Sunday, February 05, 2012

Bob Dylan - Newport 1965, in case you forgot how good he was.


  1. Try them on full screen. Peace out!

  2. How could I forget?

    Oh yeah, I was born in 1965.

  3. Since Newt likes multiple women at the same time, perhaps he should consider becoming a Mormon ...just sayin'...

    Backdoor Amnesty: Barney Frank to marry longtime partner

    Is Obama right? Did Jesus say our 35% top tax bracket is too low?

    Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Give him a religion, and he'll starve to death while praying for a fish.

  4. Another day, another Jew at the bar.

    Great vids, made my Sunday.

    It is Sunday, isn't, it?

  5. What happens when you give a man Barney Frank?

  6. Well, the neighborhood bully, he's just one man,
    His enemies say he's on their land.
    They got him outnumbered about a million to one,
    He got no place to escape to, no place to run.
    He's the neighborhood bully.

    The neighborhood bully just lives to survive,
    He's criticized and condemned for being alive.
    He's not supposed to fight back, he's supposed to have thick skin,
    He's supposed to lay down and die when his door is kicked in.
    He's the neighborhood bully.

    The neighborhood bully been driven out of every land,
    He's wandered the earth an exiled man.
    Seen his family scattered, his people hounded and torn,
    He's always on trial for just being born.
    He's the neighborhood bully.

    Well, he knocked out a lynch mob, he was criticized,
    Old women condemned him, said he should apologize.
    Then he destroyed a bomb factory, nobody was glad.
    The bombs were meant for him.
    He was supposed to feel bad.
    He's the neighborhood bully.

    Well, the chances are against it and the odds are slim
    That he'll live by the rules that the world makes for him,
    'Cause there's a noose at his neck and a gun at his back
    And a license to kill him is given out to every maniac.
    He's the neighborhood bully.

    He got no allies to really speak of.
    What he gets he must pay for, he don't get it out of love.
    He buys obsolete weapons and he won't be denied
    But no one sends flesh and blood to fight by his side.
    He's the neighborhood bully.

    Well, he's surrounded by pacifists who all want peace,
    They pray for it nightly that the bloodshed must cease.
    Now, they wouldn't hurt a fly.
    To hurt one they would weep.
    They lay and they wait for this bully to fall asleep.
    He's the neighborhood bully.

    Every empire that's enslaved him is gone,
    Egypt and Rome, even the great Babylon.
    He's made a garden of paradise in the desert sand,
    In bed with nobody, under no one's command.
    He's the neighborhood bully.

    Now his holiest books have been trampled upon,
    No contract he signed was worth what it was written on.
    He took the crumbs of the world and he turned it into wealth,
    Took sickness and disease and he turned it into health.
    He's the neighborhood bully.

    What's anybody indebted to him for?
    Nothin', they say.
    He just likes to cause war.
    Pride and prejudice and superstition indeed,
    They wait for this bully like a dog waits to feed.
    He's the neighborhood bully.

    What has he done to wear so many scars?
    Does he change the course of rivers?
    Does he pollute the moon and stars?
    Neighborhood bully, standing on the hill,
    Running out the clock, time standing still,
    Neighborhood bully.

  7. yeah baby...

    Just in case you forgot how GOOD he was...

  8. It's alright, Ma.

    Turn the Other Cheek.

  9. Now try reading Dylan's words assholes...

    It aint about me....

  10. Dylan was better before the bike crash.

  11. Country Joe and the Fish

    Just substitute Iran for Vietnam, and you're good to go.

  12. May '68, Fillmore East, Pigmeat markham, Country Joe and the Fish, Blue Cheer.

    My first rock concert. Ears damaged by Blue Cheer.

  13. Another popular song of the era:

  14. The asshole who's obsessed with other blogger's sexual preferences dares to sing about bullies.

  15. This is the kind of movement I can get behind:

    I'll have nothing to do with what they're not having any of.

  16. Sounds like a great link, Toshtu. Why don't you make it clickable, so we can all enjoy it? :)


  18. Just copy/paste.

    Or gimme the secret.

  19. He is one of my favorite all time Jews1

  20. I'm going to record the entire pre-game show so I can watch it as a miniseries through the coming week.

  21. Deuce will guide you through it. :)

  22. It's so easy, even some Gentiles can do it.

  23. Wasp said...
    The asshole who's obsessed with other blogger's sexual preferences dares to sing about bullies.

    I aint obsessed about sexual preferences. I am obsessed about people who lie about who they are for years & then become indignant when the are called on it..

    Ms T, aka Teresita, aka, Zena, aka WASP?

    You are a fraud.

    You have admitted as such.

    We dont know if you are straight, gay, catholic, cancer survivor or what. And none of that really matters except that you put yourself out there as all of the above.

    So really, get over it.

    I just dont care for dishonest people.

    (that would be you)

  24. But again, it's not me..

    read Bob Dylan's words.

    Stay on topic....

  25. Toshtu, take your link, see, and add this around it to make it clicky for lazy asses on the EB:

    <a href="http://www.toshtu'">Toshtu's Link</a>

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. WiO: I aint obsessed about sexual preferences. I am obsessed about people who lie about who they are for years & then become indignant when the are called on it..

    There's two possible genders for Wasp, male and female. Pick one. There's two possible sexual preferences for Wasp, gay and straight, pick one. That gives you four options. Pick whatever makes you happy. Then get over it. Deuce and the other barflies will thank you.

  29. By Jove, I believe he's got it!

  30. Wasp said...
    WiO: I aint obsessed about sexual preferences. I am obsessed about people who lie about who they are for years & then become indignant when the are called on it..

    There's two possible genders for Wasp, male and female. Pick one. There's two possible sexual preferences for Wasp, gay and straight, pick one. That gives you four options. Pick whatever makes you happy. Then get over it. Deuce and the other barflies will thank you.

    again, I could care less what your gender is or was...

    What gets me is the fact that you are a liar.

    Self confessed that is...

    Nothing lower than a fake war hero, a fake cancer survivor and a person that fakes their faith and trashes that faith.

    Keep trying to change the issue.....

    But the issue is what the issue is...

    The fact that you are a self confessed liar.

  31. Now this is funny...

    Egypt to try 43 NGO workers, including 19 Americans, over funds

    CAIRO (AP) — Ignoring a stern U.S. threat, Egypt on Sunday referred 43 NGO workers, including 19 Americans, to trial before a criminal court for allegedly using illegal foreign funds to foment unrest.

    The decision marked a sharp escalation of the dispute between Cairo and Washington over Egypt‘s crackdown on U.S.-funded groups promoting democracy and human rights. The two countries have been close allies for more than three decades, but the campaign against the organizations has angered Washington and jeopardized the $1.5 billion in aid Egypt is set to receive from the U.S. this year.

    I wonder will the advanced folks of Egypt give the gals a virginity test?

    Now if the Egyptians actually FEARED the USA?


    Naw not possible with Obama as prez...

  32. I love this story too!

    Libyan militia accused of torturing to death ambassador to France

    One of Libya's many new militias has been accused of detaining and apparently torturing to death a former ambassador to France, the latest allegation of brutality to mar the victorious revolutionaries' reputation since the fall of Col Muammar Gaddafi.

    Human Rights Watch said that Omar Brebesh, a career diplomat who was cultural attache and then ambassador to France between 2004 to 2008, was brought in for routine questioning in Tripoli over his work for the former regime.

    His body turned up at a hospital in Zintan, the town two hours' drive to the south-west that was a hub of last year's revolution, beaten, bruised and with some of its toenails removed.


    Let's support these people's bid for nationhood...


    Let's buy their oil....


  33. Wasp says: There's two possible genders for Wasp, male and female. Pick one.

    Now 1970's of he/she/it

    In America circa 2012 we have Transgendered people now!

  34. Third gender
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The terms third gender and third sex describe individuals who are categorized (by their will or by social consensus) as neither man nor woman, as well as the social category present in those societies who recognize three or more genders. The term "third" is usually understood to mean "other"; some anthropologists and sociologists have described fourth,[1] fifth,[2] and even some[3] genders. The concepts of "third", "fourth" and "some" gender can be somewhat difficult to understand within Western conceptual categories.[4]
    Although biology determines genetically whether a human being is male or female (on the basis of the XX or XY or a variation thereof chromosomes), the state of being is neither a man or a woman is sometimes considered in relation to the individual's gender role in society, gender identity, sexual orientation or any other characteristic. To different cultures or individuals, a third gender or sex may represent an intermediate state between men and women, a state of being both (such as "the spirit of a man in the body of a woman"), the state of being neither (neuter), the ability to cross or swap genders, another category altogether independent of men and women. This last definition is favored by those who argue for a strict interpretation of the "third gender" concept. In any case, all of these characterizations are defining gender and not the sex that biology gives to living beings.
    The term has been used to describe hijras of India, Bangladesh and Pakistan[5] who have gained legal identity, Fa'afafine of Polynesia, and Sworn virgins of the Balkans,[6] among others, and is also used by many of such groups and individuals to describe themselves.

  35. You can learn a lot of cool shit hanging out in the right bars.

  36. U.N. Nuclear Inspectors’ Visit to Iran Is a Failure, West Says

    While the inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency, who returned to Vienna after a three-day mission in Tehran, said nothing substantive about their trip and were planning to return to Iran later this month, diplomats briefed on the trip said that Iranian officials had not answered the questions raised in an incriminating report issued by the agency in November.

    That report cited documents and evidence of experiments with detonators that strongly suggested Iran might have worked on technologies to turn its nuclear fuel into working weapons and warheads.

    Reporters and inspectors were treated to some festivities while in the country of nearly 80 million people. This week festivities was kicked of with the traditional performance of "Push the Jew down the well" followed by Tehran's new "hang a queer" party in it's newly remodeled soccer stadium.

    Iranian leaders were quoted as saying "The zionist nation is a tumor and we will support any nation or any group that will fight against it".

    The Mullah concluded the festivities with a parade showing off new 10,000 mile range ICBM's that they called the "peacemakers".

    One anonymous source stated, as soon as the Great Satan and the Little Satan are wiped from the world we can have some peace. However the other people of the book, the Crusaders were next.

  37. I went to see a Dylan show, after he had rejected Judaism becoming, as he did, a "Born Again" Christian.

    The show sucked, we left before it was over.

  38. I dated a bi-sexual bartender/law-school dropout for half a year, she was half my age, and when we discussed our relationship progress, I asked how her father would feel about his daughter dating a guy the same age as him.

    She said he might consider it a step in the right direction, but in the end we came to a fork in the road, and we took it.

    One thing I learned bar-hopping in the Dallas area with her was that the majority of hot women in bars are bi-sexual.

    Then a couple of years later, I read this:

    The fork in the road

  39. What gets me is the fact that you are a liar.

    Self confessed that is...

    What gets me is you fail to see the paradox inherent in the idea of a self-confessed liar.

  40. I never Knew Dylan was bi-religious, but I guess he had to surrender his Jewish passport to get the Xtian papers.

    My ex-wife was born again, or as i like to put it, re-washed. What a pain in the ass. Drove me and the kids nuts.

    It's something in that bathwater, and it got Dylan too.

  41. desert rat said...
    I went to see a Dylan show, after he had rejected Judaism becoming, as he did, a "Born Again" Christian.

    The show sucked, we left before it was over.

    Yep, he tossed that re-born shit in the trash and embraced his Jewish roots shortly afterwards.

  42. Wasp said...
    What gets me is the fact that you are a liar.

    Self confessed that is...

    What gets me is you fail to see the paradox inherent in the idea of a self-confessed liar

    Guess you never watched Perry Mason...

  43. I go both ways....

    Blonde and brunette...

    But my wife doesnt really give a flying fuck...

    If play in the other haircolor pool?

    Life is over as I know it...

    I think bi-sexuals are just narcissistic selfish people.

  44. I have worked with many gays, WIO, many have worked for me, and as I said, I dated a Bi girl.

    None of them were as you described.

    Your experience may vary.

  45. "... said nothing substantive about their trip ..."

    Has there ever been a substantive statement made by anyone from the IAEA?

  46. "Yep, he tossed that re-born shit in the trash and embraced his Jewish roots shortly afterwards. "

    Are you sure of that?

  47. I could never understand the words, but the lyrics quoted above are good.

    Sounded kinda monotone to me.

  48. China and Russia veto the resolution in the UN concerning Syria.

  49. The US vetoes resolutions condemning Israel.

    China and Russia reciprocate, with regards their ally, in Syria.

    Syria, which does not even supply "noble energy", to China and China has very little invested, financially.

    But where their proxy, NorK got a bloody nose. While the Russians now have an aircraft carrier on station.

    Wonder why?

  50. Democracy and independent courts certainly can be a bitch.

    CAIRO - Ignoring a U.S. threat to cut off aid, Egypt on Sunday referred 19 Americans and 24 other employees of nonprofit groups to trial before a criminal court on accusations they illegally used foreign funds to foment unrest in the country.
    On Saturday, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton warned Egypt that failure to resolve the dispute may lead to the loss of American aid. The Egyptian minister, Mohammed Amr, responded Sunday by saying the government cannot interfere in the work of the judiciary.

    "We are doing our best to contain this but ... we cannot actually exercise any influence on the investigating judges right now when it comes to the investigation," Amr told reporters at a security conference in Munich, Germany. A few hours later, word of the referral to trials came.

  51. The Army was forced to allow the case against Mubarak to go to trial, they certainly cannot stop the trial of foreign agitators from moving forward.

    Freedom is not free.

  52. CAIRO (AP) — Their kidnappers gave them tea and dried fruit, and talked about religion and tribal rights. The California women were allowed to bring their Egyptian tour guide with them. One even put out his cigarette in the car when a hostage said the smoke was bothering her.

    The women abducted for several hours Friday by armed Bedouin tribesmen in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula hesitated to call the men "captors," saying that the kidnappers were kind, polite and hospitable.

    Once it was determined that they were not Jews the armed Bedouins took the automatic rifles from the back of the heads of the guests and served them tea.

    It is custom for Bedouins to only slit the throats of Jews or Israelis. At current market prices Jew Horns are going for 55 dollars an ounce.

  53. One would be foolish, to travel to Egypt, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Dubai and the Emirates. Along with Pakistan, Tunisia, Lebanon or even Israel, if it launches an attack upon Iran.

    Fools rush in where angels fear to tread

  54. Toshtu: I never Knew Dylan was bi-religious, but I guess he had to surrender his Jewish passport to get the Xtian papers.

    That's a shame, because every Christian in the NT mentioned by name, such as Priscilla and Aquila, were also Jews.

  55. Toshtu: My ex-wife was born again, or as i like to put it, re-washed. What a pain in the ass. Drove me and the kids nuts.

    I was born okay the first time.

  56. Giants 37
    Patriots 31

  57. Guess you never watched Perry Mason...

    Guess you never watched Star Trek, when Captain Kirk told an android that everything Harry Mudd says is a lie, and then Harry Mudd said "I am lying," and the android began to self-destruct.

  58. Halfway through the chips and dip, already.

  59. I wonder if Romney is gonna bet somebody $10,000 that the Pats will win

  60. Sheldon Adelson would cover that bet.

  61. Congress is now closer than ever to halting decades of annual military aid. The U.S. gave Egypt's military $1.3 billion.

    Egypt's ruling military, which has run the country since protests ousted former President Hosni Mubarak last year, has remained silent on the NGO raids.

    But the Egyptian foreign minister said Saturday that his agency and the military were both powerless to stop the investigation, which, he said, was being overseen by the ministry of justice.

  62. So there’s plenty besides the economy for the GOP to call attention to, to shout about, to use to illustrate the short and long-term dangers of Obama administration policies. A successful Republican presidential candidate will have to be about far more than the economy, narrowly understood, in order to win the election and to lay the groundwork for successful governance.

    Ronald Reagan famously asked at the end of the 1980 campaign whether we were better off than we had been four years before. But he had spent his whole campaign laying the predicate for that question by explaining why the Carter administration’s foreign and domestic policies had failed, not just economically but socially, and not just at home but in the world.

    He was also able to explain why liberal policies would continue us on a downward path. Reagan never left any doubt that the fundamental problem wasn’t just a few quarters of subpar economic performance.

  63. Congress is now closer than ever to halting decades of annual military aid. The U.S. gave Egypt's military $1.3 billion.

    Nothing wakes people up like not getting their paycheck.

  64. Halftime I wanna see Madonna's fembot rocket launcher bras malfunction.

  65. One of her tendons might snap.

  66. Government Motors dissin' Ford. FACEPALM.

  67. Pakistan Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar, in Kabul this week for talks, said her country backed an Afghan-led peace process, but she didn't get into particulars.

    Afghanistan wants Pakistan to guarantee safe passage to peace talks for Taliban leaders who are sheltering on Pakistani soil. Kabul also wants Pakistan to transfer senior Taliban leaders that it is holding in custody to Afghanistan.

    Mr. Karzai is expected to press these demands during a trip to Pakistan later this month.

  68. Kill The Jews

    Well, the chances are against it and the odds are slim
    That he'll live by the rules that the world makes for him,
    'Cause there's a noose at his neck and a gun at his back
    And a license to kill him is given out to every maniac.
    He's the neighborhood bully

    It would appear Dylan was onto it.

  69. No one likes a bully

  70. Fewer still mourn his demise

  71. Madonna could be Hillary's twin, from the waist down.

  72. I don't think Hillary's been as busy from the waist down.

  73. If Brady has thrown an incomplete pass, I haven't seen it.

  74. Anonymous said...
    No one likes a bully
    Anonymous said...
    Fewer still mourn his demise

    Apparently "anon" is a master circle jerk instructor.

    Also lacks the understanding of Dylan's song...

    Or just rat being the anti-semite that we have all come to understand and disrespect.

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  89. I wonder if some of the yokels in this bar are smart enough to see the difference in the name?

    But we know it's one of them.

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  93. .

    Democracy and independent courts certainly can be a bitch.

    Sounds good, but more than likely bullshit.

    Someone had to bring the initial charges before the judiciary got involved. The military has been calling the shots for the last eight months. They view U.S. aid for what it is, a bribe, and they expect it to keep coming.

    Chalk this up as one more screw-up by Hillary and Boy-O. They decided to kick Mubarek to the curb when the protests continued and the army supported them just so they could say they were all for democratic change.

    Now they are screwed.

    They got rid of Mubarek who has done just about whatever we asked for the last thrity years against tremendous pressure. Sure he was a figurehead to a degree for the army but it was him that kept the peace deal going with Israel for that same thirty years.

    Now Mubarek is out. The army is in. They are the ones that set up the NGO's for the fall. They really don't care if there is 'democracy' or not as long as their commercial interests are kept going, the bribes and payoffs, the baksheesh, the 30% they own of the economy. The NGO's were rocking the boat and had to go.

    Now if if there is a 'democratic' government installed there, the US can count on it being Islamic; and you can count on the army calling the shots on any decisions that effect their business interest.

    One more reason the US should get out of the ME. We obviously don't know how to play the game.


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  98. Giants are going to win this game.

  99. Game's boring and Madonna sucked.

    Madonna sucked, but it must have been a different game you watched.

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. WiO:
    This people are friends of Rat and Ms T...

    Asshole, I fought the Iranians in the 80s.

  102. Iran mass producing anti-ship cruise missile

    Iran has begun mass production of an anti-ship cruise missile, state television's website said on Saturday.
    The Zafar missile, as it is dubbed in the report, "is a short-range, anti-ship cruise missile capable of destroying small- and medium-sized targets with high precision."

    It can be mounted on speed boats and other light vessels, can withstand electronic warfare, and is able to fly in low altitudes to avoid detection, the report said.

    Iran has a fleet of speed boats that often challenge US and allied warships in the Gulf.

    The vessels are usually controlled by the elite Revolutionary Guards and can be equipped with missiles.

    The Islamic republic says it has a wide range of missiles. It says some are capable of striking targets inside Israel as well as Middle Eastern military bases of its other main archfoe, the United States.

  103. Wasp said...
    This people are friends of Rat and Ms T...

    Asshole, I fought the Iranians in the 80s


  104. Iranian naval ships docked on Saturday in the Saudi port city of Jeddah on a mission to project the Islamic republic's "power on the open seas," the Fars news agency reported.
    The supply ship Kharg and Shaid Qandi, a destroyer, docked in the Red Sea port in line with orders from Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, it quoted navy commander Admiral Habibollah Sayari as saying.

    "This mission aims to show the power of the Islamic republic of Iran on the open seas and to confront Iranophobia," he said, adding that the mission started several days ago and would last 70 to 80 days.

  105. Iran confirms death sentence for 'porn site' web programmer
    Saeed Malekpour faces imminent execution on basis of confessions he retracted in letter, saying they had been beaten out of him

    Iran's supreme court has upheld the death sentence for a web programmer who faces imminent execution after being found guilty of developing and promoting porn websites.

    Saeed Malekpour was picked up by plainclothes officers in October 2008 and taken to Evin prison in Tehran, where he spent a year in solitary confinement without access to lawyers and without charge.

    A year after his arrest, the 35-year-old appeared in a state television programme confessing to a series of crimes in connection with a porn website. On the basis of his TV confessions, he was convicted of designing and moderating adult materials online by a court in Tehran, which handed down death penalty.

    Malekpour later retracted his confessions in a letter sent from prison, in which he said they had been made under duress.

    According to Malekpour's family, he is a permanent resident of Canada and is a programmer who wrote photo-uploading software that was used by a porn website without his knowledge.

  106. Ex-FBI Agent Bob Levinson Pleads for Help in Video
    "Proof of life" for American kidnapped in Iran in 2007.

    The Iranians? Ms T's friends...

  107. COMMENTARY | So, it's finally official: Iran is a state-sponsor of terrorism. The word came from the mouth of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on Friday when he categorically announced Iran would sponsor anyone -- anywhere -- that would work against Israel.
    Khamenei also admitted to helping attack Israel through third parties, something Iran officially downplays or denies, the Associated Press reported. "From now on, in any place, if any nation or any group confronts the Zionist regime, we will endorse and we will help. We have no fear expressing this," Khamenei told followers during morning prayers.
    Iran has the role of aggressor down pretty well. If it isn't spewing threats against the West on a daily basis, it is saber rattling in the Persian Gulf. Now its religious leader -- the ultimate voice on all matters in Iran -- has confirmed what Israel has been warning about for decades. It is words such as these that should inspire the civilized world to react and may, for all intents and purposes, be the final straw for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
    I have always said the Israelis will act when they feel truly threatened. When - not if ­­-- that moment occurs, they will act will full effect. Israel has the capabilities and the will to act alone in handling what it considers to be an existential threat. U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Friday that Israel has been making contingency plans for such an attack and any accompanying retaliation, Reuters reported.
    I am certainly not a warmonger, but I am very much a realist when it comes to Iran. That country is not going to stop until it forces the hand of the U.S. or Israel or a combination of both. The inflammatory rhetoric doesn't cease and that can only lead to one ultimate resolution. For the past 30 years the tension has, at times, been palpable been the two nations, but never led to military confrontation.
    I'm not sure that is the case this time. The Western powers are not going to allow Iran to possess nuclear weapons capabilities. Since Iran continues researching and developing launch systems, the clock is ticking on how long the West will wait before launching a preemptive assault.

  108. WiO:
    The Iranians? Ms T's friends...

    Scorched earth policy on this fucker, he get's nothing.

  109. Wasp said...
    The Iranians? Ms T's friends...

    Scorched earth policy on this fucker, he get's nothing.

    You aint much of a christian......

    No forgiveness? eh?

    or was that a lie as well...

  110. Wasp said...
    The Iranians? Ms T's friends...

    Scorched earth policy on this fucker, he get's nothing.

    I remember just a few days ago "wasp" was claimed he/she/it did not know who ms T was...

    ha ha aha ha ah ah aha ah ah

  111. Alright, I now have the IP of the asshole impersonating wio. Pull that shit again and you will be off blogger. I ‘m not going to fuck with you but blogger will.

  112. This picture is for WiO, and it comes from today's Halftime Show. Mia is saying he's number one.

  113. I do not know who the fashion consultant was that dressed Madonna, but she looked like a black fire hydrant. Instead of calling her Madonna, she could be referred to as “Her Thighness”

  114. Legs are the last things to go, as Benjamin Franklin noted once, but you gotta start with something, like Tina Turner, and Madonna has never been a Tina Turner.

  115. Wasp said...
    This picture is for WiO, and it comes from today's Halftime Show. Mia is saying he's number one.

    Thanks WASP. but tell me what is a MIA?

    Is that something you used to date?

  116. As a column in the Wall Street Journal by a recently retired Navy SEAL, Leif Babin, put it:

    As President Obama entered the House chamber, in full view of the cameras, he pointed to .  .  . Panetta and exclaimed: “Good job tonight, good job tonight.” Clearly something had happened that he wanted the world to know about.


    President Obama’s concluding paragraphs in the speech returned to his military achievements.


    It only succeeded, he said, because every single member of that unit did their job—the pilot who landed the helicopter that spun out of control; the translator who kept others from entering the compound; the troops who separated the women and children from the fight; the SEALs who charged up the stairs. More than that, the mission only succeeded because every member of that unit trusted each other—because you can’t charge up those stairs, into darkness and danger, unless you know that there’s somebody behind you, watching your back.

    Well, sort of. The critical thing isn’t who is watching your back but whether the president can take endless credit for an operation that ends before it is announced. Barack Obama’s military triumphs will come neither in long wars nor even short ones, but in a series of raids.

    Obama Doctrine

  117. .

    "From now on, in any place, if any nation or any group confronts the Zionist regime, we will endorse and we will help. We have no fear expressing this," Khamenei told followers during morning prayers.

    Perhaps this is a reaction and the result of rumors that WiO, lobbyist and confidant to US generals, has been advising that the US put bounties on all Revolutionary Guards, on hezbollah's leadership, and on hamas's leadership, similar to the "Old Man of the Mountain" leader of the al-Assasīn of old.



  118. Freedom Works chairman and former Rep. Dick Armey (R-Texas) blasted Newt Gingrich for his continued tough attacks on Mitt Romney saying Gingrich was carrying out a vendetta against the Republican frontrunner.


    “I thought that last night was really said for him,” said Armey about Gingrich’s Saturday speech. “Quite frankly again so much of Newt’s whole life is overstated, he overstates the case in such a hyperbolic fashion, it just looks vindictive.”

    When asked by CNN host Candy Crowley to characterize his often rocky relationship with he former House Speaker whom he served with, Armey said they had “worked well together” in Congress. “But I’m sure we both had disappointments in one another.”

  119. President Obama will begin the third day of his post-State of the Union travels with an event at the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor, focusing on the importance of tackling rising college costs to ensure America’s students and workers can obtain the education and training they need so that we have a workforce prepared for the jobs of the 21st century.

    • Reforming student aid to promote affordability and value: To keep tuition from spiraling too high and drive greater value, the President will propose reforms to federal campus-based air programs to shift aid away from colleges that fail to keep net tuition down, and toward those colleges and universities that do their fair share to keep tuition affordable, provide good value, and serve needy students well.


    • Creating a Race to the Top for college affordability and completion: The president will create incentives for states and colleges to keep costs under control through a $1billion investment in a new challenge to states to spur higher education reform focused on affordability and improved outcomes across state colleges and universities.


    • A first in the World competition to model innovation and quality on college campuses: The president will invest $55 million in a new First in the World competition, to support the public and private colleges and non-profit organizations as they work to develop and test the next breakthrough strategy that will boost higher education attainment and student outcomes.

  120. Oh, and Ron Paul, of course. He will continue to tell us that America should pull in its horns while Assad guns down his citizens in the streets of Syria and Ahmadinejad builds nukes.

    It is clear, however, that Newt and Rick are not listening to the fat lady. Gingrich was particularly angry and nasty in his post-Nevada primary press conference.

    This campaign will continue, at least for now. And the heat will continue with little light.

    Losers Aren't Listening

  121. At a committee hearing in July, Steve Naumann of energy giant Exelon said the authority should be limited to "true emergency situations."

    The commission studying the threat says the U.S. is ill-prepared to prevent or recover from an EMP, a vulnerability could invite an attack.

    "We are not well-protected at all," said Michael Frankel, who was executive director of the commission.

  122. If Dylan had a born again experience, well, more power to him. In my way of looking at things it's no different than an exile, and return, or an alienation from God, and a return. Same deal. Feeling of alienation/exile and then a return.

    If then he went back to his Jewish roots he's only going back to the original land of exile and return. More power to him. From what he says though quoted in the wiki article, it's his music where he feels his spirituality most.

  123. .

    If you are interested in seeing what has been happening to American rights over the last two presidencies and the War on Terror it might be instructional to see what is going on with our democratic ally Turkey.

    On Nov. 9 I visited the Silivri prison where hundreds of journalists, publishers, military officers, academics and politicians are being held. Trials were opened in 2007 on charges that an ultranationalist underground organization had plotted for years to overthrow the government. Many of those indicted have been detained for years without trial. There has not been a single conviction to date. Justice is at stake — and, so far, has been flagrantly denied. At work is an insidious attack on the rule of law by Turkey’s governing party. These trials could have been an occasion for Turkey to achieve a much-needed catharsis for correcting past wrongs, but they have been turned into instruments to silence the opposition and suppress freedoms...

    The AKP is systematic and ruthless in its persecution of any opposition to its policies. Authoritarian pressure methods such as heavy tax fines and illegal videotaping and phone tapping are widely used to silence opponents. Even more disturbing is the AKP’s claim that such things are being done in the name of democratic progress. The latest government target is the primary vestige of our democracy, the Republican People’s Party (CHP), which I lead.

    Yet many in D.C. are suggesting the the AKP should be considered a model for the 'Arab Spring' movements.

    Opposition Being Silenced in Turkey


  124. I mean to say, a person who has a born again experience is in an alienated life situation, and the born again experience is the return 'to home'. I equate this to the Jewish idea of an exile and return.

  125. I still can't figure out if that half time show was grotesque, or sublime.

    I think Madonna looked like Santa in a black suit with strange headgear.

  126. ... as Governor of Massachusetts in 2005, Romney required all Massachusetts hospitals, including Catholic ones, to provide emergency contraception to rape victims. Some Catholics view the morning-after pill as a form of abortion.

  127. Newt Gingrich describes the RomneyCare legislation signed by Mitt Romney as an attack on Christianity.

    "The Obama administration has just launched an attack on Christianity ...

    The Romneycare does the same thing. Romneycare has tax-paid abortions. Romneycare put Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America, in the bill. No right to life group's in the bill. Planned Parenthood is. Romney himself approved taking away a conscience clause from Catholic hospitals."

    More proof for those that need it that Mormons are not Christians.
    A Bishop of the Latter Day Saints attacking the freedom of worship by Christians through the laws of Massachusetts.
