Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Los Angeles Offers To Give Occupiers Free Office Space, Housing And Farmland

(LA Times) — Los Angeles officials have offered Occupy L.A. protesters a package of incentives that includes downtown office space and farmland in an attempt to persuade them to abandon their camp outside of City Hall, according to several demonstrators who have been in negotiations with the city.

The details of the proposal were revealed Monday during the demonstration’s nightly general assembly meeting by Jim Lafferty, an attorney with the National Lawyers Guild who has been advocating on behalf of the protest since it began seven weeks ago.

Lafferty said city officials have offered protesters a $1-a-year lease on a 10,000-square-foot office space near City Hall. He said officials also promised land elsewhere for protesters who wish to farm, as well as additional housing for the contingent of homeless people who joined the camp.

A spokesman for the mayor would not comment on the proposal, saying only: “We are in negotiations with organizers of Occupy L.A.”


  1. We be movin' on up, to the east side, we fin'ly got a piece of dat pie.

  2. Did someone say free farmland??


  3. Obama won't sanction Iran's central bank although everyone else wants to do so Here


  4. Free Farmland?!?

    Sheesh, what a deal.

    I'll pick you up on the way Bob. :)

    Thanks, T.

    You're a Trooper. :)

  5. land elsewhere for protesters who wish to farm

    This I wish to see. I want to see these city shits farm. I want to see them sweat a little. I want to see them try to figure things out, and, when they can't, I'll offer to become farm manager......for a fee. Or a crop share.



  6. The Bush/Obama foreign policies remain constant.

    Iran's finances not really applicable to sanction.

    The US funding Whirled Bank operations, while that bank funded Iranian infrastructure projects.

    We should sanction Iran's Central Bank, but our elected leaders, for the past 11 years, seem to feel that would be counter to US interests, long term.

    Stay the Course!

  7. You and me, Rufus.

    Farmin' in LA.



  8. Here' your chance to homestead, rat.


  9. Truth is this is a hell of a bad precedent to be setting for people who foul their surroundings, offering to buy them off.


  10. I bet that's some real choice dirt. :)

    Actually, I think it's kind of a smart way to defuse the crowd. It's not like they're going to take'm up on it. And, if they do, the show should be worth watching. :)

  11. I do not need the welfare, boob.

    I know that Federal largess is at the core of your economic pie, but me and mine, we don't need to feed from the public trough.

  12. The City of LA has vacant buildings and vacant building lots.

    Owned by the City, probably for back taxes.

    Why should the City not utilize those buildings and land for political purposes?

    Better than letting it all sit idle.

  13. ah, crapper, you don't mean it

    subcontracting out to Uncle Sam as you did......


  14. They might take them up on the office space. After all it's a roof over the head, and toilets, till they plug them up.

    And electricity to run computers and charge cell phones, etc.


  15. Doubt if your industrial farming techniques would work in LA.

    While the protestors could easily contract with the some of Korean immigrants in LA, they would not need your managerial assistance, boobie.

    Being more than capable of managing Victory Gardens across the length and breadth of the City of Angles.

  16. I do mean it, boobie.

    The horse program, we were subsidizing the Federals, not the other way around.

    The military service, was done back in the day when serving in the military was not as financially beneficial as it is today.

    We had low pay and no GI Bill to subsidize post service education.

    That post Vietnam era, when military personnel were held in disfavor, by the public at large.

    Exemplified by the lack of support offered to the troops. As witnessed at Desert 1.

    That "other time" the US tried military action in Iran.

  17. The US funding Whirled Bank operations, while that bank funded Iranian infrastructure projects

    They fund the jihadis and set them up against Israel. They fund Israel and set them up against the jihadis. They then use their propaganda organs to stage lies and incite the two for war and enmity. All the while, their corporations rack in the profits on the blood of jews and arabs, steal their natural resources, and poison minds and the natural environment for generations and generations. It is pure evil, and the US/NATO/Vatican are at the heart of it.

  18. Even if your claims to conspiracy are valid, mat, evil is in the eye of the beholder.

    Our 330 million residents are doing quite well, comparatively. Not evidence of evil, just ruthlessness when required.

    I do not think that it is the influence of either Mr Bush/Obama or the Vatican that fuels the hate that emanates from "PR man for Allah".

  19. evil is in the eye of the beholder

    I am the beholder. You people are thieves, murderers, and scoundrels of the highest order. You will be shunned and vomited out of existence.

  20. From my perspective, mat, that's the pot callin' the kettle black.

    To be accurate, Israel has to be included as part of the Anglo/US force projection, into the Islamic Arc.

  21. That Israel is being used as a geo-political tool, perhaps, but that's a role those relocated Europeons volunteered for.

  22. that's a role those relocated Europeons volunteered for

    That's funny, because while in Europe, them "relocated Europeons" were always told to go home. I'm told "home" meant some imperialist plantation in Madagascar, or Siberia.

  23. And here you two both think Ron Paul is the cat's meow.



  24. Well, mat, the English created the political space for Israel and the Russians and other Eastern Europeons populated it.

    The Europeons then used Israel as a military base to jointly invade Egypt and seize their canal.

    The Israeli fully complicit in that attempted piece of thievery.

  25. It was the US that protected Egyptian property rights, from the thieves.

  26. To be accurate, Israel has to be included as part of the Anglo/US force projection, into the Islamic Arc.

    Tue Nov 22, 12:09:00 PM EST

    What a bunch of utter bullshit.



  27. It was the US that protected Egyptian property rights, from the thieves.

    LOL! I needed that laugh!

    Care to guess what would happen should the Egyptians assert their property rights by closing the canal, and how them US protectors of Egyptian property rights will react.

  28. Well boobie, it is kind of like religion this notion of conspiracy behind everything for Mat and Rat. They take disparate 'facts' and link them with the common thread of a secretive group behind all of it. In religion it is God, Allah, ect that links all disparate facts. For Rat it is the boners and Mat the US/NATO/Vatican cabal.

  29. I've got it!!!

    Detroit has literally miles after endless miles of vacant lots and buildings.

    Turn all this over to all the OWS crowd in the USA.

    Some of these areas might be large enough for 'industrial farming', too.

    Repopulate Detroit with young eager kibbutzers of the OWS sort. Idealistic, strong, law abiding, clean and neat, great work ethic.....

    Everybody wins.

    Quirk can provide the P R and advertising.

    Occupy Detroit!!!


  30. ah Ashley, you have hit on something there.

    But why the name calling, I've been nice to you, lately?

    Last year I wished you the happiest of new years, remember?


  31. Detroit

    Good idea, Bob.

    But it wont work as long the the Corporations and the Central Banks exist and can steal it all later on. See: George Carlin - The American Dream.

    You need a radical rethink of the way things work. The current system needs to be completely repudiated and done away with.

  32. I need to go see my life insurance guy about policies. Take care, Mat.



  33. Bob,

    I hope you use that money to grow and buy good food. That's the best life insurance.

  34. Well, boobie, from the Times of London, May 1917:

    Lord Rothschild wrote: ...
    "We Zionists have always felt that if Palestine is to be colonized by the Jews, some machinery must be set up to receive the immigrants, settle them on the land and develop the land, and to be generally a directing agency. ...

    The history of the Balfour Declaration is one of Anglo/Europeon expansion into the Ottoman Empire.

    Part of the pay-off for the assistance provided funding of WWI.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. For further evidence, we call in evidence remarks made ...

    ns on 4 July 1922, Winston Churchill asked rhetorically,

    Are we to keep our pledge to the Zionists made in 1917...? Pledges and promises were made during the war, and they were made, not only on the merits, though I think the merits are considerable.

    They were made because it was considered they would be of value to us in our struggle to win the war. It was considered that the support which the Jews could give us all over the world, and particularly in the United States, and also in Russia, would be a definite palpable advantage.

    I was not responsible at that time for the giving of those pledges, nor for the conduct of the war of which they were, when given, an integral part. But like other members I supported the policy of the War Cabinet. Like other members, I accepted and was proud to accept a share in those great transactions, which left us with terrible losses, with formidable obligations, but nevertheless with unchallengeable victory.

  37. Part of the pay-off for the assistance provided funding of WWI.

    Yeah, that is why they torpedoed the Weizmann- Feisal Hussein joint Arab-Jewish agreement on a Jewish Homeland (January 3, 1918), and then closed off Jewish immigration to Israel.

    Most of the Jews in Israel at that time were already there during the Turkish occupation of that land.

  38. Not a payoff to the Turks, mat, who were on the "other" side, during WWI.

    The payoff was the acceptance of Zionist principles in Palestine, as outlined in the Balfour Declaration, to the banking interests represented by Lord Rothschild, in London, Russia and the United States.

    As spoken to by Mr Churchill, in the House of Commons, 1917.

  39. Mat, in the other thread you wrote:

    "America supplies them with the money to buy those rockets. And then it used its MSM propaganda outlets to castigate Israel for defending itself, while at the same time it slices and dices Israel into smaller and smaller parts. "

    I'm curious as to what smaller and smaller pieces America is slicing Israel into? Israel has gotten bigger since the 1948 borders were established...

  40. Further depositions are called to be read:

    In a memorandum marked in his own handwriting "Private & Confidential" to Lord Peel and other members of the Royal Commission on Palestine in 1936, James Malcolm wrote:
    As I have already said, I had a part in initiating the negotiations in the early autumn of 1916 between the British and French Governments and the Zionist leaders, which led to the Balfour Declaration and the British Mandate for Palestine.

    The first object, of course, was to enlist the very considerable and necessary influence of the Jews, and especially of the Zionist or Nationalist Jews, to help us bring America into the War at the most critical period of the hostilities. This was publicly acknowledged by Mr. Lloyd George during a recent debate in the House of Commons.

    The Zionists part of the Anglo/US plot, at least from a historical perspective.

    The Anglo/French divided up the Ottoman's interests in the Levant, and had promised the Zionists they could colonize it.

    Which, after a fashion, the Zionists certainly did.

  41. There was a tremendous amount of anti-colonial feeling, amongst the People residing in Palestine.

    Much like Bush and Obama, and the continuation of policies after a change of administrators.

    The British were faced with the unpopularity of Zionist ideals amongst the existing residents of Palestine.

    Thus they played both sides, while as exemplified by Leon Uris in his novel Exodus, allowed illegal immigration to continue apace.

    As the US does, today, with regards its official immigration law and actual policy on the ground.

    That being part of the ruthlessness that allows such a small minority to control such vast resources, both economic and military.

  42. Not a payoff to the Turks, mat, who were on the "other" side, during WWI.

    I understand. Re-read my post.

    Anyway, What they say and what they do are two different things, often opposites.

    If the British did what they said they would do, they would not have been attacked by Israeli nationalists and chased out of the country. They were called the 'perfidious British' for a reason.

  43. That being part of the ruthlessness that allows such a small minority to control such vast resources, both economic and military.

    Not to worry, you will have your Robespierre moment.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Rat, I think you're a little "rich" on your estimate of U.S. debt that China holds.

    BTW, that was some interesting history.

  46. As of January 2011, foreigners owned $4.45 trillion of U.S. debt, or approximately 47% of the debt held by the public of $9.49 trillion

    The largest holders were the central banks of China, Japan, the United Kingdom and Brazil.[55]

    As of May 2011 the largest single holder of U.S. government debt was China, with 26 percent of all foreign-held U.S. Treasury securities (8% of total US public debt)

    26% of $4.45 trillion
    ... $1.05 trillion ...

    China has a population of:
    1,336,718,015 (July 2011 est.)

    With an economy generating a GDP:
    $10.09 trillion (2010 est.)

    Or a per capita rate of:
    $7,600 (2010 est.).

    The Chinese have lent the US government about 36 days worth of their economic production.

    Plus whatever commercial lending the Chinese have been doing that's been denominated in USD.

    Another 18 days, perhaps?

    We've got quite a float from Charlie

    Which we have promised to repay with scrip.

  47. :) That looks a little closer, I think.

  48. If the British did what they said they would do, they would not have been attacked by Israeli nationalists and chased out of the country.

    The British closed off Jewish immigration to Israel, and they placed an arms embargo on the Jews. Arabs were freely allowed to the area from all over: Syria Turkey Egypt Sudan Iraq etc. Arabs also had no problems receiving arms from the Anglos. From modern spitfire fighter planes to tanks.

    The Anglos intended to set up the Jews for another Holocaust in Israel. Just like they did earlier in Europe, by funding and arming Hitler and the Nazis.

  49. The arms and immigration embargoes were as porous as the US/Mexican border.

    We all have our perspectives on history.

    The written, real, and imagined.

    You look to motive, I look at the reality.

    Israel was founded in 1948 and was on military aggression in concert with British and French troops in Eygpt, in 1956.

    That is the reality of the Anglo/Franco/Israeli alliance.
    Eight years after the British were supposedly "setting up Israel" for destruction.

    History does not match your premise that Israel is not part of the supposed Anglo Axis, mat.

  50. desert rat said...

    "The Tillman story, doug, is not that it was a friendly fire incident, but that the US Army knowingly lied about the incident and awarded SP/4 Tillman a Silver Star in spite of that knowledge.


    Marine Corps and Defense Department officials lied.

    His fellow Marines did not.

    The parents were subjected to the same abuse, just not for as long, and to such extent.

    The medal, a comparatively minor detail.

  51. History does not match your premise that Israel is not part of the supposed Anglo Axis, mat.

    Israel found itself part of the Anglo alliance, yes. The Egyptians and other arabs part of the Soviet alliance.

    Again, the whole nonsense, being another anglo game of divide and conquer, and steal everything you can.

  52. I think not, doug.

    The Marine Corps did not file a false report about that Marine's death, just failed to disclose the circumstances of his death.

    That is a major difference between the case of Lance Cpl. Benjamin W. Schmidt and SP/4 Tillman.

    At least from the article you linked to.

  53. The big picture is different.

    To unnecessarily further devastate the parents, inexcuseable.

  54. Exactly what have we stolen in the middle east?

    It was the Americans and English that developed the oil industry in Saudi Arabia. We had a big stake in it and they nationalized the deal.

    We've paid through the nose, through the nose, through the nose for oil. Everyday here I hear someone moaning about all out money draining away to the arabs.

    I'm almost with Donald Trump ....maybe it's about time we did steal something, like some Iraqi oil to pay for our troubles for instance, or Saudi Arabian oil as protection money.

    Even King David ran a protection racket.


  55. "Camp Pendleton force loses sixth Marine in a week"

    Shoulda stayed in Iraq, left Afghanistan.

    Obama, biggest shitwad in US History.

  56. Hey, I just invented a great new word.

  57. Never shoulda let lowlife A-rabs have the oil in the first place.

    Coulda raised them up to be semi-human by fairly distributing 20 percent of the proceeds.

  58. Doug, as usual, is clear thinking and profound, and ultimately compassionate.


  59. Exactly what have we stolen in the middle east?

    Bob, everything paid with counterfeit is theft. You print trillions of paper dollars and you receive real tangible natural resources and other goods for that counterfeit paper. Those that refuse to accept your paper, you have your CIA and military replace with political puppets amenable to accepting your paper.

  60. Come on Doug, aren't u being tough on Obama.
    He's changed the tone in Washongton, reduced unemoyment under 8%, decreased inflation, deceased energy prices, and improved the housing situation.

    Hope and change 2012

  61. Mat favors further empowering the Muzzies!


  62. Mat favors further empowering the Muzzies!

    No, I'm in favor dis-empowering the jihadis by dis-empowering their patrons who constantly incite enmity through their propaganda organs.

    Doug, how many did the real oppression of Egyptian Copts make headline news or any news at all? How many times did the blatantly contrived palywood theater make the headline news? Why do you think that is?

  63. "The leftoids hate all that is best about America"

    ...and they finally elected the real deal.

  64. Not sure why I needed to quote myself.

  65. .

    I'm curious as to what smaller and smaller pieces America is slicing Israel into? Israel has gotten bigger since the 1948 borders were established...

    Please, Ash don't make this more difficult than it has top be.



  66. desert rat said...
    Well, mat, the English created the political space for Israel and the Russians and other Eastern Europeons populated it.

    I have no intention of joining in a battle ending in futility. DR, you would be well advised to do a little research and find how much of that Jewish homeland was purchased fair and square from the Ottomans - the rightful owners, given your standards. But, on that score, how could the Ottomans have been the owners by right of conquest, once, while the Israelis cannot be the owners by the multiple defeats of its sundry enemies, some created about the same time by the UN? Hmm...

  67. .

    Doug, how many did the real oppression of Egyptian Copts make headline news or any news at all? How many times did the blatantly contrived palywood theater make the headline news? Why do you think that is?

    Gee, I don't know. Maybe it was a conspiracy.

    Or perhaps you just didn't look in the right places. If you are interested in stories about the Copts, forget the conspiracy websites and try the NYT, WaPO, or RealClearWorld or RealClearPolitics, or perhaps an 'anglo' paper like Economist, the Guardian, or the Telegraph.

    And I understand that Canada is a bit provencial, but surely, the Globe and Mail must have had some stories about the Copts.

    Why would people print palywood stories? Here I am a bit metagrobolized; however, where I to guess, I would say it is probably because they sell.


  68. One of those a-rab countries forget which one just made a big order for the new Boeing airliner with our paper money.


  69. metagrobolized??

    This is new to the hayseed.



  70. 1948 borders were established...

    There are no borders of 1948. What there is, is an armistice line established at the expense of the Jews who were basically deprived of any substantive weapons to defend themselves against an onslaught of multiple invading armies supplied by the anglos. These armies managed to carve 80% of designated "Palestine" to themselves.

    What is today Jordan, the PA areas, and Israel, were all designated as "Palestine" --the national homeland of the Jews. There were international agreements to this effect, signed by both parties. Agreements which were deliberately torpedoed by the Anglos. Today, Jordan and the PA areas are designated Judenrein territories. This is mainly enforced by the US through a diplomatic stranglehold on Israel. Furthermore, the US forcibly stripped Israel of the Sinai, twice!, a territory belonging to Israel after it was won from Egyptian occupation. It intends to do the same with the Golan.

  71. Gee, I don't know. Maybe it was a conspiracy.

    IT IS a conspiracy! These stories NEVER made the Headline News and NEVER aired on Television. This is not a new story. This story is just as ancient as the contrived palywood propaganda that's been aired incessantly for the past 60 plus years.

  72. One of those a-rab countries forget which one just made a big order for the new Boeing airliner with our paper money.

    And what does that represent? A day's worth of oil supply?

  73. Quirk openly touts the MSM for a change.

    We're making progress!

  74. I never said the Ottomans owned it, allen. What I said was they were the administrators of it.

    Which they were.
    That's a reality.

  75. Obama must be pleased with the secular dictators/militarists or the Islamists fighting to establish Islamic caliphates and impose Sharia law from the Atlantic Ocean to Indonesia. Nobody paying attention to this so laughably misnamed "Arab Spring" from Morocco eastward to Bahrain should ever be surprised by what is happening in Egypt. That is because the revolution in Egypt, as in all of the other Arab nations, has nothing to do with overthrowing dictators and tyrants and replacing them with Lockean-Jeffersonian democrats. It is all about one thing and one thing only, i.e., power and who will wield it.

  76. The television pictures showed the three young men lined up against a wall and a table with several ID cards, including an Indiana driver's license.

    "The three boys were throwing Molotov cocktails and had no passports on them when they were picked up," CNN quoted Adel Saeed, a spokesman for Egypt's general prosecutor's office, as saying.


    A major protest against the military was taking place Tuesday evening in the square. The ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) was locked in crisis talks with a number of political groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood, after the interim government said it would resign.

  77. U.S. troops are in the process of completing their withdrawal from Iraq by the end-of-2011 deadline. We are now moving toward a reckoning with the consequences.


    The situation in Syria complicates all of this. The minority Alawite sect has dominated the Syrian government since 1970, when the current president’s father — who headed the Syrian air force — staged a coup.


    We are now in the final act of Iraq, and it is even more painful than imagined. Laying this alongside the European crisis makes the idea of a systemic crisis in the global system very real.

    Middle East

  78. Hey guys, I got a Great Idea for a vacation; let's go to Egypt and throw Molotov Cocktails at the Army. Who's with me?

  79. Methuselah: These armies managed to carve 80% of designated "Palestine" to themselves.

    You see the green stuff? That's all you get.

    That was the UN map BEFORE the 1948-49 war. If it looks a little smallish, that's because the Haganah and Stern Gang and Irgun tore off more than their fair share of the pizza.

  80. After a series of elections in which politicians touted their party purity, a smattering of 2012 candidates are trying to sell voters on their willingness to make deals. That may play better now, after such a high-stakes failure.

    Even if one party was sufficiently successful at the polls in 2012 to force its ideas into law, Washington insiders know that even that would not be the end of it.

    “Sure, we’ll cut and we’ll cut and we’ll cut,” said Rep. Thomas J. Rooney (R-Fla.), imagining a total GOP victory in 2012. “And the Democrats will start to run against it right away.”

  81. Why Egypt? What wrong with UC Davis?

  82. The country’s generals were hailed as heroes when they sided with demonstrators and pushed Mubarak out of power in what amounted to a soft coup. Over the past nine months, however, the generals have tried thousands of civilians in military courts and have expanded the use of a despised emergency law that gives the government sweeping powers to detain people.


    In an apparent nod to protesters, the military announced a new “treachery” law Monday to stop former members of Mubarak’s National Democratic Party from running in the parliamentary elections. But the law, which activists said was too little, too late, would apply only to those convicted of political corruption.

    The military council also said it has ordered an investigation into the causes of the clashes and would take legal action “against anyone who is proven to have been involved in the events.”

  83. That was the UN map BEFORE the 1948-49 war.

    No, that was one of many proposals. One of many that was rejected.

  84. It’s also worth noting that a lack of context in a campaign ad is nothing new. Just last week, in fact, GOP candidates including Romney mischaracterized Obama’s quote about how America had been “lazy” about attracting foreign investment, by suggesting that Obama was calling all Americans “lazy”. (Texas Gov. Rick Perry even ran an ad based on this premise).

    And the furor over that lasted all of two seconds.

    None of this is to say that this strategy is genius or that it will wind up being a net positive for Romney; there is a price to pay if Romney’s campaign is seen as dishonest. But at the very least, it’s moving the debate in a direction the Romney campaign wanted — him versus Obama on the economy — for a mere $134,000.

  85. Rufus II said...

    Hey guys, I got a Great Idea for a vacation; let's go to Egypt and throw Molotov Cocktails at the Army. Who's with me?

    I'll go if we can throw cocktails at the muzzie brothers.


  86. Teresita, you're Filipino, aren't you? Why the hostility?

  87. Nobody here ever answers the question of:

    What about all the land throughout the ME that's been acquired by way of ethnically cleansing Jews, and now increasingly, Christians.

    How about re-establishing THAT property to those who owned it in 1930?

  88. The whole southern Med shoreline use to be Christian/Jewish but they were all run out of there.

    Free Tripoli!!!!


  89. Free Istanbul!!!


  90. We should start the Freedom March, at UC Davis, boobie.

  91. How about re-establishing THAT property to those who owned it in 1930?

    That would be a crusade!Crusades are a no-no!!

    Jihad on the other hand, that's got the blessing of the Pope. And the CIA. Not that there's much of difference, as the CIA is really a branch of the Corporations, who are a branch of the Central Banks, who are a branch of the Vatican.

  92. I'd almost agree with that, crapper.


  93. .

    Jihad on the other hand, that's got the blessing of the Pope. And the CIA. Not that there's much of difference, as the CIA is really a branch of the Corporations, who are a branch of the Central Banks, who are a branch of the Vatican.

    Just what we needed to add a little cheer to the old blog for the holidays.

    Bob sobers up and we get Mats.

    IT IS a conspiracy

    I assume the capitals mean you are really really serious.

    From Wiki,

    Paranoid personality disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis characterized by paranoia and a pervasive, long-standing suspiciousness and generalized mistrust of others.

    Those with the condition are hypersensitive, are easily slighted, and habitually relate to the world by vigilant scanning of the environment for clues or suggestions to validate their prejudicial ideas or biases. Paranoid individuals are eager observers. They think they are in danger and look for signs and threats of that danger, disregarding any facts.[1] They tend to be guarded and suspicious and have quite constricted emotional lives. Their incapacity for meaningful emotional involvement and the general pattern of isolated withdrawal often lend a quality of schizoid isolation to their life experience.[2] Simply put, people with this particular disorder have a tendency to bear grudges, suspiciousness, tendency to interpret others actions as hostile, persistent tendency to self-reference, and a tenacious sense of personal right. [3]

    From that standpoint Mats, you fit right in here with all the rest of us posters at the old EB.

    However, I would also have to add delusions of granduer to the old diagnosis. You seem to think the entire world, including the U.S., the U.N., the rest of the world or at least most of the countries in the West, the CIA, the well-known massive banking conspracy, the "corporations, the Pope (and one assumes) Catholics, and we can't of course leave out Islam, the CFR, the Trilaterals, etc., etc., literally billions of people, actually give a shit, no are actually actively conspiring against you and Israel.

    Do you really think you deserve that much attention Mats?


  94. .

    Quirk openly touts the MSM for a change.

    Come on Doug. Let's not go crazy.


    I said nothing for or against the quality of the stories only that if anyone is looking for stories on the Copts, it isn't that hard to find them.

    I do apologize for my comment on Palyland, however. Since Mats comments were in a rather sarcastic vein, the first thing I assumed he meant was the MSM was obsessed with Palin. From his subsequent post I guess he meant the Palis.

    Therefore, I retract my statement that that subject sells.


  95. Actually, Quirk, we're talking about a very small group of people. The one percent of the one percent.

    The Vatican, they don't give a shit about Catholics. That should be very plain and obvious. Just like the Corporations don't give a shit about those who work for them. As George Carlin very aptly said: It's a club of owners, and we aint in it.

  96. Last year, Rezko admitted in federal court in Chicago to wire fraud in connection with loans he arranged for business partners to buy a chain of pizza restaurants he owned in Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan. He has not yet been sentenced on those charges, the Tribune reported.


    The former Illinois governor, who was forced out of office in 2009, faces a maximum sentence of 300 years in prison. However, legal experts and prosecutors estimate he will get between 10 and 30 years in prison, according to the Sun-Times.

    His sentencing is scheduled for Dec. 6. Blagojevich's lawyers plan to fight for probation.

  97. .

    Occupy Detroit!!!

    As usual bobbo, you come up a day late and a dollar short.

    Occupy Detroit is moving into warehouse space donated to them. Occupy Detroit did it the right way. They got a permit to occupy Grand Circus Park. When there permit was running out, they started packing their stuff and cleaning up the park. However, because they were offered the private space, they went to City Council and asked for a two week extension on the permit.

    The Council granted an extra day while they deliberated then gave them a week extension. They didn't give them the second week because it would have interferred with the Annual Thanksgiving Day Parade.

    Everyone seems fairly happy with the way things are going so far.

    As for turning vacant land into farmland, it was one proposals Mr. Bing offered up when he took office. Detroit has about 800,000 people. When Coleman Young was mayor there were almost twice as many people.

    Services need to be consolidated. They still have a buraeucracy large enough for the previous population.

    The problem is the bad areas are concentrated around the city core
    the same area you would like to consolidate services. It would be nice if the vacant land was concentrated in a couple areas rather than all over the city.

    Occupy Detroit Occupies Warehouse


  98. Metuselah: No, that was one of many proposals. One of many that was rejected.

    That map was accepted 33-13 with 10 abstentions. Resolution 181. Historical facts are such stubborn things.

  99. Mətušélaḥ said... Teresita, you're Filipino, aren't you? Why the hostility?

    I'm tired of Pork Rinds calling me a Nazi with a dick.

  100. .

    Actually, Quirk, we're talking about a very small group of people. The one percent of the one percent.

    Right, but rather than seeing them as what they, a bunch of dicks trying to dip their beaks and using money, power, and influence to do it, you view them as a bunch of elite frat brothers who get together every so often to have a drink, light a Beltane fire, and plot the overthrow of Israel and the Jews.

    I am the beholder. You people are thieves, murderers, and scoundrels of the highest order. You will be shunned and vomited out of existence.

    The 'beholder' eh? Well I don't know if that really stacks up to that guy from Idaho who is the reincarnation of Christ.

    You people? Typical conspiracist. Have to have an "Other" to blame.

    If you actually read this blog on a regular basis, you'd know that most here have complained about the same things you do. However, most here don't lump all the dicks into a single group, at least not a really small group.

    There is of course the Look out for Number One fraternity of dicks. But that's a pretty large group.


  101. Guess you don't need my advice out there in Detroit after all, Quirk. Glad things are working out without the usual gunfire.

    Get them to work farming. Idle hands are the devil's workshop.


  102. ****
    The 'beholder' eh? Well I don't know if that really stacks up to that guy from Idaho who is the reincarnation of Christ.

    Quirk is not referring to me but a guy named Hernandez who emptied a clip of nine at the White House while the Pres was away.


  103. Though I have had women swoon straight away and say Bob you are the reincarnation of Christ, just like the Spanish used to call Hemingway in his youth the black Christ cause of his hair.

    It's a little embarrassing is all, momentarily.


  104. You people?

    There's no half-Nazi. You're either a Nazi or you're an anti-Nazi. When you voice your voice and protest your Nazi government and its Nazi empire, I'll consider you an anti-Nazi.

    You want to be my friend, you want to be a friend to yourself and to your countrymen, cut your Nazi membership and sabotage the nazi gov mafia institutions.

  105. I'm tired of Pork Rinds calling me a Nazi with a dick.

    Ever consider he might be on to something?

  106. Mətušélaḥ said... Just like the Corporations don't give a shit about those who work for them

    Classic leftist trope. Here's a clue: Corporations are the people who work for them.

  107. Classic leftist trope. Here's a clue: Corporations are the people who work for them.

    Really? And what happens when you fall out of line? What happens when the board of directors decide on something, and you the mighty worker, decide on something else? Do you still get to work for the corporation?

  108. Mətušélaḥ said... What happens when the board of directors decide on something, and you the mighty worker, decide on something else? Do you still get to work for the corporation?

    Since we no longer allow slavery, corporations exist on the basis of free men exchanging the value of their time and talent for money and other benefits. You seem to be saying that money and benefits are a "right" rather than recompense in kind. Another classic leftist trope.

  109. That map was accepted 33-13 with 10 abstentions. Resolution 181. Historical facts are such stubborn things.

    No, it was a proposal, and it was rejected by parties involved. The UN has no mandate to impose borders.

  110. Romney the Mormon Nazi and a big corporate man just said on the foreign policy debate tonight his first trip if he's elected President would be to........Israel!



  111. A corporation is the people who own it. Most corporations are by law directed to do all they legally can to make the most money for the stockholders, that would be you, if you own some stock.

    Corporations, stock holding companies can be a wonderful thing.

    Think airplanes, tractors, combines, highways, dams, ships, endless items, try building this stuff yourself.


  112. .

    There's no half-Nazi. You're either a Nazi or you're an anti-Nazi. When you voice your voice and protest your Nazi government and its Nazi empire, I'll consider you an anti-Nazi.

    Have you ever heard of Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies Mats?

    You are hilarious.


  113. .

    You want to be my friend,

    Naw, not really. Besides we don't have friends at the EB, only interests.


  114. Since we no longer allow slavery,..

    You didn't answer my question(s) because you know the answers will make you look foolish.

    Now, to your slavery argument. True, we no longer have overt slavery as an institution, but we have something very similar and just as insidious. It's called inflation and debt peonage. Because of rampant debasing of the currency and the rapid devaluation of savings and purchasing power, people are forced into debt just to keep above water. Economic distress caused by inflation and debt, forces people into jobs that normally they would have shunned. Jobs like working for the US military.

    There's another factor at play here. The big corporations get free money from the central banks, they then can buy up other businesses, the competition. The big corporations also use advantageous regulations that they submit to the gov mafia to enforce put other businesses out of business.

    So you see, for most people there's no way out. You either work for the big corporations and gov mafia, or you're out on the street, or you're collecting welfare, i.e., collecting a bribe not to riot and burn the whole system down.

  115. Besides we don't have friends at the EB, only interests.

    And what interest would that be?

  116. Romney the Mormon Nazi and a big corporate man just said on the foreign policy debate tonight his first trip if he's elected President would be to........Israel!

    Why? What does he want from Israel?

  117. Have you ever heard of Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies Mats?

    Yes, I have. But call 'em as I see 'em. Godwin's rule be damed.

  118. You want to be my friend . . . ?

    Well, there you go, Matuzela; that's the very last thing in the world I want.

  119. Someone said, "I'll believe Corporations are People when Texas executes one."

  120. .

    And what interest would that be?

    Gee, I'd like to tell you Mats but then I'd have to kill you.

    Sacred oaths and all that stuff. Besides we only usually discuss that stuff around the vernal and autumnal equinoxes and when we light that big Beltane fire.


  121. Mətušélaḥ said...

    That map was accepted 33-13 with 10 abstentions. Resolution 181. Historical facts are such stubborn things.

    No, it was a proposal, and it was rejected by parties involved.

    Thank you for admitting that Israel has no legal basis to exist. Such unexpected candor.

  122. Since we no longer allow slavery,..

    Oh, I forgot to mention another innovative option for the modern slave on the corporate plantation. The casino gulag! This is where you bet the little that you had on Wall Street or Vegas or the local casino. Exciting stuff!

  123. Thank you for admitting that Israel has no legal basis to exist. Such unexpected candor.

    Made legal by who? Imperialists with a gun. Bah!

  124. .

    Speaking of corporations, Romney said, "Corporations are people..."

    As I recall, the discussion was about taxes. Presumably, he was arguing that corporations shouldn't be taxed because you are actually taxing the people who make up the corporation.

    This has been the argument from conservative economists right along, that if in fact we do away with corporate taxes, FICA, etc., that money will find its way into the paychecks of the workers.

    The pollyanish prattling of the trickle-down economists. We have seen what actually happens over the past three years.

    Things get tight, the corporations cut heads and merely ask those left behind to do more. Likewise, there is no real reason to pay those people more when there are five unemployed people for every job that opens up. Why pay them more.

    The same would happen with the taxes that wouldn't be collected. The corporations are sitting on a couple $ trillion in profits right now. However, it never hurts to have a bit more.

    Likewise, any tax relief for the repatriation of funds from overseas would find it's way into the corporate vaults, either that or to buy back stock.


  125. LOL!

    Resolution 181

    Philippines: In the days before the vote, the Philippines' representative General Carlos P. Romulo stated "We hold that the issue is primarily moral. The issue is whether the United Nations should accept responsibility for the enforcement of a policy which is clearly repugnant to the valid nationalist aspirations of the people of Palestine. The Philippines Government holds that the United Nations ought not to accept such responsibility". After a phone call from Washington, the representative was recalled and the Philippines' vote changed.[49] - wikipedia

  126. This comment has been removed by the author.

  127. Gee, I'd like to tell you Mats but then I'd have to kill you.

    In other words, you have no friends and you have no interests. Interesting way to go through life.

  128. .

    In other words, you have no friends and you have no interests. Interesting way to go through life.

    Perhaps your right Mats, but then I think I prefer that to playing the victim, thinking day in day out that life has dealt me a raw deal, and convinced that if it wasn't for that small group of elite nazi frat boys at the top pulling the strings, life would be so beautiful.


  129. Our little family corporation was always up against double taxation.

    First the corporation got taxed, then when the dividends went out the individuals got taxed on those proceeds too.

    I don't understand people who think corporations are some kind of devil incarnate.

    You don't have to own stock in a corporation.

    If you don't like it buy something else.


  130. that's the very last thing in the world I want.

    LOL! I never imagined the US military is so full of pussies. You know what, you're all absolute cowards. Really quite shameful.

  131. I prefer that to playing the victim

    Pffffffff.. Please!

    There is no strength without principle. And you people have no principle. That's been shown time and again. You're done.

  132. Our little family corporation was always up against double taxation.

    You never had a chance.

  133. Teresita said...
    Mətušélaḥ said... Teresita, you're Filipino, aren't you? Why the hostility?

    I'm tired of Pork Rinds calling me a Nazi with a dick.

    It's really simple...

    You hate Israel, you hate Judaism, you constantly set one standard for both and no standards for anyone else.

    You are a Nazi.

    You talk about replacement theology

    You distort and lie about what I and other Jews say.

    You are a what you are... A rose by any other name is still a rose...

    Do you have a dick? Maybe not in the literal sense, but if Chaz Bono is a now a man? You have a dick

    You are no lady...
