Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Santorum and Romney Tie and Ron Interests

The Ron Paul phenomenon — in one graph

 at 04:36 PM ET, 01/02/2012 WASHINGTON POST

Whether or not Texas Rep. Ron Paul win the Iowa caucuses on Tuesday, he is, without question, the candidate that draws the most reaction — both positive and negative.
Paul’s backers would, literally, walk over hot coals for the man. His detractors tend to roll their eyes when talk of Paul as a serious candidate is broached. (The latter sentiment was summed up nicely by Washington Post columnist Marc Thiessen who headlined a recent piece: “Seriously, Iowa? Ron Paul?”)
But, love him or hate him, Paul is the most interesting candidate in the field — not a bad distinction for a man who as recently as three years ago was little known outside of his home district in Texas.
Below is a graph of Google searches of the top tier candidates in the Republican presidential field over the past 30 days.
Now, Google searches don’t equal Iowa votes. (If they did, Kim Kardashian would be president and Lady Gaga would be emperor of the universe.) But they are a telling indication of just how much interest Paul has generated — and how far his competitors lag behind.
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  1. G o o o d speech!
    Dr. Paul, who can be found under aardvaark in the dictionary, is interesting for the same reason an aardvaark is interesting - you don't come across one every day.

    Dr Paul Here

    Dr. Paul will be remembered for coming in third in the Republican Iowa caucuses in January 2012. He was supported by an unlikely coalition of twenty year olds, independents, democrats and confused Republicans. Rapidly fading from the fight, he was unheard from again after the New Hampshire primary a week later.


  2. "Netanyahu is a liar"

    Google Search
    About 3,680,000 results (0.24 seconds)

  3. Hey Deuce, Cant actually LISTEN to Bibi and respond to what he ACTUALLY says?

    Man are you a wimp.

    Really why not DISCUSS Bibi's actual words?


    Afraid he might make sense?

    Does it bother you that the Joint Session of Congress gave him 22 standing ovations?

    What part of "you are on the wrong side of history" do you not get?

  4. Deuce said...
    Others know Netanyahu very well. Another view on the man Obama and Sarkozy called a liar

    What were they calling him a liar about?

    Was it Obama calling him a liar cause bibi released his MIT transcripts?

    Context Mr Strawman... CONTEXT

    Your fear is showing...

  5. Ron Paul is the ultimate WHORE candidate:

    Never repudiate, nay encourage, followers that espouse the most despicable human traits:

    Intimidation, Racism, Anti-Semitism, Political Correctness.

  6. Deuce said...
    Others know Netanyahu very well. Another view on the man Obama and Sarkozy called a liar

    What were they calling him a liar about?

    Was it Obama calling him a liar cause bibi released his MIT transcripts?

    Context Mr Strawman... CONTEXT

    Your fear is showing...

  7. Car wrecks evoke interest.
    Shall we espouse more car wrecks?

  8. Deuce said...
    Others know Netanyahu very well. Another view on the man Obama and Sarkozy called a liar

    What were they calling him a liar about?

    Was it Obama calling him a liar cause bibi released his MIT transcripts?

    Context Mr Strawman... CONTEXT

    Your fear is showing...

  9. Deuce said...
    Others know Netanyahu very well. Another view on the man Obama and Sarkozy called a liar

    What were they calling him a liar about?

    Was it Obama calling him a liar cause bibi released his MIT transcripts?

    Context Mr Strawman... CONTEXT

    Your fear is showing...

  10. I'm sorry Quirk.

    Amimosity might have been a little extreme, maybe I should have used something like, love or contentment.

    Oh wait...peace and harmony, Yeah, that's exactly how to describe the atmosphere in the bar.

  11. Deuce said...
    Others know Netanyahu very well. Another view on the man Obama and Sarkozy called a liar

    What were they calling him a liar about?

    Was it Obama calling him a liar cause bibi released his MIT transcripts?

    Context Mr Strawman... CONTEXT

    Your fear is showing...

  12. I shudder to think the palpitations you might have elicited from the sensitive, Quirk,

  13. Deuce said...
    "Netanyahu is a liar"

    Google Search
    About 3,680,000 results (0.24 seconds)

    Now that is proof...

    I googled "deuce is a liar"

    About 15,200,000 results (0.09 seconds)

    Nice try Sparky...

    Try listening to the actual SPEECH and commenting on that jackhole.

  14. Does it bother you that the Joint Session of Congress gave him 22 standing ovations?

    $40,000 per ovation.

  15. Planned Parenthood: 2011 Annual Report: 500 million dollars in Tax money, 329,445 abortions.

    They should be proud.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Teresita said...
    Does it bother you that the Joint Session of Congress gave him 22 standing ovations?

    $40,000 per ovation.

    jealous that the anti-heterosexual, pro-transgender, anti-israel crowd aint very organized?

    Or are they are poor?

  19. WiO,

    It is not going to happen.

    ...enjoyed the video in was 48 minutes too long...37 seconds was sufficient for this audience ;-)

    I'll bet Netanyahu was lying about this:

    "[ME] is region where women are stoned, gays are hanged, Christians are persecuted...Israel stands out, it is different.

    Over 1 million Arab citizens in Israel have been enjoying these rights for decades.

    Israel is not what is wrong about the ME. Israel is what is right about the ME..."

  20. Less is more...

    Notice no actual negative comments about the wonderful speech bibi gave?

    Nothing but slander and vile from the peanut gallery.

  21. I liked the line...

    Out of 300,000,000 MILLION arabs living in the middle east, only 1/2 of 1% of arabs have real freedom and they LIVE IN ISRAEL.

    That was a good one...

  22. Deuce, Rufus, Rat, Quirk, Ms T Said:

    Dont confuse me with the fact, I know what I want to know.

    Fucking losers....

    Wrong side of history, wrong side of America...

  23. Israel stands out, it is different.

    Damn right. Orthodox Rabbi wants a seat on a bus, a woman has to stand up. Somewhere in the back.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. 300,000,000 million: That's a hell of a lot of A-Rabs.

  26. Teresita said...
    Israel stands out, it is different.

    Damn right. Orthodox Rabbi wants a seat on a bus, a woman has to stand up. Somewhere in the back.

    Not to worry, no one would ever mistake you for a woman.

  27. Gag Reflex said...
    300,000,000,000,000 WOW

    Sometimes it seems like there are 300 trillion arabs.

    but there are only 300 million....

  28. Still nothing from the peanut gallery that actually shows any interest in listening and commenting on Bibi's actual words...

    The silence is deafening.

  29. I liked this passage...

    Now, this is not easy for me. It's not easy, because I recognize that in a genuine peace, we'll be required to give up parts of the ancestral Jewish homeland. And you have to understand this: In Judea and Samaria, the Jewish people are not foreign occupiers. (Cheers, applause.)

    We're not the British in India. We're not the Belgians in the Congo. This is the land of our forefathers, the land of Israel, to which Abraham brought the idea of one god, where David set out to confront Goliath, and where Isaiah saw his vision of eternal peace. No distortion of history -- and boy am I reading a lot of distortions of history lately, old and new -- no distortion of history could deny the 4,000-year-old bond between the Jewish people and the Jewish land. (Sustained applause.)

  30. this was telling as well...

    Because so far, the Palestinians have been unwilling to accept a Palestinian state if it meant accepting a Jewish state alongside it.

    You see, our conflict has never been about the establishment of a Palestinian state; it's always been about the existence of the Jewish state. (Applause.) This is what this conflict is about. (Extended applause.)

    In 1947, the U.N. voted to partition the land into a Jewish state and an Arab state. The Jews said yes; the Palestinians said no.

    The palestinians have been offered a state 5 times...

  31. more specifics here: In recent years, the Palestinians twice refused generous offers by Israeli prime ministers to establish a Palestinian state on virtually all the territory won by Israel in the Six Day War. They were simply unwilling to end the conflict. And I regret to say this: They continue to educate their children to hate. They continue to name public squares after terrorists. And worst of all, they continue to perpetuate the fantasy that Israel will one day be flooded by the descendants of Palestinian refugees. My friends, this must come to an end. (Applause.)

    President Abbas must do what I have done. I stood before my people -- and I told you, it wasn't easy for me -- I stood before my people and I said, "I will accept a Palestinian state." It's time for President Abbas to stand before his people and say, "I will accept a Jewish state." (Cheers, applause.)

    Those six words will change history. They'll make it clear to the Palestinians that this conflict must come to an end; that they're not building a Palestinian state to continue the conflict with Israel, but to end it.

    And those six words will convince the people of Israel that they have a true partner for peace.

    With such a partner, the Palestinian -- or rather the Israeli people will be prepared to make a far-reaching compromise. I will be prepared to make a far-reaching compromise. (Applause.)

    This compromise must reflect the dramatic demographic changes that have occurred since 1967. The vast majority of the 650,000 Israelis who live beyond the 1967 lines reside in neighborhoods and suburbs of Jerusalem and Greater Tel Aviv.

    Now these areas are densely populated, but they're geographically quite small. And under any realistic peace agreement, these areas, as well as other places of critical strategic and national importance, we'd -- be incorporated into the final borders of Israel. (Applause.)

    The status of the settlements will be decided only in negotiations, but we must also be honest. So I'm saying today something that should be said publicly by all those who are serious about peace. In any real peace agreement, in any peace agreement that ends the conflict, some settlements will end up beyond Israel's borders. Now the precise delineation of those borders must be negotiated. We'll be generous about the size of the future Palestinian state. But as President Obama said, the border will be different than the one that existed on June 4th, 1967. (Applause.) Israel will not return to the indefensible boundaries of 1967. (Cheers, applause.)

    So I want to be very clear on this point. Israel will be generous on the size of a Palestinian state but will be very firm on where we put the border with it. This is an important principle, shouldn't be lost.

    We recognize that a Palestinian state must be big enough to be viable, to be independent, to be prosperous. All of you -- and the president too -- have referred to Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people, just as you've been talking about a future Palestinian state as the homeland of the Palestinian people. Well, Jews from around the world have a right to immigrate to the one and only Jewish state, and Palestinians from around the world should have a right to immigrate, if they so choose, to a Palestinian state.

    And here is what this means. It means that the Palestinian refugee problem will be resolved outside the borders of Israel. (Applause.)

    You know, everybody knows this. It's time to say it. It's important.

  32. Saw that graph yesterday, the Doctor does invoke interest, and one out five of the folks in Iowa supported his campaign.

    Well up from the last go-round.

    The elites will either wake up, or be moved out. The trend line is clear.

    Poor "o", little Israel will be left without the benefactor that he loves to defame.

    Typical of the hyphenated American that refuses to follow his dream.

  33. Now about Jerusalem...

    And as for Jerusalem, only a democratic Israel has protected the freedom of worship for all faiths in the city. (Applause.) Throughout the millennial history of the Jewish capital, the only time that Jews, Christians and Moslems could worship freely, could have unfettered access to their holy sites has been during Israel's sovereignty over Jerusalem.

    Jerusalem must never again be divided. (Applause.) Jerusalem must remain the united capital of Israel. (Applause.)

    I know this is a difficult issue for Palestinians. But I believe that, with creativity and with good will, a solution can be found.

    So this is the peace I plan to forge with a Palestinian partner committed to peace. But you know very well that in the Middle East, the only peace that will hold is the peace you can defend. So peace must be anchored in security. (Applause.)

    Interesting thing.

    Israel control it all now and yet? the arabs control the temple mount, the christians control christian churches and there is NO lck of moslems anywhere.

    Go and visit Israel , learn the truth...

    The funny thing?

    I saw mosques in Israel with NO ARMED guards, cause they feel SAFE....


    contrast that ya bitches....

  34. The Palestinians refuse to accept the Israeli theft of the water resources in the occupied territories.

    The fact the Israel, itself, calls them "Occupied Territories" reveals the reality of the lack of legal claim that Israel has, to those resources.

    Rants and raving will never change that.

  35. desert rat said...
    Saw that graph yesterday, the Doctor does invoke interest, and one out five of the folks in Iowa supported his campaign.

    Well up from the last go-round.

    The elites will either wake up, or be moved out. The trend line is clear.

    Poor "o", little Israel will be left without the benefactor that he loves to defame.

    Typical of the hyphenated American that refuses to follow his dream.

    Look at your graph, they watch the video....

    israel and america? are deep friends, whether you like it or not....

    as for the cash america gives israel? cut it, but cut the cash america gives to the jihadists too....

    cant have it both ways...

    btw, what does it cost the USA taxpayer to keep the straits of hormez open and free? 100 bucks? 1 billion? or maybe BILLIONS and BILLIONS...

    Israel is a great INVESTMENT and MOST of America understands that...

    Now 55 million for UNRWA? that's a joke....

    Now go back to your cave ole ratboy and play with your horses..

  36. Those that have visited the Occupied Territories report that the "Star of David" has become the Swastika of the 21st century, painted upon the doors of the oppressed minorities.

    To identify the buildings and people to be targeted by the "good" citizens of the realm.

    The Zioni in the Occupied Terror-tories now mimicking the NAZI of 1938 Germany and die Kristallnacht.

  37. desert rat said...
    The Palestinians refuse to accept the Israeli theft of the water resources in the occupied territories.

    The fact the Israel, itself, calls them "Occupied Territories" reveals the reality of the lack of legal claim that Israel has, to those resources.

    Rants and raving will never change that.

    Sure enough rodent boy, that's why Israel supplies water to Jordan and gaza... Stolen from the west bank in the DISPUTED Territories...

    Please, using actual facts, show us and LEGAL defintion of the West Bank as any other NATION's land..

    now dont start wiggling...

    Just an actual fact...

    Please should us, under international law, what NATION actual owns the west bank?

  38. From what I understand federal money does not pay for abortions through planned parenthood.

  39. desert rat said...
    Those that have visited the Occupied Territories report that the "Star of David" has become the Swastika of the 21st century, painted upon the doors of the oppressed minorities.

    To identify the buildings and people to be targeted by the "good" citizens of the realm.

    The Zioni in the Occupied Terror-tories now mimicking the NAZI of 1938 Germany and die Kristallnacht.

    yawn,,, getting desperate again there rodent boy...

    more nonsense from the squatter of AZ....

    the man who lives off the government tit...

    the man who abuses horses that the government gives him...

    the man who proclaims he was a "sniper" for oillie north...


    Can we say blowhard anti-semite?

  40. MeLoDy said...
    From what I understand federal money does not pay for abortions through planned parenthood.

    Not directly, it just pays for all the infrastructure, the salaries, utilities, they charge for the procedure.

    I have no issue with a women's right to choose (rat does) but I dont want the FED's to be a $$$ part of it. There are plenty of groups that could fund Planned Parenthood to give women choice.

    It should not be funded by the FEDS

  41. more from the speech...

    But peace can only be negotiated with partners committed to peace, and Hamas is not a partner for peace. (Applause.) Hamas -- Hamas remains committed to Israel's destruction and to terrorism. They have a charter. That charter not only calls for the obliteration of Israel, it says: Kill the Jews everywhere you find them.

    Hamas' leader condemned the killing of Osama bin Laden and praised him as a holy warrior. Now, again, I want to make this clear:

    Israel is prepared to sit down today and negotiate peace with the Palestinian Authority. I believe we can fashion a brilliant future for our children. But Israel will not negotiate with a Palestinian government backed by the Palestinian version of al-Qaeda. That we will not do. (Applause.)

    So I say to President Abbas: Tear up your pact with Hamas! Sit down and negotiate. Make peace with the Jewish state. (Applause.) And if you do, I promise you this: Israel will not be the last country to welcome a Palestinian state as a new member of the United Nations; it will be the first to do so. (Extended applause.)

    notice any issue that the palios have: water, borders, refugees, settlements can and will be discussed...

    But they must be willing to accept a Jewish State.

  42. The Zioni will not accept Hamas as part of the Palestinian State.

    The Palestinians will not accept Israel as a "Jewish" State.

    Both side coming to the table with preconditions unacceptable to the other.

    In a geographic area smaller than Maricopa County, here in AZ.

    Best we leave those folks to their own devices.

    If that is found to be morally unacceptable, then we should support those with that emblem of hate, the Star of David, painted upon their doors by the hooligans.

  43. Abortion is a small part of what planned parenthood does. The fact is that children are having sex at an early age of 11, 12, and 13. Planned parenthood provides services for minors whose parents are too dumb to realize what is going on around them. If those minors weren't using birth control provided by Planned Parenthood and having babies then what..

    I understand what you're saying about funding but most people only see the bad not the good.

  44. Preaching abstinence did not work out well, for the Palin family, with regards to a birth control method, for their teenage daughter.

  45. desert rat said...
    The Zioni will not accept Hamas as part of the Palestinian State.

    The Palestinians will not accept Israel as a "Jewish" State.

    Both side coming to the table with preconditions unacceptable to the other.

    Hamas's precondition is the destruction of the State of Israel and the death for all Jews.

    Israel's precondition is that there should be 2 states, one for the Jews and one for the Palestinians....

    Hamas is NOT the world recognized leader of the Palestinians, the PA is.

    Love the way you twist facts to fit your fiction horselover....

    Does that logic work on your fellow man-horse love association members?

  46. YNet News reports

    West Bank mosque torched

    Defamatory slogans found on the walls, including several reading "Mitzpe Yitzhar" and "War," suggest that the incident is in fact a "price tag" act.

  47. (AFP) – Dec 15, 2011

    JERUSALEM — Extremist vandals on Thursday torched another mosque in the latest "price tag" reprisal attack as Israeli troops demolished part of an illegal settlement outpost in the northern West Bank.

    It was the second time in as many days that vandals had tried to burn down a mosque and left Hebrew-language graffiti at the scene in a protest linked to state plans to dismantle a handful of wildcat settler outposts.

  48. MeLoDy said...
    Abortion is a small part of what planned parenthood does. The fact is that children are having sex at an early age of 11, 12, and 13. Planned parenthood provides services for minors whose parents are too dumb to realize what is going on around them. If those minors weren't using birth control provided by Planned Parenthood and having babies then what..

    I understand what you're saying about funding but most people only see the bad not the good.

    Planned Parenthood COULD have a much broader level of support if it did not provide abortions.

    Abortion is a contention issue.

    You wonder what if there were few abortions?

    Many on the right of the issue ask that as well.

    A remember a sign in Georgia stating that there were 100 million black babies murdered....

    Just think about a world without abortions...

    Hundreds of millions of starving people? Or maybe we just offed the next Einstein...

    Being pro-choice aint being pro-abortion.....

    But the Fed's should keep it legal and safe, activists should keep it cheap and easy...

    Zealots on the right? SHould push for more education, birth control and adoption

  49. While Haaratz reports Mosque burnings in October and June of last year.

    Establishing a pattern of hate crimes by the Zioni of Israel against the religious minority, there.

    After an arson attack on a mosque at Tuba-Zangaria in northern Israel in early October, the police assigned a team of the International and Serious Crimes Unit (ISCU) to investigate arson cases.Some so-called ‘hilltop youth’ said that at first they feared the ISCU but after many suspects were arrested only to be subsequently released, their fear subsided.

    In the arson of the Tuba-Zangaria mosque, the entire interior of the went up in flames, causing heavy damage, and holy books inside the mosque were burned. Graffiti with the words “price tag” was also found on its walls.

    In an earlier incident, a mosque in the West Bank village of Qusra, south of Nablus, was set on fire in June,

  50. According to the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, abortion is the "Murder of Souls".

    No "good" practitioner of Judaism could possibly support the "Murder of Souls", could they?

  51. Or is the Chief Rabbinate of Israel not a viable authority with regards to "real" Judaism?

  52. desert rat said...
    (AFP) – Dec 15, 2011

    JERUSALEM — Extremist vandals on Thursday torched another mosque in the latest "price tag" reprisal attack as Israeli troops demolished part of an illegal settlement outpost in the northern West Bank.

    It was the second time in as many days that vandals had tried to burn down a mosque and left Hebrew-language graffiti at the scene in a protest linked to state plans to dismantle a handful of wildcat settler outposts.

    Wow, they tried to burn down a empty building called a mosque and spray painted a star of david!!!

    call the human rights investigation squad....

    it's a war crime...


    go back to your man-horse love club horseboy

  53. desert rat said...
    Or is the Chief Rabbinate of Israel not a viable authority with regards to "real" Judaism?

    Last i checked horse fucker, the "Chief Rabbinate" of Israel is not in CHARGE of Israel...

    they elected a President and a Prime Minister

    Now go back to your cave and play with your horses

  54. Abortion, at least amongst the practitioners of Judaism, it would seem, is anti-Semitic.

    If the Chief Rabbinate is to be believed.

  55. If the PM and President and Parliament are not bound by the Chief Rabbinate, how then can Israel be considered a "Jewish State"?

    It can be a democratic State or a Jewish State, but cannot be both.

    That is the Palestinian position, now advocated by "o", as the table turns.

  56. Being pro-choice aint being pro-abortion.....


  57. The Palestinians willing to accept a democratic Israel, but not a "Jewish" State.

    Same as "o" now says it is, this go-round.

  58. Little "o" now echoing the hypocrisies of his hero, Bibi.

  59. Just think about a world without abortions...

    I have. It doesn't look all that promising to me.

    Just sayin'

  60. While democratic States do not discriminate by religion.

    Which Israel does do.

    With immigration quotas and residential permits.

    It can be a Jewish State, or a democratic State, but it cannot be both, as currently constituted.

  61. They're ALL Crazy.

    And, NO Foreign leader should be allowed to address our Congress.

    NO foreign leader.

  62. I listened to the speech WiO. As Bibi said "Peace cannot be imposed it must be negotiated" and much of what Bibi laid out was what he wants to impose on the Palestinians.

  63. We send the corrupt bastards up there to work, not to listen to speeches from vacationing corruptocrats from other thieving governments.

  64. One of the things that bothers me about the Bibi position, and this is a problem the US and others in the West have, is the tendancy to dig in and not negotiate with folk that you have big disagreements with. Hamas, for example, as odious an organization that they are, represent a large proportion of the Palestinian population. Similarly the Muslim Brotherhood represents a large proportion of Egptian society. We may not like what they say and do but to ignore them, to forcibly suppress them, has the potential to increase their popularity and boost their claims of oppression. I think it better to acknowledge their existence, negotiate with them, and bring their positions out in the light of the day.

  65. I shudder to think the palpitations you might have elicited from the sensitive, Quirk,

    I'm used to it Doug. Mel always gives me palpitations.


  66. Rat, for example, thinks that the US should ally with Assad of Syria because he serves more in the interest of the US than the opposition. This is a mistake and will damage US interests in the long run.

  67. .

    Saw that graph yesterday, the Doctor does invoke interest, and one out five of the folks in Iowa supported his campaign.

    With regard to the graph, one has to realize that half of those google searches were the result of Bob looking for Paul negatives over the past couple weeks.


  68. Rufus, on the other hand, thinks we should leave the whole crazy bunch of them to their own nutty devices, and bring ALL of our troops home.

    With the money saved we can replace ALL of our demand for their product with home-grown, cheaper (but, better) fuel.

  69. .

    From what I understand federal money does not pay for abortions through planned parenthood.

    You have to understand money is fungible Mel. Once the money comes in to PP they can say it is used for anything they want, paper clips or toilet paper; but the fact is that the money goes into their total budget.

    If they use the fed money for paper clips, they have more elsewhere for abortions.


  70. .

    I see anonymo is out of his closet this morning.


  71. Are you sure it's not small tremors from holding the dog leash after shaking his leg and scratching up the grass.

    ( :

  72. Incorrect, ash, as to my position on the Alawai regime of the clan Assad.

    My personal position is that the US should not be involved in the civil disturbances in Syria.

    The US should not support the Muslim Brotherhood, by any means.

    I do find it hypocritical that those that support the concept of a "War on Islam" are the first to cheer the fall of a non-Islamic regime in the midst of the Islamic Arc.

    In what is perceived to be in the short term nationalistic interests of Israel.

    I have often said, in regards to Syria, let 'em stew.

    I certainly do not support the idea that the Russian navy should be harbored in that Syrian port, without the Assad's paying a price.

  73. .

    Deuce, Rufus, Rat, Quirk, Ms T Said:

    Dont confuse me with the fact, I know what I want to know.


    What facts are those WiO?

    Your weird rewrite of history?

    Your failure to know the difference between commercial treaties and mutual defense treaties?

    Your determination, that despite your hero's assertion that the US has always been a stalwart friend of Israel, despite the over $100 billion the US has given Israel, despite the numerous vetos and votes the US has lodged in the UN in support of Israel, despite the advanced arms the US has sold or given to Israel, the same arms that keeps Israel the formidible force you are so proud of, despite the fact that the US has had its fleet in harms way during the cold war to prevent interference by Russia and others, despite the fact that a good part of the world criticizes the US for their support of Israel, despite all of this, you contend that the US has been sticking it to Israel since day one.

    Grow a brain you moron.


  74. .

    I would never confuse you with my dog Mel.


  75. In Egypt, ash, the repression of the moderate middle, for decades, stunted any rapid free and fair "democratization".

    The only organized opposition to Mubarak was, by definition, criminal.

    The results of the first elections in Egypt were an indication of the lack of organization of the moderate middle.

    The military in Egypt are attempting, with US assistance, to steer a course where those that ignited the "Change" have a future opportunity to participate, in an organized way, in that "Change".

  76. .

    He doesn't have tattoos either.

    [Tattos, those are tattoos on the feet. Like yours that I once confused with beer can pop top rings.]


  77. rat wrote:

    "The results of the first elections in Egypt were an indication of the lack of organization of the moderate middle.

    The military in Egypt are attempting, with US assistance, to steer a course where those that ignited the "Change" have a future opportunity to participate, in an organized way, in that "Change"."

    I dunno, maybe. Quite a bit of speculation involved in that statement. There is a good chance the majority of the population of Egypt, like in Iraq, are ardent Muslims. It is also quite possible the the Egyptian military is more interested in maintaining their monopoly on business ventures than giving the agitators of "change" real power.

  78. Call it what you like, but PP is in the baby killing business, even if they do it part time.

  79. Greece has dropped her objections, and it seems almost certanin, now, that Europe will go with the sanctions on Iranian oil.

    This is a puzzlement.

    Great for China, though.

  80. Sure, there are a few supposes in that "opinion", about Egypt.

    Within a couple of years, the truth will be known. It is obvious that the Egyptian military is not going back to the barracks, soon.

    So, we'll see what we'll see, when we see it.

    I would support cutting the funding to the Egyptian military, if they "never" allowed for political reform.

    Just as I would in regards US military subsidies to Pakistan and Israel.

  81. I understand where the money comes from, I also understand people don't want their hard earned money to pay for something they believe is immoral.

    I guess my point was, despite the 329,445 abortions in 2011, at 3% or even 10%, it's still a small percentage of the good that they do.

  82. What with the decreases in EU consumption, rufus, the Europeons may believe that the Wahhabi oil fields can fill their tanks, as has been promised by those Wahhabi suppliers.

  83. Are you one of those guys, Gag, that doesn't think contraception should be employed because one would be thwarting God's will?

  84. beer can pop top rings?

    Put your glasses on Quirk squinting will give you wrinkles.

  85. Betcha that there will be some "new" money buying Greek bonds.

  86. Quirk said...

    Grow a brain you moron.

    You did a FINE job of misrepresenting things I said.

    Is this why you paraphrase rather than quote?

    As for being a moron?

    look in the mirror....

  87. .

    G o o o d speech!

    It was a good speech bobbo, and well suited to the audiance it was delivered to.

    It also proves the point I made yesterday that the proposed peace talks between Israel and the Palestineans are mere kabuki.

    Bibi layed out Israel's demands for a peace treaty. There is no way the current Palestinean leadership will accept them. You don't have to take one side or the other to recognize that reality.

    Bibi talks about all he wants is recognition of a 'Jewish State'. The PA has already stated they would accept the state of Israel but there is no way any current PA leader could politically sign off on Zionism. Deadlock.

    Bibi talks about demographic changes. Obviously, what he is talking about is the settlements. He says we will give up a lot in terms of land but not strategic locations. Sounds great but what it translates to is the areas Israel would keep control 85% of the water resources for the new Palestinean state. The settlements also carve up the proposed Palestinean state so that it is almost impossible to have one contiguous state. Deadlock

    The Israeli's say the PA can have a police force but that the Israeli army will maintain de facto military control in the new state. Deadlock

    Bibi says that Hamas cannot be part of the new government. Politically the PA has little choice at the moment. Congress applauded yet we are now in conversation with the Taliban. And what Bibi doesn't say is his government is pretty much ruled by the ultra conservative, right wing settlers party. They hold the balance of power in the Knesset. Deadlock.

    Jerusalem? Probably solvable but not under the current leadership of either side. Current Deadlock.

    The refugees. The only actual resolvable issue at this point. If an agreement ever comes close to being signed, the refugess will be sold out by both sides. Inevitible.

    A good speech but merely more fuminatin by Bibi. The same things we have heard for the last 30 years. Nothing changes. Unless the leadership of one or both sides changes nothing will.

    The diplomats they send to these negotiations? Perhaps its a jobs program.


  88. Oil is fungible. I guess they're just figuring China will take all that Iranian oil (at a discount, of course,) and their own sorry situation won't be affected. I suppose they might be right.

    It's a dangerous game, though.

  89. Ash said...
    One of the things that bothers me about the Bibi position, and this is a problem the US and others in the West have, is the tendancy to dig in and not negotiate with folk that you have big disagreements with. Hamas, for example, as odious an organization that they are, represent a large proportion of the Palestinian population. Similarly the Muslim Brotherhood represents a large proportion of Egptian society. We may not like what they say and do but to ignore them, to forcibly suppress them, has the potential to increase their popularity and boost their claims of oppression. I think it better to acknowledge their existence, negotiate with them, and bring their positions out in the light of the day.


    I actually agree with you. I think Israel should recognize Hamas and the Moslem brotherhood as the representative's of ther respective people and embrace the "right" they have in seeking the genocide of Jews and Israel. I also believe at that moment Israel should start cluster bombing every man, women and child affiliated with both groups. Every building should be bombed, just like the Allies did to the Nazis and Japanese in WW2 until the Hamas and Moslem Brotherhood BEG for peace and surrender.

    Hamas and the Moslem Brotherhood are modern day Islamic Nazis and as such one can "recognize" them but more importantly we must be honest in the need for their total destruction forever from the face of the planet.

    Let the games begin....

  90. I guess illegal abortions would make more sense. The mother might be at risk, but hey, the government wouldn't paying and what one doesn't know won't hurt. Right?

  91. .

    Is this why you paraphrase rather than quote?

    You gotta be kidding.

    Hell, I'd need an extra hard drive to capture all the bullshit you throw out there.

    WiO: "That might have been what I said but it's not what I meant."

    Give me a break.



  92. There is a middle ground, mel.

    Any State should be able to legislate the law with regards abortion.
    Some may permit it, some not.

    The regulations with regard to that medical procedure may not be uniform.

    There is no need for it to be.

    There is an ideological argument to limiting the amount of taxpayer funding should be directed to Health Care. On both macro and micro levels of involvement.

  93. No I'm not Ash, are you? I didn't voice my opinion I just stated facts. Are you one of those guys, Ash, who thinks PP doesn't kill babies, or are you one of those guys who draws a line somewhere in the baby birthing process (that's a baby, but that isn't) to help you sleep at night?

  94. No, I am not worried about thwarting God's will. As we allow families to disconnect life support systems from the elderly and injured so to should women be allowed to decide how their bodies are to be used.

  95. If the people of Nevada wish to legalize but not subsidize abortions, they certainly should be able to make that choice.

    If in Massachusetts they were to decide to mandate insurance coverage for the procedure, that should be their choice.

    If in Mississippi they were to legislate that abortion was the equivalent of murder, they could criminalize the procedure, the choice should be theirs.

  96. .

    Who said I had tattoos?

    They say memory is the second thing to go with age.



  97. DES MOINES, Iowa—Michele Bachmann on Wednesday said she has "decided to stand aside" and is ending her bid for the Republican presidential nomination

  98. .

    Ash on rat,

    I dunno, maybe. Quite a bit of speculation involved in that statement...

    You think?




  99. Rick Santorum feels like Rocky Balboa

  100. Bloomberg -

    President Barack Obama installed Richard Cordray as head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau with a recess appointment today, testing the limits of his executive authority to fill the post without Senate approval.

    “I am now the director and my work will be to protect American consumers,” Cordray said at the airport in Cleveland

  101. rat wrote:

    "If in Mississippi they were to legislate that abortion was the equivalent of murder, they could criminalize the procedure, the choice should be theirs."

    Isn't murder a federal offense and therefore a federal responsibility? This whole meme of kicking the decision down to the states is a ruse to avoid the issue.

  102. I did not think, despite what Bloomberg reports, that a recess appointment would constitute a "test" of Executive authority.

    Then I read some more ...

    Seems that Mr Obama IS setting new precedent in utilizing a recess appointment, just as the Congress set a new precedent by not going into "recess".

    Republicans expressed outrage and questioned whether the move is legal. Senate Republicans have tried to block the White House from making any recess appontments by keeping Senate in "pro forma" session until Senators return to Washington later this month.

    Republicans note that he U.S. constitution stipulates that the House and Senate cannot adjourn for longer than three days without the consent of the other body – agreed to by a concurrent adjournment resolution. Neither chamber has passed an adjournment resolution, and instead both have been holding pro-forma sessions every three days.
    But White House officials say Congress is in recess, and that legal experts agree with them that the president has the right to make the appointment.

    "Gimmicks do not override the President's constitutional authority to make appointments to keep the government running," White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer wrote in a blog posting on the White House web site today. "Legal experts agree. In fact, the lawyers who advised President Bush on recess appointments wrote that the Senate cannot use sham "pro forma" sessions to prevent the President from exercising a constitutional power."

  103. No, ash, murder is not a Federal crime.

    It is in the State's jurisdiction.
    To differentiate between the different classes of man slaughter, and the degree of murder, First or Second, are left to the individual States.

  104. I stand corrected. Abortion, though, is an individual rights issue.

  105. No, Ash; prosecuting murders has always been a "State" responsibility.

    Only in the last couple of decades have the Federals joined in the fun when the offense falls under the rubric of Civil Rights, and, maybe (?) "terrorism."

  106. Then why isn't prostitution a Federally protected "right" of individual privacy?

    Same individuals, same bodies.

    Same individual right to make decisions regarding their body.

    But a decision that does not interfere with the life of another, as an abortion may be.


  107. A New York man who allegedly chose New Year's Day to take revenge on his perceived enemies was charged Wednesday with a hate crime and four counts of arson stemming from a recent spate of firebombings.

    The suspect was identified as Ray Lazier Lengend, who's believed to have hand-crafted Molotov cocktails using glass Starbucks Frappuccino bottles and a beer bottle. He then allegedly used the homemade weapons to get back at others for what he considered slights and insults.

    Lengend reportedly cooperated with police and confessed to the attacks, including a couple of which police were unaware. The targets included two homes in Queens; a home in Nassau County; a convenience store; and a New York City Islamic center, the Imam Al-Khoei Foundation, according to the Associated Press. There were more than 80 worshipers inside the latter at the time.

  108. Yeah, I'm puzzled by the prostitution laws in the US. I also find it weird that you can legally pay a person to have sex as long as you film it.

  109. stooopid boaters:

  110. Maybe prostitution should be legalized.

    There probably would be less crime and less spreading of disease.

  111. From the AP wire ...

    Paul has been speaking sharply about reducing the American profile in the world, saying it needs to be less interventionist. He says he can be a significant factor in this year’s election campaign because his candidacy has attracted many young voters.

    Asked in a CNN interview about assertions by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich that his foreign policy views are isolationist and dangerous, Paul called that laughable.

    Paul said he never votes for spending that the country cannot afford, opposes tax increases and opposes unwise military interventions and doesn’t understand how Gingrich can call him dangerous.

    The Texan said that when Gingrich was called to military service in the Vietnam era, “he chickened out on that ... so who’s the danger to the country.”

    “So Newt Gingrich has no business talking about danger because he’s putting that others in danger,” Paul said.

    He said some people call Gingrich’s brand of politics “chicken-hawk.”

  112. .

    The values of a society are situational and can change over time. Roe vs Wade set the legal parameters for abortion in this country. However, society's values seem to be shifting to the right on abortion and it wouldn't surprise me to see Roe v Wade overturned in the future.

    I object to abortion on moral grounds. I think the abortion issue should be decided at the state level. I object to Roe vs Wade on both moral and legal grounds. However, for the moment it's the law of the land.



  113. Be careful mel, or you'll begin advocating the Doctor's Librarian line, and may not even know it.

  114. yeah, and we will all be smoking pot and having a good time screwing all the while making a buck or two...


  115. TORONTO — A Canadian Roman Catholic bishop who admitted he was addicted to looking at child pornography has been sentenced to 15 months in jail, but he should be released Wednesday with credit for time served.

    Bishop Raymond Lahey was arrested at the Ottawa airport in 2009 after customs authorities found almost 600 pornographic photos of young teen boys on his laptop and a handheld device.

    Some of the porn involved adolescent boys engaged in sex acts while wearing a crucifix and rosary beads.

    The case was especially shocking to Canadians because Lahey had overseen a multimillion-dollar settlement for clerical sexual abuse victims in his diocese before he was charged.

  116. rufus wrote:

    "Only in the last couple of decades have the Federals joined in the fun when the offense falls under the rubric of Civil Rights, and, maybe (?) "terrorism."

    to which you can add:

    8 U.S.C. 1342 Murder related to the smuggling of aliens.
    18 U.S.C. 32-34 Destruction of aircraft, motor vehicles, or related facilities resulting in death.
    18 U.S.C. 36 Murder committed during a drug-related drive-by shooting.
    18 U.S.C. 37 Murder committed at an airport serving international civil aviation.
    18 U.S.C. 115(b)(3)
    [by cross-reference
    to 18 U.S.C. 1111] Retaliatory murder of a member of the immediate family of law enforcement officials.
    18 U.S.C. 241,
    242, 245, 247 Civil rights offenses resulting in death.
    18 U.S.C. 351
    [by cross-reference
    to 18 U.S.C. 1111] Murder of a member of Congress, an important executive official, or a Supreme Court Justice.
    18 U.S.C. 794 Espionage.
    18 U.S.C. 844(d), (f), (i) Death resulting from offenses involving transportation of explosives, destruction of government property, or destruction of property related to foreign or interstate commerce.
    18 U.S.C. 924(i) Murder committed by the use of a firearm during a crime of violence or a drug-trafficking crime.
    18 U.S.C. 930 Murder committed in a Federal Government facility.
    18 U.S.C. 1091 Genocide.
    18 U.S.C. 1111 First-degree murder.
    18 U.S.C. 1114 Murder of a Federal judge or law enforcement official.
    18 U.S.C. 1116 Murder of a foreign official.
    18 U.S.C. 1118 Murder by a Federal prisoner.
    18 U.S.C. 1119 Murder of a U.S. national in a foreign country.
    18 U.S.C. 1120 Murder by an escaped Federal prisoner already sentenced to life imprisonment.
    18 U.S.C. 1121 Murder of a State or local law enforcement official or other person aiding in a Federal investigation; murder of a State correctional officer.
    18 U.S.C. 1201 Murder during a kidnapping.
    18 U.S.C. 1203 Murder during a hostage taking.
    18 U.S.C. 1503 Murder of a court officer or juror.
    18 U.S.C. 1512 Murder with the intent of preventing testimony by a witness, victim, or informant.
    18 U.S.C. 1513 Retaliatory murder of a witness, victim, or informant.
    18 U.S.C. 1716 Mailing of injurious articles with intent to kill or resulting in death.
    18 U.S.C. 1751
    [by cross-reference
    to 18 U.S.C. 1111] Assassination or kidnapping resulting in the death of the President or Vice President.
    18 U.S.C. 1958 Murder for hire.
    18 U.S.C. 1959 Murder involved in a racketeering offense.
    18 U.S.C. 1992 Willful wrecking of a train resulting in death.
    18 U.S.C. 2113 Bank-robbery-related murder or kidnapping.
    18 U.S.C. 2119 Murder related to a carjacking.
    18 U.S.C. 2245 Murder related to rape or child molestation.
    18 U.S.C. 2251 Murder related to sexual exploitation of children.
    18 U.S.C. 2280 Murder committed during an offense against maritime navigation.
    18 U.S.C. 2281 Murder committed during an offense against a maritime fixed platform.
    18 U.S.C. 2332 Terrorist murder of a U.S. national in another country.
    18 U.S.C. 2332a Murder by the use of a weapon of mass destruction.
    18 U.S.C. 2340 Murder involving torture.
    18 U.S.C. 2381 Treason.
    21 U.S.C. 848(e) Murder related to a continuing criminal enterprise or related murder of a Federal, State, or local law enforcement officer.
    49 U.S.C. 1472-1473 Death resulting from aircraft hijacking

  117. The Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the Constitution are supposed to limit the usurpation of power by the Federals.

    They have, of late, failed in that cause.

    Which is why Newt brought the subject of Judicial over reach up, in the Iowa campaign.
    An augment that certainly did not carry the day.

  118. If the Congress chose to pass some form of Federal Abortion legislation, it could well be legal, but, I think another aspect of Federal over reach.

    That the Supremes legislated through their decision in Roe v Wade, that's the main Constitutional dispute concerning their judgement regarding abortion.

    Even in Iowa that argument does not have political legs.

  119. .

    McCain endorses Romney after win in Iowa

    Another reason not to vote for Romney.


  120. The values of a society are situational and can change over time.

    The is may decide but the ought abides.


  121. Some numbnuts said murder can't be a federal crime.


  122. .

    We keep hearing how business is complaining about not being able to fill jobs in science, math, computer science.

    Bloomberg and the WaPo put out a survey showing the college majors where new graduates have the most unmeployment. It lists the 15 college majors where recent graduates have the highest unemployment rates.

    The worst majors are as one might expect, liberal arts, architecture, social sciences, art. However, out of the 15 'worst' majors, engineering, science, and computers and math come in respectively 9th (7.5%)*, 8th (7.7%)*, and 6th (8.2%)*worst.

    If your looking for a job, its better to go into business, journalism, or social work.

    Could it possibly be that business is actually complaining that they are not able to fill those jobs at a salary people are willing to accept?

    * unemployment rate for new grads


  123. Not that it cannot be a Federal crime, but that it has not been, historically.

    But for a socialist, like you boobie, continued Federal overreach has never been an issue.

  124. .

    More nonsense from the NYT editorial page.

    ON Friday the United States Supreme Court will meet to decide whether to hear Bluman v. F.E.C., a First Amendment challenge to a federal law that prohibits noncitizens living in the United States (but who don’t have green cards) from making contributions to American political candidates or from spending money on independent speech to influence elections.

    The lead plaintiff, Benjamin Bluman, is a Canadian lawyer who lawfully lives in New York City. He is legally prohibited from paying for leaflets he planned to distribute urging the re-election of President Obama.

    The case raises fundamental questions about the scope of the First Amendment. Do noncitizens who lawfully reside in this country have a First Amendment right to advocate the defeat or election of American political candidates? And do American voters have a First Amendment right to hear what noncitizens have to say about our politics?

    Last August, a panel of three federal judges in Washington answered both these questions with a resounding “no.” That was a mistake, and the Supreme Court should correct it...


    The current reality is that lobbying groups indulge in legalized bribery. Now the NYT wants to permit foreign influence into the process.

    There is a simple procedure for those foreigners that want to participate. Apply for a green card.


  125. what, Quirk, no free speech for foreigners?

  126. .

    Things are bad enough already. We don't need you pricks in here further messing things up. :)


  127. next you will be telling us that foreigners are not protected by the constitution at all - murder of a foreigner, eh, no problem, no habeus corpus, nothing....


  128. but, abortions, no problemo for foreigners...

  129. Do you mean to imply that foreigners are people, too?

    "Real" people?

  130. real people protected by a constitution when inside the US - what a novel thought.

  131. Don't they have to be "natural born", to be "real"?

    We're not talkin' some kinda foreign faux humanity, ash.

    We're talkin' "real", like in Republicans, not those in New Hampshire.

  132. Nor does Santorum have an anti-establishment resume. In his second Senate term, Santorum was a lieutenant of George W. Bush and an agent of the GOP leadership as chairman of the Senate Republican Conference.


    But when you're up against an opponent raising 30 times as much as you -- and when that opponent, as 2008 Iowa victor Mike Huckabee put it, reminds you of the guy who laid you off -- populism becomes your route.

    This populist tack by Santorum will upset much of the GOP elite. But is that really a bad thing?

  133. "Be careful mel, or you'll begin advocating the Doctor's Librarian line, and may not even know it."

    That wouldn't be a bad thing. I like the dude. I liked him four years ago.

  134. .

    next you will be telling us that foreigners are not protected by the constitution at all - murder of a foreigner, eh, no problem, no habeus corpus, nothing....


    Don't be a putz Ash.

    What they are talking about is foreigners getting involved in the American political process, putting money in the game to affect results.

    Hell, Canada gets upset with American tv ending up on their screens and influencing 'Canadian culture.'


  135. Palin was on Fox late last night. Her words of Wisdom to the GOP:

    Pay attention to Ron Paul. Pay attention to his small government Anti-war message.

  136. It seems the US courts have ruled that corporations are people too and that money = free speech. To be consistent foreigners should be able to speak as well.

    That being said I think the US political system would be well served by limiting the promminent role money plays but the Constitution, as presently interpreted, seems to be more of a staight jacket in realm of money and politics. Ironic that the politicians are more accountable to their donors then the voters.

  137. Like Perry, Gingrich, Santorum and Huntsman assert that Virginia's ballot requirements are unduly burdensome and unconstitutional. The four are asking a federal judge to prevent the State Board of Elections from sending out ballots that include just former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Rep. Ron Paul of Texas.

    State law requires the State Board of Elections to mail absentee ballots by Jan. 21, 45 days before the election, and officials have already began producing them.

    On Tuesday, state Republican Party Chairman Pat Mullins, a defendant in the lawsuit, asked the court to dismiss the case.

  138. When Fox ran the clip, today, they snipped the Anti-War part.

    I feel the same full court press I felt when the Team was beating the War Drums for Iraq.

    The Team really, really wants this war. They're, most likely, going to get it.

  139. Real Whirled

    (Reuters) - A New Jersey doctor facing murder charges stemming from the alleged abortion of late-term fetuses will be extradited to Maryland in the coming days, a New Jersey court spokesman said Wednesday.

    Steven Chase Brigham, 55, who is charged in Maryland with five counts of first-degree murder and other charges, waived his right to an extradition hearing, said Jason Laughlin, a spokesman for the Camden County, New Jersey, prosecutor's office.

    He was arrested on December 28, and his case could be the first to test Maryland's fetal homicide law.


  140. The investigation into Brigham and an employee, Nicola Riley, who is charged with one count of first-degree murder, began in August 2010 following a botched abortion in Elkton, Maryland, where Brigham and Riley were present, police said.

    Officers who searched the Maryland clinic during an ensuing investigation found 35 fetuses in a freezer, a source said.

    Maryland prosecutors have declined to comment on how the murder charges are tied to the botched abortion or the frozen fetuses.

    Maryland criminal law states that people can be charged with murder if they "intend to cause the death of the viable fetus." Its state law defines a fetus as "viable" if "there is a reasonable likelihood of the fetus' sustained survival outside the womb."


  141. Brigham has been held in a Camden County jail on $3 million bond since his arrest at his home in Voorhees, New Jersey.

    Elkton police have ten days to pick up Brigham and take him to Maryland and typically the process is completed in a few days, Laughlin said.

    Ellis Rollins III, the Cecil County State's Attorney in Maryland, where Brigham will be prosecuted, did not return calls seeking comment. Brigham's lawyer in Maryland, C. Thomas Brown, also did not return calls seeking comment.

    Riley was arrested in Salt Lake City. A bond hearing will be held on January 9, when extradition proceedings to Maryland may be determined. Riley is in custody on a no-bond warrant.

  142. Mitt Romney set a new all-time record for the lowest winning share of the vote (for either party) in the Iowa caucuses — 25 percent — one point lower than Bob Dole’s 26 percent level of support in 1996. That’s well below the 31 percent tally that every previous Republican winner except for Dole had achieved.


    Lastly, Romney failed to equal the 25.2 percent share of the vote that he received in Iowa in 2008, finishing with 24.6 percent support this time around.

  143. Can anyone recall any foreign politician so vehemently and hysterically supported as we have witnessed over the last few posts?

    It there any prime minister or other elected official anywhere, at anytime, German, English, French, Italian, (pick your country) where certain American citizens take the position that the politician is beyond examination or criticism?

    Is there any country in Europe or any country in North America, South America or Central America that has so totally installed information and behavior minders in the US Congressional Branch?

    Why has this happened?

    Why will my very questioning of this political aberration be excoriated?

  144. Why because you're a filthy anti-semite, Deuce.

    Don't you know that by now?


  145. The man who loves other countries as much as his own stands on a level with the man who loves other women as much as he loves his own wife.

    Theodore Roosevelt


  146. We can have no '50-50' allegiance in this country. Either a man is an American and nothing else, or he is not an American at all.

    Theodore Roosevelt

  147. "Romney ran a relentlessly negative campaign of falsehoods," Gingrich said. "And the fact is that three out of four Republicans rejected him.


    But New Hampshire has a larger base of moderate voters and a strong affinity for the former governor of neighboring Massachusetts. They also view Romney as the most electable.

    "He's the one who can win beyond any other candidate out there," Manchester real estate agent Francine Grenier-Proulx said after hearing Romney speak. "It was pretty close in Iowa, but he did win."

  148. Deuce said...
    Can anyone recall any foreign politician so vehemently and hysterically supported as we have witnessed over the last few posts?

    It there any prime minister or other elected official anywhere, at anytime, German, English, French, Italian, (pick your country) where certain American citizens take the position that the politician is beyond examination or criticism?

    Is there any country in Europe or any country in North America, South America or Central America that has so totally installed information and behavior minders in the US Congressional Branch?

    Why has this happened?

    Why will my very questioning of this political aberration be excoriated?

    The very fact you need to ask such a question shows you do not "get it".

    You, when given a chance to show Bibi's own words, choose to put a terrorist up to give his opinion and you call it "reasonable"

    You are complete anti-israeli centric.

    Nothing Israel and say or do will change your mind.

    The only thing I hope for is someday, when you or your family are bleeding from some Jihadist attack you will not BLAME the Jews, Israel or Zionists on your pain. But I have scant hope for that. I predict the next phase of your illness will be blood libels against the Jews. You already spread the "israelfirster" label, the dual loyalty nonsense so out and out hatred is next...

    But here the rub, the more you rally, the more you scream, the clearer the picture emerges as to your black hearted nature.

  149. desert rat said...

    We can have no '50-50' allegiance in this country. Either a man is an American and nothing else, or he is not an American at all.

    Theodore Roosevelt

    Like it or not asshole, I as American as you....

    So kiss my ass.

  150. No, you are not.

    Never have been, never will be

    You are, by your own choice, a piece of hyphenated scum.

  151. Mitt Romney on Wednesday accepted an endorsement from Arizona Sen. John McCain, the 2008 Republican presidential nominee, as he pushed for an overwhelming victory in next week's New Hampshire primary.


    McCain is particularly popular with the independents who can vote in the state's Republican primary. His endorsement could help Romney win over those voters and increase his overall support.

  152. desert rat said...
    No, you are not.

    Never have been, never will be

    You are, by your own choice, a piece of hyphenated scum.

    See there you go.... I am as American as you. Like it or not.... The Constitution is on MY SIDE. You on the other hand? DO not believe in laws or the Constitution.

    So fuck you asswipe....

    And ON my American BIRTH CERTIFICATE, on my Father's Military Burial Flag, on my Uncle's NAME on the Black WALL, to MY Uncles that DIED in Normandy and the Pacific I say to you FUCK YOU...

    I am an American whether you, a useless, anti-semitic jackhole, likes it or not, you have NO power, NO influence, No opinion on the matter with Obama's ass droppings....

    In others words Rat....


  153. Rat did you get the message?

    I, a JEWISH-America is JUST as MUCH an American as ANY US President...

    LIKE IT OR NOT Fucktard....

    I have the Constitution on my side....

    You have your blowhard, cliff claven, google searching, blood libeling hatred on your side...


  154. "It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

    nope that sure dont fit the rodent

  155. Now this sounds like our Rat:

    "If a man does not have an ideal and try to live up to it, then he becomes a mean, base and sordid creature, no matter how successful."

  156. A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education.
    Theodore Roosevelt

  157. The pacifist is as surely a traitor to his country and to humanity as is the most brutal wrongdoer.
    Theodore Roosevelt

  158. You choose to be scum, fine by me.

    “Any man who tries to excite class hatred, sectional hate, hate of creeds, any kind of hatred in our community, though he may affect to do it in the interest of the class he is addressing, is in the long run with absolute certainly that class's own worst enemy.”

    ― Theodore Roosevelt

  159. Wars are, of course, as a rule to be avoided; but they are far better than certain kinds of peace.
    Theodore Roosevelt

  160. "Sen. Santorum's targeting of African-Americans is inaccurate and outrageous and lifts up old race-based stereotypes about public assistance," NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous said.

    "He conflates welfare recipients with African-Americans, though federal benefits are in fact determined by income level. In Iowa for example, only 9 percent of food stamp recipients are black, while 84 percent of recipients are white," Jealous said.

    Santorum shrugged off the criticism and said his remark was "probably just a tongue-tied moment instead of something that was deliberate."

  161. There are no pacifists at this Bar, that I have seen.

    Just those that do not see any reason to attack Iran.

    No reason to maintain 100,000 troops in Afghanistan.

    Nor troops in Europe, Japan or Korea.

    Not for pacifistic reasons, by by strategy, doctrine and expense of long term, fruitless military interventions and occupations.

  162. Republican presidential contender Rick Santorum, whose old-fashioned retail politicking helped him finish surprisingly strong in the Iowa caucuses Tuesday, will use the same kind of face-to-face campaigning and the momentum his Iowa performance created to power his campaign through New Hampshire and South Carolina, his New Hampshire co-chairman, William Cahill, said.


    "We've got to get through the next three weeks," Cahill said. "I think after tonight, there is no question in my mind that Rick Santorum is not getting out of this race.

    He's going to the convention and we will have the resources. Whether there is a lot of money, or living off the land, he's committed to doing it."

  163. A GREAT friend of Teddy Roosevelt....

    He was Bibi's older brothers godfather...

    He was Yonatan (Yoni) Netanyahu’s godfather. President Teddy Roosevelt counted him as a friend. And in a recently published biography, author Denis Brian calls him the father of the Israeli army. His name is Colonel John Henry Patterson.

    During World War I Patterson trained and commanded the Jewish soldiers of the Zion Mule Corps and the 38th Battalion of the British army’s Royal Fusiliers, one of several battalions that comprised the Jewish Legion. Many of these soldiers, Brian argues, formed the backbone of what later became the Israeli army in 1948. “Without those men it’s almost certain that Israel would have been defeated,” Brian says.

    Interesting facts....

    Great Friend to Teddy, Teddy the 1st American President to support Jewish causes, Teddy's GOOD friend becomes the god-father of Bibi's brother and the gentile American "founder" of the IDF...

    Small world....

  164. I am glad, "o" that you accept Teddy Roosevelt as a quotable expert on what it is to be "American"

    Our allegiance must be purely to the United States. We must unsparingly condemn any man who holds any other allegiance."

    "But if he is heartily and singly loyal to this Republic, then no matter where he was born, he is just as good an American as any one else."

    "The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities, an intricate knot of German-Americans, Irish-Americans, English- Americans, French-Americans, Scandinavian- Americans, or Italian-Americans, each preserving its separate nationality, each at heart feeling more sympathy with Europeans of that nationality than with the other citizens of the American Republic."

    "The men who do not become Americans and nothing else are hyphenated Americans; and there ought to be no room for them in this country.

    The man who calls himself an American citizen and who yet shows by his actions that he is primarily the citizen of a foreign land, plays a thoroughly mischievous part in the life of our body politic.

    He has no place here; and the sooner he returns to the land to which he feels his real heart-allegiance, the better it will be for every good American."


  165. The man who calls himself an American citizen and who yet shows by his actions that he is primarily the citizen of a foreign land, plays a thoroughly mischievous part in the life of our body politic.

    He has no place here; and the sooner he returns to the land to which he feels his real heart-allegiance, the better it will be for every good American."

  166. “Any man who tries to excite class hatred, sectional hate, hate of creeds, any kind of hatred in our community, though he may affect to do it in the interest of the class he is addressing, is in the long run with absolute certainly that class's own worst enemy.”

    ― Theodore Roosevelt

    But, that is exactly the crapper, through years of vilifying Jews and Israel. Exactly the crapper.

    He has described himself, using the words of Teddy Roosevelt.

    And his hero is Ron Paul, whom we have learned over the past few days is a racist and anti-semite.

    The kind of guy that might say of the blacks "They are all lazy."

    Also, I might add, a total nincompoop with that jury nullification shit.

    Not to mention the unilateral disarmament nonsense.


  167. Jewish-Americans are as American as any other American.

    Except those that break laws, murder and/or hire themselves out as hired killers in foreign lands....

    That's a fact jack.

    To say otherwise? Is UN-American...

  168. Rat talks out of both sides of his ass...

    Nothing new...

    He is a hater of Israel, of Jews, of Zionism.

    He supports Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas, this we have seen over the years with thousands of posts.

    He chooses the dark side...

    Has no issue with rockets raining down on Allies's children but defends the terrorists...

    I am sure if Teddy were alive? He's show that big stick up Rat's ass so far, he'd never be able to speak again....

    Rat aint no "Rough Rider", he's more a Monday Morning Quarterback...

  169. Teddy has one standard, you do not meet it.

    You promote hatred by creed.
    You deserve disdain.

    You should leave, and go be a "good" Israeli. It is where your heart is.

    Put your body there.
    You'd feel better.

  170. Fuck Theodore Roosevelt because his aphorisms sound like the utterances of a fascist pig.

  171. The cost of living has now gotten so bad that my wife is having sex with me because she can't afford batteries.

  172. Ron Paul On Secession

    The crapper's guy. Jury nullification, and secession.

    Between the two the country is surely finished.


    I remember when the crapper criticized Sarah Palin's husband Todd for engaging in a little a little secession talk up there over the chowder bowl in Alaska. My, did that put our SuperAmerican the crapper in a fine fury.

    What an hypocrite.


  173. Not once have I vilified a "Jew" for being a "Jew".

    Not one time.

    I hold the Chief Rabbinate of Israel in high esteem and often quote them, for moral reasons.

    I vilify the goverment of Israel for being hypocritical, for taking US funds but not fulfilling US goals.

    For that I advocate not giving them any more funds. That is not vilification, that's quid pro que.

    That the Zioni have turned the Star of David into the 21st century equivalent of the swastika on Die Kristallnacht, also referred to as the Night of Broken Glass, is not my fault.

    To post the reports of that reality, not vilification but education.

  174. If you find it an imposition, Sam, buy her a solar panel.


  175. That is a viable stance to take, ash, no doubt.

    Not the one that "o" took, however.

    He agrees that Teddy is a viable source on what it is to be an American.

    He does not meet the Teddy standard.
    By his own choice.

  176. I have been listening to Bibi Netanyahu for a long time. I take him seriously. He is a menace to the security and interests of the United States. He is a menace to Israel, but that is their problem and they can remedy that.

    I have no intentions of ignoring the obvious attempt by Netanyahu and his US minions to drag this country into a premeditated and unnecessary war with Iran.

    When the US lost nuclear exclusivity to first the Soviets and then to China, the US taxpayer and US citizens served to do whatever was necessary to PREVENT war between China and the US and PREVENT war between The US and the Soviet Union. The communists used similar rhetoric about burying the United States. There was as much animosity between the US and the West and the Soviet Union as exists between Iran and Israel.

    Proxy wars were fought in Korea, Viet Nam and Afghanistan. Nuclear missiles were installed 90 miles off Florida. The US faced nuclear armed adversaries from the time US spies gave and sold US nuclear secrets to the Soviets to the present.

    Curtis LeMay wanted a pre-emptive strike against the Soviets and China and was overruled by sensible intelligent people and war between the great powers never occurred.

    These are facts.

    No sane person wants any country to have nuclear weapons, but the spread began with US spies giving them to the Russians and then China, the French, English, Indians and Pakistanis are all nuclear powers as is Israel.

    Iran is no greater threat to Israel than the Soviets were to the US. In fact they are far far less. I would hope that there are enough reasonable people in Israel to stop the religious fanatics and the paranoid political operatives from making a pre-emptive attack on Iran. I hope that the Unites States does not get dragged into another needless war. My opinion is a legitimate and pragmatic view. It is shared by others. The attempt to slime my opinions, denigrate my beliefs and twist and distort them is nothing compared to what the supporters of a war against Iran do daily against American politicians and critics of such a policy.

    I intend to speak up and will do so until this insanity passes.

  177. My refugee friend from Eritea is one of the best "real" Americans I have ever met.

    Hard working and honest, a family man that works hard to overcome his lack of formal education.

    He has no desire to return to Africa. No desire for his daughters to return to Africa and he loves the United States.

    He is more an American than "o"

  178. It seems the US courts have ruled that corporations are people too and that money = free speech. To be consistent foreigners should be able to speak as well

    Ash don't embarrass yourself by quoting the NYT edirotial page as fact.

    You do much better in the second half of the post when you offer up your own thoughts.


  179. Deuce,

    I don't believe that the current administration wants war with Iran. I got the impression the previous administration, or at least significant elements of it, was more interested in carrying the middle east fight on to Iran. Trish assured me they didn't.

    That being said there does appear to be a real danger of war in the immediate term. This arises from:

    1.) The oft stated US (and European and others) goal of preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons


    2.) The cavalier approach of obtaining the above goal through 'whatever means'. i.e. the notion that Sanctions and Sabotage are sufficient. What appears to be happening is that Sanctions and Sabotage are pushing Iran to the brink. If the latest proposed sanctions are implemented it could indeed be a bridge too far for Iran. They are in trouble and it could push them over the edge in which case they will feel existentially threatened. If they do they will attempt to close the Straits of Hormuz. If they do that we, the US primarily, will be forced to respond to keep 'international navigation' open to all because we gotta get our fix of that black gold, bubblin' crude. War not wanted could very well occur.

  180. Israel just a bit player in the above scenario.

  181. .

    "Romney ran a relentlessly negative campaign of falsehoods," Gingrich said. "And the fact is that three out of four Republicans rejected him.

    How stupid are these guys? Looking at it that way 7 out of 8 rejected Gingrich.



  182. Well, ash, you are more than welcome to attempt an explanation of why the US does not need to pursue sanctions or sabotage.

    Those have been part of US doctrine for ages.

    You could advocate for Iran not to be sanctioned, nor sabotaged. That all the Presidents since Truman have been wrong in thinking Iran of strategic interest to the US.

    You could tell US why it is poor policy for the US to manipulate the financial markets, in the effort to get Charlie Chi-com that sweet Iranian crude, at discount.

  183. Hell, Q, watched Newt last night, with his half-hearted endorsement of Mr Santorum and his family.

    And his promise to savage Mr Romney.

    Newt is on his book tour and there are still a couple chapters left to write.

    The entertainment value, at least through Florida, is going to be high.

  184. Simply put, rat, that the sanctions may prove to be successful enough to prompt Iran to attempt to close the Straits. If they do so what will be the US move? How will that move reflect your "small footprint" philosophy?

    I did read one analysis today suggesting that if the Iranians do close the Strait that there is a pipeline that can carry some crude out of Saudi Arabia but the European refineries can't handle that heavy crude compared to the sweet light stuff from Iran. On top of that it is Greece, Italy and Portugal who feed off Iranian crude and they can least afford an 'oil shock'. Domino's can tumble which brings us back to the question of how much should we wager on trying to stop Iran from developing a nuclear weapon? Many here have given that game up already.

  185. The US used economic manipulation to devastate the economy of the Soviet Union.

    Whether it was a "long-term" victory, still to be seen.

    With the KGB providing the current cadre of Russian rulers, there was not a major "change" in the ruling elite, there

    Much like Egypt, now..

  186. desert rat said...
    Not once have I vilified a "Jew" for being a "Jew".


  187. “The attempt to slime my opinions, denigrate my beliefs and twist and distort them is nothing”

    “Why will my very questioning of this political aberration be excoriated?”

    You are being a drama queen. Opposing and differing views are being argued, not the above long winded BS you are trying to serve.

    “but the spread began with US spies”

    What spies are you referring to??? Remember we would never have had the “bomb” if
    It wasn’t for the jewish scientists that escaped nazi Germany to come here.

  188. They not only utilized economic sanctions they waged war through proxies and the use of US troops. How many 10 of thousands perished in Vietnam?

    All not very relevant however. Yes, Iran is in trouble (the good ole USA has a few debt problems of its own by the way) but war game it out - how far to go before the small footprint becomes a big one? Can we afford to fight over the Strait?

  189. desert rat said...
    My refugee friend from Eritea is one of the best "real" Americans I have ever met.

    Hard working and honest, a family man that works hard to overcome his lack of formal education.

    He has no desire to return to Africa. No desire for his daughters to return to Africa and he loves the United States.

    He is more an American than "o"

    Rat glad you used the MORE...

    I purposely stated I was just as much American as anyone...

    But you had to use the MORE.


    You have proved you are the scum you called me...

    Thanks again.

    You, being the anti-semite you are, are not worthy of US Citizenship.

    But sadly I guess you are a citizen, just one with no morals or ethics.

  190. I do not doubt that the EU sanctions are not in the "best" interests of the southern Europeons.

    But their problems, are their problems, not the US's.

    Perhaps it is the lower consumption that is driving their position, or perhaps the southern Europeons have found a Wahhabi buyer for their government bonds.

    Just speculatin' on that, but it'd fit the profile.

  191. Deuce said...
    I have been listening to Bibi Netanyahu for a long time. I take him seriously. He is a menace to the security and interests of the United States. He is a menace to Israel, but that is their problem and they can remedy that.

    Menace? now that a joke... But it explains your obsession with him.

    deuce: I have no intentions of ignoring the obvious attempt by Netanyahu and his US minions to drag this country into a premeditated and unnecessary war with Iran.

    No one is dragging America to war, we are dragging America to wake up and see an actual enemy hell bent on destroying America. If you are to blind to see the threat? I pity you and yours.

    Deuce: I would hope that there are enough reasonable people in Israel to stop the religious fanatics and the paranoid political operatives from making a pre-emptive attack on Iran.

    It's not "pre-emptive" if they murder Americans on a daily basis for decades....

    Deuce: The attempt to slime my opinions, denigrate my beliefs and twist and distort them is nothing compared to what the supporters of a war against Iran do daily against American politicians and critics of such a policy.

    Slime? You support dual loyalty sliming by your minyons, you call those that disagree with you spies, traitors and other slimy names...

    Deuce: I intend to speak up and will do so until this insanity passes.

    It will not pass, but the good news? Iran will most likely do something violent and crazy to show you just how appeasingly stupid you are..

    Your head is in the sand.

    Iran and the Jihadists are a major threat to the world.

    Ignore it at your own peril.

    Personally? I hope when Iran hits us you will live to see the folly of your ways.. I hear crow can be eaten in many ways, i look forward to hearing how you enjoy it...
