Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Gingrich / Perry 2012: Because any other choice would be heartless

What part of "illegal" are they missing here? Anyone? Bueller?

Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich took issue with rival Mitt Romney's hard-line stance on immigration Tuesday night as the GOP candidates returned to a pivotal issue in their latest nationally televised debate.

Gingrich said he did not want the Republican Party, which says it puts a premium on "family values," to promote immigration policies that would break up families that have been in this country for many years by expelling those who are here illegally.

"I'm prepared to take the heat for saying 'let's be humane,' " said Gingrich, staking out a moderate position similar to one that proved hazardous to Texas Gov. Rick Perry in earlier debates.


  1. Newt did lose it with the illegal issue. All us citizens got to obey every little law but if your a family of Spanish people, oh we don’t have poor unemployed families, then let them in and take your jobs.

    Monroe Doctrine folks, no entanglements! Osama is dead. Saddam is dead. Newt was right about oil. We could lower the price of oil in the world in hours with a real declaration to allow drilling in this country.

    Romney lost me over Israel, Screw Israel. A big part of this systemic mess we are in is because of Israel. Not one more penny of my tax dollar should go to support any other country. Billions of dollars have gone to both sides of the unending war in the middle east to keep them from killing each other. Where has that faulty policy gotten us? Israel gets more of your tax dollars than any individual state. Enough already.

  2. You would have thought that Netanyahu personally bribed 5 out of the 6 “contestants” last night. The only way Israel will get overrun is if the Arab Israelis outbreed the other Israelis, and there’s not much the US can do about that.

    Enough with the Fear Mongering, Israel isn’t going anywhere.

  3. logos go fuck yourself....

  4. I suggest the solution to the middle east problem?

    Put all the a-rabs in concentration camps and exterminatte them.

    Hey Logos? Is that fair, they did that to the jews...

    Let's do that to the a-rabs.

    Let's try that 1st.

    See if we get "peace"

  5. My solution to the Middle-East problem? Anyone arriving at US Customs with a Middle-East passport has to turn around and go home. End of problem.

  6. Anonymous said...
    You would have thought that Netanyahu personally bribed 5 out of the 6 “contestants” last night. The only way Israel will get overrun is if the Arab Israelis outbreed the other Israelis, and there’s not much the US can do about that.

    America stand behind Israel. That is a fact. 90% of the House and Senate STANDS behind Israel.

    Israel is under threat by Iran and her proxies.

    That threat is real and is not to be dismissed.

    The funny thing?

    Iran's threat to Israel is the same threat that Iran makes to the USA, Europe and the Arab nations.

    Ignore history and facts at your own peril.

  7. WiO: Iran's threat to Israel is the same threat that Iran makes to the USA, Europe and the Arab nations.

    Funny how Iran isn't the one prepping for an airstrike.

  8. Teresita said...
    My solution to the Middle-East problem? Anyone arriving at US Customs with a Middle-East passport has to turn around and go home. End of problem.

    For years America prevented Jews from coming to America. Including sending some back to their deaths at the hands of the Nazis. T, you should know them well.

    Since 1967 LBJ had changed the orientation of who was priority to come to the USA. Asians, Africans and Arabs got the top slots...

    That is the problem.

    Ms T, you can put your SS uniform back in the closet now.

  9. Logos: Israel gets more of your tax dollars than any individual state.

    Israel has been the 51st American state since the day Truman recognized it, 21 seconds after they declared statehood, before Truman even knew the name of the Jewish state.

  10. Teresita said...
    WiO: Iran's threat to Israel is the same threat that Iran makes to the USA, Europe and the Arab nations.

    Funny how Iran isn't the one prepping for an airstrike.

    No, they are preparing thousands of missiles in an offensive array...

    You are a dumb nazi bitch with a dick....

    Go look at a map you nitiwt...

    Learn the facts on the ground, study Syria, Hamas and Hezbollah and their rockets...

    But you are a smart cookie are you not?

    You know everything...

    So in closing....

    I didnt know they accepted brown skinned lesbians in the new Nazi party, I just learned something..

  11. Teresita said...
    Logos: Israel gets more of your tax dollars than any individual state.

    Israel has been the 51st American state since the day Truman recognized it, 21 seconds after they declared statehood, before Truman even knew the name of the Jewish state.

    more garbage....

    but I expect nothing less from you or this site...

  12. The central nonsense of the peak oil case was that peak production of any resource would lead to the end of markets and civilization as we know it. Increasing scarcity merely means higher prices, which promote conservation and make previously marginal supplies viable. They also boost the search for economically viable alternatives. That is exactly what has happened.

  13. WiO: "Israel has been the 51st American state since the day Truman recognized it, 21 seconds after they declared statehood, before Truman even knew the name of the Jewish state."

    more garbage....

    I know you and Metuselah are a little ignorant about Israeli history so here's a a lesson.

    Truman announced recognition at 6:11 p.m. on May 14 -- 11 minutes after David Ben-Gurion's declaration of independence in Tel Aviv. Holbrooke says this was done so rapidly that in the official announcement, the typed words "Jewish State" are crossed out and replaced in Clifford's handwriting with "State of Israel."

  14. Mr T says:

    Truman announced recognition at 6:11 p.m. on May 14 -- 11 minutes after David Ben-Gurion's declaration of independence in Tel Aviv. Holbrooke says this was done so rapidly that in the official announcement, the typed words "Jewish State" are crossed out and replaced in Clifford's handwriting with "State of Israel."

    Now Mr T, no where does he say :""Israel has been the 51st American state"

    So learn history you twit....

  15. Mr T cuts and pastes and lies...

    typical nazi ploy...

  16. Deuce:

    Sorry I missed your post last nite.

    Please move this thread to the top, where it belongs.

  17. I guess Newt is going for the La Raza vote. That'll put him over the top, he figures.

    Russian man dies twelve hours after overdosing on Viagra (at least he had a smile on his face).

    Obama is admired by just 4 percent of Middle East Arabs in the new survey released by the Brookings Institution and University of Maryland.

    Above him:

    13 percent prefer Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinajad.
    6 percent prefer dead Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.
    5 percent chose Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez.
    Even 5 percent chose French President Nicolas Sarkozy over Obama.

  18. 3. Amir Galt: If you want to cripple Iran, simply tell all air carriers that do business there that they can’t do business with the U.S. No international flights will wake people up pretty quickly.

    You just instruct US Customs to check all incoming passports. If they have الله أكبر (Allahu Oinkbar) on them, if the passports so much as smell like a camel, they turn around. In short, extend the No Fly List to the whole Middle-East. You substitute a Why Fly List. Make 'em jump through hoops with an armful of paperwork to get permission to fly here. That will solve the War on Terror in one fell swoop. No more shoe bombers, no more box cutters, no nothing. After that they can build all the terror training camps their heart desires.

  19. The missile defense issue has proved a kink in the so-called "reset" of in relations between the Cold War foes, and Medvedev warned that disarmament cooperation could be hit.

    "If the situation does not develop well, then Russia reserves the right to halt further steps in disarmament and the corresponding weapons controls," Medvedev said.

    He added, "There could be a basis for our exit from START. This is allowed under the sense of the treaty itself," referring to the treaty Medvedev signed with US President Barack Obama in April 2010.

  20. Good, let's get the fuck out of START.

  21. Happy Thanksging all. that is one thing we can agree on!

  22. All glory and honor and thanks to God, in the name of his only Son, for beating my cancer and allowing me to continue to live, and have life more abundantly.

  23. The failure of Congress’ supercommittee isn’t just bad for the debt crisis — it could mean smaller paychecks for American workers and no more federal benefits for the jobless.

  24. Now ya gotta get a dickectomy, "Mr. T" !


    Happy Thanksgiving

  25. Good on you Miss T.

    I am glad to hear that.

    Happy Thanksgiving.


  26. Nice Strawman, T. You blowed that ol' sucker all to hael.

    The Central Tenet of "Peak Oil" is that, at some point, the "Flow" of Oil will "Peak," and, after a time, begin to Decline.

    A lot of different people conjecture up a lot of different outcomes for this event, but that's a whole different field of study.

  27. Good old perfessor Newt had to take a simple subject like legalizing Mexican labor, and gum it up by acting like it would be workable to have a two-tiered system based on time in country, etc etc. tho some magical immigration draft boards could easily separate the wheat from the chaff.

    ...all the while neglecting to mention, except in passing wrt to Reagan Amnesty days, the importance of securing the border FIRST.

    Hell, even John McCain stressed that, repeatedly, right up to the time that he lost and went back to being the Senator from AZ we all know so well.

  28. Vidalia Onion Grower, Mexican Labor, Georgia

    Way back 30 plus years ago a guy wrote an article for California Magazine in which he tried to pick lemons alongside Mexican workers.
    ...couldn't come close to keeping up.

    Looks like it would be the same for 99.9% of gringos planting onions.
    Not sure how Maui Onions get planted.

    Given all the corruption and obfuscation few people probably know the difference anymore between field work like this and all the other jobs that Americans supposedly won't do, even though they did, right up to the time they were displaced by illegals.

  29. Pineapple workers here rode on booms on both sides of the tractor.

    Don't know why it wouldn't be practical planting onions, but I'll bet the Georgia grower does.

  30. Pineapple tops would be a lot tougher to lug around than them little onions, that might be the difference.

    Still wouldn't be much fun to race along on your knees all day long.
