Thursday, April 12, 2012

Different shades of red blood.

RE Urban thuggery

Watch "Rise of the Foot Soldier" based on true story for some insight into Britain's problem circa 1975 through 1995.

There's a consistency about "thuggery" that transcends the contextual. A fancy way of saying they're pretty much all the same. Regardless of ethnicity or race. Some are meaner than others but past a certain point, it's just different shades of blood red.

Max (shorT for Maxine)



    Julian Gilbey's fact-based crime saga Rise of the Footsoldier traces one man's meteoric ascension from a lucrative soccer career, through the ranks of organized crime, to the status of Britain's most omnipotent drug lord. The tale begins in the 1970s, when hooligan Carlton Leach (Ricci Harnett) finds himself implicated in a series of violent skirmishes on the soccer fields of England. Prompted to leave this activity and enter another trade, Leach self-incorporates as a company called ICF - a front for the young entrepreneur's drug-dealing activities. Soon, Carlton's business flourishes - first with cocaine, then with ecstasy and heroin (as time rolls forward from the self-serving 80s into the 1990s), but with it comes severe addiction and, disturbingly, wave after wave of nerve-wracking violence. More hardened, more severe criminals turn up to do business with Carlton's associates, forcing Carlton to recruit tougher and more psychopathic elements to protect himself - particularly when the goods from a heroin shipment disappear and Turkish thugs begin closing in.
    ~ Nathan Southern, Rovi

  2. "Every time North Korea has violated a Security Council resolution it's resulted in further isolation, tightening of sanctions," Mr. Obama said. "I suspect that will happen this time as well."

    Last month, U.S. officials said the launch would force it to halt a plan announced on Feb. 29 to provide food assistance to North Korea, which was linked to a promise of a moratorium on weapons tests and other development activities.

    Pyongyang has also argued that it made clear during negotiations with the U.S. that it would promise not to test a missile but not agree to restrict the launch of a space vehicle.

  3. Every Epoch, Every Culture. A certain proportion of the males of the dispossessed/downtrodden class will form gangs, and create violence. It will always be so.

  4. Did the rocket fail, or did we "fail it?"

    A little "target practice," if you will

  5. Obama disapproval numbers:

    The economy - 54
    The situation with gas prices - 62
    Wrong track - 64

  6. The ability of Britain's security institutions to fight off the threat from online activists was cast into doubt after hackers penetrated Scotland Yard's anti-terrorism hotline and leaked conversations between staff online.


    Team Poison is a network of young, politically minded hackers who have launched a string of attacks against websites and fellow cyber activists. In December 2010 they broke into the servers of the English Defence League and published their entire membership list.

    Other hacks, such as those targeting the website of the Indian politician Rahul Gandhi, revealed that the group has strong pro-Gaza and pro-Kashmir stances.

  7. Given these realities, it might have made more sense to cut to the chase and let the city go into bankruptcy. That wouldn’t have been pleasant: Detroit’s bankruptcy will hurt Michigan’s economy, raising statewide borrowing costs and discouraging businesses from locating here.

    But if this consent agreement fails, as it will, bankruptcy will be the eventual step anyway. By then, however, valuable time and money will have been lost, requiring even more draconian cuts mandated by a court.

    Putting Detroit in prolonged purgatory as the consent agreement has done might be the worst option.

  8. What is "Occupation"Apr 12, 2012 03:03 PM

    lol... that''s funny...

    just how many fucking names do you have and is CUNT one of them?

    The only time will I post to the Elephant Bar is when some Zionist piece of shit mentions my name.

    Second post:

    The Sabra and Shatila massacre was the massacre of between 762 and 3,500 Palestinian and Lebanese civilians, by a Lebanese Christian Phalangist militia, in the Sabra and Shatila Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut, Lebanon between September 16 and September 18, 1982, during the Lebanese civil war.

    The Israel Defense Forces surrounded the Palestinian refugee camps, controlled access to them, and facilitated the massacre by firing illuminating flares over the camps.

    1. I see your word is your bond... not..

      You kept your word for less than one post...

      Yep, Cunt is your name.

    2. Just how many of your ancestors murdered Americans in the philippines?

      We lost over 4000 American fighting jungle rats like your grandparents,,,

      now you squat in America, stealing a living off of the taxpayers

      notice i didnt mention your skanky ass name or names...

    3. this was a kodak moment...

      "The Sabra and Shatila massacre was the massacre of between 762 and 3,500 Palestinian and Lebanese civilians, by a Lebanese Christian Phalangist militia, in the Sabra and Shatila Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut, Lebanon between September 16 and September 18, 1982, during the Lebanese civil war.

      The Israel Defense Forces surrounded the Palestinian refugee camps, controlled access to them, and facilitated the massacre by firing illuminating flares over the camps."

      The BACK STORY?

      The Christians, having just suffered a brutal killing of a village by the same palestinians, told the IDF they wanted to round up suspects...

      Who could have thought they would simply murder hundreds of palestinians...

      Lesson learned...

      Palestinians should not murder christians as they are nearly not as forgiving as Jews...

      There is a new reality, now that the real face of the world is coming out..

      Nothing Israel has ever done compares to the murderous abilities of the arabs/moslems..

      whether it;s the millions that iran and iraq murder of each other?

      or the sudanese verses the southern sudanese..

      or the libyans murdering each other?

      israel cant hold a candle to what they do to each other...

      and if you think the moslems of the middle east are bad?

      look to the moslems of asia...

      they are amazing animals...

      the terrorists of the philippines were so brutal America was forced to implement the "total war" doctrine..

      again, America's dealing with them makes Israel look like pacifists.

      Look at the American civil war or the war against the indians...

      Israel hardly holds a candle to the ability to kill...

      the person whom we will not say the name of has to post something that CHristians did to moslems to try to make israel look bad...

      we call that an epic failure...

    4. Let's start with the PLO massacre of the Christian population in the Lebanese town of Darmour;

      Arafat's Massacre of Damour
      by Joseph Hobeika
      Read about Arafat
      PLO massacres in Lebanon
      Organized by Professor M. Kahl

      Do you not remember Damour Lebanon. Let me remind you. Arafat and the PLO plunged Lebanon into "massacres, rape, mutilation, rampages of looting and killings. Out of a population of 3.2 million, some 40,000 or more people had been killed, 100,000 wounded, 5,000 permanently maimed

      In January of 1976, the destruction of Damour, a town of some 25,000 was completed by the PLO within two weeks. "The priest of Damour, Father Mansour Labaky desperately trying to save people of the town telephoned Kamal Jumblat [one of the Lebanese leaders], in whose parliamentary constituency Damour lay. 'Father, Jumblat said, 'I can do nothing for you, because it depends on Yasser Arafat' " . All efforts were useless. In the morning following the first night of invasion, when more than fifty people were massacred, Father Labaky "despite the shelling managed to get to the one house, to bring out some corpses. An entire family had been killed, the Canan family, four children all dead, and the mother, the father, and the grandfather. The mother was still hugging one of the children. And she was pregnant

      The eyes of the children were gone and their limbs were cut off. No legs and no arms" (123). In total, 582 people were massacred in the storming of Damour. Father Labaky went with the Red Cross to bury them. "Many of the bodies had been dismembered, so they had to count the heads to number the dead. Three of the men they found had had their genitals cut off and stuffed in their mouths"

  9. Free Zimmerman!

    When the whites here were going through the process of teaching the reds how there was 'hell to pay' if you beat the shit out of someone, as the reds often did, the winner being 'head man' of the village along the river, when the whites set up the court system, I remember how father had many 'feather in the cap' cases.

    That's like, a big feather, like an eagle feather, in the cap.

    I remember papa getting tired of it

    Defending the skins.

    who who whooooooop ypi ypi yip

    That is what they called it, when they did not get paid, for defending a skin, before the court.

    'A feather in the cap case' they called it.

    Cause the red skins had no law, when we came here.

    So we taught it to them.

    They'd just kill one another, beat the shit out of one another, no law.

    1. I remember once, when I was very young, dad defending a guilty red, and after the court was through, he said to him, if you threaten them, they will come get you. He was meaning, the sheriff would come get him.

      I was scared


      Free Zimmerman!

      When the whites here were going through the process of teaching the reds how there was 'hell to pay' if you beat the shit out of someone, as the reds often did, the winner being 'head man' of the village along the river, when the whites set up the court system, I remember how father had many 'feather in the cap' cases.

      That's like, a big feather, like an eagle feather, in the cap.

      I remember papa getting tired of it

      Defending the skins.

      who who whooooooop ypi ypi yip

      That is what they called it, when they did not get paid, for defending a skin, before the court.

      'A feather in the cap case' they called it.

      Cause the red skins had no law, when we came here.

      So we taught it to them.

      They'd just kill one another, beat the shit out of one another, no law.

  10. The perceived failure of North Korea’s rocket launch on Friday morning is causing a flurry of concerned activity in Japan, which had been bracing for the object — seen to be a missile — to come flying over its southernmost islands.


    “I’ve got the television on and they’ve confirmed the launch of the satellite, but what’s going to happen now? Information from the television is faster.

  11. I’m not the first president to call for this idea that everybody has got to do their fair share. Some years ago, one of my predecessors traveled across the country pushing for the same concept.


    Barack Obama’s appeal to Ronald Reagan is illuminating in a number of ways. It’s illuminating that today’s liberals need to appeal to the example of Reagan to sell their policies.


    Reagan emphasized that “America’s longsuffering families will get dramatic tax relief.” And he said,

    This is a tax plan for a growing, dynamic America. Lower, flatter tax rates will give Americans more confidence in the future.


    Obama didn’t quote that.

    1. .

      IMO, Reagan was a great president, but when it comes to taxes, or spending for that matter, Ronnie was no hero.

      I find it amusing that both the Dems and the GOP bring him up in every conversation on the economy and taxes.



  12. Daily output from the group has risen by almost 1.4 million barrels over the last six months. Around a third of this increase comes from Saudi Arabia's spare production capacity, with improvements in Iraq and Libya's oil industry delivering the rest.

    Despite its professed neutrality in the standoff between Iran and the West, Saudi Arabia—at the urging of the U.S.—has been flexing its oil muscles. Soon after European officials started discussing a ban in December, the Saudis revealed they had abruptly increased their oil production to a 30-year high.

    The Saudis went a step further in March, saying they had filled up their domestic oil inventories and placed a further 10 million barrels of oil in storage close to markets in Europe and Japan. This means the Saudis are well placed to meet extra demand for their oil from refiners as the July sanctions approach, the IEA said.

  13. On this day in 1945, President Franklin D. Roosevelt passed away at the age of 63. Vice President Harry Truman was sworn in as the 33rd president.

  14. Paddy was waiting at the bus stop with his mate when a lorry went by loaded up with rolls of turf. Paddy said, 'I gonna do that when I win lottery.'

    'What's dat?' says his mate.

    'Send me lawn away to be cut.'

  15. Proof that Men Have Better Friends than women..

    Friendship among Women:
    A woman didn't come home one night. The next morning
    she told her husband that she had slept over at a
    friend's house. The man called his wife's 10 best
    friends. None of them knew anything about it.

    Friendship among Men:
    A man didn't come home one night. The next morning he
    told his wife that he had slept over at a friend's
    house. The woman called her husband's 10 best friends.
    Eight confirmed that he had slept over, and two said he was still there.

  16. The wind blew through their hair and blew through the pines and he looked down and saw the prints and she firmed his hard and he cocked the pistol and swept his hand by her cheek and she pulled close and the voice of the wolf filled the valley.
