Saturday, January 21, 2012

Thank You ABC & CNN

Gingrich holds clear lead in new South Carolina poll

Stephanie Condon
Campaign 2012
Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich may have pulled too far ahead in South Carolina for Mitt Romney to catch up, according to a poll of likely Republican voters in the Palmetto state released Friday.
The former speaker has the lead with 32 percent in a newClemson University poll, conducted January 18-19. Romney comes in second with 26 percent, while Rep. Ron Paul places third at 11 percent and former Sen. Rick Santorum places fourth with 9 percent. Twenty percent of voters remain undecided. The poll has a 4.73 percent margin of error.
In a separate poll released Thursday by American Research Group (ARG), Gingrich and Romney were essentially tied, 33 percent to 32 percent for the former Massachusetts governor.
The six-point difference between Gingrich and Romney in the Clemson poll may be too large for the former Massachusetts governor to make up before Saturday's primary -- even following the charge from Gingrich's former wife Marianne that Gingrich had asked her for an "open marriage." Gingrich has denied that charge.
"We expect a reaction by the electorate to the personal revelations about Gingrich to be registered on Saturday, however, we do not think it will be substantial enough to erase the lead Gingrich has over Romney," Clemson University political scientist Dave Woodard said in a statement.
After naming their preferred candidates, voters were asked what they liked most about that candidate. The two most popular answers were "he has honesty and integrity" and "his overall political ideology" -- suggesting that electability may not be voters' highest priority.
After Romney virtually tied for first in the Iowa caucuses and won the New Hampshire primaries, he appeared to be on his way to securing the nomination. Now, however, Gingrich is closing in both in South Carolina and nationally.


  1. The real Democratic National Communications Media juggernaut, MSM, may have broken an axel this week.

  2. I wonder if Romney is still going to "skip" the Florida debates? :)

  3. Not getting those tax returns/Cayman Islands things out in the open early on was a Terrible Strategic Mistake.

  4. The New York Times

    January 21, 2012
    Final Results Confirm Islamists Top Egypt Vote

    CAIRO (Reuters) - The Muslim Brotherhood's electoral coalition has won 38 percent of seats allocated to party lists for Egypt's parliament, with Islamists of various stripes taking more than two thirds of the assembly, in line with their own forecasts.

    According to final results issued by the High Elections Committee on Saturday, the hardline Islamist Nour Party won 29 percent of list seats. The secular New Wafd and the Egyptian Bloc coalition came third and fourth respectively.

    Under a complex electoral system, two thirds of seats in Egypt's 498-seats lower house are decided by proportional representation on closed party lists. The other third are contested by individual candidates.

    (Writing by Lin Noueihed)

    January 20, 2012
    Self-Immolation Is on the Rise in the Arab World

    BEIRUT, Lebanon — More than a year after a young Tunisian set himself on fire and touched off revolutions throughout the Arab world, self-immolation, symbolic of systemic frustration and helplessness, has become increasingly common across the region.

    On Wednesday, five young men self-immolated in Morocco, adding to the grim tally for a month in which others have set themselves on fire in Tunisia, Jordan and Bahrain.

    Read More

  6. I wonder when we'll start getting some exit polling.

  7. On Wednesday, five young men self-immolated in Morocco, adding to the grim tally for a month in which others have set themselves on fire in Tunisia, Jordan and Bahrain.

    Instead of Bob-al-Harb now it's Shish-ka-Bob.

  8. The International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts that over the next twenty-five years gas will be the fastest-growing energy source, overtaking coal as soon as 2030. Around the world, natural gas is fast becoming the fuel of choice for electric power generation, especially with nuclear losing its appeal in the aftermath of the Fukushima disaster. Energy experts predict gas could even displace oil in the transportation sector, as car and truck engines are redesigned. The trend has so impressed IEA analysts that the agency in 2011 boldly predicted that the world is entering “a golden age of gas.”

  9. It would seem that the Cayman Island money was the straw that broke Mitt's back.

    That and the snide smile/laugh when he was asked if he'd follow his father's lead and he said "Maybe" giggle, giggle.

  10. His response was incredibly weak. He just looked, and sounded, like someone with something big to hide.

    He's been running for President for "how long?"


  11. That means we're going to have a candidate who wanted open marriage for himself, but wants to ban smut.

  12. Well, the GOP elites and now their electorate certainly want to test the idea that ...

    "Anyone can beat Obama"

    Rolling out a vulture capitalist and the on-call historian for Fraudie Mac as the "best" options in all the land.

  13. Look for Obammie to announce a Gigantic Withdrawal from the "Strategic" Petroleum Reserve somewhere around March, or April - thus sealing the GOP's doom.

  14. If we slip back into recession the Republican wins. If Obammie can keep us teetering on the positive side of the ledge through Sept, he wins.

  15. Even Carter would have, probably, been reelected but for the Iranian Hostage lash-up.

  16. The AP reports, rufus ...

    ... Romney said Saturday, on the day when South Carolinians are voting in their state's GOP primary, that he will be at the Tampa debate, and advisers say he also will participate in the Jacksonville debate on Thursday.

  17. Jimmy Carter is suing the Obama administration for "Malaise" copyright infringement

  18. That didn't take long, did it? :)

  19. So much for, "we got this thing wrapped up; let's put this puppy on cruise control."

  20. Atlanta Jewish Times says the slaying of the president may be an effective way to thwart Iran's nuclear program.

    ... “give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place and forcefully dictate that the United States’ policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.”

    Adler goes on to write:

    “Yes, you read “three correctly.” Order a hit on a president in order to preserve Israel’s existence. Think about it. If have thought of this Tom-Clancy-type scenario, don’t you think that this almost unfathomable idea has been discussed in Israel’s most inner circles?”

  21. Catwoman can smack down Chuck Norris any day: And Julie Newmar endorses Ron Paul.

  22. .

    Look for Obammie to announce a Gigantic Withdrawal from the "Strategic" Petroleum Reserve somewhere around March, or April - thus sealing the GOP's doom.

    Still a lot of unknowables out there that could rock the economy and Obama's hopes, the China slowdown and possible meltdown in the EU just two of them.

    And who knows what will happen in the ME? However, I wouldn't bet against the Big O at this point. It does not appear Romney will be allowed to stand above the fray any more in the nomination fight and I would be reluctant to bet on him in a debate with Obama.

    Gingrich scored a lot of points with the GOP base in SC. Attacking the press is always a sure winner but will it hold up over the long term? And face it, that same GOP base is pretty much 'anyone but Obama' anyway. Besides, if he wins the nomination, there will still be months to the election. Newt is still Newt and and his mouth runs continuously. Odds are, he will still find a way to screw it up.

    There are so many variables right now its hard make a prediction without adding on numerous conditionals.



    It is ironic that Adler’s despicable diatribe comes against the backdrop of a fierce blogosphere debate that flared up yesterday about the term “Israel-firsters” and whether it is a legitimate critique or an anti-Semitic slur. Adler, for his part, has provided an example of a sub-specie of “Israel-firsters” that have not only lost track of where their loyalties lie, they have gone off the tracks altogether

  24. He'll walk, unscathed. He's Teflon. A Jew in that industry? Virtually untouchable.

  25. If it would have been an Arab, it would have fit nicely into the war on terror scenario.

  26. WiO and Allen will say he really didn't mean assassinate when you read it in the Hebrew.

  27. I disagree with on one point; Adler didn't lose track of where his "loyalties lie."

    He is firmly in touch with "where his loyalties, lie."

    Unfortunately, I think there are a few more with those particular "loyalties" than we sometimes suspect.

  28. DR, your story wasn't even on Twitter yet, but it is now

  29. .

    Unfortunately, I think there are a few more with those particular "loyalties" than we sometimes suspect.

    From the Haartz article,

    And while we might all stipulate that there is no Jew anywhere in the world who is currently contemplating any act of violence against President Obama, I know, and most of you know, that Adler’s crazy and criminal suggestions are not the ranting of some loony-tune individual and were not taken out of thin air - but are the inevitable result of the inordinate volume of repugnant venom that some of Obama’s political rivals, Jews and non-Jews included, have been spewing for the last three years.

    Anyone who has spent any time talking to some of the more vociferous detractors of Obama, Jewish or otherwise, has inevitably encountered those nasty nutters, and they are many, who still believe he is a Muslim, who are utterly convinced that he wants to destroy Israel, and who seriously debate whether he is more like Ahmadinejad than Arafat or – and I heard this one with my own ears – more like Hitler than Haman...


  30. The US women's soccer team beat the Dominican Republic's a sign

  31. Yeah, good catch, Rat.

    Deuce, a post on that might get some hits. jes sayin . . .

  32. This story might take some of the heat off Ron Paul and his publishing history.

  33. Okay, which one of you loose lips out west sent this white stuff to blanket good Mother Earth in the east?

    I am not liking this at all.

  34. The guy is obviously nuts but as the Haaretz article said, this stupidity will give the anti-Zionist,anti-Semite crowd more to smear with.

  35. Okay, which one of you loose lips out west sent this white stuff to blanket good Mother Earth in the east?

    Bob blames me.

  36. Jimmy Carter quietly celebrated his ascension to number 43 on the list of all-time greatest Presidents.

  37. Of course he would he's a man.

  38. Mystic Mel:

    Here's another version you might like:

    At Last

  39. It is not obvious he is nuts, it is obvious he is a hyphenated American, of the worst sort.

    He is in the same league as Jonathan Pollard, he should be arrested and prosecuted.

    TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 41 > § 871

    § 871. Threats against President and successors to the Presidency

    (a) Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits for conveyance in the mail or for a delivery from any post office or by any letter carrier any letter, paper, writing, print, missive, or document containing any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States, the President-elect, the Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President of the United States, or the Vice President-elect, or knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such threat against the President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President, or Vice President-elect, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

  40. Good think the MSM is covering for Obama, Rufus and the rat would be devastated if their man Obama lost.

  41. The Atlanta Jewish Times used the US mail to distribute the threat against the President.


    So Mr Adler definitely qualifies for prosecution in Federal court.

  42. Are you kidding?

    When all the hollering is done, there's not an ounce of difference between Romney, Gingrich, and Obama.

    I'll probably play it safe, and vote for the O'Man, but it won't bother me a bit to see Mitt "Cayman Isles" Romney, or Newt "if you don't agree with me now, wait a minute" Gingrich get elected.

  43. My candidate, anoni, is ...

    ... Gary Johnson.

    Certainly not the Chi-town sharpy.

    Just as my candidate is not the vulture capitalist or the on-call historian for Fraudie Mac.

    No, I'm voting for the politico most closely aligned with my views, not the "most likely to succeed".

  44. Well Rufus, you can vote for proven incompetence with the current POTUS or possible incompetence with one of the Republican challengers.

  45. Generals at that level, are creatures of politics.

    They tell the tales they are told to.
    When they are told to.

    Or, like General Stanley A. McChrystal, they are retired, before their time.

  46. "I'm voting for the politico most closely aligned with my views."

    Sorry ratite, Hassan Nassralah isn't on the ballot

  47. Looks pretty competent to me.

    Kept us out of Depression.

    Kept the auto industry alive.

    Passed Healthcare Reform.

    Got us out of Iraq.

    Getting us out of Afghanistan.

    Killed Osama Bin Laden.

    Strongly supported Solar, and Wind Energy.

    Gave a tax break to the lower income earners.

    Just to name a few off the top of my head.

  48. If he gets us out of Asscrackistan he's got my vote Rufus.

  49. I think, anoni, you are projecting the choice of PR man for Allah.

    He is the "one" touting the success of the Muslim Brotherhood line, in Syria and Egypt.

  50. You are absolutely clueless Rufus, no wonder you blog so much.

  51. Rat, you might as well vote for Alfred E Neuman.

    I think it odd that so many people are believing what an angry ex wife says just at the right strategic time, perhaps with some new found payola in her purse.

  52. How did Obama pay for all those achievements Rufus?
    Was it like that "free healthcare" you blog about.

  53. Did you miss the part about "Getting Us Out of Iraq?"

  54. "Killed Osama Bin Laden. "

    Did he also kill those Paki soldiers in that NATO airstrike?

  55. May as vote for Alfred, if he were on the ballot, gag.

    But I do not think he will be.

    I do think Gary Johnson will be.

    I will not vote for Fraudie Mac's on-call historian.

    I will not vote for a vulture capitalist with millions in off-shore accounts.

    I will not vote for a Chi-town sharpy.

    I will vote for someone I agree with, whether they can "win" or not.

    Better that, than to vote for a "winner" that is a real loser.

  56. What else you got Rufus?

    President Barack Obama told disabled veterans in Atlanta on Monday that he was fulfilling a campaign promise by ending U.S. combat operations in Iraq “on schedule,” by Aug. 31.

    But the timetable for withdrawing U.S. troops in Iraq was decided during the Bush administration with the signing of the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) by U.S. and Iraq officials on Nov. 16, 2008. The Iraqi parliament signed SOFA on Nov. 27, 2008.

    The agreement, which had been in negotiations since 2007, set a timetable calling for most U.S. troops to leave Iraqi towns and cities by June 30, 2009, with about 50,000 troops left in place until the final withdrawal of all U.S. military forces by Dec. 31, 2011.

  57. You have, obviously, mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck about any Paki soldiers.

    He Got OBL, and that's the only part of the script that interests me in the least.

  58. Hopefully, anoni, those Pakistani dead were part of the bigger plan.

    Not another fuck-up fueled by the incompetence of the US military.

  59. Might as well stay home Rat. Your guy won't be on the ballot. You've just eliminated every politician on earth.

  60. Yep, but the Republicans were still squawking a week later; wailing, and gnashing their teeth, rending their garments, lamenting that Obama didn't try hard enough to insure some troops remained.

    Meh, on the Koch Brothers, Exxon, and the Chickenhawk Republicans. He got us out. And, he gets my vote.

  61. Oh, I think, gag, that Gary Johnson will be on the Librarian line of the ballot in November, here in Arizona.

    Doubt if he'll carry the State, though. Not that I really care, about that.

  62. Gasoline hit $4.16/gal under Bush.

    AAA Gas Prices

    At least Obama had the good sense to Coordinate, with the other IEA Nations, a Large Withdrawal from Reserves to break the upward pressure.

  63. Rat and Rufus, sorry to interrupt your reality.
    Take care; talk with you again soon.

  64. Whole thing has turned into a BIG FARCE, but at least with the retreaded white wall tire we won't have an insider, a part of the establishment, a member of Congress, a lobbyist.....

    That means we're going to have a candidate who wanted open marriage for himself, but wants to ban smut.

    T has it right, we'll have a hypocrite.

    Let's see, what level of hell was that.......?

    O Sarah, we need you......

  65. Then, again, there could be candidate fielded by the "American Elect" group.

    Though I doubt that their candidate will be closer to my views than Mr Johnson is.

  66. "Gasoline up 100% under Obama"

    That goes in the plus column.

  67. That stuff about bumping Obama is old news. RedEyeRadio (old midnighttruckers) was all over it last night.

  68. That's because Bush, and the Pubs put us into a Super-Recession before they left.

  69. How many years did the dems control the house and senate under bush?

    is not the budget a function of the democrat controlled senate?

  70. RedEyeRadio

    Gary and Eric, two of the best.

    "We weren't worried about all of Newt's affairs until we learned he had fathered Lady Ga-Ga"

  71. Rufus II said...

    That's because Bush, and the Pubs put us into a Super-Recession before they left.

    Sat Jan 21, 02:16:00 PM EST

    Rufus has really, really drunk the koolaid now.

    Folks, disregard anything Rufus has to say until after the election.

    Until after the national election.

  72. No, anoni, the budgetary appropriations are the responsibility of the House.

    All appropriation legislation originates there.

    The "budget" is not a piece of legislation and not a legal necessity.

    Or the Federal government would have shut down, years ago.

    The President submits one and it dies in Congress, appropriations and governance continue, regardless.

  73. Let us recall, Bush the Bastard warned about Freddie and Fannie each year he was in the White House.

  74. Bob, we were losing 800,000 jobs/month. What, pray tell, does that have to do with "koolaid?"

  75. He made mouth-sounds about Fannie, and Freddie, but he was, also, constantly blathering on about the "Ownership" Society, and spouting "home-ownership" statistics.

    I liked Bush okay; but he really dropped the ball on Iraq, and monitoring Wall St.

  76. Mr Bush did veto a single piece of legislation, in 2006 regarding Stem Cell Research, other than that he approved of EVERYTHING, prior to 2007.

    As of December 2008, President George W. Bush had vetoed only 12 bills since taking office in January 2001. Only one Presidential veto occurred before Democrats took control of Congress in January 2007. This is the fewest Presidential vetoes of any modern President; in March 2006 Bush set a 200-year veto record. Source: US Senate.

    Mr Bush was a rubber stamp for the status que.

  77. Bush was Great for Biofuels, and other renewables, and helped move the ball on healthcare with Medicare Part D.

    He really "did good" on trade, also.

  78. Anonymous said...

    i guess the General didn't consult the EB, he doesn't know Iranians cannot project force beyond their borders

    Sat Jan 21, 01:28:00 PM EST

    Idiot General thinks he can give some order or other and some fool Lebanon will do something.

    He ought to stick with aiming missiles at occupied Phoenix from Venezuela.


    I confess, it was I, Snowgod, that sent the snow back east.

    And, I have started the Big Melt here.

    Have a nice day.

  79. Bush, basically, negotiated everything out before it got to the White House.

  80. Mr Bush fully approved of the operations of Fraudie and Fannie, or he'd have bounced their appropriations back to the Congress.

    He did not do it.
    Presidential performance counts.

  81. Surprise, Iranian General (terrorist) thinks he's the middle of the Universe. video at 11:00

  82. The two sides of the same coin, rufus, exemplified.

    Mr Bush was in full, negotiated agreement with Congress on policy, and appropriations.

    He signed the legislation.
    Time and again.

  83. Rufus says Obama 'got' Osama.

    My aching ass. Goddamn royal metaphor.

    Obama didn't 'get' anybody. He was sitting on his ass at the time. And, the whole program had been put in place by Bush.

  84. If Gingrich wins we'll have a marriage destroying high class whore as first lady.

    I don't know my American history well enough to know if this is a first or not.


  85. Not in Afpakistan, boobie.

    That was where Mr Obama "surged" against the policy prescription of Mr Bush.

    It was where Mr Obama expanded the military footprint, much maligned at the time. As I recall the commentary here at the EB.

    The "surge" did "get" Osama.
    The "surge" pure Obama policy.

    Bullied into it by General McChrystal and the Pentagon. Beyond taking Osama, pretty much a failure.

    On the Cover of the Rolling Stone page 2.

  86. crapper you are a maroon. Bush put us in Afghanistan directly after 9/11. The whole program was to 'get' Osamie. Gave the 'government' of Afghanistan a chance to give him up. You'd be better off building a bomb shelter there in occupied Target Phoenix than blogging. Up here, we are still 'out of range.'

  87. Arizona Strikes Back - Investigates Feds On 'Fast And Furious'

    Good for them.

    We are going to Wal-Mart. First time out in three days.


    (There is a short story by Hemingway called 'The Three Day Blow'. This can be called the three day snow.)

  88. Where Obamacare is concerned, we're beginning to be able to see through the fog, and what we're learning isn't good, especially for seniors, and it's just the tip of the iceberg. If Obama is re-elected and Democrats retain their majority in the Senate, those "ethics panels" will busily go about doing their job and senior citizens will die prematurely from maladies that are easily treatable, and for one reason: they are over 70. That's it in a nutshell. I'm not trying to frighten anyone. I'm simply presenting a fact.

    It'll soon be 'good night, sweet Prince' for the Rufus, voting for the man that will put him to sleep.

    Rufus, really, wake up you idiot.

    What We Are Learning About ObamaCare Isn't Good, Especially For RUFUS

  89. Bob, if I click on that link, and it's the fucking Am Idiot I'm going to hunt you down, and you won't have to worry about Obamacare. You understand?

  90. I'm going to give you a minute to warn me, before the die is cast.

  91. Afghanistan, boobie, was an underfunded and ignored effort, after Team Bush got Iraq on their plate.

    From August of 2007.

    The American sense of victory had been so robust that the top C.I.A. specialists and elite Special Forces units who had helped liberate Afghanistan had long since moved on to the next war, in Iraq.

    Those sweeping miscalculations were part of a pattern of assessments and decisions that helped send what many in the American military call “the good war” off course.

    Like Osama bin Laden and his deputies, the Taliban had found refuge in Pakistan and regrouped as the American focus wavered.

    Taliban fighters seeped back over the border, driving up the suicide attacks and roadside bombings by as much as 25 percent this spring, and forcing NATO and American troops into battles to retake previously liberated villages in southern Afghanistan.

    That you do not recall such current events, a symptom?

    The White House contends that the troop level in Afghanistan was increased when needed and that it now stands at 23,500. But a senior American commander said that even as the military force grew last year, he was surprised to discover that “I could count on the fingers of one or two hands the number of U.S. government agricultural experts” in Afghanistan, where 80 percent of the economy is agricultural.

  92. Hell, one year they (the White House) even forgot to put it in the budget.

  93. You Dirty Son of a Bitch!

    Why do you read that trashy shit?

  94. Then from December of '09

    New infusions of U.S. Marines will begin moving into Afghanistan almost as soon as President Obama announces a redrawn battle strategy, a plan widely expected to include more than 30,000 additional U.S. forces.

    Mr. Obama will try to sell a skeptical public on his bigger, costlier war plan Tuesday by coupling the large new troop infusion with an emphasis on stepped-up training for Afghan forces that he says will allow the U.S. to leave.

  95. It's like "The National Inquirer." None of the headlines ever match up to the facts.

  96. Even when I dont post on this blog it becomes nothing more than a blood libel, jew trashing gutter...


  97. Hmmm

    Bush Bad. Obama Good.

  98. Is that the summation your reading of recent history, anoni?

    Or just another unsubstantiated opinion that you are revealing?

  99. Now with the sun the snow is a trillion sparkles but alas the wife has ruled today it is still too treacherous for cane boy who would defy orders if only he was able to put his right sock on by himself o why doesn't our country produce a slip on sock the slip on shoes are no problem.

  100. Even when I dont post on this blog it becomes nothing more than a blood libel, jew trashing gutter...

    Because if you don't agree with the publisher of that newspaper that Obama needs to be taken out by Mossad you hate Jews.

  101. yet finally depressingly

  102. Po' ol' Rufus, who hasn't a wicked bone in his body, has gone so daft he's like to vote for the Kenyan muzzie who'll kill him.

  103. By withholding care, to po' ol' drafty dafty Rufus.

  104. Forgive him Lord, he knoweth not any longer what he doeth.


  105. Rufus hasn't a wicked bone in his body.

    There's the rub.

    He is unable to visualize his government turning, and becoming truly murderous.

  106. COLUMBIA, South Carolina -- A senior Romney campaign official told BuzzFeed Saturday that he expects Newt Gingrich to beat them in the primary here -- but argued that the loss will make Romney stronger in November

    "I think we're going to lose tonight, we could lose big," the aide said, speaking on condition of anonymity. "But I think it's been a terrible week for Gingrich and a great week for us."

  107. :) Have you forgotten who you're talking about, nutcake?

    Telling a Vietnam Vet that he doesn't know what the government is capable of? Really? :)

  108. Bob, The AM is a totally disreputable rag. Why do you let them upset you so?

    The elderly are the largest Voting Bloc in the Country - and getting larger.

    The Second Largest Voting Bloc has parents on Medicare.

    Most Legislators Parents are on Medicare. Get a grip.

  109. Meanwhile the crapper continues to affirm the generals still have a handle on Egypt.

    Results in S. Carolina are about to come in.

    Going to be a long night for CaymanIslands, he needs some good spinners.

  110. Man behind MEGAUPLOAD remains defiant...

    Discovered in New Zealand Safe Room With Gun...

    Renowned attorney Bennett to represent...

  111. The paid bimbos will start coming out of the woodwork after tonight saying, "I too slept with Newt."

  112. Teresita said...
    Even when I dont post on this blog it becomes nothing more than a blood libel, jew trashing gutter...

    Because if you don't agree with the publisher of that newspaper that Obama needs to be taken out by Mossad you hate Jews.

    No, it's the totality of nonsense, hatred and pure filth that you, rufus and rat have spewed today.

    But it's great, you three amigos? Are making this place what it is.

    A toilet.

  113. Well, looks like the folks in S. Carolina voted the way Sarah told 'em to.

    If only we had the real thing in there.

    Quote of the day from my wife, make of it what you will.....

    A mind too active is no mind at all.
    --Theodore Roethke

  114. (Hint from the Bar's Roethke scholar - Quote reflects his lifelong elevation of true feeling over rationality which breaks down

  115. it's the totality of nonsense, hatred and pure filth that you, rufus and rat have spewed today

    I hate people who want to whack the President, and I hate people who want to nuke Mecca. I guess I'm a hater.

  116. This is incredible - even for Wio.

    The guy is writing about having the Mossad assassinate the President, and Wio is mad at . . . . us.

  117. The guy is writing about having the Mossad assassinate the President, and Wio is mad at . . . . us.

    But if CAIR said the exact same thing WiO would cut and paste it here with great indignation.

  118. looks like the evangelicals didn't give a a damn about Newt's dalliances

  119. Looks like Joe Paterno is gonna pass away any time now. Ashes to ashes.

  120. At least he's a Christian dalliator. Not some damned Mormon.

    A Yankee Mormon, at that.

  121. Bob @ 6:47

    Egypt's Islamists win 75 percent of parliament.


  122. ¡Serial open marriages, si! ¡Magic underwear, no!

  123. At least he's a Christian dalliator. Not some damned Mormon.

    Didn't Bachmann's pastor call Catholicism the Whore of Babylon?

  124. .

    Obamcare Will End Up Offing Folks Like Grandma Moses

    When it comes to the Supremes ruling on Obamacare, most talk centers around the individual mandate and given the voting record of some of the justices on the Commerce Clause, that is a tough one to call.

    However, let's not forget about another issue that has the states attorney generals in a twist, the new unfunded mandate for medicaid.

    The court has been pretty lenient on this subject in the past when the issue came up and the effect was reletively monor. But Obamacare imposes a significant burder on the states and it will be interesting to see if the Court ends up finally saying enough is enough.


  125. ¡Serial open marriages, no! ¡Magic underwear, si!

    "Our new Magic Underwear Brand stays on!!!"

  126. the voting record of some of the justices on the Commerce Clause

    Quirk, I had it figured earlier on it would be 5-4, Kennedy providing the deciding vote.

    Now I am worried on the point you raise. The weak link might be.....Scalia.....which I find unbelievable.

    Isn't he the 'dead constituion' man?

  127. Gingrich should give his victory speech in bondage gear.

  128. January 19, 2012

    It's been nearly a year since the uprising began in Egypt that toppled President Hosni Mubarak. The revolutionaries that started it all are again finding themselves persecuted. The military council that runs Egypt is targeting them, using the court system and prison to shut them up. Unlike a year ago, the revolutionaries can no longer count on much popular support.

  129. Anonymous said...
    looks like the evangelicals didn't give a a damn about Newt's dalliances

    Evangelist’s give a damn about contrition, repentance, and forgiveness. It is amusing that the smug cynics in the media and different species of anonomies don’t understand that.


  130. January 19, 2012

    It's been nearly a year since the uprising began in Egypt that toppled President Hosni Mubarak. The revolutionaries that started it all are again finding themselves persecuted. The military council that runs Egypt is targeting them, using the court system and prison to shut them up. Unlike a year ago, the revolutionaries can no longer count on much popular support.
    Political power might not be the only thing that the army will be reluctant to hand over. According to some estimates, military-owned enterprises constitute up to a third of the country’s economy.

    With tourism down by a third.

  131. Better to ask forgiveness, than permission.

  132. Now what's Jeb Bush gonna do?

  133. Re: Atlanta Jewish Review (kill Obama)

    Andrew Adler, the owner/publisher of The Atlanta Jewish Review is a fool with a lot of money to waste on his toy, The Atlanta Jewish Review.

    The rag has a circulation of 3,500. Yes, you read right, 3,500 – right up there with the NYT.

    Adler has a boy drop bundles of this product on the doorsteps of synagogues across Atlanta. They sit for a month, deteriorating, and then magically disappear.

    It is amazing how a little piece of printed birdcage liner, bearing the word “Jewish”,
    could be the cause of so much grief.

    My guess is that no one at the EB even read the “opinion”. Well, not many Jews had either until the story got traction on the internet.

    Mr. Adler will not be invited to any Seders in this lifetime unless they are conducted in prison.

  134. No, "little brown nut girl", allen would not attempt to give cover to a moron who would advocate the murder of the President of the United States. Neither, would allen condone "genocide", fool.

  135. Teresita said...

    Didn't Bachmann's pastor call Catholicism the Whore of Babylon?

    Sat Jan 21, 08:27:00 PM EST

    I don't know, but I thought you had when you were undergoing one of your religous metamorpheses.


    1a : change of physical form, structure, or substance especially by supernatural means

  136. "little brown nut girl"

    Whoa, just whoa, here, just one whoa moment here, is the little shit slinging allen having a racist moment?

    Our dear allen, the self confessed purity of the created realm?

  137. If so, he really ought to be taken out and given 'the attitude adjustment' he threatened on Quirk!

  138. 15 points, tis a biggie

    People LOVED the way he put that reporter down.

  139. Teresita said...
    Gosh, that's for real. Nice Chosen People you got there, Yahweh.


  140. Teresita said...
    The guy is writing about having the Mossad assassinate the President, and Wio is mad at . . . . us.

    But if CAIR said the exact same thing WiO would cut and paste it here with great indignation.

    If the Queen had balls she'd be King, but she dont...

    And I didn't

    Why make up shit?

    Why invent crap?

    I know...

    You suck as a human being..

    and that aint cut and paste...

  141. FLASH: Jeb Bush will 'stay neutral', BLOOMBERG reports...

  142. Teresita said...
    The International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts that over the next twenty-five years gas will be the fastest-growing energy source, overtaking coal as soon as 2030. Around the world, natural gas is fast becoming the fuel of choice for electric power generation, especially with nuclear losing its appeal in the aftermath of the Fukushima disaster. Energy experts predict gas could even displace oil in the transportation sector, as car and truck engines are redesigned. The trend has so impressed IEA analysts that the agency in 2011 boldly predicted that the world is entering “a golden age of gas.”

    hmmmm cut and paste?

  143. Teresita said...
    WiO and Allen will say he really didn't mean assassinate when you read it in the Hebrew.

    Dont tell us what we will say, say your own feeble thoughts, stop inventing conversations

  144. Saying this Jewish guy that wrote that article is representative of Jewish people is about like saying that guy that shot all those people on that island off Norway was a representative Norwegian.
    Something along those lines. Just forget it.

  145. The Anti-Defamation League denounced Adler’s piece as “outrageous and beyond the pale” and called his ability to run a newspaper into question “There is absolutely no excuse, no justification, no rationalization for this kind of rhetoric,” said Abe Foxman, ADL national director. “It doesn’t even belong in fiction.

    These are irresponsible and extremist words. It is outrageous and beyond the pale. An apology cannot possibly repair the damage.”

    I think that about says it all.

  146. "little brown nut girl"

    Whoa, just whoa, here, just one whoa moment here, is the little shit slinging allen having a racist moment?

    Joke him if he can't take a fuck. My husband loves my mocha-colored skin.

  147. .

    Now I am worried on the point you raise. The weak link might be.....Scalia.....which I find unbelievable.

    I'm not going to get into it between you and Rufus because I'm worried about what happens either way it goes down. There are about 5 or 6 alternative ways the case can get decided. If it's shot down by SCOTUS, I am worried certain good parts of the bill might get dropped, like the rules on pre-existing conditions and on insurance companies dropping patients when the costs get too high. On the other hand, I think the individual mandate is just taking the commerce clause argument too far.

    What pisses me off is that the only thing the GOP has talked about is doing away with Obamacare. As far as I know, they have offered no suggestions on what we do to replace it or any other for cutting healthcare costs. Add to that the hypocrisy of them condemning Obamacare at the same time they are writing $400 billion of savings from the plan into their budget.

    With regard to Scalia, I merely mentioned some speculation floating around out their due to his past deference on the Commerce Clause.

    It's still a crapshoot until SCOTUS starts taking teestimony.


  148. Teresita said...
    "little brown nut girl"
    Joke him if he can't take a fuck. My husband loves my mocha-colored skin.

    So now she claims she's not a lesbian?

    It's so hard keeping up with the truth.

    I guess if the lesbian thing was all a lie for all these years then she wasnt breaking her oath to USA when serving under Reagan.

    But if she is married and straight?

    then that proves her online persona has been one giant falsehood since the start.

  149. Miss Mrs T actually stepped out of, into ? the closet on this marriage stuff some years ago, and it freaked me out then and freaks me out now.

    Back then she up and said, I'm not a lesbian, then, a little later she reversed and said, I'm not married to a man, I'm a lesbian.

    Hell if I know.

    She certainly talks a good lesbian line...:)

    If I had to bet on it?

    I think she is a lesbian, married in somebody's eyes to Miss Fely.

    But I wouldn't want to bet my life on it......

    Could....just could....she be married to a man, and have a lesbian lover?

    No, I don't think so the way she has talked about commitment.

  150. The love story that changed history: Fascinating photographs of interracial marriage at a time when it was banned in 16 states

    While I can do nothing to undo the damage caused by Mr. Alder and The Atlanta Jewish News, I can point with pride to this and the part played by Jewish lawyers to strke down an abomination. It took the USA until 1967 and a verdict of the US Supreme Court to accomplish what my family had done since the time of Moses (and he was not the first).

    RIP, dear Etta

  151. Back then she up and said, I'm not a lesbian, then, a little later she reversed and said, I'm not married to a man, I'm a lesbian.

    Married Sept. 1, 1989. On-line persona is munged to keep stalkers away, per the Naval OPDEC (Operational Deception) manual.

  152. With a bit of review, one can find where Teresita refered to herself a "little brown nut" etc girl.

    I just report, without racial epithets. She really cannot have it all ways.

    None of you have a clue as to my race (color for Teresita).

  153. This comment has been removed by the author.

  154. Ms T is a space cadet - worried about online stalkers, sheesh, maybe she should reveal all that personal stuff like posting pictures and telling where she lives. Like Trish said awhile back- she's a neurotic exhibitionist.

    WiO is simply thick.

  155. bob said...
    If so, he really ought to be taken out and given 'the attitude adjustment' he threatened on Quirk!

    Sat Jan 21, 09:09:00 PM EST

    If Quirk "feels" he was threatened, he is more a marshmallow than I thought.

    Dream on little man. But if you get in the mood, I have given my physical contact info. Somehow, I do not think I will need to worry.

  156. Ash said, re Teresita...

    Like Trish said awhile back- she's a neurotic exhibitionist.

    ...and loathsomely tiresome...

  157. That Mystic Morrison Guy is pretty good but does he have a Mystic Tan?

    Be sure not to leave bikini on, and make sure to wipe bronzer off.

    You be into the cool under da bo tree.

  158. As many people said a while back, allen's a shit, and he....o what's the use.

  159. I'm glad to see the Republican race providing some interest.


  160. bob said...
    As many people said a while back, allen's a shit, and he....o what's the use.

    Sat Jan 21, 11:44:00 PM EST

    None really, bob, because whatever I may be has no impact upon what you are. Sleep tight, if you can.

  161. I can't wait to vote for McCain again.

  162. If Quirk "feels" he was threatened, he is more a marshmallow than I thought.

    Say Allen, shouldn't you be out spell-checking or something. It appears it's the only thing you have shown an aptitude for here. Although I did notice in one of your posts, around the time of your last bender, that you were having a problem with the tense of the verb "to choose".

    And now that I think of it, you're pouting about spelling was a bit selective. To coin a new term, you have selective poutage too.

    As I recall, within days of your rant about spelling, WiO and his alter-ego Anonim-O both began channeling their inner e. e. cummings, and put up posts sans appropriate capitalization, eschewing punctuation, and containing, heaven forfend, sentence fragments. Lord. And worse, he failed to capitalize America. Not only that, but he failed to capitalize Israel (something you were so proud that rat finally came around to doing). Why he didn't even capitalize the name of President Obama, commander-in-chief of the Marine Corps. Golly.

    And what did we hear from Allen? Zip. No indignation. Just more selective poutage I guess.

    As usual, Allen's little diversions like this come up when he is flummoxed by not having the tools to indulge in a game of wits.
    When you are losing the battle on content, throw in the red herring, change the subject.

    Selective poutage.

    Yes, I kind of like that.


  163. Unit Rufus Needs Brain Surgery and He Isn't Going To Get After He Hits Seventy

    And, a damn good thing some of you may say, but, consider, you may well be next. And, in time, will be.

  164. Quirk said...

    When you are losing the battle on content, throw in the red herring, change the subject.

    You are projecting.

    As to a battle of wits, you jest.

    As to WiO's spelling, I could not care less. You, howeve, presumed to lecture me and others on military "personell" and "anonymonypony". If the game is too rough, go home.
