Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Let’s See How Long This Takes to Go Dark


  1. teresita gets her "never forgive never forget" from this crap..

    says alot...

  2. Passing near the store, which has “Down With Military Rule” scrawled on a wall next to it, 28-year-old doctor Asmaa Ismail says the generals can’t be trusted to make good on their promises to hand over power.

    “We thought they would realize our demands but nothing has happened,” she said.
    “Mubarak’s regime is still there. ..."

  3. Well Asmaa you ought to be glad the Generals are looking out for you but it won't last.

  4. Today's group endorsing Obama for President 2012 is --

    The New Black Panther Party

    (I think those two black thugs with the billy clubs and berets in front of the polling station in Philly last election were New Black Pather)

    So far, our list of groups/people endorsing Obama for President 2012 includes -

    The Communist Party, USA

    The New Black Panther Party

  5. The Central Bank of Canada has come to the conclusion that the U.S. will NEVER regain its former status as an Economic Power.

    Undoubtably, other Central Bankers, and Economists are coming to the same conclusion. Our problems look too large, and intractable. Chief among those probelms are the problems of Energy, and Balance of Trade, abetted by Flat, to Declining Tax Revenues.

  6. Global Crude Oil Production Peaked in 2005. This led to Energy (oil products) Prices rising to a level that brought our Economy to its Zenith in 2007.

    U.S. tax receipts were 10% Lower in the last quarter of 2011 than in the corresponding quarter of 2005. They are unlikely to be appreciably higher in 2012. This means that, even with the Savings of $150 Billion, or more, from the Drawdown in Troops in Iraq, we will see a Fiscal Deficit of Close to A Trillion Dollars again this year.

  7. These problems all emanate from the higher, and higher cost to Americans for Personal, and Business Transportation.

    The Republicans, wedded as they are to Big Oil, and Coal/Nat Gas offer NO solutions, just more of the same. I seriously believe the Republican path will destroy America as we know it.

    For this reason, I can no longer even pretend that I might support the Republican in this year's election. The ramifications of Republicans controlling the Congress, and the White House are just too dangerous to the country.

    This, in my mind, leaves me no choice. I am forced to support Barack Obama in 2012. Lord help us all.

  8. Tax Receipts the last quarter of 2011 were lower than the last qtr of 2007 (not, 2005.)

  9. An ex: There is a very small (less than a billion,) but vital to cellulosic production, program (BCAP,) that the Republicans have fought for two years to kill (they finally succeeded.)

    This program would have helped farmers bring fallow land (that we're currently paying them NOT to plant) out of retirement, and to plant switchgrass, or another energy crop.

    As I said, we're currently paying them NOT to Plant this land, and we're Spending over a $ Hundred Billion/Yr in the Middle East/S. Asia, but the Republicans have concentrated like a laser on a program of about a half a billion that would help us get loose from the Saudi Arabia/Irans (and Lester Crowns) of the world, and attain some modicum of True energy independence.

    The Republican Party has become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Koch Brothers, and Exxon. We just can't afford them any longer.

  10. Add this to your list, Rufus:

    First President to refuse to show a valid birth certificate.

    First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.

    First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.

    First President to preside over a cut to the credit rating of the United States .

    First President to violate the War Powers Act.

    First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico .

    First President to defy a Federal Judges court order to cease implementing the Health Care Reform Law.

    First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party.

    First President to spend a trillion dollars on shovel-ready jobs and later admit there was no such thing as shovel-ready jobs.

    First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.

    First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.

    First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S. , including those with criminal convictions.

    First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.

    First President to terminate Americas ability to put a man in space.

    First President to encourage racial discrimination and intimidation at polling places.

    First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.

    First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.

    First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly speak-out on the reasons for their rate increases.

  11. Never forgive, never forget means I will not reply to WiO, Allen, and Shish-K-Bob, ever again. And the blog will be better for it.

  12. Shish-ka-bob. That's funny.

    I will be in Seattle and Portland all next week. Please make it stop raining.

  13. Rufus: Global Crude Oil Production Peaked in 2005.

    Sure, in Rufus math, 72,022,330 barrels (2005) is bigger than 72,217,160 barrels (2008) and way bigger than 72,423,370 barrels (2010). At this rate we'll be out of oil by 2020.

  14. That stuff is all "small potatoes" in my book, Gag. I'm not voting "for Obama;" I'm voting "against republicans."

    We're getting in deep trouble, and the Dems plan, however flawed it may be, is the one that can come the closest to getting us out of it.

  15. The Central Bank of Canada has come to the conclusion that the U.S. will NEVER regain its former status as an Economic Power.

    That's a hoot. Per capita income in the US is $48,147 annually, vs. $40,457 in Canada. The Canadian central bank thinks China is nipping at our heels, but their per capita income is $8,394, which is just about the shortfall in Canada with respect to the United States.

  16. T, we're in, basically, a 1/2 of 1% range.

    It's a "Peak Plateau" (all oilfields/regions have them.) It'll last for a while longer, and then we'll start the inexorable decline.

  17. I'm glad I aint reading your book. I want him out.

  18. Per Capita income in China (and, presumably in Canada) is Rising.

    Median Family Disposable Income in the U.S. has been falling for quite many years, now.

  19. That's why they have "elections," Gag. :)

  20. The Communist Party, USA

    The New Black Panther Party

    Rufus Party of Two

  21. Look at it this way, T: Oil Prices are up 100% since 2005, but global production is up less than 1%.

  22. Shish Ka Bob was the winner he ran off with Fely.

  23. I'm afraid, Bob, that "Rufus II" is just a screen name.

    It's, actually, a "party of one."

    (my wife said she "might" join, though.) :)

  24. She seems to be holding out for a Mercedes. :)

  25. Look at it this way, T: Oil Prices are up 100% since 2005, but global production is up less than 1%.

    Oil is denominated in dollars that Bernanke is printing like no tomorrow, and oil is a hedge because the stock market is too volatile and bonds return less than 3%. Hence the high prices. But there's a silver lining. Oil production in North America is closing in on the peak value.

  26. I'm trying to negotiate it down to a flexfuel Explorer.

  27. When the Generals lose in Egypt the world will be better off for it.

  28. Never forgive, never forget means I will not reply to WiO, Allen, and Shish-K-Bob, ever again. And the blog will be better for it.

    And so will WiO, Allen, and Shish Ka Bob.

  29. Now we got two Ka Bob's the one at 9:35 ain't bob Ka Bob.

    Kindly, could you stop following me around?

    You've done it before, it gets irritating.

    I am going back to bed now.

  30. Really, T?

    At "peak" we produced a little over 10 million barrels/day, IIRC.

    Before Katrina we were producing 5.4 mbpd, and, today, we are producing 5.6 million barrel/day.

  31. You can use Brent Crude, and denominate it in Euros, T; it doesn't matter. The price of oil has still doubled.

  32. North America appears headed for an oil renaissance, with crude production expected to hit an all-time high by 2016, given the current pace of drilling in the U.S. and Canada, according to a study released by an energy research firm this week.

  33. NEW HAVEN, Connecticut (AP) – The FBI has arrested four police officers after an investigation into possible civil rights violations against Latino residents.

    ndictment papers say Connecticut officers Dennis Spaulding, David Cari and Jason Zullo and Sgt. John Miller executed unreasonable searches and seizures, used unreasonable force and concealed their actions. East Haven Mayor Joseph Maturo says the four were arrested Tuesday morning.

    The U.S. Justice Department said last month that the police department engaged in a pattern of discrimination against Latino residents. Investigators say their probe was complicated by efforts to interfere with witnesses and police silence.

  34. In fine, I am an oil optimist.

  35. What is an e-mail address and why do I need it?

  36. Teresita said...
    Never forgive, never forget means I will not reply to WiO, Allen, and Shish-K-Bob, ever again. And the blog will be better for it.

    From your lying mouth to G-d's ears...

    I bet she creates a new screen persona next week and shows up as a gay baptist man who is thinking of a sex change operation.

    Never can tell, after all just how many screen names has she had that she didnt tell us were her?

  37. In a statement, the Federation said that the damage caused to the people of Israel, Jews around the world and particularly the Jewish community in Atlanta was irreparable.

    This Adler of Atlanta more anti-Semitic and damaging to Israel than the crapper could ever be.

  38. Bob,

    This is the Bob that talks about trout, lemon and butter.

    None of the other posts are mine.

    Have a blessed day,

    Bob 2nd

  39. This Adler of Atlanta more anti-Semitic and damaging to Israel than the crapper could ever be

    Interesting reaction.

    Was Tom Clancey ever portrayed as a killer by writing about Presidential death and destruction?

  40. Tom Clancey wrote "Novels."

    That's a silly projection, T. Way overstated. The Oil Sands will expand, but not that fast (and, that is "Canadian" oil, not American Oil.)

  41. As for "shale:" it wll expand for another year, or so, and that will be it. Those wells decline way too fast for production to continue to expand much beyond that.

  42. The Atlanta Jewish Times is another part of the worldwide anti-Semitic conspiracy.

    Adler of Atlanta, just another Nazi.

  43. Tom Clancy did not use the US Mail to disseminate his real world threats on the life of the President.

  44. In which book did Tom Clancy threaten a real President?

    Where and when did Tom use their real names?

  45. .

    Now we got two Ka Bob's the one at 9:35 ain't bob Ka Bob.

    A thought puzzle, Bob.

    Who is just stupid enough to think it cute?

    Who has done similar things before?

    Who loves to attack T besides yourself.

    Who is the biggest asshole on the blog?

    Everyone here can come up with their own conclusions.


  46. The questions of the day

    Why is the Jewish Federation of Atlanta protecting the financial security of the antisemitic Adler?

    Why are they protecting a man who has done irreparable damage to their community?

    Why do they still buy advertising in his newspaper?

    Voting with their dollars to support his lifestyle and politics.

  47. Bob the 2nd said...
    In which book did Tom Clancy threaten a real President?

    Where and when did Tom use their real names?

    I did not sat that!

    Who stole my stolen name!

    Is there no honor among thieves?

  48. Vehicle Miles Traveled continues its Downward Plunge.

    It looks like you have to go back to sometime in 2004 to find a more immobile population.

    If Americans aren't "traveling," they aren't "earning." (Or, Spending.)

    We're in trouble.

  49. I am an asshole and I LOVE to attack anti-semites like T and Rat!

    Put me on that list!!!!!!!!

  50. As for BIGGEST asshole?

    that would be rat...

    and i bet it's him posting as false flag operations...

  51. I kinda like the Obama nutjobs, the koolaid drinkers.

    If they are right? America is doing fine. (and I will make a butt load of money)

    If they are wrong and I am right?

    When the shit hits the fan? They will be like deer in the headlights with no thoughts of how to survive.

    Darwin at it's best..

  52. Those VMT figures are Worse than they look. We have about 25 Million more registered cars, today, than we did back then.

  53. Does who asks the question more important than the answers to them?

    Why does the Jewish community in Atlanta stand by their man unless he is one of their men?

    Heart and soul.

    The irreparable damage meme just more propaganda by the Israel Firsters.

  54. Just waiting until SPRING when gasoline will be $4 a gallon.

    By printing more cash qe1,2,3,4 the dollar devalues and the price of gasoline rises.

    Obama gets his conservation of petrochem usage!

    the American public gets it in the ass..

    all planned and promoted by the Obama Admin.

  55. Bob the 2nd said...
    Does who asks the question more important than the answers to them?

    Why does the Jewish community in Atlanta stand by their man unless he is one of their men?

    Heart and soul.

    The irreparable damage meme just more propaganda by the Israel Firsters.

    This is certainly Rat

  56. Funny stuff, this morning.

    If it was me, "o", I'd just sign-on with an account using Wi"o" as the screen name and avatar.

    That'd be even more entertaining than reading bob la nob. I recall when Ms T did it, to me, in the past.

    Easy pickin's, really, if one wanted to go there.

    But then ...

    Why is the Jewish community of Atlanta standing shoulder to shoulder with Mr Adler, continuing to do business with his company, if they believe he has irreparably damaged their community?

    Especially when there is a market driven alternative waiting in the wings?

  57. Obama has nothing to do with the problem. Blame the last 4, or 5 administrations. They're the ones (with the kinda/sorta exception of Bush Jr.) that lied to you repeatedly about plentiful oil resources.

    But, we have a hell of a problem, "right now." The question is, which team "might" do the best at minimizing the damage?

    And, it not the one that keeps blowing fairey dust up your anus.

  58. .

    Tim Thomas of the Stanley Cup champion Boston Bruins.

    “I believe the Federal government has grown out of control, threatening the Rights, Liberties, and Property of the People.

    “This is being done at the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial level. This is in direct opposition to the Constitution and the Founding Fathers vision for the Federal government.

    “Because I believe this, today I exercised my right as a Free Citizen, and did not visit the White House. This was not about politics or party, as in my opinion both parties are responsible for the situation we are in as a country. This was about a choice I had to make as an INDIVIDUAL.

    “This is the only public statement I will be making on this topic. TT”

    I happen to agree with his move.

    Others Disagree


  59. If I were to start "assigning blame," I'd have to begin with Ronald Reagan. He's the one that completely dismantled the one good thing that Jimmy Carter did - support renewable energy.

  60. As you readily admit, changing the name on the masthead, it does not change the content.

    So, the Jewish community of Atlanta is in agreement with Mr Adler's op-ed, or they would cut his paper loose, and move to the alternative now becoming available, through the Atlanta Jewish News.

  61. Assassination has become just another tool in the political tool box has it not? Hamas Leaders, Hezbollah, Iranian nuclear scientists. Heck, the US has a fleet of drones picking folk off regularly. What's the big deal?

  62. desert rat said...
    Funny stuff, this morning.

    If it was me, "o", I'd just sign-on with an account using Wi"o" as the screen name and avatar.

    That'd be even more entertaining than reading bob la nob. I recall when Ms T did it, to me, in the past.

    Easy pickin's, really, if one wanted to go there.

    But then ...

    You are quite versed in breaking the law, for that I have no doubts. Your bragging about your capacity of doing all sorts of violations to common decency and rules once again reminds us of other things that are about breaking laws that you have done.

    We should call you "Criminal Rat" if fits.

  63. Ash said...
    Assassination has become just another tool in the political tool box has it not? Hamas Leaders, Hezbollah, Iranian nuclear scientists. Heck, the US has a fleet of drones picking folk off regularly. What's the big deal?

    Ash, good point.

    However before listing the leaders of terror groups that actually caused the deaths of hundreds if not thousands of innocent civilians might we list the victims of terror 1st?

    Killing of killers?

    I got no problem with that.

    Killing of peaceful leaders that advocate respectful nations?

    I got a problem with that.

    Some could argue that America does not have "clean" hands.

    Those that love Osama Ben Laden are upset with obama for killing their leader....

    But your list of those "killed" shows a bias.

  64. You only target the leaders of the "enemies", ash, not your allies.

    Or bob would be advocating for the assassination of Mr Bibi.

    Which is not happening, yet.

    Indeed, it is the Jewish community of Israel which has a history of assassinating its own leaders, referencing Yitzhak Rabin, so the threats to US leaders must be taken seriously when the emanate from the same community, here in the US. Driven, as it appears, by the same geo-political fears.

  65. We must not allow for the memory of Yitzhak Rabin to fall down the memory hole.

  66. desert rat said...
    You only target the leaders of the "enemies", ash, not your allies.

    Or bob would be advocating for the assassination of Mr Bibi.

    Which is not happening, yet.

    Indeed, it is the Jewish community of Israel which has a history of assassinating its own leaders, referencing Yitzhak Rabin, so the threats to US leaders must be taken seriously when the emanate from the same community, here in the US. Driven, as it appears, by the same geo-political fears.

    It appears that America has had many more leaders killed by it's own community...

    by your own figuring pov Israel kills 1/10th as many of it's own leaders as America kills of it's own leaders.

  67. Countries don't have enemies they have "interests" and many tools to achieve their "interest".

  68. .

    That'd be even more entertaining than reading bob la nob. I recall when Ms T did it, to me, in the past.

    Not too surprising in retrospect.


  69. Ash said...
    Countries don't have enemies they have "interests" and many tools to achieve their "interest".


  70. Quirk said...

    That'd be even more entertaining than reading bob la nob. I recall when Ms T did it, to me, in the past.

    Not too surprising in retrospect.


  71. That'd be even more entertaining than reading bob la nob. I recall when Ms T did it, to me, in the past.

    I never did any such thing. And now you can sit in the box with Allen, Bob, and WiO. Gosh, pretty soon I'm going to be out of people to talk to here.

  72. .

    Countries don't have enemies they have "interests" and many tools to achieve their "interest".

    Ash, what you are talking about has to be viewed from the perspective of one country at a time, yours.

    You are making an argument from the Israeli perspective that even the Israeli's are denouncing.

    You say you are an American but you have been in Canada for forty years. You lose a little perspective as to what the issue is here for those involved. It is not some foreign country plotting an assasination for some geopolitical reason, it's some whack-job who happens to be an American citizen talking and disseminating and in fact going out of his way to explain the rationale for assassinating the president.


  73. that's because he has an "interest."

  74. Teresita said...
    That'd be even more entertaining than reading bob la nob. I recall when Ms T did it, to me, in the past.

    I never did any such thing. And now you can sit in the box with Allen, Bob, and WiO. Gosh, pretty soon I'm going to be out of people to talk to here.


  75. Quirk: Not too surprising in retrospect.

    And you too, for believing Rat. Fuck this place.

  76. it's some whack-job who happens to be an American citizen talking and disseminating and in fact going out of his way to explain the rationale for assassinating the president.

    yep that is a fact jack...

    but ash sees no difference in israel taking out a serial terrorist mass murderer and a nutjob.

    must be that canuk water...

  77. Teresita said...
    Quirk: Not too surprising in retrospect.

    And you too, for believing Rat. Fuck this place.


  78. I'm funning you Quirk (and others) over the American exceptional amoral approach to foreign affairs. Torture - bad (unless America needs information) Assassination -bad (unless it is America's enemies), Countries don't have friends ...

    yadda yadda yadda...

  79. The self confessed liar is pissed that the other liar says she lied about him...


  80. Ash said...
    I'm funning you Quirk (and others) over the American exceptional amoral approach to foreign affairs. Torture - bad (unless America needs information) Assassination -bad (unless it is America's enemies), Countries don't have friends ...

    yadda yadda yadda...

    Yep it's the water that has turned ash's brain into much

  81. The US has interests and treaty allies, ash.

    Other countries have "friends" and "special arrangements" not codified in US law.

    A dangerous slope, indeed.

    Regardless, Mr Adler is being embraced and financially protected by the Jewish community in Atlanta. Their protestations to the contrary, not borne out by the realities of their actions.

  82. .

    And you too, for believing Rat. Fuck this place.

    Please spare me the umbrage T. We all get caught up in believing things we shouldn't. That you accuse rat of lying? Ironic.

    Take a look at the various reasons you gave for your charade. Laughable and self-serving.

    And this wasn't a single lie, getting caught up in an argument and forgetting yourself, a lapse of memory with what you have said before, a simple mistake. It was elaborate and extended over years.

    You can be clever at times T. Some of your posts are pretty good but don't blame me if I take a grain of salt with your posts in the future.

    I hope you stick around but don't try to dump this fisaco on me.


  83. Regardless, Mr Adler is being embraced and financially protected by the Jewish community in Atlanta. Their protestations to the contrary, not borne out by the realities of their actions.

    "protected by the Jewish Community"


    but trying to discuss anything to do with any issue concerning jews, israel or zionism with a jew hater like you?


    waste of time.

  84. I did not do what Rat said I did. Scorched earth policy on anyone who says I did.

  85. Who is confused here WiO? I would suggest it is you. Let me re-post your initial reaction to my shrug of shoulders at the assassination article:

    "Ash, good point.

    However before listing the leaders of terror groups that actually caused the deaths of hundreds if not thousands of innocent civilians might we list the victims of terror 1st?

    Killing of killers?

    I got no problem with that.

    Killing of peaceful leaders that advocate respectful nations?

    I got a problem with that.

    Some could argue that America does not have "clean" hands."

    Even you can see how you are slipping down the slippery moral slope you've placed yourself. On the one hand you have no problem with assassination as a means of achieving a political goal yet you are grasping with the level of "evil" that need be attained before it is a "good" tool. How much blood need Obama have on his hands (especially vis a vis Israel) before assassination is a decent option?

  86. The Jewish Federation of Atlanta, has come to the support of Mr Adler, so he can successfully "cash out".

    Adler will immediately convene an
    Advisory Committee comprised of community members and leaders of Jewish communal organizations to ensure best practices are invoked and to provide guidance re: any contemplated or necessitated change of control of the Atlanta Jewish Times.

    It was not written in Hebrew, so there is no misunderstanding due to faulty translation.

    The Federation is going to assist Mr Adler in selling his business, rather than casting him out of their "Community".

  87. Gag Reflex: I will be in Seattle and Portland all next week. Please make it stop raining.

    Next time we stop the wet and windy stuff will be Thurday afternnon.

  88. Ash: Assassination has become just another tool in the political tool box has it not?

    The children of Israel served Eglon the king of Moab eighteen years.

    But when the children of Israel cried unto the LORD, the LORD raised them up a deliverer, Ehud the son of Gera, a Benjamite, a man lefthanded: and by him the children of Israel sent a present unto Eglon the king of Moab

    Ehud made him a dagger which had two edges, of a cubit length; and he did gird it under his raiment upon his right thigh.

    And he brought the present unto Eglon king of Moab: and Eglon was a very fat man.

    And when he had made an end to offer the present, he sent away the people that bare the present.

    But he himself turned again from the quarries that were by Gilgal, and said, I have a secret errand unto thee, O king: who said, Keep silence. And all that stood by him went out from him.

    And Ehud came unto him; and he was sitting in a summer parlour, which he had for himself alone. And Ehud said, I have a message from God unto thee. And he arose out of his seat.

    And Ehud put forth his left hand, and took the dagger from his right thigh, and thrust it into his belly.

  89. .

    Add this to your list, Rufus:

    First President to ...

    An impressive list if one is looking to slam Obama (although some are just silly). On the other hand, those who use the list to make the case we would have been better off with a Republican in the White House are living in Dreamland.

    The best most people could have hoped for is that we would be no worse off than we are today.


  90. USA TODAY - A new national poll shows Mitt Romney is in a free fall with Newt Gingrich now leading for the GOP presidential nomination. Newt threatened to quit participating in any future debates if the audience is silenced.

    Syria agreed on Tuesday to extend the mission of Arab League observers to watch Assad's forces kill more protesters while simultaneously providing moral cover for the regime.

    A federal judge has ruled that a Colorado woman can be compelled to decrypt her encrypted laptop so that the police can inspect it for incriminating evidence.

  91. Another reason to vote Obama/Biden -

    Romney gave 15% to charity; Obama 1%...

    Biden gave $369... Romney paid 42% of 2011 income in taxes and charity...

    I bet ol' good hearted Rufus gave more than Obama/Biden combined.

  92. Sam: The Japanese government is expected to announce Wednesday that the country recorded its first annual trade deficit since 1980.

    They are shaving quality off their products to compensate for the strong yen. This creates a viscious circle.

  93. That should read -ol' good hearted easily fooled Rufus on my last post.

  94. An Israeli military court has ordered the speaker of the Palestinian legislative body to be jailed for six months without trial

    Must have taken a cue from Rand Paul.

  95. No sillier than Obama got OBL.

  96. Ol' good-hearted Rufus ain't silly enough to give all his money to preachers to build cathedrals. :)

  97. Obama got Osama is known as a royal metaphor in the metaphor business (see: Northrop Frye), like Hitler built roads in Germany, or Mussolini is making the trains run on time, or Roosevelt is fighting on the beaches of France, but I have said that before.

    It's the kind of statement that, while Rufus might buy into it, really pisses other people off.

  98. It is annoying when others get the credit due to George Bush.

    Like blaming Obama for the real estate recession when it began in 2008. George Bush is one responsible and should get all the credit due American royalty.

  99. Giving Obama credit for the recession, it pisses me off.

  100. teresita, the one with forked tongue says:

    An Israeli military court has ordered the speaker of the Palestinian legislative body to be jailed for six months without trial

    Disinformation is lying.

    Misleading is lying.

    Just because the Guardian does it doesnt make it right.

    Aziz Dweik, a member of Hamas

    Hamas is a terrorist group as per the United States

    A better headline?

    Aziz Dweik, a member of Hamas was shot on sight today, being directly responsible for rash of murderous attacks leaving scores of civilians dead and mutilated.

    If only we will wake up and smell the humus.

    Hamas members should be shot on sight, even if they are friends of Obama.

  101. George Bush deserves the credit for government policies that redistributed wealth, from the middle to the top.

    Obama just followed the same path, why should he get all the credit for the good work of George Bush?

  102. OK, OK I give up. The last three bobs aren't the infamous bob of Idaho, the truly great fly fisherman.

    I will not post again till my daughter sets me up with a picture and blue name. But she's out taking some fancy riding lesson in the snow and cold today.


  103. Poet, the largest U.S. ethanol producer, has formed a joint venture with a Dutch enzyme producer to build an ethanol plant fed by cornstalks and cobs rather than kernels.

    The 50-50 venture with Royal DSM that the companies announced Monday will privately finance a $250 million cellulosic ethanol plant in Emmetsburg, Iowa. Poet said it will turn down a U.S. Energy Department $105 million loan guarantee approved for the plant last year but not finalized.

    The new venture, Poet-DSM Advanced Biofuels, will be based, like Poet, in Sioux Falls, S.D., the companies said. The 25-million-gallon-a-year plant planned in Emmetsburg, known as Project Liberty, will be next to Poet's corn-ethanol plant there.

    Poet CEO Jeff Broin said the plant will be completed in the second half of 2013. Construction is underway -- a corn-residue storage area has been in operation for two years -- though the official groundbreaking is in March.

    Both companies bring proprietary technology to the making of ethanol from cornstalks, cobs and shucks. Poet pioneered the production methods at a pilot plant in South Dakota, and DSM has enzyme and yeast technology to break down and ferment plant cellulose.

    "The plan going forward is for the joint venture to license the combined technologies ... not only to additional Poet facilities but to the entire marketplace worldwide," Broin said in a conference call with reporters.

    Poet, a privately held company, operates 26 other ethanol plants, including those at Bingham Lake, Glenville, Lake Crystal and Preston, Minn. DSM, based in Heerlen, Netherlands, is publicly traded in Europe with sales of $12 billion in 2010. Its wide range of products includes drugs, nutritional supplements, paint and resins.

  104. Why not do it yourself bob? Set up a gmail email account and that becomes your login for the google world.

  105. .

    OK, OK I give up. The last three bobs aren't the infamous bob of Idaho, the truly great fly fisherman.

    A little ironic considering you were the one that started this all the other day.


  106. It would appear, rufus, that Poet learned a lesson, it does not "pay" to partner with the government, if you're a "real" capitalist or businessman.

    The human costs involved in becoming a crony, corrosive to the soul.

    Right there next to "impossible" for an honest privately held firm or individual to contend with.

  107. Quirk said...

    OK, OK I give up. The last three bobs aren't the infamous bob of Idaho, the truly great fly fisherman.

    A little ironic considering you were the one that started this all the other day.

    I thought Bob started it.

  108. Ash: Why not do it yourself bob? Set up a gmail email account and that becomes your login for the google world.

    He could sign up as Pippi Longstocking and he'd still be one Swede who was persona non grata.

  109. Teresita said...
    Ash: Why not do it yourself bob? Set up a gmail email account and that becomes your login for the google world.

    He could sign up as Pippi Longstocking and he'd still be one Swede who was persona non grata.

    lol look who's talking now...

  110. It is going to be interesting.

    Mr Romney would like to discuss tax policies "in a quiet room".

    Mr Obama is going to bring it up in the "State of the Union" address.

    That Mr Romney's only paying 14.9% on his income of $50,000 per day is inherently unfair to those paying nearly 25% on incomes of $50,000 per year.

  111. Bobs

    Thank goodess there is only one Gag. Kind of makes you teary eyed, doesnt it?

  112. Newt says he has created 27 million jobs.

    Mostly on K Street.

  113. This comment has been removed by the author.

  114. Iran just guaranteed regime change for themselves, selling oil to India for gold instead of US monopoly money. Saddam tried that too.

  115. Pro-Gingrich 'super PAC' gets another major cash infusion

    Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert reads a book next to Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson at ceremony to honor donors at Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem on Friday, October 27, 2006. American casino magnate Sheldon Adelson has pledged $25 million to Israel's Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial, the largest gift ever given to the museum by a private donor. (UPI Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis/POOL)

    Read more: http://www.upi.com/topic/Sheldon_Adelson/#ixzz1kPswytgd

    Another $5 million to the Newt Super PAC, for a total of $10 million, so far.

  116. When folks cannot go to the bank, they'll barter with gold.

    Almost all of the "real" survivalists will tell you that, Ms T.

  117. How do you get a picture in there like we all used to have?

    You know, like my self as a boy pissing in the river, or, like Teresita used to have, the one where she is talking outta her ass?

  118. When folks cannot go to the bank, they'll barter with gold.

    Almost all of the "real" survivalists will tell you that, Ms T.

    Tue Jan 24, 05:23:00 PM EST

    BS, they will 'barter' with bullets.

  119. Rat, the governmental leech cried: That Mr Romney's only paying 14.9% on his income of $50,000 per day is inherently unfair to those paying nearly 25% on incomes of $50,000 per year.

    Let's see...

    50K a day = 18 million a year. 14.9% = 1.8 MILLION dollars in taxes.

    to those that earn 50 k a year, they pay 12,500 dollars.

    In REAL money Mitt pays 1.7 MILLION more per year in taxes, or put another way, he paid the same as 144 other equal citizens.

    Why should one man be taxed more than another?

    Mitt only gets ONE vote.

    He can only live one life.

    He can only use the services for ONE person in the system he pay into.

    Mitt CARRIES 144 other American citizens!

    Taxes rates are nonsense.

    Let us talk real dollars.

    Mitt pays in one year more than most people EARN in their lifetimes.

  120. desert rat said...
    When folks cannot go to the bank, they'll barter with gold.

    Almost all of the "real" survivalists will tell you that, Ms T.

    You keep your gold, I'll keep my 223, 556, 40, 45, 9mm & 7.62

  121. The idea that we'd let the Indians pay with gold, without sanction, would illustrate why the Iranians think they have a real whirled need for a nuke capabiliy.

    To be put on a level field with the neighbors to the East, West and North.

    All of which are missile and nuked up, themselves. Operating either with US subsidy or are Russia.

  122. Last time I checked, if you ride a bus there is a fare.

    Services should be based on costs.

    Mitt should be charged the same amount as any other equal citizen.

  123. In Monday's debate, Romney called Gingrich an "influence peddler," for his work on behalf of Freddie Mac as well as his effort to get the prescription drug law passed in 2003.

    Gingrich, smarting from Monday's debate, came out swinging against Romney Tuesday morning, telling a crowd in St. Petersburg that Romney is liberal and pointing out that he has hired the man who once worked as campaign manager for Republican-turned-Indepedent Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, a moderate.

    The two men have additional public events and fundraisers this afternoon in Southwest Florida.

  124. Google Inc.’s business in China is growing and “continues to thrive” amid demand for advertising services in the world’s most populous country, Daniel Alegre, president of the company’s Asia-Pacific operations said.

  125. Mitt Romney sought to regain traction in the Republican presidential race Monday by linking his surging rival, Newt Gingrich, to Florida's ongoing housing crisis and trying to paint the former House speaker as too "erratic" for the party to gamble on as its 2012 nominee.

  126. Joshua Waddell, a first lieutenant in the U.S. Marines, appeared on his way to a stellar career as an American military officer. The son of a retired Navy SEAL commander, Waddell had won a Bronze Star during his first tour of duty in Afghanistan and had returned for a second.


    "I feel what's happened to my son is a complete betrayal, and he isn't the only one," said Waddell, of Fort Worth, Texas. "Josh is a hero.

    We expect them to go out and make instantaneous combat decisions, then we Monday-morning quarterback their decisions. It's an outrage."

  127. "What that is telling us is that on paper, Romney looks like the most electable candidate," Rasmussen said. "But a lot of Republican voters want a fighter.


    Gingrich has surged in the polls thanks to very strong debate performances that showcased his ability to aggressively and deftly argue the issues, perhaps better than Romney, voters told The Examiner.

    "There is no way Obama would be able to stand up to Newt in the debates," said Sonja Jennings, a Gingrich supporter from Apollo Beach who came to hear him speak in Tampa. "He's not afraid and he doesn't back down like some people we know."

  128. Tuesday brings another heavy earnings day. A slew of blue chips report in the morning, including McDonald's, DuPont, Verizon and JNJ.

    Apple and Yahoo headline the big names expected to post quarterly results after the bell.

    The Fed's FOMC meeting kicks off today and the Richmond Fed's business activity survey is due out at 10 a.m. ET. President Obama's State of the Union address is slated for Tuesday night.

  129. Amateur.

    To inventory so many varied caliber rounds.

    Colt .45 ACP, best auto pistol utilized all around the whirled, battle tested for a century.

    If you think you need a sub-machine gun, the M3 is great weapon, in .45 ACP

    7.62 x 51mm
    Scoped M-14. Good to 800 yards.
    If you have distances out to that distance, for deer, elk or buffalo.

    AK47 is the best battle tested assault rifle in the whirled. Good to 350 yards. Reasonably priced.
    The SKS, chambered in the same round, is a good light saddle gun, semi auto with out major protrusions.

    12 Gauge shotgun. I like an over and under double. 20 inch barrel.
    They are when compared to a pump, very costly, though.

    .22 Long Rifle or Magnum
    Scoped. Bolt action preferably.
    10,000 rounds for that, since they don't reload.

    The shotgun and .22 are the primary hunting weapons. Unless your out for deer, bear and buffalo.

    The three larger of the cartridges are easily available and re-loadable.
    Time tested reliability.
    Same regards the shotgun.
    Need a wide variety of shot, for the 12 gauge, if you're reloading.

    But go ahead and buy a bunch of assault weapons and pistols and inventory the assorted ammo required.
    They'll love you at the store.

  130. On this day in 1939, a major earthquake struck south-central Chile. The earthquake had an 8.3-level intensity and caused the most deaths in Chile, with the death toll coming in at around 30,000.

  131. As we noted in last year's annual cartel report, Mexico in 2010 bore witness to some 15,273 deaths in connection with the drug trade. The death toll for 2010 surpassed that of any previous year, and in doing so became the deadliest year ever in the country's fight against the cartels.


    Status of Mexico's Major Cartels

    Sinaloa Federation

    The Sinaloa Federation lost at least 10 major plaza bosses or top lieutenants in 2011, including its security chief and its alleged main weapons supplier. It is unclear how much those losses have affected the group's operations overall.

    Los Zetas

    By the end of 2011, Los Zetas eclipsed the Sinaloa Federation as the largest cartel operating in Mexico in terms of geographic presence. According to a report from the Assistant Attorney General's Office of Special Investigations into Organized Crime, Los Zetas now operate in 17 states. (The same report said the Sinaloa Federation operates in 16 states, down from 23 in 2005.)

    The Gulf Cartel

    The Gulf cartel (CDG) was strong at the beginning of 2011, holding off several Zetas incursions into its territory. However, as the year progressed, internal divisions led to intra-cartel battles in Matamoros and Reynosa, Tamaulipas state.

    Cartel War

  132. I carry the Thompson sub with the drum myself, in the violin case. Easy access, and if I need immediate defense, I've got the .38 smitty concealed under my left arm pit.

  133. I generally wear sun glasses, too.

  134. He ordered his sniper to fire on teenagers fleeing the scene of a sniper shot that missed the mark, if the intent was to kill the target.

    After missing the first shot the Lt ordered his sniper to fire at a group of unarmed teenagers riding on a tractor.

    The sniper did kill the tractor.

    Shooting the tractor with teenage passengers, a violation of the Rules of Engagement, in the opinion of his field commander.

    That's what field commanders do and say, when actions in the field violate the Rules of Engagement.

    Not as bad as pissin' on the bodies, but there is no video of the kids on the tractor, either.

  135. Usually smoking a cigar too.

    Ash, Quirk, Rufus, you fellas armed up?

  136. There you go, boobie.

    Safe, secure and dressed to the "9's"

  137. Armed to the teeth. The scourge of moccassins, everwhere. :)

  138. The IMF is also urging the Group of 20 largest industrialized and developing countries to boost the IMF's lending resources to over $1 trillion. That way, Europe could use its bailout fund to help boost banks' cash levels and keep its euro-zone financing costs down while the IMF helps bailout ailing economies.


    However, there are major political hurdles for Europe to follow through on the IMF's recommendations. In particular, Germany has so far resisted bulking up the bailout fund beyond what has already been promised and the ECB has publicly rejected a bailout role.

    The IMF also reiterated its concerns that the U.S. and Japan hadn't made enough progress developing a medium-term plans to slim their budgets and pay down massive debt overhangs. In the absence of action, "there is the possibility of turmoil in global bond and currency markets," it said.

  139. hmmm, scratching head...

    Reading the NDE of the Month from IANDS I came upon this piece of newfound wisdom for and from the experiencer, who was guided by three angels, rather than the normal two (I've read a lot of this stuff) ---

    .....but why now...?

    The angel revealed to me that the demons in hell rejoice when someone tells a lie.

  140. solar panels, more important than combat firepower.

    If you're talking living rather than dying, as a survivalist.

  141. Additionally, the CBA requires details that go far beyond the many little budget deals that kick the can down the road every few weeks or months. Among the details:

    The concurrent [budget] resolution shall set forth appropriate levels for the fiscal year beginning on October 1 of such year and for at least each of the 4 ensuing fiscal years for the following -

    (1) totals of new budget authority and outlays;

    (2) total Federal revenues and the amount, if any, by which the aggregate level of Federal revenues should be increased or decreased by bills and resolutions to be reported by the appropriate committees;

    (3) the surplus or deficit in the budget;

    1,000 Days of Failure

  142. Gag's armed, I know that.

    I think the very worst place to be, if all hell really were to break out, would be in a gated community in, say, Las Vegas. Be mostly old out of condition social security folk in there, who could hold out for....maybe a week.

    Then it would be the death of the unstrong, and quick, too.

    No doctors, no meds, no escape, everyone from the well armed hoods looking at you as a target, for food and loot.

    I'd be better off in a pickup camper out on the farm.

  143. Rat: But go ahead and buy a bunch of assault weapons and pistols and inventory the assorted ammo required.
    They'll love you at the store.

    I provide inventory for those I need to trade with.

    Money is just paper.

    Ammo is barter.

    It only has value to those that have the guns to match it.

    You can sit high on your horse that you think you know everything. Hpwever no matter how hard you try you will not be about to trade .45 to someone that only has 9 mm or .40

    But then again?

    You are the Cliff Claven of the EB, all knowing and all seeing.

    Nothing is beyond your opinion or judgement.

    I am glad that AZ is large enough a state to hold your ego.

  144. Small town America is good.

    Friends plus friends.

    Help out.

  145. desert rat said...
    solar panels, more important than combat firepower.

    If you're talking living rather than dying, as a survivalist.

    No need for solar panels if you are a REAL survivalist.

    But if you want to play your Itunes it will be needed.

    I personally like my solar guerilla
    it can charge my laptop and my phone (or walkie talkies or ham radios)

    it's portable and has a small footprint.

    If you are seeking to build a shelter out in the woods?

    different issue.

    but ammo is important and the knowledge of how to use it.

    rat brags about 800 yard shots, i guess they forgot to call him to appear on topshot.

    maybe rat should call them and tell them they have left out the greatest sniper of them all, our own clifford claven aka desert rat.

  146. I haven't spent much time dwelling on it, but in a "survival" situation, simplicity would be a necessitude. A twelve gauge pump, or autoloader, would do the trick. Maybe, a .22 for squirrel, and rabbit, if you're a good shot (lot cheaper than shotgun shells.)


    Ability to make a fire (w/o matches, or cig lighter.)

    Monofilament, fish hooks, net. plastic jugs. pole for entertainment.

    non-hybrid seeds.

    baling twine.

    Hatchet, and sharpening tools.

    Good knife.


    fat woman :)

    That should do it.

  147. Hell, we knocked out bullseyes at 500 yds with the iron sights on the M-14. 800 yds shouldn't be anything with a hot load, and a scope.

  148. Amigo, I am not an arms trader, now.
    I would not want be one in a lawless land.

    Anything but, if living was the point of the project.

    I'd rather trade cattle, horses and dogs. Live longer, prosper better.

    Than being an arms merchant post Apocalypse.

    Happy hunting.

  149. For survival?

    GIVE me women, wine, and snuff
    Untill I cry out "hold, enough!"
    You may do so sans objection
    Till the day of resurrection:
    For, bless my beard, they aye shall be
    My beloved Trinity.

    John Keats

  150. Rufus, I think your list is pretty good. I think I might add a small animal trap or two, like rabbit traps.

  151. Rope, a must, according to James Dickey in "Deliverance".

    A passport might be a good item, too:)

  152. If you were far enough out that you could have a little cabin, a solar panel would be great.

    A good down sleeping bag (in case the fat woman gets sick, and dies.)

  153. If you need to reach out, rufus, the M14 takes the cake.
    Up close and personal, damned nice. A tad long for close quarters. But it'll shoot through walls.

    Twenty round magazine.

    Easy to get rounds for.
    Easy to reload.

    Hunting buffalo and such.

    The SKS is a great saddle gun, horse or cycle. In many ways it's preferable to a sidearm.

  154. Yeah, skinny Abishag didn't do all that much for King David.

    Fat women is best.

  155. Went to a Big poker game one time over in Eastern, Tn. The place was full of .44 Mags, .357's, and whatnot. I told my buddy when we left that when they got robbed they were going to lose a bunch of expensive hardware.

    Sure enough. Salt, and Pepper came to the door dressed as Cops. Took all the money, and some really fine pistols.

    Guns are greatly overestimated.

  156. My wife and I each have a .25 Sundance auto. Bought new in the box at a back yard auction, for $35 dollars each, it runs high in the rankings as one of the worst guns ever made in the 20th Century. Terrible safety, for instance.

  157. Where you gonna go...



    Figure, rufus, that the national power grid will collapse, in the wake of the solar storm.

    The satellites will be gone, not soon to be replaced.

    Solar for household electric lights.

  158. If you see'em coming, they can be avoided.

    If you don't see'em coming, they'll just step over your dead body, pick up that unfired bazooka, and, with the quickstep of the living, skip on down the road.

  159. Chuck Conner carried a rifle on TV, the Rifleman.

    That or Mad Max and the Arms Trader.


  160. Just funnin' 'bout the passport.

  161. Can't get to Mexico. Too old to walk that far.

    Doubt I'd go anywhere. If I had a family, and had to try to protect them, "and saw it coming," I'd head down to the river (not the Mississip.) A small river not too far away.

    My people know how to "make a living" if they have a river, nearby.

  162. Here's our ticket to an early grave.

    Ours, however, are silver, and don't have the grip.

    I notice one guy says, "Sorry dude, you got ripped off."

    He did, too, paid $125.

  163. 1. friends
    2. .22
    3. duct tape
    4. medical kit
    5. knife
    6. lighter
    7. canteen
    8. sleeping bag
    9. solar panel charger
    10. multi-tool

  164. Now Rufus, tonight when you watch THE ONE, I want you to take a shot whenever you hear 'fair share' or 'pay your fair share'.

    I was going to ask that you have a drink too whenever he uses the "I" word, but hell, you'd be dead by the end of the evening and I certainly don't want that, just want you to have a good time.

  165. Rufus said...

    Guns are greatly overestimated.

    Tue Jan 24, 07:13:00 PM EST

    Shooters are greatly overrated. There's that little gland above the kidneys that produces the "fight or flight" hormone. In our natural state, flight is the avenue of choice. That's why bad guys get the breaks; they are killers.

    In combat, highly trained troops fail to fire a shot about 20% of the time.

  166. Pelosi seems to think she, or somebody, has Gingrich by the balls --


  167. the one thing I know?

    know your equipment, whatever platform you prefer

    practice, practice, practice.

    dont listen to over the hill blowhards that havent seen combat in 30 years.

  168. Quirk the annoynimii said...

    Who is the biggest asshole on the blog?

    "Mirror, mirror on the wall..."

    Mr. Projection



    The little, wet red hen has just called you silly. Please, don't go into a funk as much as it hurts :-)

  169. The whole thing of "survivalism" can morph into silliness pretty fast. Like most "theories of finance, human behavior, etc," the overlooked factor is "time."

    To "survive" for a year, or two, is relatively simple. A few tools, some warm clothes, maybe a weapon, and there's not much to it.

    Get out of sight, and stay out of sight. Invisibility is survivability.

    But, after a year, or so, "Sociability" sets in. And, then, you die.

  170. If you can hit the heart or lungs, any caliber will do. Bigger in diameter such as a .45 has knock down power, something you might want. I shoot .45s, have a lot of them, and like what they do. I think it's a matter of preference, like Fords or Chevys. I still prefer to be caught with one than without one.

    I also think most firearms are things of beauty. But as my dad the cop always said, "they're just tools, son, just tools."

  171. Who is the red wet hen? Someone insulted me and I missed it? I shall not sleep tonite!

  172. I'm listening to the best political speech of my lifetime.

  173. I am listening to the worst political speech of my life.

  174. I am listening to biggest liar that ever took the stage in the Congress.

  175. And that is really saying something because we've had some world class liars up there.

  176. This is really awful.

    I am about ready to try the spirits myself.

  177. You're listening to it wrong. You have to put it into the context of a "Campaign" Speech. As such, it is damned good.

  178. I hadn't though of it that way. I'll try.

  179. He started by praising the troops, and ends by praising the troops. With a "pledge to Israel" toward the end.

    Now, we're hiring Veterans.

    'Bout time to wrap it up.

  180. I learned something new though.

    We are winding down the war in Afghanistan from a position of strength.

    I hadn't realized that until tonight.

  181. Obama underlined every proposal with the idea that hard work and responsibility still count. He was targeting independent voters who helped seal his election in 2008 and the frustrated masses in a nation pessimistic about its course.

    In a flag-waving defense of American power and influence abroad, Obama said the U.S. will safeguard its own security "against those who threaten our citizens, our friends and our interests." On Iran, he said that while all options are on the table to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon - an implied threat to use military force - "a peaceful resolution of this issue is still possible."

    With Congress almost universally held in low regard, Obama went after an easy target in calling for reforms to keep legislators from engaging in insider trading and holding them to the same conflict-of-interest standards as those that apply to the executive branch.

  182. The head of Thailand's military on Jan. 24 said a recent attack by separatist militants in the country's south was intended to draw international attention to the separatist movement. However, the militants did not issue a statement that would indicate they were seeking international support, nor did they stray from their typical target set of police infrastructure and Thai military outposts.


    Thai army Chief of Staff Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha said Jan. 24 that attacks in the country's deep south on Jan. 22 were attempts by separatists to draw international attention to their struggle.


    Prayuth's comments appear to contradict what is known about the separatist militants, who in the past have focused on local issues and shown little interest in international attention or targets, and he did not provide any evidence for the claims. Though it is not clear why Prayuth issued the statements, there is some historical precedence on the issue: Thaksin Shinawatra, the exiled former Thai prime minister and brother of recently elected Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, was ousted in a military coup in 2006 which the military claimed occurred because of Thaksin's failure to deal with southern separatist militants.

  183. .

    Who is the red wet hen? Someone insulted me and I missed it? I shall not sleep tonite!

    Don't lose any sleep over it Gag. It's merely Allen being Allen.

    His victim's mentality views everything as a personal struggle. He lacks the mental acuity to grasp the fact that arguing over content on a given subject doesn't have to devolve into a personal attack on the other poster.

    That type of nuance, simple as it seems, would appear to be way above his pay grade.


  184. If the doors of perception were cleansed, every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things through narrow chinks of his cavern.


    Cleansing The Doors of Perception

  185. Underline that the article says don't try it alone, at home, or on the street, or without the permission of your doctor, besides it's illegal and you might end up in jail.

    The idea that the brain/mind is busy busy busy excluding things from consciousness is certainly interesting.

    There may be may things that should be excluded from consciousness.
