    Does this sound like an "inner city" school?

    How about if I add this in:

    Academy of Construction and Engineering, Bio-Med Academy, International School of Communications, and School for the Entrepreneur

  76. The mission consists of law enforcement professionals from local, state and national agencies including
    the New York State Police,
    New York Police Department,
    New Jersey State Police,
    Massachusetts State Police,
    Boston Police Department,
    Maine State Police,
    Hartford Police Department,
    Suffolk County Police Department,
    Salem Police Department,
    Quincy Police Department,
    Pittsfield Police Department,
    Lower Merion Police Department, and
    Westchester Intelligence Center General Hospital.

    US Law Enforcement Officials Train in Israel

    1. The ADL delegation consisted of executives from the California Highway Patrol and major city police departments from across the country including:
      New York,
      Atlantic City,
      Albuquerque, and
      St. Louis County..."

      Anti-defamation League press release from 2011 revealed that the Lousiville "Law Enforcement Executives Studied Counter-Terrorism In Israel:"

    2. the New York and New Jersey Port Authority police and
      the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority police.


  77. Jack has mainlined some meth again.....

    Time for nap..................

    Cheers !!


  78. Former Israeli Soldier’s Message To Protesters In The US: ‘You’re Next’!

    - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    What your government did abroad yesterday it does at home today

    1. Eran Efrati is an Israeli soldier and he has a message to the people of the United States. That message is a shocking one… Eran Efrati explains that “if you don’t care about Palestinians… You guys should know: you are next in line.”

      In a nutshell, what happens to the Palestinians, if you are indifferent to their suffering, is what will happen to you next.

      The 28-year-old Efrati was born in Jerusalem, and served in the Israeli Defense Forces. His role in the IDF as a combat soldier and company sergeant in Battalion 50 of the Nachal Division afforded him first hand insight into just what Palestinians experience. Contrary to the dismissals of many Israeli hawks, Efrati says that the reports out of Gaza are very much true.

      Though much of his military service was in Hebron and the rest of the West Bank, he also saw Gaza first hand and knows the sorts of things that have gone on there in the past and more recently.

      Back in 2009, Efrati was discharged from the IDF and joined the organization known as Breaking the Silence. Breaking the Silence is organization of veteran Israeli soldiers which seeks to raise awareness about the reality of Palestinian suffering in both Gaza and the West Bank.

      Efrati works as the chief investigator for the veterans peace organization, collecting testimonies from former and current IDF soldiers. He also serves as a guide on political tours through parts of the West Bank.

      Efrati wants Americans who are indifferent towards the suffering of Palestinians to know that what effects one, effects all. If we don’t care about what is happening to the people of Gaza and Palestine in general, that very apathy will bring these very same things to our front doors…

      “If you don’t care about Palestinians… You guys should know: you are next in line. The next one who will die from a tear gas canister into his chest will be in Zucotti Park, will be in Denver, will be in Oakland, in San Francisco. It is happening here already. It is happening to different people, to people of color, to immigrants in this country, it is already happening. You guys are next in line. The next one will die out of brutality of the police will be one of your sons or your daughters–in a protest.

      Because they [U.S. police] are training together. Your police–training with our army. Our army is training them how to take care of the enemy. . . . But when they come back, you are their enemy.”

      Help spread Efrati’s important message. Watch the video below and help get the word out!
