Monday, August 04, 2014

Cornell West calls Netanyahu for what he is: a criminal

In the largest mobilization in solidarity with Palestine in many years, tens of thousands from all across the country converged in Washington, D.C., for a rally and march to protest the ongoing massacre in Gaza and the U.S. government's support for Israeli war crimes. The massive demonstration received wide media coverage, and is further proof that the world is uniting for Palestine. Below are just some of the reports.
ABC News: Large Gaza Protest Forms Outside White House

WASHINGTON — A pro-Palestinian rally and march on the White House drew thousands today, turning Pennsylvania Avenue and Lafayette Square, the park opposite the White House, into a sea of demonstrators.

Waving Palestinian flags, chanting, “Free free Palestine” and “five, six, seven, eight, Israel is an apartheid state,” and holding signs that read “Free Palestine, Let Gaza Live,” the demonstrators gathered around a small stage in the park and eventually marched down Pennsylvanian Ave.

Read more

Washington Post: Thousands from across country protest in support of Palestinians near White House

A demonstration drew thousands to the White House and the streets of downtown Washington on Saturday afternoon as participants from across the country called for an end to the continued violence between Israel and Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

“Free, free Palestine, killing children is a crime,” the crowd chanted, several holding Palestinian flags, cardboard boxes decorated as coffins and posters with graphic images of the wounded.

Read more


  1. <<<>>>West has been involved with such projects as the Million Man March and Russell Simmons's Hip-Hop Summit, and worked with such public figures as Louis Farrakhan[11] and Al Sharpton, whose 2004 presidential campaign West advised.[50]

    In 2000, West worked as a senior advisor to Democratic presidential candidate Bill Bradley. When Bradley lost in the primaries, West became a prominent endorser of Ralph Nader, even speaking at some Nader rallies. Some Greens sought to draft West to run as a presidential candidate in 2004. West declined, citing his active participation in the Al Sharpton campaign. West, along with other prominent Nader 2000 supporters, signed the "Vote to Stop Bush" statement urging progressive voters in swing states to vote for John Kerry, despite strong disagreements with many of Kerry's policies.[51]

    In April 2002 West and Rabbi Michael Lerner performed civil disobedience by sitting in the street in front of the U.S. State Department "in solidarity with suffering Palestinian and Israeli brothers and sisters." West said, "We must keep in touch with the humanity of both sides."[52][53] In May 2007 West joined a demonstration against "injustices faced by the Palestinian people resulting from the Israeli occupation" and "to bring attention to this 40-year travesty of justice". In 2011, West called on the University of Arizona to divest from companies profiting from the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian Territories.[54]<<<>>>

    Heh, he hung out with 'Rabbi' Michael Lerner, who was the guy at the U of Washington who was always preaching solidarity with the Viet Cong and the overthrow of the US Government. Finally arrested for blowing some shit up, he turned state's evidence against 'the brothers and sisters' and later went into the Rabbi business.

    This place is great for humor, I will tell you that.

    The line up of witnesses for the suffering Palestinians who want to genocide Israel, and later kill you, dear reader, is a continual source of laughter to me.

    Yesterday we had Cordelia X.

    Somewhat earlier we had that goofball Noam Chomsky.

    O man, I had an awful nightmare last night.

    I dreamed I woke up to take a crap, checked in here at the Bar, and Quart was deep into his "REBUTTALS".

    It was awful. I began to shake, and began to sweat ,and became nauseous and dizzy, and putting my head in my pillow, finally fell back into a restless sleep.

    1. Quart worked the Hip-Hop Summit, selling poorly written political tracts advocating all sorts of idiotic causes.

      Quart told me once, 'those morons are rich, and will pay anything for nothing".

    2. Quart added "it was Paradise, bobbo".

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. American Thinker Blog
    Amazing: Finnish reporter tells the truth on rockets fired from Gaza hospital and then complains when pro-Israel media mention it August 4, 2014 Unintentionally hilarious (and grim) video More

    US, UN condemn attack on Gaza school that wasn't an attack and didn't hit the school August 4, 2014 Misleading press reports. More

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. The fact that Robert Peterson and Barack Obama are shoulder to shoulder on this Israel issue, says it all.

      Stay the Course !

  3. Prof West is passionate about the annihilation of the palestinians.

    1.8 MILLION Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, 50% under the age of 10.

    Sounds like a WHOLE lot of humping going on. Why are there so many Palestinians? I thought the Gazans were starved, inside a giant prison whose food and calories are controlled by the NASI Israelis?

    And yet?

    They have billions and billions of dollars to build Gaza City full of high rises? Complete with thousands and thousands of underground tunnels for both bringing in goods and weapons and tunnels built, at a high cost, into Israel for one purpose, kill Jews.

    They cry for Freedom for Palestinians, Justice for Palestinians and of course "Stop the Occupation" for the Palestinians.

    But Freedom, Justice and Liberty, (end to occupation of Palestininas) is not a license to re-arm, re-supply and prepare to murder Israelis.

    Until the Palestinians embrace the idea of BUILDING their own society, rather than destroying Israel there will be no peace.

    As long as folks like Prof West call the very creation of the Jewish state "occupation"? there will be no peace.

    It's comical to watch Prof West cry for the dead civilians babies of Palestine. Screeching about value of life. Right in the middle of Washington DC, where Black Babies are aborted faster than you can buy a fresh order of McDonalds, Margaret Sanger would be proud. Standing in Occupied Washington DC on stolen Native American lands, an AFRICAN dares to call Palestine "occupied"

    Let's ask the obvious.

    What RIGHT does a BLACK man have to speak of occupation when he has an ENTIRE continent to live in?

    And YET Prof West, squats on Native American lands!

    All blacks need to leave the Americas at once and go BACK to the BLACK lands where they are natives...

    Stop the occupation.....

    I guess that should mean for everyone right? Or just Israelis?

    Blacks are not NATIVE to this nation....

    And for that matter neither is Deuce, Rat or Quirk!

    By what right do you have to call for Israel to "stop the occupation" when you yourself are OCCUPYING someone else's lands?


    1. Only using monikers which have been posted under, which link to accounts that the contributor uses, today.

      Robert PetersonSun Jul 13, 02:44:00 PM EDT

      The choice to use Robert Peterson as an avatar was not made by me.
      It was posted by Robert Peterson, whomever that may be, in "real life"

    2. The Google account is the same one used by "Bob Oreille"

    3. I don’t care what other account he uses. That is his business.

    4. It could have been a mistake. Focus on what he posts.

    5. Follow the link at Robert PetersonSun Jul 13, 02:44:00 PM EDT and it leads to:

    6. No, he does not focus upon what others post.
      His postings are errors, he has to be held to the same standard he holds others.
      He chose the avatar.

      He can beg forgiveness, make apologies, as always.

      Or you can shut down the blog.
      Those have been the options, they remain the options

    7. He and his cohort accuse other contributors of capital crimes.
      He is being held to a much lower standard than he allows himself.

      He is being quoted

    8. BobSun Feb 23, 10:56:00 PM EST
      "The argument that they are not native is amazing in light of the fact that neither are Europeans native."


      Shoot the Arizonans as well, give the meat to the poor.

    9. The above quote just another illustration of the mind set of those that support the Zionist NASI of Israel

    10. .

      Give it up Deuce. The rat is infantile, never quite got past the anal stage. He still takes pleasure in throwing shit around.


    11. Thank you, Deuce. It was a mistake.

      I tried to delete it.

      It doesn't matter much now, but it is irritating and I wish he would quit with it.

    12. Fuck you, too.

      You are a mistake, the best part of Robert Peterson ran down his momma's leg.

  5. A demonstration drew thousands to the White House and the streets of downtown Washington on Saturday afternoon as participants from across the country called for an end to the continued violence between Israel and Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

    “Free, free Palestine, killing children is a crime,” the crowd chanted, several holding Palestinian flags, cardboard boxes decorated as coffins and posters with graphic images of the wounded.

    I watched the videos of the marchers...

    I also saw at least 2 nazi swastikas being held in the marchers...

    I also read that the Counter Protest of pro-israel folks had to be evacuated for their protection from the crowd of pro-palestinians.

    Call it what you want. the "pro-palestinian" groups include the worst of the worst.... Not that that ever stopped the ANSWER coalition before...


    As well as the heavy death toll, with more than 1,800 people killed so far within Gaza, an estimated 9,000 others have been injured. This AFP story gives a grim picture of the extent of the injuries faced by many of these:

    Lying on his bed in a Gaza hospital, three-year-old Yamin now sees the world from behind burns which have disfigured him for life.

    The tiny boy is just one of hundreds of burn victims and those wounded by Israeli shell fire overwhelming Gaza’s sole working operating theatre for plastic surgeons.

    He also has burns on his back and multiple fractures suffered when an Israeli strike decimated his family and destroyed their home in Al-Buraj, central Gaza, last week.

    It was the evening. The start of Eid al-Fitr, the festival marking the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

    In a single strike, the house was turned to rubble and 19 people lay dead. Yamin, miraculously, was the sole survivor but he was left an orphan and badly burnt.

    He was taken to a clinic then rapidly transferred to the burns department at the Shifa hospital in Gaza, where he cries, lying naked, and where a handful of surgeons are now confronted with the endless horrors of the war...

    “There are very few light injuries in this war,” says Ghassan Abu Sitta, a plastic surgeon from the American University of Beirut, sent a week ago by the Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) organisation to help out in Gaza.

    “My feeling is around 70% would have some kind of permanent deformity, either in terms of scarring or in terms of functional deformity... They will never be the same again.”

    His worst case? “An 8 year-old boy who basically lost half of his face including one eye and lost the other eye with shrapnel in. What I needed to do is reconstruct the face just to cover the wounds.

    “The eyes are lost. He lost all his family, his ability to care for himself has been completely destroyed. There is no future for him, he keeps asking why they have turned the lights off.”

    1. There are thousands of stories of Jews, wounded in bus bombings, rockets, mortars, ied's sniper and stabbing attacks by palestinians.

      What does it prove?

    2. Three key features characterize Israeli apartheid:

      • Four million Palestinians in the Occupied Territories lack the right to vote for the government that controls their lives through a military occupation.

      In addition to controlling the borders, air space, water, tax revenues, and other vital matters pertaining to the Occupied Territories,
      Israel alone issues the identity cards that determine the ability of Palestinians to work and their freedom of movement.

      • About 1.2 million Palestinian Israelis, who make up 20 percent, or one-fifth, of Israel’s population, have second-class citizenship within Israel, ...
      ... which defines itself as a Jewish state rather than a state for all its citizens.

      More than 20 provisions of Israel’s principal laws discriminate, either directly or indirectly, against non-Jews, according to Adalah: The Legal Center for Minority Rights in Israel.

      Millions of Palestinians remain refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and elsewhere, unable to return to their former homes ...
      ... and land in present-day Israel.

      Even though the right of return for refugees is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

  7. What the speech brings to my mind is:

    What defines "occupation"? Is this standard ONLY applied to Israel?

    Do the land holdings of England, France, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, China all also have to be examined and "freed"?

    Deuce alluded to it the other day, stating that the USA will have to "give up" the SW portion of America one day.

    Does this also apply to the Iranians? To the Arab world?

    Should all arabs and blacks be deported FROM America and Europe back to their homelands?

    By what right do the english and irish have to LIVE in the Americas?

    1. The False Flags equivalencies are flying high this morning.

    2. "O"rdure once again wants to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

      He judges people by the race, creed and color, rather than their individual actions.
      Illustrating, one more time, the fascism that is at the core of the Zionist ideology as practiced by the NASI of Israel

  8. .

    The latest from Obumble.

    It was awful. I began to shake, and began to sweat ,and became nauseous and dizzy, and putting my head in my pillow, finally fell back into a restless sleep.


    Obumble: "Thinking is hard. It hurts my head. Owww."


    1. Not bad for a lame comeback, Quart !!

      I must go attend to some things or I'd take you on.

      Cheers !!


  9. Look, let's get something straight. The second time Bob outed himself "might" have been a mistake, but the first time was purely, 100% Intentional.

    It's Deuce's blog, and he has the right to make the call, however he sees fit, but this isn't a situation where someone went to a lot of trouble to dig up background on one of the bloggers.

    1. The irony is Rat put up enough info about himself to be outed back in the day when he was publishing the Horse magazine. Maybe he should be outed now, just for shits and giggles, of course.

    2. He can delete to his heart's content.
      He can try to protect Robert Peterson from himself, from his mental lapses, or he can get on with the business at hand.

      Robert can either admit that he has made many, many errors. Has misquoted and misattributed many thing.
      He can admit that he is a vile racist, or not.

      That is the price he will have to pay, or not.

      But he will be quoted, his publicly posted profile not expunged from memory.

    3. Well, Deuce has been a great host; it's not worth making him mad.

      Besides, Bob's so damned goofy that I don't think there's two people in the whole world that cares what his name is.

    4. Yeah, goofy, and you come across as a bitter, venal, spiteful, and vindictive old man, rat. A suck!

    5. Rat is a figment of your imaginationMon Aug 04, 01:18:00 PM EDT


    6. And when memory failed and written records were falsified—when that happened, the claim of the Party to have improved the conditions of human life had got to be accepted, because there did not exist, and never again could exist, any standard against which it could be tested.
      - George Orwell

      Robert Peterson does not get to fade away into a memory well.

    7. If he had not posted under that avatar, if he was not connected to it.

      Well then ...

      But he did and he is.

    8. .

      Yeah, goofy, and you come across as a bitter, venal, spiteful, and vindictive old man, rat. A suck!

      While this might provide a bit of catharsis, I have to question the word choice.


      Not sure how that applies; especially when there are so many other words you could choose from, for instance, asinine, bumptious, childish, and on through the alphabet.

      If you must skip to the letter 'v', vengeful or vacuous might serve.


    9. Yeah, venal, bad choice. I go with your suggestions

  10. My contribution to this discussion is rato put my address up.

    Though I don't live there any longer. Umatilla Jack does.

    He's part Injun, like Rufus.

    Always have loved the guy.

    I have never intended to put my name up.

    I admit to being terrible with computers.

    1. And, take your racism shit and shove it back up your asshole, Rufus.

    2. Jack HawkinsFri Jul 18, 12:36:00 AM EDT

      I mean, you are an Israeli, and here is nothing worse than that.

      In all the world, the Arabs of Israel are the scum.

      Now if you were a European, well thatd be different, but Israelis are all Arabs, Semites.
      Scum of the Earth


      Have a nightmare tonight and a shitty tomorrow,
      QuirkFri Jul 18, 01:13:00 AM EDT


      And the voice of the rat is heard in the land.

      And the world once again cringes.

    3. Jack HawkinsSat Jul 19, 10:27:00 AM EDT

      At least it be sex with humans, and not dogs.
      Those High Priests of Judaism, if they couldn't marry women that had been fucked by dogs, they'd have had no women to marry.

      So it is written, so it must be.
      That Talmud, interesting reading, to be sure.

  11. I'd feel a lot better if it was the Israeli Air Force to the rescue -

    August 4, 2014
    Iraqi air force comes to the aid of beleaguered Kurds
    By Rick Moran

    Iraqi Prime Minsiter Nouri al-Maliki has dispatched his air force to the north to assist Kurdish Peshmerga fighters in their attempt to fend off a strong offensive by the Islamic State.

    Three towns, an oil field, and a major dam were lost over the weekend as Kurdish forces were sent flying by the increasingly well armed and well equipped Islamic State forces. The tough little Kurdish army was thought to be the only force in Iraq capable of standing up to the terrorists in battle.

    Such has proved not to be the case.


    Maliki seems to have put aside his hostility with the Kurds for now to try to prevent the Islamic State, which has threatened to march on Baghdad, from making further gains.

    "The general commander of the armed forces has ordered the air force command to provide backup for the Kurdish peshmerga forces against the terrorist gangs of the Islamic State," state television quoted Maliki's military spokesman Qassim Atta as saying.

    A senior Kurdish official said the Kurds had been overstretched and the Islamic State had overwhelming firepower.

    "The Islamic State had also been intimidating people by carrying out beheadings," he said.

    After thousands of Iraqi soldiers fled their initial advance in June, the group then known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) seized tanks, armoured personnel carriers, anti-aircraft guns, mortars, artillery and vehicles.

    "It is a very dangerous situation for the region. Something needs to be done soon," said the senior Kurdish official, asking not to be identified.

    Despite the odds, Kurdish commanders were talking tough.

    One colonel said the Kurdish withdrawal was tactical and forecast that several Kurdish brigades would take back all territory lost on Sunday and even win back Mosul, Iraq's biggest northern city which is firmly in the hands of the Islamic State.

    "We will attack them until they are completely destroyed we will never show any mercy," he told Reuters. "We have given them enough chances and we will even take Mosul back. I believe within the next 48-72 hours it will be over."

    The Peshmerga is a tough little army of around 200,000 who are well trained and well equipped. That they are running from the forces of the Islamic State shows how there is very little chance for the Iraqi army - even with superior numbers - to confront the terrorists in battle.

    The Kurds may retake lost territory with the help of Iraqi fighter jets, but it's an open question whether they can hold it by themselves. With Islamic State forces displaying surprising military strength, the Kurds may want to rethink their decision to withdraw from the Iraq government. Perhaps only a coordinated effort of the Peshmerga and Iraqi army can win back the north and drive Islamic State back into Syria.

  12. Yeah, Bob calls my Grandmother, and her family, "Injuns," and then he tells me to "take my 'racism' and stick it back up my ass."

    Despicable old asshole.

    1. You despicable old asshole, you called me and my ancestors vandals.

      Which actually doesn't bother me at all cause I put no importance on such stuff.

      Miss T called me a peckerwood - I find that much more demeaning.


      Quart's a damned pollack, that is the worst.

      Except for Ash, who is a LIBERAL.

    2. My wonderful Aunt, by the way, was always of the opinion that the very best thing for an American to be was half white, half Native American.

      I couldn't care less, one way or the other.

    3. You sorry old asshole, that's ALL you talk about.

      You can't describe any other living human being except in terms of racial, and ethnic identity. You're the idiot fucker that came up with 1/2 Lutheran, 1/2 Jewish.

      You are racist right down to the teeniest, tiny core of your being.

    4. That's what she told me her husband was......she thought it ironically humorous, and so do I.

      You sorry old super sensitive super smelly old drunken fart.

      When she told me that, I wrote her back saying then the guy is great on both sides, disguising my disgust with Luther a little.

      And you you old drunken fart are the one always and forever bringing race into things, you smelly turd.

  13. When you've lost the Montana papers you've lost the race -

    August 04, 2014, 10:26 am
    Montana papers call for Walsh to end Senate campaign

    By Cameron Joseph
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    Greg Nash

    Two of Montana's largest papers are calling on Sen. John Walsh (D-Mont.) to end his election bid following revelations he plagiarized much of his Army War College final paper.

    The Billings Gazette and the Missoulian both blasted Walsh in their Sunday op-eds, calling for Walsh to suspend his campaign.

    "Having repeatedly said that he wants to do the honorable thing, Walsh should stop campaigning and do his utmost to serve Montanans well in the remainder of his brief Senate appointment. That is the honorable course," writes the Gazette's editorial board. "We call on Walsh to devote all his time to serving as U.S. senator and bag the campaigning."

    The Missoulian went a step farther, suggesting that he could also immediately resign.

    "Walsh could resign his Senate seat immediately. [Gov. Steve] Bullock could then appoint a temporary replacement who isn’t running for election, as many Montanans had hoped he would do earlier this year, before he went with Walsh. That replacement could see that the legislation Walsh supported received continued support," writes the Missoulian's editorial board.

    "But if Walsh doesn’t do that, at a minimum, he should drop out of the Senate race. He has until Aug. 11 to do so and get his name removed from the ballot, which would allow the Montana Democratic Party to name a replacement candidate by Aug. 20 — just in time to make sure that candidate’s name appears on the ballot," that paper continues.

    The calls are the latest sign that Walsh is a dead man running in the wake of his plagiarism scandal. Walsh, who was appointed to the Senate earlier this year, was already facing an uphill battle, and it's almost impossible to see how he bounces back against Rep. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) following the blowback from the scandal.

    Read more:
    Follow us: @thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

  14. Israel and Palestinian groups including Hamas have agreed to a 72-hour humanitarian truce in Gaza, officials and Egyptian mediators say.


    There have been several truces called during the conflict but few have lasted, with each side accusing the other of violations.


    Israel's seven-hour "window" generally slowed the violence on Monday, although Palestinian officials said Israel broke it shortly after it began by hitting a house in Gaza City.

    1. .

      The CNN reporter on site in Gaza said the IDF reported that the attack took place a couple minutes 'before' the cease-fire was scheduled to start so they didn't actually break the cease-fire.




  15. Yo Boobie, ask your bud WiO to explain the Israeli term "cutting the grass"!

    1. Yo, Ashlikins, I'd use Roundup on Hamas.

      Why just cut the grass?

      It just grows again.

    2. Hamas has the ultimate goal of killing YOU, Ashlikins, and you're too damn dumb to realize it.

    3. Now Ashlikins will accuse me of wanting to genocide all Palestinians, when I specifically mentioned Hamas.

      Those people are in a prison all right, a theological prison of their own making. It's all there in the Hamas Charter.

    4. W
      It fits your profile, Robert Peterson.
      You have advocated for the killing, butchering and cannibalizing of the people of Arizona.
      Anyone that would advocate for that, would advocate for genocide anywhere.

      BobSun Feb 23, 10:56:00 PM EST
      "The argument that they are not native is amazing in light of the fact that neither are Europeans native."


      Shoot the Arizonans as well, give the meat to the poor.

    5. It is written in the Zionist's own Talmud ...

      The best of gentiles should be killed (TJ, Kid. 4:11, 66c)

  16. At Mount Sinai, David Reich, the hospital president, said officials had been in touch with experts at Emory in the event the New York facility also found itself treating Ebola. There is no cure or vaccine, and the disease kills more than half the people it infects.


    Ebola, which has an incubation period of two to 21 days, is only contagious when a person is symptomatic. The man was the first person to be tested at Mount Sinai for the disease.

    If the tests came back positive for Ebola, Reich said the man could be treated at Mount Sinai. “We believe we have all the necessary facilities to treat any patient with Ebola disease,” he said.

  17. I wish Miss T would come back. If past is prelude, she probably will sometime. She provided a little light heartedness much needed around here.

    Come back, Miss T.

    1. .

      She'll be back when her delicate sensibilities are healed.

      Da girl has thin skin. When she went overboard on a really stupid ass statement and was called on it by a couple people here she couldn't take it.

      She'll get over it.


  18. Bob wrote:

    "Why just cut the grass?

    It just grows again."

    EXACTLY! Now pose that question to your buddy and mentor WiO.

    1. Buddy and My Mentor WiO:

      Why just cut the grass? It just grows again.

      Your Buddy and Mentee, Bob

      P.S. - Why not just use Roundup on the Hamas Grass?

      There, happy, Grass Smoker Ash?

    2. Yeah, and keep asking him until he answers.

  19. <<<>>>No other country has to defend itself against terrorists, defend its people’s right to defend themselves against terrorists and also defend its right to exist at all.

    It goes like this:

    “I don’t like what Israel is doing in Gaza.”

    “What was Israel supposed to do, keep accepting rocket fire at its cities?”

    “If someone took my land, I’d fire rockets, too.”

    Simple as that. The line excuses Palestinians for trying to kill Jews and, at the same time, delegitimizes Israel.

    Plenty of American Jews support Israel but think the Gaza ground invasion was unwise. But how can they say so, when they’re too busy arguing that no, Israel didn’t steal land from the Palestinians, yes, Jews have lived in the land now called Israel for thousands of years, and so on?

    When every discussion has to go back to 70 AD and the burning of the Second Temple, or even before, you can’t even get close to a rational discussion of what’s going on now.<<<>>>

    The Rufus Line


    USA First PAC

    Dr. Ben Carson is really thinking about running for President.

    Listening to him on Israel/Hamas right now on Fox, I'd sure vote for him.

    Ben Carson For President 2016

    He's be able to clean up the ObamaCare mess too.

  20. From the Zionist Talmud ....

    "The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. THEY ARE BEASTS." TALMUD: Baba Mezia, 114b (page referrals).

    "The Akum (non-Jew) is like a dog. Yes, the scripture says to honor the dog more than the non-Jew." TALMUD:Ereget Raschi Erod, 22 30.

    "Even though God created the non-Jew they are still ANIMALS in human form. It is not becoming of a Jew to be served by an animal. Therefore he will be served by animals in human form." TALMUD: Midrasch Talpioth, p 225, Warsaw 1855.

    "A pregnant non-Jew is no better than a pregnant ANIMAL." TALMUD: Coschen Hamischpat 405.

    "Although the non-Jew has the same body structure as the Jew, they compare with the Jew as a monkey to a human." TALMUD: Schene luchoth haberuth, p 250b.

    "The souls of non-Jews come from impure spirits and are called PIGS." TALMUD: Jalkut Rubeni gadol 12b.

    1. Jack HawkinsFri Jul 18, 12:36:00 AM EDT

      I mean, you are an Israeli, and here is nothing worse than that.

      In all the world, the Arabs of Israel are the scum.

      Now if you were a European, well thatd be different, but Israelis are all Arabs, Semites.
      Scum of the Earth


      Have a nightmare tonight and a shitty tomorrow,
      QuirkFri Jul 18, 01:13:00 AM EDT


      And the voice of the rat is heard in the land.

      And the world once again cringes.


  21. Crapper continues his Talmudic studies. Put together 2,000 years ago or so, rato searches for embarrassing passages. Judaism has moved on.

    Rato has not.

    It's amazing. In just weeks, rato has digested all of Hegel and all of the Talmud. As well as the Spanish Legal Code, and many other subjects. And we all thought he was just a 'military expert', as he self described himself one time.

    With all that digesting, it's amazing he is such a dumb fuck, but there he is, a self confessed 'professional asshole', spouting, spouting, spouting.

    1. .

      He is the only wall-paper we have at the bar. It's not very attractive but it has been here a long time.


    2. And the paper is hung right next to boobies wallpaper paraphrasing the Koran.

  22. Why isn't Obama doing a thing to free that US Marine jailed in Mexico for 4 months or so for making a wrong turn?

    He could free the guy with one phone call.

  23. Over the weekend, an American physician infected with Ebola was brought to the United States from Africa. He was being treated in Atlanta.


    Health officials say the threat to Americans at home remains relatively small. But border patrol agents at airports in New York and Washington have been told to ask travelers about possible exposure to the virus and to be on the lookout for anyone with a fever, a headache, achiness, a sore throat, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, a rash or red eyes.

    While the CDC says it is not screening passengers boarding planes at African airports -- the job of local authorities there -- it said it has encouraged vulnerable countries to follow certain precautions. Outbound passengers in the countries experiencing Ebola are being screened for fevers and with health questionnaires.

    1. .

      Sam, you haven't been here for a while. Anything new going on we should know about from down under?


  24. Americans support Israel and the press hates it

    posted at 3:21 pm on August 4, 2014 by Noah Rothman

    One gets the impression that America’s broad support for Israel’s mission in Gaza over that of Hamas militants, support reflected in policy in Washington, is evolving into an obsession for members of the press. In fact, it seems that the more stubbornly Americans cling to their support for their country’s democratic ally in the Middle East, the more frenetic and scolding the media’s tone has become while covering the conflict.

    Over a month into the current crisis, a NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll found that a significant plurality continue to sympathize with Israel over Palestinians. 43 percent of Americans said they back Israel compared to just 14 percent who claim to support Palestinians generally. This is, however, misleading as Israel’s current conflict is not with the Palestinian Authority but with Hamas – the ruling faction in Gaza. Unsurprisingly, Americans are even less friendly toward this group which the U.S. State Department lists as a terrorist organization. Only 7 percent of Americans told NBC/WSJ pollsters that they back Hamas while 54 percent support Israel.

    America’s sentiments are not unfounded or chauvinistic display of support for a historic ally. In spite of being lectured endlessly by the American government to expend even more energy in order to limit civilian casualties in Gaza, Israel’s rules of engagement are far more self-limiting and crippling than any to which the U.S. would agree to abide by.

    Front Page Magazine quotes a report which summarizes the extensive lengths to which the Israeli Defense Forces go in order to limit civilian casualties, often resulting in decreased operational capacity and IDF casualties.

    Testimony that is reaching us from fighter pilots who provide close air assistance to the combat soldiers who are currently fighting in the field,” Channel 2′s military correspondent Nir Dvori reported, “about growing frustration over the fact that they hear the forces below them on the ground asking for cover and close air support when they see the terrorists drawing near from short range, firing at them, and there is no approval, because of various limitations, so as not to hit innocent civilians, and out of concern not to hit uninvolved people, and for this reason they cannot always give covering fire, cannot always fire, and so the frustration is that to some extent, they are leaving the fighters on their own to fight on the ground…”

    Ynet’s veteran defense analyst Ron Ben Yishai reported that one of the reasons that Hamas was prepared to face Israeli ground troops in the Shejaiya neighborhood, where IDF suffered 13 killed in one day of fighting, is that the residents were given ample advance notice of the IDF’s intent to enter the neighborhood.

    1. IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz took pride in the fact that the IDF takes such care to notify residents of its attack plans. “We cannot agree for Hamas to place civilians in our path,” he said earlier this week. “So what we have done is to warn the civilians over and over again to evacuate. There are no armies like this, which drop leaflets, call on the phone, bomb next to the target or carry out a ‘knock on the roof,’ and even disperse the residents with smoke.

      The press has been broadcasting all of this. Anyone who has watched an evening news report in the last month has likely seen the “knock on the roof” warning strikes and the leafleting which occurs before a surgical Israeli munition levels a single structure while leaving the surrounding buildings standing.

      Occasionally, a few Americans will see a familiar face – like Hamas spokesman Osama Hamdan who recently appeared on CNN with anchor Don Lemon in support of the terror group ruling Gaza – saying things in Arabic which Americans recognize as barbaric anti-Semitism.

      Take, for example, this clip of Hamdan appearing on the Lebanon-based al-Quds television network last week. “We all remember how the Jews used to slaughter Christians, in order to mix their blood in their holy matzos,” he noted.

      America’s collective memory of such tales must have faded in the intervening centuries.

      This is not to say that Israel is infallible, or that there have been no errors in judgment or unpleasantness in this conflict. Not every piece of ordnance Israel uses is precision, and Hamas is often successful in its efforts to put civilians in the line of Israeli fire. War is horrible, and it is a utopian dream to suggest that all atrocities resulting from combat can be prevented.

    2. While America’s support for the Israeli cause is solid, the opposite appears to be true in Europe where anti-Semitic riots have become a regular feature of life in Western European nations like Germany, France, and England. In the American media, too, one gets the sense that America’s close intergovernmental relationship with Israel is a source of endless consternation.

      Take, for example, the media landscape in just the last several days.’s Zack Beauchamp expressed his concern over the fact that the White House is unlikely to follow up their harsh scolding of Israel for striking a U.N. school in Gaza (institutions that the U.N. has conceded Gazans have used as weapons depots) with concrete actions aimed at isolating the Middle East’s only democracy in international institutions.

      “As harsh as the administration’s language has been in the past few days, it’s hardly been backed up by any meaningful public action pressuring Israel,” Beauchamp wrote. “There’s zero indication that the US is going to take tangible steps to punish Israel, either by limiting defense cooperation or letting through a UN Security Council resolution condemning Israel’s conduct in the Gaza war.”

      On Monday, CNN’s Chris Cuomo buffeted State Dept. spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki with questions about America’s military support for Israel, going so far as to suggest America is complicit in the deaths of Gaza’s civilians. “You say this is wrong, you can’t do this kind of shelling or targeted attacks,” Cuomo said of the recent attack on a school. “You are providing the weapons and artillery that allow these attacks to continue. Does that complicate a message of humanity coming from the United States?”

      This instinct in the press to reward Hamas’ strategy of ensuring maximum civilian casualties in order to turn global opinion against Israel is a bipartisan one.

      “The prolonged killing of children and women in Palestinian territories will only serve to weaken Israel and strengthen Hamas,” MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough articulated in a Politico op-ed. Indeed, that is the entirety of Hamas’ strategic approach to combat with Israel.

      “Every day that goes by with images of children being pulled out of the rubble of bombed-out schools, hospitals and public markets is a day that only makes Hamas stronger and threatens Israel’s long-term security,” he added. “And blindly supporting Israel’s politicians when their actions may be strengthening Hamas is no way to show our support or friendship.”

      Morehouse College professor Marc Lamont Hill told CNN anchor Carol Costello on Monday that the United States is sacrificing its moral authority by supporting Israel both rhetorically and substantially. “It’s suggesting that there’s an unjust war going on that innocent civilians are being killed and U.N. schools and other safe havens and yet they’re doing nothing to stop it from happening,” he said of American policy toward Israel. “They could control this war at this point. They could end this right now if they want to.”

      Tell that to John Kerry.

      Hill’s conservative counterpart in that segment, New York Times columnist Ross Douthat, favorably entertained the notion of cutting off military support for Israel, though he avoided making any claims about the morality of that policy prescription.

      The American press has an odd blind spot when it comes to the public’s support for Israel. It seems the media is attempting to educate the public that their support for the Jewish State is not founded in logic but on tradition. The media, in fact, might be better served by taking a lesson from the public, which is watching the situation in the Middle East closer and more scrupulously than the elite press has given them credit for.

  25. I just took a terrorist tunnel tour with Hannity and a young well spoken lady from the IDF.

    Man, those tunnels would make Sunshine Mining Company proud !

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