Monday, January 16, 2012

Let’s try a fresh pot.


  1. It is snowing here, the coffee is on, and, out the window I see bunny tracks across the snow.

    Some good painter could make something of that.

  2. .

    So could the people at Hallmark Cards

    ...but it does sound nice.


  3. Waking from the nightmare
    Arguments of sleep
    The coffee clears my senses
    The snow falls slanted north
    Four inches deep and growing
    Dry grass bends and the crow
    In the pine watches
    As our rabbit leaves
    His tracks which say
    I am

  4. Never cast one's rabbit shit before swine.....!

  5. .

    From the man who knows his shit.


  6. Has anyone here heard of drinking baking soda & water in the mornings to relieve aches/pains.

    A friend of mine that has a blood disease said this treatment has replaced his pain meds.

  7. .

    Sorry Gag,

    You see it only took four posts for this blog stream to turn to shit.


  8. There's an intifada brewing, I can feel it.

  9. Baking soda and water?

    I'll ask the wife, she knows that kind of shit.

    I often feel like shit in the morning.

  10. I just asked.

    "No. That's a bunch of bullshit. But, there's baking soda in the cabinet and water in the tap if you want to try." she said.

  11. She just said, "You might get a rise out of it." (I don't know what this means) And, "It's a great cleaner, it can take the coffee stains out of a cup." Presumably it would clean your insides, too.

  12. I am going to try it tomorrow morning, and thanks to you Dougman.

    I'm achy in the morning a lot.

    Will report back.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. ""Teachers, and firefighters, and policemen, whose jobs are now in jeopardy because Congress--well let me be specific--because the Republicans in Congress," Jarrett told the crowd. According to the CBS affiliate in Atlanta, at this point, "Before she could finish her sentence, people in the congregation were laughing, and applauding."

    At the Sunday service, Jarrett also brought up Osama bin Laden's death in order to praise the president. "We all sleep a little better at night knowing Osama Bin Laden and his lieutenants are not plotting a terrorist attack against the United States," Jarrett said. Then she pivoted to Iraq: "I saw so many soldiers returning home from their last tour of duty in Iraq, in time for the Christmas holidays."

    At the end of Sunday's sermon, after Jarrett had delivered her remarks to the congregation, the church held a voter registration drive.

    Meanwhile, conservative churches are prosecuted by the IRS.

    ...and the MSM Choir at the EB joins their fellow "reporters" of the "news" in turning a blind eye.

    ...To one side,
    but not the other.


  15. That picture doesn't show pot - it's coffee!

  16. Snowmaggeddon in Seattle, where they do not know how to drive in the white stuff.

  17. Bob, I thought of you when I read the following:

    "On Thursday night I sat in a room with about 50 American journalists to watch HBO’s docudrama Game Change (airs HBO Canada, March 10). The movie is based on the bestselling book of the same name about recent American presidential campaigns by journalists Mark Halperin and John Heilemann.

    The movie dramatizes only one section – the John McCain campaign in 2008 from the choice of Sarah Palin as candidate for vice-president to the night McCain lost. The movie, like the book, is not speculative or based on hearsay. Much of it is based on an account of the McCain campaign by Steve Schmidt, a Republican Party campaign strategist, who is played by Woody Harrelson in the movie, with multiple eyewitness corroborations.

    Watching it with the American journalists was an education. At first, as the movie opened with McCain (Ed Harris) and his advisers discussing potential running mates, there was a jaunty satirical tone. There was laughter in the room. Even as the Palin character (Julianne Moore plays her with aplomb) entered the picture, all gee-whiz enthusiasm, there was lots of laughter.

    Then the laughing stopped. There was silence. Then there were groans of embarrassment. Not because the movie is mediocre. It’s actually thrillingly good. But because the depth of Palin’s ignorance of the world became clear.

    It is a devastating portrait of Palin. And a searing indictment of the McCain camp for selecting her. As the movie tells it, Palin was vetted quickly and became the running mate in order to swiftly boost McCain’s chances against a soaring Barack Obama. Then, after Palin’s unveiling as the running mate, the team, especially Schmidt, set about preparing her for media interviews and a vice-presidential candidates debate.

    It was around that period in the movie that many reporters in the room sighed. Some cursed. Others slumped in their chairs. It is made crystal clear that Palin didn’t really understand why there was a North Korea and a South Korea. She clearly thought that Saddam Hussein was behind the 9/11 attacks. She needed to have Germany’s role in the Second World War explained to her. She thought “the Fed” referred to the federal government, not the Federal Reserve. The Governor of Alaska was as ignorant of the world as a four-year-old. Except of course, voters were being asked to put this ludicrously uninformed person, in the proverbial phrase, “a heartbeat away from the presidency.”

    Under pressure, but with a profound sense of her own importance, Palin crumbles. In one scene, she is catatonic, curled up, immobile in a fetal position because she’s been dieting. In another she screams at a McCain staffer on her cellphone and then smashes the phone against a wall. She is depicted as someone who could be taught to memorize generic replies to questions from journalists, but could not recognize her own ignorance. As the movie shows it, after every appearance before cheering crowds her ego swelled and she simply declined to listen to any advice about anything.

    A key scene, memorably surreal, shows Julianne Moore as Palin watching Tina Fey play Palin on TV. Palin’s face is rigid with mystification.

    Game Change is great drama grounded in an uncomfortable political reality. Sarah Palin soared to the top of American politics an ignoramus. That is why many reporters watching it seemed scarred by the experience."

  18. Ash, maybe he was thinking more on the line (no pun intended) of crystals.

    So, while you are considering the war on drugs, I am off to the market for some, well, crystals.

    Carry on.

  19. Thank you for thinking of me, Ash, but this is not a political thread.

    Got any pot?

  20. We are getting the leading edge of your snow storm here right now, T.

    Wife just said north Idaho Storm Alert region wide for tomorrow

    Sounds like a biggie, the jet stream has moved.

    I used to kinda chuckle at the Seattle drivers in times like this.

    Insurance guys will be busy.

    Pray for low fatalities.

  21. "Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) as pain reliever

    Sodium bicarbonate (also called bicarbonate of soda) is an easily available alkalinizer and has been used for many applications, including cancer treatment. To quote from Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment by Mark Sircus Ac., OMD:

    "Sodium Bicarbonate has attractive and potent analgesic qualities. Dr. Tullio Simoncini recommends that his cancer patients, undergoing his bicarbonate protocols usually via IV administration, take 1 tsp. of sodium bicarbonate mixed in water per day, for pain control as well as to assist in keeping an alkaline internal environment.
    We are of course dropping the IV administration as a general recommendation. Though, for some cases it might be appropriate

  22. What is going on in that vid, WIO?

    Looks like a landslide.

  23. It's 72 degrees here in the Metroplex, just thought I'd let you northerners know...

  24. Toshtu said...
    What is going on in that vid, WIO?

    Looks like a landslide.

    A syrian civilian, beaten to a pulp, teeth broken out and then shot in the chest by Assad's thugs.... then buried in a shallow grave...

    the crime, filming the syrian army doing what it does...

  25. .

    you diss israel? You by default support the people who did this.

    The Tao of WiO.

    I was right Gag. If you don't have Bob talking about rabbit shit, you have WiO throwing around bullshit.



  26. Allen whined:

    Obviously, we all know it to be the Jooos. It's not like the proprietor started another thread having to do with conflicted, hyphenated Jooos. Nope. The Jooos done hijacked another story. Bad Jooos! Bad Jooos!

    Get that clever use of language from the old country: "Another War”?

    I think another war in the ME is cause for concern. It seems to be concerning the White House and oh by the way, they are flying to Israel. The story said the administration is concerned that the Israeli’s could start something and by implication, bite off more than they can chew alone. I have stated many times if Israel believes that war with Iran is in there interests, they should do what they can handle alone. Keep us out of it.

    If you are asking if I believe that Israeli interests are different form the US, the answer is yes. I have made that clear despite the fools in our congress that contend that there is no place on the planet more important to US interests than Israel.

    There are 7X more people in the US that are on food stamps than there are in all of Israel. That i immensely more important and troubling to me. I don’t want to make it eight. If Netanyahu has the balls, he can tell us, "don’t worry, my problem, I got it covered, you stay home and I’ll show you how it is done.”


  27. I took a glass of baking soda and water about an hour ago.

    All I can report so far is it made me belch.

    I do hope it helps your friend, Dougman.

    The Native Americans around here used to scrap the inner lining of I think it was from cottonwood trees for a pain reliever.

    Pictures in the paper here of Seattle's snowmageddon, looks bad.

  28. In the 18th century blood letting was the cure-all.

  29. Give the blood letting a try bob and report back, ok?

  30. Heh, pretty good Ash.

    And I will, and store it, for a transfusion for you.

  31. If good strong red Swedish blood can't make a Republican out of you, nothing will.

    Improve your golf score, too.

  32. heck, they didn't transfuse, just drain *shudder*

  33. All I can report so far is it made me belch.

    Try it for a few days and see if you're less achy.
    My wife is trying it for her arthritic pain.

  34. Deuce,

    What previous war in the ME did the USA fight for Israel?

    I didn't think so.

  35. Quirk said...
    The Tao of WiO.
    I was right Gag. If you don't have Bob talking about rabbit shit, you have WiO throwing around bullshit.

    Congrats Quirk, you dismiss the post without take the 30 seconds to actually learn something.

    A young man's life was violently snuffed out and you can't even muster the humanity to say anything about that.

    Your comment reflects your inner self much more than mine.

    Have a nice day.

  36. I doubt the US would have gone to war with Iraq if the idea had had not been sponsored by Israel.

  37. A Clean Break:
    A New Strategy for Securing the Realm

    Following is a report prepared by The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies’ "Study Group on a New Israeli Strategy Toward 2000." The main substantive ideas in this paper emerge from a discussion in which prominent opinion makers, including Richard Perle, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Douglas Feith, Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser participated. The report, entitled "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm," is the framework for a series of follow-up reports on strategy.

    Israel has a large problem. Labor Zionism, which for 70 years has dominated the Zionist movement, has generated a stalled and shackled economy. Efforts to salvage Israel’s socialist institutions—which include pursuing supranational over national sovereignty and pursuing a peace process that embraces the slogan, "New Middle East"—undermine the legitimacy of the nation and lead Israel into strategic paralysis and the previous government’s "peace process." That peace process obscured the evidence of eroding national critical mass— including a palpable sense of national exhaustion—and forfeited strategic initiative. The loss of national critical mass was illustrated best by Israel’s efforts to draw in the United States to sell unpopular policies domestically, to agree to negotiate sovereignty over its capital, and to respond with resignation to a spate of terror so intense and tragic that it deterred Israelis from engaging in normal daily functions, such as commuting to work in buses.

    Benjamin Netanyahu’s government comes in with a new set of ideas. While there are those who will counsel continuity, Israel has the opportunity to make a clean break; it can forge a peace process and strategy based on an entirely new intellectual foundation, one that restores strategic initiative and provides the nation the room to engage every possible energy on rebuilding Zionism, the starting point of which must be economic reform. To secure the nation’s streets and borders in the immediate future, Israel can:

    Work closely with Turkey and Jordan to contain, destabilize, and roll-back some of its most dangerous threats. This implies clean break from the slogan, "comprehensive peace" to a traditional concept of strategy based on balance of power.
    Change the nature of its relations with the Palestinians, including upholding the right of hot pursuit for self defense into all Palestinian areas and nurturing alternatives to Arafat’s exclusive grip on Palestinian society.
    Forge a new basis for relations with the United States—stressing self-reliance, maturity, strategic cooperation on areas of mutual concern, and furthering values inherent to the West. This can only be done if Israel takes serious steps to terminate aid, which prevents economic reform.

    This report is written with key passages of a possible speech marked TEXT, that highlight the clean break which the new government has an opportunity to make. The body of the report is the commentary explaining the purpose and laying out the strategic context of the passages.

  38. {…}Moving to a Traditional Balance of Power Strategy


    We must distinguish soberly and clearly friend from foe. We must make sure that our friends across the Middle East never doubt the solidity or value of our friendship.
    Israel can shape its strategic environment, in cooperation with Turkey and Jordan, by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq — an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right — as a means of foiling Syria’s regional ambitions. Jordan has challenged Syria's regional ambitions recently by suggesting the restoration of the Hashemites in Iraq. This has triggered a Jordanian-Syrian rivalry to which Asad has responded by stepping up efforts to destabilize the Hashemite Kingdom, including using infiltrations. Syria recently signaled that it and Iran might prefer a weak, but barely surviving Saddam, if only to undermine and humiliate Jordan in its efforts to remove Saddam.

    Participants in the Study Group on "A New Israeli Strategy Toward 2000:"

    Richard Perle, American Enterprise Institute, Study Group Leader

    James Colbert, Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
    Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Johns Hopkins University/SAIS
    Douglas Feith, Feith and Zell Associates
    Robert Loewenberg, President, Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies
    Jonathan Torop, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
    David Wurmser, Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies
    Meyrav Wurmser, Johns Hopkins University

  39. In case you missed this part:

    This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq — an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right —

    it was a really swell idea for the US.

  40. Deuce,

    Re: whined

    By the way, that opening was certainly objective. You never take sides... ;-)

    Let me see if I understand this. You advocate the United States staying out of any conflict in the ME, unless it gets involved to muzzle Israel; because Israel might bite off more than it can chew and end up fighting two wars in Asia for a decade before turning tail. Does that about cover it?

    Leave Egypt, Libya, Lebanon, Syria and Iran alone. But hamstring the only country in the region which now is being threatened by them all. Why that corrupt "BiBi" would find this objectionable just goes to show what a race of ingrates he represents.

  41. Deuce:
    I think another war in the ME is cause for concern. It seems to be concerning the White House and oh by the way, they are flying to Israel. The story said the administration is concerned that the Israeli’s could start something and by implication, bite off more than they can chew alone. I have stated many times if Israel believes that war with Iran is in there interests, they should do what they can handle alone. Keep us out of it.

    Sadly a war in the middle east does concern America, since it is attached to the oil tit.

    deuce: If you are asking if I believe that Israeli interests are different form the US, the answer is yes

    Sure, America does not face genocide at this moment by the jihadists of the middle east, however if you take a longer view those interests are the same.

    Duece:. I have made that clear despite the fools in our congress that contend that there is no place on the planet more important to US interests than Israel.

    That is a complete misreading of what the Congress believes. It just is the ONE thing that both sides of the political spectrum agree on. No other issue brings such a diverse group of people together.

    Now if you are jealous that Republicans and Liberal Dems solidly give a dam about Israel and her security? That is your issue.

    I remember LAST year listening to Jesse Jackson Jr speak at the last AIPAC meeting I went to, he was passionate about his support Israel maybe you should listen to his PERSONAL reasons.

    Members of the Senate and Members of the House of Rep's from all parties agree, Israel is an important asset for the USA. Just because you dont see it doesnt make the 600 or so representatives stupid, guilible or naive.

    Maybe they collectively know something you dont...

    Deuce: There are 7X more people in the US that are on food stamps than there are in all of Israel. That i immensely more important and troubling to me

    I wonder why the number of people in America are on food stamps? And the number of Americans that the government HELPS by providing VISA cards on a monthly basis for them to do grocery shopping has been expanding for decades. One thing has NOTHING to do with another (israel)

    Deuce: . I don’t want to make it eight.

    The government of the USA wants to increase the food stamp rolls. My theory is it's a governmental way of control.

    Deuce: If Netanyahu has the balls, he can tell us, "don’t worry, my problem, I got it covered, you stay home and I’ll show you how it is done.”

    If Israel is backed into a survival situation and it deems it's survival is at stake? Israel will take care of it's own interests. I remember how PISSED Bush 1 was when Israel took out the Iraqi nuke reactor back in the 80's. the entire world condemned israel, including the USA. it only took a few years for the entire world (the ballless wonders of the world that is, including our own government) to PRIVATELY thank Israel for doing what they had no ability or spine to do.

    This has been repeated again with the Syrian reactor sites...

  42. ANd most recently Obama scolding Israel to "taking" out Iranian nuke scientists

    I wonder, when the complete story comes out, which governments will thank israel for doing the world's dirty work in keeping a genocidal nation from acquiring nuclear weapons.

    If I was Israel? I would play those "thank you"s to the world and tell them to fuck off...

    The USA USED to be the leader of the free world, with that title comes responsibility.

    Currently America is embracing it's cuckholding "can't" do president's vision of America.

    How many millions will die, suffer and live under repression because America is being played like a violin by a "President" that wishes to humble America and cut her downto size and allow those other forces that he agrees with (hamas for one) to fill the vacuum.

    Let's remember that before Obama had run for President he had connections with Hamas and radical Palestinian terrorists.

    It's no wonder that he doesnt have issues with Iran.

    It fits his worldview. We America need to learn our place.

  43. Deuce said...
    I doubt the US would have gone to war with Iraq if the idea had had not been sponsored by Israel.

    Mon Jan 16, 05:44:00 PM EST

    Good grief!

    And this would be true of Gulf I as well?

  44. we pay 3 billion a year for these folks...

    makes you proud

    Egypt's next parliament will be led by Islamist

    By Leila Fadel and Ingy Hassieb, Updated: Monday, January 16, 11:55 AM

    CAIRO — Liberals and Islamists in Egypt announced a temporary agreement Monday on a power-sharing plan that would install a Muslim Brotherhood leader as speaker of the country's newly elected parliament.

    The agreement among six political parties all but guarantees that the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party will lead Egypt's first post-Hosni Mubarak elected body, with the Islamist party expected to control as many as half of the parliamentary seats.

    Under the power-sharing agreement, the ultraconservative Salafist Nour party and the Wafd Party would also claim top positions, with representatives serving as deputy speakers, the parties announced during a press conference at the Freedom and Justice Party headquarters on Monday.

  45. And guess who showed up when this paer was prepared:

    Benjamin Netanyahu’s government comes in with a new set of ideas. While there are those who will counsel continuity, Israel has the opportunity to make a clean break; it can forge a peace process and strategy based on an entirely new intellectual foundation, one that restores strategic initiative and provides the nation the room to engage every possible energy on rebuilding Zionism, the starting point of which must be economic reform. To secure the nation’s streets and borders in the immediate future, Israel can:…

  46. WiO was the first one to say the "I" word in this thread.

    Flip or flop? Romney ditches pro-life event in SC. It's a sign of Republican Derangement Syndrome to nominate the guy who lost to the guy who lost to Obama just because it's his turn.

  47. I don’t take sides. I take positions and encourage others to take theirs. Are you going to argue that this paper is a forgery?

  48. .

    Congrats Quirk, you dismiss the post without take the 30 seconds to actually learn something.

    More nonsense, more diversion. You are learning from your pal.

    You take a horrendous action by the Syrians and from that create a Hobson's choice for the EB; "When you diss israel? You by default support the people who did this."

    It’s Just plain stupid, a false dichotomy. As far as I know, no one at the EB supports Assad, the current government of Syria, or its actions including the one from your post. Yet, you use that event to state that unless we grant Israel unwavering support, we are supporting the Islamists or in this case the sectarian regime of Assad.

    And don't come back and say you didn't mean it that way. The other night you accused me of being responsible for the killings done by Iran. When I called you on it, you muttered something about yours was a general indictment not specific to me. When I initially called you on your idea of nuking the black stone, you told me you were just using sarcasm. Since then, it’s been one post after another trying to justify the idea. Grow some balls. If you believe this stuff, sick to your story. It may make you look foolish but at least you will be consistent.

    You rant and you rave, you piss and you moan, you accuse the bar of being pussies when they don't do the same. When the question is how do we prevent Iran from getting the bomb, you throw around ideas liked increased military strikes on Iran or bombing their refinery; yet, when pushed you say you think (similar to most of the pussies at the bar) that sanctions might be the best alternative right now. Oh, once again you piss and moan that they should be applied faster and harder but you offer up no other alternatives.

    Your endless jabs at the bar are pitiful, without substance, the illogical rants of the rabid ideologue barking in frustration.


  49. A lawyer for Perry filed the appeal Sunday, just two days after U.S. District Judge John Gibney determined Perry, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman waited too long to complain about the state’s tough ballot restrictions.


    Early last week, Gibney ordered localities to stop printing and mailing ballots with just the names of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Rep. Ron Paul of Texas — the only two candidates to hand in 10,000 valid signatures. That restriction was lifted Friday, allowing the state to meet the federally mandated Jan. 21 deadline to send ballots to overseas military personnel and disabled voters.

    State election officials insist that further delay would jeopardize their ability to meet the deadline.

  50. Dougman,

    Water water water

    And lots of it 30 oz for every 50lbs you weigh. TRUST ME. It will do wonders. Also you half to exercise and stretch everyday. I mean everyday.

    I might not know much about politics but this is one subject I can help you with.

  51. I was right Gag. If you don't have Bob talking about rabbit shit, you have WiO throwing around bullshit.

    Now that is fucking funny.

  52. Deuce said...
    I doubt the US would have gone to war with Iraq if the idea had had not been sponsored by Israel

    Now that is absurd

  53. quirk Yet, you use that event to state that unless we grant Israel unwavering support, we are supporting the Islamists or in this case the sectarian regime of Assad.

    Unwavering support????


    There is a world of difference asshole.

  54. MeLoDy said...
    I was right Gag. If you don't have Bob talking about rabbit shit, you have WiO throwing around bullshit.

    Now that is fucking funny.

    So is the fact you have nothing of value to say...

  55. quirk: And don't come back and say you didn't mean it that way.

    I meant what I said.. Not what you exaggerated I said

    Quirk: The other night you accused me of being responsible for the killings done by Iran. When I called you on it, you muttered something about yours was a general indictment not specific to me.

    No, I indicted you for being a spineless pussy. That still stands and that was for FUTURE mass terror attacks. You still are a spineless fool

    Quirk? When I initially called you on your idea of nuking the black stone, you told me you were just using sarcasm.

    No actually you are full of shit, I advocate nuking the stone, not mass murder

    Quirk: Since then, it’s been one post after another trying to justify the idea. Grow some balls. If you believe this stuff, sick to your story. It may make you look foolish but at least you will be consistent.

    I am consistent, you just dont read and when you do? You exaggerate, twist and distort what I say.

    Might I suggest you remove that stick up your ass before reading my posts?

  56. Excuse me?

    You've never had one nice thing to say to me in four years until I had one phone conversation with your friend Allen and you couldn't pay enough attention to me. Now, because I think something is funny by a man you loathe you feel the need to bash me.

    Fuck you.

  57. I advocate nuking the stone, not mass murder

    Damn! I was gonna defend on this, too, but since my words are not worth hearing...again, fuck you.

  58. What the hell is funny about me talking about rabbit shit?

    It's a subject I take seriously.

    Anybody can talk about horse shit or bullshit.

    Talking about bull shit, my wife has been telling me about what she is getting out of "The Green Hills Of Africa" which I warned her not to get the other day, at the library.

    "You'll think it's all a bunch of shit" - that is exactly what I said, and she now agrees. And adds,
    "He is always talking about himself" which is true too but then I add,
    "Yes, but he told the truth about losing the hunting contest to Karl, and does describe the country good"

    "I haven't come to that part yet."

  59. No one maintains that Romney decisively won the caucuses. But the political conversation requires a winner for each contest, and in recent days the impression has set in that Romney won Iowa; as his campaign says, "a win's a win."

    Indeed, Romney's Iowa "victory" has become part of the argument for declaring Romney the winner of the Republican race overall.

    But there is another count coming, and it could change the way the Iowa caucuses are remembered. If that happens, could it change the rest of the GOP race, too?

  60. Melody is turning over a new leaf by using the f word three times so far, which she hardly ever does.

  61. MeLoDy said...
    Excuse me?

    You've never had one nice thing to say to me in four years until I had one phone conversation with your friend Allen and you couldn't pay enough attention to me. Now, because I think something is funny by a man you loathe you feel the need to bash me.

    Fuck you.

    No thanks.

    I have much better and much nicer than you..

    But thanks for the offer... Might I suggest you make that offer to some one else?

  62. MeLoDy said...
    I advocate nuking the stone, not mass murder

    Damn! I was gonna defend on this, too, but since my words are not worth hearing...again, fuck you.

    Again, now I am blushing...

    2 offers in one night?


  63. "Let’s try a fresh pot."

  64. If you believe in the law of attraction I can only imagine the shit you must attract.

    There's no need to blush, I wouldn't give you the time of day.

  65. I am saddened, nay, distraught, we can't get through a single thread without an uproar.

    I try to bring up a relatively clean and sane topic like rabbit shit....

  66. I get mocked by Quirk, this is really hurting me...

  67. I'm going for some more baking soda and water.

    Don't you people realize that you are arguing, and the crapper isn't even here?

  68. Why so shocked Deuce?

    The fact that I was going to defend WiO or because a nice gal like me used such a bad word. Three times as it was pointed out.

  69. Don't you people realize that you are arguing, and the crapper isn't even here?

    Makes you wonder who really is the culprit.

  70. DR must be at the travel agent.

  71. Well, I hope he isn't headed up here.

    I haven't argued all day and I'm not starting now.

    I'm going to go try to find the presidential debate.

    Snow is starting again, supposed to get a foot tomorrow, that is a lot for here.

  72. MeLoDy said...
    If you believe in the law of attraction I can only imagine the shit you must attract.

    There's no need to blush, I wouldn't give you the time of day.


    now your dissing my spouse....

    i wont comment on your kids or spouse.

    but let's say opposites attract.

  73. On election day in New Hampshire, I appeared on an NPR program and said that there was a certain boutique quality to Huntsman's candidacy -- that he was seeking to appeal to a small, specialized segment of the electorate. It was an effective way for Huntsman to define himself but not a very effective way to win.

    A short time later, a woman named Carol, from Hanover, New Hampshire, phoned in to disagree. "He doesn't seem very boutique-y to me," she said.


    Appealing to Carol, and not to the Republican base, was no way to win the GOP nomination. Huntsman probably knew that all along, but he finally surrendered to reality on Sunday night, when he sent out word that he's out of the Republican race.

  74. MeLoDy said...
    didn't know you were married

    fur decades....

  75. China’s economy probably grew the least in 10 quarters in the last three months of 2011 and may cool further as export demand slumps and officials prolong a campaign against property bubbles.


    Asian stocks dropped ahead of a debt sale today by France after Standard & Poor’s stripped the country of its top rating and cut eight other European nations, stoking concern the region’s debt crisis may worsen. The MSCI Asia Pacific Index fell 1.3 percent as of 3:50 p.m. in Tokyo.


    Elsewhere in Asia, Japan’s machinery orders rebounded in November from a month earlier by more than economists estimated, signaling the world’s third-largest economy is showing some resilience to the yen’s strength and the global growth slowdown.

  76. .

    What the hell is funny about me talking about rabbit shit?

    My bad Bob. Sorry if it got you upset.

    Refers back to Gag asking for a nice peaceful blog stream and me joking that on the fourth post (yours on the rabbit shit) this blog had already gone to shit.


  77. .

    Might I suggest you remove that stick up your ass before reading my posts?

    A stick up my ass? Well I guess that's one way of putting it. I do tend to get a little testy when some asshole comes here telling me (and the rest of the bar) that if we criticize Israel, we by default are supporting what some fucktards in Syria did to the guy in your link.

    Tell me where I am exaggerating, twisting, or distorting what you said.

    You are a moron.


  78. Quirk said...

    Might I suggest you remove that stick up your ass before reading my posts?

    A stick up my ass? Well I guess that's one way of putting it. I do tend to get a little testy when some asshole comes here telling me (and the rest of the bar) that if we criticize Israel, we by default are supporting what some fucktards in Syria did to the guy in your link.

    Tell me where I am exaggerating, twisting, or distorting what you said.

    You are a moron.

    And you are simply not worth the effort.

    And yes, by dissing Israel the way you do?

    You support the Assads of the world.

    Dont like it?

    Too bad.

    Maybe if you spent 1/1000th of the time at the Bar finding fault with those daily try wipe Israel off the map rather than your constant Israel bashing you could make the point. But that doesnt happen here.

    So own it sparkie.... own it....

  79. Quirk said...

    Might I suggest you remove that stick up your ass before reading my posts?

    A stick up my ass? Well I guess that's one way of putting it. I do tend to get a little testy when some asshole comes here telling me (and the rest of the bar) that if we criticize Israel, we by default are supporting what some fucktards in Syria did to the guy in your link.

    Tell me where I am exaggerating, twisting, or distorting what you said.

    You are a moron.

    And you are simply not worth the effort.

    And yes, by dissing Israel the way you do?

    You support the Assads of the world.

    Dont like it?

    Too bad.

    Maybe if you spent 1/1000th of the time at the Bar finding fault with those daily try wipe Israel off the map rather than your constant Israel bashing you could make the point. But that doesnt happen here.

    So own it sparkie.... own it....

  80. O SHIT

    You got to be kidding me --

    The five remaining candidates also sought to outdo one another in calling for lower taxes.

    Paul won that competition handily, saying he thought the top rate should be zero.

    Paul calls for the elimination of all Federal taxes...heheheheheh

    You guys got to be out of your minds to support this fraud.

    Jesus, you have no idea....

    I don't like taxes, and pay more than most, but come you know what your candidate is advocating...any glimmer out there.....?????


    Quirk, I wasn't upset at all, just bsing as usual

  81. That guy is 100 percent goofball.

    Fit's the crapper to a t, but deuce???

  82. Fuck Yes.


  83. None of these guys are perfect. Perry is slimy. Gingrich looked better tonight. Paul less so. Romney is a panderer. Santorum eh!

  84. The debate was held in Chortle
    Beach, South Carolina.

    Well, one thing you can say about Ron Paul's proposal -- it'd be the end of the United States of America as we know it.


    that's for sure

  85. .

    And yes, by dissing Israel the way you do?

    You support the Assads of the world.

    Dissing Israel the way I do?



  86. .

    Maybe if you spent 1/1000th of the time at the Bar finding fault with those daily try wipe Israel off the map rather than your constant Israel bashing you could make the point.

    My constant Israel bashing?



  87. Leaders of prominent conservative Christian groups threw their overwhelming support Saturday behind former Sen. Rick Santorum in the Republican presidential contest, an attempt to rally around a single challenger to front-runner Mitt Romney.

  88. My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch.

    - Jack Nicholson

  89. Of course, Newt still has to find a way to monetize that free exposure. But of all the candidates, he is in the best position to do so.


    But Gingrich likely never expected to win the nomination, anyway. The race instead is coming down to two true office seekers: Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum.

    Whichever of them wins, thanks to the political infotainment complex, more voters will know more about them than ever.

  90. If RON PAUL gets elected and the states have to go it alone and defend ourselves, I aim to make sure Idaho gets its fair share of the nuclear weapons cause I sure don't want to be pushed around by Mississippi, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and, most especially, Arizona.

  91. Maryland officials and Washington-area leaders are gearing up for a fight over the skyrocketing tab for teacher pensions, which threaten to overwhelm already beleaguered budgets both at the state and local levels, according to those on competing sides of the fierce debate.


    And although the Montgomery and Prince George's County delegations are largely united against a pension shift, they are facing mounting anger from rural counties and Baltimore-area lawmakers who contend that too much money is spent on the Washington area.

    "There's not much sympathy in Montgomery County for changing the treatment of teacher pensions in state law," said state Sen. Jamie Raskin, D-Silver Spring. "We don't see any compelling reason to do it at this point."

  92. Responding to a difficult environment for Wall Street, Morgan Stanley plans to tell employees this week that bonuses will drop sharply, with cash payouts capped at $125,000, according to people familiar with the matter.

  93. I want to be able to protect my state from everything east of the Mississippi and south of Colorado.

  94. An old married couple was at home watching TV.

    The husband had the remote and was switching back and
    forth between a fishing channel and the porn channel.

    The wife became more and more annoyed and finally said:

    "For god's sake!" Leave it on the porn channel.
    You already know how to fish!"

  95. You should vote for Ron Paul, Bob. You're both isolationists.

  96. China's GDP growth slowed to 8.9% in the last quarter of 2011, compared with a year earlier, showing that the world's fastest engine of growth is downshifting.

    While China's fourth-quarter performance would be the envy of most any other nation—and surprised analysts who had expected a sharper decline—it is still modest by the measure of the past 30 years. China's gross domestic product has soared by an average of 10% growth a year in that period.

    When measured on a quarter-on-quarter basis, China's growth fell much more rapidly to 8.2%, reflecting slower growth in exports...

  97. Hello and thank you for calling The State Mental Hospital

    Please select from the following options menu:

    If you are obsessive-compulsive, press 1 repeatedly

    If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2 for you .

    If you have multiple personalities, press 3, 4, 5 and 6

    If you are paranoid, we know who you are and what you want, stay on

    the line so we can trace your call .

    If you are delusional, press 7 and your call will be forwarded to

    the Mother Ship ..

    If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a little voice will

    tell you which number to press .

    If you are manic-depressive, it doesn't matter which number you

    press, nothing will make you happy anyway

    If you are dyslexic, press 9696969696969696 .

    If you are bipolar, please leave a message after the beep or before

    the beep or after the beep .. Please wait for the beep

    If you have short-term memory loss, press 9 . If you have short-term

    memory loss, press 9 If you have short-term memory loss, press 9 .

    If you have low self-esteem, please hang up; our operators are too

    busy to talk with you

    If you are menopausal, put the gun down, hang up, turn on the fan,

    lie down and cry . You won't be crazy forever .

    If you are blonde, don't press any buttons, you'll just mess it up .

  98. So if I do not support the Muslim Brotherhood, taking control of Syria, then I am supporting who?

    I believe that civil war, in Syria, can be seen to benefit the interests of the US. I do not see that a take over of Syria by the Muslim Brotherhood in any way benefits the US.

    I cannot find a single statement, by the Muslim Brotherhood spokesfolk, in Syria or London, that denounce the Russian naval base there, in Syria.

  99. Israeli Web Sites Crippled as Cyberwar Escalates

    JERUSALEM — Israel faced an escalating cyberwar on Monday as unknown attackers disrupted access to the symbolically strategic Web sites of the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and El Al, the national airline.


  100. By Maayan Lubell

    JERUSALEM, Jan 16 (Reuters) - Hackers disrupted online access to the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, El Al Airlines and three banks on Monday in what the government described as a cyber-offensive against Israel.

    The attacks came just days after an unidentified hacker, proclaiming Palestinian sympathies, posted the details of thousands of Israeli credit card holders and other personal information on the Internet in a mass theft.

    Stock trading and El Al flights operated normally despite the disruption, which occurred as Israeli media reported that pro-Palestinian hackers had threatened at the weekend to shut down the TASE stock exchange and airline Web sites.

    While apparently confined to areas causing only limited inconvenience, the attacks have caused particular alarm in a country that depends on high-tech systems for much of its defence against hostile neighbours. Officials insist, however, that they pose no immediate security threat.

  101. While, as predicted, there are "new" buyers fr that southern Europeon government debt.

    Borrowing costs fall for Spain at T-bill auctions MarketWatch

  102. JERUSALEM — Israel faced an escalating cyberwar on Monday as unknown attackers disrupted access to the symbolically strategic Web sites of the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and El Al, the national airline.

    The old biter bit routine.

    He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword, Master Je Tzu once said.

  103. Good one, Sam, but too long to send to FB.

  104. Dissing Israel the way I do?


    WiO has always conflated dissing him personally with dissing Jews and Israel.

  105. Romney admits he pays 15 percent 'Buffett' tax rate.

    Two Jews walk into the Elephant Bar and ask the bartender for two shots of tequila. He looks at them and says "OK" and pours their shots.

    They clink glasses and and yell "51 days!" Then they proceed to slam the shots, looking very self-satisfied. They look back to the bartender and decide to order another round. This time they pick up the glasses again and, more gleefully yell " Only 51 days!"

    The bartender finally can't stand wondering what they are talking about and asks them what they mean by Only 51 days.

    One of the Jews looks at him and says "Well," looking very smug. "We just finished a jigsaw puzzle. It took us Only 51 Days.....and on the box it said 4-7 years!"

  106. Pelosi tells Obama to campaign against the "do nothing" Congress.

    Psst Nancy! U R the Congress !

  107. He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword, Master Je Tzu once said.

    Tue Jan 17, 07:16:00 PM EST

    Hey, Nitwit, Israelis hit back hard today. They may do the same tomorrow.
