Tuesday, August 05, 2014

A call from the Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Knesset for the ethnic cleansing of Gaza

Israeli official calls for concentration camps in Gaza and  he conquest of the entire Gaza Strip, and annihilation of all fighting forces and their supporters’

Moshe Feiglin is Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Knesset
He posted the message on his Facebook page at the weekend
Plan includes shipping the people living in Gaza across the world
IDF would 'exterminate nests of resistance' as part of his plan
The Gaza war has left more than 1,800 Palestinians dead

PUBLISHED: 07:09 EST, 4 August 2014 | UPDATED: 05:10 EST, 5 August 2014

Moshe Feiglin called for concentration camps in Gaza in his action plan
An Israeli official has called for concentration camps in Gaza and ‘the conquest of the entire Gaza Strip, and annihilation of all fighting forces and their supporters’.
Moshe Feiglin, Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Knesset and member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud Party, posted the inflammatory message on his Facebook page at the weekend.
He lays out a detailed plan for the destruction of Gaza -  which includes shipping its residents across the world - in a letter he addressed to the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The message, which received more than 2,000 likes on his page, lists four action points which he wants to be enforced as soon as possible.
Feiglin details the first one as 'defining the enemy' and states: 'The strategic enemy is extremist Arab Islam in all its varieties, from Iran to Gaza, which seeks to annihilate Israel in its entirety. The immediate enemy is Hamas. (Not the tunnels, not the rockets, but Hamas.)’

He says another important part of his plan is the 'conquest of the entire Gaza Strip, and annihilation of all fighting forces and their supporters.' 

He lays out a detailed plan for the destruction of Gaza - which includes shipping its residents across the world - in a letter he addressed to the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

The Gaza war, now in its fourth week, has left more than 1,800 Palestinians dead. 
Feiglin details how he wants the Israeli PM 'to turn Gaza into Jaffa, a flourishing Israeli city with a minimum number of hostile civilians.' 

In 1948 Jaffa was a Palestinian town but there was an exodus of most of its Arab population when it fell to the fledgling Israeli army and right-wing Jewish militias. 

In the letter he expresses his desire for the IDF to find areas on the Sinai border to establish 'tent encampments...until relevant emigration destinations are determined.'
He says that the supply of electricity and water to the Gaza would be disconnected before being 'shelled with maximum fire power.'

Feiglin states: 'The strategic enemy is extremist Arab Islam in all its varieties, from Iran to Gaza, which seeks to annihilate Israel in its entirety. The immediate enemy is Hamas. (Not the tunnels, not the rockets, but Hamas.)'

Feiglin explains how the IDF would then 'exterminate nests of resistance, in the event that any should remain.’

 Establish 'tent encampments...until relevant emigration destinations are determined’

Part of his plan includes shipping the people living in Gaza across the world. 
He says to encourage the movement those who willingly agree to emigrate will be given 'a generous economic support package.'

But those who resist leaving their home will be required to publicly sign a declaration of loyalty to Israel, and receive a blue ID card similar to that of the Arabs of East Jerusalem.

Then Israeli law will be extended to cover the entire Gaza Strip and 'the city of Gaza and its suburbs will be rebuilt as true Israeli touristic and commercial cities.' 
A second Gaza ceasefire collapsed in just six minutes this morning after an Israeli F16 jet destroyed a house in a beach-side refugee camp, killing an eight-year-old girl and wounding dozens.

Israel announced the temporary ceasefire to facilitate the entry of humanitarian aid and allow some of the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians displaced by an almost four-week-old war to go home.

Hamas said it would not be observing the truce, and warned people to exercise extreme caution when venturing out onto the streets after earlier temporary ceasefire arrangements collapsed into a frenzy of bloodshed.

Feiglin’s Facebook page is verifiable as it is linked from his official page on the Knesset website. 


  1. Max Blumenthal is looking to be correct in his discussions about the mainstream bigotry in Israel. The Israeli racists and bigots crawl out of the closet.

  2. We have no business supporting these people.

  3. Uzi Kattan · Top Commenter · University of Cincinnati
    unethical and insane. None of the Arabs in Gaza are worth the life of one our our priceless soldiers. Are you listening Netanyahu? How about the other leftists, do you care about our soldiers??
    Reply · · 1 · July 25 at 4:02pm

    ChanahandYosef Leavitt
    I totally agree!
    Same goes for the USA.
    Reply · · 1 · July 28 at 12:00am

    Steven Latourette · Ava, Missouri
    Obama is a Sunni and wants to destroy Israel the same way he is destroying America.
    Reply · · July 29 at 4:26pm

    Esteban Sperber Frankel · Top Commenter · FundaciĆ³n Colegio Americano de Quito
    No ceasefire, IDF finish your job, this is Gazean decision to vote in favor to this Hamas leaders, the same that they did the germans with Hitler, thy got what they deserved.

  4. Ayala Jody Zonnenschein says:
    July 24, 2014 at 9:14 PM
    Bravo!! I couldn’t agree more. I just had a conversation with someone just 10 minutes ago and expressed the same sentiment.

    Susan Reyes says:
    July 24, 2014 at 9:32 PM
    i agree

    Rick Murray says:
    July 24, 2014 at 9:35 PM
    Moshe is the man of truth

    Ronald Raff says:
    July 24, 2014 at 9:36 PM
    There is guilt by association so how can you feel sorry for those Palestinian casualties they are who they voted for

    Norma Biblow says:
    July 24, 2014 at 9:41 PM
    I agree 100 % now what?

    Harvey Herman says:
    July 24, 2014 at 9:41 PM
    It is similar to the Germans voting in the Nazis and thus Hitler and his henchmen. Did we spare the citizens when we bombed Germany? Of course not- and of course, the citizens all said, when shown the death camps forcibly, that they had no knowledge of them or the Holocaust. They were all full of it- remember Kristalnacht, the Nuremburg agains the Jews, beating Jews up,with glee. Same for the Gazans-they voted in these scumbags, well, too fuc- ing bad what happens.

    Myra Sue Kulbersh Ribak says:
    July 24, 2014 at 9:50 PM
    Yes it is the sad truth.

    Myra Sue Kulbersh Ribak says:
    July 24, 2014 at 9:51 PM
    Anpmen , brother.

  5. Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Knesset Moshe Feiglin’s comments come after one of his far-right Knesset colleagues Ayelet Shaked previously called for the mothers of Hamas members to be targeted.

    World Bulletin / News Desk

    Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Knesset and member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud Party, Moshe Feiglin, has called for the use of concentration camps for the “conquest of the entire Gaza Strip, and annihilation of all fighting forces and their supporters.”
    Sharing a plan for the destruction of Gaza in a letter addressed to Netanyahu on his Facebook page on August 1, Feiglin wrote “What is required now is that we internalize the fact that Oslo is finished, that this is our country – our country exclusively, including Gaza.”

    Feiglin’s comments come after one of his far-right Knesset colleagues Ayelet Shaked previously called for the mothers of Hamas members to be targeted.

    In his letter, Feiglin urged Netanyahu to “turn Gaza into Jaffa, a flourishing Israeli city with a minimum number of hostile civilians,” in reference to a Palestinian coastal city that was ethnically cleansed by in 1948 and incorporated into present-day Israel.

    He called for tent encampments where the Palestinian civilian population would be “concentrated” to be established along the Sinai border until relevant emigration destinations are determined, adding that the supply of electricity and water to the formerly populated areas will be disconnected while they are “shelled with maximum fire power” in order to destroy the civilian and military infrastructure of Hamas as well as its means of communication and of logistics.

    “Those who insist on staying, if they can be proven to have no affiliation with Hamas, will be required to publicly sign a declaration of loyalty to Israel, and receive a blue ID card similar to that of the Arabs of East Jerusalem,” he said.

    Feiglin, who in January blasted Netanyahu for allowing his son to date a non-Jew, or a ‘Gentile’, also caused uproar among Palestinians when he participated in a raid on the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Islam’s third holiest site, in East Jerusalem in March.

    The death toll since Israel began pounding the Gaza Strip on July 7 has reached 1821, including at least 401 children, 238 women and 74 elders, the Palestinian Health Ministry said.

    At least 64 Israeli soldiers have also been killed in battles with Palestinian fighters and three civilians in rocket attacks.

  6. The Israeli regime plans to eliminate all Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip and turn the enclave into a new Israeli city, a political analyst tells Press TV.

    In an interview with Press TV on Tuesday, Ralph Schoenman said that there is no end in sight for Israel’s military operations in Gaza as a new plan by Israeli Knesset’s deputy speaker Moshe Feiglin reveals that Tel Aviv is seeking the total destruction of Gaza.

    The analyst also said that Israel now wants to “internalize” the fact that “this is our country exclusively including Gaza.”

    Schoenman said Feiglin’s plan also included the total annihilation of Palestinian resistance fighters and supporters of Hamas movement so that Israel can “turn Gaza into Jaffa, an Israeli city, with a minimal number of hostile civilians.”

    Feiglin has written about his plans in a letter addressed to Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu, in which he said he wanted the measures to be enforced as soon as possible.

    In the letter, Feiglin said he wanted Israeli military forces to find areas on the Sinai border to set up “tent encampments… until relevant emigration destinations are determined.” Furthermore, he wants Gaza’s electricity and water supplies to be disconnected before shelling the besieged area “with maximum fire power.”

    Schoenman described the plans as “an open document by the deputy speaker of the Knesset to the prime minister of Israel declaring that they intend to set up concentration camps and a plan of effective genocide against the population.”
    He further said the plan is “systematic and serious” and expressed regret that it has received no condemnation.

    So far more than 1,880 Palestinians, including 430 children, have been killed and over 9,600 others wounded in Israeli military's aggression since July 8. Tel Aviv says 64 Israeli soldiers have been killed in the war, while Hamas puts the numbe

  7. This man's solution is much less extreme than that of Hamas and its supporters. The Hamas solution is the extermination of Jews not only in Israel but world wide. No relocating Jews to other countries for Hamas. No Siree.

    No one has any business carrying water for Hamas.

    In addition to wanting to exterminate all Jews anywhere - in their Charter, quoting the Koran - they practice the most extreme form of child abuse on the planet, which might be termed a kind of homicide child abuse via human shield or some such.

    This guy may go too far but is an Ashlikins Liberal by comparison with Hamas.

  8. Harvest is in full swing now in Northern Idaho.

    I never get over how quickly the new monster combines eat up the fields.

    It really is amazing.

  9. July 30, 2014, 12:00 pm

    Feiglin, Netanyahu and Israel’s revolutionary moment

    By Bernie Quigley

    "In Israel, there was investment and building but no revolution," I wrote here in 2010 in an essay titled "Israel before the revolution." "There was no Nelson at Trafalgar to mark a day. No Washington at Yorktown, no Crockett at the Alamo. No David. But I have felt for a long time that it is just ahead for Israel and its definitive moment will come in the next 20 years, and possibly very soon."

    That moment is now. For Israel, this is the moment of awakening.

    ”This year, with God’s help," Moshe Feiglin, a native-born Israeli leader, wrote in 2010, "there will be more Jews in Israel than anywhere else in the world. This is a sea change in the state of the Jewish nation and the first time since the First Temple era that the majority of Jews has resided in Israel. This summer we start the countdown to the end of the exile.”

    To understand what is happening in Israel today, it may be instructive to review the rise in influence of Knesset member Moshe Feiglin. He may be considered "the key" — the native folk figure who speaks to and inspires the Jewish heart, the folkloric warrior who calls Israel to its destiny. The Feiglin spirit subliminally inspires much of Israel today and appears to have inspired the passions of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

    "But I do not believe Netanyahu will ever be anything other than ambivalent," New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman wrote as recently as April 15, 2014.

    Hard to imagine he is talking about the same man.

    Feiglin has used the phrase "exile mentality," which draws a distinction between Jews living in Israel and those living elsewhere. It could very well have been that those of the previous several generations had not made the distinction and perhaps until now there was no distinction. But that is the important distinction today and it advances with the current actions in Gaza. Israel has found its center and it is the Temple Mount. Feiglin has led the way.

    "We're not dealing anymore with your grandfather's Israel, and they're not dealing anymore with your grandmother's America either," Friedman continued.



    1. {...}

      It can be observed that the spirit that is Feiglin rises today throughout Israel, but given Friedman’s comment and observation, it is interesting that it appears to rise in Netanyahu as well. The Gaza action is the definitive act in the life of Benjamin Netanyahu. It is his defining moment as he asks himself, is he first an Israeli Jew, or a Jewish American from Philadelphia, and rises to a definitive "yes" to the first. The answer is liberating and for that he is now willing to sacrifice his life.

      And here, American Jews, like lifelong friends my own age, will be asking themselves instead "Am I still a Jew?" And for these hyphenated Americans, the answer will be increasingly "no." They do not support the actions in Gaza, like Friedman; they do not understand the generations rising in Israel; they just don't get Temple Mount and the orthodoxy spreading even to Tel Aviv. "Who is a Jew?" asks Alana Newhouse, expressing these anxieties in a Times op-ed titled "The Diaspora Need Not Apply."

      Israel today demands dominion and will take it, with existential disregard for Britain, America, nihilist Europe, the antiquated UN or the decadent and anti-Semitic scholasticism of American and world universities. This is the first day in a “rite of entry” to a world awakening; a world begun by Jews and a world awakened by Jews once again.

      Quigley is a prize-winning writer who has worked more than 35 years as a book and magazine editor, political commentator and reviewer. For 20 years he has been an amateur farmer, raising Tunis sheep and organic vegetables. He lives in New Hampshire with his wife and four children. Contact him at quigley1985@gmail.com.

      Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/international/213793-feiglin-netanyahu-and-israels-revolutionary-moment#ixzz39ZOHMudn
      Follow us: @thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

  10. Palestinian political leaders are poised to join the International Criminal Court (ICC) with the aim of putting Israel in the dock on war crimes charges, officials said today.

    "Israel has left us with no other option," Riad Malki, the Palestinian foreign minister, told reporters after meeting ICC officials in The Hague to discuss the implications of signing the Rome Statute. It would make the Palestinian state a member of the court with the authority to call for an investigation into possible war crimes and crimes against humanity.

    The Palestinian Authority has asked Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) to sign the accession document before it is formally presented, and officials say they now expect both organisations to agree.

    The development came as Palestinian negotiators were due to meet the head of Egyptian military intelligence in Cairo to discuss a permanent ceasefire with Israel, after all sides observed a 72-hour truce that came in to force at 8am local time (0600 BST) on Tuesday.

    Hamas launched a salvo of rockets minutes before the truce began, calling it revenge for Israel's "massacres". Israel's anti-missile system shot down one rocket over Jerusalem, police said. Another hit a house in a town near Bethlehem in the West Bank. There were no casualties.

    Israeli armour and infantry left Gaza ahead of the truce, and a military spokesman said their main goal of destroying cross-border tunnels had been completed. "Mission accomplished," the military tweeted.

  11. Sayeeda Warsi, the senior Foreign Office minister, has resigned from the government in protest at its policy on Gaza, describing it as “morally indefensible”.

    Lady Warsi announced her departure on Twitter on Tuesday, saying: “With deep regret I have this morning written to the Prime Minister & tendered my resignation. I can no longer support Govt policy on #Gaza.”

    In her resignation letter, Warsi said the government’s “approach and language during the current crisis in Gaza is morally indefensible, is not in Britain’s national interest and will have a long term detrimental impact on our reputation internationally and domestically”.

    She said the UK’s stance was “not consistent with the rule of law and our long support for international justice”, adding: “The British government can only play a constructive role in solving the Middle East crisis if it is an honest broker and at the moment I do not think it is.”

    1. Lady Sayeeda returns to the root.

      The Lady is no Lady.

    2. I would remind the good Lady the EU has designated Hamas a terrorist organization.


  12. Judgements about trustworthiness are made in the first second of meeting

    People only need to meet someone for less than a second before they decide how trustworthy they are, New York university research finds

    By Agencies

    10:01PM BST 05 Aug 2014

    It is common to hear the advice urging us not to rush to judge others.

    However, it seems that we actually decide whether to trust someone else within a fraction of a second of meeting them, according to new research.

    Psychologists have discovered that our brains automatically process a person's facial features with the first glance we have of them, helping us to form snap judgements about them before consciously perceiving their appearance.

    The findings, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, tested people's reactions to faces that flashed up in front of them for a fraction of a second.

    Assistant professor Jonathan Freeman, of New York University, said: "Our findings suggest that the brain automatically responds to a face's trustworthiness before it is even consciously perceived.

    Men with wider faces 'less trustworthy'
    11 Mar 2010

    "The results are consistent with an extensive body of research suggesting that we form spontaneous judgments of other people that can be largely outside awareness."

    Subjects were tested using a 'backward masking' technique which involves showing them an irrelevant 'mask' before revealing the face for a few milliseconds.

    The process was believed to terminate the brain's ability to see the face and prevent it from reaching awareness in the subject.

    As the faces were revealed, researchers analysed the activity of the brain's amygdala, a structure that is important for humans' social and emotional behaviour.

    Previous studies have shown the structure to be active in judging the trustworthiness of faces.

    Despite the subconsciousness of the subjects in processing the faces, their brains displayed similar levels of activity in the amygdala as those who were shown the images for longer periods of time.

    The images included actual photographs as well as computer generated faces that emphasised features previously shown to be trustworthy, such as higher inner eyebrows and pronounced cheekbones, and untrustworthy, such as lower inner eyebrows and shallower cheekbones.

    Researchers found the amygdala exhibited activity tracking how untrustworthy a face appeared, as well as the strength of that feeling, in both experiments where the subjects viewed the images consciously and subconsciously.

    Doctor Freeman said: "These findings provide evidence that the amygdala's processing of social cues in the absence of awareness may be more extensive than previously understood.

    "The amygdala is able to assess how trustworthy another person's face appears without it being consciously perceived."


    1. Quart, who has always had difficulties in this regard, possessing a face as broad as an elephant and as ugly as Arafat, was forced to develop an antidote of a sorts, involving a kind of spray on illuminant that gave his face the glow of some old Saint in Renaissance Art.

      "Bobbo", Quart said to me one day, "you don't need this stuff, but it has worked wonders for me."
