Wednesday, August 20, 2014

"Fear is central to the Israeli psyche. These fears are cynically used by leaders like Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He makes Israelis believe that they all want to destroy us...

Hamas wants to destroy us, the UN wants to destroy us, al-Qaida and Iran want to destroy us. ISIS wants to destroy us. The European anti-Semites want to destroy us. This is basically the filter through which a conflict with Hamas is interpreted by the ordinary Israeli. Another dimension of this prism is that "they" are not human beings. Palestinians are dehumanized because they put their soldiers amongst civilians, send their children to fight, spend and waste their money on building deadly tunnels rather than on building up their own society. Along with the dehumanization of the other, Israelis have a strong sense of their own moral superiority. "We ask people to get out of their houses; we call them on the phone to make sure civilians are evacuated. We behave humanly," the Israeli thinks. An army with good manners.”  -  Sociologist Eva Illouz about Gaza and Israeli Society

Insight into the mind of Bibi Netanyahu - He thinks the camera is off:


08/05/2014 05:13 PM
Gaza Crisis
'The Real Danger to Israel Comes from Within'
Interview Conducted by Julia Amalia Heyer
Israel pulled out of the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, but left behind death and destruction. Israeli sociologist Eva Illouz tells SPIEGEL that her country is gripped by fear and is becoming increasingly suspicious of democracy.
SPIEGEL: There was widespread support in Israel for the operation in the Gaza Strip, despite the huge numbers of civilian casualties and the deaths of hundreds of children. Why is that?
Illouz: Where you see human beings, Israelis see enemies. In front of enemies, you close ranks, you unite in fear for your life, and you do not ponder about the fragility of the other. Israel has a split, schizophrenic self-awareness: It cultivates its strength and yet cannot stop seeing itself as weak and threatened. Moreover, both the fact that Hamas holds a radical Islamist and anti-Semitic ideology and the fact that there is rabid anti-Arab racism in Israel explain why Israelis see Gaza as a bastion of potential or real terrorists. It is difficult to have compassion for a population seen as as threatening the heart of your society.
SPIEGEL: Is that also a function of the fact that Israeli society has become increasingly militaristic?
Illouz: Israel is a colonial military power, a militarized society and a democracy all folded into one. The army, for example, controls the Palestinians through a wide network of colonial tools, such as checkpoints, military courts (governed by a legal system different from the Israeli system), the arbitrary granting of work permits, house demolitions and economic sanctions. It is a militarized civil society because almost every family has a father, son or brother in the army and because the military plays an enormous role in the ordinary mentality of ordinary Israelis and is crucial in both political decisions and in the public sphere. In fact, I would say that "security" is the paramount concept guiding Israeli society and politics. But it is also a democracy, which grants rights to gays and makes it possible for a citizen to sue the state.
SPIEGEL: Still, many would say that Israel has gone too far in this war with Hamas.
Illouz: I think Israelis have lost what we can call a "humanitarian sensibility," the capacity to identify with the suffering of a distant other. In Israel, there has been a change in perception of the "Palestinian other." The Palestinian has become a true enemy in the perception of Israelis, in the sense that "they are there" and "we are here." They ceased having a face and even a name.
SPIEGEL: Do you have an explanation for the shift?
Illouz: Israelis and Palestinians used to be mixed. They worked as construction workers and as cheap, underpaid labor. Then the wall was built. Then the road blocks came, which hampered the Palestinians' freedom of movement. The massive reduction in work permits followed. And in a few years Palestinians disappeared from Israeli society. The Second Intifada put the nail in that coffin, so to speak. The nature of Israeli leadership has also changed. The messianic right has progressively gained power in Israel. It used to be marginal and illegitimate; it is now increasingly mainstream. This radical right sits in Parliament, controls budgets and has changed the nature of discourse. Many Israelis do not understand the radical nature of the right in Israel. It successfully disguises itself as "patriotic" or "Jewish."
SPIEGEL: Why is the right so strong at the moment even though there are far fewer terror attacks in Israel than there used to be?
Illouz: Entire generations have been raised with the territories, with Israel being a colonial power. They do not know anything else. You have the settlements which are highly ideological. They expanded and entered Israeli mainstream political life. Settlements were strengthened by systematic government policies: They got tax breaks; they had soldiers to protect them; they built roads and infrastructure which are much better than those inside the country. There are entire segments of the population that have never met a secular person and have been educated religiously. Some of these religious segments are also very nationalist. The reality we are faced with in Israel is that we must choose between liberalism and Jewishness, and if we choose Jewishness, we are condemned to become a religious Sparta which will not be sustainable. Whereas in the 1960s, you could be both socialist and Zionist, today it is not possible because of the policies and identity of Israel. Then you have the role which Jews who live outside Israel play in Israel. Many of these Jews have very right-wing views and contribute money to newspapers, think tanks and religious institutions inside Israel. Let's face it: the right has been more systematic and more mobilized, both inside and outside Israel.
SPIEGEL: Do Jews in the Diaspora see Israel differently than do Jews in Israel?
Illouz: Diaspora Jews have been shaped by the memory of the Shoah. They often live in societies in which their own democratic rights are guaranteed. Sometimes they are under the assault of anti-Semitism and thus feel an urge to reinforce Jewish identity. They do not understand the distress of Israelis who see democracy progressively eaten away by dark forces. Today, Diaspora Jews and Jews in Israel do not have the same interests anymore.
SPIEGEL: What will happen if democratic principles continue to erode?
Illouz: One or two years ago, the newspaper Haaretz conducted a poll which found that 40 percent of the people said they were considering leaving Israel. I don't know the actual numbers, but I have never heard as much alienation from Israel as during this period. The people who live in secular Tel Aviv have much less in common with their religious counterparts in Jerusalem than they do with people living in Berlin.
SPIEGEL: You describe a fearful, anxious country.
Illouz: Fear is deeply engrained in Israeli society. Fear of the Shoah, fear of anti-Semitism, fear of Islam, fear of Europeans, fear of terror, fear of extermination. You name it. And fear generates a very particular type of thinking, which I would call "catastrophalist." You always think about the worst case scenario, not about a normal course of events. In catastrophalist scenarios, you become allowed to breach many more moral norms than if you imagined a normal course of events.
SPIEGEL: Still, there is a very real threat to Israel. Whereas Israel sees itself as the victim, the rest of the world is increasingly seeing the country as a violent occupying power.
Illouz: Yes, you are right. But Israelis see only the tunnels, which were about to hurt the heart of their own society. A tunnel vision sustained by the discovery of the real tunnels. It is very difficult to stop being afraid in the midst of people who do not wish you well. Israelis live with constant fear, and the world does not understand this fear.*
SPIEGEL: Do you have an explanation for this lack of understanding?
Illouz: Imagine that you were a girl raised by a very brutal father. You would develop a "healthy" suspicion of men and would become very cautious. If you were to live for a time in an environment of good and nurturing men, your suspicions would relax. But if you lived in an environment in which some men were very brutal and some were not, your healthy suspicion would turn into an obsessive incapacity to differentiate between different types of men, the brutal and the caring. That is the historical trauma of the consciousness that Jews live with. The Israeli psyche has become incapable of making these distinctions.
SPIEGEL: Does this fear justify the kind of brutal violence that has been visited upon the civilian population in the Gaza Strip?
Illouz: Of course it doesn't. I'm only saying that fear is central to the Israeli psyche. These fears are cynically used by leaders like Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He makes Israelis believe that they all want to destroy us. Hamas wants to destroy us, the UN wants to destroy us, al-Qaida and Iran want to destroy us. ISIS wants to destroy us. The European anti-Semites want to destroy us. This is basically the filter through which a conflict with Hamas is interpreted by the ordinary Israeli. Another dimension of this prism is that "they" are not human beings. Palestinians are dehumanized because they put their soldiers amongst civilians, send their children to fight, spend and waste their money on building deadly tunnels rather than on building up their own society. Along with the dehumanization of the other, Israelis have a strong sense of their own moral superiority. "We ask people to get out of their houses; we call them on the phone to make sure civilians are evacuated. We behave humanly," the Israeli thinks. An army with good manners.
SPIEGEL: And nevertheless, civilians have been the primary victims, with schools, housing complexes and hospitals being bombed.
Illouz: Yes, despite this, many Israelis still hold on the view they are morally superior. They judge by the intention, whereas the world judges by the consequences.
SPIEGEL: Still, an enormous wave of hatred has become visible in Israel in recent weeks. And it's not only directed at the Palestinians, but also at segments of Israeli society.
Illouz: Some basic norms of speech have been breached by some rabbis and Knesset members, who feel no qualms expressing hatred for Arabs in ways that provide legitimation to hatred. This is very worrisome. It happened because entire generations have been raised believing in religious and ultra-nationalist views. I don't think that there is more hatred in Israel than in some racist pockets of German or French society. But when some Palestinians recently sang in the streets of Paris "Death to the Jews," the reaction of the government of Prime Minister Manuel Valls was swift and clear. The authorities sent a strong message that there are forms of speech and forms of belief that are inadmissible. What is lacking in Israeli society is that kind of very strong moral normative claim coming from its leaders.
SPIEGEL: How do you explain this paradox -- the hate on the one hand and Israel's emphasis on its liberal values on the other?
Illouz: Israel started as a modern nation. It derived its legitimacy from the fact that it had democratic institutions. But it was also building highly anti-modern institutions in wanting to create a Jewish democracy by giving power to rabbis, in creating deep ethnic inequalities between different ethnic groups such Jews of Arab countries vs. Jews of European descent; Arabs vs. Jews; Jews vs. non-Jews. It thus blocked universalist thinking.
SPIEGEL: Would you say that the Jewish character of the country has subsumed the democratic character?
Illouz: Yes, definitely. We are at the point where it has become clear that Jewishness has hijacked democracy and its contents. It happened increasingly when the school curriculum started getting changed and emphasizing more Jewish content and less universal content; when the Ministry of the Interior expelled foreign workers because Shas party members were afraid non-Jews would inter-marry with Jews; when human rights are thought of as being left-wing only because human rights presuppose that Jews and non-Jews are equal.
SPIEGEL: That doesn't sound particularly encouraging.
Illouz: The only response is to create a vast camp of people who defend democracy. The right-left divide is no longer important. There is something more urgent right now: the defense of democracy. The voice of the extreme right is much louder and clearer than it was before. That's what's new: a racist right that is not ashamed of itself, that persecutes dissenters and even people who dare express compassion for the other side. The real danger to Israel and its sustainability comes from within. The fascist and racist elements are no less a security threat than the outside enemies.
SPIEGEL: Israeli enemies have also accused the country of no longer being democratic. Does that bother you?
Illouz: With all my critique and occasional disgust at Israeli arrogance, I am also puzzled that Israel is indeed singled out. Look at what happens in Syria or in Nigeria or Iraq. Why isn't the world demonstrating in the streets in the same way it is doing for Israel? America has also a shocking record outside its own borders. Where are the intellectuals who are going to boycott America? Where are they?
SPIEGEL: Do you support the military operation in the Gaza Strip?
Illouz: No, I don't. I'm not a pacifist in the sense that I do not think that military operations are always wrong. But I'm not in favor of this operation because there was no political process beforehand. Netanyahu gave such obvious sings that he was not interested in a political process. Instead, Netanyahu constantly undermined Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. I refuse categorically the idea that our only relationship with the Palestinians is a military one. We are in a march of folly. There is an increasingly large group of people who really think that they can subdue the Palestinian population and sustain a regime where Israel keeps dominating them.
SPIEGEL: Is that not the consequence of 47 years of occupation, this feeling of not having to make any more concessions?
Illouz: Israelis pay a price, but we are not really aware of it. We don't know how it feels to live in a peaceful society, devoted exclusively to culture, education and improving the living conditions of everyone. People don't make a connection between the bad living conditions they have and the amount of resources invested in the settlements and in the army. In psychology, they call it dissociation. Israeli society has become very insensitive. Not only to the suffering of others, but also to its own suffering.
*Eds. Note: The online version of this interview has been expanded to add an additional question and answer -- which was cut for space from the original interview -- so as to improve clarity regarding Ms. Illouz's position.


  1. Amid a new round of fighting in the Middle East on Wednesday, Hamas said an Israeli airstrike killed the wife and young son of its military commander, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanayhu declared that his military's assault in Gaza has dealt the U.S.-designated terrorist group the "harshest blow" since its inception in 1987.

    Hamas, which governs Gaza, said Qassam Brigades commander Mohammed Deif was not home and escaped injury when the Israeli strike destroyed his home, killing his family members.

    Abu Obeida, the spokesman for Hamas' military wing, said Israel was "unable to get to our commander, Deif," who he said will "lead the army that will enter to liberate the holy al-Aqsa mosque" in Jerusalem.

    1. Deif is the man responsible for the murder of the 3 teenagers last month.

      I hope they kill him, but 1st I hope he has tremendous pain.

    2. Maybe Deif should not have ordered the cease fire to be broken and order 60 rockets to strike at tel aviv and jerusalem.

      I suggest he move into one of his multi million dollar bunkers under a UN school, hospital or mosque

  2. Hear hear!

    Israelis and Jews are fearful!! And this is USED by their leaders...


    Hamas? Proclaim proudly their goal is the GENOCIDE of the Jews.

    Europeans? Have acted out and attempted GENOCIDE 14 times in the last 1 thousand years.

    The PA? Insights and glorifies suicide bombers that murder Jews.

    Hezbollah? Is thankful for all the Jews to move to Israel to save him the trouble of traveling thru out the world to murder Jews.

    Syria? Under Assad funded and supported the most radical terrorists on the planet as long as they wanted Jews dead.

    Qatar? FUNDS Hamas. Iran & Turkey? Both mass murderers on an epic scale, fund Hamas and others that swear that they goal is to slit the throat of every Israeli/Zionist.

    Jews are bombed, beheaded, targeted for dismemberment, torture or death across the globe by the above and more groups...

    Tell you what, when you get those savages under control? I'll teach "have a coke and smile" to every Israeli and jew I know. Til then? I will stay loaded and armed as will Israel against the savages at the wall..

    You want to know the truth? YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH.....

    1. Really, "O"rdure, you are losing your cool...

      Now you are seeking to find equivalency for Israel's actions, in Qatar!

      It has grown beyond comical, the farcical fraud your character has become.

    2. Thanks! Coming from a comic book reject like you? I feel nothing but great.

      The reality of the situation?

      Israel and the Jewish people KNOW what kind of scum you and your fellow Jew hating, genocidal maniacs actually are...

      This is why we have armed ourselves and will use lethal force to protect our lives...

      Those that try to kill us? We will kill. Make no mistake.

      We aint your grand-daddy's victim Jews....

      I know you like your Jews on their knees begging for their lives as you slit our throats.... But some of us? Might have a surprise or two...

    3. You are not Jew, at all, "O"rdure.
      You are a Zionist.

      The two are incompatible.

    4. All Jews are Zionists and all Zionists must die. That anti-Zionist agitprop came to Arafat via his Russian handlers. It made it okay to be European pigs again. Ironically, Vlad may be a major help to Israel some fine day.

  3. Mustafa Asfoura said that his daughter Widad married Mr. Deif about four years ago, and that they had four children. Ali, at 8 months, was the youngest; the other children were injured.


    “If Israel wants to kill a fighter, why would it kill women and children beside him?” Mr. Asfoura asked. “Let them kill him alone.”

    Hamas put out a public call for people to attend the funeral of Mr. Deif’s wife and baby, and hundreds joined the procession in the Jabaliya refugee camp.

    1. Deif is a military target that hides or hid behind diapers and pussy...

      Now he is single and childless... Less diapers and pussy for him to hide behind.

    2. The pussies are the Israeli pilots and artillerymen that indiscriminately kill from afar.

    3. This is the glorious work of the Israeli pilots, with US supplied weapons of course:

      Israeli F-16s fired six missiles at the Gaza City home of Mohammed Yassin Dalu, reportedly the head of the Hamas rocket division. The Palestinians said that Israel believed Deif was inside the home. Instead, they said, Deif’s wife and infant son were killed in the attack.

      OOraahs and high-fives to the IDF! Outstanding work by Israel’s finest.

    4. LOL Call them names...

      Last I looked the Israelis do the same thing as most all modern nations, including America. After all America has murdered over 2400 civilians using drones.

      As for indiscriminately? What do you call 10,000 rockets and mortars aimed at civilians? Honor?

      But not to worry Deuce, the IDF is going back into Gaza, to kill the terrorists, face to face, in the tunnels, in the alleys, in the fake mosques and bobby trapped homes.

      Will you call them pussies when they USE their new wall radar?

      Sounds like you are bitter...

      You are backing the wrong side.

      ISIS is Hamas, Hamas is Al Queda, Al Queda is the Moslem Brotherhood, the Moslem Brotherhood is ISIS..

      And you support them...

    5. I wonder how many Hamas were created by that mother and child being shred to pieces and then incinerated?

    6. No more than already existed.

      What, the Gazans are now really really really going to hate Israel?

      We accept the gazan's hatred, they voted IN Hamas knowing it called for the genocide of all Jews.

      What, they are now triple dog hate us more?

      LOL Laughable.

      Maybe Hamas and the Gazans need to understand that is you shoot rockets at the Jews? The jews will take out those responsible and those that those who are responsible are using as human shields.

      It's simple math. Hamas needs to stop trying to murder Jews. If they stopped trying to murder Jews? israel would not fire back...

      A lesson you have not absorbed.

  4. The US government’s assault on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco shocked and disgusted Americans. 76 people were slaughtered. It waw ugly and stupid. Most decent Americans were outraged and appalled. That American abberation is standard operating procedure for the Israeli government and their henchmen, the IDF, in dealing with the civilian population in Gaza. State murder and slaughter is SOP in the apartheid colonies under the Israeli siege.

    Hundreds of Palestinians turned out yesterday for the funeral of the wife and son of the Hamas military chief Mohammed Deif, who were killed overnight in an Israeli air strike on a house in Gaza City.

    Hamas had urged Gazans to turn out in force for the funeral in Jabaliya refugee camp, after an attack which left at least one other Palestinian dead and injured a further 15 people. There were fears there could be more bodies under the rubble.

    The fate of Deif, one of Hamas’s most senior figures who has survived attempts on his life in the past, is still unknown.

    A Palestinian mother and her sons survey the rubble of a destroyed home in Deir Al-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip. The funeral for seven members of the family whose house was attacked in an Israeli airstrike was held yesterday.

    Israel called up 2,000 reserves yesterday, a day after the breakdown of peace talks in Cairo that aimed to bring an end to a six-week war with Palestinian militants in Gaza.

    The Israel Defence Forces confirmed that Israeli tanks and armoured personnel carriers were at the Gaza border after 120 rockets were fired into Israel as the truce collapsed overnight. There is no indication yet whether Israel will launch a second ground invasion of the Gaza Strip.

    Palestinian sources said 19 people had been killed in Israeli air strikes since Tuesday night, bring the Palestinian death toll during the war to 2,035, with more than 10,000 injured. A total of 64 Israeli soldiers and three civilians – one of whom was a Thai national – have also died in the conflict.

    1. Palestinans shot over 80 rockets at Jerusalem and Tel aviv TRYING for mass causalities.

      They failed.

      And if they had succeeded in murdering a few hundred Jews?

      You'd hand out candy....

      Hamas started this round of the war, offered a cease fire by Egypt, Israel said yes, the PA said yes, hamas shot rockets as it's answer.

    2. "State murder and slaughter is SOP in the apartheid colonies under the Israeli siege"

      you are losing it...

      2000 death gazans, the majority were hamas fighters. that's 1000 deaths that were civilians, now deduct the number of kids murdered by hamas in the tunnels, the dozens shot by hamas execution squads, and of course the number of palestinians singled out as collaborators and you have about 900 civilians killed.

      Now Israel and I do regret the death of innocents, these were human shield forced to die by Hamas.

      Now compare that to any other war in the area?

      Assad has butchered and slaughtered almost 200,000! In the irma iraq war? almost a MILLION dead, Assad's daddy killed over 10,000 in hama in a weekend, ISIS has murdered tens of thousands!!!

      Now that is slaughter..

      but at least now you are not calling it genocide anymore... that was just plain stupid...

      "slaughter" "state murder" now they have a ring to it...

      BTW, was that "state murder when Hamas offed the 3 teenagers with their hands tied behind their backs? You remember those 3 before hamas started rocketing Israel?

    3. My BAD!!!

      The Israel Defence Forces confirmed that Israeli tanks and armoured personnel carriers were at the Gaza border after 120 rockets were fired into Israel as the truce collapsed overnight. There is no indication yet whether Israel will launch a second ground invasion of the Gaza Strip.

      120 rockets... Not 80!

      SO sorry,

      according to the UN, each rocket fired is a war crime, each rocket fired from a civilian area? An additional war crime.

      Targeting the head of Hamas's rocket division in his home? A legal target according to the geneva conventions...

    4. Palestinian sources said 19 people had been killed in Israeli air strikes since Tuesday night,

      How many rocket launchers did the pussy IDF hit?


  5. Is this "state murder and SOP" too?

    A senior Hamas official admitted for the first time on Wednesday that the organization's armed wing, the Kassam Brigades, was behind the kidnapping and murder of Israeli teens Nafatli Fraenkel, Gil-Ad Shaer and Eyal Yifrah in the West Bank in June.

    The Hamas official, Salah al-Aruri made the comments during a conference of Islamic clerics in Turkey. He praised the "heroic action of the Kassam Brigades who kidnapped three settlers in Hebron.

  6. Why don’t I just repost the video where Netanjahu says what he really thinks when he thought the cameras are off?

    1. Please do!

      But please post what hamas says in public too, don't worry about posting what the leadership of Turkey, Qatar, ISIS, Hamas and other say in private..

  7. Hamas is now threatening any and all air travel to israel...

    "We are warning international airlines and press them to stop flying into Ben Gurion airport from 6 am (0300 GMT) Thursday," Al Qassam Brigades spokesman Abu Obeida stated Wednesday, in a televised speech.

    Is that "state sponsored" murder if Hamas blows up a civilian airliner?

  8. Deuce ☂Wed Aug 20, 09:51:00 PM EDT
    This is the glorious work of the Israeli pilots, with US supplied weapons of course:

    Israeli F-16s fired six missiles at the Gaza City home of Mohammed Yassin Dalu, reportedly the head of the Hamas rocket division. The Palestinians said that Israel believed Deif was inside the home. Instead, they said, Deif’s wife and infant son were killed in the attack.

    OOraahs and high-fives to the IDF! Outstanding work by Israel’s finest.

    Sounds like a good hit... Maybe the asshole Hamas Commander Mohammed Yassin Dalu, reportedly the head of the Hamas rocket division will think twice about shooting 120 rockets at civilians in israel in the middle of a mutually agreed ceasefire...

  9. Deuce ☂Wed Aug 20, 09:43:00 PM EDT
    The pussies are the Israeli pilots and artillerymen that indiscriminately kill from afar.

    Like that one... Sounds like you are really upset that Israel uses technology...

    I guess you'd be happier if the pussy Israelis/Jews didn't use Iron Dome and take it like a man? That is cheating you would argue.. Pussies those Israeli for not allowing the brave and honor filled "freedom fighters" Hamas folks from allowing their rockets and mortars to blow up Jews! It's their RIGHT you'd say.... Those apartheid, colonizing, occupying, thieves....


    1. The Muslims must be thankful that the Israelis are "pussies". Think about how many wars Israel would have won since 1948 if Israelis were real men.

      Strange isn't it: when unarmed Jewish towns were overrun by waves of aircraft, armor, and mechanized infantry (the best in the world) and were murdered, they were pussies. Now, when Israel fights back and pummels murdering scum, they are still pussies. I think there is a message in this apparent dichotomy.

    2. Of course, if Hamas would step out from behind their women and children and fight face-to-face, this dust-up could be settled quickly.

    3. don't forget Deuce called the jews of europe pussies too since they could have beaten nazi germany all by themselves... But they too were pussies...

    4. Germany lost the war because it was led by an anti-Semite, who abandoned army groups to destruction in order to use limited rail-stock and thousands of troops to ferry harmless Jews to death camps.

      The various conspiracies to assassinate Hitler had nothing to do with sympathy for Jews. German officers knew they were being led to crushing defeat by a myopic fanatic. Hitler was also anti-Zionist.

      "Anti-Zionism is not only the historic heir of earlier forms of anti-Semitism. Today, it is also the lowest common denominator and the bridge between the Left, the Right, and the militant Muslims; between the elites (including the media) and the masses; between the churches and the mosques; between an increasingly anti-American Europe and an endemically anti- Western Arab-Muslim Middle East; a point of convergence between conservatives and radicals and a connecting link between fathers and sons. Anti-Zionism is much more than an exotic collection of radicalchic slogans that survived the debacle of the late-1960s counterculture. It has become an "exterminationist," pseudoredemptive ideology reconstructed in the Middle East and reexported back to Europe with devastating effects."
      Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism

  10. Hundreds of Palestinians turned out yesterday for the funeral of the wife and son of the Hamas military chief Mohammed Deif, who were killed overnight in an Israeli air strike on a house in Gaza City.

    Hamas had urged Gazans to turn out in force for the funeral in Jabaliya refugee camp

    Wow HUNDREDS out of a place with 1.8 MILLION people... Just HUNDREDS????

    Sounds like Hamas is losing control and support.

    1. heck we get THOUSANDS for a Katie Perry Ticket sale offering in Cleveland!

      Hell, Madonna still can get thousands....

      And all Hamas can gather is HUNDREDS....


    Missouri cop was badly beaten before shooting Michael Brown, says source

    1. Dont confuse these folks with facts...

    2. Facts?? "A source said" is a fact in WiO's world. Ain't imagination grand?

    3. Ash, isn't allah calling you to prayer?

    4. WiO,

      I know no more about the autopsy than anyone else. It has been reported that the cop was badly beaten. That is what I linked. I'll leave it to others more inventive to make of it what they will.

      I think the DoJ and Governor will put the cop through hell. The jury will acquit if the homie has recanted and the cop's medical evidence is conclusive. That going to hurt the haters.

      By the way, mercenaries are now doing crowd control in Ferguson. You can thank your pres for that.

  12. Well, I'm sure that they must have taken pictures of That.

    Got a link?

    The autopsy team didn't find any evidence of a scuffle on the victim's hands, however. I wonder what would account for that?

    1. Yeah, I'll get those autopsy flicks right off to you. Are you stupid or drunk? No, just bigoted.

    2. Here is a clue, the Grand Jury sat today. They have access to the evidence. As important as you are, you will have to wait to see the flicks of either the kid or the cop.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Not your Daddy's Jew.Wed Aug 20, 11:19:00 PM EDT

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Obama calls Islamic State a 'cancer' after graphic threat
    Harshest words yet from US president after Islamic State beheads American journalist James Foley on camera, threatening another execution if air strikes continue.

    Vows to "crush" it...

    Gee Mr Prez... Hamas and ISIS are the same... And you have friends in the Hamas...

    and you have friends in the moslem brotherhood..


    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Rocket alert sirens go off in the Ashdod and Ashkelon areas as rockets continue to target Israeli communities. Around 150 rockets were launched at Israel throughout Wednesday. Since Hamas breached the ceasefire over 213 rockets were fired at Israel; 162 hit, 35 were intercepted and 16 landed short in the Gaza Strip

    I hope those 16 hit some nice and juicy targets INSIDE Gaza...

    1. of the 900 or so civilians that have been killed in gaza, i queried about the dozens of executions that hamas conducted, the hundreds of kids in the tunnels that were executed and of course the scores of collaborators they offed....

      But I forget to include the death toll of fellow gazans they killed by rockets landing inside the strip...

      a full 14% of all rockets and mortars don't make it to the pussy jews.... I wonder out of that 900? what is the real total of civilian deaths due to the pussy IDF?


      In first, Hamas official takes credit for kidnap and murder of Israeli teens

      Thanks for the info, Mo. The Israelis really have to get those hit teams up and running. Sixteen .22 hollow points from a Beretta will close his pie hole.

  16. Hamas warned international airlines against flying into Tel Aviv yesterday after Israel launched an air strike targeting its top military commander.


    The Islamist group denied that Mohammed Deif, the leader of the al-Qassam Brigades, was killed in the raid on Gaza, but went on to apparently threaten flights to Ben Gurion airport.

    "We are warning international airlines and press them to stop flying into Ben Gurion airport from 6.00am Thursday," said an al-Qassam Brigades spokesman.

  17. Rep. Pete King (R-N.Y.) on Wednesday said the beheading of American journalist James Foley by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) was effectively "a declaration of war" and called for a stronger U.S. military response.


    "Right now, ISIS controls a land mass larger than Great Britain, larger than Jordan. It has thousands of members and is a direct threat to the United States," he said.

    "They're more powerful now than al Qaeda was on Sept. 11.”

  18. Oh for God's sake Deuce...I listened to that Netanyahu video twice......and you call that some kind of indictment?

    I didn't waste my time on Jimmah. I'd almost rather listen to Billy Carter, but he's gone.

    Both Carters were and are idiots, here and in the next world.


    The population of Ferguson grew rapidly during the first six decades of the twentieth century, from 1,015 people in 1900 to 22,149 people in 1960, an average growth rate of 5% per year. Since 1960 the population has remained nearly constant. The racial composition of Ferguson has shifted since 1990, however. In 1990, residents of Ferguson who were identified in the U.S. Census as White comprised 73.8% of the total, while those identified as Black made up 25.1%.[23] (The remainder, 1.1%, identified with other racial categories.) In the 2000 census, 44.7% were White and 52.4% were African American. In the 2010 census, 29.3% were White and 67.4% were African American.


    This is interesting. I was just listening to a black city council woman spewing about how the blacks in Ferguson are constantly subject to police brutality and discrimination....I don't know the current racial makeup of the Ferguson City Council but if the blacks don't control it now they don't know how to play ball. The current Mayor is white. Since, if O'Reilly was correct, this is the first police shooting in this small town's history, I doubt the city council women's narrative.

    Ferguson has experienced white flight. Rather than 'oppressing' blacks they want out.

    Another reason the police force is currently so white other than the ones I already cited is those police contracts from earlier years inevitably have seniority and continuous employment clauses of some kind and a changeover takes some time.

    Rather than oppress blacks, the whites seem to have purchased suitcases.

  19. "They is more A-rabs than they is Jews."

    Billy Carter

  20. Anybody got any videos of Arafat - or the Iranians - in their 'unguarded moments'?

    Let's Share and Compare !!

  21. The video Megyn Kelly just played of the recent shooting of a deranged black man with a knife by two white police officers in St. Louis, Missouri seems much more questionable to me than what I know yet about the Ferguson shooting. I don't know why the police were called.....perhaps he had threatened or even harmed someone just previously. He obviously seems a 'danger to himself or others' but the reaction also seems extreme, to say the least. He had obviously ignored the police orders to drop the knife. Watch the video yourself, and you decide.

    1. Mark Fuhrman, her quest cop, a contributor to Fox, of OJ fame, the liar, was struggling to justify this incident.

    2. guest, not quest, guest, bobbo

  22. Of the hundred and some individuals arrest yesterday in Ferguson exactly 4 were from Ferguson, the rest from elsewhere, according to Ferguson police.

    All seems calm there tonight.

    The Ferguson police have actually played this pretty well. They have detained police supporters holding signs and such in the area for their own safety and to prevent violence. This might violate their First Amendment rights, but it is an emergency situation, and the first duty is to try to ensure everyone's safety.

    1. Out this way, we used to call these Gentlemen Peace Officers, not Police Officers. The Magistrate was also known as the local Justice of the Peace. Not sure exactly when or how these local terms changed.

  23. allenThu Aug 21, 12:09:00 AM EDT

    In first, Hamas official takes credit for kidnap and murder of Israeli teens


    But, is this enough to pop's desert rat's false flag Mossad done it bullshit?

    1. Rat is a figment of your imaginationThu Aug 21, 02:19:00 AM EDT

      No, the lies reported in the JPost do not invalidate the claims made about the Mossad.

    2. I have my answer allen.

      By the way, I was wife and I have been through Missouri a few times on the interstate. She was saying, IIRC, the county where "The Bridges of Madison (?) County" was filmed was in Missouri. I thought it was somewhere in the northeast...Maine, New she correct, and, have you ever been there? IIRC you are from or have lived in Missouri. Next time through, probably this fall, we might like to drive and see it. Was wondering if you had been there and what you think.

      Thanks, bob


    3. Rat is a figment of your imaginationThu Aug 21, 02:19:00 AM EDT
      No, the lies reported in the JPost do not invalidate the claims made about the Mossad.


      He hasn't the good sense to shut up even when he should have learned from the link that the murderous boast was made outside the area to Muslim media. The butcher of children was bragging about the blood on his organization's hands. RFI's mental illness has taken him and his Jew hating clique beyond any hope of reasoned discussion. Like their ancestors they just hate Jews and will grasp at any fantasy to propagate their sick slanders. As it was in Europe, so they would like to see it in America.

      At long last, Israeli Jews have turned their backs entirely on the Muslim peace process game. From the link below, it becomes obvious that Gaza being reduced to complete rubble will not satisfy. For sometime to come, the PA vermin are going to find themselves confronted by an overwhelmingly vengeful Israeli public. As the Israeli mourner observed, "We should kill 100 of them for every one of ours." Amen!
      How Israel's hawks intimidated and silenced the last remnants of the anti-war left

      The lede is filled with deceit. Israel's right had nothing to do with silencing Israel's simpleminded left - the murder of Jewish children and unprovoked attacks from Islamic savages did that.


  24. August 21, 2014
    Nonwhite cop kills unarmed white youth, national media, AG and POTUS ignore
    By Thomas Lifson

    A brutal natural experiment is underway demonstrating the role of race, riots, and radicals in determining whose death is noted, and whose ignored in racialized America when unarmed young men are shot and killed by police. While American and world media, along with the President and Attorney General of the United States, obsess over the death of Michael Brown at the hands of the Ferguson, Missouri police, few people outside of Utah have heard of the remarkably parallel and contemporaneous death of Dillon Taylor, an unarmed young man (and father-to-be) from a gun shot by a Salt Lake City policeman, whose name has not been released, but who has been identified the SLC chief of police as nonwhite.

    Here are the bare facts of the death of Dillon Taylor, via KUTV, Salt Lake:

    Dillon Taylor, 20, who is from Salt Lake, was exiting 7-Eleven with his brother and cousin, Adam Thayne, around 7 p.m. on Monday, when Salt Lake City police arrived, responding to a report of a man waving a gun in the area.

    The officers ordered the men to the ground. Two of them complied, but Dillon, who police say matched the suspect's description, did not go down.

    "It came in as a 911 call that there was a man with a gun," said South Salt Lake Police Sgt. Darrin Sweeten. "He was verbally challenged and ultimately was shot."

    Sweeten did not release further details on the shooting….

    1. No one has suggested that Taylor was involved in the commission of any crime, unlike Brown who was captured on surveillance camera robbing a convenience store shortly before his death.

      Dillon's brother and cousin claim they were on their way to visit his parents' graves and that Dillon was surprised by the police presence. He was not aggressive, they said.

      "He had headphones in, and he couldn't hear [anything], and then they finally surrounded him," Jerrail said. "They're like, 'Get on the ground,' and [he] pulled up his pants and [they] shot him."

      Thayne believes police might have thought his cousin was reaching for a gun when, in reality, he grabbed his cell phone.

      "I was in shock, because he was wearing a white t-shirt and there was blood all over it," Thayne said. "They ran up and handcuffed him. He wasn't moving."

      A witness's video shows police yelling for the two men to remain on the ground as Thayne repeatedly screams that they have shot his cousin.

      The two men were taken to the police station, but released hours later without being charged or cited.

      Unlike the Ferguson Police, Salt Lake City Police wear body video cameras, so footage of the entire incident is available to the police and the chief of police has watched it. But so far there has been no release of the tape.

      [Chief of PoliceChris] Burbank has watched the video but would not comment on whether he thought the Aug. 11 shooting in a 7-Eleven parking lot was justified. Burbank also would not comment on whether the 20-year-old Taylor had a gun. The man's family has said he was not armed.

      And while friends of Taylor and some others have protested the shooting, there have been no riots or violence, no radicals streaming in to agitate, no national media interest at all, and complete indifference from the AG and POTUS, in stark contrast to their concern for the late strong-arm robber Michael Brown.

      It is hard to escape the conclusion that some unarmed victims of police shooting are more important to the political and media leadership of America than others.

      For the record, Taylor is what the New York Times would call a “white Hispanic”:

      Taylor's brother, Jerrail Taylor, raised issues last week about racial profiling. He said his brother was Hispanic.

      As with the case of George Zimmerman, Hispanic grievance groups have remained silent.

      Hat tip: Jack Hellner

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  25. August 20, 2014
    Poll: How Would the Media React If the Cop Was Black and the Victim Was White?
    By Rick Moran

    Rasmussen polled 1000 adults on an interesting question: "How Would the Media React If the Cop Was Black and the Victim Was White?"

    Most Americans think the media would be less interested in the incident in Ferguson, Missouri if a white teenager had been shot by a black police officer. They also reject the idea that most policemen are racist.

    A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 35% of American Adults rate the media’s coverage of the police shooting and subsequent events in Ferguson as good or excellent. Twenty-three percent (23%) say the media have done a poor job covering the story. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

    But 54% say the media would have offered less coverage of the story if a black policeman shot a white teenager. Fourteen percent (14%) think the story would have gotten more coverage under those circumstances, while 23% think the level of coverage would have been about the same.

    Even 43% of black adults believe the story would have gotten less attention if the victim was white, but that compares to 55% of whites and 53% of other minority adults who feel that way.

    1. The name of the shooter, Darren Wilson, was released to the media late last week, and 39% of all adults nationwide agree with that decision. But slightly more (44%) don’t think the Ferguson police officer’s name should have been released. Seventeen percent (17%) are undecided.

      Fourteen percent (14%) of Americans believe most police officers are racist, but 61% disagree. One-in-four (26%) are undecided.

      Fifty-seven percent (57%) say the tactics used by their local police are about right. Fifty-one percent (51%) think America needs more cops.

      The national telephone survey of 1,000 Adults was conducted by Rasmussen Reports on August 15-16, 2014. The margin of sampling error for the survey is +/- 2 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Fieldwork for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

      Twenty-five percent (25%) of Americans believe most of their fellow countrymen are racist. Eighty-two percent (82%) agree, however, that the term "racism" refers to any discrimination by people of one race against another. Just nine percent (9%) think racism refers only to discrimination by white people against minorities.

      This is a fascinating survey with lots of interesting cross tabs. For instance, the breakdown by race regarding what happened in Ferguson is revealing:

      But blacks and whites have sharply different views on what has happened in Ferguson and what should happen next. While the investigation continues, most black Americans (57%) are already convinced that the police officer should be found guilty of murder, a view shared by just 17% of whites and 24% of other minority adults.

      Ultimately, the question of media coverage is fairly straightforward. It's a dog bites man story if a white kid was shot by a black cop. There's no sizzle to that story, no sex. A black kid being shot by a white cop allows every left of center pundit to expound on how evil America is for harboring this kind of racism, and solemnly proclaim that Ferguson is a microcasm of the US - America in miniature.

      There is also victimology at issue. Whites are never victims, while blacks and their right-thinking allies in the media have the victimhood rap down pat. They may as well make a tape of statements by Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the other race hustlers and the next time something similar happens, just loop the recording and play it 24 hours a day.

      We should not blind ourselves to the real issue of mistrust by the black community of local police departments. But that issue will never be addressed as long as the racialists see profit and self-aggrandizement in promoting tragedies like Ferguson into international incidents.

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    Retooled Hamas Bloodies Israel With Help From Hezbollah

    Israel will have to start a better training program.

    Hamas' joy may be short-lived. Israel now knows there are undiscovered tunnels into Israel. This will ad strength to the argument of the ground war advocates. A reluctant Netanyahu may be forced to play hardball, using a much larger IDF force. One course would be to segment Gaza into bite-sized pieces and swarm each piece with full force, leveling every structure still standing. Boring equipment could be brought in and charges set. At detonation, tunnels could be traced...wash, rinse, repeat.

    While Hamas killed five soldiers, their haste may have cost them the opportunity to kill and/or capture scores of unarmed Israeli civilians. As usual, Hamas has lacked the discipline to forgo immediate gratification.

    Japan mulls building its own fighter jets: report

    The good news for the Japanese is the availability of Israeli prototypes. This could put the Japanese years ahead of schedule, yielding advanced technology that may never come to fruition with the graft troubled, tardy F-35. Better yet would be an aircraft similar to the F-22. Trade offs could give both countries what they desire - killer aircraft, at cost, and on schedule.The US has incentivized the possibility by leading both Japan and Israel to understand that they are has-been vital strategic partners.

  28. During July, 100% of utility scale power installations added were Renewable Energy.

