Sunday, August 03, 2014

“A very frightening thing is happening now inside Israel itself: it is slowly becoming explicitly fascist"

Outrage after third Israeli strike on a United Nations school in Gaza

UN chief Ban Ki-moon tells Israel to  end this madness after bombardment kills at least 10 people and injures dozens

Vicious Cynical Brutality With No Regard for Anyone That is a Non-Jew, Man, Woman or Child - There is No Other Explanation

I was born in Israel, and tried for many years to change it from within, but I've given up and migrated. The crimes inflicted in the names of Zionism on the non-Jewish residents of Isreal (there's not much differnce between "Gaza", "West bank" or "Israel", everything's controlled in essence by the Israeli government and army) are becoming more and more atrocious and unforgivable, although they have been atrocious and unforgivable from the very beginning.
But a very frightening thing is happening now inside Israel itself: it is slowly becoming explicitly fascist. You should understand for example that most Israeli citizens have no idea how many Palestinians were murdered in this war, the mainstream Israeli media doesn't report it at all. There was even a move by the Israeli Ministry of Communications to block foreign media in Israel, but this proved too complicated for now. Yet, most Israelis still trust their Hebrew newspapers and believe what they read in them, so thay are compeltely cut off from any factual reporting. In addition, the mainstream media (which is entangled with the political class, and sponsored by the same tycoons) is pumping up a narrative of mortal danger; as if every Jew in Israel is about to be viciously exeterminated by Hamas (a primitive guerilla force, who actually only managed to kill 3 civilians till now) in a second Jewish Holocaust.
Worse still, self appointed "patriots" prawl the streets of Tel-Aviv now, brandishing sticks and looking for left-wing demonstrators against the war. They then proceed to beat them up, with the police usually watching in delight, or even arresting the demonstrators (e.g. - Some Israeli reporters who were trying to investigate the Israeli army's war crimes got detained and temporarily silenced (e.g. Citizens who dare speak against this massacre risk getting fired or sanctioned (e.g.,

Israel 2014 is a frightening place to be in: a self deluded madman on a paranoid killing spree which is, in essence, suicidal.


    03 August 2014



    This morning at about 1045 Gaza time there was an Israeli missile strike adjacent to the main gate of the UNRWA Boys’ Prep School ‘A’ in the town of Rafah, in southern Gaza. We believe as many as nine people were killed, including an UNRWA guard, and 27 were injured. Almost three thousand people had registered at the school, one of ninety which we are using as temporary shelters for some 260,000 displaced people across the Gaza strip.

    On six occasions since the start of the conflict, UNRWA schools housing the displaced were subject to direct shelling. This is the first time a strike in the immediate vicinity of one of our premises, of which there have been several, caused fatalities. As in previous incidents, UNRWA had notified the Israeli Army of the location of the school to make sure that it was protected from the violence that has so dramatically affected the entire population of Gaza, displacing a total of at least 475,000 people. For this particular installation we notified the Israeli Army on 33 separate occasions that this school in Rafah was being used to accommodate the displaced, the last time only an hour before the incident.

    The incident in Rafah is a further tragic and unacceptable reminder that there is nowhere safe in Gaza for people to take refuge. No one feels secure and given that Gaza is enclosed by a barrier, there is also nowhere safe for them to run. While UNRWA will continue to provide all possible aid and protection to the displaced, we remind the parties that they must respect the sanctity of civilian life, the inviolability of UN property and that they must abide their obligations under international humanitarian law to protect civilians and humanitarian workers.

    We are painfully aware of how dangerous working in Gaza is. In the last hours before the Rafah incident, confirmation had come through that another UNRWA worker, our eleventh, was killed. Our hearts goes out to their families and loved ones at this terrible time.

    We vigorously condemn today’s Israeli strike and find it incomprehensible that such violence has happened again, only four days since we carried out dead and wounded civilians who had sought refuge in a UN installation. We again call on the Israeli authorities immediately to investigate this appalling incident in Rafah. We made two similar calls after the shelling incidents at our schools housing thousands of displaced people in Beit Hanoun and Jabalia, which caused multiple deaths and injuries. We fully expect the result of these three investigations to be transmitted to us.

    International law requires that principles of distinction, proportionality and precaution in attack must be taken into account by parties to a conflict to reduce civilian casualties; the frequency of these incidents increases the urgency to find out why this continues to happen and hold accountable those responsible. We echo the Secretary-General’s call for an immediate cease-fire. This is another urgent reminder that the people of Gaza need an end to this violence and a negotiated settlement that addresses so the underlying causes; instead of this being the third war, it must be the last.

    1. so Israel should not strike the school... the gates near the school, the parks adjacent to the schools?

      But Hamas can fire rockets from the schools and use the schools as ammo dumps?

      Good luck with that..

  2. ISIS has captured a major dam north of Baghdad.

    A ready made weapon of mass destruction.

    All they have to do is blow it.

    I would not bet against them blowing it.

    1. Took down your Kurds, to gain that dam.
      The Kurds are in retreat.

  3. I sincerely believe that this puts a new light on the US Liberty attack where there wa a total disregard for the lives of American servicemen.

    1. Actually it puts a light on all military operations by all.

      Does America have the right to use drone strikes that hit civilians?

      Look inward before pointing your fingers outward.

    2. That is not how Daddy Warbucks operates, "O"rdure.

      If you were a US citizen, raised and educated in the US, you would know that.

  4. In Syia both sides are armed to the teeth killing each other. That is not the case here. The Isrealis are attacking areas where they know there are innocent civilians. Where are the photos or videos of Hamas shooting RPGs at Israelis.

    This is eyeopening, it is disgusting and shocking that the IDF is doing this with all US suppled armaments and that The Conga Line is stone cold silent about it.

    1. Where are the photos or videos of Hamas shooting RPGs at Israelis.

      The press has been warned. IF you take pics of the Hamas firing rockets or weapons they will kill you

    2. Happens so infrequently that there are no photos available

    3. Hamas shoots about 100 rockets and mortars a day..

      The reason there are no photos? Hamas will execute anyone taking those photos.

  5. I am heartened that we have been able to see videos and emails from decent human beings that are Jews who share our contempt for atrocious actions and crimes against humanity.

    Are we ruled by cowards?

    1. I am sickened that the need for violence driven porn seems to be the blood lust of those holding up dead babies for politics.

      Yes we are ruled by cowards.

      When was the last time you saw photos of the folks that dived off the world trade building? did you ever SEE the photos of the bodies that LANDED?


      wonder why?

      Ever see any photos of the remains of the dismembered Jews that the Palestinians had murdered?


      After the bus bombings? With the shreds of flesh hanging from the buses?


      Did you see the photos of the mutilated victims of the boston bombings?


      Only the arab/moslem world glorifies the victims of war with plastering their bodies on the press..

    2. One standard for all...

      All war is shitty, but only the islamic victims are should, not the victims of the jihadists...

      Did you see a photo of the 3 jews that were kidnapped and hands bound and shot thru the head?


      ever wonder why you don't see photos of the hamas FIRING weapons or rockets?

      I bet you don't...

    3. Because the Palestinians are not posing for photo ops.
      As the Zionist NASI propagandists do.

    4. Rat, when you used to kill civilians in central america, did you take photos of the corpses?

    5. I saw a wonderful Jewish man get his head chopped off on TV.

      Can't recall his name right now, senior moment.

      You all have seen it too, though.

      Then they held the severed head up before the cameras by the hair.

    6. That would have been John the Baptist

  6. The problem is not what other rag-tag criminals do with weapons, it is what a country that is suppossed to be first among equals with the US does. There is no way the US Army of today and the US public would support or tolerate behavior from our forces demonstrated by the IDF.

    1. No America is worse.

      We don't see the photos from the predator strikes do we?

      As for your "America of Today" line? Which war is that? Pre-fallujah? Or post?

      We didn't get photos from the damage that America did in Libya...

      The entire propaganda circus is just that a circus.

      But you are setting the line in the sand for the next war for yourselves.

      I hope that you don't become "rag-tag" criminals the next time America launches a strike or are you now advocating that America just TAKE it when we are attacked again?

    2. The United States?

      jeez, does anyone recall the pictures of the Highway of Death in Iraq?

      And what about our drone strikes?

      According to the standards of Deuce, Obama is a war criminal.

    3. The highway of death was an army in retreat with their equipment. A retreat is a military maneuver. The purpose of a retreat maneuver is to regroup and fight another day. They were asked to surrender. They were not surrendering. The Iraqis had just killed 27 Americans and wounded 70 others, mostly members of a PA Guard Unit by a Scud attack on a military barracks. It was ugly but the vehicles were either stolen Kuwaiti driven by Iraqi soldiers or Iraqi military equipment.

  7. The U.S. drone program under President Barack Obama reached its fifth anniversary on Thursday having tallied up an estimated death toll of at least 2,400 people.

    As the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, a U.K.-based non-profit, details on its website, five years ago the CIA conducted the first drone strikes of the Obama presidency. Although there were reports of suspected "militants" killed, at least 14 civilians also died that day.

    After those initial mistakes, TBIJ notes, Obama rapidly ramped up the drone program in Pakistan and increased its use in Yemen and Somalia, two countries where al Qaeda affiliates expanded their presence during Obama's presidency.

    Obama recently told The New Yorker that he "wrestle[s]" with civilian casualties. But, he said, he has "a solemn duty and responsibility to keep the American people safe. That’s my most important obligation as President and Commander-in-Chief. And there are individuals and groups out there that are intent on killing Americans -- killing American civilians, killing American children, blowing up American planes."

    Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International issued a pair of reports in October fiercely criticizing the secrecy that shrouds the administration's drone program, and calling for investigations into the deaths of drone victims with no apparent connection to terrorism. In Pakistan alone, TBIJ estimates, between 416 and 951 civilians, including 168 to 200 children, have been killed.

    We need photos of the dead babies that Obama has killed....

    Such a rag tag bunch of criminals...

    Murdering more than even the Israelis...

    1. Oh, they don't count...

      Only when Jews kill terrorists that kill civilians is it a crime...


    2. Yup, Obama should be in The Hague before a war crimes tribunal, according to the standards of Deuce.

      I can't stand Obama but I would not support that.

  8. I remember weeks in Viet Nam where we had 500+ KIA a week. The Stars and Stripes would post every name, unit and home town. Sure non-combatants were killed, but so were a lot of armed enemy combatants. No such thing is happening here.

    Israel has controlled this real estate for 47 years. This is not even an insurrection. This was instigated by Netanyahu using thousands of troops to find three kidnapped teens. It was predictable and was predicted here. There are over 1600 Palestinians killed in Gaza. Gaza has no military. We can see the videos. This is not being staged. Israel is bombing mid and high rise buildings in urban areas with extremely high explosive ordinance.

    In Viet Nam there were helicopters and hospitals by the hundreds to support US wounded. We saw real fire fights. The pictures we see here are of civilian ambulances picking up wounded and dead woman and children from hospitals and schools instead of taking them to hospitals and schools.

    This is wrong. The World knows this is wrong. Yet every Israeli spokesman, official and non-official justifies and excuses the worst atrocity and falls back mumbling something that everyone else does it as well. This is fucked up, but don’t misunderstand, my real contempt is for the US government officials that do not have the balls to speak out. We should not be allied with this.

    1. Israel has controlled this real estate for 47 years. This is not even an insurrection. This was instigated by Netanyahu using thousands of troops to find three kidnapped teens.


      The troops Israel used to search for the kidnapped boys was IN THE WEST BANK.

      IT was hamas that launched rockets FROM THE GAZA STRIP that started this round.

      Learn your facts.

    2. Gaza has no military.


      it has 15,000 men under arms, it has a military bunker and tunnel system that cost in the billions, and it has terror tunnels and 40,000 rockets.

      your revisionist history is quite the fairy tale

    3. .


      First Hamas started out with 10,000 rockets.

      The other day, WiO told us they had 30,000.

      Now, they have 40,000.

      Dem rockets dey be agrowin like Topsy.


    4. .

      IT was hamas that launched rockets FROM THE GAZA STRIP that started this round.

      Learn your facts.

      And an easy way to do so is to order your copy of WiO and Allen's Revised History of the Universe from Obumble's General Store in Bumfuck, Idaho. Signed first-edition (and first printing) copies of the book are available. Prices marked down from the initial release price of $49.95 to the dramatically reduced remainder price of 10 for $10.


    5. QuirkSun Aug 03, 06:20:00 PM EDT


      First Hamas started out with 10,000 rockets.

      The other day, WiO told us they had 30,000.

      Now, they have 40,000.

      Dem rockets dey be agrowin like Topsy.

      they did start with 10,000... they shot off 8 thousand or so in this war.

      What is the exact number? Between 25,000 and 40,000..

      But does it matter?

      Call it the low number for all I care. they are shooting even as we type about 100 a day and this is the slow end of the firing.

      But you can embrace the fact that every day that goes by, more Hamas terrorists will die and that is a good thing.

    6. QuirkSun Aug 03, 06:30:00 PM EDT

      IT was hamas that launched rockets FROM THE GAZA STRIP that started this round.

      Learn your facts.

      And an easy way to do so is to order your copy of WiO and Allen's Revised History of the Universe from Obumble's General Store in Bumfuck, Idaho. Signed first-edition (and first printing) copies of the book are available. Prices marked down from the initial release price of $49.95 to the dramatically reduced remainder price of 10 for $10.

      I notice how you don't refute what I said, just make fun.

      I hope someday soon, you will have a loved one, within the sights of a Jihadist bomber, then tell me your new history..

    7. .

      But does it matter?

      It matters little to us. However, while your estimates grow daily, just today I saw CNN quote estimates that came from the IDF stating that Hamas started out with an estimated 10,000 rockets, that they fired about 3500 at Israel, and that the IDF had captured around 3500, leaving Hamas with an estimated 3000 rockets left.

      If your source is correct, I would suggest you contact the IDF through your sources and let them know. We wouldn't want them leaving with another 30,000 rockets sitting there in the hands of Hamas.


    8. Vietnam?


    9. .

      I notice how you don't refute what I said, just make fun.

      Don't be silly. I have given you my view of what started this conflict a dozen times. However, since you have obviously forgotten, I guess a I should re-post the rebuttals I have put up in the past to your oft repeated claims.

      They won't be in any order but just as they come to mind.

      Oh by the way, thanks for the well wishes.


    10. O Paleeez, not the REBUTTALS.

      I have been tortured long enough.

    11. Not a problem Quirk, many in the west will be soon under the knife of the Jihadists.

      From Boston to New York? Already happening..

      911 was just a starter..

    12. .

      The current crisis in Gaza was the result of Hamas firing rockets at Israel


      Israel and the Palestinians have been ‘negotiating’ for 45 years. In that time, every excuse in the book has been used (by both sides) to avoid an agreement.

      In the latest Kerry round of negotiations, Bibi stated that he was happy to enter the negotiations but he demanded they be entered into with no preconditions.

      He quickly followed this with a statement that any agreement must recognize Israel as a Jewish State, that a united Jerusalem must be recognized as the capital of Israel, and that Israel would have to maintain a military presence on a large portion of Palestine for ‘security reasons’.

      As the set time frame for the talks was coming to an end, Bibi complained that it was impossible to come to any meaningful agreement because Abbas didn’t represent ‘ALL’ the Palestinian people.

      Yet, when Palestinians agreed to a reconciliation agreement between Fatah and Hamas, one that would have united the Palestinians, one that kept all of Abbas’ ministers in place, one that subordinated Hamas to principles agreed to by the current PA under Abbas, Bibi was metagrabolized. When the newly formed PA started talking about joining more UN organizations, Bibi went berserk. When the UN, the US, and the EU said they supported the reconciliation agreement, Bibi went batshit crazy.

      When three Israeli students were captured an killed, Bibi decided to not let a good crisis (in this case a police matter) go to waste and proceeded to try to gut Hamas (a political action) and more importantly to gut the new alliance between the Palestinians that could have resulted in ruining his previous obstructionism by revealing the hypocrisy of his claims. He accused Hamas of the kidnapping and murder though after a couple months he has yet to offer any proof. He began a pogrom against Hamas members and arrested hundreds.

      After the arrests, and the burning alive of the Arab youth by right-wing Jews, Hamas resumed the bombing and the rest is history.

      There is no doubt Bibi's actions started this latest fight in Gaza.


    13. I recall years back when a topic of conversation was:

      Will terror attacks ever come to the United States?

      Now we know the answer.

    14. .

      Other 'truisms' taken from WiO and Allen’s Alternative History of the Universe as cited by Obumble, the Oracle of Idaho. (With attendant response)

      1. Israel has right to the land it holds in Palestine because it is the Jews historical homeland.

      Jerusalem was a city for a thousand years before it was conquered by the Jews. In the 3,000 years since, the Jews have controlled the land now called Israel for about 400 years, the last time over 2,000 years ago. The only ones who consider it the historical homeland of the Jews are the Jews, evangelical Christians (for religious reasons), hicks from Idaho, recipients of Israeli lobbying efforts, and low-information readers.

      [Palestine has been controlled by numerous different peoples, including the Ancient Egyptians, Canaanites, Philistines, Tjekker, Ancient Israelites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Ancient Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, early Muslims (Umayads, Abbasids, Seljuqs, Fatimids), Crusaders, later Muslims (Ayyubids, Mameluks, Ottomans), the British, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (1948–1967, on the "West Bank") and Egyptian Republic (in Gaza), and modern Israelis and Palestinians.]

      2. There were no Palestinians before 1948

      The name Palestine used for the area we are talking about goes back to at least 500 BC and Herodotus. Some argue the etymology stretches back to the Egyptians in 1150 BC.

      If we want to limit the use of the term to 1948, the same would apply to Israelis. If we want to take it back to the Mandate period, then the same applies to Israelis.



    15. .
      3. Israel was a state created by the UN

      No, it wasn’t. It was created by conquest.

      4. Israel is a Democracy?

      Each year, a number of sites rate the level of democracy in countries around the world. In most published studies of democracy, Israel is described as a ‘flawed democracy’ because of the discrimination written into law (de jure), discriminatory practices (de facto), and the practice of desuetude that is allowed among the settlers and other right-wing actors.

      I personally would describe Israel as a flawed democracy/theocracy only because Israeli laws discriminate against non-Jews and the definition of who is a Jew (whether Christian, Muslim, secular Jew, or even Jews of the various denominations) is determined by the Israeli Rabbinate.

      5. The Palestinians have been offered statehood many times and have refused it.

      Actually, the Palestinians have been offered statehood many times IF , that is, they are willing to accept the Israeli terms offered that tend to change over time. For instance, the demand that Israel be recognized as a ‘Jewish State’ didn’t surface until 2007. There has been disingenuous bargaining on both sides and we have seen instances where certain Israelis have bragged about their efforts to torpedo peace talks.

      Were the Palestinians to accept an offer based on current Israeli talking points, they would be accepting a state in name only, a truncated space, a police state controlled and occupied in large part by the Israelis.



    16. .

      6. The Palestinians refuse to recognize Israel as a ‘Jewish State’.

      In 1988, the PLO, recognized as the legitimate bargaining party for the Palestinian people recognized Israel as a legitimate state with a right to exist. Why would they be asked to recognize Israel as a Jewish state? Israel’s form of government is up to the Jewish people to decide.

      While we may recognize that a de facto Jewish state exists, that doesn’t mean we have to condone it. It goes against the principles we were raised with here in the US. Obviously, while the Palestinians might recognize Israel’s right to exist, clearly they should not be asked to approve of government practices there. The two are completely different.

      7. There is no possibility of peace with the Palestinians because the Hamas Charter calls for the destruction of Israel.

      The PLO also called for the destruction of Israel. Until it didn’t. The recent reconciliation agreement would have subordinated Hamas to the existing policy established by Abbas and the PA. Well, until Bibi drove a wedge into the agreement that is.

      8. Israel is the only ME country the US can rely on.

      I don’t think so.


    17. You are getting quite well versed in the conflict Quirk and I applaud your ability to articulate your knowledge. I await WiO, or, ha ha ,boobies, attempt at correction.

      what is that that I hear...

      ... Crickets.

    18. wow those replies are so deep...

      6. The Palestinians refuse to recognize Israel as a ‘Jewish State’.

      In 1988, the PLO, recognized as the legitimate bargaining party for the Palestinian people recognized Israel as a legitimate state with a right to exist. Why would they be asked to recognize Israel as a Jewish state? Israel’s form of government is up to the Jewish people to decide.

      And now we are being asked to make peace with the palestinians that have formed a "Unity" government with Hamas, a group whose charter demands the destruction of Israel and the murder of all Jews?

      The first reason: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict did not start in 1967 and does not revolve around the occupation and the settlements. It is a deep national-religious-cultural-social conflict, whose foundation is blindness. For decades Zionism refused to see the Palestinian people and in doing so refused to recognize its right to establish a Palestinian state. To this day the Palestinian national movement refuses to see the Jewish people and recognize in this way its right to a Jewish state. This double and continuing blindness is what ignited the 100-year war between us and them. That is why, in order to end this war, we must recognize their nationalism and their state, and they must recognize our nationalism and our state. Just as peace is impossible without a Palestinian state, peace is impossible without a Jewish state.

      The second reason: The great achievement of the Oslo Accords was in their bringing the Israelis to recognize the fact that there is a Palestinian people in the land of Israel with legitimate rights. The great achievement of the Camp David peace summit was in Israel recognizing the need to establish a Palestinian state. The cumulative result of Oslo and Camp David was a revolution in Israel. The people living in Zion finally saw that there is another people in this land and admitted that it is entitled to a different state, which will express its right to self determination. Thus, there is no reason that the people residing in Palestine cannot open its eyes finally and see that there is another people in the land, and that it is entitled to a different country that will express its right to self determination. Reciprocity is not a sin. Symmetry is not a war crime. Those who believe the Israelis and Palestinians are equal have a moral obligation to demand from the Palestinians exactly what they demand from the Israelis.

    19. The third reason: The Palestinians will not give up on the demand for the right of return. The trauma of the Nakba is their foundational trauma, and the experience of the refugees is the experience that molded them, and there is no Palestinian leader who will declare that the Palestinians will never return to the cities and villages they lost in 1948. If there is any solution at all to the refugee problem, it will be a superficial and insignificant one. But because it is actually impossible to demand from the Palestinians that they change their spots and convert their identity, it is required to demand they recognize this: that the Jewish people is a people of this land, and it did not arrive here from Mars. It is necessary to demand of them to admit that the Jewish people has a history of its own and a tragedy of its own and its own justification. The Palestinians must concede that the Jews are not colonialists but legal neighbors. There will not be peace if the children growing up in the Deheisheh refugee camp will not know that the country across the border is a legitimate Jewish state of a true Jewish people, whom they are decreed to live with. It is those who give up on the recognition of Israel as a Jewish state who are actually giving up on peace.

      The fourth reason: An Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement is to a great extent a one-sided agreement in which Israel gives and the Palestinians receive. Only the recognition of Israel as a Jewish state would turn the longed-for agreement into a two-sided one. While Israel will transfer concrete assets to its neighbor, territory and rights, the Palestinians will give the only gift they are capable of giving: legitimacy.

    20. that that is the sound of your own voice Asklikins Brain Dead.

    21. 7. There is no possibility of peace with the Palestinians because the Hamas Charter calls for the destruction of Israel.

      The PLO also called for the destruction of Israel. Until it didn’t. The recent reconciliation agreement would have subordinated Hamas to the existing policy established by Abbas and the PA. Well, until Bibi drove a wedge into the agreement that is.

      Hamas aint the PLO. So why set expectations for Hamas? Hamas NEVER was part of the PLO. Hamas is and was a part of the Moslem Brotherhood IE Al queda.

      Do you think Bin Ladin or ISIS is seeking a peace treaty with it's enemies?

    22. 8. Israel is the only ME country the US can rely on.

      I don’t think so.

      Wow, Quirk doesn't THINK SO..

      But the over whelming majority of US elected representatives do, the American people do..

      But Masterbater Quirk "doesn't think so..."

      Fuck you

    23. WiO,

      You state "first reason...", "second reason..." Ect. Reasons for what!?

    24. How about a reality check...Rely on Israel for what? What has Israel ever done for the US? There is nothing we need from Israel that we cannot buy. Every country in all of the Americas is either more valuable to the US or less a thorn in the side of the US than Israel. There is no political leader less pleasant that Netanyahu. There is no country in all of the Americas that costs us more money than Israel. There is no country in the Americas that generates more antipathy for the US than Israel.

      None of that has anything to do with Israel being Jewish. It has everything to do with Israel being Israel.

    25. While I applaud WiO's attempt to be heard above the crickets I can only chuckle at boobies attempt.

    26. AshSun Aug 03, 09:13:00 PM EDT

      You state "first reason...", "second reason..." Ect. Reasons for what!?

      Cant you read draft dodger?

  9. Bumfuck, Idaho ?

    There is no such place.

    There is however a Hell, Michigan.

    Quart spends half his time there, the other half in Climax, Michigan, when he has a supply of Viagra fleeced from the pharmacy with Rufus.

    1. There is also a Gay, Michigan.

      There have been sightings, so far unconfirmed, of Quart hanging out there after midnight, tapping his toes.

    2. Come on Bob, Quirk aint gay, Rat is...

    3. Oh yeah, you're right, I forgot.

      That explains why it couldn't be confirmed that it was Quart tapping his toes in Gay, Michigan.

      It was rat, seeking the anonymity of a far away place.


    I have a hunch a vaccine will soon be developed for Ebola.

    Hope I am right.

  11. Poll: More Americans Sympathize With Israel
    By Mark Murray

    More Americans say they sympathize with Israelis than Palestinians in the current conflict in the Middle East, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll finds.

    Forty-three percent of adults say they sympathize more with Israel, 14 percent are more sympathetic toward Palestinians. But another 43 percent say they're unsure.

    The results are more lopsided when asked to choose between Israel and Hamas -- 54 percent sympathize more with Israel, while just 7 percent sympathize with Hamas.

    See full poll results here

    The poll also finds that more than six-in-10 respondents -- 62 percent -- believe that Israelis and Palestinians will not be able to form a lasting peace agreement that will work.

    The NBC/WSJ/Marist poll was conducted July 28-31 of 760 adults, and it has a margin of error of plus-minus 3.6 percentage points.

    The sad news here, which is really no surprise, is that fully 43% of Americans are totally witless, according to the poll.

  12. O God of Mercy, Quart is into his REBUTTALS.

    Short out his keyboard, Dear Lord.

    1. Quart learned what a rebuttal is after so much experience in Small Claims Court, and as a defendant in fleecing proceedings in Big Claims Court.

      He thinks he is good at it, but his conviction rate doesn't uphold his high opinion of himself.

  13. Rasmussen:

    By over two to one Americans say, cut off ALL Money to Israel, and Palestine

    Rasmussen Poll

    1. That is reasonable enough.


      The woman who died after the flight to London airport that caused such a stir was found not to have had ebola.

      Everyone is jumpy, for good reason.

    2. Finally, Good Find Ruf.... Spot On.

    3. That is reasonable enough.

      Actually I take that back.

      Without Iron Dome things would have been much much worse.

  14. Here is the infamy of the Israeli Netanyahu instigated slaughter on Gaza:

    By United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
    Occupied Palestinian Territory: Gaza Emergency Situation Report


    • The Rafah area was subject to the heaviest shelling and fighting recorded since the start of the emergency, resulting in dozens of fatalities; many of the bodies could not yet be recovered or identified.

    • The public health system is on the verge of collapse : while the number of casualties continues to grow, five hospitals and 34 clinics have shut down due to damage and insecurity.

    • Up to 25 per cent of Gaza’s population may now be forcibly displaced, of whom 259,000 are hosted in UNRWA shelters alone .

    • Lack of electricity and fuel shortages disrupt the functioning of hospitals and affect access to water for the entire population . The current lack of adequate water chlorination may have serious public health consequences.

    1,525 Palestinians killed, including at least 1,033 civilians, of whom 329 are children and 187 are women

    66 Israelis killed, including 63 soldiers , two civilians and one foreign national

    5 Hospitals have shut down due to insecurity

    1.8 million People have reduced or no access to regular water and sanitation.

    475 ,000 People may be displaced, staying in emergency shelters or with host families

    Outstanding military accomplishment...OOrahs all around for the glorious IDF

    1. 1,525 Palestinians killed, including at least 1,033 civilians, of whom 329 are children and 187 are women

      You have no idea if these numbers are true or not.

    2. The IDF could have treated the Strip like America did in Hiroshima.

      But they didn't..

    3. Deuce ☂Sun Aug 03, 09:47:00 PM EDT
      Here is the infamy of the Israeli Netanyahu instigated slaughter on Gaza:

      Instigated? Do you not remember it was HAMAS that started launching rockets into Israel?

      Man you have the memory Bill Clinton.


      Oh yeah, your pal, rat was claiming the 3 jews, kidnapped and murder was a mossad false flag plot...

      when that turned to shit?

      now you claim Bibi instigated a "slaughter" on gaza?

      1,525 Palestinians killed, including at least 1,033 civilians, of whom 329 are children and 187 are women
      You have no idea if these numbers are true or not.

      Call it 2000 for all I care...

      out of a population of 1.8 MILLION it's hardly genocide or a slaughter.

    4. Well, Bob, I actually do have an idea that they are true. In fact, I believe that they are understated. As of July 9, Israel admitted dropping approximately 400 tons of bombs and missiles on the Gaza Strip over a two day period. That is 200 tons per day on structures in an urban setting. This is not tank against tank or bombing against military vehicles.

      I have posted well over 50 videos showing the structures being hit, most of which are apartments up to high rise buildings, hospitals, schools , etc. That is 22 days of intense bombing. There are aprox 70 deaths per day yet 40000 lb. of very high explosive bombs and rockets daily are being used daily. That is 5700 lb. of explosive for every death. (unbelievably low) For point of reference, he Boston Marathon bomb was in a pressure cooker, weighed less than 5 lb. and had no way near the lethality of what Israel is throwing against urban housing, hospitals, schools and municipal buildings.

  15. How many of these people have lost their life savings, homes, possessions and were wounded physically and psychologically?

  16. I admit I'm much more concerned about the fate of the Christians in Iraq than the people in Gaza.

    They are really taking a beating by those cousins of Hamas, ISIS.

    And they've never launched missiles at anyone.

    But we never hear about them here.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. You simply cannot remember your own name, rat.

    3. Rat still outs you at every opportunity.

      A direct violation of Blogger Rules.

      I wonder if Deuce appreciates that fact?

    4. I don’t need you to mind the rules. They are against my rules. I take them down.

  17. "Outrage after third Israeli strike on a United Nations school in Gaza

    UN chief Ban Ki-moon tells Israel to ‘ end this madness’ after bombardment kills at least 10 people and injures dozens"

    Was a UN School in Gaza Really Bombed? (Update: No, It Wasn’t)

    The UN is going bonkers because they say another one of their schools in Gaza was shelled. Ten people were killed and dozens injured, but read this account carefully from The Guardian:

    A deadly attack on a school in the city of Rafah in the south of Gaza has been denounced as a “moral outrage” and “criminal act” by the UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon.
    At least 10 people were killed and dozens more wounded after a projectile struck a street outside the school gates on Sunday morning.

    The school was sheltering more than 3,000 people displaced by fighting in the area. It has been the scene of heavy bombardment by the Israeli military and fierce clashes following the suspected capture by Hamas fighters of an Israeli soldier, later declared killed in action.

    In a statement, Ban called on those responsible for the “gross violation of international humanitarian law” to be held accountable. He said the “Israel Defence Forces (IDF) have been repeatedly informed of the location of these sites.”

    At the time of the strike – about 10.50am local time – dozens of children and adults were clustered around the gates buying biscuits and sweets from stalls set up by locals.

    The missile struck the ground eight to 10 metres from the open gates. Witnesses at the scene less than an hour after the explosion claimed it had been fired from one of the many unmanned Israeli drones in the air above Rafah.

    United Nations officials in Gaza described a “shelling incident” or an air strike.

    The attack was not on the school. The bomb hit the street outside the gates of the school and killed and injured people standing at the gate — not in the school itself which was being used as a shelter.

    No, I am not trying minimize the deaths of civilians. But if you’re going to charge Israel with a war crime, don’t you think it would behoove those doing the charging that they get the facts right?

    General Secretary Moon could have at least waited for an explanation from the IDF:

    The Israeli army said it had targeted three members of Islamic Jihad on a motorbike near the school – contradicting witnesses who said they saw no vehicles – but was investigating the effects of the attack.

    To my untrained ear, it sounds like a pinpoint attack. It was a tragedy that people were at the gate buying sweets, but unless the IDF had real time intelligence indicating there were civilians present, why should they expect people to be outside of the shelter?

    I think the UN and the press should stop calling this an “attack” on a school and accurately describe it as a strike near a school. Unless there was damage to the school itself or casualties inside the building, it is inaccurate to portray the strike in that way.


    The Telegraph reports:

    The school had been providing shelter to more than 3,000 people – the same number that had been seeking refuge at a girl’s school in Jabaliya last Wednesday when it came under attack from a hail of Israeli shells.

    In contrast to that strike, which wrecked a classroom full of sleeping woman and children, the physical destruction this time appeared minimal: just a small but deep hole in the road where the missile had landed.

    As I suspected, the school was untouched.

    Does it really matter? I suppose if you want to charge Israel with a war crime for bombing a street, they can try that. It probably works for those already predisposed to hate Israel.

    But for the few objective observers out there, it is wholly unacceptable to continue the fiction that a school was bombed when no such event occurred.

  18. This is the beginning of the end of US genuflection to Israeli aggression against Palestinians. These things always start slowly as some people are very susceptable to intimidation by the Israeli propaganda machine:

    (AP) – When director Jonathan Demme was approached to show support for all victims of the conflict in Gaza, he didn't hesitate to sign on. Actor Wallace Shawn is willing to put up with jeers on the street for his opinions about the violence. And Mark Ruffalo is determined to air his views about the fighting on Twitter, no matter the cost to his social media numbers.

    The Israel-Palestinian debate was once considered so delicate a topic, it was pretty much off-limits to celebrities. But in another sign that social media is intensifying how we wrestle with sensitive global issues, stars of all stripes are taking to the Internet to openly discuss the conflict that has killed more than 1,300 people. The result is a high-profile divide rarely seen within the predominantly liberal entertainment community.

    "I don't see this as being politics or statehood for Palestine or Hamas," Demme said. "I think it's about taking innocent lives and the destruction of a culture. ... I've never been ashamed of my pacifist point of view of things at any time since I became a card-carrying hippie back in the '60s."

    Demme is among dozens of musicians, actors, filmmakers, authors and sports figures who have chosen to speak out about the conflict. Yet some, like pop star Rihanna and Houston Rockets center Dwight Howard, had second thoughts and erased their messages of support for Palestinians soon after they were posted.

    And Penelope Cruz and husband Javier Bardem quickly clarified their stand on the issue after they joined 100 Spanish signees of an open letter calling the Israeli attacks genocide. Later, more participants sought to tone down the rhetoric.

    Others, though, haven't backed away from their commentary. Demme, Shawn, Chuck D and dozens more, including Nobel Peace Prize winners, participated in a Jewish Voice For Peace video in which each held up a sign with the name and age of a conflict casualty. The video attracted 100,000 views in two days on the Web.

    1. Deuce ☂Sun Aug 03, 09:56:00 PM EDT
      This is the beginning of the end of US genuflection to Israeli aggression against Palestinians. These things always start slowly as some people are very susceptable to intimidation by the Israeli propaganda machine.

      Or maybe when the smoke clears, the people of the world will understand that Hamas, a terrorist organization, forced it's own people to die to protect it's ammo, munitions and launching pads.

      And once again, the people of the world will look at the palestinians as a culture of death. One that worships the martyrdom of it's people.

      Suicide bombers, IEDs and rockets. That is the culture that the Palestinians promote.

      Hamas=ISIS=Moslem Brotherhood=Al Queda=Hezbollah

      Yep the world will see thru the propaganda and once again see what and who are terrorists...


    Hamas Posts Pics of Dead IDF Soldiers on Twitter

    Thank goodness the pictures of dead IDF soldiers posted by Hamas to their Twitter account aren’t of bloody and mangled bodies. They are pictures of how parents and loved ones would like to remember them in life — which makes this Hamas PR campaign even more barbaric and revolting.

    We killed 150 Zionist soldiers. Here's photo of killed soldiers which the Zionist Enemy, Israel officially recognized

    @Qassam_English @JessyTrends they are all going to Hell,Punishment of Allah will be eternal life in hell ,Stay Strong Brave Gentlmens

    @Qassam_English all gone to hell fucking zionists

    1. Complain when the pictures are not posted, then complain when they are.
      "O"rdure is a confused propagandist.

  20. BARBARIC! Hamas Posts Dead Jew Collage on Twitter
    Posted by Jim Hoft on Sunday, August 3, 2014, 11:30 AM

    1. WiO and I seem to have been the same article.

    2. Informative, as requested time and again by "O"rdure.

      He wanted photos of the victims of Palestinian violence posted. Now when someone does post them, the wailing is herd all the way to the wall

    3. Ashamed of your own voice, rat?

      Why keep posting as anon?

    4. Rat is still a figment of your imaginationSun Aug 03, 10:14:00 PM EDT

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. Rat is a figment of your imaginationSun Aug 03, 10:16:00 PM EDT

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Has the Zionist regime in Israel been covering up the true casualty count of dead Israels?

    Have there really been 150 IDF militiamen killed in Gaza?

    1. If we cannot believe the Palestinians body count report, how can we know that the images are really of dead Israelis.
      They could be dead Palestinians, all those Semites, they look alike.

    2. What we do know is that the figures Deuce quotes come from the Gaza Health Department !

      You might as well buy into Quart's Ebola Vaccine as trust those figures.

    3. Once again, truth according to Hamas...

      Give it a rest...

    4. Then you admit, those images were not dead Israelis, and your outrage is faux.

    5. Perhaps you need to start snorting oxytocin.

      Though there are some risks involved.

      In your condition, anything is worth a try.

  22. Well, Bob, I actually do have an idea that they are true. In fact, I believe that they are understated. As of July 9, Israel admitted dropping approximately 400 tons of bombs and missiles on the Gaza Strip over a two day period. That is 200 tons per day on structures in an urban setting. This is not tank against tank or bombing against military vehicles.

    I have posted well over 50 videos showing the structures being hit, most of which are apartments up to high rise buildings, hospitals, schools , etc. That is 22 days of intense bombing. There are aprox 70 deaths per day yet 40000 lb. of very high explosive bombs and rockets daily are being used daily. That is 5700 lb. of explosive for every death. (unbelievably low) For point of reference, he Boston Marathon bomb was in a pressure cooker, weighed less than 5 lb. and had no way near the lethality of what Israel is throwing against urban housing, hospitals, schools and municipal buildings.

    1. I trust math, logic, science and other raw data as well as reports from sources other than those filterd through the media by the news handlers. Israel has somewhere over 80,000 troops committed to this. What do yo think they are doing all day?

    2. Your tonnage of explosives could be read just the other way, as showing how remarkably careful Israel has been to avoid civilian casualties.

      I recall you put up figures on the number of children killed in Iraq that on closer inspection were 10X larger than those reported by the post war Iraqi Health guy, and he had incentive to fudge, as he was getting aid money by the numbers.

    3. Your tonnage of explosives could be read just the other way, as showing how remarkably careful Israel has been to avoid civilian casualties.

      Why don’t you just use the name Dr Pangloss and be done with it.

  23. Wait till you see the aerial photos that I am accumulating. It is stunning the amount of destruction. I will predict that the “Made in Israel” label will be a pass signal for a lot of shoppers.

    1. They shouldn't fire missiles from apartment complexes, homes, etc.

      If I see something "Made in Israel" I'd be more likely to buy it.

      I don't think I have ever seen anything labeled "Made in Israel" though.

      I rarely see anything labeled "Made in USA".

      Most of what I buy is labeled "Made in China".

    2. My wife just ordered an air conditioner, to be delivered on Wednesday.

      I bet it says "Made in China".
