Friday, July 11, 2014

Netanjahu’s jihad against the Palestinians

Wounded children are brought into the the al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City on July 9, 2014 following an Israeli air strike. 

Good bombing guys. High fives and OOrahs all around to Israel’s finest shock troops.  


Palestinian children bombed, burned and maimed by the noble Israeli Air Force


  1. Replies
    1. Looking at yourself in the mirror, again

    2. Love the anonymous comments by the coward of the county. Maricopa County that is....

    3. Love is for sale, in Tel Aviv

    4. The comments by 'Bob' are "Anonymous", they are Name/URL, not the "Real Bob", so the only response they deserve are "Anonymous"

    5. Rat come out already, we all KNOW you are gay.. You have admitted that after you stopped molesting kids you moved on to horses and now?

      you are as gay as they come...


      The gay cowboy...

      Didn't they make a movie about you and your pals?

      Something "brokeback mountain"???

      Yep jack/Rat Hawkins is the basis for the cowboy love story...

  2. When are you ever ever going to get off the topic, Deuce?

    Do I have to post that wonderful writing by Martha Gellhorn once again?

    Because I will, if you press me.

    And that is a promise,

    1. The Deuce will just delete that garbage
      Put the hate in the trash where it belongs.

  3. They eat hate.

    They love hate.

    It is their daily bread.

    Martha Gellhorn.

    1. Semites, it is genetic, in the water, in the air of Arabia.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Hit the highway.

      If you don't love it, leave it.

    2. You are not wanted, you are not welcome, you are the bane of humanity.
      You do not know love and you are not young. There is no meaning to your life.
      Time for you to move on.

    3. Go find some young love, they sell it in Israel.
      By the hour, day or week.

    4. The hatred for Israel and Jews says a great deal.

      Israel fights Hamas, not the Palestinian people. Hamas orders it's people to stay even after israel CALLS them and tells them to leave. Of course you publish photos of injured and dead kids to prove your point.

      Do you post pictures of wounded and dead Israelis also?

      Heck no...

      War is hell.

      hamas has shot over 10,000 rockets at israel's cities since Israel completely evacuated the strip.

      but you stand with Hamas.

      I stand with Israel.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Who cares where you stand, an Israeli standing with Israel, whoopee!

    7. Farmer RobFri Jul 11, 08:22:00 AM EDT
      Who cares where you stand, and Israeli standing with Israel, whoopee!

      Sorry Charlie, I am an American, not that I would not be PROUD to become an Israeli, but once again the point is that it's important to point out that you STAND with Hamas and Hezbollah. BOTH terrorist groups as designated by OUR Nation.

      You stand with Terrorists.

      I stand with Israel

    8. An Israeli standing with Israel, whoopee!

    9. A self confessed criminal murder standing with Hamas..... No surprise...

  5. Israeli intelligence officials used gag orders in recent weeks to stifle reporting on the initial investigations into both the abduction and the killing of three Israeli teenagers in the West Bank, and the apparent revenge killing of a Palestinian teenager in East Jerusalem.

    The Zionists murdered 252 Jewish refugees, for the propaganda value the deaths of those refugees would generate.
    Do not think for a moment the Zionists would not kill three teenagers, if it suited their "National Interest".
    Do no think for a moment the Zionist would not "cover it up"
    They killed 34 US sailors, when it was in their "National Interest" and then tried to "cover it up".
    The US government knew better, but let them get away with it.

    Just another illustration of the Evil that Semites Do.
    Damned Arabs.

    1. Israeli journalist, Raviv Drucker, suggested that concealing facts from the public might have built support for the military operation in the West Bank against Hamas operatives during the search for the teenagers, but also created an atmosphere of blood lust, and open calls for violent revenge, in the days before a Palestinian boy in East Jerusalem was abducted and burned to death.

      The Zionists of the Mossad are masters of the false flag operation.

      The absence of verified information about the missing Israelis initially led some Palestinians to speculate that “no abduction had ever occurred,”

      Racist song of Beitar Jlem fans against Salim Toama, Christian Arab-Israeli football player of HaPoel
      גזענות של אוהדי בית"ר Racist chanting by Beitar fans

      Jewish Arabs hating Christian Arab, so sad.
      They are all Semites, all related, all the Sons of Abraham.

      Why can't they all just 'Get Along'?

    2. Oh, that' right, the Jewish Arab have a book other than the Bible, the Old Testament, the Torah, the Jewish Arabs, they have the Talmud, too. Their Babylonian book.
      That is their exclusive book. The book they don't 'share' with the Brothers of Abraham.

    3. Cut and paste Jack.Rat Farmer Rob is up and pasting in the morning...

      Nothing original to say.... Just the daily/hourly pasting of crap...

      Jack the Crapper Rat... Lol

      The man who posts about gay Tel Aviv more times a day than Bob posts about his niece...

      Jack the Crapper Rat COME OUT already.... The "gay" spec ops Crapper... LOL

    4. Let's recap. Farmer Rob stands with hamas and hezbollah, both terror groups as per the USA government.

      Farmer Rob SUPPORTS groups that MURDER American civilians in an ongoing basis.... to this day.....

      I stand with Israel.

    5. An Israeli standing with the murderers of 252 Jewish refugees, that is where the Israeli stands, shoulder to shoulder with the murderers of Jews.

    6. Yawn.

      What are you in 2nd grade?


      Farmer Rob, aka the Jack Hakins aka Desert Rat is a self confessed war criminal. And he stands with Hamas, TODAY.

      He stands with Hezbollah and Iran, and yet claims to be a good American...

  6. "Yawn" The home team must be winning. Good...

    1. Hamas is shocked that Israel is pissed.

      after all Hamas has shot off over 10k of rockets and misjudged the reaction of the IDF over a simple kidnapping, torture and murder of 3 teenagers...

      No photos of those victims.

      Yep the home team is winning, even turned down obama's plea for a hunda.

      Not to worry Israel has increased food and supply shipments to the palestinans of gaza.

      nor have they cut off their electricity (not pay for in 6 months)

    2. At least allen has the good grace to admit he is an Israeli.

    3. I didn't see that.

      Allen and I BOTH are Americans.

      However we BOTH stand with Israel against terrorists.

      Now you? Stand with groups the USA government officially designate as terror groups.

      That says it all...

  7. The death toll from Israeli air strikes on Gaza has risen to 100, Palestinian sources say.

    The latest deaths were of two people in a car in the Bureij area on Friday, they said.

    Israel has carried out hundreds of strikes since launching its operation on Tuesday to stop rocket fire from Gaza. Militants there continue to fire on Israel, causing damage and injuries.

    The US earlier offered to help with a truce in a call to Israel's PM.

    Lebanon rockets
    The Palestinian health ministry says in addition to those killed, 675 people - mainly civilians - have been injured.

    Israel says "dozens of terrorists" are among the dead.

    1. that's about the killrate for one day in syria.

    2. no more hunda's


      How do you make truces with islamic nazis that vow to murder ever jew on the planet that is in their charter?

    3. Deuce, why not put this in perspective.

      What was the daily kill/wounded rate by America in iraq during active battles?

      What was the daily kill/wounded rate by Syria during active attacks/battles?

      What was the daily kill/wounded rate by Russia in Chechnya during attacks and battles?

      What was the daily kill rate in in Iraq between the ISIS and Iraq during active attacks and battles?

    4. crickets....


      One standard for Israel and no standards for anyone else?

  8. From the people with most experience on Apartheid:

    The African National Congress on Thursday described the Israeli military’s attacks on the Gaza strip as “barbaric”.

    “The state of Israel has turned the occupied territories of Palestine into permanent death camps,” deputy secretary general Jessie Duarte said in a statement.

    “Of course the killing of any child, irrespective of race, color or creed, must be condemned and the death of [three] Israeli young people is surely as senseless as any other death.”

    However, the killing needed to stop, she said
    Three Israeli teenagers — Naftali Fraenkel, 16, Gilad Shaer, 16 and Eyal Yifrah, 19 — were kidnapped and murdered last month.
    Agence France-Presse (AFP) at the time reported that the three disappeared from a popular hitch-hiking spot near the southern West Bank Gush Etzion settlement late on June 12.

    The Israeli military found the teenagers’ bodies in a field northwest of Hebron on June 30.

    On July 2, 16-year-old Palestinian teenager Mohammed Abu Khder was burnt to death.

    This reportedly triggered days of clashes in annexed east Jerusalem and Arab Israeli towns.
    Scores of people have died during three days of Gaza raids.

    According to AFP, 73 Gazans have been killed since Israel launched Operation Protective Edge early on Tuesday to halt cross-border rocket fire.

    Duarte called for the attacks, and what she called the ongoing illegal Israeli occupation and punishment of Palestinians, to stop.

    “Gaza is the world’s largest open air prison with over 1.5 million Palestinians caged in and cut off from the rest of the world,” she said.
    “The Gaza strip is the world’s most densely populated piece of land on this earth, making the Israeli bombing of the Palestinian Gaza strip all the more horrendous.”

    The SA Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) and the SA Zionist Federation condemned Duarte’s statement.

    “Such naked invective is something one expects to find only on the more extreme wing of the anti-Israel lobby; coming from our country’s ruling party, it is nothing short of disgraceful,” the SAJBD said in a statement.

    It accused the ANC of keeping quiet when three Israeli teenagers — were murdered. The ruling party also did not condemn the bombardment by Hamas of Israeli population centers.

    “Hundreds of deadly missiles have been and continue to be fired at Israel’s cities and towns.

    “Not once in the statement issued in her name was Ms Duarte able to even acknowledge this fact, let alone denounce it,” the group said.
    In 2012, the ANC resolved to call on “all South Africans to support the programmes and campaigns of the Palestinian civil society which seek to put pressure on Israel”.

    1. You now stand with the ANC....


      Communists. terrorists...


  9. By death and injuries inflicted, Israel is a real winner. OOrahs all around for the IDF. Let’s do the body count from the ghetto and tribal areas:

    The Health Ministry in Gaza reported 85 deaths, including 22 on Thursday. It said about half were women and children, though the exact breakdown could not immediately be confirmed.

    Ashraf al-Qidra, spokesman for the ministry, said that in a single incident Thursday an Israeli airstrike killed eight members of a family including five children. Israeli forces also bombed a car marked with "press," killing one journalist late Wednesday, he said.

    Relatives and friends of the al-Hajj family gather in a mosque, on July 10, to pray over the bodies of the eight family members during their funeral in Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip.Relatives and friends of the al-Hajj family gather in a mosque, on July 10, to pray over the bodies of the eight family members during their funeral in Khan Yu
    Momen Faiz, 32, a news photographer, expressed outrage over the strike, saying Israel had violated the Geneva Convention, which forbids targeting journalists. "It's terrible to target media," she said. There is no indication that Israel deliberately targeted journalists.

    A separate BBC report citing unidentified Palestinian sources said that among those killed in Gaza on Wednesday were five men sitting in a beachside cafe watching a World Cup game.

    Some Gazans described the relentless bombardment and how they felt lucky to have escaped it even when their neighbors didn't.

    "My family and I were asleep at home and suddenly we heard the sounds of bombs dropping from planes — one plunged into the neighbor's house," said Ashraf Aldahdoh 27, of Alzayton, in east Gaza. "We hid in the room farthest away from that house then heard more bombs."

    He said that when they finally ventured outside an ambulance was there. "I'm sad that the owner of the house died. His three children were hurt," said Aldahdoh.

  10. Deuce, your ignoring the fact that hamas is bombing Israel to the tune of hundreds of rockets a day.

    What is your simple, peaceful way to stop hamas?


  11. One Israeli dead, Duece's new nephews hand out candy.

    Another half a million Israelis came under Hamas rocket attack before dawn Friday, July 11, as Hamas again expanded its rocket radius to the towns between Hadera and Haifa, 150 km north of the Gaza Strip. A woman of 70 collapsed and died running to a shelter when she heard the Haifa siren.
    Metullah, Israel’s northernmost town, was alerted early Friday by two Katyusha missiles from Lebanon. One landed between the Galilee town and Kfar Yuval. The sources of the fire are reported by DEBKAfile’s military sources as two Lebanese villages: Ain Arab, in the Hizballah-ruled Beqaa Valley, and Mari near the southern town of Hatsbaya.

    Now Hezbollah is joining the party.

    To good news? Israel has pent billions and billions building bomb shelters and early warning systems

    I wonder IF the IDF bombed gaza and lebanon the way the hamas and hezbollah bomb israel how many tens of thousands would die?

    Remember Syria is our example of arab on arab rocket attacking..

    180 thousand DEAD, 500 thousand wounded and 8-9 MILLION as real refugees.. (not fake ones)

    1. So Hamas (supplied by Iran and Syria with advanced rockets) has about 20 thousand stored, has decided to go full tilt.

      Several kidnapping attempts have been stopped, several border infusions have been neutralized and even a frog team diving off the coast of gaza was eliminated.

      israel expects Hamas to ratchet up it's missile attacks (even today, longer range rockets coming online) and attacks against the nuke power station are expect to be repeated.

      Today Hamas declared commercial flight to be targets. yesterday they declared all Israelis as targets.

      Deuce, are you proud?

      I stand with Israel.

      You stand with Hamas.

      As for Israel and Bibi's stated goal? The liberation of the people of Gaza from the Hamas, an islamic terror group.

      The real winner when this is over? The Palestinian people. They MIGHT have a shot at true freedom if they can cast off their islamic nazis that control them.

    2. Something to ponder.

      if Israel did not have the Iron Dome (and other missile defense systems) what would the Palestinians look like today after shooting off several thousand rockets at Israeli cities and towns?

      Picture what WILL happen if Hamas blows up a school or a hospital or a high rise on purpose?

      Might I suggest that because Israel has deployed these systems it has saved thousands of PALESTINIAN lives.

      But do not let that make you happy.

      Hamas and Hezbollah, Iran and Syria, (and ISIS which is in the Gaza Strip) are all committed to slitting the throat and or murdering every Jew in the world, they will not stop until they are stopped....

      So when and if, one of these group murders a large amount of Jews? They will be hailed as heroes by their populations and then it will be very very very painful for what will happen then...

      be warned.

  12. Syria war toll tops 170,000, one-third civilians

    BEIRUT: The death toll in Syria's three-year war has eclipsed 170,000 people, one-third of them civilians, an activist group said in a new toll released Thursday.

    "Ever since the first casualty of the Syrian revolution was registered on March 18, 2011 in Daraa province, the deaths of 171,509 people have been documented," said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

    Among the dead were 56,495 civilians, including 9,092 children, according to the toll, which included casualties documented up to July 8 this year.

    Another 65,803 were regime troops and pro-regime militiamen, while 46,301 were rebels seeking President Bashar Assad's ouster and members of the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) jihadist group.

    The rebel toll includes 15,422 non-Syrians who traveled to the war-torn country to join the ranks of jihadists or local Islamist opposition groups.

    Among the ranks of loyalists killed were 39,036 regular troops, as well as 24,655 members of pro-regime militias, 509 fighters from Lebanon's Shiite Hezbollah, and 1,603 other non-Syrians fighting on Assad's side in the war.

    Meanwhile, the deaths of 2,910 unidentified victims were also documented, according to the Observatory.

    It said documenting all the deaths was difficult "because both sides in the war try to conceal their actual losses."

    Another 20,000 people detained by the regime were completely unaccounted for, said the Observatory, as were some 7,000 regime troops held by rebel fighters.

    More than 2,000 other people are currently in the captivity of Islamic rebels and ISIS, accused of "collaborating" with the Assad regime.

    Another 1,500 ISIS, rebel and Kurdish fighters have been kidnapped in recent months during battles among each other.

    1. The Syrian conflict has forced nearly half the country's population to flee their homes.

      That's in the millions folks, 3 times more than all palestinians and their descendants combined...

    2. Are Palestinain deaths and injury more insulting than Palestinian deaths by their fellow arab's hands?

      Seems that way..

    3. GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip – Gaza's Hamas government says it has executed two men convicted of spying for Israel.

      Interior Ministry spokesman Iyad al-Bozum says the men, both in their 30s, had given information to Israel for nine years about Gaza fighters. Bozum says the two were executed Wednesday afternoon, one by firing squad and the other by hanging. Their names were not released.

      The Palestinian Center for Human Rights in Gaza says more than 150 people have been executed in the Palestinian territories over the past 20 years, the vast majority in Gaza, particularly under Hamas rule. The Islamic militant group seized Gaza from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in 2007, leaving him only with parts of the West Bank.

    4. Now this is an excellent video

      It shows hamas throwing a fatah member off a gazan rooftop...


    5. want to see the people that jack/rat the crapper and deuce support?

      just google

      hamas executed


    6. The Israeli is ranting, but at least he isn't pretending to be 'Bob'

    7. Looks like you are losing it, Israeli.
      Frantic would describe the rants you are posting,..

      Wonder who reads them?

    8. You do...

      No ranting from the real American me... :)

      But I don't get up at 5 am like you do to post...

    9. Do your Qatar bosses demand you put in over time?

  13. Texas Arizona border magnet for kids....

    Drug cartels are raping, abusing and making cash smuggling them into America

    Now the underside of the story....

    For the last two years, Professor Lori Baker of Baylor University has been lending her expertise to helping identify the bodies of those who tried and failed to sneak into our country through the forbidden landscape at our southern border.
    But this year, she is seeing something different. Professor Baker told Waco's KXXV TV that they have been seeing the bodies of children more often this year. "I think it's something right now where we're in a crisis," Baker told the TV news. "Now with the number of immigrants coming and the number of children, it's a disastrous situation."
    The job is a complicated and often fruitless one, as the professor and her students have to work with multiple agencies in multiple countries. These multiple languages, various bureaucracies, and sometimes even distrust between nations complicate her job.
    Baker reports that of the 150 remains they have, only one body has been successfully identified thus far. But for all the effort, even one success is "worth it," Baker says, and that one success means that the family of the would-be immigrant will have closure.
    "Every mom that we talk to says something along the same lines," Professor Baker said. They say, "Now I have a place to go and pray, now I have a place to go be with my child."
    That professor Baker has found several dead children in the Texas wilderness does not tell the whole story of how dangerous it is for these thousands of unaccompanied children, though. The drug cartels and human traffickers who are preying upon these children are beating, abusing, and sexually molesting the youngsters as they try to pass over the border.
    Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is raising the alarm about this horrible abuse caused by the Obama administration's failed immigration and border protection policies.

    How many are being smuggled by Americans into sex trafficking in Scottsdale alone?

    Scottsdale leads the nation in underage prostitiution and human trafficking.

    1. That is an unreferenced claim, but even if true ...

      It is illegal activity.

      It is not illegal in Israel.
      The city of Tel Aviv advertises, internationally to promote the Sex Trade, there.

    2. Tel Aviv devotes about $100,000 — more than a third of its international marketing budget — to drawing gay tourists. Though no exact figures exist, officials estimate that tens of thousands of gay tourists from abroad arrive annually.

      "We are trying to create a model for openness, pluralism, tolerance,"
      Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai told The Associated Press.
      "Live and let live — this is the city of Tel Aviv."

      The city's first openly gay-owned hotel was opened recently and numerous city-backed travel sites direct gay visitors to the hottest clubs, bars and resorts in town.

      "We've long recognized the economic potential of the gay community. The gay tourist is a quality tourist, who spends money and sets trends," said Pini Shani, a Tourism Ministry official who has been involved in the campaign.
      "There's also no doubt that a tourist who's had a positive experience here is of PR value. If he leaves satisfied, he becomes an Israeli ambassador of good will."

    3. Jack Rat you are obsessed with gay travel things...

      come out already..

      The gay cowboy... LOL

  14. Actually, I don't.
    The first line, sometimes.
    But never more than the first three lines. But not even that, today.

  15. US forces on nuclear “false flag” high alert: Duff

    ... investigative journalist Chris Bollyn made a startling discovery:

    “According to reports from plane-spotters, Israel has an identical Malaysia Airlines
    Boeing 777-200 in storage in Tel Aviv since November 2013. The only visible difference between the missing plane and the one in Tel Aviv would be its serial number. What do the Israelis have planned with the twin Malaysia Airlines plane?
    By using the twin aircraft they have in storage, the terror masterminds may have a sinister plan for the missing plane to seemingly reappear in a false-flag atrocity. Public awareness of the twin plane in Tel Aviv, therefore, could prevent the evil plot from going ahead.”

    After Bollyn’s detailed and well supported story was published, a full scale public relations “counter-offensive” was launched by Tel Aviv.

    However, US sources say this effort has backfired, indicating that if an Israeli role in the missing plane had never been considered before, it certainly is now. One highly placed source stated:

    “In light of Israeli efforts to get Jonathan Pollard released including overt blackmail, the current ‘bottoming out’ of relations between Israel and the Obama administration have created a very dangerous situation. Israel may well do anything.”

  16. What follows is an overview of some other notable instances in which Israel utilized “false flags” in its international criminal endeavors.

    Perhaps the best-known instance in which Israel used a “false flag” to cover its own trail was in the infamous Lavon Affair in which, in July of 1954, there was a series of bombings in Cairo and Alexandria, Egypt. Among the targets were the libraries of the United States Information Service in both cities. In fact, the bombings were an operation by Israeli Military Intelligence who hoped both Egyptian President Nasser and the outside world would believe the attacks were carried out by militant Egyptian Muslim fundamentalists angry at Nasser’s friendly relations with the U.S. and Britain.

    Israel’s ultimate purpose was to destabilize Nasser’s relationships with both the U.S. and Britain and compel the British to withdrawal from their bases on the Suez Canal (although, in fact, in the end, no British targets were bombed, the initial plan notwithstanding).

    According to Colonel Benjamin Gibli, Israel’s chief of military intelligence and the senior army officer responsible for sending the final signal to Cairo to initiate the bombings, he had been given his orders by Defense Minister Pinchas Lavon whose instructions were as follows:

    “[Our goal is] to break the West’s confidence in the existing [Egyptian] regime . . . The actions should cause arrests, demonstrations, and expressions of revenge. The Israeli origin should be totally covered while attention should be shifted to any other possible factor. The purpose is to prevent economic and military aid from the West to Egypt.”

    1. • A shadowy “right wing” group known as “Direct Action” was accused of the attack on Goldenberg’s Deli in Paris on August 9, 1982. Six people died and 22 were injured. The leader of “Direct Action” was one Jean-Marc Rouillan who had been operating in the Mediterranean under the cover name of “Sebas” and who had been repeatedly linked to the Mossad. All references to Rouillan’s Mossad links were deleted from the official reports issued at the time.

      However, the Algerian national news service—which had ties to French intelligence—blamed the Mossad for Rouillan’s activities. Angry French intelligence officers were believed to have leaked this information to the Algerians. Several top French security officials quit in protest over this cover-up of Mossad complicity in Rouillan’s crimes. However, other Mossad false flag operations also took place on French soil.

      • On October 3, 1980, a synagogue on Copernicus Street was bombed in Paris. Four bystanders were killed. Nine were injured. A worldwide media frenzy followed the incident. Reports held that “right wing extremists” were responsible. Yet, all of the “right wing extremists” who were questioned were released. In the upper echelons of French intelligence, the finger of suspicion was pointed at the Mossad.

      • On April 6, 1979, the same Mossad terror unit suspected of the Copernicus carnage blew up the heavily guarded plant of CNIM industries in southeast France, where a consortium of French firms was building a nuclear reactor for Iraq. The Mossad salted the site of the bomb blast with “clues” followed up with anonymous phone calls to police suggesting the sabotage was the work of an environmentalist group.

    2. On June 28, 1978, Israeli agents exploded a bomb under a small passenger car in the Rue Saint Anne, killing Mohammed Boudia, an organizer for the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Immediately afterward, Paris police received anonymous phone calls accusing Boudia of involvement in narcotics deals and attributing his murder to the Corsican Mafia. A thorough investigation subsequently established that Mossad special-action agents were responsible for the terrorist killing.

      • In October, 1976, the same Mossad unit kidnapped two West German students—Brigette Schulz and Thomas Reuter—in Paris. Planted “clues” and anonymous phone calls made it appear that a Bavarian “neo-Nazi” group had executed the abduction. In fact, French intelligence established that the two victims had been flown to Israel, drugged, tortured, coerced into a false “confession of complicity” in PLO activities, and then anonymously incarcerated in an Israeli prison.

      • In February 1977, a German-born, naturalized U.S. citizen named William Jahnke arrived in Paris for some secretive business meetings. He soon vanished. Paris police were anonymously informed Jahnke had been involved in a South Korean bribery affair and “eliminated” when the deal went sour. A special team from SDECE, the leading French intelligence agency, determined Jahnke had been “terminated” by the Mossad, which suspected him of selling secret information to the Libyans. The SDECE learned Jahnke had been “fingered” to the Mossad by his own former employer, the CIA.

      • One of Israel’s most outrageous “false flag” operations involved a wild propaganda story aimed at discrediting Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi—one of Israel’s favorite enemies. In the early months of the administration of President Ronald Reagan, the American media began heavily promoting a story that a “Libyan hit squad” was in the United States for the express purpose of assassinating Reagan. This inflamed public sentiment against Libya and there were repeated calls for blood.

      Suddenly, however, the “hit squad” stories vanished. In fact, it was ultimately discovered that the source of the story was one Manucher Ghorbanifar, a former Iranian SAVAK (secret police) agent with close ties to the Mossad. Even The Washington Post acknowledged that the CIA itself believed that Ghorbanifar was a liar who “had made up the hit-squad story in order to cause problems for one of Israel’s enemies.”

    3. • In 1982, just when the PLO had abandoned the use of terrorism, the Mossad spread disinformation about “terror attacks” on Israeli settlements along its northern border to justify a full-scale military invasion of Lebanon. Years later, even former Foreign Minister Abba Eban, admitted the reports of “PLO terrorism” had been contrived by the Mossad.

      • It is also worth noting that the attempted assassination—in London—of Israel’s Ambassador to England, Shlomo Argov, was initially blamed upon the PLO and was cited by Israel as one excuse for its bloody 1982 incursion into Lebanon. In fact, the diplomat was one of Israel’s “doves” and inclined toward a friendly disposition of Israel’s conflict with the PLO and the least likely target of PLO wrath. What’s more, one of the suspects in the crime was found carrying a “hit list” which actually included the name of the head of the PLO office in London.

      Thus, it appears that the assassination attempt was carried out by the Mossad—under another “false flag”—for two purposes: (a) elimination of a “peacenik” considered friendly toward the Palestinians; and (b) pinning yet another crime on the PLO.

      These instances cited here are but a handful of Mossad-orchestrated “false flag” operations blamed on a wide variety of alleged “suspects.”

      - See more at:

    4. Last week you said the 3 kidnapped boys were an Israeli false flag...

      I wonder if your tin hat ever gets too tight?

    5. Jack/Rat/Anonymous/Hegemony/FarmerRob has been busy playing with himself, having his own conversation with himself, cutting and pasting all his anti-israel, anti-jewish talking points...

      Expect him to post on abortion rates, false flags, israeli war crimes, land seizures (hope he posts the one about how Israel bulldozed an arab village 69 times in 4 years (a tent of course) ), gay adventures, loose israeli women, discrimination.

      I might have missed a few of his Al Jeezera (Qatar) moslem brotherhood talking points, but as he gets frustrated he will post using up to a dozen sign ons furiously logging in and out switching computers to argue and praise himself...

      truly a sick, narcissistic display...


  17. Exclusive
    False Flag

    A series of CIA memos describes how Israeli Mossad agents posed as American spies to recruit members of the terrorist organization Jundallah to fight their covert war against Iran.

    uried deep in the archives of America's intelligence services are a series of memos, written during the last years of President George W. Bush's administration, that describe how Israeli Mossad officers recruited operatives belonging to the terrorist group Jundallah by passing themselves off as American agents. According to two U.S. intelligence officials, the Israelis, flush with American dollars and toting U.S. passports, posed as CIA officers in recruiting Jundallah operatives -- what is commonly referred to as a "false flag" operation.

    The memos, as described by the sources, one of whom has read them and another who is intimately familiar with the case, investigated and debunked reports from 2007 and 2008 accusing the CIA, at the direction of the White House, of covertly supporting Jundallah -- a Pakistan-based Sunni extremist organization. Jundallah, according to the U.S. government and published reports, is responsible for assassinating Iranian government officials and killing Iranian women and children.

    But while the memos show that the United States had barred even the most incidental contact with Jundallah, according to both intelligence officers, the same was not true for Israel's Mossad. The memos also detail CIA field reports saying that Israel's recruiting activities occurred under the nose of U.S. intelligence officers, most notably in London, the capital of one of Israel's ostensible allies, where Mossad officers posing as CIA operatives met with Jundallah officials.

    The Israeli are famous for their False Fla frauds.

    They even post here, claiming to US citizens.


    1. "It's amazing what the Israelis thought they could get away with,"
      the intelligence officer said.
      "Their recruitment activities were nearly in the open. They apparently didn't give a damn what we thought."


    3. It's amazing you don't hide in your closet

  18. Palestinians are crying over israel's ability to kill hamas...


  19. Replies
    1. Hardly, Israel left the strip in 2008, hamas has shot over 9000 rockets, kidnapped soldiers and civilians.

      The red line has been crossed. hamas needs to be dismantled.

      But if Bibi owns it?

      The palesitnians should give him a liberation award in a few years once the Hamas is gone...

    2. So now we have the "Standard of success".
      If Hamas survives, Israel will have failed.

      Will not have achieved the objective.

    3. Hamas orders it's people to become human shields, to ignore the IDF warnings to leave.

      It a clear violation of the Geneva Convention to hide or shoot rockets from civilian locations. Hamas is responsible LEGALLY for any and all palestinian civilian deaths that happen in the IDF's taking out rocket silos, ammo dumps and armed fighters.

      The world has reacted, it hit the snooze button and went back to sleep....

      After all, even if Israel were to kill or injure several thousand? If a rounding error compared to what is going on in the world.

      Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Yemen, Sudan, Lebanon... ALL put the death count by Israel minimal.

      Of course the death of any child is tragic, however Hamas is targeting civilians, the airport and planes, the nuke plant, american bases...

      No nation would put up with 200 rockets a day being fired at it's citizens.

      Hamas asked for it and it going to get it.... war...

      Unless they start begging for a cease fire and stop firing all rockets..

      Hopefully? Israel will say "shove your truce up your ass...."

    4. Another Israeli failure is in the cards.

      "O" will be broken hearted, when the heroic leader of his homeland has failed, again.

    5. AnonymousFri Jul 11, 09:39:00 AM EDT
      So now we have the "Standard of success".
      If Hamas survives, Israel will have failed.
      Will not have achieved the objective.

      Who set that standard?

      Survives? LOL

      You a funny anti-Semite

      Go ahead and hold on to that mantra, if ONE single hamas member lives? israel fails..


    6. AnonymousFri Jul 11, 09:41:00 AM EDT
      Another Israeli failure is in the cards.
      "O" will be broken hearted, when the heroic leader of his homeland has failed, again.

      israel has already won.

      Israel has made taken out 3 times the targets of Hamas in the 1st 2 days than all of 2008.

      Just think of the cost to the hamas...

      billions in infrastructure gone. 1/3 of their rockets fired. dozens of their members now lay dead. It's not over so the body count will increase but Hamas is peeing itself now...

      Israel is getting ready for the next phase..

      Hamas? Lost already.

    7. "O" has set the bar of "Success".

      If Hamas is not obliterated, not destroyed, not annihilated, Israel will have failed.

    8. I hope israel fails and kills every single hamas member and leaves one Macbook unscathed.

    9. AnonymousFri Jul 11, 09:45:00 AM EDT
      "O" has set the bar of "Success".

      If Hamas is not obliterated, not destroyed, not annihilated, Israel will have failed.

      Btw way, Israel failed again, took out 3 more hamas rocket squads..

      With failures like this?

      Who needs success...

    10. Those three teens, killed in that False Flag op will have died, for nothing but propaganda purposes.

      Just as the 252 Jewish refugees killed by the Zionists when they bombed the "Patra" died for propaganda purposes.

    11. Can you move into this decade for your comments?


      So desperate he has to use #43 on his Moslem Brotherhood talking points...

  20. I am posting as Bob cause I got a new computer and haven't gotten it set up right yet.

    These things come slowly to me, I admit.

    I need a little help on this and have no help around right now.


    No, Netanyahu doesn't "own" this.

    There will be peace when the Palestinians learn not to hate.

    Which will be never.

    1. Another fraudulent "False Flag" is being flown.
      Anyone can sign in to their Google account, from any computer, or any device.
      This 'Bob" is a fraud.

    2. I have watched this play for nearly 50 years now.

      I may not be the brightest bulb around.

      But I know this............................

      It's always the fucking goddamned 'Palestinians' that begin blowing shit up.

      Martha Gellhorn.....she knew.....way back then..............

    3. Fuck off rat.

      You are sicko.



  21. On a lighter note...

    The wife and daughter just went to the chick doc and were turned down, would not be able to be seen since our anthem blue cross SILVER plan was not accepted there... ($1554 a month for a shit plan)

    Thanks Rufus.

  22. Another Israeli FAILURE

    IDF said it killed Palestinian terrorist responsible for rocket fire from Gaza

    The IDF killed a terrorist in Gaza it said was responsible for rocket fire on Israel in recent minutes.

    Since the morning, the IDF has killed seven Hamas terrorists and others involved in rocket fire, including two who belong to long-range rocket fire squads who were spotted en route to carrying out additional launches.

    7, count them, SEVEN more failures....

    1. Lebanon is scared shitless by Israel even arrests rocket launching terrorists...

      Two suspects arrested in Lebanon for firing rockets on Israel

      ANOTHER Israel failure, btw, Israel responded to the shelling/rockets it actually wounded one of the goobers, they found blood at the launching site and in his car... (lol)

      Hezbollah has been reported to actually shit it's pants at the prospect of another Israel failure, the last one flattened it's hood to rubble and killed over 500 of it's best fighters...

      gots to love the failures..

    2. "O" set the bar, the Standard ...
      Now, not even a hour later he is tryin to "Walk it Back"

      What a sorry excuse of an Israeli.
      Little wonder they can never win, but remain perpetually engaged with such losers as the Palestinians.

    3. Rocket salvo against Jerusalem

      Hamas launched a four-rocket salvo against Jerusalem Thursday afternoon, causing no damage or casualties. Two were intercepted.

      I wonder, would it not be funny if Hamas hit the Dome of the Rock and or hit the screaming hoards of arabs on the Temple mount cheering the rockets?

      I'd love to see that headline...


    4. Jewish Arabs, Islamic Arabs, the one thing they have in common, they are Arabs.
      Semites, people tha relish being Arabs.

    5. AnonymousFri Jul 11, 09:55:00 AM EDT
      "O" set the bar, the Standard ...
      Now, not even a hour later he is tryin to "Walk it Back"
      What a sorry excuse of an Israeli.
      Little wonder they can never win, but remain perpetually engaged with such losers as the Palestinians.

      Nothing to walk back.

      You have set the standard, I have embraced YOUR standard.

      If one Hamas OWNED MACBOOK survives, Israel has failed. Thus is YOUR standard.

      SO Now? I will list every "failure" that Israel accomplishes...


      May Israel FAIL, and kill every single hamas member and leave a laptop unscathed...

      Your standard.... Not mine...

    6. Fuck off rat.

      You are a sicko.

      Truly a sick person.....the kind of person who couldn't see beauty in Pend Oreille Lake.

      A sicko.

      Always blabbing about Jews with your hatred.

    7. AnonymousFri Jul 11, 09:59:00 AM EDT
      Jewish Arabs, Islamic Arabs, the one thing they have in common, they are Arabs.
      Semites, people tha relish being Arabs.

      You really don't know history... And it shows...

      I suggest you talk about your favorite subject.... Cooking horse steaks...

    8. Rejoicing in their Arab roots, proclaiming them to all the world.
      Quite bizarre, really. To claim genetic linkage to losers.

      To rejoice in that, but what the hey.
      "O" set the bar, doubt the Jewish Arabs of Israel can clear it.

    9. Bob, Rat serves a great role here.

      He proves my theory that this blog is full of Jew and Israel hatred...

      And for that? We should thank the rat crapper for his honest and open admitting his hatred..

    10. AnonymousFri Jul 11, 10:01:00 AM EDT
      Rejoicing in their Arab roots, proclaiming them to all the world.
      Quite bizarre, really. To claim genetic linkage to losers.
      To rejoice in that, but what the hey.
      "O" set the bar, doubt the Jewish Arabs of Israel can clear it.

      You see? He simply makes it up as he goes.... No connection to reality, just gibberish.

    11. False Fla Bob, what a thinly disguised effort by "O".

      Can't even handle a second Google account.
      Must not be authorized by the headmaster.

    12. False Flag Bob, what a thinly disguised effort by "O".

    13. It's actually like he's off his meds today...

      We have had kids in our Scout troop who if the miss their meds go off like our jack/rat/crapper does...

      it's amazing how screwed up their chemistry is...

      just watch, today will be rat/crapper's insane day, tomorrow he will show up as "rational and calm" rat crapper...

    14. then deny it was him...

      "rat is a figment"

      "anon" aint me

      "Hedemony of character" no proof is was me...

      He's got the sign ons, he's got the time and he's insane.

    15. AnonymousFri Jul 11, 10:03:00 AM EDT
      False Fla Bob, what a thinly disguised effort by "O".
      Can't even handle a second Google account.
      Must not be authorized by the headmaster.

      His tin hat is on good and secure... :)

    16. AnonymousFri Jul 11, 10:04:00 AM EDT
      False Flag Bob, what a thinly disguised effort by "O".


      He sees ghosts and devils also..

    17. :):)

      Ain't that the truth !!!!

    18. Keeps you fully engaged.
      And it is entertaining to watch you.


      The subject is not who is posting, dimwit.
      The subject is the content of the posts.

      You rant about fictional characters, I focus on the murderers in the state of Israel.
      On the 252 Jewish refugees the Zionists murdered, for propaganda purposes.

      You make things up about fictional characters,

      You are an example of why the Israeli cannot win the war.
      You cannot focus on the objective. But are easily distracted, drawn to the inconsequential.

      Then you trot out False Flag Bob, to counter what you think has become the 'point'.

    19. I feel a string of USS LIBERTY posts soon...


  23. Our host at least knows beauty when he sees it.

    This can be called redemption.

  24. Ah the failure of Israel gets better...

    Egyptian authorities operating on the Sinai-Gaza border thwarted an attempt to smuggle advanced GRAD missiles into the peninsula, Israel Radio reported on Friday.

    According to Al-Ahram newspaper, Palestinians tried to smuggle 20 GRAD missiles into Sinai, from where it would then seek to launch them into Israel.

    So now the Egyptians are getting in on the act...


    1. Oh, for those that don't know....Gaza shares a border with Egypt.

      Gaza has used the gaza /egypt border to smuggle everything from rockets to cement, zoo animals to KFC chicken.

      But since Hamas lost it's friend (moslem brotherhood president) Egypt is getting pissed at hamas murdering egyptians and supporting the moslem brotherhood..


  25. Officers in the IDF high command told Channel 10 that Israel must shift strategy and launch a ground offensive in Gaza to remove the threat of Palestinian rocket fire on the country's towns and cities.

    Yep, phase 2 coming to a jihadist nest real soon...

    Expect Israel to do some funny things and not use the land mine laden paths Hamas has booby trapped.

    1. In fact, Israel now has some new and nifty tricks to fight in urban areas.

      Those tricky Jews.... Failures of course, can shot around corners, see thru walls, uses micro drone technology...

      It should be interesting....

  26. yep rat is into the "false flag mantra"

    he's like a pit bull on one tag line at a time...

    not the smartest dog in the world, but he's committed to the cause...

    Rat/jack would have made a great Nazi Stormtrooper.

    I wonder if he'll travel to gaza to have the opportunity to kill Israelis...

  27. George Bush signed this into law, God Bless him

    A 2008 law that requires court hearings before deportations of children

    DANA LEIGH MARKS, National Association of Immigration Judges: It’s an extremely serious problem.

    The immigration courts have 375,000 cases pending before them right now, and only 228 immigration judges across the country to deal with those cases. The National Association of Immigration Judges has been trying to call attention to the extremely overburdened conditions and — that our dockets are experiencing and how long cases remain pending, which can be four or five, sometimes six years in various parts of the country if someone is not detained.

    But we have had trouble getting attention focused on us.

  28. I think there is a fakaroo photo of that guy in line seven,

    I don't think they get THAT big......

    This photo smells of Quirk......

    The big fisherman................

    In fact, he looks a lot like Quirrk, as I remember him in his youth.

    1. Quirk

      He was always bullshitting even back then................

  29. In the short-term, to be sure, Israel must proceed with caution. It is still vulnerable to pressure from the U.S., which provides the bulk of its military hardware, and economic pressure from Europe, which accounts for a third of its trade. Nonetheless, Israel is winning and its adversaries are losing. B’ezrat Hashem Israel will prevail.

  30. Many residents of Israeli towns adjacent to the Gaza security fence have left their homes in the face of massive barrages of rockets and mortars, Channel 10 reported on Friday.

    Israel is NOT telling residents to stay and die and be human shields.

  31. 5:57 p.m. Rocket sirens heard in Beersheba, Ashkelon, and Gaza frontier towns.

    I guess the Gaza Ghetto still has advanced rockets!!! I wonder how history would have been different if the Jews in the Warshaw ghetto had rockets....

  32. Deuce is, basically, full of shit.

    I blame it all on the Arabic girlfriend.

    Though he does have a sense of the beautiful.

    1. Though perhaps not of the good and the true.

      As Plato taught us, we must have all three, a true sense of the good, the true, and the beautiful.

  33. According to the US Congress, EVERY Rocket that Hamas fires at a civilian target is a war crime and should be prosecuted.

    1. Hamas is a certified terrorist organization.

  34. 72% APPROVAL
    (AMONG MUSLIMS)....drudge

    The muzzie love Obama

  35. "When the political winds change, I will side with the Moslems.."


    And Rufus actually VOTED for this piece of shit.

    1. False Flag Bob - Just can't get it done.

  36. Hamas expands it's shelling of Israel towns...

    Rocket sirens sound in central Israel and the Shfela area.

    Guess they don't want to end the conflict...

  37. more Israeli failures

    6:42 p.m. Iron Dome intercepts Gaza rockets over the southern suburbs of Tel Aviv. No damage or injuries was reported.

    6:37 p.m. Palestinians in Gaza launched a barrage of rockets at central Israel. Residents report hearing loud explosions indicating that the Iron Dome system intercepted the rockets in mid-air.

    So Palestinians tried to murder israelis and failed.

    that's "attempted murder" in America, a crime.

    the good news? israel is most likely tracking the crews back to their lairs and putting the intel in the computer...


    Remember that song from Candid Camera...

    Smile your one Candid Camera... BOOM

    1. Zionists attempted to murder Jewish refugees and succeeded
      Israelis attempted to murder Palestinians and succeeded.

      Hail the Success of the NASI

    2. yawn,

      jack ratass is that the BEST ya got?

  38. Rufus, our resident DUMB SHIT, who is "all for the women."

    har har har

    Rufus, you are an IDIOT.

  39. Bob, sorry

    I am steamed.

  40. You are an IDIOT, Rufus.

  41. "When the political winds change, I will side with the Moslems.'


    You are a brain dead drunk, Rufus.


  42. .

    The sun rises on another typical day of internecine conflict at the EB and quickly descends into weird non-sequiturs and petty ad hominems.

    Bob, Rat serves a great role here.


    The rat serves very little role here other than pot stirrer and place holder, well that, and doubling the typical post count with redundant gibberish.

    He proves my theory that this blog is full of Jew and Israel hatred...

    The number of regulars here are small. If there is one unified block here and the largest, it is you, Allen, and Bob (and Doug when he stops in) all pro-Jew, pro-Israel, pro-Israeli. Deuce is obviously pro-Palestinian, Rufus doesn’t give a shit, and then you have Ash, T, and I who while we can see both sides, tend to argue with the Jewish Lobby here a lot because of the rewriting of history and the rationalizations you often offer.

    Then you have the rat, unique, the sick man of the EB if you like. His repetition, his alternate personality fantasies, the non-sequiturs, the redundancy, the Jew-baiting, all bespeak of the pathologies of a truly troubled soul.

    And for that? We should thank the rat crapper for his honest and open admitting his hatred..

    Not exactly. The rat pushes it as far he can, but he is canny enough to know when he is about to openly reveal the truth about himself and at that point he tends to rationalize, to dissemble, and to obscure…

    The latest example came yesterday.



    1. .

      Yesterday, amidst all the usual bullshit thrown around by you two when discussing any crisis involving Israel, rat apropos of nothing, throws in this tasty anti-Jewish tidbit.

      Farmer RobThu Jul 10, 09:35:00 PM EDT
      The Talmud book of Yebamoth.

      Although Moses commanded that if a woman have intercourse with a beast, both should be killed (Leviticus 20:16),
      and that a priest must not marry a harlot or woman who is profane (Lev. 21:7),

      the Talmud teaches that
      “unnatural intercourse does not cause a woman to be forbidden to marry a High Priest,”
      since then “you will find no woman eligible … .” (Folios 59a-59b)

      Rulings of the “sages” follow:
      “A woman who had intercourse with a beast is eligible to marry a priest — even a High Priest.” …

      If she had intercourse with a dog while sweeping the floor, she is likewise reckoned to be pure, and suitable.

      For, “The result of such intercourse being regarded as a mere wound, and the opinion that does not regard an accidentally injured hymen as a disqualification does not regard such as intercourse either.”

      This alone gives a fair idea of the systematic deformation of Scripture by the Pharisees

      You will note that while the entire post is italicized, there is no attribution. However, a simple google search shows the company the rat travels in. From the following website,


      Although Moses commanded that if a woman have intercourse with a beast, both should be killed (Leviticus 20:16), and that a priest must not marry a harlot or woman who is profane (Lev. 21:7), the Talmud teaches that "unnatural intercourse does not cause a woman to be forbidden to marry a High Priest," since then "you will find no woman eligible ... ." (Folios 59a-59b)

      Rulings of the "sages" follow: "A woman who had intercourse with a beast is eligible to marry a priest -- even a High Priest." ... If she had intercourse with a dog while sweeping the floor, she is likewise reckoned to be pure, and suitable. For, "The result of such intercourse being regarded as a mere wound, and the opinion that does not regard an accidentally injured hymen as a disqualification does not regard such as intercourse either."

      This alone gives a fair idea of the systematic deformation of Scripture by the Pharisees and the truthfulness of Christ's denunciations about their making God's commandments of none effect by their Tradition. (Matthew 15:6) –

      See more at:

      Although the spacing has been altered and sections highlighted, you will see that the words are the same. Mankow is citing Elizabeth Dilling a noted anti-Semite from the WWII era. Mankow himself is an author, anti-Semite, a conspiracy theorist, and board-game designer.

      I don’t know enough about the Talmud to comment on Dilling’s work but that is not really the point. The insertion of this passage bespeaks pure malice similar in character to Allen’s screed on Christianity. Rat’s post was a non-sequitur, having nothing to do with the conflict in Gaza, perverse and biased, its only evident intent like those of his posts on the gay friendly policies of Israel is to incite the other side in our daily internecine battles here.

      Unfortunately, a simple google search will continue to give rat a limitless supply of conspiracy theory and anti-Semitic websites to draw from.

      And so the fun continues ad infinatum and ad nauseum.


    2. I actually agree with most of that, but I ain't buying for a nonosecond that you caught some big big fish on Lake Pend Oreille, you old scoundrel.

    3. Rat is still a figment of your imaginationFri Jul 11, 01:30:00 PM EDT

      Thanks for using Google.

      There is no rebuttal, no claim that the quote misrepresents the Talmud, that piece of quality literature.
      Because it does represent the Talmud, accurately.

      Thanks for posting it, again.
      It does indicate that the Zionists of Babylon do misrepresent themselves, do deny the Torah, when they embrace the Talmud.

      Life is grand, ain't it.

    4. Rat is still a figment of your imaginationFri Jul 11, 01:41:00 PM EDT

      But you see, Q, the reference was to horse fucking. Which "O" brought to the table.
      So the referenced response was from the Talmud.

      the Talmud teaches that
      “unnatural intercourse does not cause a woman to be forbidden to marry a High Priest,”
      since then “you will find no woman eligible … .” (Folios 59a-59b)

      Rulings of the “sages” follow:
      “A woman who had intercourse with a beast is eligible to marry a priest — even a High Priest.” …

      If she had intercourse with a dog while sweeping the floor, she is likewise reckoned to be pure, and suitable.

      For, “The result of such intercourse being regarded as a mere wound, and the opinion that does not regard an accidentally injured hymen as a disqualification does not regard such as intercourse either.”

      It's permissible for Jewish women to fuck dogs, then marry the High Priest.
      I was surprised, but there it is. Direct contradiction of what Moses wrote, in the supposed "Oral Tradition" of the NASI.

      If the Jews did not permit the High Priest to marry women that have been fucked by dogs, there would be no women for them to marry.

      So it is written...
      So it must be.

    5. Rat is still a figment of your imaginationFri Jul 11, 01:43:00 PM EDT

      Thanks again for providing an opportunity to explain that.
      I did not realize that it wa so complicated, that it needed an explanation, that it was not a self-evident response to claims of bestiality by our NASI contributor..

    6. Our NASI wants to talk about fictional characters, the characters respond by talking about reality.
      This time referencing moral guidance that illuminates the world of the NASI Zionists.
      But not until after the NASI broached the subject of bestiality.

    7. It is referred to as "Counter Battery Fire"

      In case anyone cares.

    8. .

      Or to use it's more common name, bullshit.


  43. I should be posting as Bob tomorrow.

    I have a new computer, and tomorrow I shall have a new email address.

    Please bear with me................

    1. I bear it all for you, all the details of my meaningless life.

      Young love provides meaning to life, I have neither love or youth
      Pity me.

  44. Interesting updates of Israel's failure

    Gaza residents told Channel 2 that they are fearful of the prospect of an Israeli ground invasion in the Hamas-ruled territory.

    Gazans told Channel 2 that the operations in 2008 and 2012 were "child's play" compared to the amount of Israeli firepower unleashed these past four days.

    1. 7:56 p.m. Rocket sirens sound in Ashdod, Israel.

      Hamas want to continue the game.

    2. Israel, learn to say FAILURE...

  45. WiO wrote:

    "Do you post pictures of wounded and dead Israelis also?"

    What dead would that be? It seems there are no dead Israelis of which pictures could be posted but loads of Palestinians. It is like shooting fish in a barrel. Surely you wouldn't suggest the 3 dead Israeli teens are reason for the Israel firing of missiles into Gaza are you? That would be simply collective punishment.

    WiO also wrote:

    "Deuce, your ignoring the fact that hamas is bombing Israel to the tune of hundreds of rockets a day."

    Hundreds of rockets a day huh? To little effect whereas the hundreds of missiles fired by the Israelis are having quite a deathly effect.

    You also wrote a lot of other shit but hardly worth reading.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. An article I just read said that Israelis, so far, have been firing 2 missiles for every 1 fired at them. Not only are they firing a lot more they are firing much more deadly ones.

    3. It's tonnage that counts, ash. Not the number of weapons.

      The average mortar shell has a warhead of an 81mm mortar weighs in at 10.75 lbs.
      The Qassam rocket warhead weighs in at - Qassam 1: 5kg; Qassam 2: 10kg; Qassam 3: 20kg; Qassam 4:~10Kg
      Let's say 30 lbs, on average.

      The average explosive of the Hamas weapons about 20 lbs.
      The Israeli are using F16s which utilize guided weaponry including the AGM-65 Maverick.
      The Maverick comes in two variants: 57 kg (126 lb) WDU-20/B shaped-charge (A/B/C models) and the 136 kg (300 lb) WDU-24/B .

      The weight advantage is obvious, as is the accuracy.

      The Israeli had said they had expended 700 tonnes of munition, yesterday.
      The Palestinians have launched 200 rockets, at even 30lbs a piece. Well, that's 3 tonnes, max.

  46. Let's just go one step further to fairly characterize my feelings toward the middleeast. I Hate all fucking religions, and the book-thumping assholes that enable them.

    I hate Muslims, and Catholics, and Jews, and Hindus, and Southern motherfucking Baptists. I hate Scientologists, and Sunnis, and Shia, and Rostofuckingarians.

    I hate all motherfuckers that will take some old children's story book, and try to make life more difficult for me, and mine.

    I hate the fucking Israelis, not because they're trying to steal some land - stealing land is what governments do - but because they wrap themselves in some sort of "religious" bullshit to try to get me to pay for it, and for "mine" to die for it.

    So, fuck ALL of you book-thumping motherfuckers (regardless of the "book" that you happen to be thumping,) and line up to

    BLOW ME.

    1. You have sold yourself short in failing to mention your enormous Native American cock.

    2. .

      Rufus, truly, has anyone ever (in the absence of a huge stipend) taken you up on that offer?

      Lately, what with rat's fixation on the gay lifestyle and all, it sounds like you old farts just hang around the EB trolling for strays.


    3. My





    4. .

      Sadly, the only thing left for the Mississippi corn king, fading memories of the days of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower.

      Well that and his delusions of grandeur of course.


    5. No one wants to, Ruf.

      We have all declined.

      Take it elsewhere.

  47. :):):):):):):):):):)

    Perfect !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Good ol' Ruf.

    I love you brother.

    The dimmest goddamned illiterate old motherfucker on the entire world wide web !!!!!!!!!!

    Who can't, really, have a soft spot in the heart for such a man as our SwampRat from ol' Miss?

    The dumbest motherfucker on the whole internet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And I love him so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. And a Cherokee to boot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  48. Allen hit the ball out of the park with a few tidbits of orthodox Christian doctrine, e.g. Trinity, the father and son are identities and each sired the other in an incestuous relationship with an immaculately conceived virgin, the second coming etc. Hello! That stuff is stupid, as any reasonably intelligent child of three would know. What is even more stupid is why a bunch of self-professed non-believers got their panties in a twist, as I knew they would. It is a fact that there was a Spanish Inquisition and others as well, during which unknown thousands of Jews were murdered for simply affirming the unitary, non-anthropomorphic G-d of Moses. Israel being attacked continuously by Hamas is the same shit, different day, with the exception of Israel being able to hit back (ineffectually, but nothing is perfect).

    During the entire hubbub, Das Allen saw no effort to refute his recitation of Christian doctrine. Allen just got too close to home for some of the resident "atheists".

    Teresita, Ash, and Quirk make a balanced set, to be sure.

    Netanyahu is toast.

    Enjoy yourselves.

    1. .

      This non-believer objected because like rat's little tantrum it was pulled out of the blue and had no other purpose but to incite. It had no preamble. There was nothing going on that day that would provide a segue to it. Just Allen polluting the blog with his occasional bile. Very rat-like. Your later self-serving proclamations that it was all a game made you look even more ridiculous.


    2. Rat is a figment of your imaginationFri Jul 11, 03:03:00 PM EDT

      Th quoting of the Talmud was not pulled "out of the air", it was in response to calims of bestiality, made by "O".
      It was an adequate response. Thanks for bringing it up to the present. Since you did not, perhaps continue to not understand the context.

      "O" claimed that people in AZ fuck horses, in response it was merely noted that if Jewish High Priests were not permitted to marry Jewish women that had fucked dogs, there would be no women available for them to marry.

    3. Rat is still a figment of your imaginationFri Jul 11, 03:04:00 PM EDT

      So it was written ...
      So it must be.

    4. There was ample pretext; but like the Liberty I will not waste more time debating wiki bigotry.

    5. There you go, not worth it to set the record straight.

      Because it is straight

  49. What is "Occupation"Fri Jul 11, 01:01:00 PM EDT
    Hamas, learn to say SURRENDER...

    On Tuesday and Wednesday, both Egypt and Iran rebuffed their pleas for brokerage of a ceasefire.

    Will Israel go in on the ground in an hour or so?

    The fool, Netanyahu, helped create a situation where the murder of three kids became entangled in an affair of state. Hamas should have been destroyed long, long ago as a threat to the Jewish state. With the exception of Ukraine, no country in the world would allow itself to be attacked almost daily and simply shrug it off.

  50. Kurds seize Iraq oilfields, ministers pull out of government
    euronews - ‎12 minutes ago‎

    BAGHDAD/KIRKUK (Reuters) - Kurdish forces seized two oilfields in northern Iraq and took over operations from a state-run oil company on Friday, while Kurdish politicians formally suspended their participation in Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's government.

    1. Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has further deepened tensions between Kurds and Baghdad, by replacing the vacant post of Kurdish Ministers in the Iraqi government.

      According to information obtained by BasNews, Kurdish senior officials and ministers in Baghdad decided to boycott Iraqi cabinet meetings and not go back to the Iraqi Capital.

      Iraq’s Deputy Prime Minister Roz Nouri Shawez, said in a press conference in Erbil on Thursday that Maliki’s accusations that Kurds have provided a safe haven for terrorists, signals that Maliki is running away from responsibility of the current crisis.

      ’Such statements are meant to hide the big security fiasco by blaming others, and we announce our boycott of Cabinet meetings,’ added Shawez.

      After the Kurdish decision, Maliki has ordered the vacant Ministry posts of Kurds to be filled as soon as possible.

      Among the replacements, Maliki has asked Hussain Al-Shahristani, Iraq’s deputy prime minister responsible for energy, to fill the Foreign Ministry position replacing Hoshyar Zebari.

  51. Ukrainians flee as army suffers losses

    DONETSK, Ukraine (AP) — Ukraine's president vowed vengeance in blood after 19 troops were killed in an insurgent rocket attack Friday, and residents of the rebel-held city of Donetsk began fleeing in large numbers for fear of a government siege.

    The barrage of rocket fire just before sunrise at a base near the Russian border was a devastating setback for government forces, who had seemingly gained the upper hand last weekend when they pushed the pro-Russian fighters out of their stronghold city of Slovyansk. In addition to those killed, 93 soldiers were wounded, the Defense Ministry said.

    "For every life of our soldiers, the militants will pay with tens and hundreds of their own," Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko warned. "Not one terrorist will evade responsibility. Everybody will get what is coming to them."

    Ukrainian government troops have been fighting for more than three months against separatists in eastern Ukraine, and in the last two weeks, they have cut the territory held by the rebels in half. Driven from Slovyansk, the rebels have regrouped in Donetsk, an industrial city of 1 million, and Ukraine has said it will cordon off the area.

  52. Where to from here ?

    If the rocket fire continues, so, too, will the Israeli air strikes, and the Palestinian death toll will rise.

    There will be growing criticism of Israel from outside - the country is already launching something of a diplomatic offensive to get its point of view across - but again, if the rocket fire does not stop, many of its friends and allies realise the pressures that Prime Minister Netanyahu's government is under.

    But Hamas is under huge pressure too. Its poor relations with Egypt; its financial problems; and the dismantling of much of its infrastructure in the West Bank, mean that it is peculiarly isolated. Its military commanders seem to believe that there is something to be gained from a new demonstration of "resistance" against Israel.

    Paradoxically the weakness of Hamas is a problem for Israel too. It cannot sweep Hamas away, however much some on the Israeli right would like to see this.

    The alternative to Hamas rule might be anarchy with extremist jihadist groups seizing control and other fighters flowing in from the Sinai.

    That would be of no benefit to Israel's future security. Nonetheless, each day the rocket fire continues so the likelihood of a ground incursion grows.

    Israel insists it has not sought such an operation. Hamas's most significant "achievement" might be to draw it into just such a move


  53. Why do you post as Farmer Rob, desert rat?

    It is really boring.

    1. Boring and stupid.

      Use your own name.

    2. And I am convinced now that you really are gay, gay as a goose.

      Why don't you hang out in some trendy bar in downtown Phoenix?

    3. Take a gander at that!

  54. Fossil industry is the subprime danger of this cycle

    The cumulative blitz on energy exploration and production over the past six years has been $5.4 trillion, yet little has come of it

    By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

    9:03PM BST 09 Jul 2014

    The epicentre of irrational behaviour across global markets has moved to the fossil fuel complex of oil, gas and coal. This is where investors have been throwing the most good money after bad.

    They are likely to be left holding a clutch of worthless projects as renewable technology sweeps in below radar, and the Washington-Beijing axis embraces a greener agenda.

    Data from Bank of America show that oil and gas investment in the US has soared to $200bn a year. It has reached 20pc of total US private fixed investment, the same share as home building. This has never happened before in US history, even during the Second World War when oil production was a strategic imperative.

    The International Energy Agency (IEA) says global investment in fossil fuel supply doubled in real terms to $900bn from 2000 to 2008 as the boom gathered pace. It has since stabilised at a very high plateau, near $950bn last year.

    The cumulative blitz on exploration and production over the past six years has been $5.4 trillion, yet little has come of it. Output from conventional fields peaked in 2005. Not a single large project has come on stream at a break-even cost below $80 a barrel for almost three years.

    "What is shocking is that upstream costs in the oil industry have risen threefold since 2000 but output is up just 14pc," said Mark Lewis, from Kepler Cheuvreux. The damage has been masked so far as big oil companies draw down on their cheap legacy reserves.

    "They are having . . . . . . . .

    The Telegraph

  55. Meanwhile, the Dakotas, where the eagles eat well, are going gangbusters with good old American ingenuity.

    1. You're an idiot. You wouldn't know a drill bit from MENAC.

    2. And you wouldn't know a pecker head from an Injun squat, Cherokee.

      With you, it's all about FUCKING.

      No thought, no thought at all.

      You are disgusting.

    3. You do your race a severe disservice.

    4. I get my sex drive from my Danish ancestors; I get my propensity to "scalp morons" from my Cherokee forebears.

    5. Oh, and meet MENAC, asshole.

    6. Well thank God you got a sex drive from somewhere.

      That wasn't bad, redskin.


  56. The average length of a Blue Whale’s penis is 8 feet and each testicle weighs approximately 150 pounds. That puts this critter in Cherokee territory (at least one on fire-water).

    At some point someone posted a list of allies betrayed by the US. To that list I would add the Cherokee Nation, used by President Jackson in his Indian wars and, then, ruthlessly forced from their land with little more than the clothes on their backs. As a group, the Cherokee were the most Westernized of any group of Native Americans. They worked hard and were model citizens.

    By some quirk of irrationality, Jackson kept an old Cherokee “friend” on his plantation as a sort of house pet. Possibly, such “generosity” was a balm to the conscience of a greedy, lying, treacherous, murderous, scumbag piece of excrement.

    1. The two worst bastards needing their faces torn off us currency : Lincoln and jackson. Replace with Albert Einstein and Benjamin Salk

    2. 8 feet

      That's one hell of a pecker, to be sure.

    3. I'd call it one whale of a pecker.

  57. :)

    I've never heard a man yet BRAG about taking SCALPS !!!!

    These people need THE ENGLISH LAW,

  58. An audit of this blog, since inception, will show me to be its premier defender of Christianity, particularly of those poor souls suffering for Christ in Egypt, North Africa, and Southwestern Asia, be they Copts, Chaldean, the various Orthodox creeds, Ethiopian, etc. This is the case because of my firm conviction that all men are endowed by the Creator with liberty and freedom from religious oppression. This is the case despite my personal opinion that Christianity, whatever its form, is the domain of simpletons. To paraphrase Voltaire, while I may totally disagree with your point of view, I would fight to the death for your right to express it. The concept is simple (other than in Detroit, apparently, speaking volumes about Detroit): if you are arbitrarily deprived of liberty, I may be also. Liberty, then, whatever its form, is something worth defending. Hence, the Founders expressly took to task a king who would deprive them of life, liberty, and (originally) the right to property. Obviously, this concept is one I would not expect some here to apprehend, much less comprehend. I have no need to apologize to anyone for my opinions, no matter the perceived motives. I will continue to vigorously defend Christians. To those offended by my methods, as Rufus would concisely put it, "Blow me".

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. I must say allen your Jewish description of the Christian trinity is so off base it is childish.

    No one was 'siring' anyone in the affair.

    I like you a lot, and I am hardly a Christian, but for the sake of honesty I cannot let that pass.
