Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is a Lying Sack of Shit:

Those that knows Netanyahu agree:

Netanyahu is a liar:

Hamas and Islamic State on par: Netanyahu

In speech to the UN General Assembly Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyau denounced the militant Palestinian faction Hamas as the equivalent of Islamic State Sunni extremists.

Netanyahu says Iran greater threat than ISIL

Israel's prime minister describes Iran, ISIL and Hamas as part of a single team, and compares them to Germany's Nazis.

In a hard-hitting speech to the UN General Assembly Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyanu denounced the militant Palestinian faction Hamas as the equivalent of Islamic State Sunni extremists who have murdered their way across the Middle East. And he lumped Iran’s Shiite clerical regime with a conglomerate of terrorist groups seeking Islamic world domination.
“ISIS (The Islamic State) and Hamas are branches of the same poisonous tree,” he said. “ISIS and Iraq share a fanatical creed, which they both seek to impose well beyond the territory under their control.”
He added, “the Nazis believed in a master race, militant Islamists believe in a master faith.”
Israel has been widely criticized for its actions in a 50-day war against Hamas in Gaza, which it says was necessary to end rocket attacks into Israel by Hamas.
The more than 2,100 casualties in the densely populated strip brought accusations of indiscriminate bombing and shelling, denounced as “genocide” by Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas in an earlier UN speech.
Netanyahu hit back at Abbas, saying he was responsible for “war crimes” committed by coalition partner Hamas. He said that Israel had warned Palestinians in advance of attacks and “was doing everything to minimize casualties, Hamas was doing everything to maximize civilian casualties.”
Dramatizing the point by holding up an image of what he said was a Hamas rocket launcher in an area near children, Netanyahu added that the militants —who won a parliamentary election in 2006 — “cynically used Palestinian civilians” as shields by stockpiling rockets in mosques and even hospitals and firing from populated areas.
Netanyahu offered no new initiatives for peace with the Palestinians, but stressed that any territorial compromise must leave Israel able to defend itself.
The thrust of his speech was to rally the international community against both Hamas and Iran, which he said shared the global aims of the Islamic State, carrying out dozens of terrorist attacks outside its borders.
If Iran’s nuclear program went unchecked, he said, “the world’s most dangerous regime in the world’s most dangerous region would obtain the world’s most dangerous weapon.”
Instead of a peace plan, Netanyahu suggested a regional security accord with Arab neighbours who have a common goal of defeating terrorism. The spread of terrorism, he said, presented “a historic opportunity” for co-operation.
Israel was not the only country attempting to reshuffle the diplomatic deck after the Islamic State’s rise.
Syria’s foreign minister, Walid Al-Moallem, told the General Assembly earlier that those battling terrorism — the West and former Arab enemies — were now fighting on the same side as the Assad regime, something that gives the West pause.
Nor did Moallem protest airstrikes on the Islamic State inside Syria by a U.S.-led coalition, but warned they would not succeed unless coupled with an end to support for funding and training “terrorist groups.”
In a speech aimed at positioning the pariah state in the fold of counter-terrorism, he said “it is due time to pool all our efforts against this terrorism, since imminent danger is surrounding everyone and no country is immune to it.”
Syria is ready for a political solution including “dialogue with all honourable national opposition members opposing terrorism in Syria,” he said, pointing to a widely disputed presidential election as proof that the government of Bashar Assad had renewed legitimacy to negotiate.
The war in Syria began in 2011 after the Assad regime attacked protesters, whom it claimed were foreign terrorists. Since then unrest spiralled and the Islamic State made major gains. More than 191,000 people have died, 2 million have fled as refugees and at least 6 million are internally displaced.


  1. Hanan Ashrawi accused Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu of blatantly manipulating facts and misleading the audience during his UN speech with “hate language, slander and argument of obfuscation.”

    “Obviously Netanyahu has lost touch with reality, particularly in refusing to acknowledge the fact of the occupation itself or the actions of the Israeli army of occupation in committing massacres and war crimes,” Ashrawi said.

    Instead of attacking Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and the UN Human Rights Council Netanyahu should have taken responsibility for those crimes, Ashrawi said.

    “The UN podium would have been the most appropriate place for Netanyahu to announce his acceptance of all relevant UN resolutions and his adherence to international law and universal human rights,” Ashrawi said.

    She charged that Netanyahu had turned to the Arab world instead of accepting at two-state solution at the pre-1967 lines to buy “more time to create facts that will destroy the chances of peace for the foreseeable future.”

    “By creating false analogies between the Nazi concept of “master race” and his view of militant Islam as upholding a “master faith” he is extending in effect the analogy to Israel as a “master state.” Blaming the victim has always been the failed policy of the politically and morally bankrupt, and Netanyahu is no exception,” Ashrawi said.

  2. The U.S. State Department distanced itself on Monday from comments made by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly.

    Speaking to reporters, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki particularly referred to Netanyahu’s comparison between Hamas and the “Islamic State” (IS or ISIS), as well as to his criticism of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC).

    “We believe they’re both terrorist organizations,” she said, responding to a question regarding Netanyahu’s saying that Hamas and IS are one and the same.

    “We obviously believe that [IS] poses a different threat to the United States, based on, of course, the military action and other efforts that are underway,” added Psaki.

    “We don’t believe that Prime Minister Netanyahu or anyone else from Israel is suggesting that the United States launch a military campaign against Hamas, so we certainly – they are both designated terrorist organizations under the United States designations, but certainly we see differences -- in terms of the threat and otherwise,” she said.

  3. Psaki also distanced herself from Netanyahu’s comment that the UNHRC “has become a Terrorists’ Human Rights Council”, though she acknowledged Washington had some issues with some of the UNHRC’s actions.

    “We would not agree with that,” she said, when asked if the U.S. agreed with Netanyahu’s statement that the UNHRC is a “terrorists’ commission”.

    “We have obviously voiced concerns when we have them about actions that are taken, but no, we would certainly not agree with that characterization,” added Psaki.

    “We don’t see the need for heated rhetoric. But obviously there are times when we certainly agree, and we’ve expressed concerns in the past as well about the same organization and how they operate,” she said.

    Speaking to reporters on Sunday just before takeoff on his way to New York, Netanyahu reiterated his pledge to "refute the lies" against Israel at the UN General Assembly, particularly in the speech by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, who accused Israel of “genocide” and “war crimes”.

    His associates later said the speech would be "razor sharp" and "worth the wait."

  4. SEPTEMBER 28, 2014
    Binyamin Netanyahu: Obnoxious, pathological liar

    Binyamin Netanyahu the liar
    By Jamal Kanj

    I have followed the megalomaniac performance of Binyamin Netanyahu since he was Israel’s representative at the UN in the mid-1980s. I watched with keen interest his debates, and must confess I was taken aback by his chutzpa. Netanyahu has special abilities to twist facts without blinking an eye: he can lie with a smile.

    This is not my subjective opinion. It is a fact attested to by almost every other international political figure he has met over the years. The Zionist thought police – masquerading as international media – which succeeded in intimidating aspiring politicians, failed to inhibit leaders from expressing their opinion in private meetings or after retirement.

    “One of the most obnoxious individuals”

    In Clayton Swisher’s book, The Truth About Camp David, Joe Lockhart, former White House spokesman for Bill Clinton, described Netanyahu as “one of the most obnoxious individuals, just a liar and a cheat. He could open his mouth and you could have no confidence that anything that came of it was the truth.”

    According to David Miller, following Clinton’s first meeting with Netanyahu in 1996, the president got so agitated that he exploded: “Who the f… does he think he is?”

    Less than a year later, following a botched assassination attempt on a Palestinian leader in Jordan, Netanyahu lied about the Israeli role in the plot, leading Clinton to tell his staff: “I cannot deal with this man. He is impossible.”


    1. {...}

      Unbearable liar

      In September 2002, Netanyahu brought his “under oath” lies to a US House of Representatives Committee to promote the US invasion of Iraq. “There is no question whatsoever that Saddam is seeking and is working and is advancing towards the development of nuclear weapons – no question whatsoever.”

      That lie gave birth to the “Islamic State” today, costing the US close to 5,000 young lives, hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis and over a trillion dollars, and still counting.

      In 2011 came the famous, but off the microphone, private remark by then French President Nicolas Sarkozy, telling US President Barack Obama: “I cannot stand him. He is a liar.” The more politically correct Obama replied: “You’re fed up with him, but I have to deal with him every day!”

      A short while before that outburst, it was leaked that German Chancellor Angela Merkel told a cabinet meeting “every word that leaves Netanyahu’s mouth is a lie”.

      Netanyahu once told a reporter the story of King Hezekiah, whose “name was Netanyahu. That’s my last name.”

      Mileikowsky, the real name, was changed to Netanyahu in 1920 when Binyamin’s father immigrated to Palestine. A name he changed himself once again to Ben Nitay in the 1970s when he worked in the US – this time to make it easier for Americans to pronounce it. This is akin of someone adopting the name Geronimo to claim Native American lineage.

      Arrogant, outlandish, fraudster

      After the Oslo Accord, he was caught on video outlining his plans to defraud the world.

      The agreement didn’t include withdrawal from Israeli military sites and since none was identified by the accord, “as far as I’m concerned, the Jordan valley is a defined military site”, he said with a smirk, adding this will end the peace process.

      Former US Defence Secretary Robert Gates wrote in his memoir: “I was offended by his glibness and his criticism of US policy, his arrogance and outlandish ambition – and I told National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft that Bibi (Netanyahu) ought not be allowed back on White House grounds.”

      Netanyahu’s chutzpa was highlighted last month when he admonished his benefactor, the US government, telling ambassador Dan Shapiro “not to ever second-guess me anymore”.

      Israeli writer Uri Avnery summed up Netanyahu’s pathological lying habits best: “Some do so only when necessary, some do it often, some, like Netanyahu, do it as a rule.”

      It is also the rule that Israeli lies continue to go unchallenged in Western media.

  5. Jesus, give it a break.

    But I knew it was coming once I read Netanyahu had been to the U.N.

    “By creating false analogies between the Nazi concept of “master race” and his view of militant Islam as upholding a “master faith” he is extending in effect the analogy to Israel as a “master state.” Blaming the victim has always been the failed policy of the politically and morally bankrupt, and Netanyahu is no exception,” Ashrawi said.

    Actually the analogy is quite good. A 'master faith' is exactly what 'militant' Islam upholds.

    Which is why they feel free and commanded by Allah to kill or enslave people of all other outlooks.

    1. Hindus, for instance.......100 million of them.......

  6. Bill Clinton has been recorded going off-message and criticising the Israeli government’s unwillingness to seek peace with Palestinians in unguarded comments that contrast with other leading Democrats, including his wife, potential presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

    Speaking to a member of the public at a Democratic fundraiser in Iowa this weekend, the former president agreed with the suggestion that Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu was “not the guy” to strike a lasting peace deal in the region.

    Clinton also agreed when it was suggested to him that “If we don’t force him [Netanyahu] to make peace, we won’t have peace”.

    The former president replied: “First of all, I agree with that. But in 2000, Ehud Barack, I got him to agree to something I’m not sure I would have gotten Rabin to agree to, and Rabin was murdered for giving land to the Palestinians.”

  7. Tom Brady looks to be finished --

    Was this the end for Tom Brady and the New England Patriots' dynasty?


    Brady benched.

  8. “I know what America is,” Netanyahu replied. “America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction. They won’t get in their way.” He then called former president Bill Clinton “radically pro-Palestinian,” and went on to belittle the Oslo peace accords as vulnerable to manipulation. Since the accords state that Israel would be allowed to hang on to pre-defined military zones in the West Bank, Netanyahu told his hosts that he could torpedo the accords by defining vast swaths of land as just that.

    “They asked me before the election if I’d honor [the Oslo accords],” Netanyahu said. “I said I would, but … I’m going to interpret the accords in such a way that would allow me to put an end to this galloping forward to the ’67 borders. How did we do it? Nobody said what defined military zones were. Defined military zones are security zones; as far as I’m concerned, the entire Jordan Valley is a defined military zone. Go argue.”
