Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Five Hundred Years of the Female Face


  1. O well - What was the face you had before you were born?

    Eh? Tell me that.

    How many artists could you name? I got maybe seven.

  2. That commie Picasso didn't much like women, so I read, though he was in the bordellos a lot.

  3. That was an excellent and very well done video.

  4. These are needed for so-called sweeteners to entice investors in the deal, to pay accrued interest on the bonds of €5.5 billion, to recapitalize the Greek banks to cover losses from the restructuring and for temporary guarantees for the European Central Bank to take the place of the Greek government bonds that banks have lodged as collateral for loans from the ECB.


    Mujtaba Rahman, an analyst with the Eurasia Group in New York, said the hardball tactics being used by Germany and others were motivated in part by the knowledge that a large part of the bailout for Greece would be disbursed in the next few months, after which time the creditors' leverage over Athens would decline sharply.

    "The timetable for the bond exchange and negotiations on the second program are literally evolving in real time. The political necessity of the creditors to maintain their leverage over Greece is running up against the technical steps necessary" to complete the bond exchange, he said.

  5. America is going bankrupt, Iran is going nuclear, the Obama administration is going after religious liberty. And Mitt Romney is going after Rick Santorum.


    The Romney campaign often gives the impression that it thinks Republican primary voters are really stupid—and it doesn't do a very good job of hiding its contempt. The Obama administration clearly thinks the American people are really stupid—and it doesn't do a very good job of hiding its contempt.

  6. Deuce: When did that happen?

    You removed it.

    Deuce said...
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
    Sun Jan 22, 08:28:00 PM EST

    That WiO still had a copy of the original text proves that he did it.

    Posts as the blog adminstrator, then pisses and moans when I come out as straight.

  7. Deuce: How many artists could you name? I got maybe seven.

    My favorite artist is Tamara de Lempicka.

  8. On this day in 1965, Canada's new red-and-white maple leaf flag was adopted during ceremonies in Ottawa.

  9. Ok, I thought it happened again.

  10. That Lempicka is good. Never heard of her. Looks kinda Melody like, whatever she looks like.

  11. Sam: Obama +5.9 over Romney.

    If you want a liberal, why get a shapeshifter when you can get the real thing?

  12. Wasp said...
    Deuce: When did that happen?

    You removed it.

    Deuce said...
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
    Sun Jan 22, 08:28:00 PM EST

    That WiO still had a copy of the original text proves that he did it.

    Posts as the blog adminstrator, then pisses and moans when I come out as straight.

    no It's still on the blog...

    under a bob repost.

    dumb cross dressing liar...

  13. Ms T, teresita, zena, wasp...

    you ignorant slut...

    bob said...
    Teresita said...


    Actually I am tired of your shit Teresita.

    Never forgive, never forget.

    You must be pulling our collective leg saying you are a Christian, as well as a lesbian. Because Christians we are told have settled the arguments in their heart.

    Which doesn't mean you don't have the duty to defend yourself against, say, the moslems, of course.
    Sun Jan 22, 09:01:00 PM EST

    fucking retarded nitwit...

  14. it was easy

    just searched the site for "never forgive"

    and it popped right up

    bob said...
    Teresita said...


    Actually I am tired of your shit Teresita.

    Never forgive, never forget.

    You must be pulling our collective leg saying you are a Christian, as well as a lesbian. Because Christians we are told have settled the arguments in their heart.

    Which doesn't mean you don't have the duty to defend yourself against, say, the moslems, of course.
    Sun Jan 22, 09:01:00 PM EST

    So your entire point?

    Wasp said...
    Deuce: When did that happen?

    You removed it.

    Deuce said...
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
    Sun Jan 22, 08:28:00 PM EST

    That WiO still had a copy of the original text proves that he did it.

    Posts as the blog adminstrator, then pisses and moans when I come out as straight.


    I notice a pattern here...

    Ms T, Wasp, Teresita, Zena... Is a lesbian, is not a lesbian

    Storms off numerous times...


    fucking retard

  15. In 1925, she painted her iconic work Auto-Portrait (Tamara in the Green Bugatti) for the cover of the German fashion magazine Die Dame. As summed up by the magazine Auto-Journal in 1974, "the self-portrait of Tamara de Lempicka is a real image of the independent woman who asserts herself. Her hands are gloved, she is helmeted, and inaccessible; a cold and disturbing beauty [through which] pierces a formidable being—this woman is free!"

  16. Love it when The Our Perpetual Lady of Lying gets one handed to her/he/it...

    Made my night...

    Wasp said...
    Deuce: When did that happen?

    You removed it.

    Deuce said...
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
    Sun Jan 22, 08:28:00 PM EST

    That WiO still had a copy of the original text proves that he did it.

    Posts as the blog adminstrator, then pisses and moans when I come out as straight.


  17. By the way, in case there was any doubt, I've got WiO's number. I jerk this one little string here, and he dances.

  18. Wasp said...
    By the way, in case there was any doubt, I've got WiO's number. I jerk this one little string here, and he dances.

    Sure keep telling yourself that...

    In the end the entire blog knows you are full of shit and played all of them....

    Not me cause I saw thru your bullshit from the start

    But you came on strong as the catholic lesbian, complete with "partner" and cancer...

    and in the end?

    we all KNOW you lie...

    when you type?

    YOU LIE...

    Like a rug...


  19. Firefighters save 200 pounds of Polish sausage in what has been described as "definitely the best-smelling fire we've seen in a long time"

  20. Maybe WASP aka Ms T, aka, Teresita aka Zena needs to go and create a new online persona for the 7th time...

  21. Multiple personality disorder....


    Freaking freak show...

  22. But Esther Lim, managing partner of the Shanghai office of law firm Finnegan Henderson Farabow Garrett & Dunner, said she wasn’t aware of an equivalent mechanism to allow for blocking of imports or exports in China.

    “It’s fairly difficult to predict what will happen,” Ms. Lim said. If Proview were to succeed in blocking shipments of iPads “that would be a significant wake-up call to businesses operating in China, particularly multinationals.”

    Apple sold 15.43 million iPads world-wide in the fourth quarter of 2011, more than double what it sold a year earlier, the company said in January. The company has repeatedly identified China as one of its most important markets for growth.

    Trademark Spat

  23. Sony uses the "overzealous staffer" defense to explain the completely coincidental price hikes for Whitney Houston's music just after her death. Just like the five dollar gas on 9-11-01.

  24. Ya gots to wonder about someone so wrapped up in pretend world to create a persona for YEARS of being a catholic lesbian...


    Kinda the thing we expect from 40 year old men pretending to be young kids in chat rooms...


  25. Kenneth deGraffenreid, a former Reagan administration National Security Council official, said in an interview that the plans for sharp nuclear cuts are “part of the administration’s purposeful decline of American military power.”

    The damage to nuclear forces is compounded by “massive reductions across the board in defense spending on conventional forces,” he said.

    “Defense is the only part of government this administration is reducing,” he said. “There wasn’t a single dollar of stimulus money spent on defense.”

    Nuking Our Nukes

  26. “The Palestinian leadership’s dangerous statehood scheme at the UN was dealt a significant blow last year after the U.S. cut off funding to UNESCO due to its admission of ‘Palestine,’” Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen said today. “Now, the administration is requesting to resume funding to UNESCO, despite the fact that it includes ‘Palestine’ as a member.


    A footnote in the Executive Budget Summary states the administration’s intent to change the law and pay the past-due contributions that had been frozen: “The Department of State intends to work with Congress to seek legislation that would provide authority to waive restrictions on paying the U.S. assessed contributions to UNESCO. Should the Congress pass this legislation, this funding is sufficient to cover the FY 2013 UNESCO assessment and the balance of the FY 2012 assessment.”

    “Any effort to walk back this funding cutoff will pave the way for the Palestinian leadership’s unilateral statehood scheme to drive on, and sends a disastrous message that the U.S. will fund UN bodies no matter what irresponsible decisions they make,” Ros-Lehtinen said.

  27. Chairman Paul Ryan began the hearing with this opening statement, which should be read in full:

    Welcome all, to this important hearing.
    I’d like to thank our witness today, Mr. Zients, for coming to us under difficult circumstances.

    With the departure of Mr. Lew from OMB just last month, we understand that you are testifying on short notice, and we recognize the difficulty of that.
    And unfortunately, your job is even more difficult than usual – you are in the position of having to defend a budget that essentially dodges the most difficult challenges our country faces.

    The New York Times has reported that this budget is, quote, “more a platform for the president’s re-election campaign than a legislative proposal.” After a careful review, it’s hard to disagree.

    Fraudulent Budget

  28. I could never take that Taylor Swift seriously. She dresses kinda like Laura Ingalls Wilder.

  29. "The danger is that Iran and al Qaeda may be keen to show this capacity ahead of any attacks on Iran - as a kind of warning."

    Although Iran, as a Shia theocracy, would not be a natural bedfellow of the Sunni al Qaeda network, there is a precedent for Iranian support for Sunni terrorist groups.

    Hamas, in Gaza, has received significant funds and weapons from Iran via Syria. And in Iraq allied troops were targeted by both Sunni and Shia militants with bombs developed with expertise from Iran and Tehran's proxy, the Hezbollah movement in Lebanon.

    Atrocity Feared

  30. Dr. Demento Paul to be in Lewiston this Friday.

    This will bring the local wackos out of the bars and out of the woods.

    (I have to say, these pols have the nomination battle figured to be close, as we are never paid so much mind here as we are this year)

  31. Yet for all of the arithmetic showing the race will go on and no single set of states could put the contest away — through Super Tuesday less than 800 delegates will be selected and many will be proportionally distributed — those of us who were part of Gingrich’s first-quarter huddle in Las Vegas also detected more ambiguous yet powerful forces at work.

    And while one was certainly voters revulsion at negative campaigning (Romney’s negatives are by 17 percent among some voter groups) that perhaps others didn’t see coming, the other was a perception that whatever the early or mid season setbacks, Gingrich was now bringing to the nomination drive what Giants coach Tom Coughlin brought to the playoffs and Super bowl — a range of experience and a moral force that would prove dispositive.

    In 1994, there was only one person who consistently believed Republicans could weather the storms and capture control of the Congress for the first time in four decades; in 2012, he is a candidate for president.

  32. Meg Foster's eyes are so pale blue, she always gets tapped to play blind women.

  33. Santorum: Birth Control Harms Women.

    I didn't even bother to read the article.

    There's a reason he got beat by 16 points in his last election.

  34. I didn't even bother to read the article.

    There is a reason you are an ignoramus.

    I will fill you in. What he said was he has voted for birth control (Title 10 ?) as a matter of governmental policy, but personally he feels like readily available birth control leads to a libertine society that in the long run can be harmful to women.

  35. Think of it this way, Rufus.

    It would be as if he said he had voted against prohibition, but thinks legal alcohol leads to a lot of Budweiser brain deaths in the long run.

  36. How about thinking of it this way: He is against Americans having the right to manage the size of their families.

  37. I never could really take those politicians seriously. They kinda remind me of lying deceitful pigs.
