Thursday, September 04, 2014

Kerry had also spoken Tuesday by phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, when he expressed his concerns about new Israeli plans to confiscate some 400 hectares of land in the occupied West Bank for settlement building. The US has called on Israel to reverse the decision.

Kerry holds 'constructive' talks with Palestinians
POSTED: 04 Sep 2014 11:49
United States Secretary of State John Kerry met for over two hours on Wednesday (Sep 3) with Palestinian negotiators for "constructive" talks on future relations with Israel, a US official said.
WASHINGTON: United States Secretary of State John Kerry met for over two hours on Wednesday (Sep 3) with Palestinian negotiators for "constructive" talks on future relations with Israel, a US official said.
The talks come just days after Israel announced its biggest grab of Palestinian land since the 1980s, and as a new showdown looms at the United Nations with the increasingly frustrated Palestinians planning to push a resolution setting a three-year deadline to end the Israeli occupation. It was Kerry's first face-to-face talks with Palestinian negotiators since Washington found itself sidelined from the Gaza ceasefire talks in July, when the top US diplomat failed to broker a truce in the war between Israel and Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip.
"Kerry met with Saeb Erekat and Majid Faraj for about two hours this afternoon," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said. "It was a constructive conversation that covered a range of issues, including Gaza, Israeli-Palestinian relations, and recent developments in the region," she said, adding they had agreed to talk again in coming weeks.
Kerry had also spoken Tuesday by phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, when he expressed his concerns about new Israeli plans to confiscate some 400 hectares of land in the occupied West Bank for settlement building. The US has called on Israel to reverse the decision.
Kerry's high-profile bid to hammer out a full peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinian Authority collapsed spectacularly amid bitter recriminations in April, despite more than a year of shuttle diplomacy. State Department officials said the Palestinians had requested Wednesday's meeting "to brief the secretary on current Palestinian plans on the way forward and next steps in Gaza."
More than 2,100 Palestinians were killed in Israel's bombardment of the Gaza Strip, nearly 70 per cent of them civilians, which ended last week with an open-ended ceasefire between Israel and Palestinian militant groups, brokered by Egypt. The two sides are supposed to meet soon in Cairo for negotiations on a long-term truce, but no date has been announced yet for the start of the talks.
The Palestinians now intend to seek a UN Security Council resolution setting a three-year deadline for ending the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories. But the resolution will likely be voted down by a veto from the US which has long opposed unilateral moves by the Palestinians to seek statehood.

- AFP/rw


  1. Eighteen percent of the land declared state land this week is west of the West Bank separation barrier, suggesting that the intent is not just to expand the Gush Etzion settlement bloc but to link the area up with Israel proper, says Dror Etkes, of the Peace Now settlement tracking project.

    Except for small enclaves of Palestinian villages, the state declared a contiguous area eligible for construction between Rosh Tzurim and Betar Ilit, which are in the West Bank, and the Green Line. The land also abuts Area B, which is under Palestinian civilian control.

    The cabinet decided to take over the land in response to the June kidnapping and killing of three teenage Jewish boys by Hamas militants in the area.

    Of the five villages whose land has been declared state land in the takeover, 1,155 dunams (289 acres) — more than a quarter of the land appropriated — belongs to Wadi Fukin. The expropriated land is east of the village, turning it into an enclave that could be surrounded by settlements. Since 1967, around three-quarters of the village’s land has been seized for settlement construction.

    According to 2013 data from the Civil Administration, of 671,000 dunams declared state land in the West Bank, 400,000 have been transferred to the World Zionist Organization to establish settlements, and 103,000 have been allocated to Israeli local authorities in the West Bank.

    Only 8,600 dunams, 0.7 percent of the total, have been allocated for use by Palestinians, mainly for the resettlement of Bedouin. In addition, private land has been expropriated for military purposes and then transferred to settlements.

    The land seizure — Israel’s largest in decades — drew condemnation from the Israeli left and from the international community. The U.S. State Department said it was “counterproductive” for the peace process. In a statement, the left-wing NGO Peace Now called the move “proof that Prime Minister Netanyahu does not aspire for a new ‘Diplomatic Horizon.’ “
    “Israel is trying to be territorially maximalist in the area and to deny territorial contiguity to the Palestinians,” Hagit Ofran, the head of Peace Now’s Settlement Watch, told JTA. “The message of this act is clear: The inclination of Israel is not to peace and compromise but to continuation of settlement.”

    But some experts said that though the move hurts Israel diplomatically, critics overstate its importance on the ground. The area is a strip of land adjacent to the West Bank that Israel intends to keep under any peace deal. Declaring it state land was, they said, a way for Netanyahu to placate his allies on the right after opposing their suggestion to depose Hamas during the Gaza war.

    Christians United For Israel...the largest pro-Israeli lobby in the US.... J Street and AIPAC don't come close.

    To learn more about lobbying in the US, read Caroline Glick's new book, "The Israeli Solution". She uses voluminous notes.

    1. Why don’t you repost your rant about Christians. I think you and I are in accordance about our contempt for them.

    2. Why in the world would you have contempt for Christians?

      They are generally quite peaceful and do much good in the world.

      They are not trying to kill you or anyone else.

      It is the Moslems for whom you, and all of us, should feel contempt.

      Their belief system is a little odd to many, but at least they have a feeling for the transcendent.

      So they are on the right track.

    3. Is that my contempt for Christians or Allen’s posted rant about his contempt for Christians?

    4. .

      To learn more about lobbying in the US, read Caroline Glick's new book, "The Israeli Solution". She uses voluminous notes.

      Why not just read the New Yorker article,

      Friends of Israel.

      It's shorter and it has cartoons every few paragraphs.


    5. .

      Christians United For Israel

      Evangelicals. John Hagee's group. Ol John doesn't like Muslims, Catholics, or homosexuals but he sure likes the Jews. Wants to do everything he can to make sure they are in Jerusalem when Armageddon comes. Of course, when that happens they will no longer be Jews as they will have all converted to Christianity.

      Ol John's a hoot.


    6. How can one not love a guy like that?

    7. QuirkThu Sep 04, 02:37:00 AM EDT

      Christians United For Israel

      Whatever your "feelings", they have the money and they get the votes. Most importantly, they form the largest pro-Israel lobby in the US. :-)

    8. QuirkThu Sep 04, 02:31:00 AM EDT
      Christians United For Israel

      You have never read the book, just as you have never read the reports on the USS Liberty, proving you to be an ill-informed bigot with "feelings". You are the perfect example of the weakness of democracy.

    9. Deuce ☂Thu Sep 04, 12:33:00 AM EDT
      Why don’t you repost your rant about Christians

      Any contempt is solely yours. I simply reported what alter boys believe. There is not contempt on my part, just sympathy for little boys who grew into cynical old men because of the ridiculousness of their former faith system - trinity, incest, immaculate conception, original sin, seven day creation. What I find contemptuous is your use of the murder of Jews when your rubric starts falling apart.

    10. We will reprint your sympathetic ode to the altar boys for entertainment purposes. We know what makes you contemptuous Allen, especially with all your ruffled pithiness.

  3. I might try to reply but....

    New comments are not allowed.




    1. You ended with one long diatribe not allowing anyone to contradict you.

    2. really, ten hours was not enough?

    Former British commander in Afghanistan: No army acts with as much discretion as IDF does

  5. reports:


    So why is Netanyahu pushing the idea that ISIS and Hamas are the same when they are clearly different? His language might be a hint: always in English. So might be the timing of these messages: right after ISIS publicly beheaded an American citizen and threatened to murder another.

    Netanyahu knows that American foreign policy toward the Israel-Palestine conflict is crucial for Israel, and could even be decisive. He also knows that American support can wax and wane. For this reason, he has long framed violent Palestinian groups like Hamas as contiguous with global jihadist groups like al-Qaeda. In other words, he's been trying to convince the Americans for years that Israel and the US are facing the same threat, so the US should back Israel against Hamas just as fully as it fights anti-American groups such as ISIS. In 2008, he said this a little too directly, arguing that the September 11 terrorist attacks had benefitted Israel, because they had "swung American public opinion in our favor."

    So Netanyahu is trying again to convince Americans that our enemy and his enemy are one and the same, so therefore the US should adopt Netanyahu's hard-line stance against Hamas, should increase its support for Israel, and should definitely stop "second-guessing" Israel's heavy-handed military actions in Gaza. It's hard to imagine it working, but that's not stopping him from trying.


      What a surprise!

    2. Yup, what a country trying to influence the foreign policy of another.

    3. .

      It's sometimes the price you pay when you are a client state.


    4. Sometimes I feel sorry for the US being under the thumb of the Jews. The Protocols had it just right and old Adolph knew a thing or two.

  6. Under PLO/PA/Hamas etc. law, selling land to a Jew is a capitol offense. Several hundred Muslims have been judicially or extra-judicially murdered for transferring a deed to their own land. No such law exists in Israel.
    Death to Those Who Sell Homes to Jews

    "A report by the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) contends that, before the creation of the PA, the decree had been in effect since before the creation of Israel in 1948. If CBN is correct, it reveals an inconvenient truth: the kind of irrational hatred that would make selling one’s home to a Jew an offense punishable by death pre-dated the creation of the Jewish State. Such a reality blasts a giant hole in the seemingly intractable belief among Western leaders that all of the region’s ongoing animosity is the result of Israel’s policies toward Palestinians — or that such animosity can be quelled by any “peace process.”

    "Yet it is telling that Mr. Shahla’s most ardent defenders are Jews, including, as Arutz Sheva reported on April 15th, “several Israeli Knesset Members and leaders in Judea and Samaria,” while those who would kill him are his fellow Palestinians. In 1957, former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir said, “Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”

    Given the money offered by Jews for land held by Arabs and Christians (they to face the death penalty) Israelis could grow settlements the old fashioned way, through the market. But Since Mr. Abbas insists on killing those who sell land to Jews, open land is chosen instead. By doing so, the Jews are saving lives and building homes.

    Why don't you all petition the PA to rescind its barbaric law and allow market forces to have sway?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. .

      Market forces?


      Are you really looking for us to start posting articles on de facto housing policies (use, abuse, and discrimination) by all the players in Israel and the Occupied Territories, Allen?


    3. QuirkThu Sep 04, 02:08:00 AM EDT

      Market forces?


      Are you really looking for us to start posting articles on de facto housing policies (use, abuse, and discrimination) by all the players in Israel and the Occupied Territories, Allen?

      Not if you had to look at facts. Bigotry is so much easier. Perhaps you could rouse yourself to accepting the immorality of murder for land transfers. Probably not.

  7. A free market is always best.

    That is an excellent reply to this thread, Allen.

    I would not sell my land to anyone if I knew they were going to build a mosque on it, but that is my choice.

    Their are others around who would do so.

    1. Less than 7% of the land in the State of Israel is privately owned.

  8. The Israeli government should give fair market value for land.

    This often does not happen here in the USA where land is often condemned for shopping centers and such, against the wishes of the old lady living single in the only house she has ever owned.

    After that court case before the Supreme Court that weakened the takings clause, can't recall the name of the case, Idaho and its blessed legislature went ahead and strengthened our laws against such government thievery here.

  9. Less than 7% of the land in the State of Israel is privately owned.

    1. We heard you the first time.

      There is a lot of desert in Israel.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time - a tremendous whack.
      - Winston Churchill

  10. Finance Minister Yair Lapid warned Tuesday that Israel was eroding its international support after Washington joined a chorus of criticism of its biggest appropriation of Palestinian land since the 1980s.

    Lapid complained that the cabinet had not been consulted about Sunday's announcement of the confiscation of 400 hectares (988 acres) of land in the West Bank to pave the way for further settlement building.

    "The announcement, which wasn't brought to the cabinet, regarding 900 acres of land for building in Gush Etzion (between Jerusalem and Hebron) harms the State of Israel," Lapid told an economic conference in Tel Aviv.

    "Maintaining the support of the world was already challenging, so why was it so urgent to create another crisis with the United States and the world?" he asked.

    Lapid, a moderate within the governing coalition, was alluding to widespread international condemnation of the high Palestinian civilian death toll during Israel's 50-day war in Gaza.

    Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, another cabinet moderate who served as chief negotiator in abortive US-brokered talks with the Palestinians, had already criticized the move.

    "It weakens Israel and threatens its security," she said on Monday.

    But Economy Minister Naftali Bennett, whose far-right Jewish Home party draws much of its support from the settler lobby, defended the move, saying it was retaliation for the murder of three Israeli teenagers in the West Bank.

    1. The murder of the 3 Jews. 2 israelis and 1 american is a point.

      but the land has been in the plans for 30 years.

      and of course, it's been own since the 1920's by the jews.

      but you don't recognize land deeds by jews... those european liars...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  12. If 900 acres is the biggest appropriation since the 80's there must not be all that much of a problem.

    1. It's been in the works for 30 years,

      the land? purchased in the 1920's, then the arabs slaughtered the jews that lived there and drove off those they didn't kill, 2 more times after that..

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Joe Biden on what the US government does when someone harms Americans:

    “[W]hen people harm Americans, we don’t retreat. We don’t forget,” Biden said during a speech in New Hampshire. “We take care of those who are grieving, and when that’s finished, they should know, we will follow them to the gates of hell until they are brought to justice. Because hell is where they will reside. Hell is where they will reside.”

    He must surely be talking about the Israelis who attacked the USS Liberty. Maybe not.

    Read more:

    1. Maybe he was talking about the American teenager that was executed by Hamas 8 weeks ago that started the war?

    2. Since Yasser Arafat signed the Oslo Peace Accords in September 1993, at least 53 Americans have been murdered by Palestinian terrorism. The list does not include American servicemembers killed on active duty.

      List is way to long to post

    3. nor does it include US Ambassadors and other US governmental folks and NGO's that have been murdered by the Palestinians

      And of course it doesn't list Bobby Kennedy's murderer, the Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan

  14. Wasn't Biden opposed to Obama's raid to kill Osama Bin Laden?

  15. Biden gets turned on when people listen to him intently or if he has had a couple of drinks. It revs him up. Biden mistakenly believes that they are hanging on his every word. In reality, they are paralyzed in stunned disbelief as he goes over the top, splitting his pants as he does so.

    1. That said, I wouldn't want to be carrying the Life Insurance on that beheading Britisher.

    2. He should be easier to find than was Bin Laden, and the Special Ops guys have already proven that Syria is an "open house."

  16. In the midst of Two months of very positive economic data, the nagging knowledge that wages didn't rise an iota in in July, nor did consumer "outlays" in the latest report.

    It makes you wonder.

  17. The crime of building homes on Jewish lands. Yes I said it, JEWISH lands is the crime.

    To those that don't like Israel? That think that building on 1000 acres makes any difference?

    Those that Hate Israel and seek the genocide of the Jews? Hated Jews and Israel yesterday, today and tomorrow, regardless of Israel's home building.

    Now the truth?

    israel should and will do what it needs to do to grow and be strong...

    If Jews building homes on Jewish lands pisses you off?


    Palestinian attempts to MURDER Jews pisses me off...

    Your side murders, my side build homes...

    1. .

      Zionism has always been about the land, taking it and holding it. That is why even though Israel has stated that it wants to expand land use in central Israel less than 5% of 2014 approved land sales by the Israeli Land Authority where there while 55% were in either East Jerusalem or the West Bank, it is why Non-Jews make up 24% of the Israeli population but own less than 5% of the available land, it is why it is pretty much impossible for an Arab to by land in Jerusalem yet the Jewish population there is growing, its why 85 Arab houses there are destroyed to build a park, it is why Arabs you have 'Jewish' and 'Arab' towns in Israel.

      Of course it is all about the land.

      It is why prior to the end of the Mandate, Jews owned 7% of the land in Palestine and after Israel's war for independence they owned 78%.

      It has always been about the land and the Palestinians know it.


    2. There is no such thing as "Jewish Land", "O"rdure.

      That you seem to believe that there is, just one of your mental malfunctions.

    3. Thanks for the advise.

      I'll pass that along with my month check I send back to Israel to buy more lands for the Jewish National Fund.

    4. Non-Jews make up 24% of the Israeli population but own less than 5% of the available land

      Blacks in America make up 12% of the population but do they own their fair share?

      Within the last century, African-American land ownership has rapidly declined. Comparing the U.S. Agriculture Census data on African-American farmland ownership for 1910 and 1997, it shows a drastic decline from its peak of 15 million acres in 1910 to 2.4 million acres in 1997

      What bullshit statistics are and can be...

    5. it is why it is pretty much impossible for an Arab to by land in Jerusalem yet the Jewish population there is growing,

      The population of Jerusalem is a complex issue.

      are you accounting for the expanded areas that are now considered "jerusalem" or are you referring to ONLY the land that was called jerusalem in 1948?

      do you take into account all the illegal arab building?

      why not look at a baseline question

      the population of arabs in jerusalem in 1948 verse 2014

      Oh that's right Jordan controlled Jerusalem's arab occupied areas...

      Spewing stats? bullshit.

      from 1967 to 2014 better question..

      After the Six-Day War the population of Jerusalem increased by 196%. The Jewish population grew by 155%, while the Arab population grew by 314%. The proportion of the Jewish population fell from 74% in 1967 to 72% in 1980, to 68% in 2000, and to 64% in 2010


      more stats...

      but you will say anything I offer is crap...

    6. In 2003, the total population of Jerusalem was 693,217, including 464,527 Jews and 228,690 "Arabs and others" (Choshen 1), that same year the population of the Old City was 3,965 Jews and 31,405 "Arabs and others" (Choshen 12).

      wow, arabs out number Jews in the Old City...

    7. 1922 jews 33,971 arabs 13,413
      2011 jews 497,000 arabs 281,000


      sounds like a whole lot of folks being born...

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. "O"rdure has taken to 'self-censorship', it is probably a "Good Thing".

  20. Setting the example, you should learn and copy

  21. QuirkThu Sep 04, 09:35:00 AM EDT

    Zionism has always been about the land, taking it and holding it. That is why even though Israel has stated that it wants to expand land use in central Israel less than 5% of 2014 approved land sales by the Israeli Land Authority where there while 55% were in either East Jerusalem or the West Bank, it is why Non-Jews make up 24% of the Israeli population but own less than 5% of the available land, it is why it is pretty much impossible for an Arab to by land in Jerusalem yet the Jewish population there is growing, its why 85 Arab houses there are destroyed to build a park, it is why Arabs you have 'Jewish' and 'Arab' towns in Israel.

    Of course it is all about the land.

    It is why prior to the end of the Mandate, Jews owned 7% of the land in Palestine and after Israel's war for independence they owned 78%.

    It has always been about the land and the Palestinians know it.

    But quirk, the arabs own 899/900th of the lands...

    you can always focus in on a tiny slice and dissect it, but if you look at the macro.

    Arabs hold 899/900th of all the middle eastern lands.

    Jews hold 1/900th.

    Stick to honest facts Quirk...

    1. Municipality approves massive expansion for Palestinians in east Jerusalem

      According to the municipality, the plan will feature 2,200 housing units and 1,300 dunams for the development of public spaces.

      The Jerusalem Municipality’s Local Planning and Construction Committee on Wednesday approved a large development for the Jebl Mukaber neighborhood.

      The plan will feature 2,200 housing units and 130 hectares for the development of infrastructure, including parks, roads, schools, cultural institutions and businesses.

      There is MUCH development by the arabs both in Israel and in the disputed lands of the west bank, of course, they are illegal settlements that do not pay taxes and are not on maps. Hundreds of palestinian villages have sprung up in the Negev and the west bank that are not counted.

      As for building? Arabs build homes anywhere they can, across property lines and that is one of the reasons for Israel to expand legal building in the arab areas, to legalize? Is to create tax bases.

      Want equality? Pay taxes to pay for services and development...

    2. Israel, a secular and socialist state that was built upon ...
      ... the Three Pillars of Apartheid

      The first pillar
      “derives from Israeli laws and policies that establish Jewish identity for purposes of law and afford a preferential legal status and material benefits to Jews over non-Jews.”

      The second pillar is reflected in
      “Israel’s ‘grand’ policy to fragment the OPT [and] ...
      ... ensure that Palestinians remain confined to the reserves designated for them ...
      ... while Israeli Jews are prohibited from entering those reserves but enjoy freedom of movement...
      ... throughout the rest of the Palestinian territory.

      This policy is evidenced by Israel’s extensive appropriation of Palestinian land, which continues to shrink the territorial space available to Palestinians;

      the hermetic closure and isolation of the Gaza Strip from the rest of the OPT;
      the deliberate severing of East Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank;

      and the appropriation and construction policies serving to carve up the West Bank into an intricate and well-serviced network of connected settlements for Jewish-Israelis ...

      ... an archipelago of besieged and non-contiguous enclaves for Palestinians.”

      The third pillar is
      “Israel’s invocation of ‘security’ to validate sweeping restrictions on Palestinian freedom of ...
      ... opinion, expression, assembly, association and movement [to] mask a true underlying intent ...
      ... to suppress dissent to its system of domination and thereby maintain control over Palestinians as a group.”

    3. .

      My facts are honest.

      Allen raised the issue of Palestinian laws regarding land sales. I don't approve the punishments they prescribe but I do understand the reasons for the laws. My point to Allen was it is probably not wise to examine too closely the land practices of the State of Israel either.

      When I make the point Allen accuses me of bigotry you accuses me of inaccuracy. Neither accusation will prevent me from enjoying my usual cup of coffee this morning.

      Arabs hold 899/900th of all the middle eastern lands.

      Irrelevant to the discussion of land practices in Israel and the Occupied Territories.

      There is no doubt it has always been about the land, who can get it and who can keep it. Israel currently has the power and is exercising it. If you want to argue that my facts are wrong, pick one and state your case. Just make it quick, a couple of my grandsons will be here in about a half hour to help me with the 'to do' list.


    4. Not irrelevant.

      Totally part of the discussion.

      Jewish refugees and the theft by the same arabs of their lands during the same time period and conflict are germane

    5. Well, go and play in your occupied stolen lands, I am sure the natives will not lobe rockets at you or those lovely grandkids..

      but if they did?

      I am sure you would not give up your home or offer them tea...

  22. quirk:It is why prior to the end of the Mandate, Jews owned 7% of the land in Palestine and after Israel's war for independence they owned 78%.

    You forgot to add in Jordan. That was part of the mandate and it's 70% of the land promised to both the Jews and the arabs.

    I love how you parrot talking points...

    investigate your points before parroting..

    your %'s are nonsense.

    1. We know that both the Israeli and the NAZI embrace the concept of Lebensraum ("living space") as being a law of nature for all healthy and vigorous peoples of superior races …

    2. .

      You forgot to add in Jordan. That was part of the mandate and it's 70% of the land promised to both the Jews and the arabs.

      It is you who have your 'facts' wrong. Jordan was never 'promised' to the Jews. The mandate was divided into Palestine and Transjordan. The only homeland mentioned for the Jews was in Palestine.


    3. Akhenaten promised the land to the "Jews", Quirk.

      Even though there were no "Jews", back when the 'promise' was made.

    4. the only homeland mentioned for the Jews was in Palestine.

      1920 - Original territory assigned to the Jewish National Home According to the British Mandate.

      INCLUDED all of transjordan.

    5. But, "O"rdure, you have told us that there was no Palestine.

      So a portion of nothing, is nothing.

      You arguments have come full circle, now you are citing as a basis for Israeli legitimacy, what you have claimed is illegitimate.

  23. Quart often, I have noticed, spouts off with very little real knowledge to back himself up.

    Much as I love the guy (sometimes) I feel compelled to say ol' Quart often spouts off with very little real knowledge to back himself up.

    He is, however, light years ahead of rat, Rufus, etc

    1. .

      I make you the same offer I made to WiO. Pick one of the facts I have stated and point out where it is wrong?


    2. Don’t hold your breath. The I-team is not used to being fact checked.

    3. You are the biggest sinner of all on facts, Deuce. Recall all that non sense you put up about the number of children orphaned in Iraq? etc etc

      Quirk, I shall hold my fire until you put up a really egregious error, and then put you in your place.

      You are much more trustworthy on facts than Deuce, I will say that.

    4. Propaganda and facts are like oil and water.

    5. Idaho BobThu Sep 04, 10:13:00 AM EDT

      Quart often, I have noticed, spouts off with very little real knowledge to back himself up.

      Holy fucking Toledo - I am surprised you, of all fucking people. had the gall to write that. You, far and above any poster here, spout off with no knowledge whatsoever of the topic you whinge on about. I know, I know, I shouldn't be surprised, but I am gobsmacked by how little self awareness you have Bob. It is appalling.

    6. and Bob, really, try taking Quirk up on his challenge. He laid the facts out clearly and concisely. Pick one, any one, and see if you can debunk it.

  24. Now here is a creative idea -

    Hamas's War Crimes and Crimes against Islam

    by Bassam Tawil
    September 4, 2014 at 5:00 am

    There is no horror more appalling than forcing the Gazan population to endure the stockpiling of rockets in mosques, the construction of tunnels under their kitchens, the situating of terrorist headquarters under their hospitals and the perverted use made of UNRWA facilities (some of whose personnel collaborated with Hamas and willingly concealed weapons). The West must disband UNRWA.

    The tragedy is that the Gazans, in fear of their lives from Hamas terrorists, are afraid to protest.

    Hama leaders should be tried for war crimes, and Abbas should remember that since he heads the national consensus government with Hamas, he himself is liable to be tried in the Hague for the war crimes Hamas has committed against the Israelis.

    Why is the Oslo II Agreement of 1995, assuring the complete disarmament of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, even being renegotiated, and why was it not implemented in the first place?

    As Qatar is a country without a people and the Palestinians are a people without a country, Qatar should be turned into the national home for the Palestinians, "Palestine."

  25. Another Big-Assed (technical term) ISM Number:

    ISM Non-Manufacturing Index increased to 59.6% in August

    by Bill McBride on 9/04/2014 10:00:00 AM

    The August ISM Non-manufacturing index was at 59.6%, up from 58.7% in July. The employment index increased in August to 57.1%, up from 56.0% in July. Note: Above 50 indicates expansion, below 50 contraction.

    From the Institute for Supply Management: August 2014 Non-Manufacturing ISM Report On Business®

    Economic activity in the non-manufacturing sector grew in August for the 55th consecutive month, say the nation's purchasing and supply executives in the latest Non-Manufacturing ISM® Report On Business®.

    The report was issued today by Anthony Nieves, CPSM, C.P.M., CFPM, chair of the Institute for Supply Management® (ISM®) Non-Manufacturing Business Survey Committee. "The NMI® registered 59.6 percent in August, 0.9 percentage point higher than the July reading of 58.7 percent. This represents continued growth in the Non-Manufacturing sector. The August reading of 59.6 percent is the highest for the composite index since its inception in January 2008. The Non-Manufacturing Business Activity Index increased to 65 percent, which is 2.6 percentage points higher than the July reading of 62.4 percent, reflecting growth for the 61st consecutive month at a faster rate. This is the highest reading for the index since December of 2004 when the index also registered 65 percent. The New Orders Index registered 63.8 percent, 1.1 percentage points lower than the reading of 64.9 percent registered in July. The Employment Index increased 1.1 percentage points to 57.1 percent from the July reading of 56 percent and indicates growth for the sixth consecutive month. The Prices Index decreased 3.2 percentage points from the July reading of 60.9 percent to 57.7 percent, indicating prices increased at a slower rate in August when compared to July. According to the NMI®, 15 non-manufacturing industries reported growth in August. Respondents' comments vary by business and industry. The majority of the comments reflect continued optimism in regards to business conditions. Some respondents indicate that there may be some tapering off in the recent strong rate of growth in the non-manufacturing sector."


    Calculated Risk

  26. Kicking the ISIS can down the road to the next President -

    >>>>But this is not the only language of the Bush years Blinken appropriated this week. Appearing on CNN on Wednesday, the deputy national security advisor told Wolf Blitzer that the fight against ISIS may be – like the once-defunct War on Terror – a generational struggle. Except he did not say that. Blinken said that throttling the nascent Islamic State in the crib is a project for the next occupant of the Oval Office.

    “This, as the President has said, is going to have to be a sustained effort,” Blinken said. “It’s going to take time, and it will probably go beyond even this administration to get to the point of defeat.”<<<<

    White House official: The Islamic State is the next administration’s problem

    posted at 10:01 am on September 4, 2014 by Noah Rothman

    Problem solved for Obama.

    Quart and Hillary or some Republican can solve it for the rest of us.

    Obama is free to go back to golfing.

  27. ISIS has pissed too many people off.

    They are going to eventually get their ass kicked hard.

  28. Focus On Nigeria, continued.........

    September 4, 2014

    The turn of Boko Haram

    By Rick Moran

    While events in Ukraine and the Levant occupy our thoughts, Boko Haram is "poised to explode any day" like Islamic State.
    Little noticed in western circles, the al-Qaeda affiliate declared a caliphate last week and then proceeded to sweep across the Nigerian state of Borno where it captured the city of Gwoza, a town of 275,000 residents.

    Recruits are flocking to their banner and they are growing in size and sophistication. Also growing, is their lust for blood.

    Bridget Johnson of PJ Media tracks their progress:

    “Boko Haram has the potential to explode any day, like ISIS. Now we have a major international crisis to deal with in Iraq. The international community must not let this terror continue,” [Rep. Frederica] Wilson said.

    “We still tweet daily, #BringBackOurGirls, for the safe return of the kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls. We have a large and supportive following and our purpose is to show the world that Boko is a major threat.”

    On the heels of the capture of Gwoza, Boko Haram seized Gamboru Ngala near Lake Chad at the Cameroon border. The terrorist assault was so fierce that, in a historical first for the large West African nation, it drove about 480 Nigerian soldiers into Cameroon. The fight for the strategic location gave Boko Haram a valuable transit point to stock their new caliphate with arms and other necessities.

    1. Boko Haram seized control of Buni Yadi in late August, a city in neighboring Yobe state that signified a westward outpost for the terror group. In February, jihadists slaughtered 59 boys at a boarding school here and torched the educational facilities.

      In the first days of September, Boko Haram has gained even more momentum.

      The terrorists seized control of Madagli, a town in Adamawa state near the Cameroon border. The Catholic diocese that covers Yobe, Borno and Adamawa states told reporters Thursday that parish priests were fleeing for their lives and churches were being burned to the ground.

      “Christian men were caught and beheaded, the women were forced to become Muslims and were taken as wives to the terrorists,” said the diocese statement to the media, according to Nigeria’s Daily Post. “The houses of Christians that have fled are now occupied by the Haramists. Their cars are used by the terrorists. Some Boko Haram sympathizers around the town showed the terrorists Christian homes, and Christians hiding were also identified and killed. Strict Sharia law has been promulgated, as observed by a woman who luckily escaped from the dead zone.”

      And the status of Bama, a town in Borno state, was in flux after a Monday assault by Boko Haram, with both the terrorists and government claiming that they held the city. Borno state deputy governor Zanna Mustapha said in a statement, according to Reuters, that the attack “was very unfortunate, but I want to reassure our people that government is on top of the situation.”

      The government is not on top of the situation and have largely given up in finding and rescuing the kidnapped girls. The more success enjoyed by the terrorists, the more recruits they attract, the more money they collect, the more supplies they can buy, and the more dangerous they become.

    2. Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa with vast oil and mineral riches. But its government is weak and indecisive not to mention corrupt. They have proven unable to deal with Boko Haram and that situation is not likely to improve any time soon.

      A mass slaughter of Christians is in the offing unless African states can come together to deal with this threat.

      While events in Ukraine and the Levant occupy our thoughts, Boko Haram is "poised to explode any day" like Islamic State.

      Little noticed in western circles, the al-Qaeda affiliate declared a caliphate last week and then proceeded to sweep across the Nigerian state of Borno where it captured the city of Gwoza, a town of 275,000 residents.

      Recruits are flocking to their banner and they are growing in size and sophistication. Also growing, is their lust for blood.

      Bridget Johnson of PJ Media tracks their progress:

      “Boko Haram has the potential to explode any day, like ISIS. Now we have a major international crisis to deal with in Iraq. The international community must not let this terror continue,” [Rep. Frederica] Wilson said.

      “We still tweet daily, #BringBackOurGirls, for the safe return of the kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls. We have a large and supportive following and our purpose is to show the world that Boko is a major threat.”

      On the heels of the capture of Gwoza, Boko Haram seized Gamboru Ngala near Lake Chad at the Cameroon border. The terrorist assault was so fierce that, in a historical first for the large West African nation, it drove about 480 Nigerian soldiers into Cameroon. The fight for the strategic location gave Boko Haram a valuable transit point to stock their new caliphate with arms and other necessities.

      Boko Haram seized control of Buni Yadi in late August, a city in neighboring Yobe state that signified a westward outpost for the terror group. In February, jihadists slaughtered 59 boys at a boarding school here and torched the educational facilities.

      In the first days of September, Boko Haram has gained even more momentum.

      The terrorists seized control of Madagli, a town in Adamawa state near the Cameroon border. The Catholic diocese that covers Yobe, Borno and Adamawa states told reporters Thursday that parish priests were fleeing for their lives and churches were being burned to the ground.

      “Christian men were caught and beheaded, the women were forced to become Muslims and were taken as wives to the terrorists,” said the diocese statement to the media, according to Nigeria’s Daily Post. “The houses of Christians that have fled are now occupied by the Haramists. Their cars are used by the terrorists. Some Boko Haram sympathizers around the town showed the terrorists Christian homes, and Christians hiding were also identified and killed. Strict Sharia law has been promulgated, as observed by a woman who luckily escaped from the dead zone.”

      And the status of Bama, a town in Borno state, was in flux after a Monday assault by Boko Haram, with both the terrorists and government claiming that they held the city. Borno state deputy governor Zanna Mustapha said in a statement, according to Reuters, that the attack “was very unfortunate, but I want to reassure our people that government is on top of the situation.”

      The government is not on top of the situation and have largely given up in finding and rescuing the kidnapped girls. The more success enjoyed by the terrorists, the more recruits they attract, the more money they collect, the more supplies they can buy, and the more dangerous they become.

      Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa with vast oil and mineral riches. But its government is weak and indecisive not to mention corrupt. They have proven unable to deal with Boko Haram and that situation is not likely to improve any time soon.

      A mass slaughter of Christians is in the offing unless African states can come together to deal with this threat.

      Read more:

    3. Boko Haram translates out as Ban Books, Books Are Bad, etc., I believe.

    4. Goodluck Jonathan needs some good luck these days.

  29. Electric vehicle sales are running out of gas

    We rented a Prius for a week. Neat car, but the gas savings don't justify the cost of the car.

    It did indeed get 50mpg, or even more if one drove really carefully.

    1. oops, wrong link

      Here is is -

  30. DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran's central bank has received a total of $1 billion (608 million pounds) of previously frozen oil revenue from Japan under the terms of an extended nuclear agreement with six world powers, state news agency IRNA reported on Thursday.

    1. that will buy 10,000 replacement rockets for Hamas

    2. What is "Occupation"Mon Jul 21, 09:33:00 PM EDT
      If there is one Hamas member still alive and spitting? Israel lost…

    3. give it a rest, we all know you are posting "snippets" and out of context statement.

      WHY LIE?

      Are your arguments so weak you cannot deal in actual facts?

      You remind me of that guy in the Lord of the Rings, "worm tongue"..

  31. We are focused on ISIS and Gaza while Nigeria, a HUGE country, is going downs the tubes, the Christians facing death, being slaughtered, genocide taking place............

    I am having difficulty locating these moderate Moslems I hear so much about.

    Except for the Kurds....

  32. REPORT: Hillary to Mexico for Carlos Slim Event... ...drudge

    By God, she's got my vote.

    1. She's really gotten to be quite the fat ass.

      Maybe Carlos can slim her down a bit.

  33. For Quirk -

    The Opinion Pages | Editorial

    The Innocent on Death Row


    It's a real problem.

    Maybe Quirk is right, we ought to do away with the death penalty.

    Damn though, some people just really deserve the noose......

  34. Three senior members of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) - including an aide to its leader - were killed in a U.S. airstrike in Iraq, a senior Iraqi security official told NBC News Thursday. The strike on the ISIS stronghold of Mosul killed Abu Hajar Al-Sufi, an aide to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as well as an explosives operative and the military leader of the nearby town of Tel Afar, the source said on condition of anonymity. Al Arabiya cited the Iraqi Defense Ministry saying Baghdadi's aide had been killed in the strike.

    The U.S. has been carrying out airstrikes across the country's north after the brutal terror group gained ground in a murderous sweep in June. The U.S. and the West have stepped up their rhetoric against the group after what Obama's opponents said was a slow start in articulating a solution to the crisis. Germany has pledged weapons to Kurdish fighters and British Prime Minister David Cameron indicated at the start of the NATO summit in Wales that the U.K. could take the step of joining the U.S. in bombing the group.

  35. Bob would have you believe that the world, including Nigeria, is going to shit.

    The truth is far from the fear mongering he advocates for.

    IHS Said to Pay About $2 Billion for MTN Towers in Nigeria

    IHS Holding Ltd., Africa’s largest independent phone tower company, agreed to buy 9,151 Nigerian towers from MTN Group Ltd. (MTN) in a deal valued at about $2 billion, according to two people familiar with the transaction.
    Darwish said that Nigeria is particularly appealing because it’s a large country with a lot of potential for mobile broadband growth as more people start using smartphones. Nigeria is “interesting on so many levels,” he said. “It’s the telecom hub of Africa.”

    Always a crisis in Boobie World, while business is moving right along.

  36. The US is wallowing right along, involving itself in African politics.

    US Plans Major Border Security Program in Nigeria

    A top U.S. official for Africa says the United States is preparing to launch a "major" border security program for Nigeria and its neighbors to combat the increasing number and scope of attacks by Islamic extremists.

    Thursday's announcement from assistant secretary Linda Thomas-Greenfield comes amid reports that Nigerian Islamic extremists have begun attacking villages in neighboring Cameroon.

    Thomas Greenfield told a meeting in Nigeria's capital of U.S. and Nigerian officials that "the situation on the ground is worsening."

    She said the initiative is designed to improve transparency, governance and effectiveness of key elements of the Nigerian security sector.

    Nigerian troops have been accused of killing thousands of innocent civilians in a scorched-earth response to the Boko Haram insurgency ...

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Nah, I don't think the world is in such a big long as one doesn't live in certain areas.....

    Overall, things are going along well enough, they could be going a lot worse.

    I doubt there is going to be a big war in Europe, for instance.

    I doubt Pooty will mess with the Baltic states.

    NATO should however get some real troops in there.

  39. Damn that ethanol; running up the price of corn like . . . .

    uh, wait, . . . . . what?

    “We’re going to find that there’s some really big yields,” Brian Hoops, president of Midwest Market Solutions in Springfield, Missouri, said in a telephone interview. “Once everything starts rolling here, we’ll expect even more pressure against corn and soybeans.”

    Corn futures for December delivery fell 1.8 percent to $3.455 a bushel at 10:45 a.m. on the Chicago Board of Trade, after falling to $3.4375, the lowest for a most-active contract since June 2010. Prices through yesterday fell 17% this year.

    Soybean futures for delivery in November fell 1.4 percent to $10.055 a bushel. The contract touched $10.035, the lowest since September 2010.

    Farmers may harvest 14.595 billion bushels of corn and 4 billion of soybeans, FCStone said Sept. 2. The USDA forecasts a record 14.032 billion bushels of corn and 3.816 billion bushels of soybeans.

    Wheat futures for December delivery lost 0.6 percent to $5.325 a bushel . . . . . .

    Jeez, Loueeze

  40. New To The Blog - Idaho Bob's India Watch

    September 4, 2014

    India Opens the Door to Japan

    By Sudhanshu Tripathi

    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s current visit to Japan has proved to be very successful in many ways. While it has brought two Asian giants on fruitful cooperation in different sectors like infrastructure, manufacturing, transport, and clean energy, along with smart cities and bullet train technology, it has forcefully highlighted the importance of a resurgent Asia in global affairs. With the massive Japanese investment to the tune of 3.5 trillion yen ($33.5 billion) into India in the above-mentioned sectors in the next five years both India and Japan will benefit. India will provide a huge market for Japanese businesses looking to diversify. High-speed bullet trains and smart cities with ultra-modern facilities are ideal opportunities for Japanese investments and expanding cooperation.
    This is not the first time that both the Asian giants have cooperated to improve mutual trade and investment. An earlier unsuccessful effort occurred when India moved toward liberalisation in early 1990s. But due to prevailing red tape and cumbersome legal processes in India, the endeavour failed and Japan turned to China and South Korea instead of struggling with India’s corrupt and slow-moving bureaucracy. But due to Mr. Modi’s strong will and firm commitment, the effort has been renewed with PM Modi’s promises of “red carpet, not red tape.”

    Another very important aspect of this visit has been to counter rising Chinese imperialist-militarist ambitions in the East, including the Indian Ocean. In the recent past, China has resorted to aggressive expansion in all directions causing territorial disputes with all the littoral countries of Southeast Asia along with India, Russia, and the Far East. China established its ADIZ (Air Defence Intimation Zone) last year declaring its claim over overlapping areas of Japanese and South Korean islands. Considering these facts as sinister designs of China to assume a role not only of the regional hegemon but that of a global one, the USA concluded a military treaty with Australia two years ago to counter the rising expansionism of China. It is against this backdrop, that expanding economic cooperation between India and Japan will definitely balance the Chinese posture towards India as well as other Asian countries. The overall scenario may further improve considerably if the present India-Japan cooperation expands to include the USA and Australia in its ambit with thrust on security and stability of the Asia in particular and the East in general, besides economic cooperation including the war against terrorism and all forms of religious fundamentalism and protection of environment etc..

    1. Now, much depends upon India, as Japan’s PM Shinzo Abe has opened the door. Mr. Modi will have to see that all bureaucratic hurdles and procedural wrangles prevailing during tenures of previous governments in India are removed so that Japanese investment may easily flow into the country to stimulate the hitherto lagging Indian economy and consequent demoralised society and polity.

      Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s current visit to Japan has proved to be very successful in many ways. While it has brought two Asian giants on fruitful cooperation in different sectors like infrastructure, manufacturing, transport, and clean energy, along with smart cities and bullet train technology, it has forcefully highlighted the importance of a resurgent Asia in global affairs. With the massive Japanese investment to the tune of 3.5 trillion yen ($33.5 billion) into India in the above-mentioned sectors in the next five years both India and Japan will benefit. India will provide a huge market for Japanese businesses looking to diversify. High-speed bullet trains and smart cities with ultra-modern facilities are ideal opportunities for Japanese investments and expanding cooperation.

      This is not the first time that both the Asian giants have cooperated to improve mutual trade and investment. An earlier unsuccessful effort occurred when India moved toward liberalisation in early 1990s. But due to prevailing red tape and cumbersome legal processes in India, the endeavour failed and Japan turned to China and South Korea instead of struggling with India’s corrupt and slow-moving bureaucracy. But due to Mr. Modi’s strong will and firm commitment, the effort has been renewed with PM Modi’s promises of “red carpet, not red tape.”

      Another very important aspect of this visit has been to counter rising Chinese imperialist-militarist ambitions in the East, including the Indian Ocean............

      Read more:

      We need to expand out horizons of interest a bit.

  41. Expand your interest here -

    18 Beautiful Hindu Brides

    These gals know their jewelry......



  42. Poll



    Cassidy (R)

    Landrieu (D)


    RCP Average 6/26 - 9/3 -- 46.0 44.7 Cassidy +1.3
    Rasmussen Reports 9/2 - 9/3 800 LV 44 41 Cassidy +3
    CBS News/NYT/YouGov 7/5 - 7/24 LV 47 46 Cassidy +1
    PPP (D) 6/26 - 6/29 664 RV 47 47 Tie

    Bye bye Landrieu


  43. Geert Wilders: "War Has Been Declared against Us"

    Geert Wilders: "War Has Been Declared against Us"
    A Speech in the Netherlands Parliament

    by Geert Wilders • September 4, 2014 at 12:30 pm

    During the past ten years and two days, the ostrich cabinets did nothing. Every
    warning was ignored. They lied to the people.

    Do not prevent jihadists from leaving our country. Let them leave. I am prepared to
    go to Schiphol [airport] to wave them goodbye. But let them never come back.

    Madam Speaker, war has been declared against us.

    Madam Speaker, actually I was expecting flowers from you. I am celebrating an
    anniversary these days. Exactly ten years and two days ago, I left a party whose
    name I cannot immediately remember. During these ten years and two days. I have been
    much criticized. Most importantly for always saying the same thing.

    My critics are right. Indeed, my message had been the same during all these years.
    And today, I will repeat the same message about Islam again. For the umpteenth time.
    As I have been doing for ten years and two days.

    I have been vilified for my film Fitna. And not just vilified, but even prosecuted.
    Madam Speaker, while not so many years ago, everyone refused to broadcast my film
    Fitna, we can today watch Fitna 2, 3, 4 and 5 daily on our television screens. It is
    not a clash of civilizations that is going on, but a clash between barbarism and

    I have always liked Geert, a sane voice in The Netherlands.

  44. Holy shit - b00bie droppings galore. YUCK!

  45. Newly discovered dinosaur, Dreadnoughtus, takes title of largest terrestrial animal

    Nicknamed Quart, this fellow weighed more than a 737.

    It is thought that if he fell over he couldn't get back up.

    Our Quart has displayed this behavior on occasion.

    "Bobbo, I've fallen, and am so drunk I can't get back up. Please get a stretcher and take me to bed."

    It's at this point he often starts babbling about his love for Hillary Clinton.

  46. The best news in the world for the citizens of New York, Massachusetts, and all other High-earning states is that the South is "Going Red."

    The Redder they get, the less money the Blue States have to spend on them.

    Take Mississippi (please): The Blue States are saving close to a Three Hundred Million Dollars every year that Mississippi refuses to expand Medicaid.

    With Texas, it's probably closer to Three Billion, or so.

    1. Probably the worst break the Republicans could get would be to take the Senate, this year.

      If they win the Senate they won't be able to resist impeaching Obama, and

      history tells us that doing that will cost them dearly in 2016.

    2. I think they've learned their lesson about impeachment. They are unlikely to repeat.

  47. Former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell and his wife Maureen were convicted Thursday on a range of corruption charges in connection with gifts and loans they accepted from a wealthy businessman, marking a stunning fall for the onetime rising Republican star.

    1. The defense was they were separated and arguing all the time and couldn't possibly be conspiring together.

      What they were actually arguing about was how to divided up the loot between them, I imagine.

      The Jury didn't buy it.


  48. ohhhhh nooooooooo

    he's got diarrhea...

    1. Having another brain fart, Ash?

    2. heh heh, you are as clueless as ever.

    3. Translation from Ashian:

      Yes, Bob, I am having another brain fart.

  49. Here Ash, poke this up your uber-liberal ass -

    Speed Kills Racial Profiling Study

    September 4, 2014 by Ann Coulter

    Michael Wines disputes the conventional wisdom about a disproportionate number of African-Americans being shot by police, saying there are no data one way or another. But Wines revives the canard about blacks being disproportionately targeted in traffic stops.

    There actually is a study for that.

    Throughout the 1990s, the nation was fixated on tales of jack-booted New Jersey state troopers who were stopping speeders on the turnpike just because they were black! In a 2000 primary debate, Vice President Al Gore sneered at then-New Jersey Sen. Bill Bradley, saying, “Racial profiling practically began in New Jersey, Senator Bradley.”

    Attorney General Eric Holder recently paid tribute to the myth, claiming that when he was in college, he had been stopped “driving from New York to Washington.” He didn’t mention how fast he was going.

    The story never made sense. How could the troopers tell the race of drivers in speeding cars? Did they wait until the driver rolled down his window and, if he was white, say, “Oh, sorry — have a nice day!”

    But the Clinton administration was slapping consent decrees for racial profiling on police departments across the country, and the N.J. highway patrol was its prime evidence, based on a study that a child wouldn’t believe.

    1. As is usually the case with bogus race studies, the pivotal 1993 survey compared speed stops on the New Jersey turnpike to the population of all drivers on the turnpike — not with the population of all speeders on the turnpike.

      Such meaningless studies are popular on the left, where it is assumed that people of different races, genders and ethnicities will always behave identically in all respects.

      If fewer women pass the physical test to become firefighters, that can only be because of sexism. If fewer blacks pass the written test — that’s racism. If fewer whites play professional basketball — no, forget that one. Sports are important. (Unlike arson or vehicular homicide.)

      Nonetheless, based on the assumption that blacks speed just as much as whites — because to believe otherwise would be racist! — Temple University’s John Lamberth announced that while only 13.5 percent of drivers along a particular stretch of the New Jersey Turnpike were black, 46 percent of those stopped for speeding were black.

      Racial profiling, Q.E.D.

      The New York Times ran a dozen articles trumpeting the nonsense study, proclaiming it “the most thorough documentation of the contention that the police regularly pulled over black drivers.” Lamberth himself praised his research for ruling out the possibility of coincidence — and if you can’t trust Lamberth on his own study, who can you trust?

      Largely on the basis of that investigation, New Jersey Superior Court Judge Robert E. Francis threw out the contraband evidence seized from 19 African-American men in traffic stops on the turnpike. New Jersey’s ninny governor, Christie Todd Whitman, pronounced her state’s troopers guilty of racial profiling and agreed to a consent decree with the Department of Justice (DOJ) that basically prohibited the troopers from doing their jobs.

      Statisticians, and other people with common sense, tried to explain to liberals that human beings are not identical. Any study purporting to show that too many blacks are stopped for speeding must first determine how many speeders are black.

      Being denounced as virtual Klansmen, the state troopers demanded a real study.

      Confident that any new study would merely serve to confirm the troopers’ racism, the DOJ and the New Jersey attorney general commissioned a statistical investigation from the Public Services Research Institute in Maryland.

      The institute’s study was a spectacular thing. Using expensive monitors with high-speed cameras and radar detectors, they clocked the speeds of nearly 40,000 drivers on the relevant section of the turnpike. Three researchers then examined the photos to determine the race of the driver — without knowing whether the driver was speeding, which was defined as going more than 80 mph in 65 mph zones.

      The result: No racial profiling.

      Blacks constituted 25 percent of all speeders and they were 23 percent of drivers stopped for speeding. Controlling for age and gender, blacks sped at about twice the rate of whites. The racial disparity was even greater for drivers exceeding 90 mph.

      Inasmuch as the study was irrefutable, Mark Posner, a lefty Clinton holdover in the Bush Justice Department, tried to block it from being released, continuously demanding more information.

      But no matter how statisticians fiddled with the data, the results were identical: Blacks were twice as likely to speed as whites — and at much higher speeds. The troopers were completely vindicated.

      When the study finally leaked — over Posner’s objections — he informed the press it wasn’t “valid” without articulating any actual problems with it. The attorney general of New Jersey, David Samson, nonsensically said the results didn’t matter because New Jersey had already admitted its troopers were engaging in racial profiling.

      Perhaps the Times is right and there is no comprehensive study of police shootings by race. But it’s also possible that there is one, it didn’t come out as planned, so it has never seen the light of day


    3. Wayne Gerard TrotmanThu Sep 04, 07:43:00 PM EDT

      “The sad truth about bigotry is that most bigots either don't realize that they are bigots,
      or they convince themselves that their bigotry is perfectly justified.”

    4. Well Wayne, Ash, and Rufus, are always down on the racist cracker cops.

      This article above shows, as usual, they don't know what they are talking about when it comes to 'profiling' on the freeways.

      The profiling that is going on is profiling of speeders, as it should be, and not of blacks.

  50. Where'd you come up with that new name, rato?

    Seahawks up in about 1/2 hour !


    out for the game
