Saturday, April 07, 2012

How did it work out for Justin Rivera?


  1. who knew geraldo had a kid that could play...

    not bad for a white hispanic jew

  2. Replies
    1. I would have bet money Geraldo was a Catholic.

    2. Touring Baltimore

      The mountains, as revolutionists, and older farmers, have always known, are safer than any gated community, the desert safer than any city.

      I think my wife and I will be heading east, if it ever happens, at the very wrong time. NeoNazis are gracing Sanford, can the New Black Ps be far behind?

      Obama had the opportunity to be a great President, even though he is a fraud, but it is all gone now. His legacy will be inter racial fighting.

      The blacks don't know what they are doing. It is becoming a two race society - blacks, and everybody else.

      My advice: they best quit this nonsense.

  3. he's jewish, his father is a catholic, his mother a jew.

    what I can tell?

    he mostly practices Geraldoism

    That is the worship of an ugly ass hair growth on the upper lip while cheating on one's 6th wife.

  4. Touring Baltimore

    The mountains, as revolutionists, and older farmers, have always known, are safer than any gated community, the desert safer than any city.

    I think my wife and I will be heading east, if it ever happens, at the very wrong time. NeoNazis are gracing Sanford, can the New Black Ps be far behind?

    Obama had the opportunity to be a great President, even though he is a fraud, but it is all gone now. His legacy will be inter racial fighting.

    The blacks don't know what they are doing. It is becoming a two race society - blacks, and everybody else.

    My advice: they best quit this nonsense.

  5. See not all bad things happen in Philadelphia

  6. Touring Baltimore

    The mountains, as revolutionists, and older farmers, have always known, are safer than any gated community, the desert safer than any city.

    I think my wife and I will be heading east, if it ever happens, at the very wrong time. NeoNazis are gracing Sanford, can the New Black Ps be far behind?

    Obama had the opportunity to be a great President, even though he is a fraud, but it is all gone now. His legacy will be inter racial fighting.

    The blacks don't know what they are doing. It is becoming a two race society - blacks, and everybody else.

    My advice: they best quit this nonsense.

  7. It's the city of brotherly love alrighty.

    I tried to find that fiddle scene on utube of the guy playing real fast in Pride and Prejudice but failed, damn it.

    What a society we have......

    .......I just read a military judge says it is ok to pray the 109th(Psalm) against someone you can't stand.

    In this case some moron christian couldn't stand an agnostic jew so he tries to pray down the wrath on him.

    The agnostic jew is going to appeal. Says the judge didn't understand the issue at hand, that being it isn't a freedom of religion issue but rather an incitement to violence, like a fatwa.

    Interesting case, actually.

  8. It's the city of brotherly love alrighty.

    I tried to find that fiddle scene on utube of the guy playing real fast in Pride and Prejudice but failed, damn it.

    What a society we have......

    .......I just read a military judge says it is ok to pray the 109th(Psalm) against someone you can't stand.

    In this case some moron christian couldn't stand an agnostic jew so he tries to pray down the wrath on him.

    The agnostic jew is going to appeal. Says the judge didn't understand the issue at hand, that being it isn't a freedom of religion issue but rather an incitement to violence, like a fatwa.

    Interesting case, actually.

  9. And so Lucky, when the Army of Alexander the Great passed back as it had come, back past the yogis still sitting stark naked on their broiling rock, so Lucky asked the Army to be halted, and, having a funeral pyre built for himself, enflamed himself to death in honor of and in friendship for Alexander.

    And if we knew what Lucky knows, why would we need a Christ?

    So We Can Sing A Hymn About An Empty Tomb

  10. And, Dante was really going now, really going, rising faster than the lightning flashes to earth, really rising as is his own true nature and Beatrice turns her gaze from him to gaze at the Light.


  11. shhh...

    should i tell rufus?.......

    voice: o go head, tell rufus

    tell rufus that empty tomb is his own

  12. It don't bother me none, Bob. I've lived a hell of a life; any more will definitely be anti-climactic.

  13. :)

    It won't be that.

    And, you have no choice in the matter.

    Goddamn blogger irritates the hell out of me

    Another JC With His Wife A Dancer

    The three of them spoke the same language even though Joe was not longer a Catholic and when he died he had a picture of Christ on the hospital wall but not Christ crucified but the Christ of the open arms boon bestowing fear dispelling.
