Friday, March 23, 2012

Sperm Hunters

Zimbabwe 'sperm hunters' picking up male travellers

Gangs of women in Zimbabwe have been picking up male travellers to have sexual intercourse and harvest their sperm, according to reports.

Sisters Sophie Nhokwara (26), Netsai Nho...Sisters Sophie Nhokwara (26), Netsai Nhokwara (24) and Rosemary Chakwizira (28) leave Harare Magistrates court on November 29, 2011 after  a pre-trial hearing for attacking male hitchhikers to collect semen for rituals.  The women allegedly used different cars to pick up 14 other men and forced themselves on them. They were arrested early in October when they were involved in a car accident, and police found 31 used condoms in the boot of their car.
Sisters Sophie Nhokwara (26), Netsai Nho...Sisters Sophie Nhokwara (26), Netsai Nhokwara (24) and Rosemary Chakwizira (28) leave Harare Magistrates court on November 29, 2011 after a pre-trial hearing for attacking male hitchhikers to collect semen for rituals. The women allegedly used different cars to pick up 14 other men and forced themselves on them. They were arrested early in October when they were involved in a car accident, and police found 31 used condoms in the boot of their car. Photo: GETTY
Susan Dhliwayo claims she pulled her car over recently to pick up a group of male hitchhikers and they refused to get in, because they feared they were going to be raped.
"Now, men fear women. They said: 'we can't go with you because we don't trust you'," 19-year-old Miss Dhliwayo recounted.
Local media have reported victims of the highway prowlers being drugged, subdued at gun or knife point – even with a live snake in one case – given a sexual stimulant and forced into repeated sex before being dumped on the roadside.
The sperm hunters first surfaced in the local press in 2009 but police have only arrested three women, found with a plastic bag of 31 used condoms in October. The attacks have continued since they were nabbed for allegedly violating 17 men.
"We do not have the exact number of confirmed cases," said national police spokesman Wayne Bvudzijena.
"These cases occurred mostly when the victims were hitchhiking and boarded private vehicles. We encourage people to use public transport."
The sperm's exact use is not clear but is thought to be intended for "juju" or traditional rituals to bring luck – anything from enhancing good fortune, boosting business or preventing a criminal from being detected.
It is also not known why the semen is taken forcibly from strangers.
"It's really an issue which is mind boggling," said University of Zimbabwe sociologist Watch Ruparanganda, who believes it is a lucrative business. "It's quite a big mystery. Obviously we know (it is) being used for rituals."
Ruparanganda said he was astonished to discover seven years ago that semen appeared to have become a tradable commodity, while doing research for his doctoral thesis among Harare street youth who told him that businessmen would take them to hotels, give them new clothes and ply them with booze.
They were then told to pick a prostitute and to hand over the used condom after sex.
"It just shows there's some big racket somewhere, some big guys driving everything, but they are in the background and using these ladies," said Ruparanganda.
The Zimbabwe National Traditional Healers Association criticised the practice.
"We believe that this is a form of witchcraft. So we are totally against the idea," said spokesman George Kandiyero.
"It has really frightened people," he said. "It has really brought in a bit of shock because normally it was the other way round, normally we know of men raping women, not women raping men."
A Zimbabwean women's rights group has criticised the spotlight shifting to male rape victims, and paid for a newspaper advert to deplore that violence against women in the country is not met with the same degree of shock.
The three women linked to the case, meanwhile, have stirred much attention and public anger. Audiences pack into the dreary courtrooms each time they appear in the dock, and one of their lawyers said they have received death threats.
No law in Zimbabwe criminalises rape by women so the trio, arrested with one man, face 17 counts of aggravated indecent assault, though no trial date has as yet been set.
Dumisani Mthombeni, a lawyer for two of the women and the man, complained that five months after their arrest, prosecutors have yet to produce DNA test results, a charge sheet or witness statements but nonetheless have "paraded (the women) on national television as female rapists".
"We have not been given anything – nothing," Mthombeni said. "We believe they don't want us to go to trial because they arrested the wrong people."
The case has triggered a mix of shock, intrigue and humour – such as one newspaper cartoon showing a nude hitchhiker hoping to be picked up by a female driver – but also fear among some men.
"Of course we are scared," said a 26-year-old hitchhiker on a highway south of Harare, adding he would not get into a car driven by a woman.
"Even if she's old, we can't."
Source: AFP


  1. This has got to be some publicity stunt for a reality show or some Jewish plot cocked up by my guy in Jerusalem, Bibi.

    All other theories will be considered.

  2. Makes the crops grow, now whitey is gone.

  3. Parley P Pratt, deceasedFri Mar 23, 08:43:00 AM EDT

    Cocked up, is right.

    bob said...

    Makes the crops grow, now whitey is gone.

  4. It's a vast, right wing conspiracy.

    Probably Bush's fault, or a Christian.

  5. Fely and Fely, LLCFri Mar 23, 08:58:00 AM EDT

    I consider it possible SoulsRUs International LLC may have a hand on here, it is hard to say. It may not be simply a fertility rite gone droughty, it may include an eschatological element incorporating black sabboth themes and imagery. Whatever it is it is not the luck of the Irish, that's for sure. This is premeditated. Is there a lesbian blockage motif here as well?

  6. Bwahahahahaha

    I can see everyone searching Google for terms like...

    "using semen for rituals or sacrifices."

    "Why do women steal semen"

    "Is semen good for acne"

    "How do you use semen swallow it or use it topically."

    "Does semen really give you immorality."

  7. .

    It is also not known why the semen is taken forcibly from strangers.

    It is a conundrum. The sisters don't look that bad.


  8. I wonder if I can use it for Quirk's postmortem baptismal. :-/

  9. .

    Sperm shortage ravages Zimbabwe.

    Obama offers to send troops.


  10. I am sure WASP will gladly donate any and all sperm he/she/it can produce

  11. Since Obama took office domestic oil production has increased 15%. Drill baby, drill!

  12. Melody: Bwahahahahaha

    I can see everyone searching Google for terms like...

    "using semen for rituals or sacrifices."

    When I do it, Google returns Norsemen and there's a story about nearly-dead farmers in Idaho who admire how Israel got paid not to fight in Gulf One because it reminds them of how they get paid not to grow alfalfa.

  13. It is a conundrum. The sisters don't look that bad.

    Definitely not a condomdrum

  14. It's true we farmers have given much precious bodily fluid in our fight against infertility.

    Can the lebos say as much?


    It is not true we get paid for not growing alfalfa. We get paid for growing native grasses and legumes and not going to harvest. Good for the birds, and water quality.

  15. First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.

    First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.

    First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States.

    First President to violate the War Powers Act.

    First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

    First President to defy a Federal Judge’s court order to cease implementing the Health Care Reform Law.

    First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party.

    First President to spend a trillion dollars on ‘shovel-ready’ jobs when there was no such thing as ‘shovel-ready’ jobs.

    First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.

    First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.

    First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S., including those with criminal convictions.

    First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.

    First President to terminate America’s ability to put a man in space.

    First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.

    First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.

    First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke-out on the reasons for their rate increases.

    First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which State they are allowed to locate a factory.

    First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).

    First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.

    First President to fire an inspector general of Ameri-corps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.

    First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his office.

    First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years in office.

    First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records.

    First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.

    First President to go on multiple global ‘apology tours’.

    First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends; paid for by the taxpayer.

    First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.

    First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.

    First President to repeat the Holy Qur'and tells us the early morning call of the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth.

    First President to take a 17 day vacation.

  16. Parley P Pratt, deceasedFri Mar 23, 09:49:00 AM EDT

    I wonder if I can use it for Quirk's postmortem baptismal. :-/

    You may only have a limited opening of the window of opportunity between post coitus and post mortem, sex and death being closely linked.

    I should know, I died in bed, exhausted.

    Be careful!

  17. Yup, looks like a President only a Rufus could love.

  18. Parley, that really didn't make any sense, are you brain dead, or what?

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. BTW I dont get it...
    Wasp, aka Teresita, aka zena, aka Ms T says she/he/it posted this disgusting picture that she/he/it claimed was them...

    why post such a horrific photo?

    I mean since she/he/it lies about most things anyway, was the pic a lie or is that actually a human face she posted?

    the bulging eyes, the droppy forehead and how can anyone ever forget the warts and facial hair...

    What was that old saying?

    "please shave your ass and walk backwards and do us all a favor?"

    yeah that's it...

  21. WiO: Ah wasp, you simplistic jew hating evil cunt... Anything that you can use your crayon to connect Israel to something dastardly even if you have your facts wrong.

    $13 billion dollar pay-off to Israel in Gulf One, NOT to hunt Scud launchers. Our Special Friend said, "That's a nice multinational coalition you got there, President Bush, be a shame if something bad happened to it."

  22. But now that Ms T, Wasp, Zena, Teresita has made her/his/it's hourly slam against israel I shall post a bit of good news from Israel.

    Intel Israel also said the Sandy Bridge chip developed in Israel accounts for 40% of Intel's notebook processors worldwide revenue.

    Intel Israel hiring 600 employees in 2012

    Sorry Ms T they dont hire anti-semites like you.

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. My A Skeleton Key To Finnegan's Wake by Joseph Campbell has arrived.

    Insights should arrive in a few days.

    Leaving You With This

    (I find myself cathected to that woman)

  25. I wonder how a useless person like WASP would thrive if they had to EARN a living?

    oh yeah, it's called welfare.

  26. It really sucks WASP, Ms T, ZENA, Teresita to be as important an ally that Israel is to America.

    America, it's people and it's leaders from both sides of the spectrum recognize and support the strategic value that Israel holds for America.

    The Trillions and Trillions America spends, has spent on trying to keep the Middle East stable (that's thousands of billions) is vital to US interests.

    The aid that Israel gets?

    Is MINOR in comparison to the entire picture.

    However it does at a very good roi provide America with untold benefits.

    Something you and your crayons choose to ignore.

    A evil, hating heart you are....

    I guess your own homeland, which was at WAR with the usa and caused the deaths of 10s of thousands of Americans has taught you nothing. America does tremendous good around the world after all if America did not liberate your nation, you'd still be squatting in some jungle with your tits down to your navel collecting bananas for your 15 toothless kids to eat....

  27. This sounds like a country where even Quirk and I could get laid. :)

  28. No kidding!

    Tension with Iran adding $20-30 to oil prices: Obama

    (AFP) – 41 minutes ago
    WASHINGTON — Tension with Iran and "uncertainty" in the region is adding a $20 or $30 premium to oil prices, pushing up gas prices for vehicle owners in the United States, President Barack Obama said.
    "The key thing that is driving higher gas prices is actually the world's oil markets and uncertainty about what's going on in Iran and the Middle East, and that's adding a $20 or $30 premium to oil prices," Obama said in an interview with the American Automobile Association (AAA) published Friday.

  29. We participate and create a political crisis where there is none. We pay and Obama frets. Just like Bush and Blair with their Iraqi WMDs. Little trillion dollar error. No problem.

  30. Parley P Pratt, deceasedFri Mar 23, 11:00:00 AM EDT


    Rufus is on to something for once.

  31. We participate and create a political crisis where there is none.

    Honest to God.....

    Soon, you may be handing out the self flagellation whips.


    "That sounds like a country for old men."


  32. That damned passport's gotta be around here, somewhere.

  33. Today's wholesale Prices, CBOT:

    Ethanol $2.29

    Gasoline $3.38

  34. Honest to God.....

    Soon, you may be handing out the self flagellation whips.

    Adding a $20 bill to the cost of a tank of gas, slowing the economy and reducing employment for an unproved threat is inflicted flagellation on the American public.

    With public conversations like this :

    "I think the Israeli air force has the capabilities, the refuelling capacities for example, to bring sufficient numbers of aircraft to the targets," Shlomo Brom, a military expert at the Institute for National Security at Tel Aviv University, told DW. "That's not my concern. What I don't know is whether when they reach the targets they can cause enough damage.”

    and this:

    While the United States has urged Israel to show restraint toward Iran, US President Barack Obama has emphasized that he is keeping all options open vis-à-vis Tehran. American aircraft carriers render the distance issue moot, and US bunker-buster bombs are effective even through 65 meters of solid concrete.
    Yet, ironically, experts think that America's huge military might could be a factor against Washington deciding to launch a preemptive strike against Iran since it would inevitably lead to a wider conflict.
    "The Americans are more likely to go for Iranian air defenses but also for those Iranian capabilities that might be used in retaliation, so they may be tempted to take out some of the Iranian naval facilities," Chalmers said. "So it is likely that an American attack would be much larger in scale and there would be a lot more casualties, including civilian casualties. It would be harder [for Iran] to then mount a more limited retaliation.”

    Any rational country would develop a nuclear deterrence. Idiocy.

  35. deuce:
    Any rational country would develop a nuclear deterrence. Idiocy.

    Israel did.

    Iran and it's jihadist allies have fought a genocidal war against the jewish people for 60 years.

    Iran is the nation that has "death to America" rallies. Not America.

    Maybe you should look into the Iranian government's actions over the last 30 years to understand why so many think of THEM as the aggressor.

    Your point of view would support Hitler making a nuke as self defense.

  36. Deuce said...
    We participate and create a political crisis where there is none. We pay and Obama frets. Just like Bush and Blair with their Iraqi WMDs. Little trillion dollar error. No problem.

    Actually there were WMD in Iraq, he used them on the Kurds.

    Sorry for stubborn facts.

  37. I guess according to the gospel of deuce iraq never committed any crime, nor hostile aggressive act, no mass rapes, no ethnic cleansing, no reason to go to war.

    This is an appeasing mentality.

    Aint call ya a name. Just pointing out that appeasing evil gets you nowhere.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Parley P Pratt, increasedFri Mar 23, 12:42:00 PM EDT

    By Parley, she's a Mormon, of all things sacred and profane...

    Alex Sharpe
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Jump to: navigation, search
    Alex Sharpe
    Born Ireland
    Genres Musical theatre, Celtic
    Occupations Singer
    Instruments Vocals
    Associated acts Celtic Woman

    Alex Sharpe is an Irish singer who is mostly known for being a former member of the ensemble Celtic Woman.

    1 Early career
    2 Celtic Woman
    3 Personal life
    4 Discography
    5 References
    6 External links

    [edit] Early career

    She began her career portraying Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz at the Olympia Theatre in Dublin.[1] Her career in Musical Theatre continued, as she played Janet in The Rocky Horror Show, Young Sally in Follies in Concert, Jenny in Aspects of Love, and Mila in Aloha Kamano by Sean Purcell.[1] She was asked to play Eponine in Les Misérables for the Cameron Mackintosh Company in England and Ireland and in the Concert Tour of Les Misérables.[1][2] Alex created the role of Bernadette in the Andrew Lloyd-Webber/Ben Elton Musical The Beautiful Game. On her return to Ireland she played the role of Kate Foley in The Wireman in the Gaiety Theatre Dublin.[1]

    Alex has sung with the Icelandic Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, The Danish National Symphony, and the RTÉ Concert Orchestra. She has made many recordings, such as on the Evita film Soundtrack with Madonna.[1][2] She has appeared at a concert for the Princes Trust in the Mayflower Theatre, England and in 2006 she travelled to Chicago to launch the musical The Pirate Queen as principal female.[1]
    [edit] Celtic Woman

    When founding member of Celtic Woman Lisa Kelly went on maternity leave, Sharpe became a temporary member of the ensemble in 2008, saying that "I'm just in for this tour," and "It's a different style than I'm used to. But I've enjoyed learning the technique. My background is musical theater, so this is something very different for me...But my philosophy is, you're always growing as a performer. There's always so much to learn."[3] She admits that before she joined, she was not familiar with the group's music; "I'd never seen any of their shows...David (Downes, composer and music director of Celtic Woman) gave me a CD and some DVDs, and that was the first time I'd seen any of it."[3] However, "I knew about the success of Celtic Woman and was thrilled to join," she said. "It was an opportunity I couldn't say no to."[4]

    In 2009, Sharpe became a permanent member of Celtic Woman, in effect replacing Órla Fallon. She has said that "The other members have been really encouraging," and "They have such a history together. I've never been in anything with such a high profile; usually you're much more anonymous."[3] She has toured with the ensemble on their 2009 'Isle of Hope' tour, and has recorded a CD and DVD with the group, both entitled Celtic Woman: Songs from the Heart, released in January 2010.[5] The group toured North America from February to May 2010 on their 'Songs from the Heart' tour.[6] In May 2010, Sharpe announced she would be leaving Celtic Woman to be with her family full-time.[7]
    [edit] Personal life

    When asked where she developed her musical talent, she has said that "my granddad was a great one for singing songs and banging out tunes on the piano."[4] Also, "I love 'Abide With Me' and 'I Know That My Redeemer Lives'...I love singing hymns. Music is a very powerful thing. I've heard it said that music prepares a man's soul to receive the gospel."[4]

    Sharpe is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

    She has a six-year-old son (as of 2008); "When I had my son, he became my passion in life", she said. "I tried to stay home and take work that wouldn't compromise my relationship with my son."[4]

  40. Parley P Pratt, increasedFri Mar 23, 12:44:00 PM EDT

    She's too stylized for some.

  41. .

    That damned passport's gotta be around here, somewhere.

    Sounds like an advertising campaign.

    Zimbabwe is likely trying to encroach on Bangkok's semi-monopoly.


    One night in Bangkok and the world's your oyster

    The bars are temples but the pearls ain't free

    You'll find a god in every golden cloister

    A little flesh, a little history


  42. Maybe she'll be in Salt Lake City someday.....I know a Mormon Bishop, he can get me in that Temple....says she's Irish, means she's probably got Swedish blood....we founded Dublin....all the cities on the coast....

  43. By Brigham, her eyes are the color of mine! True colors shinin' through!

    She's Swedish.

    Is Joe Smith a prophet?

    You betcha.....

  44. "I love 'Abide With Me' and 'I Know That My Redeemer Lives'...I love singing hymns. Music is a very powerful thing. I've heard it said that music prepares a man's soul to receive the gospel."

    Alex Sharpe

  45. .

    The Obama administration has approved guidelines that allow counterterrorism officials to lengthen the period of time they retain information about U.S. residents, even if they have no known connection to terrorism.

    The changes allow the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), the intelligence community’s clearinghouse for terrorism data, to keep information for up to five years. Previously, the center was required to promptly destroy — generally within 180 days — any information about U.S. citizens or residents unless a connection to terrorism was evident.

    The new guidelines, which were approved Thursday by Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., have been in the works for more than a year, officials said.

    The guidelines have prompted concern from civil liberties advocates.

    Obama continues the pattern pushed by Bush with his 'War on Terror'. Step by incremental step, American liberties, whether of privacy or religion or whatever are being abridged by an ever encroaching government.

    Big Brother is Watching Even More Than Before


  46. It is a BIG concern, Quirk.

    And I see efforts all over the news of people stirring up race hate.

    Those 100% frauds Sharpton and Farrakhan, especially Farrakhan.

    Wasn't whitey that killed this kid, was browny.

    This country is coming apart.


    This just in --

    PIPELINE TO NOWHERE: Obama plan would leave 1,179-mile gap between oil source, pipeline...

    More of the Obama/Rufus energy solution.

    By the way, big O says HE had nothing to do with Solyandra.


  47. it appears sheriff Joe has some stuff in his pocket about Obama. Should be an interesting 3rd quarter.

  48. .

    A new Gallup analysis finds that Americans who attend a church, mosque or synagogue regularly are generally cheerier than those who don't. The effect is particularly sharp on Sundays, when weekly churchgoers receive a mood boost, while less-frequent attendees see a decline in good feelings.

    Religion is known to have a positive effect on life satisfaction and can also protect against depression and improve social support. The new analysis, based on 300,000 interviews collected as part of the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index in 2011, found that frequent religious-service attendees report more positive emotions and fewer negative emotions on a day-to-day basis compared with people who attend less often...

    Take a little Religion Once a Week


  49. IT'S NOT MY FAULT...

    Obama on SOLYNDRA: 'This Was Not Our Program'...

    Fuck no.

  50. Tons was the word he used, Gag.


  51. Obama/Rufus National Security move -

    Govt to keep info on Americans with no terror ties
    Email this Story

    Mar 22, 9:36 PM (ET)


    WASHINGTON (AP) - The U.S. intelligence community will now be able to store information about Americans with no ties to terrorism for up to five years under new Obama administration guidelines.

    Until now, the National Counterterrorism Center had to immediately destroy information about Americans that was already stored in other government databases when there were no clear ties to terrorism.

    Giving the NCTC expanded record-retention authority had been called for by members of Congress who said the intelligence community did not connect strands of intelligence held by multiple agencies leading up to the failed bombing attempt on a Detroit-bound airliner on Christmas 2009.

    "Following the failed terrorist attack in December 2009, representatives of the counterterrorism community concluded it is vital for NCTC to be provided with a variety of datasets from various agencies that contain terrorism information," Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said in a statement late Thursday. "The ability to search against these datasets for up to five years on a continuing basis as these updated guidelines permit will enable NCTC to accomplish its mission more practically and effectively."

    The new rules replace guidelines issued in 2008 and have privacy advocates concerned about the potential for data-mining information on innocent Americans.

    "It is a vast expansion of the government's surveillance authority," Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, said of the five-year retention period.

    The government put in strong safeguards at the NCTC for the data that would be collected on U.S. citizens for intelligence purposes, Rotenberg said. These new guidelines undercut the Federal Privacy Act, he said.

    "The fact that this data can be retained for five years on U.S. citizens for whom there's no evidence of criminal conduct is very disturbing," Rotenberg said.

    "Total Information Awareness appears to be reconstructing itself," Rotenberg said, referring to the Defense Department's post-9/11 data-mining research program that was killed in 2003 because of privacy concerns.

    The Washington Post first reported the new rules Thursday.

    The Obama administration said the new rules come with strong safeguards for privacy and civil liberties as well. Before the NCTC may obtain data held by another government agency, there is a high-level review to assure that the data "is likely to contain significant terrorism information," Alexander Joel, the civil liberties protection officer at national intelligence directorate, said in a news release Thursday.

    The NCTC was created after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to be the central U.S. organization to analyze and integrate intelligence regarding terrorism.

  52. Was the yellow man's fault -


    Obama on SOLYNDRA: 'This Was Not Our Program'...

    Blames 'Congress' and 'the Chinese' for firm's failure...


  53. But wait! It's was whitey's fault, after all -


  54. .

    Citing Sheriff Joe as an authority is like citing Rush Limbaugh or Keith Olberman, nitwits all.

    The only thing Sheriff Joe has in his pocket is likely his hand.


  55. Bob, you wouldn't know a pipeline from a "pipe cleaner."

  56. Sheriff Joe said it's a fraud, just like Deuce said it's a fraud.

    Are you comparing Deuce to Olberman?

    Answer true, now.

  57. O c'mon Rufus, I know a pipeline from a pipe cleaner.

    Damn Chinamen, it was all their fault Solyndra went down.

    Them, and the Congress.

  58. There's a big bottleneck at Cushing. It's saving poor ol' Rufus about $0.25/gal on his gazzoline, but it's costing the oil companies a bunch. Gotta fix that first.

  59. Let's see, Rufus doesn't know the difference between a health care bill and a true attack on the Constitution and his own freedoms, a much more serious matter than mistaking a pipe line for a pipe cleaner. (we all know a pipe cleaner is the guy that cleans the pipe line)

    Though I put this up before it doesn't hurt again -

    If Obamacare is upheld, it fundamentally changes the nature of the American social contract. It means the effective end of a government of enumerated powers — i.e., finite, delineated powers beyond which the government may not go, beyond which lies the free realm of the people and their voluntary institutions. The new post-Obamacare dispensation is a central government of unlimited power from which citizen and civil society struggle to carve out and maintain spheres of autonomy.

    Figure becomes ground; ground becomes figure. The stakes could not be higher.

    Rufus seems incapable of understanding this.

  60. ah, one more -

    The great President stirs up race hatred -

    If I Had A Son...

    Have you been following Fast and Furious, Rufus?

    Your guys basically committed murder.

    I Am Going To Go Read My Book Now I Mean It

  61. .

    Are you comparing Deuce to Olberman?

    More simplistic reasoning from the Idaho English major.

    Your fallacy is an example of 'affirming the consequent'.

    In syllogistic form, your argument is

    If Deuce argues against Obama's birth certificate being legitimate that means he is the same as Keith Olberman.

    Deuce argued that Obama's B/C isn't legitimate.

    Therefore, Deuce is the same as Olberman.

    Your conclusion is wrong for many reasons.

    1. First, my comparison was a general one and only tangentially related to the B/C argument. It had more to do with Joe's record as an unapologetic self-promoter who has been accused of misappropriating $100 million of taxpayer’s dollars, of wasting additional millions on dozens of ill-advised cases against his political opponents (I don't believe he has won any), and with his alleged abuse of power.

    2. Olberman never said that Obama's B/C were phony, in fact, he said the exact opposite.

    3. Ignoring the previous fallacies for a moment, you premise isn't even logically formulated. You argue that I am saying that if Deuce says Obama's B/C is phony, he is the same as Olberman. However, even if I said it (which I obviously wouldn't) your premise ignores the fact that it would not be the only factor necessary to affirm the consequent you offer.

    To put it more succinctly, once more, Bob, you prove what an ass you are.

    Stick to mooning over you Celtic Woman.


  62. Q

    give me a couple of examples where sheriff Joe is like Rush or Olberman.

    Joe is a law man, plain and simple. He likes to keep things simple. If you break the law, he will arrest you. If you don't, he leaves you alone.

    How can you argue with that?

  63. accused of misappropriating $100 million of taxpayer’s dollars, of wasting additional millions on dozens of ill-advised cases against his political opponents (I don't believe he has won any), and with his alleged abuse of power.


  64. I was listening to a Romney speech the other day, and some planted, lazy harlot shouted, "I want free birth control!"

    Romney replied, "If you want free stuff, vote for the other guy."


  65. .

    Joe is a law man, plain and simple. He likes to keep things simple. If you break the law, he will arrest you. If you don't, he leaves you alone.


    Joe, like Limbaugh and Olberman, is a shameless self-promoter.

    I don't follow this guy all that much but I have seen stories on all the following in the news over the past year.

    In this case, to save time I am going to WIKI.

    If you don't he will leave you alone?

    The targets of Arpaio's alleged abuse of power have included or currently include: Phil Gordon, Phoenix Mayor;[68] Dan Saban, Arpaio's 2004 and 2008 opponent for the office of Sheriff of Maricopa County;[68] Terry Goddard, Arizona Attorney General;[68] David Smith, Maricopa County Manager;[68] The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors;[68] Barbara Mundell, Maricopa Superior Court Presiding Judge;[68] Anna Baca, former Maricopa Superior Court Presiding Judge;[70] Gary Donahoe, Maricopa Superior Court Criminal Presiding Judge[68] Daniel Pochoda, ACLU attorney;[68] Sandra Dowling, former Maricopa County School Superintendent;[69] Mike Lacy, Editor, Phoenix New Times.[69]

    To date (July 10, 2010) of the above only Sandra Dowling has been successfully prosecuted.[69] Indicted on 25 felony counts, Dowling eventually pled guilty to patronage for giving a summer job to her daughter, a single class 2 misdemeanor which was not among the original counts, although as part of the plea bargain she also agreed to recuse herself from the Maricopa County Regional School District. Dowling has since filed suit, alleging negligence, malicious prosecution, abuse of process and several constitutional violations.[71]

    He also launched spurious action against the Maricopa County Supervisors which cost over $5 million in lawyer fees.

    Arpaio and Thomas filed several lawsuits against the Board of Supervisors, including a federal civil-racketeering suit against the supervisors, four judges and attorneys who work with the county. Arpaio and Thomas lost every case, either by ruling of the courts, or by dropping the case.[72]

    Lest one think it was all political, the The grand jury, in an unusual rebuke, ordered the investigation ended...Legal experts agree this is a rare move.

    Joe's partner in the suit, Thomas, an attorney and a subordinate attorney on his County Attorney staff face a hearing later in 2011 before the Ethics Committee of the Arizona Bar.

    Unlike those above who he has attempted to prosecute, old Joe has been actually found guilty of

    Maintaining unconstitutional jail conditions.

    Election law violations.

    He is currently under state and federal investigations for the following the misuse of up to $100 million in public funds.

    Joe is still popular (57%) with the public because of his 'tough on crime' stance and inovations such as 'Tent Camps' and 'pink underwear'. However, the tent camps where temps get up to 145 degrees for the most part contain people who have not yet been convicted of a crime and the pink underwear once again point the his self-promotion. When the pink underwear became popular with the public, he expanded it to pink handcuffs and used their launching to promote his new book.

  66. WiO: if America did not liberate your nation, you'd still be squatting in some jungle with your tits down to your navel collecting bananas for your 15 toothless kids to eat....

    Tit, actually. Not plural.

  67. .

    Old Joe, is exactly like Limbaugh and Olberman.

    It's all about Joe, just as it's all about Rush and it's all about Keith.

    The 57% who support him are like Rush's 12 million 'dittoheads' and Keith's Left-wing Kool-aid drinkers.

    His supporters applaud his tent cities, chain gangs, and pink underwear but ignore the millions he wastes of their money.


  68. Joe, like Limbaugh and Olberman, is a shameless self-promoter.


    coming from the CITY SLICKER that graduated from that moronic what was the name of it how to sell yourself shit college


    How to dress up and sell self and product U.

    Please don't take it personally, I know you won't.....

  69. WiO says there's no such thing as "Palestine" but no one told Mark Twain that in 1867.

    "Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes. Over it broods the spell of a curse that has withered its fields and fettered its energies. Where Sodom and Gomorrah reared their domes and towers, that solemn sea now floods the plain, in whose bitter waters no living thing exists -- over whose waveless surface the blistering air hangs motionless and dead -- about whose borders nothing grows but weeds, and scattering tufts of cane, and that treacherous fruit that promises refreshment to parching lips, but turns to ashes at the touch. Nazareth is forlorn; about that ford of Jordan where the hosts of Israel entered the Promised Land with songs of rejoicing, one finds only a squalid camp of fantastic Bedouins of the desert; Jericho the accursed, lies a moldering ruin, to-day, even as Joshua's miracle left it more than three thousand years ago; Bethlehem and Bethany, in their poverty and their humiliation, have nothing about them now to remind one that they once knew the high honor of the leader's presence; the hallowed spot where the shepherds watched their flocks by night, and where the angels sang Peace on earth, good will to men, is untenanted by any living creature, and unblessed by any feature that is pleasant to the eye. Renowned Jerusalem itself, the stateliest name in history, has lost all its ancient grandeur, and is become a pauper village; the riches of Solomon are no longer there to compel the admiration of visiting Oriental queens; the wonderful temple which was the pride and the glory of Israel, is gone, and the Ottoman crescent is lifted above the spot where, on that most memorable day in the annals of the world, they reared the holy cross. The noted Sea of Galilee, where Roman fleets once rode at anchor and the disciples of the leader sailed in their ships, was long ago deserted by the devotees of war and commerce, and its borders are a silent wilderness; Capernaum is a shapeless ruin; Magdala is the home of beggared Arabs; Bethsaida and Chorazin have vanished from the earth, and the "desert places" round about them where thousands of men once listened to the leader's voice and ate the miraculous bread, sleep in the hush of a solitude that is inhabited only by birds of prey and skulking foxes. Palestine is desolate and unlovely. And why should it be otherwise? Can the curse of the Deity beautify a land?"

  70. .

    If you really want an example of 'cruel and unusual' punishment, Old Joe bought Newt Gingrich's lecture series and pipes it in to the inmates through the jail's TV.

    No doubt taking a clue from Janet Reno's Waco 'Best Practices' List which included playing the loud, heavily-distorted music during the Davidian massacre.


  71. Dammit I just wiped out my good post about Miss Sharpe and what a wonderful singer, so lively and all she is, and how it sure beats reading bs by Quirk. She exudes hopefulness and goodness, always in short supply.

    I tried to simplify (I know you like that) it for you Quirk.

    In short, though, again, do you think Deuce is a dumbfuck because he thinks the BC is questionable, just as you have said Joe is a dumbfuck because he thinks the BC is questionable?

    I guess now I could add, and ask, do you think Deuce is a shameless self promoter, like Joe, Limbaugh, Olberman and yourself?


    Fri Mar 23, 04:49:00 PM EDT
    bob said...

    Joe, like Limbaugh and Olberman, is a shameless self-promoter.


    coming from the CITY SLICKER PAR EXCELLANCE that graduated from that moronic what was the name of it how to sell yourself shit college


    How to dress up and sell self and product U. That was it.

    Please don't take it personally, I know you won't.....

  72. Pope Benedict said on Friday communism no longer works in Cuba...

    Like it ever did.

  73. .

    Please don't take it personally, I know you won't.....

    Why would I take it personally? Sometimes it takes one to know one.

    However, I have to point out this is just one more example of the illogical way you mind processes. The reasoning falls into the same category as your complaint about Deuce the other day. Really has nothing to do with Sheriff Joe.


  74. What I've gotten out of The Skeleton...of The Wake is, so far, that it is an optimistic work, through and through, says yes to all things, always an important outlook to me. (can't stand reading sad stuff any longer, time is too short)


    Dammit I just wiped out my good post about Miss Sharpe and what a wonderful singer, so lively and all she is, and how it sure beats reading bs by Quirk. She exudes hopefulness and goodness, always in short supply.

    I tried to simplify (I know you like that) it for you Quirk.

    In short, though, again, do you think Deuce is a dumbfuck because he thinks the BC is questionable, just as you have said Joe is a dumbfuck because he thinks the BC is questionable?

    I guess now I could add, and ask, do you think Deuce is a shameless self promoter, like Joe, Limbaugh, Olberman and yourself?


    Fri Mar 23, 04:49:00 PM EDT
    bob said...

    Joe, like Limbaugh and Olberman, is a shameless self-promoter.


    coming from the CITY SLICKER PAR EXCELLANCE that graduated from that moronic what was the name of it how to sell yourself shit college


    How to dress up and sell self and product U. That was it.

    Please don't take it personally, I know you won't.....

  75. I am asking about how you feel about Deuce, is all.

    Not complicated.

    Personally, I don't think Deuce is a self promoter and a dumbfucker because he thinks there might be something wrong with the BC.

    Seems to me, he's got some brights, unlike yourself, at least today.


    (so as not to erase my valuable earlier posts :) )


    Please don't take it personally, I know you won't.....

    Why would I take it personally? Sometimes it takes one to know one.

    However, I have to point out this is just one more example of the illogical way you mind processes. The reasoning falls into the same category as your complaint about Deuce the other day. Really has nothing to do with Sheriff Joe.


    Fri Mar 23, 05:12:00 PM EDT
    bob said...

    What I've gotten out of The Skeleton...of The Wake is, so far, that it is an optimistic work, through and through, says yes to all things, always an important outlook to me. (can't stand reading sad stuff any longer, time is too short)


    Dammit I just wiped out my good post about Miss Sharpe and what a wonderful singer, so lively and all she is, and how it sure beats reading bs by Quirk. She exudes hopefulness and goodness, always in short supply.

    I tried to simplify (I know you like that) it for you Quirk.

    In short, though, again, do you think Deuce is a dumbfuck because he thinks the BC is questionable, just as you have said Joe is a dumbfuck because he thinks the BC is questionable?

    I guess now I could add, and ask, do you think Deuce is a shameless self promoter, like Joe, Limbaugh, Olberman and yourself?


    Fri Mar 23, 04:49:00 PM EDT
    bob said...

    Joe, like Limbaugh and Olberman, is a shameless self-promoter.


    coming from the CITY SLICKER PAR EXCELLANCE that graduated from that moronic what was the name of it how to sell yourself shit college


    How to dress up and sell self and product U. That was it.

    Please don't take it personally, I know you won't.....

  76. .

    Bob, you will admit your last post(s) were a little too hard to decipher I assume.


  77. .

    Regarding self-promotion, again going by what I've read and not delving further into it:

    Sheriff Joe says,

    He broke the French Connection. Other than Joe none of the other principles in the case know who Joe is. Evidently he was 'deep' undercover.

    He arrested Elvis Presly (one assumes while he was still alive).

    He was involved in numerous gun battles and weekly shoot-outs as a DEA agent. Extremely unusual if true. Makes one think it might not be.

    He created the 'Posse' program. It was instituted in 1930.

    Jail recidivism was reduced under his watch. Not true.

    He has saved taxpayers millions of dollars. Not true. He has cost them millions.


  78. Shit I'm in Luck!

    Though, there is no such thing!


    I'm talkin' Carnegie, not my friend Dale.

    Shit, there's a school 90 miles from here!

    It's never to late to learn to foist one's self off on the unsuspecting, and, learn to transfer their money from their wallet to yours!

  79. Wasp said...
    WiO says there's no such thing as "Palestine" but no one told Mark Twain that in 1867.

    He would have called you garbage.

  80. Carnegie Courses include self promotion - shameless; self promotion - subtle; ego enhancement; sales; hi tech sales; management; management motivation; and voodoo, general and advanced.

    Each student assigned a personalized memorable life time moniker.

    We stack up well with the competition, and so do our girls.

  81. Detroit mayor hospitalized, city finances in total collapse, emergency financial manager to be appointed Monday by State of Michigan, a crippling debt load, population decline, widespread housing foreclosures and a shrinking business community having depleted Detroit's tax base. Residents cry out for a savior, a self promoter, even if shameless; a self promoter, even if un- subtle, someone to promote the city along with himself, someone with a strong ego, background in sales; hi tech sales; management; management motivation; and, especially, voodoo economics, general and advanced. If you possess these qualities, contact hiring, The Old Rundown City Hall, Detroit, Michigan. Bonus points added for local talent.

    from Dudge Report

  82. WiO: He would have called you garbage.

    No wonder WiO has this sort of attitude toward married women. The greatest prophet of the Chosen People commanded thus:

    "Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." -- Moses
