Thursday, May 24, 2012

Oh Jesus, Is this a problem?

Seized from smugglers, the leather-bound 'gospel' which Iran claims will bring down Christianity and shake world politics

  • The text, written on animal hide, is thought to be an authentic version of the Gospel of Barnabas, one of Jesus's disciples
  • It was discovered by Turkish authorities in 2000 during an anti-smuggling operation
  • 'Laughable' Iranian report claims the book states that Jesus was never crucified and He predicted the coming of the Prophet Muhammad
  • The Vatican has made an official request to view the text

    A leather-bound religious text, thought to date from the fifth century but discovered only 12 years ago, will cause the collapse of Christianity worldwide, Iran has claimed.
The book, written on animal hide, was confiscated during an anti-smuggling operation in Turkey's Mediterranean region in 2000.
Turkish authorities believe it could be an authentic version of the Gospel by Jesus's disciple Barnabas, and an Iranian press report has claimed that its contents will trigger Christianity's downfall by proving that Islam is the final and righteous religion.
Ancient: The discovery of this leather-bound text will cause the collapse of Christianity worldwide, Iran has claimed
Ancient: The discovery of this leather-bound text will cause the collapse of Christianity worldwide, Iran has claimed
Others have dismissed the Iranian claims as 'laughable' anti-Christian propaganda.
The Basij Press claims the text was written in the 5th or 6th century and it predicted the coming of the Prophet Muhammad and the religion of Islam.
It says the Christian world denies the existence of such a gospel.

Basij claims that Chapter 41 of the Gospel reads: 'God has hidden himself as Archangel Michael ran them (Adam and Eve) out of heaven, (and) when Adam turned, he noticed that at top of the gateway to heaven, it was written "La elah ela Allah, Mohamad rasool Allah,"' meaning Allah is the only God and Mohammad his prophet.
The Iranian report claims that the text states that Jesus was never crucified and that He himself predicted Muhammad's coming.
The book, written in Syriac, a dialect of Aramaic, even predicts the coming of the last Islamic messiah, the report adds.
St Barnabas Low Res.jpg
AD2BAR Greek Orthodox religious icon in the Monastery of St Barnabas
Saintly: Turkish authorities believe the book could be an authentic version of the Gospel of Barnabas, pictured
Turkish authorities seized the text in 2000 in a crackdown on a gang who were charged with smuggling antiquities, illegal excavations and the possession of explosives.
But excitement at the find only peaked in February this year, when it was reported that the Vatican had made an official request to view the book.
It is not known whether the request was granted.
Its origins are unknown, but National Turk reported that the book had been kept in the Justice Palace in the Turkish capital, Ankara, and was being transferred under armed police guard to the city's Ethnography Museum.
The Basij report suggests that the discovery is so immense that it will shake world politics.
'The discovery of the original Barnabas Bible will now undermine the Christian Church and its authority and will revolutionize the religion in the world,” it states.
Safe keeping: The book was stored in Ankara's Justice Palace after it was confiscated from smugglers
Safe keeping: The book was stored in Ankara's Justice Palace after it was confiscated from smugglers
'The most significant fact, though, is that this Bible has predicted the coming of Prophet Mohammad and in itself has verified the religion of Islam.'
Although Turkish authorities believe the text to be genuine, other observers have questioned its authenticity.
Erick Stakelbeck, a terrorism analyst and a close observer of Iranian affairs, told 'The Iranian regime is committed to stamping out Christianity by any means necessary, whether that means executing Christian converts, burning Bibles or raiding underground churches.'
Phil Lawler, writing on the Catholic Culture website, described the claim as a 'laughable Iranian challenge to Christianity'.

Read more:


  1. False stories and propagandized reporting in the media is nothing new.

  2. From what I have read the last day or so about that story the chances of it being 'laughable' are 100%.


    1. The Iranian report claims that the text states that Jesus was never crucified and that He himself predicted Muhammad's coming.

      hardy har har har, that is really laughable.

      ho,ho, hohoho

      A crucified Messiah wasn't exactly what was anticipated in those days. So how did the story of the crucifixion arise?


  3. Grand Ayatollah Jafar Sobhani, in a recent statement, proclaimed that since the Quran was the last holy book and provides the most complete religion to the world, and Muhammad the last prophet, there is no authority to abide by other books. The Quran clearly indicates that only those who have accepted the true religion of Islam are the guided ones, he said.

    As reported recently, a former intelligence officer in the Revolutionary Guards revealed that tens of thousands of Bibles were confiscated and burned in Iran under the order of Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The mullah said the Bible is not a holy book and its burning is morally acceptable.

    Khamenei said: “In light of the realization of the divine promise by almighty Allah, the Zionists and the Great Satan (America) will soon be defeated. Allah’s promise will be delivered and Islam will be victorious.”

    1. that tens of thousands of Bibles were confiscated and burned in Iran

      Time to riot, kill, burn, and raise general hell.


  4. Damn videos don't work for me anymore.

    Bobbo demands a carbon dating test on the animal hide, for starters.


  5. Could be Jewish disinformation. A conspiracy to fuck with Gentile and Moslem minds.


  6. Because we are persuaded, however, that ignorance is a great evil - no matter how blissful it may be - and because ignorance is the handmaid of error, we deem it necessary to set out the true facts about the Gospel of Barnabas so that it may be clear to Muslim peoples everywhere that this book is a patent forgery of the Middle Ages and that the Muslims will be doing the cause of truth a great service by admitting once and for all that the Gospel of Barnabas is of no historical value at all and that it is to be rejected as a genuine account of the life and teaching of Jesus Christ.


  7. .

    Only tangentially related but perhaps interesting.

    China to Open World's Largest Bible Production Plant

    China will open the largest Bible production factory in the world early next year, according to a leading U.K. newspaper.

    Amity Printing, China’s only authorized Christian publisher, plans to open the new plant on the edge of the eastern city of Nanjing to meet the country’s heavy demands for Bibles, reported The Times of London. The new factory will be the world’s single-biggest producer of Bibles with the capacity to print 1 million Bibles a month – increasing the current output by a third...

    “It will print Bibles for China for as long as it takes to do it,” added Dean, who has been at Amity in China since 1991.

    Last year, Amity printed 3.5 million Bibles and expects the number to rise for 2007. In total, China’s Amity Printing has produced over 50 million Bibles since 1986.

    Demand for Bibles is increasing in officially-atheist China and some contend the high demand is tied to the country’s recent economic boom...

    Bibles for China


    1. I had a half hour or 45 minute talk with a female Chinese student here today that lives in one of ours. Has an American first name, where she got that I don't know. Really nice. Taking accounting. Father in the Chinese military, from the center of China. We were talking about real estate. He 'plays in real estate' she said. Wondered why we build everything out of wood. Cheap and available, says I. What I am getting around to saying is, these young people, muslims excepted, seem pretty much all the same to me. Her boyfriend smiled, but doesn't seem to speak our lingo. I asked what are you going to do after you graduate? Go back to China. Think you might come back? I might, I really like it here, and I can get a job. :) I mentioned how some of our early buildings here were mostly brick and stone, especially some of the churches. She had noticed. And liked it. This Chinese military man/real estate man's daughter, she doesn't want to fight. Thankfully. Some of these 'kids' really cheer me up.

      As does the story about the Bibles in China.


  8. Why in the hell would she want to go back to China after being in the US? Seems backwards.

  9. Its great to see that people are sharing quite profitable information with each other and now we can move our selves to a new era.

