Wednesday, September 03, 2014

The Netanyahu and Zionist disinformation machine now comparing ISIS to Hamas

The conflict between Hamas and Israel is politically resolvable if Egypt and Israel stops its blockade, group punishment  and economic repression of the Palestinians. The fight against ISIS is not. Comparing ISIS to Hamas is the latest lie from Netanyahu and the right wing regime in Tel Aviv and their US media and political Hacks.

From those who know Netanyahu best:

(Reuters) - French President Nicolas Sarkozy branded Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "a liar" in a private conversation with U.S. President Barack Obama that was accidentally broadcast to journalists during last week's G20 summit in Cannes.
"I cannot bear Netanyahu, he's a liar," Sarkozy told Obama, unaware that the microphones in their meeting room had been switched on, enabling reporters in a separate location to listen in to a simultaneous translation.

"You're fed up with him, but I have to deal with him even more often than you," Obama replied, according to the French interpreter.


  1. Sadly, the aims and many of the methods of the two groups are much the same.

    It is a fair comparison.

    Your own propaganda is, day after day, actually worse.

    You stated that Israel 'started' the last round with Hamas, for instance, which is false.

    Other examples abound.

    You have misrepresented the number of 'children' killed in the conflict.

    You refuse to acknowledge that children in Gaza have been regularly used as human shields.

    Further..........etc etc

  2. .

    You stated that Israel 'started' the last round with Hamas, for instance, which is false.

    Time to wake up and smell the coffee, Obumble.


    1. Time to get off the Vodka, Quart.

    2. Israel did not start the last round, but it offered quiet with quiet which was refused by Hamas, until the end when Hamas accepted the very same cease fire it was offered 50 days previous.

      Hamas shot it's wad and all it got was the death, destruction and mayhem it caused.

      But the GOOD NEWS?

      Hamas used up and or destroyed 2/3 of it's mortars and rockets, lost it's unknown terror tunnels, lost hundreds of it's bunkers..

      and of course caused the destruction and death of thousands of it's own...


    3. Of course Israel started the 'last' round, with the blockade.

    4. By that logic the Arab boycott of Israel started the war...

  3. Hamas and ISIS both follow the most extreme parts of the Koran. Hamas, in its Charter, even quotes those parts. Both advocate genocide. It's just that the immediate neighbors are different. As was pointed out previously, there are no Jews in Iraq to genocide.

    Qatar knows. They support both. They make no distinction.

    Hamas = ISIS in all ways that count.

    1. Lacking Jews to genocide in Iraq, ISIS turns to the next best thing, the Christians.

  4. It is also telling that it was Hamas that was continually breaking the cease fires, Quart.

    1. How many cease fires did Hamas violate, Quart?

      Or were you passed out during the whole thing?

      Or chasing after Maria?

    2. Bob, It's so easy for those that want to to change the argument whenever and however they choose to find the answer they wish.

      Who fired the 1st rocket into Israel, in this go round? Hamas.

      Israel was in the west bank, arresting Hamas members for the kidnapping of 3 Jews, one American, when Hamas started the shooting of rockets into Israel.

      Israel offered quiet for quiet for the Gaza Strip, but Hamas would have none of it.

      Now if only we could have had a video of the Hamas members lining up the 3 Jews, hands tied behind their backs, on their knees with the Hamas executioner standing behind them, lining up his .45 and blowing out the grey matter of each of them, screaming "allah akbar" each time. Then, the 3 dead jew-boys, lying there in the ditch were left inlace and some soil was thrown on them to hid their dead corpses.

      Of course it begs the question....

      When did Hamas put into place 10,000 rockets, mortars? How long were they preparing for "battle"?

      How much money and time did they put into the 32 terror tunnels discovered and destroyed?

      How much money and time did they put into the underground buried rocket launchers and bunkers?

      So it's really academic about how the battle started, Hamas was preparing for the BATTLE....

      It choose to unleash it's terror weapons when it did...

  5. This might be a good time to try one last time:

    WHY, Quart, have the United States of America, Canada and the European Union all designated Hamas as a Terrorist Organization?

    (Quart may have gone back to bed with Maria)

    Cheers !!


    1. He has answered you twice. You really can't read can you?

    2. And yet ASH, you have not answered me...

      What lands are occupied by the arabs?

      Is the TEMPLE MOUNT Jewish land?

      Go ahead Ash, ANSWER.

    3. You've got two 'peoples' laying claim to the same places based on the myths of their sacred books and thousands of years of history. This does not give rise to the simple and easy answers you desire.

    4. SO basically you cannot admit the Temple Mount exists..

    5. AshWed Sep 03, 07:58:00 AM EDT
      You've got two 'peoples' laying claim to the same places based on the myths of their sacred books and thousands of years of history. This does not give rise to the simple and easy answers you desire.

      But yesterday you called it "propaganda" to call arabs occupiers but you call Jews "occupiers"..

      Ash, you speak out both sides of your mouth at the same time...

      Now go back to your nice safe home that you stole from the native you occupying piece of shit...

    6. WiO,

      You are a propaganda shill for your side.

    7. so you cannot answer the basic question.

      The Temple Mount, Is it Jewish before it was taken by the Moslems?

    8. Ash, you are an arab apologist and a bigot.

      You occupy stolen native lands in Canada and condemn Jews for living in Israel as colonial occupiers...


    9. Ash, if Quirk has answered my question I missed it, or spaced it out. I've been - surprisingly to me - really busy lately.

  6. Hamas started the conflict, and restarted it with each cease fire violation.

    I count 8 times.

    1. Your count is wrong.
      The Zionists started it, before there ever was a Hamas

    2. Wow, deep insight, think of that all by yourself?

  7. Hamas has no problem with executing those it disagrees with. Same as ISIS

    Hamas's main goal is the genocide of all the Jews and the destruction of Israel. ISIS main goal is the establishment of a new Caliphate, that includes the destruction of Israel and the genocide of all Jews.

    Hamas is committed to Sharia. Same as ISIS

    Hamas will torture, murderer men, women and children of it's own population for it's political will, same as ISIS.

    Hamas is born of the Moslem Brotherhood, same as ISIS

    They are 2 teams from the same league.

    Now the funny thing?

    Folks like Deuce will not admit? That Hamas has vice police that have murdered innocent Palestinians, that Hamas has murdered over 164 children that working in their tunnels, that Hamas has rounded up and shot in the public square DOZENS of Palestinians, that Hamas has DRAGGED on chains, behind motorcycles, those it has "convicted of collaboration"...

    Hamas has thrown Fatah members off of rooftops, blown out the knees of PA members with gunshots...

    Hamas has launched thousands of rockets and mortars against the civilians of Israel...

    Deuce says: "The conflict between Hamas and Israel is politically resolvable if Egypt and Israel stops its blockade, group punishment and economic repression of the Palestinians"

    The CHARTER of Hamas is the genocide of the Jews. The leader of Hamas has publicly stated last week that the goal of the ceasefire was to rearm for the next battle to LIBERATE Jerusalem.

    To imply that all Hamas wants is "freedom" is complete bullshit.

    All Hamas wants? Are the Jews to be dead.

    1. Wrong, again, "O"rdure.

      Hamas wants the Zionists to go back to Europe.
      Whether they die there, or not ...

      Not much of a concern to the Palestinians.
      Or anyone else, for that matter.

      Back to Europe, with the Ashkenazi.

    2. Hamas Charter is clear even for the illiterate.

      "The Day of Judgment will not come until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say, 'O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.' Only the Gharkad tree would not do that, because it is one of the trees of the Jews."

      I suggest you go back to your Jew hate school and take a refresher, you are stale....

  8. Hamas: We Killed Jewish Teens, and What of It?
    Saturday, August 23, 2014 | Ryan Jones

    Anytime Palestinian terrorists carry out particularly grizzly or large-scale attacks against Israelis, protagonists of the Palestinian cause do their best to either justify such actions or explain away the incidents entirely.

    These propagandists do this because deep down they know that these attacks, in particular, are beyond the pale of all human decency and the moral values of those whose support they hope to garner.

    Such was the case when three Jewish teens - Eyal Yifrah, Gilad Shaar and Naftali Frenkel - were abducted and killed by Hamas operatives in June. Palestinian political activists and their supporters worldwide suggested that the Israeli youth had either not been attacked at all or that Israel itself had carried out the attack to justify further military crackdowns.

    Some conjured up theories that Yifrah, Shaar and Frenkel were actually older than reported and had already begun their mandatory army service, thereby making them legitimate military targets.

    Even the Palestinian Authority got in on the game, at one point insisting that the entire episode was an Israeli fiction.

    On Friday, Hamas clarified that, nope, none of those conspiracies were accurate, and that those among its own ranks had indeed seized and brutally executed three Israeli children.

    In an interview with Yahoo! News, overall Hamas leader Khaled Mashal (pictured), speaking from the comfort of his “hideout” in Doha, Qatar, admitted that “Hamas members” were behind the attack.

    1. Mashal did go on to assert that the Hamas leadership did not have prior knowledge of the “operation.” But even if it had, the summary execution of teenage Jewish boys would have been deemed legitimate.

      “Our view is that soldiers and settlers on the West Bank are aggressors, and they are illegally living in this occupied and stolen land. And the right to resist is the right of Palestinians,” said the Hamas leader.

      Earlier in the week, senior Hamas cleric Sheikh Saleh al-Arouri told a conference of Muslim scholars in Turkey that the murder of the three Jewish boys was a “blessed heroic action.”

      It is instructive to draw a comparison with Israel in such cases. And this summer’s triple killing provides a perfect opportunity, as Jewish extremists responded by abducting and savagely murdering an Arab youth, 16-year-old Mohammed Khdeir.

      Yes, there were scattered voices in Israel that initially suggested Khdeir had been the victim of an honor killing or of a running feud between his and another Arab family (there were many more Israeli voices whose first reaction was to skewer their own nation). But the Israel Police swiftly put all such rumors to rest by publicly concluding Israeli Jews had committed the murder.

      Israelis from the halls of power to the man on the street immediately and without hesitation castigated the unrepentant killers and any who would dare to share their psychotic views.

      Israel is far from perfect. But, as a nation, it does not tolerate such bloodthirsty viciousness from within. Can the same be said of Hamas, or of any leading Palestinian group, for that matter?

    2. Three black criminal kill three white boys inPhiladelphia. The white mayor goes on a rampage and floods the black neighborhood with military vehicles and thousands of white cops. Riots break out and after thirty days of brutal white cop tactics, blacks start rebelling. The white major surrounds the black neighborhood with the PANG, calls in artillery, tanks, aircraft , all supplied by the US government, Pentagon and white supporters in other parts of the US.

      White suburbanites from Cherry Hill, Narberth and Cheltenham gather at night to watch the aerial and artillery fireworks over the black hoods.

      The white major and the white city council magnanimously tells the white attackers to call someone in a proposed target building five minutes before they flatten the building. A white cop asks what if they don’t answer the phone. Laughter fills the room of white cops. The watch commander, smirking, says hit them with a small shell first, a little knock on the roof, if you know what I mean. Laughter in the room...and oh by the way, call the Daily News to remind them about how human we are for providing the knock.
      Laughter and 2100 black deaths later, the white city council announce they are taking 25% of Fairmount Park for housing of White settlers (Polish refugees).

      Why do the Black panthers hate us?

    3. Face the truth... You support the Hamas and it's tenants.

      The destruction of the Jewish state and the killing of every "european" thief..

      Admit it.. Mr Philadelphia occupier of native lands...

    4. Those three teens were not killed by Hamas.
      The Israeli police said as much.

      More agitprop from "O"rdure

    5. Hamas has admitted it..

      Bragged about it..

      You are not a river in Egypt for gods sake...

  9. The Israelis (Jews) are foreign occupiers (jailers). This usually guarantees that those being occupied (Palestinians ) are rebelling against their tormenters (Jews) and want their land back from the Jews (mostly European settlers) that took it. The taking is ongoing as 1000 acres are being taken now by the Israelis (European and US Jews).

    Human beings have a normal human and territorial reaction to foreign invaders and tormentors, especially those that viciously repress their personal freedoms, destroy their homes, businesses and infrastructure and wound and kill them.

    Hamas are political opportunists filling the vacuum of leadership trying to end the repression and brutality of an alien invader. That is the way of the World. Jews are not immune from a predictable human reaction for their behavior. Their political shield provided to them has reached its expiration date.

    So it goes.

    1. Deuce, you cannot bring yourself to admit that Jews have any right to it's own state in the middle east. However that being said....

      You, by your own standard, are a foreign occupier (jailers) of native Americans. do you advocate the right for native Americans to blow up buses in Philadelphia?

    2. Deuce ☂Wed Sep 03, 07:31:00 AM EDT
      The Israelis (Jews) are foreign occupiers (jailers).

      You have said that all historic claims are bullshit.

      So Why do you not acknowledge the right of 5 million Jews that live there to self determination on 1/900th of the middle east when 899/900th of the middle east is in arab hands with 21 nations?

    3. But as long as you apply one set of rules to the Jews and none to anyone else in the world? You will have conflict.

      The arabs are not natives to Israel. Most all did not exist, historically, in the area 80 years ago, they migrated there from surrounding arab lands in the wary 1900....

    4. Deuce: Human beings have a normal human and territorial reaction to foreign invaders and tormentors, especially those that viciously repress their personal freedoms, destroy their homes, businesses and infrastructure and wound and kill them.

      Hamas are political opportunists filling the vacuum of leadership trying to end the repression and brutality of an alien invader. That is the way of the World. Jews are not immune from a predictable human reaction for their behavior. Their political shield provided to them has reached its expiration date.

      So the world according to Deuce, Jews have no right to self determination.

      They are a "foreign invader" no matter how many generation they have lived in their homes.

      deuce reflects any historic claims by Jews, and sides with the arabs historic claims that start in 640 ce.


    5. So many words, so little said, by our little "O"rdure.

    6. I notice you cannot actually comment on the thoughts of the thread and only can spew "personal attacks".

      We were doing just fine without you....

      Maybe if you could add to the dialogue, discuss ideas? You'd be welcome.

  10. Deuce ☂Wed Sep 03, 07:31:00 AM EDT
    The Israelis (Jews) are foreign occupiers (jailers).

    And yet? the Egyptians control the border with Gaza... What are they? And why do they not embrace and help their brothers under siege?

    1. The Egyptian were 'helping' Hamas until a Jewish Egyptian became President.
      Now there is a Jewish Hero ruling Egypt.

      Israeli ambassador calls Al-Sisi a "national hero for all Jews"

    2. Cool.

      There was a Jewish hero a few times in Egyptian history.

      Moses comes to mind...

  11. deuce: The taking is ongoing as 1000 acres are being taken now by the Israelis (European and US Jews).

    What no mention of the millions of Jews that live in Israel that used to live in the arab occupied middle east?

    Why the silence on those Jews? Or what about the jews of that specific area that in 1922 were slaughter and or driven out of their homes by the arabs?

    When does your magical timeline start that shows when "european jews and us jews" took over...

    And how do you sleep at night being a "european" occupier colonial settler in America that stole 1000 times more lands from the natives (according to your standards)????

    1. One standard (by your standard) for "european jews"? No standards for arabs, chinese, americans, turks or anyone else?

      Only the Jews.. the "european jews" are thieves... I guess that's why most of them were murdered by your fellow Europeans just 60 years ago.. If only you didn't let any out!!

      You could have prevented this crime.... What would have been so terrible if you just had finished off the european jews once and for all...

    2. You are getting little frantic, there, "O"rdure.

      Looks like you are 'Losing It".

      Get a grip on reality, now.

    3. Your so called arguments are wearing thin.

      Rounded dismissed by all.

      Now you launch personal attacks with your ideas fail...


  12. Deuce: Hamas are political opportunists filling the vacuum of leadership trying to end the repression and brutality of an alien invader.

    Now that's rich...

    Hamas is trying to "end the repression" LOL

    Hamas is the repression... Of the Palestinians.

    It's odd, how you a cheerleader for the Palestinians, cannot condemn Hamas's own treatment of it's own citizens.

    From human shields, to forced child labor and EXECUTION of those kids, to summary firing squads you are silent.

    Forget the fact that Hamas as stolen 40% of every AID dollar and taxed every bucket of KFC chicken coming in from Egypt (25% off the top) and used 900,000 TONS of concrete to build terror tunnels.... Forget the fact that the bunkers built were for the Hamas leaders and not the people (like Israel has spent billions on DEFENSIVE Bomb Shelters for it's people) you offer no criticism of the Hamas.

    And you call yourself a FRIEND of the palestinians....


    You support and cheerlead for HAMAS, not the innocent palestinians you profess to care about.

    If you loved the palestinians so much? You'd be advocating peace and a solution, but your solution? Is genocide of the jews and the destruction of the Jewish state... Not much of a solution, more like a nightmare...

    and you are helping lead to the destruction of the "palestinian" people...

    1. Just read that the Israeli actions have led to Hamas becoming more popular with the Palestinians.
      Looks like you 'read' it correctly.

      What is "Occupation"Mon Jul 21, 09:33:00 PM EDT
      If there is one Hamas member still alive and spitting? Israel lost…

    2. Once again, taking out of context and posting the complete statement is akin to lying.

      But I am glad Hamas is more popular with the palestinians. It will ensure they will never rise out of the hell they have created for themselves.

      My worst fear? A peaceful palestinian movement, one that embraced true republican democracy. The Jews would fall for that in a heartbeat..

  13. Deuce has said, "european jews" have no rights in Palestine.

    But "European gentiles" have every right to live in America.


    1. In America the Europeans won, By your own writing, "O"rdure, the "Jewish Crusade" in Palestine has come a cropper.

    2. Oh, so your point is that might makes right?

      Then by all accounts, Israel has "won"

      bugger off now loser..

  14. AshWed Sep 03, 07:58:00 AM EDT
    You've got two 'peoples' laying claim to the same places based on the myths of their sacred books and thousands of years of history. This does not give rise to the simple and easy answers you desire.

    Is the Temple Mount, the western wall a myth?

    Do you have eyes? Can you not see?

    Look at the Dome of the Rock, what does it SIT on?

    No myths need apply..

    Just basic history..

    Did the Jewish Temple Exist 1st.

    Why are you incapable of saying the Jews have rights?

    1. There is no correlation between a "Jewish Temple" and Europeans living in Palestine.

      That "O"rdure continues to attempt to conflate the two, just more of his mythical propaganda.
      Spreading the Magic of Myth.

      Myth that has been debased by the science of genetics.

    2. Thanks again for pointing out the obvious, 50% if Israelis are not of European descent.


      It matters not of who lives there anymore from a lineage pov as deuce has said.

      Deuce ☂Wed Sep 03,
      "No human being alive is has any more or any less longer lineage than any other. "

      But who now lives there.

      The modern Jew lives there.

      Get over it...

      Your own personal lineage is not that of native American but you live in America. You are a European living in the Americas...

      The fact? You are as MUCH of a colonizing occupier as anyone else..

      embrace it.

      your argument has worn thin..

  15. Re:
    (Reuters) - French President Nicolas Sarkozy branded Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "a liar"

    Would this be the Sarkozy who has been arrested and charged with influence pedaling?

    Netanyahu may be a liar, we have come to expect that of our politicians. However, at the moment he is not a convicted felon as Olmert his predecessor or Sarkozy, a probable felon in waiting.

    Re: The conflict between Hamas and Israel is politically resolvable if Egypt and Israel stops its blockade...

    Usually, I do not have much to say about grammatical errors, but this one is too malicious to let pass. To convey the facts and give some cover to its anti-Semitism it should be written:

    "The conflict between Hamas, [Egypt,] and Israel is politically resolvable if Egypt and Israel stops [their] blockade..." ("They" are also building deep barrier walls and destroying tunnels).

    I will not comment on the disingenuous stupidity of the statement, made so by Mashal's continued oaths to destroy Israel.

  16. Your Bible and the Christian version has probably got more people killed than anything ever written by mankind including Mein Kampf . All the bullshit claims made based on this encyclopedia of mythical nonsense knows no bounds.

    No human being alive is has any more or any less longer lineage than any other.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. No human being alive is has any more or any less longer lineage than any other.

    Then why do you condemn Israelis as "europeans"...

    If they are BORN there they have the right to self determination.

    1. Cant have it both ways....

      IF you say: No human being alive is has any more or any less longer lineage than any other.

      Then that also means that the arab claims to Israel are specious.

      "No human being alive is has any more or any less longer lineage than any other. "

    2. To be a European is not condemnation.

    3. Farmer RobWed Sep 03, 09:39:00 AM EDT
      To be a European is not condemnation.

      But if you are a european colonizer and thief like you? Should we condemn your theft of native lands?

  19. President Ronald Reagan, October 4, 1982, as authorized and requested by a Joint Resolution of the 97th Congress of the United States of America, held at the City of Washington, designated 1983 as the national “Year of the Bible.” The Resolution, Public Law 97-280, declared:

    WHEREAS the Bible, the Word of God, has made a unique contribution in shaping the United States as a distinctive and blessed nation and people;

    WHEREAS deeply held religious convictions springing from the Holy Scriptures led to the early settlement of our Nation;

    WHEREAS Biblical teachings inspired concepts of civil government that are contained in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States;

    WHEREAS many of our great national leaders–among them Presidents Washington, Jackson, Lincoln, and Wilson–paid tribute to the surpassing influence of the Bible in our country’s development, as in the words of President Jackson that the Bible is “the Rock on which our Republic rests”;

    WHEREAS the history of our Nation clearly illustrates the value of voluntarily applying the teachings of the Scriptures in the lives of individuals, families, and societies;

    WHEREAS this Nation now faces great challenges that will test this Nation as it has never been tested before; and

    WHEREAS that renewing our knowledge of and faith in God through Holy Scripture can strengthen us as a nation and a people. NOW, THEREFORE, be it

    Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President is authorized and requested to designate 1983 as a national “Year of the Bible” in recognition of both the formative influence the bible has been for our Nation, and our national need to study and apply the teachings of the Holy Scriptures.

    October 4, 1982
    Ronald Reagan

  20. A North Carolina death row inmate exonerated by DNA evidence on Tuesday was once held up by Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia as an example of someone who deserved to die.

    When the court declined to review an unrelated death row case out of Texas in 1994, Justice Harry A. Blackmun issued a dissenting opinion arguing that capital punishment is cruel and unusual, and therefore unconstitutional.

    Scalia answered back with an opinion of his own:

    "For example, the case of an 11-year-old girl raped by four men and then killed by stuffing her panties down her throat," Scalia wrote in Callins v. Collins. "How enviable a quiet death by lethal injection compared with that!"

    He was referring to Henry Lee McCollum, who at the time had already been on death row for 12 years. McCollum's conviction was overturned on Tuesday when DNA evidence implicated another man in the case.

    McCollum had been on death row for almost 30 years.

    Superior Court Judge Douglass Sasser also overturned the conviction against McCollum's half-brother, Leon Brown, who has been serving a life sentence in . . . . . .

    Way ta go, asshole

  21. Deuce says "No human being alive is has any more or any less longer lineage than any other"

    Then the arabs have no claim to Jerusalem or Israel.

    Get over it.

    1. You are the one who frantic, "O"rdure.

    2. Farmer Rob/Rat,

      Please try to construct your sentences with complete syntax.

      "You are the one who frantic, "O"rdure."

      Sounds as if you are typing in a frantic, hurried fashion...


  22. Idaho BobWed Sep 03, 02:06:00 AM EDT
    Time to get off the Vodka, Quart.

    I know nothing about his consumption of vodka but it is a bad sign when a man his age cannot reckon time. Of course, as with the USS Liberty, he has feelings that trump all evidence. This is why youngsters stop listening to old people; sound does not travel in a vacuum.

    As for me, if I am having my morning tea during a duly agreed and signed ceasefire, and without warning some terrorist operative fires a salvo of 120mm mortars into my garden, I will take the sensible approach and conclude that my country is again under attack. When the armed forces of my country returns fire killing "x" number of Gazans, I will not be grieved or surprised. I call it the "Pearl Harbor Syndrome".

    1. No human being alive is has any more or any less longer lineage than any other.

      So that means?

      No historic claim can supersede any others.

      So to call Jews that live in Israel "european colonizers and thieves" violates that principle.

    2. Principle, what principle?

      That the Zionists are colonizers, we have admitted in their own writings.
      So Israel is a European colony. That is a historic fact, straight from the founders.

      That reality scares you so much, "O"rdure, that is certainly entertaining.

    3. If Israel is a "colony" then to is America.

  23. >>>>What is going on among the Islamic State, al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood (including Hamas), and other factions is a power struggle for leadership of the Sunni side of the global Islamic-supremacist movement. Because of the audience to which these actors play, some of their differences are framed as sharia-based. Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda leaders (who are allied against Assad in Syria and were allied with the Islamic State until fairly recently) contend, for example, that the Islamic State’s unilateral declaration of a caliphate transgresses Islamic principles that call for consultation and consensus among sharia-adherent Muslims. They argue that Islamic-supremacist groups should work cooperatively in the formation of local or regional emirates, with an eye toward eventually assembling the global caliphate.

    From our perspective, so what? Both sides regard the West as the enemy to be conquered. Their differences are germane only to the extent that sharia fidelity, in addition to sheer brute force, will determine who comes out on top in their intramural warfare. As we have been observing here for years with respect to al-Qaeda and the Brotherhood, their disputes are mostly tactical; their splits on the finer points of Islamic-supremacist ideology bear only on how they regard each other. When it comes to the West, both see us as the enemy — and they put aside their differences to attack us.<<<<<

    September 3, 2014 4:00 AM
    The Islamic State Is Nothing New
    Its differences with other Islamic-supremacist groups are irrelevant.

    By Andrew C. McCarthy

    Hamas = ISIS = al Qaeda = Muslim Brotherhood

  24. Deuce ☂Wed Sep 03, 07:31:00 AM EDT
    The Israelis (Jews) are foreign occupiers (jailers).

    Deuce ☂Wed Sep 03,
    "No human being alive is has any more or any less longer lineage than any other. "

    Hmmm don't seem to be compatible...

    1. Of course the two concepts are compatible.

      The lineage is not that makes the Zionists thieves and jailers, it is their current actions that do.
      That the Zionists present is incompatible with their past, easily seen.

    2. Do you just post to see your avatar up on the screen?

  25. Breaking: Battleground poll shows GOP +4 on Congressional ballot, wide intensity gap

    Hot Air

  26. Hamas vows to rearm and be ready for the next rocket war....

    Israel decides to thank George Lucas....

    Israel’s national weapons manufacturer is showcasing its new Iron Beam laser shield against rocket fire, and says deployment of the “Star Wars” style technology is closer to becoming a reality.
    Rafael Advanced Defense Systems said development of the system was advanced enough for the company to be comfortable with publicizing it at this week’s Singapore Airshow, which is Asia’s largest aerospace and defense exhibition.
    The laser technology behind the missile shield is not that far removed from fiction.
    “It’s exactly like what you see in Star Wars,” said company spokesman Amit Zimmer. “You see the lasers go up so quickly like a flash and the target is finished.”
    Iron Beam is designed to intercept close-range drones, rockets and mortars which might not remain in the air long enough for Israel’s current Iron Dome missile defense system to intercept.

  27. Big Media Ignores Hamas's "Ugliest Crimes"

    by Khaled Abu Toameh
    September 3, 2014 at 5:00 am

    Armed Hamas militias committed the ugliest crimes. It was the Palestinians who made this charge.

    Hamas militiamen confiscated food and medicine sent to the Gaza Strip from the West Bank and some "friendly countries," the Fatah leaders disclosed. "Hamas distributed some of the aid among their men through the mosques or sold it on the black market," they said.

    It is hard to believe that the journalists did not hear about the Hamas crimes. But it is still not clear why journalists and human rights advocates continue to ignore the story. Is it because such stories are lacking an anti-Israel angle?

    During the recent war in the Gaza Strip, armed Hamas militias committed the ugliest crimes and violations.

    This charge did was not made by the Israeli Government Press Office or the Israel Defense Forces spokesman.

    Rather, it was Palestinians who made this charge – and not just ordinary ones.

    Leaders of the ruling Fatah faction in the West Bank made the charge against Hamas in a strongly worded statement that was issued in Ramallah on August 30...............

  28. Reagan claimed that the god of the Jews sent the Spaniards, Vikings, French and English to America. You really believe all that do you?

    1. Did he send the US to the moon?

    2. Idiotic childish nonsense on a par with Santa Claus at the North Pole except Santa Claus doesn’t get anyone killed.

    3. Don't put that on me... I don't worship a moon god.

    4. Reagan famously said trees cause pollution too.

      Nevertheless the old coot was a good President, taken all in all.

      He also made this great comment:

      Recovering from being shot by Hinckley -

      "I forgot to duck"


    5. Santa Claus should be jailed for exploiting labor.

      Those dwarves are so small cause they are worked practically to death......all year long.

      The mythical meaning is:

      All work, no play, shrinks the spirit.

      Hamas working children to death digging suicide tunnels comes to mind...........

    6. "O"rdure worships the Sun, not the Moon.

      Let's get it "Right".

    7. Or is it Saturn that "O"rdure's sect holds so sacred ....

      so many myths ....

    8. Amazing to see how many posts you can post and actually say nothing...

      Farmer RobWed Sep 03, 09:47:00 AM EDT
      "O"rdure worships the Sun, not the Moon.
      Let's get it "Right".

      Farmer RobWed Sep 03, 09:56:00 AM EDT
      Or is it Saturn that "O"rdure's sect holds so sacred ....
      so many myths ...

      It's like you have no friends except the screen...


    9. I have heard that Abram left the area of 'Ur of the Chaldees', fleeing the worship of the orbs planets stars and the gods current in the area.

    10. “We must be compelled to hold this doctrine to be false, and the old and new law called the Old and new Testament, to be impositions, fables and forgeries”

    11. You were a fine fellow in your way, Tom, but you didn't know squat about the Bible, or mythology.

  29. this just in...

    Fatah now threatening Gaza with continued blockade

    Fatah officials have reportedly warned that if Hamas does not cede control of the Gaza Strip to the unity government, the presidential guard forces of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas will not deploy along the borders and the crossings will remain closed

    Read more: Fatah said threatening to obstruct Rafah opening | The Times of Israel


  30. All of the tributes to the Moon, monthly, and to the Sun, are specifically forbidden by the Bible.
    Veneration of the Sun, Moon and Stars is the oldest idolatry.

    March 19, 2009

    Here comes the sun, and Jews around the world are paying attention. According to Jewish tradition, on the morning of April 8, for the first time in 28 years, the sun will be in the exact location it was when the Torah says it was created, 5,769 years ago.

    1. Honoring all of these pagan idols has been incorporated into Judaism.

      The Babylonian Talmudic ceremony of Blessing the Sun, says the Jewish Encyclopedia (1905) occurs

      “on the first Wednesday of Nisan every twenty-eight years …
      This is calculated by the calendar of Samuel Yarbina’ah, which allots to the solar year 365¼ days,
      and asserts that each of the seven planets rules over one hour of the day in the following sequence:
      Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon …
      the blessing is concluded with ‘Alenu’ and ‘Kaddish Yatom.’

      The Blessing of the Sun was celebrated by the Jews in New York City in 1897 in Tompkins Square.

    2. Says the Jewish Encyclopedia (under “Moon”):

      “The reason why the Jews count the days of the year by the Moon is that, like the Moon, which reigns both in the daytime and night, the Jews have both this world and the future one …

      The Moon on account of its monthly reappearance is considered as the emblem of Israel …
      Therefore the reappearance of the Moon is sanctified … by the recitation of benedictions.

    3. Do you have any idea how truly stupid you sound, rato?

    4. Rat is still a figment of your imaginationWed Sep 03, 01:06:00 PM EDT


  31. .

    From a post put up by Rufus above regarding Scalia's views on the death penalty in 1994.

    Way ta go, asshole

    IMO, this is meant merely as a political statement rather than to be generally informative, otherwise, why single out Scalia.

    In 1994, I favored the death penalty. It was a time before the widespread use of DNA. It was a time before a growing number of incarcerated prisoners were being found innocent after years in prison not only with DNA tests but also by other means.

    Obviously, if the guy was on death row, a hell of a lot more people than just Scalia had thought he was guilty. There has lately been a growing trend in the US against the use of the death penalty; however, in spite of all the cases that have been overturned , there is still a majority here that favors it. The last PEW poll I've seen, from earlier this year, saw 55% saying they favored continued use of the death penalty while 37% opposed it. Between 1993 and 1998, those who favored the death penalty in the US reached its peak at about 78%.

    Attitudes change, sometimes not as quickly as they should, IMO.


    1. It's a tough question.

      Out this way, we had two total bad fellows that got the drip on a young Marine just back from Afghanistan and his young girl friend. They were about to be married. They had camped along one of our rivers, the first time they had been together on vacation in a long time. These turds killed them both, for the car and less than two hundred dollars. The jury convicted. They are still appealing, blah blah blah.

      The one guy says the other guy pulled the trigger........

      I say hang them both.

      Idaho has the death penalty, though it is rarely used.....

      We have another case now. Two swell guys made a pact to kill each others wives. One wife did indeed go missing, and the other guy has turned state's evidence and is saying the other guy told him all about killing his own wife. They have not found the body but she has been missing a long long time. The last time she was seen was when she went to pick up her car, after the divorce, from his work place in the industrial park.........

      DNA has been a blessing for the innocence. The two that killed the Marine, and his young fiancé - DNA doesn't enter the picture.

      Why should we house these assholes for 50 years?

    2. The perps that killed the Marine and his wife were white, from out of state, from Texas I think. The Marine and his wife were white, were going to go to the university here...........

  32. Rasmussen has Sullivan up by two over Begich in Alaska's Senate race.

    Rasmussen Reports 8/20 - 8/21 750 LV 45 47 Sullivan +2

  33. Andrew H. Madoff, son of convicted financier, dies at 48

    Both Bernie's sons are dead, now ....

    As the extent of their father’s fraud was revealed — $65 billion in reported paper wealth — public outrage mounted, including at his associates. As Bernard Madoff’s sons, Mark and Andrew remained the subjects of particular suspicion.

    $65 BILLION - there was a whole lot of thievin' goin' on!

  34. .

    I know nothing about his consumption of vodka but it is a bad sign when a man his age cannot reckon time. Of course, as with the USS Liberty, he has feelings that trump all evidence. This is why youngsters stop listening to old people; sound does not travel in a vacuum.

    Ah, I see Allen couldn't resist raising the old bugaboo of the U.S.S. Liberty again. It's understandable. He hangs his argument on the the absurd mewlings of Jay Cristol, a man noted for his self-serving misrepresentations and his book of fiction. It must be very frustrating for Allen when despite all his efforts over the years he remains unable to convince anyone here of his views, not even the other members of the Lobby. Here, in saying 'his views', I give him the benefit of the doubt by assuming that he himself is credulous enough to believe them.

    As for our differences on who was responsible for the current flare-up in Gaza, I have stated my believe that Bibi was the chief perp and I have previously laid out in detail my reasons for believing so based on the context and actions leading up to it. Others here disagree. So be it. I suspect that they also probably believe that the assassin that took out the Archduke Ferdinand was the person responsible for WW I.

    WRT the age issue, Allen has mentioned that he is a veteran of the Vietnam War, therefore, I assume that our chronological ages are as they say close enough for government work. And while I must admit my first reaction with regard to Allen's comment was to flippantly throw out some old chestnut like 'with age comes wisdom'; Allen has himself disproved the adage, either that or he is merely the exception that proves the rule. At any rate, IMO, Allen's comments should have probably stopped with "I know nothing..." At least it would have shown some intellectual honest.


  35. :)

    Not bad, Quart, not bad.

    You fall down very badly here though -

    "As for our differences on who was responsible for the current flare-up in Gaza, I have stated my believe that Bibi was the chief perp and I have previously laid out in detail my reasons for believing so based on the context and actions leading up to it. Others here disagree. So be it. I suspect that they also probably believe that the assassin that took out the Archduke Ferdinand was the person responsible for WW I."

    - showing us all you are still on the sauce.

    Quart-o, if you want to push it back far enough, you can say it all started with Mohammad, 1,400 years ago.

    Indeed, the Hamas Charter quotes the Dude as a religio/fanatic justification for their aggression.

    Kidnapping Israeli kids, slaughtering them, and firing missiles into Israel is just the latest manifestation of this primordial urge to homicide and genocide.

    Keep up the good work.

    I love ya when you are on one of your idiotic rolls !!

    Cheers !

    1. .

      Mine was merely an analogy showing the foolishness of accepting a simplistic version of events without looking at the overall context.

      Your views are simplistic. You assume generalities. You assume the acts of the militants represent the views of all Muslims. You say you side with the Israelis because it is a 'culture' thing. If you are consistent, you would say the same applies to the Israelis, in which case, you would say that the burning alive of the Arab youth reflects the culture of the Israelis or at least of the right-wing there.

      You say Hamas = ISIS. If you were consistent, you would say that Hamas = Irgun = Lehi = The Stern Gang.

      Terror was a building block to the formation of the Israeli state. Once that state was established, these groups quickly transitioned from terrorist groups to mainstream political parties. Irgun under Begin became Herut. Lehi became the Moledet party which advocates for the relocation of all Palestinians from the occupied West Bank and Gaza. Later Menachim Begin and Yitzhak Shamir even became Israeli prime ministers.

      History is written by the winners. No doubt Begin and Shamir are today considered 'freedom fighters' by the Israelis.


  36. GALLUP: OBAMA APPROVAL FALLS TO 39%..............drudge

    Broke the 40 barrier.

    You can fool most of the people most of the time, but not all the people all the time, and, over time, even most idiots - Rufus excepted - tend to wake up.

  37. You want to review the Liberty again? Allright by me.

  38. I'd rather talk about the garbanzo bean harvest, which just got started here.

    Unfortunately it is threatening rain out this way, which can be very bad news for the garbanzo bean harvest.

    Garbanzo beans are holding in there at 32 cents a pound.


    1. Garbanzo beans can shatter out with too much rain.

      On the ground they go for 0 cents per pound.

      The birds love them though.

  39. U.S. Auto Sales Rate Highest Since 2006 in August

    17.5 Million / yr.
