Sunday, September 14, 2014

ISIS Calls on Obama to Take the ISIL “IS Bucket Challenge”

If you have any doubts that this new Crusade will be anything less than a 24 carat Clusterfuck read on about the Ass Stabbers in Ankra:

'Turkey directly supported al-Qaeda in Syria'

Date: September 13 2014

Turkey has directly supported al-Qaeda’s wing in Syria, in defiance of America, the former US ambassador has disclosed.

The Turkish authorities thought they could work with extremist Islamist groups in the Syrian civil war and at the same time push them to become more moderate, Francis Ricciardone, who was until late June the US ambassador to Ankara, told journalists in a briefing. That led them to work with Jabhat al-Nusra, an al-Qaeda offshoot, as well as hardline Salafi Islamist groups such as Ahrar al-Sham. Mr Ricciardone said that he tried to persuade the Turks to close their borders to the groups, but to no avail.

"We ultimately had no choice but to agree to disagree," he said. "The Turks frankly worked with groups for a period, including al-Nusra, whom we finally designated as [being groups] we're not willing to work with." Turkey allowed its borders to be used as a conduit for aid, weapons and volunteers heading to support Syrian rebels from the start of the uprising, and there have long been accusations that it did not do enough to distinguish between “ moderate" groups and extremists.

But this is the first time a senior American official - albeit one no longer in service - has said openly that Turkey was working with al-Qaeda. Ironically, the Turkish policy has been effective in one way - Jabhat al-Nusra is now seen as relatively moderate compared with its splinter group, Islamic State. But in other respects, it has backfired.

President Barack Obama repeatedly stalled on providing more support to the rebel cause, fearing weapons would fall into the hands of extremists.

Islamic State split from Jabhat al-Nusra in the summer of last year, taking thousands of its recruits and their weapons, along with territory the group controlled in the east of the country. Turkish officials yesterday cited the fact that Isil is holding hostage 49 Turks sized from the country's consulate in Mosul in northern Iraq as a reason not to take part in the US-led military coalition to take on the group. Turkish analysts say the government is also worried about a wider backlash by Islamic State, which now has recruiting stations and supporters entrenched in the country.

"For a long time the Islamic State militants have operated under the policy of 'benign neglect'," said Sinan Ulgen, a former diplomat and head of the Istanbul foreign policy think tank Edam. He said that the authorities would now start to move against Islamic State inside the country and support the American coalition, but without advertising the fact.

John Kerry, the US secretary of state, met Turkish leaders on Friday) but noticeably held back from publicly asking Turkey to alter its insistence that US forces could not launch military raids on Islamic Satatepositions from its territory. Turkey is a key NATO ally and host to a major US base at Incirlik, in the south of the country.

Telegraph, London


  1. My only advice to them would be, "be careful what you wish for."


  2. I have no doubts that the Turks have no intention of ceding to the Kurds. I can hear them sharpening their khanjars in anticipation of the day.

    The Pope may be on to something with his WWWIII call.

    The Russians have been too quiet. I am sure Putin is still seething about Obama mentioning ebola and Russia in the same breath.

    1. Pootie needs to keep quiet. Every time he opens his mouth Europe spends another couple of Billion on Wind and Solar.

    2. The Turks are going to do what they always do: offer a little lip service, and stand aside.

      They're not even letting us fly missions out of Incirlik.

    3. Obama probably pretty much doesn't care, though. He's in no big hurry on this.

    4. Turkey, the nation that taught the Germans how to mass murder (Christian Armenians anyone?) The nation that still illegally occupies 1/2 of another actual nation, Cyprus, has been assisting the Hamas of Gaza in their terrorist war against the Jews.

      Hamas, JUST like AL Queda, are both branches of the Moslem Brotherhood. Just like ISIS.

    5. And Israel prefers al-Qeada, we all know that, "O"rdure.

      We know that Israel would rather have Hamas be affiliated by the Muslim Brotherhood than with Iran.
      Ambassador Oren has made Israel's position crystal clear.

      Henry Kissinger reiterated that, just yesterday.
      The Conga Line is tripping over its own complicity in the lie.

      Demonizing ISIS, makes Iran look all the more reasonable.
      Not at all what the Israel spinmiesters want to have happen.

      Israel prefers al-Qeada


  3. What is "Occupation"Sat Sep 13, 11:16:00 AM EDT
    Deuce: There is no undoing what has been done in the past.

    Correct, I suggest you apply that to yourself and the USS Liberty and accept the apologies by the Israeli government.


    QuirkSat Sep 13, 12:01:00 PM EDT

    You are a fool if you can't see the difference between apologizing for a 'mistaken time-elongated kinetic action over several hours' and making excuses for a wanton act of war.



    What is "Occupation"Sat Sep 13, 12:12:00 PM EDT
    It was foolish for America to spy on Israel during a hot war.

    Why was an America spy ship 9 miles off the coast of Gaza?

    America, a country that I love, has done illegal and foolish things, that doesn't mean I don't love her.

    As for act of war?

    I sorry Quirk, 1966/7 Israel?

    Act of war?


    Now that takes balls to claim.

    I know the holocaust means nothing to you, but to the Israelis? The Jews? A scant 21 years after the national memory of the murder of 6.500.000 jewish civilians?? The watching of LBJ run like a coward towards it's promises in the Strait of Titran?

    Watching Nasser (and Iraq, Arabia, Jordan, Lebanon and others) (there were no "palestinian arabs" at that time) promise to genocide every man, woman and child within the borders of Israel?

    After watching the locust like Arabs nations, all Hitler supporting as swipes) ethnically cleanse the jews from their historic lands from 1948 thru and including 1967 and post....

    One spy ship 9 miles off the coast of Gaza, transmitting intel to whomever is hardly a concern as an ACT OF WAR...

    Those responsible?

    lay in Washington DC... Not Jerusalem


    What is "Occupation"Sat Sep 13, 12:13:00 PM EDT
    The watching of LBJ run like a coward towards it's promises in the Strait of Titran?

    typed wrong

    The watching of LBJ run like a coward aways it's promises in the Strait of Titran?


    QuirkSat Sep 13, 01:08:00 PM EDT

    Those responsible?

    lay in Washington DC... Not Jerusalem

    You have yourself said here a number of times that the attack on the Liberty was intentional. It was an attack on an ally in international waters. If not an act of war, what the hell do you call it?

    You use the holocaust as excuse for Israel attacking an ally 21 years after the event occurred, that ally being the U.S., and then you claim you are not an Israeli Firster.

    Then on top of that, you demand that America accept the apology for some fabricated story Israel offers up and which you yourself admit isn't true.

    Now, that is what I call hutzpah, Jack.



    What is "Occupation"Sat Sep 13, 04:26:00 PM EDT
    No AT that time, the USA was not acting like an ally of Israel, it was acting it its' own self interest.

    An ALLY of Israel would not be spying on Israel and sending the data to the arabs

    I don't use the holocaust as an excuse, but rather an explanation that Israel and Jews don't really need to be genocided and apologize if we get our blood on your boots...

    Don't like the apology? Too fucking bad, it's official USA policy to accept it, after all America was screwing over the jews and Israel and got with it's hands in the cookie jar...

    The fault of the USS Liberty lies with Washington DC and it's foolish spying on Israel , 9 miles off the coast of Gaza during a hot war..


    Deuce ☂Sun Sep 14, 02:44:00 AM EDT
    What lying bullshit. First the claim of an accident with an apology, which everyone knew was bullshit, Now the holocaust made them do it. I saw with my own eyes, weeks before the Liberty incident, US warplanes having the US insignia painted out so the F4 Phantoms could be sent to Israel. They were sent. I don’t need to look it up. I was there on the flight line at RAF Bentwaters in Suffolk, England.

    After that happened, I and every other non-Israeli firster on Bentwaters, would have sent another flight of them and gifted our famous ally with what the ass end of an F4 could do.

    1. The holocaust didn't make them do it.

      The fight and right to LIVE made them see threats around them.

      It was a hot war, caused by America not living up to it's promises if only LBJ only had sailed a ship up the straits with an Israeli ship in line it all could have been avoided, Nasser would have been forced to back down. But instead America lead from behind and sent a spy ship 9 miles off the coast to watch the destruction they had allowed. Doing what was in America's interest.

      If Israel, saw a ship 9 miles off it's coast DURING a hot war? It SAW a hostile intel ship, since America had publicly sent orders for all American ships to be gone from the area who knew whose it was?

      Certainly flying a FLAG is not proof during a war of a ship's ID....

      Bottom line?

      America fucked up. IT allowed the war to happen. Glad to hear they were supplying Israel with F4's, however the need for those F4's would not have been needed if LBJ hadn't screwed the pooch and been a coward against Nasser.

      In the end America accepted the apology from Israel..

      You don't.

      The elected top leaders of the United States of America, since that day, have stood with Israel and it's apology.

      You don't.

    2. It's interesting when Hamas murders Americans you don't seem to upset...

    3. An apology is for a mistake, like bumping into someone in an elevator. Multiple strafing , bombing, torpedoes and napalm on an American ship deserved a far different answer like the US Air Force hunting down the skunks that did it and killing them. The apology would have been saying sorry for not getting all of them, sooner.

    4. What would have been interesting is the universal cheers that would have gone up from the thousands of US airman at Bentwaters and Woodbridge as every fighter flight two by side, afterburners full bored, took off from both bases to kill the bastards that did it. There would not have been a pilot on either base that would not have relished the paybacks.

    5. America did not accept the apology.

    6. Our set up was that we had real allies that included:

      Anglia Control - Air Traffic Control for the Twin Bases at Woodbridge and Bentwaters in the 60s

      Martlesham Autovon - an important AFCS communications site that was instrumental in coordinating the 91st and 92nd Tactical Fighter Squadrons at Bentwaters and the 78th and 79th Tactical Fighter Squadrons at Woodbridge. Both bases had tactical nuclear weapons and one way tickets for the pilots that would have had to use them.

      Our real Middle Eastern ally was at Wheelus AFB, Tripoli, Libya. That was an ally that worked for us and with us until the oil companies took charge in Washington after Gaddafi nationalized the oil industry in 1969. The same thing the Saudis did when they took Aramco.

    7. We had TAC and SAC in Libya. How anyone could fuck that deal up was beyond belief.

    8. We trained with every real ally that we had in Europe at the time and it was not unusual to have fighter flights arrive from all over Europe. One Monday morning I was in the orderly room, probably waiting to get an ass chewing for something, I won’t go into when the commander was reviewing some documents on refueling operations over the weekend. Two fighters landed, the APs took the crew to the BOQ for breakfast and showers, while the flight line crews refueled them and sent them on their way. The paperwork was a little vague and a second lieutenant was trying to decipher it but wash’y sure if the planes were from Denmark or the Neitherlands. The commander blew up saying, “For Christ’s sake, two Mig 21s could land and some asshole would feed them, refuel them and send them on their way.”

  4. Never - Ever - Trust the US Government

    The family of US journalist James Foley – who was kidnapped and killed by the Islamic State – had been “threatened” by the US government with charges of aiding terrorists if they tried to raise funds to pay ransom for him, Foley’s mother told the media.

    Obama administration officials repeatedly warned the family of murdered journalist James Foley that they might face criminal charges for supporting terrorism if they paid a ransom to the Islamic State jihadists who were holding and, ultimately, beheaded their son, his mother and brother said this week.

    “We were told that several times and we took it as a threat and it was appalling,” Foley's mother Diane said in an interview with ABC News.

    “I think our efforts to get Jim freed were an annoyance,” she elaborated in another interview with CNN. “It didn't seem to be in [US] strategic interest, if you will.”

    The 40-year-old journalist was kidnapped by Islamic State (IS) radicals in November 2012 while reporting from Syria. He was ceremonially beheaded, apparently over US military involvement in Iraq, and a video of his murder was released by the group in August.

    In the months leading up to his death, the Foley family was contacted by the jihadists with large ransom demands, which they were unable to meet.

    Officials told Foley family members “not go to the media,” and that the “government would not exchange prisoners,” according to Diane Foley. Diane and her husband John were also concerned that any donors to their ransom collection drive might be thrown in prison for funding terrorism.

    “Jim was killed in the most horrific way. He was sacrificed because of just a lack of coordination, lack of communication, lack of prioritization,” Diane Foley said. “As a family, we had to find our way through this on our own.”

    “It was very upsetting because we were essentially told to trust... that the way they were handling things would bring our son home,” she added.

    Several US officials familiar with Foley case confirmed the alleged threats were made. "It was an utterly idiotic thing to do that came across as if [the US official] had the compassion of an anvil," one official told ABC.

    However, State Department spokesperson Marie Hart somewhat denied the allegations, saying, “This department would never and did not ever intend nor do we think we ever did anything that we would consider threatening.” Hostage families are usually only helped to “understand what [US] laws are about terrorists or paying ransom to terrorists,” she added.

    1. .

      Officials told Foley family members “not go to the media,” and that the “government would not exchange prisoners,”

      Except when it suits us.

      What about Bergdahl?


  5. Help from Iran would be inappropriate...Let’s see how it is going with our other worthy allies in the region:

    From The Boston Globe:

    CAIRO — Secretary of State John Kerry received broad assurances but no commitments from Egypt on Saturday as he continued his tour of the Middle East to try to assemble a coalition behind an American campaign against the extremist group known as the Islamic State.

    The Obama administration is keen to enlist material support from regional powers with Sunni Muslim majorities such as Egypt, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia to avoid the impression that the United States is intervening in a sectarian war on behalf of the Shi’ite-dominated Iraqi government against its opponents in the Sunni minority.

    Egypt is not expected to make an important military contribution. Rather, American officials want Cairo to use its clout as the traditional capital of Sunni Islam — and home to the Al Azhar center of Sunni scholarship — to mobilize public opinion in the Arab world against the Islamic State.

    “As an intellectual and cultural capital of the Muslim world, Egypt has a critical role to play,” Kerry said.

    In Baghdad on Saturday, Iraq’s new prime minister, Haider al-Abadi, took a small step toward alleviating the deep alienation that has made some in the Sunni Muslim minority receptive to the Islamic State.

    Abadi said he had ordered the Iraqi security forces to stop shelling civilian communities under the control of the militants. Senior Iraqi officials have acknowledged in recent days that shelling by their armed forces has killed civilians in the course of the battle against the militants.

    Together, the professions of good intentions in Baghdad and Cairo underscored the long and potentially lonely road ahead for the Obama administration as it attempts to roll back and dismantle the Islamic State.

    There have been only token steps so far by Iraq’s government to win back the trust of the Sunni minority and only token commitments of support from regional allies such as Egypt and Turkey.

    1. When Iran kidnaps and or murders Americans you don't seem to upset.

    2. "O"rdure, always looking for Israeli equivalencies ... this time in Iran.

    3. History is very simple with our relationship with Iran since the 1950s. We were the aggressor and wore the black hat.

    4. Iran and the United States were both much better off when the Shah was running things

  6. This is going to be CakeWalk II.

  7. From a reliable source Kerry was heard singing:

    Sunni, yesterday my life was filled with rain
    Sunni, you smiled at me and really eased the pain
    The dark days are gone and the bright days are here
    My Sunni one shines so sincere, Sunni one so true, I love you

    Sunni, thank you for the sunshine bouquet
    Sunni, thank you for the love you brought my way
    You gave to me your all and all
    Now I feel ten feet tall, Sunni one so true, I love you

    Sunni, thank you for the truth you let me see
    Sunni, thank you for the facts from A to Z
    My life was torn like a wind-blown sand
    And the rock was formed when you held my hand
    Sunni one so true, I love you

    Sunni, thank you for the smile upon your face
    Sunni, thank you for the gleam that shows its grace
    You're my spark of nature's fire
    You're my sweet complete desire, Sunni one so true, I love you
    Sunni, yesterday my life was filled with rain

  8. The Media is dying for a "Big War," and Barack's not going to give it to them.

    He's going to inflict just enough damage on ISIS to keep them from winning a country.

    In this case, having the conflict (bargaining chip,) is probably better than "winning the war."

  9. So the Turks, Saudi and Israeli have all been assisting the radical Sunni terrorists in their war with the regime of Syrian President Assad.

    All three of those polities, it seems, would prefer al-Qeada ruling in Damascus.

    1. Bibi giving solace to al-Qeada terrorists in an Israeli hospital

    2. Israel would prefer a jeffersonian democracy in Syria, one that recognized the Jewish state and the History of the Jewish people's contribution to Syria for the past 3000 years.

      Assad of syria, with Hezbollah and Iran's help have slaughtered 200,000 men, women and babies and made 11 million homeless, real refugees.

      ISIS is the blow back that Obama and Iran helped create by allowing Iran to take over Iraq, Syria and Hezbollah.


    3. Let's have a quote from an Israeli official that says that, "O"rdure!.

      One that disputes what Israeli Ambassador Oren told the JPost.

      Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren told the Jerusalem Post that Israel so wanted Assad out and his Iranian backers weakened, that Israel would accept al-Qaeda operatives taking power in Syria.

      “We always wanted Bashar Assad to go, we always preferred the bad guys who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran.”

      Even if the other “bad guys” were affiliated with al-Qaeda.
      “We understand that they are pretty bad guys,” Oren said in the interview.

      Israel - Founded by Terrorists and Sustained by Terrorism and now ... Allied with Islamic Terrorists

      In broad daylight, a Saudi-Israeli alliance

    4. Israeli Ambassador Oren?

      At last check he hasn't been a member of the Israeli government for quite a while, long before the word "ISIS" or ISIL was coined.

      I'd suggest you get with the program. next you will be quoting other out of office and or dead guys as proof to events that are happening today...

      One would think, a man of the world such as you would know that applying yesterday's headlines to todays news is akin to lying....

    5. .

      Assad of syria, with Hezbollah and Iran's help have slaughtered 200,000 men, women and babies and made 11 million homeless, real refugees.

      They had a little help: FSA, al-Nusra, al-Queda, ISIS, half a dozen other militant groups, Kurds, Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the US, etc. etc.


    6. Just like the 2300 terrorists the IDF single-handedly killed as they were raging through tunnels and setting off rockets in Gaza.

    7. Hezbollah and Iran were actually the most successful at killing ISIS. That is why we don’t want their help.

  10. Nearly 70 percent of Americans say they lack confidence that the U.S. will achieve its goals in fighting the terrorist group ISIS

    ... according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Annenberg poll. The findings come in the wake of President Barack Obama’s national address announcing new measures to combat the Sunni militants.

    Pressure is mounting on the U.S. and its allies to cripple the militants, who have waged a brutal campaign across Syria and Iraq. ISIS already has beheaded two American journalists and on Saturday released a video showing the execution of a third Westerner, British aid worker David Haines.

    The poll – conducted before the latest execution emerged – showed that a combined 68 percent of Americans say they have “very little” or “just some” confidence that Obama’s goals of degrading and eliminating the threat posed by ISIS will be achieved. Just 28 percent said they had “a great deal” or “quite a bit” of confidence. Still, 62 percent of voters say they support Obama’s decision to take action against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, while 22 percent oppose it.

    1. Many of the news junkies, here, have a hard time with the nuance of Obama's strategy; you can just imagine how difficult it is for the average wage-earner.

    2. Rasmussen's Likely Voter Poll has Obama back at 49% Approval.

    3. But, Gallup's "Adult" poll still has him at 40 / 54.

      Gallup has also had "unemployment" picking up, significantly, over the last month.

    4. 2% Annual Wage Growth (from this low level) isn't going to get us out of this situation,

      and, it's hard to see much higher wage growth with the Chi-Coms in the mix.

      Clinton screwed the pooch on China - big time.

    5. And all this time, Rufus, I thought it was Nixon, advised by Kissinger, that played that "China Card".

      Nixon, that Republican's Republican.
      Debased the dollar and "opened" China.

      “There is no place on this small planet for a billion of its potentially most able people to live in angry isolation.”
      Richard Nixon, after his election in 1968, pushed for better relations with China despite historical tensions and hostilities. In 1971, National Security Advisor and future Secretary of State Henry Kissinger took two trips to China – the first made in secret – to consult with Premier Zhou Enlai.

    6. Yeah, well, I guess there's plenty of blame to go around. But it was Clinton that pulled the trigger on MFN (most favored nation) trade status.

      Oh well, if he hadn't, Bush would have, anyway, I guess.

    7. The foreign policy of the United States has not wavered.
      Protecting the position of the 'Petro Dollar'.

      Stay the Course!

  11. In answer to yesterday's pithy question of the day,

    Yes, they are "chatting."

    (Reuters) - An Acura RLX sedan demonstrated an unusual way to tow another car this week: the vehicles were not physically attached. The second car drove itself, following instructions beamed over by the first in a feat of technology that indicates a new stage in automation is happening faster than many expected.

    Systems that enable vehicles to communicate with each other have been developed in recent years in parallel with features that enable cars to drive themselves. Manufacturers and suppliers now are putting the two together in novel ways, with broad implications for vehicle safety and convenience.

    General Motors Co, Honda Motor Co, which owns Acura, and other automakers are working with traditional suppliers and startup firms. Tech giants Google, with its pioneering work on driverless cars, and Apple, which is working with automakers to embed greater . . . .

    Driverless Cars Chatting

    1. Oh, wait, the question was "texting."

      Breakfast time.

  12. A retired Marine general who helped build a tribal revolt that drove al-Qaeda from Iraq's western desert in 2007 was named as a special envoy coordinating strategy to battle the Islamic State.

    John Allen, who retired as a four-star general after serving as a commander in Iraq and Afghanistan, will help build a global coalition as part of a military and diplomatic effort to crush the Islamic State, the State Department said in an announcement late Saturday.

  13. "Destroyed" Gaza power plant miraculously repaired

    The Guardian reported on July 29:
    Flames and clouds of black smoke billowed over Gaza's only power plant on after it was destroyed during the most relentless and widespread Israeli bombardment of the current conflict.

    "The power plant is finished," said its director, Mohammed al-Sharif, signalling a new crisis for Gaza's 1.8 million people, who were already enduring power cuts of more than 20 hours a day.

    Amnesty International said the crippling of the power station amounted to "collective punishment of Palestinians". The strike on the plant will worsen already severe problems with Gaza's water supply, sewage treatment and power supplies to medical facilities.

    "We need at least one year to repair the power plant, the turbines, the fuel tanks and the control room," said Fathi Sheik Khalil of the Gaza energy authority. "Everything was burned." He said crew members who had been trapped by the fire for several hours were evacuated.
    It wasn't only The Guardian that said this. The Times (UK), Haaretz, the ICRC,and many others reported that the power plant was "destroyed."

    Israel denied attacking the power plant or having bombed anything in the vicinity that day but that news was barely reported outside being buried in single CNN report. That didn't stop Amnesty and HRW from blaming Israel for the attack, and not one media outlet or NGO even considered that Hamas may have attacked Gaza infrastructure and been guilty of war crimes in order to increase suffering - which was a major part of its war strategy.

    A recently as two weeks ago, the PA continued to blame Israel for the supposed destruction of the power plant. The PA claimed that that "the energy sector needed $250 million after the Strip's only power plant was destroyed by two Israeli missiles."

    I guess there has been a miracle, then.

    Gaza's only power plant is ready to begin running again as soon as a shipment of fuel arrives to the Strip, the plant's executive manager said Saturday.

    Walid Saad Sayil said at a news conference that he was waiting on a response from President Mahmoud Abbas' office on providing fuel to run the plant.

    Sayil expects to hear back from either Ramallah or Qatar within 48 hours regarding a fuel shipment, he said.
    Within two weeks the power plant went from being completely destroyed to being ready to work. All the reports from the major media and NGOs were found to be quite wrong.

    People were lied to.

    And yet reporters will continue to report the lies of the Palestinian Arabs, no matter how many times they are made to look like fools by doing so.

    Moreover, not one of these concerned media outlets of NGOs are even considering the idea that Gaza terrorists are the ones who fired at the power plant to begin with.

    Who needs truth when you can so easily obtain anti-Israel lies?

    1. The Israeli are masters of the lie.
      Whether they are European 'Semites' or Arab Semites.

      Those that follow the Semitic God of Abraham are liars, it is just part of their nature.
      Some are born to it, others freely choose to become Semitic.

    2. It's a lie that the power plant is not destroyed?


      you are a fool.

    3. Jack HawkinsSun Sep 14, 11:12:00 AM EDT
      The Israeli are masters of the lie.
      Whether they are European 'Semites' or Arab Semites.

      Those that follow the Semitic God of Abraham are liars, it is just part of their nature.
      Some are born to it, others freely choose to become Semitic.

      wow now that is out and out racist.

      Hitler could not have said it clearer.

      So I guess you are a nazi in spirit.

    4. The lies of Israeli Zionists are much greater in both scope and scale than the disposition of a power plant, "O"rdure.

    5. Jack, better go take your meds you are once again losing control....

    6. Jack have you sought professional help? I'd suggest it...

      You sound like you are about to go "bat shit" crazy...

      better lock up your illegal drugs and get the guns locked up, don't want to have an "incident" again.....

    7. Even the Colonel or your pals in the police force or FBI will not be able to save you this time...

    8. The lie that Zionist Israel is 'Jewish' would have to be addressed before the fate of a power plant is deemed worthy of conversation.

      The definition of 'Jewish' being integral to the negotiations, the Zionists having made it so.

    9. Jack HawkinsSun Sep 14, 11:15:00 AM EDT
      The lies of Israeli Zionists are much greater in both scope and scale than the disposition of a power plant, "O"rdure.

      Spoken by a liar, you.


    10. Jack HawkinsSun Sep 14, 11:19:00 AM EDT
      The lie that Zionist Israel is 'Jewish' would have to be addressed before the fate of a power plant is deemed worthy of conversation.
      The definition of 'Jewish' being integral to the negotiations, the Zionists having made it so.

      Still playing with yourself?

    11. If you want to make the discussion about Jack Hawkins, "O"rdure ...

      Running away from the issues, again, it does seem to suit you.

    12. How can those that claim to be a nation under the Law of Moses endorse what is so plainly prohibited by the law
      What is so plainly 'Criminal'?

      Tel Aviv devotes about $100,000 — more than a third of its international marketing budget — to drawing gay tourists. Though no exact figures exist, officials estimate that tens of thousands of gay tourists from abroad arrive annually.
      "We are trying to create a model for openness, pluralism, tolerance," Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai told The Associated Press. "Live and let live — this is the city of Tel Aviv."
      The city's first openly gay-owned hotel was opened recently and numerous city-backed travel sites direct gay visitors to the hottest clubs, bars and resorts in town.
      "We've long recognized the economic potential of the gay community. The gay tourist is a quality tourist, who spends money and sets trends," said Pini Shani, a Tourism Ministry official who has been involved in the campaign. "There's also no doubt that a tourist who's had a positive experience here is of PR value. If he leaves satisfied, he becomes an Israeli ambassador of good will."

      Unless that nation has abandoned the Law of Moses, abandoned Judaism, for a Babylonian regime.

    13. distraction and misinformation is your calling jack rat..

      "Destroyed" Gaza power plant miraculously repaired

      The Guardian reported on July 29:
      Flames and clouds of black smoke billowed over Gaza's only power plant on after it was destroyed during the most relentless and widespread Israeli bombardment of the current conflict.

      "The power plant is finished," said its director, Mohammed al-Sharif, signalling a new crisis for Gaza's 1.8 million people, who were already enduring power cuts of more than 20 hours a day.

      Amnesty International said the crippling of the power station amounted to "collective punishment of Palestinians". The strike on the plant will worsen already severe problems with Gaza's water supply, sewage treatment and power supplies to medical facilities.

      "We need at least one year to repair the power plant, the turbines, the fuel tanks and the control room," said Fathi Sheik Khalil of the Gaza energy authority. "Everything was burned." He said crew members who had been trapped by the fire for several hours were evacuated.
      It wasn't only The Guardian that said this. The Times (UK), Haaretz, the ICRC,and many others reported that the power plant was "destroyed."

      Israel denied attacking the power plant or having bombed anything in the vicinity that day but that news was barely reported outside being buried in single CNN report. That didn't stop Amnesty and HRW from blaming Israel for the attack, and not one media outlet or NGO even considered that Hamas may have attacked Gaza infrastructure and been guilty of war crimes in order to increase suffering - which was a major part of its war strategy.

      A recently as two weeks ago, the PA continued to blame Israel for the supposed destruction of the power plant. The PA claimed that that "the energy sector needed $250 million after the Strip's only power plant was destroyed by two Israeli missiles."

      I guess there has been a miracle, then.

      Gaza's only power plant is ready to begin running again as soon as a shipment of fuel arrives to the Strip, the plant's executive manager said Saturday.

      Walid Saad Sayil said at a news conference that he was waiting on a response from President Mahmoud Abbas' office on providing fuel to run the plant.

      Sayil expects to hear back from either Ramallah or Qatar within 48 hours regarding a fuel shipment, he said.
      Within two weeks the power plant went from being completely destroyed to being ready to work. All the reports from the major media and NGOs were found to be quite wrong.

      People were lied to.

      And yet reporters will continue to report the lies of the Palestinian Arabs, no matter how many times they are made to look like fools by doing so.

      Moreover, not one of these concerned media outlets of NGOs are even considering the idea that Gaza terrorists are the ones who fired at the power plant to begin with.

      Who needs truth when you can so easily obtain anti-Israel lies?

    14. The fact that the so called destroyed power plant is ready and able to produce power to the 1.8 million humans of the gaza strip should be a moment of celebration.....


    15. "We've long recognized the economic potential of the gay community.

      Abandoning Moses, abandoning Judaism, for the economic potential offed by Baal.

      Lord have Mercy.

    16. All those little babies in the hospitals now will have respirators, all those refrigerators now will keep the goat meat nice and cold and ready for grilling!

      Power back to the strip will mean that Hamas's power tools building tunnels and machine shops using electric welders will be at work making new rockets!!!!!

      It's a celebration...

      a miracle from ALLAH...

      The power plant has been resurrected from the dead, completely destroyed by the Jews of Israel and BACK to being ready and able to generate electricity all in 2 weeks!!

      Praise allah

    17. Living the Lie, "O"rdure.

      You are so immersed in it, you do not even recognize you have become a shill for Baal.

    18. Here is the post that Jack doesn't want you to read...

      "Destroyed" Gaza power plant miraculously repaired

      The Guardian reported on July 29:
      Flames and clouds of black smoke billowed over Gaza's only power plant on after it was destroyed during the most relentless and widespread Israeli bombardment of the current conflict.

      "The power plant is finished," said its director, Mohammed al-Sharif, signalling a new crisis for Gaza's 1.8 million people, who were already enduring power cuts of more than 20 hours a day.

      Amnesty International said the crippling of the power station amounted to "collective punishment of Palestinians". The strike on the plant will worsen already severe problems with Gaza's water supply, sewage treatment and power supplies to medical facilities.

      "We need at least one year to repair the power plant, the turbines, the fuel tanks and the control room," said Fathi Sheik Khalil of the Gaza energy authority. "Everything was burned." He said crew members who had been trapped by the fire for several hours were evacuated.
      It wasn't only The Guardian that said this. The Times (UK), Haaretz, the ICRC,and many others reported that the power plant was "destroyed."

      Israel denied attacking the power plant or having bombed anything in the vicinity that day but that news was barely reported outside being buried in single CNN report. That didn't stop Amnesty and HRW from blaming Israel for the attack, and not one media outlet or NGO even considered that Hamas may have attacked Gaza infrastructure and been guilty of war crimes in order to increase suffering - which was a major part of its war strategy.

      A recently as two weeks ago, the PA continued to blame Israel for the supposed destruction of the power plant. The PA claimed that that "the energy sector needed $250 million after the Strip's only power plant was destroyed by two Israeli missiles."

      I guess there has been a miracle, then.

      Gaza's only power plant is ready to begin running again as soon as a shipment of fuel arrives to the Strip, the plant's executive manager said Saturday.

      Walid Saad Sayil said at a news conference that he was waiting on a response from President Mahmoud Abbas' office on providing fuel to run the plant.

      Sayil expects to hear back from either Ramallah or Qatar within 48 hours regarding a fuel shipment, he said.
      Within two weeks the power plant went from being completely destroyed to being ready to work. All the reports from the major media and NGOs were found to be quite wrong.

      People were lied to.

      And yet reporters will continue to report the lies of the Palestinian Arabs, no matter how many times they are made to look like fools by doing so.

      Moreover, not one of these concerned media outlets of NGOs are even considering the idea that Gaza terrorists are the ones who fired at the power plant to begin with.

      Who needs truth when you can so easily obtain anti-Israel lies?

    19. .

      Heck, rat, you are like a five-year old kid.


  14. Jack HawkinsSun Sep 14, 11:28:00 AM EDT

    "We've long recognized the economic potential of the gay community.

    Abandoning Moses, abandoning Judaism, for the economic potential offed by Baal.

    Lord have Mercy.

    A perfect example of misdirection and changing the subject.

    How pathetic.

    1. The subject is the sectarian battles in Middle East, "O"rdure.

      The lies and misdirection, by the participants.

      Trying to make the conversation about Jack Hawkins, rather than the participants in the 'War' is the greatest lie at the Elephant Bar. You make the attempt, time and again.

      Then "O"rdure objects when the conversation leaves the realm of fiction and returns to the subject of the perfidy of all the Semitic peoples involved in the Middle East.

    2. The subject you responded to was the reopening of the destroyed power plant.

      I posted a new point:

      What is "Occupation"Sun Sep 14, 11:08:00 AM EDT
      "Destroyed" Gaza power plant miraculously repaired

      You can tell because my post was not a REPLY.....

      You Hit the reply button and said:


      Jack HawkinsSun Sep 14, 11:12:00 AM EDT
      The Israeli are masters of the lie.
      Whether they are European 'Semites' or Arab Semites.
      Those that follow the Semitic God of Abraham are liars, it is just part of their nature.
      Some are born to it, others freely choose to become Semitic.

      So in fact you are the liar. LOL

      You lose, again...

    3. .

      In rat-world, actually following the logical flow or even the chronological flow of the argument is a hindrance.


    4. .

      In rat-world, the non-sequitur, the fabrication, and the misdirection are your friend.


  15. Remember the only way Jack Rat wins is being able to change the subject into nonsense.

    The power plant that was claimed to be completely destroyed by Israel has been completely rebuilt repaired in 2 week, setting a new world record!!!

  16. Notice how JackRat gets when his distraction doesn't take?

    He ups the ante.

    Jack HawkinsSun Sep 14, 11:31:00 AM EDT
    Living the Lie, "O"rdure.
    You are so immersed in it, you do not even recognize you have become a shill for Baal.

    No mention of the power plant, just more nonsense about nonsense.

  17. Gaza's only power plant destroyed in Israel's most intense air strike yet

    The Guardian, Tuesday 29 July 2014

    Flames and clouds of black smoke billowed over Gaza's only power plant on after it was destroyed during the most relentless and widespread Israeli bombardment of the current conflict. At least 100 people were killed on Tuesday, according to Gaza health officials.

    "The power plant is finished," said its director, Mohammed al-Sharif, signalling a new crisis for Gaza's 1.8 million people, who were already enduring power cuts of more than 20 hours a day.

    Amnesty International said the crippling of the power station amounted to "collective punishment of Palestinians". The strike on the plant will worsen already severe problems with Gaza's water supply, sewage treatment and power supplies to medical facilities.

    "We need at least one year to repair the power plant, the turbines, the fuel tanks and the control room," said Fathi Sheik Khalil of the Gaza energy authority. "Everything was burned." He said crew members who had been trapped by the fire for several hours were evacuated.

    Gaza City officials said damage to the power station could paralyse pumps and urged residents to ration water.


    2. (Jerusalem) – The apparent Israeli shellfire that knocked out the Gaza Strip’s only electrical power plant on July 29, 2014, has worsened the humanitarian crisis for the territory’s 1.7 million people. Damaging or destroying a power plant, even if it also served a military purpose, would be an unlawful disproportionate attack under the laws of war, causing far greater civilian harm than military gain.

      The shutdown of the Gaza Power Plant has had an impact on the population far beyond power outages. It has drastically curtailed the pumping of water to households and the treatment of sewage, both of which require electric power. It also caused hospitals, already straining to handle the surge of war casualties, to increase their reliance on precarious generators. And it has affected the food supply because the lack of power has shut off refrigerators and forced bakeries to reduce their bread production.

      “If there were one attack that could be predicted to endanger the health and well-being of the greatest number of people in Gaza, hitting the territory’s sole electricity plant would be it,” said Eric Goldstein, deputy Middle East and North Africa director. “Deliberately attacking the power plant would be a war crime.”

      I would think the fact that the plant as been fixed, in 2 weeks, a miracle.

    3. Notice that "O"rdure does not reject the allegation that he has become a shill for Baal.

      He merely repeats it.
      Providing confirmation.

    4. .

      You really need to seek some help, rat.


    5. Rat remains a figment of your imaginationSun Sep 14, 11:44:00 AM EDT


    6. I for one am thrilled that the power plant is back online, I just hope Hamas actually pays for the fuel this time...

      from older news:

      Minister Campaigns to Cut Electricity to Gaza
      Israel's electricity and fuel allow Hamas to launch their rockets on Israeli citizens, Danny Danon notes.

      Israel provides most of Gaza's water supply, electricity and communications infrastructure.

      In 2013, 1.2 million liters of fuel were transferred through Israel’s Kerem Shalom Crossing into Gaza, according to the IDF Spokesperson's Office. The fuel included 800,000 liters of diesel fuel for transportation, 400,000 liters of diesel fuel for Gaza’s power station, and another 200 tons of household gas.

      Israel also provides 100 megawatts of electricity to Gaza on a regular basis, including additional aid that was supplied during Hamas's energy crisis with Egypt earlier this year.

      Much of that electricity is purchased for Gaza by the Palestinian Authority (PA), which owes Israel 1.4 billion shekels (nearly half a billion dollars) for unpaid electric bills.


    7. "Stories happen in the mind of a reader, not among symbols printed on a page.”

    8. I am not a homophobe.

      Those, like you, that choose to me same sex partners, it is not my concern or business.

      The fact that Israel is tolerant to those of that party? Shows it's strength of character and tolerance. Point jn fact? Many palestinian gays sneak into Tel aviv to be themselves as if they were honest about who they are? They'd be killed by their family members...

    9. You may not be homophobic, "O"rdure, but Israel is not a "Jewish" nation, either.

      One cannot abandon Leviticus, abandon Moses and be Judaic.
      It is 'oxymoronic' to claim one can be be in both worlds, at once.

      And being "Jewish" has become integral to the discussion, the Zionists are the ones who have made it so.
      What does it 'really' mean?

    10. Israel is the nation state of the Jewish people, regardless if you approve.

  18. LOL . I’m choking on my coffee having just snorted half of it up my nose! LOLOL

  19. LOL.. ooooh what have I done , at least The Miller is at the casino. LOL

    1. .

      I must have missed the joke.


    2. quick, deuce is chuckling at the discourse and BOB aint here.

  20. We did some research and found out that JackRat actually hangs out at:

    Rainbow Cactus Saloon
    15615 N Cave Creek Rd
    Phoenix, AZ 85032
    (602) 971-1086

    Although it's only one of a dozen gay bars in Scottsdale, it's the most friendly to gay cowboys and the like.

    They even claim it's "spur" friendly....

    So Jack Rat doesn't even have to scrap the crap off his boots before hitting the man to man love club...

    And its with 20 minutes of his "occupied" bottom lands..

    i guess Baal has moved to Scottsdale... also

  21. Looks like "O"rdure cannot read ...
    When did Phoenix become Scottsdale?

    About the same time that Gaza became part of Israel, 1967.
    All part of the same country, now...


    1. But neither Scottsdale nor Phoenix ever claimed to be "Jewish", while pimping for the economic potential provided by Baal...

    2. .

      A man will travel quite a way to indulge his interests.


    3. My bad, it's 19 minutes from scottsdale and still closest to you.

      19 miles? that's hardly a ranch property line in AZ...

      splitting hairs...

      but the owner told be to tell you do have a ton of shit on your boots, please scrape them better..

    4. QuirkSun Sep 14, 11:55:00 AM EDT
      A man will travel quite a way to indulge his interests.

      19 minutes? "quite" a way?

      Heck it's a 45 minute drive to drive across cleveland to get a corned beef sandwich at corky's and penny's from the west side...

      Jack Rat can be blowing fellow gay men in the bathroom in 1/2 that time...

    5. Jack HawkinsSun Sep 14, 11:54:00 AM EDT
      But neither Scottsdale nor Phoenix ever claimed to be "Jewish", while pimping for the economic potential provided by Baal...

      At last check the advertising for tourism board of tel aviv is not supported by any Official Rabbinic Organization.

    6. The discussion is about th 'state of Israel" being 'Jewish', "O"rdure, not rabbinic organizations.

      The state of Israel claims it needs to recognized as a rabbinic organization, for the 'peace process' negotiations to go forward.
      The city of Tel Aviv is part of that state.

      You lose.

    7. You really don't understand Israel do you?

    8. Israel aint a theocracy...

      you are such a dill weed


    9. Then why would it need to be acknowledged as "Jewish" if it is not?


    10. What does Bibi mean, when he demands that Israel be recognized as being a 'Jewish' state?
      If it is not religion, the Law of Moses, that he is discussing.

      If it is the Law of Moses that defines Judaism, then Israel is criminal.
      Illustrated by the actions of the city of Tel Aviv.

    11. Jack HawkinsSun Sep 14, 12:17:00 PM EDT

      Then why would it need to be acknowledged as "Jewish" if it is not?

      Great question, because it IS?

    12. Jack HawkinsSun Sep 14, 12:20:00 PM EDT

      What does Bibi mean, when he demands that Israel be recognized as being a 'Jewish' state?
      If it is not religion, the Law of Moses, that he is discussing.

      If it is the Law of Moses that defines Judaism, then Israel is criminal.
      Illustrated by the actions of the city of Tel Aviv.

      Your just full of questions...

      But you cannot accept the answers given...

      Just like a 5 year old.

      Are you going to hold your breathe next?

      Israel is the nation state of the Jewish people. Period.

      Others may live there as full citizens. Period.

      You attempts to distract and mislead, misguide and distract?


      the power plant in Gaza is ALIVE....

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. "O"rdure has got his panties in a knot

    1. Being accosted by the truth has really got him going.

    2. Don't wear panties... Jockey brand jockeys, unlike you? I have functioning balls...

    3. Is that why you went crazy when I posted about the power plant being "healed"

      Go ahead.

      Distract and lie... Misdirect and cut and paste another 15 out context and nonsensical quotes...

    4. What does the power plant in Gaza, Israel have to do with ISIS?

    5. Israel's preference of who rules Syria, now that does have relevance in a discussion concerning ISIS.
      Seeing on how Israel prefers a-Qeada in that spot.

    6. What does fudge packing in tel aviv have to do with a miracle in gaza?

    7. Jack HawkinsSun Sep 14, 12:09:00 PM EDT
      Israel's preference of who rules Syria, now that does have relevance in a discussion concerning ISIS.
      Seeing on how Israel prefers a-Qeada in that spot.

      Ah, going for the out of date, none accurate quotes 1st?

    8. Fudge packing, supported and subsidized by the state of Israel goes directly to the topic of a "Jewish" state, "O"rdure

      What does it mean, to be a "Jewish" state, if that state ignores the basic, bedrock principles of Judaism?

    9. Sorry, asked and answered numerous times, I suggest you go to the library and do some research as your comprehension of the English language is lacking.

  24. Jack HawkinsSun Sep 14, 12:00:00 PM EDT
    You may not be homophobic, "O"rdure, but Israel is not a "Jewish" nation, either.

    One cannot abandon Leviticus, abandon Moses and be Judaic.
    It is 'oxymoronic' to claim one can be be in both worlds, at once.

    And being "Jewish" has become integral to the discussion, the Zionists are the ones who have made it so.
    What does it 'really' mean?

    Sorry Jack Rat, Israel is the nation state of the Jewish people. It also allows folks of all faiths and races to be citizens. It aint a theocracy..

    Sorry, it's not up to you to decide anything for Israel.

    Meanwhile Israel is an oasis for straight, gay, jews, atheists, christians, wiccan, bhai, bnai noahites, moslems, even tattooed hippy, gauged musicians....

    israel has a mosaic of people that make up the jewish nation. They don't discriminate..

    Unless you publicly profess the violent intention to murder Jews, you are accepted.

    That's why Israel has the only growing Christian population in the middle east as well as B'hais, Gays and even transgendered...

    Now I aint gay,. transgender, christian, moslem. black., atheist, wiccan but they are, if peaceful? welcome in Israel.

  25. Now "O"rdure want s the discussion to be about him, not the state of Israel and how it has abandoned the Torah.
    How quaint.

    Abandoned the Torah for the Talmud.
    Babylon Rules!

    1. More distraction...

      The power plant lives...

    2. What does the power plant in Israel have to do with ISIS?

    3. Why do you want to avoid discussing ISIS and its foreign sponsors, "O"rdure?

      What does the disposition of an Israeli power generating station have to do with the topic of ISIS?

    4. Jack HawkinsSun Sep 14, 12:32:00 PM EDT
      What does the power plant in Israel have to do with ISIS?

      That has been asked and answered, I suggest you go find the answer.

    5. Jack HawkinsSun Sep 14, 12:34:00 PM EDT
      Why do you want to avoid discussing ISIS and its foreign sponsors, "O"rdure?

      Not been avoided, been asked and answered numerous times.

      Did you miss it?

      Go and read about it on at least 15 threads.

      Report back to us..

      By the way, you demanded that I post on both my blogs and I complied, you now ignore that..

      When faced with facts?

      You change the subject..


      Now go stand in the corner and hold your breathe...

      Just like the 5 year old you mentally seem to be.

  26. Several Arab countries have offered to take part in air strikes against Islamic State (IS) militants in Iraq, US officials say.

    But any action is subject to approval from the Iraqi government, they add.

    In a BBC interview, Syria's Deputy Foreign Minister, Faisal Mekdad, said President Obama's plan to build a coalition against Islamic State without Syria was flawed.

    "His strategy lacks a lot of very important elements. Syria fought against terrorism and we shall be in the centre of any real and serious battle against terrorists.

  27. "O"rdure makes the case that Gaza is an integral part of Israel, and does not even recognize it.
    That the people there are part of Israel, too, much as he dislikes that reality.

    He destroys the notion that Gaza is not an integral part of the Israel energy grid.

    This is where his focus upon Jack Hawkins has taken him.
    To the truth.

    Betcha he does not even realize it, and will try to wiggle away from his own words, when they are read back to him.

    1. Don't like the answer? You repeat and rinse....

      Gaza is not Israel, it's part of the Umma.

      The Islamic Trust.

      Part of the Unity Government of the PA.

      you state "He destroys the notion that Gaza is not an integral part of the Israel energy grid."


      Your destruction of the English language is amazing..

      necessary to make a whole complete; essential or fundamental.
      "games are an integral part of the school's curriculum"
      synonyms: essential, fundamental, basic, intrinsic, inherent, constitutive, innate, structural; More

      Let's see, Israel's electric system can function without Gaza, whereas Gaza's power grid cannot exist without Israel.

      So once again JackRat, you lie, twist facts, change meanings of words to fit your fiction.

      One has to ask, were you dropped on your head as a child?

  28. this is the post that JackRat refuses to read and doesn't want anyone else to read.

    "Destroyed" Gaza power plant miraculously repaired

    The Guardian reported on July 29:
    Flames and clouds of black smoke billowed over Gaza's only power plant on after it was destroyed during the most relentless and widespread Israeli bombardment of the current conflict.

    "The power plant is finished," said its director, Mohammed al-Sharif, signalling a new crisis for Gaza's 1.8 million people, who were already enduring power cuts of more than 20 hours a day.

    Amnesty International said the crippling of the power station amounted to "collective punishment of Palestinians". The strike on the plant will worsen already severe problems with Gaza's water supply, sewage treatment and power supplies to medical facilities.

    "We need at least one year to repair the power plant, the turbines, the fuel tanks and the control room," said Fathi Sheik Khalil of the Gaza energy authority. "Everything was burned." He said crew members who had been trapped by the fire for several hours were evacuated.
    It wasn't only The Guardian that said this. The Times (UK), Haaretz, the ICRC,and many others reported that the power plant was "destroyed."

    Israel denied attacking the power plant or having bombed anything in the vicinity that day but that news was barely reported outside being buried in single CNN report. That didn't stop Amnesty and HRW from blaming Israel for the attack, and not one media outlet or NGO even considered that Hamas may have attacked Gaza infrastructure and been guilty of war crimes in order to increase suffering - which was a major part of its war strategy.

    A recently as two weeks ago, the PA continued to blame Israel for the supposed destruction of the power plant. The PA claimed that that "the energy sector needed $250 million after the Strip's only power plant was destroyed by two Israeli missiles."

    I guess there has been a miracle, then.

    Gaza's only power plant is ready to begin running again as soon as a shipment of fuel arrives to the Strip, the plant's executive manager said Saturday.

    Walid Saad Sayil said at a news conference that he was waiting on a response from President Mahmoud Abbas' office on providing fuel to run the plant.

    Sayil expects to hear back from either Ramallah or Qatar within 48 hours regarding a fuel shipment, he said.
    Within two weeks the power plant went from being completely destroyed to being ready to work. All the reports from the major media and NGOs were found to be quite wrong.

    People were lied to.

    And yet reporters will continue to report the lies of the Palestinian Arabs, no matter how many times they are made to look like fools by doing so.

    Moreover, not one of these concerned media outlets of NGOs are even considering the idea that Gaza terrorists are the ones who fired at the power plant to begin with.

    Who needs truth when you can so easily obtain anti-Israel lies?

    Think of the impact on the quality of 1.8 million people!

    running water, power for the freezers and frig's, tv, cell phone and cable all back on!

    1. Think of it, the lies that Israel destroyed the power plant, laid to rest and it back up and running helping the gazans have a normal life once again.. Until Hamas starts launching rockets again that is...

  29. Hamas seems to be losing control of the dozens of terror cells in the Gaza Strip.

    Hamas prevented local journalists from covering the ISIS rally in the Gaza Strip last month as part of its effort to deny the existence of ISIS in the Gaza Strip. But Hamas seems to be trying to cover the sun with one finger.

    The Gaza Strip is no longer only a threat to Israel, but also to Egypt. The only way to confront this threat is through security cooperation between Israel and Egypt.

    Despite denials by Hamas, there is growing evidence that the terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria [ISIS] -- also known as "The Islamic State" -- has begun operating in the Gaza Strip.

    Palestinian Authority [PA] and Israeli security sources are convinced that followers of ISIS in the Gaza Strip are responsible for some of the recent rocket attacks on Israel.

    Hamas, they say, seems to be losing control over the dozens of terror cells belonging to ISIS and other jihadi groups.

    1. Hamas is obviously nervous about the presence of ISIS terrorists in the Gaza Strip and sees them as a direct challenge to its rule. ISIS believes that Hamas is "too moderate" and is not doing enough to achieve the destruction of Israel.

      Last month, Hamas sent its policemen and militias to disperse a rally organized by ISIS followers in the Gaza Strip to celebrate the recent "military victories" of the terrorist group in Iraq. Hamas prevented local journalists from covering the event as part of its attempt to deny the existence of ISIS in the Gaza Strip.

      At the rally, attended by dozens of Islamists, the crowd chanted, "Khaybar, Khyabar, Ya Yahud, Jaish Mohamed Saya'ud!" ("O Jews, Mohamed's army will return.")

      This is a battle cry that many Islamists like to chant to remind the Jews of the story of the battle fought in 629 CE by the Prophet Mohamed against the Jews of Khaybar, an oasis in northwestern Arabia. The battle resulted in the killing of many Jews, and their women and children were taken as slaves.

      Earlier this year, masked militiamen in the Gaza Strip posted a video on YouTube in which they declared their allegiance to ISIS. The militiamen are believed to be members of a radical Islamist salafist group that has been operating in the Gaza Strip for the past few years.

    2. .

      As I've pointed out before, Hamas is not ISIS.

      Hamas' is not about to allow ISIS, Islamic Jihad, or any of the other more radical elements to get a substantial foothold in Gaza lest they themselves be challenged.

      Hamas seems to be losing control of the dozens of terror cells in the Gaza Strip.

      Actually, the facts in the article, likely from the JP or, seem to point to the exact opposite. It shows Hamas controlling the more radical elements there.

      Palestinian Authority [PA] and Israeli security sources are convinced that followers of ISIS in the Gaza Strip are responsible for some of the recent rocket attacks on Israel.

      Of course this is true, yet Israel will continue to blame 'every' rocket attack on Hamas.

      PR and propaganda, Hamas does it with the power station and Israel does it as a matter of course.

      And so it will continue.

      Nothing to see here folks, move along.


    3. Hamas and ISIS are both branches of the same poisoned tree.

    4. I have been invited to a bag pipe concert by my wife at the church where we got married. Though I can't stand bag pipes I am looking forward to it.

      I leave you with some quotes by Quirk that I heartily agree with -

      QuirkSun Sep 14, 11:33:00 AM EDT


      Heck, rat, you are like a five-year old kid.


      QuirkSun Sep 14, 11:46:00 AM EDT


      In rat-world, actually following the logical flow or even the chronological flow of the argument is a hindrance.


      QuirkSun Sep 14, 11:48:00 AM EDT


      In rat-world, the non-sequitur, the fabrication, and the misdirection are your friend.


      QuirkSun Sep 14, 11:41:00 AM EDT


      You really need to seek some help, rat.


      Well said, Quirk.

      Your efforts have earned you a Joe Vandal jersey.

      All you need do is get me an address.

      Keep up the good work, WiO and Quirk.


      Cheers !

  30. Several Arab nations have offered to launch airstrikes on the Islamic State militant group, lending an important boost to U.S efforts to knit a broad coalition against the advancing extremists, according to a U.S. official..

    The nations have offered their help to the Iraqis, who are struggling to halt the group in the country’s north and west, or directly to U.S. military officials, the American official said.

    1. I'm betting on, in addition to France, it's Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the UAE.

      Iran's Quds Force is already on the ground, but no one is supposed to acknowledge it. :)

    2. We probably wouldn't trust those countries to conduct air assaults in the urban areas, but a few "convoy-type" strikes would make good "optics."

  31. At least 19 people have been killed in shelling in Syria’s northeastern province of Hasakah amid fierce clashes between Kurds and the Takfiri ISIL militants.

    The shelling took place in Hajiyeh and Tal Khalil villages, the so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said on Sunday, adding that five children were among the dead.

    The fatalities came as the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) has gained ground in its fight against the ISIL, capturing a string of villages around the militant stronghold of Tal Hamis, which is strategically important due to its closeness to the main Kurdish city of Qamishli.

    According to the SOHR, the ISIL militants use “all kinds of shells” to target opposing positions in the clashes.

    The UK-based group earlier reported airstrikes by the Syrian air force against ISIL targets in Hasakah late Saturday and on Sunday morning.

    Syria has been gripped by deadly violence since 2011 with ISIL Takfiri terrorists currently controlling parts of it mostly in the east.

    The Western powers and their regional allies -- especially Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey -- are reportedly supporting the militants operating inside Syria.

    More than 191,000 people have been killed in over three years of fighting in the war-ravaged country, says the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), calling the figure a probable “underestimate of the real total number of people killed.”

    Yep the Iranian onslaught of civilians via Assad and Hezbollah continues...

    Now America will step up and bomb ISIS helping Assad and Iran...

  32. .

    Problematic getting others to join. If Kerry gets the ones you have mentioned he will be doing a great job. I suspect Saudi Arabia will be content with what they have offered to do already, train some resistance forces. Jordan is probable our best ally in the neighborhood and they just may be pushed into the fight due to their proximity; however, the king already has internal problems with militants of his own. We may end up doing more harm than good getting Jordan to ramp up the fighting on another front. Egypt and the UAE are pretty much looking out for themselves. You might be able to bribe Egypt into helping. I don't know about the UAE.

    You always have the problem of asking Sunni countries to fight against Sunnis in a war that could ultimately aid Shia.

