Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sanctuary cities for Illegals - How about some Sanctuary States for Legals?

If you look on the internet for “Sanctuary Cities”, you will see all the usual suspects. Here is a list of them in California:

Bell Gardens, CA
City of Industry, CA
City of Commerce, CA
Cypress, CA
Davis CA
Downey, CA
Fresno, CA (6/13/07 Congressional Research Service)
Lakewood, CA
Los Angeles, CA (Congressional Research Service)
Long Beach, CA
Lynwood, CA
Maywood, CA
Montebello, CA
National City, CA
Norwalk, CA
Oakland, CA (Added 8-27-07. Source: 4/25/07 story by KCBS 740 AM. Link here.)
Paramount, CA
Pico Rivera, CA
Richmond, CA (Added 11-5-09. Sources: Mayor Gayle McLaughlin's campaign website from 2004, 2006)
So. Gate, CA
San Bernardino, Ca. (Added 6/7/07, reader submitted / 9/5/08 Listing disputed by the city administration* See addl.notes)
San Diego, CA (Congressional Research Service)
Santa Cruz, CA (Added 5/30/07, documented by KSBW news)
San Francisco, CA (Congressional Research Service)
San Jose, CA (6/13/07 Congressional Research Service)
Santa Maria, CA (11-18-08 Submitted research from local activist/ Listing disputed by the city administration)
Sonoma County, CA (Congressional Research Service)
Vernon, CA
Watsonville, CA (Added 5/30/07, documented by KSBW news)
Wilmington, CA 

This local civil disobedience action has the purpose of eliminating the enforcement of federal laws that give illegal immigrants special privileges protecting them from certain government sanctions.

Maybe we need four or five Sanctuary States where legal citizens can be protected from lists of federal restrictions we do not like.


  1. .

    This local civil disobedience action has the purpose of eliminating the enforcement of federal laws that give illegal immigrants special privileges protecting them from certain government sanctions.

    It's ironic that when these cities defy federal law, there are apparently no sanctions; yet, when Arizona tries to support federal law and expand their purported intent, they are faced with a lawsuit.

    Not surprising, but it still qualifies as ironic .


  2. That is a very good point, Mr Quirk. Given the recent Az Ruling, a case can be made that these localities are infringing on Federal turf.

  3. Four or five - I suggest

    1 Alaska
    2 Idaho
    3 Montana
    4 Wyoming
    5 The Dakotas, north and south

    That would give us a start.


    1. Texas as well comes to mind. And of course, Arizona.


  4. We need to subdivide the states. Great parts of Pennsylvania and New York would do just fine without Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Albany and New York City.

  5. In his campaign for the United States Senate, Ted Cruz has continuously attacked David Dewhurst for not leading Texas, particularly through the state senate, to an even more crazy conservative status.


    Naturally, these attacks against Dewhurst are also attacks on the entire Texas Senate. The Republican Texas Senators have not taken kindly, either.

    They lashed out yesterday, releasing a letter signed by every Republican Senator except Brian Birdwell calling out Cruz for his anti-legislature rhetoric.

  6. On this day in 1890, Wyoming was admitted as the 44th state in the U.S.

  7. If we elect something that passes for a government this time around, fed funds should be cut off from the cities on the list.


  8. Who'd a thunk he hid where it stunk -

    A Maine man found himself in deep doo-doo after allegedly going on a tear at a local disc golf course — before he was apprehended by cops.

    That's because they found him in the bottom of a port-a-potty.

    When police at Enman Disc Golf in Brunswick in response to complaints that a naked man had been rolling in the mud, overturning trash cans and sitting in the disc goals, the suspect was nowhere to be found, The Times Record reported.

    For a while, a backpack full of clothes was all they could trace — until they spotted him in the bottom of the portable toilet, according to the Times Record.

    The 29-year-old didn't respond to cops' commands, the deputy police chief said, but eventually cops fished him out, sprayed him down and cuffed him.

    The man was taken into protective custody and hospitalized.


  9. At least he didn't eat the cop's face.

  10. After a rocky ride in the first half of the year, markets in Asia are gearing up to cross the next obstacle, the forthcoming earnings season.


    "We are seeing worse economic numbers, so you've got to expect the earnings estimates to come down,"...

  11. Conservatives, in America anyway, have long had a natural sympathy for business. But they have also cultivated an appreciation for the unintended consequences of systemic disruptions.


    The websites for microtaskers Mechanical Turk, Odesk, and Elance note that they serve employers as big as AOL, Google, Citigroup, and Microsoft and as small as the Mom and Pop business next door. Yet when you click through the lists of available workers waiting to serve these businesses, more often than not—far more often, actually—they’re from Pakistan or Turkey or India or Serbia, rather than the United States.

    Where, coincidentally, the unemployment rate is 8.2 percent, and the real jobless rate is closer to 15 percent.

  12. E-mailo from a friend -

    "Bob, don't you get tired of all the Bush bashing after all these years? He was the best dry drunk President we've ever had."

    So there, deuce.



  13. .

    Under Obama, Americans Pay the Lowest Tax Rates in 30 Years

    This puts to a lie the GOP's claims that Obama is a big taxer (at least so far) and that lower taxes result in job creation. The GOP is so tied to this meme, they ignore any evidence to the contrary.


    1. The Blog
      Obama in 2010: Raising Taxes Will Lead to 'More Folks Potentially Losing Jobs'
      3:18 PM, Jul 10, 2012 • By STEPHEN F. HAYES

      Why would the president oppose raising taxes when economic growth was 5.6 percent but propose raising taxes when it’s at 1.9 percent? When it’s politically advantageous to be seen as raising taxes on the rich.

      If there’s another answer to that question, it’s not obvious – or not obvious to me, anyway. But that’s precisely what Barack Obama has done.

      On January 29, 2010, with an economy he described as “somewhat fragile,” Obama said that the “consensus among people who know the economy best” was that raising taxes was one of two ways to damage the economy. At a House Republican retreat in Baltimore, Maryland, Obama rejected a Republican proposal to freeze spending at pre-stimulus levels and warned against the “destimuluative effect” of tax hikes.

      "I am just listening to the consensus among people who know the economy best. And what they will say is that if you either increased taxes or significantly lowered spending when the economy remains somewhat fragile, that that would have a destimulative effect and potentially you'd see a lot of folks losing business, more folks potentially losing jobs. That would be a mistake when the economy has not fully taken off." [Emphasis added.]

      The “somewhat fragile” U.S. economy was then coming off a fourth quarter in 2009 that had seen economic growth at a robust 5.6 percent – a pace that the New York Times described as a “roaring growth rate,” while noting that it was expected to slow. (The first quarter of 2010 would show growth at 3.2 percent.) Unemployment was higher but headed rapidly in the right direction. The rate in January 2010 fell 0.3 percentage points, from 10.0 percent to 9.7 percent.


  14. http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/07/the_west_bank_may_never_be_the_same.html

    Levy Report.

    Big doings in Israel.

