Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pace of violence picks up in Afghanistan over US burning of Kuran.

KABUL – The Afghan Interior Ministry says seven people have been killed in clashes between Afghan security forces and protesters demonstrating against the burning of Muslim holy books at a NATO military base.
The ministry says in a statement the deaths occurred Wednesday in the Afghan capital of Kabul, in the eastern city of Jalalabad, and in the provinces of Logar and Parwan.
It said four of the dead were killed during a protest in Parwan.
The ministry said security guards at a U.S. base outside Kabul killed one man, while one man each was killed during protests in Jalalabad and Logar.

The American embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan is on lockdown as protests rage in multiple Afghan cities over an incident the U.S. says was inadvertent burning of Muslim holy books at a military base.
"The Embassy is on lockdown; all travel suspended," the embassy announced on its Twitter page Wednesday. "Please, everyone, be safe out there."

Read more:


  1. After ten years we have learned nothing in Afghanistan about the culture and yet there are others ready to double down and get us involved deeper into other Muslim countries where we are obviously clueless.

    Are our diplomats and career military commanders asleep or their organizations so naive, untrained or undisciplined?

    This is inexcusable and where is the political leadership in Washington, other than McCain and Lindsey Graham shooting off their mouths to get us deeper into Syria?

  2. Egyptians chant "One Nation for a New Holocaust".

    U.S. President Barack Obama proposed $1.3 billion in military aid for Egypt in fiscal 2013, asking Congress to maintain the annual aid level.

    Israel gave preliminary approval on Wednesday to a plan to build 600new homes in a settlement deep inside the West Bank.

    Obama requested $3.1 billion in military assistance for Israel next year. That's a slight increase over the $3.075 billion in the current year.

    Do bad things, get free money.

  3. We are governed by Fools, and Charlatons.

  4. wasp suggests: Israel gave preliminary approval on Wednesday to a plan to build 600new homes in a settlement deep inside the West Bank.

    Obama requested $3.1 billion in military assistance for Israel next year. That's a slight increase over the $3.075 billion in the current year.

    Do bad things, get free money.

    Israel should build in the disputed lands of the west bak, it has as much right to do so as any arab.

    As for doing "bad things"?

    America is giving billions of dollars to egypt who are holding americans as hostages...

    Now that is a bad thing.

    Wasp/ms t/teresita/zena only can say shit about israel.

  5. America has announced the building of at least 1 million new homes in at least 10,000 settlements deep inside the southwestern areas of occupied mexico.

    Arizona and California that is...

    One man's occupation?

    Last I checked the West Bank is historic Jewish lands and has not belonged to any nation in history SINCE the jews had it as a nation..

    No NATION of Palestine every was...

    No Nation during the Ottoman Empire...

    No NATION under the Crusaders..

    The West Bank is disputed that is a fact, that's what is the UN resolutions dating back to the original 1948 situation...


    And at last check, ARABS have been building towns, homes and villages non-stop for decades in the disputed lands and yes the good ole USA keeps giving them more money no matter how many civilian israelis they slit the throats of...

  6. "China 2030" urges a big expansion of early-childhood education and nutrition to make sure that poorer Chinese youngsters don't quickly fall behind wealthier ones, said those involved with the report. While such programs are commonplace in wealthier countries and Latin America, they pose a particular challenge in China because of its system of revenue collection.

    Chinese local governments often draw much of their revenue from the sale of land, rather than from taxes. That has led to deep resentment among poorer Chinese as village officials underpay for land on the outskirts of cities and sell at steep profits to real-estate developers.

    The report urges that Chinese social spending be funded more by dividends from state-owned firms and by property, corporate and other taxes.

  7. We implicitly take for granted the idea that the way things are done now is either the way they have always been done, or that it was changed from the old ways for good reasons. Perhaps it is the march of technology or the seemingly endless growth in the American economy that gives us confidence that today’s rules of the road are better than yesterday’s.

    But it is not so in the case of the party operations. The sad truth is that Americans who lived and died 150 years ago – who didn’t have modern medicine, personal computers, cars, airplanes, easy access to higher education, "sophisticated" manners and all the rest – had a much better party system than we do today.

    And the Republican party is paying the price for this right now.

  8. On this day in 1980, the US Olympic hockey team defeated the Soviet Union at Lake Placid, NY by a final score of 4-3. The stunning upset has been remembered as the 'Miracle on Ice.'

  9. The warmists were atwitter last week because they imagined they had their own equivalent of Climaquiddick — someone fraudulently managed to get confidential documents from the Heartland Institute by portraying himself as a board member. Heartland has been at the forefront of supporting skepticism of hyperbolic climate claims, and has accordingly been put in the crosshairs by defenders of Big Science for years.


    Amusingly, even the Koch brothers, the Left’s latest Goldsteins, were dragged into it:

    The documents, leaked by an anonymous donor and released on DeSmogBlog, include the organization’s 2012 fundraising plan. It lists Heartland Institute donors, from the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation (established by Koch Industries billionaire Charles G. Koch), to Philip Morris parent company Altria, to software giant Microsoft and pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly.

    Michael Mann of Penn State, creator of the Hockey Stick, also weighed in:

    These documents are breathtaking, and they reveal what many of us have long suspected: That there is a campaign afoot by groups directly funded by the fossil fuel industry and right-wing foundations such as Koch Industries to mislead the public about climate change.

    Can't Hide This Decline


  11. WiO: Wasp/ms t/teresita/zena only can say shit about israel.

    Sure, that's why I wrote:

    Egyptians chant "One Nation for a New Holocaust".

    U.S. President Barack Obama proposed $1.3 billion in military aid for Egypt in fiscal 2013, asking Congress to maintain the annual aid level.

    But WiO cut that part out. Which means he committed a lie of omission.

  12. The Obama administration, which has firmly rejected calls to arm the Syrian opposition, appeared at least to allow for the possibility Tuesday by emphasizing that “additional measures” might have to be considered if President Bashar al-Assad continues to escalate his military assault on civilians.

    The comments, made by spokespersons at both the White House and the State Department, came as dozens of international leaders prepared to attend an emergency meeting on Syria in Tunis on Friday.

    Who's shooting off their mouth Deucey, trying to get us deeper into Syria?

  13. Wasp said...
    WiO: Wasp/ms t/teresita/zena only can say shit about israel.

    Sure, that's why I wrote:

    Egyptians chant "One Nation for a New Holocaust".

    U.S. President Barack Obama proposed $1.3 billion in military aid for Egypt in fiscal 2013, asking Congress to maintain the annual aid level.

    But WiO cut that part out. Which means he committed a lie of omission.

    That's your MO.. the select edit...

    Your comment about Israel was my focus.

    And shit it was..

    try again bitch.

  14. I think we need to support KURDISH liberation.

    A free and independent Kurdistan would take a notch out of turkey, syria, iran and iraq's wallet and power..

  15. The liar formerly known as Teresita, no Zena, no Ms T, who claimed to be a lesbian FOR YEARS, who selectively proof text the Torah on a daily basis and got one giant set of balls...


    big ole hairy nuggets of testicles...

    swinging like an ape...

  16. I wonder if it is possible for Ms T, Zena, Wasp, teresita

    a. to all get into a taxi at one time.

    b. ever say anything not insulting to Israel?

  17. Wasp: But WiO cut that part out. Which means he committed a lie of omission.

    When you claimed to be a lesbian for years and then came out as a straight gal, what does that make you?

    ANd btw, how do we even KNOW you had cancer?

    was that also a lie?

  18. Ms t?


    I dont trust a thing you say.

    Nothing that comes from you should be taken at face value, it should be treated as suspect.

    after all you have proved capable of deception to all of us and you have admitted that sin....

    So no free pass for you.

    You are a self confessed liar.

    I may be an asshole, I might even be a tad bit 'tactical" for some...

    but I dont lie...

    Honest and obnoxious I may be...

    But you sir?

    Are a liar...

  19. Now on to more important things...

    Iran is becoming the issue.

    Regardless of public opinions....

    If syria goes down?

    COULD be a good thing against Iran

    Iran has just spent 6 billion supporting assad...

    Syria is KEY to funding palestinian terror groups and hezbollah.

    One possible issue?
    Syrian has tens of thousands of actual wmd chemical rockets in it's arsenal.

    if syria falls?

    what becomes that inventory

    Libya is a cakewalk compared to syria,

    assad is poison and the free syrian army? poison as well...

    the secular democrats have been marginalized in syria.

    so maybe the best thing would be to fragment syria...

    free the kurds of syria to join with the kurds of iraq ?

  20. $5 - $6 gas, guess BP got their money's worth with their Chicago pol.

    Rufus - where can I get me one of those wind sails for my automobile?

  21. BTW, the blog is just so CALM lately...

    Just cant put my finger on why...


  22. Anonymous said...
    $5 - $6 gas, guess BP got their money's worth with their Chicago pol.

    Rufus - where can I get me one of those wind sails for my automobile?

    i'd say obama want 8 dollar a gallon

    aep just announced that it is CLOSING 7 coal power plants in wva and oh and expects power rates to rise 10-25 % in the next 30 months or so....

    yippie skippy...

  23. Another eye-popping number was the percentage of Americans who don’t pay income taxes, which now accounts for nearly half of the U.S. population. Meanwhile, most of that population receives generous federal benefits.

    Obama 2012

  24. If the unemployment rate is 8.3%, and fifty percent don't pay any income taxes, then, 41.7% of Americans are working for wages that aren't high enough to qualify for income tax.

    The bums.

    Why don't they go become Doctors, or somethin'?

  25. Anonymous: Another eye-popping number was the percentage of Americans who don’t pay income taxes, which now accounts for nearly half of the U.S. population. Meanwhile, most of that population receives generous federal benefits.

    Your numbers don't add up. 49.5% don't pay taxes, but 20% are net recipients of tax money. That includes me, and I do pay taxes.

  26. Anonymous: $5 - $6 gas, guess BP got their money's worth with their Chicago pol.

    There is a historical trend of the bums being thrown out every time there's a gas price spike, from 1976, to 1980, to 1992, to 2008.

  27. Rufus II:If the unemployment rate is 8.3%, and fifty percent don't pay any income taxes, then, 41.7% of Americans are working for wages that aren't high enough to qualify for income tax.

    Except for a tax of 3% on incomes over $800 to pay for Sherman's carpet bombing of the South, no one paid income tax until 1913, and somehow we muddled through.

  28. Anonymous: Who's shooting off their mouth Deucey, trying to get us deeper into Syria?

    TRIPOLI — Senior Republican US Senator John McCain said on Wednesday (today) that the world must come to the help of Syrians and stop the "massacre" there as it came to the aid of people of Kosovo and Bosnia.

  29. Grampy McCain never saw a police action he didn't like, as long as we don't put wet washcloths on people's faces.

  30. China is vulnerable to a sharp slowdown, said Jun Ma, a Deutsche Bank China economist, because it relies too heavily on industries that copy foreign technology and doesn't produce enough breakthroughs of its own. South Korea was able to keep growing rapidly after it hit a per-capita income level of $5,000—about where China is today—because it pushed innovation.

    However, China lags behind South Korea badly in patents produced per capita, he said.

    Chinese local governments often draw much of their revenue from the sale of land, rather than from taxes. The report urges that Chinese social spending be funded more by dividends from state-owned firms and by property, corporate and other taxes.

  31. They are all talking tough on Iran and Syria.

    Except Ron Paul of course.

    Gingrich says, "You don't have to worry if you are America's enemy under this President, only if you are America's friend."

  32. Ron Paul makes more sense than the other three Republican candidates who are all ready to go to war with Iran or Syria. None of the three warriors actually ever served in the military when they had the chance.

  33. The National Taxpayers Union (NTU) has been rating members of Congress for 20 years. NTU is an independent, non-partisan organization that — per its mission statement — “mobilizes elected officials and the general public on behalf of tax relief and reform, lower and less wasteful spending, individual liberty, and free enterprise.”


    Fifty senators served throughout Santorum’s two terms: 25 Republicans, 24 Democrats, and 1 Republican/Independent. On a 4-point scale (awarding 4 for an A, 3.3 for a B+, 3 for a B, 2.7 for a B-, etc.), those 50 senators’ collective grade point average (GPA) across the 12 years was 1.69 — which amounts to a C-.


    As for Santorum’s potential opponent in the fall, Barack Obama’s three years in the Senate (2005 through 2007) overlapped only with Santorum’s final two years. (In 2008, Obama effectively left the Senate to campaign for President and therefore didn’t cast enough votes for NTU to score him that year.) In both of the years that the two men overlapped (2005 and 2006), as well as throughout Obama’s three years’ worth of preparation for the presidency, Obama’s GPA was 0.00 — a rock-solid F.

  34. Ron Paul called for Congress to declare war if war is necessary. What a radical position.

  35. Anybody got a link to the debate?

  36. Mitt Romney did serve the Mormon Church on a 30-month mission to France.


  38. Didn't make many, or any, converts though.

    Said it was a tough slog there in atheistic France.

  39. He will have a harder mission trying to convert enough Americans to put him into the Oval Office.

  40. Santorum strikes me as the only candidate that has a chance against Obama and not a great chance at that.

  41. Works. Thanks, Bob. But it looks like it just finished.

  42. I don't know. He's carrying all that weight with the reproductive system talk. That goes easier in Republican circles but he's got to get independents. The independents seem to me to be the only voters in play, and his morality talk turns a lot of those folk off.

    I've heard morons compare him to the mullahs, the Taliban, etc. Such people don't have very good judgment capacity, IMHO.

  43. Deuce: Mitt Romney did serve the Mormon Church on a 30-month mission to France.

    Well the word "adieu" did appear on the golden plates which were translated into the book of Jacob.

    Thou some say Joe Smith Jr. threw that in there to spruce things up a bit, give the text a little class.

    When it comes to dealing with terrorists, my preferred expression is Adios Motherfucker!

  44. On points and audience reaction, both Gingrich and Romney did well. The media hates Santorum but he has a populist streak that may work.

  45. Well, hell Teresita, Jacob was the 1/2 brother of Nephi, and Nephi was a Frenchman, what do you expect.

  46. Ron Paul makes more sense than the three of them combined.

  47. Silver and gold are Idaho.

    It's always pissed me off there weren't some Silver Plates, too.

  48. Obama too says Iran can't have the nuclear toys, but no one expects him to do anything about it.

  49. Well, hell Teresita, Jacob was the 1/2 brother of Nephi, and Nephi was a Frenchman, what do you expect.

    Sure, Frenchman, 600 BC. And I'm the stupid one.

  50. Tesla’s Electric “brick” problem

    by Anthony Watts

    Jalopnik reports:

    “Tesla Motors’ lineup of all-electric vehicles — its existing Roadster, almost certainly its impending Model S, and possibly its future Model X — apparently suffer from a severe limitation that can largely destroy the value of the vehicle.

    If the battery is ever totally discharged, the owner is left with what Tesla describes as a “brick”: a completely immobile vehicle that cannot be started or even pushed down the street.

    The only known remedy is for the owner to pay Tesla approximately $40,000 to replace the entire battery. Unlike practically every other modern car problem, neither Tesla’s warranty nor typical car insurance policies provide any protection from this major financial loss.”

    Brings to mind Pink Floyd and the obvious paraphrase...
    ...all in all it's just another brick on the road...

  51. LT: The only known remedy is for the owner to pay Tesla approximately $40,000 to replace the entire battery.

    If I can't afford $5 gas, I sure as shit can't afford a car where the battery alone is 40 G notes.

  52. Dale is having his pacemaker recharged over the phone. I don't know how this is done but he has to call in to do it.

    Beats this Tesla stuff.

  53. Did anyone ask Santorum if the earth was, really, just 6,000 years old?

  54. There was a fierce sense of urgency every time Ron Paul spoke. All these guys are politicians and they could sit together and argue these points 24/7 until one by one they dropped dead and ultimately they wouldn't solve or accomplish anything. Being politicians, that's what they do. I feel It's gone to far, we're in to deep. I have lost faith in the old two party system, and think It's just smoke and mirrors to achieve their common goal which is to sustain their power base by whatever means necessary. With the exception of Dr. Ron Paul, I trust none of them any further than I could sling a piano.

  55. My question that I would like to see the candidates asked is whether they feel they have a responsibility to defend scientific research from from criticisms that are based on political, religious or economic views? If not, why not?

    Why are human issues politicised like abortion that it becomes a barrier to any progress. Someone independent has to settle socieities position on issues like this and in my view it should be scientists.

  56. By the way I was reading yesterday how Dr. Paul was double dipping on his travel expenses, charging both the government, and his campaign contributors, and pocketing the money.
    Nice work, if you can get it.

    It's the kind of creative accounting we are going to need if we are ever going to fix this budgetary crisis we are in.

  57. What ethical training have scientists?

  58. Ron Paul explaining the First Amendment and drug legalization and getting cheered for it was pretty great.

  59. What ethical training have politicians?

  60. .

    Last I checked the West Bank is historic Jewish lands and has not belonged to any nation in history SINCE the jews had it as a nation..

    No NATION of Palestine every was...

    No Nation during the Ottoman Empire...

    No NATION under the Crusaders..



  61. Politicians at least have to get votes, so they must at least listen to the people.

    Ron Paul would legalize heroin. You folks pick up the bodies.

  62. Ikb7032
    Has anyone noticed what is happening in Michigan? The new Conservative Governor has a surplus going. What an amazing turn around!!! If detroit would just fall off the map the state may have a chance. Do you think detroit could be given to Canada?


    Today 12:23 PM

    Detroit and most of its close suburbs has already been adopted by islamists, and besides, with the advent of the new conservative government in Canada, perhaps they have gotten enough sense to "just say no" to Detroit. They have enough problems with Quebec.

    Read more:

  63. Might as well legalize heroin. It couldn't make it any cheaper, or any easier to get.

    Ask any kid, you can't give the crap away on the street.

  64. Someone independent has to settle socieities position on issues like this and in my view it should be scientists.


    Commentary on some scientists by other scientists...

    These people have no shame...

    ...Im sure this action will live on in infamy. Im speculating that the term Gleick will become a euphemism for blatant deception. As in “At first he was sounding convincing, but then I realized he was totally gleicking us so I left”. Or “this used car salesman was the biggest gleick Ive ever seen.”

    I think its got a nice ring to it...

    Who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters?


    Just guessing here, but I bet a cup of coffee that anon is under 30, and probably believes the hype about Catastrophic Anthropomorphic Global Warming spread by the wormers.

  65. .

    Why are human issues politicised like abortion that it becomes a barrier to any progress. Someone independent has to settle socieities position on issues like this and in my view it should be scientists.

    Right, like this guy.

    With the Ethics of a Snake

    Scientists as parogons of virtue? Laughable.



  66. .

    Sorry, Linear, I was working my way down from the top.


  67. And paleeese don't say the war on drugs has failed.

    By the same logic you could say the war on burglary has failed, or the war on murder or the war on speeding.

    Definitely under 30, LT, maybe even under 20.

  68. What ethical training have politicians?

    Politicians...and scientists...

    LOL here, anon, LMAO!

    On Thursday, 16 February...Dr. Gleick resigned as chair of AGU’s Task Force on Scientific Ethics

    Refer to my previous link to come up to speed regarding Dr Gleick's problems with truth and ethics.

  69. No problem, Q.

    They're not hard to spot, Bob.

  70. Ethics well I remember...'twas taught within the outline of topics for the Dean's Lecture series for graduating seniors in civil engineering.

    I also remember verbatim the Dean's parting comments to us in his last lecture just before we graduated. He gripped the podium with both of his strong hands, and solemnly asked,

    "Why are turds tapered?"

    The silence was deafening, as they say...

    Then the dean continued without a hint of humour,

    "It's so your asshole won't slam shut."

  71. What possible business could it be of the government's if I smoke a little weed, or take an unsubscribed loritab?

    Or, if I trade one of the above to the gal next door for a little nookie?

  72. Or, if my wife gives me a hummer?

  73. Must be time for me to leave. Rufus is beginning to make sense.

  74. Just wait till the Republicans start telling you that you should send your kids to die for "freedom in Iran," while other kids are doing time in Arkansas for possession of a couple of marijuana cigarettes.

  75. let iran run wild...

    take over the middle east...

    america is a defeated nation after all.

    so what if oil is 400 a barrel

    so what if 50-60 million people die

    who really cares? after all we have obama!

    and mountain dew.

    O beautiful for poisoned skies,
    For amber waves of shame,
    For yellow cowards majesties
    Above the fruited army!
    America! America!
    It used to be so grand
    Satan shed his curse on thee
    And crown thy evil with appeasement
    From sea to shining sea!

    This could be our new America the Beautiful song

    we can sing it at public hangings

  76. i wonder how it will play out...

    An iranian nuke attack on israel and arabia at the same time?

    or maybe just an announcement that iran now has joined the nuclear club and will respond to any attack on her or her friends will destruction.

    Maybe iran just takes out some small arab oil nation?

    just to prove they can...

    I can see it clearly, the parades in iran and palestine, marching goosestepping storm troopers..

    of course, israel is dead.. so what..

    but now iran is turning it's site on others...

    maybe it shoots off a nuke from a mobil platform in the middle of the atlantic...

    nice emp over NY or Eastern shore...

    nothing america can do....

    none of our business...

    not to worry american idol is still on...

  77. freedom for iranian kids?

    not my kids...

    I just want to give iran the gift of the 6th century

    If i was king of the world for a day?

    i'd light off an emp over iran and once it takes effect?

    bomb to dirt any target that lights up afterwards..

  78. let say that iran skips little satan and goes for the big prize...

    the usa...

    maybe iran sets off 4 emp's over america.....

    what is your game plan..

    can you survive 8 months with no running water, no power? No processed foods?

  79. Where did anonymous go?

    This is for him.


    Shucks. He oughta be given y'all these groovy links. Not me.

  80. i bet if iran hit arabia or israel with a nuke?

    America would sit on it's hands under obama...

    wait things out...

    lead from behind

  81. linearthinker said...
    Where did anonymous go?

    This is for him.


    Shucks. He oughta be given y'all these groovy links. Not me.


    manmade lighting, if we could aim it?


  82. Rufus II said...

    What possible business could it be of the government's if I smoke a little weed, or take an unsubscribed loritab?

    Thing is Rufus, it's probably none of the government's business cause you're not going to OD on weed.

    But you might ask Whitney Houston how she is feeling these days. Though the toxicology tests aren't in on her yet, she had been heavy into coke for years. Looked like shit.

    The government has a legitimate interest in trying to see that lethal poisons are not readily available to the public. A compelling government interest.

    You want your daughter to be able to buy heroin on the street?


  83. Along WiO's line of thought

    Assasinated Scientist Wanted To Annihilate Israel, Wife Says

    This would be a good post for anon to read, with his crazy idea it would be proper to turn the world's ethical problem over to the scientists.

  84. Thing is Rufus, it's probably none of the government's business cause you're not going to OD on weed.

    Thing is Bob, it's none of the government's business. Period. And please spare me the plaint that "it's fer the chirdren..." That's gettin' old.

    The war on drugs is the hugely ineffective and yet magnificent law enforcement boondoggle that it is because citizens like yourself can't bear the simple truth that it hasn't worked in over forty years, it didn't work during prohibition, it isn't going to work anytime soon, and the solution is not to legislate more morality. There have always been those who will self destruct searching for their own nirvana.

    Clean up the streets of your favorite list of forbidden chemicals 100%, and you'll see him stoned on some new potion he found upon the wall of some unholy bathroom in some ungodly hall.

    That's how it's been, and that's how it'll be. Just oil up your hardware and lay in some extra slugs and triple aught buckshot. Don't give 'em any more of your freedoms. Period.

  85. Mao did something right. Shot all the pushers, and the users too.

    Problem solved.

    The Chinese know, opium can bring an entire society down.

    So it is the government's business concerning drugs that are debilitating, deadly, and costly to society in terms of rehab, etc.

    If you want to have a functioning society, of course. Which is the rationale for a government.

    When, o when, are they going to win the war on speeding? But the government has a legitimate interest in seeing that grandma doesn't drive at 95, and drunks don't drive at all, not people on drugs either. You'd think we'd finally learn the uselessness of writing tickets!

  86. Here are the people some here think can be deterred. Perhaps they can be but they certainly sound serious about it to me.

  87. And Here is another article along the same lines, for those with the stomach to read.

    AmThinker Alert

  88. Someone said Iran can't project power outside of its borders.

  89. ...the government has a legitimate interest in seeing that grandma doesn't drive at 95

    Sez you. Mom's pushing 98. She drove with doctor's ok until she was going on 97. When it was time to hide the keys, we did it ourselves.

    Drove herself to church cause I couldn't sit still in that den of hypocrites. I slept in, and she still got to go see her Methodist church folks. Didn't need your nanny state regulations then.

    Don't need 'em now.

  90. I meant 95 mph, but I'm glad your mom is doing well, as I recall you used to talk about her.

  91. :) heh, you no law guys are all the same.

    Wait till someone plows into you at 95 mph, particularly if she's a 95 year old, and you will be screaming for a lawyer, a trial, a judgement, and a collection agency. Or, if you are dead, your family will.

    I've heard it all before.

    You might well sue the State too, saying, why did you give her a license? She can't hear, nor see!

    When of course, down deep you probably think you don't need a license.

    Good hearted bonkers, I call you all.

  92. "If they (federal government), can give me my son back, I'll pay my taxes, but that's not going to happen," Sheehan said.

    SACRAMENTO, CA (KXTV) - The federal government has filed a lawsuit to force anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan to provide her financial records to the Internal Revenue Service.

    An IRS revenue officer said Sheehan refused to answer any questions about her finances after receiving a summons at her Vacaville home.

    The U.S. Attorney's office on Tuesday filed a petition to enforce the IRS summons.

    The summons ordered Sheehan to produce bank account statements for the period from August through early November 2011.

    According to IRS revenue officer Jose Arteaga, the financial information may be relevant to the collection of Sheehan's federal income tax liabilities for tax years 2005 and 2006.

    Arteaga said Sheehan first met with him on Nov. 22 and sought an extension to Jan. 17. It was during the January meeting that she refused to answer any questions or produce the requested documents.

    Sheehan said she's always been up front with the IRS and has no intention of paying her taxes. She says the government has already taken enough from her.

    "If they (federal government), can give me my son back, I'll pay my taxes, but that's not going to happen," Sheehan said.

    Sheehan became an anti-war activist after her son, U.S. Army Specialist Casey Sheehan, was killed in Iraq. She attracted national attention after setting up a camp in 2005 near President George W. Bush's ranch in Texas.

    More recently, Sheehan has been involved in the Occupy movement and was arrested during an October demonstration in Sacramento.

    The IRS lists Sheehan as self-employed. She was not immediately available for comment on the tax lawsuit.

  93. :) heh, you no law guys are all the same.

    Where'd you get the idea I"m a "no law guy."

    I just don't need a law to make me feel all cozy and warm and safe whenever somebody else's behaviour doesn't fit my preferences. You seem to have that need.

    And then, bingo, I'm forced to live in a cocoon because Boobie's got gremlins under his bed and he's afraid of the dark.
