Sunday, July 20, 2014

Israeli “pinpoint” slaughter of Palestinian civilians continues.


Like everything else about the grossly asymmetrical Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the current invasion of Gaza involves American guns, American money and the unswerving support of the American political elite and the mainstream media. The US is the great enabler of Israel.


  1. Israel told the civilians to evacuate 3 days ago.

    All deaths at this time are Hamas's responsibility.

    That's the opinion of the United States, the UN and NUMEROUS nations, including the Geneva Convention.

    The kids? the Women? The Old people who are killed? Not intentional but war is hell and if Hamas COULD it would murder every Jew in Israel.


    Life aint fair and Hamas are islamic nazis..

    How about showing us pictures of little baby germans that were blown apart from British bombs too?

    1. That is so 'yesterday' "O"rdure, the horrors of WWII.

      We are into today, the Horrors committed by Israeli NASI.

      Why not be proud of your baby killing Israeli military?
      Why complain about images of actions of which you approve, so whole heartily.

      You hypocrisy is showing, one more time!

    2. Maybe Hamas should stop shooting/storing rockets from civilian homes?

      Naw that's their CIVIL Right!

    3. So now you blame Hamas for YOUR complaints about the images of the results of Israeli bombings.

      You are worse than a liar "O"rdure, you're stupid.

    4. Did you say something traitor?

      jack stands with Hamas and Iran.

      i stand with Israel

  2. Where do they evacuate to? The Israelis control access and entrance to Gaza. Look at the video and tell us those unfortunate people were not trying to escape the Soviet style tactics of the IDF.

    1. Israel has given the population PLENTY of places to go.

      Look at a map. there are VAST spaces of gaza to evac to,.

      Over 80 thousand gazans have gotten out of the way..

      BTW where are the Israeli supposed to go? 80% of israel is now in direct line of fire from Hamas rockets.

      Maybe Hamas should stop firing rockets?

    2. But let's be honest Deuce, you don't think israel has a right to defend herself from rocket attacks and kidnappings...

      you made it clear, all of Israel is stolen arab land and Israel must "take it"

    3. I don’t think Israel has enough sense to understand it cannot sustain a situation that perpetuates treating people like farm animals and getting away with it.

    4. Israel has a lesser claim on the lands it holds than did the Africaners in South Africa. It is a numbers gain and the numbers do not work for Israel. Israel thought that they could game the numbers by the settlements, but it will never work. Israel survives, a Jewish State does not.

      Texas, New Mexico, Arizona Florida and California are going to become Latin American states. The US culture will absorb them and be absorbed by them. Israel’s future will not be so happy and Israel will fight the power and will lose.

    5. Nice avoiding the point.

      But the good news? The arab world and the Islamist worlds are dying.

      They are dying by a multitude of means, by their own savage violent tendencies and by their hatred of women, their hatred of the west, innovation and modernity.

      The fake nationalistic movement of the arabs that seek to call themselves "palestinian" is going thru it's own civil war. There is no unity between Palestinians. (unless you call hatred of jews unity). Just look at the way that Hamas treated the members of the Fatah when they one their one and only election in the strip,. (yeah I know, democracy palestinian style is one election ONCE and forever)(not much different than Abbas either serving his 7th year of a 2 year term) they tossed off the rooftops Fatah members they kneecapped others....

      Your worshipping of demographics is quite telling. But irrelevant. Most of the numbers that the UNRWA report for palestinians is exaggerated since the more people they can invent? the more aid they can get...

      Israel, as a nation, has no population problems and no matter if there are 330 million arabs and 1.2 billion moslems or 2x that number it just don't translate to squat.

      As for your specious claim: Israel has a lesser claim on the lands it holds than did the Africaners in South Africa.?

      Well Arabs have less than that for most of their occupation of North Africa, including the Shia arabs of Lebanon and the Arabs of Iran.

      But I love your reports of Israel's defeat..

      "Israel’s future will not be so happy and Israel will fight the power and will lose"

      I'd say your projecting what is happening to the islamic world...

  3. Rufus, that Cummins update is interesting ...

    Looking for something to put in my '75 Chevy dually.
    The 5.9 Cummins fits, but it does not provide fuel economy, just more umph ....

    1. Rat, that 450 ft. lbs. of Torque should pull a pretty good-sized trailor, I'm thinking.

  4. The Palestinians and every radicalized Islamist knows the Israel cannot sustain itself without American support. One day that support will disappear. Paybacks will be a bitch.

    1. The palestinians could not sustain it's self without Qatar, American and Iranian cash...

      But your point?

      "The Palestinians and every radicalized Islamist knows the Israel cannot sustain itself without American support. One day that support will disappear. Paybacks will be a bitch."

      All the MORE reason to barrel bomb and destroy every last living soul in the the Strip....

      Since paybacks will be a bitch? Might as well EARN it...

      You sound like you are telling the Israelis to nuke the islamists now....

      Thanks for the advise.

  5. The expression “Never again” is fungible.

    1. LOL

      At the rate the islamists are going? I'd bet the sunni and shia will kill about 40% of each side in the next two years.

      The total number of islamist palestinians? will be less than 2 hours worth.

      But wait, is there a DIFFERENCE in who kills a palestinian baby?

      If Jews do it, is it especially humiliating?

      IF Jews do it taking out a weapons dump is that worse than Assad dropping a barrel bomb on moslems in a market doing nothing?

  6. The collapse of Sodastream's market value and sales in the Americas is a foretelling of Israel's economic future.
    With no one to blame, but themselves.


    1. How sweet it is!

      - Jackie Gleason

    2. Fizzy Facts:

      Employ over 2,000 people worldwide
      More than 30 nationalities are represented in the company
      Headquarters located in Israel
      Manufacturing facilities in: Australia, China, Germany, Israel, South Africa and West Bank
      SodaStream strictly adheres to the highest international standards in quality, design and production

    3. We began introducing innovative solutions to the beverage market in 1903 with a system that enabled consumers to carbonate water at home.

      Over the past century, we have continued to grow and innovate with an intellectual property portfolio that includes 65 patents and 198 trademark registrations worldwide.

      Leading the market in technological advancements and quality products, our system enables you to carbonate water, add flavor and enjoy quality, better-for-you soda at home, just the way you like it. We are the world's largest manufacturer, distributor and marketer of home carbonation systems with our machines being sold in over 60,000 retail stores, in 45 countries worldwide.

      Today, we are leading a revolution against bottled and canned beverages, providing consumers with a better-for-you and better-for-the-planet alternative to store bought soda.

    4. With failures like this? Who needs victories..

    5. "O"rdure does not realize what losing half of a company's market valuation means to the company.
      Does not understand what a 28% drop in sales amongst 25% of the retail outlets portends.

      The Palestinian issue is wiping out a company founded in 1904, one that was doing 'just fine' prior to being targeted by the BDS Movement. His tunnel vision and denial is going to be fatal to the Israeli economy.

      allen told us it was the existential threat to Israel, and "O"rdure is in denial.
      He'd rather celebrate killing children, than to address the existential threat to his country.

      Stay the Course !

    6. SodaStream’s U.S. sales for its machines dropped 69 percent, to 80,000 units, and sales of flavor mixtures marketed by SodaStream also declined 20 percent.

      This represents 25% of the retail outlets.

      Global sales edged up 0.5 percent in the three-month period
      This was BEFORE Sodastream CLOSED its operations in the UK.

      From the comments ...

      Sodastream's "secret of success" is that it steals land for it's factories from Palestinians, doesn't pay taxes and uses Palestinian workers that aren't allowed to work anyplace else. Sort of like the WWII forced labor practices of the N*zis. Boycott Sodastream!
      I bought mine before I realized that Soda Stream built their factory in occupied territory or I wouldn't have bought it.

      Enjoy a taste of reality, "O"rdure.

      Or live in denial, it doesn't matter to me.
      Those with eyes that see know what is coming, it is a plain as the nose on your face.

    7. Those with eyes that see know what is coming, it is as plain as the nose on your face.

  7. Deuce: Israel’s future will not be so happy and Israel will fight the power and will lose.

    Your concern is touching.

  8. Deuce: I don’t think Israel has enough sense to understand it cannot sustain a situation that perpetuates treating people like farm animals and getting away with it.

    Would that Hamas treated Israelis like farm animals. Nobody fires rockets with ball bearings and rat poison at cows.

    1. I suppose your metamorphosis is now complete.

    2. Hey deuce, so you have said, Israel has no right to be a nation, all of Israel is stolen arab lands, that Jews should watch their step because paybacks are coming and will be painful.

      Is that for JUST Israeli Jews? Or any Jew anywhere in the world that believes in Zionism?

      Pro-Palestinian protesters throw petrol bomb at Paris synagogue

      Read more: Pro-Palestinian protesters throw petrol bomb at Paris synagogue | The Times of Israel
      Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook

      Just want to know because Hamas has stated it's goal is the killing of all JEWS, they don't call for the killing of Israelis.. JEWS.

    3. She's an idiot who chases the latest shiny objects.

    4. Trish nailed her years ago as a narcissist in love with her own voice.

    5. I've always liked Miss T. Now I finally know why. A pearl hidden in a rough shell.

      By the way Ash, by what right do the Hamas make claim to push Israel into the sea?

      It's in their Charter.

      Kill all the Jews.

      Have you read the Charter?

    6. Do they teach reading in Canada?

    7. I know, I know Bob - in your world it is better to live on your knees than suffer whilst standing.

      grovel away enjoying what free breakfast comes your way!

  9. Deuce ☂Sun Jul 20, 05:12:00 PM EDT
    The Palestinians and every radicalized Islamist knows the Israel cannot sustain itself without American support. One day that support will disappear. Paybacks will be a bitch.

    Now what if Israel stopped all aid and support from America and instead started to sell it's goodies to the highest bidder on the global market?

    If Israel decided to stop Iran once and for all and just nuked it? As well maybe the top 10 Islamists cities in the world, what would the world do?


    Deuce ☂Sun Jul 20, 05:12:00 PM EDT
    The Palestinians and every radicalized Islamist knows the Israel cannot sustain itself without American support. One day that support will disappear. Paybacks will be a bitch.

    Sounds like you are saying, kill all the Islamists BEFORE they can kill Israel...

    1. reminds me of the violent drunk being arrested by the cop who threatens the cop... I''m going to kill you when I get out, you your family, your kids, your cousins, everyone.

      Now usually in American movies the scene closes and the movie ends..

      What it the cop, said quietly to the violent savage: "Thanks for the honesty" then pull out his gun and double tapped the sob?

      Deuce ☂Sun Jul 20, 05:12:00 PM EDT
      The Palestinians and every radicalized Islamist knows the Israel cannot sustain itself without American support. One day that support will disappear. Paybacks will be a bitch.

      That's what you are telling us to do..

      Double tap the bastards NOW and don't give them a chance to live another day.

  10. My Letter of Apology to the world media
    ROLENE MARKS JULY 16, 2014, 7:27 AM
    Please allow me to apologise on behalf of all the citizens of the State of Israel. I humbly apologise to you and your readers and to the world for our leaders defending our right to live. Here in Israel, we consider living a basic human right.
    The indignation of journalists, commentators and your readership has prompted them to spew forth some of the most vile invective we have seen other than that of Der Sturmer circa 1940’s and the letters and op-eds posted in your publication have educated me in a new level of hatred.
    I apologise that it is left up to our army to make sure that the citizens of Gaza are evacuated from dangerous zones safely through pamphlets, text messages and roof knocking. I guess my text message and pamphlet were lost due to Hamas being on strike. Literally.
    I apologise that we have not racked up those large numbers of Israeli casualties you were hoping for. I apologise for a government who values my life and those of my fellow citizens so much they do anything in their power to protect it. Whatever internal squabbles we may have or policies we agree or don’t agree on, life is valuable. I am sorry for our defense forces, made up of representatives of all sectors of Israeli society, who both prepare us and defend us with their lives.
    I am sorry for our Iron Dome batteries that intercept the rockets aiming for our death and destruction. For those of you calling Israel an Apartheid state, Iron Dome makes no distinction between Jew, Christian or Arab. We are all targets.
    I apologise that our government has made sure that we are equipped with bomb shelters and know how much time we need to take cover. I am sorry that Hamas prefer to build weapons smuggling tunnels instead of protecting their citizens but the “death industry” (their words not mine – google it yourself) has proven more lucrative than saving lives.
    Most of all, I am sorry that this upsets you so much that in countries across the world you choose to take out your frustration on members of the Jewish community, attacking people physically, in the media and in barely disguised hateful press releases.
    Please accept my humble apologies for any inconvenience we may have caused you.
    Rolene Marks Modiin

  11. its time to stop the violence against the innocent palestinians. time to fill the tunnels with natural gas and blow them up...

  12. “Everybody here hates Hamas,” Gaza taxi drive Abu Ali told the Associated Press. “But they’re too afraid to say so publicly. Our food comes from Israel but what we give them in return is rockets — rockets that don’t even make little holes in the ground.”
    Abu Ali, as he indicated, is not alone. In the upcoming issue of Israel Today Magazine, we spoke to a young Gaza-based peace activist who said he wished Israel would just reoccupy the coastal enclave so that local residents could be rid of Hamas rule.

  13. It's not about Hamas, "O"rdure, get that into your thought process.
    No one gives a shit about Hamas.

    They care about children and the Israeli NASI killing them.

    The continued attempts to shift the responsibility for Israeli actions is foolishness and it alienating the public.
    Read the comments at

    Stay the Course !


    1. The continued attempts to shift the responsibility for Israeli actions is foolishness and it is alienating the public.


    2. Read the comments, they are more telling than any push poll

      The existential threat to Israel, is the Israelis.

      Read the comments.

      ha, ha, ha

    3. From Forbes the report is that the US historically represents 40% of Sodastream sales.
      With only 25% of their retail outlets.

      Sales of new hardware, down 69%.

      Death spiral ....

    4. The existential threat, being illustrated out as we type and "O"rdure is in denial about the seriousness of the BDS Movement.

      He would rather celebrate the death of Palestinian children.

      Stay the Course !

    5. There are no lies.
      I can reference everything.
      You can never reference anything.

      Come on, "O"rdure, get it right, get real.

    6. Read the comments, ha, ha ,ha...

      They tell the real tale.

    7. You really don't now about online reviews do you?

  14. SODA
    Peter Lynch Guru Analysis for SodaStream International Ltd.

    Read more:

    Detailed Analysis

    Guru Score: 93%

    Determine the Classification:

    This methodology would consider SODA a "fast-grower".

    P/E/Growth Ratio: [PASS]

    The investor should examine the P/E (15.25) relative to the growth rate (40.73%), Based on the average of the 3, 4 and 5 year historical EPS growth rates, for a company. This is a quick way of determining the fairness of the price. In this particular case, the P/E/G ratio for SODA (0.37) is very favorable.


    For companies with sales greater than $1 billion, this methodology likes to see that the P/E ratio remain below 40. Large companies can have a difficult time maintaining a growth rate high enough to support a P/E above this threshold. SODA, whose sales are $562.7 million, is not considered large enough to apply the P/E ratio analysis. However, an investor can analyze the P/E ratio relative to the EPS growth rate.

    Inventory To Sales: [PASS]

    When inventories increase faster than sales, it is a red flag. However an increase of up to 5% is considered bearable if all other ratios appear attractive. Inventory to sales for SODA was 25.83% last year, while for this year it is 25.01%. Since inventory to sales has decreased from last year by -.82%, SODA passes this test.

    EPS Growth Rate: [PASS]

    This methodology favors companies that have several years of fast earnings growth, as these companies have a proven formula for growth that in many cases can continue many more years. This methodology likes to see earnings growth in the range of 20% to 50%, as earnings growth over 50% may be unsustainable. The EPS growth rate for SODA is 40.7%, Based on the average of the 3, 4 and 5 year historical EPS growth rates, which is considered 'OK'. However, it may be difficult to sustain such a high growth rate.

    Read more:

    Reports of it's demise are greatly exaggerated.

    1. It is the trend line, fool.
      It is closing the operations in the UK.

      It is sales of hardware down 69% in the US.

      It is in a death spiral.


    2. Read the comments, from real consumers.

    3. this is why you are barn mucker and not a businessman

    4. Your reading of Sodastream and it's position shows how you play checkers, not chess nor go, but simple checkers.

      Sodastream is a great buy at it's current position. It has world wide distribution. It has revolutionized and entire market place.

      Anymore information I would give you I'd have to charge you $400 an hour to discuss and quite frankly? you are not good for it.

    5. Death Spiral.

      Only thing holding up Sodastream is George Soros.

  15. So Deuce, it took all of 8 years to get the truth out of you.

    According to you:

    Israel has no right to be. It stole all of it's lands from arabs. It's a colony. It's people, the Jews, are cowards and if they had only fought the Nazis like real men things might have been different.

    You believe that a great day of reckoning is coming due to the fact that Islamists and Palestinians united serve some serious "payback"

    Correct so far?

    your solution at this time is that Israel should stop defending it's self from Hamas rockets, attacks, ied's, sniper attacks and kidnappings and open up all borders to gaza so that Hamas can do as it pleases as a fully independent nation.

    You also believe that Hamas/Palestinians/Isalmists have the right to continue to right the wrong of historic Israel.

    So what's the end game?

    DO you have the guts to answer that?

    1. Israel is a colonial power, set up by a previous colonial power. There was no Israel before the end of WWII.

      Had the European Jews resisted the early Brown Shirts and Nazis, there would have been no holocaust. You and Allen stated as much when you said that you were armed up, you recommended the same to other Jews and you further stated you are not your father’s or grandfather’s Jews.

      The Palestinians have not been cowered by Israel. They resist. They have tolerated the indignities and deprivation of their human rights but they have not been defeated. They resist and will keep on resisting. You are on the wrong side of history. Colonialism is an historic relic. The disruption going on throughout the Islamic world is very much a by-product of European Colonialism by the French and the English. Israel is the last of the colonies established by the English.

      Israel is receiving a lesson in asymmetric warfare. It used to be called guerrilla warfare, the same tactics as used by the East European and Russians that fought against the English and the Arabs in establishing Israel.

      There is only one endgame. The endgame is a secular state that gives equal rights to all the inhabitants of a single state that is majority Palestinian. It would follow the same pattern as South Africa, Rhodesia, Hong Kong, British Honduras and India. Europeans cannot move to North Dakota, put on a feathered headdress and call themselves Lakota. Should they do so their claim would be no less bizarre than 600,000 Russians moving into Palestine and claim they are a native tribe.

      You seem astonished the the palestinians rest you. As a Jew, I would think that you would admire resistance.

      You have your own inner conflicts and have often and recently called for the extermination of Hamas, Palestinians, Arabs, Sunnis and Shias.You have called for the final solution to the Persian Problem by using nuclear weapons.

      You are the very thing your grandparents most feared. With a different hat.

    2. There is only one endgame. The endgame is a secular state that gives equal rights to all the inhabitants of a single state that is majority Palestinian.

      Oh so genocide for the Jews, no thank you

  16. 1400% increase in death toll for Israel since ground operation laughed - way to go!

    and you two scrap over the future of soda stream - way to go!

    1. Laughed launched Freud would have a field day with that!

    2. Ah, the truth is out, via Freudian slip - you are a comedian, not a Canadian.

      You are a human laugh track.

      A gas.

      A silly goose.

      A clown.

      A fool.

      An idiot !!

    3. Exactly as I have always said, O Noble Ash !


    4. The baseline is so low, ash, the percentages are mue.

      The existential threat to Israel, it is, as allen said their shaky economy. An economy that needs foreign investment and foreign sales.

      "O"rdure told us those sales would come from the Iron Dome, but allen has posted that system is a complete failure. So there won't be much revenue, there.
      The true threat to Israel, is not those rockets with 20kg warheads. They have no militry value except when fired in battery, in the thousands. Not going to happen.

      The threat to Israel is the Boycott, Divest and Sanction Movement.
      The major headliner the target of that movement is Sodastream.

      The threat of that contagion spreading, why it scares the bejesus out of the Israeli.
      And it should.
      Much more so than 14 dead Israeli soldiers. More than 140 dead Israaeli soldiers.
      More than 1,400 dead Israeli soldiers.

      The Israeli have been lured into a trap.
      War is just an extension of politics, nothing more.
      The Israeli have forgotten that, if they ever really knew.

      Bibi's problem, he was the second son, the nobody. The son that couldn't 'Cut it" as a real soldier, like his "Big Brother"
      He is trying to prove himself, and the Palestinians know it, have laid in wait.
      And are ready. Every Palestinian that dies, is another percentage of Israeli markets that will be shut, closed to their exports.
      Consumers will shun their products.

      The "best" ally the Israeli ever had, ideology wise, was the National Party government in South Africa.
      We all know how the BDS Movement worked against them.

    5. The baseline is so low, ash, the percentages are mute.

    6. The other part, Ash, is it is fun to lead "O"rdure around like a puppy on a leash.
      Who chose to focus on Sodastream, who took an off hand remark by allen and drove the direction of "O"rdure's post s with it?

      It sure wasn't "O"rdure, was it.

      He is dancing to my tune, like a puppet on a string.
      Or, like a little monkey, like the organ grinders used to have, in the movies.

      It's is very entertaining, playing with "O"rdure's mind, like that.

      Stay the Course !

    7. you are a legend in your own mind..

      classic narcissistic personality disorder.


    8. What was Q's diagnosis?

      I can't recall. Had a fancy name.

      But the symptoms seemed to hit the mark.

      Classic narcissistic personality disorder is just an added disability, perhaps.

  17. What is "Occupation"Sun Jul 20, 07:55:00 PM EDT

    this is why you are barn mucker and not a businessman


    Never heard of SodaStream out here in the outback, but it must be a carbonated beverage company?

    I'll stick with Diet Cherry Pepsi.


    Maybe Israel should simply declare war, like we did with the Japanese, and demand unconditional surrender, and bombs away until that blessed day of surrender comes.......that's my solution.

    Nobody else here, WiO excepted, has one.

    Otherwise after the inevitable hudna, there will just be another round, started again by the apes.

  18. Some of the more enlightened among the Gazans are WISHING for an occupation by Israel.

    Or anybody but the Hamas.

  19. The CEMENT that was allowed into Gaza ended up in HOMICIDE TERRORIST TUNNELS.

  20. Why has there not been another election in Gaza?


    1. Has Hamas been denying the people of Gaza their God Given rights as free men and women?




    2. Does Gaza need a Magna Carta?

    3. Do you have any clue who won and what followed? It certainly does not appear to be the case. Learn so history and then try again.

    4. Man you are truly a boobie!

  21. Replies
    1. I think we can stipulate that you are “out”, in the past, present and future.

    2. I think exactly the same of you, thank you very much.

      I've counted up the Jew haters here, versus the more rational folk.

      Right now I think the rational folk are up by a total of 1, unless I have forgotten someone.

  22. It is not about Hamas, Robert Peterson, it is ALL about the Israeli killing children.
    For political gains.

    Even allen said that was the purpose of the Protective Edge, to bolster Bibi's political position.

    allen is the gift that keeps on giving,
    Merry Christmas, allen

    Say the Course !

    1. The kids that are dying?

      Hamas is killing them. By using them as human shields for political purposes.

      No better than Saddam Hussien protecting his sites with little british kids... Except Hamas is using the kids they bred for this purpose..

      Creating a supportive social environment for terrorists has been a critical factor in the Palestinian Authority's successful promotion of suicide terrorism. To this end, PA policy has been to honor terrorists as Shahids (Martyrs for Allah), and to teach Palestinian mothers to celebrate when their children die as terrorist Shahids. Categorizing these dead terrorists as Shahids grants them the highest honor a Muslim can achieve, and is therefore cause for a mother to celebrate, according to this PA teaching.
      An example of that happiness and celebration can be seen in Um Nidal, mother of a suicide terrorist:

      Um Nidal is filmed with her son, Muhammad, who is armed and ready to carry out a terror attack:
      "By Allah, today is the best day of my life. I feel that our Lord is pleased with me, because I am offering something [my son] for Him. I wish to sacrifice more [sons] for Allah's forgiveness, and for the flag [of Islam], 'There is no god but Allah', to fly over Palestine.... It's true that there's nothing more precious than children, but for the sake of Allah – what is precious becomes cheap


  23. According to UNICEF, children make up one third of the civilian deaths in Israel’s war on Hamas.

    The Israeli are killing children, oh what a strategic victory for Israel !

    1. Well at least we are seeing truthful statements.

      2/3 of the deaths are NOT children, less than 12% are women.

      SO a FULL 60% of the deaths are active Hamas terrorists.

      Not to shabby a kill ratio...

    2. The 'Hamas' are using their kids as human shields.

      O what a propaganda victory for the 'Hamas'.

  24. So finally Deuce has pained his final solution to the Jewish question.

    "Deuce ☂Sun Jul 20, 10:13:00 PM EDT
    Israel is a colonial power, set up by a previous colonial power. There was no Israel before the end of WWII.

    Let's be honest. there were NO arab counties 100 years ago. ALL arab nations were set up by the VERY same colonial powers you deem not qualified to help set up Israel.

    1. Now Deuce's next statement? Is AMAZING

      Had the European Jews resisted the early Brown Shirts and Nazis, there would have been no holocaust. You and Allen stated as much when you said that you were armed up, you recommended the same to other Jews and you further stated you are not your father’s or grandfather’s Jews.

      Wow, talk about revisionism.

      My ancestors in Pre-Nazi Germany did not have the 2nd amendment, nor did they envision mass extermination. But let put it all on them.

      It still doesn't address the 850,000 Jews from the arab OCCUPIED middle east that were thrown out of their historic homes and driven into Israel by the arabs....

    2. Deuce: The Palestinians have not been cowered by Israel. They resist. They have tolerated the indignities and deprivation of their human rights but they have not been defeated. They resist and will keep on resisting.

      Maybe Israel needs to defeat them, just as America did to the nazis.

      Deuce: You are on the wrong side of history. Colonialism is an historic relic.

      Does that include America? But Israel is not a colony. That's one of your basic misunderstanding. You assign no legitimate rights to RE-establish its homeland in Historic Israel. But somehow you think Arabs hold those rights.

    3. Deuce: The disruption going on throughout the Islamic world is very much a by-product of European Colonialism by the French and the English.

      I agree the arabs are throwing off the yoke of french and british colony imperialism.

      As for Israel? you say: Israel is the last of the colonies established by the English.

      No, Israel was established by the Jews, they FOUGHT the British for independence. Your history is shaky.

      Deuce: Israel is receiving a lesson in asymmetric warfare. It used to be called guerrilla warfare, the same tactics as used by the East European and Russians that fought against the English and the Arabs in establishing Israel.

      Not a problem, Israel will fight back, but remember it can be painful for the arabs that do it... (you are the head cheerleader for terrorism against Jews)

    4. Deuce: There is only one endgame. The endgame is a secular state that gives equal rights to all the inhabitants of a single state that is majority Palestinian.

      I LOVE how you pick the majority population. Who says it would be MAJORITY Palestinan? Israel already is a secular state with arabs that have equal rights with the population majority is Jewish.

      Gaza can go back to egypt and the arabs of the west bank can JOIN Israel or leave for Jordan.

      Deuce: It would follow the same pattern as South Africa, Rhodesia, Hong Kong, British Honduras and India. Europeans cannot move to North Dakota, put on a feathered headdress and call themselves Lakota. Should they do so their claim would be no less bizarre than 600,000 Russians moving into Palestine and claim they are a native tribe.

      Most palestinian arabs did not live in the area 100 years ago. In fact, there is not even a P in arabic. the tribe called "palestinian" is a newly created tribe in 1966 by the egyptians. So actually Russian jews, are Jews and have a right to LIVE in the Jewish Homeland.

      Deuce: You seem astonished the the palestinians rest you. As a Jew, I would think that you would admire resistance.

      I dont admire a culture of death. A culture that has been created to be centered around the destruction of Israel and not the creation of their own state.

      Deuce: You have your own inner conflicts and have often and recently called for the extermination of Hamas, Palestinians, Arabs, Sunnis and Shias.You have called for the final solution to the Persian Problem by using nuclear weapons.

      That was what YOU suggested. I just cleaned up your language. YOU said that paybacks are coming and they will be a bitch (read that genocide of the Jews), so IF that is your chose, why not off them now?

      Deuce: You are the very thing your grandparents most feared. With a different hat.

      hardly but I doubt you are the apple of your grandparents eyes either.

      your solution?


      At the rate we are going? The there will be no palestinian issue in 20 years. All the palestinians will revert to being simple arabs. Most arab nations will no longer stand and moslems in the middle east will either be living in a sunni state or in a shia one...

      nationalism for arabs is a dead deal...

    5. But one last funny point..

      How about "palestine" be set up in the arab dominated areas 1st, make it a secular state, invite jews to be equal citizens and live there.

      You might have a problem with the PA and Hamas as they both only want an Islamic nation. But you go and get that state set up, invite Jews to live as equal citizens. (just as Arabs are in Israel) then if you want to talk about a merger? Fine.

      But the formula you laid out?


  25. Why is it all these moslem countries are not called 'apartheid states' by our Hamas lovin' Jew hatin' folk here?

    What happened to all the Jews and Christians in all those places?

    Just askin'.


  26. "Had the European Jews resisted the early Brown Shirts and Nazis, there would have been no holocaust. You and Allen stated as much when you said that you were armed up, you recommended the same to other Jews and you further stated you are not your father’s or grandfather’s Jews."

    Goddamn, Deuce, that is really really dumb.

  27. Netanyahu’s war:

    According to UNICEF, children make up one third of the civilian deaths in Israel’s war on Hamas. More than half of those children are under the age of 12.

    Israel’s latest offensive attacks on the Gaza strip are leaving hundreds dead and many more wounded, as Israeli forces hit city centers and residential neighborhoods with airstrikes, shelling and the recent ground invasion. The number killed is closing in on 500. 15,000 homes destroyed.

    1. The noble Hamas should quit with this using them as human shields.

      The noble Hamas should quit with this using their own kids as propaganda fodder.

      All the children in Gaza should be placed in foster homes in some western country.

      The parents are unfit parents.

    2. Here in this backwater of Idaho, if parents did this they would be immediately under the protection of Child Services and under Court protection.

  28. It is obvious that someone is now censoring youtube videos from Arab sources.

  29. I noticed this a couple of days ago with the “knock” videos. Then I realized that the number of privately loaded videos was diminishing. Next came the announcement that particular videos “are not available in your country".

  30. Maybe someone finally noticed that such videos are usually the most godawful propaganda bull shit ever created, and decided enough is enough.

    Not saying they should take them down, however.

    They are probably a good thing, like Herr Rodent.

    And we do have the 1st Amendment.

  31. If the Jews of Germany had fought the brown shirts with their bare hands, the only weapons they had, the result would have been an even earlier trip to the ovens.
