Saturday, November 12, 2011

What is Happening in the Forbidden Iran? (Letters from Iran)

Iran explosion at Tehran military base

A huge explosion has rocked a military base west of Iran's capital, Tehran, officials say.

Several people were killed after the blast inside a Revolutionary Guards weapons depot, according to the semi-official Fars news agency, but this has not been confirmed.

Windows in nearby buildings have been shattered and the blast was heard in central Tehran, 40 km (25 miles) away.

A helicopter and ambulances have reportedly been sent to the scene.

Local MP Hossein Garousi said "a large part of an ammunition depot exploded," parliament's website reported.

It is not clear what caused the explosion in the village of Bidganeh, near the city of Karaj.


  1. Thanks to you for publishing this blog. Pass this on my friends. Do not believe the lies so often told. We Iranians are pro-western, pro-secular, and pro-human rights. Take your terrorist and anti-western drivel elsewhere. We Iranians simply want to live in freedom and democracy and see western nations as our friends, not our enemies. The only enemies of the Iranian people are the fanatical Mullahs and terrorists which have ruined and destroyed our once great homeland and whom have raped, tortured, and brutally killed our brothers and sisters who are still being held in prisons for simply wanting to live in freedom. A free Iran will also be an Iran which will have cordial relations with Israel and not be a supporter of terrorism which includes Hamas, Hizbollah, and Islamic Jihad.

  2. Thanks for being a part of our humble blog, Salaad.

    Right now an air strike on Iran would actually give an excuse for the Mullahs to do a system-wide crackdown on dissent. Bashir Assad played the same game when he tried to start some shit on the border with Israel.

    But there is an eternal human principle that says the more you control, the more you have to control. This starts a chain reaction that leads to the downfall of totalitarian regimes. It always happens, it's only a question of how much it costs in innocent blood.

  3. Build pipelines? You crazy! That requires digging in the dirt. And those blue collar workers are only going to multiply.

    That pipeline, by the way, they want to run all the way to the ports on the Gulf of Mexico rather than the refineries of Oklahoma. Is that really so good for America, to have a hermetically sealed energy stream from Canada to China running across our wild places? What do we get out of it, besides the initial temp jobs building it?

  4. 12. Toadold Meanwhile Hawker Beech Craft lays off, the Keystone pipeline is delayed and it looks like the deal may be over and the Alberta oil will go to China instead of the US, and on, and on, and on.

    The oil is still going to China, it's just a question of who gets the temp labor building China's pipeline from the tar sands. If it goes to Louisiana, it's US temp labor, Vancouver, then Canuckistan gets it.

  5. Gingrich Moves Into Top Tier of GOP 2012 Candidates, Polls Show

    Now Newt gets his fifteen minutes of fame.

  6. Two former participants in the CIA’s Mars visitation program of the early 1980’s have confirmed that U.S. President Barack H. Obama was enrolled in their Mars training class in 1980 and was among the young Americans from the program who they later encountered on the Martian surface after reaching Mars via “jump room.”

    Who knew the Teleprompter was really a Teleporter?

  7. My pleasure Salaad, I agree with T that the best way for Iran to evolve would be from within. 500,000 Glock 28s, with 200 rounds each would help.

  8. Wouldn’t it be a sight to behold to see a brace of Basij’s at the wrong end of freedom fighters with concealable and lethal side arms? Are you in Iran?

  9. Nothing would play into regime’s bloody hands better than an Israeli attack on Iran.

    It is astonishing that there are some in this country ready to start wars, which will cost hundreds of thousands of lives, using this kind of insane badly prepared propaganda.

    One would think that after the debacle in Iraq based by false information of weapons of mass destruction, our government would proceed with deliberate caution about a possible air strike against these so-called “nuclear facilities” in Iran.

    Sad that IAEA showed that it is nothing else besides an arm in of US/Israeli propaganda. Iraq war was started using “mobile chemical weapon factory trucks” as the excuse.

    A war against Syria is prepared using an enrichment (=textile) factory and a war against Iran because a a bus-sized container for conducting “experiments”.

    Netanyahu has re-worked the dynamics, slowing the peace process to a stop and accelerating the conflict with Iran. He is itching for an excuse.

    Israelis justify that it is right to demand Iran (like Iraq before) to be inspected and judged because Iran has signed the NTP treaty (and Israel not because it has not signed the treaty).

    Astonishing demand coming from people who normally wipe their behind with international treaties and regulations. The US congress is in their pocket.

    Let us remember that Israel has more nuclear weapons than China has and a delivery system prepared to attack most of the world.

    Iran is at the best a potential threat to world peace in the coming decades, Israel is a present and acute danger. Destroying Iran’s industrial capacity and development basis doesn’t solve anything.

    The big Arab and Muslim nations will only be convinced (mainly Turkey and Egypt) that they need nukes and fast.

    Iranians are crazy if they are NOT developing their nuclear deterrence.

    Israel’s nukes and behaviour are the core of the problem, not that Iran, Egypt, Turkey etc will create nukes, which they inevitably will.

    Perhaps a better option would be for the US to withdraw to our own Western Hemisphere , and leave the rest of them to get on with their lives where they live.

  10. .

    The Supercommittee has until Thanksgiving to reach an agreement on cuts in the budget. Reportedly, things aren't going well. No surprise.

    Since if there is no agreement, cuts of $1.2 trillion including military cuts of half that sum will be automatically applied, John McCain says he will introduce legislation to do away with the automatic cuts.

    Obama says that if anyone sends such legislation to him he will veto it.

    I would have to side with the president on this one. It really is time for McCain to retire.

    Obama Urges Supercommittee to Reach Deal, Don't Change Rules



  11. .

    I would love to see the current regime in Iran replaced. However, to assume it would change everything there is naive.

    For instance, it is widely reported that Iran's nuclear ambitions are not restricted to the current regime. A number of analysts reporting on the situation there indicate that the 'Greens' also favor obtaining nuclear capability.


  12. .

    The HHS disses Catholic groups on grants.

    The dispute is one of several between the Obama administration and some Catholic groups over policy issues, including a proposed HHS mandate that private insurers provide women with contraceptives for free.

    Senior HHS officials awarded the new grants to the bishops’ competitors despite a recommendation from career staffers that the Catholic group be funded based on scores by an independent review board, according to federal officials and internal department documents.

    That prompted a protest from some HHS staffers, who said that the process was unfair and politicized, people familiar with the process have said.

    The $4.5 million in funding was awarded to three nonprofit groups: Heartland Human Care Services, Tapestri and the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants...

    Obama vs Catholics

    I have no position on the HHS decision in the article. I only post it to note that it is one of several issues that have come up recently where Obama disses Catholic charitable organizations.

    The Catholic vote represents about 25% of the electorate. The fact that this is just one more group he has offended is telling. If the GOP had one decent candidate Obama would be toast. Instead he keeps stumbling along.


  13. Iran having nuclear weapons would be supported by the vast majority of Iranians. They learned that lesson from Saddam attacking them and then Iraq being attacked by the US. Without a meaningful security guarantee, it is inevitable that Iran will have nuclear weapons. Israel, at best, has one remote chance of disabling the Iranian nuclear program but that will be temporary. Israel would be buying less security, not more. The country that will pay the greatest price would be the US. $5 gallon gasoline would ruin the remaining wealth of more US citizens than there are people in Israel.

    That would be an interesting poll, if one were interested in truth and honesty:

    “Would you be interested in paying $5 a gallon for gasoline and see US unemployment rise, your savings fall and the US deficit widen so that Bibi Netanyahu could attack Iran and drag along the US into a third Middle Eastern war?”

    What do you think? 10%, 14%?

  14. Nuclear Weapons vs Iranian Nuclear Power

    Both the TFT and WPO polls show the vast majority of Iranians want their country to develop nuclear energy. TFT found that 89 percent of Iranians favor (including 78% who strongly favor) "the Iranian Government developing nuclear energy." [TFT, Q 12a] WPO found that 90 percent of Iranians believe it is important (including 81% very important) for Iran "to have a full fuel cycle nuclear program." [WPO, Q 28]

    Both polls also show that the Iranian public's support for the development of nuclear weapons is considerably less than that for nuclear energy, but how much less depends considerably on how the question was posed. TFT asked about Iran's government developing nuclear weapons immediately after its question on nuclear energy and found a slim majority in favor (51% vs. 39% opposed). [TFT, Q 12b] WPO asked several questions about Iran foregoing nuclear weapons in the context of different international proposals that did not limit Iran's nuclear energy program. Each of these questions found a clear majority willing to accept the proposal. For example, 58 percent favor (vs. 26% oppose) the following offer:

    "Suppose the U.N. Security Council were to say that it would accept Iran having a full fuel cycle nuclear program limited to the enrichment levels necessary for nuclear energy, if Iran agrees to allow the IAEA permanent and full access throughout Iran to ensure that its nuclear program is limited to energy production." [WPO, Q 34; also see QQ. 27 and 74]

  15. I hope Iran gets the bomb, and uses it against Saudi Arabia.

    Then you will get what you deserve.

    War and guess what? Israel will not be apart of it.

    JUST as it was not a part of the Gulf War 1 or 2....

    Iran is on a war path to destroy the west. israel actually will not be it's 1st target.

    But the Israel hating nitwits of this blog cant see the forest for the trees..


    I hope Israel stays out of it, and I will personally laugh my ass off as millions of sunnis are being murdered by shia as the USA pisses it's pants.

    Not to worry. after the fighting starts and spreads to many other theaters Israel will still be an ally of the USA.

    So dont worry Israel will have America's back...

    Cant think of another American ally that will however...

    America is selling out it's allies faster than Ms T can create a new screen name....

    But go ahead, blame Bibi for all the problems of the world...

    And yeah...

    Iran aint singing kumbaya. But you'll are tone deaf.

  16. War and guess what? Israel will not be apart of it.

    JUST as it was not a part of the Gulf War 1 or 2....

    Iran is on a war path to destroy the west. israel actually will not be it's 1st target.

    Not quite, during the First Gulf War , Israel became a very large consumer of American air power. Saddam fired scud missiles at Israel to goad Israel into getting involved. Saddam’s plan was to force Israeli involvement and make the war all about Israel. Israel showed restraint but at a considerable cost and diversion of US air assets. Israel was very much a reluctant participant of GW-1. That in itself should be a cautionary lesson about the unintended consequences of wars especially in the ME.

  17. Why was Jerry Sandusky not turned over the Police years ago?

    It's possible that he knows too much.

  18. There is a missing DA in Pennsylvania that has never been explained.

  19. .

    Always considered Fred Barnes to be a hard right columnist, but have noticed some of his columns seem to take on a more thoughtful point of view lately.

    In the following, he lays out the big picture case against Obama when it comes to the economy. Don't agree with some parts such as on regulations but for the most part it appears right on with regard to who are the 'biggest' (pun intended) influences on him.

    Obama Loves the Big Guys


  20. We are all waiting at the edge of our seats for the next big existential threat. My all time favorite was the Iraqi Winnebago of Death, brought to us by the slam-dunkers, Robert Joseph and his magic laptop, George Tenet, Bush-Cheney-Rice and Rumsfeld. The mobile “Lab”(s) was(were) allegedly being used to make biological weapons. US military intelligence, God bless their open-hearts, concluded they were used to fill weather balloons with helium, one of the scarier elements on the Periodic table.

  21. Have you looked? For the DA.

  22. It is possible. If you are lucky.

  23. WiO: War and guess what? Israel will not be apart of it.

    JUST as it was not a part of the Gulf War 1 or 2....

    And how much did it cost the United States so that Israel would NOT be a part of Gulf One?

    $13 billion dollars.

    Israel said yesterday it will need at least $13 billion in additional economic aid from the United States because of the war and the cost of absorbing Jewish immigrants from the Soviet Union.

    In similar news, Jesse Jackson said he will need an additional $2 million dollars from Nike in economic aid for the cost of relocating his protesters and their signs from their campsite in front of Nike corporate headquarters in Oregon.

  24. Teresita said...
    WiO: War and guess what? Israel will not be apart of it.

    JUST as it was not a part of the Gulf War 1 or 2....

    And how much did it cost the United States so that Israel would NOT be a part of Gulf One?

    $13 billion dollars.

    Now that is a good deal...

    13 billion in military aid almost all spent in the USA .

    Again, my point stands...

    try again faker...

  25. Bernie Madoff, a financial predator, as well as a practitioner of fraternal fraud, scammed mostly fellow Jews for a net $18 billion. Disastrous to the few who were scammed, it hardly made a ripple in the wealth of the American Jewish community. Charity begins at home.

  26. WiO: 13 billion in military aid almost all spent in the USA .

    I don't think you understand. The $13 billion was to pay for locating Russian Jews to Eretz Yisrael, so it was all spent in that neighborhood, mostly building housing on Palestinian land occupied since 1967.

    I suppose the next war we want Israel not to fight will cost us $45 billion.

  27. What is "Occupation" said... I hope Iran gets the bomb, and uses it against Saudi Arabia.

    Sorry, WiO, I don't think Iran would be very popular if they nuked the black rock just because a bloodthirsty Jew on the Internet wanted it to happen.

    Quirk: The Catholic vote represents about 25% of the electorate

    There is no such thing as a monolithic Catholic vote. Among those who attend Mass weekly, there is a plurality of Republicans. The number of registered Catholics (which includes Christmas & Easter Catholics and pro-abortion Catholics like Pelosi) is about 22% of the US population.

  28. .

    T, once again you nit pick on the numbers and miss the point.

    The Catholic vote is the largest swing vote in the country. Decades ago they voted mostly Democratic. In the last few decades, they have become a swing vote. They made up much of the 'Reagan Democrats' in the 80's. They went 52 to 47 for Bush in 2004. Then they turned around and went 54 for 45 for Obama in 2008.

    They are a swing vote and there are a lot of them. Obama can't count on them like he can the Jews and the Blacks.

    One point I was making was that with a year to go before the election you would think Obama would be courting such a large group not emphasizing areas of contention.

    Beyond that basic point it can be noted that Catholics aren't the only group Obama has dissed. Yet despite that, given the mediocre quality of the GOP field, he continues to shuffle along in the polls.


  29. Teresita said...
    What is "Occupation" said... I hope Iran gets the bomb, and uses it against Saudi Arabia.

    Sorry, WiO, I don't think Iran would be very popular if they nuked the black rock just because a bloodthirsty Jew on the Internet wanted it to happen.

    You dumb slut.....

    They dont want to nuke the pagan black rock you shallow checkers player...

    they want to nuke the OIL you stupid bitch....

    now go and learn and stop making up illnesses...

  30. Teresita said...
    WiO: 13 billion in military aid almost all spent in the USA .

    I don't think you understand. The $13 billion was to pay for locating Russian Jews to Eretz Yisrael, so it was all spent in that neighborhood, mostly building housing on Palestinian land occupied since 1967.

    I suppose the next war we want Israel not to fight will cost us $45 billion.

    sorry Ms T...

    there aint no such thing as "palestinian" land....

    maybe you should get your fat ass over to Israel learn some actual facts not the fiction you learn from lesbians for palestine websites...

    now repeat after me...

    there is no P in arabic....

    there is no P in arabic...

    and as for 45 billion?

    that now worth about 14 million at todays rate....
