Sunday, January 01, 2012

If you can’t use a $1,000,000 bill at Walmart, how you gonna use a $1,000,000,000,000 coin?

Cops: Man tried to use $1M bill at NC Walmart
Updated: 5:00 pm, Sat Dec 31, 2011.

Do you have change for a million-dollar bill?

Police say a North Carolina man insisted his million-dollar note was real when he was buying $476 worth of items at a Walmart.

Investigators told the Winston-Salem Journal ( that 53-year-old Michael Fuller tried to buy a vacuum cleaner, a microwave oven and other items. Store employees called police after his insistence that the bill was legit, and Fuller was arrested.

The largest bill in circulation is $100. The government stopped making bills of up to $10,000 in 1969.

Fuller was charged with attempting to obtain property by false pretense and uttering a forged instrument. He is in jail on a $17,500 bond, and it isn't clear if he has an attorney. He is scheduled to be in court Tuesday.


  1. We will see how many comments to get it right.

  2. Herman who? Rick who? Michele who?

  3. There are many deranged right wing talk show hosts out there, Mark Levin is the worse. His voice sounds like Granpa Simpson on meth and his books are boring and geared toward a 3rd grade intelligence...he's a flaming asshole.

  4. How do you eat an elephant? What are you talking about?

  5. I do not even understand how I ended up here. How did you?

  6. This is where all the flaming assholes, you included, end up, Jenny.

    Fuller was charged with.......... uttering a forged instrument.

    And, that is a new one on me.


  7. Sorry about the confusion with the previous post. I could not resolve the inter-connection issue.

  8. "They told me I would be paid a lot of money,” says Pakistani child suicide bomber.

    Here we have the tooth fairy, there they tell kids they will survive hydrostatic shock.

    Hugo Chavez has a new theory: that the US has developed a secret technology and is using it to give cancer to left wing Latin American rulers that we don’t like. After all, Fidel Castro, the Hero of Venezuela himself, the president of Paraguay, the current and former presidents of Brazil and now Cristina Kirchner of Argentina have all come down with (quite different) cancers.


  9. Giving rise to theories of US omnipotence amongst our foes, and feelings of hubris amongst US, Ms T.

  10. The trillion dollar coin is just the size of a quarter, and you put it in the newspaper box.


  11. Buy a trillion dollar gift card.


  12. China has declared its intention to land an astronaut on the moon, in the first official confirmation of its aim to go where Americans last set foot nearly 40 years ago.

  13. Revelation did say the moon would turn Red.

  14. "I don't want to go to bed by the light of a communist moon."



  15. Islamic Buddhists introduce others to Nirvana.

  16. Obama rings in the new year by signing a bill allowing indefinite detention of Americans

  17. PHILADELPHIA - Police in Philadelphia report a bloody end to the old year and the start of a new one with six people killed and others injured around the City of Brotherly Love.

    Police said shortly before midnight, a 36-year-old man and 31-year-old woman were found shot to death in a car north of the center of the city.

    A few hours later, a 23-year-old man was found nearby with a gunshot wound and died at a hospital.

    A few minutes after midnight, a 77-year-old man died after he was stabbed in a domestic dispute in south Philadelphia. A 52-year-old man was arrested.

    In northeastern Philadelphia early Sunday, a 47-year-old man was shot to death.

    A 26-year-old man died Saturday afternoon after he was shot six to nine times in north Philadelphia.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Obama’s Occupy Wall Street starts off 2012 by stabbing a cop in the hand with a pair of scissors

  20. Looks like the place to live is west or south Philadelphia.


  21. Us mud people have a lower life expectancy in Idaho.

  22. A pair of scissors.

    We've gotta get better protestors.

    There's a "Protest Gap" opening up.

    Syria has snipers on all the buildings, and we have wimpy kids with scissors.

  23. Their mother told them never run with scissors, so they're out there running with scissors to defy authority and "Stick it to the Woman"

  24. Ah, I see, it was a female cop. Makes perfect sense, now.

  25. Iran produces its first nuclear fuel rod. Happy New Year

  26. Fuel rods are allowed Iran under the NPT.

    We should bomb any of those nations that will not sign on, to the NPT?

    Or comprehensive inspections by the IAEA?

  27. It looks like Santorum is saying he would bomb Iran's nuclear facilities unless they were opened for international arms inspectors.


  28. Philadelphia police put up a web site of hundred most wanted. It was very diverse. 3 whites, 6 “latinos”, 1 asian and 90 blacks. They made them take it down. The truth hurts.

  29. Did Santorum say anything about bombing Israel's Nuclear Facilities?

  30. I don't know Rufus. Isn't he from Pennslyvania? Maybe he grew up in northeast Philly, survived, and respects strength.


  31. Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum moved to strike a chord with Jewish voters gathered at the Republican Jewish Coalition's candidate forum with his aggressive posture toward Iran and his blistering critique of the Obama administration's Middle East policies.

    Like all the other GOP candidates, Santorum vowed to be a better friend to Israel. "We see this administration a blind eye toward radicals," the former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania said. "For every thug and hooligan, for every radical Islamist, [Obama] has done nothing but appease them."

    Santorum said that as president, he would put into effect the strongest sanctions against Iran, including cutting off their oil supply. "There is no greater purveyor of terror in the world than Iran," he said. "There is no greater threat to the existence of Israel."

    Santorum compared the current moment to the lead-up to World War II, when the United States tried to avoid war at all costs. He noted that today is Dec. 7, the 40th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. "I know people in this country are tired of war, but our Pearl Harbor already happened," he said. "It happened 10 years ago on September 11."

    When asked about his conservative stances on such social issues as abortion rights and gay marriage--areas where Jewish voters have traditionally been more liberal--Santorum did not back away. Instead, he took the opportunity to make a subtle swipe at the relatively more liberal positions of others in the Republican field.

  32. Will he support bombing Pakistani installations that are not opened to international inspectors?

    Indian facilities?

    North Korean Facilities?

    Israeli facilities?

    Or are the Iranians a "special" case?

  33. The Pakistani much more involved with terrorist attacks against US interests, especially in Afghanistan, than the Iranians have ever been.

    The Pakistani installing the Taliban, in Afghanistan. The Pakistani providing sanctuary to cross border raiders, those that have committed raids against India, Afghanistan and the United States, on "our" 7 December, 11SEP01.

    A terrorist operation without Iranian foot or fingerprints.

  34. Santorum is full of shit.

    It exudes from his pores.

    Much like a sloth.

  35. Little wonder that Mr Santorum could not win re-election, in his home State.

    The people there must have gotten a good whiff.

  36. desert rat said...
    Fuel rods are allowed Iran under the NPT.

    We should bomb any of those nations that will not sign on, to the NPT?

    Or comprehensive inspections by the IAEA?

    We should bomb any nation that SIGNS the NPT then refuses to comply after receiving technology FROM the NPT to further their nuclear ambitions.

    Those nations that did not SIGN the NPT are not under ANY obligation to comply with a international treaty that they are not apart of.

  37. 1. Homeschoolers

    2. Goldbugs

    3. College Students

    4. Isolationists

    5. Internet Denizens

    6. Small Farmers

    Paul Supporters

    With the exception of college students, a common characteristic might be thought of as wanting to be left alone, and fearful of the future.


  38. Any country that refuses to join the International Community cannot be allowed to process nuclear weaponry.

    Their rouge nature precludes rational judgements from their governments. The safety of the International Community supersedes any spurious claims of sovereignty.

    Peace through bombing, that's the way forward for "real" Republicans?

  39. So, the typical Paul supporter keeps the kids at home, has gold under the bed, wants to withdraw behind two oceans, the world being such a confusing place, spends entire days on the internet making himself feel important with his own views, and, grows his own produce.

    I can almost get down with that, actually.

    But what about fly fishing??


  40. boobie would have US bomb North Korea, that is the Standard he just said he supports.

    The last time the US was involved in bombing North Korea, more than 50,000 US troops died.

    He advocates we should replicate that adventure.

  41. Well, one thing is for sure; the Republicans just thought they didn't like Mitt. Paul has'em terrified.

    In fact, he has every AIPAC-bought and paid for politician, Dem and Pub, (in other words, practically every politician in Washington) scared out of their wits.

  42. crapper, I just put up a link to an article about Santorum, that is all I did.

    Do you have gold under your bed?

    I was certain you'd be the first to start the name calling this new year.


  43. The average Paul supporter, they do report crimes in their communities.

    Not putting themselves in both the judges and juries position, refusing to nullify the entire legal system, on their own.

  44. When you see Fox, CNN, and MSNBC, all touting the same hack candidate's "meteoric rise" in the polls you are watching, as T put it, AIPAC's "Full Court Press."

  45. Where in the fuck crapper have I ever said we should bomb North Korea? I don't think I've ever said one word about North Korea. It strikes me as a bad idea as Seoul would disappear. But that is your way, putting words in someone's mouth.


  46. No, boobie, I don't own any gold.

    I'm more of a pagan, I own bulls.

  47. Come on, Rat; leave out the personal stuff. It's a fresh start, ok?

  48. Well, I see it's the same old crapper this year.


  49. He was just pointing out, as was I, the absurdity of Santorum's statement, Bob.

  50. With your standard of bombing countries that had signed onto the NPT and then refused inspectors access.

    Sun Jan 01, 07:06:00 PM EST

    Which the North Koreans did.

    So, you advocated starting a war with Korea, just today.

    How many US troops should we allocate to permanent duty at Arlington?

  51. North Korea ratified the treaty on December 12, 1985, but gave notice of withdrawal from the treaty on January 10, 2003 following U.S. allegations that it had started an illegal enriched uranium weapons program

    Bombs away!

  52. desert rat said...
    Any country that refuses to join the International Community cannot be allowed to process nuclear weaponry.

    So does that mean that the USA, China, France, United Kingdom and Russia should not be allowed to have nuclear weapons?

    As for the changing of the argument, it was whether a nation was a signer of the NPT.

    Now you change the parameters to fit your ever evolving argument.

    Iran is in violation of the very treaty it promised to adhere to.

    North Korea?

    They have withdrawn from the treaty. All food and fuel aid should be stopped.

    Is it possible for you to actually discuss any point without changing the nation of the question?

  53. The most important thing is to realize is that there is absolutely no way, short of occupying the whole damned country (2 1/2 Times the size of Texas, remember?) to keep Iran from developing a Nuke.

    The money would be 1,000 times better spent, concentrating on missile defense, and other counter-measures, and developing alternative fuels.

  54. Rather than "occupy Iran, how about send arms to the 51% of Iran that aint Iranian.

    Start with the Kurds, after all they are actually deserving of nationhood.

    Or do nothing and allow the Iranians to start an arms race and possibly start a hot Sunni verses Shia war.

    I opt for option #2, the though of 1 billion moslems nuking one another sounds like a good solution to many problems.

    So what if oil if 15 dollars a gallon and we have a world wide depression. The American people are spoiled and soft, they can survive on 40% less.

  55. But that's the plan of Agenda 21.

    Population reduction.

    Just google UN "agenda 21"

    Bombs away.

    North Korea and South...

    China and "Taiwan"

    Russia and dozens of others...

    It's going to be fun watching the world burn.

    With any luck? Mexico will implode and millions of illegals will stream across the border for safety and food.

  56. Seems like REAL Americans see the writing on wall.

    According to the FBI, over 1.5 million background checks on customers were requested by gun dealers to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System in December. Nearly 500,000 of those were in the six days before Christmas.
    It was the highest number ever in a single month, surpassing the previous record set in November.

  57. The US will not follow that course, anon, because it would work.

    As doug and I, amongst others have advocated for, years on end, now.

    But without that Iranian "threat" over the horizon, we'd not need all the scheduled military procurements. Would not need to sell the Saudi $3.5 billion in weaponry.

    The object is not to "disarm" the Iranians, but to vilify them. Creating a reason to maintain our bloated military industrial complex.

  58. So, boobie, if Iran were to renounce the NPT, their behavior would be okay?

    We would just continue to not sell them things, like food and fuel?

    Leave that to others, like in North Korea?

    That model is acceptable?

  59. ahem, ahem, ahem I want to put down my Official Position so I won't be accused of things in the future.

    I used to support bombing Iran to keep them from getting nukes.

    Now I have no idea what to do. So much time has passed. I feel they probably already have the fixings and are working on the delivery system. But, I don't know squat, and, neither do you.

    Whatever happens I hope our country supports Israel for the cultural and historical reasons I've mentioned before.

    I've never said anything about North Korea except it may be the saddest place on earth.

    Presentation finished.




  60. I don't know DR. They became villians when they took over our embassy.

  61. While if folks in the US are just buying their arsenals, now, well, so what?

    I've had mine, for decades, now.
    Most everyone I know is in the same position.

    How may guns does a fella need??
    Especially those folk that don't know how to use them, proficiently.

  62. My wife said she'd leave me if'n I ever obtained a fire arm.
    She thinks I have an explosive temper, and she's right :)

  63. The object is not to "disarm" the Iranians, but to vilify them. Creating a reason to maintain our bloated military industrial complex.

    What a bunch of horse shit. Ever since the revolution we've been the Big Satan.


  64. Villains, sure thing.

    Villains that the US SHOULD economically and politically sanction.

    Any business that deals with Iran should be blacklisted by the US government.

    Any government that deals with Iran, should have their Ambassador expelled from the US.

    No government that deals with Iran should receive aid fro the US.

    Especially Pakistan, India and China. But to include Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Holland and Germany.

    But not one drop of US blood should be spilled into the sands of Persia.

  65. But then, as now, the Iranians do not constitute a military threat to the United States.

    That's the reality.

    Whether they call US "Satan" or not.

  66. Sticks and stones, they may break bones

    But names will never hurt you, boobie.

  67. Well, they were a little pissed about us overthrowing their Democratically elected government, and installing the Peacock.

    Actions have consequences, and the actions that the U.S. and Israel seem hell-bent on promoting, today, will sure as hell have consequences for the kids, and grandkids.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. You're right about that Rufus.

    But then they, in particular the women, didn't know how good they had it, under the Peacock.


  70. WE should not commit a single soldier, sailor, airman or Marine to intervention in Iran.

    Not until we force Germany to choose between doing business in the US, or with Iran.

    Same with the rest of the whirled.

    To include our bankers in China.

    But that level of economic and political commitment is not in the cards.

    Is it?

  71. The US trained the Savak operatives...

    ] SAVAK operated from 1957 to 1979, when the Pahlavi dynasty was overthrown. SAVAK has been described as Iran's "most hated and feared institution" prior to the revolution of 1979 because of its practice of torturing and executing opponents of the Pahlavi regime

    According to Iranian political historian Ervand Abrahamian, after this attack SAVAK interrogators were sent abroad for "scientific training to prevent unwanted deaths from 'brute force.' Brute force was supplemented with the bastinado; sleep deprivation; extensive solitary confinement; glaring searchlights; standing in one place for hours on end; nail extractions; snakes (favored for use with women); electrical shocks with cattle prods, often into the rectum; cigarette burns; sitting on hot grills; acid dripped into nostrils; near-drownings; mock executions; and an electric chair with a large metal mask to muffle screams while amplifying them for the victim. This latter contraption was dubbed the Apollo—an allusion to the American space capsules.

    Prisoners were also humiliated by being raped, urinated on, and forced to stand naked.

    Despite the new 'scientific' methods, the torture of choice remained the traditional bastinado used to beat soles of the feet.

    Rape victims, they just didn't know how well they had it, when the Peacock strutted.

  72. Standard fair, in Iran. Everywhere over there, torture is the deal.

    Women as a whole were better off under the shah than they are now.


  73. So the "Arab Spring" mirrors the Islamic Revolution?

  74. It was the women pushing the male protesters to the front, in the recent protests. 'Get in there and fight, damn you!'


  75. boobie, for the record, you advocated a standard that would have the US bomb North Korea.

    Your ignorance of foreign affairs, so typical of Tea Partiers, at least on par with that of the average Paulite.

    You are proving to be less knowledgeable than the folks here at the EB that have stated a preference for Dr Paul, from amongst the seven dwarfs.

  76. I wouldn't want to be a Copt in Egypt these days.

    Much much rather be a Christian in Israel.

    For the Copts the arab spring is a winter.

    Nor would I want to be a Christian, or Bahai, or anything else in Iran, these days.

    I wouldn't even want to be a Christian in Lebanon. Not to mention Saudi.

    No, if I had to choose a place to live my life in the middle east, it would be in Israel.


  77. Interesting isn't D-man, the discussion of popular movements against the status que set in place by the Anglo Axis.

    How the historic map drawing and political manipulation of those countries across the Islamic Arc is connected to the political activities there, even today.

  78. So what, boobie?

    Move where ever you want to.
    Stay in Idaho, it is up to you.

    Would you advocate opening the US borders, so the 15 million Copts in Egypt could immigrate, legally?

  79. The Israelis will not take them.

    Should the US?

  80. While the Assad regime, in Syria was one of "ours", to the point that the new President educated in England.

    In foreign affairs, the Assad regime charted a pragmatic and increasingly independent course. It maintained close ties with the Soviet Union and East European states, ensuring a sustained flow of Soviet military aid, especially after the October 1973 War.
    At the same time, Assad moved to improve Syrian relations with Jordan and with the United States and other Western nations.

    In May 1973, diplomatic relations with Britain, severed in 1967, were fully restored. Relations with the United States, also severed in 1967, were normalized in June 1974. Two months later diplomatic ties with the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) were resumed after having been severed in 1965, when the West German government exchanged ambassadors with Israel.

    Perhaps the severest test of the Assad regime came in the latter half of the 1970s as a result of Syrian intervention in the Lebanese civil war.
    During 1976, Assad was firmly resolved to stabilize the volatile Lebanese situation by providing troops, first unilaterally and later as part of the Lebanese-based peacekeeping Arab Deterrent Force (ADF).
    The Syrian intervention, in effect on the side of the Lebanese Christian right against the Palestinians and Muslim left, tended to aggravate relations with other Arab countries, Egypt and Iraq in particular.

    But the Assad's have been vilified and demonized. Especially by the Wahhabi.

    Wonder who has been instrumental in throwing the Assad regime under the bus?

  81. Why in the world would Any Sane American give a damn what a Copt did, or where he went, or stayed?

    We are Not a Christian Nation. There is Nothing in our Constitution that say "Anything" about us Going to War for "Religious" reasons.

    We are a Secular Nation, according to our Constitution (and, obviously, the will of the majority.) And, as citizens, we should push back against any that would take us to war to promote their, or someone else's, religion.

  82. The strongest argument made by the Ron Paul people is “ how much foreign intervention would we tolerate in Texas?”

    Many here have been incensed about the Israel attack on the USS Liberty, but look at what we did in the Straight of Hormuz

    The US Navy shot down Iranian Air Flight 655, an Airbus A300 killing all 290 civilian passengers and crew. One of the most state of the art warships in the world claimed that they thought the A300 flying on a standard and usual flight path was an F-14! That was in the Strait of Hormuz. There is very little reaction time available in such a close area and through negligence, stupidity or recklessness some real bad shit can come down when you play these games.

    Our ultimate justification for going after Libya was because of Lockerbie. Iranians would be no less desirous of seeking revenge for such a bombing. It is human nature.

  83. Leave them alone and they will leave us alone.

  84. The Chinese show up anywhere on the planet with a fist full of dollars and get rich. We burn dollars by the truck load and end up fucking up by the numbers. We just don’t do empire well. How much more obvious can it get?

  85. Our expertise in the Middle East has been that of a 16 year old that kills a state trooper taking his driver’s test.

  86. I can't attest to this, not having done the study, but a Couple of authors have claimed that we came within a gnat's lash of getting our asses kicked in the "Tanker War."

    And, the Iranian weaponry is much stronger, today, than it was then. That big old Supercarrier loses a lot of advantage when it's forced in close to shore. That's Not where they were designed to operate.

    And, those little, day-tripping diesel-electric subs of the Iranians gain a lot of ooomph.

  87. It's not that the Israeli attacked that ship, but that the US continues to subsidize them afterwards, that grates.

    It is worse with regards Pakistan.
    Much worse.

    But of the entire cast of villains, the Iranian action did not kill any of those folks in the Embassy. That cannot be said of either the episodes involving the Israeli or Pakistani, both of which are now standing at the payout window.

    On a scale of evil deeds, seizing the Embassy is not near the top of the list.

    Pakistan and its' support of aQ, both in Pakistan and in Afghanistan, before and after 11SEP01, puts it on the top of the target list, if the US were seriously feeling threatened.

    Especially if those feelings of threat were generated by fear of Islamoid terrorist attacks, here or aboard.

  88. I am not sure who, but I heard that someone here said that I died. Not yet. Happy New Year.

  89. And, as citizens, we should push back against any that would take us to war to promote their, or someone else's, religion.

    True dat!
    I would give more weight to the testamony of a truth loving atheist
    than I would the Pope.

  90. Back to Syria ...

    In addition to the militant Muslim opposition, there was opposition from intellectuals and professional associations, whose purpose was not to overthrow the regime but to reform it. The first time such groups challenged the government was on March 31, 1980, in Aleppo and Hamah. Additional opposition came from expatriate Syrian politicians, mostly Sunni Baath politicians of the pre-1966 era who opposed the military and sectarian nature of the government and its drift away from Arab nationalist policies.

  91. While the Daily Star reports

    The leading opposition group in exile, the Syrian National Council, signed the deal Friday with the largely Syrian-based National Coordination Committee, according to Moulhem Droubi, a top SNC member from Syria's Muslim Brotherhood.
    In their pact, the two sides "reject any military intervention that harms the sovereignty or stability of the country, though Arab intervention is not considered foreign."

    Read more:
    (The Daily Star :: Lebanon News ::

  92. Is there really a Qatar financed 20,000 man mercenary army about to deploy, from Libya through Turkey into Syria?

    As Debka reported.

    Guess they'd be considered "Arabs", right?

  93. Hey Buddy, what's happening?

  94. Good to hear from you, Buddy.

    It was just an evil rumor spread by . . . . . hmm, Habu ain't around, yeah, it wuz Habu. That's who it was.

  95. Daniel Pipes wrote, in 1989, of the religion of the Assad's:

    'Alawis reject Islam's main tenets; by almost any standard they must be considered non-Muslims.

    Some 'Alawi doctrines appear to derive from Phoenician paganism, Mazdakism and Manicheanism. But by far the greatest affinity is with Christianity.
    'Alawi religious ceremonies involve bread and wine; indeed, wine drinking has a sacred role in 'Alawism, for it represents God.
    The religion holds 'Ali, the fourth caliph, to be the (Jesus-like) incarnation of divinity. It has a holy trinity, consisting of Muhammad, 'Ali, and Salman al-Farisi, a freed slave of Muhammad's.
    'Alawis celebrate many Christian festivals, including Christmas, New Year's, Epiphany, Easter, Pentecost, and Palm Sunday. They honor many Christian saints: St. Catherine, St. Barbara, St. George, St. John the Baptist, St. John Chrysostom, and St. Mary Magdalene.
    The Arabic equivalents of such Christian personal names as Gabriel, John, Matthew, Catherine, and Helen, are in common use. And 'Alawis tend to show more friendliness to Christians than to Muslims.

    For these reasons, many observers - missionaries especially - have suspected the 'Alawis of a secret Christian proclivity. Even T. E. Lawrence described them as
    "those disciples of a cult of fertility, sheer pagan, antiforeign, distrustful of Islam, drawn at moments to Christianity by common persecution."
    The Jesuit scholar Henri Lammens unequivocally concluded from his research that "the Nusayris were Christians" and their practices combine Christian with Shi'i elements.

    Daniel Pipes, another "True Believer"?

    Why should the US support the Muslim Brotherhood, in Syria?


  96. 'Alawis have no prayers or places of worship ; indeed they have no religious structures other than tomb shrines. Prayers take place in private houses, usually those of religious leaders. The fourteenth-century traveler Ibn Battuta described how they responded to a government decree ordering the construction of mosques: "Every village built a mosque far from the houses, which the villagers neither enter nor maintain. They often shelter cattle and asses in it.

  97. Another "True Believer" ...

    Benjamin Disraeli described the 'Alawis in a conversation in the novel Tancred:

    "Are they Moslemin?"
    "It is very easy to say what they are not, and that is about the extent of any knowledge we have of them; they are not Moslemin, they are not Christian, they are not Druzes, and they are not Jews, and certainly they are not Guebres [Zoroastrians]."

  98. It gives me a headache to think about the Mid-East.
    Hell I get a headache just thinking about my problems here in the Mid-West.

    I still say we ought to let Israel deal with her enemies without meddling.

    We should be through being Her "handmaiden."

  99. CAIRO (AP) — A pan-Arab body called Sunday for the immediate withdrawal of the Arab League monitors in Syria because President Bashar Assad's regime has kept up killings of government opponents even in the presence of the observers.

    The 88-member Arab Parliament said that Arabs are angered by the Syrian regime's ongoing killings while the nearly 100 monitors are in the country. The monitors are supposed to be ensuring Syria complies with terms of the League's plan to end the 9-month-old crackdown on dissent — a plan Syria agreed to on Dec. 19.

  100. Maybe the 20,000 man mercenary army is ready to start operations?

    Time will tell.

  101. .

    Our ultimate justification for going after Libya was because of Lockerbie. Iranians would be no less desirous of seeking revenge for such a bombing. It is human nature...

    Perhaps that is the 'ultimate justification' but not according to the US government. After all, once they admitted their complicity, offered recompense, and then followed up by disavowing any attempts to get nukes, Condi and Hillary thought they we super.

    According to Obama, we merely indulged in a little time limited kinetic action in Libya for strictly humanitarian reasons, something those affected by the current tribal cleansing going on there were no doubt happy to hear.

    Of course, as the humanitarian excuse started to fall apart, the justification began to morph. I'm sure if the war lasted long enough, they would have eventually gotten back to the Lockerbie justification.


  102. They'll send Ron Paul against Obama, and Obama, with 1 billion dollars, will complain that he's the underdog.

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. The Muslims a bullying the Alaswai in Syria, just as they are the Coptics in Egypt, but not a peep from boobie or the regular cast of anti Islamoid chorus...

    No, instead the Alawais are painted as Muslims, which is an another indication of the general ignorance of the US electorate.

    If one is anti-Muslim, then they should be pro-Assad as he his under attack from the radial Muslims in Syria. Which his regime has been, sine its' founding, by his father.

    Why are we throwing another non-Islamic government under the bus, if the US is not allied with Islam?

  105. .

    According to an article in the Detroit Free press, Saeed Jalil, Iran's top nuclear negotiator, said he has formally called on the Big Six to return to negotiations regarding their nuclear program.

    This will no doubt upset the US, Israel, posssibly the UK and every major arms producer.


  106. .

    I saw CNN reported that Michelle Bachman intends to stay in the race regardless of what happens in Iowa in hopes of hanging around long enough to be offered the VP spot on the Romney ticket.


  107. Why are we throwing another non-Islamic government under the bus, if the US is not allied with Islam?

    I wonder which sect the powers that be put their money behind, Shia or Sunni?

  108. My wife is a good judge of character, says Bachman is crazy.

  109. Fallback, final redoubt - Saudi Arabia, sunni

  110. Honest to God crapper you blab on endlessly. I wake up from a long nap and you are still blabbing away.

    Surely, Quirk, you ain't that naive, to think anything would come of that.


  111. If Soros (the Nazi)is the money behind Obama then I'm inclined to say Sunni.

  112. I find it both disturbing and irrational that the Republicans will choose the nominee and perhaps our next President based largely on them being the person who is most likely to send young men and women to be slaughtered in a foreign land that poses no practical threat to our national interest. Dr. Ron Paul is the iconic hero of our time. Regardless of what happens in his campaign for President of the Unites States... His message will spread like wild fire as it has since 2007. Ron Paul IS the future of this country. He has the guts to tell the truth and everyone sees the propaganda and lies coming from the step maidens of AIPAC.

  113. How do you use a trillion dollar coin at Wal-Mart?

    I still say you buy a trillion dollar gift card.


  114. .

    Saw some of the predictions over the last couple days.

    With regard to the presidency, its kind of early to be predicting. If forced to, I have to predict Obama will be reelected.

    However, there are a number of obvious possible events that could occur that could change the whole equation.

    For instance, if we were to get involved in new military actions in the ME.

    Or, some have suggested the EU is unlikely to survive through 2012 as it is currently structured. Were things to continue to go south there, it's been suggested it could lead to the Euro tanking, a rise in unemployment possibly to as much as 20%, and failure of some of their major banks.

    Where that to happen, the US would be seriously and negatively affected. Some of our major banks would also be affected. Bad for the Big O.

    Given that scenario, the 'anyone but Obama' meme could gain strenth.


  115. The Sunni need our money via oil sales.
    So we keep from drilling our own wells and buy from the Saudis. Makes sense Rufus.

  116. The only oil the shia control is Iran, and, in a jump-ball, Iraq.

    All the rest that I can think of is Sunni.

  117. .

    Surely, Quirk, you ain't that naive, to think anything would come of that.

    Try and be specific bobbo.


  118. Bobbo will be specific. The Iranians will sit around and chat chat for months, drink tea and play chess with us and never agree to anything meaningful.


  119. The Big 3 in the middleeast are Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and UAE - all Sunni.

    Again, with Iraq being the wild card.

  120. .

    Dr. Ron Paul is the iconic hero of our time.

    Iconic? Sure.

    Hero? :)


  121. .

    I merely stated what was reported in my local newspaper bobbo.

    If you want to comment, why not comment on my observation about the US, Israel, and the arms industry.


  122. It was none other than Doug the Pineapple who started the despicable rumor that Buddy Larsen had died.

    Putting all of good heart here into deep mourning.

    We recited Cherokee death songs.


  123. Oman is a Sultanate - Ibadhi Muslims. Not too interested in craziness. Only 1% is shia.

  124. I think the arms producers would figure nothing would come of it and so not be overly upset.


  125. As a Christian, I hold the belief that Israel is an embodiment of God's will. Israel is no longer a spring chicken. If it wants to be a sovereign nation, it should be treated as one instead of the weak parasite of a world power. As a Marine, I struggle with the idea that people who call themselves my friend firebombed the USS Liberty (a sovereign piece of US soil afloat). I struggle with my forgiveness when authors use the Bible to guilt Christians into submission and to militarize them. It is unacceptable when the Israeli government won't even aknowledge what it did to my brothers and sisters on the Liberty. Is Israel anti-American for attacking the Libery? I say it's something that got way out of hand, but I don't hold the people responsible for this. But, casting stones at decent people for being anti-Israel when they will not lock step with the establishment is shameful.
    AIPAC (I'm not holding the Israeli people repsonsible for this) needs to stop the smear campaign on decent people who question the efficacy of Israel and America's foreign policy. If Iran is attacked, China and Russia will come to her aid which will lead to WWIII. The chickenhawks need to put their skin on the line if this is a policy they believe in, instead, they insist that others to fight perpetual war for them. Enough is enough.

  126. Gotta watch out for guys named Doug!

    Douglas="Dark Water" or something like that :)

  127. :)

    The shia is the 1%

    The heart of the beast


  128. DOUGLAS m Scottish, English
    Anglicized form of the Scottish surname Dubhghlas, meaning "dark river" from Gaelic dubh "dark" and glais "water, river"


  129. .

    We should bomb any of those nations that will not sign on, to the NPT?

    Or comprehensive inspections by the IAEA?

    We should bomb any nation that SIGNS the NPT then refuses to comply after receiving technology FROM the NPT to further their nuclear ambitions...

    b, please tell me it wasn't you who put this up.


  130. If Iran is attacked, China and Russia will come to her aid which will lead to WWIII.

    That gives one nightmares. Whether it's true or not I don't know, but it is spooky, sounding an echo of prophesy, and, the silent deeps of space.

    All these biblical prophesies coalescing into silence and numbness.


  131. It isn’t that Ron Paul doesn’t care whether Iran has nuclear weapons. He would prefer they didn't. He’s the only Republican candidate who is not an ardent supporter of Israel. He suggests that the 9/11 attacks were comeuppance for our misguided interventionism, and doesn’t think they justified a declaration of war, certainly not against Iraq and certainly not a string of war after war. Ron Paul is the only candidate that cares about US interests under the constitution. Why is that so wrong?

  132. It wasn't me, Quirk.

    As I stated, I thought bombing Iran might be the right thing some years ago, but I have no idea now.

    My guess is they have the fixings and are working on a delivery system.

    Deterence may be the best bet, maybe it would work.

    It is an honest answer to say you don't know what the hell to do.


  133. I'm outta here.

    Till next time,
    See ya!

  134. I don't get it, this idea that US policy has been so slanted to Israel.

    We give Israel some money.
    We give Egypt some money.
    We sell jets to Israel.
    We sell weapons to Egypt, to Saudi Arabia, to damn near anybody.

    We holds conferences to try to get them to all act nice.

    How is this bending the knee to Israel only?

    We just sold 30 billions worth of the very best F-15s to Saudi Arabia. 86 planes, I think.

    And the sad fact probably is, if we didn't sell the weapons somebody else would.


  135. “The US is assuming that Russia or China will not respond militarily, but they've been wrong before,” Shamus Cooke wrote on the Global Research website.

    Cooke explained that when former US president George W. Bush gave the green light to the then President of Georgia Mikheil Saakahvili to attack South Ossetia in 2008, “Russia surprised everyone by responding militarily and crushing Georgia's invasion.”

    “Attacking Syria and/or Iran opens the door to a wider regional or even international war,” Cooke stressed.

    Last Month, Major General Zhang Zhaozhong, professor from the Chinese National Defense University, said China would not hesitate to protect the Islamic Republic against a military strike, even if this means the start of the Third World War.

    Also last week, Russian Ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin vehemently criticized any plans of attacking Iran, describing the measure as “a very dangerous scenario” which could lead to a “regional catastrophe.”

    The United States and Israel have repeatedly threatened Tehran with the "option" of a military strike, based on the allegation that Iran's nuclear program may consist of a covert military agenda.

    Iran has refuted the allegations, saying that as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it has the right to develop and acquire nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

    Over the past weeks, Israel has renewed its aggressive rhetoric against Iran. On November 21, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned that "time has come" to deal with Iran.

    Israeli President Shimon Peres also threatened on November 6 that an attack against Iran is becoming "more and more likely."

    Iranian officials have promised a crushing response to any military strike against the country, warning that any such measure could result in a war that would spread beyond the Middle East.

    “If the US becomes militarily involved with Syria and Iran, it is up to the working people of the US to mobilize in massive numbers in the streets to prevent such an attack,” Cooke concluded.

  136. .

    It wasn't me, Quirk

    Got a little confused since some of rats posts to you looked like they were actually responding to anon's posts.

    Let's face it you often sound like WiO. Hard to tell the difference when you are talking about Israel. Likewise, a couple years ago your anon posts sounded just like Allen.

    Three of a kind. :)

    (At times.)



  137. I have never been a big fan of Wesley Clark but his 2008 speech that was posted in a recent post was stunning to hear, certainly the last two minutes.

  138. For all that Paul still has a very decent chance at winning on Tuesday- it just depends on whether his unusual coalition of young voters and non-Republicans really comes out to caucus. Among actual Republican voters Paul is tied for 3rd place with Gingrich at 17%, behind Romney's 21% and Santorum's 19%. But with independents and Democrats who plan to vote, which we peg at 24% of the electorate, Paul leads with 30% to just 14% each for Santorum and Romney.

    And that's another thing that pisses me off. These caucuses are worthless. Here we have a guy - Paul - who resigned from the Republican Party years ago running as a Republican and getting votes from independents and democrats.

    Whole thing seems to me a farce of the first order.

    PPP Poll Shows Photo Finish


  139. I, also, have not been a fan of Wesley. But, he has had top-notch access. I believe all of what he said.

  140. Democratic voters push Paul over the top in Republican primary, the headline might read.


  141. If we go to war with Iran, Ron Paul will certainly run as a third party. (Hopefully he can be protected.} The ramifications to the world economy would be dreadful. Why the Republicans and the Israelis would want the blowback from such reckless insanity is beyond comprehension. If it happens they will own it. Will we go to 75 million on food stamps? At gasoline over $5 per gallon, we will. Good luck with that.

  142. Just look for the 'b' down below, Quirk, like this ---


    That's either me or a copycat. :)


  143. .

    I pretty much agree with your last post on Israel bobbo.

    Unlike some here who argue that we should cut out all aid to these countries, I kind of view it as subsidies for our arms companies that can't be challenged by the WTO.

    That being said, if we did cut out the foreign aid, I wouldn't shed any tears. I would be much happier though to see us reducing the giant footprint we currently have throughout the world, not eliminating it as Paul seems to suggest but merely reducing it.

    However, I don't think the main complaint here about Israel involves the foreign aid, although it is a sore spot with some, but rather it is the influence Israel has with our elected representatives.


  144. Two former CIA analysts have advised US President Barack Obama to immediately put an end to the “torrent of war propaganda against Iran” as this will lead to the destruction of Israel and devastation of world economy.

    Ray McGovern and Elizabeth Murray wrote on the that Obama's “repeated use of the bromide that 'everything is on the table'” indicates that the US president does not fully recognize the consequences of a military confrontation with Iran.

    They said a war with Iran would be to the advantage of “no one but the arms merchants,” adding, “If your advisers have persuaded you that hostilities with Iran would bring benefit to Israel, they are badly mistaken.”

    War with Iran is likely to bring the destruction of Israel in the long term, “not even to mention the disastrous consequences for the world economy, of which you (Obama) must be aware,” the duo contended.

    Washington and Tel Aviv have repeatedly threatened Tehran with the "option" of a military strike, based on the allegation that Iran's nuclear work may consist of a covert military aspect.

    Last week, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey said the US military is ready to launch a military strike against Iran, if occasion necessitates.

    "We are examining a range of options. I'm satisfied that the options that we are developing are evolving to a point that they would be executable if necessary," Dempsey said.

    Dempsey's warmongering tirades came on the heels of the equally aggressive remarks by US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta that "no options were off the table" regarding Iran's nuclear program.

    This is while the Israeli officials have similarly stepped up their war rhetoric against Iran. On November 21, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned that "time has come" to deal with Iran.

    Israeli President Shimon Peres also threatened on November 6 that an attack against Iran is becoming "more and more likely."

    Iranian officials have promised a crushing response to any military strike against the country, warning that any such measure could result in a war that would spread beyond the Middle East.

    McGovern and Murray described the claims about the diversion of Tehran's nuclear program to a militarized dimension, the pretext for the war threats against Iran, as “incendiary but false,” which are propagated “fast and furious.”

    Iran argues that it has the right to develop and acquire nuclear technology for peaceful purposes as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

    The ex-CIA analysts have urged Obama to “be up-front with the American people,” and publicize the latest National Intelligence Estimate on Iran's nuclear program.

    “You (Obama) know that the Herculean efforts of US intelligence to find evidence of an active nuclear weapons program in Iran have found nothing.”

  145. This comment has been removed by the author.

  146. I am going to post that entire Clark speech.

  147. .

    Two former CIA analysts have advised US President Barack Obama to immediately put an end to the “torrent of war propaganda against Iran” as this will lead to the destruction of Israel and devastation of world economy...

    With the exception of the reference to the destruction of Israel many on this blog have made the same observations regarding Iran.

    However, quoting CIA analysts does little to advance the argument especially given their past performance.


  148. Happy New Year bar mates!

    Loving the Santorum affirmation of how clueless the GOP has become. When his children step on the yellow feet at MCRDs San Diego or Parris Island or equivalent to help execute his plan, I will be less cynical.

    In other news, while grassroots America buys more firearms for Christmas than any month in recorded history, the CINC signs the NDAA into law "with reservations" that allows the Executive to unilaterally declare Americans "terrorists" and detain them at will without the protections guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.

    Authors of the law being the dependable statists from both the GOP and DNC. That, with SOPA, and its Chinese-level control over the Interwebs, just "extraordinary powers" the federals are "reluctant to use" unless there is an "emergency."

    The Homeland, now a battlefield in the vague war that Congress is too gutless to declare, yet will use as justification to reduce the Constitution it claims to "support and defend" to ash.

    2012 shaping up to be a very, very interesting year in American history.

  149. However, quoting CIA analysts does little to advance the argument especially given their past performance.

    heh :)

    Well, as Israel goes, so goes Iran. If one goes the other goes too, the ghetto is nuclear armed.

    I warmed to the idea of some other anon who thought we might want to put the shias and sunnis pitted against one another.

    Hugh Fitzgerald, a good thinker, had that very idea. Should be our leading light, he thought.

    Here's Hugh Talking About Moderate Muslims

    Mostly gone to retirement now.


  150. Here's the headline if Ron Paul wins -

    Libertarian Politician Ron Paul Wins The Republican Iowa Caucus With Democratic Votes


  151. How about:

    Ron Paul Wins Iowa - Opposition to Mideast War Resonates.

  152. This is all misdirection. 3/4, or so, of the 9-11 Hijackers were Saudi.

  153. That may be true Rufus but there must be some way to have a Republican caucus where only actual Republicans vote.

    This cross over stuff always ticks me off.


  154. I posted the long and short version of the Wesley Clark speech. It really resonates today. Keep in mind this is over three years old. What did he know and when should we have known it. Certainly now.

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  170. Reliable Provider for BG/SBLC(Bank Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit)

    Have you been turned down by your bank due to bad credit or a businessman or an organization that wishes to expand in business ? We are a Finance industry professionals with over 16 Years Experience. We help individuals and companies to obtain funds for business expanding and to setup a new business at affordable interest rate from a genuine provider with Monetization and Recourse Funding from some of the World Top 25 Prime Banks primarily from Barclays, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Credit Suisse etc. You are at liberty to engage our leased facilities into trade programs as well as in signatory project(s) such as Aviation, Agriculture, Petroleum, Telecommunication and any other project(s) etc.

    With our financial/bank instrument you can establish line of credit with your bank and/or secure loan for your projects in which our bank instrument will serve as collateral in your bank to fund your project.

    We deliver with time and precision as set forth in the agreement. Our terms and Conditions are reasonable and we work directly with issuing bank lease providers, this instrument can be monetized on your behalf for upto 100% funding.

    We are also dedicated to offering financial and business Advice as well as projects funding, offering instruments for supplies, delivering instruments for trade finance and we give service to a wide customer base in Europe, Asia, North & South America

    Intermediaries/Consultants/Brokers are welcome to bring their clients and are 100% protected. In complete confidence, we will work together for the benefits of all parties involved.

    All relevant business information will be provided upon request and reply will be given as fast as possible.



  171. Reliable Provider for BG/SBLC(Bank Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit)

    Have you been turned down by your bank due to bad credit or a businessman or an organization that wishes to expand in business ? We are a Finance industry professionals with over 16 Years Experience. We help individuals and companies to obtain funds for business expanding and to setup a new business at affordable interest rate from a genuine provider with Monetization and Recourse Funding from some of the World Top 25 Prime Banks primarily from Barclays, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Credit Suisse etc. You are at liberty to engage our leased facilities into trade programs as well as in signatory project(s) such as Aviation, Agriculture, Petroleum, Telecommunication and any other project(s) etc.

    With our financial/bank instrument you can establish line of credit with your bank and/or secure loan for your projects in which our bank instrument will serve as collateral in your bank to fund your project.

    We deliver with time and precision as set forth in the agreement. Our terms and Conditions are reasonable and we work directly with issuing bank lease providers, this instrument can be monetized on your behalf for upto 100% funding.

    We are also dedicated to offering financial and business Advice as well as projects funding, offering instruments for supplies, delivering instruments for trade finance and we give service to a wide customer base in Europe, Asia, North & South America

    Intermediaries/Consultants/Brokers are welcome to bring their clients and are 100% protected. In complete confidence, we will work together for the benefits of all parties involved.

    All relevant business information will be provided upon request and reply will be given as fast as possible.



  172. My name is Mohammed Ahsan I'm a financial Consultant of a reputable firm Operating out of the United Kingdom
    we provide Discrete Financial, Services for High Net Worth CEO's/Executives of Corporation & Senior Government Officials globally.
    What we do is Legal & within the ambit of the law but following the Leakage of the Infamous United Kingdom
    Papers & subsequent threat by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ)
    International Criminal Court (ICC)
    Below is what my Sender can offer.
    1, MT103 gpi automatic
    2, MT103 wire transfer
    3, MT103 TT
    4, MT103/202 manual download
    5, SBLC lease and Purchase

    All bank instrument will be done via bank officer to bank officer, Receiver has to provide bank officer details
    on DOA all brokers are welcome and guarantee of there payment after successful deal
    kindly send me a message via email and WhatsApp.


    WhatsApp- +19893413179
