Friday, September 05, 2014

The Neocons could not have been more wrong - Once chaos reigned across the Middle East, people reached not for their national identities — Iraqi, Syrian — but for much older ones: Shiite, Sunni, Kurd and Arab.

Why they still hate us, 13 years later
By Fareed Zakaria Opinion writer September 4 at 7:23 PM

Watching the gruesome execution videos, I felt some of the same emotions I did after 9/11. Barbarism is designed to provoke anger, and it succeeded. But in September 2001, it also made me ask, “Why do they hate us?” I tried to answer that question in an essay for Newsweek that struck a chord with readers. I reread it to see what I got right and wrong and what I’ve learned in the past 13 years.
It’s not just al-Qaeda. I began by noting that Islamic terrorism is not the isolated behavior of a handful of nihilists. There is a broader culture that has been complicit or at least unwilling to combat it. Things have changed on this front but not nearly enough.
It’s not an Islam problem but an Arab problem. In the early 2000s, Indonesia was our biggest concern because of a series of terrorist attacks there after 9/11. But over the past decade, jihad and even Islamic fundamentalism have not done well in Indonesia — the largest Muslim country in the world, larger in that sense than Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Libya and the Gulf states put together. Or look at India, which is right next door to Ayman al-Zawahiri’s headquarters in Pakistan, but very few of its 165 million Muslims are members of al-Qaeda. Zawahiri has announced a bold effort to recruit Indian Muslims, but I suspect it will fail.
Arab political decay. The central point of the essay was that the reason the Arab world produces fanaticism and jihad is political stagnation. By 2001, almost every part of the world had seen significant political progress — Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America, even Africa had held many free and fair elections. But the Arab world remained a desert. In 2001, most Arabs had fewer freedoms than they did in 1951.
The one aspect of life that Arab dictators could not ban was religion, so Islam had become the language of political opposition. As the Westernized, secular dictatorships of the Arab world failed — politically, economically and socially — the fundamentalists told the people, “Islam is the solution.”

The Arab world was left with dictatorships on one hand and deeply illiberal opposition groups on the other — Hosni Mubarak or al-Qaeda. The more extreme the regime, the more violent the opposition. This cancer was deeper and more destructive than I realized. Despite the removal of Saddam Hussein in Iraq and despite the Arab Spring, this dynamic between dictators and jihadis has not been broken.
Look at Syria, where, until recently, Bashar al-Assad actually had been helping the Islamic State by buying oil and gas from it and shelling its opponents, the Free Syrian Army, when the two were battling each other. Assad was playing the old dictator’s game, giving his people a stark choice — it’s either me or the Islamic State. And many Syrians (the Christian minority, for example) have chosen him.
The greatest setback has been in Egypt, where a nonviolent Islamist movement took power and squandered its chance by overreaching. But not content to let the Muslim Brotherhood fail at the polls, the army displaced it by force and moved back into power. Egypt is now a more brutal police state than it was under Mubarak. The Muslim Brotherhood has been banned, many of its members killed or jailed, the rest driven underground. Let’s hope that ,10 years from now, we do not find ourselves discussing the causes of the rise of an Islamic State in Egypt.
What did I miss in that essay 13 years ago? The fragility of these countries. I didn’t recognize that if the dictatorships faltered, the state could collapse, and that beneath the state there was no civil society — nor, in fact, a real nation. Once chaos reigned across the Middle East, people reached not for their national identities — Iraqi, Syrian — but for much older ones: Shiite, Sunni, Kurd and Arab.
I should have paid greater attention to my mentor in graduate school, Samuel Huntington, who once explained that Americans never recognize that, in the developing world, the key is not the kind of government — communist, capitalist, democratic, dictatorial — but the degree of government. That absence of government is what we are watching these days, from Libya to Iraq to Syria.


  1. Ah, they live in a desert, and we live in, basically, the true geography of "bread and honey,"

    and, yet, they're only marginally crazier than us.

    1. I guess in Alabama they never taught bout the "fertile crescent"?

      And the term you were alluding to is Israel, the land of milk and honey...

      When G‑d spoke to Moses at the burning bush, He informed him that He would redeem the Israelites and bring them to a "good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey...

      Even when your illiterate Jew hating mind tries to be pity?

      The Torah and the Jews come shining thru....

    2. Once chaos reigned across the Middle East, people reached not for their national identities — Iraqi, Syrian — but for much older ones: Shiite, Sunni, Kurd and Arab.

      Love how the Jews are not mentioned...



    3. Don't ever take your stupid assed, racist / religious bullshit, and attach it to one of my comments.

      I don't have time for your "Superior Jew" crap.

    4. And, I was, most likely, reading about the fertile crescent before you learned to read, period.

    5. Did hit a nerve you Jew hating piece of shit?

      Well don't fret TGIF!

      Oh, yeah, thank the Jews for the weekend too while you are at it…

      fucking moron.

    6. Rufus IIFri Sep 05, 08:54:00 AM EDT
      And, I was, most likely, reading about the fertile crescent before you learned to read, period.

      but with age no wisdom has arrived in your case..

      so sad..

      the wasted potential of a human.. you

    7. Rufus IIFri Sep 05, 08:51:00 AM EDT
      Don't ever take your stupid assed, racist / religious bullshit, and attach it to one of my comments.

      I don't have time for your "Superior Jew" crap.

      You see, that is your problem and lack of reading skills.

      There was nothing in my statements that said "Superior Jew" anything.

      You are just an anti-semite.

      Pure and simple. And illiterate… LOL

    8. Rufus IIFri Sep 05, 08:54:00 AM EDT
      And, I was, most likely, reading about the fertile crescent before you learned to read, period.

      Reading? maybe, comprehending and absorbing?


      After all you were a grunt in Nam? And you are not African American… wow...

      Not smart enough for a college deferment?

      There are two parts to learning in school. not just "reading" but comprehension…

      You produce ample examples of the failure in Alabama public schools..

    9. Another wonderful day of hate with "O"rdure.

      He just does not want to admit to being a European colonialist in Arabia.
      Life in denial. That's what he has, a life in denial.

    10. As for 'Rufus', he is not from "Alabama".

    11. Jack, I am sorry sorry, Mississippi?

      My bad…

    12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    13. Jack HawkinsFri Sep 05, 10:00:00 AM EDT
      Another wonderful day of hate with "O"rdure.

      He just does not want to admit to being a European colonialist in Arabia.
      Life in denial. That's what he has, a life in denial.

      Oh I am an "european" colonist in Ohio… By the blog's standards..


  2. A real supernova, that burning bush. It sounds more like delirium from the heat, especially with the hearing voices part, looking for relief from the sun heat and thirst. oasis in the desert.

    1. Quite perceptive of you Deuce, only simplistic morons ( or 5 year old) read the words of the Jewish Scripture and think that the simplistic read of those words hold the true meaning.

      You are beginning to learn...

    2. Notice the words…

      "When G‑d spoke to Moses at the burning bush"

      The words to not say the "burning bush" spoke.

      "When G‑d spoke to Moses at the burning bush"

      The bush is the location, not the voice box…

      Literal readings often give you quite misleading and irrational explanations

    3. Pedantic scholars, shamans, aluminum siding men and any holy man wearing a robe, a beanie, any form of satin, beading or humble cloth make careers by the use of obfuscation and by ignoring Ockham’s razor.

    4. You can't apply "Ockham's razor" to the written Torah since you are only referring to 1/4 of the contents of the "scripture"

      It's like saying the Reader's Digest version of the "Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire" condensed and streamline is all you need to understand the specifics of a 6 word sentence.

      No Deuce, the uneducated, those who do not KNOW what the Torah actually is should not comment on what they are clueless about.

      Just like rat, proof texting my comments to fit fiction, snipping 80% of the context out of the dialogue to prove a point proves nothing.

      Traditionally Rabbis (teachers) were required to hold full time employment from outside the job of teaching. I approve of this.

      But the lack of understanding by the "other nations" as to WHAT Torah actually is contributes to those misreading, mistranslating and misquoting the jewish scriptures.

    5. the ten commandments is found in the book of the dead which predates the torah by 300 years

      The Comparison below ware but a few of the selected sayings of the entire so-called "Proverbs Of King Solomon" of Israel, however, the entire Psalms "Songs Of King Solomon" including the Torah, are full of direct copies of works written word for word as their African sayings and teachings. Ten Commandments The Comparative Works: Â Moses an Israelite Exodus chapter 20, verses 1-19.

      You are to have no (Akhair), other Eloheem except me.
      You will not make for yourself any (Fehsel), idol at all, of any (Temoonaw), likeness in the (Shawmahyim) skies (Mahal) above or that in the whole planet earth from beneath or in the waters underneath the planet
      You will not (Shawkhaw) prostrate yourself to them nor (Awbad) enslave yourself to them, for I a Yahuwa Eloheek. I am a (Qannaw) jealous (El) one (Fawqad) visiting the (Awwone) iniquity of the (Awb) father upon the (Bane) children up to the (Shillaysh) third and (Ribbayah) fourth generation of them that (Sawnay) hate me.
      You should not take the (Shawme) name of a Yahuwa Eloheek and use it (shaww) falsely for a Yahuwa will not hold him (Nawqaw) guiltless, that takes his (Shame) name and use it (shaww) falsely.

      The 10 commandments are based on chapter 125 in the Egyptian book of the dead (Although Exodus 34 contains ten imperative statements.

      The passages in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5 contain more than ten, totalling fourteen or fifteen in all.

    6. Formulations before Ockham[edit]

      Part of a page from Duns Scotus' book Ordinatio: "Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate", i.e., "Plurality is not to be posited without necessity"
      The origins of what has come to be known as Occam's Razor are traceable to the works of earlier philosophers such as John Duns Scotus (1265–1308), Robert Grosseteste (1175-1253), Maimonides (Moses ben-Maimon, 1138–1204), and even Aristotle (384–322 BC).[14][15] Aristotle writes in his Posterior Analytics, "we may assume the superiority ceteris paribus [all things being equal] of the demonstration which derives from fewer postulates or hypotheses."[16] Ptolemy (c. AD 90 – c. AD 168) stated, "We consider it a good principle to explain the phenomena by the simplest hypothesis possible."[17]

      Deuce, you should investigate and learn about one of my personal favorite Jews.

      Maimonides (Moses ben-Maimon, 1138–1204)

      Also called the Rambam.

      His lesser book, called the "Guide to the Perplexed" is an amazing volume. You should read it.

    7. Even the word "Jewish" is European.

      Modern Judaism, as a religion, it is a Babylonian fraud.

    8. Mosheh ben Maimon (Hebrew: משה בן-מימון‎), or Mūsā ibn Maymūn (Arabic: موسى بن ميمون‎), acronymed RaMBaM (Hebrew: רמב"ם‎ – for "Rabbeinu Mosheh Ben Maimon" – "Our Rabbi/Teacher Moses Son of Maimon"), and Latinized Moses Maimonides (/maɪˈmɒnɪdiːz/ my-mon-i-deez), was a preeminent medieval Spanish, Sephardic Jewish philosopher, astronomer[5] and one of the most prolific and influential Torah scholars and physicians[6][7][8] of the Middle Ages. He was born in Córdoba (present-day Spain), Almoravid Empire on Passover Eve, 1135 or 1138,[9][10][11][12] and died in Egypt on December 12, 1204. Location of his death is possibly Tiberias, where his son and his tomb are set. There are several indications to the originality of the location, and traditions about the occasion of his death in Tiberias.[citation needed] He was a rabbi, physician, and philosopher in Morocco and Egypt.

      Although his writings on Jewish law and ethics were met with acclaim and gratitude from most Jews, even as far off as Iraq and Yemen, and he rose to be the revered head of the Jewish community in Egypt, there were also vociferous critics of some of his writings, particularly in Spain. Nevertheless, he was posthumously acknowledged to be one of the foremost rabbinical arbiters and philosophers in Jewish history, his copious work comprising a cornerstone of Jewish scholarship. His fourteen-volume Mishneh Torah still carries significant canonical authority as a codification of Talmudic law. In the Yeshiva world he is called sometimes "haNesher haGadol" (the great eagle) in recognition of his outstanding status as a bona fide exponent of the Oral Torah.

    9. Maimonides was born in Córdoba during what some scholars consider to be the end of the golden age of Jewish culture in the Iberian Peninsula, after the first centuries of the Moorish rule. At an early age, he developed an interest in sciences and philosophy. He read those Greek philosophers accessible in Arabic translations, and was deeply immersed in the sciences and learning of Islamic culture.[13] Though the Gaonic tradition, especially in its North African version, formed the basis of his legal thought, some scholars have argued recently that Muslim law, including Almohad legal thought, also had a substantial influence.[14] Maimonides was not known as a supporter of mysticism, although a strong intellectual type of mysticism has been discerned in his philosophy.[15] He expressed disapproval of poetry, the best of which he declared to be false, since it was founded on pure invention. This sage, who was revered for his saintly personality as well as for his writings, led a busy life, and wrote many of his works while travelling or in temporary accommodation.[16] Maimonides studied Torah under his father Maimon, who had in turn studied under Rabbi Joseph ibn Migash, a student of Isaac Alfasi.

    10. Following this sojourn in Morocco, together with two sons,[22] he sojourned in the Holy Land, before settling in Fustat, Egypt around 1168. While in Cairo, he studied in Yeshiva attached to a small synagogue (which now bears his name).[23] In the Holy Land, he prayed at the Temple Mount. He wrote that this day of visiting the Temple Mount was a day of holiness for him and his descendants.

    11. Henry David ThoreauFri Sep 05, 10:53:00 AM EDT

      “Never look back unless you are planning to go that way.”


    12. "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

  3. An interesting Jobs Report, this morning. August is the most "revised" month (on average it's revised Up by about 77,000,) so the "employment numbers have to be taken with a small grain of salt, but, as I stated, yesterday, I was most interested in seeing how the "wages" component looked.

    Hourly Wages increased, the last two months, at an approximate 2.9% Annual Rate - not terrible, but not what's needed to claw out of the worst recession since the thirties (and, in some respects, damned near the equal of that decade.)

    1. Time to replace workers with automation and better tools.

      I know the machinery I have acquired this year will require me to pay on employee 20% more but allowing me not to hire the expected 3 others…

      Brave new world…

      An additional 8K device I am looking at will allow me to increase 30 times the production on one segment and not causing me to have to hire any additional workers.


    2. An important metric that is going uncommented-on by the talking heads is

      The move from Part-time to Full-time continued from last month.

      The number of "part-time for economic reasons" fell by 234,000, and

      the number of "part-time for non-economic reasons fell by 136,000

      That's 621,000 that have moved from part-time to full-time in the last two months.

    3. benefits ran out?

      in a recent spate of interview I have had, put out for a new hire I have had 30% tell me the max they could earn was about 900 bucks a month because they did not want to disrupt their SS benefits.

      One gal? 43 years old, told me she has "panic attacks" and that is her disability…


      If that is the case almost everyone here should be getting a government check…

  4. It's getting DICEY in Gaza.

    Hamas interior minister Fathi Hammad disappears amid rumors he is an Israeli spy

    Arabic media are buzzing about the disappearance of Hamas interior minister Fathi Hammad.

    A week ago there were rumors of Hammad being an Israeli "collaborator" and that he had fled to Israel, and Hamas denied those rumors.

    Yet he has not been seen since then, and the rumors are growing stronger.

    The Gaza interior ministry is responsible for all internal security, and most of the police in Gaza are also members of terror groups.

    The current rumor is that the Qassam Brigades are engaging in a purge of the "old guard" of Hamas, having already executed former Hamas spokesman Ayman Taha fr being a spy for Egypt. Supposedly, they have detained Hammad after they arrested a female relative of his, Fahima Hammad. Fathi may have fled to avoid being targeted.

    Hamas' chief bombmaker in the 1990s, Yahya Ayyash ("The Engineer"), was killed by Israel while at the home of another Hammad relative, Osama Hammad, causing more suspicion.

    1. Apparently, Hamas has been very spooked by intelligence leaks, especially the one that led to the bombing of the home where the family of Qassam Brigades head Mohammed Deif were hiding. One rumor says that Hamas political bureau member Imad al-Alami was severely beaten and thrown out a second-story window by fellow Hamas members who suspected him of espionage.

    2. Remember all those "freed" palestinians that were fought for by the Hamas? LOL

      A thousand of them…

      How many are actually working for the Israelis?

      200? 400? 50?


  5. What worries you, masters you.
    John Locke

    1. Hardly.

      What worries me the most right now?

      Doing a 80 mile trek at Philmont next year.

      But that's why I am doing workouts and doing 40 pounds on the back up and down stadium steps.

      It's called being prepared…

    2. So you're a Boy Scout ...

      In recent years, Israel and the Tel Aviv municipality have specifically promoted Israel as a destination for gay male sex tourism. The work of right-wing extremist Islamophobic pornographic filmmaker Michael Lucas has turned Israeli soldiers into an attraction for gay tourists while Omer Gershon — the gay flotilla hoaxer and hasbara activist — has said that tourists find Israeli men “very exotic.”

    3. Those that slander The Boy Scouts of America with disgusting crap speak volumes about the sickness of their own minds.

      I stand with the BSA and I stand with Israel and I stand with American Exceptionalism and historic values and ethics…

      You stand with Hamas, Jihadists, anarchy and chaos.

    4. Break in a pair of shoes well ahead and take a change of socks. Just as important as the legs.

  6. The number of people working part-time for Economic reasons has fallen by 621,000 over the last year.

  7. 2,189,000 people have found jobs over the last 12 months (net.)

    and, another 400,000 (net) have moved from part-time to full-time.


  8. Deuce ☂Fri Sep 05, 08:55:00 AM EDT

    A real supernova, that burning bush. It sounds more like delirium from the heat, especially with the hearing voices part, looking for relief from the sun heat and thirst. oasis in the desert.


    I am at a loss for words to say how stupid this is......and this -

    Deuce ☂Fri Sep 05, 09:54:00 AM EDT

    Pedantic scholars, shamans, aluminum siding men and any holy man wearing a robe, a beanie, any form of satin, beading or humble cloth make careers by the use of obfuscation and by ignoring Ockham’s razor.


    Though "aluminum siding men" is excellent and made me immediately think of Quart and the only honest job the man ever held.

    1. The burning bush episode is an example of a Theophany -

      Few are found in the Jewish Bible though examples abound in world literature.

      It is a type of the rise of consciousness found in the monomyth.

      It is a representation of something real, and has nothing to do with aluminum siding men wearing beanies.

      People who think in such a manner are aptly termed 'illiterates'.

    2. We will do a post on some practitioners of Theophany over the centuries. They are a universal human pestilence that have hardly changed a whit or a whistle.

    3. ...”rise of consciousness”, what an interesting subjective phrase, before madness or after madness?

    4. Life without any moral code of boundaries creates an interesting vicious society...

    5. Life with a moral code, that is not equally applied, has created a vicious society.
      Well illustrated in the story of modern monotheism.

    6. Indeed, a moral code can often be the chief justification of immorality.

      As illustrated by the Zionists, in Palestine.

    7. You should talk, desert rat.

      You didn't even contribute to the upbringing of your child.

      The Koran is a 'moral code' par excellence, though a perverted upside down one. Look at the suffering it has and continues to cause.

      It is quoted by your pals the Palestinians.

      This stuff is not for children like yourself.

    8. Bob,

      Most of these folk do not realize they are reading the Christian version. Jews do not believe half the childish nonsense for which Christian "fathers" blame them. We were never that stupid...original sin (Right)...predestination and double predestination (Right) birth (Right) ... You could write a book. Why, now that I think about it, Calvin did (20,000 plus pages)...divine incest (Right)...cannibalism (Right)...morons who blame others for the failure of their stupidity. Nietzsche had them pegged.

  9. I never thought Joan Rivers was all that funny, myself.

    Though she seems to have been a wonderful lady.

  10. Annals of the Former World by John McPhee will give a clearer picture than the torah.

    1. You are simply missing a good part of the Torah.

      You are reading on the popular level.

      Consider again the artfully concealed ages of the Patriarchs and how they correspond to the cycles of the stars as in Mesopotamia.

      Both fate and freedom are affirmed in the Jewish Bible, a fact that astounded and awed Joseph Campbell when he first discovered it.

      "By what transcendent genius this was accomplished I cannot say" is close to how he described his feelings.

    2. Only fate is affirmed in the Koran.

      Allah willing......

      There is no struggling with God there......

  11. The fact that the summit of Mount Everest is marine limestone is far more interesting and telling to me than the nonsense that comes out of the mythology of those silly buggers crossing waters or deserts whether they were sane or not.

    1. the ideals presented by both are not mutually exclusive.

  12. Replies
    1. Deuce ☂Fri Sep 05, 10:50:00 AM EDT

      The fact that the summit of Mount Everest is marine limestone is far more interesting and telling to me than the nonsense that comes out of the mythology of those silly buggers crossing waters or deserts whether they were sane or not.


      Consider the hidden ages of the Patriarchs in the Bible and how they correspond to the numerology of the star watchers and you will widen your horizon, far past that of the age of the limestone on the top of Everest.

      You will be bumping up against even Hindu time spans, of which there are no ends at all.....

    2. The Badlands of the Dakotas are interesting. Filled with ancient remains from an old sea bed.

      Everyone should visit there once. It is quite different from what I expected.

    3. When you get around to your Theophany post, you might mention Walt Whitman and Theodore Roethke, among others.

      You might even mention dreams which hath no bottom to them.....

      Or the saying attributed to Jesus that the kingdom of heaven is laid out upon the earth but most people don't see it.

      Which seems to have pissed him off considerably, being impatient as he was.

  13. Decapitated, with signs of torture and narco message, the body of Joel Miranda Salgado, brother of PRD federal deputy Marino Miranda was found, in the municipality of Teloloapa.

    The Attorney General of Guerrero confirmed the killing of Joel Miranda Salgado, who was beheaded.. The deceased was the brother of PRD Federal Deputy Marino Miranda Salgado.

    The PGJE confirmed that around 10 am, the police received a report that in the interior of the supply store Diana, located in Colonia Vicente Guerrero, was found the decapitated body.

    Local, State and Mexican Army elements arrived at the site of the discovery.

  14. In fact, all the Islamic State is, is little more than a re-branding of Al Qaeda – with many other Western-backed “legacy” Al Qaeda affiliates still fighting along side ISIS. While propaganda attempts to portray ISIS as mortal enemies of the West, every battle ISIS fights are battles the West has openly desired but has consistently failed to justify fighting. Western propaganda has also categorically failed to account for how a regional military force could appear, challenging both the national army of Iraq and the Syrian Arab Army, without significant state-sponsorship.

    1. ISIS = al-Qaeda = Hamas = MB = Islamic Jihad = Hezbollah = Boko Haram = etc etc etc

      All kissing cousins....

    2. Bob,

      You are a low information guy. You should do some reading and see if you can figure out if there is a difference between Sunni and Shia and then review your equation posted above.

      The equivalence is simply the one you project.

    3. I am aware, dear Sir and Noble Ash, of the difference between the Shia and the Sunni, and how they hate each others guts.

      However, they all, all these groups, are guided by the violent passages in the Koran.

      That is what the above equation is meant to indicate, my young and beloved 'Nephew'.

    4. What do you base your assertion that they are guided by the violent passages in the Koran on?

      Let me guess - your gut feeling.

    5. They would all, each and every one, be happy to exterminate a silly liberal infidel like yourself.

    6. In the case of Hamas, their own Charter. In the case of the others their charters and their public statements.

      Not to mention their behavior.

      Ash, please, you are making a fool of yourself and embarrassing the man that is trying to assist you. My teaching ain't 'took' yet, and the fault may well be attributed to teach.

    7. .

      I think you are onto something there, Obumble. In this case, the 'teach' is definitely uninformed and deficient.

      A common definition of terrorism is the systematic use or threatened use of violence to intimidate a population or government and thereby effect political, religious, or ideological change.

      Terrorism's defining quality is the use of violence to intimidate. While it's definition above stresses its purpose is to effect change, it is really merely a tactic used by the weak against the strong in an effort to shift the balance of power.

      Obumble' view that Islamist terrorism stems from the Koran is simplistic. While terrorist may use religion (or ideology, nationalism, politics, etc.) as an excuse, or justification, or recruiting tool, ultimately what they are looking for is power. We see this by the wide range of terrorist organizations throughout history.

      ISIS = al-Qaeda = Hamas = MB = Islamic Jihad = Hezbollah = Boko Haram = etc etc etc

      The etc etc etc of course includes going back to the Zealots of Judea in the 1st Century AD and to the Assassins in the 13th century before more recent iterations like the IRA, Shining Path, the KKK, the Christian Front, Black Liberation Army, Phineas Army, Animal Liberation Front, Army of God, Earth Liberation Front, al Nusra, the Tamil Tigers, al Shabaab, the Communist Party of India, Communist Party of the Philippines, Communist Party of Turkey, and dozens of others including Irgun, Lehi, the JDL and various Kurdish parties like the PKK.

      However, they all, all these groups, are guided by the violent passages in the Koran.

      Violent passages?

      If only T were here, I'm sure she could come up with a surfeit of examples from Jewish and Christians texts through the centuries that carry what could be called 'violent passages' against the 'other'. I seem to recall reading recently that Hindu and even some Buddhist texts carry some rather radical thoughts with regard to the 'other'.

      There is no excuse whatsoever for terrorism because of its effect on innocents. It is a zero-sum, win-lose game. Because of that, we should understand the motivation that propels it. IMO, a distorted view of religion may motivate a certain number of ISIS members but the primary reason people are joining ISIS right now is the fact that it is successful and offers an opportunity for them to share in that success. It offers them a opportunity to gain power they don't currently possess.


    8. "A common definition of terrorism is the systematic use or threatened use of violence to intimidate a population or government and thereby effect political, religious, or ideological change."

      When I see a terrorism definition like that it brings to mind the initial Bush II attack on Iraq ironically named "Shock and Awe". Gee, only the other commits terrorism...

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. .

      The German bombardment of London during WWII provided its own 'shock and awe'. And some have argued that the Allied Strategic Bombing during WW II may have actually contributed to the growth of terrorism in the latter part of the 20th century by providing and example and an excuse for the terrorist's actions. If the winners could use these tactics why not the losers.

      The goal of the bombing campaign was twofold: to destroy the enemies ability to continue to fight by destroying his productive capacity, and to break the morale of the enemy population and cause them to want peace.

      As Allied troops fought their way into Germany in 1944-45, the advancing troops were followed closely by members of a very special group, the Strategic Bombing Survey. Their mission was to assess the effectiveness of the bombing campaign in achieving the two goals. Eminent historian Arthur Schlesinger was a member of the Strategic Bombing Survey. The report the Survey filed was startling. The Survey concluded that the bombing achieved neither of its goals. Though horrific destruction of factories, railroads, bridges, and cities in general was very widespread, German war production was actually rising right up until the end. And though some individual Germans became discouraged and disillusioned, the general morale of the German population never broke.


  15. Jack Matlock, U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union from 1987 to 1991, says that the U.S. and NATO are to blame for the Ukraine crisis:

    The fact is they are going to intervene until they are certain that there is no prospect of Ukraine becoming a member of NATO. And all of the threats by NATO and so on to sort of increase defenses elsewhere is simply provocative to the Russians. Now, I’m not saying that’s right, but I am saying that’s the way Russia is going to react. And frankly, this is all predictable.

    And those of us who helped negotiate the end of the Cold War almost unanimously said in the 1990s,

    “Do not expand NATO eastward. Find a different way to protect eastern Europe, a way that includes Russia. Otherwise, eventually there’s going to be a confrontation, because there is a red line, as far as any Russian government is concerned, when it comes to Ukraine and Georgia and other former republics of the Soviet Union.”

  16. Well, lookee here,

    Premiums Set to Decline Slightly for Benchmark ACA Marketplace Insurance Plans in 2015

    Analysis of 15 States and D.C. Also Finds Changes Vary Across States and Insurers

    Results Suggest Consumers Should Shop Carefully When Open Enrollment Begins November 15

    MENLO PARK, Calif. – An early look at the cost of health insurance in 16 major cities finds that average premiums for the benchmark silver plan – the one upon which federal financial help under the Affordable Care Act to consumers is based – will decrease slightly in 2015. The new study from the Kaiser Family Foundation analyzes premiums in the largest cities in 15 states and the District of Columbia where information from rate filings is available.

    Premiums for the second-lowest cost silver plan for individuals will fall by an average of 0.8 percent from current levels in these cities when open enrollment begins on Nov. 15, according to the study. The analysis finds that the premium for the second-lowest-cost silver plan is decreasing in 7 of the 16 areas studied – but also that changes in average premiums will vary considerably across areas. They range from a decline of 15.6 percent in Denver, Colorado (to $211 per month), to an increase of 8.7 percent in Nashville, Tennessee (to $205 per month). In both cases premiums are for a 40-year-old nonsmoker, before taking into account any tax credit. It is important to note that rate changes may be different in different rating areas in these states.

    “There is variation, but so far, premium increases in year two of the Affordable Care Act are generally modest,” said Drew Altman, Kaiser’s President and CEO. “Double digit premium increases in this market were not uncommon in the past,” Altman added.

  17. RECORD 92,269,000 AMERICANS NOT WORKING ................drudge

    Some recovery.

  18. At least two insurers will offer coverage through the marketplaces in the major city in each of the 15 states studied and D.C. Most areas will have five or more insurers, and three will have 10 or more. The study finds that insurer participation generally held stable or increased in all of the cities, with the exception of Portland, Oregon, where the number of participating insurers decreased from 10 to 8.

    Modest changes in premiums would be a boon for the federal budget, but for consumers the picture is more complex

    The second-lowest-cost silver plan in each state is closely watched because it is the benchmark that helps determine how much assistance eligible individuals (those with incomes from 100 percent to 400 percent of the poverty level) can receive in the form of federal tax credits to help them buy coverage.

    If early trends hold and average premiums for the benchmark silver plans decline across the country, the federal government could end up paying out less than expected in tax credit subsidies overall for 2015. Lower benchmark silver plan premiums would mean savings for taxpayers.

    For Marketplace consumers, however, the implications are more complicated. On the one hand, the availability of tax credits can cushion eligible individuals from having to pay more even in areas where premiums will rise. The analysis finds, for example, that in nearly all of the 16 areas studied, a single 40-year-old with income of $30,000 a year would pay . . . . .

    Damn that Socialist, Obama

  19. Will Fact Ever Displace Anti-Israel Fiction?

    by Denis MacEoin • September 5, 2014 at 5:00 am

    Anti-Israel propaganda has been driven from the start by lies distortions and a massive rewriting of history. Blame for everything is piled on the Jews, while the crimes of the Arabs, including the Palestinians, are exonerated.

    The American Vice-Consul, along with British officers and the British High Commissioner, Sir Alan Cunningham, stated at the time that the Arabs were encouraging flight while the Jews were doing all in their power to prevent it.

    The Hagana's behavior was the exact opposite of "ethnic cleansing." Once order was restored, Arabs were appointed to key posts and part of the supplies originally earmarked for the Jewish inhabitants were given freely to the Arabs.

    Jewish fighters during the Battle of Haifa. (Image source: Wikimedia Commons)

    Just now I'm feeling a bit ashamed of being Irish. Although our music, dance, and Nobel-prize winning literature have helped us punch above our weight in the ring of international culture, our politics has never been a model for anyone -- and it is getting worse.

    Back in 2011, for instance, Israel's Foreign Ministry stated that Ireland had undoubtedly become the most hostile country to Israel in the European Union, "pushing all of Europe's countries to a radical and uncompromising approach."..........


  20. Ezra Klein directs us to the latest from the Kaiser Family Foundation, which asks what the average Obamacare 2015 premium increase will be for those places for which we have full information — and finds that premiums will actually decline slightly. Ezra tries to get us to appreciate just how good the Obamacare news has been with a thought experiment:

    Imagine taking a time machine back to 2010 and telling Republicans in Congress, who were arguing that the CBO was wildly underestimating Obamacare’s cost, that the law would be cheaper than predicted and, at least in the states that accepted its Medicaid dollars, cover more people than the Congressional Budget Office thought. After the laughing and mocking and the calling of security, let’s say you offered this prediction in the form a of a bet. What odds do you think Obamacare’s critics would have offered? 2:1? 5:1? 10:1?

    But you don’t have to go back to 2010. Look at John Cochrane in late 2013, taking it for granted that Obamacare would implode in a death spiral within a few months. Look at The Hill just four months ago, telling us that double-digit premium hikes were coming.

    One question we might ask here is, why is the news so good? The answer, I’d suggest — although I hope the real experts will weigh in — is that we’re actually seeing the opposite of a death spiral; call it a life spiral. For one thing, the huge surge in enrollments late in the day meant that the risk pool this year is better than insurers expected, and they now expect 2015 to be better still. Also, importantly, big enrollments mean that more insurers are entering the market, increasing competition. And, of course, the better the deal the more people will sign up: success feeds success.

    Another question we might ask: Is our conservatives learning? Are those who bought into the death spiral stories, who seized on every hint of bad news, asking themselves how they got it so wrong? Are they, maybe, considering the possibility that they’re listening to the wrong people, that maybe Jon Gruber knows what he’s talking about and John Goodman is a hack?


    Paul Krugman

    1. Black Unemployment Hits 11.4%................drudge

      And that figure is lower than the reality.

      Obama has done zero good for the nation's blacks, and race relations are worse because of SuperZero and his racist attorney general Holder.

  21. Just turned on Fox. Some single engine fancy private aircraft seems to have been diverted on a flight to Florida. It seems it is now over Cuba.

    It is hard to tell what is going on here......

    1. F-15's have reported the cockpit windows are iced over......


    Do not forget the Mighty Vandals play Louisiana- Monroe tomorrow at Monroe at 4pm Pacific Time.

    The Vandals are back from a successful road trip, undefeated by mighty Florida.

    And they are getting paid too, even though the game was cancelled due to rain and lightning.

    The Florida game is not going to be rescheduled.

  23. Paul Krugman: The Deflation Caucus

    Why is there so much fear of inflation, particularly on the political right?:

    The Deflation Caucus, by Paul Krugman, Commentary, NY Times: On Thursday, the European Central Bank announced a series of new steps it was taking in an effort to boost Europe’s economy. ... But its epiphany may have come too late. It’s far from clear that the measures now on the table will be strong enough to reverse the downward spiral.

    And there but for the grace of Bernanke go we. Things ... are far from O.K., but we seem ... to have steered clear of the kind of trap facing Europe. Why? One answer is that the Federal Reserve started doing the right thing years ago, buying trillions of dollars’ worth of bonds in order to avoid the situation its European counterpart now faces.

    You can argue ... the Fed should have done even more. But Fed officials have faced fierce attacks... Pundits, politicians and plutocrats have accused them, over and over again, of “debasing” the dollar, and warned that soaring inflation is just around the corner..., but despite being wrong year after year, hardly any of the critics have admitted being wrong, or even changed their tune. And the question I’ve been trying to answer is why. What ... makes a powerful faction in our body politic — ...the deflation caucus — demand tight money even in a depressed, low-inflation economy? ...

    One answer is ... truthiness — Stephen Colbert’s justly famed term for things that aren’t true, but feel true to some people. “The Fed is printing money, printing money leads to inflation, and inflation is always a bad thing” is a triply untrue statement, but it feels true to a lot of people. ...

    Another answer is class interest. Inflation helps debtors and hurts creditors, deflation does the reverse. And the wealthy are much more likely than workers and the poor to be creditors... So perceived class interest is probably also a key motivation for the deflation caucus. ...

    And the important thing to understand is that the dominance of creditor interests on both sides of the Atlantic, supported by false but viscerally appealing economic doctrines, has had tragic consequences. Our economies have been dragged down by the woes of debtors, who have been forced to slash spending. To avoid a deep, prolonged slump, we needed policies to offset this drag. What we got instead was an obsession with the evils of budget deficits and paranoia over inflation — and a slump that has gone on and

    Economist View

  24. Healthcare Spending projected to be $529B LOWER in 2019 than pre-ACA estimates

    Submitted by Charles Gaba on Wednesday, September 3, 2014 - 10:53pm.


    Talking Points Memo, 09/03/14: The Historic Obamacare News In The Latest Health Care Spending Report

    Larry Levitt of the Kaiser Family Foundation tweets:

    CMS actuaries are now projecting that health spending will be $529 billion lower in 2019 than they thought four years ago.

    — Larry Levitt (@larry_levitt) September 3, 2014

    I'm pretty sure this is related to this story:

    In a historical aberration, out-of-pocket spending on health care is expected to decrease in 2014, according to a new report from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, because of expanded insurance coverage under Obamacare.

    CMS actuaries, writing in Health Affairs, projected that Americans' out-of-pocket spending would decrease by 0.2 percent. While that's a small drop, it's a big change from the historical trend of steadily increasing out-of-pocket spending. Out-of-pocket spending increased by 3.2 percent in 2013. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation's Larry Levitt, such spending has only decreased in 1967 (Medicare and Medicaid took effect) and in 1994 and 2009 under slowing economies.

    The cause this year is Obamacare.

    CMS said the decline would occur "largely because of expanded insurance coverage through Medicaid and the (insurance) Marketplaces." They also credited the cost-sharing subsidies available to Obamacare enrollees below 250 percent of the federal poverty level.

    ACA Signups

  25. CNN) -- Kurdish forces backed by U.S. air cover made gains Friday against ISIS fighters in Iraq's Mosul province as NATO leaders concluded a summit in Wales, pledging to help defeat the radical Islamic forces.

    The Kurdish fighters, known as the Peshmerga, retook several villages seized this summer in ISIS' lightning assault in Iraq as well as high ground overlooking plains on the approach to Mosul, CNN's Anna Coren reported.

    "It is a duty of everybody who loves democracy and freedom and human rights to struggle against the terrorists," said Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Rowsch Shaways, a Kurd.

    U.S. forces conducted four airstrikes Friday around Mosul Dam and in Irbil, destroying an observation post, several vehicles and three mortar positions, U.S. Central Command said.

  26. NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said alliance members "stand ready to assist Iraq" in its fight against ISIS, but neither he nor British Prime Minister David Cameron suggested there are immediate plans to send combat troops.

    "For Britain's part we don't rule anything out. We'll act on our national interest," Cameron said in response to a reporter's question about committing troops. "I think in terms of the sort of decisions you're talking about, we're not at that stage yet, and I think it's very important that what we do is part of a comprehensive plan."

    In addition to conducting some 131 airstrikes against ISIS targets in the last several weeks, the United States has sent military advisers to Iraq to help with strategies to combat ISIS.

    Canada -- a NATO member -- said Friday it also will send "several dozen" troops to Iraq to help advise that country's government on fighting ISIS, Prime Minister Stephen Harper's office said.

    Bros from different hos

  27. how many wars have you fought against moslems?

    start with the barbary pirates and count forward...

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Is President Zero brain damaged?

    Probably -

    >>>The Choom Gang Legacy

    President Obama has never denied his drug use in his teenage and young adult years. In Dreams From My Father, he writes of how he reached a point where “I had learned not to care. … Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. … Junkie. Pothead. That’s where I’d been headed.” (p. 93). For his 2012 biography of Obama, David Maraniss went to Hawaii and interviewed many of Obama’s high school friends. He reports that Obama’s social group was centered around marijuana. They called themselves the Choom Gang after a slang term for pot. And they were very serious about it. One inhaled deeply and held the smoke in as long as possible, and young Barry Soetoro (as he was known then) even pioneered the inhalation of leftover smoke that had gathered on the ceiling of the VW bus they called the Choomwagon (pp. 293-294).

    Because Obama has admitted his youthful drug use and criticizes it now, the media has always given him a pass on the matter. However, biology does not follow press releases. Modern research has shown that the human brain undergoes extensive and critical development during the teenage years through the early 20s. Neurons are massively pared and rearranged. The process manifests in well-known behavioral patterns, which is why twelve year-olds can often seem more rational than sixteen year-olds.

    Researchers have also found that the primary psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, can seriously interfere with this neural development. A 2013 survey of 55 research studies on the psychological and neurological impact of marijuana use on teenagers concluded that “regular marijuana use during adolescence may lead to structural changes … associated with poorer cognitive functioning, especially … executive functioning, emotional control, and learning and memory.” One long-term study of a thousand New Zealanders who used marijuana during adolescence found that these effects persisted into adulthood decades later.

    The most interesting of these harms is to “executive functioning.” This is a related “set of processes that all have to do with managing oneself and one's resources in order to achieve a goal...........<<<

    Barack Obama stands apart from other modern American Presidents in many ways. In addition to the obvious bi-racial background, he is the only President to win the Nobel Peace Prize in his first term, and the only one ever designated Advertising Age’s Marketer of the Year. Beyond such specific achievements is his ineffable appeal, the widespread view that he is the coolest President ever. This supernal coolness is not new. In his autobiography, Dreams From My Father, the President wrote that in his teenage years “I tried my best to be cool at all times” (p. 82). However, leaving aside the contradiction inherent in trying to be cool, it is possible that Barack Obama’s teenage experiences may have left him psychologically, and perhaps even neurologically, incapable of performing fundamental tasks of his current position.

    out for fishing

    Cheers !

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    This is why we find you laughable.

    1. This is why we keep hundreds of nuclear weapons at the ready. Yes, there are only about 7,000,000 of us in Israel, but damn thermonuclear devices exponentially change the odds.

      You should give your trinity thanks everyday that I am not prime minister. Putin would look like a pussy. You also should pray that someone like me never becomes prime minister. Time is not on your side.

      Once upon a time we cost the Romans dearly. Now, you will be reading by candle light, assuming any of you know how to make candles.

      Think carefully...Never Again...

    2. You were fools to ask the Romans to come over and get involved in your kingly disputes in the first place.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. .

      Once upon a time we cost the Romans dearly.


      Delusions of grandeur?

      Reading another chapter from WiO and Allen's Alternative History of the Universe again?

      Naw, just sounds like ol' Al has been hitting the sauce again.

      I might feel kind of apprehensive, hell, I mean you just turn on the computer and you are threatened with nuclear annihilation. Damn, you have to admit that would shake anyone up. But then almost immediately it occurs to me that Israel isn't about to attack Uncle Sugar Daddy. Heck, where would they get the ammo for their next assault on Gaza?


    5. It only demonstrates how the Zionists have devolved into a religious cult of paranoid psychopaths and sociopathic killers. In Allen’s thermonuclear ode, he suggests that the Gaza atrocity is merely foreshadowing for the nuclear wet dream that Allen so salaciously fantasizes over. All the great killers in history did their murdering with full endorsement of their portable, inflatable and loving but ever-ready to be vengeful gods. The god of the Jews is an especially mean prick.

      Including along with Allen’s mandatory and standard-issue loathing for the Christian enablers of his nuclear extermination and final solution fantasies, scattered with his spittle, he warns us that it will no longer be only the Black Rock that gets nuked, it will be all of us burned and wasted, reduced to gleaning the rubble for material to make candles as our most indispensable ally, Israel will have justly destroyed all of US infrastructure, our cities burned and melted out like the last candle of a Hanukkah Menorah.

      The Zionists must be adding up the costs of the Gaza slaughter and are adding it to our annual shakedown invoice.

    6. allenSat Sep 06, 12:50:00 AM EDT
      This is why we keep hundreds of nuclear weapons at the ready. Yes, there are only about 7,000,000 of us in Israel, but damn thermonuclear devices exponentially change the odds.

      You should give your trinity thanks everyday that I am not prime minister. Putin would look like a pussy. You also should pray that someone like me never becomes prime minister. Time is not on your side.

      Once upon a time we cost the Romans dearly. Now, you will be reading by candle light, assuming any of you know how to make candles.

      Think carefully...Never Again...


    7. ...all you trinity mother fuckers.

    8. Allen is always full of his Judaic fervor after Midnight on Fridays when he returns from shul has a few belts in him.

    9. .

      Heck, when on the sauce, everyone says things they wouldn't normally say. The mask drops a little. However, these are the same things we have seen said here before by Allen. It is only an aberration if isolated from his past posts.

      The bigotry, the defensiveness, the over-compensation, the threats, the ingratitude, we have seen it here before. The "we" and the "us" versus the "you" in his post shows where first loyalties lie.

      It is the definition of a 'bad drunk'.


  31. Fareed Zakaria is involved in yet another plagiarism scandal.

    When reading Fareed you may be reading someone else entirely.

    He should be banned from his 'profession'.

  32. .

    Presidential Job Approval

    • Rasmussen: 47% Approve - 51% Disapprove
    • Gallup: 38% Approve - 54% Disapprove
    • RCP Average: 41.7% Approve - 52.7% Disapprove

    Out of the numerous polls results listed by RCP at the link above, only two, Rasmussin and Bloomberg, show Obama's job approval rating in the high 40's while all the rest cluster closely around the RCP average of 41.7%.


    1. Quirk, tell us, again ...

      What office is Obama running for?

    2. .

      Geez, rat, you been licking the toads again? You should know he can only serve two terms.

      I could give a shit about Obama's popularity. What I found interesting was that of all the polling firms that were listed by RCP there were two that were outliers (by quite a margin) and one of them is often quoted here. Either these two are very good or they are very bad.


    3. His best two numbers are from the only two "Likely Voters" polls.


    4. Rat is a figment of your imaginationSat Sep 06, 11:00:00 AM EDT

      Rasmussen was categorized as "Very Good" back in the day ...

      But then he uses methods that differ from the others. I forget exactly how they differ.
      The other firm, I am not at ll familiar with.

  33. .

    The world is well aware of Russia’s oil and natural gas production, and the deep dependency many European nations have on Russian energy supply. But arguably Russian non-ferrous metals will be much more difficult to replace in supply chains of major manufacturers. Despite years of underinvestment and collapse of most R&D financing, last year Russia was the world's largest producer of chromium, nickel and palladium, and has the most iron ore reserves. It is the second largest producer of aluminum, platinum and zirconium. Russia also mines a significant amount of cobalt, copper, gold, manganese, niobium, REE, silver, titanium and vanadium.

    According to the School of Russian and Asian Studies, Russia also produces 41 percent of the world's palladium (used in everything from catalytic converters to electronics to dental equipment), 8 percent of the world's cobalt (essential in the construction of space craft and turbine engines).

    In the IMF’s August 2014 commodity price report, the signals are worrisome. Copper was up 3 percent in the last month, and palladium has skyrocketed 277 percent since 2009.

    What would happen if Putin countered Western energy sector sanctions with resource export restrictions of his own? Nickel offers the most worrisome scenario. With Indonesia putting in place an export ban, nickel prices are up 35 percent since the beginning of 2014; even before Indonesia’s action, Russian nickel exports amounted to 23 percent of world consumption. A sanction on Russian nickel exports would eventually end up with customers paying more money for all stainless products.

    All of which is a reminder for markets and policy-makers of the indirect consequences of sanctions escalation. Even small disruptions to the fragile EU economy – which is after all a $5 trillion trade partner with the U.S. - can cascade into big problems. Given the West’s low level of reserves of many of the metals supplied by Russia, this should be an area of strategic concern. Recent instances of export restrictions by China and Indonesia, who are both much more dependent on global markets than Russia, indicate how easy it is for governments to disrupt global commodity markets.


  34. Did you miss this?

    What is "Occupation"Fri Sep 05, 08:52:00 PM EDT

    "how many wars have you fought against moslems?

    start with the barbary pirates and count forward.."

    It must have been a hell of a party..

    1. Time is not on your side...motherfucker :)

    2. Time is totally on our side...

      We are thousands of years older than you... and your moslem charity cases.

    3. Your god, leaders and politicians did a real cracker-job for you on the last thousand and now you have Netanyahu, Likud and the results oriented Israeli public relations department plus the bush arsonist whose middle initial must not be mentioned all on deck for the next grand. What could possibly go wring?

  35. An Illegal Arab Settlement in the West Bank?

    September 5, 2014 by Moshe Phillips and Benyamin Korn 13 Comments

    The authors are members of the board of the Religious Zionists of America.

    Another illegal settlement has arisen in the Judea-Samaria (West Bank) territories, the New York Times reports. Surely there will soon be an expression of “deep concern” from the Obama administration, a furious resolution from the United Nations Security Council, and a letter from twelve angry congressmen mobilized by J Street.

    Oh, wait. It’s not a Jewish settlement — it’s an Arab settlement. Cancel the outrage!

    A feature article in the New York Times on August 31 reports that the Palestinian Authority is building a new settlement called Rawabi. The first 600 apartments are already complete, out of a projected 6,000 units that will house an estimated 40,000 people.

    While Jewish communities in the same area, with even larger populations, are called “settlements” by the Times and the rest of the world news media, Rawabi is for some reason characterized as a “town” and a “city.”

    Why is one man’s community called a “settlement” and another’s a “town” ?

    Because a “settlement” sounds like a foreign implant — something that has no business being there. A “town” sounds normal and natural. Supporters of the Palestinian cause — whether in the news media, the State Department, or misnamed “peace” groups — want to award Judea and Samaria to the Palestinian Arabs. They want everyone to recognize those territories to be “Palestinian.”

    The problem they face is that there are three significant obstacles to calling the territories “Palestinian”: international law, history, and a text of religious history called the Bible.

    According to international law, Jews have at least as much right as Arabs to build towns in Judea and Samaria. All of the documents related to the governing of those territories throughout the past century — the Balfour Declaration, the League of Nations Mandate, and so on–specifically endorse the right of Jews to build there. The territories have never been part of a “Palestinian” state which made them legally off-limits to Jews.

    And according to the historical record, Judea and Samaria belong to the Jews. That’s why they have been called “Judea and Samaria” since ancient times. The Jews had a sovereign state there for nearly a thousand years, then maintained a continuous presence for the past 3,000 years. Arab roots in the area are remarkably shallow: the vast majority of the Arab residents are the children or grandchildren of migrants from Arab countries who immigrated when the Jews began developing the land in the 1920s and 1930s. The local Arabs traditionally called themselves “southern Syrians” and never claimed any separate “Palestinian” identity until they began using it as a propaganda weapon against Israel in the 1960s.

    Tens of millions of Bible believing Christians in America, and many more around the world, join millions of Jews in acknowledging that the Bible repeatedly and unambiguously refers to Judea and Samaria as the heart of the Jewish national homeland. As birth certificates go, that’s pretty strong.

    That’s a lot for proponents of the Palestinian cause to overcome. Some of them have used terrorism to try to intimidate Israel into withdrawing. Some have used threats of boycotts and international isolation to frighten the Israeli public and its Diaspora supporters.

    And some use the weapon of language to subtly wage war, wielding labels and slogans and assumptions as rhetorical swords to slash their opponents. Exhibit A: The illegal settlement of Rawabi.


    1. And some use the weapon of language to subtly wage war, wielding labels and slogans and assumptions as rhetorical swords to slash their opponents.


      It’s ironic that the authors would use these words to describe the Palestinians after what they had just posted.

      The problem they face is that there are three significant obstacles to calling the territories “Palestinian”: international law, history, and a text of religious history called the Bible.

      I've seen over the past week or so that all members of the Lobby have been drawing the same deceptive conclusions from their stated 'facts'. It appears they have all received the latest talking points memo. And when these misrepresentations are printed in the American Thinker or the ‘Myth and Facts’ area of the Jewish Virtual Libray, or spoken by John Hagee at the Christians United for Israel Conference , no doubt they find many credulous dupes who accept them without reservation.

      Obviously, the author’s references to the ‘historical’ record and to the Bible are meaningless and superfluous to the actual debate. Anyone who can pull up a timeline of the history of Palestine in Wiki would see the ‘historical’ record was misrepresented and only a religious nut job would offer the Bible up as a legal document.

      According to international law, Jews have at least as much right as Arabs to build towns in Judea and Samaria. All of the documents related to the governing of those territories throughout the past century — the Balfour Declaration, the League of Nations Mandate, and so on–specifically endorse the right of Jews to build there. The territories have never been part of a “Palestinian” state which made them legally off-limits to Jews.

      On this point, the right of Jews to build and live in ‘all’ of Palestine, the authors are correct at least up to a point. However, in their conclusions the authors don't outright lie, they merely mislead. If we use the same documents they cite and the original meanings and intent, then we would have to conclude that the Palestinians also have the right to settle and to build in all parts of Palestine including what is now Israel proper, a fact the authors ignore.

      All of the documents related to the governing of those territories throughout the past century — the Balfour Declaration, the League of Nations Mandate, and so on–specifically endorse the right of Jews to build there. The territories have never been part of a “Palestinian” state which made them legally off-limits to Jews.

      This statement is true but only if you go by the original intent of the documents mentioned not the reality of that evolved under the UN. The Balfour Declaration and the original Mandate did not envision a Palestinian state. They also did not envision an Israeli state.

      What was envisioned starting in 1920, was that the area at the time called southern Syria would be divided into two administrative districts under British rule, Transjordan and Palestine, each of which would at the end of the mandate hopefully become self-governing. Transjordan was set up as a semi-autonomous entity under Hashemite sovereignty while Palestine was under direct rule of the British.


    2. .

      The Balfour Declaration reads

      His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.[1]

      The Balfour Declaration is not a legal document per se. In it the British government merely promises to work towards the establishment of a Jewish ‘homeland’ in Palestine. Of course, the British had also promised the same land to the Arabs at different times. However, the Mandate for Palestine did incorporate the principles of the Balfour Declaration into their originating document.

      The mandate was a legal and administrative instrument, not a geographical territory.[26] The territorial jurisdiction of the mandate was subject to change by treaty, capitulation, grant, usage, sufferance or other lawful means. The document was based on the principles contained in Article 22 of the draft Covenant of the League of Nations and the San Remo Resolution of 25 April 1920 by the principal Allied and associated powers after the First World War.[1] The mandate formalised British rule in the southern part of Ottoman Syria from 1923–1948.

      In 1923, the Mandate intended that a Jewish ‘homeland’ be set up in Palestine, not a Jewish ‘state’. It was intended that Jews and Palestinians share the district of Palestine (though most expected some de facto separation of the two people). Therefore, though Jews were free to own land anywhere in Palestine the Palestinians were likewise able to own land anywhere in Palestine.

      It was only after WW II, under the UN that nationalistic aims were recognized and plans for establishing separate ‘states’ were discussed.


    3. .

      note: in the first post it should have been Transjordan set up under Hashemite suzerainty rather than Hashemite sovereignty.


  36. Any reasonable government would round up all Christian/Jewish/Muslim texts, and burn them; and, shoot anyone that objected.

    There will never be peace on this planet as long as these crazy people are allowed to propagate this hateful, and vile nonsense.

    1. All Cherokee shamans should be shot too.

    2. Did you forget your waders and didn’t notice till your feet got cold and you noticed you still had your slippers on?

    3. I think they already have been. :)

      The rest became blackjack dealers.

    4. .

      Obumble fishes commando. A little cold water wouldn't bother him.


  37. Speaking of which, our aerospace team is all in a tither over this:

    An airman stationed at Creech Air Force Base in Indian Springs, Nevada, was prohibited from reenlisting in the U.S. military last month for omitting the words “so help me God” from a service oath he was required to recite, and for refusing to sign the oath containing the same words on his enlistment form, according to the American Humanist Association (AHA).

    In a letter of complaint sent to the Air Force’s inspector general on Tuesday, Appignani Humanist Legal Center, the AHA’s legal wing, said the soldier – who is an atheist – “was told that his options were to say ‘so help me God’ or to leave the Air Force.’”

    The AHA, which describes itself as “advocating values and equality for humanists, atheists, and freethinkers,” characterized the ultimatum as a civil-rights violation and demanded the Air Force correct the matter.

    “Requiring [redacted] to take an oath containing this religious affirmation violates his clearly established constitutional rights under the First Amendment. This letter demands that you immediately allow [redacted] to reenlist using a secular affirmation,” the letter stated.

    "The Air Force cannot compel anyone to swear to God as a condition of enlistment," AHA attorney Monica Miller told Al Jazeera. "Doing so violates the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment."

    “Numerous cases affirm that atheists have the right to omit theistic language from enlistment or reenlistment contracts,” Miller added.

    In its letter to the Air Force, the AHA threatened that “commanding officers may be sued in federal court” if the airman is barred from reciting a “secular oath” to reenlist.

    However, in a statement sent to Al Jazeera on Friday, Air Force spokeswoman Rose Richeson said that the airman’s "term of service expires in November 2014" and that "he has until this time to complete" Department of Defense Form 4, which contains the oath with the words "so help me God."

  38. The US Air Force, my old team, are very holy men, not to be fucked with.

  39. Air Force Instruction 36-2606 spells out the active-duty oath of enlistment, which all airmen must take when they enlist or reenlist and ends with “so help me God.” The old version of that AFI included an exception: “Note: Airmen may omit the words ‘so help me God,’ if desired for personal reasons.”

    That language was dropped in an Oct. 30, 2013, update to the AFI. The relevant section of that AFI now only lists the active-duty oath of enlistment, without giving airmen any option to choose not to swear an oath to a deity.

    “Reciting ‘So help me God’ in the reenlistment and commissioning oaths is a statutory requirement under Title 10 USC 502,” Air Force spokeswoman Rose Richeson said Thursday. AFI 36-2606 “is consistent with the language mandated in 10 USC 502. Paragraph 5.6 [and] was changed in October 2013 to reflect the aforementioned statutory requirement and airmen are no longer authorized to omit the words ‘So help me God.’ ”

    The Air Force said it cannot change its AFI to make “so help me God” optional unless Congress changes the statute mandating it.

    Miller pointed out that Article VI of the Constitution prohibits requiring religious tests to hold an office or public trust.

    “Forcing [the airman] to swear to a supreme being as a condition of his reenlistment is tantamount to a ‘religious test’ and is therefore violative of this constitutional provision as well,” Miller said.

    Miller also said that swearing an oath the airman does not believe in would be dishonest.

    “This airman shows integrity, commitment to the nation, and respect for religion in standing firm for a secular oath that reflects his true values and intentions,” said Jason Torpy, president of the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers and a board member of the AHA.

  40. A little less "God," and a little more "Training, and Monitoring" might not be a bad idea for today's Air Force, it seems.

  41. Reason 3: The turmoil in the Middle East could sideline SodaStream

    Beyond the market dynamics, SodaStream could face some operational issues on its home turf in Israel. Airstrikes are a regular occurrence around its three Israel-based facilities, introducing heightened risk to the company's supply chain. To-date, SodaStream has claimed that no shipments have been delayed, but management admitted that work stoppages have occurred from time-to-time.

    Meanwhile, the cultural and political conflict that is so tangible in the Middle East often rears its ugly head in other ways, leading to publicized disputes over issues internal to the company, like firings , or external, like protests regarding the occupation of Palestine.

    Sometimes SodaStream is clearly connected to these external incidents, but more often than not it's merely guilty by association. When you have a recognizable brand and a factory located near the center of cultural conflict, that's bound to happen.

    Recently, my colleague Alyce Lomax decided the "severe geopolitical risk" posed enough risk to warrant stepping away from SodaStream's stock. The regional turmoil combined with poor communication from the company proved to be a tipping point for her.

    Read more:

    1. Good news. no one cares about the "palestinians" anymore.

      they are concerned about the evil that ISIS is doing..

  42. CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt charged ousted president Mohamed Mursi and nine others on Saturday with endangering national security by leaking state secrets and sensitive documents to Qatar, furthering a state crackdown on his outlawed Muslim Brotherhood.

  43. Replies
    1. ?

      I thought "Obama was the Kenyan President."


  44. Mursi is one of those Rufus wants shot.

    Let it be so.

  45. Iran's Supreme Leader has approved co-operation with the US as part of the fight against Islamic State (IS) in Iraq, sources have told BBC Persian.

    Ayatollah Khamenei has authorised his top commander to co-ordinate military operations with the US, Iraqi and Kurdish forces, sources in Tehran say.

    Iran has traditionally opposed US involvement in Iraq, an Iranian ally.

    However, Iran's foreign ministry officially denied it would co-operate with the US against IS.

    Ministry spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham told Iran's Press TV the report was not correct.

    Tehran had been critical of the way Washington launched air strikes on IS only after US interests came under threat, she said.

    A further indication that Iran may have approved co-operation with the US comes from CNN's Christiane Amanpour, who tweeted that Iraqi President Fuad Masum had told her as much on Thursday.

    Shia Iran sees the extremist Sunni IS group, which views Shias as heretics, as a serious threat.

    Last month US air strikes helped Iranian-backed Shia militia and Kurdish forces break a two-month siege by Islamic State of the Shia town of Amerli.

    IS has taken over swathes of northern and western Iraq and eastern Syria in recent months.

    US forces began carrying out air strikes on IS positions in August after they took over several cities in northern Iraq.

    Analysis: Kasra Naji, BBC Persian

    This new-found cooperation with US forces indicates a change in Iran's policy in Iraq, albeit one borne out of necessity.

    In 2001, Iran cooperated with the US in Afghanistan by arming and supporting the Northern Alliance which eventually overthrew the Taliban government.

    Now, there is a similar need to stop a threat, which Iran by itself can only defeat by bringing in thousands of troops.

    Defeating Islamic State will remove the threat on Iran's western borders and help stabilise Iran's two main allies in the region, Iraq and Syria.

    Iran can also avoid large numbers of boots on the ground, as long as Iraqi Shia militias, loyal to Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei, stand ready to take up the banner and fight.

    Iran's change of heart will no doubt be welcomed in Washington and London, where a joint strategy is taking shape towards creating a broad alliance of international and regional players to deal with the IS threat.

    Sources say Ayatollah Khamenei has sanctioned Gen Qasem Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force - an elite overseas unit of the Revolutionary Guards - to work with forces fighting IS, including . . . . . .

  46. Deuce's friends in Palestine continued to be arrested...

    PA said to step up Hamas arrests

    Hamas said Saturday that the Palestinian Authority had stepped up arrests of the group’s members and supporters..

    According to the report, which quoted Hamas media, in the past ten days PA security forces have arrested around 40 Hamas men with 30 others summoned for questioning, though some have refused to show up.

    The former Hamas prime minister in Gaza told a gathering near Gaza City that “we cannot accept or deal with any international decision to disarm the resistance” — a reference to Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups.

    Haniyeh said the terror groups arms were “sacred” and vowed that “as long as there is occupation [of Palestinians’ land, there will be resistance.

    The Hamas leader also added that the most recent battle “against the Israeli occupation would not be the last.”

    Maybe Israel should bomb them again? Sooner than later?

  47. Iran's Gen Qasem Soleimani has been planning a strategy to curb further advances of IS fighters
    Commander of the Quds Force, the Revolutionary Guard's elite overseas operations arm
    Widely credited with the strategy that helped Syria's government recapture key cities and towns from rebels
    More recently has been in Baghdad strengthening defences with the help of Iraqi Shia militias to stem the advance of IS
    Internet photos place him in northern Iraq at the time the siege of Amerli was broken
    Iran's Qasem Soleimani wields power behind the scenes in Iraq

    Gen Soleimani has been active in the past few months in strengthening the defences of Baghdad with the help of Iraqi Shia militias.

    His picture has appeared on the internet showing him in northern Iraq around the time of the breaking of the siege of Amerli - an indication that this co-operation may have already started.

    'No boots on the ground'

    Meanwhile, Nato leaders meeting at a summit in Wales say they want to form a military coalition to .. .


    1. Iran has taken over Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. It was rebuffed in Gaza.

      Hezbollah is next up at the plate to launch attacks at the Jewish state.

      Funny thing? Israel learned a great deal from the dust up in gaza. Already Israeli engineers are x-raying and sonaring the grounds looking for Hezbollah tunnels...

      It will be interesting when Israel uses it's new anti-rocket ray batteries against those Iranian rockets...

  48. Israel needs the equivalent of the US B-52 for terrorist suppression purposes.

  49. .

    Rufus IISat Sep 06, 10:52:00 AM EDT

    His best two numbers are from the only two "Likely Voters" polls.

    Rat is a figment of your imaginationSat Sep 06, 11:00:00 AM EDT

    Rasmussen was categorized as "Very Good" back in the day ...

    Fordham University ran a study to determine who was the most accurate pre-election polling firm during the 2012 presidential election run.

    Rasmussen didn't do that well.

    However, as was noted in the following article their results came closer to the actual results within the last couple weeks of the election period. This may be due to the 'herding' phenomena which is noted in the article.

    However, using the techniques used in the article, Rasmussen still didn't do that well.

    As for how the various polling firms do their polling, i.e. likely voters, robocalls, etc., it is noted in the article, which then goes on to explain that while Rasmussen does do 'likely voter' it does a rather hybrid form where it doesn't call cell phones but instead uses a pre-selected panel as a surrogate. It looks like most firms do 'likely voter' polling based on the first chart in the article.



  50. Mr Hollande in France is at 13 per cent approval rating, down from over 50%. This is much worse than Obama.

    A book by his former bimbo seems to be having something to do with it.

  51. Someone must have been reading up on their Napoleon in the Syrian Command structure:

    BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian warplanes bombed a bakery run by Islamic State in the city of Raqqa, killing 25 people, in air raids on Saturday that also hit a major training camp used by the insurgent group for a second day running.

  52. From Reason:

    ...While people keep saying Rand Paul’s perspective is changing, I think it's more like the 'New shit has come to light, man!' scene from Big Lebowski. It's not a changed view so much as that when you have a given framework, you might have a different plan of action based on the changing facts on the ground. So I see a consistent philosophy responding to different threats.

    I've always felt it's been a false caricature of libertarians that we could never support military strikes against terrorists or other bad guys. We by and large don't accept the progressive understanding of man where we'll someday have a utopian world without war. We're not all singing 'Imagine' while sitting in a kumbaya circle. Small government types may be much less likely to see military strikes as the answer to questions that have little to do with our security interests, but bombing a makeshift Islamist army engaged in actions—and threats—against Americans may be such a time. Paul wants the folks who believe in such military action to make the case and have Congress sign off, which makes his approach more Constitutional than anyone else who is a presidential contender today.

    Is the view that ISIS/ISIL must be bombed persuasive? Here are two positions that many of us find unpersuasive: 1) That it's our job to rid the world of bad guys, even if those bad guys aren't engaged in terrorist acts against us or even if they're responding at least in part to unnecessary meddling on our part. 2) That the global situation isn't a threat if we pretend it's not. Those have basically been the two main options offered in American discussions of late. I think Americans are clear that they find these options weak-sauce and they're kind of intrigued by a view such as Paul's that we don't fight unless we have a legitimate interest in doing so and we must—but then we fight hard. This is the thing so many foreign policy professionals miss when they mischaracterize those of us who oppose our recent high level of interventionism. It doesn't mean we're putting our head in the sand or afraid to fight, it means we know what a huge sacrifice it is to do these things and do them well and that we should only do it when we must.

    OK, so the growth of ISIS/ISIL may have been aided by American-led removal of previous dictators, which is an excellent reminder about the wisdom of restraining our interventionism. This has been one point Paul has made.

    But speaking as someone who strongly opposed war with Iraq (but did, of course, support bombing Afghanistan), and as someone who thinks our model of nation-building instead of enemy-defeating is a fool's errand, here's why I'm at least open to hearing about a military response to ISIS. The group wishes to create a renewed Caliphate bent on aggressive military action against important allies in the Middle East as well as the United States, according to its stated goals. If you look at the course of history, you can at least puzzle out how this type of regime poses a threat to our self-government and how dealing with it now may be preferable to dealing with it when we're weaker and they're stronger in the years to come. I would hope that as part of this discussion we would make it very clear to Qatar and Turkey that they would be unwise to support this Caliphate and that we'd make it very clear to Jordan and the Saudis that this is more their problem than ours and that they should act on it if we are to remain allies. Really those countries in the region should be taking care of the legit threat in their midst. Assuming that these guys will fail to get the job done, which is not an unreasonable assumption, we should perhaps make the case for Congressionally and Constitutionally authorized action to decisively eradicate this threat. At the very least, we should be talking about the precise nature of the threat they pose—in the short and long term—and our options for handling that threat.”

  53. Replies

    Deuce ☂Sat Sep 06, 10:12:00 AM EDT
    Time is not on your side...motherfucker :)


    What is "Occupation"Sat Sep 06, 12:57:00 PM EDT
    Time is totally on our side...

    We are thousands of years older than you... and your moslem charity cases.


    Deuce ☂Sat Sep 06, 06:29:00 PM EDT
    Your god, leaders and politicians did a real cracker-job for you on the last thousand and now you have Netanyahu, Likud and the results oriented Israeli public relations department plus the bush arsonist whose middle initial must not be mentioned all on deck for the next grand. What could possibly go wring?


    1. The last thousand years we have been butchered by your ancestors and your girlfriend's ancestors..

      We now have the ability to defend ourselves..

      sucks for your types..

  54. London, Asharq Al-Awsat—While the skies over Gaza have fallen silent, the struggle between Israel and the Palestinians for global public opinion continues as it has for the best part of a century.

    In the UK, the recent fighting in Gaza has led to a small but noticeable “bump” in favor of the Palestinians, with an unprecedented wave of public sympathy for Palestinian civilians killed by Israeli forces.

    During the 50 days of the conflict, tens of thousands of people took to Britain’s streets in solidarity with Gaza, Palestinian poetry was read on London’s subway system, and a cabinet minister quit over the government’s stance on the Israeli offensive. While none of these incidents were especially surprising—polls carried out over the past decade have consistently shown the British public to be slightly more sympathetic to the Palestinians than to the Israelis—the scale of support for Gaza suggested a significant adjustment in public opinion in favor of the Palestinian cause.

    Chris Doyle, director of the Council for Arab–British Understanding, said: “There are clear indications that British public opinion has shifted even closer to being more sympathetic to Palestinian rights.”

    A poll conducted by market research firm YouGov on Day 27 of the conflict showed that the number of respondents siding with the Palestinians had risen to an all-time high of 30 percent (YouGov’s records began in 2003), while sympathies for the Israeli side had fallen to a low of 12 percent.

    In early August, the UK’s ambassador to Israel warned that mainstream British public opinion was turning against Israel. “Support for Israel is starting to erode and that’s not about these people on the fringe who are shouting loudly and calling for boycotts and all the rest of it,” he told the Israeli broadcaster Channel 10.

    1. Yeah, Britain. AInt that where another brit was BEHEADED by a moslem last week?

      There are tens of thousands of moslems in england and it's the center of terror in the western world, that's why we call london? Londonstan..

  55. Palestinian support for Hamas soars in the aftermath of Israel’s Gaza assault #PalestineUnity A new poll has found the majority of Palestinians would vote for Hamas in a general election while support for armed struggle has also increased

    - See more at:

    1. Actually I think that is great, it makes sure that the Palestinians will never develop past the ISIS level of diplomacy.

  56. Knock knock...

    Much like the London Blitz, the Londoners were not cowed by the relentless attacks by the Hun on residential and civil London.

    Netanyahu and his Huns have fared no better on Gaza.

    1. LOL You have it backwards there deuce...

      Hezbollah and Hamas have a history of raining rockets down on Israel.

      Maybe someday Israel will lower it's standards of behavior to that of the arabs and just shoot rockets in the general direction of palestinian buildings...

  57. TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — A jittery Israeli military is gearing up for what could become its next big battle: dealing with U.N. investigations that could result in war-crimes allegations.

    The army has beefed up its legal staff, is conducting internal investigations of its wartime actions and has prepared a detailed PR campaign of satellite photos and video clips— hoping to persuade the world that its war against Hamas was justified..

    1. No the next war is Hezbolllah and iran..

      Israel understands what a kangaroo court the UN has become.

  58. Thousand years, that has a vaguely familiar ring to it does it not? Let’s take a look:

    If the Providence has so willed that the German people cannot be spared this fight, then I can only be grateful that it entrusted me with the leadership in this historic struggle which, for the next 500 or 1,000 years, will be described as decisive, not only for the history of Germany, but for the whole of Europe and indeed the whole world. The German people and their soldiers are working and fighting today, not only for the present, but for the coming, nay the most distant, generations. A historical revision on a unique scale has been imposed on us by the Creator... The next incursion against this homestead of European culture was carried out from the distant East. A terrible stream of barbarous, uncultured hordes sallied forth from the interior of Asia deep into the hearts of the European Continent, burning, looting, murdering—a true scourge of the Lord... From the time when the Movement I consisted of seven men, until we took over power in January 1933, the path was so miraculous that only Providence itself with its blessing could have made this possible...
    Our enemies must not deceive themselves—in the 2,000 years of German history known to us, our people have never been more united than today. The Lord of the Universe has treated us so well in the past years that we bow in gratitude to a providence which has allowed us to be members of such a great nation. We thank Him that we also can be entered with honor into the ever-lasting book of German history!

    Adolph Hitler - speech before the Reichstag, 11 December 1941

  59. God was also on Hitler’s side:

    As Fuehrer of the German people and Chancellor of the Reich, I can thank God at this moment that he has so wonderfully blessed us in our hard struggle for what is our right, and beg Him that we and all other nations may find the right way, so that not only the German people but all Europe may once more be granted the blessing of peace.

    Hitler - speech before the Reichstag, 6 October 1939

  60. “One must state it plainly. Religion comes from the period of human prehistory where nobody—not even the mighty Democritus who concluded that all matter was made from atoms—had the smallest idea what was going on.

    It comes from the bawling and fearful infancy of our species, and is a babyish attempt to meet our inescapable demand for knowledge (as well as for comfort, reassurance and other infantile needs). Today the least educated of my children knows much more about the natural order than any of the founders of religion, and one would like to think—though the connection is not a fully demonstrable one—that this is why they seem so uninterested in sending fellow humans to hell.”

    ― Christopher Hitchens, God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything

  61. Forget your thousands of years. Anyone with a brain, freed from the sotted suet of theocracy, knows it is bullshit.

  62. When you lust for thermonuclear warfare, you really have jumped the shark.

    1. Moderate’ Palestinian Leader Swears: ‘If We Had a Nuke, We’d Have Used It This Very Morning’

      Jibril Rajoub, a senior Palestinian Authority official who is frequently characterized as a “moderate” in both the Western and Israeli media, said on Lebanese television that if the Palestinians had a nuclear weapon they would have nuked Israel “this morning.”

      Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) discovered and translated to English the interview Rajoub gave to Lebanon’s Al Mayadeen TV on April 30. Rajoub also posted the video clip to his own Facebook page, according to PMW.

      When the interviewer referred to peace talks with Israel as “the negotiations game,” Rajoub suggested that the Palestinian Authority [PA] engages in negotiations because it does not have the military strength to defeat Israel by force.

      “I swear that if we had a nuke, we’d have used it this very morning,” he said.

      I guess the PA has jumped the shark

  63. Numerous loud explosions have been heard outside the Ukrainian port city of Mariupol, witnesses have reported. An AFP journalist in the area reported that a checkpoint held by Ukraine loyalists seemed to be on fire.

    A volunteer battalion of Ukrainian fighters has said that Grad rockets were being fired at its positions, but gave no further details.
    The sustained explosions were reported just a day after a fragile ceasefire was declared.

    In a telephone call on Saturday, Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart Petro Poroshenko agreed that a truce in eastern Ukraine was holding.
    The ceasefire between Ukrainian government forces and pro-Russian separatists took effect on Friday evening following peace talks in the Belarusian capital, Minsk.

    Poroshenko’s office released a statement saying, “[The two leaders] also stressed the need for the maximum involvement of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in monitoring the situation... and for cooperation in providing Ukrainian and international humanitarian help.”

  64. Anyone at all attracted to Islam, the religion of genocide, is sick.

  65. You don’t get it. All religion is a curse.

  66. The entire argument is about irrationality. You expect a rational outcome of an argument about irrationality? Do you think there will be a moment when either side sees the light, and proclaims that they were wrong all along?

  67. Do you believe killing them all will do it?

  68. The odds against you are 1500 to 7. An Islamic nuclear power, Pakistan, has the odds at 180 to 7. You going to out thermonuclear them?

  69. Chris Hitch was first a commie and gave up that secular religion. Then he turned atheist and thought he was the first dude to have ever thought of such a thing. I doubt he could actually give a cogent definition of the 'God' he so vehemently denied. He was a fool, a shallow reader, a totally uninteresting blabber, an arse that was absolutely full of himself, a charlatan, and finally, a dead drunk.

    I am not glad he died but I am glad he's off the air waves.

    Last I heard Idaho was trailing 14 - 7 but then the broadcast went off the air......

  70. The muzz killed about 100 million Hindus back in the day. That is why the Hindu Kush is called the Hindu Kush.

    Fuck Hamas.

  71. Chris Hitchens was a lot like Bill Buckley.

    Just inside out.

    I'm glad they're both off the air.

  72. Knock knock...

    Much like the London Blitz, the Londoners were not cowed by the relentless attacks by the Hun on residential and civil London.

    Netanyahu and his Huns have fared no better on Gaza.

    You have that backwards Deuce, Israel will not be cowed by the cowards of Hamas....

    4500 rockets and 3 deaths...

    Newsflash, Hamas? SUCKS

    1. The Palestinians are not brave, they are cowards.

      They have used terror for 60 years and got shit.

      Let's remember the Munich Olympics anniversary today, I am sure Deuce has some twisted reason way murdering Israeli athletes was justified.

      No the Palestinians are perpetual losers...

  73. There was a big rain delay.

    Idaho has the ball, 7 points behind, fourth quarter.......gets the first down on a scramble!

    This has been a good game.....Linehan our quarterback is a Freshman.

    6:51 to go.....

  74. 3rd and 6 from the 50.....first down pass interference !

    hoo hoo !!

    I am returning to my rootz....

  75. 2nd and 10 incomplete
    3rd and or die time

  76. 1st down Vandals Fans across the Nation and Worldwide.....

    2nd and 10

  77. 3rd and 7............PASS

    TOUCHDOWN VANDALS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    31 -31

    Whooo hooo

  78. Now we got to stop them and get that Field Goal.......

  79. Penalty....roughing the passer .....damn old Idaho....

  80. Notice this:

    Once chaos reigned across the Middle East, people reached not for their national identities — Iraqi, Syrian — but for much older ones: Shiite, Sunni, Kurd and Arab.

    Notice how the Jew is excluded and yet IS thousands of years older ALL the examples stated.

    And in the VIDEO that Deuce put up, mentions that the HEBREWS are freed to go back to their HOMELAND in Jerusalem.

    Yep, sucks being on the lying side of history...

  81. Holding on Louisiana...

    1st and 10 on their 29......


  82. Let's remember

    The Munich Olympics Massacre

    1972 – Munich massacre: Nine Israel athletes taken hostage at the Munich Olympic Games by the Palestinian "Black September" terrorist group die (as did a German policeman) at the hands of the kidnappers during a failed rescue attempt. Two other Israeli athletes are slain in the initial attack the previous day.

    Yep the Palestinians at their best...

  83. 3rd and 14

    Got to stop them here......

    Blitz....sacked at the 20 yard line.....

    whoo ooooo

    Louisiana has to kick

    About 3 minutes left................

  84. Hell of a kick

    Idaho 1st and 10 at the Idaho 19

  85. 1:31 to go

    Idaho 1st and 20 on the 9

  86. 1:25

    3rd and 20

    Tension is unbelievable Vandal Fans

    Time out

    Idaho must kick....

  87. Great kick

    2nd and 10..................

    1st down at the Idaho 45


  88. Once the truth was admitted by Hamas that it indeed kidnapped and executed the 3 teenage Jews (2 israelis and 1 american) the writing was on the wall..

    The Egyptian news website al-Dostor reported on Sunday that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is set to announce the end of the unity agreement in place between Fatah and Hamas factions.

    The report states that he will make the announcement on Sunday at a meeting of the Arab League.

    If the Palestinians want to keep aid coming in from Europe the USA and the others? It cannot be in a unity government that executes, on purpose, civilians in criminal acts of violence and murder.

    The entire Gaza war was started by hamas and could have been avoided if Hamas had not started firing rockets into israel.

    If you care about the palestinians? You would not support Hamas.

    1. .


      This was all about the unity agreement. Netanyahu got his way. Cost a few lives but that's politics.


    2. Quirk, you ought to take some time out and go fishing.

      Instead, you are perpetually going 'out to lunch'.


    3. Israel has one piss poor blockade of Gaza.

      Thousands of missiles are always seeping through from Iran......

  89. 50 seconds left

    2nd and ten...........

    Shit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1st and 10 at the Idaho 8

    Good ol' Idaho, always figures a way to lose.

  90. Touchdown Louisiana with 9 seconds to go....



    Western Michigan at Home in the Dome next weekend Vandal Fans.

    But, remember, this is a record breaking game.....we have now LOST SEVENTEEN (17) GAMES IN A ROW ON THE ROAD, an all time school record!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Last pass was caught at our ten yard line but time ran out.


    38 -31

  91. Muslims Sexually Enslaving Children: A Global Phenomenon

    September 4, 2014 by Raymond Ibrahim 41 Comments

    Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, a Judith Friedman Rosen Writing Fellow at the Middle East Forum and a CBN News contributor. He is the author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians (2013) and The Al Qaeda Reader (2007).


    Print This Post Print This Post

    web-oxford-ringAs shocking as the Muslim-run sex ring in Rotherham, England may seem to some—1,400 British children as young as 11 plied with drugs before being passed around and sexually abused in cabs and kabob shops—the fact is that this phenomenon is immensely widespread. In the United Kingdom alone, it’s the fifth sex abuse ring led by Muslims to be uncovered.

    Some years back in Australia, a group of “Lebanese Muslim youths” were responsible for a “series of brutal gang rapes” of “Anglo-Celtic teenage girls.” A few years later in the same country, four Muslim Pakistani brothers raped at least 18 Australian women, some as young as 13. Even in the United States, a gang of Somalis—Somalia being a Muslim nation where non-Muslims, primarily Christians, are ruthlessly persecuted—was responsible for abducting, buying, selling, raping and torturing young American girls as young as 12.

    The question begs itself: If Muslim minorities have no fear of exploiting “infidel” women and children in non-Muslim countries—that is, where Muslims themselves are potentially vulnerable minorities—how are Muslims throughout the Islamic world, where they are dominant, treating their vulnerable, non-Muslim minorities?

    The answer is a centuries-long, continents-wide account of nonstop sexual predation. Boko Haram’s abduction and enslavement of nearly 300, mostly Christian, schoolgirls last April in Nigeria is but the tip of the iceberg.

    The difference between what happens in Nigeria and what happens in Western nations is based on what I call “Islam’s Rule of Numbers.” Wherever Muslims grow in numbers, Islamic phenomena intrinsic to the Muslim world—in this case, the sexual abuse of “infidel” children and teenagers—comes along with them.

    Thus in the United Kingdom, where Muslims make for a sizeable—and notable—minority, the systematic rape of “subhuman infidels” naturally takes place. But when caught, Muslim minorities, being under “infidel” authority, cry “Islamophobia” and feign innocence.

    In Nigeria, however, which is roughly 50 percent Islamic, such “apologetics” are unnecessary. After seizing the nearly 300 schoolgirls, the leader of Boko Haram appeared on videotape boasting that “I abducted your girls. I will sell them on the market, by Allah…. There is a market for selling humans. Allah says I should sell.”....................................

  92. Learning to Love Our Terrorist Friends

    September 3, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield 64 Comments

    Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam. He is completing a book on the international challenges America faces in the 21st century.

    Israel was told not to take down Arafat or Hamas would take over. Now Israel is being warned that if it destroys Hamas, ISIS will take over.

    The distinction between Hamas and ISIS is obvious. One is a violent Islamic terrorist group that is determined to destroy Israel. And the other is a violent Islamic terrorist group determined to destroy Israel. Hamas is funded by Qatar. So is ISIS. Hamas likes to wear green. ISIS sticks to black and white.

    If you have to choose between genocidal Islamic terrorist groups, go with the one that has a wider range of color in its wardrobe. Your civilians will regret it, but at least their killers will look fabulous.

    Also ISIS hates Shiites while Hamas accepts Iranian weapons.

    Clearly Hamas is moderate and ISIS is extremist. Maybe if ISIS also agrees to accept Iranian weapons with which to kill Jews, we will all be able to breathe a sigh of relief at its new moderate attitude.

    The good news is that in the last few months Al Qaeda also became moderate. Numerous news stories tell us that Al Qaeda thinks that ISIS is “crazy”. Al Qaeda has less to say about it than the Western pundits speaking on its behalf, but it’s rumored that Zawahiri beheaded a Western aid worker without inviting Baghdadi which is considered a major snub in the high society codes of top terror groups......................
