Monday, February 13, 2012

Oil rose to a one-month high after the Greek parliament approved an austerity plan, easing Europe’s debt crisis, and sanctions tightened on Iran. Technical issues halted electronic trading late in the session.



  1. By this time wouldn’t you have thought some of these cops would be carrying a fire extinguisher?

  2. Gasoline demand growth, combined with price controls, is forcing the company increasingly to buy gasoline at international prices and sell it at a loss domestically.


    Petrobras is rethinking it refining plans, which initially, after the discovery of massive offshore reserves known as the subsalt, were to refine crude from the offshore fields into high quality, value added fuels and products for export.

    It is now revising this plan to build two of the refineries so that they produce fuels suitable for lower quality domestic market fuel demand.

    Boosting Output

  3. Aetynomia #1 must be a Buddhist monk.

  4. I guess that plan to rent out the Parthenon didn't bring in as much money as hoped.

  5. Be a nice place to have a party though, the Parthenon. Parthe party.

  6. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer robbed with machete...

    Masked intruder broke into Nevis vacation home...

    Heh, couldn't happen to a more deserving Justice. He voted against the 2nd Amendment in the D.C. v Heller case.

    When machetes are outlawed, only outlaws will have machetes

  7. Natural gas prices have plummeted as the boom in shale drilling brought in new supply. Prices hovered near $8 per 1,000 cubic feet in 2008, but now sit around $2.55.

    Crude oil prices, meanwhile, have surged higher, as tensions in Iran spark supply worries and Greek austerity measures stoked investor sentiments. U.S. March crude rose $2.24 Monday to $100.91 a barrel.

    Chesapeake will announce fourth-quarter results after the close on Feb. 28.

    Raising Cash

  8. 24 Carat Priceless

    13, 2012
    Anti-Gun Justice Becomes Victim of Armed Robbery
    Michael Filozof

    Ah, yes. There is such a thing as "poetic justice" after all! It seems that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, a 1994 Clinton appointee, was the victim of an armed home-invasion robbery in his vacation home on St. Kitts and Nevis. (Read the report at )

    Breyer voted against the majority in two recent landmark gun-rights cases: District of Columbia v. Heller in 2008 and McDonald v. Chicago in 2010, both 5-4 decisions. In Heller, the Supreme Court held that the Second Amendment granted Americans the constitutional right to possess a handgun in the home for self-defense, and the Court applied (or "incorporated") that right to the states in McDonald. Breyer denied that the Constitution granted Americans the right to armed self-defense in his dissenting opinions.

    Breyer also made a laughingstock of himself back in 1999 by citing the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe --- yes, Zimbabwe! -- in two death penalty cases, Moore v. Nebraska and Knight v. Florida.

    So... a Supreme Court justice who voted to deny Americans the right to defend themselves with a handgun, and who cited the phony court of a notorious Third World dictatorship, finds himself defenseless against a machete-wielding robber in a Third World tourist trap.... Priceless!!!

    (The tragedy of the whole thing is that Breyer probably still doesn't "get it)


  9. Let's see, hmm, it was Quirk who was saying the Justices don't matter.....?

  10. Man convicted of stealing $50,000 worth of copper wire receives no jail time and is ordered to pay back only $5,000 in restitution, proving once again that crime does indeed pay

  11. Manila, Philippines – Farmers and fishermen are pressing government to “moderate the greed of oil companies.”


    “A barrel of crude oil then (2008) cost $92 in the international market. Of this amount, exploration expenses accounted for $3-4, and drilling and refining $7-8.


    Monopolies extract superprofits by depressing production costs and artificially raising product prices in the market, the groups argued.

    Price Hikes

  12. .

    Let's see, hmm, it was Quirk who was saying the Justices don't matter.....?

    Once again, you display your inability to read and comprehend.


  13. agrrr Duh!

    did too say something like that

  14. .



    Why do I even try talking to you?

    As our friends here are so fond of saying, why waste my time?

    Perhaps, it's because I am so damn optimistic that even a Swede farmer from Idaho will one day have the patience to slowly read a remark, put aside his predjudices, and actually understand what is being said to him, and then hopefully, be able to respond intellegently.

    Until that time, I am off to watch Midsomer Murders on PBS.


  15. How you doing getting through your noir collection, Quirk?

  16. U.S. oil slipped on Tuesday
    after gaining the most in six weeks in the previous session, as
    the dollar regained some strength on doubts Greece could stick
    to tough measures to secure rescue funds and after Moody's
    warned it may cut France's rating.


    * On the New York Mercantile Exchange, crude for March
    delivery lost 25 cents at $100.66 a barrel as of 0045
    GMT, after climbing more than 2 percent on Monday, its biggest
    single-day rise since Jan. 3.

    * Greece has admitted it still faces a tough job in
    persuading the European Union and International Monetary Fund to
    save it from bankruptcy even after parliament approved savage
    extra budget cuts, provoking a night of looting and burning in
    central Athens.

    * Elsewhere in Europe, Moody's warned it may cut the
    triple-A ratings of France, the United Kingdom and Austria while
    it downgraded the ratings of Italy, Portugal, Spain, Slovakia,
    Slovenia and Malta.

  17. Being a Jihadi is a lot like being a King Salmon. Life is good until the SEALS arrive.

  18. This part of Alford's story doesn't really add anything to what we already know about Kennedy. Nor does it really change my opinion of the 35th president. But this part does:

    Dave Powers was sitting poolside while the President and I swam lazy circles around each other, splashing playfully. Dave had removed his jacket and loosened his tie in the warm air of the pool, but he was otherwise fully clothed.


    It was a dare, but I knew exactly what he meant. This was a challenge to give Dave Powers oral sex.

    I don't think the President thought I'd do it, but I'm ashamed to say that I did. It was a pathetic, sordid, scene, and is very hard for me to think about today.

    JFK, Monster

  19. The Kennedy’s were pigs and villains. Manslaughter, rape, murder, rum running, fixing elections and a bunch of wealthy low-lifes.

  20. After his “Let’s Stay Together” performance at the Apollo, Obama was given a recording of the song with lyrics adapted to the 2012 campaign. But it wasn’t recorded by Beyoncé, Jay-Z or Lady Gaga. Instead, it was a chorus of House Democrats, who recorded the track at their annual retreat.

    “Can you think of a metaphor any more telling?” said Stephen Duncombe, a New York University professor who writes about political art.

    “It’s not rock stars, it’s not rap stars, it’s not a viral video of people singing. It’s party insiders.”

    Return Of The Cool

  21. The Kennedies give rumrunners a bad name.

  22. Sadah went on to say that bin Laden regretted the impact the 9/11 attacks had on his family, and wanted his heirs to follow in his brothers' footsteps. Bin Laden had siblings at Harvard Law School, USC, and Tufts.

    Here are the highlights from the exclusive Sunday Times story:

    Bin Laden's kids remain traumatized from the raid where their father was killed.

    12-year-old Safiyah cradled her wounded mother when Pakistani security forces arrived after the SEALs' departure.

    Two of bin Laden's other wives are on hunger strikes, protesting their incarceration.

    Told To Live In Peace

  23. All of today there have been weeping and anguish in the media over the demise of John Kennedy, and tearful interviews with people who had no part in it, and quavering by bereaved talk-show hostesses, tremulous with sadness, and assertions by television anchors of our sense, therefore my sense, of loss. As I have listened to this mourning, this welling up of sorrow, one thought has come again and again to my mind.

    Who gives a damn?


    Tell you what. When my turn comes to go to the great country-and-western bar in the sky, where they two-step until a dawn that doesn't come and the barbecue is succulent with lots of sauce and maybe some garlic, I hope my friends gather to heist a few and remember the good times.

    Everyone else should be spared. I want my tomb stone to say, "Here Lies Fred, Who Was Not American Royalty, And Never, Every, Went To Hyannis Port."

    Death Comes To Us All

  24. Lessons to be re-learned

    From the NY Times:

    The wife of an Israeli defense envoy to New Delhi was hurt along with several other people when her car was destroyed by an explosive device placed on it by a motorcyclist at a red light. In Tbilisi, the Georgian capital, a similar device was discovered on the car of a local staff member of the Israeli Embassy, but was defused by the police.

    I wonder why this is happening? Who would do such a thing?

    The article continues:
    Both resembled attacks that have killed five of Iran’s nuclear scientists in recent years, most recently last month. Iran has attributed the assassinations to Israeli agents and has vowed to take revenge. The scientists’ assassinations — along with sabotage of Iran’s nuclear program through cyberwarfare and faulty parts — are aimed at delaying what the West believes is Iran’s drive to build a nuclear weapon.

    Here comes the shocker:

    If actually carried out by Iran, the attacks would be another indication that the leadership in Tehran was willing to reach beyond its borders against its enemies and expand its attacks to civilians.

    I think the Iranian nuclear scientists were civilians as well. They were blown up and killed. Wink, wink, I wonder who wink, wink, did it?

    Did whoever started to kill Iranian scientists think it would go unnoticed or were they sending a message to Iran? If so, the message was answered. Does that same offended party think that an attack on Iranian nuclear facilities will go unanswered? Someone better do a little thinking and consider the consequences of attacking a major country. I wish George Bush had thought about the wisdom of the US attacking Iraq. He didn’t. He either did not care or he was that ignorant, that stupid or inept.

    Someone somewhere better get their collective heads out of their not so anonymous collective asses and not start something they cannot finish. THe US is far less able to digest the consequences of another ME war, this time with Iran. Some in Israel think they can punch above their weight class. They also think they will get in their punches and wink, wink, someone will be dragged into the fight and finish it for them.

    Some American politicians would welcome a war they will not fight in or pay for. Their eyes should be opened to what is happening on the streets of New Delhi and Tbilisi.

  25. The World Price, as represented by Louisiana Light Sweet was $121.06 Yesterday.

  26. Deuce: Did whoever started to kill Iranian scientists think it would go unnoticed or were they sending a message to Iran? If so, the message was answered.

    The Mossad-style magnetic car bombs were a nice touch. That's the sort of message that has a very sharp point.

  27. Wasp said...
    Deuce: Did whoever started to kill Iranian scientists think it would go unnoticed or were they sending a message to Iran? If so, the message was answered.

    The Mossad-style magnetic car bombs were a nice touch. That's the sort of message that has a very sharp point.


    Last I checked the Mossad style I am familiar with leaves little or no evidence to the point of not having a clue anything was done for hours if not days later.

    Maybe the people inside the most secure areas of Iran that are killing the scientists are the Iranian government?

    After all they KNOW where they live and they know what routes they take. AND they live in secure areas of the state.

    Maybe these targeted scientists were suspected of leaking information to the IAEA? Maybe they were working for the Mossad?

    To give credit or blame to Israel for these hits is naive.

  28. Kennedys

    And they were Catholics!!! OMG!!!

  29. Sure. And right before the Germans developed the A-10 that could have hit New York, the Gestapo killed the rocket scientists involved to make it look like the OSS did it.

  30. deuce:

    Someone somewhere better get their collective heads out of their not so anonymous collective asses and not start something they cannot finish. THe US is far less able to digest the consequences of another ME war, this time with Iran. Some in Israel think they can punch above their weight class. They also think they will get in their punches and wink, wink, someone will be dragged into the fight and finish it for them.

    Iran is already at war with the USA and Israel.

    To think that Israel is punching above their weight class?

    Maybe so. But when the 2000 pound gorilla threatens you with genocide you should listen.

    Iran has been funding, arming, training, supporting enemies of the USA and Israel for decades.

    It has cause the deaths of scores of Americans and scores of Israelis.

    To apply simplistic "cycle of violence" mentality to this issue is naive,

    As i said in my previous post, NO ONE knows who is taking out the nuke scientists.

    If you actually read the details of the top killings in Iran and Syria one must question how could Israel get into some of the most locked down areas of Damascus and or Iran and "hit" these folks?

    Occam's Razor folks..

    If Israel had the power to hit those that stand as enemies? WHy is Assad still breathing? Why is the head of Hamas? Why has Israel not taken out targets that are of much higher value?

    The fact that Iran has kidnapped Americans, Canadians, Israelis and Europeans without so much as a note sending them to the principal speaks volumes.

    The fact that Iran can deploy troops in nations across the globe to help target and kill Americans, Israelis, Europeans, Iranian exiles and Arabs without any hesitation should wake up even the most appeasing, cowardly of the bar... But it doesnt....

    Israel has been punching above it's weight class since the day it was born when the collective arab world declared war on it.

    Now the war has expanded to include Iran.

    Appeasement, cowardness and or worry that the Iranians might get really mad and try to hurt us is not the way to confront or stop an expansionist, jihadist wardrum beating nation like Iran.

  31. Wasp said...
    Sure. And right before the Germans developed the A-10 that could have hit New York, the Gestapo killed the rocket scientists involved to make it look like the OSS did it.

    The Gestapo murdere MANY Germans they thought were collaborating with England.

    Why are you such an ignorant bitch?

  32. Some American politicians would welcome a war they will not fight in or pay for. Their eyes should be opened to what is happening on the streets of New Delhi and Tbilisi.

    yeah ignore what is happening in NYC, Texas, Ohio, LA, Seattle, Florida and dozens of others sites in AMerica already...

    your argument reeks of being a coward.

  33. The Gestapo murdere MANY Germans they thought were collaborating with England.

    So the scientists killed in Iran by non-Mossad magnetic car bombs were really collaborating with Israel. Cool.

  34. Once again, the guy that's never worn a uniform accuses the Veterans of being cowards, and pussies.

    Why? Because they don't want their kids to go fight Israel's wars, while he sells chocolate kisses in Cleveland.

  35. your argument reeks of being a coward

    We welcome a .PDF scan of your DD-214, Chickenhawk.

  36. And it better not have layers like Obama's Birth Certificate.

  37. Not that often. For example, when he was staying in my house back at Thanksgiving of 1993, so were about a dozen heavily armed members of the United States’ finest anti-terrorist forces. And you all know at least some of the backstory. On Valentine’s Day 1989, the Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran gave Salman’s book The Satanic Verses the single worst review any novelist has ever had, calling in frenzied tones for his death and also for the killing of all those “involved in its publication.” This was the first time that most people outside the Muslim world had heard the word fatwa, or religious edict. So if you have missed the humorous and ironic side of Mr. Rushdie, this could conceivably be the reason why. Just to re-state the situation before I go any farther: two decades ago the theocratic head of a foreign state offered a large sum of money, in his own name, in public, to suborn the murder of a writer of fiction who was not himself an Iranian. In the event that some would-be assassin died in the attempt and failed to pick up the dough, an immediate passage to paradise was assured. (Again, this was the first time that many in the West found out about this now notorious Koranic promise.) I thought then, and I think now, that this was not just a warning of what was to come. It was the warning. The civil war in the Muslim world, between those who believed in jihad and Shari’a and those who did not, was coming to our streets and cities. Within a short time, Hitoshi Igarashi, the Japanese translator of The Satanic Verses, was stabbed to death on the campus where he taught literature, and the Italian translator Ettore Capriolo was knifed in his apartment in Milan. William Nygaard, the novel’s Norwegian publisher, was shot three times in the back and left for dead outside his Oslo home. Several very serious bids, often backed by Iranian Embassies, were made on the life of Salman himself. And all this because the senile Khomeini, who had publicly promised that he would never make a deal with Saddam Hussein because god was on the Iranian side, had had to swallow the poison (as he put it) of signing a treaty after all, and was urgently in need of a crowd-pleasing “issue” that would restore his purist religious credentials.

  38. Rufus II said...
    Once again, the guy that's never worn a uniform accuses the Veterans of being cowards, and pussies.

    Why? Because they don't want their kids to go fight Israel's wars, while he sells chocolate kisses in Cleveland.

    Fuck you...


    How many of my own family must be murdered in the street before I have a right to my opinion.

    JUST because someone is a Vet doesnt make them correct or brave.

    Get over yourself.

    Iran is murdering Americans and you and others are worried that if you stand tall against evil they will get mad..

    Yep you are sounding like a bunch of cowards.

    You fail to see the violence that Iran already does and when it's pointed out?

    You blame Israel and or the Jews for stoking the flames...

    Appeasing and or cowards...


    Sounds correct.

    BTW, not that it's your business..

    WHEN a hot war with Iran lights up?

    It will be MY boys and girls that will die 1st.

    Just as MY family has DIED already...

    The missing limbs? The destroyed homes? The blown up airliners? The dead cousins?

    You certainly are above your pay grade private.

  39. Well, get your ass over there, and give it a go, chickenhawk.

  40. Wasp said...
    your argument reeks of being a coward

    We welcome a .PDF scan of your DD-214, Chickenhawk.

    this comes from a habitual liar that claimed to be a lesbian for years?

    Now claims to be a cancer survivor?

    Still makes posts that allude to being a lesbian?

    Unlike you I do not lie.

    I never was in the military,

    However last time I checked MOST Americans did not serve in the military.

    But being a VET does NOT give you the right to silence the rest of us.

    If I think people are appeasing, being cowardly or being a pussy in the face of evil then as my RIGHT as an AMERICAN, who's freedom of expression those that ACTUALLY SERVED FOUGHT FOR, should be respected.

    I call those that refuse to take Iran and Jihadists a serious threat the the security of America either naive, appeasing or cowards.

    If someone says "Someone better do a little thinking and consider the consequences of attacking a major country. I wish George Bush had thought about the wisdom of the US attacking Iraq. He didn’t. He either did not care or he was that ignorant, that stupid or inept.

    Someone somewhere better get their collective heads out of their not so anonymous collective asses and not start something they cannot finish. THe US is far less able to digest the consequences of another ME war, this time with Iran. Some in Israel think they can punch above their weight class. They also think they will get in their punches and wink, wink, someone will be dragged into the fight and finish it for them.

    That reeks of being a coward.

    ANd you SIr/Madam are a proven liar whose actual word on anything is suspect.

  41. Rufus II said...
    Well, get your ass over there, and give it a go, chickenhawk.

    Now now, my drunk Indian friend you know as well as I do that I am just to old to go and enlist.

    But take heart, in between your drunken stupor, that my family has died for this great nation in multiple wars and situations.

    The blood of my family as paid for my right to speak my mind and my family members that served and died and or were wounded PAID for the right for me to speak.

    As I sit at MY desk and look at my Father's own trifolded flag I know that freedom aint free.

    I will not share with a drunkard like you, a liar like WASP and assorted cowards, stalkers and appeasers the price I have paid ALREADY for my freedom it's frankly none of your business. Unlike some t this blog I do not wear my PERSONAL injuries on my sleeve.

    But I KNOW death, I KNOW dismemberment, I KNOW the reality of MASS violence, I know the site of children blown into scraps of human flesh...

    I have SMELLED the smell. I have seen the sites.

    Have I worn a uniform?


    Does this disqualify me to call them as I see em?


    So call me a chickenhawk, Private with your bony appeasing, cowardly pussylike finger, and remember your 4 other cowardly, pussylike, appeasing fingers are pointing back at you.

  42. You're crazier than a bedbug, son.

  43. Rufus II said...
    You're crazier than a bedbug, son.
    Rufus II said...
    But, strangely entertaining.

    that's the nicest thing you ever said.

    but I aint crazy, just realistic

  44. “I will not idly stand by while law enforcement is administered only to the poor and disenfranchised while the rich flaunt their immunity,” Lewis told a crowd of 40 occupiers and reporters gathered near a stone engraved with the First Amendment.

    His address was part of a daylong Occupy event promoting freedom of speech that peaked with a march to the Comcast Center to submit a petition for the company to carry Al-Jazeera English.

    Yep, Obama owns the Occupy movement.

  45. So call me a chickenhawk, Private with your bony appeasing, cowardly pussylike finger, and remember your 4 other cowardly, pussylike, appeasing fingers are pointing back at you.

    And Valentine's Day not even half over.

  46. But I KNOW death, I KNOW dismemberment, I KNOW the reality of MASS violence, I know the site of children blown into scraps of human flesh...

    Says the man who calls for a tactical NUCDET in Mecca.

  47. My posts are being vanished, and I wanted you to know Assad uses gas.

    Rufus passes gas.

  48. Wasp said...
    But I KNOW death, I KNOW dismemberment, I KNOW the reality of MASS violence, I know the site of children blown into scraps of human flesh...

    Says the man who calls for a tactical NUCDET in Mecca.

    Finally you are starting not to lie...

    I do call for the nuking/vaporization/kidnapping and or complete destruction of the black rock of Mecca.

    Now you? speak out of both sides of all your mouths...

  49. The Middle East shakedown continues.

    ( – A top Muslim Brotherhood official has warned that any cuts in U.S. aid to Egypt could affect Cairo’s peace treaty with Israel – the latest sign that Egypt’s emerging political forces intend to call Washington’s bluff over the diplomatic dispute triggered by a crackdown on non-governmental organizations.

  50. Deuce said...
    The Middle East shakedown continues.

    You forgot to mention OBAMA wants another 11 BILLION in aid for Egypt, to be fair, not all of it needs to come fro the USA.

    Just how many American HOSTAGES are being held by Egypt at this time?


    So about 1 billion dollars per AMerican hostage...

  51. Not counted as "aid"

    President Bush has agreed to forgive Egypt's military debt to the United States of $7.1 billion as a reward for Egypt's support for the U.N. economic embargo against Iraq and the huge U.S. military presence in Saudi Arabia, U.S. officials said Friday.

    The decision, which Bush made at his vacation home in Kennebunkport, Maine, was expected to be the first of several such gestures that the United States is considering for Middle East countries that have supported the U.S. effort.Egypt receives about $2.3 billion in U.S. aid each year, of which approximately $1.3 billion is in military assistance. Administration officials said the debt forgiveness for Egypt was specifically requested by President Hosni Mubarak.

  52. Late last night I was listening to an interview with a friend or relative of Whitney Houston, and she said she lived to sing, and when her voice began to break she started to slide downhill and into the drugs and booze and despair.

    She thus reversed the movement of the swam, who lives in muteness, singing only as death approaches.

  53. Just wondering, how many yachts can Egypt's General buy with the BILLION a year they steal from the national treasury?

    It' is reported that almost 2-3 BILLION in cash is leaving Egypt, mostly from the Generals that control the economy.

    In other news, Egypt's foreign economic overseers have been fired, leaving hugh amounts of commodities to be stolen and shipped to other nations for sale by the Generals that control the warehouses.

    Meanwhile the people of Egypt? Starve...

  54. Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime has used chemical warfare in order to ease its entrance into Homs, said Awad Al-Razak, an officer who defected from the Syrian armed forces.

    That's your team, ain't it Bob? The side of the Syrian Christians?

  55. sorry...

    It' is reported that almost 2-3 BILLION in cash is leaving Egypt, mostly from the Generals that control the economy.

    a month...

  56. Wasp said...
    Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime has used chemical warfare in order to ease its entrance into Homs, said Awad Al-Razak, an officer who defected from the Syrian armed forces.

    That's your team, ain't it Bob? The side of the Syrian Christians?

    Dont all of Assad's team wear the uniform of his nation?

  57. I guess not all uniforms are created equal

  58. Gas a Sunni baby for Jesus.

  59. I a civilian employee that works for the government the same as a soldier?

    is a TSA uniform the same as an ARMY uniform?

  60. Did the ATF and the Justice dept. folks that transferred 3000 automatic weapons to the drug cartels in Mexico wear uniforms?

    and were their uniforms as good as buck Private that stormed the beach of Normandy?

  61. OBAMA wants another 11 BILLION in aid for Egypt

    It's okay if it makes a round trip to Egypt before landing in Swiss bank accounts, as long as the DNC gets a cut.

  62. Quirk said...

    The Chinese F-150

    Did you not know that China has a right to copy American design and innovation?

    It's all because we stole all of their stir fry cooks...

    They are now forced to eat KFC and Long John SIlver...

  63. Wasp said...
    OBAMA wants another 11 BILLION in aid for Egypt

    It's okay if it makes a round trip to Egypt before landing in Swiss bank accounts, as long as the DNC gets a cut.

    When you say "DNC" do you mean all those radical lesbians you used to pretend to be?

  64. .

    Romnney has opposed the auto bailout from the beginning and that is one of the reasons Rick Santorum may have a chance in Michigan.

    A couple years ago, Romney had very few friends here in Michigan. Don't know how that has changed since.

    Romney Calls Auto Bailout Crony-Capitalism

    On another note, The Tax Foundation has judged that Michigan's business climate positives have jumped from 49th to 7th in the last year.


  65. .

    The KFC in China is bad enough. You don't want to even think about eating in one of the burger franchises.


  66. Quirk said...

    The KFC in China is bad enough. You don't want to even think about eating in one of the burger franchises.

    You;d be lucky to hear "meow"

  67. US filmmaker Sean Stone, son of Oscar-winning director Oliver Stone, converted to Islam on Tuesday in Iran, where he is making a documentary, he told AFP.

    "The conversion to Islam is not abandoning Christianity or Judaism, which I was born with. It means I have accepted Mohammad and other prophets," he said in a brief telephone call from the central Iranian city of Isfahan, where he underwent the ceremony.

    Sean Stone's famous father is Jewish, while his mother is Christian.

    The 27-year-old filmmaker did not say why he converted.

    According to Iran's Fars news agency, Sean Stone had become a Shiite and had chosen to be known by the Muslim first name Ali.

    Sean/Ali Stone has acted in minor roles in several of his father's films, and has directed a handful of documentaries.

    That's what I call a nitwit.

  68. .

    Editorial: Obama budget shirks off any pretense to fiscal responsibility

    More of the Same

    With the new budget, Obama throws off any pretense at being fiscally responsible. The phony bookkeeping continues and expands on that of the previous administration. Nothing changes.


  69. Anon: Late last night I was listening to an interview with a friend or relative of Whitney Houston, and she said she lived to sing, and when her voice began to break she started to slide downhill and into the drugs and booze and despair.

    Ecclesiastes 3:19 Humans and animals come to the same end--humans die, animals die. We all breathe the same air. So there's really no advantage in being human. None. Everything's smoke.

  70. Kid's all fucked up alright.

    I'm off to see Sanctorius.

  71. Speaking of funny bookkeeping, the Catholic Church refuses to pay for what they consider immoral (birth control), so Obama's idea is to wash the money and make the insurance companies pay for it instead, but they will pass the costs through as higher premiums, so the Catholic Church still ends up paying for it.

  72. JERUSALEM - An Israeli Cabinet minister says his country will "settle the score" with the perpetrators of a bombing attempt in Bangkok.

    To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence. - El Shaddai

  73. .

    The Good Old Days

    More than a Hallmark holiday, Valentine's Day, like Halloween, is rooted in pagan partying. (See "Halloween Facts: Costumes, History, Urban Legends, More.")

    The lovers' holiday traces its roots to raucous annual Roman festivals where men stripped naked, grabbed goat- or dog-skin whips, and spanked young maidens in hopes of increasing their fertility, said classics professor Noel Lenski of the University of Colorado at Boulder.

    The annual pagan celebration, called Lupercalia, was held every year on February 15 and remained wildly popular well into the fifth century A.D.—at least 150 years after Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.


  74. When you say "DNC" do you mean all those radical lesbians you used to pretend to be?

    Sexual preferences and sweaters are reversible, brain damage isn't.

  75. Google unveils “Solve for X,” a secret project to solve the world's biggest problems

    The Project Started Out Being Called HAL but They Changed the Name


  76. Gene Sperling, director of the White House's national economic council, said today at an official meeting that "we need a global minimum tax"

  77. ( – A top Muslim Brotherhood official has warned that any cuts in U.S. aid to Egypt could affect Cairo’s peace treaty with Israel

    Bring it.

  78. .

    Since rat is not around, I offer you one man's history and opinion of the 'return to the gold standard debate.

    Because the article is quite long, I won't go into my criticsm of the author's opinion, or the Cato Institute, nor Ron Paul and his youthful supporters of the proposal.

    The New Gold Standard?


  79. Wasp said...
    When you say "DNC" do you mean all those radical lesbians you used to pretend to be?

    Sexual preferences and sweaters are reversible, brain damage isn't.

    wow and you cant fix ugly...

    your heart that is...

    but dont let the real lesbian and gay world hear you say that sexual pref's are reversible.

    they will call for your head for that one..

  80. Wasp said...
    JERUSALEM - An Israeli Cabinet minister says his country will "settle the score" with the perpetrators of a bombing attempt in Bangkok.

    To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence. - El Shaddai

    Fuck you....

    and you draw a paycheck from the military?

    what a hypocrite.

  81. “Every last Arab is a total prisoner of his society. The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you’re dealing with here. The Arabs will never love you for what good you’ve brought them. They don’t know how to really love. But hate! Oh’ God, can they hate! And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you [Jews] have jolted them from their delusion of grandeur and shown them for what they are—a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them of all human ambition … except for the few cruel enough and arrogant enough to command them as one commands a mob of sheep. You [Jews] are dealing with a mad society and you’d better learn how to control it.”

  82. We do not have leave to love one another and we have long ago lost the ability. It was so written twelve hundred years earlier. Hate is our overpowering legacy and we have regenerated ourselves by hatred from decade to decade, generation to generation, century to century. The return of the Jews had unleashed that hatred, exploding wildly, aimlessly, into a massive force of self-destruction. In ten, twenty, thirty years the world of Islam will begin to consume itself in madness. We cannot live with ourselves, we never have. We cannot live with, or accommodate, the outside world, we never have. We are incapable of change. The devil who makes us crazy is now devouring us. We cannot stop ourselves. And if we are not stopped, we will march, with the rest of the world, to the Day of the Burning. What we are now witnessing, Ishmael, now, is the beginning of Armageddon.”

  83. Wasp quoted God: "To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence."

    Wio replied: "Fuck you...."

    This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein.

  84. The US State Department, citing concerns about the slow pace of reform and the intolerable security situation on the streets, put on hold a $53 million arms deal with the Bahraini government.

    It seems the Bahraini regime makes women ride at the back of the bus.

  85. Wasp said...
    Wasp quoted God: "To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence."

    Wio replied: "Fuck you...."

    This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein.

    Nothing like an evil lying bitch trying to quote Torah to piss me off...

    Away pagan witch... away...

    Maybe if we are lucky G-d will strike you for your evilness....

  86. What is interesting is the evil lying witch quotes only parts of the quotes...

    This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

    - 1769 Oxford King James Bible 'Authorized Version

    She snips and adulterates every thing to fit her own bias...

    we call that "proof texting"

    some would say that is not telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth..

    back to your hole in the ground evil witch...


  87. The former U.S. officials at Monday evening's meeting included former Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright, former national-security advisers Zbigniew Brzezinski, Brent Scowcroft and Sandy Berger, and former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson.


    China's defines its core interests as issues on which it will not compromise and is ready to use military force if necessary. The main ones are Taiwan and Tibet, both of which it sees as part of its territory.

    U.S. officials have repeatedly expressed concern over the situation in Tibet in recent weeks and had indicated that the issue would be raised during Mr Xi's meeting at the White House.

  88. Wang Shuo, managing editor of Caixin, remarked at a recent panel discussion that he was a bit baffled by Americans’ eagerness to trash their own model of market capitalism to admire a much more state-centric approach. After all, Wang later added, state capitalism is merely a step on the way to crony capitalism.


    By contrast, the free market has delivered breathtaking success to China’s economy, and the battle for its continued expansion rages on. China’s admirers in America can continue to envy​—​and panic about​—​China’s rise while complaining that the United States has no plan and cannot act quickly, but they should remember that the U.S. political process, playing out this year in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Florida, and the rest, offers a ready solution of its own: Make Barack Obama a one-term president and replace him with a pro-growth, free-market believer in November 2012.

    Most likely, big-government types would rather rail against political gridlock than support this plan.

    Authoritarian Chic

  89. .

    The former U.S. officials at Monday evening's meeting included former Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright, former national-security advisers Zbigniew Brzezinski, Brent Scowcroft and Sandy Berger, and former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson.

    Albright was pretty sharp; Brezinski and Snowcroft passible; Kissenger, Sandy Burglar, and Paulson, three of the biggest criminals you'd ever want to meet.


  90. In Houston this week. 75 degrees and sunny skies.

  91. 88' partly cloudy in Adelaide.

  92. .

    Sam, you asked how I am doing with the noir?

    Pretty good but I had hoped for more.

    The package I got has a hundred movies in it and it includes a lot of the old classics, Bulldog Drummond, The Shadow, Mr. Moto. However, some of the ones like had hoped to see like the old Charlie Chan series were not included.

    It also includes some of the classics like The Black Cat and the Casbah and some funny ones like Laural and Hardy.

    About half of them are old "B" movies I had never seen before. This is good and bad. Good because I like them and bad only because I would have liked to see some other classics like Beau Geste.

    Still I can't complain since I got each movie for around fifty cents. I'm going to see if anyone is offering a collection along the same lines with just a general range of movies.

    Unlike the two hour shows you see today, most of these were geared towards the standard double features they used to offer at the movies so some are as short as about 45 minutes.

    I usually watch a couple a week.

    Not bad.


  93. Ok Sam
    I'm visiting one of these days

  94. Sounds neat, Quirk. I must see if I can find a box set somewhere myself. Possibly Amazon. Laurel and Hardy noir?

    C'mon down, Gag. The water's fine. I've got the double sea kayak and hundreds of wineries at my doorstep.

  95. No on the kayak.
    Yes on the wineries!

  96. I would like to hunt buffalo and red stag with my long bow.
    Down under, that is.

  97. Why not add crocodile, emu, and kangaroo to that list. Lots of 'em.

  98. I'm in. We have emus in Texas. Nasty buggers.

  99. In addition to importing food from the U.S., China's leaders are trying to embrace the West's industrial style of farming. Indeed, a clue to Mr. Xi's interest in Iowa might well reside in his past studies.


    Chinese companies have been developing ties with U.S. agricultural firms for several years. China's state-owned food giant, Cofco Ltd., holds a 4.3% stake in U.S. pork giant Smithfield Foods Inc.

    Monsanto Co., the St. Louis crop biotechnology concern, has had a hybrid-corn-seed joint venture with Sinochem's China National Seed since 2001. DuPont Co.'s seed unit has corn-breeding joint ventures in China.

  100. Well, prior to Obama, our annual deficit spending had only exceeded 6.0 percent of GDP during the Civil War, World War I, and World War II. Except during those huge conflicts, our deficits had never exceeded 6.0 percent of GDP in any year — not during the Great Depression, not at the height of the Cold War defense buildup, not ever.

    But that’s no longer the case. During Obama’s four years in the White House (and, again, using his own numbers), annual deficit spending will average 8.4 percent of GDP.

    That’s nearly double the average annual level of deficit spending under any other post-War president. As the following chart shows, this has truly been a historic presidency — more profligate than any other by far:

    Cost Of Obama

  101. On this day, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg turns 70 years old.

  102. On the afternoon of Feb. 13, Georgian police defused an explosive device that had been placed under an Israeli Embassy vehicle in Tbilisi. Nearly simultaneously, a "sticky bomb" attached to a vehicle carrying an employee of the Israeli Embassy in New Delhi exploded.


    At approximately 1:50 p.m. local time Feb. 13 in Tbilisi, Georgia, a Georgian driver for the Israeli Embassy there notified police about a plastic bag attached to the undercarriage of his vehicle. Explosive ordnance disposal experts found that the bag contained a grenade, which they defused.


    In the New Delhi attack, Tal Yeshova, an Israeli Embassy employee and the wife of an Israeli Embassy defense official, appears to have been the target. According to New Delhi Police Commissioner Brajesh Kumar Gupta, Yeshova was en route to pick up her children, who attend the American Embassy School, when a motorcyclist attached a magnetic explosive device to the rear of her Toyota Innova while it was stopped at a traffic light.

    Israeli Diplomats

  103. Tunisia says it will host the inaugural meeting of the "Friends of Syria" group to explore ways to further isolate President Bashar Assad, support his foes and end violence.


    The Tunisia meeting will bring together the United States, its European allies and Arab states working to end Syria's turmoil.

  104. But on Thursday, Moshe Yaalon, Israel’s vice prime minister and minister of strategic affairs, said in a speech outside Tel Aviv that the missile under development actually had a range closer to 6,000 miles.


    But the claim issued by Yaalon, who just last week was in Washington to confer with US officials on Iran’s nuclear program, may also have been aimed at convincing the US that Iran poses a dangerous and growing threat – not just to Israel and the Middle East region, but also to countries farther afield.

    Yaalon said in his speech that the West does not yet realize how much of a threat is posed by Iran, which he called “a nightmare for the free world.” In reality, he said, Israel in the Iranian regime’s eyes is only the “little Satan,” while America, as leader of the West, is “the larger Satan.”

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