Thursday, March 22, 2012

One fifth of all US and Nato killed this year were killed by someone wearing an Afghan Army or police uniform.

Here is how it was viewed by team Obama  three years ago:


  1. $2.5 billion a week is being spent on this ongoing debacle of Obama’s war.

  2. At 11:20 Obama bought Afghanistan. Training Afghan security forces will be the ticket.

  3. At 14:10 Obama states we need more lawyers in Afghanistan.

  4. 17:28 Obama sets his goals for Afghanistan.

  5. Obama had all the answers. At 19:45 Obama said almost 700 Americans have been killed. (Add 1,100 more to that total since his self-confident little speech.), He restates his goals at 21 minutes.? How did he do?

  6. Things will be different next time.

  7. deuce, Obama set out to teach us a lesson about war with any islamic nation...

    try to learn it..

    we are dhimmi. we cannot win a war against a superior people, moslems. learn what the dear father is trying to teach us...

    islamic peoples cannot be beaten, do not try to foolishly engage in military action against the dear father's people.

    of course the dear father is burning our cash and our blood faster than you can say "da joos" but it clear

    triple the troops, change the rules of engagement so the troops cannot fight,, sit tight and allow to fester..


    bring home the troops and tells how we are arrogant and need to be humble and apologize for our errant ways to the world.

    many have embraced the dear one's lesson, for the most part you have.

    You have embraced that when it comes to Iran, the Dear Father's real goal. Iranian hegemony!

  8. The US and the UK aided and abetted a military coup in Iran in 1953. It was a regime change operation and meddling in Iran’s internal affairs.

    How would the US or Israel respond to such an action? It became US intention and policy to establish Iran, under the Shah, as the hegemon in the the Middle East. Saddam saw Iraq in that role as have the Saudis, Turkey and Israel. Israeli policy, wisely enough under current conditions, is to be able to defend against any Arab coalition foolish enough to attack Israel.

    To do that, Israel has established military hegemony in the region and is doing what any hegemon would do and that is to maintain its monopoly. Unfortunately, Israel cannot maintain that role. The numbers are against it. Israeli policies will be no more effective than the Boers in South Africa. The Boers and white European South Africans were out-numbered 10:1 by the indigenous population. The European settlers in Israel are out-numbered by Indigenous tribes 200:1.

    Military technological and tactical advantages have never been monopolized throughout the entire history of humanity. The only chance Israel will survive is through accommodation and integration. If the Israeli nation does not restrain Netanyahu and his policies, it will only hasten the demise.

    Whether Iran gets a nuclear weapon or even wants one is irrelevant to the survival of Israel. Israel as a nuclear power will have to learn how to deal with nuclear armed adversaries. There would be no greater incentive for Iran to nuke up than a US or Israeli attack against Iran.

    What Iranian politician could resist, “Never again”, in a policy guaranteeing that neither the US or Israel would ever attack Iran again?

    Current Israeli policies will lead to isolation, self-destruction and ultimately a state of affairs indistinguishable from present day South Africa.

    Since the end of apartheid, one million whites have left and those that stayed have learned to accommodate itself as being a permanent minority in Africa. Treat yourself to self-delusion in Arabia or grow up and face the facts as they are, not as you wish them to be.

  9. Deuce: Current Israeli policies will lead to isolation, self-destruction and ultimately a state of affairs indistinguishable from present day South Africa.

    Naw, that won't happen, Deuce. God is going to do a miracle, just you wait and see. These are the end times, don't you know.

    HAGEE: [The AntiChrist is] going to make a seven-year treaty with Israel and set up his image to be worshiped in Israel. And that is where I`m convinced that a Jewish person who understands who he is shoots him, because the Bible says he`s wounded in the head and recovers wondrously, emulating the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

    At this point in time when he comes back to life he has the personality of a Hitler. He now pursues the Jewish people. The Jewish people then go to Petra, which is a place in Jordan that is a...

    BECK: I saw it in "Indiana Jones".

    HAGEE: ... natural fortress. And that God is going to provide for them there protection from him.

    And as he gets ready to pursue him, the Bible says that he, the antichrist, hears tidings from the east that disturb him. The tidings from the east is that there are -- the Chinese army is marching up the Euphrates River, 200 million of them, and they`re moving toward the battle of Armageddon, because they want the oil that will make them a superpower.

  10. Deuce: Current Israeli policies will lead to isolation, self-destruction and ultimately a state of affairs indistinguishable from present day South Africa.

    Amazing ignorance there....

    Today Israel actually has more diplomatic relations with more nations than at any time since it's modern day birth.

    Unless of course your typo was on purpose...

    "state of affairs indistinguishable from present day South Africa."

    present day south africa has no racial issues.

    it is accepted by the world

    Now if you were TRYING to say that Israel is an apartheid state that is nonsense.

    Arab CITIZENS of Israel enjoy full rights. Own property, serve in the Knesset, the Supreme Court, win Miss Israel contest and can vote. There are no discrimination laws on the books preventing an Arab citizen of Israel to buy land, anywhere.

    Now of course the situation in the other 899/900th of the middle east is vastly different for Jews.

    Our great expense and project in Iraq has shown the light of what an apartheid nation could look like. Or even look at Saudi Arabia, a fine example, or look at the Palestinian controlled lands.. Those are all fine examples of apartheid societies.

    Oh I almost forgot our "ally" Egypt... Another fine example...

    I bet you have never actually been to Israel.

    I bet you get all your knowledge from your puter...


    no 1st hand knowledge, just your collective cyber wisdom based on nothing but FT and NYT reports...

    Israel is vibrant, not isolated, is growing and has a mosaic of peoples living together in a wonderful state. Black, white, jew, christian, moslem, bhai, athiest and more all living together (not perfect) but better than most of the collective globe.

    But dont let the good news seep into your brain, it make cause you to start running around the house screaming "this does not compute"

  11. deuce: To do that, Israel has established military hegemony in the region and is doing what any hegemon would do and that is to maintain its monopoly. Unfortunately, Israel cannot maintain that role. The numbers are against it. Israeli policies will be no more effective than the Boers in South Africa. The Boers and white European South Africans were out-numbered 10:1 by the indigenous population. The European settlers in Israel are out-numbered by Indigenous tribes 200:1.

    Your logic has no basis.

    the middle east (where you get your numbers from) is hugh.

    it stretches across africa to asia.

    to somehow make a demographic argument about Israel's survival is foolish.

    But here is a interesting point about numbers

    Israel sits on 1/900 of the middle east.

    israel out produces the entire arab world INCLUDING oil by a factor of 400%

    productivity of an Israeli as compared to an arab citizen of the other 899/900 hovers about 4000% more productive per working person.

    The arab world cannot feed it'sself

    Out of 21 arab nations and the lands occupied by palestinians there is not ONE stable nation.

    Israel has stability.

    Arabs have more freedom and rights inside of Israel than in the other 899/900 of the middle east.

    Your argument that Israel cannot compete because there are "lots" more of them than Israelis is false.

    try again bucko.

  12. deuce: Since the end of apartheid, one million whites have left and those that stayed have learned to accommodate itself as being a permanent minority in Africa. Treat yourself to self-delusion in Arabia or grow up and face the facts as they are, not as you wish them to be.

    Israel is not south africa.

    to make the comparison? shows a shallowness of knowledge.

    Your same stupidity could be applied to America. America is 4% of the world's population and it cannot last since 96% of the rest of the world will not stand for America consuming 25% of the world's natural resources... (forget that AMerica create 25% of the wo'lds gdp)

    Your arguments about Israel lack and basis other than bullshit.

  13. I will tell you that for all your great information deuce it simply doesnt match up to the actual facts on the ground.

    Israel is growing and building, it's creating new high tech companies that are exploding in creations that are bringing creativity and gdp into israel.

    every year ten's of thousands of ARABs and Africans steal their way INTO Israel for a better life, at great peril since dozens have been shot to death BY EGYPT trying to escape INTO israel and out of africa and the arab world.

    You simply do not know what you are talking about.

  14. This time will be different. It always is.



    That is the article I have been trying to post. In the unlikely event anyone wants to know what I think, that is about it.

    Additionally it would be nice to know what stocks are going to go up and down when the shooting starts.

    There was another good article about Iranian agents infiltrating all sorts of institutions in America and I wondered if they had infiltrated here at The
    Elephant Bar
    but o well I post but it disappears.

    Some spring, snowed here last night.

  16. Deuce said...
    This time will be different. It always is.

    No different than the attempts by the Nazis and Arabs and Europeans for the last 1600 years except this time?

    Israel is armed.

    Sucks does it not? That Jews will not allow genocide to occur without a fight?

    So pardon me if your predictions of extermination are not embraced. But rather are fought back against.

    Jews are used the world hating us, in fact the world has done quite the nice job at murdering us on a decade by decade basis. So this time?

    We are armed....

    israel has an airforce.

    And it will not go quietly into the night.

    There are no more places to run and hide.

    Europe? The arab world? nope.

    SO Iran and the arabs threaten not just Israel, but Jews across the globe with death.

    I counter that with the knowledge that Jews are arming themselves.

    Sadly in the latest murder spree against our children there was no one around with a weapon.

    Hopefully some day soon a jihadist will be shot trying to murder innocents.

    Happens in Israel all the time. Taxi cab drivers carry... Hell everyone carries...

    But the real news will be when Israel decides to really fight back. It has held it's punch for decades. And if forced into a corner?

    it will not be pretty.

    But meanwhile the Arab world is on the brink of mass starvation, this should be interesting...

    Iran's population implosion should cause it to implode in 20 years or so...

    and if we can make middle eastern oil irrelevant it will leave the rest of the arab work back into the 7th century...

  17. .

    That is the article I have been trying to post. In the unlikely event anyone wants to know what I think, that is about it.

    Quit whining Bob. You know nobody gets any respect around here. Why should you be any different? Suck it up.


    (By the way, I working on a juiced up version of the 'Curse of Fenrir'. I saw your posts above on the wolves.)



  18. Melody, Deuce, Sam, Gag, Rufus, Doug, Toshtu, Dougman and Linearthinker get my respect.

  19. Thank the living Christ I didn't make The List along with Quirk, another survivor.


    Parley P Pratt, deceased


    Thank the living Christ I didn't make The List along with Quirk, another survivor.

  21. Sam, Gag, Doug, and Dougman are being badly mistreated.

    As I recall, here's the way it went 'tween me and Miss Finn.

    "Bob, I think you're an asshole."

    "Whydaya think that? Didn' use to."

    "Cause you disagree with my postions and sometimes mock my ideas."


    It's really sad we used to be pals/palettes. The
    Finn Twins.

    O for those days....



    Parley P Pratt, deceased


    Thank the living Christ I didn't make The List along with Quirk, another survivor.

  22. Thank you, Ms T. You made my day.

  23. Does anyone find a problem with this statement

    Yes we do scan checked baggage but we don't check for drugs just explosives so pretty much anything can go through.


  24. Because that is what sky harbor TSA told me when I asked


  25. Well I find it very disturbing


  26. Mel

    you need to get on out of there, like right now.

  27. Why is that gag


  28. I don't have anything on me


  29. Doesn't sound like you have had a good time. Tickets, getting thrown out of Walmart, having conversations with TSA, not good!

  30. Parley P Pratt, deceasedThu Mar 22, 04:35:00 PM EDT

    Mel musta injected it all, already.

    Soon she will join me.

  31. They did check my Kaopectate for any chemical reaction so I feel pretty safe. Although I wasn't thinking when I put on shoes this morning and had to stand barefoot on this germ infested floor. Don't worry I told them. How unsanitary that is and will let them know if I get any kind of staff infection.

  32. Great time gag

    I don't get bothered by those things very much. You know what bothered me the most. The man in the car next to me who didn't completely clear all the snow from his car.



    Parley P Pratt, deceased

  34. Parley P Pratt, deceasedThu Mar 22, 04:57:00 PM EDT

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staph they comfort me.




    Parley P Pratt, deceased


    Although I wasn't thinking when I put on shoes this morning and had to stand barefoot on this germ infested floor.

    Drugs, it's the drugs, always, always s m o o t h s them out.

  35. .

    Thank the living Christ I didn't make The List along with Quirk, another survivor.

    Kicked to the curb, excluded from 'in-crowd', banished to the detritus of society.

    All I can say is she thinks she's cooler than me

    But perhaps there's still hope. One wonders if you can eventually make The List after you die like with LDS post-mortem baptism.

    What's your philosophical take, bobbo?


  36. Wasp said...
    Melody, Deuce, Sam, Gag, Rufus, Doug, Toshtu, Dougman and Linearthinker get my respect.

    Like who cares?

    get a life.

  37. It was a chance remark that persuaded Rex Pickett to venture a little farther north, "over the hill," as he says, into California's Santa Ynez Valley. That was in the mid-'90s, when the author of "Sideways" was more interested in golf than he was in the delights of Santa Barbara County's flourishing Pinot Noir.


    All this seems a long way from when he walked into a wine store in the Santa Ynez Valley and was offered a glass of Pinot Noir. "I remember there was a British guy, who was a little unhappy about his salary so he took it out on the inventory and I got to experience a lot of wines I would never have been able to afford.

    You could say I owe it all to the Brits," he laughs.

  38. On February 11, as the debate over the Obama administration’s rule forcing religious institutions to provide insurance for contraceptive and aborti-facient drugs to their employees was reaching fever pitch, a prominent American said:

    Our faith communities don’t tend only to folks’ spiritual health but to their emotional and their physical health as well. Think for a moment about the Scripture that tells us that your bodies are temples given to you by God.


    Actually, it was none other than the first lady, Michelle Obama, speaking at Northland Church in Longwood, Florida, on the second anniversary of her “Let’s Move!” anti-obesity initiative. Her remarks had nothing to do with the clash over the contraception mandate.

  39. Responding to the shootings Nicolas Sarkozy, returning to the campaign trail in the French elections, said this evening

    "The values of France have been attacked. But these are not the crimes of a mad man because a mad man cannot be held responsible.

    These are the crimes of a monster and a fanatic."

  40. On this day in 1963, the Beatles' first album was released. The album, titled "Please Please Me," was released in Great Britain.

  41. This week, Beijing signaled it prefers the candidate who for months has led in public-opinion polls, Leung Chun-ying, a charismatic politician with close ties to China's Communist Party. Local political leaders confirm the central government's liaison office is lobbying members of Hong Kong's election committee, which will actually choose the city's next chief executive, to back Mr. Leung.


    A University of Hong Kong poll published Thursday showed ordinary Hong Kongers, who don't get to vote, are unhappy with both Mr. Leung and his opponent, Henry Tang, the city's former No. 2. For Mr. Tang, who has never enjoyed much popular support, his prospects grew worse after he admitted last fall to an extramarital affair and last month to having illegally added a basement to his home.


    For Beijing, already preoccupied with its own once-a-decade power transition later this year, that wouldn't be its preferred outcome. But given current opinion polls, says Emily Lau, a pro-democracy legislator, a hung vote might be the best result as far as ordinary Hong Kongers are concerned.

  42. But perhaps there's still hope. One wonders if you can eventually make The List after you die like with LDS post-mortem baptism.

    What's your philosophical take, bobbo?

    hmmm, vell, ah yes, I have it...theoretically yes, you could make lilith's last lispy list after you die, as they do have a procedure to induct the dead when their ranks get slim, as often happens, but, thankfully, you have to want to accept the invitation, and so far no one ever has so practically speaking, you are home free.

    Update: The Trustees of The Big Book of the Righteous have been hard it this morning by emergency appeals from several parties wishing to be included among the Righteous; we expect the considerations of such to continue through the evening and early tomorrow morning, at least.

  43. My answer assumed you were being facetious, Quirk, in your expressed desire to be included in lilith's little lispy list of the lost.

    I have always known you to know a bad list when you see it.

    Where'd you get the super - cool see through the dresses shades?


    But perhaps there's still hope. One wonders if you can eventually make The List after you die like with LDS post-mortem baptism.

    What's your philosophical take, bobbo?

    hmmm, vell, ah yes, I have it...theoretically yes, you could make lilith's last lispy list after you die, as they do have a procedure to induct the dead when their ranks get slim, as often happens, but, thankfully, you have to want to accept the invitation, and so far no one ever has so practically speaking, you are home free.

    Update: The Trustees of The Big Book of the Righteous have been hard it this morning by emergency appeals from several parties wishing to be included among the Righteous; we expect the considerations of such to continue through the evening and early tomorrow morning, at least.

  44. He'll need a proxy.

    I think I'm worthy enough, just don't get my hair wet. And I don't tip if you get water in my ears.

  45. .

    He'll need a proxy.

    I think I'm worthy enough,

    Your Perfect


  46. you have to want to accept the invitation, and so far no one ever has so practically speaking, you are home free.

    Most folks, myself included, accomplish this by simply including in their will a declaration that they do not wish to be included in lilith's list now or in the hereinafter.

    There is even a "street" name for this declaration among the lawyers: a 'leaving lilith's lethal list legally behind' declaration - as in, you want to include a 5LB, Sir?

  47. On this day in 1963, the Beatles' first album was released. The album, titled "Please Please Me," was released in Great Britain.

    And new drummer Ringo was hazed by being forced to sing the Shirells' song "Boys" without inverting the genders. Subsequently, Ringo became a favorite of the light-in-the-loafers set.

  48. Then it's settled.

    I'll do you proud Mister.

  49. Joshua Israel Gemmell wrote:

    The "land of Israel" has always been synonymous with "the land of milk and honey."

    Yeah, honey to the tune of $3 billion in US aid every year. Nice work if you can get it.

    The $3 billion is not for food, but Military Assistance; which is only unstable since we cause the nations around Israel to hate Israel.

    Israel is the fourth largest arms exporter in the world. They earn $7.4 billion dollars selling arms around the globe, including to our "friends" in Beijing who lend us the money to give to Israel in the first place. Maybe Israel could keep $3 billion of their own weapons in house (because the nations around Israel hate them), and then the circle of bullshit can come to an end.

  50. "Your perfect" pretty much sounds like an acceptance letter to me.

    Don't worry I'll make sure he gets to where he needs to be.

  51. And Quirk while i was in Flagtaff I visited Lowell Observatory and because of the axial tilt the guy tried to tell us our signs are no longer our signs.

    All the old ladies were asking what sign they are now, so when he turned to me and asked, I told him I'm a Capricorn, always was and always will be. He just grinned.

  52. Then explained the difference between astronomy and astrology.

  53. .

    And Quirk while i was in Flagtaff I visited Lowell Observatory...

    Did you see Saturn through their small telescope?

    I thought it was kind of unimpressive. Would have been nice if they rigged some kind of video screen for blowing up the image.

    I still have the hat I bought there. Red. Kind of neat.


  54. You suck. I'm in a plane right now where the internet is slow as shit. You tube is not working fast enough for me

  55. We saw pluto.

    And we didn't get to use the Clark, which I was disappointed. I think they just say they will use it to hype you up, just to come back.

    I wasn't impressed with just viewing on planet.

  56. You should've drove back instead of flown.

    Would've got there quicker.

  57. .

    So you didn't get to see the rat?

    Or did you bump him off?

    We haven't seen him since about the time you left.

    Thought you might have gotten into a tequila drinking contest with him and he didn't survive.


  58. Melody: We saw pluto.

    Cool. When we went to Disneyland we saw Goofy and Minnie Mouse.

  59. I'm fascinated that it was a home-made color process.

  60. The announcement made news on both sides of the Atlantic: “A meeting of 21 scientists in Parma, Italy, concluded that reduced water content in the body was a symptom of dehydration and not something that drinking water could subsequently control,” the London Telegraph reported last November. As a consequence, “producers of bottled water are now forbidden by law from making the claim [that water hydrates] and will face a two-year jail sentence if they defy the edict.”


    The water ruling was roundly criticized. A conservative member of the European parliament told the Telegraph, “The euro is burning, the EU is falling apart and yet here they are: highly paid, highly pensioned officials worrying about the obvious qualities of water and trying to deny us the right to say what is patently true.”
