Monday, September 15, 2014

Does Obama have a clue about what he is getting us into with the shitbirds in Saudi Arabia and the Ass-stabbers in Turkey?


  1. Clue: ISIS isn’t trying to lie low. They are waving the red flag. Why are we taking the bait?

    1. leave isis alone. Create a safe haven for refugees and a no-fly zone, ISIS doesn't have any aircraft so that would apply to turkey, iraq, syria and iran.

      Isis and Assad/Iran deserve each other.

    2. "O"rdure wants the world to leave Israel's proxy army of Wahhabi terrorists alone.
      That would suit Israel's allies in Saudi Arabia.

    3. Once again JackShit, doesn't comprehend the complete statement before shooting off his mouth.

      Might I suggest that JackShit should go back to basic reading comprehension class before offering opinions above his pay grade?

      In some circles "snipping" out of context passages and points is the same as lying.

      Try again Jack "the horse molester" Hawkins….

  2. No.

    Obama has no clue about much of anything.

    He is even falling down on his image thingy these days.

    Gives what is supposed to be a serious presentation on something or other and then within a minute heads for the golf course.

  3. I think Obama knows what he is doing (he may not "like" it much,) but I don't think ISIS had a clue when they invaded Iraq.

    1. ISIS didn't "invade" it is directly from the Sunnis that live there.

    2. You're a fucking moron. Stay off my comments.

    3. Rufus, with all due respect, and there is none, fuck you….

      The CORE of ISIS are natives. They are sunni tribesman and Baathists…

  4. I'll tell you who else has thought it through; Pootie, and the Opthalmologist know that sooner or later our Air Force will have to destroy Assad's air force. It has to be the end game.

    1. That would stop Assad, with Russia, Iran & hezbollah from dropping barrel bombs on the natives

  5. "Optics"

    Optics is the word I was seeking.

    Even O's "optics" are all F--ked up these days.

    1. The women like good 'optics'.

      They are flying away from Big O like doves flying south.

    2. The doves in North Idaho hit the road south with the first cold snap.......

      They are beginning to hit the road south right now......

  6. I'm tellin' ya, the man's optics SUCK. And, not only that, he SUCKS.

    Get to work, Mr. President


    With apologies to the movie “Forrest Gump,” presidents are like a box of chocolates — you never know what you’re going to get.

    Sometimes you get a president who exceeds expectations, and sometimes you don’t.

    President Barack Obama is a “don’t.”

    He got elected. Twice. That’s a skill. But he hasn’t successfully parlayed that skill into effective leadership. His communication skills fail to rise to the level of the average manager at Taco Bell.

    Recent events, sadly and clearly, underline this.

    In the middle of a televised build-up of brutal terrorist activity in Syria and Iraq, our president stubbornly went on his scheduled vacation to Martha’s Vineyard, where he golfed during the day and danced the night away at parties thrown by lobbyists.

    Meanwhile, thousands of Iraqi soldiers and Christians were tortured, raped and slain by ISIS thugs before being pushed into mass graves.

    Only when ISIS videotaped the beheading of an American journalist did the president emerge from vacation. He quickly acknowledged the act, saying it was all he could do not to weep in public. Then, only 10 minutes later, he is in a golf cart on the links, yucking it up with an NBA celebrity.

    I’ll let shrinks analyze what kind of person can go from sniffling back a tear to a horselaugh.................

    Down there is Las Vegas they know all about optics.

    It is The City of Optics.

    I can see why the guy is disgusted.

    But the optics is the least of it..............

  7. And I'll tell you something else......

    Quirk's remarkable success with women?


    Good Night !

  8. Muhammad was born without a foreskin.

    I wasn't so lucky.

    Muhammad was quoted saying, "Five things are fitra: circumcision, shaving pubic hair with a razor, trimming the mustache, paring one's nails and plucking the hair from one's armpits."

    The old bastard was always telling others to do things he never did himself.


  9. Why Many Arabs and Muslims Do Not Trust Obama

    by Khaled Abu Toameh
    September 15, 2014 at 5:00 am

    Many Arabs and Muslims identify with the terrorists' anti-Western objectives ideology; they are afraid of being dubbed traitors and U.S. agents for joining non-Muslims in a war that would result in the death of many Muslims, and they are afraid their people would rise up against them.

    Many Arab and Muslim leaders view the Islamic State as a by-product of failed U.S. policies, especially the current U.S. Administration's weak-kneed support for Iraq's Nuri al-Maliki. Some of these leaders, such as Egypt's Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, consider the U.S. to be a major ally of the Muslim Brotherhood. Sisi and his regime will never forgive Obama for his support for the Muslim Brotherhood..............

    1. Da ho Bob trot outs an Israeli, to tell us about Egypt.
      Get real, Boobie.

    2. But you da ho Bob, and you want us to read about Egypt, from an Israeli.
      There is no one who would know less about what is happening in the inner sanctum of the Egyptian Army, than an Israeli journalist that works for the JPost.

      The JPost is good when the discussion is about Israel ...

      Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren told the Jerusalem Post that Israel so wanted Assad out and his Iranian backers weakened, that Israel would accept al-Qaeda operatives taking power in Syria.

      “We always wanted Bashar Assad to go, we always preferred the bad guys who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran.”

      Even if the other “bad guys” were affiliated with al-Qaeda.
      “We understand that they are pretty bad guys,” Oren said in the interview.

    3. When you want to tell us about the goings on in Egypt, well, find some Egyptian sources for that.
      Gain some credibility with your sources, You da ho Bob.

    4. The easiest way to find out what is going on in Egypt is to watch what is going on in Egypt.

      Mursi being in Jail tells us something, for instance.

      Egypt shooting an occasional Hamas tell us something.

      Egypt blowing up tunnels tells us something.

      The statements and actions of Sisi tell us a lot.

      But, you always need 'sources', usually off the wall conspiratorial ones.

      That is why Quirk said you were a nitwit, yesterday.

    5. What is a Quirk?
      a peculiar behavioral habit.

      Little wonder the ho would reference something peculiar, as his source material.

      Yes, look at Egypt, look at the General Dynamics plant that is manufacturing M1 Abrams main battle tanks, there.
      Look at General/President al-Sisi - alumni of the US Army War College.

      Open your eyes, as well as your ass, you ho you.

    6. Jack HawkinsMon Sep 15, 09:51:00 AM EDT
      Da ho Bob trot outs an Israeli, to tell us about Egypt.
      Get real, Boobie.

      But JackSHit was just telling us that the President of Egypt was a Jew..

    7. That was the "Times of Israel" that made that report.

      You were the one, "O"rdure, that told us that representatives of Hamas were a reliable information source. Just yesterday.
      Since you conflate Hamas with ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood, we can acknowledge that by the "O" Standard the Muslim Brotherhood sources are reliable, as well.

      The "Times of Israel" published the story.
      Tell us about the "Times of Israel", why don't you?

    8. “I was surprised to learn, from the Algerian Al-Watan newspaper, that el-Sissi is of Jewish origin,” Gamal Nasser said Saturday in an Arabic-language broadcast on Al-Jazeera, where he is a commentator.

      “His mother is called Mulaika Titani, and her brother was a member of the Jewish Haganah organization,” Nasser added. “Thus, we see that this man, by any standard, is implementing a Zionist plan to divide Egypt.” (The Haganah was the pre-state precursor of the Israel Defense Forces.)

      Read more: El-Sissi's uncle, the Haganah member | The Times of Israel
      Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook

    9. So every position the Times of Israel takes you now concede is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?


      We shall start posting every article from the Times of Israel and we expect you to agree with each and every one of them

    10. No, there was no claim that any of it is the Truth, "O"rdure.

      There is a report that is 'making the rounds'.

      Published in the "Times of Israel". That's all there is.
      How does that report change reality, how does that report play in Cairo...

      That is the report that matters, but will not be answered by reporters for the JPost interviewing Israelis.
      The JPost, interviewing Israeli government officials, provide US with insights like ...

      Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren told the Jerusalem Post that Israel so wanted Assad out and his Iranian backers weakened, that Israel would accept al-Qaeda operatives taking power in Syria.

      “We always wanted Bashar Assad to go, we always preferred the bad guys who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran.”

      Even if the other “bad guys” were affiliated with al-Qaeda.
      “We understand that they are pretty bad guys,” Oren said in the interview.

    11. The most interesting report, of the last two days, is that "O"rdure and allen both admit that Hamas is truthful in its reporting.
      More reliable than the Israeli police.

      That is almost news worthy, in and of itself, that the Israelis of the Elephant Bar recognize the righteousness of Hamas reporting about what is happening in Israel.

  10. Sorry, folks, for that. Just got an eye open here and there is Rat-O-Rooter stirring up the sewage lagoon again.

    Should have checked my emails first, and woken up fully.

    1. Hey, You da ho Bob!

      Do you still support a free Kurdistan, one that is allied with Iran?

  11. Wow.

    A CNN poll has Brown and Shaheen tied in the Senate race in New Hampshire

    1. RCP Average 8/7 - 9/11 -- Shaheen +2.7

    2. NH GOP (CNN): Paul 15, Bush 10, Ryan 10, Christie 9, Huckabee 9

  12. .

    The girls I date carry a Hermes Birkin, or forget about it.

    Hand pokes for the rich and famous.

    The crocodile bag, encrusted with 245 diamonds and 18-carat gold hardware, is "meant to evoke images of the majestic Himalayan mountains," according to Heritage Auctions, which is offering the bag to the highest bidder in a sale later this month. Experts expect it to smash previous records and fetch as much as $200,000, according to London's Daily Mail.

    Read more:
    Follow us: @Bankrate on Twitter | Bankrate on Facebook

    The Himalayas?


    1. The girls I date carry a Hermes Birkin, or forget about it.

      That certainly qualifies as a peculiar behavioral habit.

    2. .

      I call it strategic vision something that might indeed seem peculiar to a mere tactician.


    3. However you choose to see it, from whatever "perspective" you decide to view it from ...
      Does not change the fact that as a behavioral habit, only dating women that choose Hermes Birkin is peculiar.

    4. .

      Once again you generalize with your statement 'from whatever "perpective" you decide to view it' thus positing to yourself some non-existent omniscience and in so doing trivializing your argument. You have no way of knowing what my actual perspective is. You would have been on much firmer ground had you stated that,

      "From my perspective, only dating women that choose Hermes Birkin is peculiar."


    5. That you object to the positing of my omniscience, in regard to your peculiarity of only dating women that choose Hermes Birkin, does invalidate the accuracy of the observation.

      Since "Quirk" is a fictional character, there is no 'actual' perspective to be had by him.
      He is a figment of the imagination, the author's and the reader's.

      Stories happen in the mind of a reader, not among symbols printed on a page.”
      ― Brandon Mull

    6. .

      Therefore, the rat is merely responding to a figment of the imagine, kinda silly when you think about it.


  13. The Himalayan Croc.

    A fashion icon

  14. .

    As the Washington Post reported on Tuesday:

    "Support for military action has risen dramatically in just the past few weeks, coinciding with the beheadings of two American Daily News Front Page journalists, James Foley and Steven Sotloff, which were recorded on video and released to the world by Islamic State terrorists. Today, 71 percent of all Americans say they support airstrikes in Iraq—up from 54 percent three weeks ago and from 45 percent in June."

    And here we are. The dynamic is pretty predictable, which raises another question: did Islamic State predict it? That is to say, has IS baited America into a campaign to wipe it out?

    Andrew Sullivan has asked the same question, and wonders if America isn't being led by the nose into compounding its errors in the region. "I deeply distrust wars that are prompted by this kind of emotion," Mr Sullivan writes, "however justified the emotion may be." He continues:

    "I lost my judgment completely as 9/11 coursed through my frontal cortex—and made errors that helped spawn more terror (like the current ISIS-dominated Sunni insurgency in Iraq). Many, many of us did. And when these slick, cartoonish nihilists press buttons designed to generate a reaction that they can then leverage some more, they are pulling the strings, not us."

    What should we expect to come of America having its strings pulled?


    1. .

      This sort of thing is inherently unpredictable. That is to say, the details are inherently unpredictable. That this sort of intervention will have unintended consequences, some of them quite bad, is highly probable. You can count on it. It's just that you can't say in advance exactly what and how bad those unintended consequences will be.

      The devious masterminds behind IS's apparent plan to provoke America into attacking it may be very cagey, but it's unlikely that they are any better at predicting the long-term future than the formidable American military strategists who, despite their expertise and best intentions, created the conditions that made IS what it is today. The IS brain-trust may well have made a fatal mistake by riling the American juggernaut. I don't like their odds. But isn't it disheartening that America has proven itself so easily riled by those who would use its aggression to advance their own diabolical agenda? That a couple of sick, slick videos could so effectively set into motion a chain of events that has led the White House suddenly to reverse course and adopt a strategy about which it had previously expressed serious reservations?

      As our foreign correspondent on location in the alfalfa fields of Idaho might observe, it's all about the optics.


    2. What should we expect to come of America having its strings pulled?

      If Mr Obama can keep his wits about him, and continue to follow the precepts of the "Rat Doctrine" then we can expect there to be a long, drawn out civil war in western Iraq. 12 to 24 months would not be an abbreviated estimate.

      In regards to the situation in Syria, there is little that can be done, until there are 'Active Partners" on the ground for US to support. Unless the US were to accede to reality on the ground and provide support to the Syrian Army in its battles with ISIS, there is little of strategic value the US can accomplish from the air..

    3. It is all about "Perspective" ... not optics.

  15. Forty-three Israeli military intelligence reservists who signed a letter refusing to serve in the occupied Palestinian territories have been denounced as “criminal” by defense minister Moshe Ya’alon, as the country's political and military leadership turned its fire on the refuseniks.

    The ferocity of the response was not unexpected by those involved. One signatory told the Guardian before publication that he feared being portrayed as an enemy of the state after the letter was made public.

    Among those who have criticised the reservists' actions are Israel's prime minister, the president, opposition leaders and a former intelligence head. In addition, the Israeli military revealed that 200 other members of the unit had signed a counter-letter defending its work.

    The reservists' letter had alleged the unit undertook "all encompassing" surveillance of the Palestinians – whether involved in terrorism or not – and used information, including of sexual orientation, to blackmail individuals into becoming informants.

    The threat of criminal sanctions would break the pattern of the treatment of reservists, including pilots, who signed previous refusenik letters who have tended to be discharged.

    It is not clear, however, what charges the men and women could face. The 43 took legal advice from a prominent lawyer to ensure their letter and testimonies did not break the law, including by revealing their identities.

    The text of the letter and most serious allegations were also submitted to the Israeli authorities before publication on Friday.

    1. .

      Refusal to serve of any kind should be condemned,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a speech at a cyber-conference in Tel Aviv. (Menahem Kahana/AFP/Getty Images)
      September 14 at 5:49 PM

      Israeli officials denounced 43 reservists for declaring that they would no longer serve in the military’s main intelligence unit in protest of the government’s policies toward the Palestinians.

      The members of Intelligence Unit 8200 sent a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that said they were refusing to “take part in actions against Palestinians” and “continue serving as tools in cementing the military’s control over the Occupied Territories.” The letter, sent last week, singled out the unit’s surveillance of Palestinians and accused it of collecting information that “is used for political persecution” and “harms innocent people.”

      “Refusal to serve of any kind should be condemned,” Netanyahu said in a speech at a cyber-conference in Tel Aviv. “The political use that was made recently, including the airing of false accusations, is unacceptable. The Israeli Defense Forces, including all of its units, is the most moral army in the world.”

      In a post on his Facebook page late Saturday, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon called the protest a “vile and reprehensible attempt to aid the lies and delegitimization spread around the world against Israel and its soldiers, without any basis.” Intelligence and Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz told Israel Radio on Sunday that the protest was “an act of subversion that deserves punishment.”

      Netanyahu wrote on his Facebook page that the country owes a debt of gratitude to Unit 8200 soldiers for “continuing work that is so important for the security of Israeli citizens.”


    2. .

      Those who renounce, as I do, the actions of the Israelis should remember the old adage, 'birds of a feather flock together', remembering that the US government indulges in these practices not only against foreign governments, allies and enemies alike, but also against the American people.



    3. "What your government did abroad yesterday, it does at home today."

    4. So are you saying that when you were abroad, assassinating civilians for the US Government in Central America that this is going to happen here?

    5. QuirkMon Sep 15, 02:14:00 PM EDT

      Those who renounce, as I do, the actions of the Israelis should remember the old adage, 'birds of a feather flock together', remembering that the US government indulges in these practices not only against foreign governments, allies and enemies alike, but also against the American people.

      Or worse.

    6. Zionists murder civilians, Jewish refugees in a False Flag operation

      On Nov. 25, 1940, a boat carrying Jewish refugees from Nazi Europe, the “Patra,” exploded and sank off the coast of Palestine killing 252 people.

      The Zionist “Haganah” claimed the passengers committed suicide to protest British refusal to let them land.
      Years later, it admitted that rather than let the passengers go to Mauritius, it blew up the vessel for its propaganda value.

      “Sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice the few in order to save the many,”

      Moshe Sharett, a former Israeli Prime Minister said at memorial service in 1958.

  16. Nearly fifty senior commanders of a major coalition of Islamic ‘moderates’ opposed to ISIS in Syria have been killed by an explosion at their secret command bunker as they met to discuss strategy against the the Islamic State.

  17. I think what has everybody unhappy, confused, frustrated, pessimistic, etc. is the absence of words such as "Win, Defeat, Crush, Pulverize, Destroy, yada, yada."

    Well, sorry, Buckos; It's not that type of "war."

    It can't be played to "win," because it's not "winnable."

    The strategy has to be to keep the crazies somewhat contained until the oil runs out. period.

    1. Most of Iraq that ISIS has occupied is not worth fighting for.
      Certainly not worth the US spending blood for.

      Some limited 'treasure' could be spent, in support of those locals whose interests coincide with those of the US.
      But before any judgement of success or failure can be made, the interests of the US must be agreed to.

      That preliminary issue creates the first stumbling block to any harmonious agreement amongst the varied contributors, regardless of the venue.

    2. But ho Bob, there have been people fighting over Arizona, for as long as there have been people on the land.
      It is the land of da ho that was vacant, unwanted and not even worth fighting for ...
      If we look at the historic record.

    3. .

      I think what has everybody unhappy, confused, frustrated, pessimistic, etc. is the absence of words such as "Win, Defeat, Crush, Pulverize, Destroy, yada, yada."

      Tell that to Obama. He has said that we will "degrade and destroy" ISIS. And I would have to do a little googling to see if he has used the word 'win' but when he says that we will "defeat" them it should be close enough for government words. Likewise, any word in the examples not used by Obama was probably used by one of his flunkies or John Kerry.

      "Pulverise" might be a toughy. Would you take a synonym?


  18. Why is it in all the time I was with ol' Quirk and Maria I never saw Maria carrying one of them Hermes Birkins?

    1. Quart told Maria her Hermes Birkins was made of glass and paid her cheap for it and made a killing on the resale?

    2. That is a reasonable and informed speculation, Anon.

  19. Jack HawkinsMon Sep 15, 01:09:00 PM EDT

    The girls I date carry a Hermes Birkin, or forget about it.

    That certainly qualifies as a peculiar behavioral habit.

    Not at all. It designates a man highly selective in matters of romance.

    Jackrat wouldn't know anything about this however.

  20. Who is Jackrat?

    Do you mean Rat - O - Rooter?


  21. There Is A Conservative Wave Coming In November
    Kurt Schlichter | Sep 15, 2014

    When Barack Obama starts acting like a real American president and promises to destroy our country’s enemies instead of apologizing to them, you know he's worried about the upcoming midterms. He should be. Conservatives are going to win them going away, and it's going to be gloriously devastating to the progressive cause.

    Get ready to savor the delicious taste of victory. All the signs are there except for one – so far Dick Morris hasn’t predicted a Democrat triumph. That would seal it.

    It's not so much the polling, which remains tight as long as the people measured are those with a pulse as opposed to those committed to going out and voting. The numbers look slightly GOP-favorable now but the final vote tallies will be much higher for Republicans. Don’t buy into the spin that some Obama-hugging incumbent polling at 43% is going to draw 51 percent on election day.

    The zeitgeist favors the GOP. As predicted in my book Conservative Insurgency, huge numbers of Americans are sick of defeat, decline and deception. The rest just don’t care. Even in the best of times, Democrat-voting losers dedicated to a vision of government as a feeding trough for those embroiled in social pathologies need plenty of incentive to get their ample behinds off the couch and into a voting booth.

    Plus, right now Barack Obama is about as popular as Bob Crane at a Southern Baptist convention.

    1. If you want to know how your battle plan is doing, watch the other side. After fessing up to having no strategy for dealing with the junior varsity team that’s serially humiliated him, Barack Obama hung up his golf clubs for a moment and started talking like John Wayne . . . or at least like what liberals think of as John Wayne. The Duke never had to beg people to let him be clear.

      Regardless, when you get some academic lounge lefty like Barack Obama taking America’s side in a fight, you know he's worried about the next election.

      Barack Obama also delayed his fascisty plans to unilaterally impose amnesty upon a disgusted America, something you know he’s aching to do. By going back on his promise to the left – hey guys, welcome to our world! – Obama betrayed his rabid pro-illegal supporters. But doing so won him nothing. He looks like what he is – a political hack thinking he’s clever for deciding to wait until he can’t be held politically accountable. But he isn’t fooling anyone – the GOP candidates running against the flailing liberals in the battleground states are going to beat their opponents around the head and shoulders with amnesty for the next two months.

      Oh, and you never hear Obama or any of the other Democrats forthrightly talking about Obamacare. Ever. And just wait until the next round of premium increases kicks in.

      Part of the GOP's current success has been its candidate selection. It has enlisted true warriors like Joni Ernst and Tom Cotton. It found up-and-comers like Corey Gardner. And, best of all, it managed not to nominate any lunatics. No one is running under the banner of fighting the Trilateral Commission, banning fluoride or investigating anyone’s birth certificate.

      The GOP candidates are winning largely by not being aggressively stupid. This cycle, Republicans have somehow managed not to share any bizarre theories about female biology nor provide any idiosyncratic insights into the subject of rape. That’s a refreshing change.

      This is really bad for the Democrats because this means that the bar for Republicans is so low all one has to do is not be a complete idiot. Most of them are, in fact, pretty bright, but the mainstream media is never going to let that cat out of the bag. You won’t hear how Tom Cotton went to Harvard in the New York Times. The best a Republican candidate can hope for is not to be painted as the kind of guy who stands on a street corner shouting that Obama was born in Mombasa.

      As a Democrat, it must be a drag to realize that you're going to lose to anybody who manages to walk upright.

      So, what can the Democrats do? The first thing they’ll do is run away from President Feckless. This guy is political poison. The only thing less appealing than getting a campaign visit from the President is going to the mailbox and finding a thick manila envelope from the local STD clinic.

      “President Who? Obama? Never heard of him.”

      Then they’ll pretend to be conservatives. Illegal aliens? “Against ‘em!” War in Iraq? “I’m for it again!” Common core? “Uh, look over there! Behind the squirrel!”

      Oh, and we’ll also see the pinko kabuki theater in full effect. It started last week with the Senate’s consideration of a constitutional amendment to rein in that wacky First Amendment. Yeah, too much free speech is a huge problem. Next there will be a minimum wage increase debate designed to mobilize those achievers who think they have some sort of cosmic moral entitlement to $15 an hour for assembling Big Macs.

      But these schemes aren’t going to work. We conservatives are going to romp to victory in November. And once we win, we need to make sure that our victory means something. What it must mean, to the extent Obama hasn't destroyed it himself, is the utter neutralization of the Obama administration. And who needs more incentive than that to get out and work for conservative victory?

      Read it and weep, Rufus.


  22. Israeli scientist leads search for Ebola cure

    BGU virologist Dr. Leslie Lobel is developing a vaccine by studying the immune systems of the disease’s survivors

    By Renee Ghert-Zand August 7, 2014, 5:53 am

    Read more: Israeli scientist leads search for Ebola cure | The Times of Israel

    CDC: PREPARE FOR EBOLA.....................drudge

    The question remains, if Rat - O - Rooter has to take an Ebola vaccine invented by an Israeli, one of, in his words, the scum of the earth, to save his miserable life, will he do so?

    My guess is: Yes

    Will Quart?: Head of the line....

    1. Bob continues to dissemble and lieMon Sep 15, 05:15:00 PM EDT

      Why even ask about Israeli?
      The approved vaccines for Ebola are American, US & Canadian.

      There are two Ebola vaccines being fast-tracked through this effort. One was designed by scientists at the U.S. National Institutes of Health, and has been licenced to pharma giant GlaxoSmithKline, now known as GSK. The first human trial of this vaccine began earlier this month.

      Kieny has said initial safety data from this trial could be available in November; if all goes well, limited supplies of the vaccine could start to be used after that.

      The second vaccine — identified by many scientists as the more promising of the two — was developed by scientists at Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg. It goes by the working name VSV-EBOV.

      Even though you da ho Bob, you really need to step up your game.

  23. So, instead of McConnell filibustering Reid's bills, it'll be Reid filibustering McConnell's bills.


  24. September 15, 2014

    Benghazi bombshell: Diplomat tells of secret operation to withhold damaging docs from review board

    By Rick Moran

    A potentially damaging and explosive revelation in the investigation of the Benghazi affair by the Daily Signal's Sheryl Attkisson. You may recall that Attkisson was forced out of her job at CBS for aggressively reporting on various Obama administration scandals.
    This has the potential to derail Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

    Former Deputy Assistant Secretary Raymond Maxwell told Attkisson that there was an after hours operation set up in the basement of the State Department building that was supposed to go through all the documentation to be handed over to the Accountability Review Board and remove documents that may reflect badly on anyone in his department or on "the seventh floor" - a euphemism for the office of the Secretary of State.

    Maxwell says the weekend document session was held in the basement of the State Department’s Foggy Bottom headquarters in a room underneath the “jogger’s entrance.” He describes it as a large space, outfitted with computers and big screen monitors, intended for emergency planning, and with small offices on the periphery.

    When he arrived, Maxwell says he observed boxes and stacks of documents. He says a State Department office director, whom Maxwell described as close to Clinton’s top advisers, was there. Though the office director technically worked for him, Maxwell says he wasn’t consulted about her weekend assignment.

    1. She told me, ‘Ray, we are to go through these stacks and pull out anything that might put anybody in the [Near Eastern Affairs] front office or the seventh floor in a bad light,’” says Maxwell. He says “seventh floor” was State Department shorthand for then-Secretary of State Clinton and her principal advisors.

      “I asked her, ‘But isn’t that unethical?’ She responded, ‘Ray, those are our orders.’ ”

      A few minutes after he arrived, Maxwell says in walked two high-ranking State Department officials.

      Maxwell says the two officials, close confidants of Clinton, appeared to check in on the operation and soon left.

      The ARB report was a transparent phony - a whitewash. But pehaps the co-chairs of the committee were sandbagged:

      When the ARB issued its call for documents in early October 2012, the executive directorate of the State Department’s Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs was put in charge of collecting all emails and relevant material. It was gathered, boxed and—Maxwell says—ended up in the basement room prior to being turned over.

      In May 2013, when critics questioned the ARB’s investigation as not thorough enough, co-chairmen Ambassador Thomas Pickering and Adm. Mike Mullen stated, “we had unfettered access to everyone and everything including all the documentation we needed.”

      Maxwell says when he heard that statement, he couldn’t help but wonder if the ARB—perhaps unknowingly—had received from his bureau a scrubbed set of documents with the most damaging material missing.

      Maxwell believes the ARB - as well as his being put on leave for a year with no charges filed - were part of an effort to misdirect Congress.

      “The ARB inquiry was, at best, a shoddily executed attempt at damage control, both in Foggy Bottom and on Capitol Hill,” says Maxwell. He views the after-hours operation he witnessed in the State Department basement as “an exercise in misdirection.”

      Maxwell was a big supporter of President Obama, contributing to his campaign in 2008. He also admired Hillary Clinton. To say he was disillusioned with both is an understatement. He was put on leave following the issuance of the ARB report with no explanation. Seeking one, he visited the State Department ombudsman:

      Several weeks after he was placed on leave with no formal accusations, Maxwell made an appointment to address his status with a State Department ombudsman.

      “She told me, ‘You are taking this all too personally, Raymond. It is not about you,’” Maxwell says.

      “I told her that ‘My name is on TV and I’m on administrative leave, it seems like it’s about me.’ Then she said, ‘You’re not harmed, you’re still getting paid. Don’t watch TV. Take your wife on a cruise. It’s not about you; it’s about Hillary and 2016.”

      Maxwell apparently told this story to Rep. Trey Gowdy, chairman of the Benghazi select committee, as well as Rep. Jason Chaffetz of the Oversight Committee. Chavetz had this to say:

      When reached for comment, Chaffetz told me that Maxwell’s allegations “go to the heart of the integrity of the State Department.”

      “The allegations are as serious as it gets, and it’s something we have obviously followed up and pursued,” Chaffetz says. “I’m 100 percent confident the Benghazi Select Committee is going to dive deep on that issue.”

      Maxwell may be one of the first witnesses called to testify.

      Honestly, what a bunch of conniving lying sons a bitches.....

    2. Code named Operation Northwoods

      .... the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.

      The plans were developed as ways to trick the American public and the international community into supporting a war to oust Cuba's then new leader, communist Fidel Castro.

      America's top military brass even contemplated causing U.S. military casualties, writing:
      "We could blow up a U.S. ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba," and,
      "casualty lists in U.S. newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation."

  25. What I find troubling about those bellying up to the coalition table is that, so far it appears, no one is volunteering to do the boots on the ground thing. - those willing to raise their hands seem to have only offered to fling bombs from the air.

    Maybe I haven't followed the coalition building process in enough detail but who is going to provide the boots on the ground?

    1. In Iraq, the US will coordinate with the government in Baghdad which will provide most of the boots in Iraq. The question of an independent Kurdistan will be punted for the near term. The Kurds will provide boots in northern Iraq.

      There will be an attempt to reconstitute the Sons of Iraq program in Anbar province. Which is why retired Marine Corps General John Allen has been assigned the task to spearhead US-led global coalition against ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

      In Syria, the question is a stickier wicket.

    2. Basically, whoever in the area that has a rifle, and wants to let loose a few celebratory shots in the air will be credited with being the "boots on the ground."

      (unless, they're Quds, of course.)

    3. They gotta hold the ground and if it just some yokel shooting off celebratory shots or Shia militiamen many miles from home they might find themselves headless in short order.

    4. Which is why retired Marine Corps General John Allen has been assigned the task to spearhead US-led global coalition against ISIS in Iraq ...

    5. President Obama has chosen retired Marine Corps Gen. John Allen to lead the effort to destroy the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, U.S. officials said Thursday. During the Bush administration, Allen helped create the Anbar Awakening in Iraq in 2007, according to Defense One.

      Allen was able to lead efforts that rallied the Sunnis in Iraq against al Qaeda. Allen retired last year as a four-star general after 38 years of service, including his role as top U.S. commander in Afghanistan.

    6. You are big on women's rights, Ash.

      You should go over and put your boots on the ground and save a few clits.

      After all, there are some 'Canadians' (Canadians in name only) fighting for ISIS.


    7. Actually, bob, you are the one who constantly goes on about the need to protect, why don't you go or, better yet, send your son and daughter over to do the deed?

  26. .

    And speaking of fashion, I give you,

    Colombian Women's Cycling Team Stylewatch


    EB Fashion Editor


    1. Atta boy, Quirk.

      Quirk, always out front and willing, where others are not, to accept the unacceptable.

  27. The United States launched an airstrike near Baghdad on Monday in what defense officials said is the start of an expanded action against Islamic State extremists in Iraq.

    The officials told USA TODAY the strike was in support of Iraqi security forces south of Baghdad who were under attack. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the action publicly.

    The strike was described as the first to provide direct aid for Iraqi forces fighting the Islamic militant group, as previous actions were conducted to protect U.S. personnel and interests. Iraqi forces requested assistance when they came under fire from militants.

    President Obama last week announced that a broader campaign would seek to "degrade and ultimately destroy'' the Islamic State group, which sometimes is referred to by the acronym ISIL or ISIS.

    Iraqi forces were being fired on by the Islamic State fighters before the air strike destroyed their position, the official said.

    No U.S. forces on ground called in the air strike, officials said.

    Since air strikes began last month, the attacks . . . . .


    1. The US military trained the Iraqi Army for ten years. Those Iraqis are still there

    2. We'll find a few acorns under the tree.

      We don't need many.

    3. Right now, the Iraqi soldiers just need to see a little competence, and a few positive outcomes from their side of the trenches.

      Winning, even a couple of small skirmishes, can do wonders for the old morale.

    4. Jack HawkinsMon Sep 15, 08:07:00 PM EDT
      The US military trained the Iraqi Army for ten years. Those Iraqis are still there


      you mean to say there are SOME still there...

      Some? Have JOINED ISIS...


  28. Rufus was right all along - it's just the weather....

    Leo vs. science: vanishing evidence for climate change

    By Tom Harris and Bob Carter

    September 14, 2014


    Or, perhaps we are saving ourselves from an overdue new ice age.

  29. 'Pretends to Grill Steak That Had Been Pre-Cooked for Her'.............drudge

    My Lord, Shillary has been caught pretending to grill a steak.....she has pretended once upon a time to be taking incoming at some airport......pretending that she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, who wasn't even know when she was born...she hasn't pretended.....o well you find in the blanks.

    I am SO sick of that BITCH.


    Don't you feel like a silly goose, Quart?

    1. even known


      she has pretended

      I get a little shaky when I think of that woman.

      She 'pretended' to be shocked, shocked I tell you, at Bill's behavior when she had aided and abetted it all along.

      The Clintons are true American scum.

  30. Americans are weird. Well, Republicans are, anyway. It's long been a feature of polling that any provision of Obamacare polls much worse if it is called "Obamacare" than if it is simply described. Turns out, calling it "Affordable Care Act" doesn't seem to help very much in terms of popularity, according to polling from Morning Consult.

    When asked if Medicaid should be expanded for low income adults below the federal poverty line, 71 percent of registered voters said yes. When asked if Medicaid should be expanded “as encouraged under the Affordable Care Act”, support dropped nine percentage points.
    The drop in support was strongest among Republicans. More than half of Republicans surveyed, 51 percent, agreed Medicaid should be expanded for low income adults below the poverty line. But when asked if Medicaid should be expanded as encouraged under the ACA, the number dropped 15 percentage points to 36 percent. In comparison, Democrats’ opinions did not change when the question was reworded, with 88 percent saying Medicaid should be expanded. Among independents, 70 percent said Medicaid should be expanded for low income adults below the poverty line. But for the reworded question, the number dropped 13 percentage points to 57 percent.

    Republicans apparently believe that Medicaid should definitely be expanded to help more people, but are very picky about how that should be done. Clearly, they don't believe it should be done the only way now available—through Obamacare. Their generosity and charity is capped by their hatred of this law. No one ever accused Republicans of being rational, though, at least not since President Obama's election.
    There's an interesting side note on Medicaid expansion in this polling. People in non-expansion states are far more likely to know that their state didn't expand than people in expansion states knowing that their state did expand. Seventy-one percent of people in the non-expansion states know that they're missing out. But 62 percent of expansion state people knew their state took the money. That's a remarkable degree of awareness in . . . . .

    peepuls is perverse

    1. The peepuls known that everything Obama touches turns to shit and they are reacting to that firm knowledge.

    2. We need Ben Carson as President to straighten it all out.

      Otherwise all our numbers will soon be up.

  31. Central Command said the strikes destroyed six Islamic State vehicles and one of the group's fighting positions that was firing on the Iraqi security forces.

    1. ;)

      They will probably just requisition six more vehicles from the general population, I'd think. Maybe eight or ten.

    2. You guys just don't get it. Those WERE the reinforcements (they were up at Sinjar - possibly had just come across the border.)

      Each vehicle, depending on the type, carried 5 to 10 fighters, and assorted medium to heavy weapons.

      This isn't a big army. This is a gathering of hooligans. Do this three or four times a day, and in 30 days they'll be feeling it.

    3. .

      Sorry, Rufus, a week ago you said that within 30 days 50-75% of their equipment would likely be gone. I just find it a little funny that you intend to give us the day by day stats when this is going to be over so soon.


    4. Oh, now I understand - the evil doers in the 6 pickups are now dead and the.locals have joined hands to sing kumbuyah!

    5. Not all of them. Some have already had their heads cut off.

    6. .

      You guys just don't get it. Those WERE the reinforcements (they were up at Sinjar - possibly had just come across the border.)

      By the way, general, where do you get your intel?


    7. Some are probably relieved, though.

      Might be a quick smile, or two, up there on the mountain.

    8. I think that was from Bloomberg - maybe Huffington Post. Just google U.S. air strikes Iraq

    9. Besides, the "clock" isn't in play, here. There are no embattled American soldiers stuck on the ground, taking casualties.

      We might just make a strategic decision to leave the border crossings open. Make it a multi-year roach kill.

      No big thang; just a gig and a party.

    10. We're probably getting ready to "liberate" the Fallujah Dam. The logical first step would be to block off that southernmost town, in that line of 3 or 4 towns out there to the West of Baghdad, and skirt around to the South of it.

  32. What's not to like?
    Hezbollah: We will defeat Islamic State on the battlefield

  33. AshMon Sep 15, 06:39:00 PM EDT
    What I find troubling about those bellying up to the coalition table is that, so far it appears, no one is volunteering to do the boots on the ground thing. - those willing to raise their hands seem to have only offered to fling bombs from the air.

    Turkey, our close ally and NATO member, has refused to take any military action.
