Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Obamacare and Federal Mandates


  1. .

    I think the "individual mandate" as well as the "unfunded mandates" on Medicaid are both unconstitutional, but when it comes to SCOTUS, it's always a crapshoot.

    Roe v Wade and Citizens United are two cases where the Court left me wondering. This will likely be one of the biggest cases the Roberts court will face.


  2. .

    Initially, I thought the 2012 election would resolve solely around the economy and jobs. Now I'm not so sure.

    The Court's decision on Obamacare or the possibily of war with Iran could shift the contest dramatically. Gas prices and the worldwide economy will be factors but they are to a certain degree dependant upon what happens with Iran.

    However, assuming the world doesn't fall apart in the next seven months, the Ryan budget put out today could be the determining factor. It clearly lays out the differences between the GOP and Dem ideas on government.

    There should be a clear choice for the American people.

    WAPO Opinion of Ryan Budget

    NYT Story on Ryan Budget



    To me the most interesting developments in this field stem from brain monitoring at the time of death, for example as performed by Lakhmir Chawla, Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine at The George Washington University Medical Center. Chawla and colleagues (2009) have found bursts of coherent high frequency EEG - seemingly indicative of conscious awareness - at the time of death, after heart rate and blood pressure have dropped off. I would be interested to hear how Woerlee, or any sceptic, would account for these findings.

    I didn't know Ms. Reynolds passed away. May she rest in peace.
    Stuart Hamerhoff

    From a discussion of the Pam Reynolds case in the recent Journal of Near Death Studies, Fall 2011.

    Entire issue given over to letters back and forth concerning that famous case, and how to account for her experience when her body temperature was 60%, her heart was stopped, all the blood had been drained from her brain, her eyes taped shut and her ears totally plugged and spiked, a condition known as shut down, that is, being dead.

    Personally I hope we can keep ObamaCare out of this area of medical practice and research.

  4. We need Near Death Panels.

  5. We need WashAwayShitPanels.

    A Little Folly In Israel

    Parley P Pratt is prominently mentioned in the comments.

    Are We Getting Gypped With Romney?

    Of course ObamaCare is unconstitutional, so obviously so that it hardly merits talking about.

    Which doesn't at all mean the Court will rule it so.

    We have after all wise latinas, demented old madams,etc.

    I think they will rule it unconstitutional.

    I'm always wrong on predictions.

    Whole issue underlines how important elections truly are, contrary to some opinion here.


  6. DR. WILLIAM J. ROLFE writes :

    I have serious doubts whether this ex
    planation of Falstaff s habit of quoting
    Scripture, though very ingenious and
    plausible, is correct. The interpretation
    of the old sinner's death-bed utterances,
    however, seems to me by far the best that
    has ever been suggested, and I shall be
    surprised if it is not generally approved
    by Shakespeare scholars and critics.


    'HAKESPEARE'S characters have
    a vital and perennial interest, in
    that they are idealized images of
    our common human nature.
    Hence, like the real people of the world, they
    have the trick of unconsciously revealing glimpses
    of their past history : they bear the stamp of
    other days.

    Sir John Falstaff is a shining illustration of this
    truth. What, for example, is to be gathered as
    to his past life from his remarkable knowledge
    of the Bible, of which he makes a more copious
    use in literal quotation, in metaphor, and in
    subtle allusion than any other of Shakespeare's
    characters ?

    One point is established beyond question,
    namely, that his youth was passed in a religious
    atmosphere, probably austerely religious; against
    which, by the way, the reaction of later years
    was not altogether unnatural.

    To be more specific :

    As a boy, Jack Falstaff was, according to his
    own unconscious testimony, accustomed to the
    religious observances of a well-ordered home,
    grace before meat, and family prayers, being there
    taught the nobility of truth-telling and honesty.
    He was, no doubt, taken regularly to church,
    probably " creeping like snail, unwillingly"; he
    was a choir-boy, versed in the Creed and the
    Catechism ; he was well instructed in Christian
    doctrines and virtues, the need of repentance ;
    the scheme of salvation ; the duty of fasting and
    prayer ; and the certainty of future rewards and
    punishments, his prseternaturally sensitive and
    lively imagination being deeply and lastingly im
    pressed by an ever-present vision of the King of
    Terrors and the fires of Hell.

    Although this impression of his character is
    largely due to unconscious revelation, yet it is
    amply authorized by the subjoined passages,
    which are maimed, of course, by being torn from
    their context. Familiar as we are with the Bible
    there will be no difficulty in supplying the texts
    which inspired FalstafFs wit.

    Scholarly Expectations Upon The Last Minutes, Concluding Words And Final Death Of St. John 'Fat Jack' Falstaff With Emphasis On Early Training Of Same, And Speculation On The Correct Meanings Of FieldsI See Your True Colors Shining Through

  7. America funds these bastards with 1.5 BILLON a year in weapons. Why does America seek an arms race in the Middle East? Why does America support nations with no civil liberties? Does this serve American goals or national interests to prop up an Islamists Moslem nation that murders Christians, destroys Churches?

    Egypt's Islamist-dominated parliament unanimously voted on Monday in support of expelling Israel's ambassador in Cairo and halting gas exports to the Jewish state.

    The vote was taken by a show of hands on a report by the chamber's Arab affairs committee that declared Egypt will "never" be a friend, partner or ally of Israel. The report described Israel as the nation's "number one enemy" and endorsed what it called Palestinian resistance "in all its kinds and forms" against Israel's "aggressive policies."

  8. I was trying to post this and f'd up. I think she has made my short list of women I'd take a bullet for -- I think I've had an EEG Surge.

    The Lord God, And A Hint Of Crow's Feet By Sparkling Eyes, Has Taken My Heaviness Away

    Jesus, have mercy.....


    You didn't know Fat Jack knew his Bible, from his youth up, did you?

  9. .

    I was trying to post this and f'd up. I think she has made my short list of women I'd take a bullet for -- I think I've had an EEG Surge.

    I don't know Bob. The performance looked a little stylized to me. When I saw her sing the first few bars, Catherine O'Hara (from SCTV and the old Saturday Night Live) came to mind.

    Mitch and Mickey

    Scenes from "A Mighty Wind"

    At least the Folksmen went on to fame and fortune.

    The Folksmen on Late Night


  10. Well, good, no competition from you, Casanova.

    How long does it last?

    In each of the seven cases in their study, the patient's loss of blood pressure after life support was withdrawn was followed by a decline in the monitored EEG activity, followed by a transient spike in EEG activity approaching levels normally associated with consciousness. The EEG surge was short lived - on the order of 1 to 5 minutes - and the activity then declined to zero. In all cases, possible sources of electrical artifacts were ruled out.

    Journal of Near Death Studies pg 488 - 489, Summer 2011


    I think the sweet $1.5 billion was keeping the peace with Israel and keeping the Egyptian military happy and fed, anon. Now that the muslim brotherhood is in the saddle, the whole program ought to be rethought/suspended.

    But, then we have a MB lover in the White House.

  11. Stylized?


    What the hell is wrong with stylized?

    If that is stylized, I'll take stylized.

    Jesus, look how she smiles, look how her eyes dance.

    Well, good, no competition from you, Casanova.

    How long does it last?

    In each of the seven cases in their study, the patient's loss of blood pressure after life support was withdrawn was followed by a decline in the monitored EEG activity, followed by a transient spike in EEG activity approaching levels normally associated with consciousness. The EEG surge was short lived - on the order of 1 to 5 minutes - and the activity then declined to zero. In all cases, possible sources of electrical artifacts were ruled out.

    Journal of Near Death Studies pg 488 - 489, Summer 2011


    I think the sweet $1.5 billion was keeping the peace with Israel and keeping the Egyptian military happy and fed, anon. Now that the muslim brotherhood is in the saddle, the whole program ought to be rethought/suspended.

    But, then we have a MB lover in the White House.

  12. Hot off the Presses:

    Tebow to the Jets.

    Sean Payton gets suspended for 2012season without pay, for his role in the Saints bounty program.

    Bashing Christians continues to be in vogue, particularly deeeeep Southern Christians, mostly by those who continue to worship themselves.

    Stay tuned.

  13. .

    Kennedy is usually the deciding vote on recent high court cases. That's unfortunate.

    Court: Lawyers must do good job on plea bargains.


  14. Kennedy is the guy, most folks think, but, he is I think more attuned to states right than one might think.

    Hence: unconstitutional.

  15. When fat Jack babbled
    It wasn't of brooks flowing
    From broad cedared Bitteroots
    Closest to heaven
    When he fondled flowers
    It wasn't the prairie camus of Idaho
    The geographically learn-ed are Quite certain of this
    And the learn-ed
    Have disputed much
    For which they get paid
    With great interest to do
    They have disputed much whether
    He was wisting Biblical
    Or wishing deeper into the greens
    Of a more unnatural summer
    A summer of truer colors
    A rainbow the old sinner had never guessed of
    In England, or read of in psalms
    During his failed and falling days on earth.
    Having strayed from his youthful
    Instructions he found himself
    Found himself dying
    His giant gut gracing the ground
    And for the first time ever Unexpectedly something surged and
    Confirmed himself
    To something wholly new
    And familiar in himself
    Sir John
