Saturday, December 24, 2011

Nothing New on the Menu

 This week the Republicans under the House leadership of John Boehner made Barack Obama look sensible and presidential. The candidates were telling us   how awful all the other candidates are. The Republican establishment is playing the race card on Ron Paul, always a sign that a candidate or party is nervous.
 I agree. They are. All  awful.


  1. The Republican Establishment is not playing 'the race card' on Ron Paul. People are simply reading what he wrote some years ago and coming to the conclusion the fruitcake is a KKKer along with....being a fruitcake.


  2. Ron Paul don't like the darkies, Rufus.

    To the extent you like Ron Paul, your latest flavor of the week, you are a racist too.

    Paul was a fully grown man when he wrote all that shit, a congressman.

    Look to yourself, and quit calling me a racist.


  3. Ron Paul is for legalizing heroin, cocaine, crack.....just what the inner city needs, right?

