Sunday, January 22, 2012

Just how stupid are we?


  1. Really really stupid.

    We blahblah about wind, solar, and corn ethanol while the Chinese and Cubans drill in the back yard.

    And we may prove it again by re-electing Obama.

    We are so stupid we might re-elect the man pushing 'comfort care only' for the over 70 crowd. Since most people hit 70 these days, or at least have a loved one that will, or has, we are proving ourselves to be really really stupid.

  2. Jan 22 (Reuters) - Iraq has invited foreign companies to compete for a $450 million monorail project in the southern holy city of Kerbala, which hosts millions of Shi'ite pilgrims each year.

    The rail line is among many road, railway, port and power projects needed to update decaying infrastructure in Iraq after years of war, economic sanctions and underinvestment.

    Taif Abdul-Hussein, head of the Kerbala investment commission, said on Sunday the 18-km monorail would be built from a northern entrance to the city to the main Shi'ite shrines in the central area and then towards the northeastern city entrance.

    Kerbala, 80 km (50 miles) southwest of Baghdad, hosts the shrines of two Shi'ite imams and is the site of several major religious rites.

    "The project has an economic advantage and will solve the (problem of moving) throngs of people during religious events," Abdul-Hussein told Reuters.

    The train would be capable of speeds up to 100 km per hour and the line would have a station every 900-1000 metres, Abdul-Hussein said.

    Iraqi officials have ambitious plans for rail lines, including one for a multibillion-dollar Baghdad metro. None has yet been built as the government struggles to provide basics like electricity and water.

    In June 2010, the southern city of Najaf awarded TransGlobim International, a privately-owned Canadian consortium, a $600 million contract to build the country's first monorail.

    In January 2011, France's Alstom signed a memorandum of understanding to build metro line above Baghdad's streets. (Reporting by Aseel Kami; editing by Jim Loney and Hans-Juergen Peters)

  3. Oh, the media company that represents the Atlanta paper says the circulation is 7,500, not half the number that allen reports.

    Not one call from our hyphenated friends for arrest or prosecution of the miscreant publisher, from Georgia.

    Maybe the "Team" is so small in Atlanta that allen does not want to lose a single member of the local "Tribe".

    Even though Mr Adler actions and writings certainly qualifies for doing that hard nickel, in the Federal pokey.

  4. China’s imports from Iran, a country locked in many disputes with the West and a series of sanctions rose 30% to 27.76 metric tons, according to China’s General Administration of Customs.

    Ok, but surely all those Chinese oil takers carrying Iranian oil need protection. No Problem.

    Associated Press
    5:54 p.m. CST, January 21, 2012

    ABOARD THE USS ENTERPRISE (AP) — Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says the U.S. is committed to maintaining a fleet of 11 aircraft carriers despite budget pressures, in part to project sea power against Iran the Middle East.

    Panetta also has told about 1,700 sailors on the USS Enterprise that the ship is heading to the Persian Gulf region and will steam through the Strait of Hormuz in a direct message to Iran.

    Could there be anything dumber yet?

  5. I am sure Rufus has been on this:

    BUENOS AIRES — Off the coast of Rio de Janeiro — below a mile of water and two miles of shifting rock, sand and salt — is an ultradeep sea of oil that could turn Brazil into the world’s fourth-largest oil producer, behind Russia, Saudi Arabia and the United States.

    The country’s state-controlled oil company, Petrobras, expects to pump 4.9 million barrels a day from the country’s oil fields by 2020, with 40 percent of that coming from the seabed. One and a half million barrels will be bound for export markets.

    The United States wants it, but China is getting it.

  6. While "o" calls for a different set of Standards, for Mr Adler than that used for other, unhyphentated, Americans.

    The "Standard", other are charged with attempted assassination of the President, when they shoot at the White House. Even when the President is not around the building, but is in Hawaii.

    A man who shot an assault rifle at the White House is one of only a handful of people ever accused of trying to assassinate the president, and if the past is any guide he could spend many years in prison or a mental hospital if convicted.

    The Atlanta paper ran an unmistakeable threat on the life of the President, and distributed it through the US mail.

    That is a crime worthy of five years, hard time, in the Federal pen.

    Mr Adler should not be "on the street" but incarcerated, awaiting trial.

    He is a threat to society, the common good, and is deserving prosecution for his crime.

    Proof positive of the danger hyphenated Americans pose to our society and political culture.

  7. ..while Barack went to Disneyland, “Jan. 19 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama’s decision yesterday to reject a permit for TransCanada Corp.’s Keystone XL oil pipeline may prompt Canada to turn to China for oil exports.

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper, in a telephone call yesterday, told Obama “Canada will continue to work to diversify its energy exports,” according to details provided by Harper’s office. Canadian Natural Resource Minister Joe Oliver said relying less on the U.S. would help strengthen the country’s “financial security.”

    The “decision by the Obama administration underlines the importance of diversifying and expanding our markets, including the growing Asian market,” Oliver told reporters in Ottawa.

    Gingrich should have a field day with that one.

  8. China, Deuce, sends Ambassadors that speak Spanish, to Spanish speaking countries.

    The US does not think that is a requirement. I recall the Ambassador that GW sent to Costa Rica didn't speak a word of EspaƱol.

    He was a heck of a GOP fundraiser though.

  9. That the "over 70 crowd" has so fully embraced their socialized medical delivery system, living on the redistributed wealth of others, they do not have a reasonable cause for complaint, when they do not "get it all".

    Move to Mexico and "pay as you go", boobie, if the Federal system here in the US does not suit you.

    Mr Romney's family did.

  10. In Newt's speech, yeterday, he highlighted the Army Corps of Engineer's eight year study of dredging Charleston Harbor. Noting that WWII was over and done in under four years. Though he did not mention the continued military occupation of Germany and Japan, since Victory was secured.

    If one could believe that the on-call historian for Fraudie Mac "really" had seen the light ...

    Well, his rhetoric was stirring, even if his past personal behaviors are typical DC.

    He did embrace Doctor Paul on the issue of the Federal Reserve, though. The question, can he be trusted, to deliver upon the rhetoric that is "right"?

  11. To balance the Federal budget, spending from "real" levels, not the baseline, would need to be cut 42%.

    From Social Security, Medicare and the Military.

    From the Park Service, the EPA, and the school lunch programs.

    42% across the board.

    Embrace the reality of "living within ours means", or get off the public dole, yourself, and live within your own.

  12. From the Houston Chronicle.

    Gulf comeback bodes well for oil field services

    By Simone Sebastian
    Published 10:56 p.m., Friday, January 20, 2012

    The resurgence of deep-water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico has the region on track to return to normal by year's end, boosting profits for oil field services companies, analysts say.

    The Gulf comeback improved year-end financial results for Schlumberger, the world's largest provider of oil field services and equipment. The company reported a 36 percent increase in its fourth-quarter profit Friday.

    "We are quite optimistic on the outlook for the Gulf of Mexico," Schlumberger CEO Paal Kibsgaard said during a conference call with analysts. "We should be at pre-Macondo levels for deep-water drilling rigs by the latter part of 2012."

    After a catastrophic rig explosion and oil spill at BP's Macondo well in 2010, the federal government imposed a six-month federal moratorium on deep-water drilling in the Gulf, forcing some offshore rigs out of the area.

    There were 45 rigs stationed in the Gulf this week, compared with 27 during the same week in 2011, according to the Baker Hughes rotary rig count.

    Kibsgaard said he expects a new rig to enter the region each month in 2012.

  13. Deep-water drilling is thriving in the Gulf of Mexico

    Fort Worth Star Telegram - Jan 2, 2012
    By early 2012, the Gulf will have more rigs designed to drill in its "deep water" -- defined as 2000 feet or deeper -- than before the spill. ...

  14. Looks like Schlumberger lost about two years.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. That happens, anoni, when there are major blow out disasters that effect entire regions.

    A reassessment of safety requirements were required and implemented.

    Though there are still those that object to deep water drilling

    There was one response sent to BOEM in a different form: a lawsuit filed last month on behalf of four national conservation groups.

    “They’re now approving drilling in the Gulf on the premise that it has no potential for significant environmental impact and we just think that is not correct,” said Catherine Wannamaker with the Southern Environmental Law Center in Atlanta which is representing the conservation groups.

    According to the law suit, BOEM is using in its environmental impact statement a “risk model” that was formulated before the Deepwater Horizon spill. Therefore, the groups allege that containment and recovery measures required under government regulations would prove inadequate if another catastrophic spill were to occur.

    They also fault the drilling industry’s $1 billion “rapid response” equipment that was required under the new regulations and is now standing by to be floated out to stop and contain a blowout.

    “I think we’re relying on very untested and unproven methods that wouldn’t capture even a fraction of what could be a very large spill,” Wannamaker told StateImpact Texas.

    The BOEM said it couldn’t respond since the legal action was on-going.

    NPR reporting that the public did a No Show at the hearings

  17. allen said...Quirk said...

    When you are losing the battle on content, throw in the red herring, change the subject.

    You are projecting.

    As to a battle of wits, you jest.

    As to WiO's spelling, I could not care less. You, howeve, presumed to lecture me and others on military "personell" and "anonymonypony". If the game is too rough, go home.

    Sun Jan 22, 08:43:13 AM EST

  18. As to Egypt, it has been a year since the "Revolution" and the dust, still has not settled.

    But analysts say that as the distribution of power in the new order takes shape, there is potential for conflict between the two forces.

    ... said Ezzeldine Choukri Fishere, a political analyst.

    “Or you could say the matter has been resolved and the people will rule through parliament, but this is not yet clear in the minds of both the military and the Brotherhood.

    “Will the Islamists continue to act as if they are a banned organisation that could be the target of a blow [from the military] at any moment?

    Does the council understand the [change after the election] or does it think it is tricking the people and trying to contain them.?”

    The guns and the money are in the hands of the military. So, of course, they're bound to lose.


  19. While as soon as it appeared Newt would win, in South Carolina, the talking heads stopped reporting that the winner of South Carolina had, historically, a "lock" on the GOP nomination.

    I found that mildly humorous.

  20. The disaster, in the Gulf of Mexico, increasing safety concerns, whirled wide.

    DRILLING OF Otto Energy Ltd. and partner BHP Billiton Ltd. in Southwest Palawan may be delayed as its drilling rig failed to pass tests, the companies said in a statement yesterday.

    “BHP Billiton has issued a termination notice for the Transocean Deepwater Expedition rig due to the rig not passing key acceptance tests. Otto Energy advises that at this point the date for commencement of drilling of the Cinco-1 well is yet to be confirmed,” Otto Energy said in its statement.

  21. When compared to the eight years that the US military has been "studying" the Charleston Bay project, five years under Bush and three with Obama, as Newt reported, the Federals certainly moved quickly in reopening the Gulf of Mexico to deep water drilling.

    A marked improvement in performance.

  22. Perhaps because the deep water drilling program was not left to the Pentagon, to be approved and implemented.

    But to civilians.

    Or, perhaps, because there was no residual effect from the Bush Administration to hamper Team Obama from moving quickly forward?

  23. Since Macondo there have been other Major Blowouts. Shell is in deep shit in China as a result of a Blowout in Bohai Bay, and there's a major fire going on a rig in Nigeria.

    And, believe it or not, Nigeria has tougher regulations than we did.

  24. Ms T is a space cadet - worried about online stalkers

    Yeah, I don't have anything like the Secret Service to keep Mossad off my ass.

  25. Shell is in deep shit in China as a result of a Blowout in Bohai Bay, and there's a major fire going on a rig in Nigeria.

    The future is in cars and trucks that run on natural gas. Almost every shitty little country has their own stash.

  26. I doubt it. Nat gas looks plentiful until you put it in the context of running your cars and trucks on it.

    You're going to witness, starting in a year or so, the "bust" component of a Huge "Boom/Bust" Cycle in nat gas.

    They don't call it the "widowmaker" for nuttin.

  27. The Agency that was tasked with supervising offshore drilling was so corrupt, and non-efficient, that Obama had to shut it down, and entirely replace all of it's supervisory, and many of its employees in a new agency.

  28. The Agency that was tasked with supervising offshore drilling was so corrupt, and non-efficient, that Obama had to shut it down, and entirely replace all of it's supervisory, and many of its employees in a new agency.

    Presumably he wanted someone like the Solyndra management team there instead.

  29. Shish-ka-Bob: We are so stupid we might re-elect the man pushing 'comfort care only' for the over 70 crowd.

    Aren't you the one asking about Death with Dignity laws in neighboring states?

  30. "Just how stupid are we?"

    what are you writing about deuce, simmer down?

    Hassan or Rufus haven't convinced you how all that treasure spent on green jobs and alternative energy has made hydrocarbons unnecessary?

    Why just yesterday readers were informed that the U.S. "Strongly supported Solar, and Wind Energy."

    Green jobs baby!!!
    Why, just look at the stunning success of Solyndra.

  31. Rufus - how does team Obama define a green job?

  32. The 3 Largest Rigs in the Gulf (Thunderhorse, Atlantis, and Tahiti) were Producing 500,000 barrels/day a Couple of Years Ago.

    Today they are producing 300,000 bpd.

    These aren't old rigs (Thuderhorse came online in 2009, I believe.)

    Deep water rigs decline precipitously. And, it doesn't take them long to do it.

  33. I don't know how they define "green jobs." And, I really don't care. It's a non sequitor. Just politico-speak.

    Obviously, the best energy is that that requires the least labor.

  34. It takes thousands, and thousands of Peons with Machetes to produce the same amount of cane ethanol that a Single Nebraska Farmer on a John Deere Harvestor provides.

    Which is more efficient?

  35. But if she is married and straight?

    then that proves her online persona has been one giant falsehood since the start.

    I have been in a chat room on IRC called #scripture for fifteen years. They get far more angry in there than anything you've seen in the blogosphere, and also there is a lot of chicanery in the form of adultery, etc. To set my husband's mind at ease, I posted under a false black triangle flag so there was no possibility of cyber sex or anything like that. After I developed cancer, I came clean to everyone on IRC because I was asking God for a miracle at the same time I was lying in the chat room.

  36. The whole idea of Solar, and Wind is you build the Solar/Wind Farm, and from there on out very little labor is required, and you don't have to mine, and transport ever more scarce (and expensive) feedstocks.

  37. The Republicans have really hurt us on Biofuels. They've set any progress we might have made on cellulosic back a decade.

    Bush had us on a pretty good trajectory, but Coburn, McNutz, and Inhofe have managed to stall us out.

    We're going to pay, down the road, for what they've done.

  38. It will be like that "free healthcare" Rufus. No worries.
    An Obama supporter worrying about paying for something.
    That's funny.

  39. I want the person to have some choice, Miss T. There is no contradiction. If the person wants to go, fine, but the government shouldn't be with holding care.
    what the hell are we coming to.

  40. Ms T: To set my husband's mind at ease, I posted under a false black triangle flag so there was no possibility of cyber sex or anything like that. After I developed cancer, I came clean to everyone on IRC because I was asking God for a miracle at the same time I was lying in the chat room.

    Interesting, picks a symbol from the holocaust (for which she admits was a lie), trashes jews, israel and zionism on a hourly basis and then says she asks "g-d" for a miracle.

    That's just too fucked up...


  41. No, it's an attempt at rationality.

    The idea of "growing your own," rather than fighting endless wars in the Mideast to preserve the right to be enslaved to the King of Saudi Arabia.

  42. The government, boobie, should not be providing care for individuals.

    You should be providing it, for yourself.

    Buying your own medical insurance, if desired, not living off government debt to be paid by future generations of US residents.

  43. Whoa....Wait a minute.

    Where have I been? Well, I know where I was Friday night but...

    You're not a lesbian?

  44. Old people can't buy health insurance, Rat. At least, 95% can't. The Premiums are just too high.

    But, they Can afford healthcare if they start pre-paying for it when they're 20, ala Medicare.

  45. Romney is going to release his tax returns in a couple days. Wonder how much money he's got parked in the Cayman's.

  46. MeLoDy said...
    Whoa....Wait a minute.

    Where have I been? Well, I know where I was Friday night but...

    You're not a lesbian?

    And you thought I was an asshole...


  47. crapper, I do provide it myself.

    We went around this is Miss T gay or straight non sense one other time that I know of. She's gay as a goose, a straight wouldn't know all the intricate details she has mastered. Least, that's what I think.

  48. Bob, you said the other day that you had finished out the Health Insurance, and were moving to Medicare.

  49. Gay as a goose, I say.

    Question is, why does she periodically deny it?

  50. WiO: Interesting, picks a symbol from the holocaust (for which she admits was a lie)

    I'm a student of history, and I do not deny the historicity of the holocaust.

    טז לֹא-×Ŗֵלֵךְ ×Øָכִיל בְּ×¢ַמֶּיךָ, לֹא ×Ŗַ×¢ֲמֹד ×¢ַל-דַּם ×Øֵ×¢ֶךָ: אֲ× ִי, יְהוָה.

    "Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people; neither shalt thou stand idly by the blood of thy neighbour: I am the LORD."

  51. My argument isn't about me. It's about the government's policies.

    I quess I mis spoke above. I have paid my, and my family's health insurance all my life until now. Now I just pay for my family. In a way I am beginning to think I made a mistake. Though on the other hand I really don't much care whether I stay or go. Like Woody Allen, it's not death I worry about, I just don't want to be there when it happens. :) I always loved that line.

  52. Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people

    Then, why have you been telling us day after day for years that you are gay?

    And, don't say stalking, you might be more likely to be stalked, being gay.

  53. Here's the thing: We can dig/drill holes in the ground, and fight wars over what's extracted,

    Or, We can use our brains

    Now, you tell me which way is "Stupid?"

  54. Melody: You're not a lesbian?

    This is my husband, and this is me.

    It's good to come clean. Sorry for everything, Mel.

  55. Sorry to hear it, T. You were much more interesting as a lesbian. :)

  56. gag, what Dowd said:

    "The Obamas truly feel like victims. But Newt Gingrich, who campaigns by attacking the culture of victimization, plays one on stage. He soared at the Charleston CNN debate by brazenly proclaiming himself the victim of “the elite media protecting Barack Obama” (the same Obama who told Time he was victimized by the press). Newt’s gambit was a calculated way of deflecting attention from a charge by his second wife, Marianne, that the family values he preaches are hypocritical platitudes, given his cheating ways with two wives he divorced when they were ill. "

    Ms. T,

    Your latest pivot on 'who you are' lends credence to WiO's accusations that the cancer play is just bullshit as well. Typical of liars is eventually no one believes anything they say. Sorta like the Israelis gotta suffer in the bed they've made so do you.

  57. Then, why have you been telling us day after day for years that you are gay?

    The idea, Bob, was that I could not do a hookup with anyone from the chatroom like my friends Kurt and Diane did.

    But it should have been obvious from the start. A gay Catholic Republican? Sheeyeah right.

  58. Your latest pivot on 'who you are' lends credence to WiO's accusations that the cancer play is just bullshit as well

    I wish that was so, because I maxed out my out of pocket last year, and might do it again this year. Every three weeks I get a $2,700 chemo, and we're in for 10% of that. Also I get zapped with gamma rays every day, and it's starting to smart, and I have a very dark brown square patch of skin on my chest where they took one of my "girls" and left a nine inch scar.

  59. We went around this is Miss T gay or straight non sense one other time that I know of. She's gay as a goose, a straight wouldn't know all the intricate details she has mastered. Least, that's what I think.

    Youth explores its potentials in many ways.

  60. Teresita said...
    WiO: Interesting, picks a symbol from the holocaust (for which she admits was a lie)

    I'm a student of history, and I do not deny the historicity of the holocaust.

    But you lie distort and mislead about Israel, jews and Zionism all the while using symbols from a concentration camp (a 1/2 jewish star)!

    Then Ms T, you cut and paste what you have no clue about.....

    טז לֹא-×Ŗֵלֵךְ ×Øָכִיל בְּ×¢ַמֶּיךָ, לֹא ×Ŗַ×¢ֲמֹד ×¢ַל-דַּם ×Øֵ×¢ֶךָ: אֲ× ִי,.

    "Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people; neither shalt thou stand idly by the blood of thy neighbour: I am the."

    You are one fucked up human.

  61. .

    allen said...
    allen said...Quirk said...

    When you are losing the battle on content, throw in the red herring, change the subject.

    You are projecting.

    As to a battle of wits, you jest.

    As to WiO's spelling, I could not care less. You, howeve, presumed to lecture me and others on military "personell" and "anonymonypony". If the game is too rough, go home.

    Sun Jan 22, 08:43:13 AM EST

    Sun Jan 22, 08:44:00 AM EST

    Too rough?


    You prove my point with your own words. The subjects we were discussing were, in your words, military "personell" and "anonymonypony"; yet, when you were losing the battle on the content of those subjects, you once again shifted the subject, this time to spelling and punctuation. You are the flim-flam man, master of the red herring. Diversion is your tool. You indulge in selective poutage (my new coined term).

    The fact that you condemn yourself with your own words? Unsurprising, thus my comment about your lack of wit.

    The fact that you thought this subject important enough to bring your post forward from the last stream? Amusing, at least to me.

    By the way, I noticed you misspelled 'however' and 'personnel'.


  62. Christie: "Gingrich is an embarrassment to the party." Newt Gingrich pioneered the destructive, vicious, negative nature of politics in the '90's. Now he complains about it. Meanwhile Gingrich Republicans welcome back John Edwards & Anthony Weiner admitting they were wrong about them the whole time.

    Romney to release tax returns Tuesday (Belated Feast of Epiphany)

    Joe Paterno, former Penn State football coach, dies at age 85

  63. Gingrich, Romney, Santorum all have won a single primary. So much for Mitt being Mr. Inevitable

  64. :)

    Bob begins to understand the internets.

  65. As for the post, the main problem might be the crew on that rig. Due to our goofy cold-war embargo, they're being forced to drill with a minimum of U.S. parts on the rig, and, a possibly substandard crew.

  66. Iran latest: currency falls 4% more to 20000:1 vs. US dollar. Sanctions and sabotage are working, as the Rat always says.

    Hey Newt, continue to say you're "a sixty-eight year old grandfather" and we'll just think about a grandpa who wants an open marriage.

  67. What bothers me is, Newt is even more "volatile" than normal when he's tired, and under stress; and there's a lot of long hours, and stress in being President.

  68. But you lie distort and mislead about Israel, jews and Zionism all the while using symbols from a concentration camp (a 1/2 jewish star)!

    I invite you to read a chapter from my book and see if you still maintain that I am anti-Jew and anti-Israel.

  69. But it should have been obvious from the start. A gay Catholic Republican? Sheeyeah right.

    It's funny you say that because after making that comment about there being a God, I went to your website, only because you always preached paganism. When I found you were a Roman Catholic I thought that to be very hypocritical.

    You don't have to apologize, but that was nice of you. My opinion of you hasn't changed.

    You just crushed my dreams and now my future plans to visit Washington will just not be as exciting as I thought it would be.

  70. I just realized there's a missing paragraph or two in that story, like a piece of film with an abrupt jump cut.

  71. No more hypocrital than gay priests buggering little boys.

  72. Mel: You just crushed my dreams and now my future plans to visit Washington will just not be as exciting as I thought it would be.

    You'll have to settle for something boring like the Kendall Katwalk.


  73. Teresita said...
    But you lie distort and mislead about Israel, jews and Zionism all the while using symbols from a concentration camp (a 1/2 jewish star)!

    I invite you to read a chapter from my book and see if you still maintain that I am anti-Jew and anti-Israel.


    it's your daily walk bitch....

    and that's telling..

    very telling..

  74. You're right Ash. But I have several lesbian friends who grew up in a Catholic church. Once they didn't have to live their lie anymore and knowing they would never be accepted by the church they got out.

  75. a cut and paste from Ms T's "book"

    In Jewish legends, Lilith was Adam's first wife, created from the same soil at the same time as Adam, rather than from his rib like Eve, his second wife. Lilith left her husband when she refused to accept the missionary position that Adam insisted on doing, since it left the man on top. Cursed by God, Lilith became a she-demon who roamed the night looking for the souls of newborn infants to steal, but the prophet Isaiah foresaw that she would find rest in the Messianic Age.

    What a load of horseshit...

    Yep I was right, Ms T, you are a jew hating, Judaism trashing, anti-zionist scum bag.

    case closed.

  76. "In Jewish legends, Lilith was Adam's first wife, created from the same soil at the same time as Adam, rather than from his rib like Eve, his second wife."

    What a load of horseshit...

    I suppose you should change the Wikipedia article then:

    In Jewish folklore, from the 8th–10th centuries Alphabet of Ben Sira onwards, Lilith becomes Adam's first wife, who was created at the same time and from the same earth as Adam. This contrasts with Eve, who was created from one of Adam's ribs.

  77. Mel: I have several lesbian friends who grew up in a Catholic church. Once they didn't have to live their lie anymore and knowing they would never be accepted by the church they got out.

    I hope that changes someday. But as things stand, the Catholic Church still opposes birth control because they still think there's little tiny fetuses in each spermy.

  78. Teresita said...

    I suppose you should change the Wikipedia article then:

    I suppose I would not use Wilipedia for anything other than blog banter.

    And yet just a few posts ago you were dissing me for being Mr Cut and Paste.

    Your POV is clear.

    You are an anti-semite.

    Be honest with yourself.

    After all we all saw thru your bullshit for quite a while.

    Your thousands of posts trashing all things Jewish, Israel, Judaic & Zionism is clear.

    Your trash novel with bullshit doesnt HELP your case.

    Might I suggest you retire from the internet for a few years?

    Go away?

    Join a convent?

    Serve the poor?

    Work in a soup kitchen?

  79. Mel, here's another place I'll take you. It used to be the largest waterfall in the world, back when Bob was a boy, in the Ice Age.

  80. Your thousands of posts trashing all things Jewish, Israel, Judaic & Zionism is clear.

    If I relate the Lilith myth from the Jews' own tradition, WiO adds that to the stack of charges of me trashing Judaism. Basically, anything I say, no matter what it is, gets added to the stack. No wonder WiO is up to "thousands" of charges by now.

  81. Teresita said...
    Your thousands of posts trashing all things Jewish, Israel, Judaic & Zionism is clear.

    If I relate the Lilith myth from the Jews' own tradition, WiO adds that to the stack of charges of me trashing Judaism. Basically, anything I say, no matter what it is, gets added to the stack. No wonder WiO is up to "thousands" of charges by now.

    Nothing you say about Jews, Israel or Zionism will ever be listened to without applying the tarnish you infact have created.

    Now your pissy that your own "stink" should stink?


    You are quite a piece of work.

    Stick to NON-Judaic subjects.

  82. Dry Falls now but it was a bitch to inner tube back then. Fishing was good at the base, and, upriver, the fly fishing was terrific. From where that picture is looking the falls area goes miles and miles thata way.

    I've never seen that Kendall Katwalk but that is quite neat.

  83. We used to hit that falls going about 65mph. So fast would knock the dildo outta a glee girl.

    You are quite a piece of work.

    Stick to NON-Judaic subjects.

    She certainly should. While she knows her Huck Finn she doesn't know even squat about the Bible, or even the Christian part of it. As to her knowledge of Judaic subjects as a whole, I rely on WiO's judgement.

  84. I think those dry falls extend out there about thirty miles, if memory serves.

  85. .

    From a courtroom in Manhattan, not far from the epicenter of the nation’s financial crisis, a longtime federal judge is becoming a hero to many and a nightmare to some for demanding greater accountability in cases of alleged Wall Street fraud.

    Jed S. Rakoff is driving regulators nuts by refusing to rubber-stamp the kind of deals that have long defined Securities and Exchange Commission justice — boilerplate settlements in which companies use shareholders’ money to pay fines while they neither admit nor deny doing anything wrong. The latest example called for Citigroup to pay $285 million for alleged misconduct during the mortgage meltdown...

    Second, Rakoff isn’t just calling for Wall Street to be held accountable. He’s also insisting that the government be held accountable when it uses its power to make accusations and exact penalties. Law enforcement, he argues, should be more than a government shakedown.

    “An application of judicial power that does not rest on facts is worse than mindless, it is inherently dangerous,” he wrote. “If its deployment does not rest on facts — cold, hard, solid facts, established either by admissions or by trials — it serves no lawful or moral purpose and is simply an engine of oppression.”...

    Sounds Reasonable To Me


  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. Occupiers thank church who allowed them to sleep there by urinating on a cross, stealing baptismal...

    Fifteen years ago, the GOP removed Gingrich as Speaker for his bad ethics. Fifteen years later, they want him to be President.

    Finally, a well-dressed Walmart shopper

  88. "Iraq has invited foreign companies to compete for a $450 million monorail project ..."

    What an inviting target.

  89. .

    From the NYT,

    "CAIRO — Followers of a puritanical form of Islam will fill about a quarter of the seats in the lower house of the new Egyptian parliament on Monday, underscoring the political power being wielded by Islamists in the wake of the Arab spring.

    Finding themselves badly outnumbered, some Egyptian liberals are weighing whether to align themselves with the moderate Muslim Brotherhood in hopes of preventing an all-Islamist alliance between the Brotherhood, whose Freedom and Justice Party will be the largest in the new parliament, and the ultraconservative Salafist Nour party, the second-largest...

    As George Bush might say, "Democracy is hard."


  90. "Occupiers thank church who allowed them to sleep there by urinating on a cross..."

    In homage to Andres Serrano

  91. WASHINGTON, D.C. — Brian Brown, the president of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today congratulated GOP presidential contender Newt Gingrich on his victory in the South Carolina primary.


  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. Chris Christie sez he'd consider running as Mitt's VP.

    That's enough for me, go Mitt.

  94. .

    Whoops. The article from my previous post was from the WaPo not the NYT. From the same article,

    "Members of the Salafist Party say they are trying to counter what they call a smear campaign trying to depict them as uncompromising and scary conservatives who will transform Egypt into a rigid Islamic state like Iran or Saudi Arabia.

    They have stated publicly that they would conditionally respect the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, and have tempered language about Islamic tourism and banking laws that scare foreign investors. The party has expressed interest in tacit agreements with liberals on social issues, such as striking the hated emergency law..."


  95. That's enough for me, go Mitt.

    What are those wet, slapping sounds I hear on TV?.. That's just Mittens flip flopping on the issues again.

  96. DR: Well, his rhetoric was stirring, even if his past personal behaviors are typical DC.

    Newt converted to Catholicism, when will he convert to conservatism?

    Joe Paterno dies in hospital; doctors promise to tell their superiors first thing tomorrow.

  97. We're stuck between choosing a Mormon, or a Muslim, or a Philanderer for President. So I'm writing in Ron Paul.

  98. "What are those wet, slapping sounds I hear on TV?.. That's just Mittens flip flopping on the issues again."

    That sound will be muffled by Christie.

  99. Obama To Ignore Georgia Judge’s Ruling To Appear In Court Over Eligibility Hearing (Hope that judge has a good life insurance policy if he pushes it)

  100. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  101. (Reuters) - Gun and bomb attacks by Islamist insurgents in the northern Nigerian city of Kano last week killed at least 178 people, a hospital doctor said on Sunday, underscoring the challenge President Goodluck Jonathan faces to prevent his country sliding further into chaos.


    He's going to need more than good luck. He's going to need onward type Christian soldiers.

  102. How about a photo of a bobble-head Chris Christie doll in a jar of urine...


  103. It’s a good step for Arizona to take to keep pressure on Congress to uncover the scandal of OF&F. It’s also a handy bit of payback. The Obama administration sued Arizona for requiring law enforcement officers to check immigration statuses on detained suspects and succeeded in blocking implementation of the Arizona legislature’s new law. Attorney General Eric Holder argued that the federal government has the sole prerogative in determining how federal law gets enforced, or apparently whether it gets enforced at all, and that the state of Arizona needed to butt out. Now Arizona might just focus on state law to ensnare some of Holder’s associates — and perhaps even Holder himself — for violating state gun regulations in their zeal to paint gun dealers as amoral mercenaries profiting by arming the Mexican drug cartels.

    from Hot Air

    Good for Arizona, let the Feds be hoisted by their own petard.

    For tis the sport to haue the enginer / Hoist with his owne petar.

    Hamlet (III.iv.207)

  104. Steven Tyler performed an AWFUL rendition of the National Anthem. America hasn't been this disgraced since the Kardashians hit the airwaves.

  105. It's fun to watch a pissed Christie.

  106. How stupid?

    Obama Chooses American Decline

    Really stupid.

    It is hard to imagine Canada pumping that stuff over the Rockies, but even harder to imagine anyone turning that pipeline down in the first place.

    It has been studied to death.

    Ruf, of course, knows best here. He has degrees in environmental studies and engineering, with a specialty in piping.

    THough it doesn't seem to more average minds a move designed to get us off of mid-east oil.

    So he is right to give his vote to floppy ears, though it might be the last vote he ever casts if he runs into health trouble after 70.

  107. It is hard to imagine Canada pumping that stuff over the Rockies, but even harder to imagine anyone turning that pipeline down in the first place.

    All it means is that instead of Canada moving the oil to China over our land, they move the oil to China over their own land.

  108. Come on, Bob; we're smarter than that, here. We all know the pipeline will get built.

  109. I know it Rufus, I'm just being contrary today.

    Everyone either calls me old or stupid.

    I can't be both.

    Your guy is due in court --

    Ga. judge orders president to appear at hearing

    ATLANTA (AP) -

    A judge has ordered President Barack Obama to appear in court in Atlanta for a hearing on a complaint that says Obama isn't a natural-born citizen and can't be president.

    It's one of many such lawsuits that have been filed across the country, so far without success. A Georgia resident made the complaint, which is intended to keep Obama's name off the state's
    ballot in the March presidential primary.

    An Obama campaign aide says any attempt to involve the president personally will fail and such complaints around the country have no merit.

    The hearing is set for Thursday before an administrative judge. Deputy Chief Judge Michael Malihi on Friday denied a motion by the president's lawyer to quash a subpoena that requires Obama to show up.

    I bet he doesn't show, adding insult to treason.

  110. The Brady Bunch vacation in Pyongyong goes bad. Hijinks ensue. Greg gets put in a tiger cage (I mean, talk about extended Tiki curses!) Peter builds a volcano and the North Korean government wants to use it to destroy Seoul. A frog lands in the Great Leader's pizza. North and South Korea go for the teeter totter world record. Kim Jung-un can't get over his fear of heights until he rescues Bobby's bird.

  111. I had seen that Lilith story on the tellie, then found this at a site other than wiki.

    The Hebrew Lilith

    When Jewish patriarchy overtook the land, they made Lilith evil in order to stop the people from worshipping her.

    In Kabbalistic tradition, Lilith was made the first wife of Adam. Some sources say that Lilith was Adam's spirit wife. Other sources claim that Lilith was fashioned from the earth at either the same time as Adam or before Adam. This made Lilith Adam's equal.

    As Adam's equal, Lilith refused to lie on her back while Adam took the dominant position in sex (missionary style). Lilith believed that they should make love as equals (the beast with two backs). Adam was adamantly against this, wanting his wife to be submissive, and Lilith left the Garden of Eden.

    God then supposedly gave Adam Eve, a docile woman of the flesh.

    Eventually, Lilith was portrayed as the foe of Eve. It was Lilith in serpent form who seduced Eve to eat the fruit of knowledge. No doubt the first wife wanted the second wife to see what a jerk Adam was and that Lilith also wanted Eve to open her eyes and come into the fulness of herself, her womanhood.

    When both Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden, Adam endured a period of celibacy as penance. During this time, Lilith was said to have caused nocturnal emissions from Adam (night hag). She collected his semen and impreganted herself with it, giving birth to demons.

    These children of Lilith were called Lilin or Lilim, "night-demons."

    The goddess who once protected mothers and infants was now portrayed as a demoness who caused abortions and murdered infants in their sleep. The Jewish people believed that when a baby laughed or smiled in its sleep, it was being entertained by Lilith, and the parents would quickly bop the infant on the nose to distract the infant from the goddess. It was also believed that she came to children in the form of an owl and drank their blood.

    Despite the Jewish attempts to erradicate this ancient goddess, she can still be found in her truer, albeit symbolic, form in their literature:

    "During a protracted and dangerous confinement take earth from the crossroads, write upon it the five first verses of this Psalm, and lay it upon the abdomen of the parturient; allow it to remain until the birth is accomplished, but no longer. . ."

    Lilith As Goddess
    by Eliza Yetter

  112. Here is another rendition of the myth.

    In Hebrew legend, Lilith is Adam's first wife. She refused to have sex with him because she did not want to be beneath him.

    She left him and was cursed to give birth to one hundred demon children a day who were then killed. She was said to take Her revenge for this curse by stealing or killing human children. Her name means "Screech Owl" or "Night Creature".

    She is mentioned in the Bible: as the Hebrew God, Yahweh, threatens the destruction of Edom (a land located to the south and east of the Dead Sea) He describes what will happen after it is laid waste: "...The night creature shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest" (Book of Isaiah, chapter 34, verse 14). Like in the Inanna legend, Lilith's presence symbolizes a dark time of fear or desolation.

    Lilith was also believed in Jewish folklore to be a succubus, a sexual vampire or demon who came to men at night and caused wet dreams. The Queen of Sheba, portrayed in some legends as a seductive temptress or sorceress, is associated with Lilith in Jewish tradition.

  113. Yet another version, nay, interpretation, of the Lilith myth.

    The earliest representations of Lilith seem to be as a great winged Bird Goddess, a wind spirit, or one associated with the Sumerian, Ninlil, Goddess of the Grain, and wife to Enlil. As the “hand of Inanna”, Lilith was notorious for bringing men from the street and fields of war to Inanna’s temple for holy sexual rites, in which the intention was to civilize the people. The sacred sexual customs were, in fact, considered the greatest gift of Inanna.

    As Adam’s first wife, however, Lilith really got into trouble with the patriarchy. She had the audacity to want to be treated as Adam’s equal.

    According to Hebrew mythology, the Babylonian Talmud, the Zohar, and the Alphabet of Ben Sira, Lilith refused to lie below Adam, and thus set the archetypal example for later feminists.

    God allegedly threatened her by decreeing if she did not submit to Adam, that “one hundred of her children would die every day.” Lilith chose exile.

    Which really got Adam’s goat! Despite being ostensibly happy about having Lilith out of his life (and later blessed with a subservient, if not occasionally misguided Eve), Adam apparently never gave up resenting Lilith for having chosen exile to being with him.

  114. Just a few days ago, many commentators were suggesting that Romney was likely to win South Carolina, and when he did, the GOP nomination would be his. Now Romney has been soundly rejected in the first primary in the South, the rock-solid base of the Republican Party.


    Gingrich's success here in South Carolina shows more than just a skepticism toward establishment Republicanism. It also shows a hunger for real substance in the campaign, for a candidate who will talk to voters and give them more than phrases like "I believe in America."

    Mitt Romney's team of seasoned campaign professionals may not think Newt Gingrich has any business playing a deciding role in the race. But they better believe it, and they better take seriously what the Gingrich challenge represents -- before it's too late.

  115. Flaming Bull Kills Man In Fiesta

    40 something man didn't live and won't have to face Spanish equivalent of American Death Panels later.


  116. The Lilith Myth

    The Hebrew Myths

    Presented here is a chapter discussing Lilith, taken from
    Hebrew Myths: The Book of Genesis
    by Robert Graves and Raphael Patai (New York: Doubleday, 1964), pp 65-69. Graves and Patai have collected traditional Hebrew myths that amplify (and sometimes radically alter) stories found in the Book of Genesis.

    This chapter, titled "Adam's Helpmeets", deals in part with the Lilith myth. Each section of the chapter excerpted here recounts a "story" collected from non-biblical sources, frequently the Talmud -- sources are footnoted. The footnotes are followed by notes of author commentary. Hebrew Myths is recently back in print in a new hardcover edition -- Buy the Book. (A much more extensive discussion of Lilith is found in the The Hebrew Goddess, also by Rapael Patai. The Hebrew Goddess is in print and is listed next....)

  117. Got the ol' flamn' horn in the gut and head smashed in with 2000 pounds of bull weight.


  118. According to midrashic literature, Adam's first wife was not Eve but a woman named Lilith, who was created in the first Genesis account. Only when Lilith rebelled and abandoned Adam did God create Eve, in the second account, as a replacement. In an important 13th century Kabbalah text, the Sefer ha-Zohar ("The Book of Splendour") written by the Spaniard Moses de Leon (c. 1240-1305), it is explained that:

    At the same time Jehovah created Adam, he created a woman, Lilith, who like Adam was taken from the earth. She was given to Adam as his wife. But there was a dispute between them about a matter that when it came before the judges had to be discussed behind closed doors. She spoke the unspeakable name of Jehovah and vanished.

    Read more:

  119. Interesting myth making is evidenced in these Lilith stories.

  120. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  121. Flaco is the man!

  122. 10:10 left to play!

    Go Joe!

  123. Time for bed, young lady!

  124. Now we have Mr Desert Rat, the #1 Israel hating, jew basher and over all anti-semite now posting anything he can find about "non-biblical" hebrew myths.


    still doesnt change anything...

    you can cut and paste all you wish of nonsense still doesnt mean anything.

    What you are saying is bullshit..

  125. My damned daughter drove me nuts when she was growing up.

  126. No, "o", I am just telling you and any others concerned Lilith is a myth, another story for children.

    There are lots of versions of the myth that practitioners of Judaism used in the past, to scare their children.

    You are correct when you say it is unimportant, as all myths are equally unimportant.

    Glad we agree upon that

  127. Fely and Fely, LLCSun Jan 22, 05:49:00 PM EST

    Fely and Fely, LLC.
    A lawfirm by fee
    To transfer money
    From thee to we

  128. I like a good story, Judaism is full of them.

    Backstabbing, betrayal, misuse of power, all there amongst the Kings & Heroes of the Old Book.

    First class literature, as boobie has often said. A soap opera for the ages. Edited rewrites of the earlier Sumerian legends.

    SOPA material.

  129. I guess her hubby could still run for the seat, but I do not think he will. It is a different media market, so ...

    (CNN) -- Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords announced on her website Sunday that she will resign from Congress this week to continue her recuperation from the brain injury she suffered when shot just over a year ago.

  130. "In Hebrew legend, Lilith is Adam's first wife. She refused to have sex with him because she did not want to be beneath him."

    That raises a rather obvious question...

  131. "Lookin' bad now, for the Ravens, Patriots..."

    There's a damn good chance the folks here have access to a TV, radio, or Drudge...

  132. You are correct when you say it is unimportant, as all myths are equally unimportant.

    It was pre-dawn, and in the gloomy light that was beginning to gather, Robyn could take a better look at Lilith. The girl was three years younger than herself, but there was an aged look in her hollow eyes, as though she had already lived four lifetimes, and it haunted Robyn. A kind of Darwinian process in the camps had produced a girl who was able to outwit, bribe, or intimidate anyone to get what she needed to survive.

    Robyn knew nothing of this yet, but somehow she saw the results right on Lilith's surface, and suddenly, more than anything in the world, she wanted the girl on her team.

    "Do you live here, at the lighthouse?" Robyn asked her.

    Lilith nodded. Robyn didn't know anything else about her, other than her name. The work camps had emaciated her body, and when she returned home to the Isle of Wight and was fed by her father, the weight came back in the form of strong, wiry muscles. She was eighteen but looked twice that. Robyn assumed she was married, and asked, "Is your husband here?"

    "My father is here," she said. "He operates the lighthouse and runs a weather outstation."

    "I should like to meet him," Robyn said.

    Lilith spat at the ground. "He has sold his life to the Goy and betrayed the destiny of my nation to rule Palestine."

    "The Goy? Goyim. You're Jewish!"

    Lilith nodded. "I am a member of a people whose very right to exist is always being questioned."

    "And when you say your nation, I presume you are not speaking of England."

    "My father rendered a service to the Crown that went far beyond the sacrifices that any other Britons were asked to make. No doubt you have heard of the cross-Channel invasion of France. I believe you American's refer to it by 'D-Day'. My father provided the weather forecast that made it possible. But beyond that, he was used by the government to help deceive Hitler as to exactly where the invasion was going to take place. A British admiral came here and told my father we were going to land at Calais on June the 20th, 1944, and not at Normandy on June the 6th. He was told this knowing there was a strong possibility that a team of Nazis could storm the lighthouse from a submarine and force my father to talk."

    "The cynicism of such a thing is breathtaking," Robyn said.

    They planted false information on my father," Lilith continued, " and the Nazis did indeed arrive, and not only did my father talk, but he was kept silent about his talking by the simple device of taking myself and my moth-er to occupied Europe as insurance. We ended up in camps, and I watched my mother die in a most horrible way."

    And Lilith showed Robyn the six numbers tattooed to her arm by the SS at Ohrdruf. Robyn gasped, knowing that Lilith had come through such suffering and human degradation and evil that she could never begin to understand the mere periphery of it, let alone sympathize with the core of the girl's ordeal and her memories of it.

    "So you see, the Crown owes a very large marker to my father, but he will not cash it in to obtain a thing, a concession of such little import it could not possibly disconcert the government in the smallest way. The Foreign Secretary refuses to allow Jews to immigrate to the British Mandate in Palestine. Not even Jews who are already British subjects."

    "Why not, Lilith?"


    One word, but it explained everything. The Middle-East was awash in petroleum, but if the Arabs could not be assured that the Jews would never have an independent state there, they would attack the wells owned and operated by the British. So the Balfour Declaration and the Churchill White Paper were torn up for the worthless pieces of paper they always were, and all bets were off in the Holy Land.

  133. Sounds lime you're kinda screwed, Bob, when it comes to keeping up with football games

  134. "If people want to discriminate against someone based on their commitment to tithe, I'd be very surprised," Romney said. "This is a country that believes in the bible.

    The bible speaks of providing tithes and offerings. I made a commitment to my church a long, long, time ago that I would give ten percent of my income to the church.

    And I followed through on that commitment. And hopefully as people look at the various individuals running for president, they'd be pleased with someone who made a promise, a promise to God, and kept that promise."

  135. Cunningham’s attorney Tobin Romero suggests his client is being scapegoated:

    “Department of Justice officials have reported to the Committee that my client relayed inaccurate information to the Department upon which it relied in preparing its initial response to Congress. If, as you claim, Department officials have blamed my client, they have blamed him unfairly.”

    Romero claims Cunningham did nothing wrong and acted in good faith, but the Department of Justice in Washington is making him the fall guy, claiming he failed to accurately provide the Oversight Committee with information on the execution of Fast and Furious.

  136. Dear girls who have been dumped,
    There are plenty of fish in the sea... Just kidding!
    They're all dead.

  137. A new gadget will be clipped to the waistbands of Fairfax County Public Schools students next year, and no, it's not a strange revival of the beeper.

    Rather, school officials will equip kids with pedometers, which they will be expected to wear sunup to sundown, up to 35 days per school year. The small electronics will track how many steps the child takes each day as part of a $2.1 million federal grant to track students' nutrition and physical activity over three years.


    Supervisor Pat Herrity, R-Springfield, said he was frustrated that the schools had sought funds to document a problem he believes is self-evident. "It seems to me that money could be better spent eliminating some of the barriers that we put in place to the kids actually participating in sports," he said.

  138. A teacher at West Australian University reminded her pupils of tomorrow's final exam.
    "Now listen to me, I won't tolerate any excuses for you not being here tomorrow. I might consider a nuclear attack, a serious personal injury, illness, or a death in your immediate family, but that’s it, no other excuses whatsoever!"

    A smart-arsed teenager at the back of the room raised his hand and asked, "What would happen if I came in tomorrow suffering from complete and utter sexual exhaustion?"
    The entire class was reduced to laughter and sniggering.

    When silence was restored, the teacher smiled at the student, shook her head and sweetly said,

    "Well, I would expect you to write the exam with your other hand."

  139. Riots in Wythenshawe last month caused over £1 million worth of improvements

  140. So what does the judge in Georgia do when Ruf's favorite candidate, Mr. Obama, doesn't show for the hearing concerning whether he is eligible to be President or not?

    I don't really know.

    Hope him in contempt, and bang his gavel I guess.

    Would he have to give a judgement in favor of Mrs. Taitz? Would he have to give a judgement at all? Or are they just asking for some answers to some questions?

  141. Is Ruf's favorite candidate in jeopardy of deep jail do-do?

    “Make no mistake about it. This is the beginning of Watergate Two or ObamaForgeryGate. I believe this is the second time in the U.S. history a sitting president is ordered to comply with a subpoena, and produce documents, which might eventually bring criminal charges to the president and a number of high-ranking individuals,” Taitz said.

  142. Fely and Fely, LLCSun Jan 22, 07:28:00 PM EST

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  143. You know?

    I am an asshole.

  144. I really didn't have cancer. I had my adam's apple shaved down

  145. I wish I had married a lesbian....

    Then I'd have 4 boobies to not be able to be played with!

  146. “What a joke. He claims to be too busy performing the duties of the president of the United States. How many days of vacation has he taken? How many rounds of golf? If he is too busy to provide the documents that provide the basis for meeting the requirements of the office, then perhaps he better sit out the next four years,” said one.

    Wrote another, “The election of President Obama by the presidential electors, confirmed by Congress, makes the documents and testimony sought by plaintiff irrelevant. … This is complete utter nonsense!”

    In fact, a presidential elector in California brought a lawsuit challenging Obama’s eligibility at the time of the 2008 election and was told the dispute was not yet ripe because the inauguration hadn’t taken place. The courts later ruled that the elector lost his “standing” to bring the lawsuit after the inauguration.

    Irion said his argument is that the Founders clearly considered a “natural born citizen,” as the Constitution requires of a president and no one else, to be the offspring of two citizen parents. Since Obama himself has written in his books that his father, Barack Obama Sr. was a Kenyan, and thus subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom, Irion argues that Obama is disqualified under any circumstances based on his own testimony.

    Irion is on the right track. That is Donofrio's argument.

  147. I really need to brush my teeth more. The horses are starting to complain

  148. I really like baked trout

  149. Fely and Fely, LLCSun Jan 22, 07:38:00 PM EST

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  150. I like baked trout too, Bob.

  151. .

    Everyone either calls me old or stupid.

    I can't be both.

    Don't sell yourself short, Bob.



  152. Sell myself short? Hell, I can't. You think anyone would actually buy a stupid old fool?

    My best bet in raising money on myself would be in Shakespearean Theatre, where there is occasionally a need for a stupid old fool.

    Also, Miss Fely has offered to take me in.

  153. The Teresita in a blue link with Lisbeth Salander for an icon is me. The other one is a liar who has his part in the Lake of Fire.

  154. Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D., is writing a separate bill that would give Congress the sole authority to grant or deny transcontinental pipeline permits, including Keystone's.

    The House is scheduled to hold hearings on their Keystone legislation next week.

    "We are absolutely committed ... to keep the Keystone XL pipeline on the front burner," said House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton, R-Mich.

  155. Bob: So what does the judge in Georgia do when Ruf's favorite candidate, Mr. Obama, doesn't show for the hearing concerning whether he is eligible to be President or not?

    Call Mossad.

  156. I'm thinking Deuce is going to get bored with this shit, Bob, and block everyone not logged into Blogger.

  157. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  160. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  162. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  163. I made a commitment to my church a long, long, time ago that I would give ten percent of my income to the church.

    Ten percent of his total income, or his income minus what he makes in Grand Cayman?

  164. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  165. Turkey squarely is an important country whose foreign policy reorientation changes the balance of power in the Middle East in favor of the radical Islamist forces. It is negatively affecting the pro-Western orientation of the Central Asian republics.


    But of all the world’s leaders, one of the five Obama feels closest to is Erdogan. Obama says that he shares a “friendship and bond of trust” with Erdogan.


  166. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  167. Sam: Obama says that he shares a “friendship and bond of trust” with Erdogan.

    It's the simple principle of "The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend".

  168. I'm only responsible for about half of it Miss T.

    But, I have quit.

    I'm certainly not Jesus

    And have always distrusted those who thought they were.

    And some other bob stepped in and some other Felys.

    Here's what I think -- Gingrich is either going to take Florida or it's going to be so close as to be basically called a tie. Which is for him like a win, campaigning without money.

    What's next? Nevada I think. It's got some Mormons. But then, I know, it's got a lot of folks who don't like Mormons. Either Gingrich, or a tie.

    Michigan is soon thereafter. You'd think it might be Romney country....but.....

    I think it might well go all the way to the convention. It should be interesting at least.

    And, I'm getting a big smile from thinking about that judge in Georgia. Though I imagine it will get appealed out of existence, like all the others. But then....

  169. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  172. Teresita said...


    Actually I am tired of your shit Teresita.

    Never forgive, never forget.

    You must be pulling our collective leg saying you are a Christian, as well as a lesbian. Because Christians we are told have settled the arguments in their heart.

    Which doesn't mean you don't have the duty to defend yourself against, say, the moslems, of course.

  173. U.S. aircraft carrier enters Gulf without incident

    The Republican Party formally renounces a two-state solution

    Bill Maher & Ann Coulter announce the birth of their male child, Damien.

    Ann Coulter: "Now you have to get people who voted for Obama and having a candidate who goes out and calls Obama a ‘Kenyan colonialist,’ that is not what you need. And at the same time, with Newt Gingrich you get the name calling for the president — very popular with the tea party crowd in South Carolina, not so popular with independents. He won’t put a fence on the border and wants amnesty for illegals. He took $1.6 million from Freddie Mac. But you know, he attacked Paul Ryan’s plan on Social Security. So with Newt Gingrich, you throw out the baby and keep the bath water... I think South Carolina is going back to their Democratic roots."

  174. It's been a good day for recruiting new posters, I can say that, if numbers alone are what counts.

  175. bob said... I'm only responsible for about half of it Miss T.

    And now you get the eternal consequences for your shit. Have a very nice rest of your life.

  176. I heard on RedEyeRadio just the other night that Gingrich had fathered Lady Ga-Ga. But they didn't say with whom.

  177. Well thank you, Miss T.

    I see it would do me no good to ask forgiveness from thee. Christian as thou ain't.

    I'm going to go find a football game now.

  178. While the roots of conservative, anti-elite sentiment are at least partly grounded in substance, the reaction to it is all identity politics. In his victory speech Saturday night, Gingrich -- a millionaire former party leader and corporate lobbyist now living in McLean, Va. -- railed against "Washington elites," to thunderous applause.

    Given his record, it may be implausible that Gingrich can pose as anti-establishment. But the establishment is certainly anti-Newt.

    And for South Carolina's voters, that was an endorsement enough.

  179. Teresita said...
    bob said... I'm only responsible for about half of it Miss T.

    And now you get the eternal consequences for your shit. Have a very nice rest of your life.

    Now that is funny...

  180. Ms T,

    you have quite the set of balls for a woman, assuming you really are one.

    next you will be telling us that you are a zionist.

    please pass the puke bucket

  181. another good game 49ers v giants here below

    Giants by 3 17/14

    Toshtu, I put this up basically for Sam as sometimes he has trouble finding stuff downunder

    I won't disturb your blogging pleasures again

  182. I'm shivering in my boots, WiO, and she won't forgive me.

    O what do I do, what have I done???

    back to the game.....

  183. Another thing we heard repeatedly from these people was that he was the only candidate who was “authentic,” who really believed what he said.

    They have a point — no matter what you think of Paul. He believes his ideas and that evidently impresses people used to generations of phony pols.

    Unfortunately, it’s not hard to see why.

  184. So let me keep this straight.

    Ms T aka Zena aka Teresita aka Lesbian spokesperson for all Jew haters of the world has now confessed that she has been lying for years and is actually pro-israel blogger that is scared of cyber stalkers and is straight and married.

    What part of "give me a break" does she not get?

    Dear Ms T,

    Please post anything you wish on any topic expect Jews, Israel, Zionism, Torah, Judaism, Zohar, or Kabbalah. Your opinion when it comes to those subjects are like assholes, everyone has one and your's certainly does stink.

    Talk about the Church, Jesus, Football, PC's verse Macs, paper verses plastic for all I care, but you have proved that you have no ability, ethics or every decency about discussions that revolve around my tribe in any way shape or form.

    as you like to say

    Never forgive or forget.

  185. " any topic expect "

    any topic except...

  186. my best skills are not typing.

    " you have no ability, ethics or every decency"

    should read

    you have no ability, ethics or any decency

  187. Newt Surges to FL Lead.... Newt 29% (up 10), Mitt 25%, Santorum 15%, Paul 7%

    RINOs like Romney and Gingrich actually do create jobs. The problem is that Chinese children can't vote in US elections.
