Friday, May 04, 2012

barack HUSSEIN obama

EDITORIAL: Obama’s military madrassas

Politically correct Defense Department mobilizes to defend Islam

America’s top-line military schools are supposed to be cutting-edge centers of strategic education. But say a bad word about Islam there, and it could end your career.
On April 24, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff issued a memo expressing concern that “academic institutions within the Department of Defense may be presenting material … which goes well beyond merely presenting alternative intellectual viewpoints on radicalism to advocating ideas, beliefs and actions that are contrary to our national policy, inconsistent with the values of our profession, and disrespectful of the Islamic religion.” The memo ordered a thorough screening of course curricula and outside speakers with a view toward “cultural sensitivity, respect for religion and intellectual balance.” Disciplinary action could be taken against academics whose courseware is judged somehow to be offensive. Outside speakers could be blacklisted.
The review was ordered after a student complained about the content of an elective - “Perspectives on Islam and Islamic Radicalism” - taught at the Joint Forces Staff College in Norfolk, Va. The class was highly regarded by students, yet one slide in one briefing presented the view that America is at war with Islam - a politically incorrect notion that’s never permitted to be uttered, written or thought. “The course is called ‘Perspectives on Radicalism,’ ” a former senior-level military professor told The Washington Times, “but they only want the official perspective.Graduate school is supposed to be education, not indoctrination.”
The Pentagon review will have a chilling effect on military students. Graduate-level seminars are designed to promote the free exchange of ideas. Now officers may be unwilling to have frank discussions because of the potential that expressing the wrong ideas, even as a means of spurring debate, could be a career-ender. “Can you imagine a midlevel officer with years of service overseas being essentially forced out because he or she wanted to have an open discussion of the things they witnessed and experienced?” the professor said to us. “This memo tells them that if they have any views that contradict the party line, they best keep them to themselves.”
“At the graduate level, no student would expect that simple exposure to an idea constitutes an official endorsement,” a military officer said. “Rather than responding with a radical, top-down, scrub-the-curriculum witch hunt, the person who was offended should have been given counseling on the purposes of education. It just shows how politically correct the military has become.”
The purge strikes at the legitimacy of the service colleges. For years, academic-accreditation agencies viewed military graduate schools as subpar institutions, indoctrination mills for government policies rather than centers of learning. It took decades for the schools to achieve the status that the degrees they offered were legitimate. “Now that legitimacy is being called into question,” the professor warned. “The issue is not respect for Islam or anything of the kind. It is a simple matter of academic freedom that is required for schools to retain their accreditation status.”
“The mission of military schools is to nurture the next generation of strategic thinkers,” our officer source explained. “The takeaway from this event is ‘Shut up and survive.’ ” Lock-step thinking doesn’t instill confidence for future military victory.
The Washington Times


  1. An Arab enters a taxi..........

    Once he is seated he asks the cab driver to turn off the radio because he must not hear music as decreed by his religion and, in the time of the prophet, there was no music, especially Western music which is music of the infidel's and certainly no radio ........

    So the cab driver politely switches off the radio, stops the cab and opens the back door.

    The Arab asks him: “Watt are you doing man?”

    The cabby answers: “In the time of the prophet there were no taxis.
    So get out and wait for a camel.”

  2. Replies
    1. :) excellent, that hit the spot this morning


  3. .

    The US automakers (most automakers in fact) are paying little or no US income taxes on the billions of dollars of profit they are making right now as they deduct past losses. That is a feature of tax law that all companies enjoy. However, GM has an especially sweet deal. As part of the bankruptcy settlement in which the US bailed them out with $50 billion, GM is still deducting losses (and will be for a number of years) from the old, bankrupt GM, a practice that was previously outlawed by a 1986 law.

    Let the good times roll!


    1. Interesting - the Bondholders (and some pensioners?) get a smokin' haircut and GM gets the benefit of the tax loss...

      ...I'm guessing the losing bondholds also get to carry their losses forward. Did pensioners take a haircut in the bankruptcy?

  4. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Iraq, Oman, Libya, Algeria - All "Islamic" countries.

    Do we want some yahoo at the War College teaching that we are "at war" with our major oil suppliers? Come on. Our ociffers are supposed to be adults.

  5. Chris Williamson, chief economist at Markit, said the euro- area economy probably contracted at a quarterly rate of 0.5 percent in April, “extending the downturn for a third successive quarter.”

    ‘Even in Germany’

    “Growth has practically ground to a halt even in Germany, and France has joined Italy and Spain in seeing a strong rate of economic decline,” Williamson said in a statement. The ECB’s stimulus measures don’t seem to have “had a lasting impact on the real economy.”

    The ECB, which has injected more than 1 trillion euros ($1.3 trillion) into the banking system to fight the crisis, said yesterday that risks to the economic outlook remain on the downside.

    Adding to signs of a deepening recession across Europe, euro-region economic confidence dropped in April to the lowest since December and the jobless rate rose to a 15-year high of 10.9 percent in March. German unemployment unexpectedly increased last month, and the U.K. slipped into its first double-dip recession since 1975.

    Europe Tanking

  6. Re-education camps for personnel infected with the truth about Islam?

    Jihad Watch's take on this very matter.


  7. AMJA Senior Committee Member: Female Genital Mutilation Is 'an Honor' per Islam," from Translating Jihad, April 27



  8. The Cherokee got religion right. They invited the "religious elites" to take a "long walk off a short pier."

  9. Speaking of Indians (American), Elizabeth Warren claims she is 1/32 Indian, so she can get some benefits. 1/32? Paleazzz.

    I am 1/16 Choctaw. I think that might get me free admittance to Dancing Rabbit Casino and a promise they wont overcharge me at the golf course.

    1. Last I heard, those Choctaws weren't giving much away. :)

    2. So you have to go back 5 generations to track x/16 and 6 generations to track x/32, which I think is right.

      I seriously impressed with both of you. My tree disappears into stone cold oblivion after the third generation back.

    3. Well, 4 for me, but who's counting. This is all on my dad's side. My mom's family tree resembles a stump.

    4. I go back to the Solutreans, the first Americans!


  10. Gotta go buy some new tires; later.

  11. Israeli President Shimon Peres cautions against Iran strike

  12. Sabercat

    Did you even know that a horse named Sabercat was in the race? At 30-1, he offers a great price because he'll be running out of the 18 spot.

    However, an outside posting isn't a terrible thing for a horse that is going to have the spurs put to it in the final furlongs.

    This colt offers a great a price and depending on how things play out in front of him he could see a lane and attack into a money position when they come to wire.

    I'm putting WiO on Take Charge Indy - $100 to win
    and $100 to show


  13. Sam gets Union Rags $100 to win $100 to show


  14. Doug gets Alpha -$100 to win, $100 to place

    Have I forgotten anyone?

    I'm going with Hansen, he is after all a Swedish sounding horse


  15. Can't recall if I did Ash, but if not he gets Done Talking $200 to win.


  16. Hooker making headlines -

    "Totally," she replied when asked.

    "The man slept all night," said the woman, who was identified by her lawyer as Dania Londono Suarez. "If I had wanted to, I could have gone through all his documents, his wallet, his suitcase."

    Read all about it -


  17. In conversation about Elizabeth Warren -


    All I can say is that the Cherokee must have been the must have been the most sexually active and aggressive tribe in the world, since about every third person I've ever met claims to be at least 1/32 Cherokee or more. It's never the Kickapoo, or the Algonquins, or the Gros Ventre, or the Posspatuck or any of the hundreds of others- no, it's always the Chreokee. Amazing how they "got around" so much back then. With all their procreating, how did they have time for anything else?

    Read more:




    More rights stuff. Quirk will probably find it interesting.

  19. Richard Lugar looks to be finished -

    Student Body President Endorses Lugar
    Terrence Lawrence, President of Carmel High School
    May 1, 2012

    “As a three-year member of student Senate and current student body president of Carmel High School, I can appreciate the impact experience has on an organization’s efficiency — whether that be running a school or providing good government. Senator Richard Lugar is a living example of that valuable experience, which is what we need during these difficult times facing our state and nation.”

    Now look, I have nothing against Mr. Lawrence, who I am sure is a perfectly nice fellow and a capable President of his high school student body. But when a 36-year incumbent in the United States Senate has to resort to sending out endorsements from high school students, you know that very serious trouble is around the corner.


  20. "Oil in Free Fall as Economic Worries Spur Selling"

    Y'all got Rufus under suicide watch yet? Might think 'bout it.

  21. Japan has shut down the last of its fifty or so nuclear reactors. This seems a little extreme even considering what they have been through. The reactors provided about 1/3 of their power, which is less than I'd have guessed, so I read. They are expecting brownouts in the summer, and higher energy prices too. How to make up the gap?


  22. .

    My plan is to vote NLP in November since I consider both of the major candidates dicks.

    However, my mind is slowly changing as I add up the negatives on Obama. Every day it is something new with the man (or with his chief lieutenants and allies). The more I consider it, the more I think I may end up actually voting for Romney, something I said I would never do.

    I am dismayed at the thought.


    1. I'm elated.

      Face it Quirk NLP has a ceiling of perhaps 1/2 of 1 percent of the vote.

      It is only for those who are ripe for liberation. :)


    2. .

      Thanks, Bob.

      That last sentence brought me back to reality.

      I'm voting NLP.

