Saturday, August 23, 2014

Amerli, Iraq - 18000 Shiite Muslims face starvation, capture and execution by ISIS

The UK, US, under Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, the Neocons and the Conga Line took it upon themselves to kill Saddam, destroy the Iraqi civil service and the Iraqi army. We own Iraq and we own ISIS. We need to cut deals with Iran and Syria and try and undo some of the damage or we need to shut up about American exceptionalism. 

UN Iraq Chief: ‘Human Rights Tragedy’ in Amerli
By RUDAW 5 hours ago
August 4.

BAGHDAD, Iraq - The UN’s Iraq chief on Saturday called for immediate action to forestall “a human rights tragedy” in the northern Iraqi town of Amerli, where inhabitants have been without food and water for two months, cut off from supplies by the Islamic State armies.

Meanwhile, the BBC reported a local doctor inside the Shiite Turkmen town as saying conditions were unspeakable, with children dying of dehydration and disease and his own family eating a meal every three days.

Nikolay Mladenov, the UN secretary general’s representative in Iraq, called for immediate action to avert a possible massacre in Amerli.

“The situation of the people in Amerli is desperate and demands immediate action to prevent the possible massacre of its citizens,” Mladenov said.
Most of the nearly 20,000 inhabitants of Amerli, 170 kilometers north of Baghdad, are Shiite Turkmen who are considered heretical and open to punishment under the militants’ religious beliefs.

According to local reports, the fighters of the Islamic State (IS/formerly ISIS/ISIL) are slowly starving the inhabitants of Amerli. The town has been without electricity and water.

Mladenov’s statement expressed serious concern.

“The town is besieged by ISIL and reports confirm that people are surviving in desperate conditions. I urge the Iraqi Government to do all it can to relieve the siege and to ensure that the residents receive lifesaving humanitarian assistance or are evacuated in a dignified manner,” he said. 

“Iraq’s allies and the international community should work with the authorities to prevent a human rights tragedy,” Mladenov added.

He also pointed out that the United Nations in Iraq will do all it can to support the Government and people of Iraq in alleviating “the unspeakable suffering of Amerli’s inhabitants.”

Dr. Ali Albayati, a physician working with the Turkmen Saving Foundation, told the BBC he was speechless in trying to describe condition in the besieged town.
“After the attack of Mosul, all the Shiite Turkmen villages around Amerli were captured by the Islamic State. They killed the people and displayed their bodies outside the village,” he told the BBC.

 “We are depending on salty water, which gives people diarrhea and other diseases. Since the siege started more than 50 sick or elderly people have died,” he said.

He added that many children have died also because of dehydration and disease.

“I can't describe the situation. I just don't know what to say,” he said.

Former Kurdistan Region prime minister Barham Salih, Tweeted that: “ISIL aims to control Amerli.” He warned of a “Turkmen mass slaughter if they succeed. Calamity must be averted.”


  1. So, who is going to be the "boots on the ground?"

  2. Amerli, Iraq - 18000 Shiite Muslims face starvation, capture and execution by ISIS

    So 18,000 Shiites who are occupiers in Iraq face starvation by the angry natives...

    Hmm makes one wonder why those Iranian sponsored Shias now move BACK to Iran where they come from?

    1. The Shities are part and parcel of the Iranian attempt to take over the middle east.

      From Lebanon on forward the "shits" have no place but in Iran. And yet? They are a foreign cancer that needs to stop occupying other people's lands...

      The next group of occupying folks live in "southern lebanon" where they are nothing more than a foreign cancer....

      the Shia do not belong there, they must leave and go back to Iran asap to have peace.

      hit the trails...

    2. You are one crazy son of a bitch.

    3. Really?

      What right do the Shiites have to be in Sunni lands?

      You yourself have claimed that Jews in Israel are "illegal occupiers" and that if you were raised in Gaza you'd fight to drive them out as well...

      Iran has supplied, funded and trained and helped establish shiia "enclaves" in the arab occupied world...

      Maybe it's time for a great big population exchange starting with the moslems...

      And in your world view, simplistic as it is, no blacks or whites belong in the United States since they too are "occupying" other people's lands...

    4. My bad, they need to move BACK to TURKEY...

      The Iraqi Turkmens (also spelled Turcomans, Turkomens, and Iraqi Turkmans), Iraqi Turks, or Turks of Iraq (Azerbaijani: Iraq Türkmanları/Iraq Türkləri) are the ethnic kin of the Turks and the third largest ethnic group in Iraq[14][15] behind pan-ethnic Arabs and Kurds. They mainly reside in northern Iraq and share close cultural ties with Turkey[16] and linguistic ties with South Azeri.

      The Iraqi Turkmens are the descendants of various waves of Turkic migration to Mesopotamia dating from the 7th century until Ottoman rule. The first wave of migration dates back to the 7th century when some 5,000 Turkmen soldiers were recruited in the Muslim armies of Ubayd-Allah ibn Ziyad;[17][18] however, most of today's descendants of these first migrants have been assimilated into the local Arab population.[19] The second wave of migrants were the Turks of the Great Seljuq Empire;[20] finally, the third wave, and largest number of Turkmen migrants into Iraq arose during the Ottoman Empire.[20] With the conquest of Iraq by Suleiman the Magnificent in 1534, followed by Sultan Murad IV's capture of Baghdad in 1638, a large influx of Turks settled down in the region.[18][10] Thus, most of today's Iraqi Turkmen are the descendants of the Ottoman soldiers, traders and civil servants who were brought into Iraq during the rule of the Ottoman Empire.[21][22][10][20]

      Following the establishment of the Republic of Turkey in 1923, the Iraqi Turkmen wanted Turkey to annex the Mosul Vilayet and for them to become part of an expanded Turkish state.[23][24] However, due to the end of the Ottoman monarchy, the Iraqi Turkmen found themselves increasingly discriminated against by policies of successive regimes, such as the Kirkuk Massacre of 1923, 1947, 1959 and in 1979 when the Ba’th Party increasingly discriminated against the community.[23] Although they were recognized as a constitutive entity of Iraq (alongside the Arabs and Kurds) in the constitution of 1925, the Iraqi Turkmen were later denied this status.[23]

      They are not Iranians, but TURK occupiers...


      But shiias non the less...

      Shiias in a Sunni world...

    5. An example of Israel-o-fascism

      What is "Occupation"Sat Aug 23, 04:59:00 PM EDT
      The Shities are part and parcel of the Iranian attempt to take over the middle east.

      From Lebanon on forward the "shits" have no place but in Iran. And yet? They are a foreign cancer that needs to stop occupying other people's lands...

      The next group of occupying folks live in "southern lebanon" where they are nothing more than a foreign cancer....

      the Shia do not belong there, they must leave and go back to Iran asap to have peace.

      hit the trails...

    6. Israel-o-fascism?

      Hardly it's the Sunni ISIS that wants to clean out the Shiias..

      and the Shiias? want to dominate and put into slavery the sunni...

      Has NOTHING to do with Israel..

      but as you point your bony index finger at Israel? 4 more are pointing back at ya...

    7. Let's remember the single largest killer of moslems in the history of the world?

      Saddam Hussein

    8. WiO,

      Sorry, my friend, it was Genghis Khan and Company.

      Apropos the Levant, Arabs had little interest in the god forsaken place until the Mongols drove them out of Mesopotamia and Persia in droves.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Had a scene like this Hamas mass execution taken place at Guantanamo Bay, or in Israel, it would have topped the world news, and been denounced around the world by presidents and prime ministers, with the UN Secretary-General condemning and deploring. There would have been calls for investigations and special inquiries and impeachment of the authorities. It would have rolled on for years.

      Of course, there is a UN special inquiry heading for Gaza, launched by the UN Human Rights Council last month, authorized to look into the rights of Palestinians and “all violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law … ” etc. etc. But the UN resolution authorizing this inquiry is focused on damning Israel to such an extent that it makes not a single mention of Hamas. The Canadian lawyer picked by the UN to head this inquiry, William Schabas, is on record as desiring to see Israel’s president and prime minister brought before the International Criminal Court, but he can’t bring himself to say whether he will even investigate Hamas. More on that scene in my article on “The U.N.’s Grotesque Gaza Inquiry.”

      Will Schabas include these executions in his UN inquiry? Will any of the world eminences who pronounce themselves concerned about Palestinian rights take into account that doomed man, hooded and handcuffed, on his knees, part of a lineup shot to death by Hamas as a matter of “revolutionary justice”? That’s not just a warning to spies; it needs to be understood as a threat to the civilized world.

    2. No outrage by the Blog's palestinian protector in chief...

      There is only one crime and criminal... Israel the Jew.

  4. Spoken like a real Israelo-fascist.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Israelo-fascist.

      sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me...

    3. What is "Occupation"Sat Aug 23, 06:15:00 PM EDT

      sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me...

      Yeah, they will, although bursts of bullets are far superior. While I can only guess, being shot has to be better than being thrown off a 10 story building.

  5. ...a master-racist out to cleanse the world with the Israel-o-fascist final solution to cancer of World Islamery.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Hamas lines up and shoots in the dead execution style Palestinians and Israelis are the fascists.


  6. Take your fascism over to your own blog.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. The islamic nazis on both sides of the sunni shiia divide have nothing to do with Israel or the Jews.

      Why you can't get that thru your skull no one knows.

      Israel is the ONLY place in the middle east that has freedom for all peoples including moslems of all stripes, jews, christians, bhais, druze and atheists..

  7. FYI: Yigal Amir taught Shabbat lessons at a right-wing synagogue. He did military service in the Israel Defense Forces in a religious platoon of the Golani Brigade. His comrades considered him a religious fanatic. Following military service, Amir was nominated by the religious-Zionist youth movement Bnei Akiva to teach Judaism in Riga, Latvia. In 1993, Amir began studying at Bar-Ilan University as part of its kollel program, mixing religious and secular studies. Amir was heavily opposed to the Oslo Accords. He was active in organizing weekend bus outings to support Israeli settlers, and helped found an illegal settlement outpost. He was especially active in Hebron, where he led marches through the streets like the good little Israel-o-fascist that he was. On November 4, 1995 Amir waited for Rabin in a parking lot adjacent to the square, close to Rabin's official limousine. There he shot Rabin twice and killed him.

    Fascist scum like Amir have hijacked Israeli society. The US media won’t touch it, but we get a daily dose of it from our Israel-o-fascist representative.

    1. Well thanks for calling me " Israel-o-fascist representative"...

      But sadly I am as American as you...

      But the arabs / moslem world is in fact nothing but full of true nazis styled fascists.

      In fact? Now you advocate the embracement of Assad to control the ISIS...

      Assad, who's baathist ideology is connected directly to Nazi Germany is fighting the Sunni's ISIS, which when it was Saddam's was also ideology connected to the Baathists...

      So we have one group of islamic nazis fighting another, more secular islamic nazis..

      Only in Israel are there free moslems, jews, christians, bhai's, druze and atheists living free...


  8. Yigal Amir

    Hero of Israel?

    Nope in jail....

    For a long time..

    No public squares named after him...

  9. .

    So, who is going to be the "boots on the ground?"

    Two days ago...

    As Obama all but declared war on ISIS, the Pentagon is reviewing sending in 300 more US troops to Iraq to augment the roughly 1,000 there are there now. With expanded airstrikes and drone attacks, a thousand military personnel being sent in, along with declarations of destroying the enemy it is getting harder and harder to not see what is happening in Iraq as a war...

    Drip, drip, drip.


    1. :)

      I admit, if they do get a "force" to go in on this one, it might be just a touch heavy on "advisors." :)

    2. How about the 8 thousand special forces sitting in northern Jordan?

      The real question is: Iran who has caused all of this due to it's attempt at hegemony of Iraq, Syria & Lebanon have caused the Sunni backlash, why are we rescuing them and not allowing the sunni's to blowback into Iran?

      Iran is the ONLY middle eastern moslem nation to avoid any fall out from the arab spring/winter...

    3. You crazy motherfucker, there are no 8,000 American Special Forces in Jordan. Don't you EVER think about what you're typing? Sometimes you sound like an 11 year old boy.

    4. More Israeli propaganda and lies. When has the Iranian air force and Iranian artillery attacked civilian housing and where are the Persian settlements in lands that do not belong to them and please don’t be so foolish as to compare the tribes of Judea to Persian civilization or for that matter the Babylonians.

      Compare the Iranian military record to the thuggery of the IDF. It is no contest.

    5. .

      The usual suspects are already trying to build the case for war with IS, everyone from Hillary to Pete King to retired General Allen.

      Most of the talk is political, blaming Obama for the mess. We've already been through the 'humanitarian' rationale and the 'protecting democracy' in the ME rationale. Now, the 'national interest' and the 'existential threat' meme's seem to be surfacing. From the National Journal:

      Most importantly, ISIS today represents a direct and growing threat to the United States. It has attracted an estimated 12,000 foreign fighters to its black banner flying over Syrian and Iraqi territory, including hundreds of Europeans and Americans who can travel freely with Western passports. It has a bigger sanctuary, far more money, and is more indiscriminately murderous than al-Qaida was on Sept. 10, 2001. ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has assured anyone who will listen that he eventually intends to direct his jihad at the United States, telling the U.S. soldiers who released him from prison in 2009, "I'll see you in New York."

      What's next?

      Now, seems like the perfect time to push for it what with the beheading of the journalist Brody. But should we expect anything before the November election? Problematic. How would the American public take it?

      We can always dream up excuses for going to war. The toughies, the ones we always seem to come up short on are, first, clearly defining our national interests and second, coming up with a viable strategy (or for that matter anything that resembles a strategy). It is always much easier to say why we should go to war than to say how we should go to war. It should be the first questions asked of anyone who currently questions the president. What are our specific national interest and what do YOU want to do?

      Drip, drip, drip.


    6. The 5th Special Forces Operations Group has responsibility for all of the Middle East, and the Horn of Africa. It totals somewhere in the neighborhood of 3,000, I would guess (4 battalions.)

      Special Forces

    7. Assad-busters: At a secret base in Jordan, U.S Special forces are training Syrian rebels for war...but loads fear sleeper cells in their nation will wreak a terrible revenge
      8,000 military personnel are behind Operation Eager Lion training exercise
      Arms from the West would have to travel through Jordan to get to Syria
      It is believed this could enrage Assad, who may well seek revenge
      Jordan’s Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour insists that US forces are not preparing for a war in Syria
      PUBLISHED: 16:34 EST, 29 June 2013 | UPDATED: 03:16 EST, 1 July 2013

      Flying low over the Jordanian desert, F-16 fighter jets flatten targets in the sand while tanks unleash their deadly firepower and paratroopers dot the late afternoon sky.
      These were the scenes a fortnight ago in Operation Eager Lion, the United States-led exercise involving 8,000 service personnel that the military insists was only routine.
      In Jordan, though, the war games now feel like a precursor to the invasion of neighbouring Syria. And not just because live rounds were fired.

      So sorry I said "special forces" after all "labels" are so specific are they not...

      American EXPERTS at combat & killing, good enough to teach another nation's armed forces...

      They are not "special" they are just grunts...

      meaningless Americans with no "specialized" training...

    8. Deuce ☂Sat Aug 23, 07:19:00 PM EDT
      More Israeli propaganda and lies. When has the Iranian air force and Iranian artillery attacked civilian housing and where are the Persian settlements in lands that do not belong to them and please don’t be so foolish as to compare the tribes of Judea to Persian civilization or for that matter the Babylonians.

      Compare the Iranian military record to the thuggery of the IDF. It is no contest.

      Checkers is your game....

      iran funds, supplies, teaches and supports a proxy force against Israel.

      I guess you military experts here at the blog never heard of proxy warfare....

  10. Iran is not an Arab State, but don’t let that fact occlude your ethno-fascistic cortex and your judaic fervor.

    1. it's a islamic state that has ARABS oppressed within it...


  11. “Branded by hard-liners in Washington as an ‘Islamo-fascist’ state that threatens world peace, Iran has in fact not invaded any country since the eighteenth century — in marked contrast to the United States.” (Scott Peterson, Let The Swords Encircle Me: Iran — A Journey Behind The Headlines, Simon & Schuster, New York: 2010, 26. Hereinafter referred to as, Peterson 2010.)

    -It is not disputed that Iraq started the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s by invading Iran on 22 September 1980. “In invading Iran, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein assumed that the divided Iranians and their dilapidated armed forces would be unable to put up much of a fight. He was wrong….Iran’s leaders quickly resurrected the armed forces by halting military trials and purges and enforcing conscription….[Iranians] were driven to defend the country, the revolution, and the Islamic Republic by a potent combination of nationalism, revolutionary mission, and religious zeal that was stoked by the foreign threat.”
    During the war “It was Iraq’s increasingly effective use of chemical weapons that raised Iran’s death toll, using American satellite imagery that pinpointed Iranian troop locations. That deadly arsenal was made with ingredients supplied by American and European companies, its use given a green light from Washington that all methods were acceptable in the fight against [Iran].” (Peterson 2010, 60) While “Iran was subjected to years of chemical attacks, Grand Ayatollah Khomeini…and his associates chose not to weaponize Iran’s stockpiles of chemical agents, a move that would have enabled it to respond in kind. And for years now the Islamic Republic’s highest political and religious authorities have rejected the acquisition and use of nuclear weapons, both on strategic grounds and because, in their view, nuclear weapons violate Islamic morality.” (Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett, Going To Tehran: Why the United States Must Come to Terms with the Islamic Republic of Iran, Metropolitan Books, New York: 2013, 17. Hereinafter referred to as, Leverett 2013.)

    -Iran’s military is designed for defense not offense. “As an April [2012] Pentagon report found, Iran’s defense doctrine remains one of self-defense. Iran’s military capacity, the report notes, is designed specifically to ‘slow an invasion’ and ‘force a diplomatic solution to hostilities.’”

  12. Compare that record to Israeli aggression and apartheid policy of gaming the settlements during the stalled peace talks (Israeli Anschluss) and it resembles the Russian tactics being used in Crimea and Ukraine. The apple does not fall from the Russian and East European tree does it.

    1. Love the term "Israeli aggression and apartheid policy" it's so....


      and funny.

  13. GOOD MOVE:

    (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama has ordered a review of the distribution of military hardware to state and local police out of concern at how such equipment has been used during racial unrest in Ferguson, Missouri.

    The president ordered the examination of federal programs and funding that enable state and local law enforcement to purchase such equipment, a senior Obama administration official said on Saturday.

    Images of police wielding military-style guns and armor have shocked many Americans following clashes that were triggered by the fatal shooting of a black teenager, Michael Brown, by a white police officer in Ferguson two weeks ago.

    Obama wants to know whether the programs, which were expanded after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, are appropriate and whether state and local law enforcement are given proper training, the official said.

    Now, halt US police forces studying and aping Israeli IDF police methods. Christ, why don’t we recruit ex-Stasi to teach them surveillance methods.

  14. .

    What right do the Shiites have to be in Sunni lands?

    Da lobby is getting a bit uppity. Now, they would disperse this group here, move that group over there, determine which group has a 'right' to live in this country or that, all apparently based on sectarian affiliation and whose friend they might be, or to be more exact as to whether they happen to be a friend of Israel's enemies.


    1. No!

      Just embracing the Israel hater's standards!

      If Jews do not have a right to self determination and liberation of what they deem their historic lands, and Deuce and company justify the wanton murder of 4 year old Jews as "occupying settlers", then what right do Shiias have to live in Sunni lands..

      What right do you Quirk, Deuce and Rat have to live on stolen Indian lands?

      What is occupation?

      Watch: Pro-Palestinians Defend Hitler in London

      We must not judge too harshly; they were channeling the anti-Zionist Hitler, not the anti-Semite Hitler.

  15. .

    By the by, rat and Rufus, I responded to your '20th Century Thinking' meme at the end of the last stream.


    1. Carry on, Quirk. There's no use in taking our conversation any further.

  16. "Your an idiot rat, and once more you misrepresent. Do you have actually have the ability to read a single line of prose and understand its meaning and the context? If so, you hide it well."


    This is a very good comment and shows Quart is not beyond redemption.

    To make it even better, and to read its lovely content once again, I will correct it for Quart:

    "You're an idiot rat, and once more you misrepresent. Do you have actually have the ability to read a single line of prose and understand its meaning and the context? If so, you hide it well."


    Isn't that good?

    Yes, it is.

  17. For:

    R. Gas Bag

    (but sung in arabic)

    1. Pop Quiz:

      What do the 4 above mentioned Gentlemen have in common?

  18. But, Quirk, there's just one thing you need to keep in mind. The U.S. has not been giving "casualty" numbers. You don't destroy an artillery piece, or a mortar, or an armored vehicle in a vacuum. In each case, an unspecified number of ISIS go along to heaven with it.

    A small village could have, quite likely, been guarded by a contingent of 15 or 20 fighters, armed with small arms, and a mortar. A strike on the mortar position could very easily have wiped out half, or more, of the terrorists on hand, causing any remaining assholes to skedaddle for the exits.

    Try to keep these actions in context.

    1. Or, maybe it was a larger contingent. 40 or 50. Seven or eight pickups, a couple of mortars, etc. But, when they realized that they were getting hit from the sky, they were ordered out by a leadership that didn't want to waste several dozen good fighters on a little shit village of no value.

      You just don't know, but any of the above are reasonable scenarios.

  19. What right do you Quirk, Deuce and Rat have to live on stolen Indian lands?

    What is occupation?


    Well, for Quart's part, when pressed, he monkeys with his genealogy a bit and presto! he's part Sioux.

    1. And let us admit, Quart knows a lot about being sued.

  20. Right on cue, our strategic liability:

    Bombs from an Israeli airstrike wiped out a high-rise building in Gaza City Saturday, killing 12 people.

    The seemingly endless fighting continued as the Israeli military vowed to track down leaders of the terrorist group Hamas and turn their attention to militant facilities.

    1. More rockets were fired from Gaza today BEFORE Israel took out that building, which was warned to evacuate.

      War sucks. Hamas wants war, it wants to murder Jews.

      It's it's purpose.

      Hamas is ISIS

    2. If Hamas is ISIS, why is not the IDF on line taking them on instead of targeting woman and children and goats?

  21. The real West is worried about eliminating ISIS and what are the Israelis doing?

    Gaza's economy will take years to recover from the devastating impact of the war, in which more than 360 factories have been destroyed or badly damaged and thousands of acres of farmland ruined by tanks, shelling and air strikes, according to analysts.

    Israeli air strikes on Gaza have resumed since a temporary ceasefire brokedown on Tuesday after rockets were fired from Gaza. The Israeli Defence Force said it launched air stikes on 20 sites on Friday morning and Gaza health officials said two Palestinians were killed in an attack on a farm.

    Almost 10% of Gaza's factories have been put out of action, said the Palestinian Federation of Industries. Most other industrial plants have halted production during the conflict, causing losses estimated at more than $70m (£42m), said the union of Palestinian industries. The UN's food and agriculture organisation (FAO) said about 42,000 acres of croplands had sustained substantial direct damage and half of Gaza's poultry stock has been lost due to direct hits or lack of care as access to farmlands along the border with Israel became impossible.

    More than 9% of the annual fishing catch was lost between 9 July and 10 August, it added.

    1. Israel is protecting it's self from thousands and thousands of rockets AIMED at it's citizens.

      Hamas has fired HUNDREDS of rockets a day trying to murder any Israeli they can so they can celebrate success.

      Good news, they blew up a occupying settler although he was only 4 years old.

      Maybe if Hamas, the elected government of the Gaza strip, who now is a partner in the Unity government of the Palestinians should have not spent 2 billion dollars in AID on tunnels and rockets and spent some on factories, schools and commerce the Palestinians would have an economy!!

      Gaza's aint seen anything yet, Hamas has refused each and every cease fire offer, even those negotiated by the PA with Egypt.

      Hamas WANTS war. That's why they keep firing rockets at Jews. It's their mantra...

      So before this is over? Gaza will be destroyed more...

    2. "Israeli air strikes on Gaza have resumed since a temporary ceasefire brokedown on Tuesday after rockets were fired from Gaza."

  22. Counting the aid to Israel in 2003 dollars, from 1949 - 2003 the US has provided Israel with $140bn worth of military assistance, which has been increasing since 2003. The basic annual commitment to Israel is $3.1bn.


    1. Why not?

      How much has America spent on aid to the arab world including free protection of the oil shipping lanes?

      But the FUN fact?

      "US has provided Israel with $140bn worth" not even 3 months of quantitative easy... QE-infinity is now printing 55 billion a month... or 165 BiLLION in free money in 3 months...


    2. Israel can’t afford its own aggression?

    3. Do we have a date on when they can afford it or is there some reason why they are permanent welfare recipients?

    4. Where is all that national pride developed over 3000 years?

    5. Some nations have it, others don’t.

  23. The country is a superfund site of toxic waste of US taxpayer dollars.

    1. LOL

      3 billion a year?

      We spend 1/2 billion a year on SALSA in America....

      America spent 80 BILLION a year on food stamps....

      Heck America spends 13.1 BILLION a year on PORN.....

      Get real... 3.1 billion comet back to the USA as purchases of USA made stuff, from trailers to munitions all GROSSLY over priced...

      That's the system...

      Don't like ti?


  24. In the Gaza City strike, a huge fireball followed by a black column of smoke rose into the sky after two Israeli missiles toppled the Zafer Tower, one in a group of several high-rises in the upscale Tel al-Hawa neighbourhood. Neighboring buildings shook from the blasts.

    The Israeli military said the missiles targeted a Hamas operations room in the building, but did not explain why the entire tower with 44 apartments was brought down.

    Gaza police said a warning missile had been fired five minutes earlier and that some residents were able to rush out of the building in time. Still, 22 people were wounded, including 11 children and five women, according to Gaza hospital officials.

    Maher Abu Sedo, an area resident, said the two strikes came within seconds of each other.

    1. The building was warned, it had multiple hamas operations rooms...

      Amazing that an apartment building with 48 apartments no one was KILLED...

      Great Shooting IDF, no one killed and a military target gone in 60 seconds...

      Lesson learned. If you live in a place with Hamas operating? GET OUT and GET GONE as it now will be destroyed...

  25. Industrial-scale state terrorism on display for the whole world to see. In doing so, it further implicates its advocates in its massive war crimes. Please don't give us the BS Israeli propaganda line about human shields. The dead Palestinian children count is now over 600. So much for the most humane military in world.

  26. AnonymousSat Aug 23, 10:22:00 PM EDT
    Industrial-scale state terrorism on display for the whole world to see. In doing so, it further implicates its advocates in its massive war crimes. Please don't give us the BS Israeli propaganda line about human shields. The dead Palestinian children count is now over 600. So much for the most humane military in world.

    Please deduct the kids murdered by Hamas that were the Tunnel Diggers..

    So let's say 400 kids... (which I doubt) but let's say..

    Israel has ran over 7000 sorties (air strikes) and you mean to tell me that they ONLY have killed 400?


    they suck

  27. Well those pussies of the IDF are about to invade Gaza and take on the bastards face to face...

    oth sides were preparing Saturday night, Aug. 23, for an impending battle on Gaza Strip soil, DEBKAfile’s military sources report. Heavy IDF ground forces were poised ready to enter the territory for the initial mission of reaching and demolishing the sources of Hamas’s short-range rocket and mortar attacks, which have disrupted the lives of neighboring Israeli communities and forced their mass evacuation.
    Hamas has been firing those short-range weapons from 3-7 km inside the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian extremists escalated the barrage in the last 48 hours as a provocation, daring the IDF to send in the forces massed around its borders.
    All the signs point to Israeli forces preparing for limited ground strikes in the first stage.
    Hamas spent Saturday deploying its strength to waylay an Israeli incursion. Whole brigades were pushed underground into tunnels and placed on preparedness. Groups of suicide killers were hidden in orchards ready to ambush advancing Israeli troops.
    The decision by Israel and Hamas to raise the stakes of the conflict to another ground engagement in the Gaza Strip was dictated by a string of new developments, which made a final clash of arms unavoidable.
    1. At their meeting in Qatar, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas failed to talk Hamas political secretary Khaled Meshaal around to a compromise to enable a negotiated ceasefire with Israel.
    2. Abbas notified Egyptian President Abdel Fatteh El-Sisi Saturday night in Cairo that hope had run out for a political accommodation to resolve the Gaza conflict, because Hamas was set fixedly on full-scale war with Israel. Abbas passed the same tidings to Washington.
    3. Hamas rejected every draft accord incorporating a ceasefire, including the draft resolutions to be submitted to the UN Security Council.
    4. Abbas informed Washington and Cairo that the emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim al-Thani, had conned President Barack Obama and Saudi King Abdullah, when he promised to soften Meshaal on the Gaza crisis, when it fact he proffered Hamas all possible assistance for continuing the war with Israel.

    Now for me? I hope Israel goes in and kills every Hamas fighter it can not capture.

    Those that are captured? The intel will be welcomed.. I would not be surprised if a thousand brave "fighters" surrender them moment the coast will be clear from fellow Hamas's bullets...
