Sunday, October 26, 2014

In 1983 on a visit to John Hull’s farm near Ciudad Quesada ( San Carlos ), Alajuela, Costa Rica, I met Israeli agents that were involved in providing arms and training to the Contras

Israel, the Contras and the North Trial

by Jonathan Marshall
published in MER160
Middle East Research and Information Project
Oliver North’s trial this spring surprised everyone: It actually produced some new information. But some of its most important revelations -- those touching on Israel’s role in Central America -- received little or no attention in the press.
The source of the most interesting tidbits was an official 42-page “memorandum of facts” summarizing material from classified documents for presentation in the trial growing out of the Iran-contra scandal. [1] What caught the attention of the news media and Congress was the memorandum’s allegation that top administration officials in early 1985 proposed circumventing Congressional restrictions on aid to the contras by providing “several enticements to Honduras in exchange for its continued support of the Nicaraguan resistance.” The memorandum cited then-Vice President George Bush’s trip to Honduras in March 1985, only weeks after President Ronald Reagan authorized sending an emissary to spell out the possibly illegal quid pro quo. All this sparked a round of sharp media scrutiny into Bush’s conduct as well as complaints from Congress that some relevant documents had not been turned over to the Iran-contra committees.
What almost no one thought worthy of discussion was the trial memorandum’s important revelations about Israel’s role as a third-party supplier of aid, in particular arms, to the contras. Although it adds little of substance to what close students of Israeli policy in Central America already know, this document for the first time provides dramatic official confirmation of Israel’s role. No less important, it exposes the congressional investigation’s coverup of the crucial triangular relationship between the United States, Israel and the contras.
The trial memorandum actually begins with a discussion of Israel’s role. In 1983, CIA Director William Casey asked the Pentagon to help obtain infantry weapons Israel had captured from the PLO in Lebanon in 1982. “Following discussions between Maj. Gen. Meron of Israel and retired Maj. Gen. Richard Secord of the United States government,” the memorandum discloses, “Israel secretly provided several hundred tons of weapons to the Department of Defense on a grant basis in May 1983.” (Secord later became North’s private agent for dealings with both Iran and the contras.) This operation, dubbed Tipped Kettle, supplied about $10 million worth of arms and ammunition.
The CIA, again working through the Pentagon, arranged another delivery of weapons in the summer of 1984 in Operation Tipped Kettle II: “Although CIA advised Congress that the weapons would be used for various purposes, in fact many of them were provided to the Nicaraguan resistance as appropriated funds ran out.” At the time, as the memorandum notes, the CIA had run up against a ceiling on aid and turned to Israel. In August, Congress finally passed its complete ban on aid to the contras, known as the Boland amendment. By then, the administration’s obsession with raising third-country support for the contras, through such sources as Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, South Korea, the People’s Republic of China and Brunei, reached a point of desperation. Israel was always at or near the top of the Reagan team’s list of donors.
The quid pro quo with Israel was much more explicit than with Honduras. According to the memorandum, “The Department of Defense assured Israel that, in exchange for the weapons, the US government would be as flexible as possible in its approach to Israeli military and economic needs, and that it would find a way to compensate Israel for its assistance within the restraints of the law and US policy.”
Jane Hunter has argued that key US concessions in late 1983 and early 1984 -- including the signing of a bilateral security agreement and delivery of technology for the Israeli Lavi fighter jet -- prefigured this compensation package. The Israeli daily Haaretz noted in December 1983 that meetings between US and Israeli officials earlier that summer had focused on “the intention of the US administration to get Israel to supply the armies of the pro-American regimes” in Central America using funds “the US cannot directly transfer to its allies in the region ... paid to Israel directly from the United States.” [2]
In late March 1984, National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane proposed to Casey that the NSC explore with the Israelis the possibility of supporting the contras once congressional funds ran out. Casey agreed and informed McFarlane of the CIA’s own approach, through the Pentagon, for arms from Israel.
The next month, McFarlane dispatched Howard Teicher, senior Middle East staff person on the NSC, to discuss the matter with David Kimche, director-general of Israel’s Foreign Ministry and formerly a high-ranking officer in the Mossad, Israel’s foreign intelligence service. McFarlane instructed Teicher to propose that the aid go through Honduras, where Israel had close relations with the government through its arms deals. Tipped Kettle II, it appears, was the result.
The memorandum leaves a substantial gap in the story as it wanders into a discussion of other third-country transactions. But it does note that “in early August 1985, the White House and various CIA stations learned of reports that, during the visit of David Kimche to the US in May 1985, he had met with Michael Armacost, the undersecretary for political affairs, and had negotiated the continuation of military aid from Israel to Central America.” This wording suggests that Israeli support never really ceased. [3]
Indeed, the following May, North notified Adm. John Poindexter, McFarlane’s successor as national security adviser,
that a representative of Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin had offered on behalf of Israel to furnish Spanish-speaking military trainers and advisers to the resistance. Advisers would be placed in Honduras in connection with an Israeli plan to sell the Kfir fighter to the Hondurans. Other advisers would be placed on the southern front. Lt. Col. North advised Adm. Poindexter that Defense Minister Rabin wanted to meet with him privately in New York to discuss the details, and that Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams liked the idea.
That September, North reported to Poindexter about a subsequent meeting with Rabin in Israel. According to the memorandum’s summation of North’s observations, Rabin
was pleased with the reaction of Poindexter and Secretary Shultz to Rabin’s plans to introduce Kfir fighters into Honduras and in the process to provide advisers to the resistance. Defense Minister Rabin also offered North a recently seized shipment of PLO arms for use by the resistance. Rabin agreed that the ship Erria [controlled by Richard Secord and Albert Hakim] be sent to Haifa to pick up the weapons. Adm. Poindexter approved the plan to pick up the weapons, noting that the transaction would appear to be a private deal between retired Gen. Secord and the Israelis.
Knowledge of this subterfuge may have gone all the way to the top, the memorandum suggests. North recommended to Poindexter that he brief President Reagan prior to a visit by Prime Minister Shimon Peres; if Peres mentioned the arms deal, Reagan “should thank him, since the Israelis held considerable stores of weapons compatible with ordnance used by the resistance.”
All of this should prove embarrassing to Israeli spokesmen like Victor Harel, press counselor at the Israeli embassy in Washington, who stated in 1984, “We deny it completely. Israel is not providing any aid to the Nicaraguan rebels, in any form.” [4] Kimche himself, the chief organizer of this sub rosa arms conduit, recently assured some US television interviewers that “we have not had an ongoing supply of weapons and we have not had military the Nicaragua business.” [5] This spring Rabin told an interviewer that “we did not supply arms to the contras,” although he admitted giving the United States “six hundred” Soviet-made rifles, “knowing that they might be supplied to the contras.” Yet contra leaders report that Israel, via the CIA, supplied their forces in Honduras and Costa Rica with 6,000 weapons in 1983 alone. [6]
While making nonsense of such denials, the information in this memorandum represents only a tiny fraction of what various arms dealers in Miami and Central America, contra leaders and US officials have publicly revealed about Israel's role, usually speaking off the record. Israel's commitment to the contras almost certainly began not in 1983 but in late 1982, when Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon met contra leaders in Honduras while on a mission to peddle Kfir fighter jets. Several credible reports indicate that Israeli military experts not only armed but helped train and even supervise the Contras. Some of these facts became public as early as 1983, when high-ranking US officials told the New York Times that the Reagan administration had encouraged Israel to send arms captured in Lebanon “as a way of...supporting insurgent operations against the Nicaraguan government.” No sooner had McFarlane broached his plan to seek additional help from Israel in the spring of 1984 than the press reported it. [7]
The memorandum, moreover, supplies a much more realistic acknowledgement of Israel’s role than the final report produced by the Iran-contra investigating committees of Congress. That enormous volume gave almost no mention to Israeli contra aid. In one five-paragraph section, the report notes McFarlane’s proposal in early 1984 to seek aid from Israel. The alleged upshot was that “Country 1 [Israel] declined to be a part of the plan” and McFarlane decided “we will not raise it further.” [8] The public would never suspect the existence of Tipped Kettle or know that Israel shipped millions of dollars worth of captured PLO arms to Central America.
Later in the Congressional report, we learn that Rabin, apparently out of the blue, offered in May 1986 to provide Israeli military advisers for the contras’ tattered southern front in Costa Rica. In September, the report adds, Rabin asked North if he needed any Soviet bloc weapons and offered to send along a “recently seized PLO shipment captured at sea.” [9] One sentence, nearly 300 pages later, indicates that the Israelis loaded eight tons of arms for the contras that fall. [10] That is the sum of what the report has to say about “Country 1” and the contras.
The committee’s extraordinary delicacy about this relationship can only reflect the political sensitivity of its members -- particularly Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-HI), chairman of the Senate committee -- toward Israel. The Reagan administration abetted this whitewash. One former official told the Sunday Telegraph of London earlier this year that the White House “suppressed” hundreds of documents on “Israeli mercenaries who, with the knowledge of the Israeli and US governments, flew weapons and ammunition to a time when Congress had banned military aid. The arms were then distributed to contra bases on the Nicaraguan border.” One Congressional source who saw the documents called them “crucial to understanding the whole scandal” and added, “The American public never knew. It is a cover-up.” [11]
These documents might fill in some of the large gaps that remain in the record. What did Israel get for its support of the contras? Did Israel, as North suggested, advance its schemes to hook the United States on arms sales to Iran by proposing a diversion of profits to the contras? Did Israeli officials have any role in lining up South African support for the contras? And did the Israeli government approve guns-and-drug deals allegedly arranged with the contras by the Panama-based Mossad veteran, Michael Harari? [12]
The answers remain hidden. But the embarrassing information Oliver North pried loose in his defense at least begins to fill in the official record left so blank by Congress.


  1. Deuce ☂Sun Oct 26, 01:41:00 AM EDT
    I am taking this thread to the next post. Israel was involved is sending arms and agents to Costa Rica and Nicaragua in the 1983-1984 period. I was visiting John Hull at his farm in Northern Costa Rica and met one or two of them. They were involved with a fellow named Rob Owen, who was working in Indiana Senator Dan Quayle’s office at the time. John had a farm in Indiana as well as Costa Rica. I met Rob on several occasions in DC at the bequest of John Hull, who I considered a friend.

    I do not remember the name of one Israeli agent but he happened to be on the same Pan Am flight to Miami from San Jose and in small talk I asked him if he had been up to John’s farm again and he said that he had.

    1. So Israel helped the USA with the interests of same.

      Oh the crime.

      Rat bragged about being part of Ollie North's crew.

      So what is the crime?

      What is the story?

      OH, I know, another thread about the Jews.


    2. What was the crime? Israel was involved in breaking US law and as usual denied it and continued the pattern to the present day. Israel is a lawless state.

    3. What U.S. law bound Israel in the matter of foreign relations?

    4. US Law? IN Central America?


      Wake Deuce, your new homeland Iran is calling...

  2. What an absolute hoot.

    Our self confessed war criminal aka rat in the service of American Imperialism in Central America is bitching about the Jews, and Rios Montt.

    According to rat, the Jews may well have trained HIM.


    rat is nothing but a fuck head meth head.......


    1. Maybe the Jews trained Herr Rat?

      You yourself, Deuce, have stated that you were in favor of countering communism in Central America.

      Do you recall that?

    2. Rat remains a figment of the Draft Dodger's imaginationSun Oct 26, 01:48:00 AM EDT

      Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson cannot find a reference, cannot produce a quote ...
      But can certainly 'babble' on and on and on about the characters he has created in his head.

      Stories happen in the mind of a reader, not among symbols printed on a page.”
      ― Brandon Mull

    3. The Israeli were not 'Fighting Communism', "Draft Dodger" Robertson.

      They were helping to appropriate land from the 'brown folk', the 'people of color', the indigenous population.
      Using the techniques that the Zionists practiced in Palestine.

    4. Your comments are becoming progressively less coherent, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

    5. Jack HawkinsSun Oct 26, 02:18:00 AM EDT
      Your comments are becoming progressively less coherent, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

      Kettle calling the pot black

  3. Victor Harel, press counselor at the Israeli embassy in Washington, who stated in 1984,
    “We deny it completely. Israel is not providing any aid to the Nicaraguan rebels, in any form.”
    [4] Kimche himself, the chief organizer of this sub rosa arms conduit, recently assured some US television interviewers that
    “we have not had an ongoing supply of weapons and we have not had military the Nicaragua business.”

    This statement carried as much validity as allen pronouncement that the Atlanta Police Department did not train with Israelis.

    Lies, deceit and false flag operations, the life blood of Zionism
    Their "Stock and Trade".

    1. rat is a war criminal and used to blog and brag of this exploits right here at the EB.

      And Deuce was in favor of our interventions in Central America.

    2. Admit it Deuce.

      You said you were in favor of our efforts to counter communism in Central America.

      I agree with you.

      But not rat death squads.

      Then we become what we should abhor.

    3. rat dominates your mind of mush, what's left of it.Sun Oct 26, 01:54:00 AM EDT

      Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson cannot find a reference, cannot produce a quote ...
      But can certainly 'babble' on and on and on about the characters he has created in his head.

      "Stories happen in the mind of a reader, not among symbols printed on a page.”
      ― Brandon Mull

  4. I do recall that the purpose of the Israeli involvement was to help get around US law that prohibited the transfer of weapons to the Contras. The Israelis were there because US government officials, working out of the White House and the CIA were recruiting friendly powers to send arms and training that was illegal for the US to do directly.

    Money was coming from Israel, Saudi Arabia and Japan.

    1. You supported it.

      I agree with you.

      The issue is death squads aka rat.

      I do not support that.

    2. That was how it began, sure enough ...

      But then the Israeli 'went rogue'.
      Especially in Guatemala, were they precipitated a genocide
      To a lesser extent in El Salvador and Panama.

    3. Especially in Guatemala, where they precipitated a genocide

    4. The genocide did not occur in Guatemala until after the Israeli were well entrenched with the Rios Mont regime.
      Rios Mont, who credited the success of his coup de etat on the support he received from Israel.
      Rios Mont who was later convicted of genocide in a Guatemalan court, based upon the actions of his Israeli trained and 'advised' (led) military.

    5. As Deuce collects his US military pension, after serving the very machine he now criticizes and of course would never renounce his money...

  5. Money was also transferred through phony loans from OPIC (not OPEC).

    1. That's how the 'Death Squads' were financed, dimwit.

    2. Obviously, and rat was involved.

      And Deuce supported it.

    3. rat was involved, at least according to his own testimony here, which really can't be believed, the fellow being a meth head and liar.

    4. Put up the referenced quotes, Robert.
      Otherwise you are just providing another of your fictional fabrications.

    5. Jack HawkinsSun Oct 26, 02:13:00 AM EDT
      Put up the referenced quotes, Robert.
      Otherwise you are just providing another of your fictional fabrications.

      Hardly fictional.

      You bragged about it then deleted it.

      We know how you roll...

    6. Another fabrication, "O"rdure.

      As you reported it to the FBI and they studied the unaltered, original posts, right off the Google main frames.
      They never found it.

      You are caught in another lie.

  6. On the bright side I received some wonderful photos from my Niece today doing Hindu New Year Rituals for her new German friends.


    Cheers !

  7. Energy is pure delight

    As is from the body

    William Blake

    Cheers !

    Lovely song, lovely woman, lovely thought.

  8. I was supportive of US support to the Contras. In one of my Forrest Gump moments, I met Dan Quayle at a party at the Vice President’s House at The Old Naval Observatory. It was unrelated to Costa Rica. In a private conversation with VP Quayle, I told him we had a mutual friend and he looked startled when I mentioned John, more so when I mentioned Rob. I laughed and told him not to worry about it and that I was supportive of assistance to the Contras at the time.

    My entire experience from high school and into the military for seven years was opposed to anything and everything to do with the Soviet Union. I looked at the Contras as a fight against Cuban and Russian proxies. John Hull and Rob Owen were patriots in my mind at that time in my life.

    John had previously joined the RAF in Canada and later served and flew 70 missions against the Nazis. He was extremely sympathetic towards Israel.

    After WWII, John bought 3000 acres of forest in Costa Rica. his father worked for US AID. US policy at that time was supportive of Costa Rica deforesting itself to raise cattle. John brought in cattle from India for his cleared land and lived with his common law wife, formerly his maid.

    I warned John that his doing favors for the CIA would end badly for him. Regrettably, it did.

  9. I always try to look at events and things in context of the time. With experience and time, I see things differently. I have expressed the differences through my posts on this blog.

    1. Never trust an old man that has no settled political opinions and changes them on a whim late in life.

    2. You make the most cogent argument against learning, accumulated experience and the benefit of knowledge. Bask in your warm glow of ignorance but do yourself the service of not spreading it too widely.

    3. When you stop learning you stop living in any vital and meaningful sense.”
      ---Eleanor Roosevelt

    4. Deuce when are you going to move to Iran or Russia?

  10. I have spoken endlessly here against 'Marxism' - whateverthehellthatis - and against, endlessly, Islam, we all know deep down what that is....

    I would rather think about my Niece.

    That is life giving thought.....

    Cheers !


      Whoa !!!!

      Just Whoaaaaaaaaaa !

      Energy is pure delight

      And is from the body

    2. She can SING in:

      The EU

      Even in Russia

      But not in Islamland

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I kinda feel the same way myself.

      Adopt a Niece.

      That is a real life changing event.

      I recommend a Hindu Niece of the better intellectual type.


      And one that gives GREAT international hugs.

      Once one has transferred one's concern to a worthy other, all this political crap takes it proper place in the back of the bus.

  12. The United States has condemned Iran’s hanging of a woman found guilty of murdering an ex-intelligence officer who she said tried to rape her.

    U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Washington has "serious concerns" about the fairness of Reyhaneh Jabbari's trial and the circumstances surrounding her case.

    Psaki said among the concerns were reports of confessions by Jabbari that were "made under severe duress."

    Jabbari, 26, had been on death row for five years after being convicted of stabbing to death Morteza Abdolali Sarbandi in 2007.

    She was hanged early on October 25 in Tehran.

    The United Nations and international human rights groups have said her confession was made under intense pressure and threats by prosecutors.

    The United Nations says more than 250 people have been executed in Iran so far this year.

    Based on reporting by AFP and IRNA


    Any comment from the US State Department on botched US executions?

    1. Why change the subject? 2 wrongs don't make a right.

  13. Is there any more situation of severe mental duress than the routine US policy of using 23 hour isolation on US prisoners in solitary confinement?

  14. A city state of glass houses on a hill out there sending its agents throughout the world on rock chucking missions.

  15. .

    The Republic of Nicaragua v. The United States of America (1986) ICJ 1 is a public international law case decided by the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The ICJ ruled in favor of Nicaragua and against the United States and awarded reparations to Nicaragua. The ICJ held that the U.S. had violated international law by supporting the Contras in their rebellion against the Nicaraguan government and by mining Nicaragua's harbors. The United States refused to participate in the proceedings after the Court rejected its argument that the ICJ lacked jurisdiction to hear the case. The U.S. later blocked enforcement of the judgment by the United Nations Security Council and thereby prevented Nicaragua from obtaining any actual compensation.[2] The Nicaraguan government finally withdrew the complaint from the court in September 1992 (under the later, post-FSLN, government of Violeta Chamorro), following a repeal of the law requiring the country to seek compensation.[3]

    The Court found in its verdict that the United States was "in breach of its obligations under customary international law not to use force against another State", "not to intervene in its affairs", "not to violate its sovereignty", "not to interrupt peaceful maritime commerce", and "in breach of its obligations under Article XIX of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between the Parties signed at Managua on 21 January 1956."

    The Court had 16 final decisions upon which it voted. In Statement 9, the Court stated that while the U.S. encouraged human rights violations by the Contras by the manual entitled Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare, this did not, however, make such acts attributable to the U.S.[4]

    Neocons trying to save the world, in this case from the 'red menace'..


    1. .

      The Republic of Nicaragua v. The United States of America (1986) ICJ 1 in Wiki.


  16. Interesting stuff Deuce!

    Did Jack or Bob say anything? Lots of scrolling required!

    1. Bob was beginning to crack down on Deuce for being an elderly man with changeable political opinions, always suspect, then began dreaming about his Niece, and sorta gave it up for the day, ending with an urging of Deuce to do an adoption too.

      rat was ranting as usual but Bob skipped it.

    2. In two sentences you were able to express all of your drivel strewn through many many posts.

      That should tell you something.

    3. Bob, you don’t have the capabilities, depth of knowledge or mental stability to crack down on anything. Send your pretend niece a Moneygram, go out for your comped 2500 calorie breakfast at the casino or shoot something. With all due respect.


  17. Suspect in Killings of Two Officers Was Deported Twice Before

    The suspect who allegedly shot dead two California law enforcement officers during a crime spree Friday was twice deported to Mexico in the past, federal officials said Saturday.

    U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement lodged an immigrant detainer against the suspect in Friday’s rampage, Luis Enrique Monroy-Bracamonte, 34, who also goes by the name Marcelo Marquez. The agency said Monroy-Bracamonte was deported in 1997 after being convicted of possession of narcotics for sale, and he was arrested and sent back to Mexico again in 2001. The agency did not specify the circumstances of the 2001 arrest.

    Monroy-Bracamonte was arrested Friday afternoon in Auburn, California, hours after he allegedly fatally shot Sacramento County Sheriff’s Deputy Danny Oliver, 47, at 10:30 a.m. as the officer approached a suspicious vehicle in a motel parking lot, NBC station KCRA reported.

    He and his wife then stole a car and fled to Placer County, where Monroy-Bracamonte shot two Placer County deputies, killing Placer County Sheriff’s Det. Michael David Davis Jr, 42, authorities allege. Another deputy was wounded.

    Monroy-Bracamonte is being held on suspicion of two counts of murder, two counts of attempted murder and two counts of carjacking at the Sacramento County Jail. His wife who was allegedly with him and was also arrested, Janelle Marquez Monroy, is being held on suspicion of attempted murder and two counts of carjacking.

    1. He wasn't a Muslim?
      Did not have Ebola?

      Move on, nothing else to talk about ...

      Pertinent questions that will be left unanswered ...
      Where in Mexico was he from?
      Is he a member of a criminal cartel? If so, which one, or is he a "Lone Wolf" ?

  18. The interesting thing, Ash, is the content of the thread.
    How did we get here?

    Who led the way into the "Way Back" machine?

    What was it that changed Deuce's mind, what caused him to 'see' things differently?

    What did he learn, in the thirty years since 1983?

    As for Robert ...
    He thinks learning from history is stupid and refuses to learn anything from his own experiences, if those experiences would cause him to 'change his mind' or previously held 'position'.
    Now that is an indicator of ...

  19. Key towns taken from Islamic State

    Iraqi government forces retook four villages on Sunday near a mountain ridge overlooking Islamic State supply lines, security officials said, in a campaign which has struggled to make advances against the Sunni Islamist insurgents.

    Iraqi security forces backed by Shi'ite militias gained some momentum on Saturday in their bid to loosen the grip of Islamic State, which controls large swathes of territory in the north and west of the country.

    After months of fighting they drove Islamic State militants out of Jurf al-Sakhar, just south of Baghdad, while Kurdish fighters regained control over the town of Zumar in the north.

    Sunni insurgents have been moving fighters, weapons and supplies from western Iraq through secret desert tunnels to Jurf al-Sakhar, Iraqi officials have said. Now it appears government forces may be able to disrupt that network.

    Iraqi security forces backed by Shi'ite militias launched an assault on Saturday on areas around the Himreen mountains, a hotbed of militant activity 100 km (60 miles) south of the oil city of Kirkuk.

    On Sunday they seized control of four villages in the area, security officials said, adding that it was very difficult to accelerate efforts to capture more territory because of roadside bombs and booby-trapped houses.

    "We have decided to make slow advances. We hold the ground, set up watch towers, clear the explosives and build sand barriers to prevent the armed men from returning," army major Ahmed Nu'aman told Reuters by telephone.

  20. In heavy exchanges on Saturday, at both the Zumar and Bashiqa front lines in northern Mosul, Kurdish Peshmerga forces killed 160 Islamic State militants.

    Early Saturday morning, Peshmerga forces attacked IS militants and from the north and east of Zumar and were able to retake the strategic town along with 16 villages in surrounding areas.

    Hassan Khalo, a Kurdish commander on the Bashiqa front line told BasNews that their forces were able to take full control of Zumar and clear the area of IS insurgents.

    “As a result of clashes on Saturday we have information that about 160 IS militants have been killed on both front lines and they have left a lot of weapons and Humvees,” said Khalo.

    According to a Kurdish military expert, the town of Zumar is strategic as it opens a corridor to the Yazidi town of Sinjar in northern Iraq.

    The Peshmerga commander also said that their Peshmerga attacked from both directions on the ground and United State warplanes targeted the insurgents from the air.

  21. Israelis providing aid and weapons to the contras? I guess Hitler was right, Jews are the source of all evil in the world. The Gipper must be turning in his grave.

    1. ...still waiting for the name a single US police force trained by Mossad...

      Deuce changing the subject does not answer the question, but it is typical.

    2. I guess it's just common knowledge, allen, like how Jews frequently use the blood of Christian babies as an ingredient in their lentil soup or matzo balls or something. No proof required.

    3. Your idiotic comment aside, Israelis did supply arms to the Contras.

    4. We use the blood of goyim children only in the making of matzos. Those matzos make it to all corners of the world. Some boxes set for years, untouched...BUT...As soon as they are, that soul is ours.

    5. Deuce ☂Sun Oct 26, 09:25:00 AM EDT
      Your idiotic comment aside, Israelis did supply arms to the Contras.


      What has that to do with the training of US police forces by Mossad and the terrible things they (police forces) are doing?

      You have gone to a lot of trouble to cover a lie by Rat.

    6. I have no information about Mossad training police departments. I am not covering up anything for anybody. The previous thread was discussing Israeli involvement in Central America. I do have information about that. The duck and cover is mostly done by the Israeli Firsters on this blog, two plus one toady.

    7. As to lying, no one is more adept at that than the Israeli apparatchiks and their global apologists.

    8. I could care less that the Israelis supplied arms to the contras.

      SO fucking what?


    1. You have gone to a lot of trouble to cover a lie by Rat.

      ...and you are smart enough to recognize embarrassingly transparent, ingratiating comments.

  23. Deutsche Bank lawyer found dead by suicide in New York

    (Reuters) - A senior Deutsche Bank regulatory lawyer has been found dead in New York after committing suicide, New York City officials said on Saturday.

    Calogero Gambino, 41, was found on the morning of Oct. 20 at his home in the New York borough of Brooklyn and pronounced dead on the scene, according to New York City police.

    Gambino was an associate general counsel and a managing director who worked for the German bank for 11 years, according to the Wall Street Journal, which first reported his death.

    He had been closely involved in negotiating legal issues for Deutsche Bank such as a probe by regulators of banks over allegations they manipulated the Libor benchmark interest rate as well as currency markets.

    Gambino was also an associate at a private law firm and a regulatory enforcement lawyer between 1997 and 1999, the Journal said, citing Gambino's LinkedIn profile and conference biographies.

    He died by hanging, said Julie Bolcer, spokeswoman for the New York City Office of Chief Medical Examiner.

  24. Idaho Police Harass Cyclists, Ordering Them to Stop Recording

    Back in August, a group of friends in Caldwell Idaho were detained by local law enforcement after being asked to leave a local skate park for being there after hours. The park closes at 11 p.m. The police report says the officer arrived at 11:12.

    The situation escalated when one of the detainees began recording the exchange. Although the phone is pointed towards the ground, the audio from the clip gives a pretty clear depiction of the scene.

    According to ABC6:

    “I need you to put that cell phone down right now because you are detained. Give me the cell phone. Give me the cell phone,” the officer said.

    “It is within my legal rights,” replied one of the men.

    ”No you’re not. You don’t have any legal rights now because right now you just broke the law,” the officer replies.

    Since when do citizens lose their rights?
    You would think those rights would be especially important during moments of police interaction.

    “I’m still blown away at how this accelerated from five guys riding their bikes at the park. They searched everybody.,” said Joe Dondero, one of the bikers on the scene. “They didn’t find any drugs or alcohol. We were just riding our bikes at the park like we have done several times.”

    Since the release of the video, the Caldwell Police Department has begun an internal investigation on the events of the evening. Dondero, who along with another friend was ticketed for trespassing, Dondero was also charged with resisting and obstructing and is fighting the charges in court.

    The clip released from that evening is just over two minutes. Dondero’s lawyer is holding onto the full 20-minute video. This is a strategic move that keeps police from basing their report on the video, which might force them to contradict themselves in court.

    If only more citizens were as aware and willing to exercise their rights as this group of individuals, perhaps officers would think twice before abusing their power.

    1. If my cell phone was seized without due process, my instruction to my lawyer would be that I want that officer's badge as a wall decoration.

    2. Skin Pigment Chart To Give Idaho Police Probable Cause

      Idaho State Senator Wallace J. Tompkins (R) says the charts have nothing to do with race. “This is about science. We’ve seen a direct correlation between crime rates and skin pigmentation. It doesn’t necessarily mean a person is black or Mexican. Caucasians can score anything on these charts, the same as an African American might score anywhere. What really matters is that dangerous people are kept off the streets. What matters is whether or not these charts are helping keep the people of Idaho safe. And I believe that in time, they’re going to prove their usefulness.”

      According to the US Census bureau, approximately 93.7% of Idahoans are Caucasian, a statistic Tompkins was quick to reveal. “When people try to argue these charts are racist, I point out that nearly 94% of the people in our state are white. That should tell you everything you need to know about these charts and their purpose. It’s not about blacks. I don’t think I’ve ever even seen a black, except in sports or on `The Wire’ or whatever. But you can’t say these charts are racist when we don’t have any blacks here. Now, if Obama were to pay us a visit, that might be a different story. He’s, what, a 32? 33? And as criminal as it gets. I think these charts speak for themselves.”

      - See more at:

    3. That explains why Bob calls his Caucasoid "neice" from India the N word, he's got the Chart.

  25. I recommend a Hindu Niece of the better intellectual type.

    On tonight's episode of "Touched by an Uncle"

    1. :)

      Deuce could use a good niece.

      Might mellow him out culturally speaking.

      Deuce is simply full of shit when it comes to the Jews.

      A foreign born Niece might be an aid to understanding other cultures.

  26. allenSat Oct 25, 09:08:00 PM EDT
    "Jack HawkinsWed Oct 22, 10:04:00 PM EDT
    The Zionists have raveled the world, killing those the deem enemies.
    Even waiters in Europe that 'looked' like they were someone they were not.

    The 'Mossad' has killed scores across Central America, helping to maintain the most rancid regimes in Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador and Honduras. Regimes that even the US refused to support, the Israeli jumped right in, teaching the techniques of population subjugation they had refined in Palestine.Techniques now being aught to US police orces across the land, fuckin' terrible things that are happening while we watch it occur."

    Name a single police department trained by Mossad.

    "Techniques now being aught (sic) to US police orces (sic) across the land, fuckin' terrible things that are happening while we watch it occur."

    What "terrible things" are happening?

    allenSat Oct 25, 09:30:00 PM EDT
    Jack HawkinsSat Oct 25, 09:19:00 PM EDT
    Been here, done it, yesterday.

    "Mossad" did not appear in your material, nor did any terrible things done by American police forces due to Mossad training.

    I asked for only one name. In your phony list is "Atlanta". Atlanta's police department has never received training by Mossad.

    You lie.

    1. allen, either go back to yesterday's reply, from the City of Atlanta ...
      Nah, I'll do it, for you, desk co-ordinator.

      Jul 2, 2014 - Atlanta Police Department Commander Completes International Public Safety Training ... “I am huge supporter of the GILEE Exchange Program since I visited Israel myself as a participant in this program, said Police Chief ...

      Atlanta Police Department Commander Completes International Public Safety Training

      The APLI program includes training on international law enforcement issues where officers learn tactics on preventing acts of terror, responding to suspicious objects and organizing volunteers for emergency response. Additionally, this year the Atlanta Police Department has hosted several international police agencies including the Nicaraguan National Police and Israel National Police Department.

      Housed in Georgia State University’s (GSU) Criminal Justice Department, GILEE is a police exchange program whereby high-ranking Georgia police officers travel to Israel to learn counter-terrorism tactics from the Israel national police.
      Conversely, Israeli police officials travel to Atlanta every two years to learn Georgia’s drug enforcement tactics such as those employed against Johnston, Tremaine Miller, Pierre George and countless other African-American victims of police abuse and aggression. Through GILEE, the Israeli police adopt these tactics and employ them on Palestinian citizens of Israel and Palestinians residing in the occupied West Bank.

      While GILEE has relationships with several international police agencies, its relationship with the Israeli police is the most intimate and most troubling. Israel is one of the most brazen violators of human rights and international law in the world.

      Police training programs twin US-Israeli tactics and techniques

    2. You ought to do your homework, desk co-ordinator.

    3. Jack's hysteria extends to thinking all Israelis are Mossad.

      Lord forgive him, he's just one dumb fuck.

    4. Go read the original, or I'll bring it forward.Mossad WAS involved in killing scores in Guatemala, court records there and statement by the convicted so confirm.

      The techniques are now being taught to US civilian police, in Israel and the US.

      That is what was written, that is reality.

      Rant away.

  27. The US bought 160,000 Ebola hazmat suits; not a single one will go to soldiers sent to West Africa

    1. The soldiers, will, however. have a 21 day mandatory quarantine period when they rotate back to the world.

  28. Ash, Deuce is perhaps the most vain person on the internet. He cannot take, he cannot stand criticism.

    I think it is because of youthful good looks going to his head.

    One must be very cautious when criticizing the great Deuce.

    WiO has learned this.

    Miss T has learned this too.

    I know it well.

    He has this talent for 'disappearing' a comment.

    We will see if he leaves this up -

    I think he is a nice man but something of an idiot.

    He hates Jews.

    Not so long ago he was quoting Pontius Pilate.

    This is truly bizarre.

    Pat Buchanan is bad enough, but, Pontius Pilate?

    I think he is excellent at his profession but his knowledge of literature and philosophy is so meager it makes me weep.

    On these topics he is no more informed that his little lap cur rat.

    Deuce will take Miss T down but he let's rat run slandering people day after day.

    I've always kinda liked the Elephant Bar, and I respect Deuce's skills, but Deuce?

    I actually think he in something of a dunce, and prejudiced against Jews beyond belief.

    This is in response to his criticism of me above.

    I bet it gets disappeared.

    1. 'Sokay Bob, when he took my stuff down he triggered the only form of retaliation one can really do in a forum. and that's ongoing.

  29. One would have to be somewhat lacking in the intellect department to, in one's sixties, go from Ayn Rand to quoting Pontius Pilate against the Jews.

    If one is a death is the end type of guy that Deuce claims to be, why in Heaven's Name get all het up about much of anything in the first place?

    If one wants to do some good, why not adopt a decent Niece and help her get her degree?

    Rather than sitting around quoting Pontius Pilate against the Jews?

  30. Replies
    1. I won't wager with rat.

      I did once, won, and he don't pay.

    2. Send me your address, I'll have him send you two cents.
      Double your net worth.

  31. If the Mossad is into training police in USA I hope they are hired by Ferguson, Missouri as all hell is going to break out if and when the Grand Jury declines to indict the Officer.

    The Officer was protecting himself.

    And, in a general way, you too, dear Reader.

    The Gentle Giant was drugged up, in the middle of the street, a traffic hazard.......was asked to go to the sidewalks and it went downhill from there.

    The Ferguson Police Department has actually handled thing quite well so far, with or without Mossad training.

    I would not be able to describe Philly a month after the Police Force was sent packing.

    It would be the wild west, would it not?

    It would be hell on earth.

    1. Deuce would be armed to the teeth and protecting his gated compound.......

      I'd wish him well. He certainly has the right to do so.

  32. A well trained Police Force is a wonderful thing.

    It can rise to a work of art.

    (you have, dear Reader, no idea of the constraints they work under, nor how much bull shit they take to protect YOU)



      (that's better)

  33. Think of it this way.....

    Without the Police, Deuce will have to go to the trouble of armor platting his limo.........

    This is costly, and should be unnecessary in our fine country.

  34. A top Israeli minister said on Saturday there was a “crisis” in the country’s relations with the United States that must be fixed.

    Finance minister Yair Lapid’s comments came a day after US officials said the Obama administration refused Israeli defense minister Moshe Yaalon’s requests to meet several top national security aides.

    The White House and the State Department rejected Israeli proposals for meetings with vice-president Joe Biden, national security adviser Susan Rice and secretary of state John Kerry on his five-day trip to the US. The administration is still angered by negative comments Yaalon made about Kerry’s peace efforts in the middle east and nuclear negotiations with Iran.

    Lapid said “there is a crisis with the United States” and added that the relationship “must be managed respectfully and responsibly”.

    1. Yep, Obama and his awesome SoS Kerry have become Iran Firsters.

      So much for America.

  35. Yaalon is in the US to cause trouble for the US. The Obama Administration is handling it well.

    1. Yep the Obama administration that sold 60 BILLION in weapons to the Saudis had cut off munitions resupply to Israel in the recent war with Hamas.

      Now Israel has gotten the message, Israel is now bringing home manufacture of much more to reduce reliance on an unreliable ally, America.

    2. Israel Beats Out US for $525 Million Arms Sale to India

      India has chosen to purchase Israel’s Spike anti-tank missiles, made by Rafael, after rejecting a competing offer for US Lockheed Martin’s Javelin missiles, according to a Reuters report.

      India will buy 8000 missiles and 300 launchers from Israel.

      Faced with attacks from Pakistan and tension with China, India wants to the weapon’s procurement deal to go through fast.

      Spike is an Israeli fourth generation portable fire-and-forget anti-tank guided missile. The Spike missile works by locking onto its target before launching. Some variations allow for the operator to make in-course corrections, and even choose new targets mid-flight.

      The missile uses a double warhead, the first to detonate any explosive reactive armor and the second to destroy and penetrate the underlying armor.

      India is currently the world’s largest arms buyer, so hopefully, Israel will see many more deals in the future.

      It's beginning

  36. This just in from the har har har Department:


    Liberals Seek Alternative.......drudge

    Quirk, where art thou?

    Hiding under grandmother's skirts?

    Ho HO HO

    1. Bill Clinton knew how to create jobs.

      Blow jobs.

      The very best kind of guvmint created jobs.

  37. Naor Narkis, the 25-year-old leader of the "Milky Protests" encouraging Israelis to move to Berlin, plans to return to Israel in the coming month.

    The former IDF intelligence officer posted on the "Olim L'Berlin" Facebook page he managed, which sparked the controversial online protest over the price of chocolate pudding in Israel and Germany, that its activity is less effective now that he is no longer anonymous.

    "This page proves that if you want to change something enough, it is enough to have a pair of open eyes and say out loud what you really think," Narkis wrote. "Our biggest enemy is apathy toward the reality and those who accept it as 'this is the way it is.'"

    Narkis wrote that he needed peace and quiet and that he did not open the Facebook page to become famous.

    However, he added, "this is not just about me. This is about our country. The way I see it, there are two options for those who care about Israel: To go abroad or try to change it."

    Then he wrote that he will move to Israel in the next month.

    "I don't want to make promises or say I will bring a change. I mainly want to rest, but I have confidence that we, as a society, can do it," Narkis wrote.

    "I have full faith that Israelis have all the energy and power needed to so that Israel will be a better place for people," he concluded.

    The "Milky Protest" began earlier this month when Narkis posted a photo of the German equivalent of the popular Milky chocolate pudding, showing that it costs a shekel, a fraction of the Israeli price.

    Narkis then attempted to organize a mass protest and informational event on emigrating in Tel Aviv's Rabin Square but only a few dozen people showed up.

    Meanwhile, Central Bureau of Statistics data show that fewer Israelis are leaving the country for the long-term than ever before.

  38. The government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu plans to reduce military coproduction with the United States.
    A leading Israeli analyst asserted that the Defense Ministry and the military agreed to reduce production of Israeli weapons and platforms in the United States. The analyst, Amir Rapaport, said the decision was based on the U.S. suspension of arms deliveries during the 50-day war with Hamas in July and August 2014.

    “The Israeli defense establishment will reduce the production of weapon systems in the USA in the context of joint Israeli-American projects, and will rely more heavily on Israeli-made products,” Rapaport, editor of the authoritative Israel Defense magazine said. “Under a veil of secrecy, a decision has already been made at the Israeli Defense Ministry not to enable the production of at least one highly sensitive weapon system on U.S. soil, despite the fact that the manufacture of the said system in the USA may be funded through U.S. defense aid instead of being paid for in shekels with Israeli taxpayer money.”
    Rapaport’s assertion was published on Oct. 16 on the eve of a visit by Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon to Washington. Ya’alon’s visit, hosted by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, was expected to focus on the U.S. weapons suspension, ordered by President Barack Obama.
    “We mustn’t allow any disagreements to cast a pall over those interests and values,” Ya’alon said.

  39. There is basically Zero anti-semitism in India.

    Fancy that.

    Their deep outlook is, the task is to get to the top of the mountain. and which path you take is of little and minor concern.

    Deuce denies there is a top of the mountain to get to yet remains deeply concerned about all things Jewish.

    This simply don't compute to my mind.

    1. So Robert, you are telling us that a country with 162,165,918 (162 million +) Muslims there is no antisemitism.
      That gives lie to your entire anti-Islam meme.

      Better go put your thinking cap back on, or 'change your mind'.

    2. Jack is correct, muslims are incapable of not being anti-semeitc

      Jack being a muslim should know.

  40. “Things that had been taken for granted until Operation Protective Edge [the Gaza war], like the fact that Israel could always count on a U.S. airlift of ammunition in a time of trouble, are no longer certain at all,” Rapaport said.
    As a result, the Defense Ministry and military plan to increase weapons production inside Israel. The plan envisioned the replacement of the U.S.-origin AGM-114 Hellfire missile with a model produced by Israel Aerospace Industries. During the war, Obama rejected an urgent Israeli request for Hellfires.
    “Since Operation Protective Edge, Israeli defense industries have already received urgent procurement orders for arms and munitions worth billions of shekel,” Rapaport said. “This recent affair has led to a reassessment of the almost automatic reliance on an airlift of ammunition from the USA as a part of practically every wartime scenario.”

    Israel should not rely on the current administration in America.

    In fact, the sooner it rejects the 3.2 billion a year in tainted aid? the sooner it will be free to do what's in it's own interests.

    OF course, this will mean all parties will have to re-evauate what it's interests are.

    For those that support a less friendly relationship with Israel? Becareful for what you wish. You might get it.

    1. Oh, the dread of it all, the US losing the Israeli card, a losing hand for 40 years.

  41. Egypt closed the Rafah crossing to Gaza on Saturday morning, It is reported that the closure will last "indefinitely."

    Egypt was also reported to be creating a huge buffer zone - between 1.5 and 3 kilometers - from the border with Gaza in order to stop any smuggling of weapons to and from Gaza.

    President Sisi said in a speech that "new procedures will be initiated on the border with the Gaza Strip in the face of terrorism."

    Now, this means that Egypt will once again be enforcing a blockade on Gaza. People will not be able to leave Gaza for medical, educational or professional reasons. This is what would be characterized as "collective punishment" if done by Israel..

    Egypt, by any yardstick, is treating Palestinians in Gaza worse than Israel is. Israel has not closed the Erez crossings and hundred of truckloads of materials go to Gaza every weekday from Israel.

    But how does Mahmoud Abbas respond to Egypt's latest moves to enforce a crippling siege on Gaza?

    He supports them!

    After Sisi's speech, Abbas said "We stand by Egypt's leadership, government and people, and we support all measures to be taken by the Egyptian leadership in order to maintain security and stability in Egypt in the face of terrorism in the Sinai and all the Egyptian territories, because of the service of the Palestinian cause and the Arab national security."

    Abbas praised the Egyptian position as being "courageous in the face of terrorism," saying he has great confidence that Egypt will overcome the enemy.

  42. Email from Old Girl Friend in Vegas just received.......

    My friend's husband shot himself this afternoon and died. In their garage. She is
    beside herself. Staying with us. Heartbreaking!
    Jacque :)
    PS: drink extra for me.

    Things are tough all over.

    1. OGF and I have had lots of discussions about Hemingway.

      One thing we are agreed it outside, not in the living room, give Miss Mary a break.

      Ernie's brains were on the ceiling, this is tough to clean up......

      Do it outside.

      Ash, I will write up that "After The Storm" piece this week, I promise.

      I have it in mind. I think I am right, it's the monomyth upsides down. I don't think Ernie knew this, but there it is......

      The imagery is all there......

      The monomyth is first put in written form in India, as we might expect, that ancient, lovely, wonderful society poverty stricken as we in the West simply cannot conceive....

    2. The Egyptians of long ago got it -

      'In the form of a White Bull, from the East'

      that is to say, from India

    3. Then came the muzz, with non sense.

    4. Don't bother bob because I won't read it. You are a legend in your own mind but nowhere else.

    5. Well a legend in dimwittery - I stand corrected.

  43. I want relations with Israel to be reduced to their importance to real US interests. Chile has a GDP similar to Israel and Chile is far less trouble and offers many more advantages to US interests than the troublesome state of Israel. That is reality. Israel has been a disaster for US policy in the Middle East.

    1. You are dismissing the overwhelming fact that Islam is on the march against the West........and the whole world........always has been, always will be.......see the history of France, of Spain......Israel should be in NATO, as Bibi once suggested.......

      Over ninety percent of the conflicts in the world right now are the Moslems against whoever is next door.

      We can do both. Both are important. We can trade with our Southern neighbors and support Israel as well.

      We have a wonderful opportunity right now to help create a new free Kurdistan.

      We should do so.

    2. Where is there an "Islamic Army" on the march, except in Syria and Iraq?
      Do you now consider those to be "Western"?

  44. Israel will sell arms to anyone. If there is anything the US needs from Israel, Israel will sell it. Israeli defense companies Elbit, IAI, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems are given confidential and privileged access to US systems and military secrets. The Israelis should not be trusted with that access. The recently announced sale of Israeli missiles to India should be the end of US cooperation with Israeli defense contractors and the annual $3 billion shakedown of the American taxpayer.

    1. Better yet, have he whose middle initial shall not be mentioned, do something with your dome.

    2. Smart ass.

      You don't even get near the meaning of that.

      It is that 'the nature of things' is past human expression.

      But the wiser sort know IT can be approached from the human through love.

      The monomyth.

      They struggle, they express that which cannot be expressed in language......

      That is where poetry comes in.....

      And it fails as well....but tries, on a higher plane.





      and so many others....

  45. Here is how our “ally” sees it

    India: Israel’s Next Major Military Ally?

    Senior Indian minister coming to Israel as major missile sale is approved - Netanyahu’s promise of ‘sky's the limit' looks to come true.

    By Ari Yashar
    First Publish: 10/24/2014, 8:34 AM

    India's Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh is set to make a high-level visit to Israel next month, in the first Home Minister visit since a 2000 trip that began resurgent bilateral ties - the visit comes after India last month approved a $144 million missile purchase from Israel.

    Singh, whose position is roughly parallel to Internal Security Minister, is to meet Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on November 6 as part of a four-day trip with senior officials, Indian diplomatic sources told the Times of India on Thursday.

    India is currently the largest buyer of Israeli defense hardware, and Israel's military delegation to India is second only in size to its delegation to America. The two countries also have a Joint Working group on counter-terrorism, with bilateral ties flourishing under India's new Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

    Netanyahu and Modi met in New York last month, where he told him "we are excited about the possibilities of stronger ties with India, and the sky is the limit."

    The statement came the same month that Modi approved the purchase of 262 Israeli-made Barak 1 surface-to-air missiles, in a $144 million deal that will arm India's 14 battleships over the course of five years.

    The deal had been frozen since a scandal in 2006, when suspicions of corruption by Indian politicians surfaced claiming that they had taken bribes in return for advancing weapons deals. Those suspicions were never proven, and with Israeli-Indian ties flourishing the deal has come back into play.

    India has been actively buying Israeli weapons; last year it approved the purchase of 15 Heron drones.

    The two countries are also involved in joint military projects, with Israel developing the Barak 8 advanced missile in cooperation with India, further pointing to the strong military ties.

    Reportedly Israel is also looking to sell its Iron Dome anti-missile defense system to India as well, as India is interested in using the system to defend its key assets.

    As defense ties with America continue to grow tense, as highlighted in Operation Protective Edge when US President Barack Obama froze the routine transfer of Hellfire missiles to Israel and ordered scrutiny on future shipments, Israel continues to show signs of developing Asian allies such as India, China and Japan.

    1. Two nuclear rogue nations, birds of a feather.

    2. What is a "rogue" nation?

      You a hired gun for America, killed for money in Central America were a merc. So is America a "rogue" nation?

      By your standards all nations are "rogue".

      Thus another word made meaningless by the hitman of AZ.

  46. Bob OreilleSun Oct 26, 10:18:00 AM EDT

    There is basically Zero anti-semitism in India.

    Fancy that.

    So Robert, you are telling us that a country with 162,165,918 (162 million +) Muslims there is no antisemitism.
    That gives lie to your entire anti-Islam meme.

    Better go put your thinking cap back on, or 'change your mind' you know ...
    Modify your position.

  47. There is no anti-semitism among the Hindus.

    Among your friends the muzz, certainly.

    What else would or could you expect, you wasted mind?

    1. You mean to say, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson you lied in your Sun Oct 26, 10:18:00 AM EDT post?

      Were you trying to mislead us, just being stupid, or willfully ignorant?

    2. Are you that ignorant about the realities of India, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson?

    3. Where does Zero not equal Zero, except in the mind of Robert "Draft Dodger Peterson ?

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Why don't you do us all, and yourself too, a favor and blow your 'brains' out, rat?

    It would be the only noble act in your worthless life.

    A chance of enhancement.

    1. rat dominates your mind of mush, what's left of it.Sun Oct 26, 11:22:00 AM EDT


    2. Hell, he believes that Zero does not equal Zero, if you're in India !

  50. .

    I have no information about Mossad training police departments. I am not covering up anything for anybody. The previous thread was discussing Israeli involvement in Central America. I do have information about that. The duck and cover is mostly done by the Israeli Firsters on this blog, two plus one toady.

    Au contraire, mon ami.

    The previous thread wasn't discussing Israeli involvement in Central America as much as it was rat trolling through Google under the heading 'Israeli abuses'. The buttons on his keyboard are well worn typing the words.

    Guatemala and the contras was a particularly sorry period in US history. IMO, Israel deserves condemnation for its part in the affair both as an active player and co-conspirator. However, there are so many issues associated with it, the players (Reagan, North, the CIA, et al), the politics, the legal aspects, the Boland Amendment, the repercussions or lack of them, I am at a loss as to why the emphasis is solely on the Israelis. Let's face it, the whole intervention was conceived of and implemented by operatives of the US starting right at the top.

    Ignoring that is like saying the husband that hired the hit man to take out his wife was innocent because he didn't pull the trigger.


    1. Post the quote, Legionnaire, Q.

      The Mossad was involved in the killing scores in Central America.
      The techniques they utilized are now being implement by the civilian police of the United States.

      Go and read what the Israeli were 'training' the Guats in. Data collection, electronic eaves dropping, etc.
      The G-2 of the Guatemalan Army was at the core of the Israeli involvement and the perpetrators of the gnocide that Rios Mont was convicted of.

      Those techniques are now being taught to US police, both in Israel and in the US, financed by the ADL, which is a 'front' for whom, other than the Zionist regime in Israel?

    2. The Israeli Social Media Commandos tried to shift the discussion, true enough.

      So the truth came out. In spades.

      That it took allen at least three postings to learn that the Atlanta Police Chief went to Israel for training in those techniques ...

      If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time - a tremendous whack.
      - Winston Churchill

    3. Jack I hope you are correct, may the Mossad kill you soon too.

      After all, with all your accusations of the Mossad doing everything evil int he world I am sure you are next.

      One can only HOPE and PRAY.

      After all you are a self confessed killer of civilians, a drug dealer, a gun runner and or course smuggler of illegals into the USA.

      You are a PRIME target for the Mossad...

      Did you not just GOOGLE "Mossad MURDER"?

      You are on their hit list...

      Better start hiding...

    4. Or maybe all those police forces that are in the USA that are under the direct control of the Mossad are hunting for you as we speak...

      Does Sheriff Joe KNOW you are a domestic terrorist?

      What is the amount of the reward Homeland Security has on your head?

      How do you smuggle hundreds of illegal female girls into the country?

      Are they headed for the sex slave industry?

      You have shown an keen interest in the sex trade industries...

      You are one dirty creep

    5. No need for that, "O"rdure.

      They only target people that don't shoot back.
      Women, children, politicians, folks in hotel rooms, indigenous peoples.

    6. An occasional waiter in Lillehammer, Norway

    7. Oh that's where you are wrong Herr Rat.

      You are prime target.

      Learn the Art of War.

      I am sure the Mossad has enough control over US law enforcement in AZ to take your cowardly ass out..

      It's just a matter of time.

      No need for the Mossad to directly shoot you, I am sure they can find some Border Patrol to do it for them on your next load of drugs you are smuggling into the USA

    8. "Jack HawkinsWed Oct 22, 10:04:00 PM EDT
      The Zionists have raveled the world, killing those the deem enemies.
      Even waiters in Europe that 'looked' like they were someone they were not.

      And yet the JackRat lives

  51. Jeb Bush in 2016? George P. Bush said it's now “more than likely” that his father will run for president. “I think it's more than likely that he's giving this a serious thought in moving forward,” the younger Bush said in an ABC News interview that aired Sunday.

  52. .

    AshSun Oct 26, 11:03:00 AM EDT

    Don't bother bob because I won't read it. You are a legend in your own mind but nowhere else.

    Just an observation, Ash, but you seem to spend an awful lot of time commenting on what you don't read here.



    1. I skim Quirk and if someone directly addresses me, as bob did, I might catch it - no guarantees though.

      Given the mindless and repetitive nature of Jacks and Bobs posts I skim them. I read Deuce's, and yours, and a few others pretty thoroughly but I don't have the time nor desire to wade through the volume of crap those two produce.

      It's too bad; at one time Rat was, for the most part coherent, and Bob, well, he can put on a mask of coherence but once you scratch the surface you find none, and that is on his good days. When he goes off the deep end he just plain old racist and nuts but, I gotta admit, that is when he is most entertaining.


    That dry hilled country at the first of this lovely video?

    Salmon River Country Breaks or I'll eat my hat.

    “Best of all he loved the fall
    The leaves yellow on the cottonwoods
    Leaves floating on the trout streams
    And above the hills
    The high blue windless skies
    Now he will be a part of them forever.”

    Ernie wrote this after the death from leukemia of a young boy he had befriended in Idaho

  54. Deuce ☂Sun Oct 26, 10:43:00 AM EDT
    Israel will sell arms to anyone. If there is anything the US needs from Israel, Israel will sell it. Israeli defense companies Elbit, IAI, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems are given confidential and privileged access to US systems and military secrets. The Israelis should not be trusted with that access. The recently announced sale of Israeli missiles to India should be the end of US cooperation with Israeli defense contractors and the annual $3 billion shakedown of the American taxpayer.

    America cannot be trusted with Israeli secrets.

    It works both ways.

    The 3 billion dollars a year is chump change for the USA. Last year the US government collected 3 trillion dollars in taxes. That's 3 thousand BILLION dollars.

    The 3 billion Israel gets? Is primarily spent in the USA on supplies at many times market prices.

    The FED has printed 60 BILLION a month for the past 6 years in QE1,2,3 and infinity. SO does the 3 billion in military aid cost America anything?


    Creates jobs.

    Now maybe if America didn't sell arms to the enemies of Israel for hundreds of billions of dollars Israel would not receive any military aid.

    factor in the gift of protecting selected oil nations of the med with safe passage for oil for china? The money trail grows larger.

    The 3 billion in shakedown? Is a joke. America creates the need by giving the radical arab nations much much more.

    Then AGREES to keep a "military edge" for Israel,

    it's all created for America to sell BILLIONS of weapons to everyone.

    Stop being so naive

    1. Deuce ☂Sun Oct 26, 10:43:00 AM EDT
      Israel will sell arms to anyone.


      America will sell arms to anyone.

      Even Iran.

  55. .

    I have to agree with Deuce. Anything that comes out of the ME that we want or need can be bought. It does not involve us cowtowing to any of the pricks there.

    With regard to policies proposed by Netanyahu, who really gives a shit? We have seen Netanyahu is all bluster when in private conversation or on stage in front of a friendly audiance; but he folds like a cheap suit when his bullshit gets him into trouble or may cost him some freebies.

    US foreign policy should be based on helping those who help us.


    1. US foreign policy should be based on helping those who help us.


      and one standard for all.

  56. Personally, I'm for selling arms to people I like.

    Israelis, for instance.

    I am against selling arms to people I don't like.


    But it is a complex world, and the agreements reached between Israel and Egypt have been a good thing.

    1. I an for GIVING arms to the Kurds.

    2. am

      n and m are real close on my typewriter......

    3. But you want to send US troops and arms to Kurdish Muslims.

      The discovery of widespread FGM in Iraqi Kurdistan suggests the assumption to be incorrect that FGM is primarily an African phenomenon with only marginal occurrence in the eastern Islamic world. FGM is practiced at a rate of nearly 60 percent by Iraqi Kurds, then how prevalent is the practice in neighboring Syria where living conditions and cultural and religious practices are comparable?

      Why should a single US soldier die to protect this horrid cultural practice,

      Answer US that Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson

    4. M n M's is chocolates, I know that.

    5. FGM = Female Genital Mutilation

      You know, Robert, what you so casually refer to as 'clit clipping'

    6. 65% amongst Iraqi Kurds ...

      Your kind of folks, aye

    7. "Jack HawkinsWed Oct 22, 10:04:00 PM EDT
      The Zionists have raveled the world, killing those the deem enemies.
      Even waiters in Europe that 'looked' like they were someone they were not.

      Wow you are STILL ALIVE?

      Will wonders ever cease?

      After all you said ZIONISTS, not just the Mossad...

    8. Jack, you have proudly called yourself an anti-zionist...

      "Jack HawkinsWed Oct 22, 10:04:00 PM EDT
      The Zionists have raveled the world, killing those the deem enemies.
      Even waiters in Europe that 'looked' like they were someone they were not.

      You might be next?

      "Jack HawkinsWed Oct 22, 10:04:00 PM EDT
      The Zionists have raveled the world, killing those the deem enemies.
      Even waiters in Europe that 'looked' like they were someone they were not.
      And now? Shit shovelers from AZ!

  57. QuirkSun Oct 26, 03:00:00 AM EDT
    .The Republic of Nicaragua v. The United States of America (1986) ICJ 1 in Wiki.

    Quirks link is a general one, leading to 344,000 possible links. I have chosen to examine the actual transcript of the trial in order to see if Israel or Mossad are discussed or named.

    This transcript of the “trial” is 471 pages in length, including opinions of judges, pro and con. NOWHERE will be found the words “Mossad, Israel, Israeli, Jew, Jewish, Zion, Zionist, IDF, IAF, INF or Kike.”

    If I am in error, please point out the page.
    (Nicaragua v. United States of America)
    International Court of Justice
    June 27, 1986
    General List No. 70

    *14 MERITS
    Failure of Respondent to appear
    (The United States did not recognize the jurisdiction of the ICJ. No codefendants were named, e.g. Israel)


    9. By a Judgment dated 26 November 1984, the Court found that it had jurisdiction
    to entertain the Application

    10. By a letter dated 18 January 1985 the Agent of the United States referred to
    the Court's Judgment of 26 November 1984 and informed the Court as follows: the United States is constrained to conclude that the judgment of the Court was clearly and manifestly erroneous as to both fact and law. The United States remains firmly of the view… the Court is without jurisdiction to entertain the dispute…

    13. On 12-13 and 16-20 September 1985 the Court held public hearings… The United States was not represented at the hearing…

    24. As already noted, the United States has not filed any pleading on the merits of the case, and was not represented at the hearings devoted thereto.

    30. As to the facts of the case… 'While Article 53 thus obliges the Court to consider the submissions of the Party which appears, it does not compel the Court to examine their accuracy in all their details…

    74. In connection with the question of proof of facts, the Court notes that Nicaragua has relied on an alleged implied admission by the United States…

    75. Those directly concerned in the acts were, it is claimed, not Nicaraguan nationals or other members of the FDN or ARDE, but either United States military personnel or persons of the nationality of unidentified Latin American countries…

    101. According to Mr. Chamorro, training was at the outset provided by Argentine military officers…

    102. It appears to be recognized by Nicaragua that, with the exception of some of the operations listed in paragraph 81 above, operations on Nicaraguan territory were carried out by the contras alone, all United States trainers or advisers remaining on the other side of the frontier…

    108. Despite the large quantity of documentary evidence and testimony which it has examined, the Court has not been able to satisfy itself that the respondent State 'created' the contra force in Nicaragua…

    116. The Court does not consider that the assistance given by the United States to the contras warrants the conclusion that these forces are subject to the United States…

    117. Since the evidence linking the Freedom Fighter's Manual to the CIA is no more than newspaper reports the Court will not treat its publication as an act imputable to the United States Government for the purposes of the present case…

    163. Nevertheless the allegation that such aggression affords a basis for the exercise by the United States of the right of collective self-defence remains on the record; and the Court has to not that Nicaragua has not taken the opportunity…of expressly refuting the assertion that it has made cross-border military attacks on the territory of those two states (Costa Rica and Honduras).

    165. El Salvador, in its Declaration of Intervention… faced with Nicaraguan aggression,…requested support and assistance from abroad…

    1. Mossad wasn't even on Nicaragua's radar when they made their best case before the ICJ.

      If any Central American country has formerly complained of Israeli intervention in its internal affairs, please link.

  58. The Kurds treat the women well, as well as can be expected given the Moslem influence.

    Yes, I am for arming the Kurds.

    You and Deuce can stick with your favorties, the wonderful Gazans.

    I am really with my Hindu Niece who doesn't seem to give a shit about any of it.

    She is into information flows in the human brain.

    Sometimes, thinking of rat and Deuce, I begin to wonder if there really are information flows in these human 'brains'.

    But I will keep you updated on her most recent research over there at the Max Planck Institute of Brain Research, Dresden, Germany.

  59. allenWed Oct 22, 11:36:00 PM EDT
    "Jack HawkinsWed Oct 22, 10:04:00 PM EDT
    The Zionists have raveled the world, killing those the deem enemies.
    Even waiters in Europe that 'looked' like they were someone they were not.

    The 'Mossad' has killed scores across Central America, helping to maintain the most rancid regimes in Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador and Honduras. Regimes that even the US refused to support, the Israeli jumped right in, teaching the techniques of population subjugation they had refined in Palestine.Techniques now being aught to US police orces across the land, fuckin' terrible things that are happening while we watch it occur."

    Name a single police department trained by Mossad.

    "Techniques now being aught (sic) to US police orces (sic) across the land, fuckin' terrible things that are happening while we watch it occur."

    What "terrible things" are happening?

  60. "Jack HawkinsWed Oct 22, 10:04:00 PM EDT
    The Zionists have raveled the world, killing those the deem enemies.
    Even waiters in Europe that 'looked' like they were someone they were not.

    So how will we KNOW if the Zionists kill you?

    Could you leave a letter on your bunk, that says "please tell my readers at the Elephant Blog that I am dead"

    1. Jack Hawkins is a self confessed enemy of zionism and Israel.

      He makes no bones about it......

      A brave soul he is....

      "Jack HawkinsWed Oct 22, 10:04:00 PM EDT
      The Zionists have raveled the world, killing those the deem enemies.
      Even waiters in Europe that 'looked' like they were someone they were not.

  61. The Atlanta Police Department was not trained by Mossad.

    You lie.

  62. As Joe Biden pointedly refused to meet with Israel’s Security Chief, Moshe Ya’alon, the Netanyahu government is now terrified of losing essential European trade and American military support as the international community condemns the massacre of civilians in Gaza during Israel’s attack in July. Any sanctions imposed by the EU would dramatically affect Israel’s economy which is dependent on the European single market for its survival.

    There are now recriminations in an Israel that has, for decades, been used to punching way above its weight, secure in the knowledge that the power of its lobbyists in both the EU and the U.S. would protect against its military excesses in the Middle East.

    Now, however, there has been a palpable paradigm shift as the world re-evaluates its opinion of an expansionist regime that continues to treat the international community, upon which it is dependent, with such obvious contempt.

    Neither Washington nor Brussels are happy that the Israeli state, after decades of receiving economic and military support, has now become such an intractable obstacle to peace and a threat to global security. Which is why the EU is now considering trade sanctions that many feel are much overdue.

    1. Why do you think Israel is turning to the East?

      Europe is dying.

      America, under Obama, is declining.

      But your assessment of the tea leaves is shall we say? Bullshit.

      Trade works both ways..

      If the products and services were INFERIOR no one would purchase them

      There is no movement from the USA or Europe to curb Chinese products.

      There is no movement from Europe to curb anything other than symbolic nonsense.

      There was no massacre of civilians in Gaza, that is why there was no Security Council Actions, nor any meaningful actions by the arab world WHO BLAMED THE DEATHS ON HAMAS.

      Even as we speak Egypt is slamming shut the door to Gaza, carving out a 1-3 km additional band of land to repent Hamas smuggling tunnels.

      No meaningful aid is actually coming into Gaza, lots of promises of course, but all talk talk and no walk walk.

      The world is fed up with the Palestinians, only some far left Euro-pussies and some radicals in Iran, Turkey and Qatar supper the palestinians.

      The Palestinians once again, fucked themselves.

      No rational person, no legitimate nation see Hamas's thousands of rocket attacks on Israel with any sympathy.

      AND to be frank?

      The Hamas/Palestinians? Jumped the Shark and exposed their terror tunnels for the world to see.

      The Palestinians don't want a state, they want to destroy Israel and kill Jews.

      The story is clear.

      The Palestinians? Are a murderous culture JUST like the ISIS

    2. Deuce ☂Sun Oct 26, 12:39:00 PM EDT
      As Joe Biden pointedly refused to meet with Israel’s Security Chief, Moshe Ya’alon,

      Yep and so did Lurch, oh I mean Sec Kerry.

      But he did meet with Sec of Defense.

      The current administration is in quite a pickle, even small nations like Israel have learned.

      Obama and company are not to be trusted.

  63. Replies
    1. Be careful for what you wish.

      Of course, America still stands with Israel and in about 9 days an election will be very telling.. again

  64. .

    A Google-gram from the rat,

    If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time - a tremendous whack.
    - Winston Churchill

    Typical of the rat, offers of quotes that support his position whether those quote make sense or not. Hell, it's a quote.

    As for the author of the quote, Churchill was bold, courageous, a great speaker, an accomplished writer, whose main claim to fame was his recognition of the German menace posed by Hitler prior than most of his countrymen. History tells us so, most of that history being written by himself. On the other hand, Churchill was a bit of an intellectual and instinctual dolt both from the political and military standpoints.


  65. Jack HawkinsSat Oct 25, 10:03:00 PM EDT
    The militarization of the civilian police forces of the United States is a fucking terrible thing.
    In and of itself.

    The excesses of that militarized civilian police force ..easy to document, but I'm not going to do it.

    You are not a native-born American; you are an Islamic ingrate; and you are a lying coward (but I repeat myself). You cannot answer the questions because your scribbling was nothing more than agitprop intended to harm the reputation of the country that took you in.

    No police force in the U.S. has been trained by Mossad.

  66. .

    Jack HawkinsSun Oct 26, 12:01:00 PM EDT

    65% amongst Iraqi Kurds ...

    Your kind of folks, aye

    Yet, you are happy as hell we now have an 'active partner' on the ground even insisting that the Iraqi sent troops to help them in Kobane.

    Face it rat, everyone here understands the inconsistency of your stated positions. Here today gone tomorrow.


    1. I see nothing inconsistent about Rat's position vis a vis the Kurds. We're not marrying off our daughters to them; we're supporting them against a common enemy.

      We won the war in Europe by allying with a horrible government against an even more horrible group of people. The current situation appears to me to be wholly analogous.

    2. One which was made, weeks ago, when comparing Assad and his regime in Syria to Stalin and his regime in the Soviet Union.
      But the Legionnaire Q does not read the words on the page, he creates the story in his own mind...

      Stories happen in the mind of a reader, not among symbols printed on a page.”
      ― Brandon Mull
      As has been noted before, the Legionnaire Q well illustrates that truth.

  67. .

    The Kurds treat the women well, as well as can be expected given the Moslem influence.

    Bob, you get these wild ass ideas in your head and then are willing to make any excuse necessary to support them. You know zip about the Kurds except that WiO has suggested they have their own country something he would deny the Palestinians. You condemn terrorism as used by Hamas yet excuse it in the Kurds. You, sir, are a doofus.


  68. Here, in case you missed it upthread:

    QuirkSun Oct 26, 11:34:00 AM EDT


    AshSun Oct 26, 11:03:00 AM EDT

    Don't bother bob because I won't read it. You are a legend in your own mind but nowhere else.

    Just an observation, Ash, but you seem to spend an awful lot of time commenting on what you don't read here.



    Bob OreilleSun Oct 26, 11:47:00 AM EDT

    AshSun Oct 26, 01:21:00 PM EDT

    I skim Quirk and if someone directly addresses me, as bob did, I might catch it - no guarantees though.

    Given the mindless and repetitive nature of Jacks and Bobs posts I skim them. I read Deuce's, and yours, and a few others pretty thoroughly but I don't have the time nor desire to wade through the volume of crap those two produce.

    It's too bad; at one time Rat was, for the most part coherent, and Bob, well, he can put on a mask of coherence but once you scratch the surface you find none, and that is on his good days. When he goes off the deep end he just plain old racist and nuts but, I gotta admit, that is when he is most entertaining.

    1. .

      That was 'bad' Quirk talking, Ash.

      I did give you a smiley face though.


  69. .

    America cannot be trusted with Israeli secrets.

    And America cannot trust any Israeli 'secrets'. There is little doubt in my mind that any intel (Israeli secrets) supplied to the US will only be supplied if it is or can be massaged to be to Israel's advantage. I would be hard pressed to take with anything short of a large dose of salt.

    More inexcusable is the US providing Israel raw date (no names redacted) collected by the NSA on US citizens.

    The whole interchange stinks to high heaven.


  70. 2 different issues.

    America and Israel do what is in their own interest. Both are sovereign nations.

    Israel and America BOTH should not trust anything either said, of course America is NOT trusted by any of it's historic allies anymore either.

    Obama has done wonders to destroy relationships.

    The other issue. The NSA raw data?



    Quirk you're a very smart man but you don't seem to understand the raw data world.

    Israel built and designed key portions of the chip sets and programming for much of the telecomm world.

    The USA uses Israel to supply the NSA with the data the NSA is not allowed by law to collect.

    If older days the USA used the British and Canadians to spy on America for them. Now Israel is used as a giant vacuum sweeper of data which America desperately needs and wants.

    Israel has helped (it's in their interest) to stop uncountable terrorist attacks in the USA. Sharing with the USA valuable data and relationship pools of contacts.

    Something the USA promised Israel it would do and actually stiffed Israel on...

    1. .

      There is a difference between intelligence technology and the uses it is put too. You seem to be proud of the fact that Israel helps American intelligence agencies skirt American laws. Telling.

      Through the Five Eyes arrangement Commonwealth nations provide an even more extensive program for the abuses you describe. I object to them too.

      Because you can do something doesn't mean you should.


  71. Yesterday, at 3:00 PM, the world's 8th largest economy was using 16,308 Megawatts of electricity.

    Only 35% (5,700 Megawatts) was coming from Coal, and Nat. Gas; this includes "imported."

    21st Century calling

  72. .

    Not on the same level as US policy fluidity,

    Within the space of a week, Kobane, the Syrian-Kurdish city on the lip of the Turkey that has been besieged for weeks by the Islamic State, has gone from being “not strategically vital” to “symbolically important,” to give the Wall Street Journal’s paraphrase of official U.S. government thinking on the subject. The number of airstrikes there has now far outstripped that of any other target in either Syria or Iraq. This includes Mount Sinjar, the site of ISIS’ first aspirational genocide of an ethnic minority population from which ISIS was temporarily expelled last August. Unfortunately, however, the jihadists are back there again, having completely encircled the barren mountain where tens of thousands of Yazidis were left stranded without food and water in August. Yazidi villages have been retaken, although this time US aerial interference seems far less exigent, in light of Kobane’s plight.

    The about-face is extraordinary. Earlier in the month, both the Pentagon and Ankara announced that Kobane’s fall was imminent. US Secretary of State John Kerry was all torn up but coldly realistic: “As horrific as it is to watch in real time what’s happening in Kobani,” he said on October 8, “you have to step back and understand the strategic objective.” Now Kerry says this: “We cannot take our eyes off the prize here. It would be irresponsible of us, as well as morally very difficult, to turn your back on a community fighting [ISIS], as hard as it is, at this particular moment.”

    Except that, as other US officials continue to insist, the “prize” isn’t Syria at all; it’s Iraq. ISIS is just so stupid that it has decided to throw the bulk of its manpower and its US-purloined heavy equipment at Kobane, which has thus become flypaper for terrorists. Some 400 ISIS fighters have been killed thus far, with serious losses in armaments and vehicles. US Central Command has dropped about 24 tons of medicine and weaponry onto the Kurdish citadel-city’s defenders, principally the People’s Protection Units (YPG), a militia run exclusively by the Democratic Union Party (PYD), which is the Syrian branch of the Kurdish Workers’ Party (PKK). It was these fighters who fought “valiantly,” according to Kerry, not just in Kobane but around Mount Sinjar last August, rescuing the Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga who couldn’t hold out against the IS onslaught.

    Here things got a little tricky for Washington because the PKK is a US-designated terrorist organization. Not to worry: White House and State Department lawyers cast a quick juridical eye over the problem and decided that the PYD is a legally distinct entity and therefore not subject to the same proscriptions on gun-running and military cooperation as the PKK, a fact which must have made PYD officials wiping their damp brows and laughing simultaneously given that they don’t deny being the Syrian branch of the PKK, and they openly consider Abdullah Öcalan, the imprisoned PKK commander, their ideological godfather and hero — an assessment shared by Ankara for some 30 years.

    I guess the PKK is small potatoes when considered relative to continuing to provide aid to the military junta in Egypt despite existing US law. As far as I know they haven't yet bothered coming up with a legal excuse for that.


  73. "Quirk you're a very smart man but you don't seem to understand the raw data world."



    This is my understanding of the Quirk Situation as well.

    Brainy, but deficient in raw data.

    A sad and tragic circumstance.

    I am putting my Niece to work on it.

  74. Key Phrase:

    "Flypaper for Terrorists"

    1. Reminds me of something someone else said, early on:


      ISIS is better than we thought they were, but Not as Good as they thought they were.

  75. There is a report on the web that SAS has been in Kobane for a couple weeks. When not directing bombing runs, they are killing ISIS alongside the Kurds (probably giving some OJT). It is reported that they are acquitting themselves admirably in both jobs. I suggest that this explains the sudden change of fortune for the Kurdish defenders. Now, if only leadership would extrapolate.

  76. Question:

    What's a decent brain without raw data?



    1. Question:

      What's and indecent brain without raw data?



    2. Someone dropped in there a couple of weeks ago. I'm thinking "Contractors." Whether they're CIA, SAS, (or, whatever) connected, I doubt we'll know anytime soon.

      You might remember that I posted at least a month ago, that this FAC job looks made-to-order for ex-whoevers.
