Monday, September 01, 2014

Mehdi Hasan VS Daniel Taub, Israeli Ambassador On Current Issues

Israeli Ambassador Taub getting an interview that he would never face from the US Media - You will notice he uses the same Israeli talking points:

Mehdi Hasan Hands  Daniel Taub, Israeli Ambassador His Ass:

Daniel Taub, same talking points on the BBC:

Israelis and Palestinians have agreed to an indefinite ceasefire, ending Israel’s 50-day assault on the Gaza Strip. Palestinian health officials say 2,139 people, most of them civilians — including more than 490 children — were killed in the Israeli offensive. Israel’s death toll stood at 64 soldiers and six civilians. The ceasefire deal was mediated by Egyptian officials in Cairo and took effect on Tuesday evening. It calls for an immediate cessation of hostilities, an opening of Gaza’s blockaded crossings with Israel and Egypt, and a widening of the territory’s fishing zone in the Mediterranean. 


  1. Israelis and Palestinians have agreed to an indefinite ceasefire, ending Israel’s 50-day assault on the Gaza Strip

    You more honestly could say, ending the rockets and mortars fired 1st into Israel by Hamas. You could also say that Hamas finally accepted the cease fire that Israel, the UN, Egypt and the Arab league offered 4 weeks previous...

  2. Palestinian health officials say 2,139 people, most of them civilians — including more than 490 children — were killed in the Israeli offensive. Israel’s death toll stood at 64 soldiers and six civilians.

    To be more honest you could say: The terrorist group Hamas, who placed weapons INSIDE of UN Schools, fired from civilian homes and used human shields reported 2139 people killed.

    You could also say that over 1000 Hamas terrorists were also killed...

    You could also say that Hamas has since celebrated it's victory and stated publicly it is committed to the destruction of the Jewish state.

  3. but you did post something that most likely caused you to puke..

    A intelligent, well spoken Jew that to me?

    Showed Hamas as the evil enemy of both the Jews and the Palestinians

  4. As for handing the Jew his ass?


    In the end? Hamas celebrates the victory... Arrests 150 more of it's own citizens for collaborating, which means being tortured and then a bullet to the back of the skull....

    Hamas owns this. The damage to Gaza is the same damage that Hezbollah inflicted by it's similar action in southern lebanon.

    No matter how many counterfeit 100 dollar bills Iran hands out the losers are the Palestinian people.

    When the people of Gaza and the people of Lebanon finally have enough they will throw out the Iranian backed governments that are killing them...

    Til then? tuff nuggies...

    Look to Syria as the example of what an Iranian proxy government will do to it's own people...


    1. A government that allows sectarian freedom.
      That's what you mean, isn't it, "O"rdure.

      The Kurds, Alawites and Christians against al-Qeada.

      The Israeli, of course, are backing al-Qeada

    2. Nope, we've got the players on the scorecard

    3. The Jews of Israel and the ISIS Islamists, allied through the Saudi cousins

    4. You are such a demented evil little shit of a person...


    5. “They're called 'facts', and my role is to amplify those, not cheerlead.”


  6. Deuce,

    Credit where credit is due. Thanks.

    Ukraine tension sparks questions over French warship sale to Russia

    There is precedent for an embargo. Ironically, the French stuck it to the Israelis in 1967.

    Chancellor Angela Merkel has told lawmakers that it's in Germany's interests to arm the Kurdish fighters who are battling Islamic extremists in Iraq.

  9. "ending Israel’s 50-day assault on the Gaza Strip"

    Same old false bullshit.

    I'll say this for Deuce - he certainly doesn't tire easily.

    1. Last Labor Day's thread at the EB -

      I was expecting it to be about the middle east, but I was wrong.

  10. Looks like Hamas is gearing up for the next war...

    Reports in that it's armed military wing is doubling it's budget!

    and at the same time another Hamas front, this time from the Sinai is about to pop...

  11. Where is the money coming from?

    From international fools.

    1. Israel? Hardly...

      Israel is, instead, investing heavily in IS according to "The Plan". It was reported today that rogue Israeli General, Yahtzi Dayan, grandson of fabled Israeli military genius Moshe Dayan , is the strategist behind the IS blitz.

      An anonymous source reports that at one point US and UK operatives believed they had captured a copy of "The Plan" during a botched raid on an IS captives' compound. After thorough examination, it proved to be no more than a Turkman translation of a Kurdish translation, of a Hebrew recipe for matzo ball soup. It can be reported that reputable sources were able to make the Israeli connection to IS from the document as well as finding heretofore unknown glyphs that may update the Mayan "Calendar of Doom." More to follow.


    Ireland may not replace its 130-person rapid response force in the Golan Heights...

    1. Up to 7000 march as Dublin comes out in force to support Gaza
      -Aug 9, 2014

    2. Anti-Israeli sentiment is at fever pitch in Ireland

      Dublin: The cover of The Phoenix magazine's last issue had Benjamin Netanyahu gleefully talking about gassing the Palestinians.

      The latest issue of the publication, Ireland’s leading news magazine, showed a photograph of a distraught relative holding up an incinerated 18-month-old Palestinian baby.

    3. Guess their own child molesting just doesn't make it to the streets

      N Ireland children sent to Australia were sexually abused, inquiry told
      Children as young as five were subjected to severe hardship and sexual and physical abuse, inquiry chairman reveals
      Henry McDonald, Ireland correspondent, Monday 1 September 2014 06.50 EDT

      Children as young as five were sent from Northern Ireland to Australian orphanages and other institutions where they were sexually and physically abused, the chairman of an inquiry into institutional child abuse has revealed.

      Sir Anthony Hart, who is chairing the historical abuse inquiry, said witness evidence will show "in shocking terms" how children were subjected to "severe hardships, and grave sexual and physical evidence" when they arrived in the country.

      The retired judge made his remarks during the latest session of the inquiry, held at Banbridge courthouse in County Down on Monday. This aspect of the largest public investigation into the abuse of children in state- and church-run homes is focusing on the treatment of 130 orphans and young people in care who were sent to Australia between 1946 and 1956.

      Sixty-six former residents of these institutions have given evidence of how they were transported across the world without their consent. Many of those who have come forward will give evidence via video link over what happened to them under the scheme.

      Child molesters don't support Israel typically, however they DO love Ireland.

  13. Ireland is one of the most Catholic countries on earth.

    The last decent Irishman was James Joyce.

    The spiritual father of his Hero Stephen was a Jew named Bloom.

    The Irish mostly suck, like the Pollacks.

    1. desert rat wouldn't know anything of all this.

    2. Department of MonitoringMon Sep 01, 07:41:00 PM EDT


    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Anyone who is obsessed with someones race, as you are, is obsessed with all of them. Harken back to your “Jewish lawyer” phase or “schtick” as Allen saw through it. That was before your useful idiot phase.

  15. Jesus Christ you are the one obsessed by race.

    Day after day of it.

    Month after month.

    What for God's Sake does race have to do with culture?

    It is culture I am concerned with.

    Try something else.......

    I defend the Jews for the simple reason they have a better culture.

    They are all semites for goodness sakes.

    The moslems are basically insane due to their book, the Jews are not, due to their book...........

    As far as I'm concerned, it is a literary contest.......

    Race has ZERO to do with it......

    1. Now I repeat my question:

      WHY have the United States of America, Canada, and the European Union all designated Hamas as a Terrorist Organization?

      It is a simple question but not you, nor Quirk, nor Rufus, nor Ash have answered it.

      I'd think one of you folks would at least give it a try.

    2. The lack of caring about the non-issue of Hamas is obvious, Bob.

    3. .

      Why don't you check for responses, dipshit?

      I answered your question on the last stream.

      [QuirkMon Sep 01, 09:00:00 AM EDT


      From Wiki

      A common definition of terrorism is the systematic use or threatened use of violence to intimidate a population or government and thereby effect political, religious, or ideological change.

      The reason Hamas is on the US terrorist list is that they meet the broad definition of a terrorist group and because they are at odds with official US policy. This is to a degree an arbitrary list. Otherwise, why would Ghaddafi and Libya be on the US list one day and off it the next. As for Canada and the EU, I would say the same criteria applies. We see the subjectivity of the term terrorist in the fact that both Egypt and Saudi Arabia call the MB a terrorist organization while the US does not. And we have to ask, why aren't the leaders of Saudi Arabia designated a terrorist group when they finance terror and spread a philosophy of terror throughout the world? Is it simply because they say they are against terror? Or is it because they are an ally of the US?

      Rhetorical questions?

      Here is another.

      Look again at the broad definition of terrorism?

      A common definition of terrorism is the systematic use or threatened use of violence to intimidate a population or government and thereby effect political, religious, or ideological change.

      Regarding the subject of the current stream, would the forced relocation of a population by the military of an occupying nation be considered a terrorist act? It seems to fit with within the broad definition. Would collective punishment, the burning down of family homes of the relatives of accused terrorist in order 'to make a point' for instance, itself be considered a terrorist act?

      Is terrorism a matter of degree, or the form that it takes, or who does it, or who defines it?

      A lot of questions out there if one has the curiosity to ask them.]


    4. The lack of caring about the non-issue of Hamas is obvious, Quirk

    5. .

      The question Obumble asked me was answered. I would have thought the answer was obvious to, as I pointed out, someone who possessed actual intellectual curiosity and was not just asking rhetorical questions for the effect.


    6. His lack of caring about the non-issue of Hamas is obvious, Quirk

      You are correct

  16. Right now I am obsessed with getting my goddamned new Microsoft Office to print up a letter.......

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Stephen Daedalus' biological father was just a another Irish Jew hating Catholic swine.

    They killed Christ, they killed GOD, don't you know......

    blah blah blah

    But Stephen and his spiritual father Bloom......made a deep human connection......beyond dogmas.....

    out for awhile

    1. Don't worry b00bie is simply referring to Irish culture, Jewish culture, and Catholic culture because, of course, each group shares the same cultural traits.


      why is it you never talk about your daughter, who was raped, anymore? Oddly, though, you choose to tell us about your niece, who, coincidentally, you have also told us was raped. Odd theme you got going there old man. It must be an Idahoan cultural thing!

  18. Idaho Bob

    The Irish mostly suck, like the Pollacks.

    Race has ZERO to do with it......

    The moslems are basically insane due to their book, the Jews are not, due to their book...........

    Jesus Christ you are the one obsessed by race.

    Idaho Bob

  19. The Big List of Palestinian/Hamas terrorist/suicide attacks -

    1. It's possible that the United States of America, Canada, and the European Union have all designated Hamas as a Terrorist Organization because they are always blowing stuff up.

    2. Heck, it is more than just blowing stuff up or the USA would be designated one as well.

    3. And it's more than government involvement and clandestine funding, or the Saudis would be on the list

  20. Ash and rat, two innocent civilian nincompoops in late summer......

  21. Rufus prepares to fight for Hamas -

  22. Nevertheless, Hamas is declared a terrorist organization under US law.

  23. The US was attacked and retaliated. Israel was attacked and retaliated. The government of Canada has been extremely supportive of both the US and Israel. If the citizens of Canada disagree with their government's pro-Western point of view, they will replace that government. Time will tell.

  24. Having rattled his tale last week giving warning to the West that Russia is a nuclear power, Mr. Putin has had more to say. The EU's time might be better spent finding a strategy to contain Mr. Putin and less pontificating about "that shitty little country." In the great scheme of things, Mr. Putin is far more dangerous.
    I can take Kiev in two weeks, Vladimir Putin warns European leaders

    Majority of Britons opposed to bombing Isis but David Cameron leaves the door to action open

    Raphael's Deposition: Renaissance masterpiece warped by Rome museum’s faulty air conditioning

    Barbarians control the West's patrimony. It's beginning to feel late Roman, even in Detroit I read. Meanwhile mobs are comforted by grandiose tales of flights of legions of non-existent, non-operational aircraft.

    David Cameron shelves move to ban British jihadis returning to UK
