Saturday, July 05, 2014

The ruins of American foreign policy are not likely to catch the attention of a culture drunk on the entertainment of the trivial, the trifling and the unimportant. But everybody begins to notice when the chaos comes close, when those responsible for monitoring the border begin to tremble and sag under the weight of a tsunami of illegal immigration. The scary implications for the future of the exceptional nation begins to weigh on Congress.

et tu David Gregory?

PRUDEN: An immigrant surge en route to a Third World USA
This is the ‘fundamental transformation’ Obama promised

Thursday, July 3, 2014
Maybe we’ve been conned. There’s a growing recognition that Barack Obama is an incompetent poser, working out of his depth, and his administration is the gang that can’t shoot straight. There’s a lot of evidence to support that belief.
Everything he touches becomes a bloody mess, like crushed bones and bits of flesh caught in the tracks of a tank slicing through a rank of soldiers (or civilians). Iraq, Syria, Egypt — all gone, as prospects for countries with a prosperous and democratic future. The “reset” with Russia, meant to ensure that America and the replacement republic of the old Soviet Union can be friends, is a reset, sure enough. The new Russia looks more like a reset to the Cold War, more adversary than friend, transformed by a feckless American president and an ambitious Russian leader eager to take advantage of weak and incompetent American leadership.

The “humanitarian crisis” on the southern border is the most persuasive evidence of all that America is adrift in a sea of incompetence, blown about by every ill wind that blows. The mighty ship of state is bereft of a rudder, traveling in endless circles with the captain stumbling on the bridge, trying to make sense of navigation charts he can’t read.
However, this may be ascribing to incompetence what is better explained by conspiracy. Mr. Obama promised in 2008 that he intended to transform America, and he is well on his way. Anyone who looked closely at the man and the influences that shaped who he would become risked being called a racist, a nativist, a bigot and a redneck yahoo. He was the messiah everyone was waiting for.
The ruins of American foreign policy are not likely to catch the attention of a culture drunk on the entertainment of the trivial, the trifling and the unimportant. But everybody begins to notice when the chaos comes close, when those responsible for monitoring the border begin to tremble and sag under the weight of a tsunami of illegal immigration. The scary implications for the future of the exceptional nation begins to weigh on Congress.
This week, a Texas congressman who does not have the luxury of looking the other way because he sees trouble in every direction he looks, said what the nice people think must never be said. The tsunami will change everything.
“Either we’re going to enforce our laws and remain strong, economically or otherwise, or we ignore the rule of law and go to being a Third World country,” Rep. Louie Gohmert, a Republican, told Fox News. “You’ve got to follow the law. You cannot bring hundreds of thousands of people in this country without destroying the country. Then there’s no place that people can dream about coming.”
No one knows this better than Barack Obama. Making the United States over into a Third World country is exactly what this president is about. He is of the Third World. He spent his formative years in the Third World, and when his mother, obsessed with the Third World, brought him back to America, he sought out the company of those who dreamed of making America over into the world’s largest welfare state, a France writ large, with Velveeta instead of Camembert. He and his Chicago cohort of potheads, “community organizers” and dreamers of fuzzy dreams entertained themselves with fantasies of how they would one day transform the land of the free and the home of the brave into a nation worthy of taking its rightful place among the nations of the Third World.

Mr. Obama sounds like that captain who can’t make sense of the navigation charts, but it may be an act. He understands navigation very well. He talks of deporting the illegal children, of appointing hundreds of immigration judges and opening a vast new network of “detention facilities.” That may be his promised jobs program.
But he has no intention of deporting more than a few token illegals, probably the gangbangers who came in with the rest. He can’t do more than that. He knows the American people, with more mercy and compassion in their hearts than he has, would not stand for dumping children on a barren and hostile landscape, to be carrion for the coyotes. There’s got to be a better way.
Of course, once the transformation of America is complete, and there’s not much difference between Indiana and El Salvador, or between San Francisco and Honduras, the invasions will cease. America will no longer be the stuff of the dreams of “the huddled masses, yearning to be free.” Nobody will want to come here, because it will be no better than the miserable places they would leave behind. We have seen the Obama future, and it doesn’t work.
Wesley Pruden is editor emeritus of The Washington Times.


  1. ...Making the United States over into a Third World country is exactly what this president is about. He is of the Third World. He spent his formative years in the Third World, and when his mother, obsessed with the Third World, brought him back to America, he sought out the company of those who dreamed of making America over into the world’s largest welfare state, a France writ large, with Velveeta instead of Camembert. He and his Chicago cohort of potheads, “community organizers” and dreamers of fuzzy dreams entertained themselves with fantasies of how they would one day transform the land of the free and the home of the brave into a nation worthy of taking its rightful place among the nations of the Third World....

  2. The Bard of MurdockSat Jul 05, 05:37:00 AM EDT

    The entire world has taken the measure of the man and is not impressed. Unlike Kennedy and Clinton who learned from their mistakes, Obama just gets smaller, more petulant, and extremely defensive.

    He's not handling failure very well.

  3. Uh, lessee, he inherits a Dow of 6,600, thereabouts, and, in 5 1/2 years pushes it up to 17,000.

    What's that? A 170% Increase?

    That's one hell of a 3rd World Communist ya got there, brutha.

    1. Nothing like printing cash to prop up the stock market, destroy returns on millions of retires bonds and CDs.

      Fake money.

      Enjoy your 3.85 a gallon, 2x water & electric rates and 800 dollar tires that used to be $225.

      The Dow represents what 30 companies?

      It's a banana republic, it has a 18 trillion dollar debt and 110 trillion in unfunded pension liabilities.

      Oh and don't forget how Car dealers and other who own GM had their investment stolen by Obama.

  4. Meantime, he cuts his Inherited $1,400 Billion Deficit by Two Thirds, and helps 20 Million obtain Healthcare.

    Abject Failure, for sure.

    1. Remember how insurance for those that actually pay for it tripled.

      All hail looters...

    2. You're full of shit as a Christmas turkey.

      What would some asshole in a boiler room in Israel ( a country with a much more socialized healthcare system than ours, btw ) know about health insurance costs in the U.S.?

      Only those with the shittiest, most non-paying health insurance policies imaginable have seen any sort of rate increase.

    3. A. I am I ohio

      B. anthem blue cross silver. $1555 a month for family of 4, healthy, non smokers

      Was raised to $2600 a month in January changed to 5 k deduct. Dropped dental and got $1555

      Go duck yourself

    4. You're a lying fucking sissy. I ran the Ohio numbers, and there ain't no way.

      Kaiser Calculator

    5. AInt lying drunk boy... I pay it every month...

      Sorry you are too stupid to understand reality

  5. The country has gotten so bad that mothers are dragging their infants, and young children across 2,000 miles of unfriendly territory, and deadly deserts to have a chance for their kids to have a chance, here. It's a living hell, I tells ya.

    1. Meanwhile,this failure of a President has ended a multi-Trillion Dollar War for Exxon, Increased our Own Oil Production by 50%, and our Solar energy production by somewhere on the order of 1,500%.

    2. Bin Laden is dead, and the American Automobile Industry is pumping out cars to the tune of 16.9 Million / yr. as of last month.

      He scared Syria into getting rid of all of its Chemical Weapons, and has Iran on the verge of giving up its Nuclear Weapons Program.

      A Disaster.

    3. Rufus is saying the United States is still better than Guatemala. So all you haters quit hatin'.

    4. Iran is advised to keep their nukes when a hunnert thousand Shi'ite troops next door doff their uniforms and flee before 7,000 ISIS brigands in Toyota trucks.

  6. Now, you, and Louis Gohmmert's mileage may vayr, but when I see a mob of Cliven Bundy Republicans yelling at a busload of

    young mothers, and their babies, I know who I'm inclined to root for.

  7. According to Israeli central bank, the total public debt as a percentage of GDP of Israel, as of 2009 was 76.7%. Many economists are used to quote the magic number of 40% to be the target rate of public debt. This is mainly because the US public debt had such a rate for many years. Alas the recent recession dealt new cards to many OECD countries, not only US, resulting in a higher public debt: the US public debt in 2010 was 62% of its GDP, Italy 115%, Japan 189%, Germany 72%, France 77% and UK 68%.

    1. Obviously the number doesn't mean anything if Japan can rack up 189% without undue complications.

    2. As I've said before, ALL economic theories run up onto the rocks when they get to Japan.

    3. Basically, economic theories assume a populace acting in their rational "self-interest."

      The Japanese tend to act in a more "collectivist" manner.

      Throws a spanner in all the economic theories.

    4. .

      You complain of Doug using old data all the time Rufus.

      The Federal Reserve must calculate public debt as a percentage of GDP different than you do. They show the US percentage in 1st Qtr, 2010 as 87.1% and the 1st Qtr, 2014 at 103.4% a jump of 16.3%.

      This equates to a rise in of around 19% or almost a fifth in just four years.


    5. .

      This equates to a rise in US public debt as a percentage of GDP of around 19% or almost a fifth in just four years.


    6. What, Now YOU can't make clickable links?

      I was using 'apples to apples' data, Quirk.

      I just looked for an instance where someone was comparing Israel to the "banana republic" that is the U.S.

      I will tell you this, without going any further, that the Federal Reserve puts out 3 Sets of Numbers.

      They contain different things - for instance, one date set adds in the Federal Reserve QE Bonds. Another data set doesn't use those, but does include the Social Security/Medicare Trust Fund bonds.

      The only one that is actually "Legal" debt, ie. actual government bonds, is the 3rd series.

    7. .

      Go spread your bullshit somewhere else Rufus.

      All you have to do is go to Google and type public debt as a percentage of GDP to get your number.

      As for your excuse for using old data, tell it to Doug.


    8. .

      As for the US having 'three numbers', which one did the fucking Israeli Business Review use. Apples to Apples my ass.


    9. How's about, you spread YOUR bullshit somewhere else.

      A quick glance at Wikipedia gives you this:

      On June 30, 2014, debt held by the public was approximately $12.6 trillion or about 74% of Q1 2014 GDP[5][6] Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.1 trillion (30%), giving a combined total public debt of $17.6 trillion or about 104% of Q1 2014 GDP.[7] As of January 2013, $5 trillion or approximately 47% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were the People's Republic of China and Japan at just over $1.1 trillion each.[8]

      National Debt of the United States - Wikipedia

      blow me

    10. I have a Wikipedia account, I can make it say debt is 414% of GDP, or even "Rufus is a ca ca doo doo head".

    11. Yeah, it might be pretty close on that second one.

    12. .

      A quick glance at Wikipedia gives you this:

      A Quick look at the Federal Reserve gives you this

      The chart is interactive and maybe even simple enough for you. As for the links, why don't you get off of Internet Explorer and move on to something like Mozilla which allows you to pull up the URL with a simple right click?

      As for blowing you, I would suggest if you ever expect anyone to even think about taking you up on your offer you mention 'magnifying glass included' you shriveled up old loon.


    13. Thanks for the clickable link; I knew you could do it.

      NOW, if you go to the CORRECT Fed page, you get this

      Federal Debt Held by the Public 74% of GDP

    14. As for the other, I didn't realize that you were a connoisseur of dicks (I guess, come to think of it, I should've,) so

      Rimshot me,

      I know my Ass is big enough to satisfy your high standards.

    15. .

      While I'm sure you have had a number of rimshot in your time and might like another, you will remember that I put up a picture of your red ass the other day. No thanks. It appears the same color as your neck.

      Look at the title on the Federal Reserve chart I put up. It reads the same as your initial quote. It appears the one I put up includes the Federal Trust Funds. As we have pointed out to you before, these are not legally US debts. However, without them you would shut down Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, etc.

      Think of the children.


    16. No, you wouldn't. Social Security, and Medicare have Contributed more than they have spent (otherwise, there would be no "trust fund.")

      And, YOU have pointed that out to ME??? Jeebus, have you visited a neurologist, recently?

    17. And, the CBO has repeatedly told us that Obamacare detracts from the deficit; it does Not add to the deficit.

    18. .

      No, you wouldn't. Social Security, and Medicare have Contributed more than they have spent (otherwise, there would be no "trust fund.")

      I should of said the 'cost' of the federal trust funds since in fact the trust fund itself doesn't exist except on paper. The money that was taken in for the trust funds has all been spent over the years or is being spent as we speak. Just as any money coming in from SS, Medicare, etc. goes into the general fund just as all obligations for these programs comes out of the general fund. There is no lock box. Not legally anyway, merely politically (perhaps).

      Today’s Federal Debt is about $17,801,639,952,000.

      The amount is the gross federal debt issued by the United States Department of the Treasury since 1790. It doesn’t include state and local debt, and it doesn’t include the so-called unfunded liabilities of entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare.

      Federal Debt per person is about $54,556.

      Projected and Recent US Federal Debt Numbers

      First Column: Gross Federal Debt
      Second Column: Debt Held by Public (not FRS)
      Third Column: Debt Held by Government Accounts
      Fourth Column: Debt Held by Federal Reserve

      FY 2015* $18.7 trillion $11.5 trillion $5.1 trillion $2.1 trillion
      FY 2014* $17.9 trillion $10.8 trillion $5.0 trillion $2.1 trillion
      FY 2013 $16.7 trillion $9.9 trillion $4.7 trillion $2.1 trillion
      FY 2012 $16.1 trillion $9.6 trillion $4.8 trillion $1.6 trillion
      FY 2011 $14.8 trillion $8.5 trillion $4.6 trillion $1.7 trillion
      FY 2010 $13.5 trillion $8.2 trillion $4.5 trillion $0.8 trillion
      FY 2009 $11.9 trillion $6.8 trillion $4.3 trillion $0.8 trillion

      “Gross Federal Debt” is the total debt owed by the United States federal government. It comprises “Debt Held by Public” including foreign governments (but excluding debt held by the Federal Reserve System), debt held by federal government accounts such as IOUs owed to the Social Security trust fund, and “Debt held by Federal Reserve,” debt bought by the Federal Reserve System and considered part of the monetary base.

      And, YOU have pointed that out to ME?

      Of course we did. We had to point out to you that SS payments weren't a legal obligation of the US but rather a political one. Rat even cited the court ruling stating such.


    19. No, no, no, no, no. I have stated from day one that social security, medicare, etc. can be changed by the government at Any time, and thus, cannot be considered "Legal" Debts. A Legal Debt can only be changed when ALL parties to the debt agree.

      The Bonds to the Public are legal Debts. The Social Security debts would be considered, if anything, "statutory" (or, more accurately, perhaps, "good intentions."

    20. .


      Now you are either lying or losing it old timer.


    21. Well, I'll tell you what; I don't have to prove a negative. You have to prove a positive.

      You find ANYWHERE where I said Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid/etc. were legal debts, and you can have my body, my fortune, and my Magic Cliven Bundy Decoder Ring, big boy.

    22. Btw, that BLS website is back up.

    23. .

      You find ANYWHERE where I said Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid/etc. were legal debts, and you can have my body, my fortune, and my Magic Cliven Bundy Decoder Ring, big boy.

      You will have to come up with something worth at least a plug nickel for me to go digging through the archives. I recall the conversation. That's all I am concerned about.


  8. Jihadists who overran Mosul last month have demolished ancient shrines and mosques in and around the historic northern Iraqi city, residents and social media posts said Saturday. At least four shrines to Sunni Arab or Sufi figures have been demolished, while six Shiite mosques, or husseiniyahs, have also been destroyed, across militant-held parts of northern Nineveh province, of which Mosul is the capital.

    Muslim on Muslim controlled demolitions. The Kaaba is next. Can't pop enough corn.

    1. Ain't enough corn in the whole world to get us through this show.

  9. Was raised to $2600 a month in January changed to 5 k deduct. Dropped dental and got $1555

    $350 a month here, health co-op (doctor and patients own it) two folks, fiftish, no smoking, spouse's corporation chips in the other half. And Obama is cool with it, we haven't lost our coverage yet.

    1. You, also, now have free tests: mammograms, colonoscopies, etc. and you insurance company can't raise your rates, or drop you because you've had cancer. Terrible deal, for sure.

    2. Nothing is FREE....

      I pay for it.

      And I pay (via my taxes and premiums) for all US government employees, and the looters

  10. A Palestinian teenager killed in Jerusalem was burned alive, the Palestinian attorney-general is quoted as saying, as riots continue.

    Sounds about as believable as the Porky 'n' Allen show.

    1. Israelis - they wear Brown ShirtsSat Jul 05, 10:56:00 AM EDT

      From FAUX News
      Autopsy shows Palestinian teen was burned to death as violence spreads

      Burning the boy to death was also reported in the JPost.
      90 percent of his body was covered by burns, according to the Jerusalem Post.

      Israel holds US boy without charge after police nearly beat him to death

      Fifteen-year-old Palestinian-American Tariq Abukhdeir, cousin of recent lynching victim Muhammed Abu Khudair, was brutally beaten by masked Israeli police on Thursday evening in the Shuafat neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem. He has since been arrested and held without charge and denied medical treatment, according to his family and the rights group Addameer.

      Tariq’s family lives in Tampa, Florida and have been on vacation in Palestine since early June. They are scheduled to return to the United States on 16 July. Tariq’s next court hearing is scheduled for Sunday, 6 July.

      As photos of Tariq’s horrific facial bruises surfaced, so did two videos that show masked Israeli officers punching, kicking and dragging a handcuffed Palestinian in Shuafat:

  11. In Europe the US supported government in Ukraine is reclaiming the territory claimed by Russian separatists.

    On the ground, in Europe, the US backed forces of freedom are on the march. Putin's position is in retrograde.

    Pro-Russian Fighters Routed From Stronghold, Ukraine Says
    New York Times - ‎43 minutes ago‎

    KIEV, Ukraine - The Ukrainian government said Saturday that it had routed pro-Russian fighters from Slovyansk, a long-blockaded rebel stronghold where some of the fiercest fighting has occurred during the more than three-month separatist insurrection.

    In Egypt graduate of the US Army War College is solidly in control of the country.

    Egyptian court sentences Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie, 36 other ...
    The Australian - ‎16 minutes ago‎

    AN Egyptian court sentenced Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie and 36 other Islamists to life in prison today, and confirmed death sentences for 10 others, ....

    In New York ...
    S&P ends at record as jobs jump
    Jamestown Sun - ‎2 hours ago‎

    NEW YORK - Wall Street's holiday-shortened session ended with multiple records on Thursday, with the Dow topping 17,000 for the first time after the June jobs report came in much stronger than expected.

    US economy adds 288000 jobs in June, surpassing expectations
    Norwalk Reflector - ‎19 hours ago‎

    It marked fifth consecutive month of payroll gains in excess of 200,000 - a hiring spree not seen since the 1990s tech boom. .

    In Iraq the "Purple Revolution" continues.
    Democracy, with all of its mess, has taken hold.
    Regions of the country are emulating the history of the United States, having the audacity to declare their independence from the "Central Government". Shock of shocks, the incumbent is not stepping down in the midst of a war, just like FDR.

    The US set a policy in place, in Iraq, and now in the face of its success, some find fault with the policy.
    The US has not supported the government of Iraq, the US failed to fulfill the contracts it signed, to supply aircraft to the Iraqi military, depriving it of Close Air Support capabilities. The US rejected request from the Iraqi government to provide that Close Air Support, directly. That could be considered a "Failure" by the US government, but ...

    Majority of Americans Opposed to US Intervention in Iraq:
    Latin Post-Jun 20, 2014
    Iraq might be on the brink of civil war, but a new poll reveals that ... only 20 percent said they support U.S. involvement.

  12. Thank God its Friday!! But not for me.. today is long night of science here. Here is the link of it.

    I have been busy for days now to prepare for it. So, today everyone will be allowed in our Labs and Clinics to see what we do.


    Vhwat meinen das niece in Der Deutchland do.

  13. As far as I can see, it looks like most of the posters, here, are upset at Obama for GWDABTB.

    1. Governing







    2. You're famous for being unsighted, Rufus.

      And uncited, to boot.

      And if you were homeless you'd be unsited.

    3. His hair is turning white, right down to its roots.

    4. Thankfully you have a home, so you can offer it to 30 or 40 Guatemalans.

    5. Would that Obama would govern more than his putting iron.

    6. I support promoting economic growth in Guatemala, not attempting to isolate the country, which has been the US policy.
      Guatemala Suffered for U.S. Foreign Policy

      The long history of US policies in Central America is coming home to roost.
      What your government does abroad today, it does at home tomorrow.

      What your government did abroad yesterday, it does at home today.

    7. .

      When a lib gets defensive the first card played is the race card.


    8. I'll play the card that takes the pot.

      I'm not defensive at all. My arguments hold water; you're the one that's been running around all morning like a chicken with its head cut off.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. .

      I am not defensive at all

      Perhaps I am wrong and it is not defensive because you are a lib. Perhaps, it is because you live in Mississippi, have admitted you are driven by racist impulses, and just assume everyone else is too.

      You take a couple things you like about Obama and ignore the totality of his presidency.

      You talk about his foreign policy which has been relatively good. However, we are still in Afghanistan six years after he promised to get us out. Our guys are still dying there. He got us into Libya to what seems to be our detriment. He got us out of Iraq by following to the letter the agreement signed by Bush in 2008. Many of the ‘successes’ he has had come through serendipity. He might have been pushed into intervention in Syria had not Putin come to his rescue with the deal on chem weapons. Now he talks about supplying more arms to feed the fire. I will give him kudos for avoiding any major confrontations and avoiding confrontation with Iran.

      That being said, it is hard to think of many other positives that have come out of this presidency.

      The national debt has increased by 70% during his presidency. Talk of record highs in the DOW means little to most people in the US, 50% aren’t in the market and another 30% are only in it minimally. The credit for (or blame in my opinion) rests with the FED which continues to offer the markets money for nothing. While you applaud the big dogs getting richer, those looking for more conservative investments, the elderly and those whose savings were gutted by the financial crisis are stuck scrambling to find something that offers a 1% return. The economy continues to limp along. Measures of unemployment and U6 remain high.

      In his arrogance he, like Nixon, considers himself to be above the law. He continues to disrespect the laws he has sworn to uphold.

      In Libya, he continued on for months beyond the statutory date required to get the approval of Congress. Just within the past few months we have seen his arrogant overreach on numerous issues shot down by SCOTUS.

      He promised us transparency and has given us none.

      Name me one department in the Obama Administration that hasn’t seen some sort of scandal, IRS, State, Homeland Security, DOJ, Secret Service, and on and on. And how does he learn about the scandals? He says he read about it in the newspapers. He offers us no accountability. How many people involved in these scandals has been fired?

      Koch Brothers? Obama has received more money from the big shooters on Wall Street than any president in the last 20 years. I remember with the budget deal reached at the end of 2012, he insisted Congress keep in the deductions meant for big business even though the initial draft had pulled them. Like all presidents he is a creature of big business.

      Gitmo? Still open. Still abusing prisoners.

      Bush’s WOT. Still going strong, as a matter of fact, under the new Patriot Act Obama signed it is going even stronger than ever. No point going into detail on the abuses by the NSA and CIA.

      Obama supported warrantless wiretaps, indefinite detention of US citizens without filing charges, and hit jobs on US citizens with no indictment, warrant, trial, or even some form of court review.

      However, in Rufus-World none of this matters. In Rufus-World, if a person dislikes Obama’s policies he must be racist.

      The Song of the South (or of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid).


    11. 20 January 2017, are you counting down the days, yet?

    12. .

      You sound like, Rufus, rat.

      It is not that Obama is that much different than past or future presidents. It is only that he is the only one I've got to rail against now.

      On January 20, 2017 I fear we will be in the same boat with just a different cast of characters. On that date, I'm afraid I will be railing against another president, perhaps not for all the same reasons but railing nonetheless, whether it be HC or some dick from the GOP.

      I am not especially impressed with the people either side is talking of running as their nominee. I would like to see a guy like our governor here, Snyder, run. He has pissed off both sides and me at times, but generally finds a way to get the job done and move forward. Michigan (even Detroit) is in much better shape than when he came into office.

      Unfortunately, I suspects we will end up with the same old ideologues.


  14. Deuce is so Retro -

    Hasn't he heard Nancy Pelosi say, at the border too, "We're All Americans." ?

    Thankfully our Nation's Cherokees will be inviting them to all stay in CherokeeLand.

    1. 65% of Idaho is Federal, we'll just settle those Americans there.
      Plenty of 'free' land, lots of water and Idaho can use the labor force, keeping those wages down, which, according to the Koch brothers, just promotes industry, productivity and a higher standard of living for everyone.


    2. Billionaire Koch Brother Says Eliminating The Minimum Wage Will Help The Poor

      We need to get those immigrants to Idaho, ASAP.
      Idaho is lagging in economic growth, those immigrants will increase the labor supply, lowering wages, boosting growth!
      Those Koch brothers know how to get rich, they want to spread the power of progress!

      Idaho 2013 per capita income of $35,382 still ranked 49th nationally, ahead of only Mississippi.

      Eliminating the minimum wage and increasing the labor force, will drive economic growth, Idaho needs it!

    3. Yeah :)

      Compare Idaho, to the state right next door - that just happens to have one of the highest minimum wages in the country, and a rootin', tootin' librul guvmint.

    4. Of course, the Kochs have a right to be upset. Their Net Worth Only Increased by Fifty Fucking Billion Dollars during Obama's Presidency.

      That's $50,000,000,000.00

      In Five (5) Years

    5. Damn that Kenyan, Commie, Black, Socialist Bastard!!

    6. How are a couple of Cliven Bundy Republicans supposed to survive on Ten Lousy Billion / Year?

      Divided two ways, no less.

    7. Of course, the Kochs have a right to be upset. Their Net Worth Only Increased by Fifty Fucking Billion Dollars during Obama's Presidency

      Tell it to someone else who covets the wealth of other people. I don't.

    8. It just seems a little strange that a couple of yahoos that are railing against the initiative-destroying socialist government are the same assholes that made the equivalent of the net worth of the entire lower 50%.

    9. And, whose bottom-line solution is to Lower their taxes, and to raise yours.

    10. I support a flat tax, which is what that bottom-line solution would amount to, but at least it would eliminate the social engineering crap that turns our tax code into a book thick enough to stun an ox. Don't count on Congress giving up that power any time soon.

    11. What a great idea, Minimum Wage workers paying the same tax rate as the Koch Brothers.


    12. You'll either have to increase the minimum wage, safety net payments, significantly, or be content to see people dying in the streets.

      Well, who knows? You just might get what you want. It wouldn't be the first time that people voted themselves into starvation.

    13. See: Current trends in Kansas

    14. Tax assets, not income.

      The richest folks can have the lowest income.
      Income has no real relationship to wealth.

      Corporations taxed on the same basis as people.
      Not at some separate 'income' rates.
      Eliminate off-shore tax havens, by taxing assets based on where those assets are, not where the owners are based.

    15. To hell with the income tax.

      Steal he property.

      By he way, my assets are Taxed Enough Already.

      It's called the property tax.

    16. Make it Federal, then when the property was no longer being used productively, it would be recycled, sold to people that would use it, not let it lay fallow.

      The Government holds title to all property, it has no valid claim on labor.

    17. The 16th Amendment should be repealed.

      But the Republicans are to indebted to the Banksters and Corporate interests to even discuss it.
      The Democrats, as well.

      The Founders vision of freedom and liberty has been trounced and draft dodgers, like Bob, celebrate that.

    18. .

      Make it Federal, then when the property was no longer being used productively, it would be recycled, sold to people that would use it, not let it lay fallow.

      Aren't you the guy who is always bemoaning the fact that all but 7% of the land in Israel is owned by the government?


    19. .

      As for selling government land to private individuals, the top 100 landowners in the US own 2 % of the land in the US. Talk about inequality, we already have an oligarchy in this country, now you want to offer each of them their own fiefdoms.


    20. .

      Just as with the sale of IPO stocks, the rich and influential are the ones that get the meat and the bones go to the rest of us poor slobs. the same would apply to the sale of public properties. It's the way the game is rigged.


    21. Land, stocks and bonds, the whole range of asets, better to tax those than incomes.

      That is really the question.
      The Federal government hold 20% of the real estate in the country, it should divest that.
      65% of Idaho well over half of Arizoan, over 85% of Nevada.
      It could be sold, processed through land grants, as Bob's family was given a land grant to his holdings.

      The Government already holds ultimate title to ALL the land.
      Explain why they should hold title to labor, as well.

      That is not historically a governmental prerogative.

    22. .

      All you are suggesting is a change in where the money has to come from.

      Income tax is not a historical prerogative? Nonsense. It's been around for 100 years and was approved by the people according to rules set up in the Constitution. Those that argue against an income tax are in the minority. Get out and proselytize a little more.

      I have no problem with the government selling unused assets. However, I am generally against it selling public land that can be used for public use to private individuals. I've stated my reasons.


  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. GENESIS 21:14 And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and took bread, and a bottle of water, and gave it unto Hagar, putting it on her shoulder, and the child, and sent her away: and she departed, and wandered in the wilderness of Beer-sheba.

    Very soon, strangely enough, they drank all the water in the bottle, so Hagar hid the child under some sagebrush and went about fifty yards away to cry. She did not want to see the death of her only child. But God heard her crying and sent a ministering angel, who promised Hagar that God would make of him a great nation. And she was led to a nearby well of water.

    God sent an angel to point Hagar and Ishmael to a well of water when Abraham, who knew where all the wells were located in Canaan, could have done the same thing and saved the angel a trip. But that would have been pure socialism from the mouth of hell. Instead, Ishmael and Hagar lived in the wilderness under God’s care (today they would just use EBT cards), and the youth became an archer. When he was of age, Hagar obtained a wife for him out of the land of Egypt.

    1. Yawn

      The anti-Zionist who doesn't support Israel's right to quotes Torah. Again

    2. The anti-Zionist Who doesn't support Israel's right to be quotes torah once again

    3. Now we have a poser, claiming to be the "O".
      Comical, but a poser none the less.

    4. Israelis - they wear Brown ShirtsSat Jul 05, 03:28:00 PM EDT

      Perhaps we should skip the Torah, and just move on to the Talmud.

    5. Perhaps Ms T should stop talking about anything Torah or Talmud related as it's above her pay grade.

  17. ABC News:

    Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has accused Israeli extremists of killing the teen, whose body was found in a Jerusalem forest.

    Psaki also repeated what she described as indications that the militant group Hamas was involved in the abduction and deaths of the three Israeli teens.

    See how that works? Israelies are extremists, Palestinians are militant groups.

    I'm surprised ABC went ahead with "militant groups". That's pretty harsh. Normally they say "Palestinian activists" or "Palestinian community organizers".

    1. Disney–ABC Television Group - CEO is Bob Iger

      Iger was born to a Jewish family in Long Island, New York. ...

      Iger completed his undergraduate studies at Ithaca College where he graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Television & Radio from Ithaca's Roy H. Park School of Communications.
      Iger has been married twice. His first marriage to Kathleen Susan Iger[21] ended in divorce. They had two children: Kathleen Pamela Iger and Amanda Iger. In 2005, Kathleen Pamela married Jarrod Alan Cushing in a civil ceremony at the Blithewold Mansion, Gardens and Arboretum in Rhode Island.

      In 1995, he married journalist Willow Bay in an interfaith Jewish and Roman Catholic service in Bridgehampton, New York. They have two children, Robert Maxwell "Max" Iger, and William Iger.

      In June 2012, Steven Spielberg, Founder of the USC Shoah Foundation Institute for Visual History and Education, presented Iger with the Institute’s highest honor, the Ambassador for Humanity Award. Iger was recognized for his support of the Institute’s work, his longtime philanthropy, and his leadership role in corporate citizenship

      Bob Iger, the man that decides who says what, at ABC.


    3. I'm an equal opportunity caller of bullshit.

    4. See how that works? Israelies are extremists, Palestinians are militant groups.

      No Palestinians that murder civilian kids on purpose are terrorists.

      Jews that build homes on disputed lands are "extremists"


    The Australians, slow to anger, are taking away part of the "sit down money", as they call it, the welfare payments, away from the muzzies that wage jihad.


    Good. It's a start.

    Deportation hopefully to follow.

    Forgot to bring my power cord and my battery is running low or I'd take on Miss T and Rufus.

    You have lucked out.

    1. Dinner cruise tomorrow.

      Whoopie !

      out for now

  19. It looks as if Netanyahu got what he wanted and what was predicted here, by the absurd rampage of the IDF into the occupied territories. The initial surge all but guaranteed the death of the three Israeli teens and the heavy handed reprisals by the IDF and the right wing Israeli fanatics have ignited an uprising. Netanyahu will use this to justify whatever his endgame is.

    1. You aint seen anything yet, Hamas has unleashed scores and scores of rockets, hitting apartment building, factories..

      It aint going to be absurd when the IDF invade and kill Hamas and anyone else fight the IDF.. It's going to be justice.

  20. Al Jazeera:

    A Palestinian teenager whose abduction and murder have sparked violent protests was burned alive, according to initial post-mortem findings reported by local media citing the Palestinian attorney general.

    "The direct cause of death was burns as a result of fire and its complications," Attorney General Mohammed Al-A'wewy was quoted as saying by Palestinian news agency Wafa late Friday.

    The charred body of 16-year-old Mohammed Abu Khdeir was found in a forest after he was seized near his home in the Shuafat neighborhood of east Jerusalem. Palestinians have accused Israeli extremists of killing him to avenge the deaths of three Israeli teens that had been abducted and killed in the West Bank.

    Pathologists found signs of exposure to smoke in Abu Khdeir’s lungs, likely meaning he was alive while he was being burned, Palestinian news agency Maan quoted Al-A'wewy as saying. The attorney general also said that 90 percent of the teen’s body was covered with burns of varying degrees and that he had suffered a head injury, Al Jazeera’s Nisreen El-Shamayleh reported.

    Israeli police said Saturday that they still could not confirm whether Abu Khdeir's killing was a revenge attack for the deaths of the three Israeli youths in the West Bank last month. A spokeswoman told news agency Agence France-Presse that police were investigating "all possibilities.”

    Israeli authorities have imposed a gag order on all details of the investigation, El-Shamayleh reported.

    Meanwhile, clashes between Israeli police and Palestinian protesters spread from Jerusalem to Arab towns in northern Israel Saturday following Abu Khdeir’s funeral the day before.

    1. Another gay arab youth, murdered by his family, now Jews are being scape goated again..

    2. Israel prefers homosexual tourismSat Jul 05, 10:32:00 PM EDT

      Tel Aviv devotes about $100,000 — more than a third of its international marketing budget — to drawing gay tourists. Though no exact figures exist, officials estimate that tens of thousands of gay tourists from abroad arrive annually.
      "We are trying to create a model for openness, pluralism, tolerance," Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai told The Associated Press. "Live and let live — this is the city of Tel Aviv."
      The city's first openly gay-owned hotel was opened recently and numerous city-backed travel sites direct gay visitors to the hottest clubs, bars and resorts in town.
      "We've long recognized the economic potential of the gay community. The gay tourist is a quality tourist, who spends money and sets trends," said Pini Shani, a Tourism Ministry official who has been involved in the campaign. "There's also no doubt that a tourist who's had a positive experience here is of PR value. If he leaves satisfied, he becomes an Israeli ambassador of good will."

  21. A disgusting video of Israeli IDF/police in action against another teen:

    1. Ever post "a disgusting video of palestinian rockets slamming into civilian homes?

    2. Israel is an apartheid stateSat Jul 05, 10:33:00 PM EDT

      Provide the link

  22. The 15-year-old American cousin of a Palestinian teen who was abducted and killed in Jerusalem was beaten and jailed by Israeli police in what relatives say was ‘attempted murder’.

    Tariq Khdeir, a student at the Universal Academy of Florida, an Islamic school in Tampa, is the cousin of Mohammed Abu Khdeir, who it is claimed was burnt to death by Israeli extremists in a revenge attack on Wednesday.
    Tariq's parents, Suha and Salah, told the Associated Press that their son was beaten by police during clashes on Thursday ahead of the funeral and that he was detained.
    An Israeli police spokeswoman said that Tariq Abu Khdeir had resisted arrest and attacked police officers.

    Read more:
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

    1. Yep innocent Islamic "kids" 15 years old...

      Just strolling along sings a song.... not trying to seek revenge (or covering up) the honor murder of his gay cousin.

    2. You forgot his slingshot. There is probably a perfectly innocent explanation for that, e.g. he was killing mourning doves to feed his starving family.

      I have no more confidence in ME propaganda than I do that coming from the DemRubs.

      One would think with nearly 8,000,000 displaced Syrians (internally and externally) a SoS might make better use of his time. But were he capable of that there might not be 8,000,000 displaced Syrians or 50,000,000 other displaced persons worldwide. Indeed, one would expect the SoS to have some influence with our southern neighbors. Does Mr. Kerry ever pick up the phone and talk to the president of Mexico? I do not recall reportage of such a call...Hmm...

  23. Look at the size of the “attacker”

  24. Israel and Palestine: occupation is at the root

    Laetitia Tso
    Friday July 04, 2014 - 08:04:00 AM

    I am writing to express my views about the current escalation of violence in Israel and Palestine. The shedding of any child's blood is cause for deep mourning, and my heart is broken for the families of the 3 teenagers who were killed in the West Bank. But my heart also breaks for the families of the ten Palestinians killed in the last three weeks, and for the families of the 1,384 Palestinian children killed by the Israeli military since 2000, according to the Israeli human rights group B'Tselem. That's 1 child killed every 3 to 4 days. One of the Palestinian victims was 16 year-old Mohammed Abu Khudair who was found dead in East Jerusalem, the victim of what appears to be a price tag attack, revenge for the killing of three Israeli teenagers on the West Bank. He was the 10th Palestinian killed by the IDF or right-wing extremists in the last two weeks. We mourn his death as we do all lost lives.

    For the past few weeks, Israeli leaders' calls for revenge have escalated racist attacks on Palestinians. In the last few days alone, hundreds of right-wing Jews rioted in the streets of Jerusalem, chanting â€Å“death to the Arabs†and â€Å“we want war†. Groups searched for random Palestinians on the street, even forcing their way into a Mcdonald's in an attempt to assault Palestinan workers. Others burst into commuter trains while, according to the Israeli paper Ha'aretz, â€Å“Light rail security guards stood next to Palestinian passengers to protect them from the mob.†Moereover, Prime Minister Netanyahu's repeated calls for vengance in the form of collective punishment of Palestinian civilians including mass arrests, killings and even missle drops on Gaza should trouble any person believes in due process and the law.

    Good media coverage gives the readers all of the facts and the context. In your ongoing coverage, you might consider reporting that according to the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem, since 2000 1,384 Palestinian children have been killed by the Israeli forces, and 127 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians.

    1. I wonder why after 3 Israel kids were murdered there was no outrage at the Bar? Just accusations of Israeli guilt, false flags and such.

      If the Jews acted like the arabs? Then HUNDREDS of arabs should have been killed....

      But the killing of 16-year-old Mohammed Abu Khdeir was a honor killing... BY HIS OWN FAMILY.

      Another Gay Arab boy...

    2. Israelis - they wear Brown ShirtsSat Jul 05, 10:30:00 PM EDT

      The Semites in Israel are Jewish Arabs.
      What part of the English language do you not understand, or are you a Nasi?

    3. The Israeli have been killing US citizens since 1967.
      Killing them on the high seas, killing them in Israel.

      That would be one reason why no one is greatly concerned when Semites kill each other, in Israel
      As for the US citizen that was killed, that is a truly a shame.
      The fact that the Jewish Arabs beat another US citizen, just a day ago, is just indicative that the Israeli government does not respect life, liberty or US citizens.

  25. No Western Democratically elected politician would get away with this. To pretend that Israel is in the mainstream of Western values is absurd. To the credit of a sizable minority of Israelis, they would agree.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. To the credit of the Palestinians, they use their kids as weapons.

      "since 2000 1,384 Palestinian children have been killed by the Israeli forces, and 127 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians."

      SInce 2011 170,000 Arab men, women and kids have been killed by their fellow arabs in Syria.

      This does not take into account the number of honor killings that Palestinians do to their own, now murders of gays (like 16-year-old Mohammed Abu Khdeir a gay arab murdered by his FAMILY)

      Palestinians riot? Nothing new here....

  26. Employment is growing 45% faster in the states that Raised the Minimum Wage than in states that didn't.

    Another Myth Busted

    1. .

      As was the case with the earlier analyses by GS and CEPR, employment growth is still faster in states where the minimum wage went up.

      I agree with the author's statement that there is no way of proving any causality. However, going beyond that, looking at the chart the author is referring to in his statement quoted above, I don't see anything in the chart that supports his contention that states that increased the minimum wage have shown faster employment growth than those that didn't. Those states are all over the map. Look at the last state on the chart. What am I missing?

      I have never believed that a rise in the minimum wage would result in a significant effect positive or negative with regard to employment but I am not actually arguing with the author's take. I just don't see it.

      The benefit of the minimum wage goes to those working for the minimum wage. Only about 2 percent of workers work at the minimum wage level so the overall effect of the wage increase is minimal except at the edges. There was a time I might have considered the possibility that a rise in minimum wage could marginally raise the overall pay scale just as I am convinced that union wage rates contributed to raising the base and helped create the middle class in the US that is now slowly disappearing. However, in a nation where real earnings are dropping and there is a surplus of labor, I don't see it having much if any effect.

      Looking at the chart, all I see is at the top end growth in California and Nevada, two states that didn't raise the MW, are the highest on the chart. And the state with the largest loss of jobs was New Jersey, which did raise the minimum wage.

      What am I missing.


    2. Clear thought.

      You're eyeballing a pretty messy graph, and trying to make a guess that is just too fine for the method.

      I haven't known of CEPR publishing any faulty data, and Goldman Sachs has a reputation for getting the arithmetic right, so I'm just going to assume that these particular calculations are correct.

    3. .

      I keep going back to the article and the chart, and the more I do the less I buy it.

      The guy from CEPR references the GS study and indicates GS says that not only did raising the minimum wage not result in reduced employment but employment in those states that raised the minimum wage actually grew faster than in states that didn't raise it. I would love to see the data GS used to make that point.


      1. CEPR did not provided any GS data nor did they provide a link to the study. I went back to the previous CEPR posts that were link to in the article and while both mention GS they provide nothing beyond the assertion already stated.

      2. Despite you confidence in GS getting the numbers right I seem to recall a couple of occasions hwere they have lied for political and/or monetary reasons.


      Ergo, I had to go back to the chart and the article and noted

      1. Visually, you can tell nothing from the chart. It is all over the map. You can come up with negative results as easy as coming up with positive results. It really tells you nothing beyond what CEPR tells you it says.

      2. The only variables CEPR offers is the growth in earnings of the various states and whether they increased their minimum wage. They don't even mention whether the increase was significant. I may be cynical, but the first thing that pops in my head is post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy.

      3. The lack of variables provided given the complexity of the issue is scary. They do not talk about the the states themselves, the business climate, employment levels, the average pay rate, zip...

      4. They mention that in nine of the 13 states that raised the MW, it was due to cost of living adjustments. One assumes the change was fairly small given the tepid growth in the inflation rate. But they don't tell us. In fact on the chart, they don't even mention which of the 13 states only moved because of COLA.

      5. They make a big deal of the fact that 9 of the 13 states have employment increases that are above the median increase. But given the numerous variable that could affect the number that statement is proof of nothing. There were also 10 states that didn't raise the minimum wage that were above the median.

      Therefore, my opinion

      1. CEPR has posted this article to discuss the upcoming minimum wage increase in Washington.

      2. CEPR's statement that the exercise "does provide evidence against theoretical negative employment effects of minimum-wage increases" is illogical. While I do agree that any negative change in employment levels will likely be pretty insignificant, it is not because of what CEPR presented here. IMO the study as presented by CEPR is flawed for the reasons mentioned here and in my previous post.

      3. Although CEPR states that the evidence presented does not prove causality, IMO, that is exactly what they are trying to imply by the way the data was presented and by they concluding sentence,

      The experience of the 13 states that already increased their minimum wage in 2014 paints a very positive picture for Washington and its low-wage workers.

      Washington may do great with their increased minimum wage but we can't assume that outcome will happen from anything presented in this study.



  27. If Islam was a religion of peace, wouldn't its extremists be extremely peaceful?

    1. Only if the 'extremists' were really religious, instead of using the religion as a mask.
      Just as real followers of Christ would 'turn the other cheek', but that is never the reaction of those that profess to be 'Christians'.

    2. Tolkien created a world vastly more believable than the Book of Mormon. Didn't use it to marry thirty women.

  28. Any evidence?

    Or is the Jew guilty of crimes 1st...

  29. .

    Lonely Are The Free

    Lonely are the free
    'Cause there ain't that many of them
    They don't walk like you and me

    They just tumble in the breeze
    Lighter than a feather
    All together, separately

    That's how it's s'posed to be
    No matter where they wander
    From post to in between,
    From here to over yonder,
    There's no place for them to land
    Lonely are the free

    The silent are the strong
    Not so much as a whisper
    Tells you anything is wrong

    You've known all along,
    But you can't help but listen
    And now the moment's gone.

    It keeps you hanging on
    Until the stillness signaling
    The breaking of the dawn,
    Is shattered by the sirens
    Singing sacrificial songs
    The silent are the strong.

    That's all they used to see
    A violent shadow passing 'cross
    The sun so fleetingly
    That if you have to ask you miss it
    Anyway you see
    Lonely are the free
    Lonely are the free


  30. Those who cannot remember history are doomed to vote for Democrats.

    1. Yep, why have a Franklin Delano Roosevelt, or a Barack Obama when you can have a Herbert Hoover, or GW Bush?

  31. I suppose everyone knows by now why Congress called it a health care "bill".

  32. "But everybody begins to notice when the chaos comes close, when those responsible for monitoring the border begin to tremble and sag under the weight of a tsunami of illegal immigration."

    secure borders v security
    secure borders v security
    secure borders v security

    Although rarely commented upon, the pivotal battle of Adrianople was fought between two largely German armies. The Romans had become irrelevant to minding their own borders and, thereby, the security of their culture.

    ...a problem of border security…

    "During the period between 29 September 2000 (the beginning of the Second Intifada) and 31 December 2009, 1,178 persons were killed and 8022 more were injured as a result of Palestinian terror attacks."

    ...germane to this thread...

    “One of the immediate and repeated conclusions of the report is the value of the separation barrier constructed by Israel between 2002 and 2004..."

    “One of the immediate and repeated conclusions of the report is the value of the separation barrier constructed by Israel between 2002 and 2004..."

    “One of the immediate and repeated conclusions of the report is the value of the separation barrier constructed by Israel between 2002 and 2004..."
    A Decade of Palestinian Terrorism – Report by the Israeli Security Agency

    1. Israelis - they wear Brown ShirtsSat Jul 05, 10:38:00 PM EDT
      Sixty Five Years of Ethnic Cleansing by Zionists

      This is why there are more arabs living as citizens of Israel today (20% of the nation) than existed from the river to the sea in 1948.

      "Israelis - they wear Brown ShirtsSat Jul 05, 10:38:00 PM EDT
      Sixty Five Years of Ethnic Cleansing by Zionists"

      Now if we look at the other 899/900th of the middle east/arab occupied territories they are in fact Juden free.

      Ethnic cleansing at it's finest...

    2. Israel is an apartheid stateSun Jul 06, 01:17:00 AM EDT

      The Jewish Arabs lived side by side with the Islamic Arabs for almost 1400 years, then the Zionists came.
      Their aggression ruined the symmetry.

  33. Is that by the swinging bridge that I posted me walking on, Bob? Did you see that one?

    1. Didn't see any swinging bridge. Nice restaurant with a view of Kootenai River. Nice casino. Nice everything really. Beautiful place.

      Kootenai River heads up into Canada, drains into Kootenai Lake I think. Where it goes from there I'm not certain.

      Lots of Canadians around, down from the Northland.

    2. See, Bob, my husband's aunt and uncle live in Columbia Falls, Montana, and we sometimes go visit them, on that wonderful road from Newport to Sand Point to Libby and Troy and Kalispell. Along the way we stop at Kootenay Falls, and there's a bridge:

  34. The difference between free-market capitalism and centrally-planned liberal socialism is plenty.

  35. The Left envies people's stuff, the Right envies people's fun. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors ass, nor thy neighbor's wife's ass.

    1. Thou Shall Not Copy thy Jewish people's book in Vain...

    2. It's been awhile since I was ripped on blush.

  36. Meet The Proud Mother Of Palestinian Man Accused In Death Of Israeli Teens

    Relatives of Amer Abu Aisheh, accused of abducting three Israeli teens, don't expect to see him again. His mother's definition of a martyr: "one who chooses to give their life to kill the Jews."

  37. which set off three days of violent riots by masked Palestinians in Jerusalem suburbs. They hurled rocks and firebombs, disrupting traffic and starting four large fires around the city.
    Scores of Palestinian rockets thundered non-stop from the Gaza Strip in the meantime. Saturday night, their range was expanded to three southern towns, Beersheba, Ashkelon and Ofakim. Iron Dome only intercepted a fraction of these launches.
    Friday night, the ill wind spread from Jerusalem to the Israeli Arab towns of the Triangle in central Israel, where masked men waylaid cars outside Qalanswa and, after determining the drivers were Jewish, pulled them out, beat them up and torched their vehicles.
    From Taiibeh and Umm al-Fahm, masked youths waving Palestinian flags hurled rocks at passing highway vehicles and neighboring Jewish villages, rolling burning tires from Baq’a al-Garbiyeh. Riot police fought the rampages with tear gas and stun grenades and make dozens of arrests.
    Saturday night, this rampage also spread to Nazareth.

    It's time for Israel to strip of citizenship any and arabs arrested and convicted of rioting and deport them.

    they hate Israel so much? FINE.

    take away their citizenship and kick them out...

  38. WiO,

    You have received a remarkable compliment: You were asked if you are a "Nasi". As you know, "Nasi" is often used in Hebrew as the honorific for "Prince". I concur; you are a prince among men!

    It is amazing! Just when one thinks that a fellow will forever be a shit eating dog, he implies something so big-hearted, proving that HaShem can speak through the mouth of an ass. The G-d of Israel is a worker of miracles.

    How any of this had anything to do with the topic of the thread is questionable; but Israel would appear if the topic were pizza preparation, I am sure. It is a fixation.

    1. Pizza, n. - The four major food groups, all in one.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. WiO,

      Re: "Nasi"

      Possibly, I am reading way too much into a stupid misspelling (Nasi) by Faux Fighter. But why doubt the man's sincerity just because he is too ill educated to accept the universally accepted, neologism, "anti-Semitism"? Given the time he spends “studying” internet sex, it is surprising that he doesn’t spell “come” as “cum”. But, WiO, let’s hope for the best and try to accept that, when G-d used this ass, the ass had a mind and not just a brain.

    4. Obamas have spent over $44 million just on travel. Back in my day you could build a shopping mall for that.

    5. Israelis - they wear Brown ShirtsSun Jul 06, 12:10:00 AM EDT

      Not a misspelling,

      NAZI = NASI just as Semite = Arab

      Its just German translated to English.
      Nationalsozialismus = National socialism

      No need to use a 'Z' when in English it is an 'S'

    6. Israelis - they wear Brown ShirtsSun Jul 06, 12:18:00 AM EDT

      The were upwards of 150,000 Jewish NASI that fought for Hitler and the Third Reich
      We need to acknowledge those Princes of Judea and their work in WWII.

      Just as we will begin to acknowledge the Zionist alliance with Hitler in the British Mandate of Palestine.
      Funny, just as the Mufti of Palestine collaborated with Hitler, so too did the Zionists.

  39. "You want a hot body? You want a Bugatti? You want a Maserati? You better work bitch." - Britney Spears

    She gets it.

  40. For Deuce:

    Pink Floyd freaks everywhere are all a-twitter about the news that the British prog-rock giants will apparently release their first album in 20 years, titled The Endless River, in three months.

    1. Hmm...I thought it might be "From the River to the Sea." Will IS give permission for a live performance in Mosel?

    2. ISIS flattens every Church & Shia Mosque in Mosul, with a polite disclaimer beforehand.

      So, probably not.

    3. Teresita RedingerSun Jul 06, 12:07:00 AM EDT
      ISIS flattens every Church & Shia Mosque in Mosul, with a polite disclaimer beforehand.

      So, probably not.

      I don't know? Given PF's rabid anti-Semitism and exception might be made. Unpredictable is how PF will get out of town, heads intact.

    4. If they catch you in the back seat trying to pick her locks they're gonna send you home to mother in a cardboard box you better run.

  41. Replies
    1. The Dittohead has returned!

      Looking for his daily dose of Oxycontin, no doubt.

    2. But hopefully not his fourth wife.

  42. Join me. Help a derelict Democrat get a new job this November.

  43. Obama: "My economic plan: you earn it; I spend it; we borrow the rest from China, send the bill to your grandchildren. Any questions?"

    1. Worked for Reagan, Bush, Clinton & Bush.

      Stay the Course!

  44. Everyone knows the bee goes, "buss, buss, buss", not "buzz, buzz, buzz". :-)

    Yep, he has had three beautiful, high IQ wives: two military docs and a business woman. And VA prescribes lots of pain killers because he needs them for injuries sustained in war. He also gets Priority I health care, has use of any US, NATO, or allied military base in the world, and gets government flights, among other benes. Other than a knock here and there, life has been good and remains so.
