Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Norman Finkelstein on Israeli Lobby and AIPAC Pressure on the US Political System


  1. If you go to the twenty minute mark, you get a summation of Finkelstein’s attitude and his political view on being an American first. There is not much difference between my view of the relationship between Israel and the US and the view of Finkelstein. Simply stated, both the US and Israel are worse off for the bizarre nature of the mutually destructive relationship. It is a legitimate political view.

  2. Where out of what corner of hell do you find and come up with such stuff?

    That guy is goofy as hell.

    Citing linguist and political activist Noam Chomsky as an example, Finkelstein notes that it is "possible to unite exacting scholarly rigor with scathing moral outrage,"[5] and supporters and detractors alike have remarked on the polemical style of Finkelstein's work.[1 wiki

    An admirer of Noam Chomsky, heh, and cheerleader for the Palestinians.

    Maybe he and Soros should have dinner together.


    1. "If he were not a Jew - that is, I don't think he is a Jew. As someone once put it 'he's only Jewish on his parents side". If he were not a Jewish person or a person of Jewish heritage with a name like Finkelstein, nobody would have any doubt that he was an anti-Semite."

      Alan Dershowitz, author 'The Case for Israel'


    2. While Finkelstein expresses nothing but contempt for Israel, he lavishes praise on the terrorist group Hezbollah. In a letter posted on his Web site he states, "I did make a point of publicly honoring the heroic resistance of Hezbollah to foreign occupation ...Their historic contributions are...undeniable." He appeared on the official Hezbollah television network al-Manar, because, he said, "If I'm willing to appear on CNN – the main propaganda organ for America's terrorist wars–why shouldn't I appear on al-Manar?"

      Campus anti-Israel activists copy many of their arguments from two main sources – MIT professor Noam Chomsky, and his acolyte Norman Finkelstein, a DePaul University political science professor who never misses an opportunity to inform readers that his parents were Holocaust survivors.

      Norman Finkelstein's Fraudulent Scholarship --


      Norman is one fucked up dude.


  3. dragging out the gutter to support your point of view deuce?

    how low can you go?

  4. As usual you ignore his argument and make an attack without substance. Finkelstein made some well argued and contested statements for twenty minutes with an aggressive and bright reporter. I agree with a lot of what he sadi.

    Your well thought out response: dragging out the gutter.... You want to be taken seriously, then try in your own words a rebuttal, not an AOL food fight. You are the only commenter on this blog that routinely ignores the substance and the details of arguments that you oppose. It is all emotion.

    Bob, who never finds an American Thinker column he does not like, drags out Alan Dershowitz arguing that the man is not Jewish enough to have an opinion. After careful thought and analysis, he further states Norman is one fucked up dude.

    1. Guy needs an analyst. He's got some kind of weird Stockholm Syndrome or something.

      He is the first guy I've ever seen to praise Hezbollah.


    2. "He was a Maoist revolutionary in his youth."

      The guy is crazy, and his ideas are too.

      "His days are now spent in solitary scholarly pursuits; his bookshelves buckle under the weight of tomes by Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky. Notes of support from his students sit on a piano; there’s a photo of him and Noam Chomsky (“my closest friend”) bare-chested on the beach at Cape Cod."

      Chomsky, Mao, Marx, Lenin, Trotsky......

      All the superkillers....

      from New York Magazine -



  5. why argue with assholes... or about assholes.

    it says alot about you and your choice of positions to put out such a liar and a creep as him

    putting him out here to defend your position on Israel?

    shows what an anti-semite you have lowered yourself to become...
