Saturday, October 18, 2014

ISIS in Hell

This next video is in German. She is saying that ISIS was taking over but now the Kurdish fighters pushed back the jihadists aided by air power All the attacks are against ISIS. The tank is an ISIS tank trying to get out of Dodge.


Kurdish official: ISIS and their flag gone from Kobane

By RUDAW yesterday at 05:57
“YPG fighters are now searching the homes for bombs and explosives that the Islamist militants might have left behind,” Photo: AFP
YPG fighters are now searching the homes for bombs and explosives that the Islamist militants might have left behind,” Photo: AFP
KOBANE—Islamist militants have been pushed out of Kobane and fighters of the Peoples Protection Units (YPG) are now in control of the town, a Kurdish official in Kobane told Rudaw.

“There is no ISIS in Kobane now,” said Omar Alush, co-chair of the TEV-DEM movement in Kobane.

Alush said that following the recent air strikes on positions of the Islamic State (IS) militants in Kobane, the YPG managed to drive the rest of the jihadis out of town and that they are now in control.

“YPG fighters are now searching the homes for bombs and explosives that the Islamist militants might have left behind,” said Alush.

IS militants laid siege to the Kurdish town of Kobane on the Turkish-Syrian border last month, pounding the town with heavy artillery and tanks.

With support from US air strikes, the YPG held the town and eventually managed to turn the tide against the IS.

“Kobane is quiet now and the flag of ISIS is gone,” Alush maintained.

Alush said that the jihadis still hold Kani Arab and Gire Mishtanur, close to Kobane.

“Fighting is still going on between the ISIS and YPG on the eastern outskirts of the town,” he said.

Alush said that the air strikes were effective in pushing back the militants, however, he said, the coalition forces should cut off the ISIS supply route from other parts of Syria “because we have information that the group is preparing for another assault on Kobane.”


  1. Boy oh Boy, just look, the Daesh is being driven out of Kobane, and not a US trooper in sight.
    Utilizing local ground forces ...
    Communication and Coordination, it does wonders for "Close Air Support"

    The "Rat Doctrine" is being illustrated, in Kobane.
    It is being successfully implemented.

    Good news for US, bad news for the NeoCons and Israelis.
    The US will not accept al-Qeada operatives taking power in Syria.

  2. Yep. It's a total failure, that Obama Air War, thing. A total debacle.

  3. What did it take - 4 or 5 days after they actually started "coordinating?"

  4. But, let's face it; it helps if your forces on the ground just happen to be Kurds. :)

    They are an impressive bunch.

    1. Does indeed, Rufus, help when the local forces are a force.
      But even in Iraq, the local forces are getting it done.

      No 'instant gratification', but the truth is plain to see...
      US soldiers are not required on the ground, just because US pilots are in the sky, above.

    2. ISIS will, almost surely, be back to Kobane, though; this was a horrible black eye for them.

      So much for the 10 ft. tall headcutter.

    3. Turns out, they're 'fraid of wimmin. heh, heh


  5. The head of U.S. troops in the Middle East said on Friday Iraqi forces are "incrementally" recapturing ground from ISIL militants who seized much of the country's northwest this year, but he added that major Iraq advances will take time.

    "They are doing some things now to incrementally recapture ground that's been lost," General Lloyd Austin, head of U.S. Central Command, said in his first news conference about the conflict. He cited the Kurdish operation around Mosul Dam and their recapture of the border post of Rabia.

    Austin said U.S.-led air strikes against ISIL militants in Iraq and Syria were having an impact on the group, hampering their ability to travel in large convoys and gather en masse to carry out attacks.

    The Army general said the main U.S. focus was to "defeat and ultimately destroy" the ISIL militant group by providing support to the Iraqi government and military.

    He said the United States had intensified air strikes around the Syrian town of Kobani because an ISIL offensive there had provided more targets to attack.

    "In my assessment, the enemy has made a decision to make Kobani his main effort," Austin said, noting that it had continued to pour fighters into the town in recent days. "If he continues to present us with major targets, as he has done in the Kobani area, then clearly we'll service those targets."

    Anything to be of Service :)

    He said it was "highly possible" Kobani . . . .

  6. Idaho ahead 23 to 10 at the start of the 4th quarter !

    Will we still be able to figure a way to lose?

    Happy to hear about Kobani....

    1. Why, yes we probably will be able to figure a way to lose.

      Idaho 23
      New Mexico 17

  7. October 18, 2014
    Coalition air strikes may be helping to turn the tide in Kobani
    By Rick Moran

    Thanks to the Kurds spirited defense of their town, and more intense air strikes being delivered by coalition forces, the battle for Kobani has slowly turned in favor of the defenders.

    Islamic State forces still surround the Syrian border town, but they have been pushed back in some areas, and have failed to deliver a decisive blow that would allow them to take control of the city.

    Adam Chandler writing in The Atlantic:

    Less than two weeks ago, the newly announced American-led airstrikes against ISIS already appeared destined to fail. ​An Islamic State siege of the Syrian town of Kobani was about to give way to a massacre of Syrian Kurds providing early and salient proof of the airstrikes' fruitlessness. Then, something strange happened, the massacre never came.

    The month-long battle for Kobani is by no means over and the death toll is by no means small, but for those administration officials beseeching the American public for both faith and patience, the past few days have given some provided some breathing room. As Reuters notes, coalition airstrikes surged on Wednesday and Thursday to the tune of 14 raids, which are said to have halted the Islamic State advance. Meanwhile, Kurdish forces have turned back some ISIS gains in the town.

    On Friday, Army Gen. Lloyd Austin, who heads the Central Command, told the press that "the campaign is on the right track" and reiterated the need for "strategic patience." He also admitted that it still remains "highly possible that Kobani may fall" to the Islamic State militants.

    As Helene Cooper noted, the efficacy and new intensity of the strikes may have been helped by "a little-known new system where Syrian Kurdish fighters fed target information to allied war planners." As we noted on Thursday, the State Department announced that the United States held its first direct talks with a Syrian Kurdish party in Paris last week. While the State Department played the meeting down, perhaps we now have a better idea about what they were discussing.

    IS is unable to mass its forces for an attack that would overwhelm the Kurdish defenders thanks to some well coordinated strikes by US planes. But Islamic State is not likely to give up on taking the town, considering how much in men and material they have invested in its capture. It would be a huge propaganda loss for them if they were forced to withdraw. It would also raise the morale of Iraqi troops who are being squeezed in Anbar province and outside of Baghdad.

    But IS is still making gains in both Iraq and Syria. The coalition planes can't strike everywhere Islamic State is on the move which is why, as long as there are no supporting infantry to push back against IS, our air campaign will be ineffective in stopping the terrorists.

    Read more:

  8. My Lord, Idaho has intercepted a pass. 1st and 14 to go for touchdown.


    Idaho 29
    New Mexico 17

    Tried for a two pointer after the TD and failed.


  9. Is it a bird, is it a plane? No - it's a mystery man flying past an Airbus full of passengers as it flew over Macclesfield at 3,500ft

    Pilots of Airbus 320 left stunned when a 'flying man' passed their aircraft
    The man flew within 100 metres of the plane as it made its descent into Manchester Airport
    There was no sign of him on the radar and neither pilot could see a canopy suspending him
    The official report in to the incident said it was 'frustrating' they could not corroborate what happened

    Read more:
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

    Knock this shit off, Quirk.

  10. Vandies WIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Pandemonium !!!!!!!!!!!!

    29 - 17

    whooo hooooo

  11. Whether the coal industry is helping to pay for those ads remains a mystery. They come from the Kentucky Opportunity Coalition, a nonprofit advocacy group that does not report its donors.

    The group has spent $14 million, a spokesman said, making it one of the larger players nationwide in this year's free-for-all of outside spending in the midterm election.

    Bribery by any other name remains the same

  12. Well, let's see:

    No. 1 Ranked Mississippi St. didn't play, today,


    No 2 Ranked Ole Miss kicked Tennessee's ass 34 - 3

    1. We're gonna get our ass kicked by Arkansas State next weekend, count on it.

  13. The Chairman's words have already evoked outrage from Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman (Yisrael Beytenu), who called Abbas an "anti-Semite" on Saturday night.

    "These words reveal, again, the true face of Mahmoud Abbas, the Holocaust denier who talks about a 'Palestinian state free of Jews,'" the Foreign Minister fired.

    Abbas "was, and remains, an anti-Semite wrapped in a nice suit and pleasantries for the international community," he added, accusing the Chairman further of "stirring up incitement against Israel and Jews and calling for a religious war."

  14. Lebanon sharply limits Syrian refugee entry

    Lebanon has all but closed its borders to refugees fleeing Syria’s civil war, overwhelmed by an influx of more than 1 million people displaced by fighting, U.N. and Lebanese officials said Saturday.

    Quoted by Lebanon’s Al-Akhbar newspaper, Social Affairs Minister Rashid Derbas said Lebanon “no longer officially receives any displaced Syrians.”

    He said exceptions were available for refugees for “humanitarian reasons” to be judged by Lebanon’s social affairs and interior ministries.

    “We informed [the U.N. refugee agency] UNHCR that we are no longer able to receive displaced people,” he added.

    Ninette Kelley, UNHCR’s representative in Lebanon, confirmed increased restrictions at the border with Syria.

    “Our understanding is that people who are coming to claim refugee status are not being permitted to enter in the way that they were previously,” she told AFP.

    “What we’ve seen over the last two to three weeks is that there are greater restrictions ... We’ve seen that there are fewer people approaching us for registration which is also indicative of tightening of the border.”

    1. How many refugees from Syria have the Israeli taken in?

    2. At least these two, Anonymous.
      Bibi giving solace to al-Qeada terrorists in an Israeli hospital

    3. How many refugees from Syria have the Israeli taken in?

      At least 6,000 since 1948

    4. Here is a picture of American doctors taking care of Taliban terrorists in American care.

    5. We are sure of two ...
      Bibi giving solace to al-Qeada terrorists in an Israeli hospital

  15. Palestinian from Gaza reportedly killed fighting for ISIS near Aleppo

    A Palestinian from the Gaza Strip has reportedly died fighting for the Islamic State of Iraq and al Sham (ISIS) in Syria. Amer Abu Ghoula is said to have died during clashes with Hezbollah and the Syrian army near Aleppo.

    Amer Abu Ghoula was originally from Nuseirat in central Gaza, according to Al Quds.

  16. What is wrong with "Herd of Cattle".
    a number of animals feeding, traveling, or kept together; drove; flock: a herd of zebras; a herd of sheep; a herd of cattle. 2. a large group of people; crowd; mob: a herd of autograph seekers.
    3. a large group of things.

    The Zionists are grasping at straws, looking for any excuse to bomb and kill Palestinians.
    Genocidal statement made by Israelis about Palestinians

    It is not a reference to "Apes and Pigs"

  17. Two, maybe three weeks ago, one of our Israeli contributors claimed that hundreds of US citizens were fighting with the Daesh.
    That was a lie, too.

  18. Slain ISIS jihadi among more than 100 Americans fighting with militants in Syria
    By Greg Botelho and Jim Sciutto, CNN

    Fuck you Jack

  19. Redefinition of words Herr Jackoff....

    As for any excuse to BOMB Palestinians?

    Was Abbas bombed for making his statements?


    Once again you lie

  20. No, not going to happen, "O"rdure.

  21. Not providing the quote ...

    ... have tried ...

    Not ... "have succeeded " ...

    Good try, "O"rdure, but no cigar.

  22. "The Road Goes on Forever ...
    The Party Never Ends"

  23. The nuances of the English language do continue to confuse our Israeli contributor.
    It may be the vowels ...


    1. Professor Jackoff teaching the English language?


    2. Teaching, only if you are learning, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.
      "O"rdure, his collective mind is closed.

  24. Herr Jackoff.......

    I like that. Good description.

    I think I will begin to use it myself.

    Thanks, WiO.

  25. It is no surprise to find Gazans fighting for ISIS.

    Hamas = ISIS

    Since they are all from the same litter so to speak.....

  26. Senor Rat Mierda, aka Herr Jackoff, speaks.

    (rough translation: Mr Rat Shit, aka Mr Masturbates)

    You've put in a long long day today, Jack, don't you need a little rest and beauty sleep now?

  27. Let's get some FACTS about Ebola.

    Let's go to American Thinker......

    October 19, 2014
    Ebola and the Centers for Dissimulation and Confusion
    By G. Wesley Clark, MD

    The first thing to understand about Ebola is that we don't understand very much about Ebola. The virus was first identified in 1976 in the blood of a Belgian nun who died of the disease, and whose job was, incidentally, giving injections to pregnant native women in the Congo, thus spreading the disease and death to many others. Since then, sporadic small outbreaks have occurred, but active research has been sparse and desultory, complicated by the extreme hazard that a virus preparation represents, and the expensive and rigorous conditions required to study it.

    The initial human infection with Ebola occurs when a human contacts the virus in nature, either by contact with the host organism, fruit bats, or by touching or ingesting contaminated meat. Unfortunately, many old buildings in Africa are infested with bats, and it also turns out that bat soup is considered a delicacy by some. Bushmeat, the meat of wild animals hunted and sold, is also a potential source of infection. In past times, Ebola might wipe out a small village and disappear. With rapid population growth and urbanization in Africa, the potential for a massive epidemic grew – and has now been realized.

    The first cases in the current Ebola epidemic occurred in an area of Guinea (Guekedou) near the borders with Sierra Leone and Liberia. Subsequently, the epidemic has spread across those borders and throughout those three countries, due to movement of infected persons. Cultural practices, including families washing the bodies of the dead, and travel for burial in their home villages, have contributed to the spread of the epidemic, which now has infected several thousand persons.

    Thus, travel of infected persons, as well as transport of bodies, has spread the epidemic to large areas, rapidly. In this connection, it is noteworthy that the index case in the United States was a traveler from Liberia who had known he was at risk, and that the two subsequent cases included one person who traveled from Dallas to Cleveland and back, thus exposing up to 800 other persons. And a third Duncan contact has just turned up on a cruise ship in the Caribbean.

    People travel a lot. Obama, are you listening?

    1. The maximum incubation period is 21 days. False. The 21-day period represents a statistical boundary during which 95% of infections will be detected. Actual occurrences of infection have been observed at over 40 days (twice the 21-day interval) after initial exposure.

      If you don't develop symptoms, you are not infected. False. A study of close contacts of infected persons, reported in Lancet in 2000, demonstrated antibodies to the Ebola virus in 11 of 24 (46%). This is an indication that either a) these persons had become infected, but their bodies resisted development of the disease, while developing immunity, or b) these persons already had immunity from a prior encounter with the virus. There is unfortunately no information on whether an infected but asymptomatic person can be contagiously shedding virus to others. Neither is there any information whether some persons can become asymptomatic "carriers" for an extended period. We do know that the carrier state occurs in the natural host organism, fruit bats.

      Ebola virus is present only in bodily fluids. False. Viable and infectious Ebola virus may persist on surfaces, depending upon temperature, humidity, and pH, for up to 2 days (according to a specific CDC response to my inquiry). Some speculation exists even for persistence for up to 6 days, which poses a real challenge for the airlines transporting infected persons.

      Voluntary quarantines don't work very well. True. This has certainly been true in the U.S. experience. The family of Duncan left their apartment several times, including sending their children to school. A nurse with exposure flew to Cleveland and back, and a physician, Nancy Snyderman, broke quarantine to fetch a supply of her favorite soup!

      Dogs can catch Ebola. True. Dogs that have been exposed to Ebola virus can become infected but usually do not become ill. A study of dogs exposed in Africa showed a high rate of antibodies to the virus, indicative of past infection. None of the animals studied carried the live virus, but a recently infected dog may shed the virus in bodily fluids, and a long-term carrier state has not been ruled out by current research. Primates such as gorillas, chimpanzees, and monkeys may become infected, but with a high rate of lethality.

      Currently, the risk to United States residents (who don't travel to epidemic areas) is vanishingly small, and not deserving of any concern for individual personal safety. The crisis mentality that has evolved has been entirely the consequence of the stupefying ineptitude of the CDC, the real absence of any knowledge or preparation of tertiary medical facilities, and the absence of intelligent and informed leadership, combined with the arrogant political pontifications of our noble leader. Just today, the appointment of an "Ebola czar" was announced, a role to be undertaken by a blatantly political operative with no medical knowledge. What could go wrong?

      Dr. Clark is a retired surgeon in the San Diego area.

    2. Currently, the risk to United States residents (who don't travel to epidemic areas) is vanishingly small, and not deserving of any concern for individual personal safety.

      Some folks cut and paste and still fail to comprehend what is written.



  30. Borderland Beat Reporter ddSun Oct 19, 08:41:00 AM EDT

    Who are the Normalistas? Radicals? Revolutionaries? Communists?

    A "normal" school is a college, usually a 2 year college, to train high school graduates to become teachers. The use of the term to describe teachers colleges goes back to the 16th century.

    In the US, the term has mostly been dropped from the name of the school and they are typically called Teachers Colleges. In Mexico the term is still used and they are mostly located in poor areas and the students are mostly from the indigenous communities.

    Students at those schools are typically called "Normalistas".

    What seems to be missing from all the confusing and sometimes conflicting stories on the massacre in Iguala and the aftermath is any mention of who these students are, and what their disappearance (I have no doubt they’ve been murdered) means.

    These kids were the best and the brightest of very poor families, most of them from indigenous communities. It was a sacrifice on the parts of their families to even send their sons (and most were young men, though a few are women) to lose their labor while the students themselves lived in appalling conditions BY CHOICE. There were not pampered college kids… these were young men and women on a mission.

    We are told by the government and the media (following the government spin) that these students were “radicals”,

    But if you look at the big picture, they are radical only in the sense that educating the poor is a radical idea, and educating minorities is “radical”.

  31. March 28, 2012
    Panetta cites 150,000 deaths from narco-violence in Mexico

    There is no news coverage of the war in Mexico on the television in the United States. Children are being killed by the score.
    Why is the carnage ignored?

  32. ABC News -

    Turkey would not agree to any U.S. arms transfers to Kurdish fighters who are battling Islamic militants in Syria, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was quoted as saying Sunday, as the extremist group fired more mortar rounds near the Syrian-Turkish border.
