Friday, March 30, 2012

Obama’s colored glasses

Parents of murdered British students criticise Barack Obama 

The parents of two British students murdered in Florida have criticised President Barack Obama for his lack of compassion over their son's deaths.

Shawn Tyson
Image 1 of 2
Shawn Tyson 
His failure to respond to three letters sent to the White House was because there was no "political value" and not worthy of a few minutes of his time.
They spoke out as teenager Shawn Tyson began a life sentence after being found guilty of the murder of James Cooper and James Kouzaris last April.
The 17 year old, who shot the men as they begged for their lives, will die in prison.
His conviction of first degree murder carries an mandatory life sentence without the chance of parole.
The powerfully built teen even looked bored as emotional DVD presentations about the dead men prepared by their grieving parents were shown in court.
Tyson, who has the word 'Savage' tattooed across his chest didn't show a flicker of emotion, slumping in his seat as he was forced to watch a montage of photos showing the victims from early childhood to young men.
Two close friends of the dead men who had attended the eight day trial in Sarasota, Florida. had also delivered highly emotional impact statements to the court prior to the sentencing.
Paul Davies and Joe Hallett spoke of the "living hell" they and others who knew the men had suffered since the murders.
During the eight day trial they had been shown graphic crime scene and autopsy photos shown in court.
Later speaking after Tyson was jailed Davies and Hallett lashed out at Mr Obama saying the deaths of their friends was "not worthy of ten minutes of his time."
Davies said:"We would like to publicly express our dissatisfaction at the lack of any public or private message of support or condolence from any American governing body or indeed, President Obama himself.
"Mr Kouzaris has written to President Obama on three separate occasions and is yet to even receive the courtesy of a reply.
"It would perhaps appear that Mr Obama sees no political value in facilitating such a request or that the lives of two British tourists are not worthy of ten minutes of his time."
The rebuke follows Mr Obama's personal intervention into the shooting in Florida of a young black teenager by a white-Hispanic neighbourhood watch captain.
The death of 17 year old Trayvon Martin has sparked nationwide protests with his supporters claiming he was victim of a racist attack.
Mr Obama entered the controversy last week by saying if he had a son he would have looked like Martin.
The alleged assailant in Martin's death has not been charged with any crime having claimed he was attacked first and used Florida's 'stand your ground' law to shoot in self defence.
The criticism of the US President was made on behalf of the Cooper's parents Stanley and Sandy, from Warwicks, and Peter and Hazel Kouzaris, from Northampton by Davies in a statement read outside the courtroom.
The parents of the two victims did not attend the trial but they had access to the proceedings from a live video feed.
The filmed interview of the Kouzaris's was played to the court while a message from Sandy Cooper was read out by the prosecutor.
The victims close friends delivered an emotional impact statement with Hallett telling Tyson he hoped he would be haunted by his actions.
He told him: "Imagine them being killed. Now try to imagine that they died because someone creept up on them and shot them numerous times for no good reason. Welcome to our world. Every night you go to sleep, every morning you wake up, I want you to think of my friends who you murdered. Their images will be imprinted on your conscience up until your very last breath in life.”


  1. Damn Deuce,

    You really know how to kill a good thing.

  2. On this day in 1964, the game show "Jeopardy!" debuted on NBC.

  3. Sam: You really know how to kill a good thing.

    Murder that is. Terminate with prejudice.

  4. The UN council on Human Rights includes such luminaries as Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Kyrgyzstan (which does the extraordinary renditions for the CIA), Thailand, Russia, and Cuba, so if slavery is still going on in some African countries, take it up with them.


  5. Q. What do you call Obama, Biden, and Dolly Parton in the same elevator?

    A. Two boobs and a country music star.

  6. Jewish Mother Haiku:

    The sparrow brings home
    Too many worms for her young.
    "Force yourself," she chirps.

  7. I really hope with "skittles gone viral" that the company has more sense than the person in the video, and continues to do nothing and not exploit the situation.

    I think it would send the wrong message.

  8. The Day of Our Lord, Mar. 30, 2012:

    Wholesale Unleaded - $3.41

    Wholesale Ethanol - $2.15

    37% Discount

    But, No Sweat, The King Needs the Money.

  9. .


    Ok, that's the final cut. Quirk, verse 3 all yours.

    Good stuff Sam

    The Ballad Of Bob The Farmer (version 1.2)

    Come and listen to a story 'bout a man named Bob
    Farmin' on the land growin' corn on the cob
    Then one day he was shootin' at a cat,
    And up through the ground come a desert dwellin' rat
    (Cowboy that is, Arizona native, mean hombre)

    Well the first thing you know ol' Bob's a spittin' mad
    Kin folk said Bob that rat ain't so bad
    Said Washington is the place you oughta be
    So he loaded up the truck and he moved to Miss T's
    (Wasp that is, Philipinos, lesbians)

    Great work,Sam, but…

    Sam old boy, I’d truly like to help you out
    What’s more fun than skewering that lousy, crusty lout
    On things like NDE, Ruf and Jews, and books and the way he waxes
    But truth be told, I haven’t time, I’ve got to do my taxes
    (Assessments that is, extorteeeon, paying the toll)

    But y’all come back now, ya hear.


  10. GOODmorning shitkickers!

    Speak only for yourself, Dufus.

    In that manner, you will get no disagreement.

    Going to the Mall for the morning 'workout' but must leave you with


  11. Are the A-packers making their move?

    n 2009, the deputy chief of mission of the U.S. embassy in Baku, Donald Lu, sent a cable to the State Department's headquarters in Foggy Bottom titled "Azerbaijan's discreet symbiosis with Israel." The memo, later released by WikiLeaks, quotes Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev as describing his country's relationship with the Jewish state as an iceberg: "nine-tenths of it is below the surface."

    Why does it matter? Because Azerbaijan is strategically located on Iran's northern border and, according to several high-level sources I've spoken with inside the U.S. government, Obama administration officials now believe that the "submerged" aspect of the Israeli-Azerbaijani alliance -- the security cooperation between the two countries -- is heightening the risks of an Israeli strike on Iran.

  12. Azerbaijan is, also, a significant oil "exporter" that would benefit from a kerfuffle in Iran.

    EIA Stats

  13. Girdle Bug

    The one written up in the paper today was all black, but looked just the same. If D. E. says it's good, it's good.

    Thank you Miss T for all the rain. You are doing wonders for the alfalfa again this year.

  14. HUNTSVILLE, Texas (AP) - A convicted child sex offender was executed Wednesday for the beating death of a 10-month-old boy he was baby-sitting at a home in Dallas.
    Jesse Joe Hernandez smiled and laughed at times before receiving a lethal injection for the slaying of Karlos Borja 11 years ago.

    "God bless everybody. Continue to walk with God," the 47-year-old Hernandez said. Moments later, he shouted "Go Cowboys!" in honor of his favorite football team.

  15. Get Your NRA Concealed Carry Capable Hoodie Here


    While checking to see if there had been any movement against the New Black Panther Party for putting out a $10,000 dead or alive wanted ad on Zimmermann, I found that Hashim Nzinga, a top brass member of the New Black Panther Party, was arrested Monday at his probation office in Lawrenceville, Ga., and charged with a possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, reports The Atlanta Constitution-Journal. A warrant was put out after evidence surfaced that Nzinga allegedly tried to pawn a semi-automatic handgun at a Stone Mountain, Ga., pawn shop.

    I don't think the DOJ - Holder - will do a thing, though the State of Florida might.

    Perhaps NBPP is trying to raise the sweet 10K by pawning weapons? :)

    Isn't it great? A group puts out what is basically a hit, and Obama and Holder of course will do zero.

    Obama seems to attract really odd groups and individuals as his supporters.

    Almost all brain dead. Must be a prerequisite.

  16. ROME—Two leaders of the OPERA collaboration, which stunned the world in September when it announced data suggesting that neutrinos could travel faster than the speed of light, have stepped down. The resignation of Antonio Ereditato as spokesperson and Dario Autiero as physics coordinator of the study followed a vote of no confidence, held yesterday by leaders of the individual groups within the collaboration, according to a source at OPERA who asked not to be identified. The vote came several weeks after it was revealed that the hotly debated result was probably caused by a faulty cable connection.

    Moral of this story: Don't fuck with Einstein.

  17. In case of weird results check operators manual.

    1) Turn on machine.

    2) Check electrical cables, connections, etc.

  18. The White House is trying to make rising gas prices look like it is Irans fault. As of this day, it is all on Obama at a national price average of $5 a gallon.

  19. About a buck eighty when the big O took over. More than twice that now. PLUS, now that we are closing all the coal fired plants, the big O will be able to keep his promise of making electricity prices soar.

    according to a source at OPERA

    So, the fat lady sang?


    Senate Republican staffers continue to look though the 2010 health care reform law to see what’s in it, and their latest discovery is a massive $17 trillion funding gap.

    “The more we learn about the bill, the more we learn it is even more unaffordable than was suspected,” said Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, the Republican’s budget chief in the Senate.

    “The bill has to be removed from the books because we don’t have the money,” he said.

    The hidden shortfall between new spending and new taxes was revealed just after Supreme Court justices grilled the law’s supporters about its compliance with the Constitution’s limits on government activity. If the court doesn’t strike down the law, it will force taxpayers find another $17 trillion to pay for the increased spending.

    The $17 trillion in extra promises was revealed by an analysis of the law’s long-term requirements. The additional obligations, when combined with existing Medicare and Medicaid funding shortfalls, leaves taxpayers on the hook for an extra $82 trillion in health care obligations over the next 75 years.

    Read more:

  20. Senate Republican staffers continue to look though the 2010 health care reform law to see what’s in it, and their latest discovery is a massive $17 trillion funding gap.

    “The more we learn about the bill, the more we learn it is even more unaffordable than was suspected,” said Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, the Republican’s budget chief in the Senate.

    “The bill has to be removed from the books because we don’t have the money,” he said.

    The hidden shortfall between new spending and new taxes was revealed just after Supreme Court justices grilled the law’s supporters about its compliance with the Constitution’s limits on government activity. If the court doesn’t strike down the law, it will force taxpayers find another $17 trillion to pay for the increased spending.

    The $17 trillion in extra promises was revealed by an analysis of the law’s long-term requirements. The additional obligations, when combined with existing Medicare and Medicaid funding shortfalls, leaves taxpayers on the hook for an extra $82 trillion in health care obligations over the next 75 years.

    Read more:

  21. I'm beginning to think the President is acting quite strangely, don't you feel the same? He had this winky-wink deal with Puty's lap dog, about wait a little please and I'll give you all we've got, and I've read recently that he is now into unilateral disarmament, so we have even fewer nukes than Israel is said to have, and now I read he is giving out info about Israeli capacities to attack from Azerbaijan, all this is discomforting. It's really creepy and the election can't get here soon enough. It makes me want to hop on the tractor and get back to the farm.
